Author: cbegin
Date: Wed Nov  9 20:07:30 2005
New Revision: 332219

added deprecation warnings for JDK 1.4, ibatis 1.x, and dtds at


Modified: ibatis/trunk/site/pages/index.vm
--- ibatis/trunk/site/pages/index.vm (original)
+++ ibatis/trunk/site/pages/index.vm Wed Nov  9 20:07:30 2005
@@ -1,42 +1,89 @@
-  <head>
-    <title>iBATIS News</title>
-  </head>
-  <body>
-    <div id="Block">
-    <img alt="iBATIS Data Mapper process" src="flow.jpg" align="right"/>
-    <h2>What is iBATIS?</h2>
+  <title>iBATIS News</title>
-    <p>The <a title="iBATIS DataMapper framework" href="datamapper.html">
+<div id="Block">
+  <img alt="iBATIS Data Mapper process" src="flow.jpg" align="right"/>
+  <h2>What is iBATIS?</h2>
+  <p>The <a title="iBATIS DataMapper framework" href="datamapper.html">
     iBATIS Data Mapper framework</a> makes it easier to use a database with 
Java and
     .NET applications. iBATIS couples objects with stored procedures or SQL 
     using a XML descriptor. Simplicity is the biggest advantage of the iBATIS 
     Mapper over object relational mapping tools.</p>
-    <p>To use the iBATIS Data Mapper, you rely on
+  <p>To use the iBATIS Data Mapper, you rely on
     your own objects, XML, and SQL. There is little to learn that you don't 
     know. With the iBATIS Data Mapper, you have the full power of both SQL and 
     procedures at your fingertips.</p>
-    <p>Are you interested but want to know what others have said? Well, first 
see the various
-    <a title="iBATIS Articles and Other Coverage" 
 target="_new">articles and books</a>
+  <p>Are you interested but want to know what others have said? Well, first 
see the various
+    <a title="iBATIS Articles and Other Coverage"
+       target="_new">articles and books</a>
     that have covered iBATIS and read some of our
-    <a title="iBATIS Feedback" 
 target="_new">user feedback</a>.
+    <a title="iBATIS Feedback"
+      feedback</a>.
     Then, learn how to simple it is to use the iBATIS Data Mapper by reading 
-    <a title="SQL Maps for Java Tutorial" 
 Tutorial</a> or <a title="iBATIS.NET DataMapper Quick Start Guide" 
 target="_new">.NET Quick Start Guide</a>!</p>
-    </div>
-    <h2>News</h2>
+    <a title="SQL Maps for Java Tutorial"
 Tutorial</a> or <a
+      title="iBATIS.NET DataMapper Quick Start Guide"
 target="_new">.NET Quick
+    Start Guide</a>!</p>
+<h3>JDK 1.4 Required as of 2.2.0, iBATIS 1.x Compat Libs Removed, DTDs moved 
to Apache, </h3>
+<p>(Nov 8, 2005) All software systems that last any length of time tend to 
suffer from compatibility
+  baggage. iBATIS is no different. iBATIS has remaind 99% backward compatible 
for 3.5 years now.
+  Unfortunately the baggage necessary to continue that way is impeding our 
ability to move the framework
+  forward. So it's time to pay the piper and upgrade. Here's the plan:
+  <li><b>JDK 1.4 will be required as of version 2.2.0.</b>  We will continue 
to support
+  the 2.1.6 codebase for critical releases only.  No major features will be 
added to 2.1.6.  Version
+  2.2.0 will be the next version released, leaving us some room for official 
maintenance releases
+  for the 2.1.6 branch if necessary.  We estimate that about 13% of our users 
are still using JDK 1.3.</li>
+  <li><b>iBATIS 1.x Compatibility libraries will be removed as of version 
2.2.0.</b> Since iBATIS version 2.0 was
+    released, it has included a backward compatibility library that allowed 
iBATIS 1.x applications to run on the
+    2.0 framework.  We estimate that 3% of iBATIS users are using iBATIS 1.x, 
which is not enough to continue
+  supporting the compatibility library.  Of course it will still be available 
from Subversion.</li>
+  <li><b>All DTDs will be moved to as of December 30th, 
2005.</b> These DTDs will no longer be
+    available from  Instead you must change your doctype 
declarations to point to the new location at
+  The new doctypes are as follows:</li>
+  &lt;!DOCTYPE sqlMapConfig
+      PUBLIC "-// SQL Map Config 2.0//EN"
+      ""&gt;
+  &lt;!DOCTYPE sqlMap
+      PUBLIC "-// SQL Map 2.0//EN"
+      ""&gt;
+  &lt;!DOCTYPE dao
+      PUBLIC "-// DAO Configuration 2.0//EN"
+      ""&gt;
+<h3>iBATIS Java 2.1.6 - Maintenance Release</h3>
+<p>(Nov 5, 2005) Just released a maintenance release to take care of the 
summer bug list. This puts us
+  in a good spot to start planning for 2.2.0, where we're currently discussing 
some changes to the current
+  version support levels, which will enable us to add a bunch of new features. 
If you aren't on the dev or
+  Java mailing list, then join up to discuss! For now, enjoy the cleanliness 
of version 2.1.6.
-      <h3>iBATIS Java 2.1.6 - Maintenance Release</h3>
-      <p>(Nov 5, 2005) Just released a maintenance release to take care of the 
summer bug list.  This puts us
-      in a good spot to start planning for 2.2.0, where we're currently 
discussing some changes to the current
-      version support levels, which will enable us to add a bunch of new 
features.  If you aren't on the dev or
-      Java mailing list, then join up to discuss!  For now, enjoy the 
cleanliness of version 2.1.6.
-      </p>
-      <p><a href="downloads.html">Get iBATIS 2.1.6 from the Downloads 
+<p><a href="downloads.html">Get iBATIS 2.1.6 from the Downloads page.</a><br/>
-  </body>

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