This is an automated email from the ASF dual-hosted git repository.

dmagda pushed a commit to branch IGNITE-7595
in repository

The following commit(s) were added to refs/heads/IGNITE-7595 by this push:
     new ba6fbe2  ported .NET-specific documentation pages - configuration, 
deployment and standalone nodes.
ba6fbe2 is described below

commit ba6fbe25e1825e2a34f70e8f5f56826157d7cde6
Author: Denis Magda <>
AuthorDate: Mon Sep 28 16:26:01 2020 -0700

    ported .NET-specific documentation pages - configuration, deployment and 
standalone nodes.
 docs/_data/toc.yaml                                |  28 ++++
 docs/_docs/net-specific/configuration-options.adoc | 176 +++++++++++++++++++++
 docs/_docs/net-specific/deployment-options.adoc    | 138 ++++++++++++++++
 docs/_docs/net-specific/standalone-nodes.adoc      | 116 ++++++++++++++
 4 files changed, 458 insertions(+)

diff --git a/docs/_data/toc.yaml b/docs/_data/toc.yaml
index 2616397..8db5154 100644
--- a/docs/_data/toc.yaml
+++ b/docs/_data/toc.yaml
@@ -421,6 +421,34 @@
           url: extensions-and-integrations/streaming/zeromq-streamer
         - title: Twitter Streamer
           url: extensions-and-integrations/streaming/twitter-streamer
+- title: C# and .NET Specific
+  items:
+    - title: Configuration Options
+      url: net-specific/configuration-options
+    - title: Deployment Options
+      url: net-specific/deployment-options
+    - title: Standalone Nodes
+      url: net-specific/standalone-nodes
+    - title: Logging
+      url: net-specific/logging
+    - title: LINQ
+      url: net-specific/linq
+    - title: Java Services Execution
+      url: net-specific/java-services-execution
+    - title: Plugins
+      url: net-specific/plugins
+    - title: Serialization
+      url: net-specific/serialization
+    - title: Cross-Platform Support
+      url: net-specific/cross-platform-support
+    - title: Platform Interoperability
+      url: net-specific/platform-interoperability
+    - title: Remote Assembly Loading
+      url: net-specific/remote-assembly-loading
+    - title: Troubleshooting
+      url: net-specific/troubleshooting
+    - title: Integrations
+      url: net-specific/integrations
 - title: Plugins
   url: plugins
 - title: SQL Reference
diff --git a/docs/_docs/net-specific/configuration-options.adoc 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..518c83e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_docs/net-specific/configuration-options.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
+= Ignite.NET Configuration Options
+== Overview
+Ignite.NET nodes can be configured in a variety of ways and then started via 
configuration-specific `Ignition.Start*` methods.
+== Configure Programmatically in C#
+Use the `Ignition.Start(IgniteConfiguration)` method to configure an 
Ignite.NET node from your C# application.
+tab:Sample C# Configuration[]
+Ignition.Start(new IgniteConfiguration
+    DiscoverySpi = new TcpDiscoverySpi
+    {
+        IpFinder = new TcpDiscoveryStaticIpFinder
+        {
+            Endpoints = new[] {""}
+        },
+        SocketTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(0.3)
+    },
+    IncludedEventTypes = EventType.CacheAll,
+    JvmOptions = new[] { "-Xms1024m", "-Xmx1024m" }
+== Configure With Application or Web Config Files
+`Ignition.StartFromApplicationConfiguration` methods read configuration from 
+of the app.config or web.config files.
