Repository: hive
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 0bdc570b7 -> c5b3ccc41
diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorization_7.q.out 
index afa9891..f6160e4 100644
--- a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorization_7.q.out
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorization_7.q.out
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                   className: VectorFilterOperator
                   native: true
                   predicateExpression: FilterExprAndExpr(children: 
FilterLongColNotEqualLongScalar(col 0, val 0) -> boolean, 
FilterExprOrExpr(children: FilterDoubleColLessEqualDoubleScalar(col 12, val 
0.0)(children: CastTimestampToDouble(col 8) -> 12:double) -> boolean, 
FilterLongColEqualLongColumn(col 0, col 2)(children: col 0) -> boolean, 
FilterStringColLikeStringScalar(col 7, pattern ss) -> boolean) -> boolean, 
FilterExprOrExpr(children: FilterDoubleScalarLessDoubleColumn(val 988888.0, col 
5) -> boolean, FilterExprAndExpr(children: 
FilterDoubleColGreaterDoubleScalar(col 12, val -15.0)(children: 
CastTimestampToDouble(col 9) -> 12:double) -> boolean, 
FilterDoubleScalarGreaterEqualDoubleColumn(val 3569.0, col 5) -> boolean) -> 
boolean) -> boolean) -> boolean
-              predicate: ((ctinyint <> 0) and ((UDFToDouble(ctimestamp1) <= 
0.0) or (UDFToInteger(ctinyint) = cint) or (cstring2 like 'ss')) and ((988888.0 
< cdouble) or ((UDFToDouble(ctimestamp2) > -15.0) and (3569.0 >= cdouble)))) 
(type: boolean)
+              predicate: (((988888.0 < cdouble) or ((UDFToDouble(ctimestamp2) 
> -15.0) and (3569.0 >= cdouble))) and ((UDFToDouble(ctimestamp1) <= 0.0) or 
(UDFToInteger(ctinyint) = cint) or (cstring2 like 'ss')) and (ctinyint <> 0)) 
(type: boolean)
               Statistics: Num rows: 5461 Data size: 1174134 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               Select Operator
                 expressions: cboolean1 (type: boolean), cbigint (type: 
bigint), csmallint (type: smallint), ctinyint (type: tinyint), ctimestamp1 
(type: timestamp), cstring1 (type: string), (cbigint + cbigint) (type: bigint), 
(UDFToInteger(csmallint) % -257) (type: int), (- csmallint) (type: smallint), 
(- ctinyint) (type: tinyint), (UDFToInteger((- ctinyint)) + 17) (type: int), 
(cbigint * UDFToLong((- csmallint))) (type: bigint), (cint % 
UDFToInteger(csmallint)) (type: int), (- ctinyint) (type: tinyint), ((- 
ctinyint) % ctinyint) (type: tinyint)
@@ -295,7 +295,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                   className: VectorFilterOperator
                   native: true
                   predicateExpression: FilterExprAndExpr(children: 
FilterLongColNotEqualLongScalar(col 0, val 0) -> boolean, 
FilterExprOrExpr(children: FilterDoubleColLessEqualDoubleScalar(col 12, val 
0.0)(children: CastTimestampToDouble(col 8) -> 12:double) -> boolean, 
FilterLongColEqualLongColumn(col 0, col 2)(children: col 0) -> boolean, 
FilterStringColLikeStringScalar(col 7, pattern ss) -> boolean) -> boolean, 
FilterExprOrExpr(children: FilterDoubleScalarLessDoubleColumn(val 988888.0, col 
5) -> boolean, FilterExprAndExpr(children: 
FilterDoubleColGreaterDoubleScalar(col 12, val 7.6850000000000005)(children: 
CastTimestampToDouble(col 9) -> 12:double) -> boolean, 
FilterDoubleScalarGreaterEqualDoubleColumn(val 3569.0, col 5) -> boolean) -> 
boolean) -> boolean) -> boolean
-              predicate: ((ctinyint <> 0) and ((UDFToDouble(ctimestamp1) <= 
0.0) or (UDFToInteger(ctinyint) = cint) or (cstring2 like 'ss')) and ((988888.0 
< cdouble) or ((UDFToDouble(ctimestamp2) > 7.6850000000000005) and (3569.0 >= 
cdouble)))) (type: boolean)
+              predicate: (((988888.0 < cdouble) or ((UDFToDouble(ctimestamp2) 
> 7.6850000000000005) and (3569.0 >= cdouble))) and ((UDFToDouble(ctimestamp1) 
<= 0.0) or (UDFToInteger(ctinyint) = cint) or (cstring2 like 'ss')) and 
(ctinyint <> 0)) (type: boolean)
               Statistics: Num rows: 5461 Data size: 1174134 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               Select Operator
                 expressions: cboolean1 (type: boolean), cbigint (type: 
bigint), csmallint (type: smallint), ctinyint (type: tinyint), ctimestamp1 
(type: timestamp), cstring1 (type: string), (cbigint + cbigint) (type: bigint), 
(UDFToInteger(csmallint) % -257) (type: int), (- csmallint) (type: smallint), 
(- ctinyint) (type: tinyint), (UDFToInteger((- ctinyint)) + 17) (type: int), 
(cbigint * UDFToLong((- csmallint))) (type: bigint), (cint % 
UDFToInteger(csmallint)) (type: int), (- ctinyint) (type: tinyint), ((- 
