diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/beelinepositive/auto_join28.q.out 
deleted file mode 100644
index 1031edd..0000000
--- a/ql/src/test/results/beelinepositive/auto_join28.q.out
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,655 +0,0 @@
-Saving all output to "!!{outputDirectory}!!/auto_join28.q.raw". Enter "record" 
with no arguments to stop it.
->>>  !run !!{qFileDirectory}!!/auto_join28.q
->>>  set hive.mapjoin.smalltable.filesize = 1;
-No rows affected 
->>>  set = true;
-No rows affected 
->>>  explain 
-SELECT * FROM src src1 LEFT OUTER JOIN src src2 ON (src1.key = src2.key AND 
src1.key < 10 AND src2.key > 10) RIGHT OUTER JOIN src src3 ON (src2.key = 
src3.key AND src3.key < 10) SORT BY src1.key, src1.value, src2.key, src2.value, 
src3.key, src3.value;
(TOK_TABNAME src) src1) (TOK_TABREF (TOK_TABNAME src) src2) (AND (AND (= (. 
(TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src1) key) (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src2) key)) (< (. 
(TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src1) key) 10)) (> (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src2) key) 10))) 
(TOK_TABREF (TOK_TABNAME src) src3) (AND (= (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src2) key) (. 
(TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src3) key)) (< (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src3) key) 10)))) 
src3) key)) (TOK_TABSORTCOLNAMEASC (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src3) value)))))'
-'  Stage-6 is a root stage , consists of Stage-1'
-'  Stage-1'
-'  Stage-2 depends on stages: Stage-1'
-'  Stage-0 is a root stage'
-'  Stage: Stage-6'
-'    Conditional Operator'
-'  Stage: Stage-1'
-'    Map Reduce'
-'      Alias -> Map Operator Tree:'
-'        src1 '
-'          TableScan'
-'            alias: src1'
-'            Reduce Output Operator'
-'              key expressions:'
-'                    expr: key'
-'                    type: string'
-'              sort order: +'
-'              Map-reduce partition columns:'
-'                    expr: key'
-'                    type: string'
-'              tag: 0'
-'              value expressions:'
-'                    expr: key'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: value'
-'                    type: string'
-'        src2 '
-'          TableScan'
-'            alias: src2'
-'            Filter Operator'
-'              predicate:'
-'                  expr: (key > 10)'
-'                  type: boolean'
-'              Reduce Output Operator'
-'                key expressions:'
-'                      expr: key'
-'                      type: string'
-'                sort order: +'
-'                Map-reduce partition columns:'
-'                      expr: key'
-'                      type: string'
-'                tag: 1'
-'                value expressions:'
-'                      expr: key'
-'                      type: string'
-'                      expr: value'
-'                      type: string'
-'        src3 '
-'          TableScan'
-'            alias: src3'
-'            Reduce Output Operator'
-'              key expressions:'
-'                    expr: key'
-'                    type: string'
-'              sort order: +'
-'              Map-reduce partition columns:'
-'                    expr: key'
-'                    type: string'
-'              tag: 2'
-'              value expressions:'
-'                    expr: key'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: value'
-'                    type: string'
-'      Reduce Operator Tree:'
-'        Join Operator'
-'          condition map:'
-'               Left Outer Join0 to 1'
-'               Right Outer Join1 to 2'
-'          condition expressions:'
-'            0 {VALUE._col0} {VALUE._col1}'
-'            1 {VALUE._col0} {VALUE._col1}'
-'            2 {VALUE._col0} {VALUE._col1}'
-'          filter predicates:'
-'            0 {(VALUE._col0 < 10)}'
-'            1 '
-'            2 {(VALUE._col0 < 10)}'
-'          handleSkewJoin: false'
-'          outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col4, _col5, _col8, _col9'
-'          Select Operator'
-'            expressions:'
-'                  expr: _col0'
-'                  type: string'
-'                  expr: _col1'
