diff --git a/src/cppcache/src/SerializationRegistry.cpp 
index a4e593c..4f308b4 100644
--- a/src/cppcache/src/SerializationRegistry.cpp
+++ b/src/cppcache/src/SerializationRegistry.cpp
@@ -49,304 +49,80 @@
 #include "ThinClientPoolDM.hpp"
 #include "PdxType.hpp"
 #include <geode/PdxWrapper.hpp>
-#include <geode/PdxSerializable.hpp>
 #include "EnumInfo.hpp"
 #include "VersionTag.hpp"
 #include "DiskStoreId.hpp"
 #include "DiskVersionTag.hpp"
 #include "CachedDeserializableHelper.hpp"
-#include "NonCopyable.hpp"
 #include <mutex>
-#include "util/concurrent/spinlock_mutex.hpp"
+#include <functional>
 namespace apache {
 namespace geode {
 namespace client {
-/* adongre
- * CID 28729: Other violation (MISSING_COPY)
- * Class "apache::geode::client::TheTypeMap" owns resources that are managed in
- * its
- * constructor and destructor but has no user-written copy constructor.
- *
- * CID 28715: Other violation (MISSING_ASSIGN)
- * Class "apache::geode::client::TheTypeMap" owns resources that are managed
- * in its constructor and destructor but has no user-written assignment
- * operator.
- *
- * FIX : Make the class NonCopyable
- */
-class TheTypeMap : private NonCopyable, private NonAssignable {
- private:
-  IdToFactoryMap* m_map;
-  IdToFactoryMap* m_map2;  // to hold Fixed IDs since GFE 5.7.
-  StrToPdxFactoryMap* m_pdxTypemap;
-  spinlock_mutex m_mapLock;
-  spinlock_mutex m_map2Lock;
-  spinlock_mutex m_pdxTypemapLock;
- public:
-  TheTypeMap();
-  virtual ~TheTypeMap() {
-    if (m_map != nullptr) {
-      delete m_map;
-    }
-    if (m_map2 != nullptr) {
-      delete m_map2;
-    }
-    if (m_pdxTypemap != nullptr) {
-      delete m_pdxTypemap;
-    }
-  }
-  inline void setup() {
-    // Register Geode builtins here!!
-    // update type ids in GeodeTypeIds.hpp
-    bind(CacheableByte::createDeserializable);
-    bind(CacheableBoolean::createDeserializable);
-    bind(BooleanArray::createDeserializable);
-    bind(CacheableBytes::createDeserializable);
-    bind(CacheableFloat::createDeserializable);
-    bind(CacheableFloatArray::createDeserializable);
-    bind(CacheableDouble::createDeserializable);
-    bind(CacheableDoubleArray::createDeserializable);
-    bind(CacheableDate::createDeserializable);
-    bind(CacheableFileName::createDeserializable);
-    bind(CacheableHashMap::createDeserializable);
-    bind(CacheableHashSet::createDeserializable);
-    bind(CacheableHashTable::createDeserializable);
-    bind(CacheableIdentityHashMap::createDeserializable);
-    bind(CacheableLinkedHashSet::createDeserializable);
-    bind(CacheableInt16::createDeserializable);
-    bind(CacheableInt16Array::createDeserializable);
-    bind(CacheableInt32::createDeserializable);
-    bind(CacheableInt32Array::createDeserializable);
-    bind(CacheableInt64::createDeserializable);
-    bind(CacheableInt64Array::createDeserializable);
-    bind(CacheableObjectArray::createDeserializable);
-    bind(CacheableString::createDeserializable);
-    bind(CacheableString::createDeserializableHuge);
-    bind(CacheableString::createUTFDeserializable);
-    bind(CacheableString::createUTFDeserializableHuge);
-    bind(CacheableStringArray::createDeserializable);
-    bind(CacheableVector::createDeserializable);
-    bind(CacheableArrayList::createDeserializable);
-    bind(CacheableLinkedList::createDeserializable);
-    bind(CacheableStack::createDeserializable);
-    bind(CacheableWideChar::createDeserializable);
-    bind(CharArray::createDeserializable);
-    bind(CacheableToken::createDeserializable);
-    bind(RegionAttributes::createDeserializable);
-    bind(Properties::createDeserializable);
-    // bind(CacheableObjectPartList::createDeserializable);
-    // bind internal/fixed classes - since GFE 5.7
-    bind2(CacheableUndefined::createDeserializable);
-    bind2(EventId::createDeserializable);
-    bind2(Struct::createDeserializable);
-    bind2(ClientConnectionResponse::create);
-    bind2(QueueConnectionResponse::create);
-    bind2(LocatorListResponse::create);
-    bind2(ClientProxyMembershipID::createDeserializable);
-    bind2(GatewayEventCallbackArgument::createDeserializable);
-    bind2(GatewaySenderEventCallbackArgument::createDeserializable);
-    bind2(GetAllServersResponse::create);
-    bind2(TXCommitMessage::create);
-    bind2(EnumInfo::createDeserializable);
-    bind2(VersionTag::createDeserializable);
-    rebind2(GeodeTypeIdsImpl::DiskStoreId, DiskStoreId::createDeserializable);
-    rebind2(GeodeTypeIdsImpl::DiskVersionTag,
-            DiskVersionTag::createDeserializable);
-    bind2(CachedDeserializableHelper::createForVmCachedDeserializable);
-    bind2(CachedDeserializableHelper::createForPreferBytesDeserializable);
-    // bind2(VersionedCacheableObjectPartList::createDeserializable);
-  }
-  inline void clear() {
-    std::lock_guard<spinlock_mutex> guard(m_mapLock);
-    m_map->unbind_all();
-    std::lock_guard<spinlock_mutex> guard2(m_map2Lock);
-    m_map2->unbind_all();
-    std::lock_guard<spinlock_mutex> guard3(m_pdxTypemapLock);
-    m_pdxTypemap->unbind_all();
-  }
-  inline void find(int64_t id, TypeFactoryMethod& func) {
-    std::lock_guard<spinlock_mutex> guard(m_mapLock);
-    m_map->find(id, func);
-  }
-  inline void find2(int64_t id, TypeFactoryMethod& func) {
-    std::lock_guard<spinlock_mutex> guard(m_map2Lock);
-    m_map2->find(id, func);
-  }
-  inline void bind(TypeFactoryMethod func) {
-    Serializable* obj = func();
-    std::lock_guard<spinlock_mutex> guard(m_mapLock);
-    int64_t compId = static_cast<int64_t>(obj->typeId());
-    if (compId == GeodeTypeIdsImpl::CacheableUserData ||
-        compId == GeodeTypeIdsImpl::CacheableUserData2 ||
-        compId == GeodeTypeIdsImpl::CacheableUserData4) {
-      compId |= ((static_cast<int64_t>(obj->classId())) << 32);
-    }
-    delete obj;
-    int bindRes = m_map->bind(compId, func);
-    if (bindRes == 1) {
-      LOGERROR(
-          "A class with "
-          "ID %d is already registered.",
-          compId);
-      throw IllegalStateException(
-          "A class with "
-          "given ID is already registered.");
-    } else if (bindRes == -1) {
-      LOGERROR(
-          "Unknown error "
-          "while adding class ID %d to map.",
-          compId);
-      throw IllegalStateException(
-          "Unknown error "
-          "while adding type to map.");
-    }
-  }
-  inline void rebind(int64_t compId, TypeFactoryMethod func) {
-    std::lock_guard<spinlock_mutex> guard(m_mapLock);
-    int bindRes = m_map->rebind(compId, func);
-    if (bindRes == -1) {
-      LOGERROR(
-          "Unknown error "
-          "while adding class ID %d to map.",
-          compId);
-      throw IllegalStateException(
-          "Unknown error "
-          "while adding type to map.");
-    }
-  }
-  inline void unbind(int64_t compId) {
-    std::lock_guard<spinlock_mutex> guard(m_mapLock);
-    m_map->unbind(compId);
-  }
-  inline void bind2(TypeFactoryMethod func) {
-    Serializable* obj = func();
-    std::lock_guard<spinlock_mutex> guard(m_map2Lock);
-    int8_t dsfid = obj->DSFID();
-    int64_t compId = 0;
-    if (dsfid == GeodeTypeIdsImpl::FixedIDShort) {
-      compId = compId = static_cast<int64_t>(obj->classId());
-    } else {
-      compId = static_cast<int64_t>(obj->typeId());
-    }
-    delete obj;
-    int bindRes = m_map2->bind(compId, func);
-    if (bindRes == 1) {
-      LOGERROR(
-          "A fixed class with "
-          "ID %d is already registered.",
-          compId);
-      throw IllegalStateException(
-          "A fixed class with "
-          "given ID is already registered.");
-    } else if (bindRes == -1) {
-      LOGERROR(
-          "Unknown error "
-          "while adding class ID %d to map2.",
-          compId);
-      throw IllegalStateException(
-          "Unknown error "
-          "while adding to map2.");
-    }
-  }
-  inline void rebind2(int64_t compId, TypeFactoryMethod func) {
-    std::lock_guard<spinlock_mutex> guard(m_map2Lock);
-    m_map2->rebind(compId, func);
-  }
-  inline void unbind2(int64_t compId) {
-    std::lock_guard<spinlock_mutex> guard(m_map2Lock);
-    m_map2->unbind(compId);
-  }
-  inline void bindPdxType(TypeFactoryMethodPdx func) {
-    PdxSerializable* obj = func();
-    std::lock_guard<spinlock_mutex> guard(m_pdxTypemapLock);
-    const char* objFullName = obj->getClassName();
-    int bindRes = m_pdxTypemap->bind(objFullName, func);
-    delete obj;
-    if (bindRes == 1) {
-      LOGERROR("A object with FullName %s is already registered.", 
-      throw IllegalStateException(
-          "A Object with "
-          "given FullName is already registered.");
-    } else if (bindRes == -1) {
-      LOGERROR(
-          "Unknown error "
-          "while adding Pdx Object named %s to map.",
-          objFullName);
-      throw IllegalStateException(
-          "Unknown error "
-          "while adding type to map.");
-    }
-  }
-  inline void findPdxType(const char* objFullName, TypeFactoryMethodPdx& func) 
-    std::lock_guard<spinlock_mutex> guard(m_pdxTypemapLock);
-    m_pdxTypemap->find(objFullName, func);
-  }
-  inline void rebindPdxType(const char* objFullName,
-                            TypeFactoryMethodPdx func) {
-    std::lock_guard<spinlock_mutex> guard(m_pdxTypemapLock);
-    int bindRes = m_pdxTypemap->rebind(objFullName, func);
-    if (bindRes == -1) {
-      LOGERROR(
-          "Unknown error "
-          "while adding Pdx Object FullName %s to map.",
-          objFullName);
-      throw IllegalStateException(
-          "Unknown error "
-          "while adding type to map.");
-    }
-  }
-  inline void unbindPdxType(const char* objFullName) {
-    std::lock_guard<spinlock_mutex> guard(m_pdxTypemapLock);
-    m_pdxTypemap->unbind(objFullName);
-  }
-TheTypeMap::TheTypeMap() {
-  m_map = new IdToFactoryMap();
-  // second map to hold internal Data Serializable Fixed IDs - since GFE 5.7
-  m_map2 = new IdToFactoryMap();
-  // map to hold PDX types <string, funptr>.
