diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 584eba1..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2419 +0,0 @@
-// Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format
-// Copyright 2008 Google Inc.  All rights reserved.
-// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
-// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
-// met:
-//     * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
-// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
-//     * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
-// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
-// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
-// distribution.
-//     * Neither the name of Google Inc. nor the names of its
-// contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from
-// this software without specific prior written permission.
-import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;
-import java.lang.reflect.Method;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
- * Lite version of {@link GeneratedMessage}.
- *
- * @author Kenton Varda
- */
-public abstract class GeneratedMessageLite<
-    MessageType extends GeneratedMessageLite<MessageType, BuilderType>,
-    BuilderType extends GeneratedMessageLite.Builder<MessageType, BuilderType>>
-        extends AbstractMessageLite<MessageType, BuilderType> {
-  /** For use by generated code only. Lazily initialized to reduce 
allocations. */
-  protected UnknownFieldSetLite unknownFields = 
-  /** For use by generated code only.  */
-  protected int memoizedSerializedSize = -1;
-  @Override
-  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // Guaranteed by runtime.
-  public final Parser<MessageType> getParserForType() {
-    return (Parser<MessageType>) dynamicMethod(MethodToInvoke.GET_PARSER);
-  }
-  @Override
-  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // Guaranteed by runtime.
-  public final MessageType getDefaultInstanceForType() {
-    return (MessageType) dynamicMethod(MethodToInvoke.GET_DEFAULT_INSTANCE);
-  }
-  @Override
-  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // Guaranteed by runtime.
-  public final BuilderType newBuilderForType() {
-    return (BuilderType) dynamicMethod(MethodToInvoke.NEW_BUILDER);
-  }
-  /**
-   * A reflective toString function. This is primarily intended as a developer 
aid, while keeping
-   * binary size down. The first line of the {@code toString()} representation 
includes a commented
-   * version of {@code super.toString()} to act as an indicator that this 
should not be relied on
-   * for comparisons.
-   * <p>
-   * NOTE: This method relies on the field getter methods not being stripped 
or renamed by proguard.
-   * If they are, the fields will not be included in the returned string 
-   * <p>
-   * NOTE: This implementation is liable to change in the future, and should 
not be relied on in
-   * code.
-   */
-  @Override
-  public String toString() {
-    return MessageLiteToString.toString(this, super.toString());
-  }
-  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // Guaranteed by runtime
-  @Override
-  public int hashCode() {
-    if (memoizedHashCode == 0) {
-      HashCodeVisitor visitor = new HashCodeVisitor();
-      visit(visitor, (MessageType) this);
-      memoizedHashCode = visitor.hashCode;
-    }
-    return memoizedHashCode;
-  }
-  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // Guaranteed by runtime
-  int hashCode(HashCodeVisitor visitor) {
-    if (memoizedHashCode == 0) {
-      int inProgressHashCode = visitor.hashCode;
-      visitor.hashCode = 0;
-      visit(visitor, (MessageType) this);
-      memoizedHashCode = visitor.hashCode;
-      visitor.hashCode = inProgressHashCode;
-    }
-    return memoizedHashCode;
-  }
-  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // Guaranteed by isInstance + runtime
-  @Override
-  public boolean equals(Object other) {
-    if (this == other) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    if (!getDefaultInstanceForType().getClass().isInstance(other)) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    try {
-      visit(EqualsVisitor.INSTANCE, (MessageType) other);
-    } catch (NotEqualsException e) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Same as {@link #equals(Object)} but throws {@code NotEqualsException}.
-   */
-  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // Guaranteed by isInstance + runtime
-  boolean equals(EqualsVisitor visitor, MessageLite other) {
-    if (this == other) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    if (!getDefaultInstanceForType().getClass().isInstance(other)) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    visit(visitor, (MessageType) other);
-    return true;
-  }
-  // The general strategy for unknown fields is to use an UnknownFieldSetLite 
that is treated as
-  // mutable during the parsing constructor and immutable after. This allows 
us to avoid
-  // any unnecessary intermediary allocations while reducing the generated 
code size.
-  /**
-   * Lazily initializes unknown fields.
-   */
-  private final void ensureUnknownFieldsInitialized() {
-    if (unknownFields == UnknownFieldSetLite.getDefaultInstance()) {
-      unknownFields = UnknownFieldSetLite.newInstance();
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Called by subclasses to parse an unknown field. For use by generated code 
-   *
-   * @return {@code true} unless the tag is an end-group tag.
-   */
-  protected boolean parseUnknownField(int tag, CodedInputStream input) throws 
IOException {
-    // This will avoid the allocation of unknown fields when a group tag is 
-    if (WireFormat.getTagWireType(tag) == WireFormat.WIRETYPE_END_GROUP) {
-      return false;
-    }
-    ensureUnknownFieldsInitialized();
-    return unknownFields.mergeFieldFrom(tag, input);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Called by subclasses to parse an unknown field. For use by generated code 
-   */
-  protected void mergeVarintField(int tag, int value) {
-    ensureUnknownFieldsInitialized();
-    unknownFields.mergeVarintField(tag, value);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Called by subclasses to parse an unknown field. For use by generated code 
-   */
-  protected void mergeLengthDelimitedField(int fieldNumber, ByteString value) {
-    ensureUnknownFieldsInitialized();
-    unknownFields.mergeLengthDelimitedField(fieldNumber, value);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Called by subclasses to complete parsing. For use by generated code only.
-   */
-  protected void makeImmutable() {
-    dynamicMethod(MethodToInvoke.MAKE_IMMUTABLE);
-    unknownFields.makeImmutable();
-  }
-  @Override
-  public final boolean isInitialized() {
-    return dynamicMethod(MethodToInvoke.IS_INITIALIZED, Boolean.TRUE) != null;
-  }
-  @Override
-  public final BuilderType toBuilder() {
-    BuilderType builder = (BuilderType) 
-    builder.mergeFrom((MessageType) this);
-    return builder;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Defines which method path to invoke in {@link GeneratedMessageLite
-   * #dynamicMethod(MethodToInvoke, Object...)}.
-   * <p>
-   * For use by generated code only.
-   */
-  public static enum MethodToInvoke {
-    // Rely on/modify instance state
-    VISIT,
-    // Rely on static state
-  }
-  /**
-   * A method that implements different types of operations described in 
{@link MethodToInvoke}.
-   * Theses different kinds of operations are required to implement 
message-level operations for
-   * builders in the runtime. This method bundles those operations to reduce 
the generated methods
-   * count.
-   * <ul>
-   * <li>{@code MERGE_FROM_STREAM} is parameterized with an {@link 
CodedInputStream} and
-   * {@link ExtensionRegistryLite}. It consumes the input stream, parsing the 
contents into the
-   * returned protocol buffer. If parsing throws an {@link 
InvalidProtocolBufferException}, the
-   * implementation wraps it in a RuntimeException.
-   * <li>{@code NEW_INSTANCE} returns a new instance of the protocol buffer 
that has not yet been
-   * made immutable. See {@code MAKE_IMMUTABLE}.
-   * <li>{@code IS_INITIALIZED} is parameterized with a {@code Boolean} 
detailing whether to
-   * memoize. It returns {@code null} for false and the default instance for 
true. We optionally
-   * memoize to support the Builder case, where memoization is not desired.
-   * <li>{@code NEW_BUILDER} returns a {@code BuilderType} instance.
-   * <li>{@code VISIT} is parameterized with a {@code Visitor} and a {@code 
MessageType} and
-   * recursively iterates through the fields side by side between this and the 
-   * <li>{@code MAKE_IMMUTABLE} sets all internal fields to an immutable state.
-   * </ul>
-   * This method, plus the implementation of the Builder, enables the Builder 
class to be proguarded
-   * away entirely on Android.
-   * <p>
-   * For use by generated code only.
-   */
-  protected abstract Object dynamicMethod(MethodToInvoke method, Object arg0, 
Object arg1);
-  /**
-   * Same as {@link #dynamicMethod(MethodToInvoke, Object, Object)} with 
{@code null} padding.
-   */
-  protected Object dynamicMethod(MethodToInvoke method, Object arg0) {
-    return dynamicMethod(method, arg0, null);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Same as {@link #dynamicMethod(MethodToInvoke, Object, Object)} with 
{@code null} padding.
-   */
-  protected Object dynamicMethod(MethodToInvoke method) {
-    return dynamicMethod(method, null, null);
-  }
-  void visit(Visitor visitor, MessageType other) {
-    dynamicMethod(MethodToInvoke.VISIT, visitor, other);
-    unknownFields = visitor.visitUnknownFields(unknownFields, 
-  }
-  /**
-   * Merge some unknown fields into the {@link UnknownFieldSetLite} for this
-   * message.
-   *
-   * <p>For use by generated code only.
-   */
-  protected final void mergeUnknownFields(UnknownFieldSetLite unknownFields) {
-    this.unknownFields = UnknownFieldSetLite.mutableCopyOf(this.unknownFields, 
-  }
-  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-  public abstract static class Builder<
-      MessageType extends GeneratedMessageLite<MessageType, BuilderType>,
-      BuilderType extends Builder<MessageType, BuilderType>>
-          extends AbstractMessageLite.Builder<MessageType, BuilderType> {
-    private final MessageType defaultInstance;
-    protected MessageType instance;
-    protected boolean isBuilt;
-    protected Builder(MessageType defaultInstance) {
-      this.defaultInstance = defaultInstance;
-      this.instance =
-          (MessageType) 
-      isBuilt = false;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Called before any method that would mutate the builder to ensure that 
it correctly copies
-     * any state before the write happens to preserve immutability guarantees.
