diff --git 
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..4ad91c8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/juneau-core-test/src/test/java/org/apache/juneau/ini/
@@ -0,0 +1,2153 @@
+// * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 
contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file *
+// * distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright 
ownership.  The ASF licenses this file        *
+// * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not 
use this file except in compliance            *
+// * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at                
+// *                                                                           
+// *                               
+// *                                                                           
+// * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 
distributed under the License is distributed on an  *
express or implied.  See the License for the        *
+// * specific language governing permissions and limitations under the 
License.                                              *
+package org.apache.juneau.ini;
+import static org.apache.juneau.TestUtils.*;
+import static org.junit.Assert.*;
+import java.util.*;
+import java.util.concurrent.*;
+import org.apache.juneau.*;
+import org.apache.juneau.annotation.*;
+import org.apache.juneau.internal.*;
+import org.apache.juneau.json.*;
+import org.apache.juneau.parser.*;
+import org.apache.juneau.svl.*;
+import org.junit.*;
+public class ConfigFileTest {
+       private File getFreshFile() {
+               String tempDir = System.getProperty("");
+               File f = new File(tempDir, "Test.cfg");
+               if (f.exists())
+                       f.delete();
+               f.deleteOnExit();
+               return f;
+       }
+       // testCommentsOnly
+       @Test
+       public void testCommentsOnly() throws Exception {
+               File f = getFreshFile();
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create(f)
+                       .addLines(null, "# c1", "\t# c2", " c3 ");
+               ConfigFile cfw = cf.getResolving(VarResolver.DEFAULT);
+               String expected = "# c1|\t# c2| c3 |";
+               assertTextEquals(expected, cf);
+               assertTextEquals(expected, cfw);
+     ;
+               cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create(f);
+               expected = "# c1|\t# c2| c3 |";
+               assertTextEquals(expected, cf);
+               assertTextEquals(expected, cfw);
+       }
+       // testBasics
+       @Test
+       public void testBasics() throws Exception {
+               File f = getFreshFile();
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create(f)
+                       .addLines(null, "# c1", "\t# c2", " c3 ", "x1=1", 
"x2=true", "x3=null")
+                       .addLines("s1", "#c4", "k1=1", "#c5 foo=bar", "k2 = 
true", "k3  = \tnull");
+               ConfigFile cfw = cf.getResolving().getResolving();
+               String expected = "# c1|\t# c2| c3 |x1 = 1|x2 = true|x3 = 
null|[s1]|#c4|k1 = 1|#c5 foo=bar|k2 = true|k3 = null|";
+               assertTextEquals(expected, cf);
+               assertTextEquals(expected, cfw);
+     ;
+               cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create(f);
+               cfw = cf.getResolving(VarResolver.DEFAULT);
+               assertEquals(1, cf.getInt("x1"));
+               assertEquals(true, cf.getBoolean("x2"));
+               assertEquals("null", cf.getString("x3"));
+               assertEquals(1, cf.getInt("s1/k1"));
+               assertEquals(true, cf.getBoolean("s1/k2"));
+               assertEquals("null", cf.getString("s1/k3"));
+               assertEquals(-1, cf.getInt("X1/k1", -1));
+               assertEquals(true, cf.getBoolean("X1/k2", true));
+               assertEquals("null", cf.getString("X1/k3", "null"));
+               assertEquals(1, cfw.getInt("x1"));
+               assertEquals(true, cfw.getBoolean("x2"));
+               assertEquals("null", cfw.getString("x3"));
+               assertEquals(1, cfw.getInt("s1/k1"));
+               assertEquals(true, cfw.getBoolean("s1/k2"));
+               assertEquals("null", cfw.getString("s1/k3"));
+               assertEquals(-1, cfw.getInt("X1/k1", -1));
+               assertEquals(true, cfw.getBoolean("X1/k2", true));
+               assertEquals("null", cfw.getString("X1/k3", "null"));
+               cf.put("x1", 2);
+               cf.put("x2", false);
+               cf.put("x3", "foo");
+               cf.put("s1/k1", 2);
+               cf.put("s1/k2", false);
+               cf.put("s1/k3", "bar");
+               expected = "# c1|\t# c2| c3 |x1 = 2|x2 = false|x3 = 
foo|[s1]|#c4|k1 = 2|#c5 foo=bar|k2 = false|k3 = bar|";
+               assertTextEquals(expected, cf);
+               assertTextEquals(expected, cfw);
+               cfw.put("x1", 3);
+               cfw.put("x2", true);
+               cfw.put("x3", "bar");
+               cfw.put("s1/k1", 4);
+               cfw.put("s1/k2", true);
+               cfw.put("s1/k3", "baz");
+               expected = "# c1|\t# c2| c3 |x1 = 3|x2 = true|x3 = 
bar|[s1]|#c4|k1 = 4|#c5 foo=bar|k2 = true|k3 = baz|";
+               assertTextEquals(expected, cf);
+               assertTextEquals(expected, cfw);
+               // Null strings.
+               cf.put("x1", (String)null);
+               expected = "# c1|\t# c2| c3 |x1 = |x2 = true|x3 = 
bar|[s1]|#c4|k1 = 4|#c5 foo=bar|k2 = true|k3 = baz|";
+               assertTextEquals(expected, cf);
+       }
+       @Test
+       public void testSerialization() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create();
+               cf.put("x1", 1);
+               String expected = "{'default':{x1:'1'}}";
+               assertObjectEquals(expected, cf);
+               cf = cf.getResolving(VarResolver.DEFAULT);
+               assertObjectEquals(expected, cf);
+       }
+       // testHeaderComments
+       @Test
+       public void testHeaderComments() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile[] cff = {
+                       ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create(getFreshFile()).addLines(null, 
"x").addLines("s1", "#c3", "#c4").addHeaderComments("s1", "#c1", "#c2"),
+                       ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create(getFreshFile()).addLines(null, 
"x").addLines("s1", "#c3", "#c4").addHeaderComments("s1", "#c1", 
+               };
+               for (ConfigFile cf : cff) {
+                       String expected = "x|#c1|#c2|[s1]|#c3|#c4|";
+                       assertTextEquals(expected, cf);
+             ;
+                       cf.load();
+                       cf.clearHeaderComments("s1");
+                       expected = "x|[s1]|#c3|#c4|";
+                       assertTextEquals(expected, cf);
+                       cf.clearHeaderComments("x1");
+                       cf.addHeaderComments("s1", "#c5", "c6");
+                       expected = "x|#c5|#c6|[s1]|#c3|#c4|";
+                       assertTextEquals(expected, cf);
+               }
+       }
+       // testRemoveEntries
+       @Test
+       public void testRemoveEntries() throws Exception {
+               File f = getFreshFile();
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create(f)
+                       .addLines(null, "x1=1")
+                       .addLines("s1", "x2=2");
+               ConfigFile cfw = cf.getResolving(VarResolver.DEFAULT);
+               String expected = "x1 = 1|[s1]|x2 = 2|";
+               assertTextEquals(expected, cf);
+               assertTextEquals(expected, cfw);
+     ;
+               cf.load();
+               cf.removeString("x1");
+               expected = "[s1]|x2 = 2|";
+               assertTextEquals(expected, cf);
+               assertTextEquals(expected, cfw);
+     ;
+               cfw.load();
+               cf.removeString("s1/x2");
+               expected = "[s1]|";
+               assertTextEquals(expected, cf);
+               assertTextEquals(expected, cfw);
+               cf.removeSection("s1");
+               assertEquals("", cf.toString());
+               assertEquals("", cfw.toString());
+       }
+       // testPut
+       @Test
+       public void testPut() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create();
+               ConfigFile cfw = cf.getResolving(VarResolver.DEFAULT);
+               cf.addSection(null);
+               cf.put("x1", "1");
+               cf.addHeaderComments(null, "#h1");
+               cf.addLines(null, "#c1", "c2");
+               cf.addSection("s1");
+               cf.put("s1/x2", "1");
+               cf.addHeaderComments("s1","#h2");
+               cf.addLines("s1", "#c3", "c4");
+               String expected = "#h1|x1 = 1|#c1|c2|#h2|[s1]|x2 = 1|#c3|c4|";
+               assertTextEquals(expected, cf);
+               assertTextEquals(expected, cfw);
+               cfw.addSection(null);
+               cfw.put("x2", "2");
+               cfw.addHeaderComments(null, "#h2");
+               cfw.addLines(null, "#c2", "c3");
+               cfw.addSection("s2");
+               cfw.put("s2/x3", "2");
+               cfw.addHeaderComments("s2","#h3");
+               cfw.addLines("s2", "#c4", "c5");
+               expected = "#h1|#h2|x1 = 1|#c1|c2|x2 = 2|#c2|c3|#h2|[s1]|x2 = 
1|#c3|c4|#h3|[s2]|x3 = 2|#c4|c5|";
+               assertTextEquals(expected, cf);
+               assertTextEquals(expected, cfw);
+       }
+       // testExampleInConfigFile - Example in ConfigFile
+       @Test
+       public void testExampleInConfigFile() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create()
+                       .addLines(null, "# Default section", "key1 = 1", "key2 
= true", "key3 = 1,2,3", "key4 = 'http://foo'", "")
+                       .addHeaderComments("section1", "# Section 1")
+                       .addLines("section1", "key1 = 2", "key2 = false", "key3 
= 4,5,6", "key4 = 'http://bar'");
+               ConfigFile cfw = cf.getResolving(VarResolver.DEFAULT);
+               assertEquals(1, cf.getInt("key1"));
+               assertEquals(true, cf.getBoolean("key2"));
+               assertEquals(3, cf.getObject(int[].class, "key3")[2]);
+               assertEquals(6, cf.getObject(int[].class, "xkey3", new 
+               assertEquals(6, cf.getObject(int[].class, "X/key3", new 
+               assertEquals(new URL("http://foo";).toString(), 
cf.getObject(URL.class, "key4").toString());
+               assertEquals(1, cfw.getInt("key1"));
+               assertEquals(true, cfw.getBoolean("key2"));
+               assertEquals(3, cfw.getObject(int[].class, "key3")[2]);
+               assertEquals(6, cfw.getObject(int[].class, "xkey3", new 
+               assertEquals(6, cfw.getObject(int[].class, "X/key3", new 
+               assertEquals(new URL("http://foo";).toString(), 
cfw.getObject(URL.class, "key4").toString());
+               assertEquals(2, cf.getInt("section1/key1"));
+               assertEquals(false, cf.getBoolean("section1/key2"));
+               assertEquals(6, cf.getObject(int[].class, "section1/key3")[2]);
+               assertEquals(new URL("http://bar";).toString(), 
cf.getObject(URL.class, "section1/key4").toString());
+               assertEquals(2, cfw.getInt("section1/key1"));
+               assertEquals(false, cfw.getBoolean("section1/key2"));
+               assertEquals(6, cfw.getObject(int[].class, "section1/key3")[2]);
+               assertEquals(new URL("http://bar";).toString(), 
cfw.getObject(URL.class, "section1/key4").toString());
+               cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create(getFreshFile())
+                       .addLines(null, "# Default section")