-  m_pdxTypemap = new StrToPdxFactoryMap();
+void TheTypeMap::setup() {
+  // Register Geode builtins here!!
+  // update type ids in GeodeTypeIds.hpp
+  bind(CacheableByte::createDeserializable);
+  bind(CacheableBoolean::createDeserializable);
+  bind(BooleanArray::createDeserializable);
+  bind(CacheableBytes::createDeserializable);
+  bind(CacheableFloat::createDeserializable);
+  bind(CacheableFloatArray::createDeserializable);
+  bind(CacheableDouble::createDeserializable);
+  bind(CacheableDoubleArray::createDeserializable);
+  bind(CacheableDate::createDeserializable);
+  bind(CacheableFileName::createDeserializable);
+  bind(CacheableHashMap::createDeserializable);
+  bind(CacheableHashSet::createDeserializable);
+  bind(CacheableHashTable::createDeserializable);
+  bind(CacheableIdentityHashMap::createDeserializable);
+  bind(CacheableLinkedHashSet::createDeserializable);
+  bind(CacheableInt16::createDeserializable);
+  bind(CacheableInt16Array::createDeserializable);
+  bind(CacheableInt32::createDeserializable);
+  bind(CacheableInt32Array::createDeserializable);
+  bind(CacheableInt64::createDeserializable);
+  bind(CacheableInt64Array::createDeserializable);
+  bind(CacheableObjectArray::createDeserializable);
+  bind(CacheableString::createDeserializable);
+  bind(CacheableString::createDeserializableHuge);
+  bind(CacheableString::createUTFDeserializable);
+  bind(CacheableString::createUTFDeserializableHuge);
+  bind(CacheableStringArray::createDeserializable);
+  bind(CacheableVector::createDeserializable);
+  bind(CacheableArrayList::createDeserializable);
+  bind(CacheableLinkedList::createDeserializable);
+  bind(CacheableStack::createDeserializable);
+  bind(CacheableWideChar::createDeserializable);
+  bind(CharArray::createDeserializable);
+  bind(CacheableToken::createDeserializable);
+  bind(RegionAttributes::createDeserializable);
+  bind(Properties::createDeserializable);
+  bind2(CacheableUndefined::createDeserializable);
+  bind2(EventId::createDeserializable);
+  bind2(Struct::createDeserializable);
+  bind2(ClientConnectionResponse::create);
+  bind2(QueueConnectionResponse::create);
+  bind2(LocatorListResponse::create);
+  bind2(ClientProxyMembershipID::createDeserializable);
+  bind2(GatewayEventCallbackArgument::createDeserializable);
+  bind2(GatewaySenderEventCallbackArgument::createDeserializable);
+  bind2(GetAllServersResponse::create);
+  bind2(EnumInfo::createDeserializable);
+  rebind2(GeodeTypeIdsImpl::DiskStoreId, DiskStoreId::createDeserializable);
+  bind2(CachedDeserializableHelper::createForVmCachedDeserializable);
+  bind2(CachedDeserializableHelper::createForPreferBytesDeserializable);
-typedef ACE_Singleton<TheTypeMap, ACE_Thread_Mutex> theTypeMap;
-PdxSerializerPtr SerializationRegistry::m_pdxSerializer = nullptr;
 /** This starts at reading the typeid.. assumes the length has been read. */
 SerializablePtr SerializationRegistry::deserialize(DataInput& input,
-                                                   int8_t typeId) {
+                                                   int8_t typeId) const {
   bool findinternal = false;
   int8_t currentTypeId = typeId;
@@ -393,9 +169,9 @@ SerializablePtr 
SerializationRegistry::deserialize(DataInput& input,
   if (findinternal) {
-    theTypeMap::instance()->find2(compId, createType);
+    theTypeMap.find2(compId, createType);
   } else {
-    theTypeMap::instance()->find(compId, createType);
+    theTypeMap.find(compId, createType);
   if (createType == nullptr) {
     if (findinternal) {
@@ -425,47 +201,41 @@ SerializablePtr 
SerializationRegistry::deserialize(DataInput& input,
 void SerializationRegistry::addType(TypeFactoryMethod func) {
-  theTypeMap::instance()->bind(func);
+  theTypeMap.bind(func);
 void SerializationRegistry::addPdxType(TypeFactoryMethodPdx func) {
-  theTypeMap::instance()->bindPdxType(func);
+  theTypeMap.bindPdxType(func);
 void SerializationRegistry::addType(int64_t compId, TypeFactoryMethod func) {
-  theTypeMap::instance()->rebind(compId, func);
+  theTypeMap.rebind(compId, func);
 void SerializationRegistry::removeType(int64_t compId) {
-  theTypeMap::instance()->unbind(compId);
+  theTypeMap.unbind(compId);
 void SerializationRegistry::addType2(TypeFactoryMethod func) {
-  theTypeMap::instance()->bind2(func);
+  theTypeMap.bind2(func);
 void SerializationRegistry::addType2(int64_t compId, TypeFactoryMethod func) {
-  theTypeMap::instance()->rebind2(compId, func);
+  theTypeMap.rebind2(compId, func);
 void SerializationRegistry::removeType2(int64_t compId) {
-  theTypeMap::instance()->unbind2(compId);
+  theTypeMap.unbind2(compId);
-void SerializationRegistry::init() {
-  // Everything here is done in the constructor for TheTypeMap...
-  theTypeMap::instance();
-  theTypeMap::instance()->clear();
-  theTypeMap::instance()->setup();
-PdxSerializablePtr SerializationRegistry::getPdxType(const char* className) {
+PdxSerializablePtr SerializationRegistry::getPdxType(char* className) {
   TypeFactoryMethodPdx objectType = nullptr;
-  theTypeMap::instance()->findPdxType(className, objectType);
+  theTypeMap.findPdxType(className, objectType);
   PdxSerializablePtr pdxObj;
   if (nullptr == objectType) {
     try {
-      pdxObj = std::make_shared<PdxWrapper>(className);
+      pdxObj =
+          std::make_shared<PdxWrapper>((const char*)className, 
     } catch (const Exception&) {
           "Unregistered class %s during PDX deserialization: Did the "
@@ -488,19 +258,8 @@ PdxSerializerPtr SerializationRegistry::getPdxSerializer() 
   return m_pdxSerializer;
-int32_t SerializationRegistry::GetPDXIdForType(const char* poolName,
-                                               SerializablePtr pdxType) {
-  PoolPtr pool = nullptr;
-  if (poolName == nullptr) {
-    for (const auto& iter : PoolManager::getAll()) {
-      pool = iter.second;
-      break;
-    }
-  } else {
-    pool = PoolManager::find(poolName);
-  }
+int32_t SerializationRegistry::GetPDXIdForType(PoolPtr pool,
+                                               SerializablePtr pdxType) const {
   if (pool == nullptr) {
     throw IllegalStateException("Pool not found, Pdx operation failed");
@@ -508,19 +267,8 @@ int32_t SerializationRegistry::GetPDXIdForType(const char* 
   return static_cast<ThinClientPoolDM*>(pool.get())->GetPDXIdForType(pdxType);
-SerializablePtr SerializationRegistry::GetPDXTypeById(const char* poolName,
-                                                      int32_t typeId) {
-  PoolPtr pool = nullptr;
-  if (poolName == nullptr) {
-    for (const auto& iter : PoolManager::getAll()) {
-      pool = iter.second;
-      break;
-    }
-  } else {
-    pool = PoolManager::find(poolName);
-  }
+SerializablePtr SerializationRegistry::GetPDXTypeById(PoolPtr pool,
+                                                      int32_t typeId) const {
   if (pool == nullptr) {
     throw IllegalStateException("Pool not found, Pdx operation failed");
@@ -528,16 +276,16 @@ SerializablePtr 
SerializationRegistry::GetPDXTypeById(const char* poolName,
   return static_cast<ThinClientPoolDM*>(pool.get())->GetPDXTypeById(typeId);
-int32_t SerializationRegistry::GetEnumValue(SerializablePtr enumInfo) {
-  PoolPtr pool = getPool();
+int32_t SerializationRegistry::GetEnumValue(PoolPtr pool,
+                                            SerializablePtr enumInfo) const {
   if (pool == nullptr) {
     throw IllegalStateException("Pool not found, Pdx operation failed");
   return static_cast<ThinClientPoolDM*>(pool.get())->GetEnumValue(enumInfo);
-SerializablePtr SerializationRegistry::GetEnum(int32_t val) {
-  PoolPtr pool = getPool();
+SerializablePtr SerializationRegistry::GetEnum(PoolPtr pool,
+                                               int32_t val) const {
   if (pool == nullptr) {
     throw IllegalStateException("Pool not found, Pdx operation failed");
@@ -545,14 +293,167 @@ SerializablePtr SerializationRegistry::GetEnum(int32_t 
val) {
   return static_cast<ThinClientPoolDM*>(pool.get())->GetEnum(val);
-PoolPtr SerializationRegistry::getPool() {
-  PoolPtr pool = nullptr;
-  for (const auto& iter: PoolManager::getAll()) {
-    pool = iter.second;
-    break;
+void TheTypeMap::clear() {
+  std::lock_guard<util::concurrent::spinlock_mutex> guard(m_mapLock);
+  m_map->unbind_all();
+  std::lock_guard<util::concurrent::spinlock_mutex> guard2(m_map2Lock);
+  m_map2->unbind_all();
+  std::lock_guard<util::concurrent::spinlock_mutex> guard3(m_pdxTypemapLock);
+  m_pdxTypemap->unbind_all();
+void TheTypeMap::find(int64_t id, TypeFactoryMethod& func) const {
+  std::lock_guard<util::concurrent::spinlock_mutex> guard(m_mapLock);
+  m_map->find(id, func);
+void TheTypeMap::find2(int64_t id, TypeFactoryMethod& func) const {
+  std::lock_guard<util::concurrent::spinlock_mutex> guard(m_map2Lock);
+  m_map2->find(id, func);
+void TheTypeMap::bind(TypeFactoryMethod func) {
+  Serializable* obj = func();
+  std::lock_guard<util::concurrent::spinlock_mutex> guard(m_mapLock);
+  int64_t compId = static_cast<int64_t>(obj->typeId());
+  if (compId == GeodeTypeIdsImpl::CacheableUserData ||
+      compId == GeodeTypeIdsImpl::CacheableUserData2 ||
+      compId == GeodeTypeIdsImpl::CacheableUserData4) {
+    compId |= ((static_cast<int64_t>(obj->classId())) << 32);
+  }
+  delete obj;
+  int bindRes = m_map->bind(compId, func);
+  if (bindRes == 1) {
+        "A class with "
+        "ID %d is already registered.",
+        compId);
+    throw IllegalStateException(
+        "A class with "
+        "given ID is already registered.");
+  } else if (bindRes == -1) {
+        "Unknown error "
+        "while adding class ID %d to map.",
+        compId);
+    throw IllegalStateException(
+        "Unknown error "
+        "while adding type to map.");
+  }
+void TheTypeMap::rebind(int64_t compId, TypeFactoryMethod func) {
+  std::lock_guard<util::concurrent::spinlock_mutex> guard(m_mapLock);
+  int bindRes = m_map->rebind(compId, func);
+  if (bindRes == -1) {
+        "Unknown error "
+        "while adding class ID %d to map.",
+        compId);
+    throw IllegalStateException(
+        "Unknown error "
+        "while adding type to map.");
+  }
+void TheTypeMap::unbind(int64_t compId) {
+  std::lock_guard<util::concurrent::spinlock_mutex> guard(m_mapLock);
+  m_map->unbind(compId);
+void TheTypeMap::bind2(TypeFactoryMethod func) {
+  Serializable* obj = func();
+  std::lock_guard<util::concurrent::spinlock_mutex> guard(m_map2Lock);
+  int8_t dsfid = obj->DSFID();
+  int64_t compId = 0;
+  if (dsfid == GeodeTypeIdsImpl::FixedIDShort) {
+    compId = compId = static_cast<int64_t>(obj->classId());
+  } else {
+    compId = static_cast<int64_t>(obj->typeId());
+  }
+  delete obj;
+  int bindRes = m_map2->bind(compId, func);
+  if (bindRes == 1) {
+        "A fixed class with "
+        "ID %d is already registered.",
+        compId);
+    throw IllegalStateException(
+        "A fixed class with "
+        "given ID is already registered.");
+  } else if (bindRes == -1) {
+        "Unknown error "
+        "while adding class ID %d to map2.",
+        compId);
+    throw IllegalStateException(
+        "Unknown error "
