GEODE-121: Document Change: Rename GemFire to Geode

Rename "GemFire" to "Geode". But keep "gemfire" in package names,
APIs till related Geode packages are changed.


Branch: refs/heads/develop
Commit: 60d074cc7adbafc4651e4326dc917e6f67f1a19e
Parents: 047ef62
Author: Jianxia Chen <>
Authored: Wed Jul 15 14:16:23 2015 -0700
Committer: Jianxia Chen <>
Committed: Wed Jul 15 14:16:23 2015 -0700

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 11 files changed, 131 insertions(+), 140 deletions(-)
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-#Spark GemFire Connector
+#Spark Geode Connector
-Note: GemFire is now an open source project [Geode](
-Spark GemFire Connector let's you connect Spark to GemFire, expose GemFire 
regions as Spark 
-RDDs, save Spark RDDs to GemFire and execute GemFire OQL queries in your Spark 
-and expose results as DataFrames.
+Spark Geode Connector let's you connect Spark to Geode, expose Geode regions 
as Spark 
+RDDs, save Spark RDDs to Geode and execute Geode OQL queries in your Spark 
+and expose the results as DataFrames.
- - Expose GemFire region as Spark RDD with GemFire server-side filtering
- - RDD join and outer join GemFire region
- - Save Spark RDD to GemFire
- - Save DStream to GemFire
- - Execute GemFire OQL and return DataFrame
+ - Expose Geode region as Spark RDD with Geode server-side filtering
+ - RDD join and outer join Geode region
+ - Save Spark RDD to Geode
+ - Save DStream to Geode
+ - Execute Geode OQL and return DataFrame
 ##Version and Compatibility
-| Connector | Spark | GemFire | Geode |
-| 0.5       | 1.3   | 9.0     |   ?   |   
+Spark Geode Connector supports Spark 1.3.
  - [Building and testing](doc/
  - [Quick start](doc/
- - [Connect to GemFire](doc/
- - [Loading data from GemFire](doc/
- - [RDD Join and Outer Join GemFire Region](doc/
- - [Saving RDD to GemFire](doc/
- - [Saving DStream to GemFire](doc/
- - [GemFire OQL](doc/
+ - [Connect to Geode](doc/
+ - [Loading data from Geode](doc/
+ - [RDD Join and Outer Join Geode Region](doc/
+ - [Saving RDD to Geode](doc/
+ - [Saving DStream to Geode](doc/
+ - [Geode OQL](doc/
  - [Using Connector in Java](doc/
  - [About the demos](doc/
- - [Logging](doc/  ???
- - [Security] (doc/ ???
-##Community: Reporting bugs, mailing list, contributing
- (TBD)
 ##License: Apache License 2.0
- (TBD)
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 ## About The Demos
-The Spark GemFire Connector contains basic demos, as samples, in both Scala
+The Spark Geode Connector contains basic demos, as samples, in both Scala
 and Java.
- - Read GemFire region to Spark as a RDD (``)
- - Write Spark pair RDD to GemFire (``)
- - Write Spark non-pair RDD to GemFire (``)
+ - Read Geode region to Spark as a RDD (``)
+ - Write Spark pair RDD to Geode (``)
+ - Write Spark non-pair RDD to Geode (``)
  - Read OQL query result as Spark DataFrame (
  - Network stateful word count (NetworkWordCount.scala)
 ### Requirements
-Running the demo requires a GemFire Cluster. This can be a one 
+Running the demo requires a Geode Cluster. This can be a one 
 node or multi-node cluster.
