Author: lmccay
Date: Sun Mar 22 20:07:57 2015
New Revision: 1668471

added documentation for using CA signed certificate in Knox


Modified: knox/site/books/knox-0-5-0/knox-0-5-0.html
--- knox/site/books/knox-0-5-0/knox-0-5-0.html (original)
+++ knox/site/books/knox-0-5-0/knox-0-5-0.html Sun Mar 22 20:07:57 2015
@@ -462,7 +462,38 @@ ip-10-39-107-209.ec2.internal
 a self-signed cert for use in testing or development environments</h5>
 <pre><code>keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias gateway-identity -keystore 
gateway.jks \
     -storepass {master-secret} -validity 360 -keysize 2048
-</code></pre><p>Keytool will prompt you for a number of elements used will 
comprise the distiniguished name (DN) within your certificate. 
</p><p><em>NOTE:</em> When it prompts you for your First and Last name be sure 
to type in the hostname of the machine that your gateway instance will be 
running on. This is used by clients during hostname verification to ensure that 
the presented certificate matches the hostname that was used in the URL for the 
connection - so they need to match.</p><p><em>NOTE:</em> When it prompts for 
the key password just press enter to ensure that it is the same as the keystore 
password. Which as was described earlier must match the master secret for the 
gateway instance. Alternatively, you can set it to another passphrase - take 
note of it and set the gateway-identity-passphrase alias to that passphrase 
using the Knox CLI.</p><p>See the Knox CLI section for descriptions of the 
command line utilties related to the management of the keystores.</p><h5><a 
 dential+Store"></a>Credential Store</h5><p>Whenever you provide your own 
keystore with either a self-signed cert or an issued certificate signed by a 
trusted authority, you will need to set an alias for the 
gateway-identity-passphrase or create an empty credential store. This is 
necessary for the current release in order for the system to determine the 
correct password for the keystore and the key.</p><p>The credential stores in 
Knox use the JCEKS keystore type as it allows for the storage of general 
secrets in addition to certificates.</p><p>Keytool may be used to create 
credential stores but the Knox CLI section details how to create aliases. These 
aliases are managed within credential stores which are created by the CLI as 
needed. The simplest approach is to create the gateway-identity-passpharse 
alias with the Knox CLI. This will create the credential store if it 
doesn&rsquo;t already exist and add the key passphrase.</p><p>See the Knox CLI 
section for descriptions of the comman
 d line utilties related to the management of the credential stores.</p><h5><a 
id="Provisioning+of+Keystores"></a>Provisioning of Keystores</h5><p>Once you 
have created these keystores you must move them into place for the gateway to 
discover them and use them to represent its identity for SSL connections. This 
is done by copying the keystores to the 
<code>{GATEWAY_HOME}/data/security/keystores</code> directory for your gateway 
install.</p><h4><a id="Summary+of+Secrets+to+be+Managed"></a>Summary of Secrets 
to be Managed</h4>
+</code></pre><p>Keytool will prompt you for a number of elements used will 
comprise the distiniguished name (DN) within your certificate. 
