diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..102afd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/platforms/dotnet/Apache.Ignite.Core.Tests/Binary/BinarySelfTest.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,2157 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+// ReSharper disable NonReadonlyMemberInGetHashCode
+// ReSharper disable CompareOfFloatsByEqualityOperator
+// ReSharper disable PossibleInvalidOperationException
+// ReSharper disable UnusedAutoPropertyAccessor.Global
+// ReSharper disable MemberCanBePrivate.Global
+namespace Apache.Ignite.Core.Tests.Binary
+    using System;
+    using System.Collections;
+    using System.Collections.Generic;
+    using System.Linq;
+    using Apache.Ignite.Core.Binary;
+    using Apache.Ignite.Core.Common;
+    using Apache.Ignite.Core.Impl.Binary;
+    using Apache.Ignite.Core.Impl.Binary.IO;
+    using NUnit.Framework;
+    /// <summary>
+    /// 
+    /// </summary>
+    [TestFixture]
+    public class BinarySelfTest { 
+        /** */
+        private Marshaller _marsh;
+        /// <summary>
+        /// 
+        /// </summary>
+        [TestFixtureSetUp]
+        public void BeforeTest()
+        {
+            _marsh = new Marshaller(null);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of primitive boolean.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWritePrimitiveBool()
+        {
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<bool>(_marsh.Marshal(false)), 
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<bool>(_marsh.Marshal(true)), 
Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<bool?>(_marsh.Marshal((bool?)false)), false);
Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<bool?>(_marsh.Marshal((bool?)null)), null);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of primitive boolean array.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWritePrimitiveBoolArray()
+        {
+            bool[] vals = { true, false };
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<bool[]>(_marsh.Marshal(vals)), 
+            bool?[] vals2 = { true, false };
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<bool?[]>(_marsh.Marshal(vals2)), 
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of primitive sbyte.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWritePrimitiveSbyte()
+        {
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<sbyte>(_marsh.Marshal((sbyte)1)), 
Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<sbyte?>(_marsh.Marshal((sbyte?)1)), (sbyte?)1);
Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<sbyte?>(_marsh.Marshal((sbyte?)null)), null);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of primitive sbyte array.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWritePrimitiveSbyteArray()
+        {
+            sbyte[] vals = { sbyte.MinValue, 0, 1, sbyte.MaxValue };
+            sbyte[] newVals = _marsh.Unmarshal<sbyte[]>(_marsh.Marshal(vals));
+            Assert.AreEqual(vals, newVals);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of primitive byte.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWritePrimitiveByte()
+        {
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<byte>(_marsh.Marshal((byte)1)), 
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<byte?>(_marsh.Marshal((byte?)1)), 
Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<byte?>(_marsh.Marshal((byte?)null)), null);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of primitive byte array.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWritePrimitiveByteArray()
+        {
+            byte[] vals = { byte.MinValue, 0, 1, byte.MaxValue };
+            byte[] newVals = _marsh.Unmarshal<byte[]>(_marsh.Marshal(vals));
+            Assert.AreEqual(vals, newVals);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of primitive short.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWritePrimitiveShort()
+        {
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<short>(_marsh.Marshal((short)1)), 
Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<short?>(_marsh.Marshal((short?)1)), (short?)1);
Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<short?>(_marsh.Marshal((short?)null)), null);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of primitive short array.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWritePrimitiveShortArray()
+        {
+            short[] vals = { short.MinValue, 0, 1, short.MaxValue };
+            short[] newVals = _marsh.Unmarshal<short[]>(_marsh.Marshal(vals));
+            Assert.AreEqual(vals, newVals);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of primitive ushort.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWritePrimitiveUshort()
+        {
Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<ushort>(_marsh.Marshal((ushort)1)), 1);
Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<ushort?>(_marsh.Marshal((ushort?)null)), null);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of primitive short array.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWritePrimitiveUshortArray()
+        {
+            ushort[] vals = { ushort.MinValue, 0, 1, ushort.MaxValue };
+            ushort[] newVals = 
+            Assert.AreEqual(vals, newVals);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of primitive char.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWritePrimitiveChar()
+        {
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<char>(_marsh.Marshal((char)1)), 
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<char?>(_marsh.Marshal((char?)1)), 
Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<char?>(_marsh.Marshal((char?)null)), null);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of primitive uint array.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWritePrimitiveCharArray()
+        {
+            char[] vals = { char.MinValue, (char)0, (char)1, char.MaxValue };
+            char[] newVals = _marsh.Unmarshal<char[]>(_marsh.Marshal(vals));
+            Assert.AreEqual(vals, newVals);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of primitive int.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWritePrimitiveInt()
+        {
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<int>(_marsh.Marshal(1)), 1);
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<int?>(_marsh.Marshal((int?)1)), 
Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<int?>(_marsh.Marshal((int?)null)), null);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of primitive uint array.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWritePrimitiveIntArray()
+        {
+            int[] vals = { int.MinValue, 0, 1, int.MaxValue };
+            int[] newVals = _marsh.Unmarshal<int[]>(_marsh.Marshal(vals));
+            Assert.AreEqual(vals, newVals);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of primitive uint.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWritePrimitiveUint()
+        {
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<uint>(_marsh.Marshal((uint)1)), 
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<uint?>(_marsh.Marshal((uint?)1)), 
Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<uint?>(_marsh.Marshal((uint?)null)), null);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of primitive uint array.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWritePrimitiveUintArray()
+        {
+            uint[] vals = { uint.MinValue, 0, 1, uint.MaxValue };
+            uint[] newVals = _marsh.Unmarshal<uint[]>(_marsh.Marshal(vals));
+            Assert.AreEqual(vals, newVals);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of primitive long.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWritePrimitiveLong()
+        {
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<long>(_marsh.Marshal((long)1)), 
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<long?>(_marsh.Marshal((long?)1)), 
Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<long?>(_marsh.Marshal((long?)null)), null);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of primitive long array.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWritePrimitiveLongArray()
+        {
+            long[] vals = { long.MinValue, 0, 1, long.MaxValue };
+            long[] newVals = _marsh.Unmarshal<long[]>(_marsh.Marshal(vals));
+            Assert.AreEqual(vals, newVals);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of primitive ulong.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWritePrimitiveUlong()
+        {
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<ulong>(_marsh.Marshal((ulong)1)), 
Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<ulong?>(_marsh.Marshal((ulong?)1)), (ulong?)1);
Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<ulong?>(_marsh.Marshal((ulong?)null)), null);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of primitive ulong array.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWritePrimitiveUlongArray()
+        {
+            ulong[] vals = { ulong.MinValue, 0, 1, ulong.MaxValue };
+            ulong[] newVals = _marsh.Unmarshal<ulong[]>(_marsh.Marshal(vals));
+            Assert.AreEqual(vals, newVals);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of primitive float.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWritePrimitiveFloat()
+        {
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<float>(_marsh.Marshal((float)1)), 
Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<float?>(_marsh.Marshal((float?)1)), (float?)1);
Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<float?>(_marsh.Marshal((float?)null)), null);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of primitive float array.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWritePrimitiveFloatArray()
+        {
+            float[] vals = { float.MinValue, 0, 1, float.MaxValue };
+            float[] newVals = _marsh.Unmarshal<float[]>(_marsh.Marshal(vals));
+            Assert.AreEqual(vals, newVals);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of primitive double.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWritePrimitiveDouble()
+        {
Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<double>(_marsh.Marshal((double)1)), (double)1);
Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<double?>(_marsh.Marshal((double?)null)), null);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of primitive double array.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWritePrimitiveDoubleArray()
+        {
+            double[] vals = { double.MinValue, 0, 1, double.MaxValue };
+            double[] newVals = 
+            Assert.AreEqual(vals, newVals);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of decimal.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWritePrimitiveDecimal()
+        {
+            decimal val;
+            // Test positibe and negative.
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<decimal>(_marsh.Marshal(val = 
decimal.Zero)), val);
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<decimal>(_marsh.Marshal(val = new 
decimal(1, 0, 0, false, 0))), val);
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<decimal>(_marsh.Marshal(val = new 
decimal(1, 0, 0, true, 0))), val);
+            // Test 32, 64 and 96 bits + mixed.
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<decimal>(_marsh.Marshal(val = new 
decimal(0, 1, 0, false, 0))), val);
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<decimal>(_marsh.Marshal(val = new 
decimal(0, 1, 0, true, 0))), val);
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<decimal>(_marsh.Marshal(val = new 
decimal(0, 0, 1, false, 0))), val);
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<decimal>(_marsh.Marshal(val = new 
decimal(0, 0, 1, true, 0))), val);
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<decimal>(_marsh.Marshal(val = new 
decimal(1, 1, 1, false, 0))), val);
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<decimal>(_marsh.Marshal(val = new 
decimal(1, 1, 1, true, 0))), val);
+            // Test extremes.
