diff --git 
index 5446ba5..f2cb3ec 100644
--- a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorization_short_regress.q.out
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorization_short_regress.q.out
@@ -147,7 +147,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
             alias: alltypesorc
             Statistics: Num rows: 12288 Data size: 2641964 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
             Filter Operator
-              predicate: ((762 = cbigint) or (((UDFToFloat(csmallint) < 
cfloat) and ((UDFToDouble(ctimestamp2) > -5.0) and (cdouble <> 
UDFToDouble(cint)))) or ((cstring1 = 'a') or ((UDFToDouble(cbigint) <= -1.389) 
and ((cstring2 <> 'a') and ((79.553 <> UDFToDouble(cint)) and (cboolean2 <> 
cboolean1))))))) (type: boolean)
+              predicate: ((762 = cbigint) or ((UDFToFloat(csmallint) < cfloat) 
and (UDFToDouble(ctimestamp2) > -5.0) and (cdouble <> UDFToDouble(cint))) or 
(cstring1 = 'a') or ((UDFToDouble(cbigint) <= -1.389) and (cstring2 <> 'a') and 
(79.553 <> UDFToDouble(cint)) and (cboolean2 <> cboolean1))) (type: boolean)
               Statistics: Num rows: 12288 Data size: 2641964 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               Select Operator
                 expressions: cint (type: int), cdouble (type: double), 
csmallint (type: smallint), cfloat (type: float), ctinyint (type: tinyint)
@@ -353,7 +353,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
             alias: alltypesorc
             Statistics: Num rows: 12288 Data size: 2641964 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
             Filter Operator
-              predicate: (((cbigint <= 197) and (UDFToLong(cint) < cbigint)) 
or (((cdouble >= -26.28) and (UDFToDouble(csmallint) > cdouble)) or 
(((UDFToFloat(ctinyint) > cfloat) and cstring1 regexp '.*ss.*') or ((cfloat > 
79.553) and (cstring2 like '10%'))))) (type: boolean)
+              predicate: (((cbigint <= 197) and (UDFToLong(cint) < cbigint)) 
or ((cdouble >= -26.28) and (UDFToDouble(csmallint) > cdouble)) or 
((UDFToFloat(ctinyint) > cfloat) and cstring1 regexp '.*ss.*') or ((cfloat > 
79.553) and (cstring2 like '10%'))) (type: boolean)
               Statistics: Num rows: 6826 Data size: 1467614 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               Select Operator
                 expressions: cint (type: int), cbigint (type: bigint), 
csmallint (type: smallint), cdouble (type: double), ctinyint (type: tinyint)
@@ -550,7 +550,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
             alias: alltypesorc
             Statistics: Num rows: 12288 Data size: 2641964 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
             Filter Operator
-              predicate: ((ctimestamp1 = ctimestamp2) or ((762.0 = cfloat) or 
((cstring1 = 'ss') or (((UDFToLong(csmallint) <= cbigint) and (1 = cboolean2)) 
or (cboolean1 is not null and (ctimestamp2 is not null and (cstring2 > 
'a'))))))) (type: boolean)
+              predicate: ((ctimestamp1 = ctimestamp2) or (762.0 = cfloat) or 
(cstring1 = 'ss') or ((UDFToLong(csmallint) <= cbigint) and (1 = cboolean2)) or 
(cboolean1 is not null and ctimestamp2 is not null and (cstring2 > 'a'))) 
(type: boolean)
               Statistics: Num rows: 12288 Data size: 2641964 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               Select Operator
                 expressions: cbigint (type: bigint), ctinyint (type: tinyint), 
csmallint (type: smallint), cint (type: int), cdouble (type: double)
@@ -726,7 +726,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
             alias: alltypesorc
             Statistics: Num rows: 12288 Data size: 2641964 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
             Filter Operator
-              predicate: (((ctimestamp2 <= ctimestamp1) and 
((UDFToDouble(cbigint) <> cdouble) and ('ss' <= cstring1))) or (((csmallint < 
UDFToShort(ctinyint)) and (UDFToDouble(ctimestamp1) >= 0.0)) or (cfloat = 
17.0))) (type: boolean)
+              predicate: (((ctimestamp2 <= ctimestamp1) and 