+                       .addHeaderComments("section1", "# Section 1");
+               cfw = cf.getResolving(VarResolver.DEFAULT);
+               cf.put("key1", 1);
+               cf.put("key2", true);
+               cf.put("key3", new int[]{1,2,3});
+               cf.put("key4", new URL("http://foo";));
+               cf.put("section1/key1", 2);
+               cf.put("section1/key2", false);
+               cf.put("section1/key3", new int[]{4,5,6});
+               cf.put("section1/key4", new URL("http://bar";));
+     ;
+               cf.load();
+               assertEquals(1, cf.getInt("key1"));
+               assertEquals(true, cf.getBoolean("key2"));
+               assertEquals(3, cf.getObject(int[].class, "key3")[2]);
+               assertEquals(new URL("http://foo";).toString(), 
cf.getObject(URL.class, "key4").toString());
+               assertEquals(1, cfw.getInt("key1"));
+               assertEquals(true, cfw.getBoolean("key2"));
+               assertEquals(3, cfw.getObject(int[].class, "key3")[2]);
+               assertEquals(new URL("http://foo";).toString(), 
cfw.getObject(URL.class, "key4").toString());
+               assertEquals(2, cf.getInt("section1/key1"));
+               assertEquals(false, cf.getBoolean("section1/key2"));
+               assertEquals(6, cf.getObject(int[].class, "section1/key3")[2]);
+               assertEquals(new URL("http://bar";).toString(), 
cf.getObject(URL.class, "section1/key4").toString());
+               assertEquals(2, cfw.getInt("section1/key1"));
+               assertEquals(false, cfw.getBoolean("section1/key2"));
+               assertEquals(6, cfw.getObject(int[].class, "section1/key3")[2]);
+               assertEquals(new URL("http://bar";).toString(), 
cfw.getObject(URL.class, "section1/key4").toString());
+               cfw.put("key1", 2);
+               cfw.put("key2", false);
+               cfw.put("key3", new int[]{4,5,6});
+               cfw.put("key4", new URL("http://bar";));
+               cfw.put("section1/key1", 3);
+               cfw.put("section1/key2", true);
+               cfw.put("section1/key3", new int[]{7,8,9});
+               cfw.put("section1/key4", new URL("http://baz";));
+     ;
+               cfw.load();
+               assertEquals(2, cf.getInt("key1"));
+               assertEquals(false, cf.getBoolean("key2"));
+               assertEquals(6, cf.getObject(int[].class, "key3")[2]);
+               assertEquals(new URL("http://bar";).toString(), 
cf.getObject(URL.class, "key4").toString());
+               assertEquals(2, cfw.getInt("key1"));
+               assertEquals(false, cfw.getBoolean("key2"));
+               assertEquals(6, cfw.getObject(int[].class, "key3")[2]);
+               assertEquals(new URL("http://bar";).toString(), 
cfw.getObject(URL.class, "key4").toString());
+               assertEquals(3, cf.getInt("section1/key1"));
+               assertEquals(true, cf.getBoolean("section1/key2"));
+               assertEquals(9, cf.getObject(int[].class, "section1/key3")[2]);
+               assertEquals(new URL("http://baz";).toString(), 
cf.getObject(URL.class, "section1/key4").toString());
+               assertEquals(3, cfw.getInt("section1/key1"));
+               assertEquals(true, cfw.getBoolean("section1/key2"));
+               assertEquals(9, cfw.getObject(int[].class, "section1/key3")[2]);
+               assertEquals(new URL("http://baz";).toString(), 
cfw.getObject(URL.class, "section1/key4").toString());
+       }
+       // testEnum
+       @Test
+       public void testEnum() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create(getFreshFile())
+                       .addLines(null, "key1 = 'MINUTES'");
+               ConfigFile cfw = cf.getResolving(VarResolver.DEFAULT);
+               assertEquals(TimeUnit.MINUTES, cf.getObject(TimeUnit.class, 
+               assertEquals(TimeUnit.MINUTES, cfw.getObject(TimeUnit.class, 
+     ;
+               cf.load();
+               assertEquals(TimeUnit.MINUTES, cf.getObject(TimeUnit.class, 
+               assertEquals(TimeUnit.MINUTES, cfw.getObject(TimeUnit.class, 
+       }
+       // testBatchFileGeneration
+       @Test
+       public void testBatchFileGeneration() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create()
+                       .addLines(null, "# c1", "\t# c2", " c3 ", "", "  ", 
"x1=1", "x2=true", "x3=null")
+                       .addHeaderComments(null, "header null", "", null)
+                       .addLines("s1", "#c4", "k1=1", "#c5 foo=bar", "k2 = 
true", "k3  = \tnull")
+                       .addHeaderComments("s1", "header s1", "", null);
+               ConfigFile cfw = cf.getResolving(VarResolver.DEFAULT);
+               String expected = "rem header null|||rem c1|rem c2|rem c3|||set 
x1 = 1|set x2 = true|set x3 = null|rem header s1|||rem c4|set s1_k1 = 1|rem c5 
foo=bar|set s1_k2 = true|set s1_k3 = null|";
+               StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
+               cf.serializeTo(new PrintWriter(sw), ConfigFileFormat.BATCH);
+               assertTextEquals(expected, sw);
+               sw = new StringWriter();
+               cfw.serializeTo(new PrintWriter(sw), ConfigFileFormat.BATCH);
+               assertTextEquals(expected, sw);
+       }
+       // testShellScriptGeneration
+       @Test
+       public void testShellScriptGeneration() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create()
+                       .addLines(null, "# c1", "\t# c2", " c3 ", "", " ", 
"x1=1", "x2=true", "x3=null")
+                       .addHeaderComments(null, "header null", "", null)
+                       .addLines("s1", "#c4", "k1=1", "#c5 foo=bar", "k2 = 
true", "k3  = \tnull")
+                       .addHeaderComments("s1", "header s1", "", null);
+               ConfigFile cfw = cf.getResolving(VarResolver.DEFAULT);
+               String expected = "# header null|||# c1|# c2|# c3|||export 
x1=\"1\"|export x2=\"true\"|export x3=\"null\"|# header s1|||# c4|export 
s1_k1=\"1\"|# c5 foo=bar|export s1_k2=\"true\"|export s1_k3=\"null\"|";
+               StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
+               cf.serializeTo(new PrintWriter(sw), ConfigFileFormat.SHELL);
+               assertTextEquals(expected, sw);
+               sw = new StringWriter();
+               cfw.serializeTo(new PrintWriter(sw), ConfigFileFormat.SHELL);
+               assertTextEquals(expected, sw);
+       }
+       // testEncodedValues
+       @Test
+       public void testEncodedValues() throws Exception {
+               File f = getFreshFile();
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create(f)
+                       .addLines("s1", "", "foo* = mypassword")
+                       .getResolving(VarResolver.DEFAULT);
+               ConfigFile cfw = cf.getResolving(VarResolver.DEFAULT);
+               assertEquals("mypassword", cf.getString("s1/foo"));
+               assertEquals("mypassword", cfw.getString("s1/foo"));
+               assertTrue(cf.isEncoded("s1/foo"));
+               assertTrue(cfw.isEncoded("s1/foo"));
+     ;
+               String expected = "[s1]||foo* = {AwwJVhwUQFZEMg==}|";
+               String actual = FileReader(f));
+               assertTextEquals(expected, actual);
+               cf.load();
+               assertEquals("mypassword", cf.getString("s1/foo"));
+               assertEquals("mypassword", cfw.getString("s1/foo"));
+               IOUtils.write(f, new StringReader("[s1]\nfoo* = 
+               FileUtils.modifyTimestamp(f);
+               cf.loadIfModified();
+               assertTrue(cf.isEncoded("s1/foo"));
+               assertEquals("mypassword2", cf.getString("s1/foo"));
+               cf.put("s1/foo", "mypassword");
+               assertTrue(cf.isEncoded("s1/foo"));
+               // INI output should be encoded
+               StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
+               cf.serializeTo(new PrintWriter(sw), ConfigFileFormat.INI);
+               expected = "[s1]|foo* = {AwwJVhwUQFZEMg==}|";
+               assertTextEquals(expected, sw);
+               // BATCH output should not be encoded
+               sw = new StringWriter();
+               cf.serializeTo(new PrintWriter(sw), ConfigFileFormat.BATCH);
+               expected = "set s1_foo = mypassword|";
+               assertTextEquals(expected, sw);
+               // SHELL output should not be encoded
+               sw = new StringWriter();
+               cf.serializeTo(new PrintWriter(sw), ConfigFileFormat.SHELL);
+               expected = "export s1_foo=\"mypassword\"|";
+               assertTextEquals(expected, sw);
+       }
+       // testVariables
+       @Test
+       public void testVariables() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create()
+                       .addLines("s1",
+                               "f1 = $S{foo}",
+                               "f2 = $S{foo,bar}",
+                               "f3 = $S{$S{baz,bing},bar}"
+               );
+               ConfigFile cfw = cf.getResolving(VarResolver.DEFAULT);
+               System.getProperties().remove("foo");
+               System.getProperties().remove("bar");
+               System.getProperties().remove("baz");
+               System.getProperties().remove("bing");
+               assertEquals("$S{foo}", cf.getString("s1/f1"));
+               assertEquals("$S{foo,bar}", cf.getString("s1/f2"));
+               assertEquals("$S{$S{baz,bing},bar}", cf.getString("s1/f3"));
+               assertEquals("", cfw.getString("s1/f1"));
+               assertEquals("bar", cfw.getString("s1/f2"));
+               assertEquals("bar", cfw.getString("s1/f3"));
+               System.setProperty("foo", "123");
+               assertEquals("$S{foo}", cf.getString("s1/f1"));
+               assertEquals("$S{foo,bar}", cf.getString("s1/f2"));
+               assertEquals("$S{$S{baz,bing},bar}", cf.getString("s1/f3"));
+               assertEquals("123", cfw.getString("s1/f1"));
+               assertEquals("123", cfw.getString("s1/f2"));
+               assertEquals("bar", cfw.getString("s1/f3"));
+               System.setProperty("foo", "$S{bar}");
+               System.setProperty("bar", "baz");
+               assertEquals("$S{foo}", cf.getString("s1/f1"));
+               assertEquals("$S{foo,bar}", cf.getString("s1/f2"));
+               assertEquals("$S{$S{baz,bing},bar}", cf.getString("s1/f3"));
+               assertEquals("baz", cfw.getString("s1/f1"));
+               assertEquals("baz", cfw.getString("s1/f2"));
+               assertEquals("bar", cfw.getString("s1/f3"));
+               System.setProperty("bing", "$S{foo}");
+               assertEquals("$S{$S{baz,bing},bar}", cf.getString("s1/f3"));
+               assertEquals("baz", cfw.getString("s1/f3"));
+               System.setProperty("baz", "foo");
+               System.setProperty("foo", "123");
+               assertEquals("$S{$S{baz,bing},bar}", cf.getString("s1/f3"));
+               assertEquals("123", cfw.getString("s1/f3"));
+       }
+       // testXorEncoder
+       @Test
+       public void testXorEncoder() throws Exception {
+               testXor("foo");
+               testXor("");
+               testXor("123");
+               testXor("€");  // 3-byte UTF-8 character
+               testXor("𤭢"); // 4-byte UTF-8 character
+       }
+       private void testXor(String in) {
+               XorEncoder e = new XorEncoder();
+               String s = e.encode("", in);
+               String s2 = e.decode("", s);
+               assertEquals(in, s2);
+       }
+       // testMultiLines
+       @Test
+       public void testMultiLines() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create()
+                       .addLines("s1",
+                               "f1 = x \ny \n  z"
+               );
