diff --cc 
index db1dbe0,0000000..a4d8166
mode 100644,000000..100644
@@@ -1,252 -1,0 +1,252 @@@
 +package org.apache.knox.gateway;
 + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 + * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 + * distributed with this work for additional information
 + * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 + * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 + * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 + * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 + * <p>
 + *
 + * <p>
 + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 + * limitations under the License.
 + */
 +import com.mycila.xmltool.XMLDoc;
 +import com.mycila.xmltool.XMLTag;
 +import org.apache.hadoop.test.TestUtils;
 +import org.apache.hadoop.test.category.ReleaseTest;
 +import org.apache.hadoop.test.mock.MockServer;
 +import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
 +import org.junit.After;
 +import org.junit.Before;
 +import org.junit.Rule;
 +import org.junit.Test;
 +import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
 +import org.junit.rules.ExpectedException;
 +import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
 +import static io.restassured.RestAssured.given;
 +import static org.apache.hadoop.test.TestUtils.LOG_ENTER;
 +import static org.apache.hadoop.test.TestUtils.LOG_EXIT;
 +import static;
 + * Test that the Gateway Topology Port Mapping feature is disabled properly.
 + *
 + */
 +public class GatewayPortMappingDisableFeatureTest {
 +  // Specifies if the test requests should go through the gateway or directly 
to the services.
 +  // This is frequently used to verify the behavior of the test both with and 
without the gateway.
 +  private static final boolean USE_GATEWAY = true;
 +  // Specifies if the test requests should be sent to mock services or the 
real services.
 +  // This is frequently used to verify the behavior of the test both with and 
without mock services.
 +  private static final boolean USE_MOCK_SERVICES = true;
 +  private static GatewayTestDriver driver = new GatewayTestDriver();
 +  private static MockServer masterServer;
 +  private int eeriePort;
 +  @Rule
 +  public ExpectedException exception = ExpectedException.none();
 +  public GatewayPortMappingDisableFeatureTest() {
 +    super();
 +  }
 +  /**
 +   * Creates a deployment of a gateway instance that all test methods will 
share.  This method also creates a
 +   * registry of sorts for all of the services that will be used by the test 
 +   * The createTopology method is used to create the topology file that would 
normally be read from disk.
 +   * The driver.setupGateway invocation is where the creation of GATEWAY_HOME 
 +   * <p/>
 +   * This would normally be done once for this suite but the failure tests 
start affecting each other depending
 +   * on the state the last 'active' url
 +   *
 +   * @throws Exception Thrown if any failure occurs.
 +   */
 +  @Before
 +  public void setup() throws Exception {
 +    LOG_ENTER();
 +    eeriePort = getAvailablePort(1240, 49151);
 +    ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer> topologyPortMapping = new 
ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer>();
 +    topologyPortMapping.put("eerie", eeriePort);
 +    masterServer = new MockServer("master", true);
 +    GatewayTestConfig config = new GatewayTestConfig();
 +    config.setGatewayPath("gateway");
 +    config.setTopologyPortMapping(topologyPortMapping);
 +    // disable the feature
 +    config.setGatewayPortMappingEnabled(false);
 +    driver.setResourceBase(WebHdfsHaFuncTest.class);
 +    driver.setupLdap(0);
 +    driver.setupService("WEBHDFS", "http://vm.local:50070/webhdfs";, 
"/eerie/webhdfs", USE_MOCK_SERVICES);
 +    driver.setupGateway(config, "eerie", createTopology("WEBHDFS"), 
 +    LOG_EXIT();
 +  }
 +  @After
 +  public void cleanup() throws Exception {
 +    LOG_ENTER();
 +    driver.cleanup();
 +    driver.reset();
 +    masterServer.reset();
 +    LOG_EXIT();
 +  }
 +  /**
 +   * Test the standard case
 +   *
 +   * @throws IOException
 +   */
 +  @Test(timeout = TestUtils.MEDIUM_TIMEOUT )
 +  public void testBasicListOperation() throws IOException {
 +    LOG_ENTER();
 +    test(driver.getUrl("WEBHDFS") );
 +    LOG_EXIT();
 +  }
 +  /**
 +   * Test the multi port fail scenario when the feature is disabled.
 +   * @throws IOException
 +   */
 +  @Test(timeout = TestUtils.MEDIUM_TIMEOUT )
 +  public void testMultiPortFailOperation() throws IOException {
 +    LOG_ENTER();
 +    exception.expect(ConnectException.class);
 +    exception.expectMessage("Connection refused");
 +    test("http://localhost:"; + eeriePort + "/webhdfs" );
 +    LOG_EXIT();
 +  }
 +  private void test (final String url) throws IOException {
 +    String password = "hdfs-password";
 +    String username = "hdfs";
 +    masterServer.expect()
 +        .method("GET")
 +        .pathInfo("/webhdfs/v1/")
 +        .queryParam("op", "LISTSTATUS")
 +        .queryParam("", username)
 +        .respond()
 +        .status(HttpStatus.SC_OK)
 +        .content(driver.getResourceBytes("webhdfs-liststatus-success.json"))
 +        .contentType("application/json");
 +    given()
 +        .auth().preemptive().basic(username, password)
 +        .header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
 +        .queryParam("op", "LISTSTATUS")
-         .expect()
++        .then()
 +        .log().ifError()
 +        .statusCode(HttpStatus.SC_OK)
-         .content("FileStatuses.FileStatus[0].pathSuffix", is("app-logs"))
++        .body("FileStatuses.FileStatus[0].pathSuffix", is("app-logs"))
 +        .when().get(url + "/v1/");
 +    masterServer.isEmpty();
 +  }
 +  /**
 +   * Creates a topology that is deployed to the gateway instance for the test 
 +   * Note that this topology is shared by all of the test methods in this 
 +   *
 +   * @return A populated XML structure for a topology file.