(UDFToDouble(cbigint) <> cdouble) and ('ss' <= cstring1)) or ((csmallint < 
UDFToShort(ctinyint)) and (UDFToDouble(ctimestamp1) >= 0.0)) or (cfloat = 
17.0)) (type: boolean)
               Statistics: Num rows: 8874 Data size: 1907941 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               Select Operator
                 expressions: ctinyint (type: tinyint), cbigint (type: bigint), 
cint (type: int), cfloat (type: float)
@@ -910,7 +910,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
             alias: alltypesorc
             Statistics: Num rows: 12288 Data size: 2641964 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
             Filter Operator
-              predicate: ((cstring1 regexp 'a.*' and (cstring2 like '%ss%')) 
or (((1 <> cboolean2) and ((UDFToDouble(csmallint) < 79.553) and (-257 <> 
UDFToInteger(ctinyint)))) or (((cdouble > UDFToDouble(ctinyint)) and (cfloat >= 
UDFToFloat(cint))) or ((UDFToLong(cint) < cbigint) and (UDFToLong(ctinyint) > 
cbigint))))) (type: boolean)
+              predicate: ((cstring1 regexp 'a.*' and (cstring2 like '%ss%')) 
or ((1 <> cboolean2) and (UDFToDouble(csmallint) < 79.553) and (-257 <> 
UDFToInteger(ctinyint))) or ((cdouble > UDFToDouble(ctinyint)) and (cfloat >= 
UDFToFloat(cint))) or ((UDFToLong(cint) < cbigint) and (UDFToLong(ctinyint) > 
cbigint))) (type: boolean)
               Statistics: Num rows: 9898 Data size: 2128105 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               Select Operator
                 expressions: cint (type: int), cdouble (type: double), 
ctimestamp2 (type: timestamp), cstring1 (type: string), cboolean2 (type: 
boolean), ctinyint (type: tinyint), cfloat (type: float), ctimestamp1 (type: 
timestamp), csmallint (type: smallint), cbigint (type: bigint), (-3728 * 
cbigint) (type: bigint), (- cint) (type: int), (-863.257 - UDFToDouble(cint)) 
(type: double), (- csmallint) (type: smallint), (csmallint - (- csmallint)) 
(type: smallint), ((csmallint - (- csmallint)) + (- csmallint)) (type: 
smallint), (UDFToDouble(cint) / UDFToDouble(cint)) (type: double), ((-863.257 - 
UDFToDouble(cint)) - -26.28) (type: double), (- cfloat) (type: float), (cdouble 
* -89010.0) (type: double), (UDFToDouble(ctinyint) / 988888.0) (type: double), 
(- ctinyint) (type: tinyint), (79.553 / UDFToDouble(ctinyint)) (type: double)
@@ -1161,7 +1161,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
             alias: alltypesorc
             Statistics: Num rows: 12288 Data size: 2641964 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
             Filter Operator
-              predicate: (((197.0 > UDFToDouble(ctinyint)) and 
(UDFToLong(cint) = cbigint)) or ((cbigint = 359) or ((cboolean1 < 0) or 
((cstring1 like '%ss') and (cfloat <= UDFToFloat(ctinyint)))))) (type: boolean)
+              predicate: (((197.0 > UDFToDouble(ctinyint)) and 
(UDFToLong(cint) = cbigint)) or (cbigint = 359) or (cboolean1 < 0) or 
((cstring1 like '%ss') and (cfloat <= UDFToFloat(ctinyint)))) (type: boolean)
               Statistics: Num rows: 12288 Data size: 2641964 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               Select Operator
                 expressions: cint (type: int), cbigint (type: bigint), 
cstring1 (type: string), cboolean1 (type: boolean), cfloat (type: float), 
cdouble (type: double), ctimestamp2 (type: timestamp), csmallint (type: 
smallint), cstring2 (type: string), cboolean2 (type: boolean), 
(UDFToDouble(cint) / UDFToDouble(cbigint)) (type: double), 
(UDFToDouble(cbigint) % 79.553) (type: double), (- (UDFToDouble(cint) / 
UDFToDouble(cbigint))) (type: double), (10.175 % UDFToDouble(cfloat)) (type: 
double), (- cfloat) (type: float), (cfloat - (- cfloat)) (type: float), 
((cfloat - (- cfloat)) % -6432.0) (type: float), (cdouble * 
UDFToDouble(csmallint)) (type: double), (- cdouble) (type: double), (- cbigint) 
(type: bigint), (UDFToDouble(cfloat) - (UDFToDouble(cint) / 
UDFToDouble(cbigint))) (type: double), (- csmallint) (type: smallint), (3569 % 
cbigint) (type: bigint), (359.0 - cdouble) (type: double), (- csmallint) (type: 
@@ -1361,7 +1361,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