+               ConfigFile cfw = cf.getResolving(VarResolver.DEFAULT);
+               assertEquals("x \ny \n  z", cf.getString("s1/f1"));
+               assertEquals("x \ny \n  z", cfw.getString("s1/f1"));
+               StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
+               cf.serializeTo(sw);
+               String expected = "[s1]|f1 = x |\ty |\t  z|";
+               assertTextEquals(expected, sw);
+               sw = new StringWriter();
+               cfw.serializeTo(sw);
+               assertTextEquals(expected, sw);
+       }
+       // testNumberShortcuts
+       @Test
+       public void testNumberShortcuts() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create()
+                       .addLines("s1",
+                               "f1 = 1M",
+                               "f2 = 1K",
+                               "f3 = 1 M",
+                               "f4 = 1 K"
+               );
+               ConfigFile cfw = cf.getResolving(VarResolver.DEFAULT);
+               assertEquals(1048576, cf.getInt("s1/f1"));
+               assertEquals(1024, cf.getInt("s1/f2"));
+               assertEquals(1048576, cf.getInt("s1/f3"));
+               assertEquals(1024, cf.getInt("s1/f4"));
+               assertEquals(1048576, cfw.getInt("s1/f1"));
+               assertEquals(1024, cfw.getInt("s1/f2"));
+               assertEquals(1048576, cfw.getInt("s1/f3"));
+               assertEquals(1024, cfw.getInt("s1/f4"));
+       }
+       // testListeners
+       @SuppressWarnings("serial")
+       @Test
+       public void testListeners() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile[] cff = {
 "a1=1").addLines("B", "b1=1"),
 "a1=1").addLines("B", "b1=1").getResolving(VarResolver.DEFAULT)
+               };
+               for (ConfigFile cf : cff) {
+                       final Set<String> changes = new 
+                       final int[] count = new int[]{0};
+                       cf.addListener(
+                               new ConfigFileListener() {
+                                       @Override /* ConfigFileListener */
+                                       public void onLoad(ConfigFile f) {
+                                               super.onLoad(f);
+                                               changes.add("<load>");
+                                               count[0]++;
+                                       }
+                                       @Override /* ConfigFileListener */
+                                       public void onSave(ConfigFile f) {
+                                               super.onSave(f);
+                                               changes.add("<save>");
+                                               count[0]++;
+                                       }
+                                       @Override /* ConfigFileListener */
+                                       public void onChange(ConfigFile f, 
Set<String> ss) {
+                                               super.onChange(f, ss);
+                                               for (String sss : ss)
+                                                       changes.add(sss + '=' + 
+                                               count[0]++;
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       );
+                       // ConfigFile.addLines(section,lines)
+                       changes.clear();
+                       count[0] = 0;
+                       cf.addLines(null, "a1=3", "a3=3").addLines("B", 
+                       assertObjectEquals("['a1=3','a3=3','B/b1=3','B/b3=3']", 
+                       assertEquals(2, count[0]);
+                       // ConfigFile.put(key,value,encoded)
+                       changes.clear();
+                       count[0] = 0;
+                       cf.put("a1", "2");
+                       cf.put("B/b1", "2");
+                       cf.put("a2", "2");
+                       cf.put("B/b2", "2");
+                       cf.put("C/c1", "2");
+                       cf.put("C/c2", "2");
+                       assertEquals(6, count[0]);
+                       // put(key,value,encoded)
+                       changes.clear();
+                       count[0] = 0;
+                       cf.put("a4", "4", true);
+                       cf.put("B/b4", "4", true);
+                       assertObjectEquals("['a4=4','B/b4=4']", changes);
+                       assertEquals(2, count[0]);
+                       // put(key,value)
+                       changes.clear();
+                       count[0] = 0;
+                       cf.put("a5", "5");
+                       cf.put("B/b5", "5");
+                       assertObjectEquals("['a5=5','B/b5=5']", changes);
+                       assertEquals(2, count[0]);
+                       // put(key,value,encoded)
+                       changes.clear();
+                       count[0] = 0;
+                       cf.put("a6", "6", true);
+                       cf.put("B/b6", "6", true);
+                       assertObjectEquals("['a6=6','B/b6=6']", changes);
+                       assertEquals(2, count[0]);
+                       // removeString(key)
+                       changes.clear();
+                       count[0] = 0;
+                       cf.removeString("a6");
+                       cf.removeString("B/b6");
+                       cf.removeString("B/bx");
+                       cf.removeString("X/bx");
+                       assertObjectEquals("['a6=null','B/b6=null']", changes);
+                       assertEquals(2, count[0]);
+                       // addSection(name)
+                       changes.clear();
+                       count[0] = 0;
+                       cf.addSection("D");
+                       assertObjectEquals("[]", changes);
+                       assertEquals(0, count[0]);
+                       // setSection(name,contents)
+                       changes.clear();
+                       count[0] = 0;
+                       cf.setSection("E", new 
LinkedHashMap<String,String>(){{put("e1", "1");put("e2", "2");}});
+                       assertObjectEquals("['E/e1=1','E/e2=2']", changes);
+                       assertEquals(1, count[0]);
+                       cf.removeSection("E");
+                       // removeSection(name)
+                       changes.clear();
+                       count[0] = 0;
+                       cf.removeSection("B");
+                       assertEquals(1, count[0]);
+                       // removeSection(name)
+                       changes.clear();
+                       count[0] = 0;
+                       cf.removeSection("B");
+                       assertObjectEquals("[]", changes);
+                       assertEquals(0, count[0]);
+                       // put(key) {
+                       changes.clear();
+                       count[0] = 0;
+                       Section c = cf.get("C");
+                       cf.put("B", c);
+                       assertObjectEquals("['C/c1=2','C/c2=2']", changes);
+                       assertEquals(1, count[0]);
+                       // remove(key)
+                       cf.remove("B");
+                       cf.addLines("B", "b1=1","b2=2");
+                       changes.clear();
+                       count[0] = 0;
+                       cf.remove("B");
+                       assertObjectEquals("['B/b1=null','B/b2=null']", 
+                       assertEquals(1, count[0]);
+                       // putAll(map)
+                       ConfigFile cf2 = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create();
+                       cf2.addLines("D", "d1=1","d2=1").addLines("E", 
+                       changes.clear();
+                       count[0] = 0;
+                       cf.putAll(cf2);
+                       assertEquals(1, count[0]);
+                       // clear()
+                       cf.clear();
+                       cf.addLines(null, "a1=1", "a2=1").addLines("B", "b1=1", 
+                       changes.clear();
+                       count[0] = 0;
+                       cf.clear();
assertObjectEquals("['a1=null','a2=null','B/b1=null','B/b2=null']", changes);
+                       assertEquals(1, count[0]);
+                       // entrySet()
+                       cf.addLines(null, "a1=1", "a2=1").addLines("B", "b1=1", 
+                       changes.clear();
+                       count[0] = 0;
+                       for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,Section>> i = 
cf.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
+                     ;
+                               i.remove();
+                       }
assertObjectEquals("['a1=null','a2=null','B/b1=null','B/b2=null']", changes);
+                       assertEquals(2, count[0]);
+                       // keySet()
+                       cf.addLines(null, "a1=1", "a2=1").addLines("B", "b1=1", 
+                       changes.clear();
+                       count[0] = 0;
+                       for (Iterator<String> i = cf.keySet().iterator(); 
i.hasNext();) {
+                     ;
+                               i.remove();
+                       }
assertObjectEquals("['a1=null','a2=null','B/b1=null','B/b2=null']", changes);
+                       assertEquals(2, count[0]);
+                       // values()
+                       cf.addLines(null, "a1=1", "a2=1").addLines("B", "b1=1", 
+                       changes.clear();
+                       count[0] = 0;
+                       for (Iterator<Section> i = cf.values().iterator(); 
i.hasNext();) {
+                     ;
+                               i.remove();
+                       }
assertObjectEquals("['a1=null','a2=null','B/b1=null','B/b2=null']", changes);
+                       assertEquals(2, count[0]);
+                       // ConfigFile.merge()
+                       cf.clear();
+                       cf.addLines(null, "a1=1", "a2=1", "a3=1").addLines("B", 
"b1=1", "b2=1", "b3=1").addLines("C", "c1=1", "c2=1", "c3=1");
+                       cf2.clear();
+                       cf2.addLines(null, "a2=1", "a3=2", 
"a4=2").addLines("B", "b2=1", "b3=2", "b4=2").addLines("D", "d2=1", "d3=2", 
+                       changes.clear();
+                       count[0] = 0;
+                       cf.merge(cf2);
+                       assertEquals(1, count[0]);
+                       //
+                       // ConfigFile.load()
+                       changes.clear();
+                       count[0] = 0;
+             ;
+                       cf.load();
+                       assertObjectEquals("['<load>','<save>']", changes);
+                       assertEquals(2, count[0]);
+                       // Section.clear()
+                       cf.clear();
+                       cf.addLines(null, "a1=1", "a2=1").addLines("B", "b1=1", 
+                       changes.clear();
+                       count[0] = 0;
+                       cf.get("default").clear();
+                       cf.get("B").clear();
assertObjectEquals("['a1=null','a2=null','B/b1=null','B/b2=null']", changes);
+                       assertEquals(2, count[0]);
+                       // Section.put(key,value)
+                       cf.clear();
+                       cf.addLines(null, "a1=1", "a2=1").addLines("B", "b1=1", 
+                       changes.clear();
+                       count[0] = 0;
+                       cf.get("default").put("a1", "2");
+                       cf.get("default").put("a3", "2");
+                       cf.get("B").put("b1", "2");
+                       cf.get("B").put("b3", "2");
+                       assertObjectEquals("['a1=2','a3=2','B/b1=2','B/b3=2']", 
+                       assertEquals(4, count[0]);
+                       // Section put(key,value,encoded)
