Author: lmccay
Date: Fri Feb 24 20:39:11 2017
New Revision: 1784323

added SSOCookieProvider docs


Modified: knox/site/books/knox-0-11-0/user-guide.html
--- knox/site/books/knox-0-11-0/user-guide.html (original)
+++ knox/site/books/knox-0-11-0/user-guide.html Fri Feb 24 20:39:11 2017
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@
     <li><a href="#LDAP+Group+Lookup">LDAP Group Lookup</a></li>
     <li><a href="#PAM+based+Authentication">PAM based Authentication</a></li>
     <li><a href="#HadoopAuth+Authentication+Provider">HadoopAuth 
Authentication Provider</a></li>
+    <li><a href="#SSO+Cookie+Provider">SSO Cookie Provider</a></li>
     <li><a href="#Preauthenticated+SSO+Provider">Preauthenticated SSO 
     <li><a href="#Pac4j+Provider+-+CAS+/+OAuth+/+SAML+/+OpenID+Connect">Pac4j 
Provider - CAS / OAuth / SAML / OpenID Connect</a></li>
     <li><a href="#KnoxSSO+Setup+and+Configuration">KnoxSSO Setup and 
@@ -2476,7 +2477,58 @@ APACHE_HOME/bin/apachectl -k stop
 </code></pre><h5><a id="REST+Invocation+for+Tivoli+AM">REST Invocation for 
Tivoli AM</a> <a href="#REST+Invocation+for+Tivoli+AM"><img 
src="markbook-section-link.png"/></a></h5><p>The following curl command can be 
used to request a directory listing from HDFS while passing in the expected 
headers of iv_user and iv_group. Note that the iv_group value in this command 
matches the expected ACL for webhdfs in the above topology file. Changing this 
from &ldquo;admin&rdquo; to &ldquo;admin2&rdquo; should result in a 401 
unauthorized response.</p>
 <pre><code>curl -k -i --header &quot;iv_user: guest&quot; --header 
&quot;iv_group: admin&quot; -v 
-</code></pre><p>Omitting the &ndash;header &ldquo;iv_user: guest&rdquo; above 
will result in a rejected request.</p><h3><a 
id="Pac4j+Provider+-+CAS+/+OAuth+/+SAML+/+OpenID+Connect">Pac4j Provider - CAS 
/ OAuth / SAML / OpenID Connect</a> <a 
+</code></pre><p>Omitting the &ndash;header &ldquo;iv_user: guest&rdquo; above 
will result in a rejected request.</p><h3><a id="SSO+Cookie+Provider">SSO 
Cookie Provider</a> <a href="#SSO+Cookie+Provider"><img 
src="markbook-section-link.png"/></a></h3><h4><a id="Overview">Overview</a> <a 
href="#Overview"><img src="markbook-section-link.png"/></a></h4><p>The 
SSOCookieProvider enables the federation of the authentication event that 
occurred through KnoxSSO. KnoxSSO is a typical SP initiated websso mechanism 
that sets a cookie to be presented by browsers to participating applications 
and cryptographically verified.</p><p>Knox Gateway needs a pluggable mechanism 
for consuming these cookies and federating the KnoxSSO authentication event as 
an asserted identity in its interaction with the Hadoop cluster for REST API 
invocations. This provider is useful when an application that is integrated 
with KnoxSSO for authentication also consumes REST APIs through the Knox 
Gateway.</p><p>Based on our
  understanding of the websso flow it should behave like:</p>
+  <li>SSOCookieProvider checks for hadoop-jwt cookie and in its absence 
redirects to the configured SSO provider URL (knoxsso endpoint)</li>
+  <li>The configured Provider on the KnoxSSO endpoint challenges the user in a 
provider specific way (presents form, redirects to SAML IdP, etc)</li>
+  <li>The authentication provider on KnoxSSO validates the identity of the 
user through credentials/tokens</li>
+  <li>The WebSSO service exchanges the normalized Java Subject into a JWT 
token and sets it on the response as a cookie named hadoop-jwt</li>
+  <li>The WebSSO service then redirects the user agent back to the originally 
requested URL - the requested Knox service subsequent invocations will find the 
cookie in the incoming request and not need to engage the WebSSO service again 
until it expires.</li>
+</ul><h4><a id="Configuration">Configuration</a> <a href="#Configuration"><img 
id="sandbox.xml+Topology+Example">sandbox.xml Topology Example</a> <a 
src="markbook-section-link.png"/></a></h5><p>Configuring one of the cluster 
topologies to use the SSOCookieProvider instead of the out of the box 
ShiroProvider would look something like the following:</p>