 +   */
 +  private static XMLTag createTopology(final String role) {
 +    XMLTag xml = XMLDoc.newDocument(true)
 +        .addRoot("topology")
 +        .addTag("gateway")
 +        .addTag("provider")
 +        .addTag("role").addText("webappsec")
 +        .addTag("name").addText("WebAppSec")
 +        .addTag("enabled").addText("true")
 +        .addTag("param")
 +        .addTag("name").addText("csrf.enabled")
 +        .addTag("value").addText("true").gotoParent().gotoParent()
 +        .addTag("provider")
 +        .addTag("role").addText("authentication")
 +        .addTag("name").addText("ShiroProvider")
 +        .addTag("enabled").addText("true")
 +        .addTag("param")
 +        .addTag("name").addText("main.ldapRealm")
 +        .addTag("param")
 +        .addTag("name").addText("main.ldapRealm.userDnTemplate")
 +        .addTag("param")
 +        .addTag("name").addText("main.ldapRealm.contextFactory.url")
 +        .addTag("value").addText(driver.getLdapUrl()).gotoParent()
 +        .addTag("param")
 +        .addTag("value").addText("simple").gotoParent()
 +        .addTag("param")
 +        .addTag("name").addText("urls./**")
 +        .addTag("value").addText("authcBasic").gotoParent().gotoParent()
 +        .addTag("provider")
 +        .addTag("role").addText("identity-assertion")
 +        .addTag("enabled").addText("true")
 +        .addTag("name").addText("Default").gotoParent()
 +        .addTag("provider")
 +        .addTag("role").addText("authorization")
 +        .addTag("enabled").addText("true")
 +        .addTag("name").addText("AclsAuthz").gotoParent()
 +        .addTag("param")
 +        .addTag("name").addText("webhdfs-acl")
 +        .addTag("value").addText("hdfs;*;*").gotoParent()
 +        .addTag("provider")
 +        .addTag("role").addText("ha")
 +        .addTag("enabled").addText("true")
 +        .addTag("name").addText("HaProvider")
 +        .addTag("param")
 +        .addTag("name").addText("WEBHDFS")
 +        .gotoRoot()
 +        .addTag("service")
 +        .addTag("role").addText(role)
 +        .addTag("url").addText("http://localhost:"; + masterServer.getPort() + 
 +        .gotoRoot();
 +    return xml;
 +  }
 +  /**
 +   * This utility method will return the next available port
 +   * that can be used.
 +   *
 +   * @return Port that is available.
 +   */
 +  public static int getAvailablePort(final int min, final int max) {
 +    for (int i = min; i <= max; i++) {
 +      if (!GatewayServer.isPortInUse(i)) {
 +        return i;
 +      }
 +    }
 +    // too bad
 +    return -1;
 +  }
diff --cc 
index ee9e802,0000000..bc01c86
mode 100644,000000..100644
@@@ -1,150 -1,0 +1,150 @@@
 +package org.apache.knox.gateway;
 + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 + * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 + * distributed with this work for additional information
 + * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 + * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 + * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 + * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 + * <p>
 + *
 + * <p>
 + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 + * limitations under the License.
 + */
 +import org.apache.hadoop.test.TestUtils;
 +import org.apache.hadoop.test.category.ReleaseTest;
 +import org.apache.hadoop.test.mock.MockServer;
 +import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
 +import org.junit.AfterClass;
 +import org.junit.BeforeClass;
 +import org.junit.Test;
 +import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
 +import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
 +import static io.restassured.RestAssured.given;
 +import static org.apache.hadoop.test.TestUtils.LOG_ENTER;
 +import static org.apache.hadoop.test.TestUtils.LOG_EXIT;
 + * Test the fail cases for the Port Mapping Feature
 + */
 +public class GatewayPortMappingFailTest {
 +  // Specifies if the test requests should go through the gateway or directly 
to the services.
 +  // This is frequently used to verify the behavior of the test both with and 
without the gateway.
 +  private static final boolean USE_GATEWAY = true;
 +  // Specifies if the test requests should be sent to mock services or the 
real services.
 +  // This is frequently used to verify the behavior of the test both with and 
without mock services.
 +  private static final boolean USE_MOCK_SERVICES = true;
 +  private static GatewayTestDriver driver = new GatewayTestDriver();
 +  private static MockServer masterServer;
 +  private static int eeriePort;
 +  /**
 +   * Create an instance
 +   */
 +  public GatewayPortMappingFailTest() {
 +    super();
 +  }
 +  /**
 +   * Creates a deployment of a gateway instance that all test methods will 
share.  This method also creates a
 +   * registry of sorts for all of the services that will be used by the test 
 +   * The createTopology method is used to create the topology file that would 
normally be read from disk.
 +   * The driver.setupGateway invocation is where the creation of GATEWAY_HOME 
 +   * <p/>
 +   * This would normally be done once for this suite but the failure tests 
start affecting each other depending
 +   * on the state the last 'active' url
 +   *
 +   * @throws Exception Thrown if any failure occurs.
 +   */
 +  @BeforeClass
 +  public static void setup() throws Exception {
 +    LOG_ENTER();
 +    eeriePort = GatewayPortMappingFuncTest.getAvailablePort(1240, 49151);
 +    ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer> topologyPortMapping = new 
ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer>();
 +    topologyPortMapping.put("eerie", eeriePort);
 +    masterServer = new MockServer("master", true);
 +    GatewayTestConfig config = new GatewayTestConfig();
 +    config.setGatewayPath("gateway");
 +    config.setTopologyPortMapping(topologyPortMapping);
 +    driver.setResourceBase(WebHdfsHaFuncTest.class);
 +    driver.setupLdap(0);
 +    driver.setupService("WEBHDFS", "http://vm.local:50070/webhdfs";, 
"/eerie/webhdfs", USE_MOCK_SERVICES);
 +    driver.setupGateway(config, "eerie", 
GatewayPortMappingFuncTest.createTopology("WEBHDFS", driver.getLdapUrl(), 
masterServer.getPort()), USE_GATEWAY);
 +    LOG_EXIT();
 +  }
 +  @AfterClass
 +  public static void cleanup() throws Exception {
 +    LOG_ENTER();
 +    driver.cleanup();
 +    driver.reset();
 +    masterServer.reset();
 +    LOG_EXIT();
 +  }
 +  /**
 +   * Fail when trying to use this feature on the standard port.
 +   * Here we do not have Default Topology Feature not enabled.
 +   *
 +   * http://localhost:{gatewayPort}/webhdfs/v1
 +   *
 +   * @throws IOException
 +   */
 +  @Test(timeout = TestUtils.MEDIUM_TIMEOUT )
 +  public void testMultiPortOperationFail() throws IOException {
 +    LOG_ENTER();
 +    final String url = "http://localhost:"; + driver.getGatewayPort() + 
"/webhdfs" ;
 +    String password = "hdfs-password";
 +    String username = "hdfs";
 +    masterServer.expect()
 +        .method("GET")
 +        .pathInfo("/webhdfs/v1/")
 +        .queryParam("op", "LISTSTATUS")
 +        .queryParam("", username)
 +        .respond()
 +        .status(HttpStatus.SC_OK)
 +        .content(driver.getResourceBytes("webhdfs-liststatus-success.json"))
 +        .contentType("application/json");
 +    given()
 +        .auth().preemptive().basic(username, password)
 +        .header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
 +        .queryParam("op", "LISTSTATUS")
-         .expect()
++        .then()
 +        //.log().ifError()
 +        .statusCode(HttpStatus.SC_NOT_FOUND)
 +        //.content("FileStatuses.FileStatus[0].pathSuffix", is("app-logs"))
 +        .when().get(url + "/v1/");
 +    masterServer.isEmpty();
 +    LOG_EXIT();
 +  }
diff --cc 
index b597f41,0000000..cbf138b
mode 100644,000000..100644
@@@ -1,276 -1,0 +1,276 @@@
 +package org.apache.knox.gateway;
 + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 + * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 + * distributed with this work for additional information
 + * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 + * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 + * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 + * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 + * <p>
 + *
 + * <p>
 + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 + * limitations under the License.
