diff --git a/src/test/feature/ao/sql/ao_wt_partsnappy32768.sql 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3916856
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/test/feature/ao/sql/ao_wt_partsnappy32768.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,437 @@
+-- @author yaoj2
+-- @description AO compression
+-- @created 2013-08-06 23:59:11
+-- @modified 2013-08-06 23:59:11
+-- @tags HAWQ Storage ao_wt
+-- Drop table if exists
+DROP TABLE if exists ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1 cascade;
+DROP TABLE if exists ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1_uncompr cascade;
+-- Create table
+CREATE TABLE ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1 
+       (id SERIAL,a1 int,a2 char(5),a3 numeric,a4 boolean DEFAULT false ,a5 
char DEFAULT 'd',a6 text,a7 timestamp,a8 character varying(705),a9 bigint,a10 
date,a11 varchar(600),a12 text,a13 decimal,a14 real,a15 bigint,a16 int4 ,a17 
bytea,a18 timestamp with time zone,a19 timetz,a20 path,a21 box,a22 macaddr,a23 
interval,a24 character varying(800),a25 lseg,a26 point,a27 double precision,a28 
circle,a29 int4,a30 numeric(8),a31 polygon,a32 date,a33 real,a34 money,a35 
cidr,a36 inet,a37 time,a38 text,a39 bit,a40 bit varying(5),a41 smallint,a42 int 
+ WITH (appendonly=true, orientation=row) distributed randomly Partition by 
range(a1) (start(1)  end(5000) every(1000) 
+ WITH (appendonly=true, orientation=row,compresstype=snappy,blocksize=32768));
+-- Insert data to the table
 values(generate_series(1,20),'M',2011,'t','a','This is news of today: Deadlock 
between Republicans and Democrats over how best to reduce the U.S. deficit, and 
over what period, has blocked an agreement to allow the raising of the $14.3 
trillion debt ceiling','2001-12-24 02:26:11','U.S. House of Representatives 
Speaker John Boehner, the top Republican in Congress who has put forward a 
deficit reduction plan to be voted on later on Thursday said he had no control 
over whether his bill would avert a credit 
downgrade.',generate_series(2490,2505),'2011-10-11','The Republican-controlled 
House is tentatively scheduled to vote on Boehner proposal this afternoon at 
around 6 p.m. EDT (2200 GMT). The main Republican vote counter in the House, 
Kevin McCarthy, would not say if there were enough votes t
 o pass the bill.','WASHINGTON:House Speaker John Boehner says his plan mixing 
spending cuts in exchange for raising the nations $14.3 trillion debt limit is 
not perfect but is as large a step that a divided government can take that is 
doable and signable by President Barack Obama.The Ohio Republican says the 
measure is an honest and sincere attempt at compromise and was negotiated with 
Democrats last weekend and that passing it would end the ongoing debt crisis. 
The plan blends $900 billion-plus in spending cuts with a companion increase in 
the nations borrowing 
 had been working throughout the day Thursday to lock down support for their 
plan to raise the nations debt ceiling, even as Senate Democrats vowed to 
swiftly kill it if 
 2010-02-21',43564,'$1,000.00','192.168.1','','12:30:45','Johnson & 
Johnsons McNeil Consumer Healthcare announced the voluntary dosage reduction 
today. Labels will carry new dosing instructions this fall.The company says it 
will cut the maximum dosage of Regular Strength Tylenol and other 
acetaminophen-containing products in 2012.Acetaminophen is safe when used as 
directed, says Edwin Kuffner, MD, McNeil vice president of over-the-counter 
medical affairs. But, when too much is taken, it can cause liver damage.The 
action is intended to cut the risk of such accidental overdoses, the company 
says in a news release.','1','0',12,23); 
 values(generate_series(500,510),'F',2010,'f','b','Some students may need time 
to adjust to school.For most children, the adjustment is quick. Tears will 
usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead with 
your child','2001-12-25 02:22:11','Some students may need time to adjust to 
school.For most children, the adjustment is quick. Tears will usually disappear 
after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead with your 
child',generate_series(2500,2516),'2011-10-12','Some students may need time to 
adjust to school.For most children, the adjustment is quick. Tears will usually 
disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead with your 
child','Some students may need time to adjust to school.For most children, the 
adjustment is quick. Tears wi
 ll usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead 
with your child The type integer is the usual choice, as it offers the best 
balance between range, storage size, and performance The type integer is the 
usual choice, as it offers the best balance between range, storage size, and 
performanceThe type integer is the usual choice, as it offers the best balance 
between range, storage size, and performanceThe type integer is the usual 
choice, as it offers the best balance between range, storage size, and 
performanceThe type integer 
students may need time to adjust to school.For most children, the adjustment is 
quick. Tears will usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. 
Do not plead with your child The types smallint, integer, and bigint store 
whole numbers, that is, nu
 mbers without fractional components, of various ranges. The types smallint, 
integer, and bigint store whole numbers, that is, numbers without fractional 
components, of various ranges. Attempts to store values outside of the allowed 
range will result in an errorThe types smallint, integer, and bigint store 
whole numbers, that is, numbers without fractional components, of various 
 and other family members are always welcome at Stratford. After the first two 
weeks ofschool','0','1',33,44); 
 values(generate_series(500,525),'M',2010,'f','b','Some students may need time 
to adjust to school.For most children, the adjustment is quick. Tears will 
usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead with 
your child','2001-12-25 02:22:11','Some students may need time to adjust to 
school.For most children, the adjustment is quick. Tears will usually disappear 
after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead with your 
child',generate_series(2500,2515),'2011-10-12','Some students may need time to 
adjust to school.For most children, the adjustment is quick. Tears will usually 
disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead with your 
child','Some students may need time to adjust to school.For most children, the 
adjustment is quick. Tears wi
 ll usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead 
with your child The bigint type might not function correctly on all platforms, 
since it relies on compiler support for eight-byte integers.The bigint type 
might not function correctly on all platforms, since it relies on compiler 
support for eight-byte integers.The bigint type might not function correctly on 
all platforms, since it relies on compiler support for eight-byte integers.The 
bigint type might not function correctly on all platforms, since it relies on 
compiler support 
students may need time to adjust to school.For most children, the adjustment is 
quick. Tears will usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. 
Do not plead with your child The type numeric can store numbers with up to 1000 
digits of precision
  and perform calculations exactly. It is especially recommended for storing 
monetary amounts and other quantities where exactness is required. However, 
arithmetic on numeric values is very slow compared to the integer types, or to 
the floating-point types described in the next section.The type numeric can 
store numbers with up to 1000 digits of precision and perform calculations 
 type data must match the length n exactly; it is an error to attempt to store 
shorter or longer','1','10',43,54); 
 values(generate_series(600,625),'F',2011,'f','b','If the scale of a value to 
be stored is greater than the declared scale of the column, the system will 
round the value to the specified number of fractional digits. Then, if the 
number of digits to the left of the decimal point ','2001-11-24 
 our sbdfjdsbkfndjkshgifhdsn c  environment, we encourageyour 
guwr6tojsbdjht8y^W%^GNBMNBHGFE^^, emotional maturity, and a lifetime love of 
learning.Sign and submit the Stratford enrollment contract and prepaid 
tuition.Sign and submit the payme
 nt authorizahrqwygjashbxuyagsu.','It is very typical for preschool and 
pre-kindergarten students to experience separation anxietyduring the first few 
days of school. Please visit the school with your child prior to the first 
dayof class to help him/her become acquainted with the new environment.As often 
as possible,speak positively and with encouragement to your child about his/her 
new school experience.Focus on the excitement and fun of , not the 
apprehension.It is important to discuss the school procedures with your child. 