             alias: alltypesorc
             Statistics: Num rows: 12288 Data size: 2641964 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
             Filter Operator
-              predicate: (((UDFToDouble(csmallint) > -26.28) and (cstring2 
like 'ss')) or (((cdouble <= UDFToDouble(cbigint)) and ((cstring1 >= 'ss') and 
(UDFToDouble(cint) <> cdouble))) or ((UDFToInteger(ctinyint) = -89010) or 
((UDFToFloat(cbigint) <= cfloat) and (-26.28 <= UDFToDouble(csmallint)))))) 
(type: boolean)
+              predicate: (((UDFToDouble(csmallint) > -26.28) and (cstring2 
like 'ss')) or ((cdouble <= UDFToDouble(cbigint)) and (cstring1 >= 'ss') and 
(UDFToDouble(cint) <> cdouble)) or (UDFToInteger(ctinyint) = -89010) or 
((UDFToFloat(cbigint) <= cfloat) and (-26.28 <= UDFToDouble(csmallint)))) 
(type: boolean)
               Statistics: Num rows: 10922 Data size: 2348269 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               Select Operator
                 expressions: cint (type: int), cstring1 (type: string), 
cboolean2 (type: boolean), ctimestamp2 (type: timestamp), cdouble (type: 
double), cfloat (type: float), cbigint (type: bigint), csmallint (type: 
smallint), cboolean1 (type: boolean), (cint + UDFToInteger(csmallint)) (type: 
int), (cbigint - UDFToLong(ctinyint)) (type: bigint), (- cbigint) (type: 
bigint), (- cfloat) (type: float), ((cbigint - UDFToLong(ctinyint)) + cbigint) 
(type: bigint), (cdouble / cdouble) (type: double), (- cdouble) (type: double), 
(UDFToLong((cint + UDFToInteger(csmallint))) * (- cbigint)) (type: bigint), ((- 
cdouble) + UDFToDouble(cbigint)) (type: double), (-1.389 / 
UDFToDouble(ctinyint)) (type: double), (UDFToDouble(cbigint) % cdouble) (type: 
double), (- csmallint) (type: smallint), (UDFToInteger(csmallint) + (cint + 
UDFToInteger(csmallint))) (type: int)
@@ -1620,7 +1620,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
             alias: alltypesorc
             Statistics: Num rows: 12288 Data size: 2641964 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
             Filter Operator
-              predicate: (((-1.389 >= UDFToDouble(cint)) and ((csmallint < 
UDFToShort(ctinyint)) and (-6432 > UDFToInteger(csmallint)))) or (((cdouble >= 
UDFToDouble(cfloat)) and (cstring2 <= 'a')) or ((cstring1 like 'ss%') and 
(10.175 > UDFToDouble(cbigint))))) (type: boolean)
+              predicate: (((-1.389 >= UDFToDouble(cint)) and (csmallint < 
UDFToShort(ctinyint)) and (-6432 > UDFToInteger(csmallint))) or ((cdouble >= 
UDFToDouble(cfloat)) and (cstring2 <= 'a')) or ((cstring1 like 'ss%') and 
(10.175 > UDFToDouble(cbigint)))) (type: boolean)
               Statistics: Num rows: 3868 Data size: 831633 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               Select Operator
                 expressions: ctimestamp1 (type: timestamp), cstring2 (type: 
string), cdouble (type: double), cfloat (type: float), cbigint (type: bigint), 
csmallint (type: smallint), (UDFToDouble(cbigint) / 3569.0) (type: double), 
(-257 - UDFToInteger(csmallint)) (type: int), (-6432.0 * cfloat) (type: float), 
(- cdouble) (type: double), (cdouble * 10.175) (type: double), 
(UDFToDouble((-6432.0 * cfloat)) / UDFToDouble(cfloat)) (type: double), (- 
cfloat) (type: float), (cint % UDFToInteger(csmallint)) (type: int), (- 
cdouble) (type: double), (cdouble * (- cdouble)) (type: double)
@@ -2031,7 +2031,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
             alias: alltypesorc
             Statistics: Num rows: 12288 Data size: 2641964 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
             Filter Operator
-              predicate: ((cdouble > 2563.58) and (((cbigint >= 
UDFToLong(cint)) and ((UDFToInteger(csmallint) < cint) and (UDFToDouble(cfloat) 
< -5638.15))) or ((cdouble <= UDFToDouble(cbigint)) and (-5638.15 > 
UDFToDouble(cbigint))))) (type: boolean)
+              predicate: ((cdouble > 2563.58) and (((cbigint >= 
UDFToLong(cint)) and (UDFToInteger(csmallint) < cint) and (UDFToDouble(cfloat) 
< -5638.15)) or ((cdouble <= UDFToDouble(cbigint)) and (-5638.15 > 