+<pre><code>&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;utf-8&quot;?&gt;
+  &lt;gateway&gt;
+    &lt;provider&gt;
+        &lt;role&gt;federation&lt;/role&gt;
+        &lt;name&gt;SSOCookieProvider&lt;/name&gt;
+        &lt;enabled&gt;true&lt;/enabled&gt;
+        &lt;param&gt;
+            &lt;name&gt;sso.authentication.provider.url&lt;/name&gt;
+        &lt;/param&gt;
+    &lt;/provider&gt;
+    &lt;provider&gt;
+        &lt;role&gt;identity-assertion&lt;/role&gt;
+        &lt;name&gt;Default&lt;/name&gt;
+        &lt;enabled&gt;true&lt;/enabled&gt;
+    &lt;/provider&gt;
+  &lt;/gateway&gt;    
+  &lt;service&gt;
+      &lt;role&gt;WEBHDFS&lt;/role&gt;
+      &lt;url&gt;http://localhost:50070/webhdfs&lt;/url&gt;
+  &lt;/service&gt;
+  &lt;service&gt;
+      &lt;role&gt;WEBHCAT&lt;/role&gt;
+      &lt;url&gt;http://localhost:50111/templeton&lt;/url&gt;
+  &lt;/service&gt;
+</code></pre><p>The following table describes the configuration options for 
the web app security provider:</p><h5><a id="Descriptions">Descriptions</a> <a 
href="#Descriptions"><img src="markbook-section-link.png"/></a></h5>
+  <thead>
+    <tr>
+      <th>Name </th>
+      <th>Description </th>
+      <th>Default</th>
+    </tr>
+  </thead>
+  <tbody>
+    <tr>
+      <td>sso.authentication.provider.url</td>
+      <td>Required parameter that indicates the location of the KnoxSSO 
endpoint and where to redirect the useragent when no SSO cookie is found in the 
incoming request.</td>
+      <td>N/A</td>
+    </tr>
+  </tbody>
+</table><h3><a id="Pac4j+Provider+-+CAS+/+OAuth+/+SAML+/+OpenID+Connect">Pac4j 
Provider - CAS / OAuth / SAML / OpenID Connect</a> <a 
 <p align="center">
   <img src=""; width="300" />
 </p><p><a href="";>pac4j</a> is a Java security 
engine to authenticate users, get their profiles and manage their 
authorizations in order to secure Java web applications.</p><p>It supports many 
authentication mechanisms for UI and web services and is implemented by many 
frameworks and tools.</p><p>For Knox, it is used as a federation provider to 
support the OAuth, CAS, SAML and OpenID Connect protocols. It must be used for 
SSO, in association with the KnoxSSO service and optionally with the 
SSOCookieProvider for access to REST APIs.</p><h4><a 
id="Configuration">Configuration</a> <a href="#Configuration"><img 
src="markbook-section-link.png"/></a></h4><h5><a id="SSO+topology">SSO 
topology</a> <a href="#SSO+topology"><img 
src="markbook-section-link.png"/></a></h5><p>To enable SSO for REST API access 
through the Knox gateway, you need to protect your Hadoop services with the the 
SSOCookieProvider configured to use the KnoxSSO service (sandbox.xml topology):<

Modified: knox/site/books/knox-0-12-0/dev-guide.html
--- knox/site/books/knox-0-12-0/dev-guide.html (original)
+++ knox/site/books/knox-0-12-0/dev-guide.html Fri Feb 24 20:39:11 2017
@@ -1032,15 +1032,13 @@ public class CaseShifterIdentityAssertio
-                       &lt;provider&gt;
+            &lt;provider&gt;
-                   &lt;service&gt;
+        &lt;service&gt;
@@ -1054,65 +1052,56 @@ public class CaseShifterIdentityAssertio
 </code></pre><p>Just as with any Knox service, the KNOXSSO service is 
protected by the gateway providers defined above it. In this case, the 
ShiroProvider is taking care of HTTP Basic Auth against LDAP for us. Once the 
user authenticates the request processing continues to the KNOXSSO service that 
will create the required cookie and do the necessary redirects.</p><p>The 
authenticate/federation provider can be swapped out to fit your deployment 
environment.</p><h5><a id="sandbox.xml+Topology">sandbox.xml Topology</a> <a 
src="markbook-section-link.png"/></a></h5><p>In order to see the end to end 
story and use it as an example in your development, you can configure one of 
the cluster topologies to use the SSOCookieProvider instead of the out of the 
box ShiroProvider. The following is an example sandbox.xml topology that is 
configured for using KnoxSSO to protect access to the Hadoop REST APIs.</p>
 <pre><code>    &lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;utf-8&quot;?&gt;
