diff --git a/src/main/docbkx/developer.xml b/src/main/docbkx/developer.xml
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index 47c78b4..0000000
--- a/src/main/docbkx/developer.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2346 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0"?>
-    xml:id="developer"
-    version="5.0"
-    xmlns="";
-    xmlns:xlink="";
-    xmlns:xi="";
-    xmlns:svg="";
-    xmlns:m="";
-    xmlns:html="";
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-    <!--
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- */
-    <title>Building and Developing Apache HBase</title>
-    <para>This chapter contains information and guidelines for building and 
releasing HBase code and
-        documentation. Being familiar with these guidelines will help the 
HBase committers to use
-        your contributions more easily.</para>
-    <section xml:id="getting.involved">
-        <title>Getting Involved</title>
-        <para>Apache HBase gets better only when people contribute! If you are 
looking to contribute
-            to Apache HBase, look for <link
-                >issues in JIRA tagged with the label 'beginner'</link>. These 
are issues HBase
-            contributors have deemed worthy but not of immediate priority and 
a good way to ramp on
-            HBase internals. See <link 
xlink:href="";>What label
-                is used for issues that are good on ramps for new 
contributors?</link> from the dev
-            mailing list for background.</para>
-        <para>Before you get started submitting code to HBase, please refer to 
-                linkend="developing"/>.</para>
-        <para>As Apache HBase is an Apache Software Foundation project, see 
<xref linkend="asf"/>
-            for more information about how the ASF functions. </para>
-        <section xml:id="mailing.list">
-            <title>Mailing Lists</title>
-            <para>Sign up for the dev-list and the user-list.  See the
-                <link 
xlink:href="";>mailing lists</link> page.
-                Posing questions - and helping to answer other people's 
questions - is encouraged!
-                There are varying levels of experience on both lists so 
patience and politeness are encouraged (and please
-                stay on topic.)
-            </para>
-        </section>
-        <section xml:id="irc">
-            <title>Internet Relay Chat (IRC)</title>
-            <para>For real-time questions and discussions, use the 
<literal>#hbase</literal> IRC
-                channel on the <link 
xlink:href="";>FreeNode</link> IRC network.
-                FreeNode offers a web-based client, but most people prefer a 
native client, and
-                several clients are available for each operating system.</para>
-        </section>
-        <section xml:id="jira">
-            <title>Jira</title>
-            <para>Check for existing issues in <link
xlink:href="";>Jira</link>. If it's
-                either a new feature request, enhancement, or a bug, file a 
ticket. </para>
-            <para>To check for existing issues which you can tackle as a 
beginner, search for <link
-                    >issues in JIRA tagged with the label 
-            <itemizedlist xml:id="jira.priorities">
-                <title>JIRA Priorities</title>
-                <listitem>
-                    <para>Blocker: Should only be used if the issue WILL cause 
data loss or cluster
-                        instability reliably.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                    <para>Critical: The issue described can cause data loss or 
cluster instability
-                        in some cases.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                    <para>Major: Important but not tragic issues, like updates 
to the client API
-                        that will add a lot of much-needed functionality or 
significant bugs that
-                        need to be fixed but that don't cause data loss.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                    <para>Minor: Useful enhancements and annoying but not 
damaging bugs.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                    <para>Trivial: Useful enhancements but generally 
-                </listitem>
-            </itemizedlist>
-            <example xml:id="submitting.patches.jira.code">
-                <title>Code Blocks in Jira Comments</title>
-                <para>A commonly used macro in Jira is {code}. Everything 
inside the tags is
-                    preformatted, as in this example.</para>
-                <programlisting>
-code snippet
-            </programlisting>
-            </example>
-        </section>  <!--  jira -->
-    </section>  <!--  getting involved -->
-    <section xml:id="repos">
-        <title>Apache HBase Repositories</title>
-        <para>There are two different repositories for Apache HBase: 
Subversion (SVN) and Git. GIT
-            is our repository of record for all but the Apache HBase website. 
We used to be on SVN.
-            We migrated. See <link 
-                >Migrate Apache HBase SVN Repos to Git</link>. Updating still
-            requires use of SVN (See <xref linkend=""/>). See <link
xlink:href="";>Source Code
-                Management</link> page for contributor and committer links or 
seach for HBase on the
-                <link xlink:href="";>Apache Git</link> 
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="ides">
-        <title>IDEs</title>
-        <section xml:id="eclipse">
-            <title>Eclipse</title>
-            <section xml:id="eclipse.code.formatting">
-                <title>Code Formatting</title>
-                <para>Under the <filename>dev-support/</filename> folder, you 
will find
-                        <filename>hbase_eclipse_formatter.xml</filename>. We 
encourage you to have
-                    this formatter in place in eclipse when editing HBase 
-                <procedure>
-                    <title>Load the HBase Formatter Into Eclipse</title>
-                    <step>
-                        <para>Open the <menuchoice>
-                                <guimenu>Eclipse</guimenu>
-                                <guimenuitem>Preferences</guimenuitem>
-                            </menuchoice> menu item.</para>
-                    </step>
-                    <step>
-                        <para>In Preferences, click the <menuchoice>
-                                <guimenu>Java</guimenu>
-                                <guisubmenu>Code Style</guisubmenu>
-                                <guimenuitem>Formatter</guimenuitem>
-                            </menuchoice> menu item.</para>
-                    </step>
-                    <step>
-                        <para>Click <guibutton>Import</guibutton> and browse 
to the location of the
<filename>hbase_eclipse_formatter.xml</filename> file, which is in
-                            the <filename>dev-support/</filename> directory. 
-                                <guibutton>Apply</guibutton>.</para>
-                    </step>
-                    <step>
-                        <para>Still in Preferences, click <menuchoice>
-                                <guimenu>Java Editor</guimenu>
-                                <guimenuitem>Save Actions</guimenuitem>
-                            </menuchoice>. Be sure the following options are 
-                        <itemizedlist>
-                            <listitem><para>Perform the selected actions on 
-                            <listitem><para>Format source 
-                            <listitem><para>Format edited 
-                        </itemizedlist>
-                        <para>Click <guibutton>Apply</guibutton>. Close all 
dialog boxes and return
-                            to the main window.</para>
-                    </step>
-                </procedure>
-                <para>In addition to the automatic formatting, make sure you 
follow the style
-                    guidelines explained in <xref 
-                <para>Also, no <code>@author</code> tags - that's a rule. 
Quality Javadoc comments
-                    are appreciated. And include the Apache license.</para>
-            </section>
-            <section xml:id="eclipse.git.plugin">
-                <title>Eclipse Git Plugin</title>
-                <para>If you cloned the project via git, download and install 
the Git plugin (EGit).
-                    Attach to your local git repo (via the <guilabel>Git 
-                    window) and you'll be able to see file revision history, 
generate patches,
-                    etc.</para>
-            </section>
-            <section xml:id="eclipse.maven.setup">
-                <title>HBase Project Setup in Eclipse using 
-                <para>The easiest way is to use the 
<command>m2eclipse</command> plugin for Eclipse.
-                    Eclipse Indigo or newer includes 
<command>m2eclipse</command>, or you can
-                    download it from <link 
-                        ></link>/. It provides 
Maven integration for
-                    Eclipse, and even lets you use the direct Maven commands 
from within Eclipse to
-                    compile and test your project.</para>
-                <para>To import the project, click <menuchoice>
-                        <guimenu>File</guimenu>
-                        <guisubmenu>Import</guisubmenu>
-                        <guisubmenu>Maven</guisubmenu>
-                        <guimenuitem>Existing Maven Projects</guimenuitem>
-                    </menuchoice> and select the HBase root directory. 