 + */
 +import com.mycila.xmltool.XMLDoc;
 +import com.mycila.xmltool.XMLTag;
 +import org.apache.hadoop.test.TestUtils;
 +import org.apache.hadoop.test.category.ReleaseTest;
 +import org.apache.hadoop.test.mock.MockServer;
 +import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
 +import org.junit.AfterClass;
 +import org.junit.BeforeClass;
 +import org.junit.Test;
 +import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
 +import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
 +import static io.restassured.RestAssured.given;
 +import static org.apache.hadoop.test.TestUtils.LOG_ENTER;
 +import static org.apache.hadoop.test.TestUtils.LOG_EXIT;
 +import static;
 + * Test the Gateway Topology Port Mapping functionality
 + *
 + */
 +public class GatewayPortMappingFuncTest {
 +  // Specifies if the test requests should go through the gateway or directly 
to the services.
 +  // This is frequently used to verify the behavior of the test both with and 
without the gateway.
 +  private static final boolean USE_GATEWAY = true;
 +  // Specifies if the test requests should be sent to mock services or the 
real services.
 +  // This is frequently used to verify the behavior of the test both with and 
without mock services.
 +  private static final boolean USE_MOCK_SERVICES = true;
 +  private static GatewayTestDriver driver = new GatewayTestDriver();
 +  private static MockServer masterServer;
 +  private static int eeriePort;
 +  public GatewayPortMappingFuncTest() {
 +    super();
 +  }
 +  /**
 +   * Creates a deployment of a gateway instance that all test methods will 
share.  This method also creates a
 +   * registry of sorts for all of the services that will be used by the test 
 +   * The createTopology method is used to create the topology file that would 
normally be read from disk.
 +   * The driver.setupGateway invocation is where the creation of GATEWAY_HOME 
 +   * <p/>
 +   * This would normally be done once for this suite but the failure tests 
start affecting each other depending
 +   * on the state the last 'active' url
 +   *
 +   * @throws Exception Thrown if any failure occurs.
 +   */
 +  @BeforeClass
 +  public static void setup() throws Exception {
 +    LOG_ENTER();
 +    eeriePort = getAvailablePort(1240, 49151);
 +    ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer> topologyPortMapping = new 
ConcurrentHashMap<String, Integer>();
 +    topologyPortMapping.put("eerie", eeriePort);
 +    masterServer = new MockServer("master", true);
 +    GatewayTestConfig config = new GatewayTestConfig();
 +    config.setGatewayPath("gateway");
 +    config.setTopologyPortMapping(topologyPortMapping);
 +    // Enable default topology
 +    config.setDefaultTopologyName("eerie");
 +    driver.setResourceBase(WebHdfsHaFuncTest.class);
 +    driver.setupLdap(0);
 +    driver.setupService("WEBHDFS", "http://vm.local:50070/webhdfs";, 
"/eerie/webhdfs", USE_MOCK_SERVICES);
 +    driver.setupGateway(config, "eerie", createTopology("WEBHDFS", 
driver.getLdapUrl(), masterServer.getPort()), USE_GATEWAY);
 +    LOG_EXIT();
 +  }
 +  @AfterClass
 +  public static void cleanup() throws Exception {
 +    LOG_ENTER();
 +    driver.cleanup();
 +    driver.reset();
 +    masterServer.reset();
 +    LOG_EXIT();
 +  }
 +  /**
 +   * Test the standard case:
 +   * http://localhost:{gatewayPort}/gateway/eerie/webhdfs/v1
 +   *
 +   * @throws IOException
 +   */
 +  @Test(timeout = TestUtils.MEDIUM_TIMEOUT )
 +  public void testBasicListOperation() throws IOException {
 +    LOG_ENTER();
 +    test("http://localhost:"; + driver.getGatewayPort() + "/gateway/eerie" + 
"/webhdfs" );
 +    LOG_EXIT();
 +  }
 +  /**
 +   * Test the Default Topology Feature, activated by property
 +   * ""
 +   *
 +   * http://localhost:{eeriePort}/gateway/eerie/webhdfs/v1
 +   *
 +   * @throws IOException
 +   */
 +  @Test(timeout = TestUtils.MEDIUM_TIMEOUT )
 +  public void testDefaultTopologyFeature() throws IOException {
 +    LOG_ENTER();
 +    test("http://localhost:"; + driver.getGatewayPort() + "/webhdfs" );
 +    LOG_EXIT();
 +  }
 +  /**
 +   * Test the multi port scenario.
 +   *
 +   * http://localhost:{eeriePort}/webhdfs/v1
 +   *
 +   * @throws IOException
 +   */
 +  @Test(timeout = TestUtils.MEDIUM_TIMEOUT )
 +  public void testMultiPortOperation() throws IOException {
 +    LOG_ENTER();
 +    test("http://localhost:"; + eeriePort + "/webhdfs" );
 +    LOG_EXIT();
 +  }
 +  /**
 +   * Test the multi port scenario when gateway path is included.
 +   *
 +   * http://localhost:{eeriePort}/gateway/eerie/webhdfs/v1
 +   *
 +   * @throws IOException
 +   */
 +  @Test(timeout = TestUtils.MEDIUM_TIMEOUT )
 +  public void testMultiPortWithGatewayPath() throws IOException {
 +    LOG_ENTER();
 +    test("http://localhost:"; + eeriePort + "/gateway/eerie" + "/webhdfs" );
 +    LOG_EXIT();
 +  }
 +  private void test (final String url) throws IOException {
 +    String password = "hdfs-password";
 +    String username = "hdfs";
 +    masterServer.expect()
 +        .method("GET")
 +        .pathInfo("/webhdfs/v1/")
 +        .queryParam("op", "LISTSTATUS")
 +        .queryParam("", username)
 +        .respond()
 +        .status(HttpStatus.SC_OK)
 +        .content(driver.getResourceBytes("webhdfs-liststatus-success.json"))
 +        .contentType("application/json");
 +    given()
 +        .auth().preemptive().basic(username, password)
 +        .header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
 +        .queryParam("op", "LISTSTATUS")
-         .expect()
++        .then()
 +        .log().ifError()
 +        .statusCode(HttpStatus.SC_OK)
-         .content("FileStatuses.FileStatus[0].pathSuffix", is("app-logs"))
++        .body("FileStatuses.FileStatus[0].pathSuffix", is("app-logs"))
 +        .when().get(url + "/v1/");
 +    masterServer.isEmpty();
 +  }
 +  /**
 +   * Creates a topology that is deployed to the gateway instance for the test 
 +   * Note that this topology is shared by all of the test methods in this 
 +   *
 +   * @return A populated XML structure for a topology file.