+                       cf.clear();
+                       cf.addLines(null, "a1=1", "a2=1").addLines("B", "b1=1", 
+                       changes.clear();
+                       count[0] = 0;
+                       cf.get("default").put("a1", "2", true);
+                       cf.get("default").put("a3", "2", true);
+                       cf.get("B").put("b1", "2", true);
+                       cf.get("B").put("b3", "2", true);
+                       assertObjectEquals("['a1=2','a3=2','B/b1=2','B/b3=2']", 
+                       assertEquals(4, count[0]);
+                       // Section.putAll(map)
+                       cf.clear();
+                       cf.addLines(null, "a1=1", "a2=1").addLines("B", "b1=1", 
+                       changes.clear();
+                       count[0] = 0;
+                       cf.get("default").putAll(new 
+                       cf.get("B").putAll(new 
+                       assertObjectEquals("['a2=2','a3=2','B/b2=2','B/b3=2']", 
+                       assertEquals(2, count[0]);
+                       // Section.remove(key)
+                       cf.clear();
+                       cf.addLines(null, "a1=1", "a2=1").addLines("B", "b1=1", 
+                       changes.clear();
+                       count[0] = 0;
+                       cf.get("default").remove("a1");
+                       cf.get("default").remove("ax");
+                       cf.get("B").remove("b1");
+                       cf.get("B").remove("bx");
+                       assertObjectEquals("['a1=null','B/b1=null']", changes);
+                       assertEquals(2, count[0]);
+                       // Section.entrySet()
+                       cf.clear();
+                       cf.addLines(null, "a1=1", "a2=1").addLines("B", "b1=1", 
+                       changes.clear();
+                       count[0] = 0;
+                       Section n = cf.get("default");
+                       for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,String>> i = 
n.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
+                     ;
+                               i.remove();
+                       }
+                       n = cf.get("B");
+                       for (Iterator<Map.Entry<String,String>> i = 
n.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
+                     ;
+                               i.remove();
+                       }
assertObjectEquals("['a1=null','a2=null','B/b1=null','B/b2=null']", changes);
+                       assertEquals(4, count[0]);
+                       // Section.keySet()
+                       cf.clear();
+                       cf.addLines("default", "a1=1", "a2=1").addLines("B", 
"b1=1", "b2=1");
+                       changes.clear();
+                       count[0] = 0;
+                       for (Iterator<String> i = 
cf.get("default").keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
+                     ;
+                               i.remove();
+                       }
+                       for (Iterator<String> i = 
cf.get("B").keySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();) {
+                     ;
+                               i.remove();
+                       }
assertObjectEquals("['a1=null','a2=null','B/b1=null','B/b2=null']", changes);
+                       assertEquals(4, count[0]);
+                       // Section.values()
+                       cf.clear();
+                       cf.addLines(null, "a1=1", "a2=1").addLines("B", "b1=1", 
+                       try {
+                               Iterator<String> i = 
+                     ;
+                               i.remove();
+                               fail("Exception expected");
+                       } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {}
+                       try {
+                               Iterator<String> i = 
+                     ;
+                               i.remove();
+                               fail("Exception expected");
+                       } catch (UnsupportedOperationException e) {}
+               }
+       }
+       // testEntryListener
+       @Test
+       public void testEntryListener() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile[] cff = {
+                       ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create().addLines(null, 
"a1=1").addLines("B", "b1=1"),
+                       ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create().addLines(null, 
"a1=1").addLines("B", "b1=1").getResolving(VarResolver.DEFAULT)
+               };
+               for (ConfigFile cf : cff) {
+                       final Set<String> changes = new 
+                       final int[] count = new int[]{0};
+                       cf.addListener(
+                               new EntryListener("a1") {
+                                       @Override /* EntryListener */
+                                       public void onChange(ConfigFile f) {
+                                               super.onChange(f);
+                                               changes.add("a1=" + 
+                                               count[0]++;
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       );
+                       cf.addListener(
+                               new EntryListener("B/b1") {
+                                       @Override /* EntryListener */
+                                       public void onChange(ConfigFile f) {
+                                               changes.add("B/b1=" + 
+                                               count[0]++;
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       );
+                       cf.put("a1", "2");
+                       cf.put("a2", "2");
+                       cf.put("B/b1", "2");
+                       cf.put("B/b2", "2");
+                       assertObjectEquals("['a1=2','B/b1=2']", changes);
+                       assertEquals(2, count[0]);
+               }
+       }
+       // testSectionListener
+       @Test
+       public void testSectionListener() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile[] cff = {
+                       ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create().addLines(null, 
"a1=1").addLines("B", "b1=1"),
+                       ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create().addLines(null, 
"a1=1").addLines("B", "b1=1").getResolving(VarResolver.DEFAULT)
+               };
+               for (ConfigFile cf : cff) {
+                       final Set<String> changes = new 
+                       final int[] count = new int[]{0};
+                       cf.addListener(
+                               new SectionListener(null) {
+                                       @Override /* SectionListener */
+                                       public void onChange(ConfigFile f) {
+                                               super.onChange(f);
+                                               changes.add("x=" + 
+                                               count[0]++;
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       );
+                       cf.addListener(
+                               new SectionListener("") {
+                                       @Override /* SectionListener */
+                                       public void onChange(ConfigFile f) {
+                                               changes.add("y=" + 
+                                               count[0]++;
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       );
+                       cf.addListener(
+                               new SectionListener("B") {
+                                       @Override /* SectionListener */
+                                       public void onChange(ConfigFile f) {
+                                               changes.add("z=" + 
+                                               count[0]++;
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       );
+                       cf.put("a1", "2");
+                       cf.put("a2", "2");
+                       cf.put("B/b1", "2");
+                       cf.put("B/b2", "2");
+                       assertObjectEquals("['x=2','y=2','z=2']", changes);
+                       assertEquals(6, count[0]);
+               }
+       }
+       // testMerge
+       @Test
+       public void testMerge() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile cf1 = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create()
+                       .addLines(null, "# comment a1", "a1=1")
+                       .addLines("B", "# comment b1", 
"b1=1").addHeaderComments("B", "# comment B1")
+                       .addLines("C", "# comment c1", 
"bc=1").addHeaderComments("C", "# comment C1");
+               ConfigFile cf2 = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create()
+                       .addLines(null, "# comment a2", "a2=2")
+                       .addLines("B", "# comment b2", 
"b2=2").addHeaderComments("B", "# comment B2")
+                       .addLines("D", "# comment d2", 
"d2=2").addHeaderComments("D", "# comment D2");
+               cf1.merge(cf2);
+               String expected = "# comment a2|a2 = 2|# comment B2|[B]|# 
comment b2|b2 = 2|# comment D2|[D]|# comment d2|d2 = 2|";
+               assertTextEquals(expected, cf1);
+               cf1 = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create()
+                       .addLines(null, "# comment a1", "a1=1")
+                       .addLines("B", "# comment b1", 
"b1=1").addHeaderComments("B", "# comment B1")
+                       .addLines("C", "# comment c1", 
"bc=1").addHeaderComments("C", "# comment 
+               cf2 = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create()
+                       .addLines(null, "# comment a2", "a2=2")
+                       .addLines("B", "# comment b2", 
"b2=2").addHeaderComments("B", "# comment B2")
+                       .addLines("D", "# comment d2", 
"d2=2").addHeaderComments("D", "# comment 
+               cf1.merge(cf2);
+               assertTextEquals(expected, cf1);
+       }
+       // testDefaultSection
+       // Default section should be keyed by either null, "", or "default"
+       @Test
+       public void testDefaultSection() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile[] cff = {
+                       ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create().addLines(null, 
"a1=1").addLines("", "a2=2").addLines("default", "a3=3"),
+                       ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create().addLines(null, 
"a1=1").addLines("", "a2=2").addLines("default", 
+               };
+               for (ConfigFile cf : cff) {
assertObjectEquals("{'default':{a1:'1',a2:'2',a3:'3'}}", cf);
+                       assertTextEquals("a1 = 1|a2 = 2|a3 = 3|", cf);
+                       assertObjectEquals("{a1:'1',a2:'2',a3:'3'}", 
+                       assertObjectEquals("{a1:'1',a2:'2',a3:'3'}", 
+                       assertObjectEquals("{a1:'1',a2:'2',a3:'3'}", 
+                       assertEquals("1", cf.getString("a1"));
+                       assertEquals("1", cf.getString("default/a1"));
+                       assertObjectEquals("{a1:'1',a2:'2',a3:'3'}", 
+                       assertObjectEquals("{a1:'1',a2:'2',a3:'3'}", 
+                       assertObjectEquals("{a1:'1',a2:'2',a3:'3'}", 
+                       cf.put(null, cf.get(null));
+                       assertObjectEquals("{a1:'1',a2:'2',a3:'3'}", 
+                       cf.put("", cf.get(null));
+                       assertObjectEquals("{a1:'1',a2:'2',a3:'3'}", 
+                       cf.put("default", cf.get(null));
+                       assertObjectEquals("{a1:'1',a2:'2',a3:'3'}", 