-Here are the commands that start a two-node GemFire cluster on localhost:
+Here are the commands that start a two-node Geode cluster on localhost:
 First set up environment variables:
 export JAVA_HOME=<path to JAVA installation>
-export GEMFIRE=<path to GemFire installation>
+export GEODE=<path to Geode installation>
 export CONNECTOR=<path to Connector project>
-export PATH=$PATH:$GEMFIRE/bin
+export PATH=$PATH:$GEODE/bin
 export GF_JAVA=$JAVA_HOME/bin/java
 Now run gfsh and execute the commands:
-$ cd <path to test GemFire cluster instance location>
+$ cd <path to test Geode cluster instance location>
 $ mkdir locator server1 server2
 $ gfsh
 gfsh> start locator --name=locator
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ gfsh> create region --name=str_str_region --type=REPLICATE 
 gfsh> create region --name=str_int_region --type=PARTITION 
--key-constraint=java.lang.String --value-constraint=java.lang.Integer
-And deploy GemFire functions required by the Spark GemFire Connector:
+And deploy Geode functions required by the Spark Geode Connector:
 gfsh> deploy --jar=<path to connector 
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ gfsh> deploy --jar=<path to connector 
 This section describes how to run ``, 
 `` and ``:
 cd <spark 1.3 dir>
 bin/spark-submit --master=local[2] --class demo.RDDSaveJavaDemo 
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ bin/spark-submit --master=local[2] --class 
demo.RegionToRDDJavaDemo $CONNECTOR/g
 ### Run stateful network word count
-This demo shows how to save DStream to GemFire. To run the demo, open 3 
+This demo shows how to save DStream to Geode. To run the demo, open 3 
 **Terminal-1**, start net cat server:
@@ -70,13 +70,13 @@ $ nc -lk 9999
 bin/spark-submit --master=local[2] demo.NetworkWordCount 
 localhost 9999 locatorHost:port`
-Switch to Terminal-1, type some words, and hit `enter` or `return` key, then 
check word count at **Terminal-3**, which has `gfsh` connected to the GemFire 
+Switch to Terminal-1, type some words, and hit `enter` or `return` key, then 
check word count at **Terminal-3**, which has `gfsh` connected to the Geode 
 gfsh> query --query="select key, value from /str_int_region.entrySet" 
-### Shutdown GemFire cluster at the end
-Use following command to shutdown the GemFire cluster after playing with
+### Shutdown Geode cluster at the end
+Use following command to shutdown the Geode cluster after playing with
 the demos:
 gfsh> shutdown --include-locators=true
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@@ -27,9 +27,8 @@ sbt test        // unit tests
 sbt it:test     // integration tests  
-Integration tests start up a GemFire cluster and starts up Spark in local mode.
+Integration tests start a Geode cluster and Spark in local mode.
 Please make sure you've done following before you run `sbt it:test`:
  - run`sbt package`
- - set environment variable `GEMFIRE` to point to a GemFire installation.
 Next: [Quick Start](
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 ## 5 Minutes Quick Start Guide
 In this quick start guide, you will learn how to use Spark shell to test Spark
-GemFire Connector functionalities.
+Geode Connector functionalities.
 ### Prerequisites
-Before you start, you should have basic knowledge of GemFire and Apache Spark. 
-Please refer to [GemFire 
+Before you start, you should have basic knowledge of Geode and Spark. 
+Please refer to [Geode Documentation](
 and [Spark Documentation]( for
-the details. If you are new to GemFire, this 
+details. If you are new to Geode, this 
+[Quick Start 
 is a good starting point.
-You need 2 terminals to follow along, one for GemFire `gfsh`, and one for 
Spark shell. Set up Jdk 1.7 on both of them.
+You need 2 terminals to follow along, one for Geode shell `gfsh`, and one for 
Spark shell. Set up Jdk 1.7 on both of them.
-### GemFire `gfsh` terminal
-In this terminal, start GemFire cluster, deploy Connector's gemfire-function 
jar, and create demo regions.
+### Geode `gfsh` terminal
+In this terminal, start Geode cluster, deploy Spark Geode Connector's 
gemfire-function jar, and create demo regions.
 Set up environment variables:
 export JAVA_HOME=<path to JAVA installation>
-export GEMFIRE=<path to GemFire installation>
-export CONNECTOR=<path to Spark GemFire Connector project (parent dir of this 
-export PATH=$PATH:$GEMFIRE/bin
+export GEODE=<path to GEODE installation>
+export CONNECTOR=<path to Spark GEODE Connector project (parent dir of this 
+export PATH=$PATH:$GEODE/bin
 export GF_JAVA=$JAVA_HOME/bin/java
-Start GemFire cluster with 1 locator and 2 servers:
+Start Geode cluster with 1 locator and 2 servers:
 gfsh>start locator --name=locator1 --port=55221
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ gfsh>create region --name=str_str_region --type=PARTITION 
 gfsh>create region --name=int_str_region --type=PARTITION 
--key-constraint=java.lang.Integer --value-constraint=java.lang.String
-Deploy Connector's gemfire-function jar (`gemfire-functions_2.10-0.5.0.jar`):
+Deploy Spark Geode Connector's gemfire-function jar 
 gfsh>deploy --jar=<path to connector 
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ gfsh>deploy --jar=<path to connector 
 ### Spark shell terminal
 In this terminal, setup Spark environment, and start Spark shell.