 +   */
 +  public static XMLTag createTopology(final String role, final String 
ldapURL, final int gatewayPort ) {
 +    XMLTag xml = XMLDoc.newDocument(true)
 +        .addRoot("topology")
 +        .addTag("gateway")
 +        .addTag("provider")
 +        .addTag("role").addText("webappsec")
 +        .addTag("name").addText("WebAppSec")
 +        .addTag("enabled").addText("true")
 +        .addTag("param")
 +        .addTag("name").addText("csrf.enabled")
 +        .addTag("value").addText("true").gotoParent().gotoParent()
 +        .addTag("provider")
 +        .addTag("role").addText("authentication")
 +        .addTag("name").addText("ShiroProvider")
 +        .addTag("enabled").addText("true")
 +        .addTag("param")
 +        .addTag("name").addText("main.ldapRealm")
 +        .addTag("param")
 +        .addTag("name").addText("main.ldapRealm.userDnTemplate")
 +        .addTag("param")
 +        .addTag("name").addText("main.ldapRealm.contextFactory.url")
 +        .addTag("value").addText(ldapURL).gotoParent()
 +        .addTag("param")
 +        .addTag("value").addText("simple").gotoParent()
 +        .addTag("param")
 +        .addTag("name").addText("urls./**")
 +        .addTag("value").addText("authcBasic").gotoParent().gotoParent()
 +        .addTag("provider")
 +        .addTag("role").addText("identity-assertion")
 +        .addTag("enabled").addText("true")
 +        .addTag("name").addText("Default").gotoParent()
 +        .addTag("provider")
 +        .addTag("role").addText("authorization")
 +        .addTag("enabled").addText("true")
 +        .addTag("name").addText("AclsAuthz").gotoParent()
 +        .addTag("param")
 +        .addTag("name").addText("webhdfs-acl")
 +        .addTag("value").addText("hdfs;*;*").gotoParent()
 +        .addTag("provider")
 +        .addTag("role").addText("ha")
 +        .addTag("enabled").addText("true")
 +        .addTag("name").addText("HaProvider")
 +        .addTag("param")
 +        .addTag("name").addText("WEBHDFS")
 +        .gotoRoot()
 +        .addTag("service")
 +        .addTag("role").addText(role)
 +        .addTag("url").addText("http://localhost:"; + gatewayPort + "/webhdfs")
 +        .gotoRoot();
 +    return xml;
 +  }
 +  /**
 +   * This utility method will return the next available port
 +   * that can be used.
 +   *
 +   * @return Port that is available.
 +   */
 +  public static int getAvailablePort(final int min, final int max) {
 +    for (int i = min; i <= max; i++) {
 +      if (!GatewayServer.isPortInUse(i)) {
 +        return i;
 +      }
 +    }
 +    // too bad
 +    return -1;
 +  }
diff --cc 
index 4c87a90,0000000..b146972
mode 100644,000000..100644
@@@ -1,180 -1,0 +1,180 @@@
 + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 + * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 + * distributed with this work for additional information
 + * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 + * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 + * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 + * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 + *
 + *
 + *
 + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 + * limitations under the License.
 + */
 +package org.apache.knox.gateway;
 +import com.mycila.xmltool.XMLDoc;
 +import com.mycila.xmltool.XMLTag;
 +import org.apache.knox.gateway.config.GatewayConfig;
 +import org.apache.hadoop.test.TestUtils;
 +import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
 +import org.apache.log4j.Appender;
 +import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert;
 +import org.junit.AfterClass;
 +import org.junit.BeforeClass;
 +import org.junit.Test;
 +import org.slf4j.Logger;
 +import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
 +import java.util.Enumeration;
 +import java.util.HashMap;
 +import java.util.Map;
 +import java.util.UUID;
 +import static io.restassured.RestAssured.given;
 +import static org.apache.hadoop.test.TestUtils.LOG_ENTER;
 +import static org.apache.hadoop.test.TestUtils.LOG_EXIT;
 +import static;
 +import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.notNullValue;
 +public class GatewaySampleFuncTest {
 +  private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( 
GatewaySampleFuncTest.class );
 +  public static Enumeration<Appender> appenders;
 +  public static GatewayConfig config;
 +  public static GatewayServer gateway;
 +  public static String gatewayUrl;
 +  public static String clusterUrl;
 +  private static GatewayTestDriver driver = new GatewayTestDriver();
 +  @BeforeClass
 +  public static void setupSuite() throws Exception {
 +    LOG_ENTER();
 +    //appenders = NoOpAppender.setUp();
 +    driver.setupLdap(0);
 +    setupGateway();
 +    LOG_EXIT();
 +  }
 +  @AfterClass
 +  public static void cleanupSuite() throws Exception {
 +    LOG_ENTER();
 +    gateway.stop();
 +    driver.cleanup();
 +    //FileUtils.deleteQuietly( new File( config.getGatewayHomeDir() ) );
 +    //NoOpAppender.tearDown( appenders );
 +    LOG_EXIT();
 +  }
 +  public static void setupGateway() throws Exception {
 +    File targetDir = new File( System.getProperty( "user.dir" ), "target" );
 +    File gatewayDir = new File( targetDir, "gateway-home-" + 
UUID.randomUUID() );
 +    gatewayDir.mkdirs();
 +    GatewayTestConfig testConfig = new GatewayTestConfig();
 +    config = testConfig;
 +    testConfig.setGatewayHomeDir( gatewayDir.getAbsolutePath() );
 +    File topoDir = new File( testConfig.getGatewayTopologyDir() );
 +    topoDir.mkdirs();
 +    File deployDir = new File( testConfig.getGatewayDeploymentDir() );
 +    deployDir.mkdirs();
 +    File descriptor = new File( topoDir, "test-cluster.xml" );
 +    FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream( descriptor );
 +    createTopology().toStream( stream );
 +    stream.close();
 +    DefaultGatewayServices srvcs = new DefaultGatewayServices();
 +    Map<String,String> options = new HashMap<>();
 +    options.put( "persist-master", "false" );
 +    options.put( "master", "password" );
 +    try {
 +      srvcs.init( testConfig, options );
 +    } catch ( ServiceLifecycleException e ) {
 +      e.printStackTrace(); // I18N not required.