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<decimal>(_marsh.Marshal(val = 
decimal.Parse("65536"))), val);
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<decimal>(_marsh.Marshal(val = 
decimal.Parse("-65536"))), val);
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<decimal>(_marsh.Marshal(val = 
decimal.Parse("4294967296"))), val);
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<decimal>(_marsh.Marshal(val = 
decimal.Parse("-4294967296"))), val);
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<decimal>(_marsh.Marshal(val = 
decimal.Parse("281474976710656"))), val);
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<decimal>(_marsh.Marshal(val = 
decimal.Parse("-281474976710656"))), val);
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<decimal>(_marsh.Marshal(val = 
decimal.Parse("18446744073709551616"))), val);
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<decimal>(_marsh.Marshal(val = 
decimal.Parse("-18446744073709551616"))), val);
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<decimal>(_marsh.Marshal(val = 
decimal.Parse("1208925819614629174706176"))), val);
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<decimal>(_marsh.Marshal(val = 
decimal.Parse("-1208925819614629174706176"))), val);
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<decimal>(_marsh.Marshal(val = 
decimal.MaxValue)), val);
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<decimal>(_marsh.Marshal(val = 
decimal.MinValue)), val);
+            // Test scale.
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<decimal>(_marsh.Marshal(val = 
decimal.Parse("11,12"))), val);
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<decimal>(_marsh.Marshal(val = 
decimal.Parse("-11,12"))), val);
+            // Test null.
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of decimal array.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWritePrimitiveDecimalArray()
+        {
+            decimal?[] vals = { decimal.One, decimal.Parse("11,12") };
+            var newVals = _marsh.Unmarshal<decimal?[]>(_marsh.Marshal(vals));
+            Assert.AreEqual(vals, newVals);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of string.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWriteString()
+        {
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<string>(_marsh.Marshal("str")), 
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<string>(_marsh.Marshal((string) 
null)), null);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of string array.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWriteStringArray()
+        {
+            string[] vals = { "str1", null, "", "str2", null};
+            string[] newVals = 
+            Assert.AreEqual(vals, newVals);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of Guid.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWriteGuid()
+        {
+            Guid guid = Guid.NewGuid();
+            Guid? nGuid = guid;
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<Guid>(_marsh.Marshal(guid)), 
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<Guid?>(_marsh.Marshal(nGuid)), 
+            nGuid = null;
+            // ReSharper disable once ExpressionIsAlwaysNull
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<Guid?>(_marsh.Marshal(nGuid)), 
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of string array.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWriteGuidArray()
+        {
+            Guid?[] vals = { Guid.NewGuid(), null, Guid.Empty, Guid.NewGuid(), 
null };
+            Guid?[] newVals = _marsh.Unmarshal<Guid?[]>(_marsh.Marshal(vals));
+            Assert.AreEqual(vals, newVals);
+        }
+        /**
+        * <summary>Check write of enum.</summary>
+        */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWriteEnum()
+        {
+            TestEnum val = TestEnum.Val1;
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<TestEnum>(_marsh.Marshal(val)), 
+        }
+        /**
+        * <summary>Check write of enum.</summary>
+        */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestWriteEnumArray()
+        {
+            TestEnum[] vals = { TestEnum.Val2, TestEnum.Val3 };
+            TestEnum[] newVals = 
+            Assert.AreEqual(vals, newVals);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Test object with dates.
+        /// </summary>
+        [Test]
+        public void TestDateObject()
+        {
+            ICollection<BinaryTypeConfiguration> typeCfgs =
+                new List<BinaryTypeConfiguration>();
+            typeCfgs.Add(new BinaryTypeConfiguration(typeof(DateTimeType)));
+            BinaryConfiguration cfg = new BinaryConfiguration 
{TypeConfigurations = typeCfgs};
+            Marshaller marsh = new Marshaller(cfg);
+            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
+            DateTimeType obj = new DateTimeType(now);
+            DateTimeType otherObj = 
+            Assert.AreEqual(obj.Utc, otherObj.Utc);
+            Assert.AreEqual(obj.UtcNull, otherObj.UtcNull);            
+            Assert.AreEqual(obj.UtcArr, otherObj.UtcArr);
+            Assert.AreEqual(obj.UtcRaw, otherObj.UtcRaw);
+            Assert.AreEqual(obj.UtcNullRaw, otherObj.UtcNullRaw);
+            Assert.AreEqual(obj.UtcArrRaw, otherObj.UtcArrRaw);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Tests the DateTime marshalling.
+        /// </summary>
+        [Test]
+        public void TestDateTime()
+        {
+            var time = DateTime.Now;
+            Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<DateTime>(_marsh.Marshal(time)), 
+            var timeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
Assert.AreEqual(_marsh.Unmarshal<DateTime>(_marsh.Marshal(timeUtc)), timeUtc);
+            // Check exception with non-UTC date
+            var stream = new BinaryHeapStream(128);
+            var writer = _marsh.StartMarshal(stream);
+            Assert.Throws<InvalidOperationException>(() => 
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check generic collections.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestGenericCollections()
+        {
+            var list = new List<string> {"1"};
+            var data = _marsh.Marshal(list);
+            var newObjList = _marsh.Unmarshal<IList<string>>(data);
+            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(list, newObjList);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Tests marshal aware type with generic collections.
+        /// </summary>
+        [Test]
+        public void TestGenericCollectionsType()
+        {
+            var marsh = new Marshaller(new BinaryConfiguration
+            {
+                TypeConfigurations = new List<BinaryTypeConfiguration>
+                {
+                    new BinaryTypeConfiguration(typeof (PrimitiveFieldType)),
+                    new BinaryTypeConfiguration(typeof 
(GenericCollectionsType<PrimitiveFieldType, SerializableObject>))
+                }
+            });
+            var obj = new GenericCollectionsType<PrimitiveFieldType, 
+            {
+                Keys = new[] {new PrimitiveFieldType(), new 
+                Values =
+                    new List<SerializableObject>
+                    {
+                        new SerializableObject {Foo = 1},
+                        new SerializableObject {Foo = 5}
+                    },
+                Pairs = new Dictionary<PrimitiveFieldType, SerializableObject>
+                {
+                    {new PrimitiveFieldType(), new SerializableObject {Foo = 
+                    {new PrimitiveFieldType {PByte = 10}, new 
SerializableObject {Foo = 20}}
+                },
+                Objects = new object[] {1, 2, "3", 4.4}
+            };
+            var data = marsh.Marshal(obj);
+            var result = 
+            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(obj.Keys, result.Keys);
+            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(obj.Values, result.Values);
+            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(obj.Pairs, result.Pairs);
+            CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(obj.Objects, result.Objects);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check property read.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestProperty()
+        {
+            ICollection<BinaryTypeConfiguration> typeCfgs = 
+                new List<BinaryTypeConfiguration>();
+            typeCfgs.Add(new BinaryTypeConfiguration(typeof(PropertyType)));
+            BinaryConfiguration cfg = new BinaryConfiguration 
{TypeConfigurations = typeCfgs};
+            Marshaller marsh = new Marshaller(cfg);
+            PropertyType obj = new PropertyType
+            {
+                Field1 = 1,
+                Field2 = 2
+            };
+            byte[] data = marsh.Marshal(obj);
+            PropertyType newObj = marsh.Unmarshal<PropertyType>(data);
+            Assert.AreEqual(obj.Field1, newObj.Field1);
+            Assert.AreEqual(obj.Field2, newObj.Field2);
+            IBinaryObject portNewObj = marsh.Unmarshal<IBinaryObject>(data, 
+            Assert.AreEqual(obj.Field1, portNewObj.GetField<int>("field1"));
+            Assert.AreEqual(obj.Field2, portNewObj.GetField<int>("Field2"));
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of primitive fields through 
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestPrimitiveFieldsReflective()
+        {
+            ICollection<BinaryTypeConfiguration> typeCfgs = 
+                new List<BinaryTypeConfiguration>();
+            typeCfgs.Add(new 
+            BinaryConfiguration cfg = new BinaryConfiguration 
{TypeConfigurations = typeCfgs};
+            Marshaller marsh = new Marshaller(cfg);
+            PrimitiveFieldType obj = new PrimitiveFieldType();
+            CheckPrimitiveFields(marsh, obj);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of primitive fields through binary 
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestPrimitiveFieldsBinary()
+        {
+            ICollection<BinaryTypeConfiguration> typeCfgs = 
+                new List<BinaryTypeConfiguration>();
+            typeCfgs.Add(new 
+            BinaryConfiguration cfg = new BinaryConfiguration();
+            cfg.TypeConfigurations = typeCfgs;
+            Marshaller marsh = new Marshaller(cfg);
+            PrimitiveFieldBinaryType obj = new PrimitiveFieldBinaryType();
+            CheckPrimitiveFields(marsh, obj);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of primitive fields through binary 
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestPrimitiveFieldsRawBinary()
+        {
+            ICollection<BinaryTypeConfiguration> typeCfgs = 
+                new List<BinaryTypeConfiguration>();
+            typeCfgs.Add(new 
+            BinaryConfiguration cfg = new BinaryConfiguration();
+            cfg.TypeConfigurations = typeCfgs;
+            Marshaller marsh = new Marshaller(cfg);
+            PrimitiveFieldRawBinaryType obj = new 
+            CheckPrimitiveFields(marsh, obj);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of primitive fields through binary 
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestPrimitiveFieldsSerializer()
+        {
+            var typeCfgs = new List<BinaryTypeConfiguration>
+            {
+                new BinaryTypeConfiguration(typeof (PrimitiveFieldType))
+                {
+                    Serializer = new PrimitiveFieldsSerializer()
+                }
+            };
+            BinaryConfiguration cfg = new BinaryConfiguration 
{TypeConfigurations = typeCfgs};
+            Marshaller marsh = new Marshaller(cfg);
+            PrimitiveFieldType obj = new PrimitiveFieldType();
+            CheckPrimitiveFields(marsh, obj);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check decimals.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestDecimalFields()
+        {
+            BinaryConfiguration cfg = new BinaryConfiguration
+            {
+                TypeConfigurations = new List<BinaryTypeConfiguration>
+                {
+                    new BinaryTypeConfiguration(typeof (DecimalReflective)),
+                    new BinaryTypeConfiguration(typeof (DecimalMarshalAware))
+                }
+            };
+            Marshaller marsh = new Marshaller(cfg);
+            // 1. Test reflective stuff.