</p><p><em>NOTE:</em> When it prompts you for your First and Last name be sure 
to type in the hostname of the machine that your gateway instance will be 
running on. This is used by clients during hostname verification to ensure that 
the presented certificate matches the hostname that was used in the URL for the 
connection - so they need to match.</p><p><em>NOTE:</em> When it prompts for 
the key password just press enter to ensure that it is the same as the keystore 
password. Which as was described earlier must match the master secret for the 
gateway instance. Alternatively, you can set it to another passphrase - take 
note of it and set the gateway-identity-passphrase alias to that passphrase 
using the Knox CLI.</p><p>See the Knox CLI section for descriptions of the 
command line utilties related to the management of the keystores.</p><h5><a 
 ng+a+CA+Signed+Key+Pair"></a>Using a CA Signed Key Pair</h5><p>For certain 
deployments a certificate key pair that is signed by a trusted certificate 
authority is required. There are a number of different ways in which these 
certificates are acquired and can be converted and imported into the Apache 
Knox keystore.</p><p>The following steps have been used to do this and are 
provided here for guidance in your installation. You may have to adjust 
according to your environment.</p><p>General steps:</p>
+  <li>stop gateway and back up all files in 
/var/lib/knox/data/security/keystores<br/> stop</li>
+  <li>create new master key for knox and persist, the master key will be 
referred to in following steps as $master-key<br/> create-master 
+  <li>create identity keystore gateway.jks. cert in alias gateway-identity
+  <ul>
+    <li>cd /var/lib/knox/data/security/keystore</li>
+    <li>keytool -genkeypair -alias gateway-identity -keyalg RSA -keysize 1024 
-dname &ldquo;CN=$fqdn_knox,OU=hdp,O=sdge&rdquo; -keypass $keypass -keystore 
gateway.jks -storepass $master-key -validity 300<br/>NOTE: above $fqdn_knox is 
the hostname of the knox host. adjust validity as needed. some may choose 
$keypass to be the same as $master-key</li>
+  </ul></li>
+  <li>create credential store to store the $keypass in step 3. this creates 
__gateway-credentials.jceks file<br/>
+  <ul>
+    <li> create-alias gateway-identity-passphrase &ndash;value 
+  </ul></li>
+  <li>generate a certificate signing request from the gateway.jks
+  <ul>
+    <li>keytool -keystore gateway.jks -storepass $master-key -alias 
gateway-identity -certreq -file knox.csr</li>
+  </ul></li>
+  <li>send the knox.csr file to the CA authority and get back the singed 
certificate, signed cert referred to as knox.signed in following steps. Also 
need the CA cert, which normally can be requested through openssl command or 
web browser. (or can ask the CA authority to send a copy).</li>
+  <li>import both the CA authority certificate (referred as corporateCA.cer) 
and the signed knox certificate back into gateway.jks
+  <ul>
+    <li>keytool -keystore gateway.jks -storepass $master-key -alias $hwhq 
-import -file corporateCA.cer</li>
+    <li>keytool -keystore gateway.jks -storepass $master-key -alias 
gateway-identity -import -file knox.signed<br/>Note: use any alias appropriate 
for the corporate CA.</li>
+  </ul></li>
+  <li>restart gateway. check gateway.log to see that gateway started properly 
and clusters are deployed. Can check the timestamp on cluster deployment files
+  <ul>
+    <li>ls -alrt /var/lib/knox/data/deployment</li>
+  </ul></li>
+  <li>verify that clients can use the CA authority cert to access Knox (which 
is the goal of using public signed cert)
+  <ul>
+    <li>curl &ndash;cacert supwin12ad.cer -u hdptester:hadoop -X GET &lsquo;<a 
 or can verify through client browser which already has the corporate CA cert 
+  </ul></li>
+</ol><h5><a id="Credential+Store"></a>Credential Store</h5><p>Whenever you 
provide your own keystore with either a self-signed cert or an issued 
certificate signed by a trusted authority, you will need to set an alias for 
the gateway-identity-passphrase or create an empty credential store. This is 
necessary for the current release in order for the system to determine the 
correct password for the keystore and the key.</p><p>The credential stores in 
Knox use the JCEKS keystore type as it allows for the storage of general 
secrets in addition to certificates.</p><p>Keytool may be used to create 
credential stores but the Knox CLI section details how to create aliases. These 
aliases are managed within credential stores which are created by the CLI as 
needed. The simplest approach is to create the gateway-identity-passpharse 
alias with the Knox CLI. This will create the credential store if it 
doesn&rsquo;t already exist and add the key passphrase.</p><p>See the Knox CLI 
section for descrip
 tions of the command line utilties related to the management of the credential 
stores.</p><h5><a id="Provisioning+of+Keystores"></a>Provisioning of 
Keystores</h5><p>Once you have created these keystores you must move them into 
place for the gateway to discover them and use them to represent its identity 
for SSL connections. This is done by copying the keystores to the 
<code>{GATEWAY_HOME}/data/security/keystores</code> directory for your gateway 
install.</p><h4><a id="Summary+of+Secrets+to+be+Managed"></a>Summary of Secrets 
to be Managed</h4>
   <li>Master secret - the same for all gateway instances in a cluster of 
   <li>All security related artifacts are protected with the master secret</li>

Modified: knox/site/books/knox-0-6-0/user-guide.html
--- knox/site/books/knox-0-6-0/user-guide.html (original)
+++ knox/site/books/knox-0-6-0/user-guide.html Sun Mar 22 20:07:57 2015
@@ -462,7 +462,38 @@ ip-10-39-107-209.ec2.internal
 a self-signed cert for use in testing or development environments</h5>
 <pre><code>keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias gateway-identity -keystore 
gateway.jks \
     -storepass {master-secret} -validity 360 -keysize 2048
-</code></pre><p>Keytool will prompt you for a number of elements used will 
comprise the distiniguished name (DN) within your certificate. 
