diff --git a/tools/bin/pythonSrc/pycrypto-2.0.1/Protocol/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f3505d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bin/pythonSrc/pycrypto-2.0.1/Protocol/
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+"""This file implements all-or-nothing package transformations.
+An all-or-nothing package transformation is one in which some text is
+transformed into message blocks, such that all blocks must be obtained before
+the reverse transformation can be applied.  Thus, if any blocks are corrupted
+or lost, the original message cannot be reproduced.
+An all-or-nothing package transformation is not encryption, although a block
+cipher algorithm is used.  The encryption key is randomly generated and is
+extractable from the message blocks.
+This class implements the All-Or-Nothing package transformation algorithm
+described in:
+Ronald L. Rivest.  "All-Or-Nothing Encryption and The Package Transform"
+__revision__ = "$Id:,v 1.8 2003/02/28 15:23:20 akuchling Exp $"
+import operator
+import string
+from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long, long_to_bytes
+class AllOrNothing:
+    """Class implementing the All-or-Nothing package transform.
+    Methods for subclassing:
+        _inventkey(key_size):
+            Returns a randomly generated key.  Subclasses can use this to
+            implement better random key generating algorithms.  The default
+            algorithm is probably not very cryptographically secure.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, ciphermodule, mode=None, IV=None):
+        """AllOrNothing(ciphermodule, mode=None, IV=None)
+        ciphermodule is a module implementing the cipher algorithm to
+        use.  It must provide the PEP272 interface.
+        Note that the encryption key is randomly generated
+        automatically when needed.  Optional arguments mode and IV are
+        passed directly through to the method; they
+        are the feedback mode and initialization vector to use.  All
+        three arguments must be the same for the object used to create
+        the digest, and to undigest'ify the message blocks.
+        """
+        self.__ciphermodule = ciphermodule
+        self.__mode = mode
+        self.__IV = IV
+        self.__key_size = ciphermodule.key_size
+        if self.__key_size == 0:
+            self.__key_size = 16
+    __K0digit = chr(0x69)
+    def digest(self, text):
+        """digest(text:string) : [string]
+        Perform the All-or-Nothing package transform on the given
+        string.  Output is a list of message blocks describing the
+        transformed text, where each block is a string of bit length equal
+        to the ciphermodule's block_size.
+        """
+        # generate a random session key and K0, the key used to encrypt the
+        # hash blocks.  Rivest calls this a fixed, publically-known encryption
+        # key, but says nothing about the security implications of this key or
+        # how to choose it.
+        key = self._inventkey(self.__key_size)
+        K0 = self.__K0digit * self.__key_size
+        # we need two cipher objects here, one that is used to encrypt the
+        # message blocks and one that is used to encrypt the hashes.  The
+        # former uses the randomly generated key, while the latter uses the
+        # well-known key.
+        mcipher = self.__newcipher(key)
+        hcipher = self.__newcipher(K0)
+        # Pad the text so that its length is a multiple of the cipher's
+        # block_size.  Pad with trailing spaces, which will be eliminated in
+        # the undigest() step.
+        block_size = self.__ciphermodule.block_size
+        padbytes = block_size - (len(text) % block_size)
+        text = text + ' ' * padbytes
+        # Run through the algorithm:
+        # s: number of message blocks (size of text / block_size)
+        # input sequence: m1, m2, ... ms
+        # random key K' (`key' in the code)
+        # Compute output sequence: m'1, m'2, ... m's' for s' = s + 1
+        # Let m'i = mi ^ E(K', i) for i = 1, 2, 3, ..., s
+        # Let m's' = K' ^ h1 ^ h2 ^ ... hs
+        # where hi = E(K0, m'i ^ i) for i = 1, 2, ... s
+        #
+        # The one complication I add is that the last message block is hard
+        # coded to the number of padbytes added, so that these can be stripped
+        # during the undigest() step
+        s = len(text) / block_size
+        blocks = []
+        hashes = []
+        for i in range(1, s+1):
+            start = (i-1) * block_size
+            end = start + block_size
+            mi = text[start:end]
+            assert len(mi) == block_size
+            cipherblock = mcipher.encrypt(long_to_bytes(i, block_size))
+            mticki = bytes_to_long(mi) ^ bytes_to_long(cipherblock)
+            blocks.append(mticki)
+            # calculate the hash block for this block
+            hi = hcipher.encrypt(long_to_bytes(mticki ^ i, block_size))
+            hashes.append(bytes_to_long(hi))
+        # Add the padbytes length as a message block
+        i = i + 1
+        cipherblock = mcipher.encrypt(long_to_bytes(i, block_size))
+        mticki = padbytes ^ bytes_to_long(cipherblock)
+        blocks.append(mticki)
+        # calculate this block's hash
+        hi = hcipher.encrypt(long_to_bytes(mticki ^ i, block_size))
+        hashes.append(bytes_to_long(hi))
+        # Now calculate the last message block of the sequence 1..s'.  This
+        # will contain the random session key XOR'd with all the hash blocks,
+        # so that for undigest(), once all the hash blocks are calculated, the
+        # session key can be trivially extracted.  Calculating all the hash
+        # blocks requires that all the message blocks be received, thus the
+        # All-or-Nothing algorithm succeeds.
+        mtick_stick = bytes_to_long(key) ^ reduce(operator.xor, hashes)
+        blocks.append(mtick_stick)
+        # we convert the blocks to strings since in Python, byte sequences are
+        # always represented as strings.  This is more consistent with the
+        # model that encryption and hash algorithms always operate on strings.
+        return map(long_to_bytes, blocks)
+    def undigest(self, blocks):
+        """undigest(blocks : [string]) : string
+        Perform the reverse package transformation on a list of message
+        blocks.  Note that the ciphermodule used for both transformations
+        must be the same.  blocks is a list of strings of bit length
+        equal to the ciphermodule's block_size.
+        """
+        # better have at least 2 blocks, for the padbytes package and the hash
+        # block accumulator
+        if len(blocks) < 2:
+            raise ValueError, "List must be at least length 2."
+        # blocks is a list of strings.  We need to deal with them as long
+        # integers
+        blocks = map(bytes_to_long, blocks)
+        # Calculate the well-known key, to which the hash blocks are
+        # encrypted, and create the hash cipher.
+        K0 = self.__K0digit * self.__key_size
+        hcipher = self.__newcipher(K0)
+        # Since we have all the blocks (or this method would have been called
+        # prematurely), we can calcualte all the hash blocks.
+        hashes = []
+        for i in range(1, len(blocks)):
+            mticki = blocks[i-1] ^ i
+            hi = hcipher.encrypt(long_to_bytes(mticki))
+            hashes.append(bytes_to_long(hi))
+        # now we can calculate K' (key).  remember the last block contains
+        # m's' which we don't include here
+        key = blocks[-1] ^ reduce(operator.xor, hashes)
+        # and now we can create the cipher object
+        mcipher = self.__newcipher(long_to_bytes(key))
+        block_size = self.__ciphermodule.block_size
+        # And we can now decode the original message blocks
+        parts = []
+        for i in range(1, len(blocks)):
+            cipherblock = mcipher.encrypt(long_to_bytes(i, block_size))
+            mi = blocks[i-1] ^ bytes_to_long(cipherblock)
+            parts.append(mi)
+        # The last message block contains the number of pad bytes appended to
+        # the original text string, such that its length was an even multiple
+        # of the cipher's block_size.  This number should be small enough that
+        # the conversion from long integer to integer should never overflow
+        padbytes = int(parts[-1])
+        text = string.join(map(long_to_bytes, parts[:-1]), '')
+        return text[:-padbytes]
+    def _inventkey(self, key_size):
+        # TBD: Not a very secure algorithm.  Eventually, I'd like to use JHy's
+        # kernelrand module
+        import time
+        from Crypto.Util import randpool
+        # TBD: key_size * 2 to work around possible bug in RandomPool?
+        pool = randpool.RandomPool(key_size * 2)
+        while key_size > pool.entropy:
+            pool.add_event()
+        # we now have enough entropy in the pool to get a key_size'd key
+        return pool.get_bytes(key_size)
+    def __newcipher(self, key):
+        if self.__mode is None and self.__IV is None:
+            return
+        elif self.__IV is None:
+            return, self.__mode)
+        else:
+            return, self.__mode, self.__IV)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    import sys
+    import getopt
+    import base64
+    usagemsg = '''\
+Test module usage: %(program)s [-c cipher] [-l] [-h]
+    --cipher module
+    -c module
+        Cipher module to use.  Default: %(ciphermodule)s
+    --aslong
+    -l
+        Print the encoded message blocks as long integers instead of base64
+        encoded strings
+    --help
+    -h
+        Print this help message
+    ciphermodule = 'AES'
+    aslong = 0
+    def usage(code, msg=None):
+        if msg:
+            print msg
+        print usagemsg % {'program': sys.argv[0],
+                          'ciphermodule': ciphermodule}
+        sys.exit(code)
+    try:
+        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:],
+                                   'c:l', ['cipher=', 'aslong'])
+    except getopt.error, msg:
+        usage(1, msg)
+    if args:
+        usage(1, 'Too many arguments')
+    for opt, arg in opts:
+        if opt in ('-h', '--help'):
+            usage(0)
+        elif opt in ('-c', '--cipher'):
+            ciphermodule = arg
+        elif opt in ('-l', '--aslong'):
+            aslong = 1
+    # ugly hack to force __import__ to give us the end-path module
+    module = __import__('Crypto.Cipher.'+ciphermodule, None, None, ['new'])
+    a = AllOrNothing(module)
+    print 'Original text:\n=========='
+    print __doc__
+    print '=========='
+    msgblocks = a.digest(__doc__)
+    print 'message blocks:'
+    for i, blk in map(None, range(len(msgblocks)), msgblocks):
+        # base64 adds a trailing newline
+        print '    %3d' % i,
+        if aslong:
+            print bytes_to_long(blk)
+        else:
+            print base64.encodestring(blk)[:-1]
+    #
+    # get a new undigest-only object so there's no leakage
+    b = AllOrNothing(module)
+    text = b.undigest(msgblocks)
+    if text == __doc__:
+        print 'They match!'
+    else:
+        print 'They differ!'
diff --git a/tools/bin/pythonSrc/pycrypto-2.0.1/Protocol/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fdfb82d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bin/pythonSrc/pycrypto-2.0.1/Protocol/
@@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
+"""This file implements the chaffing algorithm.
+Winnowing and chaffing is a technique for enhancing privacy without requiring
+strong encryption.  In short, the technique takes a set of authenticated
+message blocks (the wheat) and adds a number of chaff blocks which have
+randomly chosen data and MAC fields.  This means that to an adversary, the
+chaff blocks look as valid as the wheat blocks, and so the authentication
+would have to be performed on every block.  By tailoring the number of chaff
+blocks added to the message, the sender can make breaking the message
+computationally infeasible.  There are many other interesting properties of
+the winnow/chaff technique.
+For example, say Alice is sending a message to Bob.  She packetizes the
+message and performs an all-or-nothing transformation on the packets.  Then
+she authenticates each packet with a message authentication code (MAC).  The
+MAC is a hash of the data packet, and there is a secret key which she must
+share with Bob (key distribution is an exercise left to the reader).  She then
+adds a serial number to each packet, and sends the packets to Bob.