-       &lt;topology&gt;
-    &lt;gateway&gt;
-      &lt;provider&gt;
-          &lt;role&gt;federation&lt;/role&gt;
-          &lt;name&gt;SSOCookieProvider&lt;/name&gt;
-          &lt;enabled&gt;true&lt;/enabled&gt;
-          &lt;param&gt;
-              &lt;name&gt;sso.authentication.provider.url&lt;/name&gt;
-          &lt;/param&gt;
-      &lt;/provider&gt;
-        &lt;provider&gt;
-            &lt;role&gt;identity-assertion&lt;/role&gt;
-            &lt;name&gt;Default&lt;/name&gt;
-            &lt;enabled&gt;true&lt;/enabled&gt;
-        &lt;/provider&gt;
-    &lt;/gateway&gt;
-    &lt;service&gt;
-        &lt;role&gt;NAMENODE&lt;/role&gt;
-        &lt;url&gt;hdfs://localhost:8020&lt;/url&gt;
-    &lt;/service&gt;
-    &lt;service&gt;
-        &lt;role&gt;JOBTRACKER&lt;/role&gt;
-        &lt;url&gt;rpc://localhost:8050&lt;/url&gt;
-    &lt;/service&gt;
-    &lt;service&gt;
-        &lt;role&gt;WEBHDFS&lt;/role&gt;
-        &lt;url&gt;http://localhost:50070/webhdfs&lt;/url&gt;
-    &lt;/service&gt;
-    &lt;service&gt;
-        &lt;role&gt;WEBHCAT&lt;/role&gt;
-        &lt;url&gt;http://localhost:50111/templeton&lt;/url&gt;
-    &lt;/service&gt;
-    &lt;service&gt;
-        &lt;role&gt;OOZIE&lt;/role&gt;
-        &lt;url&gt;http://localhost:11000/oozie&lt;/url&gt;
-    &lt;/service&gt;
-    &lt;service&gt;
-        &lt;role&gt;WEBHBASE&lt;/role&gt;
-        &lt;url&gt;http://localhost:60080&lt;/url&gt;
-    &lt;/service&gt;
-    &lt;service&gt;
-        &lt;role&gt;HIVE&lt;/role&gt;
-        &lt;url&gt;http://localhost:10001/cliservice&lt;/url&gt;
-    &lt;/service&gt;
-    &lt;service&gt;
-        &lt;role&gt;RESOURCEMANAGER&lt;/role&gt;
-        &lt;url&gt;http://localhost:8088/ws&lt;/url&gt;
-    &lt;/service&gt;
-       &lt;/topology&gt;
+  &lt;gateway&gt;
+    &lt;provider&gt;
+        &lt;role&gt;federation&lt;/role&gt;
+        &lt;name&gt;SSOCookieProvider&lt;/name&gt;
+        &lt;enabled&gt;true&lt;/enabled&gt;
+        &lt;param&gt;
+            &lt;name&gt;sso.authentication.provider.url&lt;/name&gt;
+        &lt;/param&gt;
+    &lt;/provider&gt;
+    &lt;provider&gt;
+        &lt;role&gt;identity-assertion&lt;/role&gt;
+        &lt;name&gt;Default&lt;/name&gt;
+        &lt;enabled&gt;true&lt;/enabled&gt;
+    &lt;/provider&gt;
+  &lt;/gateway&gt;    
+  &lt;service&gt;
+      &lt;role&gt;NAMENODE&lt;/role&gt;
+      &lt;url&gt;hdfs://localhost:8020&lt;/url&gt;
+  &lt;/service&gt;
+  &lt;service&gt;
+      &lt;role&gt;JOBTRACKER&lt;/role&gt;
+      &lt;url&gt;rpc://localhost:8050&lt;/url&gt;
+  &lt;/service&gt;
+  &lt;service&gt;
+      &lt;role&gt;WEBHDFS&lt;/role&gt;
+      &lt;url&gt;http://localhost:50070/webhdfs&lt;/url&gt;
+  &lt;/service&gt;
+  &lt;service&gt;
+      &lt;role&gt;WEBHCAT&lt;/role&gt;
+      &lt;url&gt;http://localhost:50111/templeton&lt;/url&gt;
+  &lt;/service&gt;
+  &lt;service&gt;
+      &lt;role&gt;OOZIE&lt;/role&gt;
+      &lt;url&gt;http://localhost:11000/oozie&lt;/url&gt;
+  &lt;/service&gt;
+  &lt;service&gt;
+      &lt;role&gt;WEBHBASE&lt;/role&gt;
+      &lt;url&gt;http://localhost:60080&lt;/url&gt;
+  &lt;/service&gt;
+  &lt;service&gt;
+      &lt;role&gt;HIVE&lt;/role&gt;
+      &lt;url&gt;http://localhost:10001/cliservice&lt;/url&gt;
+  &lt;/service&gt;
+  &lt;service&gt;
+      &lt;role&gt;RESOURCEMANAGER&lt;/role&gt;
+      &lt;url&gt;http://localhost:8088/ws&lt;/url&gt;
+  &lt;/service&gt;
   <li>NOTE: Be aware that when using Chrome as your browser that cookies 
don’t seem to work for “localhost”. Either use a VM or like I did - use Safari works with localhost without problems.</li>

Modified: knox/site/books/knox-0-12-0/knoxsso_integration.html
--- knox/site/books/knox-0-12-0/knoxsso_integration.html (original)
+++ knox/site/books/knox-0-12-0/knoxsso_integration.html Fri Feb 24 20:39:11 
@@ -39,15 +39,13 @@
-                       &lt;provider&gt;
+            &lt;provider&gt;
-                   &lt;service&gt;
+        &lt;service&gt;
@@ -61,65 +59,56 @@
 </code></pre><p>Just as with any Knox service, the KNOXSSO service is 
protected by the gateway providers defined above it. In this case, the 