+               }
+       }
+       // ConfigFileImpl(File)
+       // ConfigFileImpl()
+       @Test
+       public void testAlternateConstructors() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile cf = new ConfigFileImpl();
+               cf.put("A", "a");
+               try {; fail(); } catch (UnsupportedOperationException 
e) {}
+               cf.loadIfModified();
+               assertEquals("a", cf.getString("A"));
+       }
+       // containsKey(Object)
+       // containsValue(Object)
+       // size()
+       @Test
+       public void testContains() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create().addLines(null, 
"a1=1").addLines("", "a2=2").addLines("default", "a3=3").addLines("A", "a4=4");
+               ConfigFile cfw = cf.getResolving();
+               assertTrue(cf.containsKey(null));
+               assertTrue(cf.containsKey(""));
+               assertTrue(cf.containsKey("default"));
+               assertTrue(cf.containsKey("A"));
+               assertFalse(cf.containsKey("x"));
+               assertTrue(cfw.containsKey(null));
+               assertTrue(cfw.containsKey(""));
+               assertTrue(cfw.containsKey("default"));
+               assertTrue(cfw.containsKey("A"));
+               assertFalse(cfw.containsKey("x"));
+               Section s = cf.get(null);
+               assertTrue(cf.containsValue(s));
+               assertTrue(cfw.containsValue(s));
+               s = cf.get("A");
+               assertTrue(cf.containsValue(s));
+               assertTrue(cfw.containsValue(s));
+               assertFalse(cf.isEmpty());
+               assertFalse(cfw.isEmpty());
+               cf.clear();
+               assertTrue(cf.isEmpty());
+               assertTrue(cfw.isEmpty());
+               assertFalse(cf.containsKey(null));
+               assertFalse(cfw.containsKey(null));
+               assertEquals(0, cf.size());
+               assertEquals(0, cfw.size());
+               assertEquals(0, cf.keySet().size());
+               assertEquals(0, cfw.keySet().size());
+               assertEquals(0, cf.entrySet().size());
+               assertEquals(0, cfw.entrySet().size());
+               assertEquals(0, cf.values().size());
+               assertEquals(0, cfw.values().size());
+       }
+       // getObjectArray(Class c, String key)
+       // getObjectArray(Class c, String key, T[] def)
+       @Test
+       public void testGetObjectArray() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create().addLines("A", 
+               ConfigFile cfw = cf.getResolving();
+               assertObjectEquals("[1,2,3]", cf.getObject(Integer[].class, 
+               assertObjectEquals("[1,2,3]", cfw.getObject(Integer[].class, 
+               assertObjectEquals("[4,5,6]", cf.getObject(Integer[].class, 
"A/a2", new Integer[]{4,5,6}));
+               assertObjectEquals("[4,5,6]", cfw.getObject(Integer[].class, 
"A/a2", new Integer[]{4,5,6}));
+               assertObjectEquals("[7,8,9]", cf.getObject(Integer[].class, 
"B/a1", new Integer[]{7,8,9}));
+               assertObjectEquals("[7,8,9]", cfw.getObject(Integer[].class, 
"B/a1", new Integer[]{7,8,9}));
+               assertObjectEquals("[]", cf.getObject(Integer[].class, "B/a1"));
+               assertObjectEquals("[]", cfw.getObject(Integer[].class, 
+               cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create().addLines("A", "a1 = 1 ,\n\t2 
,\n\t3 ");
+               assertObjectEquals("[1,2,3]", cf.getObject(Integer[].class, 
+               assertObjectEquals("[1,2,3]", cfw.getObject(Integer[].class, 
+               // We cannot cast primitive arrays to Object[], so the 
following throws exceptions.
+               assertObjectEquals("[1,2,3]", cf.getObject(int[].class, 
+               assertEquals("int", cf.getObject(int[].class, 
+               assertObjectEquals("[]", cf.getObject(int[].class, "B/a1"));
+               assertEquals("int", cf.getObject(int[].class, 
+               assertObjectEquals("[]", cf.getObject(int[].class, "A/a2"));
+               assertEquals("int", cf.getObject(int[].class, 
+               assertObjectEquals("[1,2,3]", cf.getObject(int[].class, "A/a1", 
new int[]{4}));
+               assertEquals("int", cf.getObject(int[].class, "A/a1", new 
+               assertObjectEquals("[4]", cf.getObject(int[].class, "B/a1", new 
+               assertEquals("int", cf.getObject(int[].class, "B/a1", new 
+               assertObjectEquals("[4]", cf.getObject(int[].class, "A/a2", new 
+               assertEquals("int", cf.getObject(int[].class, "A/a2", new 
+               System.setProperty("X", "4,5,6");
+               cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create().addLines(null, "x1=$C{A/a1}", 
"x2=$S{X}", "x3=$S{Y}").addLines("A", "a1=1,2,3").getResolving();
+               assertObjectEquals("[1,2,3]", cf.getObject(int[].class, "x1", 
new int[]{9}));
+               assertObjectEquals("[4,5,6]", cf.getObject(int[].class, "x2", 
new int[]{9}));
+               assertObjectEquals("[9]", cf.getObject(int[].class, "x3", new 
+               System.clearProperty("X");
+       }
+       // getStringArray(String key)
+       // getStringArray(String key, String[] def)
+       @Test
+       public void testGetStringArray() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create().addLines("A", 
+               ConfigFile cfw = cf.getResolving();
+               assertObjectEquals("['1','2','3']", cf.getStringArray("A/a1"));
+               assertObjectEquals("['1','2','3']", cfw.getStringArray("A/a1"));
+               assertObjectEquals("['4','5','6']", cf.getStringArray("A/a2", 
new String[]{"4","5","6"}));
+               assertObjectEquals("['4','5','6']", cfw.getStringArray("A/a2", 
new String[]{"4","5","6"}));
+               assertObjectEquals("['7','8','9']", cf.getStringArray("B/a1", 
new String[]{"7","8","9"}));
+               assertObjectEquals("['7','8','9']", cfw.getStringArray("B/a1", 
new String[]{"7","8","9"}));
+               assertObjectEquals("[]", cf.getStringArray("B/a1"));
+               assertObjectEquals("[]", cfw.getStringArray("B/a1"));
+               cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create().addLines("A", "a1 = 1 ,\n\t2 
,\n\t3 ");
+               assertObjectEquals("['1','2','3']", cf.getStringArray("A/a1"));
+               assertObjectEquals("['1','2','3']", cfw.getStringArray("A/a1"));
+               System.setProperty("X", "4,5,6");
+               cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create().addLines(null, "x1=$C{A/a1}", 
"x2=$S{X}", "x3=$S{Y}", "x4=$S{Y,$S{X}}").addLines("A", 
+               assertObjectEquals("['1','2','3']", cf.getStringArray("x1", new 
+               assertObjectEquals("['4','5','6']", cf.getStringArray("x2", new 
+               assertObjectEquals("['9']", cf.getStringArray("x3", new 
+               // TODO - Doesn't work yet.
+               // assertObjectEquals("['4','5','6']", cf.getStringArray("x4", 
new String[]{"9"}));
+               System.clearProperty("X");
+       }
+       // getSectionMap(String name)
+       @Test
+       public void testGetSectionMap() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create().addLines("A", 
"a1=1", "").addLines("D", "d1=$C{A/a1}","d2=$S{X}");
+               assertObjectEquals("{a1:'1'}", cf.getSectionMap("A"));
+               assertNull(cf.getSectionMap("B"));
+               assertObjectEquals("null", cf.getSectionMap("C"));
+               ObjectMap m = cf.getSectionMap("A");
+               assertObjectEquals("{a1:'1'}", m);
+               m = cf.getSectionMap("D");
+               assertObjectEquals("{d1:'$C{A/a1}',d2:'$S{X}'}", m);
+               cf = cf.getResolving();
+               System.setProperty("X", "x");
+               m = cf.getSectionMap("D");
+               assertObjectEquals("{d1:'1',d2:'x'}", m);
+               System.clearProperty("X");
+       }
+       // load(Reader)
+       @Test
+       public void testLoadFromReader() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile[] cff = {
+                       ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create().addLines(null, "a1=1"),
+                       ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create().addLines(null, 
+               };
+               for (ConfigFile cf : cff) {
+                       cf.load(new StringReader("[B]\nb1=1"));
+                       assertObjectEquals("{'default':{},B:{b1:'1'}}", cf);
+               }
+       }
+       // toWritable()
+       @Test
+       public void testToWritable() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create()
+                       .addLines(null, "a=b");
+               ConfigFile cfw = cf.getResolving();
+               StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
+               cf.toWritable().writeTo(sw);
+               assertTextEquals("a = b|", sw);
+               sw = new StringWriter();
+               cfw.toWritable().writeTo(sw);
+               assertTextEquals("a = b|", sw);
+               assertEquals("text/plain", cf.toWritable().getMediaType());
+               assertEquals("text/plain", cfw.toWritable().getMediaType());
+       }
+       // containsNonEmptyKey()
+       @Test
+       public void testContainsNonEmptyKey() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create()
+                       .addLines(null, "a=b","c=");
+               ConfigFile cfw = cf.getResolving();
+               assertTrue(cf.containsNonEmptyValue("a"));
+               assertFalse(cf.containsNonEmptyValue("c"));
+               assertFalse(cf.containsNonEmptyValue("d"));
+               assertTrue(cfw.containsNonEmptyValue("a"));
+               assertFalse(cfw.containsNonEmptyValue("c"));
+               assertFalse(cfw.containsNonEmptyValue("d"));
+               cf.addLines("A", "a1=$S{X}", "a2=$S{Y,$S{X}}");
+               assertFalse(cfw.containsNonEmptyValue("A/a1"));
+               assertFalse(cfw.containsNonEmptyValue("A/a2"));
+               System.setProperty("X", "x");
+               assertTrue(cfw.containsNonEmptyValue("A/a1"));
+               assertTrue(cfw.containsNonEmptyValue("A/a2"));
+               System.clearProperty("X");
+       }
+       // getSectionKeys(String sectionName)
+       @Test
+       public void testGetSectionKeys() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create()
+                       .addLines(null, "x1=1", "x2=")
+                       .addLines("A", "a1=1", "a2=");
+               assertObjectEquals("['x1','x2']", cf.getSectionKeys(null));
+               assertObjectEquals("['x1','x2']", cf.getSectionKeys(""));
+               assertObjectEquals("['x1','x2']", cf.getSectionKeys("default"));
+               assertObjectEquals("['a1','a2']", cf.getSectionKeys("A"));
+               assertNull(cf.getSectionKeys("B"));
+               cf = cf.getResolving();
+               assertObjectEquals("['x1','x2']", cf.getSectionKeys(null));
+               assertObjectEquals("['x1','x2']", cf.getSectionKeys(""));
+               assertObjectEquals("['x1','x2']", cf.getSectionKeys("default"));
+               assertObjectEquals("['a1','a2']", cf.getSectionKeys("A"));
+               assertNull(cf.getSectionKeys("B"));
+       }
+       // addLines(String section, String...lines)
+       @Test
+       public void testAddLines() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create()
+                       .addLines(null, "x1=1")
+                       .addLines("A", "a1=1");
+               cf.addLines(null, "# comment1", "x1=2", "x2=1", "foobar");
+               cf.addLines("A", "# comment2", "a1=2", "a2=1", "foobar");
+               cf.addLines("B", "# comment3", "b1=2", "b2=1", "foobar");
+               cf.addLines("C", (String[])null);  // Should be OK.