-     */
-    protected void copyOnWrite() {
-      if (isBuilt) {
-        MessageType newInstance =
-            (MessageType) 
-        newInstance.visit(MergeFromVisitor.INSTANCE, instance);
-        instance = newInstance;
-        isBuilt = false;
-      }
-    }
-    @Override
-    public final boolean isInitialized() {
-      return GeneratedMessageLite.isInitialized(instance, false /* 
shouldMemoize */);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public final BuilderType clear() {
-      // No need to copy on write since we're dropping the instance anyways.
-      instance = (MessageType) 
-      return (BuilderType) this;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public BuilderType clone() {
-      BuilderType builder =
-          (BuilderType) getDefaultInstanceForType().newBuilderForType();
-      builder.mergeFrom(buildPartial());
-      return builder;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public MessageType buildPartial() {
-      if (isBuilt) {
-        return instance;
-      }
-      instance.makeImmutable();
-      isBuilt = true;
-      return instance;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public final MessageType build() {
-      MessageType result = buildPartial();
-      if (!result.isInitialized()) {
-        throw newUninitializedMessageException(result);
-      }
-      return result;
-    }
-    @Override
-    protected BuilderType internalMergeFrom(MessageType message) {
-      return mergeFrom(message);
-    }
-    /** All subclasses implement this. */
-    public BuilderType mergeFrom(MessageType message) {
-      copyOnWrite();
-      instance.visit(MergeFromVisitor.INSTANCE, message);
-      return (BuilderType) this;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public MessageType getDefaultInstanceForType() {
-      return defaultInstance;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public BuilderType mergeFrom(
-        throws IOException {
-      copyOnWrite();
-      try {
-        instance.dynamicMethod(MethodToInvoke.MERGE_FROM_STREAM, input, 
-      } catch (RuntimeException e) {
-        if (e.getCause() instanceof IOException) {
-          throw (IOException) e.getCause();
-        }
-        throw e;
-      }
-      return (BuilderType) this;
-    }
-  }
-  // =================================================================
-  // Extensions-related stuff
-  /**
-   * Lite equivalent of {@link}.
-   */
-  public interface ExtendableMessageOrBuilder<
-      MessageType extends ExtendableMessage<MessageType, BuilderType>,
-      BuilderType extends ExtendableBuilder<MessageType, BuilderType>>
-          extends MessageLiteOrBuilder {
-    /** Check if a singular extension is present. */
-    <Type> boolean hasExtension(
-        ExtensionLite<MessageType, Type> extension);
-    /** Get the number of elements in a repeated extension. */
-    <Type> int getExtensionCount(
-        ExtensionLite<MessageType, List<Type>> extension);
-    /** Get the value of an extension. */
-    <Type> Type getExtension(ExtensionLite<MessageType, Type> extension);
-    /** Get one element of a repeated extension. */
-    <Type> Type getExtension(
-        ExtensionLite<MessageType, List<Type>> extension,
-        int index);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Lite equivalent of {@link GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage}.
-   */
-  public abstract static class ExtendableMessage<
-        MessageType extends ExtendableMessage<MessageType, BuilderType>,
-        BuilderType extends ExtendableBuilder<MessageType, BuilderType>>
-            extends GeneratedMessageLite<MessageType, BuilderType>
-            implements ExtendableMessageOrBuilder<MessageType, BuilderType> {
-    /**
-     * Represents the set of extensions on this message. For use by generated
-     * code only.
-     */
-    protected FieldSet<ExtensionDescriptor> extensions = 
-    protected final void mergeExtensionFields(final MessageType other) {
-      if (extensions.isImmutable()) {
-        extensions = extensions.clone();
-      }
-      extensions.mergeFrom(((ExtendableMessage) other).extensions);
-    }
-    @Override
-    final void visit(Visitor visitor, MessageType other) {
-      super.visit(visitor, other);
-      extensions = visitor.visitExtensions(extensions, other.extensions);
-    }
-    /**
-     * Parse an unknown field or an extension. For use by generated code only.
-     *
-     * <p>For use by generated code only.
-     *
-     * @return {@code true} unless the tag is an end-group tag.
-     */
-    protected <MessageType extends MessageLite> boolean parseUnknownField(
-        MessageType defaultInstance,
-        CodedInputStream input,
-        ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry,
-        int tag) throws IOException {
-      int fieldNumber = WireFormat.getTagFieldNumber(tag);
-      // TODO(dweis): How much bytecode would be saved by not requiring the 
generated code to
-      //     provide the default instance?
-      GeneratedExtension<MessageType, ?> extension = 
-          defaultInstance, fieldNumber);
-      return parseExtension(input, extensionRegistry, extension, tag, 
-    }
-    private boolean parseExtension(
-        CodedInputStream input,
-        ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry,
-        GeneratedExtension<?, ?> extension,
-        int tag,
-        int fieldNumber)
-        throws IOException {
-      int wireType = WireFormat.getTagWireType(tag);
-      boolean unknown = false;
-      boolean packed = false;
-      if (extension == null) {
-        unknown = true;  // Unknown field.
-      } else if (wireType == FieldSet.getWireFormatForFieldType(
-                   extension.descriptor.getLiteType(),
-                   false  /* isPacked */)) {
-        packed = false;  // Normal, unpacked value.
-      } else if (extension.descriptor.isRepeated &&
-                 extension.descriptor.type.isPackable() &&
-                 wireType == FieldSet.getWireFormatForFieldType(
-                   extension.descriptor.getLiteType(),
-                   true  /* isPacked */)) {
-        packed = true;  // Packed value.
-      } else {
-        unknown = true;  // Wrong wire type.
-      }
-      if (unknown) {  // Unknown field or wrong wire type.  Skip.
-        return parseUnknownField(tag, input);
-      }
-      if (packed) {
-        int length = input.readRawVarint32();
-        int limit = input.pushLimit(length);
-        if (extension.descriptor.getLiteType() == WireFormat.FieldType.ENUM) {
-          while (input.getBytesUntilLimit() > 0) {
-            int rawValue = input.readEnum();
-            Object value =
-                extension.descriptor.getEnumType().findValueByNumber(rawValue);
-            if (value == null) {
-              // If the number isn't recognized as a valid value for this
-              // enum, drop it (don't even add it to unknownFields).
-              return true;
-            }
-            extensions.addRepeatedField(extension.descriptor,
-          }
-        } else {
-          while (input.getBytesUntilLimit() > 0) {
-            Object value =
-                FieldSet.readPrimitiveField(input,
-                                            extension.descriptor.getLiteType(),
-                                            /*checkUtf8=*/ false);
-            extensions.addRepeatedField(extension.descriptor, value);
-          }
-        }
-        input.popLimit(limit);
-      } else {
-        Object value;
-        switch (extension.descriptor.getLiteJavaType()) {
-          case MESSAGE: {
-            MessageLite.Builder subBuilder = null;
-            if (!extension.descriptor.isRepeated()) {
-              MessageLite existingValue =
-                  (MessageLite) extensions.getField(extension.descriptor);
-              if (existingValue != null) {
-                subBuilder = existingValue.toBuilder();
-              }
-            }
-            if (subBuilder == null) {
-              subBuilder = extension.getMessageDefaultInstance()
-                  .newBuilderForType();
-            }
-            if (extension.descriptor.getLiteType() ==
-                WireFormat.FieldType.GROUP) {
-              input.readGroup(extension.getNumber(),
-                              subBuilder, extensionRegistry);
-            } else {
-              input.readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry);
-            }
-            value =;
-            break;
-          }
-          case ENUM:
-            int rawValue = input.readEnum();
-            value = extension.descriptor.getEnumType()
-                             .findValueByNumber(rawValue);
-            // If the number isn't recognized as a valid value for this enum,
-            // write it to unknown fields object.
-            if (value == null) {
-              mergeVarintField(fieldNumber, rawValue);
-              return true;
-            }
-            break;
-          default:
-            value = FieldSet.readPrimitiveField(input,
-                extension.descriptor.getLiteType(),
-                /*checkUtf8=*/ false);
-            break;
-        }
-        if (extension.descriptor.isRepeated()) {
-          extensions.addRepeatedField(extension.descriptor,
-                                      extension.singularToFieldSetType(value));
-        } else {
-          extensions.setField(extension.descriptor,
-                              extension.singularToFieldSetType(value));
-        }
-      }
-      return true;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Parse an unknown field or an extension. For use by generated code only.
-     *
-     * <p>For use by generated code only.
-     *
-     * @return {@code true} unless the tag is an end-group tag.
-     */
-    protected <MessageType extends MessageLite> boolean 
-        MessageType defaultInstance,
-        CodedInputStream input,
-        ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry,
-        int tag)
-        throws IOException {
-      if (tag == WireFormat.MESSAGE_SET_ITEM_TAG) {
-        mergeMessageSetExtensionFromCodedStream(defaultInstance, input, 
-        return true;
-      }
-      // TODO(dweis): Do we really want to support non message set wire format 
in message sets?