Inform your child that youoom with 
him','1231.16',121451,4001,2815,'0110','2007-02-12 03:55:15+1317','2011-12-10 
students may need time to adjust to school.For most children, the adjustment is 
quick. Tears will usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the 
cmnsbvduytfrw67ydwhg uygyth your 
 050.00','192.168.2','','12:31:25','Parents and other family members 
are always welcome at Stratford. After the first two weeks ofschool, we 
encourage you to stop by and visit any time you like. When visiting, please 
berespectful of the classroom environment and do not disturb the students or 
teachers. Prior toeach visit, we require all visidbsnfuyewfudsc,vsmckposjcofice 
and obtain a visit sticker to be worn while visiting.As a safety precaution, 
the Stratford playgrounds are closed for outside visitation during normal 
school hours. We thank you for your cooperation.','1','1',13,24); 
 values(generate_series(1500,1525),'M',2011,'t','b','At Stratford, we believe 
all children love to learn and that success in school and life depends on 
developing a strong foundation for learning early in life 
 our stimulating dnvuy9efoewlhrf78we68bcmnsbment, we 
enhsdfiyeowlfdshfkjsdhoifuoeifdhsjvdjnvbhjdfgusftsdbmfnbdstional maturity, and 
a lifetime loveof learning.Sign and submit the 
Suythjrbuyhjngy78yuhjkhgvfderujhbdfxrtyuhjcfxdserwhuc  dvfdf
 ofdgjkfrtiomn,eriokljnhbgfdhjkljhgfrtuyhgvform (if required).','It is very 
typical for preschool and pre-kindergarten students to experience separation 
anxietyduring the first few days of school. Please visit the school with your 
child prior to the first dayof class to help him/her become acquainted with the 
new environment.As often as possible,speak positively and with encouragement to 
your child about his/her new school experience.Focus on the excitement and fun 
of school, not the apprehensmnbvcxzasdfghjkoiuytre456789hfghild that you 
willnot be staying in the classroom with 
him','1231.16',121451,4001,2815,'0110','2007-02-12 03:55:15+1317','2011-12-10 
 the adjustment is quick. Tears will usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy 
leave the clasnbdsvuytg uhguyybvhcd with your 
 50.00','192.168.2','','12:31:25','Parents and other family members 
are always welcome at Stratford. After the first two weeks ofschool, we 
encourage you to stop b#%J,mbj756HNM&%.jlyyttlnvisiting, please berespectful of 
the classroom environment and do not disturb the students or teachers. Prior 
toeach visit, we require all visits to sign in at the school offbduysfifdsna v 
worn while visiting.As a safety precaution, the Stratford playgrounds are 
closed for outside visitation during normal school hours. We thank you for your 
 values(generate_series(3300,3455),'F',2011,'f','b','Numeric values are 
physically stored without any extra leading or trailing zeroes. Thus, the 
declared precision and scale of a column are maximums, not fixed allocations 
 odnviudfygojlskhiusdyfdslfun classroom environment, we encourageyour child to 
achieve self-confidence, emotional maturity, and a lifetime love of 
learning.Sign and submit the Stratford enrollment contract and prepaid 
tuition.Sign and submit the
  payment authorization form (if required).','It is very typical for 
presclsjhfdiudhskjfnds,vnc,svljsdaon anxietyduring the first few days of 
school. Please visimngfrtetyuiujnsbvcrdtr to the first dayof class to help 
him/her become acquainted with the 
nsfgsduaytf8fodshkfjhdw786%$%#^&&MBHJFY*IUHjhghgasd76ewhfewagement to your 
child about his/her new school experience.Focus on the excitement and fun of 
school, not the apprehension.It is important to discuss the school procedures 
with yhtyrt$#%^*&*HVGfu8jkGUYT$ujjtygdkfghjklfdhgjkfndkjghfdkgkfdge classroom 
with him','1231.16',121451,generate_series(5,25),2815,'0110','2007-02-12 
 school.For most children, the adjustment is quick. Tears will usually 
disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead with your 
 3-11',22564,'$6,050.00','192.168.2','','12:31:25','Parents and other 
family members are always welcome at Stratford. After the first two weeks 
ofschool, we encourage you to stop  shasuymnsdjkhsayt6b bnftrrojmbmnctreiujmnb 
nbfyttojmn, please berespectful of the classroom environment and do not disturb 
the students or teachers. Prior toeach visit, we require all 
visitosdfiwe7r09e[wrwdhskcisitors sticker to be worn while visiting.As a safety 
precaution, the Stratford playgrounds are closed for outside visitation during 
normal school hours. We thank you for your cooperation.','0','1',13,24); 
 values(generate_series(50,55),'M',2011,'f','b','Inexact means that some values 
cannot be converted exactly to the internal format and are stored as 
approximations, so that storing and printing back out 
 we encourageyour child to achieve 
ssbfuwet8ryewsjfnjksdhkcmxznbcnsfyetrusdgfdsbhjca lifetime love of 
learning.Sign and submit the Stratford enrollment contract and prepaid 
 fyuh form (if required).','It is very typical for preschool and 
pre-kindergarten students to experience separation anxietyduring the first few 
days of school. Please visit thuytrewfghjkjv cbvnmbvcrte78uhjgnmnbvc5678jnm 
4587uijk vacquainted with the new 
environment.Ajfhgdsufdsjfldsbfcjhgdshhhhhhhhuyhgbn sfsfsdur child about his/her 
new school experience.Focus on the excitement and fun of school, not the 
apprehension.It is important to discuss the school procedures with your child. 
Inform your child that you willnot be stayisdfdsgfuyehfihdfiyiewuyfiuwhfng in 
the classroom with him','1231.16',121451,4001,2815,'0110','2007-02-12 
students may need time to adjust to 
school.jhge7fefvjkehguejfgdkhjkjhgowu09f8r9wugfbwjhvuyTears will usually 
disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. bdys8snssbss97j with your 
 '2011-03-11',22564,'$6,050.00','192.168.2','','12:31:25','Parents and 
other family members are always welcome at Stratford. After the first two weeks 
ofschool, jge7rty3498rtkew mfuhqy970qf wjhg8er7ewrjmwe jhg When visiting, 
please berespectful of the classroom environment and do not disturb the 
students or teachers. Prior toeach visit, we require all visits to sign in at 
the school objjcshgifisdcnskjcbdiso be worn while visiting.As a safety 
precaution, the Stratford playgrounds are closed for outside visitation during 
normal school hours. We thank you for your cooperation.','0','1',13,24); 
+-- More data for bigger block size 
 values(generate_series(1,20),'M',2011,'t','a','This is news of today: Deadlock 
between Republicans and Democrats over how best to reduce the U.S. deficit, and 
over what period, has blocked an agreement to allow the raising of the $14.3 
trillion debt ceiling','2001-12-24 02:26:11','U.S. House of Representatives 
Speaker John Boehner, the top Republican in Congress who has put forward a 
deficit reduction plan to be voted on later on Thursday said he had no control 
over whether his bill would avert a credit 
downgrade.',generate_series(2490,2505),'2011-10-11','The Republican-controlled 
House is tentatively scheduled to vote on Boehner proposal this afternoon at 
around 6 p.m. EDT (2200 GMT). The main Republican vote counter in the House, 
Kevin McCarthy, would not say if there were enough votes t
 o pass the bill.','WASHINGTON:House Speaker John Boehner says his plan mixing 
spending cuts in exchange for raising the nations $14.3 trillion debt limit is 
not perfect but is as large a step that a divided government can take that is 
doable and signable by President Barack Obama.The Ohio Republican says the 
measure is an honest and sincere attempt at compromise and was negotiated with 
Democrats last weekend and that passing it would end the ongoing debt crisis. 