+Bob receives the packets, and using the shared secret authentication key,
+authenticates the MACs for each packet.  Those packets that have bad MACs are
+simply discarded.  The remainder are sorted by serial number, and passed
+through the reverse all-or-nothing transform.  The transform means that an
+eavesdropper (say Eve) must acquire all the packets before any of the data can
+be read.  If even one packet is missing, the data is useless.
+There's one twist: by adding chaff packets, Alice and Bob can make Eve's job
+much harder, since Eve now has to break the shared secret key, or try every
+combination of wheat and chaff packet to read any of the message.  The cool
+thing is that Bob doesn't need to add any additional code; the chaff packets
+are already filtered out because their MACs don't match (in all likelihood --
+since the data and MACs for the chaff packets are randomly chosen it is
+possible, but very unlikely that a chaff MAC will match the chaff data).  And
+Alice need not even be the party adding the chaff!  She could be completely
+unaware that a third party, say Charles, is adding chaff packets to her
+messages as they are transmitted.
+For more information on winnowing and chaffing see this paper:
+Ronald L. Rivest, "Chaffing and Winnowing: Confidentiality without Encryption"
+__revision__ = "$Id:,v 1.7 2003/02/28 15:23:21 akuchling Exp $"
+from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long
+class Chaff:
+    """Class implementing the chaff adding algorithm.
+    Methods for subclasses:
+            _randnum(size):
+                Returns a randomly generated number with a byte-length equal
+                to size.  Subclasses can use this to implement better random
+                data and MAC generating algorithms.  The default algorithm is
+                probably not very cryptographically secure.  It is most
+                important that the chaff data does not contain any patterns
+                that can be used to discern it from wheat data without running
+                the MAC.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, factor=1.0, blocksper=1):
+        """Chaff(factor:float, blocksper:int)
+        factor is the number of message blocks to add chaff to,
+        expressed as a percentage between 0.0 and 1.0.  blocksper is
+        the number of chaff blocks to include for each block being
+        chaffed.  Thus the defaults add one chaff block to every
+        message block.  By changing the defaults, you can adjust how
+        computationally difficult it could be for an adversary to
+        brute-force crack the message.  The difficulty is expressed
+        as:
+            pow(blocksper, int(factor * number-of-blocks))
+        For ease of implementation, when factor < 1.0, only the first
+        int(factor*number-of-blocks) message blocks are chaffed.
+        """
+        if not (0.0<=factor<=1.0):
+            raise ValueError, "'factor' must be between 0.0 and 1.0"
+        if blocksper < 0:
+            raise ValueError, "'blocksper' must be zero or more"
+        self.__factor = factor
+        self.__blocksper = blocksper
+    def chaff(self, blocks):
+        """chaff( [(serial-number:int, data:string, MAC:string)] )
+        : [(int, string, string)]
+        Add chaff to message blocks.  blocks is a list of 3-tuples of the
+        form (serial-number, data, MAC).
+        Chaff is created by choosing a random number of the same
+        byte-length as data, and another random number of the same
+        byte-length as MAC.  The message block's serial number is
+        placed on the chaff block and all the packet's chaff blocks
+        are randomly interspersed with the single wheat block.  This
+        method then returns a list of 3-tuples of the same form.
+        Chaffed blocks will contain multiple instances of 3-tuples
+        with the same serial number, but the only way to figure out
+        which blocks are wheat and which are chaff is to perform the
+        MAC hash and compare values.
+        """
+        chaffedblocks = []
+        # count is the number of blocks to add chaff to.  blocksper is the
+        # number of chaff blocks to add per message block that is being
+        # chaffed.
+        count = len(blocks) * self.__factor
+        blocksper = range(self.__blocksper)
+        for i, wheat in map(None, range(len(blocks)), blocks):
+            # it shouldn't matter which of the n blocks we add chaff to, so for
+            # ease of implementation, we'll just add them to the first count
+            # blocks
+            if i < count:
+                serial, data, mac = wheat
+                datasize = len(data)
+                macsize = len(mac)
+                addwheat = 1
+                # add chaff to this block
+                for j in blocksper:
+                    import sys
+                    chaffdata = self._randnum(datasize)
+                    chaffmac = self._randnum(macsize)
+                    chaff = (serial, chaffdata, chaffmac)
+                    # mix up the order, if the 5th bit is on then put the
+                    # wheat on the list
+                    if addwheat and bytes_to_long(self._randnum(16)) & 0x40:
+                        chaffedblocks.append(wheat)
+                        addwheat = 0
+                    chaffedblocks.append(chaff)
+                if addwheat:
+                    chaffedblocks.append(wheat)
+            else:
+                # just add the wheat
+                chaffedblocks.append(wheat)
+        return chaffedblocks
+    def _randnum(self, size):
+        # TBD: Not a very secure algorithm.
+        # TBD: size * 2 to work around possible bug in RandomPool
+        from Crypto.Util import randpool
+        import time
+        pool = randpool.RandomPool(size * 2)
+        while size > pool.entropy:
+            pass
+        # we now have enough entropy in the pool to get size bytes of random
+        # data... well, probably
+        return pool.get_bytes(size)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    text = """\
+We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that
+they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among
+these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. That to secure these
+rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from
+the consent of the governed. That whenever any Form of Government becomes
+destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to
+abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such
+principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most
+likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
+    print 'Original text:\n=========='
+    print text
+    print '=========='
+    # first transform the text into packets
+    blocks = [] ; size = 40
+    for i in range(0, len(text), size):
+        blocks.append( text[i:i+size] )
+    # now get MACs for all the text blocks.  The key is obvious...
+    print 'Calculating MACs...'
+    from Crypto.Hash import HMAC, SHA
+    key = 'Jefferson'
+    macs = [, block, digestmod=SHA).digest()
+            for block in blocks]
+    assert len(blocks) == len(macs)
+    # put these into a form acceptable as input to the chaffing procedure
+    source = []
+    m = map(None, range(len(blocks)), blocks, macs)
+    print m
+    for i, data, mac in m:
+        source.append((i, data, mac))
+    # now chaff these
+    print 'Adding chaff...'
+    c = Chaff(factor=0.5, blocksper=2)
+    chaffed = c.chaff(source)
+    from base64 import encodestring
+    # print the chaffed message blocks.  meanwhile, separate the wheat from
+    # the chaff
+    wheat = []
+    print 'chaffed message blocks:'
+    for i, data, mac in chaffed:
+        # do the authentication
+        h =, data, digestmod=SHA)
+        pmac = h.digest()
+        if pmac == mac:
+            tag = '-->'
+            wheat.append(data)
+        else:
+            tag = '   '
+        # base64 adds a trailing newline
+        print tag, '%3d' % i, \
+              repr(data), encodestring(mac)[:-1]
+    # now decode the message packets and check it against the original text
+    print 'Undigesting wheat...'
+    newtext = "".join(wheat)
+    if newtext == text:
+        print 'They match!'
+    else:
+        print 'They differ!'
diff --git a/tools/bin/pythonSrc/pycrypto-2.0.1/Protocol/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a6d68bc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bin/pythonSrc/pycrypto-2.0.1/Protocol/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+"""Cryptographic protocols
+Implements various cryptographic protocols.  (Don't expect to find
+network protocols here.)
+Crypto.Protocol.AllOrNothing   Transforms a message into a set of message
+                               blocks, such that the blocks can be
+                               recombined to get the message back.
+Crypto.Protocol.Chaffing       Takes a set of authenticated message blocks
+                               (the wheat) and adds a number of
+                               randomly generated blocks (the chaff).
+__all__ = ['AllOrNothing', 'Chaffing']
+__revision__ = "$Id:,v 1.4 2003/02/28 15:23:21 akuchling Exp $"
diff --git a/tools/bin/pythonSrc/pycrypto-2.0.1/PublicKey/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7947b6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bin/pythonSrc/pycrypto-2.0.1/PublicKey/
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+# : Digital Signature Algorithm
+#  Part of the Python Cryptography Toolkit
+# Distribute and use freely; there are no restrictions on further
+# dissemination and usage except those imposed by the laws of your
+# country of residence.  This software is provided "as is" without
+# warranty of fitness for use or suitability for any purpose, express
+# or implied. Use at your own risk or not at all.
+__revision__ = "$Id:,v 1.16 2004/05/06 12:52:54 akuchling Exp $"
+from Crypto.PublicKey.pubkey import *
+from Crypto.Util import number
+from Crypto.Util.number import bytes_to_long, long_to_bytes
+from Crypto.Hash import SHA
+    from Crypto.PublicKey import _fastmath
+except ImportError:
+    _fastmath = None
+class error (Exception):
+    pass
+def generateQ(randfunc):
+    S=randfunc(20)
+    q = bignum(0)
+    for i in range(0,20):
+        c=ord(hash1[i])^ord(hash2[i])
+        if i==0:
+            c=c | 128
+        if i==19:
+            c= c | 1
+        q=q*256+c
+    while (not isPrime(q)):
+        q=q+2
+    if pow(2,159L) < q < pow(2,160L):
+        return S, q
+    raise error, 'Bad q value generated'
+def generate(bits, randfunc, progress_func=None):
+    """generate(bits:int, randfunc:callable, progress_func:callable)
+    Generate a DSA key of length 'bits', using 'randfunc' to get
+    random data and 'progress_func', if present, to display
+    the progress of the key generation.
+    """
+    if bits<160:
+        raise error, 'Key length <160 bits'
+    obj=DSAobj()
+    # Generate string S and prime q
+    if progress_func:
+        progress_func('p,q\n')
+    while (1):
+        S, obj.q = generateQ(randfunc)
+        n=(bits-1)/160
+        C, N, V = 0, 2, {}
+        b=(obj.q >> 5) & 15
+        powb=pow(bignum(2), b)
+        powL1=pow(bignum(2), bits-1)
+        while C<4096:
+            for k in range(0, n+1):
+                V[k]=bytes_to_long(
+            W=V[n] % powb
+            for k in range(n-1, -1, -1):
+                W=(W<<160L)+V[k]
+            X=W+powL1
+            p=X-(X%(2*obj.q)-1)
+            if powL1<=p and isPrime(p):
+                break
+            C, N = C+1, N+n+1
+        if C<4096:
+            break
+        if progress_func:
+            progress_func('4096 multiples failed\n')
+    obj.p = p
+    power=(p-1)/obj.q
+    if progress_func:
+        progress_func('h,g\n')
+    while (1):
+        h=bytes_to_long(randfunc(bits)) % (p-1)
+        g=pow(h, power, p)
+        if 1<h<p-1 and g>1:
+            break
+    obj.g=g
+    if progress_func:
+        progress_func('x,y\n')
+    while (1):
+        x=bytes_to_long(randfunc(20))
+        if 0 < x < obj.q:
+            break
+    obj.x, obj.y = x, pow(g, x, p)
+    return obj
+def construct(tuple):
+    """construct(tuple:(long,long,long,long)|(long,long,long,long,long)):DSAobj
+    Construct a DSA object from a 4- or 5-tuple of numbers.