</p><p><em>NOTE:</em> When it prompts you for your First and Last name be sure 
to type in the hostname of the machine that your gateway instance will be 
running on. This is used by clients during hostname verification to ensure that 
the presented certificate matches the hostname that was used in the URL for the 
connection - so they need to match.</p><p><em>NOTE:</em> When it prompts for 
the key password just press enter to ensure that it is the same as the keystore 
password. Which as was described earlier must match the master secret for the 
gateway instance. Alternatively, you can set it to another passphrase - take 
note of it and set the gateway-identity-passphrase alias to that passphrase 
using the Knox CLI.</p><p>See the Knox CLI section for descriptions of the 
command line utilties related to the management of the keystores.</p><h5><a 
 dential+Store"></a>Credential Store</h5><p>Whenever you provide your own 
keystore with either a self-signed cert or an issued certificate signed by a 
trusted authority, you will need to set an alias for the 
gateway-identity-passphrase or create an empty credential store. This is 
necessary for the current release in order for the system to determine the 
correct password for the keystore and the key.</p><p>The credential stores in 
Knox use the JCEKS keystore type as it allows for the storage of general 
secrets in addition to certificates.</p><p>Keytool may be used to create 
credential stores but the Knox CLI section details how to create aliases. These 
aliases are managed within credential stores which are created by the CLI as 
needed. The simplest approach is to create the gateway-identity-passpharse 
alias with the Knox CLI. This will create the credential store if it 
doesn&rsquo;t already exist and add the key passphrase.</p><p>See the Knox CLI 
section for descriptions of the comman
 d line utilties related to the management of the credential stores.</p><h5><a 
id="Provisioning+of+Keystores"></a>Provisioning of Keystores</h5><p>Once you 
have created these keystores you must move them into place for the gateway to 
discover them and use them to represent its identity for SSL connections. This 
is done by copying the keystores to the 
<code>{GATEWAY_HOME}/data/security/keystores</code> directory for your gateway 
install.</p><h4><a id="Summary+of+Secrets+to+be+Managed"></a>Summary of Secrets 
to be Managed</h4>
+</code></pre><p>Keytool will prompt you for a number of elements used will 
comprise the distiniguished name (DN) within your certificate. 