The plan blends $900 billion-plus in spending cuts with a companion increase in 
the nations borrowing 
 had been working throughout the day Thursday to lock down support for their 
plan to raise the nations debt ceiling, even as Senate Democrats vowed to 
swiftly kill it if 
 2010-02-21',43564,'$1,000.00','192.168.1','','12:30:45','Johnson & 
Johnsons McNeil Consumer Healthcare announced the voluntary dosage reduction 
today. Labels will carry new dosing instructions this fall.The company says it 
will cut the maximum dosage of Regular Strength Tylenol and other 
acetaminophen-containing products in 2012.Acetaminophen is safe when used as 
directed, says Edwin Kuffner, MD, McNeil vice president of over-the-counter 
medical affairs. But, when too much is taken, it can cause liver damage.The 
action is intended to cut the risk of such accidental overdoses, the company 
says in a news release.','1','0',12,23); 
 values(generate_series(500,510),'F',2010,'f','b','Some students may need time 
to adjust to school.For most children, the adjustment is quick. Tears will 
usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead with 
your child','2001-12-25 02:22:11','Some students may need time to adjust to 
school.For most children, the adjustment is quick. Tears will usually disappear 
after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead with your 
child',generate_series(2500,2516),'2011-10-12','Some students may need time to 
adjust to school.For most children, the adjustment is quick. Tears will usually 
disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead with your 
child','Some students may need time to adjust to school.For most children, the 
adjustment is quick. Tears wi
 ll usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead 
with your child The type integer is the usual choice, as it offers the best 
balance between range, storage size, and performance The type integer is the 
usual choice, as it offers the best balance between range, storage size, and 
performanceThe type integer is the usual choice, as it offers the best balance 
between range, storage size, and performanceThe type integer is the usual 
choice, as it offers the best balance between range, storage size, and 
performanceThe type integer 
students may need time to adjust to school.For most children, the adjustment is 
quick. Tears will usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. 
Do not plead with your child The types smallint, integer, and bigint store 
whole numbers, that is, nu
 mbers without fractional components, of various ranges. The types smallint, 
integer, and bigint store whole numbers, that is, numbers without fractional 
components, of various ranges. Attempts to store values outside of the allowed 
range will result in an errorThe types smallint, integer, and bigint store 
whole numbers, that is, numbers without fractional components, of various 
 and other family members are always welcome at Stratford. After the first two 
weeks ofschool','0','1',33,44); 
 values(generate_series(500,525),'M',2010,'f','b','Some students may need time 
to adjust to school.For most children, the adjustment is quick. Tears will 
usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead with 
your child','2001-12-25 02:22:11','Some students may need time to adjust to 
school.For most children, the adjustment is quick. Tears will usually disappear 
after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead with your 
child',generate_series(2500,2515),'2011-10-12','Some students may need time to 
adjust to school.For most children, the adjustment is quick. Tears will usually 
disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead with your 
child','Some students may need time to adjust to school.For most children, the 
adjustment is quick. Tears wi
 ll usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead 
with your child The bigint type might not function correctly on all platforms, 
since it relies on compiler support for eight-byte integers.The bigint type 
might not function correctly on all platforms, since it relies on compiler 
support for eight-byte integers.The bigint type might not function correctly on 
all platforms, since it relies on compiler support for eight-byte integers.The 
bigint type might not function correctly on all platforms, since it relies on 
compiler support 
students may need time to adjust to school.For most children, the adjustment is 
quick. Tears will usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. 
Do not plead with your child The type numeric can store numbers with up to 1000 
digits of precision
  and perform calculations exactly. It is especially recommended for storing 
monetary amounts and other quantities where exactness is required. However, 
arithmetic on numeric values is very slow compared to the integer types, or to 
the floating-point types described in the next section.The type numeric can 
store numbers with up to 1000 digits of precision and perform calculations 
 type data must match the length n exactly; it is an error to attempt to store 
shorter or longer','1','10',43,54); 
 values(generate_series(600,625),'F',2011,'f','b','If the scale of a value to 
be stored is greater than the declared scale of the column, the system will 
round the value to the specified number of fractional digits. Then, if the 
number of digits to the left of the decimal point ','2001-11-24 
 our sbdfjdsbkfndjkshgifhdsn c  environment, we encourageyour 
guwr6tojsbdjht8y^W%^GNBMNBHGFE^^, emotional maturity, and a lifetime love of 
learning.Sign and submit the Stratford enrollment contract and prepaid 
tuition.Sign and submit the payme
 nt authorizahrqwygjashbxuyagsu.','It is very typical for preschool and 
pre-kindergarten students to experience separation anxietyduring the first few 
days of school. Please visit the school with your child prior to the first 
dayof class to help him/her become acquainted with the new environment.As often 
as possible,speak positively and with encouragement to your child about his/her 
new school experience.Focus on the excitement and fun of , not the 
apprehension.It is important to discuss the school procedures with your child. 
Inform your child that youoom with 
him','1231.16',121451,4001,2815,'0110','2007-02-12 03:55:15+1317','2011-12-10 
students may need time to adjust to school.For most children, the adjustment is 
quick. Tears will usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the 
cmnsbvduytfrw67ydwhg uygyth your 
 050.00','192.168.2','','12:31:25','Parents and other family members 
are always welcome at Stratford. After the first two weeks ofschool, we 
encourage you to stop by and visit any time you like. When visiting, please 
berespectful of the classroom environment and do not disturb the students or 
teachers. Prior toeach visit, we require all visidbsnfuyewfudsc,vsmckposjcofice 
and obtain a visit sticker to be worn while visiting.As a safety precaution, 
the Stratford playgrounds are closed for outside visitation during normal 
school hours. We thank you for your cooperation.','1','1',13,24); 
 values(generate_series(1500,1525),'M',2011,'t','b','At Stratford, we believe 
all children love to learn and that success in school and life depends on 
developing a strong foundation for learning early in life 
 our stimulating dnvuy9efoewlhrf78we68bcmnsbment, we 
enhsdfiyeowlfdshfkjsdhoifuoeifdhsjvdjnvbhjdfgusftsdbmfnbdstional maturity, and 
a lifetime loveof learning.Sign and submit the 
Suythjrbuyhjngy78yuhjkhgvfderujhbdfxrtyuhjcfxdserwhuc  dvfdf
 ofdgjkfrtiomn,eriokljnhbgfdhjkljhgfrtuyhgvform (if required).','It is very 
typical for preschool and pre-kindergarten students to experience separation 
anxietyduring the first few days of school. Please visit the school with your 
child prior to the first dayof class to help him/her become acquainted with the 
new environment.As often as possible,speak positively and with encouragement to 
your child about his/her new school experience.Focus on the excitement and fun 
of school, not the apprehensmnbvcxzasdfghjkoiuytre456789hfghild that you 
willnot be staying in the classroom with 
him','1231.16',121451,4001,2815,'0110','2007-02-12 03:55:15+1317','2011-12-10 
 the adjustment is quick. Tears will usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy 
leave the clasnbdsvuytg uhguyybvhcd with your 
 50.00','192.168.2','','12:31:25','Parents and other family members 
are always welcome at Stratford. After the first two weeks ofschool, we 
encourage you to stop b#%J,mbj756HNM&%.jlyyttlnvisiting, please berespectful of 
the classroom environment and do not disturb the students or teachers. Prior 
toeach visit, we require all visits to sign in at the school offbduysfifdsna v 
worn while visiting.As a safety precaution, the Stratford playgrounds are 
closed for outside visitation during normal school hours. We thank you for your 
 values(generate_series(3300,3455),'F',2011,'f','b','Numeric values are 
physically stored without any extra leading or trailing zeroes. Thus, the 
declared precision and scale of a column are maximums, not fixed allocations 
 odnviudfygojlskhiusdyfdslfun classroom environment, we encourageyour child to 
achieve self-confidence, emotional maturity, and a lifetime love of 
learning.Sign and submit the Stratford enrollment contract and prepaid 
tuition.Sign and submit the
  payment authorization form (if required).','It is very typical for 
presclsjhfdiudhskjfnds,vnc,svljsdaon anxietyduring the first few days of 
school. Please visimngfrtetyuiujnsbvcrdtr to the first dayof class to help 
him/her become acquainted with the 
nsfgsduaytf8fodshkfjhdw786%$%#^&&MBHJFY*IUHjhghgasd76ewhfewagement to your 
child about his/her new school experience.Focus on the excitement and fun of 
school, not the apprehension.It is important to discuss the school procedures 
with yhtyrt$#%^*&*HVGfu8jkGUYT$ujjtygdkfghjklfdhgjkfndkjghfdkgkfdge classroom 
with him','1231.16',121451,generate_series(5,25),2815,'0110','2007-02-12 
 school.For most children, the adjustment is quick. Tears will usually 
disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead with your 
 3-11',22564,'$6,050.00','192.168.2','','12:31:25','Parents and other 
family members are always welcome at Stratford. After the first two weeks 
ofschool, we encourage you to stop  shasuymnsdjkhsayt6b bnftrrojmbmnctreiujmnb 
nbfyttojmn, please berespectful of the classroom environment and do not disturb 
the students or teachers. Prior toeach visit, we require all 
visitosdfiwe7r09e[wrwdhskcisitors sticker to be worn while visiting.As a safety 
precaution, the Stratford playgrounds are closed for outside visitation during 
normal school hours. We thank you for your cooperation.','0','1',13,24); 
 values(generate_series(50,55),'M',2011,'f','b','Inexact means that some values 
cannot be converted exactly to the internal format and are stored as 
approximations, so that storing and printing back out 
 we encourageyour child to achieve 
ssbfuwet8ryewsjfnjksdhkcmxznbcnsfyetrusdgfdsbhjca lifetime love of 
learning.Sign and submit the Stratford enrollment contract and prepaid 
 fyuh form (if required).','It is very typical for preschool and 
pre-kindergarten students to experience separation anxietyduring the first few 
days of school. Please visit thuytrewfghjkjv cbvnmbvcrte78uhjgnmnbvc5678jnm 
4587uijk vacquainted with the new 
environment.Ajfhgdsufdsjfldsbfcjhgdshhhhhhhhuyhgbn sfsfsdur child about his/her 
new school experience.Focus on the excitement and fun of school, not the 
apprehension.It is important to discuss the school procedures with your child. 