-      // Full runtime does... So we do for now.
-      int wireType = WireFormat.getTagWireType(tag);
-      if (wireType == WireFormat.WIRETYPE_LENGTH_DELIMITED) {
-        return parseUnknownField(defaultInstance, input, extensionRegistry, 
-      } else {
-        // TODO(dweis): Should we throw on invalid input? Full runtime does 
-        return input.skipField(tag);
-      }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Merges the message set from the input stream; requires message set wire 
-     * 
-     * @param defaultInstance the default instance of the containing message 
we are parsing in
-     * @param input the stream to parse from
-     * @param extensionRegistry the registry to use when parsing
-     */
-    private <MessageType extends MessageLite> void 
-        MessageType defaultInstance,
-        CodedInputStream input,
-        ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
-        throws IOException {
-      // The wire format for MessageSet is:
-      //   message MessageSet {
-      //     repeated group Item = 1 {
-      //       required int32 typeId = 2;
-      //       required bytes message = 3;
-      //     }
-      //   }
-      // "typeId" is the extension's field number.  The extension can only be
-      // a message type, where "message" contains the encoded bytes of that
-      // message.
-      //
-      // In practice, we will probably never see a MessageSet item in which
-      // the message appears before the type ID, or where either field does not
-      // appear exactly once.  However, in theory such cases are valid, so we
-      // should be prepared to accept them.
-      int typeId = 0;
-      ByteString rawBytes = null; // If we encounter "message" before "typeId"
-      GeneratedExtension<?, ?> extension = null;
-      // Read bytes from input, if we get it's type first then parse it 
-      // otherwise we store the raw bytes in a local variable.
-      while (true) {
-        final int tag = input.readTag();
-        if (tag == 0) {
-          break;
-        }
-        if (tag == WireFormat.MESSAGE_SET_TYPE_ID_TAG) {
-          typeId = input.readUInt32();
-          if (typeId != 0) {
-            extension = 
extensionRegistry.findLiteExtensionByNumber(defaultInstance, typeId);
-          }
-        } else if (tag == WireFormat.MESSAGE_SET_MESSAGE_TAG) {
-          if (typeId != 0) {
-            if (extension != null) {
-              // We already know the type, so we can parse directly from the
-              // input with no copying.  Hooray!
-              eagerlyMergeMessageSetExtension(input, extension, 
extensionRegistry, typeId);
-              rawBytes = null;
-              continue;
-            }
-          }
-          // We haven't seen a type ID yet or we want parse message lazily.
-          rawBytes = input.readBytes();
-        } else { // Unknown tag. Skip it.
-          if (!input.skipField(tag)) {
-            break; // End of group
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      input.checkLastTagWas(WireFormat.MESSAGE_SET_ITEM_END_TAG);
-      // Process the raw bytes.
-      if (rawBytes != null && typeId != 0) { // Zero is not a valid type ID.
-        if (extension != null) { // We known the type
-          mergeMessageSetExtensionFromBytes(rawBytes, extensionRegistry, 
-        } else { // We don't know how to parse this. Ignore it.
-          if (rawBytes != null) {
-            mergeLengthDelimitedField(typeId, rawBytes);
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    private void eagerlyMergeMessageSetExtension(
-        CodedInputStream input,
-        GeneratedExtension<?, ?> extension,
-        ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry,
-        int typeId)
-        throws IOException {
-      int fieldNumber = typeId;
-      int tag = WireFormat.makeTag(typeId, 
-      parseExtension(input, extensionRegistry, extension, tag, fieldNumber);
-    }
-    private void mergeMessageSetExtensionFromBytes(
-        ByteString rawBytes,
-        ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry,
-        GeneratedExtension<?, ?> extension)
-        throws IOException {
-      MessageLite.Builder subBuilder = null;
-      MessageLite existingValue = (MessageLite) 
-      if (existingValue != null) {
-        subBuilder = existingValue.toBuilder();
-      }
-      if (subBuilder == null) {
-        subBuilder = extension.getMessageDefaultInstance().newBuilderForType();
-      }
-      rawBytes.newCodedInput().readMessage(subBuilder, extensionRegistry);
-      MessageLite value =;
-      extensions.setField(extension.descriptor, 
-    }
-    private void verifyExtensionContainingType(
-        final GeneratedExtension<MessageType, ?> extension) {
-      if (extension.getContainingTypeDefaultInstance() !=
-          getDefaultInstanceForType()) {
-        // This can only happen if someone uses unchecked operations.
-        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
-          "This extension is for a different message type.  Please make " +
-          "sure that you are not suppressing any generics type warnings.");
-      }
-    }
-    /** Check if a singular extension is present. */
-    @Override
-    public final <Type> boolean hasExtension(final ExtensionLite<MessageType, 
Type> extension) {
-      GeneratedExtension<MessageType, Type> extensionLite =
-          checkIsLite(extension);
-      verifyExtensionContainingType(extensionLite);
-      return extensions.hasField(extensionLite.descriptor);
-    }
-    /** Get the number of elements in a repeated extension. */
-    @Override
-    public final <Type> int getExtensionCount(
-        final ExtensionLite<MessageType, List<Type>> extension) {
-      GeneratedExtension<MessageType, List<Type>> extensionLite =
-          checkIsLite(extension);
-      verifyExtensionContainingType(extensionLite);
-      return extensions.getRepeatedFieldCount(extensionLite.descriptor);
-    }
-    /** Get the value of an extension. */
-    @Override
-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-    public final <Type> Type getExtension(final ExtensionLite<MessageType, 
Type> extension) {
-      GeneratedExtension<MessageType, Type> extensionLite =
-          checkIsLite(extension);
-      verifyExtensionContainingType(extensionLite);
-      final Object value = extensions.getField(extensionLite.descriptor);
-      if (value == null) {
-        return extensionLite.defaultValue;
-      } else {
-        return (Type) extensionLite.fromFieldSetType(value);
-      }
-    }
-    /** Get one element of a repeated extension. */
-    @Override
-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-    public final <Type> Type getExtension(
-        final ExtensionLite<MessageType, List<Type>> extension, final int 
index) {
-      GeneratedExtension<MessageType, List<Type>> extensionLite =
-          checkIsLite(extension);
-      verifyExtensionContainingType(extensionLite);
-      return (Type) extensionLite.singularFromFieldSetType(
-          extensions.getRepeatedField(extensionLite.descriptor, index));
-    }
-    /** Called by subclasses to check if all extensions are initialized. */
-    protected boolean extensionsAreInitialized() {
-      return extensions.isInitialized();
-    }
-    @Override
-    protected final void makeImmutable() {
-      super.makeImmutable();
-      extensions.makeImmutable();
-    }
-    /**
-     * Used by subclasses to serialize extensions.  Extension ranges may be
-     * interleaved with field numbers, but we must write them in canonical
-     * (sorted by field number) order.  ExtensionWriter helps us write
-     * individual ranges of extensions at once.
-     */
-    protected class ExtensionWriter {
-      // Imagine how much simpler this code would be if Java iterators had
-      // a way to get the next element without advancing the iterator.
-      private final Iterator<Map.Entry<ExtensionDescriptor, Object>> iter =
-            extensions.iterator();
-      private Map.Entry<ExtensionDescriptor, Object> next;
-      private final boolean messageSetWireFormat;
-      private ExtensionWriter(boolean messageSetWireFormat) {
-        if (iter.hasNext()) {
-          next =;
-        }
-        this.messageSetWireFormat = messageSetWireFormat;
-      }
-      public void writeUntil(final int end, final CodedOutputStream output)
-                             throws IOException {
-        while (next != null && next.getKey().getNumber() < end) {
-          ExtensionDescriptor extension = next.getKey();
-          if (messageSetWireFormat && extension.getLiteJavaType() ==
-                  WireFormat.JavaType.MESSAGE &&
-              !extension.isRepeated()) {
-            output.writeMessageSetExtension(extension.getNumber(),
-                                            (MessageLite) next.getValue());
-          } else {
-            FieldSet.writeField(extension, next.getValue(), output);
-          }
-          if (iter.hasNext()) {
-            next =;
-          } else {
-            next = null;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    protected ExtensionWriter newExtensionWriter() {
-      return new ExtensionWriter(false);
-    }
-    protected ExtensionWriter newMessageSetExtensionWriter() {
-      return new ExtensionWriter(true);
-    }
-    /** Called by subclasses to compute the size of extensions. */
-    protected int extensionsSerializedSize() {
-      return extensions.getSerializedSize();
-    }
-    protected int extensionsSerializedSizeAsMessageSet() {
-      return extensions.getMessageSetSerializedSize();
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Lite equivalent of {@link GeneratedMessage.ExtendableBuilder}.