-'                  type: string'
-'                  expr: _col4'
-'                  type: string'
-'                  expr: _col5'
-'                  type: string'
-'                  expr: _col8'
-'                  type: string'
-'                  expr: _col9'
-'                  type: string'
-'            outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5'
-'            File Output Operator'
-'              compressed: false'
-'              GlobalTableId: 0'
-'              table:'
-'                  input format: 
-'                  output format:'
-'  Stage: Stage-2'
-'    Map Reduce'
-'      Alias -> Map Operator Tree:'
-'        file:!!{hive.exec.scratchdir}!! '
-'            Reduce Output Operator'
-'              key expressions:'
-'                    expr: _col0'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col1'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col2'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col3'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col4'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col5'
-'                    type: string'
-'              sort order: ++++++'
-'              tag: -1'
-'              value expressions:'
-'                    expr: _col0'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col1'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col2'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col3'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col4'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col5'
-'                    type: string'
-'      Reduce Operator Tree:'
-'        Extract'
-'          File Output Operator'
-'            compressed: false'
-'            GlobalTableId: 0'
-'            table:'
-'                input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat'
-'                output format:'
-'  Stage: Stage-0'
-'    Fetch Operator'
-'      limit: -1'
-155 rows selected 
->>>  explain 
-SELECT * FROM src src1 LEFT OUTER JOIN src src2 ON (src1.key = src2.key AND 
src1.key < 10 AND src2.key > 10) LEFT OUTER JOIN src src3 ON (src2.key = 
src3.key AND src3.key < 10) SORT BY src1.key, src1.value, src2.key, src2.value, 
src3.key, src3.value;
(TOK_TABNAME src) src1) (TOK_TABREF (TOK_TABNAME src) src2) (AND (AND (= (. 
(TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src1) key) (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src2) key)) (< (. 
(TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src1) key) 10)) (> (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src2) key) 10))) 
(TOK_TABREF (TOK_TABNAME src) src3) (AND (= (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src2) key) (. 
(TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src3) key)) (< (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src3) key) 10)))) 
src3) key)) (TOK_TABSORTCOLNAMEASC (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src3) value)))))'
-'  Stage-6 is a root stage , consists of Stage-1'
-'  Stage-1'
-'  Stage-2 depends on stages: Stage-1'
-'  Stage-0 is a root stage'
-'  Stage: Stage-6'
-'    Conditional Operator'
-'  Stage: Stage-1'
-'    Map Reduce'
-'      Alias -> Map Operator Tree:'
-'        src1 '
-'          TableScan'
-'            alias: src1'
-'            Reduce Output Operator'
-'              key expressions:'
-'                    expr: key'
-'                    type: string'
-'              sort order: +'
-'              Map-reduce partition columns:'
-'                    expr: key'
-'                    type: string'
-'              tag: 0'
-'              value expressions:'
-'                    expr: key'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: value'
-'                    type: string'
-'        src2 '
-'          TableScan'
-'            alias: src2'
-'            Filter Operator'
-'              predicate:'
-'                  expr: (key > 10)'
-'                  type: boolean'
-'              Reduce Output Operator'
-'                key expressions:'
-'                      expr: key'
-'                      type: string'
-'                sort order: +'
-'                Map-reduce partition columns:'
-'                      expr: key'
-'                      type: string'
-'                tag: 1'
-'                value expressions:'