ShiroProvider is taking care of HTTP Basic Auth against LDAP for us. Once the 
user authenticates the request processing continues to the KNOXSSO service that 
will create the required cookie and do the necessary redirects.</p><p>The 
authenticate/federation provider can be swapped out to fit your deployment 
environment.</p><h5><a id="sandbox.xml+Topology">sandbox.xml Topology</a> <a 
src="markbook-section-link.png"/></a></h5><p>In order to see the end to end 
story and use it as an example in your development, you can configure one of 
the cluster topologies to use the SSOCookieProvider instead of the out of the 
box ShiroProvider. The following is an example sandbox.xml topology that is 
configured for using KnoxSSO to protect access to the Hadoop REST APIs.</p>
 <pre><code>    &lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;utf-8&quot;?&gt;
-       &lt;topology&gt;
-    &lt;gateway&gt;
-      &lt;provider&gt;
-          &lt;role&gt;federation&lt;/role&gt;
-          &lt;name&gt;SSOCookieProvider&lt;/name&gt;
-          &lt;enabled&gt;true&lt;/enabled&gt;
-          &lt;param&gt;
-              &lt;name&gt;sso.authentication.provider.url&lt;/name&gt;
-          &lt;/param&gt;
-      &lt;/provider&gt;
-        &lt;provider&gt;
-            &lt;role&gt;identity-assertion&lt;/role&gt;
-            &lt;name&gt;Default&lt;/name&gt;
-            &lt;enabled&gt;true&lt;/enabled&gt;
-        &lt;/provider&gt;
-    &lt;/gateway&gt;
-    &lt;service&gt;
-        &lt;role&gt;NAMENODE&lt;/role&gt;
-        &lt;url&gt;hdfs://localhost:8020&lt;/url&gt;
-    &lt;/service&gt;
-    &lt;service&gt;
-        &lt;role&gt;JOBTRACKER&lt;/role&gt;
-        &lt;url&gt;rpc://localhost:8050&lt;/url&gt;
-    &lt;/service&gt;
-    &lt;service&gt;
-        &lt;role&gt;WEBHDFS&lt;/role&gt;
-        &lt;url&gt;http://localhost:50070/webhdfs&lt;/url&gt;
-    &lt;/service&gt;
-    &lt;service&gt;
-        &lt;role&gt;WEBHCAT&lt;/role&gt;
-        &lt;url&gt;http://localhost:50111/templeton&lt;/url&gt;
-    &lt;/service&gt;
-    &lt;service&gt;
-        &lt;role&gt;OOZIE&lt;/role&gt;
-        &lt;url&gt;http://localhost:11000/oozie&lt;/url&gt;
-    &lt;/service&gt;
-    &lt;service&gt;
-        &lt;role&gt;WEBHBASE&lt;/role&gt;
-        &lt;url&gt;http://localhost:60080&lt;/url&gt;
-    &lt;/service&gt;
-    &lt;service&gt;
-        &lt;role&gt;HIVE&lt;/role&gt;
-        &lt;url&gt;http://localhost:10001/cliservice&lt;/url&gt;
-    &lt;/service&gt;
-    &lt;service&gt;
-        &lt;role&gt;RESOURCEMANAGER&lt;/role&gt;
-        &lt;url&gt;http://localhost:8088/ws&lt;/url&gt;
-    &lt;/service&gt;
-       &lt;/topology&gt;
+  &lt;gateway&gt;
+    &lt;provider&gt;
+        &lt;role&gt;federation&lt;/role&gt;
+        &lt;name&gt;SSOCookieProvider&lt;/name&gt;
+        &lt;enabled&gt;true&lt;/enabled&gt;
+        &lt;param&gt;
+            &lt;name&gt;sso.authentication.provider.url&lt;/name&gt;
+        &lt;/param&gt;
+    &lt;/provider&gt;
+    &lt;provider&gt;
+        &lt;role&gt;identity-assertion&lt;/role&gt;
+        &lt;name&gt;Default&lt;/name&gt;
+        &lt;enabled&gt;true&lt;/enabled&gt;
+    &lt;/provider&gt;
+  &lt;/gateway&gt;    
+  &lt;service&gt;
+      &lt;role&gt;NAMENODE&lt;/role&gt;
+      &lt;url&gt;hdfs://localhost:8020&lt;/url&gt;
+  &lt;/service&gt;
+  &lt;service&gt;
+      &lt;role&gt;JOBTRACKER&lt;/role&gt;
+      &lt;url&gt;rpc://localhost:8050&lt;/url&gt;
+  &lt;/service&gt;
+  &lt;service&gt;
+      &lt;role&gt;WEBHDFS&lt;/role&gt;
+      &lt;url&gt;http://localhost:50070/webhdfs&lt;/url&gt;
+  &lt;/service&gt;
+  &lt;service&gt;
+      &lt;role&gt;WEBHCAT&lt;/role&gt;
+      &lt;url&gt;http://localhost:50111/templeton&lt;/url&gt;
+  &lt;/service&gt;
+  &lt;service&gt;
+      &lt;role&gt;OOZIE&lt;/role&gt;
+      &lt;url&gt;http://localhost:11000/oozie&lt;/url&gt;
+  &lt;/service&gt;
+  &lt;service&gt;
+      &lt;role&gt;WEBHBASE&lt;/role&gt;
+      &lt;url&gt;http://localhost:60080&lt;/url&gt;
+  &lt;/service&gt;
+  &lt;service&gt;
+      &lt;role&gt;HIVE&lt;/role&gt;
+      &lt;url&gt;http://localhost:10001/cliservice&lt;/url&gt;
+  &lt;/service&gt;