-   */
-  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-  public abstract static class ExtendableBuilder<
-        MessageType extends ExtendableMessage<MessageType, BuilderType>,
-        BuilderType extends ExtendableBuilder<MessageType, BuilderType>>
-      extends Builder<MessageType, BuilderType>
-      implements ExtendableMessageOrBuilder<MessageType, BuilderType> {
-    protected ExtendableBuilder(MessageType defaultInstance) {
-      super(defaultInstance);
-      // TODO(dweis): This is kind of an unnecessary clone since we construct a
-      //     new instance in the parent constructor which makes the extensions
-      //     immutable. This extra allocation shouldn't matter in practice
-      //     though.
-      instance.extensions = instance.extensions.clone();
-    }
-    // For immutable message conversion.
-    void internalSetExtensionSet(FieldSet<ExtensionDescriptor> extensions) {
-      copyOnWrite();
-      instance.extensions = extensions;
-    }
-    @Override
-    protected void copyOnWrite() {
-      if (!isBuilt) {
-        return;
-      }
-      super.copyOnWrite();
-      instance.extensions = instance.extensions.clone();
-    }
-    @Override
-    public final MessageType buildPartial() {
-      if (isBuilt) {
-        return instance;
-      }
-      instance.extensions.makeImmutable();
-      return super.buildPartial();
-    }
-    private void verifyExtensionContainingType(
-        final GeneratedExtension<MessageType, ?> extension) {
-      if (extension.getContainingTypeDefaultInstance() !=
-          getDefaultInstanceForType()) {
-        // This can only happen if someone uses unchecked operations.
-        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
-          "This extension is for a different message type.  Please make " +
-          "sure that you are not suppressing any generics type warnings.");
-      }
-    }
-    /** Check if a singular extension is present. */
-    @Override
-    public final <Type> boolean hasExtension(final ExtensionLite<MessageType, 
Type> extension) {
-      return instance.hasExtension(extension);
-    }
-    /** Get the number of elements in a repeated extension. */
-    @Override
-    public final <Type> int getExtensionCount(
-        final ExtensionLite<MessageType, List<Type>> extension) {
-      return instance.getExtensionCount(extension);
-    }
-    /** Get the value of an extension. */
-    @Override
-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-    public final <Type> Type getExtension(final ExtensionLite<MessageType, 
Type> extension) {
-      return instance.getExtension(extension);
-    }
-    /** Get one element of a repeated extension. */
-    @Override
-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-    public final <Type> Type getExtension(
-        final ExtensionLite<MessageType, List<Type>> extension, final int 
index) {
-      return instance.getExtension(extension, index);
-    }
-    /** Set the value of an extension. */
-    public final <Type> BuilderType setExtension(
-        final ExtensionLite<MessageType, Type> extension,
-        final Type value) {
-      GeneratedExtension<MessageType, Type> extensionLite =
-          checkIsLite(extension);
-      verifyExtensionContainingType(extensionLite);
-      copyOnWrite();
-      instance.extensions.setField(extensionLite.descriptor, 
-      return (BuilderType) this;
-    }
-    /** Set the value of one element of a repeated extension. */
-    public final <Type> BuilderType setExtension(
-        final ExtensionLite<MessageType, List<Type>> extension,
-        final int index, final Type value) {
-      GeneratedExtension<MessageType, List<Type>> extensionLite =
-          checkIsLite(extension);
-      verifyExtensionContainingType(extensionLite);
-      copyOnWrite();
-      instance.extensions.setRepeatedField(
-          extensionLite.descriptor, index, 
-      return (BuilderType) this;
-    }
-    /** Append a value to a repeated extension. */
-    public final <Type> BuilderType addExtension(
-        final ExtensionLite<MessageType, List<Type>> extension,
-        final Type value) {
-      GeneratedExtension<MessageType, List<Type>> extensionLite =
-          checkIsLite(extension);
-      verifyExtensionContainingType(extensionLite);
-      copyOnWrite();
-      instance.extensions.addRepeatedField(
-          extensionLite.descriptor, 
-      return (BuilderType) this;
-    }
-    /** Clear an extension. */
-    public final <Type> BuilderType clearExtension(
-        final ExtensionLite<MessageType, ?> extension) {
-      GeneratedExtension<MessageType, ?> extensionLite = 
-      verifyExtensionContainingType(extensionLite);
-      copyOnWrite();
-      instance.extensions.clearField(extensionLite.descriptor);
-      return (BuilderType) this;
-    }
-  }
-  // -----------------------------------------------------------------
-  /** For use by generated code only. */
-  public static <ContainingType extends MessageLite, Type>
-      GeneratedExtension<ContainingType, Type>
-          newSingularGeneratedExtension(
-              final ContainingType containingTypeDefaultInstance,
-              final Type defaultValue,
-              final MessageLite messageDefaultInstance,
-              final Internal.EnumLiteMap<?> enumTypeMap,
-              final int number,
-              final WireFormat.FieldType type,
-              final Class singularType) {
-    return new GeneratedExtension<ContainingType, Type>(
-        containingTypeDefaultInstance,
-        defaultValue,
-        messageDefaultInstance,
-        new ExtensionDescriptor(enumTypeMap, number, type,
-                                false /* isRepeated */,
-                                false /* isPacked */),
-        singularType);
-  }
-  /** For use by generated code only. */
-  public static <ContainingType extends MessageLite, Type>
-      GeneratedExtension<ContainingType, Type>
-          newRepeatedGeneratedExtension(
-              final ContainingType containingTypeDefaultInstance,
-              final MessageLite messageDefaultInstance,
-              final Internal.EnumLiteMap<?> enumTypeMap,
-              final int number,
-              final WireFormat.FieldType type,
-              final boolean isPacked,
-              final Class singularType) {
-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")  // Subclasses ensure Type is a List
-    Type emptyList = (Type) Collections.emptyList();
-    return new GeneratedExtension<ContainingType, Type>(
-        containingTypeDefaultInstance,
-        emptyList,
-        messageDefaultInstance,
-        new ExtensionDescriptor(
-            enumTypeMap, number, type, true /* isRepeated */, isPacked),
-        singularType);
-  }
-  static final class ExtensionDescriptor
-      implements FieldSet.FieldDescriptorLite<
-        ExtensionDescriptor> {
-    ExtensionDescriptor(
-        final Internal.EnumLiteMap<?> enumTypeMap,
-        final int number,
-        final WireFormat.FieldType type,
-        final boolean isRepeated,
-        final boolean isPacked) {
-      this.enumTypeMap = enumTypeMap;
-      this.number = number;
-      this.type = type;
-      this.isRepeated = isRepeated;
-      this.isPacked = isPacked;
-    }
-    final Internal.EnumLiteMap<?> enumTypeMap;
-    final int number;
-    final WireFormat.FieldType type;
-    final boolean isRepeated;
-    final boolean isPacked;
-    @Override
-    public int getNumber() {
-      return number;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public WireFormat.FieldType getLiteType() {
-      return type;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public WireFormat.JavaType getLiteJavaType() {
-      return type.getJavaType();
-    }
-    @Override
-    public boolean isRepeated() {
-      return isRepeated;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public boolean isPacked() {
-      return isPacked;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Internal.EnumLiteMap<?> getEnumType() {
-      return enumTypeMap;
-    }
-    @Override
-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-    public MessageLite.Builder internalMergeFrom(MessageLite.Builder to, 
MessageLite from) {
-      return ((Builder) to).mergeFrom((GeneratedMessageLite) from);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public int compareTo(ExtensionDescriptor other) {
-      return number - other.number;
-    }
-  }
-  // =================================================================
-  /** Calls Class.getMethod and throws a RuntimeException if it fails. */
-  @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-  static Method getMethodOrDie(Class clazz, String name, Class... params) {
-    try {
-      return clazz.getMethod(name, params);
-    } catch (NoSuchMethodException e) {
-      throw new RuntimeException(
-        "Generated message class \"" + clazz.getName() +
-        "\" missing method \"" + name + "\".", e);
-    }
-  }
-  /** Calls invoke and throws a RuntimeException if it fails. */
-  static Object invokeOrDie(Method method, Object object, Object... params) {
-    try {
-      return method.invoke(object, params);
-    } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
-      throw new RuntimeException(
-        "Couldn't use Java reflection to implement protocol message " +
-        "reflection.", e);
-    } catch (InvocationTargetException e) {
-      final Throwable cause = e.getCause();
-      if (cause instanceof RuntimeException) {
-        throw (RuntimeException) cause;
-      } else if (cause instanceof Error) {
-        throw (Error) cause;
-      } else {
-        throw new RuntimeException(
-          "Unexpected exception thrown by generated accessor method.", cause);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Lite equivalent to {@link GeneratedMessage.GeneratedExtension}.
-   *
-   * Users should ignore the contents of this class and only use objects of
-   * this type as parameters to extension accessors and 
-   */
-  public static class GeneratedExtension<
-      ContainingType extends MessageLite, Type>
-          extends ExtensionLite<ContainingType, Type> {
-    /**
-     * Create a new instance with the given parameters.
-     *
-     * The last parameter {@code singularType} is only needed for enum types.
-     * We store integer values for enum types in a {@link ExtendableMessage}
-     * and use Java reflection to convert an integer value back into a concrete
-     * enum object.
-     */
-    GeneratedExtension(
-        final ContainingType containingTypeDefaultInstance,
-        final Type defaultValue,
-        final MessageLite messageDefaultInstance,
-        final ExtensionDescriptor descriptor,
-        final Class singularType) {
-      // Defensive checks to verify the correct initialization order of
-      // GeneratedExtensions and their related GeneratedMessages.