 +    }
 +    gateway = GatewayServer.startGateway( testConfig, srvcs );
 +    MatcherAssert.assertThat( "Failed to start gateway.", gateway, 
notNullValue() );
 + "Gateway port = " + gateway.getAddresses()[ 0 ].getPort() );
 +    gatewayUrl = "http://localhost:"; + gateway.getAddresses()[0].getPort() + 
"/" + config.getGatewayPath();
 +    clusterUrl = gatewayUrl + "/test-cluster";
 +  }
 +  private static XMLTag createTopology() {
 +    XMLTag xml = XMLDoc.newDocument( true )
 +        .addRoot( "topology" )
 +        .addTag( "gateway" )
 +        .addTag( "provider" )
 +        .addTag( "role" ).addText( "authentication" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( "ShiroProvider" )
 +        .addTag( "enabled" ).addText( "true" )
 +        .addTag( "param" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm" )
 +        .addTag( "value" ).addText( 
"org.apache.knox.gateway.shirorealm.KnoxLdapRealm" ).gotoParent()
 +        .addTag( "param" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.userDnTemplate" )
 +        .addTag( "value" ).addText( 
"uid={0},ou=people,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org" ).gotoParent()
 +        .addTag( "param" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.contextFactory.url" )
 +        .addTag( "value" ).addText( driver.getLdapUrl() ).gotoParent()
 +        .addTag( "param" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( 
"main.ldapRealm.contextFactory.authenticationMechanism" )
 +        .addTag( "value" ).addText( "simple" ).gotoParent()
 +        .addTag( "param" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( "urls./**" )
 +        .addTag( "value" ).addText( "authcBasic" ).gotoParent().gotoParent()
 +        .addTag( "provider" )
 +        .addTag( "role" ).addText( "identity-assertion" )
 +        .addTag( "enabled" ).addText( "true" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( "Default" ).gotoParent()
 +        .addTag( "provider" )
 +        .gotoRoot()
 +        .addTag( "service" )
 +        .addTag( "role" ).addText( "test-service-role" )
 +        .gotoRoot();
 +    // System.out.println( "GATEWAY=" + xml.toString() );
 +    return xml;
 +  }
 +  //@Test
 +  public void waitForManualTesting() throws IOException {
 +  }
 +  @Test( timeout = TestUtils.MEDIUM_TIMEOUT )
 +  public void testTestService() throws ClassNotFoundException {
 +    LOG_ENTER();
 +    String username = "guest";
 +    String password = "guest-password";
 +    String serviceUrl = clusterUrl + 
 +    given()
 +        //.log().all()
 +        .auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
-         .expect()
++        .then()
 +        //.log().all()
 +        .statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
 +        .contentType( "text/plain" )
 +        .body( is( "test-service-response" ) )
 +        .when().get( serviceUrl );
 +    LOG_EXIT();
 +  }
diff --cc 
index 7aaf056,0000000..cd30311
mode 100755,000000..100755
--- a/gateway-test/src/test/java/org/apache/knox/gateway/
+++ b/gateway-test/src/test/java/org/apache/knox/gateway/
@@@ -1,284 -1,0 +1,284 @@@
 + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 + * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 + * distributed with this work for additional information
 + * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 + * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 + * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 + * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 + *
 + *
 + *
 + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 + * limitations under the License.
 + */
 +package org.apache.knox.gateway;
 +import static io.restassured.RestAssured.given;
 +import static org.apache.hadoop.test.TestUtils.LOG_ENTER;
 +import static org.apache.hadoop.test.TestUtils.LOG_EXIT;
 +import static;
 +import static org.hamcrest.CoreMatchers.notNullValue;
 +import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
 +import java.nio.file.Path;
 +import java.util.Enumeration;
 +import java.util.HashMap;
 +import java.util.Map;
 +import java.util.UUID;
 +import org.apache.knox.gateway.config.GatewayConfig;
 +import org.apache.hadoop.test.TestUtils;
 +import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
 +import org.apache.log4j.Appender;
 +import org.hamcrest.MatcherAssert;
 +import org.junit.AfterClass;
 +import org.junit.BeforeClass;
 +import org.junit.Ignore;
 +import org.junit.Test;
 +import org.slf4j.Logger;
 +import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
 +import com.mycila.xmltool.XMLDoc;
 +import com.mycila.xmltool.XMLTag;
 + * Functional test to verify : KNOX-242 LDAP Enhancements
 + * Please see
 + *
 + *
 + */
 +public class Knox242FuncTest {
 +  private static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger( Knox242FuncTest.class 
 +  public static Enumeration<Appender> appenders;
 +  public static GatewayConfig config;
 +  public static GatewayServer gateway;
 +  public static String gatewayUrl;
 +  public static String clusterUrl;
 +  public static String serviceUrl;
 +  private static GatewayTestDriver driver = new GatewayTestDriver();
 +  @BeforeClass
 +  public static void setupSuite() throws Exception {
 +    LOG_ENTER();
 +    //appenders = NoOpAppender.setUp();
 +    String basedir = System.getProperty("basedir");
 +    if (basedir == null) {
 +      basedir = new File(".").getCanonicalPath();
 +    }
 +    Path path = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(basedir, 
 +    driver.setupLdap( 0 , path.toFile() );
 +    setupGateway();
 +    TestUtils.awaitNon404HttpStatus( new URL( serviceUrl ), 10000, 100 );
 +    LOG_EXIT();
 +  }
 +  @AfterClass
 +  public static void cleanupSuite() throws Exception {
 +    LOG_ENTER();
 +    gateway.stop();
 +    driver.cleanup();
 +    //FileUtils.deleteQuietly( new File( config.getGatewayHomeDir() ) );
 +    //NoOpAppender.tearDown( appenders );
 +    LOG_EXIT();
 +  }
 +  public static void setupGateway() throws IOException, Exception {
 +    File targetDir = new File( System.getProperty( "user.dir" ), "target" );
 +    File gatewayDir = new File( targetDir, "gateway-home-" + 
UUID.randomUUID() );
 +    gatewayDir.mkdirs();
 +    GatewayTestConfig testConfig = new GatewayTestConfig();
 +    config = testConfig;
 +    testConfig.setGatewayHomeDir( gatewayDir.getAbsolutePath() );
 +    File topoDir = new File( testConfig.getGatewayTopologyDir() );
 +    topoDir.mkdirs();
 +    File deployDir = new File( testConfig.getGatewayDeploymentDir() );
 +    deployDir.mkdirs();
 +    DefaultGatewayServices srvcs = new DefaultGatewayServices();
 +    Map<String,String> options = new HashMap<>();
 +    options.put( "persist-master", "false" );
 +    options.put( "master", "password" );
 +    try {
 +      srvcs.init( testConfig, options );
 +    } catch ( ServiceLifecycleException e ) {
 +      e.printStackTrace(); // I18N not required.
 +    }
 +    gateway = GatewayServer.startGateway( testConfig, srvcs );
 +    MatcherAssert.assertThat( "Failed to start gateway.", gateway, 
notNullValue() );
 + "Gateway port = " + gateway.getAddresses()[ 0 ].getPort() );
 +    gatewayUrl = "http://localhost:"; + gateway.getAddresses()[0].getPort() + 
"/" + config.getGatewayPath();
 +    clusterUrl = gatewayUrl + "/testdg-cluster";
 +    serviceUrl = clusterUrl + "/test-service-path/test-service-resource";
 +    GatewayServices services = GatewayServer.getGatewayServices();
 +    AliasService aliasService = 
 +    aliasService.addAliasForCluster("testdg-cluster", "ldcSystemPassword", 
-     char[] password1 = aliasService.getPasswordFromAliasForCluster( 
"testdg-cluster", "ldcSystemPassword");
++    // char[] password1 = aliasService.getPasswordFromAliasForCluster( 
"testdg-cluster", "ldcSystemPassword");
 +    //System.err.println("SETUP password 10: " + ((password1 == null) ? 