+  &lt;service&gt;
+      &lt;role&gt;RESOURCEMANAGER&lt;/role&gt;
+      &lt;url&gt;http://localhost:8088/ws&lt;/url&gt;
+  &lt;/service&gt;
   <li>NOTE: Be aware that when using Chrome as your browser that cookies 
don’t seem to work for “localhost”. Either use a VM or like I did - use Safari works with localhost without problems.</li>

Modified: knox/site/books/knox-0-12-0/user-guide.html
--- knox/site/books/knox-0-12-0/user-guide.html (original)
+++ knox/site/books/knox-0-12-0/user-guide.html Fri Feb 24 20:39:11 2017
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
     <li><a href="#PAM+based+Authentication">PAM based Authentication</a></li>
     <li><a href="#HadoopAuth+Authentication+Provider">HadoopAuth 
Authentication Provider</a></li>
     <li><a href="#Preauthenticated+SSO+Provider">Preauthenticated SSO 
+    <li><a href="#SSO+Cookie+Provider">SSO Cookie Provider</a></li>
     <li><a href="#Pac4j+Provider+-+CAS+/+OAuth+/+SAML+/+OpenID+Connect">Pac4j 
Provider - CAS / OAuth / SAML / OpenID Connect</a></li>
     <li><a href="#KnoxSSO+Setup+and+Configuration">KnoxSSO Setup and 
     <li><a href="#Mutual+Authentication+with+SSL">Mutual Authentication with 
@@ -2476,7 +2477,58 @@ APACHE_HOME/bin/apachectl -k stop
 </code></pre><h5><a id="REST+Invocation+for+Tivoli+AM">REST Invocation for 
Tivoli AM</a> <a href="#REST+Invocation+for+Tivoli+AM"><img 
src="markbook-section-link.png"/></a></h5><p>The following curl command can be 
used to request a directory listing from HDFS while passing in the expected 
headers of iv_user and iv_group. Note that the iv_group value in this command 
matches the expected ACL for webhdfs in the above topology file. Changing this 
from &ldquo;admin&rdquo; to &ldquo;admin2&rdquo; should result in a 401 
unauthorized response.</p>
 <pre><code>curl -k -i --header &quot;iv_user: guest&quot; --header 
&quot;iv_group: admin&quot; -v 
-</code></pre><p>Omitting the &ndash;header &ldquo;iv_user: guest&rdquo; above 
will result in a rejected request.</p><h3><a 
id="Pac4j+Provider+-+CAS+/+OAuth+/+SAML+/+OpenID+Connect">Pac4j Provider - CAS 
/ OAuth / SAML / OpenID Connect</a> <a 
+</code></pre><p>Omitting the &ndash;header &ldquo;iv_user: guest&rdquo; above 
will result in a rejected request.</p><h3><a id="SSO+Cookie+Provider">SSO 
Cookie Provider</a> <a href="#SSO+Cookie+Provider"><img 
src="markbook-section-link.png"/></a></h3><h4><a id="Overview">Overview</a> <a 
href="#Overview"><img src="markbook-section-link.png"/></a></h4><p>The 
SSOCookieProvider enables the federation of the authentication event that 
occurred through KnoxSSO. KnoxSSO is a typical SP initiated websso mechanism 
that sets a cookie to be presented by browsers to participating applications 
and cryptographically verified.</p><p>Knox Gateway needs a pluggable mechanism 
for consuming these cookies and federating the KnoxSSO authentication event as 
an asserted identity in its interaction with the Hadoop cluster for REST API 
invocations. This provider is useful when an application that is integrated 
with KnoxSSO for authentication also consumes REST APIs through the Knox 
Gateway.</p><p>Based on our
  understanding of the websso flow it should behave like:</p>
+  <li>SSOCookieProvider checks for hadoop-jwt cookie and in its absence 
redirects to the configured SSO provider URL (knoxsso endpoint)</li>
+  <li>The configured Provider on the KnoxSSO endpoint challenges the user in a 
provider specific way (presents form, redirects to SAML IdP, etc)</li>
+  <li>The authentication provider on KnoxSSO validates the identity of the 
user through credentials/tokens</li>
+  <li>The WebSSO service exchanges the normalized Java Subject into a JWT 
token and sets it on the response as a cookie named hadoop-jwt</li>
+  <li>The WebSSO service then redirects the user agent back to the originally 
requested URL - the requested Knox service subsequent invocations will find the 
cookie in the incoming request and not need to engage the WebSSO service again 
until it expires.</li>
+</ul><h4><a id="Configuration">Configuration</a> <a href="#Configuration"><img 
