diff --git a/service/src/gen/thrift/gen-cpp/TCLIService_server.skeleton.cpp 
deleted file mode 100644
index 988bb4c..0000000
--- a/service/src/gen/thrift/gen-cpp/TCLIService_server.skeleton.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,134 +0,0 @@
-// This autogenerated skeleton file illustrates how to build a server.
-// You should copy it to another filename to avoid overwriting it.
-#include "TCLIService.h"
-#include <thrift/protocol/TBinaryProtocol.h>
-#include <thrift/server/TSimpleServer.h>
-#include <thrift/transport/TServerSocket.h>
-#include <thrift/transport/TBufferTransports.h>
-using namespace ::apache::thrift;
-using namespace ::apache::thrift::protocol;
-using namespace ::apache::thrift::transport;
-using namespace ::apache::thrift::server;
-using boost::shared_ptr;
-using namespace  ::apache::hive::service::cli::thrift;
-class TCLIServiceHandler : virtual public TCLIServiceIf {
- public:
-  TCLIServiceHandler() {
-    // Your initialization goes here
-  }
-  void OpenSession(TOpenSessionResp& _return, const TOpenSessionReq& req) {
-    // Your implementation goes here
-    printf("OpenSession\n");
-  }
-  void CloseSession(TCloseSessionResp& _return, const TCloseSessionReq& req) {
-    // Your implementation goes here
-    printf("CloseSession\n");
-  }
-  void GetInfo(TGetInfoResp& _return, const TGetInfoReq& req) {
-    // Your implementation goes here
-    printf("GetInfo\n");
-  }
-  void ExecuteStatement(TExecuteStatementResp& _return, const 
TExecuteStatementReq& req) {
-    // Your implementation goes here
-    printf("ExecuteStatement\n");
-  }
-  void GetTypeInfo(TGetTypeInfoResp& _return, const TGetTypeInfoReq& req) {
-    // Your implementation goes here
-    printf("GetTypeInfo\n");
-  }
-  void GetCatalogs(TGetCatalogsResp& _return, const TGetCatalogsReq& req) {
-    // Your implementation goes here
-    printf("GetCatalogs\n");
-  }
-  void GetSchemas(TGetSchemasResp& _return, const TGetSchemasReq& req) {
-    // Your implementation goes here
-    printf("GetSchemas\n");
-  }
-  void GetTables(TGetTablesResp& _return, const TGetTablesReq& req) {
-    // Your implementation goes here
-    printf("GetTables\n");
-  }
-  void GetTableTypes(TGetTableTypesResp& _return, const TGetTableTypesReq& 
req) {
-    // Your implementation goes here
-    printf("GetTableTypes\n");
-  }
-  void GetColumns(TGetColumnsResp& _return, const TGetColumnsReq& req) {
-    // Your implementation goes here
-    printf("GetColumns\n");
-  }
-  void GetFunctions(TGetFunctionsResp& _return, const TGetFunctionsReq& req) {
-    // Your implementation goes here
-    printf("GetFunctions\n");
-  }
-  void GetOperationStatus(TGetOperationStatusResp& _return, const 
TGetOperationStatusReq& req) {
-    // Your implementation goes here
-    printf("GetOperationStatus\n");
-  }
-  void CancelOperation(TCancelOperationResp& _return, const 
TCancelOperationReq& req) {
-    // Your implementation goes here
-    printf("CancelOperation\n");
-  }
-  void CloseOperation(TCloseOperationResp& _return, const TCloseOperationReq& 
req) {
-    // Your implementation goes here
-    printf("CloseOperation\n");
-  }
-  void GetResultSetMetadata(TGetResultSetMetadataResp& _return, const 
TGetResultSetMetadataReq& req) {
-    // Your implementation goes here
-    printf("GetResultSetMetadata\n");
-  }
-  void FetchResults(TFetchResultsResp& _return, const TFetchResultsReq& req) {
-    // Your implementation goes here
-    printf("FetchResults\n");
-  }
-  void GetDelegationToken(TGetDelegationTokenResp& _return, const 
TGetDelegationTokenReq& req) {
-    // Your implementation goes here
-    printf("GetDelegationToken\n");
-  }
-  void CancelDelegationToken(TCancelDelegationTokenResp& _return, const 
TCancelDelegationTokenReq& req) {
-    // Your implementation goes here
-    printf("CancelDelegationToken\n");
-  }
-  void RenewDelegationToken(TRenewDelegationTokenResp& _return, const 
TRenewDelegationTokenReq& req) {
-    // Your implementation goes here
-    printf("RenewDelegationToken\n");
-  }
-int main(int argc, char **argv) {
-  int port = 9090;
-  shared_ptr<TCLIServiceHandler> handler(new TCLIServiceHandler());
-  shared_ptr<TProcessor> processor(new TCLIServiceProcessor(handler));
-  shared_ptr<TServerTransport> serverTransport(new TServerSocket(port));
-  shared_ptr<TTransportFactory> transportFactory(new 
-  shared_ptr<TProtocolFactory> protocolFactory(new TBinaryProtocolFactory());
-  TSimpleServer server(processor, serverTransport, transportFactory, 
-  server.serve();
-  return 0;

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