-Set GemFire locator property in Spark configuration: add 
+Set Geode locator property in Spark configuration: add 
 following to `<spark-dir>/conf/spark-defaults.conf`:
@@ -69,24 +69,24 @@ under the same directory to `` and update 
the file.
 Start spark-shell:
-bin/spark-shell --master local[*] --jars 
+bin/spark-shell --master local[*] --jars 
-Check GemFire locator property in the Spark shell:
+Check Geode locator property in the Spark shell:
 scala> sc.getConf.get("spark.gemfire.locators")
 res0: String = localhost[55221]
-In order to enable GemFire specific functions, you need to import 
+In order to enable Geode specific functions, you need to import 
 scala> import io.pivotal.gemfire.spark.connector._
 import io.pivotal.gemfire.spark.connector._
-### Save Pair RDD to GemFire
-In the Spark shell, create a simple pair RDD and save it to GemFire:
+### Save Pair RDD to Geode
+In the Spark shell, create a simple pair RDD and save it to Geode:
 scala> val data = Array(("1", "one"), ("2", "two"), ("3", "three"))
 data: Array[(String, String)] = Array((1,one), (2,two), (3,three))
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ scala> distData.saveToGemfire("str_str_region")
 15/02/17 07:11:54 INFO DAGScheduler: Job 0 finished: runJob at 
GemFireRDDFunctions.scala:29, took 0.341288 s
-Verify the data is saved in GemFile using `gfsh`:
+Verify the data is saved in Geode using `gfsh`:
 gfsh>query --query="select key,value from /str_str_region.entries"
@@ -116,8 +116,8 @@ key | value
-### Save Non-Pair RDD to GemFire 
-Saving non-pair RDD to GemFire requires an extra function that converts each 
+### Save Non-Pair RDD to Geode 
+Saving non-pair RDD to Geode requires an extra function that converts each 
 element of RDD to a key-value pair. Here's sample session in Spark shell:
 scala> val data2 = Array("a","ab","abc")
@@ -150,7 +150,7 @@ key | value
-### Expose GemFire Region As RDD
+### Expose Geode Region As RDD
 The same API is used to expose both replicated and partitioned region as RDDs. 
 scala> val rdd = sc.gemfireRegion[String, String]("str_str_region")
@@ -173,6 +173,6 @@ Note: use the right type of region key and value, otherwise 
you'll get
-Next: [Connecting to GemFire](
+Next: [Connecting to Geode](
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-## Connecting to GemFire
+## Connecting to Geode
-There are two ways to connect Spark to Gemfire:
- - Specify GemFire connection properties via `SparkConf`.
- - Specify GemFire connection properties via `GemFireConnectionConf`.
+There are two ways to connect Spark to Geode:
+ - Specify Geode connection properties via `SparkConf`.
+ - Specify Geode connection properties via `GemFireConnectionConf`.
-### Specify GemFire connection properties via `SparkConf`
-The only required GemFire connection property is `spark.gemfire.locators`. 
+### Specify Geode connection properties via `SparkConf`
+The only required Geode connection property is `spark.gemfire.locators`. 
 This can be specified in `<spark dir>/conf/spark-defaults.conf` or in Spark 
 application code. In the following examples, we assume you want to provide
 3 extra properties: `security-client-auth-init`, `security-username`, and 
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ val sparkConf = new SparkConf()
 After this, you can use all connector APIs without providing 
-### Specify GemFire connection properties via `GemFireConnectionConf`
+### Specify Geode connection properties via `GemFireConnectionConf`
 Here's the code that creates `GemFireConnectionConf` with the same set of 
 properties as the examples above:
@@ -48,8 +48,8 @@ After this, you can use all connector APIs that require 
 ### Notes about locators
  - You can specify locator in two formats: `host[port]` or `host:port`. For
    example `[10334]` or ``
- - If your GemFire cluster has multiple locators, list them all and separated
+ - If your Geode cluster has multiple locators, list them all and separated
    by `,`. For example: `host1:10334,host2:10334`.
-Next: [Loading Data from GemFire](
+Next: [Loading Data from Geode](
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-## Loading Data from GemFire
+## Loading Data from Geode
-To expose full data set of a GemFire region as a Spark
+To expose full data set of a Geode region as a Spark
 RDD, call `gemfireRegion` method on the SparkContext object.
