jianrongzhang89 opened a new issue, #2842:
URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-kie-tools/issues/2842

   Description of the problem:
   The Serverless Logic operator for 1.35 rc is stuck in Installing.
   How reproducible: 100%
   Steps to reproduce:
   1. Deploy Sonataflow operator 1.35 rc using image 
   registry-proxy.engineering.redhat.com/rh-osbs/iib:878712 on OCP v4.14.0
   2. Examine status of logic-operator-rhel8-controller-manager pod in 
openshift-serverless-logic namespace.
   Actual results: Pod is stuck in CBLO:
   oc get pods -n openshift-serverless-logic 
   NAME                                                       READY   STATUS    
         RESTARTS        AGE
   logic-operator-rhel8-controller-manager-64d748755f-792s8   1/2     
CrashLoopBackOff   380 (84s ago)   43h
   Expected results: Operator should deploy normally.
   It appears to have a stackoverflow, see logs attached.
   Before reaching this error in the logs, I had to:
   1) increase limit memory to 1500m
   2) set log level to debug

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