</p><p><em>NOTE:</em> When it prompts you for your First and Last name be sure 
to type in the hostname of the machine that your gateway instance will be 
running on. This is used by clients during hostname verification to ensure that 
the presented certificate matches the hostname that was used in the URL for the 
connection - so they need to match.</p><p><em>NOTE:</em> When it prompts for 
the key password just press enter to ensure that it is the same as the keystore 
password. Which, as was described earlier, must match the master secret for the 
gateway instance. Alternatively, you can set it to another passphrase - take 
note of it and set the gateway-identity-passphrase alias to that passphrase 
using the Knox CLI.</p><p>See the Knox CLI section for descriptions of the 
command line utilties related to the management of the keystores.</p><h5><a 
 sing+a+CA+Signed+Key+Pair"></a>Using a CA Signed Key Pair</h5><p>For certain 
deployments a certificate key pair that is signed by a trusted certificate 
authority is required. There are a number of different ways in which these 
certificates are acquired and can be converted and imported into the Apache 
Knox keystore.</p><p>The following steps have been used to do this and are 
provided here for guidance in your installation. You may have to adjust 
according to your environment.</p><p>General steps:</p>
+  <li>stop gateway and back up all files in 
/var/lib/knox/data/security/keystores<br/> stop</li>
+  <li>create new master key for knox and persist, the master key will be 
referred to in following steps as $master-key<br/> create-master 
+  <li>create identity keystore gateway.jks. cert in alias gateway-identity
+  <ul>
+    <li>cd /var/lib/knox/data/security/keystore</li>
+    <li>keytool -genkeypair -alias gateway-identity -keyalg RSA -keysize 1024 
-dname &ldquo;CN=$fqdn_knox,OU=hdp,O=sdge&rdquo; -keypass $keypass -keystore 
gateway.jks -storepass $master-key -validity 300<br/>NOTE: above $fqdn_knox is 
the hostname of the knox host. adjust validity as needed. some may choose 
$keypass to be the same as $master-key</li>
+  </ul></li>
+  <li>create credential store to store the $keypass in step 3. this creates 
__gateway-credentials.jceks file<br/>
+  <ul>
+    <li> create-alias gateway-identity-passphrase &ndash;value 
+  </ul></li>
+  <li>generate a certificate signing request from the gateway.jks
+  <ul>
+    <li>keytool -keystore gateway.jks -storepass $master-key -alias 
gateway-identity -certreq -file knox.csr</li>
+  </ul></li>
+  <li>send the knox.csr file to the CA authority and get back the singed 
certificate, signed cert referred to as knox.signed in following steps. Also 
need the CA cert, which normally can be requested through openssl command or 
web browser. (or can ask the CA authority to send a copy).</li>
+  <li>import both the CA authority certificate (referred as corporateCA.cer) 
and the signed knox certificate back into gateway.jks
+  <ul>
+    <li>keytool -keystore gateway.jks -storepass $master-key -alias $hwhq 
-import -file corporateCA.cer</li>
+    <li>keytool -keystore gateway.jks -storepass $master-key -alias 
gateway-identity -import -file knox.signed<br/>Note: use any alias appropriate 
for the corporate CA.</li>
+  </ul></li>
+  <li>restart gateway. check gateway.log to see that gateway started properly 
and clusters are deployed. Can check the timestamp on cluster deployment files
+  <ul>
+    <li>ls -alrt /var/lib/knox/data/deployment</li>
+  </ul></li>
+  <li>verify that clients can use the CA authority cert to access Knox (which 
is the goal of using public signed cert)
+  <ul>
+    <li>curl &ndash;cacert supwin12ad.cer -u hdptester:hadoop -X GET &lsquo;<a 
 or can verify through client browser which already has the corporate CA cert 
+  </ul></li>
+</ol><h5><a id="Credential+Store"></a>Credential Store</h5><p>Whenever you 
provide your own keystore with either a self-signed cert or an issued 
certificate signed by a trusted authority, you will need to set an alias for 
the gateway-identity-passphrase or create an empty credential store. This is 
necessary for the current release in order for the system to determine the 
correct password for the keystore and the key.</p><p>The credential stores in 
Knox use the JCEKS keystore type as it allows for the storage of general 
secrets in addition to certificates.</p><p>Keytool may be used to create 
credential stores but the Knox CLI section details how to create aliases. These 
aliases are managed within credential stores which are created by the CLI as 
needed. The simplest approach is to create the gateway-identity-passpharse 
alias with the Knox CLI. This will create the credential store if it 
doesn&rsquo;t already exist and add the key passphrase.</p><p>See the Knox CLI 
section for descrip
 tions of the command line utilties related to the management of the credential 
stores.</p><h5><a id="Provisioning+of+Keystores"></a>Provisioning of 
Keystores</h5><p>Once you have created these keystores you must move them into 
place for the gateway to discover them and use them to represent its identity 
for SSL connections. This is done by copying the keystores to the 
<code>{GATEWAY_HOME}/data/security/keystores</code> directory for your gateway 
install.</p><h4><a id="Summary+of+Secrets+to+be+Managed"></a>Summary of Secrets 
to be Managed</h4>
   <li>Master secret - the same for all gateway instances in a cluster of 
   <li>All security related artifacts are protected with the master secret</li>

Modified: knox/trunk/books/0.5.0/
--- knox/trunk/books/0.5.0/ (original)
+++ knox/trunk/books/0.5.0/ Sun Mar 22 20:07:57 2015
@@ -336,6 +336,37 @@ Keytool will prompt you for a number of
 See the Knox CLI section for descriptions of the command line utilties related 
to the management of the keystores.
