Author: alfonsonishikawa
Date: Wed Sep  4 20:31:31 2019
New Revision: 1866419

Added gora-pig main documentation.


Added: gora/site/trunk/content/current/
--- gora/site/trunk/content/current/ (added)
+++ gora/site/trunk/content/current/ Wed Sep  4 20:31:31 2019
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+Notice:    Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+           distributed with this work for additional information
+           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+           .
+           .
+           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+           specific language governing permissions and limitations
+           under the License.
+This is the main documentation for the gora-pig module. gora-pig module 
enables loading/storing data through Apache Gora in Pig Scripts.
+Apache Gora is an Object Datastore Mapper which has its own data model. At the 
same time, Apache Pig has its own data model too. Because of this, it is needed 
an adaptation between both data models.
+The objective of this document is to describe the approach taken to implement 
a Pig adapter for Gora.
+Warning: Not all Gora modules are adapted to be used under Pig, since they 
have to implement loading the mapping defined from gora properties with the key 
"gora.mapping". At this moment are adapted **gora-hbase** and **gora-kudu**.
+###Data models
+Gora's data entities are generated from Apache Avro schemas, and inherits the 
same datatypes defined in Avro. Pig has its own data model.
+The following tables shows the different types and a possible conversions 
between Gora and Pig types.
+####Primitive/Simple types
+|Gora  |Pig|
+|null| null|
+|int (32-bit)|int (32-bit)|
+|long (64-bit)|long (64-bit)|
+|float (32-bit)|float (32-bit)|
+|double (64-bit)|double (64-bit)|
+|bytes (8-bit)|bytearray|
+|string (unicode)|chararray (string UTF-8)|
+#### Comples types
+|Gora  |Pig|
+|map<String, 'b>|map<chararray, 'b>|
+|union|[the non-null type]|
+Since `datetime`, `biginteger` and `bigdecimal` aren't handled by Apache Gora, 
it isn't possible to persist those types.
+For unions, only nullable fields (`union:[null, type]`) are handled. Fixed 
type is not handled.
+Notice that Gora's records are converted into Pig's tuples, and arrays into 
bags (index matters). When persisting, those types are the expected when 
checking the schemas.
+##Reading from datastores
+The storage GoraStorage is the responsible for loading and persisting 
entities. The simplest syntax to load data is the following:
+        register gora/*.jar;
+        webpage = LOAD '.' USING org.apache.gora.pig.GoraStorage('{
+          "persistentClass": "admin.WebPage",
+          "fields": "baseUrl,status,content"
+        }') ;
+It loads the fields `baseUrl`, `status` and `content` **(must not have 
spaces!)** for the entity `WebPage`.
+The files ``, `gora-xxx-mapping.xml` and support files are 
provided through the classpath to Pig client. They must be included inside one 
of the registered `*.jar` files.
+The complete `LOAD` options allows to configure the options for each storage 
and avoid using the global configuration files when multiple different stores 
are used:
+        webpage = LOAD '.' USING org.apache.gora.pig.GoraStorage('{
+          "persistentClass": "admin.WebPage",
+          "keyClass": "java.lang.String",
+          "fields": "*",
+          "goraProperties": "",
+          "mapping": "",
+          "configuration": {}
+        }') ;
+###Full options for LOAD
+The configuration options are the following:
+  - **persistentClass** (mandatory): The full name of the persistent class 
including the namespace.
+  - **keyClass**: The full name of the key class. **By now only 
`java.lang.String` is supported**.
+  - **fields** (mandatory): Comma-separated list of field names (without 
spaces!) or '*' to load all fields.
+  - **goraProperties**: String with configuration. Each line 
must be separated by \\n.
+  - **mapping**: XML mapping for the entities loaded. Each line must be 
separated by \\n and escaped quotes as \\"
+  - **configuration**: object with a map from keys to values that will be 
added to the configuration.
+In JSON Strings, line feeds must be escaped as \\n.
+An example of Gora properties value is:
+An example of mapping is:
+        "<?xml version=\\"1.0\\" encoding=\\"UTF-8\\"?>\\n<gora-odm>\\n<table 
name=\\"webpage\\">\\n<family name=\\"f\\" 
maxVersions=\\"1\\"/>\\n</table>\\n<class table=\\"webpage\\" 
keyClass=\\"java.lang.String\\" name=\\"admin.WebPage\\">\\n<field 
name=\\"baseUrl\\" family=\\"f\\" qualifier=\\"bas\\"/>\\n<field 
name=\\"status\\" family=\\"f\\" qualifier=\\"st\\"/>\\n<field 
name=\\"content\\" family=\\"f\\" 
+The configuration options is a JSON object with string key-values like this:
+        {
+          "hbase.zookeeper.quorum": "hdp4,hdp1,hdp3",
+          "zookeeper.znode.parent": "/hbase-unsecure"
+        }
+##Writing to datastores
+To write a Pig relation to a datastore, the command is:
+        STORE webpages INTO '.' USING org.apache.gora.pig.GoraStorage('{
+          "persistentClass": "",
+          "fields": "",
+          "goraProperties": "",
+          "mapping": "",
+          "configuration": {}
+        }') ;
+All the fields listed in "fields" will be persisted. If a field listed is 
missing in the relation the process will fail with an exception. Only the 
fields listed will be updated if the element already exists.
+##Deleting elements
+To delete elements of a collection is `GoraDeleteStorage`. Given a relation 
with schema `(key:chararray)` rows, the following will delete all rows with 
that keys:
+        STORE webpages INTO '.' USING org.apache.gora.pig.GoraDeleteStorage('{
+          "persistentClass": "",
+          "goraProperties": "",
+          "mapping": "",
+          "configuration": {}
+        }') ;

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