+        "while adding to map2.");
-  return pool;
+void TheTypeMap::rebind2(int64_t compId, TypeFactoryMethod func) {
+  std::lock_guard<util::concurrent::spinlock_mutex> guard(m_map2Lock);
+  m_map2->rebind(compId, func);
+void TheTypeMap::unbind2(int64_t compId) {
+  std::lock_guard<util::concurrent::spinlock_mutex> guard(m_map2Lock);
+  m_map2->unbind(compId);
+void TheTypeMap::bindPdxType(TypeFactoryMethodPdx func) {
+  PdxSerializable* obj = func();
+  std::lock_guard<util::concurrent::spinlock_mutex> guard(m_pdxTypemapLock);
+  const char* objFullName = obj->getClassName();
+  int bindRes = m_pdxTypemap->bind(objFullName, func);
+  delete obj;
+  if (bindRes == 1) {
+    LOGERROR("A object with FullName %s is already registered.", objFullName);
+    throw IllegalStateException(
+        "A Object with "
+        "given FullName is already registered.");
+  } else if (bindRes == -1) {
+        "Unknown error "
+        "while adding Pdx Object named %s to map.",
+        objFullName);
+    throw IllegalStateException(
+        "Unknown error "
+        "while adding type to map.");
+  }
+void TheTypeMap::findPdxType(char* objFullName, TypeFactoryMethodPdx& func) {
+  std::lock_guard<util::concurrent::spinlock_mutex> guard(m_pdxTypemapLock);
+  m_pdxTypemap->find(objFullName, func);
+void TheTypeMap::rebindPdxType(char* objFullName, TypeFactoryMethodPdx func) {
+  std::lock_guard<util::concurrent::spinlock_mutex> guard(m_pdxTypemapLock);
+  int bindRes = m_pdxTypemap->rebind(objFullName, func);
+  if (bindRes == -1) {
+        "Unknown error "
+        "while adding Pdx Object FullName %s to map.",
+        objFullName);
+    throw IllegalStateException(
+        "Unknown error "
+        "while adding type to map.");
+  }
+void TheTypeMap::unbindPdxType(char* objFullName) {
+  std::lock_guard<util::concurrent::spinlock_mutex> guard(m_pdxTypemapLock);
+  m_pdxTypemap->unbind(objFullName);
 }  // namespace client
 }  // namespace geode
 }  // namespace apache
diff --git a/src/cppcache/src/SerializationRegistry.hpp 
index 33cc86b..9803a8a 100644
--- a/src/cppcache/src/SerializationRegistry.hpp
+++ b/src/cppcache/src/SerializationRegistry.hpp
@@ -33,6 +33,10 @@
 #include <geode/ExceptionTypes.hpp>
 #include <geode/Delta.hpp>
 #include <string>
+#include "util/concurrent/spinlock_mutex.hpp"
+#include "NonCopyable.hpp"
+#include <geode/PdxSerializable.hpp>
+#include "MemberListForVersionStamp.hpp"
 #if defined(_MACOSX)
@@ -58,14 +62,75 @@ typedef ACE_Hash_Map_Manager<int64_t, TypeFactoryMethod, 
 typedef ACE_Hash_Map_Manager<std::string, TypeFactoryMethodPdx, ACE_Null_Mutex>
+class TheTypeMap : private NonCopyable {
+ private:
+  IdToFactoryMap* m_map;
+  IdToFactoryMap* m_map2;  // to hold Fixed IDs since GFE 5.7.
+  StrToPdxFactoryMap* m_pdxTypemap;
+  mutable util::concurrent::spinlock_mutex m_mapLock;
+  mutable util::concurrent::spinlock_mutex m_map2Lock;
+  mutable util::concurrent::spinlock_mutex m_pdxTypemapLock;
+ public:
+  TheTypeMap() {
+    m_map = new IdToFactoryMap();
+    // second map to hold internal Data Serializable Fixed IDs - since GFE 5.7
+    m_map2 = new IdToFactoryMap();
+    // map to hold PDX types <string, funptr>.
+    m_pdxTypemap = new StrToPdxFactoryMap();
+    setup();
+  }
+  virtual ~TheTypeMap() {
+    if (m_map != nullptr) {
+      delete m_map;
+    }
+    if (m_map2 != nullptr) {
+      delete m_map2;
+    }
+    if (m_pdxTypemap != nullptr) {
+      delete m_pdxTypemap;
+    }
+  }
+  void setup();
+  void clear();
+  void find(int64_t id, TypeFactoryMethod& func) const;
+  void find2(int64_t id, TypeFactoryMethod& func) const;
+  void bind(TypeFactoryMethod func);
+  inline void rebind(int64_t compId, TypeFactoryMethod func);
+  inline void unbind(int64_t compId);
+  inline void bind2(TypeFactoryMethod func);
+  inline void rebind2(int64_t compId, TypeFactoryMethod func);
+  inline void unbind2(int64_t compId);
+  inline void bindPdxType(TypeFactoryMethodPdx func);
+  inline void findPdxType(char* objFullName, TypeFactoryMethodPdx& func);
+  inline void unbindPdxType(char* objFullName);
+  void rebindPdxType(char* objFullName, TypeFactoryMethodPdx func);
 class CPPCACHE_EXPORT SerializationRegistry {
+  SerializationRegistry() : theTypeMap() {}
   /** write the length of the serialization, write the typeId of the object,
    * then write whatever the object's toData requires. The length at the
    * front is backfilled after the serialization.
-  inline static void serialize(const Serializable* obj, DataOutput& output,
-                               bool isDelta = false) {
+  inline void serialize(const Serializable* obj, DataOutput& output,
+                        bool isDelta = false) const {
     if (obj == nullptr) {
     } else {
@@ -106,7 +171,7 @@ class CPPCACHE_EXPORT SerializationRegistry {
-  inline static void serialize(const SerializablePtr& obj, DataOutput& output) 
+  inline void serialize(const SerializablePtr& obj, DataOutput& output) const {
     serialize(obj.get(), output);
@@ -114,45 +179,44 @@ class CPPCACHE_EXPORT SerializationRegistry {
    * Read the length, typeid, and run the objs fromData. Returns the New
    * object.
-  static SerializablePtr deserialize(DataInput& input, int8_t typeId = -1);
-  static void addType(TypeFactoryMethod func);
+  SerializablePtr deserialize(DataInput& input, int8_t typeId = -1) const;
-  static void addType(int64_t compId, TypeFactoryMethod func);
+  void addType(TypeFactoryMethod func);
-  static void addPdxType(TypeFactoryMethodPdx func);
+  void addType(int64_t compId, TypeFactoryMethod func);
-  static void setPdxSerializer(PdxSerializerPtr pdxSerializer);
+  void addPdxType(TypeFactoryMethodPdx func);
-  static PdxSerializerPtr getPdxSerializer();
+  void setPdxSerializer(PdxSerializerPtr pdxSerializer);
-  static void removeType(int64_t compId);
+  PdxSerializerPtr getPdxSerializer();
-  static void init();
+  void removeType(int64_t compId);
   // following for internal types with Data Serializable Fixed IDs  - since GFE
   // 5.7
-  static void addType2(TypeFactoryMethod func);
+  void addType2(TypeFactoryMethod func);
-  static void addType2(int64_t compId, TypeFactoryMethod func);
+  void addType2(int64_t compId, TypeFactoryMethod func);
-  static void removeType2(int64_t compId);
+  void removeType2(int64_t compId);
-  static int32_t GetPDXIdForType(const char* poolName, SerializablePtr 
+  int32_t GetPDXIdForType(PoolPtr pool, SerializablePtr pdxType) const;
-  static SerializablePtr GetPDXTypeById(const char* poolName, int32_t typeId);
+  SerializablePtr GetPDXTypeById(PoolPtr pool, int32_t typeId) const;
-  static int32_t GetEnumValue(SerializablePtr enumInfo);
-  static SerializablePtr GetEnum(int32_t val);
+  int32_t GetEnumValue(PoolPtr pool, SerializablePtr enumInfo) const;
+  SerializablePtr GetEnum(PoolPtr pool, int32_t val) const;
-  static PdxSerializablePtr getPdxType(const char* className);
+  PdxSerializablePtr getPdxType(char* className);
-  static PoolPtr getPool();
-  static IdToFactoryMap* s_typeMap;
-  static PdxSerializerPtr m_pdxSerializer;
+  PdxSerializerPtr m_pdxSerializer;
+  TheTypeMap theTypeMap;
+typedef std::shared_ptr<SerializationRegistry> SerializationRegistryPtr;
 }  // namespace client
 }  // namespace geode
 }  // namespace apache
diff --git a/src/cppcache/src/TXCommitMessage.cpp 
index 211450f..933d980 100644
--- a/src/cppcache/src/TXCommitMessage.cpp
+++ b/src/cppcache/src/TXCommitMessage.cpp
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ namespace apache {
 namespace geode {
 namespace client {
+TXCommitMessage::TXCommitMessage(MemberListForVersionStamp & 
memberListForVersionStamp) : 
 // UNUSED : m_processorId(0)
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ m_processorId = -1;
   int32_t regionSize;
   for (int32_t i = 0; i < regionSize; i++) {
-    auto rc = std::make_shared<RegionCommit>();
+    auto rc = std::make_shared<RegionCommit>(m_memberListForVersionStamp);
@@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ int8_t TXCommitMessage::typeId() const {
   return static_cast<int8_t>(GeodeTypeIdsImpl::TXCommitMessage);
-Serializable* TXCommitMessage::create() { return new TXCommitMessage(); }
+Serializable* TXCommitMessage::create(MemberListForVersionStamp & 
memberListForVersionStamp) { return new 
TXCommitMessage(memberListForVersionStamp); }
 void TXCommitMessage::apply(Cache* cache) {
   for (std::vector<RegionCommitPtr>::iterator iter = m_regions.begin();
diff --git a/src/cppcache/src/TXCommitMessage.hpp 
index eb1b89b..09bc702 100644
--- a/src/cppcache/src/TXCommitMessage.hpp
+++ b/src/cppcache/src/TXCommitMessage.hpp
@@ -32,14 +32,14 @@ _GF_PTR_DEF_(TXCommitMessage, TXCommitMessagePtr);
 class TXCommitMessage : public apache::geode::client::Cacheable {
-  TXCommitMessage();
+  TXCommitMessage(MemberListForVersionStamp & memberListForVersionStamp);
   virtual ~TXCommitMessage();
   virtual Serializable* fromData(DataInput& input);
   virtual void toData(DataOutput& output) const;
   virtual int32_t classId() const;
   int8_t typeId() const;
-  static Serializable* create();
+  static Serializable* create(MemberListForVersionStamp & 
   //   VectorOfEntryEvent getEvents(Cache* cache);
   void apply(Cache* cache);
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ class TXCommitMessage : public 
apache::geode::client::Cacheable {
   // UNUSED int32_t m_processorId;
   bool isAckRequired();
+  MemberListForVersionStamp & m_memberListForVersionStamp;
   std::vector<RegionCommitPtr> m_regions;
 }  // namespace client
diff --git a/src/cppcache/src/TcpConn.cpp b/src/cppcache/src/TcpConn.cpp
index b80aa51..581d267 100644
--- a/src/cppcache/src/TcpConn.cpp
+++ b/src/cppcache/src/TcpConn.cpp
@@ -27,11 +27,9 @@
 #include <ace/SOCK_Connector.h>
 #include <ace/SOCK_Acceptor.h>
 #include <ace/OS.h>
+#include "CacheImpl.hpp"
 using namespace apache::geode::client;
-int TcpConn::m_chunkSize = TcpConn::setChunkSize();
 void TcpConn::clearNagle(ACE_SOCKET sock) {
   int32_t val = 1;
 #ifdef WIN32
@@ -60,19 +58,10 @@ int32_t TcpConn::maxSize(ACE_SOCKET sock, int32_t flag, 
int32_t size) {
   socklen_t plen = sizeof(val);
   socklen_t clen = sizeof(val);
-  static int32_t max = 32000;
-  if (m_maxBuffSizePool <= 0) {
-    SystemProperties *props = DistributedSystem::getSystemProperties();
-    if (props != nullptr) {
-      max = props->maxSocketBufferSize();
-    }
-  } else {
-    max = m_maxBuffSizePool;
-  }
   int32_t inc = 32120;
   val = size - (3 * inc);
   if (val < 0) val = 0;
-  if (size == 0) size = max;
+  if (size == 0) size = m_maxBuffSizePool;
   int32_t red = 0;
   int32_t lastRed = -1;
   while (lastRed != red) {
@@ -92,7 +81,7 @@ int32_t TcpConn::maxSize(ACE_SOCKET sock, int32_t flag, 
int32_t size) {
 #ifdef _LINUX
     val /= 2;
-    if ((val >= max) || (val >= size)) continue;
+    if ((val >= m_maxBuffSizePool) || (val >= size)) continue;
     red = val;
   return val;
@@ -105,17 +94,7 @@ void TcpConn::createSocket(ACE_SOCKET sock) {
 void TcpConn::init() {
-  /* adongre
-   * CID 28736: Improper use of negative value (NEGATIVE_RETURNS)
-   * Function "socket(2, 1, 0)" returns a negative number.