+The `IgniteConfigurationSection.xsd` schema file can be found next to 
Apache.Ignite.Core.dll in the binary distribution,
+and in `Apache.Ignite.Schema` NuGet package. Include it in your project with 
`None` build action to enable IntelliSense
+in Visual Studio while editing `IgniteConfigurationSection` in the config 
+tab:Configure in app.config[]
+    <configSections>
+        <section name="igniteConfiguration" 
type="Apache.Ignite.Core.IgniteConfigurationSection, Apache.Ignite.Core" />
+    </configSections>
+    <runtime>
+        <gcServer enabled="true"/>
+    </runtime>
+    <igniteConfiguration 
+        <discoverySpi type="TcpDiscoverySpi">
+            <ipFinder type="TcpDiscoveryStaticIpFinder">
+                <endpoints>
+                    <string></string>
+                </endpoints>
+            </ipFinder>
+        </discoverySpi>
+        <cacheConfiguration>
+            <cacheConfiguration cacheMode='Replicated' readThrough='true' 
writeThrough='true' />
+            <cacheConfiguration name='secondCache' />
+        </cacheConfiguration>
+        <includedEventTypes>
+            <int>42</int>
+            <int>TaskFailed</int>
+            <int>JobFinished</int>
+        </includedEventTypes>
+        <userAttributes>
+            <pair key='myNode' value='true' />
+        </userAttributes>
+        <JvmOptions>
+          <string>-Xms1024m</string>
+          <string>-Xmx1024m</string>
+        </JvmOptions>
+    </igniteConfiguration>
+tab:Use in C#[]
+var ignite = Ignition.StartFromApplicationConfiguration("igniteConfiguration");
+To add the `IgniteConfigurationSection.xsd` schema file to a Visual Studio 
project go to `Projects` menu and click on
+`Add Existing Item...` menu item. After that locate 
`IgniteConfigurationSection.xsd` inside of the Apache Ignite distribution
+and pick it up. Alternatively, install NuGet package: `Install-Package 
Apache.Ignite.Schema`. This will add an xsd file to
+the project automatically. To improve editing, make sure that `Statement 
Completion` options are enabled in
+`Tools - Options - Text Editor - XML`.
+=== Ignite Configuration Section Syntax
+The configuration section maps directly to `IgniteConfiguration` class:
+* Simple properties (strings, primitives, enums) map to XML attributes 
(attribute name = camelCased C# property name).
+* Complex properties map to nested XML elements (element name = camelCased C# 
property name).
+* When a complex property is an interface or abstract class, `type` attribute 
is used to specify the type, using *assembly-qualified name*. For built-in 
types (like TcpDiscoverySpi in the code sample above) assembly name and 
namespace can be omitted.
+* When in doubt, consult the schema in `IgniteConfigurationSection.xsd`.
+== Configure With Spring XML
+Spring XML enables the native java-based Ignite configuration method. A Spring 
config file can be provided via
+the `Ignition.Start(string)` method or the 
`IgniteConfiguration.SpringConfigUrl` property. This configuration method
+is useful when some Java property is not natively supported by Ignite.NET.
+When the `IgniteConfiguration.SpringConfigUrl` property is used, the Spring 
config is loaded first, and other
+`IgniteConfiguration` properties are applied on top of it.
+tab:Configure With Spring XML[]
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<beans xmlns="";
+       xmlns:xsi="";
+       xmlns:util="";
+       xsi:schemaLocation="
+                  ";>
+    <bean id="grid.cfg" 
+        <property name="localHost" value=""/>
+        <property name="gridName" value="grid1"/>
+        <property name="userAttributes">
+            <map>
+                <entry key="my_attr" value="value1"/>
+            </map>
+        </property>
+        <property name="cacheConfiguration">
+            <list>
+                <bean 
+                    <property name="name" value="cache1"/>
+                    <property name="startSize" value="10"/>
+                </bean>
+            </list>
+        </property>
+        <property name="discoverySpi">
+            <bean class="org.apache.ignite.spi.discovery.tcp.TcpDiscoverySpi">
+                <property name="ipFinder">
+                    <bean 
+                        <property name="addresses">
+                            <list>
+                                <value></value>
+                            </list>
+                        </property>
+                    </bean>
+                </property>
+                <property name="socketTimeout" value="300" />
+            </bean>
+        </property>
+    </bean>
+tab:Use in C#[]
+var ignite = Ignition.Start("spring-config.xml");
diff --git a/docs/_docs/net-specific/deployment-options.adoc 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..05813e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_docs/net-specific/deployment-options.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,138 @@
+= Application Deployment Options
+== Overview
+Apache Ignite.NET consists of .NET assemblies and Java jar files. The .NET 
assemblies are referenced by your project and
+are copied to an output folder during the build automatically. The JAR files 
should be copied manually.
+Ignite.NET discovers them via the `IgniteHome` or `JvmClasspath` settings.
+This page introduces several most-commonly used deployment options of 
Ignite.NET nodes.
