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mapohl pushed a commit to branch asf-site
in repository

commit 3fd8d6b48d7b47eab772743edea026b8e64879ae
Author: Matthias Pohl <>
AuthorDate: Mon Mar 27 12:30:32 2023 +0200

    Rebuild website
 content/community/index.html                                      | 2 +-
 content/getting-help/index.html                                   | 2 +-
 content/how-to-contribute/contribute-code/index.html              | 4 ++--
 content/how-to-contribute/documentation-style-guide/index.html    | 2 +-
 content/zh/community/index.html                                   | 2 +-
 content/zh/getting-help/index.html                                | 2 +-
 content/zh/how-to-contribute/contribute-code/index.html           | 4 ++--
 content/zh/how-to-contribute/documentation-style-guide/index.html | 2 +-
 8 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)

diff --git a/content/community/index.html b/content/community/index.html
index 38c91f3c1..0db8b0c11 100644
--- a/content/community/index.html
+++ b/content/community/index.html
@@ -949,7 +949,7 @@ under the License.
   How do I get help from Apache Flink?
   <a class="anchor" href="#how-do-i-get-help-from-apache-flink">#</a>
-<p>There are many ways to get help from the Apache Flink community. The <a 
href="#mailing-lists">mailing lists</a> are the primary place where all Flink 
committers are present. For user support and questions use the <em>user mailing 
list</em>. You can also join the community on <a href="#slack">Slack</a>. Some 
committers are also monitoring <a href="#stack-overflow">Stack Overflow</a>. 
Please remember to tag your questions with the <em><a 
href=" [...]
+<p>There are many ways to get help from the Apache Flink community. The <a 
href="#mailing-lists">mailing lists</a> are the primary place where all Flink 
committers are present. For user support and questions use the <em>user mailing 
list</em>. You can also join the community on <a href="#slack">Slack</a>. Some 
committers are also monitoring <a href="#stack-overflow">Stack Overflow</a>. 
Please remember to tag your questions with the <em><a 
href=" [...]
 <h2 id="mailing-lists">
   Mailing Lists
   <a class="anchor" href="#mailing-lists">#</a>
diff --git a/content/getting-help/index.html b/content/getting-help/index.html
index 979306171..22d1132ec 100644
--- a/content/getting-help/index.html
+++ b/content/getting-help/index.html
@@ -984,7 +984,7 @@ Any existing Slack member can also invite anyone else to 
   Found a Bug?
   <a class="anchor" href="#found-a-bug">#</a>
-<p>If you observe an unexpected behavior that might be caused by a bug, you 
can search for reported bugs or file a bug report in <a 
href="";>Flink&rsquo;s JIRA</a>.</p>
+<p>If you observe an unexpected behavior that might be caused by a bug, you 
can search for reported bugs or file a bug report in <a 
href="/community/#issue-tracker">Flink&rsquo;s JIRA</a>.</p>
 <p>If you are unsure whether the unexpected behavior happened due to a bug or 
not, please post a question to the <a href="/community/#user-mailing-list">user 
mailing list</a>.</p>
 <h2 id="got-an-error-message">
   Got an Error Message?
diff --git a/content/how-to-contribute/contribute-code/index.html 
index 83e3e1308..f5be04bb2 100644
--- a/content/how-to-contribute/contribute-code/index.html
+++ b/content/how-to-contribute/contribute-code/index.html
@@ -924,7 +924,7 @@
   <a class="anchor" href="#looking-for-what-to-contribute">#</a>
 <p>If you have a good idea for the contribution, you can proceed to <a 
href="#code-contribution-process">the code contribution process</a>.