-                    locates all the hbase modules for you.</para>
-                <para>If you install <command>m2eclipse</command> and import 
HBase in your
-                    workspace, do the following to fix your eclipse Build 
Path. </para>
-                <orderedlist>
-                    <listitem>
-                        <para>Remove <filename>target</filename> folder</para>
-                    </listitem>
-                    <listitem>
-                        <para>Add <filename>target/generated-jamon</filename> 
<filename>target/generated-sources/java</filename> folders.</para>
-                    </listitem>
-                    <listitem>
-                        <para>Remove from your Build Path the exclusions on the
-                                <filename>src/main/resources</filename> and
-                                <filename>src/test/resources</filename> to 
avoid error message in
-                            the console, such as the following:</para>
-                        <screen>Failed to execute goal 
-org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-antrun-plugin:1.6:run (default) on project 
-'An Ant BuildException has occured: Replace: source file 
-doesn't exist</screen>
-                        <para>This will also reduce the eclipse build cycles 
and make your life
-                            easier when developing. </para>
-                    </listitem>
-                </orderedlist>
-            </section>
-            <section xml:id="eclipse.commandline">
-                <title>HBase Project Setup in Eclipse Using the Command 
-                <para>Instead of using <code>m2eclipse</code>, you can 
generate the Eclipse files
-                    from the command line. </para>
-                <orderedlist>
-                    <listitem>
-                        <para>First, run the following command, which builds 
HBase. You only need to
-                            do this once.</para>
-                        <programlisting language="bourne">mvn clean install 
-                    </listitem>
-                    <listitem>
-                        <para>Close Eclipse, and execute the following command 
from the terminal, in
-                            your local HBase project directory, to generate new
-                                <filename>.project</filename> and 
-                            files.</para>
-                        <programlisting language="bourne">mvn 
-                    </listitem>
-                    <listitem>
-                        <para>Reopen Eclipse and import the 
<filename>.project</filename> file in
-                            the HBase directory to a workspace.</para>
-                    </listitem>
-                </orderedlist>
-            </section>
-            <section xml:id="eclipse.maven.class">
-                <title>Maven Classpath Variable</title>
-                <para>The <varname>$M2_REPO</varname> classpath variable needs 
to be set up for the
-                    project. This needs to be set to your local Maven 
repository, which is usually
-                        <filename>~/.m2/repository</filename></para>
-                <para>If this classpath variable is not configured, you will 
see compile errors in
-                    Eclipse like this: </para>
-                <screen>
-Description    Resource        Path    Location        Type
-The project cannot be built until build path errors are resolved       hbase   
        Unknown Java Problem
-Unbound classpath variable: 'M2_REPO/asm/asm/3.1/asm-3.1.jar' in project 
'hbase'       hbase           Build path      Build Path Problem
-Unbound classpath variable: 'M2_REPO/com/google/guava/guava/r09/guava-r09.jar' 
in project 'hbase'      hbase           Build path      Build Path Problem
-Unbound classpath variable: 
'M2_REPO/com/google/protobuf/protobuf-java/2.3.0/protobuf-java-2.3.0.jar' in 
project 'hbase'       hbase           Build path      Build Path Problem 
Unbound classpath variable:
-                </screen>
-            </section>
-            <section xml:id="eclipse.issues">
-                <title>Eclipse Known Issues</title>
-                <para>Eclipse will currently complain about 
<filename></filename>. It is
-                    not possible to turn these errors off.</para>
-                <screen>
-Description    Resource        Path    Location        Type
-Access restriction: The method arrayBaseOffset(Class) from the type Unsafe is 
not accessible due to restriction on required library 
/System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Classes/classes.jar      /hbase/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/util       line 
1061       Java Problem
-Access restriction: The method arrayIndexScale(Class) from the type Unsafe is 
not accessible due to restriction on required library 
/System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Classes/classes.jar      /hbase/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/util       line 
1064       Java Problem
-Access restriction: The method getLong(Object, long) from the type Unsafe is 
not accessible due to restriction on required library 
/System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Classes/classes.jar      /hbase/src/main/java/org/apache/hadoop/hbase/util       
line 1111       Java Problem
-             </screen>
-            </section>
-            <section xml:id="eclipse.more">
-                <title>Eclipse - More Information</title>
-                <para>For additional information on setting up Eclipse for 
HBase development on
-                    Windows, see <link
-                        >Michael Morello's blog</link> on the topic. </para>
-            </section>  
-        </section>
-        <section>
-            <title>IntelliJ IDEA</title>
-            <para>You can set up IntelliJ IDEA for similar functinoality as 
Eclipse. Follow these steps.</para>
-            <orderedlist>
-                <title>Project Setup in IntelliJ IDEA</title>
-                <listitem>
-                    <para>Select <menuchoice>
-                            <guimenu>Import Project</guimenu>
-                            <guisubmenu>Import Project From External 
-                            <guimenuitem>Maven</guimenuitem>
-                        </menuchoice></para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                    <para>You do not need to select a profile. Be sure 
<guilabel>Maven project
-                            required</guilabel> is selected, and click
-                        <guibutton>Next</guibutton>.</para>
-                </listitem>
-                <listitem>
-                    <para>Select the location for the JDK.</para>
-                </listitem>
-            </orderedlist>
-            <formalpara>
-                <title>Using the HBase Formatter in IntelliJ IDEA</title>
-                <para>Using the Eclipse Code Formatter plugin for IntelliJ 
IDEA, you can import the
-                    HBase code formatter described in <xref 
linkend="eclipse.code.formatting" />.</para>
-            </formalpara>
-        </section>
-        <section>
-            <title>Other IDEs</title>
-            <para>It would be userful to mirror the <xref linkend="eclipse"/> 
set-up instructions
-                for other IDEs. If you would like to assist, please have a 
look at <link
-                    >HBASE-11704</link>.</para>
-        </section>
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="build">
-        <title>Building Apache HBase</title>
-        <section xml:id="build.basic">
-            <title>Basic Compile</title>
-            <para>HBase is compiled using Maven. You must use Maven 3.x. To 
check your Maven
-                version, run the command <command>mvn 
-            <note>
-                <title>JDK Version Requirements</title>
-                <para> Starting with HBase 1.0 you must use Java 7 or later to 
build from source
-                    code. See <xref linkend="java"/> for more complete 
information about supported
-                    JDK versions. </para>
-            </note>
-            <section xml:id="">
-                <title>Maven Build Commands</title>
-                <para>All commands are executed from the local HBase project 
directory. </para>
-                <section>
-                    <title>Package</title>
-                    <para>The simplest command to compile HBase from its java 
source code is to use
-                        the <code>package</code> target, which builds JARs 
with the compiled
-                        files.</para>
-                    <programlisting language="bourne">mvn package 
-                    <para>Or, to clean up before compiling:</para>
-                    <programlisting language="bourne">mvn clean package 
-                    <para>With Eclipse set up as explained above in <xref 
linkend="eclipse"/>, you
-                        can also use the <guimenu>Build</guimenu> command in 
Eclipse. To create the
-                        full installable HBase package takes a little bit more 
work, so read on.
-                    </para>
-                </section>
-                <section xml:id="">
-                    <title>Compile</title>
-                    <para>The <code>compile</code> target does not create the 
JARs with the compiled
-                        files.</para>
-                    <programlisting language="bourne">mvn 
-                    <programlisting language="bourne">mvn clean 
-                </section>
-                <section>
-                    <title>Install</title>
-                    <para>To install the JARs in your 
<filename>~/.m2/</filename> directory, use the
-                            <code>install</code> target.</para>
-                    <programlisting language="bourne">mvn 
-                    <programlisting language="bourne">mvn clean 
-                    <programlisting language="bourne">mvn clean install 
-                </section>
-            </section>
-            <section xml:id="">
-                <title>Running all or individual Unit Tests</title>
-                <para>See the <xref linkend="hbase.unittests.cmds"/> section 
in <xref
-                        linkend="hbase.unittests"/></para>
-            </section>
-            <section xml:id="">
-                <title>Building against various hadoop versions.</title>
-                <para>As of 0.96, Apache HBase supports building against 
Apache Hadoop versions:
-                    1.0.3, 2.0.0-alpha and 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT. By default, in 0.96 
and earlier, we will
-                    build with Hadoop-1.0.x. As of 0.98, Hadoop 1.x is 
deprecated and Hadoop 2.x is
-                    the default. To change the version to build against, add a 
-                    property when you invoke <command>mvn</command>:</para>
-                <programlisting language="bourne">mvn -Dhadoop.profile=1.0 
-                <para> The above will build against whatever explicit hadoop 
1.x version we have in
-                    our <filename>pom.xml</filename> as our '1.0' version. 