-      if (containingTypeDefaultInstance == null) {
-        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
-            "Null containingTypeDefaultInstance");
-      }
-      if (descriptor.getLiteType() == WireFormat.FieldType.MESSAGE &&
-          messageDefaultInstance == null) {
-        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
-            "Null messageDefaultInstance");
-      }
-      this.containingTypeDefaultInstance = containingTypeDefaultInstance;
-      this.defaultValue = defaultValue;
-      this.messageDefaultInstance = messageDefaultInstance;
-      this.descriptor = descriptor;
-    }
-    final ContainingType containingTypeDefaultInstance;
-    final Type defaultValue;
-    final MessageLite messageDefaultInstance;
-    final ExtensionDescriptor descriptor;
-    /**
-     * Default instance of the type being extended, used to identify that type.
-     */
-    public ContainingType getContainingTypeDefaultInstance() {
-      return containingTypeDefaultInstance;
-    }
-    /** Get the field number. */
-    @Override
-    public int getNumber() {
-      return descriptor.getNumber();
-    }
-    /**
-     * If the extension is an embedded message or group, returns the default
-     * instance of the message.
-     */
-    @Override
-    public MessageLite getMessageDefaultInstance() {
-      return messageDefaultInstance;
-    }
-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-    Object fromFieldSetType(final Object value) {
-      if (descriptor.isRepeated()) {
-        if (descriptor.getLiteJavaType() == WireFormat.JavaType.ENUM) {
-          final List result = new ArrayList();
-          for (final Object element : (List) value) {
-            result.add(singularFromFieldSetType(element));
-          }
-          return result;
-        } else {
-          return value;
-        }
-      } else {
-        return singularFromFieldSetType(value);
-      }
-    }
-    Object singularFromFieldSetType(final Object value) {
-      if (descriptor.getLiteJavaType() == WireFormat.JavaType.ENUM) {
-        return descriptor.enumTypeMap.findValueByNumber((Integer) value);
-      } else {
-        return value;
-      }
-    }
-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-    Object toFieldSetType(final Object value) {
-      if (descriptor.isRepeated()) {
-        if (descriptor.getLiteJavaType() == WireFormat.JavaType.ENUM) {
-          final List result = new ArrayList();
-          for (final Object element : (List) value) {
-            result.add(singularToFieldSetType(element));
-          }
-          return result;
-        } else {
-          return value;
-        }
-      } else {
-        return singularToFieldSetType(value);
-      }
-    }
-    Object singularToFieldSetType(final Object value) {
-      if (descriptor.getLiteJavaType() == WireFormat.JavaType.ENUM) {
-        return ((Internal.EnumLite) value).getNumber();
-      } else {
-        return value;
-      }
-    }
-    @Override
-    public FieldType getLiteType() {
-      return descriptor.getLiteType();
-    }
-    @Override
-    public boolean isRepeated() {
-      return descriptor.isRepeated;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Type getDefaultValue() {
-      return defaultValue;
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * A serialized (serializable) form of the generated message.  Stores the
-   * message as a class name and a byte array.
-   */
-  protected static final class SerializedForm implements Serializable {
-    public static SerializedForm of(MessageLite message) {
-      return new SerializedForm(message);
-    }
-    private static final long serialVersionUID = 0L;
-    private final String messageClassName;
-    private final byte[] asBytes;
-    /**
-     * Creates the serialized form by calling {@link}.
-     * @param regularForm the message to serialize
-     */
-    SerializedForm(MessageLite regularForm) {
-      messageClassName = regularForm.getClass().getName();
-      asBytes = regularForm.toByteArray();
-    }
-    /**
-     * When read from an ObjectInputStream, this method converts this object
-     * back to the regular form.  Part of Java's serialization magic.
-     * @return a GeneratedMessage of the type that was serialized
-     */
-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
-    protected Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException {
-      try {
-        Class<?> messageClass = Class.forName(messageClassName);
-        java.lang.reflect.Field defaultInstanceField =
-            messageClass.getDeclaredField("DEFAULT_INSTANCE");
-        defaultInstanceField.setAccessible(true);
-        MessageLite defaultInstance = (MessageLite) 
-        return defaultInstance.newBuilderForType()
-            .mergeFrom(asBytes)
-            .buildPartial();
-      } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
-        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find proto buffer class: " + 
messageClassName, e);
-      } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
-        return readResolveFallback();
-      } catch (SecurityException e) {
-        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to call DEFAULT_INSTANCE in " + 
messageClassName, e);
-      } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
-        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to call parsePartialFrom", e);
-      } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
-        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to understand proto buffer", e);
-      }
-    }
-    /**
-     * @deprecated from v3.0.0-beta-3+, for compatibility with v2.5.0 and 
v2.6.1 generated code.
-     */
-    @Deprecated
-    private Object readResolveFallback() throws ObjectStreamException {
-      try {
-        Class<?> messageClass = Class.forName(messageClassName);
-        java.lang.reflect.Field defaultInstanceField =
-            messageClass.getDeclaredField("defaultInstance");
-        defaultInstanceField.setAccessible(true);
-        MessageLite defaultInstance = (MessageLite) 
-        return defaultInstance.newBuilderForType()
-            .mergeFrom(asBytes)
-            .buildPartial();
-      } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
-        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find proto buffer class: " + 
messageClassName, e);
-      } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) {
-        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to find defaultInstance in " + 
messageClassName, e);
-      } catch (SecurityException e) {
-        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to call defaultInstance in " + 
messageClassName, e);
-      } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
-        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to call parsePartialFrom", e);
-      } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
-        throw new RuntimeException("Unable to understand proto buffer", e);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Checks that the {@link Extension} is Lite and returns it as a
-   * {@link GeneratedExtension}.
-   */
-  private static <
-      MessageType extends ExtendableMessage<MessageType, BuilderType>,
-      BuilderType extends ExtendableBuilder<MessageType, BuilderType>,
-      T>
-    GeneratedExtension<MessageType, T> checkIsLite(
-        ExtensionLite<MessageType, T> extension) {
-    if (!extension.isLite()) {
-      throw new IllegalArgumentException("Expected a lite extension.");
-    }
-    return (GeneratedExtension<MessageType, T>) extension;
-  }
-  /**
-   * A static helper method for checking if a message is initialized, 
optionally memoizing.
-   * <p>
-   * For use by generated code only.
-   */
-  protected static final <T extends GeneratedMessageLite<T, ?>> boolean 
-      T message, boolean shouldMemoize) {
-    return message.dynamicMethod(MethodToInvoke.IS_INITIALIZED, shouldMemoize) 
!= null;
-  }
-  protected static final <T extends GeneratedMessageLite<T, ?>> void 
makeImmutable(T message) {
-    message.dynamicMethod(MethodToInvoke.MAKE_IMMUTABLE);
-  }
-  protected static IntList emptyIntList() {
-    return IntArrayList.emptyList();
-  }
-  protected static IntList mutableCopy(IntList list) {
-    int size = list.size();
-    return list.mutableCopyWithCapacity(
-        size == 0 ? AbstractProtobufList.DEFAULT_CAPACITY : size * 2);
-  }
-  protected static LongList emptyLongList() {
-    return LongArrayList.emptyList();
-  }
-  protected static LongList mutableCopy(LongList list) {
-    int size = list.size();
-    return list.mutableCopyWithCapacity(
-        size == 0 ? AbstractProtobufList.DEFAULT_CAPACITY : size * 2);
-  }
-  protected static FloatList emptyFloatList() {
-    return FloatArrayList.emptyList();
-  }
-  protected static FloatList mutableCopy(FloatList list) {
-    int size = list.size();
-    return list.mutableCopyWithCapacity(
-        size == 0 ? AbstractProtobufList.DEFAULT_CAPACITY : size * 2);
-  }
-  protected static DoubleList emptyDoubleList() {
-    return DoubleArrayList.emptyList();
-  }
-  protected static DoubleList mutableCopy(DoubleList list) {
-    int size = list.size();
-    return list.mutableCopyWithCapacity(
-        size == 0 ? AbstractProtobufList.DEFAULT_CAPACITY : size * 2);
-  }
-  protected static BooleanList emptyBooleanList() {
-    return BooleanArrayList.emptyList();
-  }
-  protected static BooleanList mutableCopy(BooleanList list) {
-    int size = list.size();
-    return list.mutableCopyWithCapacity(
-        size == 0 ? AbstractProtobufList.DEFAULT_CAPACITY : size * 2);
-  }
-  protected static <E> ProtobufList<E> emptyProtobufList() {
-    return ProtobufArrayList.emptyList();
-  }
-  protected static <E> ProtobufList<E> mutableCopy(ProtobufList<E> list) {
-    int size = list.size();
-    return list.mutableCopyWithCapacity(
-        size == 0 ? AbstractProtobufList.DEFAULT_CAPACITY : size * 2);
-  }
-  /**
-   * A {@link Parser} implementation that delegates to the default instance.
-   * <p>
-   * For use by generated code only.