+== Full Binary Package Deployment
+* Copy the[whole Ignite distribution package, 
window=_blank] along with your application
+* Set the `IGNITE_HOME` environment variable or 
`IgniteConfiguration.IgniteHome` setting to point to that folder
+== NuGet Deployment
+The post-build event is updated automatically during the Ignite.NET NuGet 
package installation to copy jar files to
+`Libs` folder in the output directory (see link:quick-start/dotnet[Getting 
+Make sure to include that `Libs` folder when distributing your binaries.
+Make sure `IGNITE_HOME` is not set globally. Normally you don't need to set 
`IGNITE_HOME` with NuGet, except for
+ASP.NET deployments (see below).
+tab:Post-Build Event[]
+if not exist "$(TargetDir)Libs" md "$(TargetDir)Libs"
+xcopy /s /y "$(SolutionDir)packages\Apache.Ignite.1.6.0\Libs\*.*" 
+== Custom Deployment
+The JAR files are located in the `libs` folder of the binary distribution and 
NuGet package.
+The minimum set of jars for Ignite.NET is:
+* `ignite-core-{VER}.jar`
+* `cache-api-1.0.0.jar`
+* `ignite-indexing` folder (if SQL queries are used)
+* `ignite-spring` folder (if a Spring XML configuration is used)
+=== Deploying JARs to a default location:
+* Copy the JAR files to the `Libs` folder next to Apache.Ignite.Core.dll
+* Do not set the `IgniteConfiguration.JvmClasspath`, 
`IgniteConfiguration.IgniteHome` properties and `IGNITE_HOME` environment 
+=== Deploying jar files to an arbitrary location:
+* Copy the JAR files somewhere
+* Set the `IgniteConfiguration.JvmClasspath` property to a semicolon-separated 
string of paths for each jar file
+* Do not set the `IGNITE_HOME` environment variable and 
`IgniteConfiguration.IgniteHome` property
+tab:IgniteConfiguration.JvmClasspath Example[]
+== ASP.NET Deployment
+`JvmClasspath` or `IgniteHome` have to be explicitly set when using Ignite in 
a web environment (IIS and IIS Express),
+because DDL files are copied to temporary folders, and Ignite can not locate 
JAR files automatically.
+You can set `IgniteHome` like this in ASP.NET environment:
+Ignition.Start(new IgniteConfiguration
+    IgniteHome = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\bin\")
+Alternatively, `IGNITE_HOME` can be set globally. Add this line at the top of 
the `Application_Start` method in `Global.asax.cs`:
+Finally, you can use the following method to populate `JvmClasspath`:
+static string GetDefaultWebClasspath()
+    var dir = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(@"~\bin\libs");
+    return string.Join(";", Directory.GetFiles(dir, "*.jar"));
+== IIS Application Pool Lifecycle, AppDomains, and Ignite.NET
+There is a known problem with IIS. When a web application is restarted due to 
code changes or a manual restart,
+the application pool process remains alive, while AppDomain gets recycled.
+Ignite.NET automatically stops when AppDomain is unloaded. However, a new 
domain may be started when old one is still
+unloading. So the node from the old domain can have an 
`IgniteConfiguration.IgniteInstanceName` conflict with a node from the new 
+To fix this issue make sure to either assign a unique `IgniteInstanceName`, or 
+`IgniteConfiguration.AutoGenerateIgniteInstanceName` property to `true`.
+tab:Use in C#[]
+var cfg = new IgniteConfiguration { AutoGenerateIgniteInstanceName = true };
+<igniteConfiguration autoGenerateIgniteInstanceName="true">
+  ...
+Refer to the[following
 StackOverflow discussion, window=_blank]
+for more details.
diff --git a/docs/_docs/net-specific/standalone-nodes.adoc 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d5030ab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/_docs/net-specific/standalone-nodes.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+= Ignite.NET Standalone Nodes
+== Overview
+An Ignite.NET node can be started within the code of a .NET application by 
using `Ignition.Start()` or as a separate
+process with `Apache.Ignite.exe` executable located under 
`{apache_ignite_release}\platforms\dotnet\bin` folder.
+Internally `Apache.Ignite.exe` references `Apache.Ignite.Core.dll` and uses 
`Ignition.Start()` as you would normally do,
+and can be configured with command line arguments, listed below, by passing 
them as command line options or setting directly
+in `Apache.Ignite.exe.config` file.