id="sandbox.xml+Topology+Example">sandbox.xml Topology Example</a> <a 
src="markbook-section-link.png"/></a></h5><p>Configuring one of the cluster 
topologies to use the SSOCookieProvider instead of the out of the box 
ShiroProvider would look something like the following:</p>
+<pre><code>&lt;?xml version=&quot;1.0&quot; encoding=&quot;utf-8&quot;?&gt;
+  &lt;gateway&gt;
+    &lt;provider&gt;
+        &lt;role&gt;federation&lt;/role&gt;
+        &lt;name&gt;SSOCookieProvider&lt;/name&gt;
+        &lt;enabled&gt;true&lt;/enabled&gt;
+        &lt;param&gt;
+            &lt;name&gt;sso.authentication.provider.url&lt;/name&gt;
+        &lt;/param&gt;
+    &lt;/provider&gt;
+    &lt;provider&gt;
+        &lt;role&gt;identity-assertion&lt;/role&gt;
+        &lt;name&gt;Default&lt;/name&gt;
+        &lt;enabled&gt;true&lt;/enabled&gt;
+    &lt;/provider&gt;
+  &lt;/gateway&gt;    
+  &lt;service&gt;
+      &lt;role&gt;WEBHDFS&lt;/role&gt;
+      &lt;url&gt;http://localhost:50070/webhdfs&lt;/url&gt;
+  &lt;/service&gt;
+  &lt;service&gt;
+      &lt;role&gt;WEBHCAT&lt;/role&gt;
+      &lt;url&gt;http://localhost:50111/templeton&lt;/url&gt;
+  &lt;/service&gt;
+</code></pre><p>The following table describes the configuration options for 
the web app security provider:</p><h5><a id="Descriptions">Descriptions</a> <a 
href="#Descriptions"><img src="markbook-section-link.png"/></a></h5>
+  <thead>
+    <tr>
+      <th>Name </th>
+      <th>Description </th>
+      <th>Default</th>
+    </tr>
+  </thead>
+  <tbody>
+    <tr>
+      <td>sso.authentication.provider.url</td>
+      <td>Required parameter that indicates the location of the KnoxSSO 
endpoint and where to redirect the useragent when no SSO cookie is found in the 
incoming request.</td>
+      <td>N/A</td>
+    </tr>
+  </tbody>
+</table><h3><a id="Pac4j+Provider+-+CAS+/+OAuth+/+SAML+/+OpenID+Connect">Pac4j 
Provider - CAS / OAuth / SAML / OpenID Connect</a> <a 
 <p align="center">
   <img src=""; width="300" />
 </p><p><a href="";>pac4j</a> is a Java security 
engine to authenticate users, get their profiles and manage their 
authorizations in order to secure Java web applications.</p><p>It supports many 
authentication mechanisms for UI and web services and is implemented by many 
frameworks and tools.</p><p>For Knox, it is used as a federation provider to 
support the OAuth, CAS, SAML and OpenID Connect protocols. It must be used for 
SSO, in association with the KnoxSSO service and optionally with the 
SSOCookieProvider for access to REST APIs.</p><h4><a 
id="Configuration">Configuration</a> <a href="#Configuration"><img 
src="markbook-section-link.png"/></a></h4><h5><a id="SSO+topology">SSO 
topology</a> <a href="#SSO+topology"><img 
src="markbook-section-link.png"/></a></h5><p>To enable SSO for REST API access 
through the Knox gateway, you need to protect your Hadoop services with the the 
SSOCookieProvider configured to use the KnoxSSO service (sandbox.xml topology):<

Modified: knox/trunk/books/0.11.0/
--- knox/trunk/books/0.11.0/ (original)
+++ knox/trunk/books/0.11.0/ Fri Feb 24 20:39:11 2017
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@
     * #[LDAP Group Lookup]
     * #[PAM based Authentication]
     * #[HadoopAuth Authentication Provider]
+    * #[SSO Cookie Provider]
     * #[Preauthenticated SSO Provider]
     * #[Pac4j Provider - CAS / OAuth / SAML / OpenID Connect]
     * #[KnoxSSO Setup and Configuration]

Modified: knox/trunk/books/0.11.0/
--- knox/trunk/books/0.11.0/ (original)
+++ knox/trunk/books/0.11.0/ Fri Feb 24 20:39:11 2017
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ In the Hortonworks Sandbox Ambari might

Added: knox/trunk/books/0.11.0/
--- knox/trunk/books/0.11.0/ (added)
+++ knox/trunk/books/0.11.0/ Fri Feb 24 20:39:11 
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+### SSO Cookie Provider ###
+#### Overview ####
+The SSOCookieProvider enables the federation of the authentication event that 
occurred through KnoxSSO. KnoxSSO is a typical SP initiated websso mechanism 
that sets a cookie to be presented by browsers to participating applications 
and cryptographically verified.