+            DecimalReflective obj1 = new DecimalReflective
+            {
+                Val = decimal.Zero,
+                ValArr = new decimal?[] {decimal.One, decimal.MinusOne}
+            };
+            IBinaryObject portObj = 
marsh.Unmarshal<IBinaryObject>(marsh.Marshal(obj1), BinaryMode.ForceBinary);
+            Assert.AreEqual(obj1.Val, portObj.GetField<decimal>("val"));
+            Assert.AreEqual(obj1.ValArr, 
+            Assert.AreEqual(obj1.Val, 
+            Assert.AreEqual(obj1.ValArr, 
+            // 2. Test marshal aware stuff.
+            DecimalMarshalAware obj2 = new DecimalMarshalAware();
+            obj2.Val = decimal.Zero;
+            obj2.ValArr = new decimal?[] { decimal.One, decimal.MinusOne };
+            obj2.RawVal = decimal.MaxValue;
+            obj2.RawValArr = new decimal?[] { decimal.MinusOne, decimal.One} ;
+            portObj = marsh.Unmarshal<IBinaryObject>(marsh.Marshal(obj2), 
+            Assert.AreEqual(obj2.Val, portObj.GetField<decimal>("val"));
+            Assert.AreEqual(obj2.ValArr, 
+            Assert.AreEqual(obj2.Val, 
+            Assert.AreEqual(obj2.ValArr, 
+            Assert.AreEqual(obj2.RawVal, 
+            Assert.AreEqual(obj2.RawValArr, 
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of primitive fields through raw 
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestPrimitiveFieldsRawSerializer()
+        {
+            ICollection<BinaryTypeConfiguration> typeCfgs = 
+                new List<BinaryTypeConfiguration>();
+            BinaryTypeConfiguration typeCfg =
+                new BinaryTypeConfiguration(typeof(PrimitiveFieldType));
+            typeCfg.Serializer = new PrimitiveFieldsRawSerializer();
+            typeCfgs.Add(typeCfg);
+            BinaryConfiguration cfg = new BinaryConfiguration();
+            cfg.TypeConfigurations = typeCfgs;
+            Marshaller marsh = new Marshaller(cfg);
+            PrimitiveFieldType obj = new PrimitiveFieldType();
+            CheckPrimitiveFields(marsh, obj);
+        }
+        private void CheckPrimitiveFields(Marshaller marsh, PrimitiveFieldType 
+        {
+            obj.PBool = true;
+            obj.PByte = 2;
+            obj.PSbyte = 3;
+            obj.PShort = 4;
+            obj.PUshort = 5;
+            obj.PInt = 6;
+            obj.PUint = 7;
+            obj.PLong = 8;
+            obj.PUlong = 9;
+            obj.PChar = 'a';
+            obj.PFloat = 10;
+            obj.PDouble = 11;
+            obj.PString = "abc";
+            obj.PGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
+            obj.PnGuid = Guid.NewGuid();
+            obj.IgniteGuid = new IgniteGuid(Guid.NewGuid(), 123);
+            CheckPrimitiveFieldsSerialization(marsh, obj);
+        }
+        private void CheckPrimitiveFieldsSerialization(Marshaller marsh, 
PrimitiveFieldType obj)
+        {
+            byte[] bytes = marsh.Marshal(obj);
+            IBinaryObject portObj = marsh.Unmarshal<IBinaryObject>(bytes, 
+            Assert.AreEqual(obj.GetHashCode(), portObj.GetHashCode());
+            PrimitiveFieldType newObj = 
+            Assert.AreEqual(obj, newObj);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of object with enums.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestEnumsReflective()
+        {
+            Marshaller marsh =
+                new Marshaller(new BinaryConfiguration
+                {
+                    TypeConfigurations =
+                        new List<BinaryTypeConfiguration> {new 
BinaryTypeConfiguration(typeof (EnumType))}
+                });
+            EnumType obj = new EnumType
+            {
+                PEnum = TestEnum.Val1,
+                PEnumArray = new[] {TestEnum.Val2, TestEnum.Val3}
+            };
+            byte[] bytes = marsh.Marshal(obj);
+            IBinaryObject portObj = marsh.Unmarshal<IBinaryObject>(bytes, 
+            Assert.AreEqual(obj.GetHashCode(), portObj.GetHashCode());
+            EnumType newObj = portObj.Deserialize<EnumType>();
+            Assert.AreEqual(obj.PEnum, newObj.PEnum);
+            Assert.AreEqual(obj.PEnumArray, newObj.PEnumArray);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of object with collections.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestCollectionsReflective()
+        {
+            var marsh = new Marshaller(new BinaryConfiguration
+            {
+                TypeConfigurations = new List<BinaryTypeConfiguration>
+                {
+                    new BinaryTypeConfiguration(typeof (CollectionsType)),
+                    new BinaryTypeConfiguration(typeof (InnerObjectType))
+                }
+            });
+            var obj = new CollectionsType
+            {
+                Hashtable = new Hashtable {{1, 2}, {3, 4}},
+                LinkedList = new LinkedList<int>(new[] {1, 2, 3}),
+                SortedDict = new SortedDictionary<string, int> {{"1", 2}},
+                Dict = new Dictionary<int, string> {{1, "2"}},
+                Arr = new[] {new InnerObjectType()}
+            };
+            var list = new ArrayList
+            {
+                true,
+                (byte) 1,
+                (short) 2,
+                'a',
+                3,
+                (long) 4,
+                (float) 5,
+                (double) 6,
+                "string",
+                Guid.NewGuid(),
+                new InnerObjectType
+                {
+                    PInt1 = 1,
+                    PInt2 = 2
+                }
+            };
+            obj.Col1 = list;
+            byte[] bytes = marsh.Marshal(obj);
+            IBinaryObject portObj = marsh.Unmarshal<IBinaryObject>(bytes, 
+            Assert.AreEqual(obj.GetHashCode(), portObj.GetHashCode());
+            CollectionsType newObj = portObj.Deserialize<CollectionsType>();
+            Assert.AreEqual(obj, newObj);
+            obj.Col1 = null;
+            Assert.AreEqual(obj, 
+            obj.Col1 = list;
+            obj.Col2 = list;
+            Assert.AreEqual(obj, 
+            obj.Col2 = new TestList();
+            Assert.AreEqual(obj, 
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Check write of object fields through reflective 
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestObjectReflective()
+        {
+            ICollection<BinaryTypeConfiguration> typeCfgs = 
+                new List<BinaryTypeConfiguration>();
+            typeCfgs.Add(new BinaryTypeConfiguration(typeof(OuterObjectType)));
+            typeCfgs.Add(new BinaryTypeConfiguration(typeof(InnerObjectType)));
+            BinaryConfiguration cfg = new BinaryConfiguration();
+            cfg.TypeConfigurations = typeCfgs;
+            Marshaller marsh = new Marshaller(cfg);
+            CheckObject(marsh, new OuterObjectType(), new InnerObjectType());
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Test handles.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestHandles()
+        {
+            ICollection<BinaryTypeConfiguration> typeCfgs =
+                new List<BinaryTypeConfiguration>();
+            typeCfgs.Add(new BinaryTypeConfiguration(typeof(HandleInner)));
+            typeCfgs.Add(new BinaryTypeConfiguration(typeof(HandleOuter)));
+            BinaryConfiguration cfg = new BinaryConfiguration();
+            cfg.TypeConfigurations = typeCfgs;
+            Marshaller marsh = new Marshaller(cfg);
+            HandleOuter outer = new HandleOuter();
+            outer.Before = "outBefore";
+            outer.After = "outAfter";
+            outer.RawBefore = "outRawBefore";
+            outer.RawAfter = "outRawAfter";
+            HandleInner inner = new HandleInner();
+            inner.Before = "inBefore";
+            inner.After = "inAfter";
+            inner.RawBefore = "inRawBefore";
+            inner.RawAfter = "inRawAfter";
+            outer.Inner = inner;
+            outer.RawInner = inner;
+            inner.Outer = outer;
+            inner.RawOuter = outer;
+            byte[] bytes = marsh.Marshal(outer);
+            IBinaryObject outerObj = marsh.Unmarshal<IBinaryObject>(bytes, 
+            HandleOuter newOuter = outerObj.Deserialize<HandleOuter>();
+            HandleInner newInner = newOuter.Inner;
+            CheckHandlesConsistency(outer, inner, newOuter, newInner);
+            // Get inner object by field.