Inform your child that you willnot be stayisdfdsgfuyehfihdfiyiewuyfiuwhfng in 
the classroom with him','1231.16',121451,4001,2815,'0110','2007-02-12 
students may need time to adjust to 
school.jhge7fefvjkehguejfgdkhjkjhgowu09f8r9wugfbwjhvuyTears will usually 
disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. bdys8snssbss97j with your 
 '2011-03-11',22564,'$6,050.00','192.168.2','','12:31:25','Parents and 
other family members are always welcome at Stratford. After the first two weeks 
ofschool, jge7rty3498rtkew mfuhqy970qf wjhg8er7ewrjmwe jhg When visiting, 
please berespectful of the classroom environment and do not disturb the 
students or teachers. Prior toeach visit, we require all visits to sign in at 
the school objjcshgifisdcnskjcbdiso be worn while visiting.As a safety 
precaution, the Stratford playgrounds are closed for outside visitation during 
normal school hours. We thank you for your cooperation.','0','1',13,24); 
+--Create Uncompressed table of same schema definition
+CREATE TABLE ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1_uncompr(id SERIAL,a1 int,a2 char(5),a3 
numeric,a4 boolean DEFAULT false ,a5 char DEFAULT 'd',a6 text,a7 timestamp,a8 
character varying(705),a9 bigint,a10 date,a11 varchar(600),a12 text,a13 
decimal,a14 real,a15 bigint,a16 int4 ,a17 bytea,a18 timestamp with time 
zone,a19 timetz,a20 path,a21 box,a22 macaddr,a23 interval,a24 character 
varying(800),a25 lseg,a26 point,a27 double precision,a28 circle,a29 int4,a30 
numeric(8),a31 polygon,a32 date,a33 real,a34 money,a35 cidr,a36 inet,a37 
time,a38 text,a39 bit,a40 bit varying(5),a41 smallint,a42 int) WITH 
(appendonly=true, orientation=row) distributed randomly Partition by range(a1) 
(start(1)  end(5000) every(1000)) ;
+-- Insert to uncompressed table
 values(generate_series(1,20),'M',2011,'t','a','This is news of today: Deadlock 
between Republicans and Democrats over how best to reduce the U.S. deficit, and 
over what period, has blocked an agreement to allow the raising of the $14.3 
trillion debt ceiling','2001-12-24 02:26:11','U.S. House of Representatives 
Speaker John Boehner, the top Republican in Congress who has put forward a 
deficit reduction plan to be voted on later on Thursday said he had no control 
over whether his bill would avert a credit 
downgrade.',generate_series(2490,2505),'2011-10-11','The Republican-controlled 
House is tentatively scheduled to vote on Boehner proposal this afternoon at 
around 6 p.m. EDT (2200 GMT). The main Republican vote counter in the House, 
Kevin McCarthy, would not say if there were enough
  votes to pass the bill.','WASHINGTON:House Speaker John Boehner says his plan 
mixing spending cuts in exchange for raising the nations $14.3 trillion debt 
limit is not perfect but is as large a step that a divided government can take 
that is doable and signable by President Barack Obama.The Ohio Republican says 
the measure is an honest and sincere attempt at compromise and was negotiated 
with Democrats last weekend and that passing it would end the ongoing debt 
crisis. The plan blends $900 billion-plus in spending cuts with a companion 
increase in the nations borrowing 
 had been working throughout the day Thursday to lock down support for their 
plan to raise the nations debt ceiling, even as Senate Democrats vowed to 
swiftly kill it if 
 & Johnsons McNeil Consumer Healthcare announced the voluntary dosage reduction 
today. Labels will carry new dosing instructions this fall.The company says it 
will cut the maximum dosage of Regular Strength Tylenol and other 
acetaminophen-containing products in 2012.Acetaminophen is safe when used as 
directed, says Edwin Kuffner, MD, McNeil vice president of over-the-counter 
medical affairs. But, when too much is taken, it can cause liver damage.The 
action is intended to cut the risk of such accidental overdoses, the company 
says in a news release.','1','0',12,23); 
 values(generate_series(500,510),'F',2010,'f','b','Some students may need time 
to adjust to school.For most children, the adjustment is quick. Tears will 
usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead with 
your child','2001-12-25 02:22:11','Some students may need time to adjust to 
school.For most children, the adjustment is quick. Tears will usually disappear 
after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead with your 
child',generate_series(2500,2516),'2011-10-12','Some students may need time to 
adjust to school.For most children, the adjustment is quick. Tears will usually 
disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead with your 
child','Some students may need time to adjust to school.For most children, the 
adjustment is quick. 
 Tears will usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do 
not plead with your child The type integer is the usual choice, as it offers 
the best balance between range, storage size, and performance The type integer 
is the usual choice, as it offers the best balance between range, storage size, 
and performanceThe type integer is the usual choice, as it offers the best 
balance between range, storage size, and performanceThe type integer is the 
usual choice, as it offers the best balance between range, storage size, and 
performanceThe type integer 
students may need time to adjust to school.For most children, the adjustment is 
quick. Tears will usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. 