+Knox Gateway needs a pluggable mechanism for consuming these cookies and 
federating the KnoxSSO authentication event as an asserted identity in its 
interaction with the Hadoop cluster for REST API invocations. This provider is 
useful when an application that is integrated with KnoxSSO for authentication 
also consumes REST APIs through the Knox Gateway.
+Based on our understanding of the websso flow it should behave like:
+* SSOCookieProvider checks for hadoop-jwt cookie and in its absence redirects 
to the configured SSO provider URL (knoxsso endpoint)
+* The configured Provider on the KnoxSSO endpoint challenges the user in a 
provider specific way (presents form, redirects to SAML IdP, etc)
+* The authentication provider on KnoxSSO validates the identity of the user 
through credentials/tokens
+* The WebSSO service exchanges the normalized Java Subject into a JWT token 
and sets it on the response as a cookie named hadoop-jwt
+* The WebSSO service then redirects the user agent back to the originally 
requested URL - the requested Knox service subsequent invocations will find the 
cookie in the incoming request and not need to engage the WebSSO service again 
until it expires.
+#### Configuration ####
+##### sandbox.xml Topology Example
+Configuring one of the cluster topologies to use the SSOCookieProvider instead 
of the out of the box ShiroProvider would look something like the following:
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+  <gateway>
+    <provider>
+        <role>federation</role>
+        <name>SSOCookieProvider</name>
+        <enabled>true</enabled>
+        <param>
+            <name>sso.authentication.provider.url</name>
+            <value>https://localhost:9443/gateway/idp/api/v1/websso</value>
+        </param>
+    </provider>
+    <provider>
+        <role>identity-assertion</role>
+        <name>Default</name>
+        <enabled>true</enabled>
+    </provider>
+  </gateway>    
+  <service>
+      <role>WEBHDFS</role>
+      <url>http://localhost:50070/webhdfs</url>
+  </service>
+  <service>
+      <role>WEBHCAT</role>
+      <url>http://localhost:50111/templeton</url>
+  </service>
+The following table describes the configuration options for the web app 
security provider:
+##### Descriptions #####
+Name | Description | Default
+sso.authentication.provider.url|Required parameter that indicates the location 
of the KnoxSSO endpoint and where to redirect the useragent when no SSO cookie 
is found in the incoming request.|N/A

Modified: knox/trunk/books/0.12.0/
--- knox/trunk/books/0.12.0/ (original)
+++ knox/trunk/books/0.12.0/ Fri Feb 24 20:39:11 2017
@@ -46,6 +46,7 @@
     * #[PAM based Authentication]
     * #[HadoopAuth Authentication Provider]
     * #[Preauthenticated SSO Provider]
+    * #[SSO Cookie Provider]
     * #[Pac4j Provider - CAS / OAuth / SAML / OpenID Connect]
     * #[KnoxSSO Setup and Configuration]
     * #[Mutual Authentication with SSL]

Modified: knox/trunk/books/0.12.0/
--- knox/trunk/books/0.12.0/ (original)
+++ knox/trunk/books/0.12.0/ Fri Feb 24 20:39:11 2017
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ In the Hortonworks Sandbox Ambari might

Added: knox/trunk/books/0.12.0/
--- knox/trunk/books/0.12.0/ (added)
+++ knox/trunk/books/0.12.0/ Fri Feb 24 20:39:11 
@@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
+   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+### SSO Cookie Provider ###
+#### Overview ####
+The SSOCookieProvider enables the federation of the authentication event that 
occurred through KnoxSSO. KnoxSSO is a typical SP initiated websso mechanism 
that sets a cookie to be presented by browsers to participating applications 
and cryptographically verified.
+Knox Gateway needs a pluggable mechanism for consuming these cookies and 
federating the KnoxSSO authentication event as an asserted identity in its 
interaction with the Hadoop cluster for REST API invocations. This provider is 
useful when an application that is integrated with KnoxSSO for authentication 
also consumes REST APIs through the Knox Gateway.
+Based on our understanding of the websso flow it should behave like:
+* SSOCookieProvider checks for hadoop-jwt cookie and in its absence redirects 
to the configured SSO provider URL (knoxsso endpoint)
+* The configured Provider on the KnoxSSO endpoint challenges the user in a 
provider specific way (presents form, redirects to SAML IdP, etc)
+* The authentication provider on KnoxSSO validates the identity of the user 
through credentials/tokens
+* The WebSSO service exchanges the normalized Java Subject into a JWT token 
and sets it on the response as a cookie named hadoop-jwt
+* The WebSSO service then redirects the user agent back to the originally 
requested URL - the requested Knox service subsequent invocations will find the 
cookie in the incoming request and not need to engage the WebSSO service again 
until it expires.