@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ val rdd = sc.gemfireRegion("region path")
 Or with specific `GemfireConectionConf` object instance (see 
-[Connecting to  Gemfire]( for how to create 
+[Connecting to  Geode]( for how to create 
 val rdd = sc.gemfireRegion("region path", connConf)
-## GemFire RDD Partitions
+## Geode RDD Partitions
-GemFire has two region types: **replicated**, and
+Geode has two region types: **replicated**, and
 **partitioned** region. Replicated region has full dataset on
 each server, while partitioned region has its dataset spanning
 upon multiple servers, and may have duplicates for high 
@@ -28,9 +28,9 @@ represents a replicated region.
 For a `GemFireRegionRDD` that represents a partitioned region, there are 
 many potential  ways to create RDD partitions. So far, we have 
 implemented ServerSplitsPartitioner, which will split the bucket set
-on each GemFire server into two RDD partitions by default.
+on each Geode server into two RDD partitions by default.
 The number of splits is configurable, the following shows how to set 
-three partitions per GemFire server:
+three partitions per Geode server:
 import io.pivotal.gemfire.spark.connector._
@@ -43,17 +43,21 @@ val rdd2 = sc.gemfireRegion[String, Int]("str_int_region", 
connConf, opConf)
-## GemFire Server-Side Filtering
-Server-side filtering allow exposing partial dataset of a GemFire region
-as a RDD, this reduces the amount of data transferred from GemFire to 
+## Geode Server-Side Filtering
+Server-side filtering allow exposing partial dataset of a Geode region
+as a RDD, this reduces the amount of data transferred from Geode to 
 Spark to speed up processing.
 val rdd = sc.gemfireRegion("<region path>").where("<where clause>")
-The above call is translated to OQL query `select key, value from /<region 
path>.entries where <where clause>`, then the query is executed for each RDD 
partition. Note: the RDD partitions are created the same way as described in 
the section above.
+The above call is translated to OQL query `select key, value from /<region 
path>.entries where <where clause>`, then 
+the query is executed for each RDD partition. Note: the RDD partitions are 
created the same way as described in the 
+section above.
-In the following demo, javabean class `Emp` is used, it has 5 attributes: 
`id`, `lname`, `fname`, `age`, and `loc`. In order to make `Emp` class 
available on GemFire servers, we need to deploy a jar file that contains `Emp` 
class, now build the `emp.jar`,  deploy it and create region `emps` in `gfsh`:
+In the following demo, javabean class `Emp` is used, it has 5 attributes: 
`id`, `lname`, `fname`, `age`, and `loc`. 
+In order to make `Emp` class available on Geode servers, we need to deploy a 
jar file that contains `Emp` class, 
+now build the `emp.jar`,  deploy it and create region `emps` in `gfsh`:
   -i "demo/Emp.class" --out $CONNECTOR/emp.jar
@@ -62,9 +66,12 @@ gfsh
 gfsh> deploy --jar=<path to connector project>/emp.jar
 gfsh> create region --name=emps --type=PARTITION 
-Note: The `Emp.class` is availble in `basic-demos_2.10-0.5.0.jar`. But that 
jar file depends on many scala and spark classes that are not available on 
GemFire servers' classpath. So use the above `zip` command to create a jar file 
that only contains `Emp.class`.  
+Note: The `Emp.class` is availble in `basic-demos_2.10-0.5.0.jar`. But that 
jar file depends on many scala and spark 
+classes that are not available on Geode servers' classpath. So use the above 
`zip` command to create a jar file that 
+only contains `Emp.class`.  
-Now in Spark shell, generate some random `Emp` records, and save them to 
region `emps` (remember to add `emp.jar` to Spark shell classpath before 
starting Spark shell):
+Now in Spark shell, generate some random `Emp` records, and save them to 
region `emps` (remember to add `emp.jar` to 
+Spark shell classpath before starting Spark shell):
 import io.pivotal.gemfire.spark.connector._
 import scala.util.Random
@@ -98,4 +105,4 @@ rdd1s.foreach(println)
 (6,Emp(6, Miller, Jerry, 30, NY))
-Next: [RDD Join and Outer Join GemFire Region](
+Next: [RDD Join and Outer Join Geode Region](
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index edc86e8..40b14ae 100644
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-## RDD Join and Outer Join GemFire Region
+## RDD Join and Outer Join Geode Region
-The Spark GemFire Connector suports using any RDD as a source
-of a join and outer join with a GemFire region through APIs
+The Spark Geode Connector suports using any RDD as a source
+of a join and outer join with a Geode region through APIs
 `joinGemfireRegion[K, V]` and `outerJoinGemfireRegion[K, V]`. 