+            IBinaryObject innerObj = outerObj.GetField<IBinaryObject>("inner");
+            newInner = innerObj.Deserialize<HandleInner>();
+            newOuter = newInner.Outer;
+            CheckHandlesConsistency(outer, inner, newOuter, newInner);
+            // Get outer object from inner object by handle.
+            outerObj = innerObj.GetField<IBinaryObject>("outer");
+            newOuter = outerObj.Deserialize<HandleOuter>();
+            newInner = newOuter.Inner;
+            CheckHandlesConsistency(outer, inner, newOuter, newInner);
+        }
+        /**
+         * <summary>Test handles with exclusive writes.</summary>
+         */
+        [Test]
+        public void TestHandlesExclusive([Values(true, false)] bool detached, 
[Values(true, false)] bool asbinary)
+        {
+            var marsh = new Marshaller(new BinaryConfiguration
+            {
+                TypeConfigurations = new List<BinaryTypeConfiguration>
+                {
+                    new BinaryTypeConfiguration(typeof (HandleInner)),
+                    new BinaryTypeConfiguration(typeof (HandleOuterExclusive))
+                }
+            });
+            var inner = new HandleInner
+            {
+                Before = "inBefore",
+                After = "inAfter",
+                RawBefore = "inRawBefore",
+                RawAfter = "inRawAfter"
+            };
+            var outer = new HandleOuterExclusive
+            {
+                Before = "outBefore",
+                After = "outAfter",
+                RawBefore = "outRawBefore",
+                RawAfter = "outRawAfter",
+                Inner = inner,
+                RawInner = inner
+            };
+            inner.Outer = outer;
+            inner.RawOuter = outer;
+            var bytes = asbinary
+                ? marsh.Marshal(new 
+                : marsh.Marshal(outer);
+            IBinaryObject outerObj;
+            if (detached)
+            {
+                var reader = new BinaryReader(marsh, new Dictionary<long, 
+                    new BinaryHeapStream(bytes), BinaryMode.ForceBinary, null);
+                reader.DetachNext();
+                outerObj = reader.Deserialize<IBinaryObject>();
+            }
+            else
+                outerObj = marsh.Unmarshal<IBinaryObject>(bytes, 
+            HandleOuter newOuter = outerObj.Deserialize<HandleOuter>();
+            Assert.IsFalse(newOuter == newOuter.Inner.Outer);
+            Assert.IsFalse(newOuter == newOuter.Inner.RawOuter);
+            Assert.IsFalse(newOuter == newOuter.RawInner.RawOuter);
+            Assert.IsFalse(newOuter == newOuter.RawInner.RawOuter);
+            Assert.IsFalse(newOuter.Inner == newOuter.RawInner);
+            Assert.IsTrue(newOuter.Inner.Outer == newOuter.Inner.RawOuter);
+            Assert.IsTrue(newOuter.RawInner.Outer == 
+            Assert.IsTrue(newOuter.Inner == newOuter.Inner.Outer.Inner);
+            Assert.IsTrue(newOuter.Inner == newOuter.Inner.Outer.RawInner);
+            Assert.IsTrue(newOuter.RawInner == newOuter.RawInner.Outer.Inner);
+            Assert.IsTrue(newOuter.RawInner == 
+        }
+        ///
+        /// <summary>Test KeepSerialized property</summary>
+        ///
+        [Test]
+        public void TestKeepSerializedDefault()
+        {
+            CheckKeepSerialized(new BinaryConfiguration(), true);
+        }
+        ///
+        /// <summary>Test KeepSerialized property</summary>
+        ///
+        [Test]
+        public void TestKeepSerializedDefaultFalse()
+        {
+            BinaryConfiguration cfg = new BinaryConfiguration();
+            cfg.DefaultKeepDeserialized = false;
+            CheckKeepSerialized(cfg, false);
+        }
+        ///
+        /// <summary>Test KeepSerialized property</summary>
+        ///
+        [Test]
+        public void TestKeepSerializedTypeCfgFalse()
+        {
+            BinaryTypeConfiguration typeCfg = new 
+            typeCfg.KeepDeserialized = false;
+            BinaryConfiguration cfg = new BinaryConfiguration();
+            cfg.TypeConfigurations = new List<BinaryTypeConfiguration> { 
typeCfg };
+            CheckKeepSerialized(cfg, false);
+        }
+        ///
+        /// <summary>Test KeepSerialized property</summary>
+        ///
+        [Test]
+        public void TestKeepSerializedTypeCfgTrue()
+        {
+            BinaryTypeConfiguration typeCfg = new 
+            typeCfg.KeepDeserialized = true;
+            BinaryConfiguration cfg = new BinaryConfiguration();
+            cfg.DefaultKeepDeserialized = false;
+            cfg.TypeConfigurations = new List<BinaryTypeConfiguration> { 
typeCfg };
+            CheckKeepSerialized(cfg, true);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Test correct serialization/deserialization of arrays of special 
+        /// </summary>
+        [Test]
+        public void TestSpecialArrays()
+        {
+            ICollection<BinaryTypeConfiguration> typeCfgs =
+                new List<BinaryTypeConfiguration>();
+            typeCfgs.Add(new BinaryTypeConfiguration(typeof(SpecialArray)));
+            typeCfgs.Add(new 
+            BinaryConfiguration cfg = new BinaryConfiguration();
+            cfg.TypeConfigurations = typeCfgs;
+            Marshaller marsh = new Marshaller(cfg);
+            Guid[] guidArr = { Guid.NewGuid() };
+            Guid?[] nGuidArr = { Guid.NewGuid() };
+            DateTime[] dateArr = { DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime() };
+            DateTime?[] nDateArr = { DateTime.Now.ToUniversalTime() };
+            // Use special object.
+            SpecialArray obj1 = new SpecialArray
+            {
+                GuidArr = guidArr,
+                NGuidArr = nGuidArr,
+                DateArr = dateArr,
+                NDateArr = nDateArr
+            };
+            byte[] bytes = marsh.Marshal(obj1);
+            IBinaryObject portObj = marsh.Unmarshal<IBinaryObject>(bytes, 
+            Assert.IsNotNull(portObj.Deserialize<SpecialArray>());
+            Assert.AreEqual(guidArr, portObj.GetField<Guid[]>("guidArr"));
+            Assert.AreEqual(nGuidArr, portObj.GetField<Guid?[]>("nGuidArr"));
+            Assert.AreEqual(dateArr, portObj.GetField<DateTime[]>("dateArr"));
+            Assert.AreEqual(nDateArr, 
+            obj1 = portObj.Deserialize<SpecialArray>();
+            Assert.AreEqual(guidArr, obj1.GuidArr);
+            Assert.AreEqual(nGuidArr, obj1.NGuidArr);
+            Assert.AreEqual(dateArr, obj1.DateArr);
+            Assert.AreEqual(nDateArr, obj1.NDateArr);
+            // Use special with IGridbinaryMarshalAware.
+            SpecialArrayMarshalAware obj2 = new SpecialArrayMarshalAware();
+            obj2.GuidArr = guidArr;
+            obj2.NGuidArr = nGuidArr;
+            obj2.DateArr = dateArr;
+            obj2.NDateArr = nDateArr;
+            bytes = marsh.Marshal(obj2);
+            portObj = marsh.Unmarshal<IBinaryObject>(bytes, 
+            Assert.AreEqual(guidArr, portObj.GetField<Guid[]>("a"));
+            Assert.AreEqual(nGuidArr, portObj.GetField<Guid?[]>("b"));
+            Assert.AreEqual(dateArr, portObj.GetField<DateTime[]>("c"));
+            Assert.AreEqual(nDateArr, portObj.GetField<DateTime?[]>("d"));
+            obj2 = portObj.Deserialize<SpecialArrayMarshalAware>();
+            Assert.AreEqual(guidArr, obj2.GuidArr);
+            Assert.AreEqual(nGuidArr, obj2.NGuidArr);
+            Assert.AreEqual(dateArr, obj2.DateArr);
+            Assert.AreEqual(nDateArr, obj2.NDateArr);
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Writes objects of various sizes to test schema compaction 
+        /// (where field offsets can be stored as 1, 2 or 4 bytes).