Tests may not all pass so
-                    you may need to pass <code>-DskipTests</code> unless you 
are inclined to fix the
-                    failing tests.</para>
-                <note xml:id="">
<title>'dependencyManagement.dependencies.dependency.artifactId' for
-                        org.apache.hbase:${compat.module}:test-jar with value 
-                        does not match a valid id pattern</title>
-                    <para>You will see ERRORs like the above title if you pass 
-                            <emphasis>default</emphasis> profile; e.g. if you 
-                            <property>hadoop.profile=1.1</property> when 
building 0.96 or
-                            <property>hadoop.profile=2.0</property> when 
building hadoop 0.98; just
-                        drop the hadoop.profile stipulation in this case to 
get your build to run
-                        again. This seems to be a maven pecularity that is 
probably fixable but
-                        we've not spent the time trying to figure it.</para>
-                </note>
-                <para> Similarly, for 3.0, you would just replace the profile 
value. Note that
-                    Hadoop-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT does not currently have a deployed 
maven artificat - you
-                    will need to build and install your own in your local 
maven repository if you
-                    want to run against this profile. </para>
-                <para> In earilier versions of Apache HBase, you can build 
against older versions of
-                    Apache Hadoop, notably, Hadoop 0.22.x and 0.23.x. If you 
are running, for
-                    example HBase-0.94 and wanted to build against Hadoop 
0.23.x, you would run
-                    with:</para>
-                <programlisting language="bourne">mvn -Dhadoop.profile=22 
-            </section>
-            <section xml:id="build.protobuf">
-                <title>Build Protobuf</title>
-                <para>You may need to change the protobuf definitions that 
reside in the
-                        <filename>hbase-protocol</filename> module or other 
-                <para> The protobuf files are located in
-                        <filename>hbase-protocol/src/main/protobuf</filename>. 
For the change to be
-                    effective, you will need to regenerate the classes. You 
can use maven profile
-                        <code>compile-protobuf</code> to do this.</para>
-                <programlisting language="bourne">mvn compile 
-                <para>You may also want to define 
<varname>protoc.path</varname> for the protoc
-                    binary, using the following command:</para>
-                <programlisting language="bourne">
-mvn compile -Pcompile-protobuf -Dprotoc.path=/opt/local/bin/protoc
-             </programlisting>
-                <para>Read the <filename>hbase-protocol/README.txt</filename> 
for more details.
-                </para>
-            </section>
-            <section xml:id="build.thrift">
-                <title>Build Thrift</title>
-                <para>You may need to change the thrift definitions that 
reside in the
-                  <filename>hbase-thrift</filename> module or other 
-                <para>The thrift files are located in
-                  <filename>hbase-thrift/src/main/resources</filename>.
-                  For the change to be effective, you will need to regenerate 
the classes.
-                  You can use maven profile  <code>compile-thrift</code> to do 
-                <programlisting language="bourne">mvn compile 
-                <para>You may also want to define 
<varname>thrift.path</varname> for the thrift
-                  binary, using the following command:</para>
-                <programlisting language="bourne">
-                  mvn compile -Pcompile-thrift 
-                </programlisting>
-            </section>
-            <section>
-                <title>Build a Tarball</title>
-                <para>You can build a tarball without going through the 
release process described in
-                        <xref linkend="releasing"/>, by running the following 
-                <screen>mvn -DskipTests clean install &amp;&amp; mvn 
-DskipTests package assembly:single</screen>
-                <para>The distribution tarball is built in
-            </section>
-            <section xml:id="build.gotchas">
-                <title>Build Gotchas</title>
-                <para>If you see <code>Unable to find resource 
'VM_global_library.vm'</code>, ignore
-                    it. Its not an error. It is <link
-                        ugly</link> though. </para>
-            </section>
-            <section xml:id="build.snappy">
-                <title>Building in snappy compression support</title>
-                <para>Pass <code>-Psnappy</code> to trigger the 
<code>hadoop-snappy</code> maven profile
-                    for building Google Snappy native libraries into HBase. 
See also <xref
-                        linkend="snappy.compression.installation"/></para>
-            </section>
-        </section>
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="releasing">
-        <title>Releasing Apache HBase</title>
-        <note>
-            <title>Building against HBase 1.x</title>
-            <para>HBase 1.x requires Java 7 to build. See <xref 
linkend="java"/> for Java
-                requirements per HBase release.</para>
-        </note>
-        <section>
-            <title>Building against HBase 0.96-0.98</title>
-            <para>HBase 0.96.x will run on Hadoop 1.x or Hadoop 2.x. HBase 
0.98 still runs on both,
-                but HBase 0.98 deprecates use of Hadoop 1. HBase 1.x will 
-                run on Hadoop 1. In the following procedures, we make a 
distinction between HBase
-                1.x builds and the awkward process involved building HBase 
0.96/0.98 for either
-                Hadoop 1 or Hadoop 2 targets. </para>
-            <para>You must choose which Hadoop to build against. It is not 
possible to build a
-                single HBase binary that runs against both Hadoop 1 and Hadoop 
2. Hadoop is included
-                in the build, because it is needed to run HBase in standalone 
mode. Therefore, the
-                set of modules included in the tarball changes, depending on 
the build target. To
-                determine which HBase you have, look at the HBase version. The 
Hadoop version is
-                embedded within it.</para>
-            <para>Maven, our build system, natively does not allow a single 
product to be built
-                against different dependencies. Also, Maven cannot change the 
set of included
-                modules and write out the correct <filename>pom.xml</filename> 
files with
-                appropriate dependencies, even using two build targets, one 
for Hadoop 1 and another
-                for Hadoop 2. A prerequisite step is required, which takes as 
input the current
-                    <filename>pom.xml</filename>s and generates Hadoop 1 or 
Hadoop 2 versions using
-                a script in the <filename>dev-tools/</filename> directory, 
-                where <replaceable>X</replaceable> is either 
<literal>1</literal> or
-                    <literal>2</literal>. You then reference these generated 
poms when you build.
-                For now, just be aware of the difference between HBase 1.x 
builds and those of HBase
-                0.96-0.98. This difference is important to the build 
-            <example xml:id="mvn.settings.file">
-                <title>Example <filename>~/.m2/settings.xml</filename> 
-                <para>Publishing to maven requires you sign the artifacts you 
want to upload. For
-                    the build to sign them for you, you a properly configured
-                        <filename>settings.xml</filename> in your local 
repository under
-                        <filename>.m2</filename>, such as the following.</para>
-                <programlisting language="xml"><![CDATA[<settings 
-  xmlns:xsi="";
-  xsi:schemaLocation="
-            ";>
-  <servers>
-    <!- To publish a snapshot of some part of Maven -->
-    <server>
-      <id>apache.snapshots.https</id>
-      <username>YOUR_APACHE_ID
-      </username>
-      <password>YOUR_APACHE_PASSWORD
-      </password>
-    </server>
-    <!-- To publish a website using Maven -->
-    <!-- To stage a release of some part of Maven -->
-    <server>
-      <id>apache.releases.https</id>
-      <username>YOUR_APACHE_ID
-      </username>
-      <password>YOUR_APACHE_PASSWORD
-      </password>
-    </server>
-  </servers>
-  <profiles>
-    <profile>
-      <id>apache-release</id>
-      <properties>
-    <gpg.keyname>YOUR_KEYNAME</gpg.keyname>
-    <!--Keyname is something like this ... 00A5F21E... do gpg --list-keys to 
find it-->
-    <gpg.passphrase>YOUR_KEY_PASSWORD
-    </gpg.passphrase>
-      </properties>
-    </profile>
-  </profiles>
-                </programlisting>
-            </example>
-        </section>
-        <section xml:id="maven.release">
-            <title>Making a Release Candidate</title>
-            <note>
-                <para>These instructions are for building HBase 1.0.x. For 
building earlier
-                    versions, the process is different. See this section under 
the respective
-                    release documentation folders. </para></note>
-            <formalpara>
-                <title>Point Releases</title>
-                <para>If you are making a point release (for example to 
quickly address a critical
-                    incompatability or security problem) off of a release 
branch instead of a
-                    development branch, the tagging instructions are slightly 
different. I'll prefix
-                    those special steps with <emphasis>Point Release 
Only</emphasis>. </para>
-            </formalpara>
-            <formalpara>
-                <title>Before You Begin</title>
-                <para>Before you make a release candidate, do a practice run 
by deploying a
-                    snapshot. Before you start, check to be sure recent builds 
have been passing for
-                    the branch from where you are going to take your release. 