"NULL" : new String(password1)));
 +    File descriptor = new File( topoDir, "testdg-cluster.xml" );
 +    FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream( descriptor );
 +    createTopology().toStream( stream );
 +    stream.close();
 +  }
 +  private static XMLTag createTopology() {
 +    XMLTag xml = XMLDoc.newDocument( true )
 +        .addRoot( "topology" )
 +        .addTag( "gateway" )
 +        .addTag( "provider" )
 +        .addTag( "role" ).addText( "authentication" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( "ShiroProvider" )
 +        .addTag( "enabled" ).addText( "true" )
 +        .addTag( "param" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm" )
 +        .addTag( "value" ).addText( 
"org.apache.knox.gateway.shirorealm.KnoxLdapRealm" )
 +        .gotoParent().addTag( "param" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapGroupContextFactory" )
 +        .addTag( "value" ).addText( 
"org.apache.knox.gateway.shirorealm.KnoxLdapContextFactory" )
 +        .gotoParent().addTag( "param" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.contextFactory" )
 +        .addTag( "value" ).addText( "$ldapGroupContextFactory" )
 +        .gotoParent().addTag( "param" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( 
"main.ldapRealm.contextFactory.authenticationMechanism" )
 +        .addTag( "value" ).addText( "simple" )
 +        .gotoParent().addTag( "param" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.contextFactory.url" )
 +        .addTag( "value" ).addText( driver.getLdapUrl())
 +        .gotoParent().addTag( "param" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.userDnTemplate" )
 +        .addTag( "value" ).addText( 
"uid={0},ou=people,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org" )
 +        .gotoParent().addTag( "param" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.searchBase" )
 +        .addTag( "value" ).addText( "dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org" )
 +        .gotoParent().addTag( "param" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.userSearchAttributeName" )
 +        .addTag( "value" ).addText( "uid" )
 +        .gotoParent().addTag( "param" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.userObjectClass" )
 +        .addTag( "value" ).addText( "person" )
 +        .gotoParent().addTag( "param" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.userSearchBase" )
 +        .addTag( "value" ).addText( "dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org" )
 +        .gotoParent().addTag( "param" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.groupSearchBase" )
 +        .addTag( "value" ).addText( "ou=groups,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org" )
 +        .gotoParent().addTag( "param" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.authorizationEnabled" )
 +        .addTag( "value" ).addText( "true" )
 +        .gotoParent().addTag( "param" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( 
"main.ldapRealm.contextFactory.systemAuthenticationMechanism" )
 +        .addTag( "value" ).addText( "simple" )
 +        .gotoParent().addTag( "param" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.groupObjectClass" )
 +        .addTag( "value" ).addText( "groupofurls" )
 +        .gotoParent().addTag( "param" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( "main.ldapRealm.memberAttribute" )
 +        .addTag( "value" ).addText( "memberurl" )
 +        .gotoParent().addTag( "param" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( 
"main.ldapRealm.memberAttributeValueTemplate" )
 +        .addTag( "value" ).addText( 
"uid={0},ou=people,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org" )
 +        .gotoParent().addTag( "param" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( 
"main.ldapRealm.contextFactory.systemUsername" )
 +        .addTag( "value" ).addText( 
"uid=guest,ou=people,dc=hadoop,dc=apache,dc=org" )
 +        .gotoParent().addTag( "param" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( 
"main.ldapRealm.contextFactory.clusterName" )
 +        .addTag( "value" ).addText( "testdg-cluster" )
 +        .gotoParent().addTag( "param" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( 
"main.ldapRealm.contextFactory.systemPassword" )
 +        .addTag( "value" ).addText( "S{ALIAS=ldcSystemPassword}" )
 +        // .addTag( "value" ).addText( "guest-password" )
 +        .gotoParent().addTag( "param" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( "urls./**" )
 +        .addTag( "value" ).addText( "authcBasic" )
 +        .gotoParent().gotoParent().addTag( "provider" )
 +        .addTag( "role" ).addText( "authorization" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( "AclsAuthz" )
 +        .addTag( "enabled" ).addText( "true" )
 +        .addTag( "param" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( "test-service-role.acl" )
 +        .addTag( "value" ).addText( "*;directors;*" )
 +        .gotoParent().gotoParent().addTag( "provider" )
 +        .addTag( "role" ).addText( "identity-assertion" )
 +        .addTag( "enabled" ).addText( "true" )
 +        .addTag( "name" ).addText( "Default" ).gotoParent()
 +        .gotoRoot()
 +        .addTag( "service" )
 +        .addTag( "role" ).addText( "test-service-role" )
 +        .gotoRoot();
 +         // System.out.println( "GATEWAY=" + xml.toString() );
 +    return xml;
 +  }
 +  @Ignore
 +  // @Test
 +  public void waitForManualTesting() throws IOException {
 +  }
 +  @Test( timeout = TestUtils.MEDIUM_TIMEOUT )
 +  public void testGroupMember() throws ClassNotFoundException, Exception {
 +    LOG_ENTER();
 +    String username = "joe";
 +    String password = "joe-password";
 +    String serviceUrl = clusterUrl + 
 +    given()
 +        //.log().all()
 +        .auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
-         .expect()
++        .then()
 +        //.log().all()
 +        .statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_OK )
 +        .contentType( "text/plain" )
 +        .body( is( "test-service-response" ) )
 +        .when().get( serviceUrl );
 +    LOG_EXIT();
 +  }
 +  @Test( timeout = TestUtils.MEDIUM_TIMEOUT )
 +  public void testNonGroupMember() throws ClassNotFoundException {
 +    LOG_ENTER();
 +    String username = "guest";
 +    String password = "guest-password";
 +    String serviceUrl = clusterUrl + 
 +    given()
 +        //.log().all()
 +        .auth().preemptive().basic( username, password )
-         .expect()
++        .then()
 +        //.log().all()
 +        .statusCode( HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN )
 +        .when().get( serviceUrl );
 +    LOG_EXIT();
 +  }
diff --cc 
index d7496b6,0000000..98739a1
mode 100644,000000..100644
--- a/gateway-test/src/test/java/org/apache/knox/gateway/
+++ b/gateway-test/src/test/java/org/apache/knox/gateway/
@@@ -1,466 -1,0 +1,466 @@@
 + * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
 + * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
 + * distributed with this work for additional information
 + * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
 + * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
 + * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
 + * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
 + * <p/>
 + *
 + * <p/>
 + * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 + * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 + * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
 + * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 + * limitations under the License.