+        /// </summary>
+        [Test]
+        public void TestCompactSchema()
+        {
+            var marsh = new Marshaller(new BinaryConfiguration
+            {
+                TypeConfigurations = new List<BinaryTypeConfiguration>
+                {
+                    new BinaryTypeConfiguration(typeof (SpecialArray)),
+                    new BinaryTypeConfiguration(typeof 
+                }
+            });
+            var dt = new SpecialArrayMarshalAware();
+            foreach (var i in new[] {1, 5, 10, 13, 14, 15, 100, 200, 1000, 
5000, 15000, 30000})
+            {
+                dt.NGuidArr = Enumerable.Range(1, i).Select(x => (Guid?) 
+                dt.NDateArr = Enumerable.Range(1, i).Select(x => (DateTime?) 
+                var bytes = marsh.Marshal(dt);
+                var res = marsh.Unmarshal<SpecialArrayMarshalAware>(bytes);
+                CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(dt.NGuidArr, res.NGuidArr);
+                CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(dt.NDateArr, res.NDateArr);
+            }
+        }
+        private static void CheckKeepSerialized(BinaryConfiguration cfg, bool 
+        {
+            if (cfg.TypeConfigurations == null)
+            {
+                cfg.TypeConfigurations = new List<BinaryTypeConfiguration>
+                {
+                    new BinaryTypeConfiguration(typeof(PropertyType))
+                };
+            }
+            Marshaller marsh = new Marshaller(cfg);
+            byte[] data = marsh.Marshal(new PropertyType());
+            IBinaryObject portNewObj = marsh.Unmarshal<IBinaryObject>(data, 
+            PropertyType deserialized1 = 
+            PropertyType deserialized2 = 
+            Assert.NotNull(deserialized1);
+            Assert.AreEqual(expKeep, deserialized1 == deserialized2);
+        }
+        private void CheckHandlesConsistency(HandleOuter outer, HandleInner 
inner, HandleOuter newOuter, 
+            HandleInner newInner)
+        {
+            Assert.True(newOuter != null);
+            Assert.AreEqual(outer.Before, newOuter.Before);
+            Assert.True(newOuter.Inner == newInner);
+            Assert.AreEqual(outer.After, newOuter.After);
+            Assert.AreEqual(outer.RawBefore, newOuter.RawBefore);
+            Assert.True(newOuter.RawInner == newInner);
+            Assert.AreEqual(outer.RawAfter, newOuter.RawAfter);
+            Assert.True(newInner != null);
+            Assert.AreEqual(inner.Before, newInner.Before);
+            Assert.True(newInner.Outer == newOuter);
+            Assert.AreEqual(inner.After, newInner.After);
+            Assert.AreEqual(inner.RawBefore, newInner.RawBefore);
+            Assert.True(newInner.RawOuter == newOuter);
+            Assert.AreEqual(inner.RawAfter, newInner.RawAfter);            
+        }
+        private static void CheckObject(Marshaller marsh, OuterObjectType 
outObj, InnerObjectType inObj)
+        {
+            inObj.PInt1 = 1;
+            inObj.PInt2 = 2;
+            outObj.InObj = inObj;
+            byte[] bytes = marsh.Marshal(outObj);
+            IBinaryObject portOutObj = marsh.Unmarshal<IBinaryObject>(bytes, 
+            Assert.AreEqual(outObj.GetHashCode(), portOutObj.GetHashCode());
+            OuterObjectType newOutObj = 
+            Assert.AreEqual(outObj, newOutObj);
+        }
+        public class OuterObjectType
+        {
+            public InnerObjectType InObj { get; set; }
+            /** <inheritdoc /> */
+            public override bool Equals(object obj)
+            {
+                if (this == obj)
+                    return true;
+                var type = obj as OuterObjectType;
+                return type != null && Equals(InObj, type.InObj);
+            }
+            /** <inheritdoc /> */
+            public override int GetHashCode()
+            {
+                return InObj != null ? InObj.GetHashCode() : 0;
+            }
+        }
+        [Serializable]
+        public class InnerObjectType
+        {
+            public int PInt1 { get; set; }
+            public int PInt2 { get; set; }
+            /** <inheritdoc /> */
+            public override bool Equals(object obj)
+            {
+                if (this == obj)
+                    return true;
+                var that = obj as InnerObjectType;
+                return that != null && (PInt1 == that.PInt1 && PInt2 == 
+            }
+            /** <inheritdoc /> */
+            public override int GetHashCode()
+            {
+                return 31 * PInt1 + PInt2;
+            }
+            /** <inheritdoc /> */
+            public override string ToString()
+            {
+                return "InnerObjectType[pInt1=" + PInt1 + ", pInt2=" + PInt2 + 
+            }
+        }
+        public class CollectionsType
+        {
+            public ICollection Col1 { get; set; }
+            public ArrayList Col2 { get; set; }
+            public Hashtable Hashtable { get; set; }
+            public Dictionary<int, string> Dict { get; set; }
+            public InnerObjectType[] Arr { get; set; }
+            public SortedDictionary<string, int> SortedDict { get; set; }
+            public LinkedList<int> LinkedList { get; set; }
+            /** <inheritdoc /> */
+            public override bool Equals(object obj)
+            {
+                if (this == obj)
+                    return true;
+                var that = obj as CollectionsType;
+                return that != null 
+                    && CompareCollections(Col1, that.Col1) 
+                    && CompareCollections(Col2, that.Col2)
+                    && CompareCollections(Hashtable, that.Hashtable)
+                    && CompareCollections(Dict, that.Dict)
+                    && CompareCollections(Arr, that.Arr)
+                    && CompareCollections(SortedDict, that.SortedDict)
+                    && CompareCollections(LinkedList, that.LinkedList);
+            }
+            /** <inheritdoc /> */
+            public override int GetHashCode()
+            {
+                int res = 0;
+                foreach (var col in new object[] {Col1, Col2, Hashtable, Dict, 
Arr, SortedDict, LinkedList})
+                    res = 31*res + (col != null ? col.GetHashCode() : 0);
+                return res;
+            }
+        }
+        public class GenericCollectionsType<TKey, TValue> : IBinarizable
+        {
+            public ICollection<TKey> Keys { get; set; }
+            public ICollection<TValue> Values { get; set; }
+            public IDictionary<TKey, TValue> Pairs { get; set; }
+            public ICollection<object> Objects { get; set; }
+            public void WriteBinary(IBinaryWriter writer)
+            {
+                writer.WriteObject("Keys", Keys);
+                writer.WriteObject("Values", Values);
+                writer.WriteObject("Pairs", Pairs);
+                writer.WriteObject("Objects", Objects);
+            }
+            public void ReadBinary(IBinaryReader reader)
+            {
+                Keys = (ICollection<TKey>) reader.ReadObject<object>("Keys");
+                Values = (ICollection<TValue>) 
+                Pairs = (IDictionary<TKey, TValue>) 
+                Objects = (ICollection<object>) 
+            }
+        }
+        public class TestList : ArrayList
+        {
+        }
+        private static bool CompareCollections(ICollection col1, ICollection 
+        {
+            if (col1 == null && col2 == null)
+                return true;
+            if (col1 == null || col2 == null)
+                return false;
+            return col1.OfType<object>().SequenceEqual(col2.OfType<object>());
+        }
+        public class PrimitiveArrayFieldType
+        {
+            public bool[] PBool { get; set; }
+            public sbyte[] PSbyte { get; set; }
+            public byte[] PByte { get; set; }
+            public short[] PShort { get; set; }
+            public ushort[] PUshort { get; set; }
+            public char[] PChar { get; set; }
+            public int[] PInt { get; set; }
+            public uint[] PUint { get; set; }
+            public long[] PLong { get; set; }
+            public ulong[] PUlong { get; set; }
+            public float[] PFloat { get; set; }
+            public double[] PDouble { get; set; }
+            public string[] PString { get; set; }
+            public Guid?[] PGuid { get; set; }
+            /** <inheritdoc /> */
+            public override bool Equals(object obj)
+            {
+                if (this == obj)
+                    return true;
+                var other = obj as PrimitiveArrayFieldType;
+                return other != null && (PBool == other.PBool &&
+                                         PByte == other.PByte &&
+                                         PSbyte == other.PSbyte &&
+                                         PShort == other.PShort &&
+                                         PUshort == other.PUshort &&
+                                         PInt == other.PInt &&
+                                         PUint == other.PUint &&
+                                         PLong == other.PLong &&
+                                         PUlong == other.PUlong &&
+                                         PChar == other.PChar &&
+                                         PFloat == other.PFloat &&
+                                         PDouble == other.PDouble &&
+                                         PString == other.PString &&
+                                         PGuid == other.PGuid);