+    """
+    obj=DSAobj()
+    if len(tuple) not in [4,5]:
+        raise error, 'argument for construct() wrong length'
+    for i in range(len(tuple)):
+        field = obj.keydata[i]
+        setattr(obj, field, tuple[i])
+    return obj
+class DSAobj(pubkey):
+    keydata=['y', 'g', 'p', 'q', 'x']
+    def _encrypt(self, s, Kstr):
+        raise error, 'DSA algorithm cannot encrypt data'
+    def _decrypt(self, s):
+        raise error, 'DSA algorithm cannot decrypt data'
+    def _sign(self, M, K):
+        if (K<2 or self.q<=K):
+            raise error, 'K is not between 2 and q'
+        r=pow(self.g, K, self.p) % self.q
+        s=(inverse(K, self.q)*(M+self.x*r)) % self.q
+        return (r,s)
+    def _verify(self, M, sig):
+        r, s = sig
+        if r<=0 or r>=self.q or s<=0 or s>=self.q:
+            return 0
+        w=inverse(s, self.q)
+        u1, u2 = (M*w) % self.q, (r*w) % self.q
+        v1 = pow(self.g, u1, self.p)
+        v2 = pow(self.y, u2, self.p)
+        v = ((v1*v2) % self.p)
+        v = v % self.q
+        if v==r:
+            return 1
+        return 0
+    def size(self):
+        "Return the maximum number of bits that can be handled by this key."
+        return number.size(self.p) - 1
+    def has_private(self):
+        """Return a Boolean denoting whether the object contains
+        private components."""
+        if hasattr(self, 'x'):
+            return 1
+        else:
+            return 0
+    def can_sign(self):
+        """Return a Boolean value recording whether this algorithm can 
generate signatures."""
+        return 1
+    def can_encrypt(self):
+        """Return a Boolean value recording whether this algorithm can encrypt 
+        return 0
+    def publickey(self):
+        """Return a new key object containing only the public information."""
+        return construct((self.y, self.g, self.p, self.q))
+generate_py = generate
+construct_py = construct
+class DSAobj_c(pubkey):
+    keydata = ['y', 'g', 'p', 'q', 'x']
+    def __init__(self, key):
+        self.key = key
+    def __getattr__(self, attr):
+        if attr in self.keydata:
+            return getattr(self.key, attr)
+        else:
+            if self.__dict__.has_key(attr):
+                self.__dict__[attr]
+            else:
+                raise AttributeError, '%s instance has no attribute %s' % 
(self.__class__, attr)
+    def __getstate__(self):
+        d = {}
+        for k in self.keydata:
+            if hasattr(self.key, k):
+                d[k]=getattr(self.key, k)
+        return d
+    def __setstate__(self, state):
+        y,g,p,q = state['y'], state['g'], state['p'], state['q']
+        if not state.has_key('x'):
+            self.key = _fastmath.dsa_construct(y,g,p,q)
+        else:
+            x = state['x']
+            self.key = _fastmath.dsa_construct(y,g,p,q,x)
+    def _sign(self, M, K):
+        return self.key._sign(M, K)
+    def _verify(self, M, (r, s)):
+        return self.key._verify(M, r, s)
+    def size(self):
+        return self.key.size()
+    def has_private(self):
+        return self.key.has_private()
+    def publickey(self):
+        return construct_c((self.key.y, self.key.g, self.key.p, self.key.q))
+    def can_sign(self):
+        return 1
+    def can_encrypt(self):
+        return 0
+def generate_c(bits, randfunc, progress_func=None):
+    obj = generate_py(bits, randfunc, progress_func)
+    y,g,p,q,x = obj.y, obj.g, obj.p, obj.q, obj.x
+    return construct_c((y,g,p,q,x))
+def construct_c(tuple):
+    key = apply(_fastmath.dsa_construct, tuple)
+    return DSAobj_c(key)
+if _fastmath:
+    #print "using C version of DSA"
+    generate = generate_c
+    construct = construct_c
+    error = _fastmath.error
diff --git a/tools/bin/pythonSrc/pycrypto-2.0.1/PublicKey/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..026881c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bin/pythonSrc/pycrypto-2.0.1/PublicKey/
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+# : ElGamal encryption/decryption and signatures
+#  Part of the Python Cryptography Toolkit
+# Distribute and use freely; there are no restrictions on further
+# dissemination and usage except those imposed by the laws of your
+# country of residence.  This software is provided "as is" without
+# warranty of fitness for use or suitability for any purpose, express
+# or implied. Use at your own risk or not at all.
+__revision__ = "$Id:,v 1.9 2003/04/04 19:44:26 akuchling Exp $"
+from Crypto.PublicKey.pubkey import *
+from Crypto.Util import number
+class error (Exception):
+    pass
+# Generate an ElGamal key with N bits
+def generate(bits, randfunc, progress_func=None):
+    """generate(bits:int, randfunc:callable, progress_func:callable)
+    Generate an ElGamal key of length 'bits', using 'randfunc' to get
+    random data and 'progress_func', if present, to display
+    the progress of the key generation.
+    """
+    obj=ElGamalobj()
+    # Generate prime p
+    if progress_func:
+        progress_func('p\n')
+    obj.p=bignum(getPrime(bits, randfunc))
+    # Generate random number g
+    if progress_func:
+        progress_func('g\n')
+    size=bits-1-(ord(randfunc(1)) & 63) # g will be from 1--64 bits smaller 
than p
+    if size<1:
+        size=bits-1
+    while (1):
+        obj.g=bignum(getPrime(size, randfunc))
+        if obj.g < obj.p:
+            break
+        size=(size+1) % bits
+        if size==0:
+            size=4
+    # Generate random number x
+    if progress_func:
+        progress_func('x\n')
+    while (1):
+        size=bits-1-ord(randfunc(1)) # x will be from 1 to 256 bits smaller 
than p
+        if size>2:
+            break
+    while (1):
+        obj.x=bignum(getPrime(size, randfunc))
+        if obj.x < obj.p:
+            break
+        size = (size+1) % bits
+        if size==0:
+            size=4
+    if progress_func:
+        progress_func('y\n')
+    obj.y = pow(obj.g, obj.x, obj.p)
+    return obj
+def construct(tuple):
+    """construct(tuple:(long,long,long,long)|(long,long,long,long,long)))
+             : ElGamalobj
+    Construct an ElGamal key from a 3- or 4-tuple of numbers.
+    """
+    obj=ElGamalobj()
+    if len(tuple) not in [3,4]:
+        raise error, 'argument for construct() wrong length'
+    for i in range(len(tuple)):
+        field = obj.keydata[i]
+        setattr(obj, field, tuple[i])
+    return obj
+class ElGamalobj(pubkey):
+    keydata=['p', 'g', 'y', 'x']
+    def _encrypt(self, M, K):
+        a=pow(self.g, K, self.p)
+        b=( M*pow(self.y, K, self.p) ) % self.p
+        return ( a,b )
+    def _decrypt(self, M):
+        if (not hasattr(self, 'x')):
+            raise error, 'Private key not available in this object'
+        ax=pow(M[0], self.x, self.p)
+        plaintext=(M[1] * inverse(ax, self.p ) ) % self.p
+        return plaintext
+    def _sign(self, M, K):
+        if (not hasattr(self, 'x')):
+            raise error, 'Private key not available in this object'
+        p1=self.p-1
+        if (GCD(K, p1)!=1):
+            raise error, 'Bad K value: GCD(K,p-1)!=1'
+        a=pow(self.g, K, self.p)
+        t=(M-self.x*a) % p1
+        while t<0: t=t+p1
+        b=(t*inverse(K, p1)) % p1
+        return (a, b)
+    def _verify(self, M, sig):
+        v1=pow(self.y, sig[0], self.p)
+        v1=(v1*pow(sig[0], sig[1], self.p)) % self.p
+        v2=pow(self.g, M, self.p)
+        if v1==v2:
+            return 1
+        return 0
+    def size(self):
+        "Return the maximum number of bits that can be handled by this key."
+        return number.size(self.p) - 1
+    def has_private(self):
+        """Return a Boolean denoting whether the object contains
+        private components."""
+        if hasattr(self, 'x'):
+            return 1
+        else:
+            return 0
+    def publickey(self):
+        """Return a new key object containing only the public information."""
+        return construct((self.p, self.g, self.y))
diff --git a/tools/bin/pythonSrc/pycrypto-2.0.1/PublicKey/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e0e877e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bin/pythonSrc/pycrypto-2.0.1/PublicKey/
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+# : RSA encryption/decryption
+#  Part of the Python Cryptography Toolkit
+# Distribute and use freely; there are no restrictions on further
+# dissemination and usage except those imposed by the laws of your
+# country of residence.  This software is provided "as is" without
+# warranty of fitness for use or suitability for any purpose, express
+# or implied. Use at your own risk or not at all.
+__revision__ = "$Id:,v 1.20 2004/05/06 12:52:54 akuchling Exp $"
+from Crypto.PublicKey import pubkey
+from Crypto.Util import number
+    from Crypto.PublicKey import _fastmath
+except ImportError:
+    _fastmath = None
+class error (Exception):
+    pass
+def generate(bits, randfunc, progress_func=None):
+    """generate(bits:int, randfunc:callable, progress_func:callable)
+    Generate an RSA key of length 'bits', using 'randfunc' to get
+    random data and 'progress_func', if present, to display
+    the progress of the key generation.
+    """
+    obj=RSAobj()
+    # Generate the prime factors of n
+    if progress_func:
+        progress_func('p,q\n')
+    p = q = 1L
+    while number.size(p*q) < bits:
+        p = pubkey.getPrime(bits/2, randfunc)
+        q = pubkey.getPrime(bits/2, randfunc)
+    # p shall be smaller than q (for calc of u)
+    if p > q:
+        (p, q)=(q, p)
+    obj.p = p
+    obj.q = q
+    if progress_func:
+        progress_func('u\n')
+    obj.u = pubkey.inverse(obj.p, obj.q)
+    obj.n = obj.p*obj.q
+    obj.e = 65537L
+    if progress_func:
+        progress_func('d\n')
+    obj.d=pubkey.inverse(obj.e, (obj.p-1)*(obj.q-1))
+    assert bits <= 1+obj.size(), "Generated key is too small"
+    return obj
+def construct(tuple):
+    """construct(tuple:(long,) : RSAobj
+    Construct an RSA object from a 2-, 3-, 5-, or 6-tuple of numbers.
+    """
+    obj=RSAobj()
+    if len(tuple) not in [2,3,5,6]:
+        raise error, 'argument for construct() wrong length'
+    for i in range(len(tuple)):
+        field = obj.keydata[i]
+        setattr(obj, field, tuple[i])
+    if len(tuple) >= 5:
+        # Ensure p is smaller than q 
+        if obj.p>obj.q:
+            (obj.p, obj.q)=(obj.q, obj.p)
+    if len(tuple) == 5:
+        # u not supplied, so we're going to have to compute it.