-   */
-  protected static class DefaultInstanceBasedParser<T extends 
GeneratedMessageLite<T, ?>>
-      extends AbstractParser<T> {
-    private T defaultInstance;
-    public DefaultInstanceBasedParser(T defaultInstance) {
-      this.defaultInstance = defaultInstance;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public T parsePartialFrom(CodedInputStream input, ExtensionRegistryLite 
-        throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
-      return GeneratedMessageLite.parsePartialFrom(defaultInstance, input, 
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * A static helper method for parsing a partial from input using the 
extension registry and the
-   * instance.
-   */
-  // TODO(dweis): Should this verify that the last tag was 0?
-  static <T extends GeneratedMessageLite<T, ?>> T parsePartialFrom(
-      T instance, CodedInputStream input, ExtensionRegistryLite 
-          throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // Guaranteed by protoc
-    T result = (T) instance.dynamicMethod(MethodToInvoke.NEW_MUTABLE_INSTANCE);
-    try {
-      result.dynamicMethod(MethodToInvoke.MERGE_FROM_STREAM, input, 
-      result.makeImmutable();
-    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
-      if (e.getCause() instanceof InvalidProtocolBufferException) {
-        throw (InvalidProtocolBufferException) e.getCause();
-      }
-      throw e;
-    }
-    return result;
-  }
-  protected static <T extends GeneratedMessageLite<T, ?>> T parsePartialFrom(
-      T defaultInstance,
-      CodedInputStream input)
-      throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
-    return parsePartialFrom(defaultInstance, input, 
-  }
-  /**
-   * Helper method to check if message is initialized.
-   *
-   * @throws InvalidProtocolBufferException if it is not initialized.
-   * @return The message to check.
-   */
-  private static <T extends GeneratedMessageLite<T, ?>> T 
checkMessageInitialized(T message)
-      throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
-    if (message != null && !message.isInitialized()) {
-      throw message.newUninitializedMessageException()
-          .asInvalidProtocolBufferException()
-          .setUnfinishedMessage(message);
-    }
-    return message;
-  }
-  // Validates last tag.
-  protected static <T extends GeneratedMessageLite<T, ?>> T parseFrom(
-      T defaultInstance, ByteString data)
-      throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
-    return checkMessageInitialized(
-        parseFrom(defaultInstance, data, 
-  }
-  // Validates last tag.
-  protected static <T extends GeneratedMessageLite<T, ?>> T parseFrom(
-      T defaultInstance, ByteString data, ExtensionRegistryLite 
-      throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
-    return checkMessageInitialized(parsePartialFrom(defaultInstance, data, 
-  }
-  // This is a special case since we want to verify that the last tag is 0. We 
assume we exhaust the
-  // ByteString.
-  private static <T extends GeneratedMessageLite<T, ?>> T parsePartialFrom(
-      T defaultInstance, ByteString data, ExtensionRegistryLite 
-      throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
-    T message;
-    try {
-      CodedInputStream input = data.newCodedInput();
-      message = parsePartialFrom(defaultInstance, input, extensionRegistry);
-      try {
-        input.checkLastTagWas(0);
-      } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
-        throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(message);
-      }
-      return message;
-    } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
-      throw e;
-    }
-  }
-  // This is a special case since we want to verify that the last tag is 0. We 
assume we exhaust the
-  // ByteString.
-  private static <T extends GeneratedMessageLite<T, ?>> T parsePartialFrom(
-      T defaultInstance, byte[] data, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
-      throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
-    T message;
-    try {
-      CodedInputStream input = CodedInputStream.newInstance(data);
-      message = parsePartialFrom(defaultInstance, input, extensionRegistry);
-      try {
-        input.checkLastTagWas(0);
-      } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
-        throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(message);
-      }
-      return message;
-    } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
-      throw e;
-    }
-  }
-  // Validates last tag.
-  protected static <T extends GeneratedMessageLite<T, ?>> T parseFrom(
-      T defaultInstance, byte[] data)
-      throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
-    return checkMessageInitialized(
-        parsePartialFrom(defaultInstance, data, 
-  }
-  // Validates last tag.
-  protected static <T extends GeneratedMessageLite<T, ?>> T parseFrom(
-      T defaultInstance, byte[] data, ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
-      throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
-    return checkMessageInitialized(parsePartialFrom(defaultInstance, data, 
-  }
-  // Does not validate last tag.
-  protected static <T extends GeneratedMessageLite<T, ?>> T parseFrom(
-      T defaultInstance, InputStream input)
-      throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
-    return checkMessageInitialized(
-        parsePartialFrom(defaultInstance, CodedInputStream.newInstance(input),
-            ExtensionRegistryLite.getEmptyRegistry()));
-  }
-  // Does not validate last tag.
-  protected static <T extends GeneratedMessageLite<T, ?>> T parseFrom(
-      T defaultInstance, InputStream input, ExtensionRegistryLite 
-      throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
-    return checkMessageInitialized(
-        parsePartialFrom(defaultInstance, CodedInputStream.newInstance(input), 
-  }
-  // Does not validate last tag.
-  protected static <T extends GeneratedMessageLite<T, ?>> T parseFrom(
-      T defaultInstance, CodedInputStream input)
-      throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
-    return parseFrom(defaultInstance, input, 
-  }
-  // Does not validate last tag.
-  protected static <T extends GeneratedMessageLite<T, ?>> T parseFrom(
-      T defaultInstance, CodedInputStream input, ExtensionRegistryLite 
-      throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
-    return checkMessageInitialized(
-        parsePartialFrom(defaultInstance, input, extensionRegistry));
-  }
-  // Validates last tag.
-  protected static <T extends GeneratedMessageLite<T, ?>> T parseDelimitedFrom(
-      T defaultInstance, InputStream input)
-      throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
-    return checkMessageInitialized(
-        parsePartialDelimitedFrom(defaultInstance, input,
-            ExtensionRegistryLite.getEmptyRegistry()));
-  }
-  // Validates last tag.
-  protected static <T extends GeneratedMessageLite<T, ?>> T parseDelimitedFrom(
-      T defaultInstance, InputStream input, ExtensionRegistryLite 
-      throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
-    return checkMessageInitialized(
-        parsePartialDelimitedFrom(defaultInstance, input, extensionRegistry));
-  }
-  private static <T extends GeneratedMessageLite<T, ?>> T 
-      T defaultInstance,
-      InputStream input,
-      ExtensionRegistryLite extensionRegistry)
-      throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
-    int size;
-    try {
-      int firstByte =;
-      if (firstByte == -1) {
-        return null;
-      }
-      size = CodedInputStream.readRawVarint32(firstByte, input);
-    } catch (IOException e) {
-      throw new InvalidProtocolBufferException(e.getMessage());
-    }
-    InputStream limitedInput = new LimitedInputStream(input, size);
-    CodedInputStream codedInput = CodedInputStream.newInstance(limitedInput);
-    T message = parsePartialFrom(defaultInstance, codedInput, 
-    try {
-      codedInput.checkLastTagWas(0);
-    } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
-      throw e.setUnfinishedMessage(message);
-    }
-    return message;
-  }
-  /**
-   * An abstract visitor that the generated code calls into that we use to 
implement various
-   * features. Fields that are not members of oneofs are always visited. 
Members of a oneof are only
-   * visited when they are the set oneof case value on the "other" proto. The 
-   * method is invoked if other's oneof case is not set.
-   */
-  protected interface Visitor {
-    boolean visitBoolean(boolean minePresent, boolean mine, boolean 
otherPresent, boolean other);
-    int visitInt(boolean minePresent, int mine, boolean otherPresent, int 
-    double visitDouble(boolean minePresent, double mine, boolean otherPresent, 
double other);
-    float visitFloat(boolean minePresent, float mine, boolean otherPresent, 
float other);
-    long visitLong(boolean minePresent, long mine, boolean otherPresent, long 
-    String visitString(boolean minePresent, String mine, boolean otherPresent, 
String other);
-    ByteString visitByteString(
-        boolean minePresent, ByteString mine, boolean otherPresent, ByteString 
-    Object visitOneofBoolean(boolean minePresent, Object mine, Object other);
-    Object visitOneofInt(boolean minePresent, Object mine, Object other);
-    Object visitOneofDouble(boolean minePresent, Object mine, Object other);
-    Object visitOneofFloat(boolean minePresent, Object mine, Object other);
-    Object visitOneofLong(boolean minePresent, Object mine, Object other);
-    Object visitOneofString(boolean minePresent, Object mine, Object other);
-    Object visitOneofByteString(boolean minePresent, Object mine, Object 
-    Object visitOneofLazyMessage(boolean minePresent, Object mine, Object 
-    Object visitOneofMessage(boolean minePresent, Object mine, Object other);
-    void visitOneofNotSet(boolean minePresent);
-    /**
-     * Message fields use null sentinals.