+            }
+            /** <inheritdoc /> */
+            public override int GetHashCode()
+            {
+                return PInt != null && PInt.Length > 0 ? PInt[0].GetHashCode() 
: 0;
+            }
+        }
+        public class SpecialArray
+        {
+            public Guid[] GuidArr;
+            public Guid?[] NGuidArr;
+            public DateTime[] DateArr;
+            public DateTime?[] NDateArr;
+        }
+        public class SpecialArrayMarshalAware : SpecialArray, IBinarizable
+        {
+            public void WriteBinary(IBinaryWriter writer)
+            {
+                writer.WriteObject("a", GuidArr);
+                writer.WriteObject("b", NGuidArr);
+                writer.WriteObject("c", DateArr);
+                writer.WriteObject("d", NDateArr);
+            }
+            public void ReadBinary(IBinaryReader reader)
+            {
+                GuidArr = reader.ReadObject<Guid[]>("a");
+                NGuidArr = reader.ReadObject<Guid?[]>("b");
+                DateArr = reader.ReadObject<DateTime[]>("c");
+                NDateArr = reader.ReadObject<DateTime?[]>("d");
+            }
+        }
+        public class EnumType
+        {
+            public TestEnum PEnum { get; set; }
+            public TestEnum[] PEnumArray { get; set; }
+        }
+        [Serializable]
+        public class PrimitiveFieldType 
+        {
+            public bool PBool { get; set; }
+            public sbyte PSbyte { get; set; }
+            public byte PByte { get; set; }
+            public short PShort { get; set; }
+            public ushort PUshort { get; set; }
+            public char PChar { get; set; }
+            public int PInt { get; set; }
+            public uint PUint { get; set; }
+            public long PLong { get; set; }
+            public ulong PUlong { get; set; }
+            public float PFloat { get; set; }
+            public double PDouble { get; set; }
+            public string PString { get; set; }
+            public Guid PGuid { get; set; }
+            public Guid? PnGuid { get; set; }
+            public IgniteGuid IgniteGuid { get; set; }
+            /** <inheritdoc /> */
+            public override bool Equals(object obj)
+            {
+                if (this == obj)
+                    return true;
+                if (obj != null && obj is PrimitiveFieldType)
+                {
+                    PrimitiveFieldType that = (PrimitiveFieldType)obj;
+                    return PBool == that.PBool &&
+                        PByte == that.PByte &&
+                        PSbyte == that.PSbyte &&
+                        PShort == that.PShort &&
+                        PUshort == that.PUshort &&
+                        PInt == that.PInt &&
+                        PUint == that.PUint &&
+                        PLong == that.PLong &&
+                        PUlong == that.PUlong &&
+                        PChar == that.PChar &&
+                        PFloat == that.PFloat &&
+                        PDouble == that.PDouble &&
+                        (string.Equals(PString, that.PString)) &&
+                        PGuid.Equals(that.PGuid) &&
+                        IgniteGuid.Equals(that.IgniteGuid) &&
+                        (PnGuid == null && that.PnGuid == null || PnGuid != 
null && PnGuid.Equals(that.PnGuid));
+                }
+                return false;
+            }
+            /** <inheritdoc /> */
+            public override int GetHashCode()
+            {
+                return PInt;
+            }
+        }
+        public class PrimitiveFieldBinaryType : PrimitiveFieldType, 
+        {
+            public unsafe void WriteBinary(IBinaryWriter writer)
+            {
+                writer.WriteBoolean("bool", PBool);
+                writer.WriteByte("byte", PByte);
+                writer.WriteShort("short", PShort);
+                writer.WriteInt("int", PInt);
+                writer.WriteLong("long", PLong);
+                writer.WriteChar("char", PChar);
+                writer.WriteFloat("float", PFloat);
+                writer.WriteDouble("double", PDouble);
+                sbyte sByte = PSbyte;
+                ushort uShort = PUshort;
+                uint uInt = PUint;
+                ulong uLong = PUlong;
+                writer.WriteByte("sbyte", *(byte*)&sByte);
+                writer.WriteShort("ushort", *(short*)&uShort);
+                writer.WriteInt("uint", *(int*)&uInt);
+                writer.WriteLong("ulong", *(long*)&uLong);
+                writer.WriteString("string", PString);
+                writer.WriteGuid("guid", PGuid);
+                writer.WriteGuid("nguid", PnGuid);
+                writer.WriteObject("iguid", IgniteGuid);
+            }
+            public unsafe void ReadBinary(IBinaryReader reader)
+            {
+                PBool = reader.ReadBoolean("bool");
+                PByte = reader.ReadByte("byte");
+                PShort = reader.ReadShort("short");
+                PInt = reader.ReadInt("int");
+                PLong = reader.ReadLong("long");
+                PChar = reader.ReadChar("char");
+                PFloat = reader.ReadFloat("float");
+                PDouble = reader.ReadDouble("double");
+                byte sByte = reader.ReadByte("sbyte");
+                short uShort = reader.ReadShort("ushort");
+                int uInt = reader.ReadInt("uint");
+                long uLong = reader.ReadLong("ulong");
+                PSbyte = *(sbyte*)&sByte;
+                PUshort = *(ushort*)&uShort;
+                PUint = *(uint*)&uInt;
+                PUlong = *(ulong*)&uLong;
+                PString = reader.ReadString("string");
+                PGuid = reader.ReadObject<Guid>("guid");
+                PnGuid = reader.ReadGuid("nguid");
+                IgniteGuid = reader.ReadObject<IgniteGuid>("iguid");
+            }
+        }
+        public class PrimitiveFieldRawBinaryType : PrimitiveFieldType, 
+        {
+            public unsafe void WriteBinary(IBinaryWriter writer)
+            {
+                IBinaryRawWriter rawWriter = writer.GetRawWriter();
+                rawWriter.WriteBoolean(PBool);
+                rawWriter.WriteByte(PByte);
+                rawWriter.WriteShort(PShort);
+                rawWriter.WriteInt(PInt);
+                rawWriter.WriteLong(PLong);
+                rawWriter.WriteChar(PChar);
+                rawWriter.WriteFloat(PFloat);
+                rawWriter.WriteDouble(PDouble);
+                sbyte sByte = PSbyte;
+                ushort uShort = PUshort;
+                uint uInt = PUint;
+                ulong uLong = PUlong;
+                rawWriter.WriteByte(*(byte*)&sByte);
+                rawWriter.WriteShort(*(short*)&uShort);
+                rawWriter.WriteInt(*(int*)&uInt);
+                rawWriter.WriteLong(*(long*)&uLong);
+                rawWriter.WriteString(PString);
+                rawWriter.WriteGuid(PGuid);
+                rawWriter.WriteGuid(PnGuid);
+                rawWriter.WriteObject(IgniteGuid);
+            }
+            public unsafe void ReadBinary(IBinaryReader reader)
+            {
+                IBinaryRawReader rawReader = reader.GetRawReader();
+                PBool = rawReader.ReadBoolean();
+                PByte = rawReader.ReadByte();
+                PShort = rawReader.ReadShort();
+                PInt = rawReader.ReadInt();
+                PLong = rawReader.ReadLong();
+                PChar = rawReader.ReadChar();
+                PFloat = rawReader.ReadFloat();
+                PDouble = rawReader.ReadDouble();
+                byte sByte = rawReader.ReadByte();
+                short uShort = rawReader.ReadShort();
+                int uInt = rawReader.ReadInt();
+                long uLong = rawReader.ReadLong();
+                PSbyte = *(sbyte*)&sByte;
+                PUshort = *(ushort*)&uShort;
+                PUint = *(uint*)&uInt;
+                PUlong = *(ulong*)&uLong;
+                PString = rawReader.ReadString();
+                PGuid = rawReader.ReadGuid().Value;
+                PnGuid = rawReader.ReadGuid();
+                IgniteGuid = rawReader.ReadObject<IgniteGuid>();
+            }
+        }
+        public class PrimitiveFieldsSerializer : IBinarySerializer
+        {
+            public unsafe void WriteBinary(object obj, IBinaryWriter writer)
+            {
+                PrimitiveFieldType obj0 = (PrimitiveFieldType)obj;
+                writer.WriteBoolean("bool", obj0.PBool);
+                writer.WriteByte("byte", obj0.PByte);
+                writer.WriteShort("short", obj0.PShort);
+                writer.WriteInt("int", obj0.PInt);
+                writer.WriteLong("long", obj0.PLong);
+                writer.WriteChar("char", obj0.PChar);
+                writer.WriteFloat("float", obj0.PFloat);
+                writer.WriteDouble("double", obj0.PDouble);
+                sbyte sByte = obj0.PSbyte;
+                ushort uShort = obj0.PUshort;
+                uint uInt = obj0.PUint;
+                ulong uLong = obj0.PUlong;
+                writer.WriteByte("sbyte", *(byte*)&sByte);
+                writer.WriteShort("ushort", *(short*)&uShort);
+                writer.WriteInt("uint", *(int*)&uInt);
+                writer.WriteLong("ulong", *(long*)&uLong);
+                writer.WriteString("string", obj0.PString);
+                writer.WriteGuid("guid", obj0.PGuid);
+                writer.WriteGuid("nguid", obj0.PnGuid);
+                writer.WriteObject("iguid", obj0.IgniteGuid);