UDFToDouble(cbigint))))) (type: boolean)
               Statistics: Num rows: 606 Data size: 130292 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               Select Operator
                 expressions: cdouble (type: double), cfloat (type: float)
@@ -2289,7 +2289,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
             alias: alltypesorc
             Statistics: Num rows: 12288 Data size: 2641964 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
             Filter Operator
-              predicate: ((UDFToDouble(ctimestamp1) <> 0.0) and (((-257 <> 
UDFToInteger(ctinyint)) and (cboolean2 is not null and (cstring1 regexp '.*ss' 
and (-3.0 < UDFToDouble(ctimestamp1))))) or ((UDFToDouble(ctimestamp2) = -5.0) 
or (((UDFToDouble(ctimestamp1) < 0.0) and (cstring2 like '%b%')) or ((cdouble = 
UDFToDouble(cint)) or (cboolean1 is null and (cfloat < UDFToFloat(cint)))))))) 
(type: boolean)
+              predicate: ((UDFToDouble(ctimestamp1) <> 0.0) and (((-257 <> 
UDFToInteger(ctinyint)) and cboolean2 is not null and cstring1 regexp '.*ss' 
and (-3.0 < UDFToDouble(ctimestamp1))) or (UDFToDouble(ctimestamp2) = -5.0) or 
((UDFToDouble(ctimestamp1) < 0.0) and (cstring2 like '%b%')) or (cdouble = 
UDFToDouble(cint)) or (cboolean1 is null and (cfloat < UDFToFloat(cint))))) 
(type: boolean)
               Statistics: Num rows: 12288 Data size: 2641964 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               Select Operator
                 expressions: ctimestamp1 (type: timestamp), cstring1 (type: 
string), cint (type: int), csmallint (type: smallint), ctinyint (type: 
tinyint), cfloat (type: float), cdouble (type: double)
@@ -2624,7 +2624,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
             alias: alltypesorc
             Statistics: Num rows: 12288 Data size: 2641964 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
             Filter Operator
-              predicate: (cboolean1 is not null and (((cdouble < 
UDFToDouble(csmallint)) and ((cboolean2 = cboolean1) and (UDFToDouble(cbigint) 
<= -863.257))) or (((cint >= -257) and (cstring1 is not null and (cboolean1 >= 
1))) or (cstring2 regexp 'b' or ((csmallint >= UDFToShort(ctinyint)) and 
ctimestamp2 is null))))) (type: boolean)
+              predicate: (cboolean1 is not null and (((cdouble < 
UDFToDouble(csmallint)) and (cboolean2 = cboolean1) and (UDFToDouble(cbigint) 
<= -863.257)) or ((cint >= -257) and cstring1 is not null and (cboolean1 >= 1)) 
or cstring2 regexp 'b' or ((csmallint >= UDFToShort(ctinyint)) and ctimestamp2 
is null))) (type: boolean)
               Statistics: Num rows: 4778 Data size: 1027287 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               Select Operator
                 expressions: cboolean1 (type: boolean), cfloat (type: float), 
cbigint (type: bigint), cint (type: int), cdouble (type: double), ctinyint 
(type: tinyint), csmallint (type: smallint)
diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorized_case.q.out 
index 9f547d1..73bf12d 100644
--- a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorized_case.q.out
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorized_case.q.out
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
             alias: alltypesorc
             Statistics: Num rows: 12288 Data size: 2641964 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
             Filter Operator
-              predicate: ((csmallint = 418) or ((csmallint = 12205) or 
(csmallint = 10583))) (type: boolean)
+              predicate: ((csmallint = 418) or (csmallint = 12205) or 
(csmallint = 10583)) (type: boolean)
               Statistics: Num rows: 12288 Data size: 2641964 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               Select Operator
                 expressions: csmallint (type: smallint), CASE WHEN ((csmallint 
= 418)) THEN ('a') WHEN ((csmallint = 12205)) THEN ('b') ELSE ('c') END (type: 
string), CASE (csmallint) WHEN (418) THEN ('a') WHEN (12205) THEN ('b') ELSE 
('c') END (type: string)

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