ctinyint) % ctinyint) (type: tinyint)
diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorization_8.q.out 
index e56fb53..7adb2cb 100644
--- a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorization_8.q.out
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorization_8.q.out
@@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                   className: VectorFilterOperator
                   native: true
                   predicateExpression: FilterExprOrExpr(children: 
FilterExprAndExpr(children: SelectColumnIsNotNull(col 7) -> boolean, 
FilterDoubleColLessEqualDoubleScalar(col 12, val 10.0)(children: 
CastTimestampToDouble(col 8) -> 12:double) -> boolean, 
FilterDoubleColNotEqualDoubleScalar(col 12, val 16.0)(children: 
CastTimestampToDouble(col 9) -> 12:double) -> boolean) -> boolean, 
FilterDoubleColLessDoubleScalar(col 4, val -6432.0) -> boolean, 
FilterExprAndExpr(children: SelectColumnIsNotNull(col 10) -> boolean, 
FilterDoubleColEqualDoubleScalar(col 5, val 988888.0) -> boolean) -> boolean) 
-> boolean
-              predicate: ((cstring2 is not null and (UDFToDouble(ctimestamp1) 
<= 10.0) and (UDFToDouble(ctimestamp2) <> 16.0)) or (cfloat < -6432) or 
(cboolean1 is not null and (cdouble = 988888.0))) (type: boolean)
+              predicate: ((cboolean1 is not null and (cdouble = 988888.0)) or 
(cfloat < -6432) or (cstring2 is not null and (UDFToDouble(ctimestamp1) <= 
10.0) and (UDFToDouble(ctimestamp2) <> 16.0))) (type: boolean)
               Statistics: Num rows: 12288 Data size: 2641964 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               Select Operator
                 expressions: ctimestamp1 (type: timestamp), cdouble (type: 
double), cboolean1 (type: boolean), cstring1 (type: string), cfloat (type: 
float), (- cdouble) (type: double), (-5638.15 - cdouble) (type: double), 
(cdouble * -257.0) (type: double), (UDFToFloat(cint) + cfloat) (type: float), 
((- cdouble) + UDFToDouble(cbigint)) (type: double), (- cdouble) (type: 
double), (-1.389 - cfloat) (type: float), (- cfloat) (type: float), ((-5638.15 
- cdouble) + UDFToDouble((UDFToFloat(cint) + cfloat))) (type: double)
@@ -278,7 +278,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                   className: VectorFilterOperator
                   native: true
                   predicateExpression: FilterExprOrExpr(children: 
FilterExprAndExpr(children: SelectColumnIsNotNull(col 7) -> boolean, 
FilterDoubleColLessEqualDoubleScalar(col 12, val 12.503)(children: 
CastTimestampToDouble(col 8) -> 12:double) -> boolean, 
FilterDoubleColNotEqualDoubleScalar(col 12, val 11.998)(children: 
CastTimestampToDouble(col 9) -> 12:double) -> boolean) -> boolean, 
FilterDoubleColLessDoubleScalar(col 4, val -6432.0) -> boolean, 
FilterExprAndExpr(children: SelectColumnIsNotNull(col 10) -> boolean, 
FilterDoubleColEqualDoubleScalar(col 5, val 988888.0) -> boolean) -> boolean) 
-> boolean
-              predicate: ((cstring2 is not null and (UDFToDouble(ctimestamp1) 
<= 12.503) and (UDFToDouble(ctimestamp2) <> 11.998)) or (cfloat < -6432) or 
(cboolean1 is not null and (cdouble = 988888.0))) (type: boolean)
+              predicate: ((cboolean1 is not null and (cdouble = 988888.0)) or 
(cfloat < -6432) or (cstring2 is not null and (UDFToDouble(ctimestamp1) <= 
12.503) and (UDFToDouble(ctimestamp2) <> 11.998))) (type: boolean)
               Statistics: Num rows: 12288 Data size: 2641964 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               Select Operator
                 expressions: ctimestamp1 (type: timestamp), cdouble (type: 
double), cboolean1 (type: boolean), cstring1 (type: string), cfloat (type: 
float), (- cdouble) (type: double), (-5638.15 - cdouble) (type: double), 
(cdouble * -257.0) (type: double), (UDFToFloat(cint) + cfloat) (type: float), 
((- cdouble) + UDFToDouble(cbigint)) (type: double), (- cdouble) (type: 
double), (-1.389 - cfloat) (type: float), (- cfloat) (type: float), ((-5638.15 
- cdouble) + UDFToDouble((UDFToFloat(cint) + cfloat))) (type: double)
diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorization_9.q.out 
index 7af0bbd..2b9f47b 100644
--- a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorization_9.q.out
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorization_9.q.out
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                   className: VectorFilterOperator
                   native: true
                   predicateExpression: FilterExprAndExpr(children: 
FilterStringColLikeStringScalar(col 7, pattern %b%) -> boolean, 