+               cf.addLines("C", (String)null);  // Should be OK.
+               assertTextEquals("# comment1|x1 = 2|x2 = 1|foobar|[A]|# 
comment2|a1 = 2|a2 = 1|foobar|[B]|# comment3|b1 = 2|b2 = 1|foobar|[C]||", cf);
+               cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create()
+                       .addLines(null, "x1=1")
+                       .addLines("A", "a1=1")
+                       .getResolving();
+               cf.addLines(null, "# comment1", "x1=2", "x2=1", "foobar");
+               cf.addLines("A", "# comment2", "a1=2", "a2=1", "foobar");
+               cf.addLines("B", "# comment3", "b1=2", "b2=1", "foobar");
+               cf.addLines("C", (String[])null);  // Should be OK.
+               cf.addLines("C", (String)null);  // Should be OK.
+               assertTextEquals("# comment1|x1 = 2|x2 = 1|foobar|[A]|# 
comment2|a1 = 2|a2 = 1|foobar|[B]|# comment3|b1 = 2|b2 = 1|foobar|[C]||", cf);
+               cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create()
+                       .addLines(null, "x1=$C{A/a2}")
+                       .addLines("A", "a1=1")
+                       .getResolving();
+               assertObjectEquals("{'default':{x1:'$C{A/a2}'},A:{a1:'1'}}", 
+               assertTextEquals("x1 = $C{A/a2}|[A]|a1 = 1|", cf);
+               assertEquals("", cf.getString("x1"));
+               cf.addLines("A", "a2=2");
+               assertEquals("2", cf.getString("x1"));
+       }
+       // addHeaderComments(String section, String...headerComments)
+       // clearHeaderComments(String section)
+       @Test
+       public void testAddHeaderComments() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create()
+                       .addLines(null, "x1=1")
+                       .addLines("A", "a1=1");
+               cf.addHeaderComments(null, "# h1");
+               cf.addHeaderComments("", "# h2");
+               cf.addHeaderComments("default", "# h3");
+               cf.addHeaderComments("A", "# h4");
+               cf.addHeaderComments("B", "# h5");
+               cf.addHeaderComments("C", (String[])null);
+               cf.addHeaderComments("C", (String)null);
+               assertTextEquals("# h1|# h2|# h3|x1 = 1|# h4|[A]|a1 = 1|# 
h5|[B]|#|[C]|", cf);
+               cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create()
+                       .addLines(null, "x1=1")
+                       .addLines("A", "a1=1");
+               cf.addHeaderComments(null, "h1");
+               cf.addHeaderComments("", "h2");
+               cf.addHeaderComments("default", "h3");
+               cf.addHeaderComments("A", "h4");
+               cf.addHeaderComments("B", "h5");
+               cf.addHeaderComments("C", (String[])null);
+               cf.addHeaderComments("C", (String)null);
+               assertTextEquals("#h1|#h2|#h3|x1 = 1|#h4|[A]|a1 = 
1|#h5|[B]|#|[C]|", cf);
+               assertTextEquals("x1 = 1|[A]|a1 = 1|[B]|[C]|", cf);
+               cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create()
+                       .addLines(null, "x1=1")
+                       .addLines("A", "a1=1")
+                       .getResolving();
+               cf.addHeaderComments(null, "h1");
+               cf.addHeaderComments("", "h2");
+               cf.addHeaderComments("default", "h3");
+               cf.addHeaderComments("A", "h4");
+               cf.addHeaderComments("B", "h5");
+               cf.addHeaderComments("C", (String[])null);
+               cf.addHeaderComments("C", (String)null);
+               assertTextEquals("#h1|#h2|#h3|x1 = 1|#h4|[A]|a1 = 
1|#h5|[B]|#|[C]|", cf);
+               assertTextEquals("x1 = 1|[A]|a1 = 1|[B]|[C]|", cf);
+       }
+       // getString(String key)
+       // getString(String key, String def)
+       @Test
+       public void testGetString() throws Exception {
+               System.setProperty("S1", "1");
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create()
+                       .addLines(null, "x1=1", "x2=$C{A/a2}", "x3=$S{S1,2}", 
+                       .addLines("A", "a1=1", "a2=$C{A/a1}", "a3=$S{S1,2}", 
+               assertEquals("1", cf.getString("x1"));
+               assertEquals("1", cf.getString("x1", "x"));
+               assertEquals("$C{A/a2}", cf.getString("x2"));
+               assertEquals("$C{A/a2}", cf.getString("x2", "x"));
+               assertEquals("$S{S1,2}", cf.getString("x3"));
+               assertEquals("$S{S1,2}", cf.getString("x3", "x"));
+               assertEquals("$S{S2,3}", cf.getString("x4"));
+               assertEquals("$S{S2,3}", cf.getString("x4", "x"));
+               assertNull(cf.getString("x5"));
+               assertEquals("x", cf.getString("x5", "x"));
+               assertEquals("1", cf.getString("A/a1"));
+               assertEquals("1", cf.getString("A/a1", "x"));
+               assertEquals("$C{A/a1}", cf.getString("A/a2"));
+               assertEquals("$C{A/a1}", cf.getString("A/a2", "x"));
+               assertEquals("$S{S1,2}", cf.getString("A/a3"));
+               assertEquals("$S{S1,2}", cf.getString("A/a3", "x"));
+               assertEquals("$S{S2,3}", cf.getString("A/a4"));
+               assertEquals("$S{S2,3}", cf.getString("A/a4", "x"));
+               assertNull(cf.getString("A/a5"));
+               assertEquals("x", cf.getString("A/a5", "x"));
+               assertNull(cf.getString("B/b1"));
+               assertEquals("x", cf.getString("B/b1", "x"));
+               cf = cf.getResolving();
+               assertEquals("1", cf.getString("x1"));
+               assertEquals("1", cf.getString("x1", "x"));
+               assertEquals("1", cf.getString("x2"));
+               assertEquals("1", cf.getString("x2", "x"));
+               assertEquals("1", cf.getString("x3"));
+               assertEquals("1", cf.getString("x3", "x"));
+               assertEquals("3", cf.getString("x4"));
+               assertEquals("3", cf.getString("x4", "x"));
+               assertNull(cf.getString("x5"));
+               assertEquals("x", cf.getString("x5", "x"));
+               assertEquals("1", cf.getString("A/a1"));
+               assertEquals("1", cf.getString("A/a1", "x"));
+               assertEquals("1", cf.getString("A/a2"));
+               assertEquals("1", cf.getString("A/a2", "x"));
+               assertEquals("1", cf.getString("A/a3"));
+               assertEquals("1", cf.getString("A/a3", "x"));
+               assertEquals("3", cf.getString("A/a4"));
+               assertEquals("3", cf.getString("A/a4", "x"));
+               assertNull(cf.getString("A/a5"));
+               assertEquals("x", cf.getString("A/a5", "x"));
+               assertNull(cf.getString("B/b1"));
+               assertEquals("x", cf.getString("B/b1", "x"));
+               System.clearProperty("S1");
+       }
+       // put(String key, Object value)
+       @Test
+       public void testPutString() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create()
+                       .addLines(null, "x1=1")
+                       .addLines("A", "a1=1");
+               cf.put("x1", 2);
+               cf.put("x2", 3);
+               cf.put("A/a1", 2);
+               cf.put("A/a2", 3);
+               cf.put("B/b1", 2);
+               assertTextEquals("x1 = 2|x2 = 3|[A]|a1 = 2|a2 = 3|[B]|b1 = 2|", 
+               cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create()
+                       .addLines(null, "x1=1")
+                       .addLines("A", "a1=1")
+                       .getResolving();
+               cf.put("x1", 2);
+               cf.put("x2", 3);
+               cf.put("A/a1", 2);
+               cf.put("A/a2", 3);
+               cf.put("B/b1", 2);
+               assertTextEquals("x1 = 2|x2 = 3|[A]|a1 = 2|a2 = 3|[B]|b1 = 2|", 
+               cf.put("x1", 9);
+               cf.put("x2", "$C{x1}");
+               cf.put("A/a1", "$C{x1}");
+               cf.put("A/a2", "$C{x1}");
+               cf.put("B/b1", "$C{x1}");
+               assertTextEquals("x1 = 9|x2 = $C{x1}|[A]|a1 = $C{x1}|a2 = 
$C{x1}|[B]|b1 = $C{x1}|", cf);
+               assertEquals("9", cf.getString("x1"));
+               assertEquals("9", cf.getString("x2"));
+               assertEquals("9", cf.getString("A/a1"));
+               assertEquals("9", cf.getString("A/a2"));
+               assertEquals("9", cf.getString("B/b1"));
+       }
+       // put(String key, Object value, boolean encoded)
+       @Test
+       public void testPutStringEncoded() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create()
+                       .addLines(null, "x1=1")
+                       .addLines("A", "a1=1");
