Repository: incubator-geode
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/wan_cq_donation [created] 6df752411
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..196d631
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,691 @@
+ * Copyright (c) 2010-2014 Pivotal Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
+ * This product is protected by U.S. and international copyright
+ * and intellectual property laws. Pivotal products are covered by
+ * one or more patents listed at
+ *=========================================================================
+ */
+package com.gemstone.gemfire.internal.cache.wan.wancommand;
+import hydra.Log;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Properties;
+import com.gemstone.gemfire.cache.wan.GatewayReceiver;
+import com.gemstone.gemfire.distributed.DistributedMember;
+import com.gemstone.gemfire.distributed.internal.DistributionConfig;
+import dunit.Host;
+import dunit.VM;
+ * DUnit tests for 'create gateway-receiver' command.
+ */
+public class WanCommandCreateGatewayReceiverDUnitTest extends
+    WANCommandTestBase {
+  private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
+  public WanCommandCreateGatewayReceiverDUnitTest(String name) {
+    super(name);
+  }
+  public void setUp() throws Exception {
+    super.setUp();
+  }
+  /**
+   * GatewayReceiver with all default attributes
+   */
+  public void testCreateGatewayReceiverWithDefault() {
+    VM puneLocator = Host.getLocator();
+    int punePort = (Integer)puneLocator.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "getLocatorPort");
+    Properties props = new Properties();
+    props.setProperty(DistributionConfig.MCAST_PORT_NAME, "0");
+    props.setProperty(DistributionConfig.LOCATORS_NAME, "localhost[" + punePort
+        + "]");
+    createDefaultSetup(props);
+    Integer nyPort = (Integer)vm2.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "createFirstRemoteLocator", new Object[] { 2, punePort });
+    vm3.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class, "createCache",
+        new Object[] { punePort });
+    vm4.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class, "createCache",
+        new Object[] { punePort });
+    vm5.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class, "createCache",
+        new Object[] { punePort });
+    String command = CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER;
+    CommandResult cmdResult = executeCommand(command);
+    if (cmdResult != null) {
+      String strCmdResult = commandResultToString(cmdResult);
+      Log.getLogWriter().info(
+          "testCreateGatewayReceiver stringResult : " + strCmdResult + ">>>>");
+      assertEquals(Result.Status.OK, cmdResult.getStatus());
+      TabularResultData resultData = (TabularResultData)cmdResult
+          .getResultData();
+      List<String> status = resultData.retrieveAllValues("Status");
+      assertEquals(4, status.size());//expected size 4 includes the manager 
+      // verify there is no error in the status
+      for (int i = 0; i < status.size(); i++) {
+        assertTrue("GatewayReceiver creation failed with: " + status.get(i),
+            status.get(i).indexOf("ERROR:") == -1);
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      fail("testCreateGatewayReceiver failed as did not get CommandResult");
+    }
+    vm3.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "verifyReceiverCreationWithAttributes", new Object[] { 
+            GatewayReceiver.DEFAULT_START_PORT,
+            GatewayReceiver.DEFAULT_END_PORT,
+            GatewayReceiver.DEFAULT_BIND_ADDRESS,
+            GatewayReceiver.DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_TIME_BETWEEN_PINGS,
+            GatewayReceiver.DEFAULT_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE, null });
+    vm4.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "verifyReceiverCreationWithAttributes", new Object[] { 
+            GatewayReceiver.DEFAULT_START_PORT,
+            GatewayReceiver.DEFAULT_END_PORT,
+            GatewayReceiver.DEFAULT_BIND_ADDRESS,
+            GatewayReceiver.DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_TIME_BETWEEN_PINGS,
+            GatewayReceiver.DEFAULT_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE, null });
+    vm5.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "verifyReceiverCreationWithAttributes", new Object[] { 
+            GatewayReceiver.DEFAULT_START_PORT,
+            GatewayReceiver.DEFAULT_END_PORT,
+            GatewayReceiver.DEFAULT_BIND_ADDRESS,
+            GatewayReceiver.DEFAULT_MAXIMUM_TIME_BETWEEN_PINGS,
+            GatewayReceiver.DEFAULT_SOCKET_BUFFER_SIZE, null });
+  }
+  /**
+   * GatewayReceiver with given attributes
+   */
+  public void testCreateGatewayReceiver() {
+    VM puneLocator = Host.getLocator();
+    int punePort = (Integer)puneLocator.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "getLocatorPort");
+    Properties props = new Properties();
+    props.setProperty(DistributionConfig.MCAST_PORT_NAME, "0");
+    props.setProperty(DistributionConfig.LOCATORS_NAME, "localhost[" + punePort
+        + "]");
+    createDefaultSetup(props);
+    Integer nyPort = (Integer)vm2.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "createFirstRemoteLocator", new Object[] { 2, punePort });
+    vm3.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class, "createCache",