You should also have
-                    tried recent branch tips out on a cluster under load, 
perhaps by running the
-                        <code>hbase-it</code> integration test suite for a few 
hours to 'burn in'
-                    the near-candidate bits. </para>
-            </formalpara>
-            <note>
-                <title>Point Release Only</title>
-                <para>At this point you should tag the previous release branch 
(ex: 0.96.1) with the
-                    new point release tag (e.g. tag). Any commits 
with changes for the
-                    point release should be appled to the new tag. </para>
-            </note>
-            <para>The Hadoop <link 
xlink:href="";>How To
-                    Release</link> wiki page is used as a model for most of 
the instructions below,
-                and may have more detail on particular sections, so it is 
worth review.</para>
-            <note>
-                <title>Specifying the Heap Space for Maven on OSX</title>
-                <para>On OSX, you may need to specify the heap space for Maven 
commands, by setting
-                    the <varname>MAVEN_OPTS</varname> variable to 
<literal>-Xmx3g</literal>. You can
-                    prefix the variable to the Maven command, as in the 
following example:</para>
-                <screen>MAVEN_OPTS="-Xmx2g" mvn package</screen>
-                <para>You could also set this in an environment variable or 
alias in your
-                    shell.</para>
-            </note>
-            <procedure>
-                <title>Release Procedure</title>
-                <para>The script <filename>dev-support/</filename> 
automates many of these
-                    steps. It does not do the modification of the 
-                    for the release, the close of the staging repository in 
Apache Maven (human
-                    intervention is needed here), the checking of the produced 
artifacts to ensure
-                    they are 'good' -- e.g. extracting the produced tarballs, 
verifying that they
-                    look right, then starting HBase and checking that 
everything is running
-                    correctly, then the signing and pushing of the tarballs to 
xlink:href="";></link>. The script
-                    handles everything else, and comes in handy.</para>
-                <step>
-                    <title>Update the <filename>CHANGES.txt</filename> file 
and the POM files.</title>
-                    <para>Update <filename>CHANGES.txt</filename> with the 
changes since the last
-                        release. Make sure the URL to the JIRA points to the 
proper location which
-                        lists fixes for this release. Adjust the version in 
all the POM files
-                        appropriately. If you are making a release candidate, 
you must remove the
-                            <literal>-SNAPSHOT</literal> label from all 
versions. If you are running
-                        this receipe to publish a snapshot, you must keep the
-                            <literal>-SNAPSHOT</literal> suffix on the hbase 
version. The <link
-                            Maven Plugin</link> can be of use here. To set a 
version in all the many
-                        poms of the hbase multi-module project, use a command 
like the
-                        following:</para>
-                    <programlisting language="bourne">
-$ mvn clean org.codehaus.mojo:versions-maven-plugin:1.3.1:set 
-                    </programlisting>
-                    <para>Checkin the <filename>CHANGES.txt</filename> and any 
-                        changes.</para>
-                </step>
-                <step>
-                    <title>Update the documentation.</title>
-                    <para> Update the documentation under 
<filename>src/main/docbkx</filename>. This
-                        usually involves copying the latest from trunk and 
making version-particular
-                        adjustments to suit this release candidate version. 
-                </step>
-                <step>
-                    <title>Build the source tarball.</title>
-                    <para>Now, build the source tarball. This tarball is 
-                        It is just the pure source code and documentation 
without a particular
-                        hadoop taint, etc. Add the 
<varname>-Prelease</varname> profile when
-                        building. It checks files for licenses and will fail 
the build if unlicensed
-                        files are present.</para>
-                    <programlisting language="bourne">
-$ mvn clean install -DskipTests assembly:single 
-Dassembly.file=hbase-assembly/src/main/assembly/src.xml -Prelease
-                        </programlisting>
-                    <para>Extract the tarball and make sure it looks good. A 
good test for the src
-                        tarball being 'complete' is to see if you can build 
new tarballs from this
-                        source bundle. If the source tarball is good, save it 
off to a
-                            <emphasis>version directory</emphasis>, a 
directory somewhere where you
-                        are collecting all of the tarballs you will publish as 
part of the release
-                        candidate. For example if you were building a 
hbase-0.96.0 release
-                        candidate, you might call the directory
-                        <filename>hbase-0.96.0RC0</filename>. Later you will 
publish this directory
-                        as our release candidate up on <link 
><replaceable>~YOU</replaceable>/</link>. </para>
-                </step>
-                <step>
-                    <title>Build the binary tarball.</title>
-                    <para>Next, build the binary tarball. Add the 
-                        profile when building. It checks files for licenses 
and will fail the build
-                        if unlicensed files are present. Do it in two 
-                    <substeps>
-                        <step>
-                            <para>First install into the local 
-                            <programlisting language="bourne">
-$ mvn clean install -DskipTests -Prelease</programlisting>
-                        </step>
-                        <step>
-                            <para>Next, generate documentation and assemble 
the tarball.</para>
-                            <programlisting language="bourne">
-$ mvn install -DskipTests site assembly:single -Prelease</programlisting>
-                        </step>
-                    </substeps>
-                    <para> Otherwise, the build complains that hbase modules 
are not in the maven
-                        repository when you try to do it at once, especially 
on fresh repository. It
-                        seems that you need the install goal in both 
-                    <para>Extract the generated tarball and check it out. Look 
at the documentation,
-                        see if it runs, etc. If good, copy the tarball to the 
above mentioned
-                            <emphasis>version directory</emphasis>. </para>
-                </step>
-                <step>
-                    <title>Create a new tag.</title>
-                    <note>
-                        <title>Point Release Only</title>
-                        <para>The following step that creates a new tag can be 
skipped since you've
-                            already created the point release tag</para>
-                    </note>
-                    <para>Tag the release at this point since it looks good. 
If you find an issue
-                        later, you can delete the tag and start over. Release 
needs to be tagged for
-                        the next step.</para>
-                </step>
-                <step>
-                    <title>Deploy to the Maven Repository.</title>
-                    <para>Next, deploy HBase to the Apache Maven repository, 
using the
-                            <varname>apache-release</varname> profile instead 
of the
-                            <varname>release</varname> profile when running 
the <command>mvn
-                            deploy</command> command. This profile invokes the 
Apache pom referenced
-                        by our pom files, and also signs your artifacts 
published to Maven, as long
-                        as the <filename>settings.xml</filename> is configured 
correctly, as
-                        described in <xref 
-                    <programlisting language="bourne">
-$ mvn deploy -DskipTests -Papache-release</programlisting>
-                    <para>This command copies all artifacts up to a temporary 
staging Apache mvn
-                        repository in an 'open' state. More work needs to be 
done on these maven
-                        artifacts to make them generally available. </para>
-                </step>
-                <step>
-                    <title>Make the Release Candidate available.</title>
-                    <para>The artifacts are in the maven repository in the 
staging area in the
-                        'open' state. While in this 'open' state you can check 
out what you've
-                        published to make sure all is good. To do this, login 
at <link
-                        using your Apache ID. Find your artifacts in the 
staging repository. Browse
-                        the content. Make sure all artifacts made it up and 
that the poms look
-                        generally good. If it checks out, 'close' the repo. 