+            }
+            public unsafe void ReadBinary(object obj, IBinaryReader reader)
+            {
+                PrimitiveFieldType obj0 = (PrimitiveFieldType)obj;
+                obj0.PBool = reader.ReadBoolean("bool");
+                obj0.PByte = reader.ReadByte("byte");
+                obj0.PShort = reader.ReadShort("short");
+                obj0.PInt = reader.ReadInt("int");
+                obj0.PLong = reader.ReadLong("long");
+                obj0.PChar = reader.ReadChar("char");
+                obj0.PFloat = reader.ReadFloat("float");
+                obj0.PDouble = reader.ReadDouble("double");
+                byte sByte = reader.ReadByte("sbyte");
+                short uShort = reader.ReadShort("ushort");
+                int uInt = reader.ReadInt("uint");
+                long uLong = reader.ReadLong("ulong");
+                obj0.PSbyte = *(sbyte*)&sByte;
+                obj0.PUshort = *(ushort*)&uShort;
+                obj0.PUint = *(uint*)&uInt;
+                obj0.PUlong = *(ulong*)&uLong;
+                obj0.PString = reader.ReadString("string");
+                obj0.PGuid = reader.ReadObject<Guid>("guid");
+                obj0.PnGuid = reader.ReadGuid("nguid");
+                obj0.IgniteGuid = reader.ReadObject<IgniteGuid>("iguid");
+            }
+        }
+        public class PrimitiveFieldsRawSerializer : IBinarySerializer
+        {
+            public unsafe void WriteBinary(object obj, IBinaryWriter writer)
+            {
+                PrimitiveFieldType obj0 = (PrimitiveFieldType)obj;
+                IBinaryRawWriter rawWriter = writer.GetRawWriter();
+                rawWriter.WriteBoolean(obj0.PBool);
+                rawWriter.WriteByte(obj0.PByte);
+                rawWriter.WriteShort( obj0.PShort);
+                rawWriter.WriteInt( obj0.PInt);
+                rawWriter.WriteLong( obj0.PLong);
+                rawWriter.WriteChar(obj0.PChar);
+                rawWriter.WriteFloat(obj0.PFloat);
+                rawWriter.WriteDouble( obj0.PDouble);
+                sbyte sByte = obj0.PSbyte;
+                ushort uShort = obj0.PUshort;
+                uint uInt = obj0.PUint;
+                ulong uLong = obj0.PUlong;
+                rawWriter.WriteByte(*(byte*)&sByte);
+                rawWriter.WriteShort(*(short*)&uShort);
+                rawWriter.WriteInt(*(int*)&uInt);
+                rawWriter.WriteLong(*(long*)&uLong);
+                rawWriter.WriteString(obj0.PString);
+                rawWriter.WriteGuid(obj0.PGuid);
+                rawWriter.WriteGuid(obj0.PnGuid);
+                rawWriter.WriteObject(obj0.IgniteGuid);
+            }
+            public unsafe void ReadBinary(object obj, IBinaryReader reader)
+            {
+                PrimitiveFieldType obj0 = (PrimitiveFieldType)obj;
+                IBinaryRawReader rawReader = reader.GetRawReader();
+                obj0.PBool = rawReader.ReadBoolean();
+                obj0.PByte = rawReader.ReadByte();
+                obj0.PShort = rawReader.ReadShort();
+                obj0.PInt = rawReader.ReadInt();
+                obj0.PLong = rawReader.ReadLong();
+                obj0.PChar = rawReader.ReadChar();
+                obj0.PFloat = rawReader.ReadFloat();
+                obj0.PDouble = rawReader.ReadDouble();
+                byte sByte = rawReader.ReadByte();
+                short uShort = rawReader.ReadShort();
+                int uInt = rawReader.ReadInt();
+                long uLong = rawReader.ReadLong();
+                obj0.PSbyte = *(sbyte*)&sByte;
+                obj0.PUshort = *(ushort*)&uShort;
+                obj0.PUint = *(uint*)&uInt;
+                obj0.PUlong = *(ulong*)&uLong;
+                obj0.PString = rawReader.ReadString();
+                obj0.PGuid = rawReader.ReadGuid().Value;
+                obj0.PnGuid = rawReader.ReadGuid();
+                obj0.IgniteGuid = rawReader.ReadObject<IgniteGuid>();
+            }
+        }
+        public class HandleOuter : IBinarizable
+        {
+            public string Before;
+            public HandleInner Inner;
+            public string After;
+            public string RawBefore;
+            public HandleInner RawInner;
+            public string RawAfter;
+            /** <inheritdoc /> */
+            virtual public void WriteBinary(IBinaryWriter writer)
+            {
+                writer.WriteString("before", Before);
+                writer.WriteObject("inner", Inner);
+                writer.WriteString("after", After);
+                IBinaryRawWriter rawWriter = writer.GetRawWriter();
+                rawWriter.WriteString(RawBefore);
+                rawWriter.WriteObject(RawInner);
+                rawWriter.WriteString(RawAfter);
+            }
+            /** <inheritdoc /> */
+            virtual public void ReadBinary(IBinaryReader reader)
+            {
+                Before = reader.ReadString("before");
+                Inner = reader.ReadObject<HandleInner>("inner");
+                After = reader.ReadString("after");
+                IBinaryRawReader rawReader = reader.GetRawReader();
+                RawBefore = rawReader.ReadString();
+                RawInner = rawReader.ReadObject<HandleInner>();
+                RawAfter = rawReader.ReadString();
+            }
+        }
+        public class HandleInner : IBinarizable
+        {
+            public string Before;
+            public HandleOuter Outer;
+            public string After;
+            public string RawBefore;
+            public HandleOuter RawOuter;
+            public string RawAfter;
+            /** <inheritdoc /> */
+            virtual public void WriteBinary(IBinaryWriter writer)
+            {
+                writer.WriteString("before", Before);
+                writer.WriteObject("outer", Outer);
+                writer.WriteString("after", After);
+                IBinaryRawWriter rawWriter = writer.GetRawWriter();
+                rawWriter.WriteString(RawBefore);
+                rawWriter.WriteObject(RawOuter);
+                rawWriter.WriteString(RawAfter);
+            }
+            /** <inheritdoc /> */
+            virtual public void ReadBinary(IBinaryReader reader)
+            {
+                Before = reader.ReadString("before");
+                Outer = reader.ReadObject<HandleOuter>("outer");
+                After = reader.ReadString("after");
+                IBinaryRawReader rawReader = reader.GetRawReader();
+                RawBefore = rawReader.ReadString();
+                RawOuter = rawReader.ReadObject<HandleOuter>();
+                RawAfter = rawReader.ReadString();
+            }
+        }
+        public class HandleOuterExclusive : HandleOuter
+        {
+            /** <inheritdoc /> */
+            override public void WriteBinary(IBinaryWriter writer)
+            {
+                BinaryWriter writer0 = (BinaryWriter)writer;
+                writer.WriteString("before", Before);
+                writer0.WithDetach(w => w.WriteObject("inner", Inner));
+                writer.WriteString("after", After);
+                IBinaryRawWriter rawWriter = writer.GetRawWriter();
+                rawWriter.WriteString(RawBefore);
+                writer0.WithDetach(w => w.WriteObject(RawInner));
+                rawWriter.WriteString(RawAfter);
+            }
+            /** <inheritdoc /> */
+            override public void ReadBinary(IBinaryReader reader)
+            {
+                var reader0 = (BinaryReader) reader;
+                Before = reader0.ReadString("before");
+                reader0.DetachNext();
+                Inner = reader0.ReadObject<HandleInner>("inner");
+                After = reader0.ReadString("after");
+                var rawReader = (BinaryReader) reader.GetRawReader();
+                RawBefore = rawReader.ReadString();
+                reader0.DetachNext();
+                RawInner = rawReader.ReadObject<HandleInner>();
+                RawAfter = rawReader.ReadString();
+            }
+        }
+        public class PropertyType
+        {
+            public int Field1;
+            public int Field2
+            {
+                get;
+                set;
+            }
+        }
+        public enum TestEnum
+        {
+            Val1, Val2, Val3 = 10
+        }
+        public class DecimalReflective
+        {
+            /** */
+            public decimal? Val;
+            /** */
+            public decimal?[] ValArr;
+        }
+        public class DecimalMarshalAware : DecimalReflective, IBinarizable
+        {
+            /** */
+            public decimal? RawVal;
+            /** */
+            public decimal?[] RawValArr;
+            /** <inheritDoc /> */
+            public void WriteBinary(IBinaryWriter writer)
+            {
+                writer.WriteDecimal("val", Val);
+                writer.WriteDecimalArray("valArr", ValArr);
+                IBinaryRawWriter rawWriter = writer.GetRawWriter();
+                rawWriter.WriteDecimal(RawVal);
+                rawWriter.WriteDecimalArray(RawValArr);
+            }
+            /** <inheritDoc /> */
+            public void ReadBinary(IBinaryReader reader)
+            {
+                Val = reader.ReadDecimal("val");
+                ValArr = reader.ReadDecimalArray("valArr");
+                IBinaryRawReader rawReader = reader.GetRawReader();
+                RawVal = rawReader.ReadDecimal();
+                RawValArr = rawReader.ReadDecimalArray();
+            }
+        }
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Date time type.