-'                      expr: key'
-'                      type: string'
-'                      expr: value'
-'                      type: string'
-'        src3 '
-'          TableScan'
-'            alias: src3'
-'            Filter Operator'
-'              predicate:'
-'                  expr: ((key < 10) and (key > 10))'
-'                  type: boolean'
-'              Reduce Output Operator'
-'                key expressions:'
-'                      expr: key'
-'                      type: string'
-'                sort order: +'
-'                Map-reduce partition columns:'
-'                      expr: key'
-'                      type: string'
-'                tag: 2'
-'                value expressions:'
-'                      expr: key'
-'                      type: string'
-'                      expr: value'
-'                      type: string'
-'      Reduce Operator Tree:'
-'        Join Operator'
-'          condition map:'
-'               Left Outer Join0 to 1'
-'               Left Outer Join1 to 2'
-'          condition expressions:'
-'            0 {VALUE._col0} {VALUE._col1}'
-'            1 {VALUE._col0} {VALUE._col1}'
-'            2 {VALUE._col0} {VALUE._col1}'
-'          filter predicates:'
-'            0 {(VALUE._col0 < 10)}'
-'            1 '
-'            2 '
-'          handleSkewJoin: false'
-'          outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col4, _col5, _col8, _col9'
-'          Select Operator'
-'            expressions:'
-'                  expr: _col0'
-'                  type: string'
-'                  expr: _col1'
-'                  type: string'
-'                  expr: _col4'
-'                  type: string'
-'                  expr: _col5'
-'                  type: string'
-'                  expr: _col8'
-'                  type: string'
-'                  expr: _col9'
-'                  type: string'
-'            outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5'
-'            File Output Operator'
-'              compressed: false'
-'              GlobalTableId: 0'
-'              table:'
-'                  input format: 
-'                  output format:'
-'  Stage: Stage-2'
-'    Map Reduce'
-'      Alias -> Map Operator Tree:'
-'        file:!!{hive.exec.scratchdir}!! '
-'            Reduce Output Operator'
-'              key expressions:'
-'                    expr: _col0'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col1'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col2'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col3'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col4'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col5'
-'                    type: string'
-'              sort order: ++++++'
-'              tag: -1'
-'              value expressions:'
-'                    expr: _col0'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col1'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col2'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col3'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col4'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col5'
-'                    type: string'
-'      Reduce Operator Tree:'
-'        Extract'
-'          File Output Operator'
-'            compressed: false'
-'            GlobalTableId: 0'
-'            table:'
-'                input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat'
-'                output format:'
-'  Stage: Stage-0'
-'    Fetch Operator'
-'      limit: -1'
-159 rows selected 
->>>  explain 
-SELECT * FROM src src1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN src src2 ON (src1.key = src2.key AND 
src1.key < 10 AND src2.key > 10) LEFT OUTER JOIN src src3 ON (src2.key = 
src3.key AND src3.key < 10) SORT BY src1.key, src1.value, src2.key, src2.value, 
src3.key, src3.value;
(TOK_TABNAME src) src1) (TOK_TABREF (TOK_TABNAME src) src2) (AND (AND (= (. 
(TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src1) key) (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src2) key)) (< (. 
(TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src1) key) 10)) (> (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src2) key) 10))) 
(TOK_TABREF (TOK_TABNAME src) src3) (AND (= (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src2) key) (. 
(TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src3) key)) (< (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src3) key) 10)))) 
src3) key)) (TOK_TABSORTCOLNAMEASC (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src3) value)))))'
-'  Stage-6 is a root stage , consists of Stage-1'
-'  Stage-1'
-'  Stage-2 depends on stages: Stage-1'
-'  Stage-0 is a root stage'
-'  Stage: Stage-6'
-'    Conditional Operator'
-'  Stage: Stage-1'
-'    Map Reduce'
-'      Alias -> Map Operator Tree:'
-'        src1 '
-'          TableScan'
-'            alias: src1'
-'            Filter Operator'
-'              predicate:'
-'                  expr: (key < 10)'
-'                  type: boolean'
-'              Reduce Output Operator'
-'                key expressions:'
-'                      expr: key'
-'                      type: string'
-'                sort order: +'
-'                Map-reduce partition columns:'
-'                      expr: key'
-'                      type: string'
-'                tag: 0'
-'                value expressions:'
-'                      expr: key'
-'                      type: string'
-'                      expr: value'
-'                      type: string'
-'        src2 '
-'          TableScan'
-'            alias: src2'
-'            Reduce Output Operator'
-'              key expressions:'
-'                    expr: key'
-'                    type: string'
-'              sort order: +'
-'              Map-reduce partition columns:'
-'                    expr: key'
-'                    type: string'
-'              tag: 1'
-'              value expressions:'
-'                    expr: key'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: value'
-'                    type: string'
-'        src3 '
-'          TableScan'
-'            alias: src3'
-'            Filter Operator'
-'              predicate:'
-'                  expr: (key < 10)'
-'                  type: boolean'
-'              Reduce Output Operator'
-'                key expressions:'
-'                      expr: key'
-'                      type: string'
-'                sort order: +'
-'                Map-reduce partition columns:'
-'                      expr: key'
-'                      type: string'
-'                tag: 2'
-'                value expressions:'
-'                      expr: key'
-'                      type: string'
-'                      expr: value'
-'                      type: string'
-'      Reduce Operator Tree:'
-'        Join Operator'
-'          condition map:'
-'               Right Outer Join0 to 1'
-'               Left Outer Join1 to 2'
-'          condition expressions:'
-'            0 {VALUE._col0} {VALUE._col1}'
-'            1 {VALUE._col0} {VALUE._col1}'
-'            2 {VALUE._col0} {VALUE._col1}'
-'          filter predicates:'
-'            0 '
-'            1 {(VALUE._col0 > 10)}'
-'            2 '
-'          handleSkewJoin: false'
-'          outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col4, _col5, _col8, _col9'
-'          Select Operator'
-'            expressions:'
-'                  expr: _col0'
-'                  type: string'
-'                  expr: _col1'
-'                  type: string'
-'                  expr: _col4'
-'                  type: string'
-'                  expr: _col5'
-'                  type: string'
-'                  expr: _col8'
-'                  type: string'
-'                  expr: _col9'
-'                  type: string'
-'            outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5'
-'            File Output Operator'
-'              compressed: false'
-'              GlobalTableId: 0'
-'              table:'
-'                  input format: 
-'                  output format:'
-'  Stage: Stage-2'
-'    Map Reduce'
-'      Alias -> Map Operator Tree:'
-'        file:!!{hive.exec.scratchdir}!! '
-'            Reduce Output Operator'
-'              key expressions:'
-'                    expr: _col0'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col1'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col2'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col3'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col4'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col5'
-'                    type: string'
-'              sort order: ++++++'
-'              tag: -1'
-'              value expressions:'
-'                    expr: _col0'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col1'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col2'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col3'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col4'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col5'
-'                    type: string'
-'      Reduce Operator Tree:'
-'        Extract'
-'          File Output Operator'
-'            compressed: false'
-'            GlobalTableId: 0'
-'            table:'
-'                input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat'
-'                output format:'
-'  Stage: Stage-0'
-'    Fetch Operator'
-'      limit: -1'
-159 rows selected 
->>>  explain 
-SELECT * FROM src src1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN src src2 ON (src1.key = src2.key AND 
src1.key < 10 AND src2.key > 10) RIGHT OUTER JOIN src src3 ON (src2.key = 
src3.key AND src3.key < 10) SORT BY src1.key, src1.value, src2.key, src2.value, 
src3.key, src3.value;
(TOK_TABNAME src) src1) (TOK_TABREF (TOK_TABNAME src) src2) (AND (AND (= (. 
(TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src1) key) (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src2) key)) (< (. 
(TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src1) key) 10)) (> (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src2) key) 10))) 
(TOK_TABREF (TOK_TABNAME src) src3) (AND (= (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src2) key) (. 
(TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src3) key)) (< (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src3) key) 10)))) 
src3) key)) (TOK_TABSORTCOLNAMEASC (. (TOK_TABLE_OR_COL src3) value)))))'
-'  Stage-6 is a root stage , consists of Stage-1'
-'  Stage-1'
-'  Stage-2 depends on stages: Stage-1'
-'  Stage-0 is a root stage'
-'  Stage: Stage-6'
-'    Conditional Operator'
-'  Stage: Stage-1'
-'    Map Reduce'
-'      Alias -> Map Operator Tree:'
-'        src1 '
-'          TableScan'
-'            alias: src1'
-'            Filter Operator'
-'              predicate:'
-'                  expr: (key < 10)'
-'                  type: boolean'
-'              Reduce Output Operator'
-'                key expressions:'
-'                      expr: key'
-'                      type: string'
-'                sort order: +'
-'                Map-reduce partition columns:'
-'                      expr: key'
-'                      type: string'
-'                tag: 0'
-'                value expressions:'
-'                      expr: key'
-'                      type: string'
-'                      expr: value'
-'                      type: string'
-'        src2 '
-'          TableScan'
-'            alias: src2'
-'            Reduce Output Operator'
-'              key expressions:'
-'                    expr: key'
-'                    type: string'
-'              sort order: +'
-'              Map-reduce partition columns:'
-'                    expr: key'
-'                    type: string'
-'              tag: 1'
-'              value expressions:'
-'                    expr: key'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: value'
-'                    type: string'
-'        src3 '
-'          TableScan'
-'            alias: src3'
-'            Reduce Output Operator'
-'              key expressions:'
-'                    expr: key'
-'                    type: string'
-'              sort order: +'
-'              Map-reduce partition columns:'
-'                    expr: key'
-'                    type: string'
-'              tag: 2'
-'              value expressions:'
-'                    expr: key'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: value'
-'                    type: string'
-'      Reduce Operator Tree:'
-'        Join Operator'
-'          condition map:'
-'               Right Outer Join0 to 1'
-'               Right Outer Join1 to 2'
-'          condition expressions:'
-'            0 {VALUE._col0} {VALUE._col1}'
-'            1 {VALUE._col0} {VALUE._col1}'
-'            2 {VALUE._col0} {VALUE._col1}'
-'          filter predicates:'
-'            0 '
-'            1 {(VALUE._col0 > 10)}'
-'            2 {(VALUE._col0 < 10)}'
-'          handleSkewJoin: false'
-'          outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col4, _col5, _col8, _col9'
-'          Select Operator'
-'            expressions:'
-'                  expr: _col0'
-'                  type: string'
-'                  expr: _col1'
-'                  type: string'
-'                  expr: _col4'
-'                  type: string'
-'                  expr: _col5'
-'                  type: string'
-'                  expr: _col8'
-'                  type: string'
-'                  expr: _col9'
-'                  type: string'
-'            outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3, _col4, _col5'
-'            File Output Operator'
-'              compressed: false'
-'              GlobalTableId: 0'
-'              table:'
-'                  input format: 
-'                  output format:'
-'  Stage: Stage-2'
-'    Map Reduce'
-'      Alias -> Map Operator Tree:'
-'        file:!!{hive.exec.scratchdir}!! '
-'            Reduce Output Operator'
-'              key expressions:'
-'                    expr: _col0'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col1'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col2'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col3'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col4'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col5'
-'                    type: string'
-'              sort order: ++++++'
-'              tag: -1'
-'              value expressions:'
-'                    expr: _col0'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col1'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col2'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col3'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col4'
-'                    type: string'
-'                    expr: _col5'
-'                    type: string'
-'      Reduce Operator Tree:'
-'        Extract'
-'          File Output Operator'
-'            compressed: false'
-'            GlobalTableId: 0'
-'            table:'
-'                input format: org.apache.hadoop.mapred.TextInputFormat'
-'                output format:'
-'  Stage: Stage-0'
-'    Fetch Operator'
-'      limit: -1'
-155 rows selected 
->>>  !record

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