This will make the
-                        artifacts publically available. You will receive an 
email with the URL to
-                        give out for the temporary staging repository for 
others to use trying out
-                        this new release candidate. Include it in the email 
that announces the
-                        release candidate. Folks will need to add this repo 
URL to their local poms
-                        or to their local <filename>settings.xml</filename> 
file to pull the
-                        published release candidate artifacts. If the 
published artifacts are
-                        incomplete or have problems, just delete the 'open' 
staged artifacts.</para>
-                    <note>
-                        <title>hbase-downstreamer</title>
-                        <para> See the <link
-                                >hbase-downstreamer</link> test for a simple 
example of a project
-                            that is downstream of HBase an depends on it. 
Check it out and run its
-                            simple test to make sure maven artifacts are 
properly deployed to the
-                            maven repository. Be sure to edit the pom to point 
to the proper staging
-                            repository. Make sure you are pulling from the 
repository when tests run
-                            and that you are not getting from your local 
repository, by either
-                            passing the <code>-U</code> flag or deleting your 
local repo content and
-                            check maven is pulling from remote out of the 
staging repository.
-                        </para>
-                    </note> 
-                    <para>See <link
-                            >Publishing Maven Artifacts</link> for some 
pointers on this maven
-                        staging process.</para>
-                    <note>
-                        <para>We no longer publish using the maven release 
plugin. Instead we do
-                                <command>mvn deploy</command>. It seems to 
give us a backdoor to
-                            maven release publishing. If there is no 
-                            on the version string, then we are 'deployed' to 
the apache maven
-                            repository staging directory from which we can 
publish URLs for
-                            candidates and later, if they pass, publish as 
release (if a
-                                <emphasis>-SNAPSHOT</emphasis> on the version 
string, deploy will
-                            put the artifacts up into apache snapshot repos). 
-                    </note>
-                    <para>If the HBase version ends in 
<varname>-SNAPSHOT</varname>, the artifacts
-                        go elsewhere. They are put into the Apache snapshots 
repository directly and
-                        are immediately available. Making a SNAPSHOT release, 
this is what you want
-                        to happen.</para>
-                </step>
-                <step>
-                    <title>If you used the <filename></filename> 
script instead of doing
-                        the above manually, do your sanity checks now.</title>
-                    <para> At this stage, you have two tarballs in your 
'version directory' and a
-                        set of artifacts in a staging area of the maven 
repository, in the 'closed'
-                        state. These are publicly accessible in a temporary 
staging repository whose
-                        URL you should have gotten in an email. The above 
mentioned script,
-                            <filename></filename> does all of the 
above for you minus the
-                        check of the artifacts built, the closing of the 
staging repository up in
-                        maven, and the tagging of the release. If you run the 
script, do your checks
-                        at this stage verifying the src and bin tarballs and 
checking what is up in
-                        staging using hbase-downstreamer project. Tag before 
you start the build.
-                        You can always delete it if the build goes haywire. 
-                </step>
-                <step>
-                    <title>Sign, upload, and 'stage' your version directory to 
xlink:href="";></link> (TODO:
-                      There is a new location to stage releases using 
svnpubsub.  See
-                      (<link 
Please delete old releases from mirroring system</link>).</title>
-                    <para> If all checks out, next put the <emphasis>version 
directory</emphasis> up
-                        on <link 
xlink:href="";></link>. You
-                        will need to sign and fingerprint them before you push 
them up. In the
-                            <emphasis>version directory</emphasis> run the 
following commands:
-                    </para>
-                    <programlisting language="bourne">
-$ for i in *.tar.gz; do echo $i; gpg --print-mds $i > $i.mds ; done
-$ for i in *.tar.gz; do echo $i; gpg --armor --output $i.asc --detach-sig $i  
; done
-$ cd ..
-# Presuming our 'version directory' is named 0.96.0RC0, now copy it up to
-$ rsync -av 0.96.0RC0
-                    </programlisting>
-                    <para>Make sure the <link 
-                            ></link> directory is showing and 
that the mvn repo
-                        URLs are good. Announce the release candidate on the 
mailing list and call a
-                        vote. </para>
-                </step>
-            </procedure>
-        </section>
-        <section xml:id="maven.snapshot">
-            <title>Publishing a SNAPSHOT to maven</title>
-            <para>Make sure your <filename>settings.xml</filename> is set up 
properly, as in <xref
-                    linkend="mvn.settings.file"/>. Make sure the hbase version 
-                    <varname>-SNAPSHOT</varname> as a suffix. Following is an 
example of publishing
-                SNAPSHOTS of a release that had an hbase version of 0.96.0 in 
its poms.</para>
-                <programlisting language="bourne">
- $ mvn clean install -DskipTests  javadoc:aggregate site assembly:single 
- $ mvn -DskipTests  deploy -Papache-release</programlisting>
-            <para>The <filename></filename> script mentioned above 
(see <xref
-                    linkend="maven.release"/>) can help you publish 
-                Make sure your <varname>hbase.version</varname> has a 
-                suffix before running the script. It will put a snapshot up 
into the apache snapshot
-                repository for you. </para>
-        </section>
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="">
-        <title>Voting on Release Candidates</title>
-        <para> Everyone is encouraged to try and vote on HBase release 
candidates. Only the votes of
-            PMC members are binding. PMC members, please read this WIP doc on 
policy voting for a
-            release candidate, <link
-                Policy</link>. <quote>Before casting +1 binding votes, 
individuals are required to
-                download the signed source code package onto their own 
hardware, compile it as
-                provided, and test the resulting executable on their own 
platform, along with also
-                validating cryptographic signatures and verifying that the 
package meets the
-                requirements of the ASF policy on releases.</quote> Regards 
the latter, run
-                <command>mvn apache-rat:check</command> to verify all files 
are suitably licensed.
-            See <link 
xlink:href="";>HBase, mail # dev - On
-                recent discussion clarifying ASF release policy</link>. for 
how we arrived at this
-            process. </para>
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="documentation">
-          <title>Generating the HBase Reference Guide</title>
-        <para>The manual is marked up using <link 
-                >docbook</link>. We then use the <link
-                xlink:href="";>docbkx 
maven plugin</link> to
-            transform the markup to html. This plugin is run when you specify 
-                <command>site</command> goal as in when you run <command>mvn 
site</command> or you
-            can call the plugin explicitly to just generate the manual by 
doing <command>mvn
-                docbkx:generate-html</command>. When you run <command>mvn 
site</command>, the
-            documentation is generated twice, once to generate the multipage 
manual and then again
-            for the single page manual, which is easier to search. See <xref
-                linkend="appendix_contributing_to_documentation"/> for more 
information on building
-            the documentation. </para>
-      </section>
-    <section xml:id="">
-        <title>Updating <link 
-        <section xml:id="">
-            <title>Contributing to</title>
-            <para>See <xref linkend="appendix_contributing_to_documentation"/> 
for more information
-                on contributing to the documentation or website.</para>
-        </section>
-        <section xml:id="">
-            <title>Publishing <link xlink:href="";
-                ></link></title>
-            <para>As of <link 
-                    >INFRA-5680 Migrate apache hbase website</link>, to 
publish the website, build
-                it using Maven, and then deploy it over a checkout of
-                and check in your changes. The script
-                    <filename>dev-scripts/</filename> 
is provided to
-                automate this process and to be sure that stale files are 
removed from SVN. Review
-                the script even if you decide to publish the website manually. 
Use the script as
-                follows:</para>
-            <screen>$ <userinput> -h</userinput>
-<![CDATA[Usage: [-i | -a] [-g <dir>] [-s <dir>]]]>
- -h          Show this message
- -i          Prompts the user for input
- -a          Does not prompt the user. Potentially dangerous.
- -g          The local location of the HBase git repository
- -s          The local location of the HBase svn checkout
- Either --interactive or --silent is required.
- Edit the script to set default Git and SVN directories.
-            </screen>
-            <note><para>The SVN commit takes a long time.</para></note>
-        </section>
-    </section>
-    <section xml:id="hbase.tests">
-        <title>Tests</title>
-        <para> Developers, at a minimum, should familiarize themselves with 
the unit test detail;
-            unit tests in HBase have a character not usually seen in other 
-        <para>This information is about unit tests for HBase itself. For 
developing unit tests for
-            your HBase applications, see <xref linkend="unit.tests"/>.</para>
-        <section xml:id="hbase.moduletests">
-            <title>Apache HBase Modules</title>
-            <para>As of 0.96, Apache HBase is split into multiple modules. 