-   * Assigning: unsigned variable "sock" = "socket".
-   *
-   * CID 28737: Unsigned compared against 0 (NO_EFFECT)
-   * This less-than-zero comparison of an unsigned value is never true. "sock <
-   * 0U".
-   */
   ACE_SOCKET sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
-  // if ( sock < 0 ) {
   if (sock == -1) {
     int32_t lastError = ACE_OS::last_error();
     LOGERROR("Failed to create socket. Errno: %d: %s", lastError,
@@ -128,19 +107,19 @@ void TcpConn::init() {
-  static int32_t readSize = 0;
-  static int32_t writeSize = 0;
+  int32_t readSize = 0;
+  int32_t writeSize = 0;
   int32_t originalReadSize = readSize;
   readSize = maxSize(sock, SO_SNDBUF, readSize);
   if (originalReadSize != readSize) {
     // This should get logged once at startup and again only if it changes
-    LOGINFO("Using socket send buffer size of %d.", readSize);
+    LOGFINEST("Using socket send buffer size of %d.", readSize);
   int32_t originalWriteSize = writeSize;
   writeSize = maxSize(sock, SO_RCVBUF, writeSize);
   if (originalWriteSize != writeSize) {
     // This should get logged once at startup and again only if it changes
-    LOGINFO("Using socket receive buffer size of %d.", writeSize);
+    LOGFINEST("Using socket receive buffer size of %d.", writeSize);
@@ -148,21 +127,21 @@ void TcpConn::init() {
-TcpConn::TcpConn() : m_io(nullptr), m_waitSeconds(0), m_maxBuffSizePool(0) {}
 TcpConn::TcpConn(const char *ipaddr, uint32_t waitSeconds,
                  int32_t maxBuffSizePool)
     : m_io(nullptr),
-      m_waitSeconds(waitSeconds),
-      m_maxBuffSizePool(maxBuffSizePool) {}
+      m_waitMilliSeconds(waitSeconds * 1000),
+      m_maxBuffSizePool(maxBuffSizePool),
+      m_chunkSize(getDefaultChunkSize()) {}
 TcpConn::TcpConn(const char *hostname, int32_t port, uint32_t waitSeconds,
                  int32_t maxBuffSizePool)
     : m_io(nullptr),
       m_addr(port, hostname),
-      m_waitSeconds(waitSeconds),
-      m_maxBuffSizePool(maxBuffSizePool) {}
+      m_waitMilliSeconds(waitSeconds * 1000),
+      m_maxBuffSizePool(maxBuffSizePool),
+      m_chunkSize(getDefaultChunkSize()) {}
 void TcpConn::listen(const char *hostname, int32_t port, uint32_t waitSeconds) 
   ACE_INET_Addr addr(port, hostname);
@@ -216,14 +195,14 @@ void TcpConn::connect(const char *hostname, int32_t port,
                       uint32_t waitSeconds) {
   ACE_INET_Addr addr(port, hostname);
   m_addr = addr;
-  m_waitSeconds = waitSeconds;
+  m_waitMilliSeconds = waitSeconds;
 void TcpConn::connect(const char *ipaddr, uint32_t waitSeconds) {
   ACE_INET_Addr addr(ipaddr);
   m_addr = addr;
-  m_waitSeconds = waitSeconds;
+  m_waitMilliSeconds = waitSeconds;
@@ -231,25 +210,18 @@ void TcpConn::connect() {
   GF_DEV_ASSERT(m_io != nullptr);
   ACE_INET_Addr ipaddr = m_addr;
-  uint32_t waitSeconds = m_waitSeconds;
+  uint32_t waitMicroSeconds = m_waitMilliSeconds * 1000;
   ACE_OS::signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN);  // Ignore broken pipe
-  // passing waittime as microseconds
-  if (DistributedSystem::getSystemProperties()->readTimeoutUnitInMillis()) {
-    waitSeconds = waitSeconds * 1000;
-  } else {
-    waitSeconds = waitSeconds * (1000 * 1000);
-  }
   LOGFINER("Connecting plain socket stream to %s:%d waiting %d micro sec",
-           ipaddr.get_host_name(), ipaddr.get_port_number(), waitSeconds);
+           ipaddr.get_host_name(), ipaddr.get_port_number(), waitMicroSeconds);
   ACE_SOCK_Connector conn;
   int32_t retVal = 0;
-  if (waitSeconds > 0) {
+  if (waitMicroSeconds > 0) {
     // passing waittime as microseconds
-    ACE_Time_Value wtime(0, waitSeconds);
+    ACE_Time_Value wtime(0, waitMicroSeconds);
     retVal = conn.connect(*m_io, ipaddr, &wtime);
   } else {
     retVal = conn.connect(*m_io, ipaddr);
@@ -258,10 +230,10 @@ void TcpConn::connect() {
     char msg[256];
     int32_t lastError = ACE_OS::last_error();
     if (lastError == ETIME || lastError == ETIMEDOUT) {
-      ACE_OS::snprintf(
-          msg, 256,
-          "TcpConn::connect Attempt to connect timed out after %d seconds.",
-          waitSeconds);
+      ACE_OS::snprintf(msg, 256,
+                       "TcpConn::connect Attempt to connect timed out after %d 
+                       "microseconds.",
+                       waitMicroSeconds);
       //  this is only called by constructor, so we must delete m_io
       throw TimeoutException(msg);
@@ -269,7 +241,7 @@ void TcpConn::connect() {
     ACE_OS::snprintf(msg, 256, "TcpConn::connect failed with errno: %d: %s",
                      lastError, ACE_OS::strerror(lastError));
     //  this is only called by constructor, so we must delete m_io
-       close();
+    close();
     throw GeodeIOException(msg);
   int rc = this->m_io->enable(ACE_NONBLOCK);
diff --git a/src/cppcache/src/TcpConn.hpp b/src/cppcache/src/TcpConn.hpp
index 60ee0a9..13964d4 100644
--- a/src/cppcache/src/TcpConn.hpp
+++ b/src/cppcache/src/TcpConn.hpp
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class CPPCACHE_EXPORT TcpConn : public Connector {
   ACE_INET_Addr m_addr;
-  uint32_t m_waitSeconds;
+  uint32_t m_waitMilliSeconds;
   int32_t m_maxBuffSizePool;
@@ -65,9 +65,9 @@ class CPPCACHE_EXPORT TcpConn : public Connector {
   virtual void createSocket(ACE_SOCKET sock);
-  static int m_chunkSize;
+  int m_chunkSize;
-  static int setChunkSize() {
+  static int getDefaultChunkSize() {
     // Attempt to set chunk size to nearest OS page size
     // for perf improvement
     int pageSize = ACE_OS::getpagesize();
@@ -80,12 +80,9 @@ class CPPCACHE_EXPORT TcpConn : public Connector {
     return 16000000;
-  TcpConn();
-  TcpConn(const char* hostname, int32_t port,
-          uint32_t waitSeconds = DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT,
-          int32_t maxBuffSizePool = 0);
-  TcpConn(const char* ipaddr, uint32_t waitSeconds = DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT,
-          int32_t maxBuffSizePool = 0);
+  TcpConn(const char* hostname, int32_t port, uint32_t waitSeconds,
+          int32_t maxBuffSizePool);
+  TcpConn(const char* ipaddr, uint32_t waitSeconds, int32_t maxBuffSizePool);
   virtual ~TcpConn() { close(); }
diff --git a/src/cppcache/src/TcpSslConn.cpp b/src/cppcache/src/TcpSslConn.cpp
index 3f4935f..74b999d 100644
--- a/src/cppcache/src/TcpSslConn.cpp
+++ b/src/cppcache/src/TcpSslConn.cpp
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
 #include <geode/SystemProperties.hpp>
 #include <geode/DistributedSystem.hpp>
 #include "../../cryptoimpl/Ssl.hpp"
+#include "CacheImpl.hpp"
 using namespace apache::geode::client;
 Ssl* TcpSslConn::getSSLImpl(ACE_SOCKET sock, const char* pubkeyfile,
@@ -42,20 +42,13 @@ Ssl* TcpSslConn::getSSLImpl(ACE_SOCKET sock, const char* 
     throw IllegalStateException(msg);
-  // adongre: Added for Ticket #758
-  const char* pemPassword =
-      DistributedSystem::getSystemProperties()->sslKeystorePassword();
   return reinterpret_cast<Ssl*>(
-      func(sock, pubkeyfile, privkeyfile, pemPassword));
+      func(sock, pubkeyfile, privkeyfile, m_pemPassword));
 void TcpSslConn::createSocket(ACE_SOCKET sock) {
-  SystemProperties* props = DistributedSystem::getSystemProperties();
-  const char* pubkeyfile = props->sslTrustStore();
-  const char* privkeyfile = props->sslKeyStore();
   LOGDEBUG("Creating SSL socket stream");
-  m_ssl = getSSLImpl(sock, pubkeyfile, privkeyfile);
+  m_ssl = getSSLImpl(sock, m_pubkeyfile, m_privkeyfile);
 void TcpSslConn::listen(ACE_INET_Addr addr, uint32_t waitSeconds) {
@@ -101,28 +94,21 @@ void TcpSslConn::connect() {
   // m_ssl->init();
-  uint32_t waitSeconds = m_waitSeconds;
-  // passing waittime as microseconds
-  if (DistributedSystem::getSystemProperties()->readTimeoutUnitInMillis()) {
-    waitSeconds = waitSeconds * 1000;
-  } else {
-    waitSeconds = waitSeconds * (1000 * 1000);
-  }
+  uint32_t waitMicroSeconds = m_waitMilliSeconds * 1000;
-  LOGDEBUG("Connecting SSL socket stream to %s:%d waiting %d sec",
-           m_addr.get_host_name(), m_addr.get_port_number(), m_waitSeconds);
+  LOGDEBUG("Connecting SSL socket stream to %s:%d waiting %d micro sec",
+           m_addr.get_host_name(), m_addr.get_port_number(), waitMicroSeconds);
-  int32_t retVal = m_ssl->connect(m_addr, waitSeconds);
+  int32_t retVal = m_ssl->connect(m_addr, waitMicroSeconds);