Do not plead with your child The types smallint, integer, and bigint store 
whole numbers, tha
 t is, numbers without fractional components, of various ranges. The types 
smallint, integer, and bigint store whole numbers, that is, numbers without 
fractional components, of various ranges. Attempts to store values outside of 
the allowed range will result in an errorThe types smallint, integer, and 
bigint store whole numbers, that is, numbers without fractional components, of 
 and other family members are always welcome at Stratford. After the first two 
weeks ofschool','0','1',33,44); 
 values(generate_series(500,525),'M',2010,'f','b','Some students may need time 
to adjust to school.For most children, the adjustment is quick. Tears will 
usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead with 
your child','2001-12-25 02:22:11','Some students may need time to adjust to 
school.For most children, the adjustment is quick. Tears will usually disappear 
after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead with your 
child',generate_series(2500,2515),'2011-10-12','Some students may need time to 
adjust to school.For most children, the adjustment is quick. Tears will usually 
disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead with your 
child','Some students may need time to adjust to school.For most children, the 
adjustment is quick. 
 Tears will usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do 
not plead with your child The bigint type might not function correctly on all 
platforms, since it relies on compiler support for eight-byte integers.The 
bigint type might not function correctly on all platforms, since it relies on 
compiler support for eight-byte integers.The bigint type might not function 
correctly on all platforms, since it relies on compiler support for eight-byte 
integers.The bigint type might not function correctly on all platforms, since 
it relies on compiler support 
students may need time to adjust to school.For most children, the adjustment is 
quick. Tears will usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. 
Do not plead with your child The type numeric can store numbers with up to 1000 
digits of p
 recision and perform calculations exactly. It is especially recommended for 
storing monetary amounts and other quantities where exactness is required. 
However, arithmetic on numeric values is very slow compared to the integer 
types, or to the floating-point types described in the next section.The type 
numeric can store numbers with up to 1000 digits of precision and perform 
 type data must match the length n exactly; it is an error to attempt to store 
shorter or longer','1','10',43,54); 
 values(generate_series(600,625),'F',2011,'f','b','If the scale of a value to 
be stored is greater than the declared scale of the column, the system will 
round the value to the specified number of fractional digits. Then, if the 
number of digits to the left of the decimal point ','2001-11-24 
 our sbdfjdsbkfndjkshgifhdsn c  environment, we encourageyour 
guwr6tojsbdjht8y^W%^GNBMNBHGFE^^, emotional maturity, and a lifetime love of 
learning.Sign and submit the Stratford enrollment contract and prepaid 
tuition.Sign and submit t
 he payment authorizahrqwygjashbxuyagsu.','It is very typical for preschool and 
pre-kindergarten students to experience separation anxietyduring the first few 
days of school. Please visit the school with your child prior to the first 
dayof class to help him/her become acquainted with the new environment.As often 
as possible,speak positively and with encouragement to your child about his/her 
new school experience.Focus on the excitement and fun of , not the 
apprehension.It is important to discuss the school procedures with your child. 
Inform your child that youoom with 
him','1231.16',121451,4001,2815,'0110','2007-02-12 03:55:15+1317','2011-12-10 
students may need time to adjust to school.For most children, the adjustment is 
quick. Tears will usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the 
cmnsbvduytfrw67ydwhg uygyth your 
 564,'$6,050.00','192.168.2','','12:31:25','Parents and other family 
members are always welcome at Stratford. After the first two weeks ofschool, we 
encourage you to stop by and visit any time you like. When visiting, please 
berespectful of the classroom environment and do not disturb the students or 
teachers. Prior toeach visit, we require all visidbsnfuyewfudsc,vsmckposjcofice 
and obtain a visit sticker to be worn while visiting.As a safety precaution, 
the Stratford playgrounds are closed for outside visitation during normal 
school hours. We thank you for your cooperation.','1','1',13,24); 
 values(generate_series(1500,1525),'M',2011,'t','b','At Stratford, we believe 
all children love to learn and that success in school and life depends on 
developing a strong foundation for learning early in life 
 our stimulating dnvuy9efoewlhrf78we68bcmnsbment, we 
enhsdfiyeowlfdshfkjsdhoifuoeifdhsjvdjnvbhjdfgusftsdbmfnbdstional maturity, and 
a lifetime loveof learning.Sign and submit the 
 c  dvfdfofdgjkfrtiomn,eriokljnhbgfdhjkljhgfrtuyhgvform (if required).','It is 
very typical for preschool and pre-kindergarten students to experience 
separation anxietyduring the first few days of school. Please visit the school 
with your child prior to the first dayof class to help him/her become 
acquainted with the new environment.As often as possible,speak positively and 
with encouragement to your child about his/her new school experience.Focus on 
the excitement and fun of school, not the 
apprehensmnbvcxzasdfghjkoiuytre456789hfghild that you willnot be staying in the 
classroom with him','1231.16',121451,4001,2815,'0110','2007-02-12 
 the adjustment is quick. Tears will usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy 
leave the clasnbdsvuytg uhguyybvhcd with your 
 64,'$6,050.00','192.168.2','','12:31:25','Parents and other family 
members are always welcome at Stratford. After the first two weeks ofschool, we 
encourage you to stop b#%J,mbj756HNM&%.jlyyttlnvisiting, please berespectful of 
the classroom environment and do not disturb the students or teachers. Prior 
toeach visit, we require all visits to sign in at the school offbduysfifdsna v 
worn while visiting.As a safety precaution, the Stratford playgrounds are 
closed for outside visitation during normal school hours. We thank you for your 
 values(generate_series(3300,3455),'F',2011,'f','b','Numeric values are 
physically stored without any extra leading or trailing zeroes. Thus, the 
declared precision and scale of a column are maximums, not fixed allocations 
 odnviudfygojlskhiusdyfdslfun classroom environment, we encourageyour child to 
achieve self-confidence, emotional maturity, and a lifetime love of 
learning.Sign and submit the Stratford enrollment contract and prepaid 
tuition.Sign and su
 bmit the payment authorization form (if required).','It is very typical for 
presclsjhfdiudhskjfnds,vnc,svljsdaon anxietyduring the first few days of 
school. Please visimngfrtetyuiujnsbvcrdtr to the first dayof class to help 
him/her become acquainted with the 
nsfgsduaytf8fodshkfjhdw786%$%#^&&MBHJFY*IUHjhghgasd76ewhfewagement to your 
child about his/her new school experience.Focus on the excitement and fun of 
school, not the apprehension.It is important to discuss the school procedures 
with yhtyrt$#%^*&*HVGfu8jkGUYT$ujjtygdkfghjklfdhgjkfndkjghfdkgkfdge classroom 
with him','1231.16',121451,generate_series(5,25),2815,'0110','2007-02-12 
 school.For most children, the adjustment is quick. Tears will usually 
disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead with your 
and other family members are always welcome at Stratford. After the first two 
weeks ofschool, we encourage you to stop  shasuymnsdjkhsayt6b 
bnftrrojmbmnctreiujmnb nbfyttojmn, please berespectful of the classroom 
environment and do not disturb the students or teachers. Prior toeach visit, we 
require all visitosdfiwe7r09e[wrwdhskcisitors sticker to be worn while 
visiting.As a safety precaution, the Stratford playgrounds are closed for 
outside visitation during normal school hours. We thank you for your 
 values(generate_series(50,55),'M',2011,'f','b','Inexact means that some values 
cannot be converted exactly to the internal format and are stored as 
approximations, so that storing and printing back out 
 we encourageyour child to achieve 
ssbfuwet8ryewsjfnjksdhkcmxznbcnsfyetrusdgfdsbhjca lifetime love of 
learning.Sign and submit the Stratford enrollment contract and prepaid 
 skvhfgxtfyuh form (if required).','It is very typical for preschool and 
pre-kindergarten students to experience separation anxietyduring the first few 
days of school. Please visit thuytrewfghjkjv cbvnmbvcrte78uhjgnmnbvc5678jnm 
4587uijk vacquainted with the new 
environment.Ajfhgdsufdsjfldsbfcjhgdshhhhhhhhuyhgbn sfsfsdur child about his/her 
new school experience.Focus on the excitement and fun of school, not the 
apprehension.It is important to discuss the school procedures with your child. 