This creates
-                "interesting" rules for how and where tests are written. If 
you are writing code for
-                    <classname>hbase-server</classname>, see <xref 
linkend="hbase.unittests"/> for
-                how to write your tests. These tests can spin up a minicluster 
and will need to be
-                categorized. For any other module, for example 
-                the tests must be strict unit tests and just test the class 
under test - no use of
-                the HBaseTestingUtility or minicluster is allowed (or even 
possible given the
-                dependency tree).</para>
-  <section xml:id="">
-    <title>Testing the HBase Shell</title>
-    <para>
-      The HBase shell and its tests are predominantly written in jruby. In 
order to make these
-      tests run as a part of the standard build, there is a single JUnit test,
-      <classname>TestShell</classname>, that takes care of loading the jruby 
implemented tests and
-      running them. You can run all of these tests from the top level with:
-    </para>
-    <programlisting language="bourne">
-      mvn clean test -Dtest=TestShell
-    </programlisting>
-    <para>
-      Alternatively, you may limit the shell tests that run using the system 
-      <classname>shell.test</classname>. This value should specify the ruby 
literal equivalent of a
-        particular test case by name. For example, the tests that cover the 
shell commands for
-        altering tables are contained in the test case 
-        and you can run them with:
-    </para>
-    <programlisting language="bourne">
-      mvn clean test -Dtest=TestShell -Dshell.test=/AdminAlterTableTest/
-    </programlisting>
-    <para>
-      You may also use a <link xlink:href=
Regular Expression
-      literal</link> (in the <classname>/pattern/</classname> style) to select 
a set of test cases.
-      You can run all of the HBase admin related tests, including both the 
normal administration and
-      the security administration, with the command:
-    </para>
-    <programlisting language="bourne">
-      mvn clean test -Dtest=TestShell -Dshell.test=/.*Admin.*Test/
-    </programlisting>
-    <para>
-      In the event of a test failure, you can see details by examining the XML 
version of the
-      surefire report results
-    </para>
-    <programlisting language="bourne">
-      vim 
-    </programlisting>
-  </section>
-  <section xml:id="">
-  <title>Running Tests in other Modules</title>
-  <para>If the module you are developing in has no other dependencies on other 
HBase modules, then
-  you can cd into that module and just run:</para>
-  <programlisting language="bourne">mvn test</programlisting>
-  <para>which will just run the tests IN THAT MODULE. If there are other 
dependencies on other modules,
-  then you will have run the command from the ROOT HBASE DIRECTORY. This will 
run the tests in the other
-  modules, unless you specify to skip the tests in that module. For instance, 
to skip the tests in the hbase-server module,
-  you would run:</para>
-  <programlisting language="bourne">mvn clean test 
-  <para>from the top level directory to run all the tests in modules other 
than hbase-server. Note that you
-  can specify to skip tests in multiple modules as well as just for a single 
module. For example, to skip
-  the tests in <classname>hbase-server</classname> and 
<classname>hbase-common</classname>, you would run:</para>
-  <programlisting language="bourne">mvn clean test -PskipServerTests 
-  <para>Also, keep in mind that if you are running tests in the 
<classname>hbase-server</classname> module you will need to
-  apply the maven profiles discussed in <xref linkend="hbase.unittests.cmds"/> 
to get the tests to run properly.</para>
-  </section>
-<section xml:id="hbase.unittests">
-<title>Unit Tests</title>
-<para>Apache HBase unit tests are subdivided into four categories: small, 
medium, large, and
-integration with corresponding JUnit <link 
-<classname>SmallTests</classname>, <classname>MediumTests</classname>,
-<classname>LargeTests</classname>, <classname>IntegrationTests</classname>.
-JUnit categories are denoted using java annotations and look like this in your 
unit test code.</para>
-<programlisting language="java">...
-public class TestHRegionInfo {
-  @Test
-  public void testCreateHRegionInfoName() throws Exception {
-    // ...
-  }
-            <para>The above example shows how to mark a unit test as belonging 
to the
-                    <literal>small</literal> category. All unit tests in HBase 
have a
-                categorization. </para>
-            <para> The first three categories, <literal>small</literal>, 
-                and <literal>large</literal>, are for tests run when you type 
<code>$ mvn
-                    test</code>. In other words, these three categorizations 
are for HBase unit
-                tests. The <literal>integration</literal> category is not for 
unit tests, but for
-                integration tests. These are run when you invoke <code>$ mvn 
-                Integration tests are described in <xref 
-            <para>HBase uses a patched maven surefire plugin and maven 
profiles to implement
-                its unit test characterizations. </para>
-            <para>Keep reading to figure which annotation of the set small, 
medium, and large to
-                put on your new HBase unit test. </para>
-            <variablelist>
-                <title>Categorizing Tests</title>
-                <varlistentry xml:id="hbase.unittests.small">
-                    <term>Small 
-                    <listitem>
-                        <para>
-                            <emphasis>Small</emphasis> tests are executed in a 
shared JVM. We put in
-                            this category all the tests that can be executed 
quickly in a shared
-                            JVM. The maximum execution time for a small test 
is 15 seconds, and
-                            small tests should not use a (mini)cluster.</para>
-                    </listitem>
-                </varlistentry>
-                <varlistentry xml:id="hbase.unittests.medium">
-                    <term>Medium 
-                    <listitem>
-                        <para><emphasis>Medium</emphasis> tests represent 
tests that must be
-                            executed before proposing a patch. They are 
designed to run in less than
-                            30 minutes altogether, and are quite stable in 
their results. They are
-                            designed to last less than 50 seconds 
individually. They can use a
-                            cluster, and each of them is executed in a 
separate JVM. </para>
-                    </listitem>
-                </varlistentry>
-                <varlistentry xml:id="hbase.unittests.large">
-                    <term>Large 
-                    <listitem>
-                        <para><emphasis>Large</emphasis> tests are everything 
else. They are
-                            typically large-scale tests, regression tests for 
specific bugs, timeout
-                            tests, performance tests. They are executed before 
a commit on the
-                            pre-integration machines. They can be run on the 
developer machine as
-                            well. </para>
-                    </listitem>
-                </varlistentry>
-                <varlistentry xml:id="hbase.unittests.integration">
-                    <term>Integration
-                    <listitem>
-                        <para><emphasis>Integration</emphasis> tests are 
system level tests. See
-                                <xref linkend="integration.tests"/> for more 
info. </para>
-                    </listitem>
-                </varlistentry>
-            </variablelist>
-        </section>
-        <section xml:id="hbase.unittests.cmds">
-            <title>Running tests</title>
-            <section xml:id="hbase.unittests.cmds.test">
-                <title>Default: small and medium category tests </title>
-                <para>Running <code language="bourne">mvn test</code> will
-                    execute all small tests in a single JVM (no fork) and then 
medium tests in a
-                    separate JVM for each test instance. Medium tests are NOT 
executed if there is
-                    an error in a small test. Large tests are NOT executed. 
There is one report for
-                    small tests, and one report for medium tests if they are 
executed. </para>
-            </section>
-            <section xml:id="hbase.unittests.cmds.test.runAllTests">
-                <title>Running all tests</title>
-                <para>Running
-                    <code language="bourne">mvn test -P runAllTests</code> will
-                    execute small tests in a single JVM then medium and large 
tests in a separate
-                    JVM for each test. Medium and large tests are NOT executed 
if there is an error
-                    in a small test. Large tests are NOT executed if there is 
an error in a small or
-                    medium test. There is one report for small tests, and one 
report for medium and
-                    large tests if they are executed. </para>
-            </section>
-            <section xml:id="hbase.unittests.cmds.test.localtests.mytest">
-                <title>Running a single test or all tests in a package</title>
-                <para>To run an individual test, e.g. 