+        new Object[] { punePort });
+    vm4.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class, "createCache",
+        new Object[] { punePort });
+    vm5.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class, "createCache",
+        new Object[] { punePort });
+    String command = CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER 
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__MANUALSTART+ "=true"
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__BINDADDRESS + "=localhost"
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__STARTPORT + "=10000"
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__ENDPORT + "=11000"
+    CommandResult cmdResult = executeCommand(command);
+    if (cmdResult != null) {
+      String strCmdResult = commandResultToString(cmdResult);
+      Log.getLogWriter().info(
+          "testCreateGatewayReceiver stringResult : " + strCmdResult + ">>>>");
+      assertEquals(Result.Status.OK, cmdResult.getStatus());
+      TabularResultData resultData = (TabularResultData)cmdResult
+          .getResultData();
+      List<String> status = resultData.retrieveAllValues("Status");
+      assertEquals(4, status.size());//expected size 4 includes the manager 
+      // verify there is no error in the status
+      for (int i = 0; i < status.size(); i++) {
+        assertTrue("GatewayReceiver creation failed with: " + status.get(i),
+            status.get(i).indexOf("ERROR:") == -1);
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      fail("testCreateGatewayReceiver failed as did not get CommandResult");
+    }
+    vm3.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "verifyReceiverCreationWithAttributes", new Object[] { false, 10000,
+            11000, "localhost", 100000, 512000, null });
+    vm4.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "verifyReceiverCreationWithAttributes", new Object[] { false, 10000,
+            11000, "localhost", 100000, 512000, null });
+    vm5.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "verifyReceiverCreationWithAttributes", new Object[] { false, 10000,
+            11000, "localhost", 100000, 512000, null });
+  }
+  /**
+   * GatewayReceiver with given attributes and a single GatewayTransportFilter.
+   */
+  public void testCreateGatewayReceiverWithGatewayTransportFilter() {
+    VM puneLocator = Host.getLocator();
+    int punePort = (Integer)puneLocator.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "getLocatorPort");
+    Properties props = new Properties();
+    props.setProperty(DistributionConfig.MCAST_PORT_NAME, "0");
+    props.setProperty(DistributionConfig.LOCATORS_NAME, "localhost[" + punePort
+        + "]");
+    createDefaultSetup(props);
+    Integer nyPort = (Integer)vm2.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "createFirstRemoteLocator", new Object[] { 2, punePort });
+    vm3.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class, "createCache",
+        new Object[] { punePort });
+    vm4.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class, "createCache",
+        new Object[] { punePort });
+    vm5.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class, "createCache",
+        new Object[] { punePort });
+    String command = CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER 
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__MANUALSTART+ "=false"
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__BINDADDRESS + "=localhost"
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__STARTPORT + "=10000"
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__ENDPORT + "=11000"
+    CommandResult cmdResult = executeCommand(command);
+    if (cmdResult != null) {
+      String strCmdResult = commandResultToString(cmdResult);
+      Log.getLogWriter().info(
+          "testCreateGatewayReceiver stringResult : " + strCmdResult + ">>>>");
+      assertEquals(Result.Status.OK, cmdResult.getStatus());
+      TabularResultData resultData = (TabularResultData)cmdResult
+          .getResultData();
+      List<String> status = resultData.retrieveAllValues("Status");
+      assertEquals(4, status.size());//expected size 4 includes the manager 
+      // verify there is no error in the status
+      for (int i = 0; i < status.size(); i++) {
+        assertTrue("GatewayReceiver creation failed with: " + status.get(i),
+            status.get(i).indexOf("ERROR:") == -1);
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      fail("testCreateGatewayReceiver failed as did not get CommandResult");
+    }
+    List<String> transportFilters = new ArrayList<String>();
+    vm3.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "verifyReceiverCreationWithAttributes", new Object[] { true, 10000,
+            11000, "localhost", 100000, 512000, transportFilters });
+    vm4.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "verifyReceiverCreationWithAttributes", new Object[] { true, 10000,
+            11000, "localhost", 100000, 512000, transportFilters });
+    vm5.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "verifyReceiverCreationWithAttributes", new Object[] { true, 10000,
+            11000, "localhost", 100000, 512000, transportFilters });
+  }
+  /**
+   * GatewayReceiver with given attributes and multiple 
+   */
+  public void testCreateGatewayReceiverWithMultipleGatewayTransportFilters() {