Inform your child that you willnot be stayisdfdsgfuyehfihdfiyiewuyfiuwhfng in 
the classroom with him','1231.16',121451,4001,2815,'0110','2007-02-12 
students may need time to adjust to 
school.jhge7fefvjkehguejfgdkhjkjhgowu09f8r9wugfbwjhvuyTears will usually 
disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. bdys8snssbss97j with your 
 and other family members are always welcome at Stratford. After the first two 
weeks ofschool, jge7rty3498rtkew mfuhqy970qf wjhg8er7ewrjmwe jhg When visiting, 
please berespectful of the classroom environment and do not disturb the 
students or teachers. Prior toeach visit, we require all visits to sign in at 
the school objjcshgifisdcnskjcbdiso be worn while visiting.As a safety 
precaution, the Stratford playgrounds are closed for outside visitation during 
normal school hours. We thank you for your cooperation.','0','1',13,24); 
+-- More data for bigger block size 
 values(generate_series(1,20),'M',2011,'t','a','This is news of today: Deadlock 
between Republicans and Democrats over how best to reduce the U.S. deficit, and 
over what period, has blocked an agreement to allow the raising of the $14.3 
trillion debt ceiling','2001-12-24 02:26:11','U.S. House of Representatives 
Speaker John Boehner, the top Republican in Congress who has put forward a 
deficit reduction plan to be voted on later on Thursday said he had no control 
over whether his bill would avert a credit 
downgrade.',generate_series(2490,2505),'2011-10-11','The Republican-controlled 
House is tentatively scheduled to vote on Boehner proposal this afternoon at 
around 6 p.m. EDT (2200 GMT). The main Republican vote counter in the House, 
Kevin McCarthy, would not say if there were enough
  votes to pass the bill.','WASHINGTON:House Speaker John Boehner says his plan 
mixing spending cuts in exchange for raising the nations $14.3 trillion debt 
limit is not perfect but is as large a step that a divided government can take 
that is doable and signable by President Barack Obama.The Ohio Republican says 
the measure is an honest and sincere attempt at compromise and was negotiated 
with Democrats last weekend and that passing it would end the ongoing debt 
crisis. The plan blends $900 billion-plus in spending cuts with a companion 
increase in the nations borrowing 
 had been working throughout the day Thursday to lock down support for their 
plan to raise the nations debt ceiling, even as Senate Democrats vowed to 
swiftly kill it if 
 & Johnsons McNeil Consumer Healthcare announced the voluntary dosage reduction 
today. Labels will carry new dosing instructions this fall.The company says it 
will cut the maximum dosage of Regular Strength Tylenol and other 
acetaminophen-containing products in 2012.Acetaminophen is safe when used as 
directed, says Edwin Kuffner, MD, McNeil vice president of over-the-counter 
medical affairs. But, when too much is taken, it can cause liver damage.The 
action is intended to cut the risk of such accidental overdoses, the company 
says in a news release.','1','0',12,23); 
 values(generate_series(500,510),'F',2010,'f','b','Some students may need time 
to adjust to school.For most children, the adjustment is quick. Tears will 
usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead with 
your child','2001-12-25 02:22:11','Some students may need time to adjust to 
school.For most children, the adjustment is quick. Tears will usually disappear 
after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead with your 
child',generate_series(2500,2516),'2011-10-12','Some students may need time to 
adjust to school.For most children, the adjustment is quick. Tears will usually 
disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead with your 
child','Some students may need time to adjust to school.For most children, the 
adjustment is quick. 
 Tears will usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do 
not plead with your child The type integer is the usual choice, as it offers 
the best balance between range, storage size, and performance The type integer 
is the usual choice, as it offers the best balance between range, storage size, 
and performanceThe type integer is the usual choice, as it offers the best 
balance between range, storage size, and performanceThe type integer is the 
usual choice, as it offers the best balance between range, storage size, and 
performanceThe type integer 
students may need time to adjust to school.For most children, the adjustment is 
quick. Tears will usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. 
Do not plead with your child The types smallint, integer, and bigint store 
whole numbers, tha
 t is, numbers without fractional components, of various ranges. The types 
smallint, integer, and bigint store whole numbers, that is, numbers without 
fractional components, of various ranges. Attempts to store values outside of 
the allowed range will result in an errorThe types smallint, integer, and 
bigint store whole numbers, that is, numbers without fractional components, of 
 and other family members are always welcome at Stratford. After the first two 
weeks ofschool','0','1',33,44); 
 values(generate_series(500,525),'M',2010,'f','b','Some students may need time 
to adjust to school.For most children, the adjustment is quick. Tears will 
usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead with 
your child','2001-12-25 02:22:11','Some students may need time to adjust to 
school.For most children, the adjustment is quick. Tears will usually disappear 
after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead with your 
child',generate_series(2500,2515),'2011-10-12','Some students may need time to 
adjust to school.For most children, the adjustment is quick. Tears will usually 
disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead with your 
child','Some students may need time to adjust to school.For most children, the 
adjustment is quick. 
 Tears will usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do 
not plead with your child The bigint type might not function correctly on all 
platforms, since it relies on compiler support for eight-byte integers.The 
bigint type might not function correctly on all platforms, since it relies on 
compiler support for eight-byte integers.The bigint type might not function 
correctly on all platforms, since it relies on compiler support for eight-byte 
integers.The bigint type might not function correctly on all platforms, since 
it relies on compiler support 
students may need time to adjust to school.For most children, the adjustment is 
quick. Tears will usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. 
Do not plead with your child The type numeric can store numbers with up to 1000 
digits of p
 recision and perform calculations exactly. It is especially recommended for 
storing monetary amounts and other quantities where exactness is required. 
However, arithmetic on numeric values is very slow compared to the integer 
types, or to the floating-point types described in the next section.The type 
numeric can store numbers with up to 1000 digits of precision and perform 
 type data must match the length n exactly; it is an error to attempt to store 
shorter or longer','1','10',43,54); 
 values(generate_series(600,625),'F',2011,'f','b','If the scale of a value to 
be stored is greater than the declared scale of the column, the system will 
round the value to the specified number of fractional digits. Then, if the 
number of digits to the left of the decimal point ','2001-11-24 
 our sbdfjdsbkfndjkshgifhdsn c  environment, we encourageyour 
guwr6tojsbdjht8y^W%^GNBMNBHGFE^^, emotional maturity, and a lifetime love of 
learning.Sign and submit the Stratford enrollment contract and prepaid 
tuition.Sign and submit t
 he payment authorizahrqwygjashbxuyagsu.','It is very typical for preschool and 
pre-kindergarten students to experience separation anxietyduring the first few 
days of school. Please visit the school with your child prior to the first 
dayof class to help him/her become acquainted with the new environment.As often 
as possible,speak positively and with encouragement to your child about his/her 
new school experience.Focus on the excitement and fun of , not the 
apprehension.It is important to discuss the school procedures with your child. 