+        obj.u=pubkey.inverse(obj.p, obj.q)
+    return obj
+class RSAobj(pubkey.pubkey):
+    keydata = ['n', 'e', 'd', 'p', 'q', 'u']
+    def _encrypt(self, plaintext, K=''):
+        if self.n<=plaintext:
+            raise error, 'Plaintext too large'
+        return (pow(plaintext, self.e, self.n),)
+    def _decrypt(self, ciphertext):
+        if (not hasattr(self, 'd')):
+            raise error, 'Private key not available in this object'
+        if self.n<=ciphertext[0]:
+            raise error, 'Ciphertext too large'
+        return pow(ciphertext[0], self.d, self.n)
+    def _sign(self, M, K=''):
+        return (self._decrypt((M,)),)
+    def _verify(self, M, sig):
+        m2=self._encrypt(sig[0])
+        if m2[0]==M:
+            return 1
+        else: return 0
+    def _blind(self, M, B):
+        tmp = pow(B, self.e, self.n)
+        return (M * tmp) % self.n
+    def _unblind(self, M, B):
+        tmp = pubkey.inverse(B, self.n)
+        return  (M * tmp) % self.n
+    def can_blind (self):
+        """can_blind() : bool
+        Return a Boolean value recording whether this algorithm can
+        blind data.  (This does not imply that this
+        particular key object has the private information required to
+        to blind a message.)
+        """
+        return 1
+    def size(self):
+        """size() : int
+        Return the maximum number of bits that can be handled by this key.
+        """
+        return number.size(self.n) - 1
+    def has_private(self):
+        """has_private() : bool
+        Return a Boolean denoting whether the object contains
+        private components.
+        """
+        if hasattr(self, 'd'):
+            return 1
+        else: return 0
+    def publickey(self):
+        """publickey(): RSAobj
+        Return a new key object containing only the public key information.
+        """
+        return construct((self.n, self.e))
+class RSAobj_c(pubkey.pubkey):
+    keydata = ['n', 'e', 'd', 'p', 'q', 'u']
+    def __init__(self, key):
+        self.key = key
+    def __getattr__(self, attr):
+        if attr in self.keydata:
+            return getattr(self.key, attr)
+        else:
+            if self.__dict__.has_key(attr):
+                self.__dict__[attr]
+            else:
+                raise AttributeError, '%s instance has no attribute %s' % 
(self.__class__, attr)
+    def __getstate__(self):
+        d = {}
+        for k in self.keydata:
+            if hasattr(self.key, k):
+                d[k]=getattr(self.key, k)
+        return d
+    def __setstate__(self, state):
+        n,e = state['n'], state['e']
+        if not state.has_key('d'):
+            self.key = _fastmath.rsa_construct(n,e)
+        else:
+            d = state['d']
+            if not state.has_key('q'):
+                self.key = _fastmath.rsa_construct(n,e,d)
+            else:
+                p, q, u = state['p'], state['q'], state['u']
+                self.key = _fastmath.rsa_construct(n,e,d,p,q,u)
+    def _encrypt(self, plain, K):
+        return (self.key._encrypt(plain),)
+    def _decrypt(self, cipher):
+        return self.key._decrypt(cipher[0])
+    def _sign(self, M, K):
+        return (self.key._sign(M),)
+    def _verify(self, M, sig):
+        return self.key._verify(M, sig[0])
+    def _blind(self, M, B):
+        return self.key._blind(M, B)
+    def _unblind(self, M, B):
+        return self.key._unblind(M, B)
+    def can_blind (self):
+        return 1
+    def size(self):
+        return self.key.size()
+    def has_private(self):
+        return self.key.has_private()
+    def publickey(self):
+        return construct_c((self.key.n, self.key.e))
+def generate_c(bits, randfunc, progress_func = None):
+    # Generate the prime factors of n
+    if progress_func:
+        progress_func('p,q\n')
+    p = q = 1L
+    while number.size(p*q) < bits:
+        p = pubkey.getPrime(bits/2, randfunc)
+        q = pubkey.getPrime(bits/2, randfunc)
+    # p shall be smaller than q (for calc of u)
+    if p > q:
+        (p, q)=(q, p)
+    if progress_func:
+        progress_func('u\n')
+    u=pubkey.inverse(p, q)
+    n=p*q
+    e = 65537L
+    if progress_func:
+        progress_func('d\n')
+    d=pubkey.inverse(e, (p-1)*(q-1))
+    key = _fastmath.rsa_construct(n,e,d,p,q,u)
+    obj = RSAobj_c(key)
+##    print p
+##    print q
+##    print number.size(p), number.size(q), number.size(q*p),
+##    print obj.size(), bits
+    assert bits <= 1+obj.size(), "Generated key is too small"
+    return obj
+def construct_c(tuple):
+    key = apply(_fastmath.rsa_construct, tuple)
+    return RSAobj_c(key)
+object = RSAobj
+generate_py = generate
+construct_py = construct
+if _fastmath:
+    #print "using C version of RSA"
+    generate = generate_c
+    construct = construct_c
+    error = _fastmath.error
diff --git a/tools/bin/pythonSrc/pycrypto-2.0.1/PublicKey/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ad1c80c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bin/pythonSrc/pycrypto-2.0.1/PublicKey/
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+"""Public-key encryption and signature algorithms.
+Public-key encryption uses two different keys, one for encryption and
+one for decryption.  The encryption key can be made public, and the
+decryption key is kept private.  Many public-key algorithms can also
+be used to sign messages, and some can *only* be used for signatures.
+Crypto.PublicKey.DSA      Digital Signature Algorithm. (Signature only)
+Crypto.PublicKey.ElGamal  (Signing and encryption)
+Crypto.PublicKey.RSA      (Signing, encryption, and blinding)
+Crypto.PublicKey.qNEW     (Signature only)
+__all__ = ['RSA', 'DSA', 'ElGamal', 'qNEW']
+__revision__ = "$Id:,v 1.4 2003/04/03 20:27:13 akuchling Exp $"
diff --git a/tools/bin/pythonSrc/pycrypto-2.0.1/PublicKey/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5c75c3e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bin/pythonSrc/pycrypto-2.0.1/PublicKey/
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+# : Internal functions for public key operations
+#  Part of the Python Cryptography Toolkit
+# Distribute and use freely; there are no restrictions on further
+# dissemination and usage except those imposed by the laws of your
+# country of residence.  This software is provided "as is" without
+# warranty of fitness for use or suitability for any purpose, express
+# or implied. Use at your own risk or not at all.
+__revision__ = "$Id:,v 1.11 2003/04/03 20:36:14 akuchling Exp $"
+import types, warnings
+from Crypto.Util.number import *
+# Basic public key class
+class pubkey:
+    def __init__(self):
+        pass
+    def __getstate__(self):
+        """To keep key objects platform-independent, the key data is
+        converted to standard Python long integers before being
+        written out.  It will then be reconverted as necessary on
+        restoration."""
+        d=self.__dict__
+        for key in self.keydata:
+            if d.has_key(key): d[key]=long(d[key])
+        return d
+    def __setstate__(self, d):
+        """On unpickling a key object, the key data is converted to the big
+number representation being used, whether that is Python long
+integers, MPZ objects, or whatever."""
+        for key in self.keydata:
+            if d.has_key(key): self.__dict__[key]=bignum(d[key])
+    def encrypt(self, plaintext, K):
+        """encrypt(plaintext:string|long, K:string|long) : tuple
+        Encrypt the string or integer plaintext.  K is a random
+        parameter required by some algorithms.
+        """
+        wasString=0
+        if isinstance(plaintext, types.StringType):
+            plaintext=bytes_to_long(plaintext) ; wasString=1
+        if isinstance(K, types.StringType):
+            K=bytes_to_long(K)
+        ciphertext=self._encrypt(plaintext, K)
+        if wasString: return tuple(map(long_to_bytes, ciphertext))
+        else: return ciphertext
+    def decrypt(self, ciphertext):
+        """decrypt(ciphertext:tuple|string|long): string
+        Decrypt 'ciphertext' using this key.
+        """
+        wasString=0
+        if not isinstance(ciphertext, types.TupleType):
+            ciphertext=(ciphertext,)
+        if isinstance(ciphertext[0], types.StringType):
+            ciphertext=tuple(map(bytes_to_long, ciphertext)) ; wasString=1
+        plaintext=self._decrypt(ciphertext)
+        if wasString: return long_to_bytes(plaintext)
+        else: return plaintext
+    def sign(self, M, K):
+        """sign(M : string|long, K:string|long) : tuple
+        Return a tuple containing the signature for the message M.
+        K is a random parameter required by some algorithms.
+        """
+        if (not self.has_private()):
+            raise error, 'Private key not available in this object'
+        if isinstance(M, types.StringType): M=bytes_to_long(M)
+        if isinstance(K, types.StringType): K=bytes_to_long(K)
+        return self._sign(M, K)
+    def verify (self, M, signature):
+        """verify(M:string|long, signature:tuple) : bool
+        Verify that the signature is valid for the message M;
+        returns true if the signature checks out.
+        """
+        if isinstance(M, types.StringType): M=bytes_to_long(M)
+        return self._verify(M, signature)
+    # alias to compensate for the old validate() name
+    def validate (self, M, signature):
+        warnings.warn("validate() method name is obsolete; use verify()",
+                      DeprecationWarning)
+    def blind(self, M, B):
+        """blind(M : string|long, B : string|long) : string|long
+        Blind message M using blinding factor B.
+        """
+        wasString=0
+        if isinstance(M, types.StringType):
+            M=bytes_to_long(M) ; wasString=1
+        if isinstance(B, types.StringType): B=bytes_to_long(B)
+        blindedmessage=self._blind(M, B)
+        if wasString: return long_to_bytes(blindedmessage)
+        else: return blindedmessage
+    def unblind(self, M, B):
+        """unblind(M : string|long, B : string|long) : string|long
+        Unblind message M using blinding factor B.
+        """
+        wasString=0
+        if isinstance(M, types.StringType):
+            M=bytes_to_long(M) ; wasString=1
+        if isinstance(B, types.StringType): B=bytes_to_long(B)
+        unblindedmessage=self._unblind(M, B)
+        if wasString: return long_to_bytes(unblindedmessage)
+        else: return unblindedmessage
+    # The following methods will usually be left alone, except for
+    # signature-only algorithms.  They both return Boolean values
+    # recording whether this key's algorithm can sign and encrypt.
+    def can_sign (self):
+        """can_sign() : bool
+        Return a Boolean value recording whether this algorithm can
+        generate signatures.  (This does not imply that this
+        particular key object has the private information required to
+        to generate a signature.)
+        """
+        return 1
+    def can_encrypt (self):
+        """can_encrypt() : bool
+        Return a Boolean value recording whether this algorithm can
+        encrypt data.  (This does not imply that this
+        particular key object has the private information required to
+        to decrypt a message.)
+        """
+        return 1
+    def can_blind (self):
+        """can_blind() : bool
+        Return a Boolean value recording whether this algorithm can
+        blind data.  (This does not imply that this
+        particular key object has the private information required to
+        to blind a message.)
+        """
+        return 0
+    # The following methods will certainly be overridden by
+    # subclasses.
+    def size (self):
+        """size() : int
+        Return the maximum number of bits that can be handled by this key.
+        """
+        return 0
+    def has_private (self):
+        """has_private() : bool
+        Return a Boolean denoting whether the object contains
+        private components.
+        """
+        return 0
+    def publickey (self):
+        """publickey(): object
+        Return a new key object containing only the public information.