+               cf.put("x1", 2, true);
+               cf.put("x2", 3, true);
+               cf.put("A/a1", 2, true);
+               cf.put("A/a2", 3, true);
+               cf.put("B/b1", 2, true);
+               assertTextEquals("x1* = {XA==}|x2* = {XQ==}|[A]|a1* = 
{XA==}|a2* = {XQ==}|[B]|b1* = {XA==}|", cf);
+               cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create()
+                       .addLines(null, "x1=1")
+                       .addLines("A", "a1=1")
+                       .getResolving();
+               cf.put("x1", 2, true);
+               cf.put("x2", 3, true);
+               cf.put("A/a1", 2, true);
+               cf.put("A/a2", 3, true);
+               cf.put("B/b1", 2, true);
+               assertTextEquals("x1* = {XA==}|x2* = {XQ==}|[A]|a1* = 
{XA==}|a2* = {XQ==}|[B]|b1* = {XA==}|", cf);
+               cf.put("x1", 9, true);
+               cf.put("x2", "$C{x1}", true);
+               cf.put("A/a1", "$C{x1}", true);
+               cf.put("A/a2", "$C{x1}", true);
+               cf.put("B/b1", "$C{x1}", true);
+               assertTextEquals("x1* = {Vw==}|x2* = {SjYCT14a}|[A]|a1* = 
{SjYCT14a}|a2* = {SjYCT14a}|[B]|b1* = {SjYCT14a}|", cf);
+               assertEquals("9", cf.getString("x1"));
+               assertEquals("9", cf.getString("x2"));
+               assertEquals("9", cf.getString("A/a1"));
+               assertEquals("9", cf.getString("A/a2"));
+               assertEquals("9", cf.getString("B/b1"));
+       }
+       // removeString(String key)
+       @Test
+       public void testRemoveString() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create()
+                       .addLines(null, "x1=1")
+                       .addLines("A", "a1=1");
+               cf.removeString("x1");
+               cf.removeString("x2");
+               cf.removeString("A/a1");
+               cf.removeString("A/a2");
+               assertObjectEquals("{'default':{},A:{}}", cf);
+               assertTextEquals("[A]|", cf);
+               cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create()
+                       .addLines(null, "x1=1")
+                       .addLines("A", "a1=1")
+                       .getResolving();
+               cf.removeString("x1");
+               cf.removeString("x2");
+               cf.removeString("A/a1");
+               cf.removeString("A/a2");
+               assertObjectEquals("{'default':{},A:{}}", cf);
+               assertTextEquals("[A]|", cf);
+       }
+       // getObject(Class c, String key)
+       // getObject(Class c, String key, T def)
+       @Test
+       public void testGetObject() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create().addLines("A", 
"a1=1,2,3", "a2=1", "a3=true", "a4=1.2", "a5=1.2,3.4");
+               ConfigFile cfw = cf.getResolving();
+               assertObjectEquals("['1','2','3']", 
cf.getObject(String[].class, "A/a1"));
+               assertObjectEquals("'1,2,3'", cf.getObject(String.class, 
+               assertObjectEquals("'foobar'", cf.getObject(String.class, 
"X/a1", "foobar"));
+               assertObjectEquals("1", cf.getObject(int.class, "A/a2"));
+               assertObjectEquals("1", cf.getObject(Integer.class, "A/a2"));
+               assertObjectEquals("true", cf.getObject(boolean.class, "A/a3"));
+               assertObjectEquals("true", cf.getObject(Boolean.class, "A/a3"));
+               assertObjectEquals("1.2", cf.getObject(Float.class, "A/a4"));
+               assertObjectEquals("[1.2,3.4]", cf.getObject(Float[].class, 
+               assertObjectEquals("1.2", cf.getObject(float.class, "A/a4"));
+               assertObjectEquals("[1.2,3.4]", cf.getObject(float[].class, 
+               assertNull(cf.getObject(String.class, "B/a4"));
+               assertObjectEquals("['1','2','3']", 
cfw.getObject(String[].class, "A/a1"));
+               assertObjectEquals("'1,2,3'", cfw.getObject(String.class, 
+               assertObjectEquals("'foobar'", cfw.getObject(String.class, 
"X/a1", "foobar"));
+               assertObjectEquals("1", cfw.getObject(int.class, "A/a2"));
+               assertObjectEquals("1", cfw.getObject(Integer.class, "A/a2"));
+               assertObjectEquals("true", cfw.getObject(boolean.class, 
+               assertObjectEquals("true", cfw.getObject(Boolean.class, 
+               assertObjectEquals("1.2", cfw.getObject(Float.class, "A/a4"));
+               assertObjectEquals("[1.2,3.4]", cfw.getObject(Float[].class, 
+               assertObjectEquals("1.2", cfw.getObject(float.class, "A/a4"));
+               assertObjectEquals("[1.2,3.4]", cfw.getObject(float[].class, 
+               assertNull(cfw.getObject(String.class, "B/a4"));
+       }
+       // getInt(String key)
+       // getInt(String key, int def)
+       @Test
+       public void testGetInt() throws Exception {
+               System.setProperty("X", "1");
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create().addLines(null, 
"x1=$C{A/a1}", "x2=$S{X}", "x3=$S{Y}", "x4=$S{Y,2}").addLines("A", "a1=1");
+               try {
+                       cf.getInt("x1");
+                       fail();
+               } catch (NumberFormatException e) {}
+               try {
+                       cf.getInt("x2");
+                       fail();
+               } catch (NumberFormatException e) {}
+               try {
+                       cf.getInt("x3");
+                       fail();
+               } catch (NumberFormatException e) {}
+               try {
+                       cf.getInt("x4");
+                       fail();
+               } catch (NumberFormatException e) {}
+               assertEquals(1, cf.getInt("A/a1"));
+               cf = cf.getResolving();
+               assertEquals(1, cf.getInt("x1"));
+               assertEquals(1, cf.getInt("x2"));
+               assertEquals(0, cf.getInt("x3"));
+               assertEquals(9, cf.getInt("x3", 9));
+               assertEquals(2, cf.getInt("x4"));
+               assertEquals(9, cf.getInt("x5", 9));
+               assertEquals(1, cf.getInt("A/a1"));
+               assertEquals(9, cf.getInt("A/a2", 9));
+               assertEquals(9, cf.getInt("B/b1", 9));
+               System.clearProperty("X");
+       }
+       // getBoolean(String key)
+       // getBoolean(String key, boolean def)
+       @Test
+       public void testGetBoolean() throws Exception {
+               System.setProperty("X", "true");
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create().addLines(null, 
"x1=$C{A/a1}", "x2=$S{X}", "x3=$S{Y}", "x4=$S{Y,true}").addLines("A", 
+               assertFalse(cf.getBoolean("x1"));
+               assertFalse(cf.getBoolean("x2"));
+               assertFalse(cf.getBoolean("x3"));
+               assertFalse(cf.getBoolean("x4"));
+               assertTrue(cf.getBoolean("A/a1"));
+               cf = cf.getResolving();
+               assertTrue(cf.getBoolean("x1"));
+               assertTrue(cf.getBoolean("x2"));
+               assertFalse(cf.getBoolean("x3"));
+               assertTrue(cf.getBoolean("x3", true));
+               assertTrue(cf.getBoolean("x4"));
+               assertTrue(cf.getBoolean("x5", true));
+               assertTrue(cf.getBoolean("A/a1"));
+               assertTrue(cf.getBoolean("A/a2", true));
+               assertTrue(cf.getBoolean("B/b1", true));
+               System.clearProperty("X");
+       }
+       // getSectionAsBean(String,Class)
+       @Test
+       public void testGetSectionAsBean() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create();
+               cf.put("A/a", "1");
+               cf.put("A/b", "2");
+               A a = cf.getSectionAsBean("A", A.class);
+               assertObjectEquals("{a:1,b:2}", a);
+               cf.put("A/c", "3");
+               try { cf.getSectionAsBean("A",A.class);} catch (ParseException 
e) {}
+               a = cf.getSectionAsBean("A", A.class, true);
+               assertObjectEquals("{a:1,b:2}", a);
+               System.setProperty("X", "3");
+               cf.put("A/a", "$S{X}");
+               cf.put("A/b", "$S{Y,$S{X}}");
+               cf = cf.getResolving();
+               a = cf.getSectionAsBean("A", A.class, true);
+               assertObjectEquals("{a:3,b:3}", a);
+               System.clearProperty("X");
+       }
+       public static class A {
+               public int a;
+               private int b;
+               public int getB() {
+                       return b;
+               }
+               public void setB(int b) {
+                       this.b = b;
+               }
+       }
+       // writeProperties(...)