+#### Configuration ####
+##### sandbox.xml Topology Example
+Configuring one of the cluster topologies to use the SSOCookieProvider instead 
of the out of the box ShiroProvider would look something like the following:
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+  <gateway>
+    <provider>
+        <role>federation</role>
+        <name>SSOCookieProvider</name>
+        <enabled>true</enabled>
+        <param>
+            <name>sso.authentication.provider.url</name>
+            <value>https://localhost:9443/gateway/idp/api/v1/websso</value>
+        </param>
+    </provider>
+    <provider>
+        <role>identity-assertion</role>
+        <name>Default</name>
+        <enabled>true</enabled>
+    </provider>
+  </gateway>    
+  <service>
+      <role>WEBHDFS</role>
+      <url>http://localhost:50070/webhdfs</url>
+  </service>
+  <service>
+      <role>WEBHCAT</role>
+      <url>http://localhost:50111/templeton</url>
+  </service>
+The following table describes the configuration options for the web app 
security provider:
+##### Descriptions #####
+Name | Description | Default
+sso.authentication.provider.url|Required parameter that indicates the location 
of the KnoxSSO endpoint and where to redirect the useragent when no SSO cookie 
is found in the incoming request.|N/A

Modified: knox/trunk/books/0.12.0/dev-guide/
--- knox/trunk/books/0.12.0/dev-guide/ (original)
+++ knox/trunk/books/0.12.0/dev-guide/ Fri Feb 24 
20:39:11 2017
@@ -59,15 +59,13 @@ In order to enable KnoxSSO, we need to c
-                       <provider>
+            <provider>
-                   <service>
+        <service>
@@ -90,65 +88,56 @@ In order to see the end to end story and
        <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-       <topology>
-    <gateway>
-      <provider>
-          <role>federation</role>
-          <name>SSOCookieProvider</name>
-          <enabled>true</enabled>
-          <param>
-              <name>sso.authentication.provider.url</name>
-       <value>https://localhost:9443/gateway/idp/api/v1/websso</value>
-          </param>
-      </provider>
-        <provider>
-            <role>identity-assertion</role>
-            <name>Default</name>
-            <enabled>true</enabled>
-        </provider>
-    </gateway>
-    <service>
-        <role>NAMENODE</role>
-        <url>hdfs://localhost:8020</url>
-    </service>
-    <service>
-        <role>JOBTRACKER</role>
-        <url>rpc://localhost:8050</url>
-    </service>
-    <service>
-        <role>WEBHDFS</role>
-        <url>http://localhost:50070/webhdfs</url>
-    </service>
-    <service>
-        <role>WEBHCAT</role>
-        <url>http://localhost:50111/templeton</url>
-    </service>
-    <service>
-        <role>OOZIE</role>
-        <url>http://localhost:11000/oozie</url>
-    </service>
-    <service>
-        <role>WEBHBASE</role>
-        <url>http://localhost:60080</url>
-    </service>
-    <service>
-        <role>HIVE</role>
-        <url>http://localhost:10001/cliservice</url>
-    </service>
-    <service>
-        <role>RESOURCEMANAGER</role>
-        <url>http://localhost:8088/ws</url>
-    </service>
-       </topology>
+  <gateway>
+    <provider>
+        <role>federation</role>
+        <name>SSOCookieProvider</name>
+        <enabled>true</enabled>
+        <param>
+            <name>sso.authentication.provider.url</name>
+            <value>https://localhost:9443/gateway/idp/api/v1/websso</value>
+        </param>
+    </provider>
+    <provider>
+        <role>identity-assertion</role>
+        <name>Default</name>
+        <enabled>true</enabled>
+    </provider>
+  </gateway>    
+  <service>
+      <role>NAMENODE</role>
+      <url>hdfs://localhost:8020</url>
+  </service>
+  <service>
+      <role>JOBTRACKER</role>
+      <url>rpc://localhost:8050</url>
+  </service>
+  <service>
+      <role>WEBHDFS</role>
+      <url>http://localhost:50070/webhdfs</url>
+  </service>
+  <service>
+      <role>WEBHCAT</role>
+      <url>http://localhost:50111/templeton</url>
+  </service>
+  <service>
+      <role>OOZIE</role>
+      <url>http://localhost:11000/oozie</url>
+  </service>
+  <service>
+      <role>WEBHBASE</role>
+      <url>http://localhost:60080</url>
+  </service>
+  <service>
+      <role>HIVE</role>
+      <url>http://localhost:10001/cliservice</url>
+  </service>
+  <service>
+      <role>RESOURCEMANAGER</role>
+      <url>http://localhost:8088/ws</url>
+  </service>
 * NOTE: Be aware that when using Chrome as your browser that cookies don’t 
seem to work for “localhost”. Either use a VM or like I did - use Safari works with localhost without problems.

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