+        """
+        return self
+    def __eq__ (self, other):
+        """__eq__(other): 0, 1
+        Compare us to other for equality.
+        """
+        return self.__getstate__() == other.__getstate__()
diff --git a/tools/bin/pythonSrc/pycrypto-2.0.1/PublicKey/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..65f8ae3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bin/pythonSrc/pycrypto-2.0.1/PublicKey/
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
+# : The q-NEW signature algorithm.
+#  Part of the Python Cryptography Toolkit
+# Distribute and use freely; there are no restrictions on further
+# dissemination and usage except those imposed by the laws of your
+# country of residence.    This software is provided "as is" without
+# warranty of fitness for use or suitability for any purpose, express
+# or implied. Use at your own risk or not at all.
+__revision__ = "$Id:,v 1.8 2003/04/04 15:13:35 akuchling Exp $"
+from Crypto.PublicKey import pubkey
+from Crypto.Util.number import *
+from Crypto.Hash import SHA
+class error (Exception):
+    pass
+HASHBITS = 160   # Size of SHA digests
+def generate(bits, randfunc, progress_func=None):
+    """generate(bits:int, randfunc:callable, progress_func:callable)
+    Generate a qNEW key of length 'bits', using 'randfunc' to get
+    random data and 'progress_func', if present, to display
+    the progress of the key generation.
+    """
+    obj=qNEWobj()
+    # Generate prime numbers p and q.  q is a 160-bit prime
+    # number.  p is another prime number (the modulus) whose bit
+    # size is chosen by the caller, and is generated so that p-1
+    # is a multiple of q.
+    #
+    # Note that only a single seed is used to
+    # generate p and q; if someone generates a key for you, you can
+    # use the seed to duplicate the key generation.  This can
+    # protect you from someone generating values of p,q that have
+    # some special form that's easy to break.
+    if progress_func:
+        progress_func('p,q\n')
+    while (1):
+        obj.q = getPrime(160, randfunc)
+        #           assert pow(2, 159L)<obj.q<pow(2, 160L)
+        obj.seed = S = long_to_bytes(obj.q)
+        C, N, V = 0, 2, {}
+        # Compute b and n such that bits-1 = b + n*HASHBITS
+        n= (bits-1) / HASHBITS
+        b= (bits-1) % HASHBITS ; powb=2L << b
+        powL1=pow(long(2), bits-1)
+        while C<4096:
+            # The V array will contain (bits-1) bits of random
+            # data, that are assembled to produce a candidate
+            # value for p.
+            for k in range(0, n+1):
+                V[k]=bytes_to_long(
+            p = V[n] % powb
+            for k in range(n-1, -1, -1):
+                p= (p << long(HASHBITS) )+V[k]
+            p = p+powL1         # Ensure the high bit is set
+            # Ensure that p-1 is a multiple of q
+            p = p - (p % (2*obj.q)-1)
+            # If p is still the right size, and it's prime, we're done!
+            if powL1<=p and isPrime(p):
+                break
+            # Otherwise, increment the counter and try again
+            C, N = C+1, N+n+1
+        if C<4096:
+            break   # Ended early, so exit the while loop
+        if progress_func:
+            progress_func('4096 values of p tried\n')
+    obj.p = p
+    power=(p-1)/obj.q
+    # Next parameter: g = h**((p-1)/q) mod p, such that h is any
+    # number <p-1, and g>1.  g is kept; h can be discarded.
+    if progress_func:
+        progress_func('h,g\n')
+    while (1):
+        h=bytes_to_long(randfunc(bits)) % (p-1)
+        g=pow(h, power, p)
+        if 1<h<p-1 and g>1:
+            break
+    obj.g=g
+    # x is the private key information, and is
+    # just a random number between 0 and q.
+    # y=g**x mod p, and is part of the public information.
+    if progress_func:
+        progress_func('x,y\n')
+    while (1):
+        x=bytes_to_long(randfunc(20))
+        if 0 < x < obj.q:
+            break
+    obj.x, obj.y=x, pow(g, x, p)
+    return obj
+# Construct a qNEW object
+def construct(tuple):
+    """construct(tuple:(long,long,long,long)|(long,long,long,long,long)
+    Construct a qNEW object from a 4- or 5-tuple of numbers.
+    """
+    obj=qNEWobj()
+    if len(tuple) not in [4,5]:
+        raise error, 'argument for construct() wrong length'
+    for i in range(len(tuple)):
+        field = obj.keydata[i]
+        setattr(obj, field, tuple[i])
+    return obj
+class qNEWobj(pubkey.pubkey):
+    keydata=['p', 'q', 'g', 'y', 'x']
+    def _sign(self, M, K=''):
+        if (self.q<=K):
+            raise error, 'K is greater than q'
+        if M<0:
+            raise error, 'Illegal value of M (<0)'
+        if M>=pow(2,161L):
+            raise error, 'Illegal value of M (too large)'
+        r=pow(self.g, K, self.p) % self.q
+        s=(K- (r*M*self.x % self.q)) % self.q
+        return (r,s)
+    def _verify(self, M, sig):
+        r, s = sig
+        if r<=0 or r>=self.q or s<=0 or s>=self.q:
+            return 0
+        if M<0:
+            raise error, 'Illegal value of M (<0)'
+        if M<=0 or M>=pow(2,161L):
+            return 0
+        v1 = pow(self.g, s, self.p)
+        v2 = pow(self.y, M*r, self.p)
+        v = ((v1*v2) % self.p)
+        v = v % self.q
+        if v==r:
+            return 1
+        return 0
+    def size(self):
+        "Return the maximum number of bits that can be handled by this key."
+        return 160
+    def has_private(self):
+        """Return a Boolean denoting whether the object contains
+        private components."""
+        return hasattr(self, 'x')
+    def can_sign(self):
+        """Return a Boolean value recording whether this algorithm can 
generate signatures."""
+        return 1
+    def can_encrypt(self):
+        """Return a Boolean value recording whether this algorithm can encrypt 
+        return 0
+    def publickey(self):
+        """Return a new key object containing only the public information."""
+        return construct((self.p, self.q, self.g, self.y))
+object = qNEWobj
diff --git a/tools/bin/pythonSrc/pycrypto-2.0.1/PublicKey/test/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e2b07d6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bin/pythonSrc/pycrypto-2.0.1/PublicKey/test/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# Script to time fast and slow RSA operations
+# Contributed by Joris Bontje.
+import time, pprint
+from Crypto.PublicKey import *
+from Crypto.Util.randpool import RandomPool
+from Crypto.Util import number
+pool = RandomPool()
+for x in range(COUNT):
+    begintime=time.time()
+    rsa=RSA.generate(KEYSIZE, pool.get_bytes)
+    endtime=time.time()
+    print "Server: Generating %d bit RSA key: %f s" % (KEYSIZE, 
+    rsa_slow=RSA.construct((rsa.n,rsa.e,rsa.d))
+    code=number.getRandomNumber(256, pool.get_bytes)
+    begintime=time.time()
+    signature=rsa.sign(code,None)[0]
+    endtime=time.time()
+    fast=(endtime-begintime)
+    fasttime=fasttime+fast
+    print "Fast signing took %f s" % fast
+    begintime=time.time()
+    signature_slow=rsa_slow.sign(code,None)[0]
+    endtime=time.time()
+    slow=(endtime-begintime)
+    slowtime=slowtime+slow
+    print "Slow signing took %f s" % slow
+    if rsa.verify(code,(signature,)) and signature==signature_slow:
+        print "Signature okay"
+    else:
+        print "Signature WRONG"
+    print "faster: %f" % (slow/fast)
+print "Based on %d signatures with %d bits keys the optimized\n RSA 
decryption/signing algorithm is %f times faster" % (COUNT, KEYSIZE, 
diff --git a/tools/bin/pythonSrc/pycrypto-2.0.1/README 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c0a134f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bin/pythonSrc/pycrypto-2.0.1/README
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+Python Cryptography Toolkit (pycrypto)
+This is a collection of both secure hash functions (such as MD5 and SHA),
+and various encryption algorithms (AES, DES, IDEA, RSA, ElGamal, etc.).  The
+package is structured to make adding new modules easy.  I consider this
+section to be essentially complete, and the software interface will almost
+certainly not change in an incompatible way in the future; all that remains
+to be done is to fix any bugs that show up.  If you encounter a bug, please
+report it in the SourceForge bug tracker at
+An example usage of the MD5 module is:
+>>> from Crypto.Hash import MD5
+>>> hash.update('message')
+>>> hash.digest()
+An example usage of an encryption algorithm (AES, in this case) is:
+>>> from Crypto.Cipher import AES
+>>>'This is a key456', AES.MODE_ECB)
+>>> message="The answer is no"
+>>> ciphertext=obj.encrypt(message)
+>>> ciphertext
+>>> obj2 ='This is a key456', AES.MODE_ECB)
+>>> obj2.decrypt(ciphertext)
+'The answer is no'
+One possible application of the modules is writing secure
+administration tools.  Another application is in writing daemons and
+servers.  Clients and servers can encrypt the data being exchanged and
+mutually authenticate themselves; daemons can encrypt private data for
+added security.  Python also provides a pleasant framework for
+prototyping and experimentation with cryptographic algorithms; thanks
+to its arbitrary-length integers, public key algorithms are easily
+Development of the toolkit can be discussed on the pct mailing list;
+archives and instructions for subscribing at at 
+The toolkit is written and tested using Python 2.2, though it should
+also work with Python 2.1.  Python 1.5.2 is not supported, and the script will abort if you run it with 1.5.2.
+The modules are packaged using the Distutils, so you can simply run
+"python build" to build the package, and "python
+install" to install it.
+If the script crashes with a DistutilsPlatformError
+complaining that the file /usr/lib/python2.2/config/Makefile doesn't
+exist, this means that the files needed for compiling new Python
+modules aren't installed on your system.  Red Hat users often run into
+this because they don't have the python2-devel RPM installed.  The fix
+is to simply install the requisite RPM.
+To verify that everything is in order, run "python".  It will test
+all the cryptographic modules, skipping ones that aren't available.  If the
+test script reports an error on your machine, please report the bug using
+the bug tracker (URL given above).  If possible, track down the bug and
+include a patch that fixes it.
+To install the package under the site-packages directory of
+your Python installation, run "python install".
+If you have any comments, corrections, or improvements for this package,
+please send it to the 'pct' mailing list.  Good luck!
+--amk                                                       (
diff --git a/tools/bin/pythonSrc/pycrypto-2.0.1/TODO 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a79ad71
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bin/pythonSrc/pycrypto-2.0.1/TODO
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+* Add more tests for random pool code?
+* Manual and Web page: point to SF project for bug reports
+* Update documentation (mention dodgy status of PublicKey code)
+* Clean up markup in pycrypt.tex
+* Reformat all the code to MEMS Exchange style
+* Document the functions and macros for adding a new algorithm
+    Hash functions:
+  hash_init(), hash_copy(), DIGEST_SIZE, hash_update(), hash_digest()
+    Block functions: 
+  ...
+* Provide drop-in support for extensions/drivers like
+amkCrypto/mxCrypto. There should be some way to register these
+drivers in your package, e.g. by defining a certain subdirectory
+to be a place where pycrypto looks for these drivers at startup
+* Add a secure PRNG (Yarrow, maybe?)