+Usually, you start server nodes in the standalone mode. An Ignite cluster is a 
group of server nodes interconnected
+together in order to provide shared resources like RAM and CPU to your 
+== Configure Standalone Node via Command Line
+Below you can see basic Ignite parameters that can be passed as command line 
arguments when a node is started with
+`Apache.Ignite.exe` executable:
+|Command Line Argument |Description
+|`-IgniteHome`| A path to Ignite installation directory (if not provided, the 
`IGNITE_HOME` environment variable is used)
+|`-ConfigFileName`| A path to the app.config file (if not provided, 
`Apache.Ignite.exe.config` is used).
+|`-ConfigSectionName`| The name of the `IgniteConfigurationSection` from a 
configuration file.
+|`-SpringConfigUrl`| A path to a Spring configuration file.
+|`-JvmDllPath`| A path to JVM library `jvm.dll` (if not provided, `JAVA_HOME` 
environment variable is used).
+|`-JvmClasspath`| The classpath to pass to JVM started by Ignite.NET 
internally (use to enlist additional JAR files).
+|`-SuppressWarnings`| Whether or not to print warnings.
+|`-J<javaOption>`| Additional JVM options to be used during the initialization 
of the JVM.
+|`-Assembly`| Additional .NET assemblies to be loaded.
+|`-JvmInitialMemoryMB`| Initial Java heap size, in megabytes. Maps to the 
`-Xms` Java parameter.
+|`-JvmMaxMemoryMB`| Maximum Java heap size, in megabytes. Maps to the `-Xmx` 
Java parameter.
+|`/install`| Installs Ignite Windows service with provided options.
+|`/uninstall`| Uninstalls Ignite Windows service.
+Apache.Ignite.exe -ConfigFileName=c:\ignite\my-config.xml 
-ConfigSectionName=igniteConfiguration -Assembly=c:\ignite\my-code.dll 
-J-Xms1024m -J-Xmx2048m
+== Configure Standalone Node via XML Files
+A standalone node can be configured with app.config XML or Spring XML (or 
both). Every command line argument, listed above,
+can also be used in `Apache.Ignite.exe.config` under `appSettings` section:
+  <configSections>
+    <section name="igniteConfiguration" 
type="Apache.Ignite.Core.IgniteConfigurationSection, Apache.Ignite.Core" />
+  </configSections>
+  <igniteConfiguration springConfigUrl="c:\ignite\spring.xml">
+    <cacheConfiguration name="myCache" cacheMode="Replicated" />
+  </igniteConfiguration>
+  <appSettings>
+    <add key="Ignite.Assembly.1" value="my-assembly.dll"/>
+    <add key="Ignite.Assembly.2" value="my-assembly2.dll"/>
+    <add key="Ignite.ConfigSectionName" value="igniteConfiguration" />
+  </appSettings>
+This example defines the `igniteConfiguration` section and uses it to start 
Ignite via the `Ignite.ConfigSectionName` setting.
+It also references the Spring XML configuration file, whose settings will be 
added to the specified configuration.
+== Load User Assemblies
+Some Ignite APIs involve remote code execution and require you to load 
assemblies with your code into `Apache.Ignite.exe`
+via `-Assembly` command line argument or `Ignite.Assembly` app setting.
+The following functionality requires a corresponding assembly to be loaded on 
all nodes:
+* ICompute (supports automatic loading, see 
link:net-specific/remote-assembly-loading[Remote Assembly Loading])
+* Scan Queries with filter
+* Continuous Queries with filter
+* ICache.Invoke methods
+* ICache.LoadCache with filter
+* IServices
+* IMessaging.RemoteListen
+* IEvents.RemoteQuery
+=== Missing User Assemblies
+If a user assembly cannot be located a `Could not load file or assembly 
'MyAssembly'` or one of its dependencies
+exception will be thrown.
+Note, that it is also necessary to add any dependencies of the user assembly 
to the list.
+== Ignite.NET as Windows Service
+`Apache.Ignite.exe` can be installed as a Windows Service so it is started 
automatically via `/install` command line argument.
+All other command line arguments will be preserved and used each time the 
service starts. Use `/uninstall` to uninstall the service.
+Apache.Ignite.exe /install -J-Xms513m -J-Xmx555m 

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