+##### Using a CA Signed Key Pair #####
+For certain deployments a certificate key pair that is signed by a trusted 
certificate authority is required. There are a number of different ways in 
which these certificates are acquired and can be converted and imported into 
the Apache Knox keystore.
+The following steps have been used to do this and are provided here for 
guidance in your installation.
+You may have to adjust according to your environment.
+General steps:
+1. stop gateway and back up all files in /var/lib/knox/data/security/keystores stop
+2. create new master key for knox and persist, the master key will be referred 
to in following steps as $master-key create-master -force
+3.  create identity keystore gateway.jks. cert in alias gateway-identity  
+    * cd /var/lib/knox/data/security/keystore  
+    * keytool -genkeypair -alias gateway-identity -keyalg RSA -keysize 1024 
-dname "CN=$fqdn_knox,OU=hdp,O=sdge" -keypass $keypass -keystore gateway.jks 
-storepass $master-key -validity 300  
+NOTE: above $fqdn_knox is the hostname of the knox host. adjust validity as 
needed. some may choose $keypass to be the same as $master-key
+4. create credential store to store the $keypass in step 3.  this creates 
__gateway-credentials.jceks file  
+    * create-alias gateway-identity-passphrase --value $keypass
+5. generate a certificate signing request from the gateway.jks  
+    * keytool -keystore gateway.jks -storepass $master-key -alias 
gateway-identity -certreq -file knox.csr
+4. send the knox.csr file to the CA authority and get back the singed 
certificate, signed cert referred to as knox.signed in following steps. Also 
need the CA cert, which normally can be requested through openssl command or 
web browser.  (or can ask the CA authority to send a copy).
+5. import both the CA authority certificate (referred as corporateCA.cer) and 
the signed knox certificate back into gateway.jks  
+    * keytool -keystore gateway.jks -storepass $master-key -alias $hwhq 
-import -file corporateCA.cer  
+    * keytool -keystore gateway.jks -storepass $master-key -alias 
gateway-identity -import -file knox.signed  
+Note: use any alias appropriate for the corporate CA.
+6. restart gateway. check gateway.log to see that gateway started properly and 
clusters are deployed. Can check the timestamp on cluster deployment files 
+    * ls -alrt /var/lib/knox/data/deployment
+7. verify that clients can use the CA authority cert to access Knox (which is 
the goal of using public signed cert)  
+    * curl --cacert supwin12ad.cer -u hdptester:hadoop -X GET 
+or can verify through client browser which already has the corporate CA cert 
 ##### Credential Store #####
 Whenever you provide your own keystore with either a self-signed cert or an 
issued certificate signed by a trusted authority, you will need to set an alias 
for the gateway-identity-passphrase or create an empty credential store. This 
is necessary for the current release in order for the system to determine the 
correct password for the keystore and the key.