-     */
-    <T extends MessageLite> T visitMessage(T mine, T other);
-    LazyFieldLite visitLazyMessage(LazyFieldLite mine, LazyFieldLite other);
-    <T> ProtobufList<T> visitList(ProtobufList<T> mine, ProtobufList<T> other);
-    BooleanList visitBooleanList(BooleanList mine, BooleanList other);
-    IntList visitIntList(IntList mine, IntList other);
-    DoubleList visitDoubleList(DoubleList mine, DoubleList other);
-    FloatList visitFloatList(FloatList mine, FloatList other);
-    LongList visitLongList(LongList mine, LongList other);
-    FieldSet<ExtensionDescriptor> visitExtensions(
-        FieldSet<ExtensionDescriptor> mine, FieldSet<ExtensionDescriptor> 
-    UnknownFieldSetLite visitUnknownFields(UnknownFieldSetLite mine, 
UnknownFieldSetLite other);
-    <K, V> MapFieldLite<K, V> visitMap(MapFieldLite<K, V> mine, 
MapFieldLite<K, V> other);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Implements equals. Throws a {@link NotEqualsException} when not equal.
-   */
-  static class EqualsVisitor implements Visitor {
-    static final class NotEqualsException extends RuntimeException {}
-    static final EqualsVisitor INSTANCE = new EqualsVisitor();
-    static final NotEqualsException NOT_EQUALS = new NotEqualsException();
-    private EqualsVisitor() {}
-    @Override
-    public boolean visitBoolean(
-        boolean minePresent, boolean mine, boolean otherPresent, boolean 
other) {
-      if (minePresent != otherPresent || mine != other) {
-        throw NOT_EQUALS;
-      }
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public int visitInt(boolean minePresent, int mine, boolean otherPresent, 
int other) {
-      if (minePresent != otherPresent || mine != other) {
-        throw NOT_EQUALS;
-      }
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public double visitDouble(
-        boolean minePresent, double mine, boolean otherPresent, double other) {
-      if (minePresent != otherPresent || mine != other) {
-        throw NOT_EQUALS;
-      }
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public float visitFloat(boolean minePresent, float mine, boolean 
otherPresent, float other) {
-      if (minePresent != otherPresent || mine != other) {
-        throw NOT_EQUALS;
-      }
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public long visitLong(boolean minePresent, long mine, boolean 
otherPresent, long other) {
-      if (minePresent != otherPresent || mine != other) {
-        throw NOT_EQUALS;
-      }
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public String visitString(
-        boolean minePresent, String mine, boolean otherPresent, String other) {
-      if (minePresent != otherPresent || !mine.equals(other)) {
-        throw NOT_EQUALS;
-      }
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public ByteString visitByteString(
-        boolean minePresent, ByteString mine, boolean otherPresent, ByteString 
other) {
-      if (minePresent != otherPresent || !mine.equals(other)) {
-        throw NOT_EQUALS;
-      }
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Object visitOneofBoolean(boolean minePresent, Object mine, Object 
other) {
-      if (minePresent && mine.equals(other)) {
-        return mine;
-      }
-      throw NOT_EQUALS;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Object visitOneofInt(boolean minePresent, Object mine, Object 
other) {
-      if (minePresent && mine.equals(other)) {
-        return mine;
-      }
-      throw NOT_EQUALS;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Object visitOneofDouble(boolean minePresent, Object mine, Object 
other) {
-      if (minePresent && mine.equals(other)) {
-        return mine;
-      }
-      throw NOT_EQUALS;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Object visitOneofFloat(boolean minePresent, Object mine, Object 
other) {
-      if (minePresent && mine.equals(other)) {
-        return mine;
-      }
-      throw NOT_EQUALS;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Object visitOneofLong(boolean minePresent, Object mine, Object 
other) {
-      if (minePresent && mine.equals(other)) {
-        return mine;
-      }
-      throw NOT_EQUALS;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Object visitOneofString(boolean minePresent, Object mine, Object 
other) {
-      if (minePresent && mine.equals(other)) {
-        return mine;
-      }
-      throw NOT_EQUALS;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Object visitOneofByteString(boolean minePresent, Object mine, 
Object other) {
-      if (minePresent && mine.equals(other)) {
-        return mine;
-      }
-      throw NOT_EQUALS;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Object visitOneofLazyMessage(boolean minePresent, Object mine, 
Object other) {
-      if (minePresent && mine.equals(other)) {
-        return mine;
-      }
-      throw NOT_EQUALS;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Object visitOneofMessage(boolean minePresent, Object mine, Object 
other) {
-      if (minePresent && ((GeneratedMessageLite<?, ?>) mine).equals(this, 
(MessageLite) other)) {
-        return mine;
-      }
-      throw NOT_EQUALS;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void visitOneofNotSet(boolean minePresent) {
-      if (minePresent) {
-        throw NOT_EQUALS;
-      }
-    }
-    @Override
-    public <T extends MessageLite> T visitMessage(T mine, T other) {
-      if (mine == null && other == null) {
-        return null;
-      }
-      if (mine == null || other == null) {
-        throw NOT_EQUALS;
-      }
-      ((GeneratedMessageLite<?, ?>) mine).equals(this, other);
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public LazyFieldLite visitLazyMessage(
-        LazyFieldLite mine, LazyFieldLite other) {
-      if (mine == null && other == null) {
-        return null;
-      }
-      if (mine == null || other == null) {
-        throw NOT_EQUALS;
-      }
-      if (mine.equals(other)) {
-        return mine;
-      }
-      throw NOT_EQUALS;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public <T> ProtobufList<T> visitList(ProtobufList<T> mine, ProtobufList<T> 
other) {
-      if (!mine.equals(other)) {
-        throw NOT_EQUALS;
-      }
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public BooleanList visitBooleanList(BooleanList mine, BooleanList other) {
-      if (!mine.equals(other)) {
-        throw NOT_EQUALS;
-      }
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public IntList visitIntList(IntList mine, IntList other) {
-      if (!mine.equals(other)) {
-        throw NOT_EQUALS;
-      }
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public DoubleList visitDoubleList(DoubleList mine, DoubleList other) {
-      if (!mine.equals(other)) {
-        throw NOT_EQUALS;
-      }
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public FloatList visitFloatList(FloatList mine, FloatList other) {
-      if (!mine.equals(other)) {
-        throw NOT_EQUALS;
-      }
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public LongList visitLongList(LongList mine, LongList other) {
-      if (!mine.equals(other)) {
-        throw NOT_EQUALS;
-      }
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public FieldSet<ExtensionDescriptor> visitExtensions(
-        FieldSet<ExtensionDescriptor> mine,
-        FieldSet<ExtensionDescriptor> other) {
-      if (!mine.equals(other)) {
-        throw NOT_EQUALS;
-      }
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public UnknownFieldSetLite visitUnknownFields(
-        UnknownFieldSetLite mine,
-        UnknownFieldSetLite other) {
-      if (!mine.equals(other)) {
-        throw NOT_EQUALS;
-      }
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public <K, V> MapFieldLite<K, V> visitMap(MapFieldLite<K, V> mine, 
MapFieldLite<K, V> other) {
-      if (!mine.equals(other)) {
-        throw NOT_EQUALS;
-      }
-      return mine;
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Implements hashCode by accumulating state.
-   */
-  private static class HashCodeVisitor implements Visitor {
-    // The caller must ensure that the visitor is invoked parameterized with 
this and this such that
-    // other is this. This is required due to how oneof cases are handled. See 
the class comment
-    // on Visitor for more information.
-    private int hashCode = 0;
-    @Override
-    public boolean visitBoolean(
-        boolean minePresent, boolean mine, boolean otherPresent, boolean 
other) {
-      hashCode = (53 * hashCode) + Internal.hashBoolean(mine);
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public int visitInt(boolean minePresent, int mine, boolean otherPresent, 
int other) {
-      hashCode = (53 * hashCode) + mine;
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public double visitDouble(
-        boolean minePresent, double mine, boolean otherPresent, double other) {
-      hashCode = (53 * hashCode) + 
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public float visitFloat(boolean minePresent, float mine, boolean 
otherPresent, float other) {
-      hashCode = (53 * hashCode) + Float.floatToIntBits(mine);
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public long visitLong(boolean minePresent, long mine, boolean 
otherPresent, long other) {
-      hashCode = (53 * hashCode) + Internal.hashLong(mine);
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public String visitString(
-        boolean minePresent, String mine, boolean otherPresent, String other) {
-      hashCode = (53 * hashCode) + mine.hashCode();
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public ByteString visitByteString(
-        boolean minePresent, ByteString mine, boolean otherPresent, ByteString 
other) {
-      hashCode = (53 * hashCode) + mine.hashCode();
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Object visitOneofBoolean(boolean minePresent, Object mine, Object 
other) {
-      hashCode = (53 * hashCode) + Internal.hashBoolean(((Boolean) mine));
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Object visitOneofInt(boolean minePresent, Object mine, Object 
other) {
-      hashCode = (53 * hashCode) + (Integer) mine;
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Object visitOneofDouble(boolean minePresent, Object mine, Object 
other) {
-      hashCode = (53 * hashCode) + 
Internal.hashLong(Double.doubleToLongBits((Double) mine));
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Object visitOneofFloat(boolean minePresent, Object mine, Object 
other) {
-      hashCode = (53 * hashCode) + Float.floatToIntBits((Float) mine);
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Object visitOneofLong(boolean minePresent, Object mine, Object 
other) {
-      hashCode = (53 * hashCode) + Internal.hashLong((Long) mine);
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Object visitOneofString(boolean minePresent, Object mine, Object 
other) {
-      hashCode = (53 * hashCode) + mine.hashCode();
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Object visitOneofByteString(boolean minePresent, Object mine, 
Object other) {
-      hashCode = (53 * hashCode) + mine.hashCode();
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Object visitOneofLazyMessage(boolean minePresent, Object mine, 
Object other) {
-      hashCode = (53 * hashCode) + mine.hashCode();
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Object visitOneofMessage(boolean minePresent, Object mine, Object 
other) {
-      return visitMessage((MessageLite) mine, (MessageLite) other);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void visitOneofNotSet(boolean minePresent) {
-      if (minePresent) {
-        throw new IllegalStateException(); // Can't happen if other == this.