 Those two APIs execute a single `region.getAll` call for every 
 partition of the source RDD, so no unnecessary data will be requested
 or transferred. This means a join or outer join between any RDD and
-a GemFire region can be performed without full region scan, and the
+a Geode region can be performed without full region scan, and the
 source RDD's partitioning and placement for data locality are used.
 Please note that the two type parameters `[K, V]` are the type
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ of key/value pair of region entries, they need to be specified
 to make result RDD has correct type.
 The region `emps` that is created and populated in 
-[GemFire Server-Side Filtering]( will be used in the
+[Geode Server-Side Filtering]( will be used in the
 following examples.
 ### RDD[(K, V1)] join and outer join Region[K, V2]
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ In this case, the source RDD is still a pair RDD,  but it has 
 key type. Use API `rdd.joinGemfireRegion[K2, V2](regionPath, func)` and 
 `rdd.outerJoinGemfireRegion[K2, V2](regionPath, func)` do the join and 
 outer join, where `func` is the function to generate key from (k, v)
-pair, the element of source RDD, to join with GemFire region.
+pair, the element of source RDD, to join with Geode region.
 Prepare a source RDD `d3`:
@@ -169,7 +169,7 @@ rdd3o.foreach(println)
 Use API `rdd.joinGemfireRegion[K, V](regionPath, func)` and 
 `rdd.outerJoinGemfireRegion[K, V](regionPath, func)` do the join
 and outer join, where `func` is the function to generate key from
-`t`, the element of source RDD, to join with GemFire region.
+`t`, the element of source RDD, to join with Geode region.
 Prepare a source RDD `d4`:
@@ -234,4 +234,4 @@ rdd4o.foreach(println)
-Next: [Saving RDD to GemFire](
+Next: [Saving RDD to Geode](
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-## Saving RDD to GemFire
+## Saving RDD to Geode
-It is possible to save any RDD to a GemFire region. The requirements are:
+It is possible to save any RDD to a Geode region. The requirements are:
  - the object class of the elements contained by the RDD is 
-   (1) available on the classpath of GemFire servers 
+   (1) available on the classpath of Geode servers 
    (2) and serializable.
  - the target region exists.
-To save an RDD to an existing GemFire region, import 
+To save an RDD to an existing Geode region, import 
 `io.pivotal.gemfire.spark.connector._` and call the `saveToGemfire` 
 method on RDD.
-### Save RDD[(K, V)] to GemFire
+### Save RDD[(K, V)] to Geode
 For pair RDD, i.e., RDD[(K, V)], the pair is treated as key/value pair.
 val data = Array(("1","one"),("2","two"),("3","three"))
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ rdd.saveToGemfire("str_str_region")
 If you create GemFireConnectionConf as described in 
-[Connecting to Gemfire](, the last statement becomes:
+[Connecting to Geode](, the last statement becomes:
 rdd.saveToGemFire("str_str_region", connConf)
@@ -40,14 +40,14 @@ key | value
 2   | two
-Note that GemFire regions require unique keys, so if the pair RDD 
+Note that Geode regions require unique keys, so if the pair RDD 
 contains duplicated keys, those pairs with the same key are overwriting
 each other, and only one of them appears in the final dataset.
-### Save RDD[T] to GemFire
-To save non-pair RDD to GemFire, a function (`f: T => K`) that creates keys
+### Save RDD[T] to Geode
+To save non-pair RDD to Geode, a function (`f: T => K`) that creates keys
 from elements of RDD, and is used to convert RDD element `T` to pair `(f(T), 
-then the pair is save to GemFire.
+then the pair is save to Geode.
 val data2 = Array("a","ab","abc")
@@ -58,4 +58,4 @@ rdd2.saveToGemfire("str_int_region", e => (e, e.length))
-Next: [Saving DStream to GemFire](
+Next: [Saving DStream to Geode](
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-## Saving DStream to GemFire
+## Saving DStream to Geode
 Spark Streaming extends the core API to allow high-throughput, fault-tolerant
 stream processing of live data streams.  Data can be ingested from many 
 sources such as Akka, Kafka, Flume, Twitter, ZeroMQ, TCP sockets, etc. 
-Results can be stored in GemFire.
+Results can be stored in Geode.