+        /// </summary>
+        public class DateTimeType : IBinarizable
+        {
+            public DateTime Utc;
+            public DateTime? UtcNull;
+            public DateTime?[] UtcArr;
+            public DateTime UtcRaw;
+            public DateTime? UtcNullRaw;
+            public DateTime?[] UtcArrRaw;
+            /// <summary>
+            /// Constructor.
+            /// </summary>
+            /// <param name="now">Current local time.</param>
+            public DateTimeType(DateTime now)
+            {
+                Utc = now.ToUniversalTime();
+                UtcNull = Utc;
+                UtcArr = new DateTime?[] { Utc };
+                UtcRaw = Utc;
+                UtcNullRaw = UtcNull;
+                UtcArrRaw = new[] { UtcArr[0] };
+            }
+            /** <inheritDoc /> */
+            public void WriteBinary(IBinaryWriter writer)
+            {
+                writer.WriteTimestamp("utc", Utc);
+                writer.WriteTimestamp("utcNull", UtcNull);
+                writer.WriteTimestampArray("utcArr", UtcArr);
+                IBinaryRawWriter rawWriter = writer.GetRawWriter();
+                rawWriter.WriteTimestamp(UtcRaw);
+                rawWriter.WriteTimestamp(UtcNullRaw);
+                rawWriter.WriteTimestampArray(UtcArrRaw);
+            }
+            /** <inheritDoc /> */
+            public void ReadBinary(IBinaryReader reader)
+            {
+                Utc = reader.ReadTimestamp("utc").Value;
+                UtcNull = reader.ReadTimestamp("utc").Value;
+                UtcArr = reader.ReadTimestampArray("utcArr");
+                IBinaryRawReader rawReader = reader.GetRawReader();
+                UtcRaw = rawReader.ReadTimestamp().Value;
+                UtcNullRaw = rawReader.ReadTimestamp().Value;
+                UtcArrRaw = rawReader.ReadTimestampArray();
+            }
+        }
+        [Serializable]
+        private class SerializableObject
+        {
+            public int Foo { get; set; }
+            private bool Equals(SerializableObject other)
+            {
+                return Foo == other.Foo;
+            }
+            public override bool Equals(object obj)
+            {
+                if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false;
+                if (ReferenceEquals(this, obj)) return true;
+                if (obj.GetType() != GetType()) return false;
+                return Equals((SerializableObject) obj);
+            }
+            public override int GetHashCode()
+            {
+                return Foo;
+            }
+        }
+    }
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78ee8c0
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+namespace Apache.Ignite.Core.Tests.Binary
+    using System;
+    using System.Collections.Generic;
+    using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
+    using Apache.Ignite.Core.Binary;
+    using Apache.Ignite.Core.Impl;
+    using Apache.Ignite.Core.Impl.Binary;
+    using NUnit.Framework;
+    /// <summary>
+    /// Contains tests for binary type structure.
+    /// </summary>
+    [TestFixture]
+    public class BinaryStructureTest
+    {
+        /** Repeat count. */
+        public static readonly int RepeatCnt = 10;
+        /** Objects per mode. */
+        public static readonly int ObjectsPerMode = 5;
+        /// <summary>
+        /// Test object write with different structures.
+        /// </summary>
+        [Test]
+        public void TestStructure()
+        {
+            for (int i = 1; i <= RepeatCnt; i++)
+            {
+                Console.WriteLine(">>> Iteration started: " + i);
+                // 1. Generate and shuffle objects.
+                IList<BranchedType> objs = new List<BranchedType>();
+                for (int j = 0; j < 6 * ObjectsPerMode; j++)
+                    objs.Add(new BranchedType((j%6) + 1));
+                objs = IgniteUtils.Shuffle(objs);
+                // 2. Create new marshaller.
+                BinaryTypeConfiguration typeCfg = new 
+                BinaryConfiguration cfg = new BinaryConfiguration
+                {
+                    TypeConfigurations = new List<BinaryTypeConfiguration> { 
typeCfg }
+                };
+                Marshaller marsh = new Marshaller(cfg);
+                // 3. Marshal all data and ensure deserialized object is fine.
+                foreach (BranchedType obj in objs)
+                {
+                    Console.WriteLine(">>> Write object [mode=" + obj.mode + 
+                    byte[] data = marsh.Marshal(obj);
+                    BranchedType other = marsh.Unmarshal<BranchedType>(data);
+                    Assert.IsTrue(obj.Equals(other));
+                }
+                Console.WriteLine();
+                // 4. Ensure that all fields are recorded.
+                var desc = marsh.GetDescriptor(typeof (BranchedType));
+                CollectionAssert.AreEquivalent(new[] {"mode", "f2", "f3", 
"f4", "f5", "f6", "f7", "f8"},
+                    desc.WriterTypeStructure.FieldTypes.Keys);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    [SuppressMessage("ReSharper", "InconsistentNaming")]
+    public class BranchedType : IBinarizable
+    {
+        public int mode;
+        public int f2;
+        public int f3;
+        public int f4;
+        public int f5;
+        public int f6;
+        public int f7;
+        public int f8;
+        public BranchedType(int mode)
+        {
+            this.mode = mode;
+            switch (mode)
+            {
+                case 1:
+                    f2 = 2;
+                    break;
+                case 2:
+                    f2 = 2;
+                    f3 = 3;
+                    f4 = 4;
+                    break;
+                case 3:
+                    f2 = 2;
+                    f3 = 3;
+                    f5 = 5;
+                    break;
+                case 4:
+                    f2 = 2;
+                    f3 = 3;
+                    f5 = 5;
+                    f6 = 6;
+                    break;
+                case 5:
+                    f2 = 2;
+                    f3 = 3;
+                    f7 = 7;
+                    break;
+                case 6:
+                    f8 = 8;
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+        public void WriteBinary(IBinaryWriter writer)
+        {
+            writer.WriteInt("mode", mode);
+            switch (mode)
+            {
+                case 1:
+                    writer.WriteInt("f2", f2);
+                    break;
+                case 2:
+                    writer.WriteInt("f2", f2);
+                    writer.WriteInt("f3", f3);
+                    writer.WriteInt("f4", f4);
+                    break;
+                case 3:
+                    writer.WriteInt("f2", f2);
+                    writer.WriteInt("f3", f3);
+                    writer.WriteInt("f5", f5);
+                    break;
+                case 4:
+                    writer.WriteInt("f2", f2);
+                    writer.WriteInt("f3", f3);
+                    writer.WriteInt("f5", f5);
+                    writer.WriteInt("f6", f6);
+                    break;
+                case 5:
+                    writer.WriteInt("f2", f2);
+                    writer.WriteInt("f3", f3);
+                    writer.WriteInt("f7", f7);
+                    break;
+                case 6:
+                    writer.WriteInt("f8", f8);
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+        public void ReadBinary(IBinaryReader reader)
+        {
+            mode = reader.ReadInt("mode");
+            switch (mode)
+            {
+                case 1:
+                    f2 = reader.ReadInt("f2");
+                    break;
+                case 2:
+                    f2 = reader.ReadInt("f2");
+                    f3 = reader.ReadInt("f3");
+                    f4 = reader.ReadInt("f4");
+                    break;
+                case 3:
+                    f2 = reader.ReadInt("f2");
+                    f3 = reader.ReadInt("f3");
+                    f5 = reader.ReadInt("f5");
+                    break;
+                case 4:
+                    f2 = reader.ReadInt("f2");
+                    f3 = reader.ReadInt("f3");
+                    f5 = reader.ReadInt("f5");
+                    f6 = reader.ReadInt("f6");
+                    break;
+                case 5:
+                    f2 = reader.ReadInt("f2");
+                    f3 = reader.ReadInt("f3");
+                    f7 = reader.ReadInt("f7");
+                    break;
+                case 6:
+                    f8 = reader.ReadInt("f8");
+                    break;
+            }
+        }
+        public bool Equals(BranchedType other)
+        {
+            return mode == other.mode && f2 == other.f2 && f3 == other.f3 && 
f4 == other.f4 && f5 == other.f5 &&
+                   f6 == other.f6 && f7 == other.f7 && f8 == other.f8;
+        }
+    }

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