-      }
-    }
-    @Override
-    public <T extends MessageLite> T visitMessage(T mine, T other) {
-      final int protoHash;
-      if (mine != null) {
-        if (mine instanceof GeneratedMessageLite) {
-          protoHash = ((GeneratedMessageLite) mine).hashCode(this);
-        } else {
-          protoHash = mine.hashCode();
-        }
-      } else {
-        protoHash = 37;
-      }
-      hashCode = (53 * hashCode) + protoHash;
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public LazyFieldLite visitLazyMessage(LazyFieldLite mine, LazyFieldLite 
other) {
-      final int protoHash;
-      if (mine != null) {
-        protoHash = mine.hashCode();
-      } else {
-        protoHash = 37;
-      }
-      hashCode = (53 * hashCode) + protoHash;
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public <T> ProtobufList<T> visitList(ProtobufList<T> mine, ProtobufList<T> 
other) {
-      hashCode = (53 * hashCode) + mine.hashCode();
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public BooleanList visitBooleanList(BooleanList mine, BooleanList other) {
-      hashCode = (53 * hashCode) + mine.hashCode();
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public IntList visitIntList(IntList mine, IntList other) {
-      hashCode = (53 * hashCode) + mine.hashCode();
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public DoubleList visitDoubleList(DoubleList mine, DoubleList other) {
-      hashCode = (53 * hashCode) + mine.hashCode();
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public FloatList visitFloatList(FloatList mine, FloatList other) {
-      hashCode = (53 * hashCode) + mine.hashCode();
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public LongList visitLongList(LongList mine, LongList other) {
-      hashCode = (53 * hashCode) + mine.hashCode();
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public FieldSet<ExtensionDescriptor> visitExtensions(
-        FieldSet<ExtensionDescriptor> mine,
-        FieldSet<ExtensionDescriptor> other) {
-      hashCode = (53 * hashCode) + mine.hashCode();
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public UnknownFieldSetLite visitUnknownFields(
-        UnknownFieldSetLite mine,
-        UnknownFieldSetLite other) {
-      hashCode = (53 * hashCode) + mine.hashCode();
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public <K, V> MapFieldLite<K, V> visitMap(MapFieldLite<K, V> mine, 
MapFieldLite<K, V> other) {
-      hashCode = (53 * hashCode) + mine.hashCode();
-      return mine;
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Implements field merging semantics over the visitor interface.
-   */
-  protected static class MergeFromVisitor implements Visitor {
-    public static final MergeFromVisitor INSTANCE = new MergeFromVisitor();
-    private MergeFromVisitor() {}
-    @Override
-    public boolean visitBoolean(
-        boolean minePresent, boolean mine, boolean otherPresent, boolean 
other) {
-      return otherPresent ? other : mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public int visitInt(boolean minePresent, int mine, boolean otherPresent, 
int other) {
-      return otherPresent ? other : mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public double visitDouble(
-        boolean minePresent, double mine, boolean otherPresent, double other) {
-      return otherPresent ? other : mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public float visitFloat(boolean minePresent, float mine, boolean 
otherPresent, float other) {
-      return otherPresent ? other : mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public long visitLong(boolean minePresent, long mine, boolean 
otherPresent, long other) {
-      return otherPresent ? other : mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public String visitString(
-        boolean minePresent, String mine, boolean otherPresent, String other) {
-      return otherPresent ? other : mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public ByteString visitByteString(
-        boolean minePresent, ByteString mine, boolean otherPresent, ByteString 
other) {
-      return otherPresent ? other : mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Object visitOneofBoolean(boolean minePresent, Object mine, Object 
other) {
-      return other;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Object visitOneofInt(boolean minePresent, Object mine, Object 
other) {
-      return other;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Object visitOneofDouble(boolean minePresent, Object mine, Object 
other) {
-      return other;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Object visitOneofFloat(boolean minePresent, Object mine, Object 
other) {
-      return other;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Object visitOneofLong(boolean minePresent, Object mine, Object 
other) {
-      return other;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Object visitOneofString(boolean minePresent, Object mine, Object 
other) {
-      return other;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Object visitOneofByteString(boolean minePresent, Object mine, 
Object other) {
-      return other;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Object visitOneofLazyMessage(boolean minePresent, Object mine, 
Object other) {
-      LazyFieldLite lazy = minePresent ? (LazyFieldLite) mine : new 
-      lazy.merge((LazyFieldLite) other);
-      return lazy;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public Object visitOneofMessage(boolean minePresent, Object mine, Object 
other) {
-      if (minePresent) {
-        return visitMessage((MessageLite) mine, (MessageLite) other);
-      }
-      return other;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void visitOneofNotSet(boolean minePresent) {
-      return;
-    }
-    @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") // Guaranteed by runtime.
-    @Override
-    public <T extends MessageLite> T visitMessage(T mine, T other) {
-      if (mine != null && other != null) {
-        return (T) mine.toBuilder().mergeFrom(other).build();
-      }
-      return mine != null ? mine : other;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public LazyFieldLite visitLazyMessage(LazyFieldLite mine, LazyFieldLite 
other) {
-      if (other != null) {
-        if (mine == null) {
-          mine = new LazyFieldLite();
-        }
-        mine.merge(other);
-      }
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public <T> ProtobufList<T> visitList(ProtobufList<T> mine, ProtobufList<T> 
other) {
-      int size = mine.size();
-      int otherSize = other.size();
-      if (size > 0 && otherSize > 0) {
-        if (!mine.isModifiable()) {
-          mine = mine.mutableCopyWithCapacity(size + otherSize);
-        }
-        mine.addAll(other);
-      }
-      return size > 0 ? mine : other;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public BooleanList visitBooleanList(BooleanList mine, BooleanList other) {
-      int size = mine.size();
-      int otherSize = other.size();
-      if (size > 0 && otherSize > 0) {
-        if (!mine.isModifiable()) {
-          mine = mine.mutableCopyWithCapacity(size + otherSize);
-        }
-        mine.addAll(other);
-      }
-      return size > 0 ? mine : other;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public IntList visitIntList(IntList mine, IntList other) {
-      int size = mine.size();
-      int otherSize = other.size();
-      if (size > 0 && otherSize > 0) {
-        if (!mine.isModifiable()) {
-          mine = mine.mutableCopyWithCapacity(size + otherSize);
-        }
-        mine.addAll(other);
-      }
-      return size > 0 ? mine : other;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public DoubleList visitDoubleList(DoubleList mine, DoubleList other) {
-      int size = mine.size();
-      int otherSize = other.size();
-      if (size > 0 && otherSize > 0) {
-        if (!mine.isModifiable()) {
-          mine = mine.mutableCopyWithCapacity(size + otherSize);
-        }
-        mine.addAll(other);
-      }
-      return size > 0 ? mine : other;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public FloatList visitFloatList(FloatList mine, FloatList other) {
-      int size = mine.size();
-      int otherSize = other.size();
-      if (size > 0 && otherSize > 0) {
-        if (!mine.isModifiable()) {
-          mine = mine.mutableCopyWithCapacity(size + otherSize);
-        }
-        mine.addAll(other);
-      }
-      return size > 0 ? mine : other;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public LongList visitLongList(LongList mine, LongList other) {
-      int size = mine.size();
-      int otherSize = other.size();
-      if (size > 0 && otherSize > 0) {
-        if (!mine.isModifiable()) {
-          mine = mine.mutableCopyWithCapacity(size + otherSize);
-        }
-        mine.addAll(other);
-      }
-      return size > 0 ? mine : other;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public FieldSet<ExtensionDescriptor> visitExtensions(
-        FieldSet<ExtensionDescriptor> mine,
-        FieldSet<ExtensionDescriptor> other) {
-      if (mine.isImmutable()) {
-        mine = mine.clone();
-      }
-      mine.mergeFrom(other);
-      return mine;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public UnknownFieldSetLite visitUnknownFields(
-        UnknownFieldSetLite mine,
-        UnknownFieldSetLite other) {
-      return other == UnknownFieldSetLite.getDefaultInstance()
-          ? mine : UnknownFieldSetLite.mutableCopyOf(mine, other);
-    }
-    @Override
-    public <K, V> MapFieldLite<K, V> visitMap(MapFieldLite<K, V> mine, 
MapFieldLite<K, V> other) {
-      if (!other.isEmpty()) {
-        if (!mine.isMutable()) {
-          mine = mine.mutableCopy();
-        }
-        mine.mergeFrom(other);
-      }
-      return mine;
-    }
-  }

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