+    VM puneLocator = Host.getLocator();
+    int punePort = (Integer)puneLocator.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "getLocatorPort");
+    Properties props = new Properties();
+    props.setProperty(DistributionConfig.MCAST_PORT_NAME, "0");
+    props.setProperty(DistributionConfig.LOCATORS_NAME, "localhost[" + punePort
+        + "]");
+    createDefaultSetup(props);
+    Integer nyPort = (Integer)vm2.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "createFirstRemoteLocator", new Object[] { 2, punePort });
+    vm3.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class, "createCache",
+        new Object[] { punePort });
+    vm4.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class, "createCache",
+        new Object[] { punePort });
+    vm5.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class, "createCache",
+        new Object[] { punePort });
+    String command = CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER + " --"
+        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__BINDADDRESS + "=localhost" + " --"
+        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__STARTPORT + "=10000" + " --"
+        + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__ENDPORT + "=11000" + " --"
+        + "=512000" + " --"
+        + 
+    CommandResult cmdResult = executeCommand(command);
+    if (cmdResult != null) {
+      String strCmdResult = commandResultToString(cmdResult);
+      Log.getLogWriter().info(
+          "testCreateGatewayReceiver stringResult : " + strCmdResult + ">>>>");
+      assertEquals(Result.Status.OK, cmdResult.getStatus());
+      TabularResultData resultData = (TabularResultData)cmdResult
+          .getResultData();
+      List<String> status = resultData.retrieveAllValues("Status");
+      assertEquals(4, status.size());//expected size 4 includes the manager 
+      // verify there is no error in the status
+      for (int i = 0; i < status.size(); i++) {
+        assertTrue("GatewayReceiver creation failed with: " + status.get(i),
+            status.get(i).indexOf("ERROR:") == -1);
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      fail("testCreateGatewayReceiver failed as did not get CommandResult");
+    }
+    List<String> transportFilters = new ArrayList<String>();
+    vm3.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "verifyReceiverCreationWithAttributes", new Object[] { 
!GatewayReceiver.DEFAULT_MANUAL_START, 10000,
+            11000, "localhost", 100000, 512000, transportFilters });
+    vm4.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "verifyReceiverCreationWithAttributes", new Object[] { 
!GatewayReceiver.DEFAULT_MANUAL_START, 10000,
+            11000, "localhost", 100000, 512000, transportFilters });
+    vm5.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "verifyReceiverCreationWithAttributes", new Object[] { 
!GatewayReceiver.DEFAULT_MANUAL_START, 10000,
+            11000, "localhost", 100000, 512000, transportFilters });
+  }
+  /**
+   * GatewayReceiver with given attributes.
+   * Error scenario where startPort is greater than endPort.
+   */
+  public void testCreateGatewayReceiver_Error() {
+    VM puneLocator = Host.getLocator();
+    int punePort = (Integer)puneLocator.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "getLocatorPort");
+    Properties props = new Properties();
+    props.setProperty(DistributionConfig.MCAST_PORT_NAME, "0");
+    props.setProperty(DistributionConfig.LOCATORS_NAME, "localhost[" + punePort
+        + "]");
+    createDefaultSetup(props);
+    Integer nyPort = (Integer)vm2.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "createFirstRemoteLocator", new Object[] { 2, punePort });
+    vm3.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class, "createCache",
+        new Object[] { punePort });
+    vm4.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class, "createCache",
+        new Object[] { punePort });
+    vm5.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class, "createCache",
+        new Object[] { punePort });
+    String command = CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER 
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__BINDADDRESS + "=localhost"
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__STARTPORT + "=11000"
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__ENDPORT + "=10000"
+    CommandResult cmdResult = executeCommand(command);
+    if (cmdResult != null) {
+      String strCmdResult = commandResultToString(cmdResult);
+      Log.getLogWriter().info(
+          "testCreateGatewayReceiver stringResult : " + strCmdResult + ">>>>");
+      assertEquals(Result.Status.OK, cmdResult.getStatus());
+      TabularResultData resultData = (TabularResultData) cmdResult
+          .getResultData();
+      List<String> status = resultData.retrieveAllValues("Status");
+      assertEquals(4, status.size());// expected size 4 includes the manager
+                                     // node
+      // verify there is no error in the status
+      for (int i = 0; i < status.size(); i++) {
+        assertTrue("GatewayReceiver creation should have failed", status.get(i)
+            .indexOf("ERROR:") != -1);
+      }
+    } else {
+      fail("testCreateGatewayReceiver failed as did not get CommandResult");
+    }
+  }
+  /**
+   * GatewayReceiver with given attributes on the given member.