 + */
 +package org.apache.knox.gateway;
 +import com.mycila.xmltool.XMLDoc;
 +import com.mycila.xmltool.XMLTag;
 +import org.apache.hadoop.test.TestUtils;
 +import org.apache.hadoop.test.category.ReleaseTest;
 +import org.apache.hadoop.test.mock.MockServer;
 +import org.apache.http.HttpStatus;
 +import org.junit.After;
 +import org.junit.Before;
 +import org.junit.Ignore;
 +import org.junit.Test;
 +import org.junit.experimental.categories.Category;
 +import static io.restassured.RestAssured.given;
 +import static org.apache.hadoop.test.TestUtils.LOG_ENTER;
 +import static org.apache.hadoop.test.TestUtils.LOG_EXIT;
 +import static;
 +public class WebHdfsHaFuncTest {
 +   // Specifies if the test requests should go through the gateway or 
directly to the services.
 +   // This is frequently used to verify the behavior of the test both with 
and without the gateway.
 +   private static final boolean USE_GATEWAY = true;
 +   // Specifies if the test requests should be sent to mock services or the 
real services.
 +   // This is frequently used to verify the behavior of the test both with 
and without mock services.
 +   private static final boolean USE_MOCK_SERVICES = true;
 +   private static GatewayTestDriver driver = new GatewayTestDriver();
 +   private static MockServer masterServer;
 +   private static MockServer standbyServer;
 +   /**
 +    * Creates a deployment of a gateway instance that all test methods will 
share.  This method also creates a
 +    * registry of sorts for all of the services that will be used by the test 
 +    * The createTopology method is used to create the topology file that 
would normally be read from disk.
 +    * The driver.setupGateway invocation is where the creation of 
 +    * <p/>
 +    * This would normally be done once for this suite but the failure tests 
start affecting each other depending
 +    * on the state the last 'active' url
 +    *
 +    * @throws Exception Thrown if any failure occurs.
 +    */
 +   @Before
 +   public void setup() throws Exception {
 +      LOG_ENTER();
 +      //Log.setLog(new NoOpLogger());
 +      masterServer = new MockServer("master", true);
 +      standbyServer = new MockServer("standby", true);
 +      GatewayTestConfig config = new GatewayTestConfig();
 +      config.setGatewayPath("gateway");
 +      driver.setResourceBase(WebHdfsHaFuncTest.class);
 +      driver.setupLdap(0);
 +      driver.setupService("WEBHDFS", "http://vm.local:50070/webhdfs";, 
"/cluster/webhdfs", USE_MOCK_SERVICES);
 +      driver.setupGateway(config, "cluster", createTopology(), USE_GATEWAY);
 +      LOG_EXIT();
 +   }
 +   @After
 +   public void cleanup() throws Exception {
 +      LOG_ENTER();
 +      driver.cleanup();
 +      driver.reset();
 +      masterServer.reset();
 +      standbyServer.reset();
 +      LOG_EXIT();
 +   }
 +   /**
 +    * Creates a topology that is deployed to the gateway instance for the 
test suite.
 +    * Note that this topology is shared by all of the test methods in this 
 +    *
 +    * @return A populated XML structure for a topology file.
 +    */
 +   private static XMLTag createTopology() {
 +      XMLTag xml = XMLDoc.newDocument(true)
 +            .addRoot("topology")
 +            .addTag("gateway")
 +            .addTag("provider")
 +            .addTag("role").addText("webappsec")
 +            .addTag("name").addText("WebAppSec")
 +            .addTag("enabled").addText("true")
 +            .addTag("param")
 +            .addTag("name").addText("csrf.enabled")
 +            .addTag("value").addText("true").gotoParent().gotoParent()
 +            .addTag("provider")
 +            .addTag("role").addText("authentication")
 +            .addTag("name").addText("ShiroProvider")
 +            .addTag("enabled").addText("true")
 +            .addTag("param")
 +            .addTag("name").addText("main.ldapRealm")
 +            .addTag("param")
 +            .addTag("name").addText("main.ldapRealm.userDnTemplate")
 +            .addTag("param")
 +            .addTag("name").addText("main.ldapRealm.contextFactory.url")
 +            .addTag("value").addText(driver.getLdapUrl()).gotoParent()
 +            .addTag("param")
 +            .addTag("value").addText("simple").gotoParent()
 +            .addTag("param")
 +            .addTag("name").addText("urls./**")
 +            .addTag("value").addText("authcBasic").gotoParent().gotoParent()
 +            .addTag("provider")
 +            .addTag("role").addText("identity-assertion")
 +            .addTag("enabled").addText("true")
 +            .addTag("name").addText("Default").gotoParent()
 +            .addTag("provider")
 +            .addTag("role").addText("authorization")
 +            .addTag("enabled").addText("true")
 +            .addTag("name").addText("AclsAuthz").gotoParent()
 +            .addTag("param")
 +            .addTag("name").addText("webhdfs-acl")
 +            .addTag("value").addText("hdfs;*;*").gotoParent()
 +            .addTag("provider")
 +            .addTag("role").addText("ha")
 +            .addTag("enabled").addText("true")
 +            .addTag("name").addText("HaProvider")
 +            .addTag("param")
 +            .addTag("name").addText("WEBHDFS")
 +            .gotoRoot()
 +            .addTag("service")
 +            .addTag("role").addText("WEBHDFS")
 +            .addTag("url").addText("http://localhost:"; + 
masterServer.getPort() + "/webhdfs")
 +            .addTag("url").addText("http://localhost:"; + 
standbyServer.getPort() + "/webhdfs").gotoParent()
 +            .gotoRoot();
 +//     System.out.println( "GATEWAY=" + xml.toString() );
 +      return xml;
 +   }
 +  @Test( timeout = TestUtils.MEDIUM_TIMEOUT )
 +   public void testBasicListOperation() throws IOException {
 +      LOG_ENTER();
 +      String username = "hdfs";
 +      String password = "hdfs-password";
 +      masterServer.expect()
 +            .method("GET")
 +            .pathInfo("/webhdfs/v1/")
 +            .queryParam("op", "LISTSTATUS")
 +            .queryParam("", username)
 +            .respond()
 +            .status(HttpStatus.SC_OK)
 +            .contentType("application/json");
 +      given()
 +            .auth().preemptive().basic(username, password)
 +            .header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
 +            .queryParam("op", "LISTSTATUS")
-             .expect()
++            .then()
 +            .log().ifError()
 +            .statusCode(HttpStatus.SC_OK)
-             .content("FileStatuses.FileStatus[0].pathSuffix", is("app-logs"))
++            .body("FileStatuses.FileStatus[0].pathSuffix", is("app-logs"))
 +            .when().get(driver.getUrl("WEBHDFS") + "/v1/");
 +      masterServer.isEmpty();
 +      LOG_EXIT();
 +   }
 +   @Test( timeout = TestUtils.MEDIUM_TIMEOUT )
 +   @Ignore( "KNOX-446" )
 +   public void testFailoverListOperation() throws Exception {
 +      LOG_ENTER();
 +      String username = "hdfs";
 +      String password = "hdfs-password";
-       //Shutdown master and expect standby to serve the list response
++      //Shutdown master and then standby to serve the list response
 +      masterServer.stop();
 +      standbyServer.expect()
 +            .method("GET")