Inform your child that youoom with 
him','1231.16',121451,4001,2815,'0110','2007-02-12 03:55:15+1317','2011-12-10 
students may need time to adjust to school.For most children, the adjustment is 
quick. Tears will usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the 
cmnsbvduytfrw67ydwhg uygyth your 
 564,'$6,050.00','192.168.2','','12:31:25','Parents and other family 
members are always welcome at Stratford. After the first two weeks ofschool, we 
encourage you to stop by and visit any time you like. When visiting, please 
berespectful of the classroom environment and do not disturb the students or 
teachers. Prior toeach visit, we require all visidbsnfuyewfudsc,vsmckposjcofice 
and obtain a visit sticker to be worn while visiting.As a safety precaution, 
the Stratford playgrounds are closed for outside visitation during normal 
school hours. We thank you for your cooperation.','1','1',13,24); 
 values(generate_series(1500,1525),'M',2011,'t','b','At Stratford, we believe 
all children love to learn and that success in school and life depends on 
developing a strong foundation for learning early in life 
 our stimulating dnvuy9efoewlhrf78we68bcmnsbment, we 
enhsdfiyeowlfdshfkjsdhoifuoeifdhsjvdjnvbhjdfgusftsdbmfnbdstional maturity, and 
a lifetime loveof learning.Sign and submit the 
 c  dvfdfofdgjkfrtiomn,eriokljnhbgfdhjkljhgfrtuyhgvform (if required).','It is 
very typical for preschool and pre-kindergarten students to experience 
separation anxietyduring the first few days of school. Please visit the school 
with your child prior to the first dayof class to help him/her become 
acquainted with the new environment.As often as possible,speak positively and 
with encouragement to your child about his/her new school experience.Focus on 
the excitement and fun of school, not the 
apprehensmnbvcxzasdfghjkoiuytre456789hfghild that you willnot be staying in the 
classroom with him','1231.16',121451,4001,2815,'0110','2007-02-12 
 the adjustment is quick. Tears will usually disappear after Mommy and  Daddy 
leave the clasnbdsvuytg uhguyybvhcd with your 
 64,'$6,050.00','192.168.2','','12:31:25','Parents and other family 
members are always welcome at Stratford. After the first two weeks ofschool, we 
encourage you to stop b#%J,mbj756HNM&%.jlyyttlnvisiting, please berespectful of 
the classroom environment and do not disturb the students or teachers. Prior 
toeach visit, we require all visits to sign in at the school offbduysfifdsna v 
worn while visiting.As a safety precaution, the Stratford playgrounds are 
closed for outside visitation during normal school hours. We thank you for your 
 values(generate_series(3300,3455),'F',2011,'f','b','Numeric values are 
physically stored without any extra leading or trailing zeroes. Thus, the 
declared precision and scale of a column are maximums, not fixed allocations 
 odnviudfygojlskhiusdyfdslfun classroom environment, we encourageyour child to 
achieve self-confidence, emotional maturity, and a lifetime love of 
learning.Sign and submit the Stratford enrollment contract and prepaid 
tuition.Sign and su
 bmit the payment authorization form (if required).','It is very typical for 
presclsjhfdiudhskjfnds,vnc,svljsdaon anxietyduring the first few days of 
school. Please visimngfrtetyuiujnsbvcrdtr to the first dayof class to help 
him/her become acquainted with the 
nsfgsduaytf8fodshkfjhdw786%$%#^&&MBHJFY*IUHjhghgasd76ewhfewagement to your 
child about his/her new school experience.Focus on the excitement and fun of 
school, not the apprehension.It is important to discuss the school procedures 
with yhtyrt$#%^*&*HVGfu8jkGUYT$ujjtygdkfghjklfdhgjkfndkjghfdkgkfdge classroom 
with him','1231.16',121451,generate_series(5,25),2815,'0110','2007-02-12 
 school.For most children, the adjustment is quick. Tears will usually 
disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. Do not plead with your 
and other family members are always welcome at Stratford. After the first two 
weeks ofschool, we encourage you to stop  shasuymnsdjkhsayt6b 
bnftrrojmbmnctreiujmnb nbfyttojmn, please berespectful of the classroom 
environment and do not disturb the students or teachers. Prior toeach visit, we 
require all visitosdfiwe7r09e[wrwdhskcisitors sticker to be worn while 
visiting.As a safety precaution, the Stratford playgrounds are closed for 
outside visitation during normal school hours. We thank you for your 
 values(generate_series(50,55),'M',2011,'f','b','Inexact means that some values 
cannot be converted exactly to the internal format and are stored as 
approximations, so that storing and printing back out 
 we encourageyour child to achieve 
ssbfuwet8ryewsjfnjksdhkcmxznbcnsfyetrusdgfdsbhjca lifetime love of 
learning.Sign and submit the Stratford enrollment contract and prepaid 
 skvhfgxtfyuh form (if required).','It is very typical for preschool and 
pre-kindergarten students to experience separation anxietyduring the first few 
days of school. Please visit thuytrewfghjkjv cbvnmbvcrte78uhjgnmnbvc5678jnm 
4587uijk vacquainted with the new 
environment.Ajfhgdsufdsjfldsbfcjhgdshhhhhhhhuyhgbn sfsfsdur child about his/her 
new school experience.Focus on the excitement and fun of school, not the 
apprehension.It is important to discuss the school procedures with your child. 
Inform your child that you willnot be stayisdfdsgfuyehfihdfiyiewuyfiuwhfng in 
the classroom with him','1231.16',121451,4001,2815,'0110','2007-02-12 
students may need time to adjust to 
school.jhge7fefvjkehguejfgdkhjkjhgowu09f8r9wugfbwjhvuyTears will usually 
disappear after Mommy and  Daddy leave the classroom. bdys8snssbss97j with your 
 and other family members are always welcome at Stratford. After the first two 
weeks ofschool, jge7rty3498rtkew mfuhqy970qf wjhg8er7ewrjmwe jhg When visiting, 
please berespectful of the classroom environment and do not disturb the 
students or teachers. Prior toeach visit, we require all visits to sign in at 
the school objjcshgifisdcnskjcbdiso be worn while visiting.As a safety 
precaution, the Stratford playgrounds are closed for outside visitation during 
normal school hours. We thank you for your cooperation.','0','1',13,24); 
+-- ********Validation******* 
+\d+ ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1_1_prt_1
+-- Compression ratio
+ select 'compression_ratio', 
+-- Compare data with uncompressed table
+-- Select number of rows from the uncompressed table 
+SELECT count(*) as count_uncompressed from  ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1_uncompr ;
+-- Select number of rows from the compressed table 
+SELECT count(*) as count_compressed from  ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1;
+-- Select number of rows using a FULL outer join on all the columns of the two 
+-- Count should match with above result if the all the rows uncompressed 
+Select count(*) as count_join from ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1 t1 full outer join 
ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1_uncompr t2 on and t1.a1=t2.a1 and 
t1.a2=t2.a2 and t1.a3=t2.a3 and t1.a4=t2.a4 and t1.a5=t2.a5 and t1.a6=t2.a6 and 
t1.a7=t2.a7 and t1.a8=t2.a8 and t1.a9=t2.a9 and t1.a10=t2.a10 and t1.a11=t2.a11 
and t1.a12=t2.a12 and t1.a13=t2.a13 and t1.a14=t2.a14 and t1.a15=t2.a15 and 
t1.a16=t2.a16 and t1.a17=t2.a17 and t1.a18=t2.a18 and t1.a19=t2.a19 and 
t1.a22=t2.a22 and t1.a23=t2.a23 and t1.a24=t2.a24 and t1.a27=t2.a27 and 
t1.a29=t2.a29 and t1.a30=t2.a30 and t1.a32=t2.a32 and t1.a33=t2.a33 and 
t1.a34=t2.a34 and t1.a35=t2.a35 and t1.a36=t2.a36 and t1.a37=t2.a37 and 
t1.a38=t2.a38 and t1.a39=t2.a39 and t1.a40=t2.a40 and t1.a41=t2.a41 and 
t1.a42=t2.a42 ;
+-- Truncate the table 
+TRUNCATE table ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1;
+-- Insert data again 
+insert into ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1 select * from 
ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1_uncompr order by a1;
+-- Compression ratio
+-- Select the data: Using the JOIN as mentioned above 
+Select count(*) as count_join from ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1 t1 full outer join 
ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1_uncompr t2 on and t1.a1=t2.a1 and 