+   */
+  public void testCreateGatewayReceiver_onMember() {
+    VM puneLocator = Host.getLocator();
+    int punePort = (Integer)puneLocator.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "getLocatorPort");
+    Properties props = new Properties();
+    props.setProperty(DistributionConfig.MCAST_PORT_NAME, "0");
+    props.setProperty(DistributionConfig.LOCATORS_NAME, "localhost[" + punePort
+        + "]");
+    createDefaultSetup(props);
+    Integer nyPort = (Integer)vm2.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "createFirstRemoteLocator", new Object[] { 2, punePort });
+    vm3.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class, "createCache",
+        new Object[] { punePort });
+    vm4.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class, "createCache",
+        new Object[] { punePort });
+    vm5.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class, "createCache",
+        new Object[] { punePort });
+    final DistributedMember vm3Member = (DistributedMember) vm3.invoke(
+        WANCommandTestBase.class, "getMember");
+    String command = CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER 
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__MANUALSTART + "=true"
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__BINDADDRESS + "=localhost"
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__STARTPORT + "=10000"
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__ENDPORT + "=11000"
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__MEMBER + "=" + 
+    CommandResult cmdResult = executeCommand(command);
+    if (cmdResult != null) {
+      String strCmdResult = commandResultToString(cmdResult);
+      Log.getLogWriter().info(
+          "testCreateGatewayReceiver stringResult : " + strCmdResult + ">>>>");
+      assertEquals(Result.Status.OK, cmdResult.getStatus());
+      TabularResultData resultData = (TabularResultData)cmdResult
+          .getResultData();
+      List<String> status = resultData.retrieveAllValues("Status");
+      assertEquals(1, status.size());
+      // verify there is no error in the status
+      for (int i = 0; i < status.size(); i++) {
+        assertTrue("GatewayReceiver creation failed with: " + status.get(i),
+            status.get(i).indexOf("ERROR:") == -1);
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      fail("testCreateGatewayReceiver failed as did not get CommandResult");
+    }
+    vm3.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "verifyReceiverCreationWithAttributes", new Object[] { false, 10000,
+            11000, "localhost", 100000, 512000, null });
+  }
+  /**
+   * GatewayReceiver with given attributes on multiple members.
+   */
+  public void testCreateGatewayReceiver_onMultipleMembers() {
+    VM puneLocator = Host.getLocator();
+    int punePort = (Integer)puneLocator.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "getLocatorPort");
+    Properties props = new Properties();
+    props.setProperty(DistributionConfig.MCAST_PORT_NAME, "0");
+    props.setProperty(DistributionConfig.LOCATORS_NAME, "localhost[" + punePort
+        + "]");
+    createDefaultSetup(props);
+    Integer nyPort = (Integer)vm2.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "createFirstRemoteLocator", new Object[] { 2, punePort });
+    vm3.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class, "createCache",
+        new Object[] { punePort });
+    vm4.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class, "createCache",
+        new Object[] { punePort });
+    vm5.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class, "createCache",
+        new Object[] { punePort });
+    final DistributedMember vm3Member = (DistributedMember) vm3.invoke(
+        WANCommandTestBase.class, "getMember");
+    final DistributedMember vm4Member = (DistributedMember) vm4.invoke(
+        WANCommandTestBase.class, "getMember");
+    String command = CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER 
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__MANUALSTART + "=true"
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__BINDADDRESS + "=localhost"
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__STARTPORT + "=10000"
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__ENDPORT + "=11000"
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__MEMBER + "=" + 
vm3Member.getId() + "," + vm4Member.getId();
+    CommandResult cmdResult = executeCommand(command);
+    if (cmdResult != null) {
+      String strCmdResult = commandResultToString(cmdResult);
+      Log.getLogWriter().info(
+          "testCreateGatewayReceiver stringResult : " + strCmdResult + ">>>>");
+      assertEquals(Result.Status.OK, cmdResult.getStatus());
+      TabularResultData resultData = (TabularResultData)cmdResult
+          .getResultData();
+      List<String> status = resultData.retrieveAllValues("Status");
+      assertEquals(2, status.size());
+      // verify there is no error in the status
+      for (int i = 0; i < status.size(); i++) {
+        assertTrue("GatewayReceiver creation failed with: " + status.get(i),
+            status.get(i).indexOf("ERROR:") == -1);
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      fail("testCreateGatewayReceiver failed as did not get CommandResult");
+    }
+    vm3.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "verifyReceiverCreationWithAttributes", new Object[] { false, 10000,
+            11000, "localhost", 100000, 512000, null });
+    vm4.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "verifyReceiverCreationWithAttributes", new Object[] { false, 10000,
+            11000, "localhost", 100000, 512000, null });
+  }
+  /**
+   * GatewayReceiver with given attributes on the given group.