<classname>MyTest</classname>, rum <code
-                        language="bourne">mvn test -Dtest=MyTest</code> You 
can also pass multiple,
-                    individual tests as a comma-delimited list: <code 
language="bourne">mvn test
-                        -Dtest=MyTest1,MyTest2,MyTest3</code> You can also 
pass a package, which
-                    will run all tests under the package: <code 
language="bourne">mvn test
-                        '-Dtest=org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.*'</code>
-                </para>
-                <para> When <code>-Dtest</code> is specified, the 
<code>localTests</code> profile
-                    will be used. It will use the official release of maven 
surefire, rather than
-                    our custom surefire plugin, and the old connector (The 
HBase build uses a
-                    patched version of the maven surefire plugin). Each junit 
test is executed in a
-                    separate JVM (A fork per test class). There is no 
parallelization when tests are
-                    running in this mode. You will see a new message at the 
end of the -report:
-                        <literal>"[INFO] Tests are skipped"</literal>. It's 
harmless. However, you
-                    need to make sure the sum of <code>Tests run:</code> in 
the <code>Results
-                        :</code> section of test reports matching the number 
of tests you specified
-                    because no error will be reported when a non-existent test 
case is specified.
-                </para>
-            </section>
-            <section xml:id="hbase.unittests.cmds.test.profiles">
-                <title>Other test invocation permutations</title>
-                <para>Running <command>mvn test -P runSmallTests</command> 
will execute "small"
-                    tests only, using a single JVM. </para>
-                <para>Running <command>mvn test -P runMediumTests</command> 
will execute "medium"
-                    tests only, launching a new JVM for each test-class. 
-                <para>Running <command>mvn test -P runLargeTests</command> 
will execute "large"
-                    tests only, launching a new JVM for each test-class. 
-                <para>For convenience, you can run <command>mvn test -P 
runDevTests</command> to
-                    execute both small and medium tests, using a single JVM. 
-            </section>
-            <section xml:id="hbase.unittests.test.faster">
-                <title>Running tests faster</title>
-                <para> By default, <code>$ mvn test -P runAllTests</code> runs 
5 tests in parallel.
-                    It can be increased on a developer's machine. Allowing 
that you can have 2 tests
-                    in parallel per core, and you need about 2GB of memory per 
test (at the
-                    extreme), if you have an 8 core, 24GB box, you can have 16 
tests in parallel.
-                    but the memory available limits it to 12 (24/2), To run 
all tests with 12 tests
-                    in parallel, do this: <command>mvn test -P runAllTests
-                        -Dsurefire.secondPartForkCount=12</command>. If using 
a version earlier than 
-                    2.0, do: <command>mvn test -P runAllTests 
-                    </command>. To increase the speed, you can as well use a 
ramdisk. You will need 2GB 
-                    of memory to run all tests. You will also need to delete 
the files between two 
-                    test run. The typical way to configure a ramdisk on Linux 
-                <screen language="bourne">$ sudo mkdir /ram2G
-sudo mount -t tmpfs -o size=2048M tmpfs /ram2G</screen>
-                <para>You can then use it to run all HBase tests on 2.0 with 
the command: </para>
-                <screen language="bourne">mvn test
-                        -P runAllTests -Dsurefire.secondPartForkCount=12
-              </screen>
-                <para>On earlier versions, use: </para>
-                <screen language="bourne">mvn test
-                        -P runAllTests -Dsurefire.secondPartThreadCount=12
-              </screen>
-            </section>
-            <section xml:id="hbase.unittests.cmds.test.hbasetests">
-                <title><command></command></title>
-                <para>It's also possible to use the script 
<command></command>. This
-                    script runs the medium and large tests in parallel with 
two maven instances, and
-                    provides a single report. This script does not use the 
hbase version of surefire
-                    so no parallelization is being done other than the two 
maven instances the
-                    script sets up. It must be executed from the directory 
which contains the
-                        <filename>pom.xml</filename>.</para>
-                <para>For example running 
<command>./dev-support/</command> will
-                    execute small and medium tests. Running 
-                        runAllTests</command> will execute all tests. Running
-                        <command>./dev-support/ 
replayFailed</command> will rerun the
-                    failed tests a second time, in a separate jvm and without 
-                </para>
-            </section>
-            <section xml:id="hbase.unittests.resource.checker">
-                <title>Test Resource Checker<indexterm><primary>Test Resource
-                        Checker</primary></indexterm></title>
-                <para> A custom Maven SureFire plugin listener checks a number 
of resources before
-                    and after each HBase unit test runs and logs its findings 
at the end of the test
-                    output files which can be found in 
-                    per Maven module (Tests write test reports named for the 
test class into this
-                    directory. Check the <filename>*-out.txt</filename> 
files). The resources
-                    counted are the number of threads, the number of file 
descriptors, etc. If the
-                    number has increased, it adds a <emphasis>LEAK?</emphasis> 
comment in the logs.
-                    As you can have an HBase instance running in the 
background, some threads can be
-                    deleted/created without any specific action in the test. 
However, if the test
-                    does not work as expected, or if the test should not 
impact these resources,
-                    it's worth checking these log lines
-                        <computeroutput>...hbase.ResourceChecker(157): 
-                    and <computeroutput>...hbase.ResourceChecker(157): 
-                    For example: </para>
-                <screen>2012-09-26 09:22:15,315 INFO [pool-1-thread-1]
-hbase.ResourceChecker(157): after:
-regionserver.TestColumnSeeking#testReseeking Thread=65 (was 65),
-OpenFileDescriptor=107 (was 107), MaxFileDescriptor=10240 (was 10240),
-ConnectionCount=1 (was 1) </screen>
-            </section>
-        </section>
-        <section xml:id="hbase.tests.writing">
-            <title>Writing Tests</title>
-            <section xml:id="hbase.tests.rules">
-                <title>General rules</title>
-                <itemizedlist>
-                    <listitem>
-                        <para>As much as possible, tests should be written as 
category small
-                            tests.</para>
-                    </listitem>
-                    <listitem>
-                        <para>All tests must be written to support parallel 
execution on the same
-                            machine, hence they should not use shared 
resources as fixed ports or
-                            fixed file names.</para>
-                    </listitem>
-                    <listitem>
-                        <para>Tests should not overlog. More than 100 
lines/second makes the logs
-                            complex to read and use i/o that are hence not 
available for the other
-                            tests.</para>
-                    </listitem>
-                    <listitem>
-                        <para>Tests can be written with 
-                            This class offers helper functions to create a 
temp directory and do the
-                            cleanup, or to start a cluster.</para>
-                    </listitem>
-                </itemizedlist>
-            </section>
-            <section xml:id="hbase.tests.categories">
-                <title>Categories and execution time</title>
-                <itemizedlist>
-                    <listitem>
-                        <para>All tests must be categorized, if not they could 
be skipped.</para>
-                    </listitem>
-                    <listitem>
-                        <para>All tests should be written to be as fast as 
-                    </listitem>
-                    <listitem>
-                        <para>Small category tests should last less than 15 
seconds, and must not
-                            have any side effect.</para>
-                    </listitem>
-                    <listitem>
-                        <para>Medium category tests should last less than 50 
-                    </listitem>
-                    <listitem>
-                        <para>Large category tests should last less than 3 
minutes. This should
-                            ensure a good parallelization for people using it, 
and ease the analysis
-                            when the test fails.</para>
-                    </listitem>
-                </itemizedlist>
-            </section>
-            <section xml:id="hbase.tests.sleeps">
-                <title>Sleeps in tests</title>
-                <para>Whenever possible, tests should not use 
-                    but rather waiting for the real event they need. This is 
faster and clearer for
-                    the reader. Tests should not do a 
<methodname>Thread.sleep</methodname> without
-                    testing an ending condition. This allows understanding 
what the test is waiting
-                    for. Moreover, the test will work whatever the machine 
performance is. Sleep
-                    should be minimal to be as fast as possible. Waiting for a 
variable should be
-                    done in a 40ms sleep loop. Waiting for a socket operation 
should be done in a
-                    200 ms sleep loop. </para>
-            </section>
-            <section xml:id="hbase.tests.cluster">
-                <title>Tests using a cluster </title>
-                <para>Tests using a HRegion do not have to start a cluster: A 
region can use the
-                    local file system. Start/stopping a cluster cost around 10 
seconds. They should
-                    not be started per test method but per test class. Started 
cluster must be
-                    shutdown using 
-                    which cleans the directories. As most as possible, tests 
should use the default
-                    settings for the cluster. When they don't, they should 
document it. This will
-                    allow to share the cluster later. </para>
-            </section>
-        </section>
-        <section xml:id="integration.tests">
-            <title>Integration Tests</title>
-            <para>HBase integration/system tests are tests that are beyond 
HBase unit tests. They
-                are generally long-lasting, sizeable (the test can be asked to 
1M rows or 1B rows),
-                targetable (they can take configuration that will point them 
at the ready-made
-                cluster they are to run against; integration tests do not 
include cluster start/stop
-                code), and verifying success, integration tests rely on public 
APIs only; they do
-                not attempt to examine server internals asserting 
success/fail. Integration tests
-                are what you would run when you need to more elaborate 
proofing of a release
-                candidate beyond what unit tests can do. They are not 
generally run on the Apache
-                Continuous Integration build server, however, some sites opt 
to run integration
-                tests as a part of their continuous testing on an actual 
cluster. </para>
-            <para> Integration tests currently live under the 
-                directory in the hbase-it submodule and will match the regex:
-                    <filename>**/IntegrationTest*.java</filename>. All 
integration tests are also
-                annotated with <code>@Category(IntegrationTests.class)</code>. 