 ### A Simple Spark Streaming App: Stateful Network Word Count
@@ -46,8 +46,8 @@ ssc.start()
 ssc.awaitTermination() // Wait for the computation to terminate
-#### Spark Streaming With GemFire
-Now let's save the running word count to GemFire region `str_int_region`, 
+#### Spark Streaming With Geode
+Now let's save the running word count to Geode region `str_int_region`, which 
 simply replace print() with saveToGemfire():
@@ -65,4 +65,4 @@ See [Spark Streaming Programming Guide]
 more details about Sarpk streaming programming.
-Next: [GemFire OQL](
+Next: [Geode OQL](
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-## GemFire OQL Query
-Spark GemFire Connector lets us run GemFire OQL queries in Spark applications
-to retrieve data from GemFire. The query result is a Spark DataFrame. Note 
-that as of Spark 1.3, SchemaRDD is deprecated. Spark GemFire Connector does
+## Geode OQL Query
+Spark Geode Connector lets us run Geode OQL queries in Spark applications
+to retrieve data from Geode. The query result is a Spark DataFrame. Note 
+that as of Spark 1.3, SchemaRDD is deprecated. Spark Geode Connector does
 not support SchemaRDD.
 An instance of `SQLContext` is required to run OQL query.
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ val SQLResult = sqlContext.sql("SELECT * FROM customer WHERE 
id > 100")
 If the OQL query involves User Defined Type (UDT), and the default Java 
-serializer is used, then the UDT on GemFire must implement 
+serializer is used, then the UDT on Geode must implement 
 If KryoSerializer is preferred, as described in [Spark Documentation]
 (, you can configure 
@@ -50,9 +50,7 @@ Use the following options to start Spark shell:
 ## References
-[GemFire OQL 
-[GemFire OQL 
+[Geode OQL 
 [Spark SQL 
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@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
 ## Using Connector in Java
-This section describes how to access the functionality of Spark GemFire 
+This section describes how to access the functionality of Spark Geode 
 Connector when you write your Spark applications in Java. It is assumed
 that you already familiarized yourself with the previous sections and 
-understand how the Spark GemFire Connector works.
+understand how the Spark Geode Connector works.
 ### Prerequisites
-The best way to use the Spark GemFire Connector Java API is to statically
+The best way to use the Spark Geode Connector Java API is to statically
 import all of the methods in `GemFireJavaUtil`. This utility class is
-the main entry point for Spark GemFire Connector Java API.
+the main entry point for Spark Geode Connector Java API.
 import static io.pivotal.gemfire.spark.connector.javaapi.GemFireJavaUtil.*;
@@ -19,8 +19,8 @@ conf.set(GemFireLocatorPropKey, "[10334]")
 JavaSparkContext jsc = new JavaSparkContext(conf);
-### Accessing GemFire region in Java
-GemFire region is exposed as `GemFireJavaRegionRDD<K,V>`(subclass of
+### Accessing Geode region in Java
+Geode region is exposed as `GemFireJavaRegionRDD<K,V>`(subclass of
 `JavaPairRDD<K, V>`):
 GemFireJavaRegionRDD<Int, Emp> rdd1 = javaFunctions(jsc).gemfireRegion("emps")
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ JavaPairRDD<Tuple2<String, Integer>, Option<Emp>> rdd3o =
-### Saving JavaPairRDD to GemFire
+### Saving JavaPairRDD to Geode
 Saving JavaPairRDD is straightforward:
 List<Tuple2<String, String>> data = new ArrayList<>();
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ data.add(new Tuple2<>("9", "nine"));
 // create JavaPairRDD
 JavaPairRDD<String, String> rdd1 = jsc.parallelizePairs(data);
-// save to GemFire
+// save to Geode
@@ -70,11 +70,11 @@ data2.add(new Tuple2<>("13", "thirteen"));
 // create JavaRDD<Tuple2<K,V>>
 JavaRDD<Tuple2<String, String>> rdd2 =  jsc.parallelize(data2);
-// save to GemFire
+// save to Geode
-### Saving JavaRDD to GemFire
+### Saving JavaRDD to Geode
 Similar to Scala version, a function is required to generate key/value pair
 from RDD element. The following `PairFunction` generate a `<String, Integer>`
 pair from `<String>`:
@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ JavaDStream<String> ds2 = ...
 javaFunctions(ds2).saveToGemFire("str_int_region", pairFunc);
-### Using GemFire OQL
+### Using Geode OQL
 There are two gemfireOQL Java APIs, with and without GemFireConnectionConf.
 Here is an example without GemFireConnectionConf, it will use default 

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