+       @Test
+       public void testWriteProperties() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create();
+               cf.put("B/a", "1");
+               B b = new B();
+               cf.writeProperties("B", b, false);
+               assertObjectEquals("{a:1}", b);
+               cf.put("B/b", "2");
+               try { cf.writeProperties("B", b, false);} catch (ParseException 
e) {}
+               cf.writeProperties("B", b, true);
+               assertObjectEquals("{a:1}", b);
+               cf.removeString("B/b");
+               cf.put("B/c", "2");
+               try { cf.writeProperties("B", b, false);} catch (ParseException 
e) {}
+               cf.writeProperties("B", b, true);
+               assertObjectEquals("{a:1}", b);
+               cf.removeString("B/c");
+               cf.put("B/c2", "2");
+               try { cf.writeProperties("B", b, false);} catch (ParseException 
e) {}
+               cf.writeProperties("B", b, true);
+               assertObjectEquals("{a:1}", b);
+               cf.removeString("B/c2");
+               cf.put("B/d", "2");
+               try { cf.writeProperties("B", b, false);} catch (ParseException 
e) {}
+               cf.writeProperties("B", b, true);
+               assertObjectEquals("{a:1}", b);
+               cf.removeString("B/d");
+               cf.put("B/e", "2");
+               cf.writeProperties("B", b, false);
+               assertObjectEquals("{a:1,e:2}", b);
+               cf.put("B/f", "foobar");
+               try {
+                       cf.writeProperties("B", b, false, int.class, 
+               } catch (ParseException e) {
+               }
+               assertObjectEquals("{a:1,e:2}", b);
+               cf.removeString("B/f");
+               System.setProperty("X", "3");
+               cf.put("B/a", "$S{X}");
+               cf.put("B/e", "$S{Y,$S{X}}");
+               cf = cf.getResolving();
+               cf.writeProperties("B", b, true);
+               assertObjectEquals("{a:3,e:3}", b);
+               System.clearProperty("X");
+       }
+       @Bean(sort=true)
+       public static class B {
+               private int a;
+               private Integer e;
+               public int getA() {
+                       return a;
+               }
+               public void setA(int a) {
+                       this.a = a;
+               }
+               public static void setB(String b) {
+                       throw new RuntimeException("Should not be called.");
+               }
+               protected void setC(String c) {
+                       throw new RuntimeException("Should not be called.");
+               }
+               protected static void setC2(String c2) {
+                       throw new RuntimeException("Should not be called.");
+               }
+               public void setD(String d, String x) {
+                       throw new RuntimeException("Should not be called.");
+               }
+               public Integer getE() {
+                       return e;
+               }
+               public void setE(Integer e) {
+                       this.e = e;
+               }
+               public String getF() {
+                       return null;
+               }
+               public void setF(String f) {
+                       throw new RuntimeException("Should not be called.");
+               }
+       }
+       // Bad input
+       @Test
+       public void testBadInput() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile[] cff = {
+                       ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create().addLines("A", "a1=1", ""),
+                       ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create().addLines("A", "a1=1", 
+               };
+               for (ConfigFile cf : cff) {
+                       try {
+                               cf.load(null);
+                               fail();
+                       } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+                               assertEquals("Field 'r' cannot be null.", 
+                       }
+                       try {
+                               cf.getString(null);
+                               fail();
+                       } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+                               assertEquals("Field 'key' cannot be null.", 
+                       }
+                       try {
+                               cf.getString(null, null);
+                               fail();
+                       } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+                               assertEquals("Field 'key' cannot be null.", 
+                       }
+                       try {
+                               cf.put(null, (Object)null);
+                               fail();
+                       } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+                               assertEquals("Field 'key' cannot be null.", 
+                       }
+                       try {
+                               cf.put(null, null, true);
+                               fail();
+                       } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+                               assertEquals("Field 'key' cannot be null.", 
+                       }
+                       try {
+                               cf.removeString(null);
+                               fail();
+                       } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+                               assertEquals("Field 'key' cannot be null.", 
+                       }
+                       try {
+                               cf.getObject(Object.class, null);
+                               fail();
+                       } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+                               assertEquals("Field 'key' cannot be null.", 
+                       }
+                       try {
+                               cf.getObject(null, "");
+                               fail();
+                       } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+                               assertEquals("Field 'c' cannot be null.", 
+                       }
+                       try {
+                               cf.getStringArray(null);
+                               fail();
+                       } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+                               assertEquals("Field 'key' cannot be null.", 
+                       }
+                       try {
+                               cf.getStringArray(null, null);
+                               fail();
+                       } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+                               assertEquals("Field 'key' cannot be null.", 
+                       }
+                       try {
+                               cf.getInt(null);
+                               fail();
+                       } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+                               assertEquals("Field 'key' cannot be null.", 
+                       }
+                       try {
+                               cf.getInt(null, -1);
+                               fail();
+                       } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+                               assertEquals("Field 'key' cannot be null.", 
+                       }
+                       try {
+                               cf.getBoolean(null);
+                               fail();
+                       } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+                               assertEquals("Field 'key' cannot be null.", 
+                       }
+                       try {
+                               cf.getBoolean(null, true);
+                               fail();
+                       } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+                               assertEquals("Field 'key' cannot be null.", 
+                       }
+                       try {
+                               cf.put(null, (String)null);
+                               fail();
+                       } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+                               assertEquals("Field 'key' cannot be null.", 
+                       }
+                       try {
+                               cf.put(null, null, true);
+                               fail();
+                       } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+                               assertEquals("Field 'key' cannot be null.", 
+                       }
+                       try {
+                               cf.writeProperties(null, null, true);
+                               fail();
+                       } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+                               assertEquals("Field 'bean' cannot be null.", 
+                       }
+                       try {
+                               cf.getSectionAsBean(null, null);
+                               fail();
+                       } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+                               assertEquals("Field 'c' cannot be null.", 
+                       }
+                       try {
+                               cf.getSectionAsBean(null, null, true);
+                               fail();
+                       } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+                               assertEquals("Field 'c' cannot be null.", 
+                       }
+                       try {
+                               cf.containsNonEmptyValue(null);
+                               fail();
+                       } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+                               assertEquals("Field 'key' cannot be null.", 
+                       }
+                       try {
+                               cf.isEncoded(null);
+                               fail();
+                       } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+                               assertEquals("Field 'key' cannot be null.", 
+                       }
+                       try {
+                               cf.addListener(null);
+                               fail();
+                       } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+                               assertEquals("Field 'listener' cannot be 
null.", e.getLocalizedMessage());
+                       }
+                       try {
+                               cf.merge(null);
+                               fail();
+                       } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+                               assertEquals("Field 'cf' cannot be null.", 
+                       }
+                       try {
+                               cf.getResolving((VarResolver)null);
+                               fail();
+                       } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
+                               assertEquals("Field 'vr' cannot be null.", 
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       // Config to and from JSON
+       @Test
+       public void testSerializedAsJson() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create();
+               cf.put("a", "1");
+               cf.put("B/a", "2");
+               String json = JsonSerializer.DEFAULT_LAX.toString(cf);
+               assertEquals("{'default':{a:'1'},B:{a:'2'}}", json);
+               cf = JsonParser.DEFAULT.parse(json, ConfigFileImpl.class);
+               assertObjectEquals("{'default':{a:'1'},B:{a:'2'}}", cf);
+       }
+       // Test resolving with override
+       @Test
+       public void testResolvingWithOverride() throws Exception {
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create();
+               cf.put("a", "$A{X}");
+               cf.put("b", "$B{X}");
+               cf.put("c", "$A{$B{X}}");
+               cf.put("d", "$B{$A{X}}");
+               cf.put("e", "$D{X}");
+               VarResolver vr = new VarResolver().addVars(ALVar.class, 
+               cf = cf.getResolving(vr);
+               assertEquals("aXa", cf.getString("a"));
+               assertEquals("bXb", cf.getString("b"));
+               assertEquals("abXba", cf.getString("c"));
+               assertEquals("baXab", cf.getString("d"));
+               assertEquals("$D{X}", cf.getString("e"));
+               // Create new resolver that addx $C and overrides $A
+               VarResolver vr2 = vr.clone().addVars(AUVar.class, DUVar.class);
+               // true == augment by adding existing as parent to the new 
+               cf = cf.getResolving(vr2);
+               assertEquals("AXA", cf.getString("a"));
+               assertEquals("bXb", cf.getString("b"));
+               assertEquals("AbXbA", cf.getString("c"));
+               assertEquals("bAXAb", cf.getString("d"));
+               assertEquals("DXD", cf.getString("e"));
+       }
+       public static class ALVar extends SimpleVar {
+               public ALVar() {
+                       super("A");
+               }
+               @Override
+               public String resolve(VarResolverSession session, String key) {
+                       return 'a' + key + 'a';
+               }
+       }
+       public static class AUVar extends SimpleVar {
+               public AUVar() {
+                       super("A");
+               }
+               @Override
+               public String resolve(VarResolverSession session, String key) {
+                       return 'A' + key + 'A';
+               }
+       }
+       public static class BLVar extends SimpleVar {
+               public BLVar() {
+                       super("B");
+               }
+               @Override
+               public String resolve(VarResolverSession session, String key) {
+                       return 'b' + key + 'b';
+               }
+       }
+       public static class DUVar extends SimpleVar {
+               public DUVar() {
+                       super("D");
+               }
+               @Override
+               public String resolve(VarResolverSession session, String key) {
+                       return 'D' + key + 'D';
+               }
+       }
+       // Test multiline values.
+       @Test
+       public void testMultilineValues() throws Exception {
+               File f = getFreshFile();
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create(f);
+               cf.put("a", "a,\nb,\nc");
+               cf.put("A/a", "a,\nb,\nc");
+               assertTextEquals("a = a,|\tb,|\tc|[A]|a = a,|\tb,|\tc|", cf);
+     ;
+               assertTextEquals("a = a,|\tb,|\tc|[A]|a = a,|\tb,|\tc|",;
+               cf.load();
+               assertEquals("a,\nb,\nc", cf.getString("a"));
+               assertEquals("a,\nb,\nc", cf.getString("A/a"));
+               assertObjectEquals("['a','b','c']", cf.getStringArray("a", 
+               assertObjectEquals("['a','b','c']", cf.getStringArray("A/a", 
+       }
+       // Test special character encoding.
+       @Test
+       public void testSpecialCharacterEncoding() throws Exception {
+               File f = getFreshFile();
+               ConfigFile cf = ConfigMgr.DEFAULT.create(f);
+               cf.put("a", "a,#b,=c");
+               cf.put("A/a", "a,#b,=c");
+               assertTextEquals("a = a,\\u0023b,\\u003Dc|[A]|a = 
a,\\u0023b,\\u003Dc|", cf);
+     ;
+               assertTextEquals("a = a,\\u0023b,\\u003Dc|[A]|a = 
+               cf.load();
+               assertEquals("a,#b,=c", cf.getString("a"));
+               assertEquals("a,#b,=c", cf.getString("A/a"));
+       }
\ No newline at end of file

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