Modified: knox/trunk/books/0.6.0/
--- knox/trunk/books/0.6.0/ (original)
+++ knox/trunk/books/0.6.0/ Sun Mar 22 20:07:57 2015
@@ -332,10 +332,41 @@ Keytool will prompt you for a number of
 *NOTE:* When it prompts you for your First and Last name be sure to type in 
the hostname of the machine that your gateway instance will be running on. This 
is used by clients during hostname verification to ensure that the presented 
certificate matches the hostname that was used in the URL for the connection - 
so they need to match.
-*NOTE:* When it prompts for the key password just press enter to ensure that 
it is the same as the keystore password. Which as was described earlier must 
match the master secret for the gateway instance. Alternatively, you can set it 
to another passphrase - take note of it and set the gateway-identity-passphrase 
alias to that passphrase using the Knox CLI.
+*NOTE:* When it prompts for the key password just press enter to ensure that 
it is the same as the keystore password. Which, as was described earlier, must 
match the master secret for the gateway instance. Alternatively, you can set it 
to another passphrase - take note of it and set the gateway-identity-passphrase 
alias to that passphrase using the Knox CLI.
 See the Knox CLI section for descriptions of the command line utilties related 
to the management of the keystores.
+##### Using a CA Signed Key Pair #####
+For certain deployments a certificate key pair that is signed by a trusted 
certificate authority is required. There are a number of different ways in 
which these certificates are acquired and can be converted and imported into 
the Apache Knox keystore.
+The following steps have been used to do this and are provided here for 
guidance in your installation.
+You may have to adjust according to your environment.
+General steps:
+1. stop gateway and back up all files in /var/lib/knox/data/security/keystores stop
+2. create new master key for knox and persist, the master key will be referred 
to in following steps as $master-key create-master -force
+3.  create identity keystore gateway.jks. cert in alias gateway-identity  
+    * cd /var/lib/knox/data/security/keystore  
+    * keytool -genkeypair -alias gateway-identity -keyalg RSA -keysize 1024 
-dname "CN=$fqdn_knox,OU=hdp,O=sdge" -keypass $keypass -keystore gateway.jks 
-storepass $master-key -validity 300  
+NOTE: above $fqdn_knox is the hostname of the knox host. adjust validity as 
needed. some may choose $keypass to be the same as $master-key
+4. create credential store to store the $keypass in step 3.  this creates 
__gateway-credentials.jceks file  
+    * create-alias gateway-identity-passphrase --value $keypass
+5. generate a certificate signing request from the gateway.jks  
+    * keytool -keystore gateway.jks -storepass $master-key -alias 
gateway-identity -certreq -file knox.csr
+4. send the knox.csr file to the CA authority and get back the singed 
certificate, signed cert referred to as knox.signed in following steps. Also 
need the CA cert, which normally can be requested through openssl command or 
web browser.  (or can ask the CA authority to send a copy).
+5. import both the CA authority certificate (referred as corporateCA.cer) and 
the signed knox certificate back into gateway.jks  
+    * keytool -keystore gateway.jks -storepass $master-key -alias $hwhq 
-import -file corporateCA.cer  
+    * keytool -keystore gateway.jks -storepass $master-key -alias 
gateway-identity -import -file knox.signed  
+Note: use any alias appropriate for the corporate CA.
+6. restart gateway. check gateway.log to see that gateway started properly and 
clusters are deployed. Can check the timestamp on cluster deployment files 
+    * ls -alrt /var/lib/knox/data/deployment
+7. verify that clients can use the CA authority cert to access Knox (which is 
the goal of using public signed cert)  
+    * curl --cacert supwin12ad.cer -u hdptester:hadoop -X GET 
+or can verify through client browser which already has the corporate CA cert 
 ##### Credential Store #####
 Whenever you provide your own keystore with either a self-signed cert or an 
issued certificate signed by a trusted authority, you will need to set an alias 
for the gateway-identity-passphrase or create an empty credential store. This 
is necessary for the current release in order for the system to determine the 
correct password for the keystore and the key.

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