   if (retVal == -1) {
     char msg[256];
     int32_t lastError = ACE_OS::last_error();
     if (lastError == ETIME || lastError == ETIMEDOUT) {
-      ACE_OS::snprintf(
-          msg, 256,
-          "TcpSslConn::connect Attempt to connect timed out after %d seconds.",
-          m_waitSeconds);
+      ACE_OS::snprintf(msg, 256,
+                       "TcpSslConn::connect Attempt to connect timed out after 
+                       "%d micro-seconds.",
+                       waitMicroSeconds);
       // this is only called by constructor, so we must delete m_ssl
       throw TimeoutException(msg);
diff --git a/src/cppcache/src/TcpSslConn.hpp b/src/cppcache/src/TcpSslConn.hpp
index 387a95c..1ebf3db 100644
--- a/src/cppcache/src/TcpSslConn.hpp
+++ b/src/cppcache/src/TcpSslConn.hpp
@@ -32,6 +32,9 @@ class TcpSslConn : public TcpConn {
   Ssl* m_ssl;
   ACE_DLL m_dll;
+  const char* m_pubkeyfile;
+  const char* m_privkeyfile;
+  const char* m_pemPassword;
   // adongre: Added for Ticket #758
   // Pass extra parameter for the password
   typedef void* (*gf_create_SslImpl)(ACE_SOCKET, const char*, const char*,
@@ -47,16 +50,23 @@ class TcpSslConn : public TcpConn {
   void createSocket(ACE_SOCKET sock);
-  TcpSslConn() : TcpConn(), m_ssl(nullptr){};
-  TcpSslConn(const char* hostname, int32_t port,
-             uint32_t waitSeconds = DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT,
-             int32_t maxBuffSizePool = 0)
-      : TcpConn(hostname, port, waitSeconds, maxBuffSizePool), 
-  TcpSslConn(const char* ipaddr, uint32_t waitSeconds = 
-             int32_t maxBuffSizePool = 0)
-      : TcpConn(ipaddr, waitSeconds, maxBuffSizePool), m_ssl(nullptr){};
+  TcpSslConn(const char* hostname, int32_t port, uint32_t waitSeconds,
+             int32_t maxBuffSizePool, const char* pubkeyfile,
+             const char* privkeyfile, const char* pemPassword)
+      : TcpConn(hostname, port, waitSeconds, maxBuffSizePool),
+        m_ssl(nullptr),
+        m_pubkeyfile(pubkeyfile),
+        m_privkeyfile(privkeyfile),
+        m_pemPassword(pemPassword){};
+  TcpSslConn(const char* ipaddr, uint32_t waitSeconds, int32_t maxBuffSizePool,
+             const char* pubkeyfile, const char* privkeyfile,
+             const char* pemPassword)
+      : TcpConn(ipaddr, waitSeconds, maxBuffSizePool),
+        m_ssl(nullptr),
+        m_pubkeyfile(pubkeyfile),
+        m_privkeyfile(privkeyfile),
+        m_pemPassword(pemPassword){};
   // TODO:  Watch out for virt dtor calling virt methods!
diff --git a/src/cppcache/src/TcrChunkedContext.hpp 
index c07c22c..068bb09 100644
--- a/src/cppcache/src/TcrChunkedContext.hpp
+++ b/src/cppcache/src/TcrChunkedContext.hpp
@@ -53,7 +53,8 @@ class TcrChunkedResult {
   /** handle a chunk of response message from server */
   virtual void handleChunk(const uint8_t* bytes, int32_t len,
-                           uint8_t isLastChunkWithSecurity) = 0;
+                           uint8_t isLastChunkWithSecurity,
+                           const Cache* cache) = 0;
   inline TcrChunkedResult()
@@ -75,13 +76,14 @@ class TcrChunkedResult {
   virtual void reset() = 0;
   void fireHandleChunk(const uint8_t* bytes, int32_t len,
-                       uint8_t isLastChunkWithSecurity) {
+                       uint8_t isLastChunkWithSecurity, const Cache* cache) {
     if (appDomainContext) {
-      appDomainContext->run([this, bytes, len, isLastChunkWithSecurity]() {
-        handleChunk(bytes, len, isLastChunkWithSecurity);
-      });
+      appDomainContext->run(
+          [this, bytes, len, isLastChunkWithSecurity, &cache]() {
+            handleChunk(bytes, len, isLastChunkWithSecurity, cache);
+          });
     } else {
-      handleChunk(bytes, len, isLastChunkWithSecurity);
+      handleChunk(bytes, len, isLastChunkWithSecurity, cache);
@@ -135,15 +137,17 @@ class TcrChunkedContext {
   const uint8_t* m_bytes;
   const int32_t m_len;
   const uint8_t m_isLastChunkWithSecurity;
+  const Cache* m_cache;
   TcrChunkedResult* m_result;
   inline TcrChunkedContext(const uint8_t* bytes, int32_t len,
                            TcrChunkedResult* result,
-                           uint8_t isLastChunkWithSecurity)
+                           uint8_t isLastChunkWithSecurity, const Cache* cache)
       : m_bytes(bytes),
+        m_cache(cache),
         m_result(result) {}
   inline ~TcrChunkedContext() { GF_SAFE_DELETE_ARRAY(m_bytes); }
@@ -158,7 +162,8 @@ class TcrChunkedContext {
     } else if (!m_result->exceptionOccurred()) {
       try {
-        m_result->fireHandleChunk(m_bytes, m_len, m_isLastChunkWithSecurity);
+        m_result->fireHandleChunk(m_bytes, m_len, m_isLastChunkWithSecurity,
+                                  m_cache);
       } catch (Exception& ex) {
         LOGERROR("HandleChunk error message %s, name = %s", ex.getMessage(),
diff --git a/src/cppcache/src/TcrConnection.cpp 
index f11db0c..dafaed2 100644
--- a/src/cppcache/src/TcrConnection.cpp
+++ b/src/cppcache/src/TcrConnection.cpp
@@ -62,6 +62,9 @@ bool TcrConnection::InitTcrConnection(
   m_creationTime = ACE_OS::gettimeofday();
   connectionId = INITIAL_CONNECTION_ID;
   m_lastAccessed = ACE_OS::gettimeofday();
+  const auto& distributedSystem =
+      m_poolDM->getConnectionManager().getCacheImpl()->getDistributedSystem();
+  const auto& sysProp = distributedSystem.getSystemProperties();
       "Tcrconnection const isSecondary = %d and isClientNotification = %d, "
@@ -77,8 +80,6 @@ bool TcrConnection::InitTcrConnection(
   GF_DEV_ASSERT(!isSecondary || isClientNotification);
-  DistributedSystemPtr dsys = DistributedSystem::getInstance();
   // Create TcpConn object which manages a socket connection with the endpoint.
   if (endpointObj && endpointObj->getPoolHADM()) {
     m_conn = createConnection(
@@ -87,33 +88,34 @@ bool TcrConnection::InitTcrConnection(
     isPool = true;
   } else {
-    m_conn = createConnection(m_endpoint, connectTimeout, 0);
+    m_conn = createConnection(m_endpoint, connectTimeout,
+                              sysProp.maxSocketBufferSize());
   GF_DEV_ASSERT(m_conn != nullptr);
-  DataOutput handShakeMsg;
+  auto handShakeMsg = 
   bool isNotificationChannel = false;
   // Send byte Acceptor.CLIENT_TO_SERVER = (byte) 100;
   // Send byte Acceptor.SERVER_TO_CLIENT = (byte) 101;
   if (isClientNotification) {
     isNotificationChannel = true;
     if (isSecondary) {
-      handShakeMsg.write(static_cast<int8_t>(SECONDARY_SERVER_TO_CLIENT));
+      handShakeMsg->write(static_cast<int8_t>(SECONDARY_SERVER_TO_CLIENT));
     } else {
-      handShakeMsg.write(static_cast<int8_t>(PRIMARY_SERVER_TO_CLIENT));
+      handShakeMsg->write(static_cast<int8_t>(PRIMARY_SERVER_TO_CLIENT));
   } else {
-    handShakeMsg.write(static_cast<int8_t>(CLIENT_TO_SERVER));
+    handShakeMsg->write(static_cast<int8_t>(CLIENT_TO_SERVER));
   // added for versioned client
   int8_t versionOrdinal = Version::getOrdinal();
-  handShakeMsg.write(versionOrdinal);
+  handShakeMsg->write(versionOrdinal);
   LOGFINE("Client version ordinal is %d", versionOrdinal);
-  handShakeMsg.write(static_cast<int8_t>(REPLY_OK));
+  handShakeMsg->write(static_cast<int8_t>(REPLY_OK));
   // Send byte REPLY_OK = (byte)58;
   if (!isClientNotification) {
@@ -122,9 +124,9 @@ bool TcrConnection::InitTcrConnection(
   } else {
     // add the local ports to message
     Set<uint16_t>::Iterator iter = ports.iterator();
-    handShakeMsg.writeInt(static_cast<int32_t>(ports.size()));
+    handShakeMsg->writeInt(static_cast<int32_t>(ports.size()));
     while (iter.hasNext()) {
-      handShakeMsg.writeInt(static_cast<int32_t>(;
+      handShakeMsg->writeInt(static_cast<int32_t>(;
@@ -134,21 +136,21 @@ bool TcrConnection::InitTcrConnection(
     // permissible value for bug #232 for now.
     //  minus 10 sec because the GFE 5.7 gridDev branch adds a
     // 5 sec buffer which was causing an int overflow.
-    handShakeMsg.writeInt((int32_t)0x7fffffff - 10000);
+    handShakeMsg->writeInt((int32_t)0x7fffffff - 10000);
   // Write header for byte FixedID since GFE 5.7
-  handShakeMsg.write(static_cast<int8_t>(GeodeTypeIdsImpl::FixedIDByte));
+  handShakeMsg->write(static_cast<int8_t>(GeodeTypeIdsImpl::FixedIDByte));
   // Writing byte for ClientProxyMembershipID class id=38 as registered on the
   // java server.