FilterExprOrExpr(children: FilterDoubleColGreaterEqualDoubleScalar(col 5, val 
-1.389) -> boolean, FilterStringGroupColLessStringScalar(col 6, val a) -> 
boolean) -> boolean) -> boolean
-              predicate: ((cstring2 like '%b%') and ((cdouble >= -1.389) or 
(cstring1 < 'a'))) (type: boolean)
+              predicate: (((cdouble >= -1.389) or (cstring1 < 'a')) and 
(cstring2 like '%b%')) (type: boolean)
               Statistics: Num rows: 4096 Data size: 880654 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               Select Operator
                 expressions: cdouble (type: double), cstring1 (type: string), 
ctimestamp1 (type: timestamp)
diff --git 
index d2b56ef..71f2524 100644
--- a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorization_decimal_date.q.out
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorization_decimal_date.q.out
@@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                   className: VectorFilterOperator
                   native: true
                   predicateExpression: FilterExprAndExpr(children: 
SelectColumnIsNotNull(col 0) -> boolean, SelectColumnIsNotNull(col 1) -> 
boolean) -> boolean
-              predicate: (cint is not null and cdouble is not null) (type: 
+              predicate: (cdouble is not null and cint is not null) (type: 
               Statistics: Num rows: 12288 Data size: 1651260 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               Select Operator
                 expressions: cdate (type: date), cdecimal (type: 
diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorization_div0.q.out 
index 1dd7180..58d36bd 100644
--- a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorization_div0.q.out
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorization_div0.q.out
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                   className: VectorFilterOperator
                   native: true
                   predicateExpression: FilterExprAndExpr(children: 
FilterLongColGreaterLongScalar(col 3, val 0) -> boolean, 
FilterLongColLessLongScalar(col 3, val 100000000) -> boolean) -> boolean
-              predicate: ((cbigint > 0) and (cbigint < 100000000)) (type: 
+              predicate: ((cbigint < 100000000) and (cbigint > 0)) (type: 
               Statistics: Num rows: 1365 Data size: 293479 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               Select Operator
                 expressions: (cbigint - 988888) (type: bigint), (cdouble / 
UDFToDouble((cbigint - 988888))) (type: double), (1.2 / CAST( (cbigint - 
988888) AS decimal(19,0))) (type: decimal(22,21))
@@ -400,7 +400,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                   className: VectorFilterOperator
                   native: true
                   predicateExpression: FilterExprAndExpr(children: 
FilterDoubleColGreaterEqualDoubleScalar(col 5, val -500.0) -> boolean, 
FilterDoubleColLessDoubleScalar(col 5, val -199.0) -> boolean) -> boolean
-              predicate: ((cdouble >= -500.0) and (cdouble < -199.0)) (type: 
+              predicate: ((cdouble < -199.0) and (cdouble >= -500.0)) (type: 
               Statistics: Num rows: 1365 Data size: 293479 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               Select Operator
                 expressions: (cdouble + 200.0) (type: double), 
(UDFToDouble(cbigint) / (cdouble + 200.0)) (type: double), ((cdouble + 200.0) / 
(cdouble + 200.0)) (type: double), (3.0 / (cdouble + 200.0)) (type: double), 
(1.2 / (cdouble + 200.0)) (type: double)
diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorized_case.q.out 
index 0a2e803..8646c0b 100644
--- a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorized_case.q.out
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorized_case.q.out
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                   className: VectorFilterOperator
                   native: true
                   predicateExpression: FilterExprOrExpr(children: 
FilterLongColEqualLongScalar(col 1, val 418) -> boolean, 
FilterLongColEqualLongScalar(col 1, val 12205) -> boolean, 
FilterLongColEqualLongScalar(col 1, val 10583) -> boolean) -> boolean
-              predicate: ((csmallint = 418) or (csmallint = 12205) or 
(csmallint = 10583)) (type: boolean)
+              predicate: ((csmallint = 10583) or (csmallint = 12205) or 
(csmallint = 418)) (type: boolean)
               Statistics: Num rows: 12288 Data size: 2641964 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               Select Operator