t1.a2=t2.a2 and t1.a3=t2.a3 and t1.a4=t2.a4 and t1.a5=t2.a5 and t1.a6=t2.a6 and 
t1.a7=t2.a7 and t1.a8=t2.a8 and t1.a9=t2.a9 and t1.a10=t2.a10 and t1.a11=t2.a11 
and t1.a12=t2.a12 and t1.a13=t2.a13 and t1.a14=t2.a14 and t1.a15=t2.a15 and 
t1.a16=t2.a16 and t1.a17=t2.a17 and t1.a18=t2.a18 and t1.a19=t2.a19 and 
t1.a22=t2.a22 and t1.a23=t2.a23 and t1.a24=t2.a24 and t1.a27=t2.a27 and 
t1.a29=t2.a29 and t1.a30=t2.a30 and t1.a32=t2.a32 and t1.a33=t2.a33 and 
t1.a34=t2.a34 and t1.a35=t2.a35 and t1.a36=t2.a36 and t1.a37=t2.a37 and 
t1.a38=t2.a38 and t1.a39=t2.a39 and t1.a40=t2.a40 and t1.a41=t2.a41 and 
t1.a42=t2.a42 ;
+--Alter table Add Partition 
+alter table ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1 add partition new_p start(5050) end (5061) 
WITH (appendonly=true, orientation=parquet,compresstype=gzip, compresslevel=1);
+alter table ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1 add default partition df_p;
+-- Insert data 
+Insert into 
+Insert into 
+Insert into 
+-- Compression ratio
+ select 'compression_ratio', 
+--Alter table Exchange Partition 
+--Create a table to use in exchange partition 
+Drop Table if exists ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1_exch; 
+ CREATE TABLE ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1_exch(id SERIAL,a1 int,a2 char(5),a3 
numeric,a4 boolean DEFAULT false ,a5 char DEFAULT 'd',a6 text,a7 timestamp,a8 
character varying(705),a9 bigint,a10 date,a11 varchar(600),a12 text,a13 
decimal,a14 real,a15 bigint,a16 int4 ,a17 bytea,a18 timestamp with time 
zone,a19 timetz,a20 path,a21 box,a22 macaddr,a23 interval,a24 character 
varying(800),a25 lseg,a26 point,a27 double precision,a28 circle,a29 int4,a30 
numeric(8),a31 polygon,a32 date,a33 real,a34 money,a35 cidr,a36 inet,a37 
time,a38 text,a39 bit,a40 bit varying(5),a41 smallint,a42 int) WITH 
(appendonly=true, orientation=row, compresstype=snappy)  distributed randomly;
+Drop Table if exists ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1_defexch; 
+ CREATE TABLE ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1_defexch(id SERIAL,a1 int,a2 char(5),a3 
numeric,a4 boolean DEFAULT false ,a5 char DEFAULT 'd',a6 text,a7 timestamp,a8 
character varying(705),a9 bigint,a10 date,a11 varchar(600),a12 text,a13 
decimal,a14 real,a15 bigint,a16 int4 ,a17 bytea,a18 timestamp with time 
zone,a19 timetz,a20 path,a21 box,a22 macaddr,a23 interval,a24 character 
varying(800),a25 lseg,a26 point,a27 double precision,a28 circle,a29 int4,a30 
numeric(8),a31 polygon,a32 date,a33 real,a34 money,a35 cidr,a36 inet,a37 
time,a38 text,a39 bit,a40 bit varying(5),a41 smallint,a42 int) WITH 
(appendonly=true, orientation=row, compresstype=snappy)  distributed randomly;
+Insert into 
 from ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1 where  a1=10 and a2!='C';
+Insert into 
 from ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1 where a1 =10 and a2!='C';
+Alter table ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1 exchange partition FOR (RANK(1)) with 
table ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1_exch;
+\d+ ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1_1_prt_1
+-- Compression ratio
+ select 'compression_ratio', 
+Alter table ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1 exchange default partition with table 
+\d+ ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1_1_prt_df_p
+--Alter table Exchange Partition 
+ Alter table ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1 split partition FOR (RANK(2)) at(1050) 
into (partition splitc,partition splitd) ;
+\d+ ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1_1_prt_splitd 
+-- Compression ratio
+ select 'compression_ratio', 
+Select count(*) from ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1; 
+--Alter table Drop Partition 
+alter table ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1 drop partition new_p;
+-- Drop the default partition 
+alter table ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1 drop default partition;
+--Alter table alter type of a column 
+Alter table ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1 Alter column a3 TYPE int4; 
+--Insert data to the table, select count(*)
+Insert into 
 from ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1 where id =10;
+Select count(*) from ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1; 
+--Alter table drop a column 
+Alter table ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1 Drop column a12; 
+Insert into 
 from ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1 where id =10;
+Select count(*) from ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1; 
+--Alter table rename a column 
+Alter table ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1 Rename column a13 TO after_rename_a13; 
+--Insert data to the table, select count(*)
+Insert into 
 from ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1 where id =10;
+Select count(*) from ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1; 
+--Alter table add a column 
+Alter table ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1 Add column a12 text default 'new column'; 
+--Insert data to the table, select count(*)
+Insert into 
 from ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1 where id =10;
+Select count(*) from ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1; 
+-- Drop table if exists
+DROP TABLE if exists ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1_2 cascade;
+DROP TABLE if exists ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1_2_uncompr cascade;
+-- Create table
+CREATE TABLE ao_wt_partsnappy32768_1_2 
+       (id SERIAL,a1 int,a2 char(5),a3 numeric,a4 boolean DEFAULT false ,a5 
char DEFAULT 'd',a6 text,a7 timestamp,a8 character varying(705),a9 bigint,a10 
date,a11 varchar(600),a12 text,a13 decimal,a14 real,a15 bigint,a16 int4 ,a17 
bytea,a18 timestamp with time zone,a19 timetz,a20 path,a21 box,a22 macaddr,a23 
interval,a24 character varying(800),a25 lseg,a26 point,a27 double precision,a28 
circle,a29 int4,a30 numeric(8),a31 polygon,a32 date,a33 real,a34 money,a35 
cidr,a36 inet,a37 time,a38 text,a39 bit,a40 bit varying(5),a41 smallint,a42 int 
+ WITH (appendonly=true, orientation=row) distributed randomly Partition by 
list(a2) (partition p1 values ('M'), partition p2 values ('F')  
+ WITH (appendonly=true, orientation=row,compresstype=snappy,blocksize=32768));
+-- Insert data to the table
 values(generate_series(1,20),'M',2011,'t','a','This is news of today: Deadlock 
between Republicans and Democrats over how best to reduce the U.S. deficit, and 
over what period, has blocked an agreement to allow the raising of the $14.3 
trillion debt ceiling','2001-12-24 02:26:11','U.S. House of Representatives 
Speaker John Boehner, the top Republican in Congress who has put forward a 
deficit reduction plan to be voted on later on Thursday said he had no control 
over whether his bill would avert a credit 
downgrade.',generate_series(2490,2505),'2011-10-11','The Republican-controlled 
House is tentatively scheduled to vote on Boehner proposal this afternoon at 
around 6 p.m. EDT (2200 GMT). The main Republican vote counter in the House, 
Kevin McCarthy, would not say if there were enough votes
  to pass the bill.','WASHINGTON:House Speaker John Boehner says his plan 
mixing spending cuts in exchange for raising the nations $14.3 trillion debt 
limit is not perfect but is as large a step that a divided government can take 
that is doable and signable by President Barack Obama.The Ohio Republican says 
the measure is an honest and sincere attempt at compromise and was negotiated 
with Democrats last weekend and that passing it would end the ongoing debt 
crisis. The plan blends $900 billion-plus in spending cuts with a companion 
increase in the nations borrowing 
 had been working throughout the day Thursday to lock down support for their 
plan to raise the nations debt ceiling, even as Senate Democrats vowed to 
swiftly kill it if 
 ,'2010-02-21',43564,'$1,000.00','192.168.1','','12:30:45','Johnson & 
Johnsons McNeil Consumer Healthcare announced the voluntary dosage reduction 
today. Lab


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