+* A secret sharing module should be added to Util or Protocols.
+       Document chaff/winnow better
+       Add docstrings everywhere.
diff --git a/tools/bin/pythonSrc/pycrypto-2.0.1/Util/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0a47952
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bin/pythonSrc/pycrypto-2.0.1/Util/
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+# : Converts between 128-bit strings and a human-readable
+# sequence of words, as defined in RFC1751: "A Convention for
+# Human-Readable 128-bit Keys", by Daniel L. McDonald.
+__revision__ = "$Id:,v 1.6 2003/04/04 15:15:10 akuchling Exp $"
+import string, binascii
+binary={0:'0000', 1:'0001', 2:'0010', 3:'0011', 4:'0100', 5:'0101',
+        6:'0110', 7:'0111', 8:'1000', 9:'1001', 10:'1010', 11:'1011',
+        12:'1100', 13:'1101', 14:'1110', 15:'1111'}
+def _key2bin(s):
+    "Convert a key into a string of binary digits"
+    kl=map(lambda x: ord(x), s)
+    kl=map(lambda x: binary[x/16]+binary[x&15], kl)
+    return ''.join(kl)
+def _extract(key, start, length):
+    """Extract a bitstring from a string of binary digits, and return its
+    numeric value."""
+    k=key[start:start+length]
+    return reduce(lambda x,y: x*2+ord(y)-48, k, 0)
+def key_to_english (key):
+    """key_to_english(key:string) : string
+    Transform an arbitrary key into a string containing English words.
+    The key length must be a multiple of 8.
+    """
+    english=''
+    for index in range(0, len(key), 8): # Loop over 8-byte subkeys
+        subkey=key[index:index+8]
+        # Compute the parity of the key
+        skbin=_key2bin(subkey) ; p=0
+        for i in range(0, 64, 2): p=p+_extract(skbin, i, 2)
+        # Append parity bits to the subkey
+        skbin=_key2bin(subkey+chr((p<<6) & 255))
+        for i in range(0, 64, 11):
+            english=english+wordlist[_extract(skbin, i, 11)]+' '
+    return english[:-1]                 # Remove the trailing space
+def english_to_key (str):
+    """english_to_key(string):string
+    Transform a string into a corresponding key.
+    The string must contain words separated by whitespace; the number
+    of words must be a multiple of 6.
+    """
+    L=string.split(string.upper(str)) ; key=''
+    for index in range(0, len(L), 6):
+        sublist=L[index:index+6] ; char=9*[0] ; bits=0
+        for i in sublist:
+            index = wordlist.index(i)
+            shift = (8-(bits+11)%8) %8
+            y = index << shift
+            cl, cc, cr = (y>>16), (y>>8)&0xff, y & 0xff
+            if (shift>5):
+                char[bits/8] = char[bits/8] | cl
+                char[bits/8+1] = char[bits/8+1] | cc
+                char[bits/8+2] = char[bits/8+2] | cr
+            elif shift>-3:
+                char[bits/8] = char[bits/8] | cc
+                char[bits/8+1] = char[bits/8+1] | cr
+            else: char[bits/8] = char[bits/8] | cr
+            bits=bits+11
+        subkey=reduce(lambda x,y:x+chr(y), char, '')
+        # Check the parity of the resulting key
+        skbin=_key2bin(subkey)
+        p=0
+        for i in range(0, 64, 2): p=p+_extract(skbin, i, 2)
+        if (p&3) != _extract(skbin, 64, 2):
+            raise ValueError, "Parity error in resulting key"
+        key=key+subkey[0:8]
+    return key
+wordlist=[ "A", "ABE", "ACE", "ACT", "AD", "ADA", "ADD",
+   "AGO", "AID", "AIM", "AIR", "ALL", "ALP", "AM", "AMY", "AN", "ANA",
+   "AND", "ANN", "ANT", "ANY", "APE", "APS", "APT", "ARC", "ARE", "ARK",
+   "ARM", "ART", "AS", "ASH", "ASK", "AT", "ATE", "AUG", "AUK", "AVE",
+   "AWE", "AWK", "AWL", "AWN", "AX", "AYE", "BAD", "BAG", "BAH", "BAM",
+   "BAN", "BAR", "BAT", "BAY", "BE", "BED", "BEE", "BEG", "BEN", "BET",
+   "BEY", "BIB", "BID", "BIG", "BIN", "BIT", "BOB", "BOG", "BON", "BOO",
+   "BOP", "BOW", "BOY", "BUB", "BUD", "BUG", "BUM", "BUN", "BUS", "BUT",
+   "BUY", "BY", "BYE", "CAB", "CAL", "CAM", "CAN", "CAP", "CAR", "CAT",
+   "CAW", "COD", "COG", "COL", "CON", "COO", "COP", "COT", "COW", "COY",
+   "CRY", "CUB", "CUE", "CUP", "CUR", "CUT", "DAB", "DAD", "DAM", "DAN",
+   "DAR", "DAY", "DEE", "DEL", "DEN", "DES", "DEW", "DID", "DIE", "DIG",
+   "DIN", "DIP", "DO", "DOE", "DOG", "DON", "DOT", "DOW", "DRY", "DUB",
+   "DUD", "DUE", "DUG", "DUN", "EAR", "EAT", "ED", "EEL", "EGG", "EGO",
+   "ELI", "ELK", "ELM", "ELY", "EM", "END", "EST", "ETC", "EVA", "EVE",
+   "EWE", "EYE", "FAD", "FAN", "FAR", "FAT", "FAY", "FED", "FEE", "FEW",
+   "FIB", "FIG", "FIN", "FIR", "FIT", "FLO", "FLY", "FOE", "FOG", "FOR",
+   "FRY", "FUM", "FUN", "FUR", "GAB", "GAD", "GAG", "GAL", "GAM", "GAP",
+   "GAS", "GAY", "GEE", "GEL", "GEM", "GET", "GIG", "GIL", "GIN", "GO",
+   "GOT", "GUM", "GUN", "GUS", "GUT", "GUY", "GYM", "GYP", "HA", "HAD",
+   "HAL", "HAM", "HAN", "HAP", "HAS", "HAT", "HAW", "HAY", "HE", "HEM",
+   "HEN", "HER", "HEW", "HEY", "HI", "HID", "HIM", "HIP", "HIS", "HIT",
+   "HO", "HOB", "HOC", "HOE", "HOG", "HOP", "HOT", "HOW", "HUB", "HUE",
+   "HUG", "HUH", "HUM", "HUT", "I", "ICY", "IDA", "IF", "IKE", "ILL",
+   "INK", "INN", "IO", "ION", "IQ", "IRA", "IRE", "IRK", "IS", "IT",
+   "ITS", "IVY", "JAB", "JAG", "JAM", "JAN", "JAR", "JAW", "JAY", "JET",
+   "JIG", "JIM", "JO", "JOB", "JOE", "JOG", "JOT", "JOY", "JUG", "JUT",
+   "KAY", "KEG", "KEN", "KEY", "KID", "KIM", "KIN", "KIT", "LA", "LAB",
+   "LAC", "LAD", "LAG", "LAM", "LAP", "LAW", "LAY", "LEA", "LED", "LEE",
+   "LEG", "LEN", "LEO", "LET", "LEW", "LID", "LIE", "LIN", "LIP", "LIT",
+   "LO", "LOB", "LOG", "LOP", "LOS", "LOT", "LOU", "LOW", "LOY", "LUG",
+   "LYE", "MA", "MAC", "MAD", "MAE", "MAN", "MAO", "MAP", "MAT", "MAW",
+   "MAY", "ME", "MEG", "MEL", "MEN", "MET", "MEW", "MID", "MIN", "MIT",
+   "MOB", "MOD", "MOE", "MOO", "MOP", "MOS", "MOT", "MOW", "MUD", "MUG",
+   "MUM", "MY", "NAB", "NAG", "NAN", "NAP", "NAT", "NAY", "NE", "NED",
+   "NEE", "NET", "NEW", "NIB", "NIL", "NIP", "NIT", "NO", "NOB", "NOD",
+   "NON", "NOR", "NOT", "NOV", "NOW", "NU", "NUN", "NUT", "O", "OAF",
+   "OAK", "OAR", "OAT", "ODD", "ODE", "OF", "OFF", "OFT", "OH", "OIL",
+   "OK", "OLD", "ON", "ONE", "OR", "ORB", "ORE", "ORR", "OS", "OTT",
+   "OUR", "OUT", "OVA", "OW", "OWE", "OWL", "OWN", "OX", "PA", "PAD",
+   "PAL", "PAM", "PAN", "PAP", "PAR", "PAT", "PAW", "PAY", "PEA", "PEG",
+   "PEN", "PEP", "PER", "PET", "PEW", "PHI", "PI", "PIE", "PIN", "PIT",
+   "PLY", "PO", "POD", "POE", "POP", "POT", "POW", "PRO", "PRY", "PUB",
+   "PUG", "PUN", "PUP", "PUT", "QUO", "RAG", "RAM", "RAN", "RAP", "RAT",
+   "RAW", "RAY", "REB", "RED", "REP", "RET", "RIB", "RID", "RIG", "RIM",
+   "RIO", "RIP", "ROB", "ROD", "ROE", "RON", "ROT", "ROW", "ROY", "RUB",
+   "RUE", "RUG", "RUM", "RUN", "RYE", "SAC", "SAD", "SAG", "SAL", "SAM",
+   "SAN", "SAP", "SAT", "SAW", "SAY", "SEA", "SEC", "SEE", "SEN", "SET",
+   "SEW", "SHE", "SHY", "SIN", "SIP", "SIR", "SIS", "SIT", "SKI", "SKY",
+   "SLY", "SO", "SOB", "SOD", "SON", "SOP", "SOW", "SOY", "SPA", "SPY",
+   "SUB", "SUD", "SUE", "SUM", "SUN", "SUP", "TAB", "TAD", "TAG", "TAN",
+   "TAP", "TAR", "TEA", "TED", "TEE", "TEN", "THE", "THY", "TIC", "TIE",
+   "TIM", "TIN", "TIP", "TO", "TOE", "TOG", "TOM", "TON", "TOO", "TOP",