+   */
+  public void testCreateGatewayReceiver_onGroup() {
+    VM puneLocator = Host.getLocator();
+    int punePort = (Integer)puneLocator.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "getLocatorPort");
+    Properties props = new Properties();
+    props.setProperty(DistributionConfig.MCAST_PORT_NAME, "0");
+    props.setProperty(DistributionConfig.LOCATORS_NAME, "localhost[" + punePort
+        + "]");
+    createDefaultSetup(props);
+    Integer nyPort = (Integer)vm2.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "createFirstRemoteLocator", new Object[] { 2, punePort });
+    vm3.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class, "createCacheWithGroups",
+        new Object[] { punePort, "receiverGroup1" });
+    vm4.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class, "createCacheWithGroups",
+        new Object[] { punePort, "receiverGroup1" });
+    vm5.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class, "createCacheWithGroups",
+        new Object[] { punePort, "receiverGroup1" });
+    String command = CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER 
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__MANUALSTART + "=true"
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__BINDADDRESS + "=localhost"
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__STARTPORT + "=10000"
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__ENDPORT + "=11000"
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__GROUP + "=receiverGroup1";
+    CommandResult cmdResult = executeCommand(command);
+    if (cmdResult != null) {
+      String strCmdResult = commandResultToString(cmdResult);
+      Log.getLogWriter().info(
+          "testCreateGatewayReceiver stringResult : " + strCmdResult + ">>>>");
+      assertEquals(Result.Status.OK, cmdResult.getStatus());
+      TabularResultData resultData = (TabularResultData)cmdResult
+          .getResultData();
+      List<String> status = resultData.retrieveAllValues("Status");
+      assertEquals(3, status.size());//
+      // verify there is no error in the status
+      for (int i = 0; i < status.size(); i++) {
+        assertTrue("GatewayReceiver creation failed with: " + status.get(i),
+            status.get(i).indexOf("ERROR:") == -1);
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      fail("testCreateGatewayReceiver failed as did not get CommandResult");
+    }
+    vm3.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "verifyReceiverCreationWithAttributes", new Object[] { false, 10000,
+            11000, "localhost", 100000, 512000, null });
+    vm4.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "verifyReceiverCreationWithAttributes", new Object[] { false, 10000,
+            11000, "localhost", 100000, 512000, null });
+    vm5.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "verifyReceiverCreationWithAttributes", new Object[] { false, 10000,
+            11000, "localhost", 100000, 512000, null });
+  }
+  /**
+   * GatewayReceiver with given attributes on the given group.
+   * Only 2 of 3 members are part of the group.