-            <para> Integration tests can be run in two modes: using a mini 
cluster, or against an
-                actual distributed cluster. Maven failsafe is used to run the 
tests using the mini
-                cluster. IntegrationTestsDriver class is used for executing 
the tests against a
-                distributed cluster. Integration tests SHOULD NOT assume that 
they are running
-                against a mini cluster, and SHOULD NOT use private API's to 
access cluster state. To
-                interact with the distributed or mini cluster uniformly,
-                    <code>IntegrationTestingUtility</code>, and 
<code>HBaseCluster</code> classes,
-                and public client API's can be used. </para>
-            <para> On a distributed cluster, integration tests that use 
ChaosMonkey or otherwise
-                manipulate services thru cluster manager (e.g. restart 
regionservers) use SSH to do
-                it. To run these, test process should be able to run commands 
on remote end, so ssh
-                should be configured accordingly (for example, if HBase runs 
under hbase user in
-                your cluster, you can set up passwordless ssh for that user 
and run the test also
-                under it). To facilitate that, 
-                    <code></code> and
-                    <code></code> configuration 
settings can be used.
-                "User" is the remote user that cluster manager should use to 
perform ssh commands.
-                "Opts" contains additional options that are passed to SSH (for 
example, "-i
-                /tmp/my-key"). Finally, if you have some custom environment 
setup, "cmd" is the
-                override format for the entire tunnel (ssh) command. The 
default string is
-                    {<code>/usr/bin/ssh %1$s %2$s%3$s%4$s "%5$s"</code>} and 
is a good starting
-                point. This is a standard Java format string with 5 arguments 
that is used to
-                execute the remote command. The argument 1 (%1$s) is SSH 
options set the via opts
-                setting or via environment variable, 2 is SSH user name, 3 is 
"@" if username is set
-                or "" otherwise, 4 is the target host name, and 5 is the 
logical command to execute
-                (that may include single quotes, so don't use them). For 
example, if you run the
-                tests under non-hbase user and want to ssh as that user and 
change to hbase on
-                remote machine, you can use {<code>/usr/bin/ssh %1$s 
%2$s%3$s%4$s "su hbase - -c
-                    \"%5$s\""</code>}. That way, to kill RS (for example) 
integration tests may run
-                    {<code>/usr/bin/ssh some-hostname "su hbase - -c \"ps aux 
| ... | kill
-                    ...\""</code>}. The command is logged in the test logs, so 
you can verify it is
-                correct for your environment. </para>
-              <para>To disable the running of Integration Tests, pass the 
following profile on the
-                command line <code>-PskipIntegrationTests</code>. For example,
-                <programlisting>$ mvn clean install test -Dtest=TestZooKeeper  
-            <section xml:id="">
-                <title>Running integration tests against mini cluster</title>
-                <para>HBase 0.92 added a <varname>verify</varname> maven 
target. Invoking it, for
-                    example by doing <code>mvn verify</code>, will run all the 
phases up to and
-                    including the verify phase via the maven <link
-                        plugin</link>, running all the above mentioned HBase 
unit tests as well as
-                    tests that are in the HBase integration test group. After 
you have completed
-                        <command>mvn install -DskipTests</command> You can run 
just the integration
-                    tests by invoking:</para>
-                <programlisting language="bourne">
-cd hbase-it
-mvn verify</programlisting>
-                <para>If you just want to run the integration tests in 
top-level, you need to run
-                    two commands. First: <command>mvn 
failsafe:integration-test</command> This
-                    actually runs ALL the integration tests. </para>
-                <note>
-                    <para>This command will always output <code>BUILD 
SUCCESS</code> even if there
-                        are test failures. </para>
-                </note>
-                <para>At this point, you could grep the output by hand looking 
for failed tests.
-                    However, maven will do this for us; just use: <command>mvn
-                        failsafe:verify</command> The above command basically 
looks at all the test
-                    results (so don't remove the 'target' directory) for test 
failures and reports
-                    the results.</para>
-                <section xml:id="">
-                    <title>Running a subset of Integration tests</title>
-                    <para>This is very similar to how you specify running a 
subset of unit tests
-                        (see above), but use the property <code>it.test</code> 
instead of
-                            <code>test</code>. To just run
<classname></classname>, use: <command>mvn
-                            failsafe:integration-test 
-                        The next thing you might want to do is run groups of 
integration tests, say
-                        all integration tests that are named 
-                            <command>mvn failsafe:integration-test 
-Dit.test=*ClassX*</command> This
-                        runs everything that is an integration test that 
matches *ClassX*. This
-                        means anything matching: "**/IntegrationTest*ClassX*". 
You can also run
-                        multiple groups of integration tests using 
comma-delimited lists (similar to
-                        unit tests). Using a list of matches still supports 
full regex matching for
-                        each of the groups.This would look something like: 
-                            failsafe:integration-test -Dit.test=*ClassX*, 
-                    </para>
-                </section>
-            </section>
-            <section 
-                <title>Running integration tests against distributed 
-                <para> If you have an already-setup HBase cluster, you can 
launch the integration
-                    tests by invoking the class 
<code>IntegrationTestsDriver</code>. You may have to
-                    run test-compile first. The configuration will be picked 
by the bin/hbase
-                    script. <programlisting language="bourne">mvn 
test-compile</programlisting> Then
-                    launch the tests with:</para>
-                <programlisting language="bourne">bin/hbase [--config 
config_dir] org.apache.hadoop.hbase.IntegrationTestsDriver</programlisting>
-                <para>Pass <code>-h</code> to get usage on this sweet tool. 
Running the
-                    IntegrationTestsDriver without any argument will launch 
tests found under
-                        <code>hbase-it/src/test</code>, having
-                        <code>@Category(IntegrationTests.class)</code> 
annotation, and a name
-                    starting with <code>IntegrationTests</code>. See the 
usage, by passing -h, to
-                    see how to filter test classes. You can pass a regex which 
is checked against
-                    the full class name; so, part of class name can be used. 
-                    uses Junit to run the tests. Currently there is no support 
for running
-                    integration tests against a distributed cluster using 
maven (see <link
-                        >HBASE-6201</link>). </para>
-                <para> The tests interact with the distributed cluster by 
using the methods in the
-                        <code>DistributedHBaseCluster</code> (implementing
-                    <code>HBaseCluster</code>) class, which in turn uses a 
-                        <code>ClusterManager</code>. Concrete implementations 
provide actual
-                    functionality for carrying out deployment-specific


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