+   "TOW", "TOY", "TRY", "TUB", "TUG", "TUM", "TUN", "TWO", "UN", "UP",
+   "US", "USE", "VAN", "VAT", "VET", "VIE", "WAD", "WAG", "WAR", "WAS",
+   "WAY", "WE", "WEB", "WED", "WEE", "WET", "WHO", "WHY", "WIN", "WIT",
+   "WOK", "WON", "WOO", "WOW", "WRY", "WU", "YAM", "YAP", "YAW", "YE",
+   "YEA", "YES", "YET", "YOU", "ABED", "ABEL", "ABET", "ABLE", "ABUT",
+   "ACHE", "ACID", "ACME", "ACRE", "ACTA", "ACTS", "ADAM", "ADDS",
+   "ADEN", "AFAR", "AFRO", "AGEE", "AHEM", "AHOY", "AIDA", "AIDE",
+   "AIDS", "AIRY", "AJAR", "AKIN", "ALAN", "ALEC", "ALGA", "ALIA",
+   "ALLY", "ALMA", "ALOE", "ALSO", "ALTO", "ALUM", "ALVA", "AMEN",
+   "AMES", "AMID", "AMMO", "AMOK", "AMOS", "AMRA", "ANDY", "ANEW",
+   "ANNA", "ANNE", "ANTE", "ANTI", "AQUA", "ARAB", "ARCH", "AREA",
+   "ARGO", "ARID", "ARMY", "ARTS", "ARTY", "ASIA", "ASKS", "ATOM",
+   "AUNT", "AURA", "AUTO", "AVER", "AVID", "AVIS", "AVON", "AVOW",
+   "AWAY", "AWRY", "BABE", "BABY", "BACH", "BACK", "BADE", "BAIL",
+   "BAIT", "BAKE", "BALD", "BALE", "BALI", "BALK", "BALL", "BALM",
+   "BAND", "BANE", "BANG", "BANK", "BARB", "BARD", "BARE", "BARK",
+   "BARN", "BARR", "BASE", "BASH", "BASK", "BASS", "BATE", "BATH",
+   "BAWD", "BAWL", "BEAD", "BEAK", "BEAM", "BEAN", "BEAR", "BEAT",
+   "BEAU", "BECK", "BEEF", "BEEN", "BEER",
+   "BEET", "BELA", "BELL", "BELT", "BEND", "BENT", "BERG", "BERN",
+   "BERT", "BESS", "BEST", "BETA", "BETH", "BHOY", "BIAS", "BIDE",
+   "BIEN", "BILE", "BILK", "BILL", "BIND", "BING", "BIRD", "BITE",
+   "BITS", "BLAB", "BLAT", "BLED", "BLEW", "BLOB", "BLOC", "BLOT",
+   "BLOW", "BLUE", "BLUM", "BLUR", "BOAR", "BOAT", "BOCA", "BOCK",
+   "BODE", "BODY", "BOGY", "BOHR", "BOIL", "BOLD", "BOLO", "BOLT",
+   "BOMB", "BONA", "BOND", "BONE", "BONG", "BONN", "BONY", "BOOK",
+   "BOOM", "BOON", "BOOT", "BORE", "BORG", "BORN", "BOSE", "BOSS",
+   "BOTH", "BOUT", "BOWL", "BOYD", "BRAD", "BRAE", "BRAG", "BRAN",
+   "BRAY", "BRED", "BREW", "BRIG", "BRIM", "BROW", "BUCK", "BUDD",
+   "BUFF", "BULB", "BULK", "BULL", "BUNK", "BUNT", "BUOY", "BURG",
+   "BURL", "BURN", "BURR", "BURT", "BURY", "BUSH", "BUSS", "BUST",
+   "BUSY", "BYTE", "CADY", "CAFE", "CAGE", "CAIN", "CAKE", "CALF",
+   "CALL", "CALM", "CAME", "CANE", "CANT", "CARD", "CARE", "CARL",
+   "CARR", "CART", "CASE", "CASH", "CASK", "CAST", "CAVE", "CEIL",
+   "CELL", "CENT", "CERN", "CHAD", "CHAR", "CHAT", "CHAW", "CHEF",
+   "CHEN", "CHEW", "CHIC", "CHIN", "CHOU", "CHOW", "CHUB", "CHUG",
+   "CHUM", "CITE", "CITY", "CLAD", "CLAM", "CLAN", "CLAW", "CLAY",
+   "CLOD", "CLOG", "CLOT", "CLUB", "CLUE", "COAL", "COAT", "COCA",
+   "COCK", "COCO", "CODA", "CODE", "CODY", "COED", "COIL", "COIN",
+   "COKE", "COLA", "COLD", "COLT", "COMA", "COMB", "COME", "COOK",
+   "COOL", "COON", "COOT", "CORD", "CORE", "CORK", "CORN", "COST",
+   "COVE", "COWL", "CRAB", "CRAG", "CRAM", "CRAY", "CREW", "CRIB",
+   "CROW", "CRUD", "CUBA", "CUBE", "CUFF", "CULL", "CULT", "CUNY",
+   "CURB", "CURD", "CURE", "CURL", "CURT", "CUTS", "DADE", "DALE",
+   "DAME", "DANA", "DANE", "DANG", "DANK", "DARE", "DARK", "DARN",
+   "DART", "DASH", "DATA", "DATE", "DAVE", "DAVY", "DAWN", "DAYS",
+   "DEAD", "DEAF", "DEAL", "DEAN", "DEAR", "DEBT", "DECK", "DEED",
+   "DEEM", "DEER", "DEFT", "DEFY", "DELL", "DENT", "DENY", "DESK",
+   "DIAL", "DICE", "DIED", "DIET", "DIME", "DINE", "DING", "DINT",
+   "DIRE", "DIRT", "DISC", "DISH", "DISK", "DIVE", "DOCK", "DOES",
+   "DOLE", "DOLL", "DOLT", "DOME", "DONE", "DOOM", "DOOR", "DORA",
+   "DOSE", "DOTE", "DOUG", "DOUR", "DOVE", "DOWN", "DRAB", "DRAG",
+   "DRAM", "DRAW", "DREW", "DRUB", "DRUG", "DRUM", "DUAL", "DUCK",
+   "DUCT", "DUEL", "DUET", "DUKE", "DULL", "DUMB", "DUNE", "DUNK",
+   "DUSK", "DUST", "DUTY", "EACH", "EARL", "EARN", "EASE", "EAST",
+   "EASY", "EBEN", "ECHO", "EDDY", "EDEN", "EDGE", "EDGY", "EDIT",
+   "EDNA", "EGAN", "ELAN", "ELBA", "ELLA", "ELSE", "EMIL", "EMIT",
+   "EMMA", "ENDS", "ERIC", "EROS", "EVEN", "EVER", "EVIL", "EYED",
+   "FACE", "FACT", "FADE", "FAIL", "FAIN", "FAIR", "FAKE", "FALL",
+   "FAME", "FANG", "FARM", "FAST", "FATE", "FAWN", "FEAR", "FEAT",
+   "FEED", "FEEL", "FEET", "FELL", "FELT", "FEND", "FERN", "FEST",
+   "FEUD", "FIEF", "FIGS", "FILE", "FILL", "FILM", "FIND", "FINE",
+   "FINK", "FIRE", "FIRM", "FISH", "FISK", "FIST", "FITS", "FIVE",
+   "FLAG", "FLAK", "FLAM", "FLAT", "FLAW", "FLEA", "FLED", "FLEW",
+   "FLIT", "FLOC", "FLOG", "FLOW", "FLUB", "FLUE", "FOAL", "FOAM",
+   "FOGY", "FOIL", "FOLD", "FOLK", "FOND", "FONT", "FOOD", "FOOL",
+   "FOOT", "FORD", "FORE", "FORK", "FORM", "FORT", "FOSS", "FOUL",
+   "FOUR", "FOWL", "FRAU", "FRAY", "FRED", "FREE", "FRET", "FREY",
+   "FROG", "FROM", "FUEL", "FULL", "FUME", "FUND", "FUNK", "FURY",
+   "FUSE", "FUSS", "GAFF", "GAGE", "GAIL", "GAIN", "GAIT", "GALA",
+   "GALE", "GALL", "GALT", "GAME", "GANG", "GARB", "GARY", "GASH",
+   "GATE", "GAUL", "GAUR", "GAVE", "GAWK", "GEAR", "GELD", "GENE",
+   "GENT", "GERM", "GETS", "GIBE", "GIFT", "GILD", "GILL", "GILT",
+   "GINA", "GIRD", "GIRL", "GIST", "GIVE", "GLAD", "GLEE", "GLEN",
+   "GLIB", "GLOB", "GLOM", "GLOW", "GLUE", "GLUM", "GLUT", "GOAD",
+   "GOAL", "GOAT", "GOER", "GOES", "GOLD", "GOLF", "GONE", "GONG",
+   "GOOD", "GOOF", "GORE", "GORY", "GOSH", "GOUT", "GOWN", "GRAB",
+   "GRAD", "GRAY", "GREG", "GREW", "GREY", "GRID", "GRIM", "GRIN",
+   "GRIT", "GROW", "GRUB", "GULF", "GULL", "GUNK", "GURU", "GUSH",
+   "GUST", "GWEN", "GWYN", "HAAG", "HAAS", "HACK", "HAIL", "HAIR",
+   "HALE", "HALF", "HALL", "HALO", "HALT", "HAND", "HANG", "HANK",
+   "HANS", "HARD", "HARK", "HARM", "HART", "HASH", "HAST", "HATE",
+   "HATH", "HAUL", "HAVE", "HAWK", "HAYS", "HEAD", "HEAL", "HEAR",
+   "HEAT", "HEBE", "HECK", "HEED", "HEEL", "HEFT", "HELD", "HELL",
+   "HELM", "HERB", "HERD", "HERE", "HERO", "HERS", "HESS", "HEWN",
+   "HICK", "HIDE", "HIGH", "HIKE", "HILL", "HILT", "HIND", "HINT",
+   "HIRE", "HISS", "HIVE", "HOBO", "HOCK", "HOFF", "HOLD", "HOLE",
+   "HOLM", "HOLT", "HOME", "HONE", "HONK", "HOOD", "HOOF", "HOOK",
+   "HOOT", "HORN", "HOSE", "HOST", "HOUR", "HOVE", "HOWE", "HOWL",
+   "HOYT", "HUCK", "HUED", "HUFF", "HUGE", "HUGH", "HUGO", "HULK",
+   "HULL", "HUNK", "HUNT", "HURD", "HURL", "HURT", "HUSH", "HYDE",
+   "HYMN", "IBIS", "ICON", "IDEA", "IDLE", "IFFY", "INCA", "INCH",
+   "INTO", "IONS", "IOTA", "IOWA", "IRIS", "IRMA", "IRON", "ISLE",
+   "ITCH", "ITEM", "IVAN", "JACK", "JADE", "JAIL", "JAKE", "JANE",
+   "JAVA", "JEAN", "JEFF", "JERK", "JESS", "JEST", "JIBE", "JILL",
+   "JILT", "JIVE", "JOAN", "JOBS", "JOCK", "JOEL", "JOEY", "JOHN",
+   "JOIN", "JOKE", "JOLT", "JOVE", "JUDD", "JUDE", "JUDO", "JUDY",
+   "JUJU", "JUKE", "JULY", "JUNE", "JUNK", "JUNO", "JURY", "JUST",
+   "JUTE", "KAHN", "KALE", "KANE", "KANT", "KARL", "KATE", "KEEL",
+   "KEEN", "KENO", "KENT", "KERN", "KERR", "KEYS", "KICK", "KILL",
+   "KIND", "KING", "KIRK", "KISS", "KITE", "KLAN", "KNEE", "KNEW",
+   "KNIT", "KNOB", "KNOT", "KNOW", "KOCH", "KONG", "KUDO", "KURD",
+   "KURT", "KYLE", "LACE", "LACK", "LACY", "LADY", "LAID", "LAIN",
+   "LAIR", "LAKE", "LAMB", "LAME", "LAND", "LANE", "LANG", "LARD",