-  handShakeMsg.write(
+  handShakeMsg->write(
   if (endpointObj->getPoolHADM()) {
     ClientProxyMembershipID* memId =
     uint32_t memIdBufferLength;
     const char* memIdBuffer = memId->getDSMemberId(memIdBufferLength);
-    handShakeMsg.writeBytes((int8_t*)memIdBuffer, memIdBufferLength);
+    handShakeMsg->writeBytes((int8_t*)memIdBuffer, memIdBufferLength);
   } else {
     ACE_TCHAR hostName[256];
     ACE_OS::hostname(hostName, sizeof(hostName) - 1);
@@ -158,42 +160,37 @@ bool TcrConnection::InitTcrConnection(
     uint16_t hostPort = 0;
     // Add 3 durable Subcription properties to ClientProxyMembershipID
-    SystemProperties* sysProp = DistributedSystem::getSystemProperties();
-    const char* durableId =
-        (sysProp != nullptr) ? sysProp->durableClientId() : nullptr;
-    const uint32_t durableTimeOut =
-        (sysProp != nullptr) ? sysProp->durableTimeout() : 0;
+    const char* durableId = sysProp.durableClientId();
+    const uint32_t durableTimeOut = sysProp.durableTimeout();
     // Write ClientProxyMembershipID serialized object.
     uint32_t memIdBufferLength;
-    ClientProxyMembershipID memId(hostName, hostAddr, hostPort, durableId,
-                                  durableTimeOut);
-    const char* memIdBuffer = memId.getDSMemberId(memIdBufferLength);
-    handShakeMsg.writeBytes((int8_t*)memIdBuffer, memIdBufferLength);
+    const auto memId =
+        m_connectionManager->getCacheImpl()
+            ->getClientProxyMembershipIDFactory()
+            .create(hostName, hostAddr, hostPort, durableId, durableTimeOut);
+    const auto memIdBuffer = memId->getDSMemberId(memIdBufferLength);
+    handShakeMsg->writeBytes((int8_t*)memIdBuffer, memIdBufferLength);
-  handShakeMsg.writeInt((int32_t)1);
+  handShakeMsg->writeInt((int32_t)1);
   bool isDhOn = false;
   bool requireServerAuth = false;
   PropertiesPtr credentials;
   CacheableBytesPtr serverChallenge;
-  SystemProperties* tmpSystemProperties =
-      DistributedSystem::getSystemProperties();
   // Write overrides (just conflation for now)
-  handShakeMsg.write(getOverrides(tmpSystemProperties));
+  handShakeMsg->write(getOverrides(&sysProp));
-  bool tmpIsSecurityOn = tmpSystemProperties->isSecurityOn();
-  isDhOn = tmpSystemProperties->isDhOn();
+  bool tmpIsSecurityOn = sysProp.isSecurityOn();
+  isDhOn = sysProp.isDhOn();
   if (m_endpointObj) {
-    tmpIsSecurityOn = tmpSystemProperties->isSecurityOn() ||
-                      this->m_endpointObj->isMultiUserMode();
+    tmpIsSecurityOn =
+        sysProp.isSecurityOn() || this->m_endpointObj->isMultiUserMode();
     CacheableStringPtr dhalgo =
-        tmpSystemProperties->getSecurityProperties()->find(
-            "security-client-dhalgo");
+        sysProp.getSecurityProperties()->find("security-client-dhalgo");
     LOGDEBUG("TcrConnection this->m_endpointObj->isMultiUserMode() = %d ",
@@ -205,7 +202,7 @@ bool TcrConnection::InitTcrConnection(
       "TcrConnection algo name %s tmpIsSecurityOn = %d isDhOn = %d "
       "isNotificationChannel = %d ",
-      tmpSystemProperties->securityClientDhAlgo(), tmpIsSecurityOn, isDhOn,
+      sysProp.securityClientDhAlgo(), tmpIsSecurityOn, isDhOn,
   bool doIneedToSendCreds = true;
   if (isNotificationChannel && m_endpointObj &&
@@ -216,48 +213,35 @@ bool TcrConnection::InitTcrConnection(
   if (isNotificationChannel && !doIneedToSendCreds) {
-    handShakeMsg.write(
+    handShakeMsg->write(
   } else if (isDhOn) {
     m_dh = new DiffieHellman();
-    m_dh->initDhKeys(tmpSystemProperties->getSecurityProperties());
-    handShakeMsg.write(static_cast<uint8_t>(SECURITY_CREDENTIALS_DHENCRYPT));
+    m_dh->initDhKeys(sysProp.getSecurityProperties());
+    handShakeMsg->write(static_cast<uint8_t>(SECURITY_CREDENTIALS_DHENCRYPT));
   } else if (tmpIsSecurityOn) {
-    handShakeMsg.write(static_cast<uint8_t>(SECURITY_CREDENTIALS_NORMAL));
+    handShakeMsg->write(static_cast<uint8_t>(SECURITY_CREDENTIALS_NORMAL));
   } else {
-    handShakeMsg.write(static_cast<uint8_t>(SECURITY_CREDENTIALS_NONE));
+    handShakeMsg->write(static_cast<uint8_t>(SECURITY_CREDENTIALS_NONE));
   if (tmpIsSecurityOn) {
     try {
       LOGFINER("TcrConnection: about to invoke authloader");
-      PropertiesPtr tmpSecurityProperties =
-          tmpSystemProperties->getSecurityProperties();
+      const auto& tmpSecurityProperties = sysProp.getSecurityProperties();
       if (tmpSecurityProperties == nullptr) {
         LOGWARN("TcrConnection: security properties not found.");
-      // AuthInitializePtr authInitialize =
-      // tmpSystemProperties->getAuthLoader();
-      //:only for backward connection
+      // only for backward connection
       if (isClientNotification) {
-        AuthInitializePtr authInitialize =
-            DistributedSystem::m_impl->getAuthLoader();
-        if (authInitialize != nullptr) {
+        if (const auto& authInitialize =
+                distributedSystem.m_impl->getAuthLoader()) {
               "TcrConnection: acquired handle to authLoader, "
               "invoking getCredentials");
-          /* adongre
-           * CID 28898: Copy into fixed size buffer (STRING_OVERFLOW)
-           * You might overrun the 100 byte fixed-size string "tmpEndpoint" by
-           * copying "this->m_endpoint" without checking the length.
-           * Note: This defect has an elevated risk because the source argument
-           * is a parameter of the current function.
-           */
-          // char tmpEndpoint[100] = { '\0' } ;
-          // strcpy(tmpEndpoint, m_endpoint);
-          PropertiesPtr tmpAuthIniSecurityProperties =
-              authInitialize->getCredentials(tmpSecurityProperties,
-                                             /*tmpEndpoint*/ m_endpoint);
+          const auto& tmpAuthIniSecurityProperties =
+              authInitialize->getCredentials(tmpSecurityProperties, 
           LOGFINER("TcrConnection: after getCredentials ");
           credentials = tmpAuthIniSecurityProperties;
@@ -267,20 +251,20 @@ bool TcrConnection::InitTcrConnection(
         CacheableStringPtr ksPath =
         requireServerAuth = (ksPath != nullptr && ksPath->length() > 0);
-        handShakeMsg.writeBoolean(requireServerAuth);
+        handShakeMsg->writeBoolean(requireServerAuth);
             "HandShake: Server authentication using RSA signature %s required",
             requireServerAuth ? "is" : "not");
         // Send the symmetric key algorithm name string
-        handShakeMsg.write(static_cast<int8_t>(GeodeTypeIds::CacheableString));
-        handShakeMsg.writeASCII(tmpSystemProperties->securityClientDhAlgo());
+        handShakeMsg->writeASCII(sysProp.securityClientDhAlgo());
         // Send the client's DH public key to the server
         // CacheableBytesPtr dhPubKey = DiffieHellman::getPublicKey();
         CacheableBytesPtr dhPubKey = m_dh->getPublicKey();
         LOGDEBUG("DH pubkey send len is %d", dhPubKey->length());
-        dhPubKey->toData(handShakeMsg);
+        dhPubKey->toData(*handShakeMsg);
         if (requireServerAuth) {
           char serverChallengeBytes[64] = {0};
@@ -290,11 +274,11 @@ bool TcrConnection::InitTcrConnection(
           serverChallenge = CacheableBytes::create(
               reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(serverChallengeBytes), 64);
-          serverChallenge->toData(handShakeMsg);
+          serverChallenge->toData(*handShakeMsg);
       } else {                       // if isDhOn
         if (isClientNotification) {  //:only for backward connection
-          credentials->toData(handShakeMsg);
+          credentials->toData(*handShakeMsg);
       }  // else isDhOn
     } catch (const AuthenticationRequiredException&) {
@@ -314,7 +298,7 @@ bool TcrConnection::InitTcrConnection(
   uint32_t msgLengh;
-  char* data = (char*)handShakeMsg.getBuffer(&msgLengh);
+  char* data = (char*)handShakeMsg->getBuffer(&msgLengh);
   LOGFINE("Attempting handshake with endpoint %s for %s%s connection", 
           isClientNotification ? (isSecondary ? "secondary " : "primary ") : 
           isClientNotification ? "subscription" : "client");
@@ -325,8 +309,7 @@ bool TcrConnection::InitTcrConnection(
     LOGDEBUG(" Handshake: Got Accept Code %d", (*acceptanceCode)[0]);
     /* adongre */
-    if ((*acceptanceCode)[0] == REPLY_SSL_ENABLED &&
-        !tmpSystemProperties->sslEnabled()) {
+    if ((*acceptanceCode)[0] == REPLY_SSL_ENABLED && !sysProp.sslEnabled()) {
       LOGERROR("SSL is enabled on server, enable SSL in client as well");
       AuthenticationRequiredException ex(
           "SSL is enabled on server, enable SSL in client as well");
@@ -370,18 +353,18 @@ bool TcrConnection::InitTcrConnection(
       LOGDEBUG("Handshake: Got challengeSize %d", challengeBytes->length());
       // encrypt the credentials and challenge bytes
-      DataOutput cleartext;
+      auto cleartext = 
       if (isClientNotification) {  //:only for backward connection
-        credentials->toData(cleartext);
+        credentials->toData(*cleartext);
-      challengeBytes->toData(cleartext);
+      challengeBytes->toData(*cleartext);
       CacheableBytesPtr ciphertext =
-          m_dh->encrypt(cleartext.getBuffer(), cleartext.getBufferLength());
+          m_dh->encrypt(cleartext->getBuffer(), cleartext->getBufferLength());
-      DataOutput sendCreds;
-      ciphertext->toData(sendCreds);
+      auto sendCreds = 
+      ciphertext->toData(*sendCreds);
       uint32_t credLen;
-      char* credData = (char*)sendCreds.getBuffer(&credLen);
+      char* credData = (char*)sendCreds->getBuffer(&credLen);
       // send the encrypted bytes and check the response
       error = sendData(credData, credLen, connectTimeout, false);
@@ -418,9 +401,9 @@ bool TcrConnection::InitTcrConnection(
       m_hasServerQueue = NON_REDUNDANT_SERVER;
     CacheableBytesPtr queueSizeMsg = readHandshakeData(4, connectTimeout);
-    DataInput dI(queueSizeMsg->value(), queueSizeMsg->length());
+    auto dI = 
     int32_t queueSize = 0;
-    dI.readInt(&queueSize);
+    dI->readInt(&queueSize);
     m_queueSize = queueSize > 0 ? queueSize : 0;
     m_endpointObj->setServerQueueStatus(m_hasServerQueue, m_queueSize);
@@ -449,43 +432,49 @@ bool TcrConnection::InitTcrConnection(
       if (static_cast<int8_t>((*arrayLenHeader)[0]) == -2) {
         CacheableBytesPtr recvMsgLenBytes =
             readHandshakeData(2, connectTimeout);
-        DataInput dI2(recvMsgLenBytes->value(), recvMsgLenBytes->length());
+        auto dI2 = 
+                      recvMsgLenBytes->value(), recvMsgLenBytes->length());
         int16_t recvMsgLenShort = 0;
-        dI2.readInt(&recvMsgLenShort);
+        dI2->readInt(&recvMsgLenShort);
         recvMsgLen = recvMsgLenShort;
       } else if (static_cast<int8_t>((*arrayLenHeader)[0]) == -3) {
         CacheableBytesPtr recvMsgLenBytes =
             readHandshakeData(4, connectTimeout);
-        DataInput dI2(recvMsgLenBytes->value(), recvMsgLenBytes->length());
-        dI2.readInt(&recvMsgLen);
+        auto dI2 = 
+                      recvMsgLenBytes->value(), recvMsgLenBytes->length());
+        dI2->readInt(&recvMsgLen);
-      CacheableBytesPtr recvMessage =
-          readHandshakeData(recvMsgLen, connectTimeout);
+      auto recvMessage = readHandshakeData(recvMsgLen, connectTimeout);
       // If the distributed member has not been set yet, set it.