                 expressions: csmallint (type: smallint), CASE WHEN ((csmallint 
= 418)) THEN ('a') WHEN ((csmallint = 12205)) THEN ('b') ELSE ('c') END (type: 
string), CASE WHEN ((csmallint = 418)) THEN ('a') WHEN ((csmallint = 12205)) 
THEN ('b') ELSE ('c') END (type: string)
@@ -195,7 +195,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
                   className: VectorFilterOperator
                   native: true
                   predicateExpression: FilterExprOrExpr(children: 
FilterLongColEqualLongScalar(col 1, val 418) -> boolean, 
FilterLongColEqualLongScalar(col 1, val 12205) -> boolean, 
FilterLongColEqualLongScalar(col 1, val 10583) -> boolean) -> boolean
-              predicate: ((csmallint = 418) or (csmallint = 12205) or 
(csmallint = 10583)) (type: boolean)
+              predicate: ((csmallint = 10583) or (csmallint = 12205) or 
(csmallint = 418)) (type: boolean)
               Statistics: Num rows: 12288 Data size: 2641964 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               Select Operator
                 expressions: csmallint (type: smallint), CASE WHEN ((csmallint 
= 418)) THEN ('a') WHEN ((csmallint = 12205)) THEN ('b') ELSE (null) END (type: 
string), CASE WHEN ((csmallint = 418)) THEN ('a') WHEN ((csmallint = 12205)) 
THEN (null) ELSE ('c') END (type: string)
diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorized_context.q.out 
index 9f69e8d..517d41d 100644
--- a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorized_context.q.out
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorized_context.q.out
@@ -154,7 +154,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
             alias: store_sales
             Statistics: Num rows: 6075 Data size: 72736 Basic stats: COMPLETE 
Column stats: NONE
             Filter Operator
-              predicate: (ss_store_sk is not null and ss_hdemo_sk is not null) 
(type: boolean)
+              predicate: (ss_hdemo_sk is not null and ss_store_sk is not null) 
(type: boolean)
               Statistics: Num rows: 6075 Data size: 72736 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               Select Operator
                 expressions: ss_store_sk (type: int), ss_hdemo_sk (type: int), 
ss_net_profit (type: double)
diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorized_string_funcs.q.out 
index 5ddae43..a6b61e0 100644
--- a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorized_string_funcs.q.out
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/vectorized_string_funcs.q.out
@@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
             alias: alltypesorc
             Statistics: Num rows: 12288 Data size: 2641964 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
             Filter Operator
-              predicate: (((cbigint % 237) = 0) and (length(substr(cstring1, 
1, 2)) <= 2) and (cstring1 like '%')) (type: boolean)
+              predicate: (((cbigint % 237) = 0) and (cstring1 like '%') and 
(length(substr(cstring1, 1, 2)) <= 2)) (type: boolean)
               Statistics: Num rows: 1024 Data size: 220163 Basic stats: 
COMPLETE Column stats: NONE
               Select Operator
                 expressions: substr(cstring1, 1, 2) (type: string), 
substr(cstring1, 2) (type: string), lower(cstring1) (type: string), 
upper(cstring1) (type: string), upper(cstring1) (type: string), 
length(cstring1) (type: int), trim(cstring1) (type: string), ltrim(cstring1) 
(type: string), rtrim(cstring1) (type: string), concat(cstring1, cstring2) 
(type: string), concat('>', cstring1) (type: string), concat(cstring1, '<') 
(type: string), concat(substr(cstring1, 1, 2), substr(cstring2, 1, 2)) (type: 
diff --git a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/view_cbo.q.out 
index 135b380..95863c0 100644
--- a/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/view_cbo.q.out
+++ b/ql/src/test/results/clientpositive/view_cbo.q.out
@@ -759,7 +759,7 @@ STAGE PLANS:
           outputColumnNames: _col0, _col1, _col2, _col3
           Statistics: Num rows: 250 Data size: 2656 Basic stats: COMPLETE 
Column stats: NONE
           Filter Operator
-            predicate: ((_col2 > 0) and ((_col2 * 2) = _col3)) (type: boolean)
+            predicate: (((_col2 * 2) = _col3) and (_col2 > 0)) (type: boolean)
             Statistics: Num rows: 41 Data size: 435 Basic stats: COMPLETE 
Column stats: NONE
             Select Operator
               expressions: _col0 (type: string), _col1 (type: string)

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