+   */
+  public void testCreateGatewayReceiver_onGroup_Scenario2() {
+    VM puneLocator = Host.getLocator();
+    int punePort = (Integer)puneLocator.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "getLocatorPort");
+    Properties props = new Properties();
+    props.setProperty(DistributionConfig.MCAST_PORT_NAME, "0");
+    props.setProperty(DistributionConfig.LOCATORS_NAME, "localhost[" + punePort
+        + "]");
+    createDefaultSetup(props);
+    Integer nyPort = (Integer)vm2.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "createFirstRemoteLocator", new Object[] { 2, punePort });
+    vm3.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class, "createCacheWithGroups",
+        new Object[] { punePort, "receiverGroup1" });
+    vm4.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class, "createCacheWithGroups",
+        new Object[] { punePort, "receiverGroup1" });
+    vm5.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class, "createCacheWithGroups",
+        new Object[] { punePort, "receiverGroup2" });
+    String command = CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER 
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__MANUALSTART + "=true"
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__BINDADDRESS + "=localhost"
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__STARTPORT + "=10000"
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__ENDPORT + "=11000"
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__GROUP + "=receiverGroup1";
+    CommandResult cmdResult = executeCommand(command);
+    if (cmdResult != null) {
+      String strCmdResult = commandResultToString(cmdResult);
+      Log.getLogWriter().info(
+          "testCreateGatewayReceiver stringResult : " + strCmdResult + ">>>>");
+      assertEquals(Result.Status.OK, cmdResult.getStatus());
+      TabularResultData resultData = (TabularResultData)cmdResult
+          .getResultData();
+      List<String> status = resultData.retrieveAllValues("Status");
+      assertEquals(2, status.size());//
+      // verify there is no error in the status
+      for (int i = 0; i < status.size(); i++) {
+        assertTrue("GatewayReceiver creation failed with: " + status.get(i),
+            status.get(i).indexOf("ERROR:") == -1);
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      fail("testCreateGatewayReceiver failed as did not get CommandResult");
+    }
+    vm3.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "verifyReceiverCreationWithAttributes", new Object[] { false, 10000,
+            11000, "localhost", 100000, 512000, null });
+    vm4.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "verifyReceiverCreationWithAttributes", new Object[] { false, 10000,
+            11000, "localhost", 100000, 512000, null });
+  }
+  /**
+   * GatewayReceiver with given attributes on multiple groups.
+   */
+  public void testCreateGatewayReceiver_onMultipleGroups() {
+    VM puneLocator = Host.getLocator();
+    int punePort = (Integer)puneLocator.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "getLocatorPort");
+    Properties props = new Properties();
+    props.setProperty(DistributionConfig.MCAST_PORT_NAME, "0");
+    props.setProperty(DistributionConfig.LOCATORS_NAME, "localhost[" + punePort
+        + "]");
+    createDefaultSetup(props);
+    Integer nyPort = (Integer)vm2.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "createFirstRemoteLocator", new Object[] { 2, punePort });
+    vm3.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class, "createCacheWithGroups",
+        new Object[] { punePort, "receiverGroup1" });
+    vm4.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class, "createCacheWithGroups",
+        new Object[] { punePort, "receiverGroup1" });
+    vm5.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class, "createCacheWithGroups",
+        new Object[] { punePort, "receiverGroup2" });
+    String command = CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER 
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__MANUALSTART + "=true"
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__BINDADDRESS + "=localhost"
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__STARTPORT + "=10000"
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__ENDPORT + "=11000"
+        + " --" + CliStrings.CREATE_GATEWAYRECEIVER__GROUP + 
+    CommandResult cmdResult = executeCommand(command);
+    if (cmdResult != null) {
+      String strCmdResult = commandResultToString(cmdResult);
+      Log.getLogWriter().info(
+          "testCreateGatewayReceiver stringResult : " + strCmdResult + ">>>>");
+      assertEquals(Result.Status.OK, cmdResult.getStatus());
+      TabularResultData resultData = (TabularResultData)cmdResult
+          .getResultData();
+      List<String> status = resultData.retrieveAllValues("Status");
+      assertEquals(3, status.size());//
+      // verify there is no error in the status
+      for (int i = 0; i < status.size(); i++) {
+        assertTrue("GatewayReceiver creation failed with: " + status.get(i),
+            status.get(i).indexOf("ERROR:") == -1);
+      }
+    }
+    else {
+      fail("testCreateGatewayReceiver failed as did not get CommandResult");
+    }
+    vm3.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "verifyReceiverCreationWithAttributes", new Object[] { false, 10000,
+            11000, "localhost", 100000, 512000, null });
+    vm4.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "verifyReceiverCreationWithAttributes", new Object[] { false, 10000,
+            11000, "localhost", 100000, 512000, null });
+    vm5.invoke(WANCommandTestBase.class,
+        "verifyReceiverCreationWithAttributes", new Object[] { false, 10000,
+            11000, "localhost", 100000, 512000, null });
+  }

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