-If you are looking for what you could contribute, you can browse open Jira 
issues in <a 
href="";>Flink&rsquo;s bug 
+If you are looking for what you could contribute, you can browse open Jira 
issues in <a href="/community/#issue-tracker">Flink&rsquo;s bug tracker</a>,
 which are not assigned, and then follow <a 
href="#code-contribution-process">the code contribution process</a>. If you are 
very new
 to the Flink project and want to learn about it and its contribution process, 
you can check
 <a href="";>the starter 
issues</a>, which are annotated with a <em>starter</em> label.</p>
@@ -1050,7 +1050,7 @@ to the Flink project and want to learn about it and its 
contribution process, yo
   <a class="anchor" href="#1-create-jira-ticket-and-reach-consensus">#</a>
 <p>The first step for making a contribution to Apache Flink is to reach 
consensus with the Flink community. This means agreeing on the scope and 
implementation approach of a change.</p>
-<p>In most cases, the discussion should happen in <a 
href="";>Flink&rsquo;s bug 
tracker: Jira</a>.</p>
+<p>In most cases, the discussion should happen in <a 
href="/community/#issue-tracker">Flink&rsquo;s bug tracker: Jira</a>.</p>
 <p>The following types of changes require a <code>[DISCUSS]</code> thread on 
the <a href="/community/#mailing-lists">Flink Dev mailing list</a>:</p>
 <li>big changes (major new feature; big refactorings, involving multiple 
diff --git a/content/how-to-contribute/documentation-style-guide/index.html 
index 54a254f2b..4d47a96a4 100644
--- a/content/how-to-contribute/documentation-style-guide/index.html
+++ b/content/how-to-contribute/documentation-style-guide/index.html
@@ -952,7 +952,7 @@ one pull request. If you are not familiar with the Chinese 
language, make sure
 that your contribution is complemented by these additional steps:</p>
 <li>Open a
-<a href="";>JIRA</a>
+<a href="/community/#issue-tracker">JIRA</a>
 ticket for the translation, tagged with the chinese-translation component;</li>
 <li>Link the ticket to the original contribution JIRA ticket.</li>
diff --git a/content/zh/community/index.html b/content/zh/community/index.html
index 2f878068b..9f1b7a6b9 100644
--- a/content/zh/community/index.html
+++ b/content/zh/community/index.html
@@ -959,7 +959,7 @@ under the License.
   如何从 Apache Flink 获得帮助?
   <a class="anchor" 
-<p>我们可以通过多种方式从 Apache Flink 社区获得帮助。Flink committer 主要活跃在 <a 
href="#mailing-lists">邮件列表</a>。对于用户支持和问题咨询,则可以通过 用户邮件列表 获得帮助。你还可以加入社区专属的 <a 
href="#slack">Slack</a>。有些 Committer 同时会关注 <a href="#stack-overflow">Stack 
Overflow</a>。请在提问的时候记得添加 <em><a 
 的标签。问题反馈以及新特性的讨论则可以在 开发邮件列表 或者 <a 
href="";>Jira</a> 上进行讨论。有兴趣对 Flink 
进行贡献的人请查阅 <a href="/zh/how-to-contribute/">贡献指南</a>.</p>
+<p>我们可以通过多种方式从 Apache Flink 社区获得帮助。Flink committer 主要活跃在 <a 
href="#mailing-lists">邮件列表</a>。对于用户支持和问题咨询,则可以通过 用户邮件列表 获得帮助。你还可以加入社区专属的 <a 
href="#slack">Slack</a>。有些 Committer 同时会关注 <a href="#stack-overflow">Stack 
Overflow</a>。请在提问的时候记得添加 <em><a 
 的标签。问题反馈以及新特性的讨论则可以在 开发邮件列表 或者 <a href="#issue-%e8%bf%bd%e8%b8%aa">Jira</a> 
上进行讨论。有兴趣对 Flink 进行贡献的人请查阅 <a href="/zh/how-to-contribute/">贡献指南</a>.</p>
 <h2 id="邮件列表">
   <a class="anchor" href="#%e9%82%ae%e4%bb%b6%e5%88%97%e8%a1%a8">#</a>
diff --git a/content/zh/getting-help/index.html 
index c6e78a94b..abdb62663 100644
--- a/content/zh/getting-help/index.html
+++ b/content/zh/getting-help/index.html
@@ -994,7 +994,7 @@ Slack 规定每个邀请链接最多可邀请 100 人,如果遇到上述链接
   发现 Bug?
