Repository: kafka
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/trunk 1a396c9cf -> d8d2f3aac

MINOR: Tweak upgrade note on KIP-62 to include

Author: Jason Gustafson <>

Reviewers: Ismael Juma <>

Closes #1960 from hachikuji/add-note-on-request-timeout


Branch: refs/heads/trunk
Commit: d8d2f3aac44562d2eec0911a44aec6b699dd0212
Parents: 1a396c9
Author: Jason Gustafson <>
Authored: Tue Oct 4 10:38:49 2016 -0700
Committer: Jason Gustafson <>
Committed: Tue Oct 4 10:38:49 2016 -0700

 docs/upgrade.html | 8 +++++++-
 1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/docs/upgrade.html b/docs/upgrade.html
index 4f23a95..ca16327 100644
--- a/docs/upgrade.html
+++ b/docs/upgrade.html
@@ -64,7 +64,13 @@ Note: Because new protocols are introduced, it is important 
to upgrade your Kafk
     <li> Kafka clusters can now be uniquely identified by a cluster id. It 
will be automatically generated when a broker is upgraded to The 
cluster id is available via the kafka.server:type=KafkaServer,name=ClusterId 
metric and it is part of the Metadata response. Serializers, client 
interceptors and metric reporters can receive the cluster id by implementing 
the ClusterResourceListener interface. </li>
     <li> The BrokerState "RunningAsController" (value 4) has been removed. Due 
to a bug, a broker would only be in this state briefly before transitioning out 
of it and hence the impact of the removal should be minimal. The recommended 
way to detect if a given broker is the controller is via the 
kafka.controller:type=KafkaController,name=ActiveControllerCount metric. </li>
     <li> The new Java Consumer now allows users to search offsets by timestamp 
on partitions. </li>
-    <li> The new Java Consumer now supports heartbeating from a background 
thread. There is a new configuration <code></code> which 
controls the maximum time between poll invocations before the consumer will 
proactively leave the group (5 minutes by default). The default value of 
<code></code> has been adjusted down to 10 seconds, and the 
default value of <code>max.poll.records</code> has been changed to 500.</li>
+    <li> The new Java Consumer now supports heartbeating from a background 
thread. There is a new configuration
+         <code></code> which controls the maximum time 
between poll invocations before the consumer
+         will proactively leave the group (5 minutes by default). The value of 
the configuration
+         <code></code> must always be larger than 
<code></code> because this is the maximum
+         time that a JoinGroup request can block on the server while the 
consumer is rebalancing, so we have changed its default
+         value to just above 5 minutes. Finally, the default value of 
<code></code> has been adjusted down to
+         10 seconds, and the default value of <code>max.poll.records</code> 
has been changed to 500.</li>
     <li> When using an Authorizer and a user doesn't have <b>Describe</b> 
authorization on a topic, the broker will no
          longer return TOPIC_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED errors to requests since 
this leaks topic names. Instead, the UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION
          error code will be returned. This may cause unexpected timeouts or 
delays when using the producer and consumer since

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