+   "LARK", "LASS", "LAST", "LATE", "LAUD", "LAVA", "LAWN", "LAWS",
+   "LAYS", "LEAD", "LEAF", "LEAK", "LEAN", "LEAR", "LEEK", "LEER",
+   "LEFT", "LEND", "LENS", "LENT", "LEON", "LESK", "LESS", "LEST",
+   "LETS", "LIAR", "LICE", "LICK", "LIED", "LIEN", "LIES", "LIEU",
+   "LIFE", "LIFT", "LIKE", "LILA", "LILT", "LILY", "LIMA", "LIMB",
+   "LIME", "LIND", "LINE", "LINK", "LINT", "LION", "LISA", "LIST",
+   "LIVE", "LOAD", "LOAF", "LOAM", "LOAN", "LOCK", "LOFT", "LOGE",
+   "LOIS", "LOLA", "LONE", "LONG", "LOOK", "LOON", "LOOT", "LORD",
+   "LORE", "LOSE", "LOSS", "LOST", "LOUD", "LOVE", "LOWE", "LUCK",
+   "LUCY", "LUGE", "LUKE", "LULU", "LUND", "LUNG", "LURA", "LURE",
+   "LURK", "LUSH", "LUST", "LYLE", "LYNN", "LYON", "LYRA", "MACE",
+   "MADE", "MAGI", "MAID", "MAIL", "MAIN", "MAKE", "MALE", "MALI",
+   "MALL", "MALT", "MANA", "MANN", "MANY", "MARC", "MARE", "MARK",
+   "MARS", "MART", "MARY", "MASH", "MASK", "MASS", "MAST", "MATE",
+   "MATH", "MAUL", "MAYO", "MEAD", "MEAL", "MEAN", "MEAT", "MEEK",
+   "MEET", "MELD", "MELT", "MEMO", "MEND", "MENU", "MERT", "MESH",
+   "MESS", "MICE", "MIKE", "MILD", "MILE", "MILK", "MILL", "MILT",
+   "MIMI", "MIND", "MINE", "MINI", "MINK", "MINT", "MIRE", "MISS",
+   "MIST", "MITE", "MITT", "MOAN", "MOAT", "MOCK", "MODE", "MOLD",
+   "MOLE", "MOLL", "MOLT", "MONA", "MONK", "MONT", "MOOD", "MOON",
+   "MOOR", "MOOT", "MORE", "MORN", "MORT", "MOSS", "MOST", "MOTH",
+   "MOVE", "MUCH", "MUCK", "MUDD", "MUFF", "MULE", "MULL", "MURK",
+   "MUSH", "MUST", "MUTE", "MUTT", "MYRA", "MYTH", "NAGY", "NAIL",
+   "NAIR", "NAME", "NARY", "NASH", "NAVE", "NAVY", "NEAL", "NEAR",
+   "NEAT", "NECK", "NEED", "NEIL", "NELL", "NEON", "NERO", "NESS",
+   "NEST", "NEWS", "NEWT", "NIBS", "NICE", "NICK", "NILE", "NINA",
+   "NINE", "NOAH", "NODE", "NOEL", "NOLL", "NONE", "NOOK", "NOON",
+   "NORM", "NOSE", "NOTE", "NOUN", "NOVA", "NUDE", "NULL", "NUMB",
+   "OATH", "OBEY", "OBOE", "ODIN", "OHIO", "OILY", "OINT", "OKAY",
+   "OLAF", "OLDY", "OLGA", "OLIN", "OMAN", "OMEN", "OMIT", "ONCE",
+   "ONES", "ONLY", "ONTO", "ONUS", "ORAL", "ORGY", "OSLO", "OTIS",
+   "OTTO", "OUCH", "OUST", "OUTS", "OVAL", "OVEN", "OVER", "OWLY",
+   "OWNS", "QUAD", "QUIT", "QUOD", "RACE", "RACK", "RACY", "RAFT",
+   "RAGE", "RAID", "RAIL", "RAIN", "RAKE", "RANK", "RANT", "RARE",
+   "RASH", "RATE", "RAVE", "RAYS", "READ", "REAL", "REAM", "REAR",
+   "RECK", "REED", "REEF", "REEK", "REEL", "REID", "REIN", "RENA",
+   "REND", "RENT", "REST", "RICE", "RICH", "RICK", "RIDE", "RIFT",
+   "RILL", "RIME", "RING", "RINK", "RISE", "RISK", "RITE", "ROAD",
+   "ROAM", "ROAR", "ROBE", "ROCK", "RODE", "ROIL", "ROLL", "ROME",
+   "ROOD", "ROOF", "ROOK", "ROOM", "ROOT", "ROSA", "ROSE", "ROSS",
+   "ROSY", "ROTH", "ROUT", "ROVE", "ROWE", "ROWS", "RUBE", "RUBY",
+   "RUDE", "RUDY", "RUIN", "RULE", "RUNG", "RUNS", "RUNT", "RUSE",
+   "RUSH", "RUSK", "RUSS", "RUST", "RUTH", "SACK", "SAFE", "SAGE",
+   "SAID", "SAIL", "SALE", "SALK", "SALT", "SAME", "SAND", "SANE",
+   "SANG", "SANK", "SARA", "SAUL", "SAVE", "SAYS", "SCAN", "SCAR",
+   "SCAT", "SCOT", "SEAL", "SEAM", "SEAR", "SEAT", "SEED", "SEEK",
+   "SEEM", "SEEN", "SEES", "SELF", "SELL", "SEND", "SENT", "SETS",
+   "SEWN", "SHAG", "SHAM", "SHAW", "SHAY", "SHED", "SHIM", "SHIN",
+   "SHOD", "SHOE", "SHOT", "SHOW", "SHUN", "SHUT", "SICK", "SIDE",
+   "SIFT", "SIGH", "SIGN", "SILK", "SILL", "SILO", "SILT", "SINE",
+   "SING", "SINK", "SIRE", "SITE", "SITS", "SITU", "SKAT", "SKEW",
+   "SKID", "SKIM", "SKIN", "SKIT", "SLAB", "SLAM", "SLAT", "SLAY",
+   "SLED", "SLEW", "SLID", "SLIM", "SLIT", "SLOB", "SLOG", "SLOT",
+   "SLOW", "SLUG", "SLUM", "SLUR", "SMOG", "SMUG", "SNAG", "SNOB",
+   "SNOW", "SNUB", "SNUG", "SOAK", "SOAR", "SOCK", "SODA", "SOFA",
+   "SOFT", "SOIL", "SOLD", "SOME", "SONG", "SOON", "SOOT", "SORE",
+   "SORT", "SOUL", "SOUR", "SOWN", "STAB", "STAG", "STAN", "STAR",
+   "STAY", "STEM", "STEW", "STIR", "STOW", "STUB", "STUN", "SUCH",
+   "SUDS", "SUIT", "SULK", "SUMS", "SUNG", "SUNK", "SURE", "SURF",
+   "SWAB", "SWAG", "SWAM", "SWAN", "SWAT", "SWAY", "SWIM", "SWUM",
+   "TACK", "TACT", "TAIL", "TAKE", "TALE", "TALK", "TALL", "TANK",
+   "TASK", "TATE", "TAUT", "TEAL", "TEAM", "TEAR", "TECH", "TEEM",
+   "TEEN", "TEET", "TELL", "TEND", "TENT", "TERM", "TERN", "TESS",
+   "TEST", "THAN", "THAT", "THEE", "THEM", "THEN", "THEY", "THIN",
+   "THIS", "THUD", "THUG", "TICK", "TIDE", "TIDY", "TIED", "TIER",
+   "TILE", "TILL", "TILT", "TIME", "TINA", "TINE", "TINT", "TINY",
+   "TIRE", "TOAD", "TOGO", "TOIL", "TOLD", "TOLL", "TONE", "TONG",
+   "TONY", "TOOK", "TOOL", "TOOT", "TORE", "TORN", "TOTE", "TOUR",
+   "TOUT", "TOWN", "TRAG", "TRAM", "TRAY", "TREE", "TREK", "TRIG",
+   "TRIM", "TRIO", "TROD", "TROT", "TROY", "TRUE", "TUBA", "TUBE",
+   "TUCK", "TUFT", "TUNA", "TUNE", "TUNG", "TURF", "TURN", "TUSK",
+   "TWIG", "TWIN", "TWIT", "ULAN", "UNIT", "URGE", "USED", "USER",
+   "USES", "UTAH", "VAIL", "VAIN", "VALE", "VARY", "VASE", "VAST",
+   "VEAL", "VEDA", "VEIL", "VEIN", "VEND", "VENT", "VERB", "VERY",
+   "VETO", "VICE", "VIEW", "VINE", "VISE", "VOID", "VOLT", "VOTE",
+   "WACK", "WADE", "WAGE", "WAIL", "WAIT", "WAKE", "WALE", "WALK",
+   "WALL", "WALT", "WAND", "WANE", "WANG", "WANT", "WARD", "WARM",
+   "WARN", "WART", "WASH", "WAST", "WATS", "WATT", "WAVE", "WAVY",
+   "WAYS", "WEAK", "WEAL", "WEAN", "WEAR", "WEED", "WEEK", "WEIR",
+   "WELD", "WELL", "WELT", "WENT", "WERE", "WERT", "WEST", "WHAM",
+   "WHAT", "WHEE", "WHEN", "WHET", "WHOA", "WHOM", "WICK", "WIFE",
+   "WILD", "WILL", "WIND", "WINE", "WING", "WINK", "WINO", "WIRE",
+   "WISE", "WISH", "WITH", "WOLF", "WONT", "WOOD", "WOOL", "WORD",
+   "WORE", "WORK", "WORM", "WORN", "WOVE", "WRIT", "WYNN", "YALE",
+   "YANG", "YANK", "YARD", "YARN", "YAWL", "YAWN", "YEAH", "YEAR",
+   "YELL", "YOGA", "YOKE" ]
+if __name__=='__main__':
+    data = [('EB33F77EE73D4053', 'TIDE ITCH SLOW REIN RULE MOT'),
+            ('CCAC2AED591056BE4F90FD441C534766',
+            ('EFF81F9BFBC65350920CDD7416DE8009',
+           ]
+    for key, words in data:
+        print 'Trying key', key
+        key=binascii.a2b_hex(key)
+        w2=key_to_english(key)
+        if w2!=words:
+            print 'key_to_english fails on key', repr(key), ', producing', 
+        k2=english_to_key(words)
+        if k2!=key:
+            print 'english_to_key fails on key', repr(key), ', producing', 
diff --git a/tools/bin/pythonSrc/pycrypto-2.0.1/Util/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0d14768
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/bin/pythonSrc/pycrypto-2.0.1/Util/
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+"""Miscellaneous modules
+Contains useful modules that don't belong into any of the
+other Crypto.* subpackages.
+Crypto.Util.number        Number-theoretic functions (primality testing, etc.)
+Crypto.Util.randpool      Random number generation
+Crypto.Util.RFC1751       Converts between 128-bit keys and human-readable
+                          strings of words.
+__all__ = ['randpool', 'RFC1751', 'number']
+__revision__ = "$Id:,v 1.4 2003/02/28 15:26:00 akuchling Exp $"

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