   <a class="anchor" href="#%e5%8f%91%e7%8e%b0-bug">#</a>
-<p>如果你发现一个意外行为可能是由 Bug 导致的,你可以在 <a 
href="";>Flink&rsquo;s JIRA</a> 
中搜索已经上报的 Bug 或者发布该 Bug。</p>
+<p>如果你发现一个意外行为可能是由 Bug 导致的,你可以在 <a 
href="/zh/community/#issue-%e8%bf%bd%e8%b8%aa">Flink&rsquo;s JIRA</a> 中搜索已经上报的 
Bug 或者发布该 Bug。</p>
 <p>如果你不确定意外行为的发生是否由 Bug 引起的,请发送问题到 <a 
 <h2 id="收到错误信息">
diff --git a/content/zh/how-to-contribute/contribute-code/index.html 
index 72959f5d1..1254697ef 100644
--- a/content/zh/how-to-contribute/contribute-code/index.html
+++ b/content/zh/how-to-contribute/contribute-code/index.html
@@ -930,7 +930,7 @@
   <a class="anchor" 
 <p>如果你已经有好的想法可以贡献,可以直接参考下面的 &ldquo;代码贡献步骤&rdquo;。
-如果你在寻找可贡献的内容,可以通过 <a 
href="";>Flink 的问题跟踪列表</a> 
浏览处于 open 状态且未被分配的 Jira 工单,然后根据 &ldquo;代码贡献步骤&rdquo; 中的描述来参与贡献。
+如果你在寻找可贡献的内容,可以通过 <a href="/zh/community/#issue-%e8%bf%bd%e8%b8%aa">Flink 
的问题跟踪列表</a> 浏览处于 open 状态且未被分配的 Jira 工单,然后根据 &ldquo;代码贡献步骤&rdquo; 中的描述来参与贡献。
 如果你是一个刚刚加入到 Flink 项目中的新人,并希望了解 Flink 及其贡献步骤,可以浏览 <a 
href="";>适合新手的工单列表</a> 。
 这个列表中的工单都带有 <em>starter</em> 标记,适合新手参与。</p>
 <h2 id="代码贡献步骤">
@@ -1055,7 +1055,7 @@
   <a class="anchor" 
 <p>向 Apache Flink 做出贡献的第一步是与 Flink 社区达成共识,这意味着需要一起商定更改的范围和实现的方法。</p>
-<p>在大多数情况下,我们应该在 <a 
href="";>Flink 的 Bug 
追踪器:Jira</a> 中进行讨论。</p>
+<p>在大多数情况下,我们应该在 <a href="/zh/community/#issue-%e8%bf%bd%e8%b8%aa">Flink 的 Bug 
追踪器:Jira</a> 中进行讨论。</p>
 <p>以下类型的更改需要向 Flink 的 <a 
href="";></a> 邮件列表发一封以 
<code>[DISCUSS]</code> 开头的邮件:</p>
diff --git a/content/zh/how-to-contribute/documentation-style-guide/index.html 
index 9823a87e2..5c6c2dd6b 100644
--- a/content/zh/how-to-contribute/documentation-style-guide/index.html
+++ b/content/zh/how-to-contribute/documentation-style-guide/index.html
@@ -957,7 +957,7 @@
 <p>Flink 同时维护了 <strong>英文</strong> 和 <strong>中文</strong> 两种文档,当你拓展或者更新文档时,需要在 
pull request 中包含两种语言版本。如果你不熟悉中文,确保本次贡献补充了如下额外操作:</p>
-<a href="";>JIRA</a>
+<a href="/zh/community/#issue-%e8%bf%bd%e8%b8%aa">JIRA</a>
 请求单,并打上 chinese-translation 的标签;</li>
 <li>在此请求单上添加到原始 JIRA 请求单的链接。</li>

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