       if (getEndpointObject()->getDistributedMemberID() == 0) {
         LOGDEBUG("Deserializing distributed member Id");
-        DataInput diForClient(recvMessage->value(), recvMessage->length());
+        auto diForClient = 
+                       recvMessage->value(), recvMessage->length());
         ClientProxyMembershipIDPtr member;
-        diForClient.readObject(member);
-        uint16_t memId = CacheImpl::getMemberListForVersionStamp()->add(
-            (DSMemberForVersionStampPtr)member);
+        diForClient->readObject(member);
+        auto memId = m_poolDM->getConnectionManager()
+                         .getCacheImpl()
+                         ->getMemberListForVersionStamp()
+                         ->add(member);
         LOGDEBUG("Deserialized distributed member Id %d", memId);
     CacheableBytesPtr recvMsgLenBytes = readHandshakeData(2, connectTimeout);
-    DataInput dI3(recvMsgLenBytes->value(), recvMsgLenBytes->length());
+    auto dI3 = 
+                  recvMsgLenBytes->value(), recvMsgLenBytes->length());
     uint16_t recvMsgLen2 = 0;
-    dI3.readInt(&recvMsgLen2);
+    dI3->readInt(&recvMsgLen2);
     CacheableBytesPtr recvMessage =
         readHandshakeData(recvMsgLen2, connectTimeout);
     if (!isClientNotification) {
       CacheableBytesPtr deltaEnabledMsg = readHandshakeData(1, connectTimeout);
-      DataInput di(deltaEnabledMsg->value(), 1);
+      auto di = 
+                   deltaEnabledMsg->value(), 1);
       bool isDeltaEnabledOnServer;
-      di.readBoolean(&isDeltaEnabledOnServer);
+      di->readBoolean(&isDeltaEnabledOnServer);
@@ -579,8 +568,14 @@ Connector* TcrConnection::createConnection(const char* 
                                            uint32_t connectTimeout,
                                            int32_t maxBuffSizePool) {
   Connector* socket = nullptr;
-  if (DistributedSystem::getSystemProperties()->sslEnabled()) {
-    socket = new TcpSslConn(endpoint, connectTimeout, maxBuffSizePool);
+  auto& systemProperties = m_connectionManager->getCacheImpl()
+                               ->getDistributedSystem()
+                               .getSystemProperties();
+  if (systemProperties.sslEnabled()) {
+    socket = new TcpSslConn(endpoint, connectTimeout, maxBuffSizePool,
+                            systemProperties.sslKeystorePassword(),
+                            systemProperties.sslTrustStore(),
+                            systemProperties.sslKeyStore());
   } else {
     socket = new TcpConn(endpoint, connectTimeout, maxBuffSizePool);
@@ -611,7 +606,11 @@ inline ConnErrType TcrConnection::receiveData(char* 
buffer, int32_t length,
   // if gfcpp property unit set then sendTimeoutSec will be in millisecond
   // otherwise it will be in second
-  if (DistributedSystem::getSystemProperties()->readTimeoutUnitInMillis()) {
+  if (m_poolDM->getConnectionManager()
+          .getCacheImpl()
+          ->getDistributedSystem()
+          .getSystemProperties()
+          .readTimeoutUnitInMillis()) {
     LOGFINER("recieveData %d %d ", receiveTimeoutSec, notPublicApiWithTimeout);
     if (notPublicApiWithTimeout == TcrMessage::QUERY ||
         notPublicApiWithTimeout == TcrMessage::QUERY_WITH_PARAMETERS ||
@@ -694,7 +693,11 @@ inline ConnErrType TcrConnection::sendData(uint32_t& 
   bool isPublicApiTimeout = false;
   // if gfcpp property unit set then sendTimeoutSec will be in millisecond
   // otherwise it will be in second
-  if (DistributedSystem::getSystemProperties()->readTimeoutUnitInMillis()) {
+  if (m_poolDM->getConnectionManager()
+          .getCacheImpl()
+          ->getDistributedSystem()
+          .getSystemProperties()
+          .readTimeoutUnitInMillis()) {
     LOGFINER("sendData %d  %d", sendTimeoutSec, notPublicApiWithTimeout);
     if (notPublicApiWithTimeout == TcrMessage::QUERY ||
         notPublicApiWithTimeout == TcrMessage::QUERY_WITH_PARAMETERS ||
@@ -950,9 +953,10 @@ char* TcrConnection::readMessage(size_t* recvLen, uint32_t 
       Utils::convertBytesToString(msg_header, HEADER_LENGTH)->asChar());
-  DataInput input(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(msg_header), HEADER_LENGTH);
-  input.readInt(&msgType);
-  input.readInt(&msgLen);
+  auto input = 
+                  reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(msg_header), HEADER_LENGTH);
+  input->readInt(&msgType);
+  input->readInt(&msgLen);
   //  check that message length is valid.
   if (!(msgLen > 0) && request == TcrMessage::GET_CLIENT_PR_METADATA) {
     char* fullMessage;
@@ -1059,17 +1063,18 @@ void TcrConnection::readMessageChunked(TcrMessageReply& 
       Utils::convertBytesToString(msg_header, HDR_LEN_12)->asChar());
-  DataInput input(msg_header, HDR_LEN_12);
+  auto input = 
+                  msg_header, HDR_LEN_12);
   int32_t msgType;
-  input.readInt(&msgType);
+  input->readInt(&msgType);
   int32_t txId;
   int32_t numOfParts;
-  input.readInt(&numOfParts);
+  input->readInt(&numOfParts);
   LOGDEBUG("TcrConnection::readMessageChunked numberof parts = %d ",
-  // input.advanceCursor(4);
-  input.readInt(&txId);
+  // input->advanceCursor(4);
+  input->readInt(&txId);
   // bool isLastChunk = false;
@@ -1125,13 +1130,14 @@ void TcrConnection::readMessageChunked(TcrMessageReply& 
         Utils::convertBytesToString((msg_header + HDR_LEN_12), HDR_LEN)
-    DataInput inp((msg_header + HDR_LEN_12), HDR_LEN);
+    auto input = 
+                    msg_header + HDR_LEN_12, HDR_LEN);
     int32_t chunkLen;
-    inp.readInt(&chunkLen);
+    input->readInt(&chunkLen);
     //  check that chunk length is valid.
     GF_DEV_ASSERT(chunkLen > 0);
-    // inp.readBoolean(&isLastChunk);
+    // input->readBoolean(&isLastChunk);
+    input->read(&isLastChunk);
     uint8_t* chunk_body;
     GF_NEW(chunk_body, uint8_t[chunkLen]);
@@ -1172,17 +1178,19 @@ void TcrConnection::readMessageChunked(TcrMessageReply& 
 void TcrConnection::close() {
   // If this is a short lived grid client, don't bother with this close ack
   // message
-  if (DistributedSystem::getSystemProperties()->isGridClient()) {
+  if (m_poolDM->getConnectionManager()
+          .getCacheImpl()
+          ->getDistributedSystem()
+          .getSystemProperties()
+          .isGridClient()) {
-  TcrMessage* closeMsg = TcrMessage::getCloseConnMessage();
+  TcrMessage* closeMsg = TcrMessage::getCloseConnMessage(
+      m_poolDM->getConnectionManager().getCacheImpl()->getCache());
   try {
-    // LOGINFO("TcrConnection::close DC  = %d; netdown = %d endpoint %s",
-    // TcrConnectionManager::TEST_DURABLE_CLIENT_CRASH,
-    // TcrConnectionManager::isNetDown, m_endpoint);
     if (!TcrConnectionManager::TEST_DURABLE_CLIENT_CRASH &&
-        !TcrConnectionManager::isNetDown) {
+        !m_connectionManager->isNetDown()) {
       send(closeMsg->getMsgData(), closeMsg->getMsgLength(), 2, false);
   } catch (Exception& e) {
@@ -1285,9 +1293,10 @@ CacheableBytesPtr TcrConnection::readHandshakeByteArray(
 // read a byte array
 uint32_t TcrConnection::readHandshakeArraySize(uint32_t connectTimeout) {
   CacheableBytesPtr codeBytes = readHandshakeData(1, connectTimeout);
-  DataInput codeDI(codeBytes->value(), codeBytes->length());
+  auto codeDI = 
+                   codeBytes->value(), codeBytes->length());
   uint8_t code = 0;
+  codeDI->read(&code);
   uint32_t arraySize = 0;
   if (code == 0xFF) {
     return 0;
@@ -1296,15 +1305,15 @@ uint32_t TcrConnection::readHandshakeArraySize(uint32_t 
connectTimeout) {
     if (tempLen > 252) {  // 252 is java's ((byte)-4 && 0xFF)
       if (code == 0xFE) {
         CacheableBytesPtr lenBytes = readHandshakeData(2, connectTimeout);
-        DataInput lenDI(lenBytes->value(), lenBytes->length());
+        auto lenDI = 
         uint16_t val;
-        lenDI.readInt(&val);
+        lenDI->readInt(&val);
         tempLen = val;
       } else if (code == 0xFD) {
         CacheableBytesPtr lenBytes = readHandshakeData(4, connectTimeout);
-        DataInput lenDI(lenBytes->value(), lenBytes->length());
+        auto lenDI = 
         uint32_t val;
-        lenDI.readInt(&val);
+        lenDI->readInt(&val);
         tempLen = val;
       } else {
@@ -1393,9 +1402,9 @@ int32_t TcrConnection::readHandShakeInt(uint32_t 
connectTimeout) {
-  DataInput di(recvMessage, 4);
+  auto di = 
   int32_t val;
-  di.readInt(&val);
+  di->readInt(&val);
@@ -1431,8 +1440,8 @@ CacheableStringPtr 
TcrConnection::readHandshakeString(uint32_t connectTimeout) {
     case GF_STRING: {
       uint16_t shortLen = 0;
       CacheableBytesPtr lenBytes = readHandshakeData(2, connectTimeout);
-      DataInput lenDI(lenBytes->value(), lenBytes->length());
-      lenDI.readInt(&shortLen);
+      auto lenDI = 
+      lenDI->readInt(&shortLen);
       length = shortLen;
@@ -1512,7 +1521,7 @@ void TcrConnection::touch() { m_lastAccessed = 
ACE_OS::gettimeofday(); }
 ACE_Time_Value TcrConnection::getLastAccessed() { return m_lastAccessed; }
-uint8_t TcrConnection::getOverrides(SystemProperties* props) {
+uint8_t TcrConnection::getOverrides(const SystemProperties* props) {
   const char* conflate = props->conflateEvents();
   uint8_t conflateByte = 0;
   if (conflate != nullptr) {
@@ -1522,27 +1531,7 @@ uint8_t TcrConnection::getOverrides(SystemProperties* 
props) {
       conflateByte = 2;
-  /*
-  const char * removeUnresponsive = props->removeUnresponsiveClientOverride();
-  uint8_t removeByte = 0;
-  if (removeUnresponsive != nullptr ) {
-  if ( ACE_OS::strcasecmp(removeUnresponsive, "true") == 0 ) {
-  removeByte = 1;
-  } else if ( ACE_OS::strcasecmp(removeUnresponsive, "false") == 0 ) {
-  removeByte = 2;
-  }
-  }
-  const char * notify = props->notifyBySubscriptionOverride();
-  uint8_t notifyByte = 0;
-  if (notify != nullptr ) {
-  if ( ACE_OS::strcasecmp(notify, "true") == 0 ) {
-  notifyByte = 1;
-  } else if ( ACE_OS::strcasecmp(notify, "false") == 0 ) {
-  notifyByte = 2;
-  }
-  }
-  return (((notifyByte << 2) | removeByte) << 2) | conflateByte;
-  */
   return conflateByte;
diff --git a/src/cppcache/src/TcrConnection.hpp 
index 9e8d873..fc8f54f 100644
--- a/src/cppcache/src/TcrConnection.hpp
+++ b/src/cppcache/src/TcrConnection.hpp
@@ -79,6 +79,7 @@ enum ServerQueueStatus {
 class TcrEndpoint;
 class SystemProperties;
 class ThinClientPoolDM;
+class TcrConnectionManager;
 class CPPCACHE_EXPORT TcrConnection {
   /** Create one connection, endpoint is in format of hostname:portno
@@ -111,8 +112,10 @@ class CPPCACHE_EXPORT TcrConnection {
                          bool isSecondary = false,
                          uint32_t connectTimeout = DEFAULT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT);
-  TcrConnection(volatile const bool& isConnected)
+  TcrConnection(const TcrConnectionManager& connectionManager,
+                volatile const bool& isConnected)
       : connectionId(0),
+        m_connectionManager(&connectionManager),
@@ -279,6 +282,10 @@ class CPPCACHE_EXPORT TcrConnection {
     connectionId = id;
+  const TcrConnectionManager& getConnectionManager() {
+    return *m_connectionManager;
+  }
   CacheableBytesPtr encryptBytes(CacheableBytesPtr data) {
     if (m_dh != nullptr) {
       return m_dh->encrypt(data);
@@ -297,6 +304,7 @@ class CPPCACHE_EXPORT TcrConnection {
   int64_t connectionId;
+  const TcrConnectionManager* m_connectionManager;
   DiffieHellman* m_dh;
    * To read Intantiator message(which meant for java client), here we are
@@ -308,7 +316,7 @@ class CPPCACHE_EXPORT TcrConnection {
    * Packs the override settings bits into bytes - currently a single byte for
    * conflation, remove-unresponsive-client and notify-by-subscription.
-  uint8_t getOverrides(SystemProperties* props);
+  uint8_t getOverrides(const SystemProperties* props);
    * To read the from stream
diff --git a/src/cppcache/src/TcrConnectionManager.cpp 
index 71d2347..714f479 100644
--- a/src/cppcache/src/TcrConnectionManager.cpp
+++ b/src/cppcache/src/TcrConnectionManager.cpp
@@ -39,7 +39,6 @@
 namespace apache {
 namespace geode {
 namespace client {
-volatile bool TcrConnectionManager::isNetDown = false;
 volatile bool TcrConnectionManager::TEST_DURABLE_CLIENT_CRASH = false;
 const char *TcrConnectionManager::NC_Redundancy = "NC Redundancy";
@@ -59,7 +58,8 @@ TcrConnectionManager::TcrConnectionManager(CacheImpl *cache)
-      m_isDurable(false) {
+      m_isDurable(false),
+      m_isNetDown(false) {
   m_redundancyManager = new ThinClientRedundancyManager(this);
@@ -70,14 +70,14 @@ void TcrConnectionManager::init(bool isPool) {
   } else {
-  SystemProperties *props = DistributedSystem::getSystemProperties();
-  m_isDurable = strlen(props->durableClientId()) > 0;
-  int32_t pingInterval = (props->pingInterval() / 2);
-  if (!props->isGridClient() && !isPool) {
+  auto &props = m_cache->getDistributedSystem().getSystemProperties();
+  m_isDurable = strlen(props.durableClientId()) > 0;
+  int32_t pingInterval = (props.pingInterval() / 2);
+  if (!props.isGridClient() && !isPool) {
     ACE_Event_Handler *connectionChecker =
         new ExpiryHandler_T<TcrConnectionManager>(
             this, &TcrConnectionManager::checkConnection);
-    m_pingTaskId = CacheImpl::expiryTaskManager->scheduleExpiryTask(
+    m_pingTaskId = m_cache->getExpiryTaskManager().scheduleExpiryTask(
         connectionChecker, 10, pingInterval, false);
         "TcrConnectionManager::TcrConnectionManager Registered ping "
@@ -105,9 +105,9 @@ void TcrConnectionManager::init(bool isPool) {
     ACE_Event_Handler *redundancyChecker =
         new ExpiryHandler_T<TcrConnectionManager>(
             this, &TcrConnectionManager::checkRedundancy);
-    int32_t redundancyMonitorInterval = props->redundancyMonitorInterval();
+    int32_t redundancyMonitorInterval = props.redundancyMonitorInterval();
-    m_servermonitorTaskId = CacheImpl::expiryTaskManager->scheduleExpiryTask(
+    m_servermonitorTaskId = m_cache->getExpiryTaskManager().scheduleExpiryTask(
         redundancyChecker, 1, redundancyMonitorInterval, false);
         "TcrConnectionManager::TcrConnectionManager Registered server "
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ void TcrConnectionManager::init(bool isPool) {
     m_redundancyManager->m_HAenabled = true;
-  if (!props->isGridClient()) {
+  if (!props.isGridClient()) {
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ void 
TcrConnectionManager::startFailoverAndCleanupThreads(bool isPool) {
 void TcrConnectionManager::close() {
   LOGFINE("TcrConnectionManager is closing");
   if (m_pingTaskId > 0) {
-    CacheImpl::expiryTaskManager->cancelTask(m_pingTaskId);
+    m_cache->getExpiryTaskManager().cancelTask(m_pingTaskId);
   if (m_failoverTask != nullptr) {
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ void TcrConnectionManager::close() {
   if (cacheAttributes != nullptr &&
       (cacheAttributes->getRedundancyLevel() > 0 || m_isDurable)) {
     if (m_servermonitorTaskId > 0) {
-      CacheImpl::expiryTaskManager->cancelTask(m_servermonitorTaskId);
+      m_cache->getExpiryTaskManager().cancelTask(m_servermonitorTaskId);
     if (m_redundancyTask != nullptr) {
@@ -344,7 +344,7 @@ int TcrConnectionManager::checkConnection(const 
ACE_Time_Value &,
                   ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex>::iterator currItr =
   while (currItr != m_endpoints.end()) {
-    if ((*currItr).int_id_->connected() && !isNetDown) {
+    if ((*currItr).int_id_->connected() && !m_isNetDown) {
@@ -362,7 +362,7 @@ int TcrConnectionManager::failover(volatile bool 
&isRunning) {
   LOGFINE("TcrConnectionManager: starting failover thread");
   while (isRunning) {
-    if (isRunning && !isNetDown) {
+    if (isRunning && !m_isNetDown) {
       try {
         ACE_Guard<ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex> guard(m_distMngrsLock);
         for (std::list<ThinClientBaseDM *>::iterator it = m_distMngrs.begin();
@@ -477,7 +477,7 @@ void TcrConnectionManager::removeHAEndpoints() {
 void TcrConnectionManager::netDown() {
-  isNetDown = true;
+  m_isNetDown = true;
   //  sleep for 15 seconds to allow ping and redundancy threads to pause.
@@ -499,7 +499,7 @@ void TcrConnectionManager::netDown() {
 /* Need to do a get on unknown key after calling this Fn to restablish all
  * connection */
 void TcrConnectionManager::revive() {
-  isNetDown = false;
+  m_isNetDown = false;
   //  sleep for 15 seconds to allow redundancy thread to reestablish
   //  connections.
@@ -510,7 +510,7 @@ int TcrConnectionManager::redundancy(volatile bool 
&isRunning) {
   LOGFINE("Starting subscription maintain redundancy thread.");
   while (isRunning) {
-    if (isRunning && !isNetDown) {
+    if (isRunning && !m_isNetDown) {
       while (m_redundancySema.tryacquire() != -1) {
diff --git a/src/cppcache/src/TcrConnectionManager.hpp 
index c902286..bb9afbc 100644
--- a/src/cppcache/src/TcrConnectionManager.hpp
+++ b/src/cppcache/src/TcrConnectionManager.hpp
@@ -76,7 +76,6 @@ class CPPCACHE_EXPORT TcrConnectionManager {
   void netDown();
   void revive();
   void setClientCrashTEST() { TEST_DURABLE_CLIENT_CRASH = true; }
-  volatile static bool isNetDown;
   volatile static bool TEST_DURABLE_CLIENT_CRASH;
   inline ACE_Map_Manager<std::string, TcrEndpoint*, 
@@ -106,7 +105,7 @@ class CPPCACHE_EXPORT TcrConnectionManager {
   bool isDurable() { return m_isDurable; };
   bool haEnabled() { return m_redundancyManager->m_HAenabled; };
-  CacheImpl* getCacheImpl() { return m_cache; };
+  CacheImpl* getCacheImpl() const { return m_cache; };
   GfErrType sendSyncRequestCq(TcrMessage& request, TcrMessageReply& reply,
                               TcrHADistributionManager* theHADM);
@@ -140,6 +139,8 @@ class CPPCACHE_EXPORT TcrConnectionManager {
     return m_redundancyManager->sendRequestToPrimary(request, reply);
+  bool isNetDown() const { return m_isNetDown; }
   CacheImpl* m_cache;
   volatile bool m_initGuard;
@@ -175,6 +176,8 @@ class CPPCACHE_EXPORT TcrConnectionManager {
   ACE_Recursive_Thread_Mutex m_notificationLock;
   bool m_isDurable;
+  bool m_isNetDown;
   ThinClientRedundancyManager* m_redundancyManager;
   int failover(volatile bool& isRunning);

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