 +            .pathInfo("/webhdfs/v1/")
 +            .queryParam("op", "LISTSTATUS")
 +            .queryParam("", username)
 +            .respond()
 +            .status(HttpStatus.SC_OK)
 +            .contentType("application/json");
 +      given()
 +            .auth().preemptive().basic(username, password)
 +            .header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
 +            .queryParam("op", "LISTSTATUS")
-             .expect()
++            .then()
 +            .log().ifError()
 +            .statusCode(HttpStatus.SC_OK)
-             .content("FileStatuses.FileStatus[0].pathSuffix", is("app-logs"))
++            .body("FileStatuses.FileStatus[0].pathSuffix", is("app-logs"))
 +            .when().get(driver.getUrl("WEBHDFS") + "/v1/");
 +      standbyServer.isEmpty();
 +      masterServer.start();
 +      LOG_EXIT();
 +   }
 +   @Test( timeout = TestUtils.MEDIUM_TIMEOUT )
 +   public void testFailoverLimit() throws Exception {
 +      LOG_ENTER();
 +      String username = "hdfs";
 +      String password = "hdfs-password";
-       //Shutdown master and expect standby to serve the list response
++      //Shutdown master and then standby to serve the list response
 +      masterServer.stop();
 +      standbyServer.stop();
 +      given()
 +            .auth().preemptive().basic(username, password)
 +            .header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
 +            .queryParam("op", "LISTSTATUS")
-             .expect()
++            .then()
 +//            .log().ifError()
 +            .statusCode(HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
 +            .when().get(driver.getUrl("WEBHDFS") + "/v1/");
 +      standbyServer.start();
 +      masterServer.start();
 +      LOG_EXIT();
 +   }
 +   @Test( timeout = TestUtils.MEDIUM_TIMEOUT )
 +   @Ignore( "KNOX-446" )
 +   public void testServerInStandby() throws IOException {
 +      LOG_ENTER();
 +      String username = "hdfs";
 +      String password = "hdfs-password";
 +      //make master the server that is in standby
 +      masterServer.expect()
 +            .method("GET")
 +            .pathInfo("/webhdfs/v1/")
 +            .queryParam("op", "LISTSTATUS")
 +            .queryParam("", username)
 +            .respond()
 +            .status(HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN)
 +            .contentType("application/json");
 +      //standby server is 'active' in this test case and serves the list 
 +      standbyServer.expect()
 +            .method("GET")
 +            .pathInfo("/webhdfs/v1/")
 +            .queryParam("op", "LISTSTATUS")
 +            .queryParam("", username)
 +            .respond()
 +            .status(HttpStatus.SC_OK)
 +            .contentType("application/json");
 +      given()
 +            .auth().preemptive().basic(username, password)
 +            .header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
 +            .queryParam("op", "LISTSTATUS")
-             .expect()
++            .then()
 +            .log().ifError()
 +            .statusCode(HttpStatus.SC_OK)
-             .content("FileStatuses.FileStatus[0].pathSuffix", is("app-logs"))
++            .body("FileStatuses.FileStatus[0].pathSuffix", is("app-logs"))
 +            .when().get(driver.getUrl("WEBHDFS") + "/v1/");
 +      masterServer.isEmpty();
 +      standbyServer.isEmpty();
 +      LOG_EXIT();
 +   }
 +   @Test( timeout = TestUtils.MEDIUM_TIMEOUT )
 +   public void testServerInStandbyFailoverLimit() throws IOException {
 +      LOG_ENTER();
 +      String username = "hdfs";
 +      String password = "hdfs-password";
 +      //make master the server that is in standby
 +      masterServer.expect()
 +            .method("GET")
 +            .pathInfo("/webhdfs/v1/")
 +            .queryParam("op", "LISTSTATUS")
 +            .queryParam("", username)
 +            .respond()
 +            .status(HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN)
 +            .contentType("application/json");
 +      standbyServer.expect()
 +            .method("GET")
 +            .pathInfo("/webhdfs/v1/")
 +            .queryParam("op", "LISTSTATUS")
 +            .queryParam("", username)
 +            .respond()
 +            .status(HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN)
 +            .contentType("application/json");
 +      masterServer.expect()
 +            .method("GET")
 +            .pathInfo("/webhdfs/v1/")
 +            .queryParam("op", "LISTSTATUS")
 +            .queryParam("", username)
 +            .respond()
 +            .status(HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN)
 +            .contentType("application/json");
 +      standbyServer.expect()
 +            .method("GET")
 +            .pathInfo("/webhdfs/v1/")
 +            .queryParam("op", "LISTSTATUS")
 +            .queryParam("", username)
 +            .respond()
 +            .status(HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN)
 +            .contentType("application/json");
 +      given()
 +            .auth().preemptive().basic(username, password)
 +            .header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
 +            .queryParam("op", "LISTSTATUS")
-             .expect()
++            .then()
 +//            .log().ifError()
 +            .statusCode(HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
 +            .when().get(driver.getUrl("WEBHDFS") + "/v1/");
 +      masterServer.isEmpty();
 +      standbyServer.isEmpty();
 +      LOG_EXIT();
 +   }
 +   @Test( timeout = TestUtils.MEDIUM_TIMEOUT )
 +   public void testServerInSafeMode() throws IOException {
 +      LOG_ENTER();
 +      String username = "hdfs";
 +      String password = "hdfs-password";
 +      //master is in safe mode
 +      masterServer.expect()
 +            .method("POST")
 +            .pathInfo("/webhdfs/v1/user/hdfs/foo.txt")
 +            .queryParam("op", "RENAME")
 +            .queryParam("destination", "/user/hdfs/foo.txt")
 +            .queryParam("", username)
 +            .respond()
 +            .status(HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN)
 +            .content(driver.getResourceBytes("webhdfs-rename-safemode.json"))
 +            .contentType("application/json");
 +      masterServer.expect()
 +            .method("POST")
 +            .pathInfo("/webhdfs/v1/user/hdfs/foo.txt")
 +            .queryParam("op", "RENAME")
 +            .queryParam("destination", "/user/hdfs/foo.txt")
 +            .queryParam("", username)
 +            .respond()
 +            .status(HttpStatus.SC_OK)
 +            .contentType("application/json");
 +      given()
 +            .auth().preemptive().basic(username, password)
 +            .header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
 +            .queryParam("op", "RENAME")
 +            .queryParam("destination", "/user/hdfs/foo.txt")
-             .expect()
++            .then()
 +            .log().ifError()
 +            .statusCode(HttpStatus.SC_OK)
-             .content("boolean", is(true))
++            .body("boolean", is(true))
 +            .when().post(driver.getUrl("WEBHDFS") + "/v1/user/hdfs/foo.txt");
 +      masterServer.isEmpty();
 +      LOG_EXIT();
 +   }
 +   @Test( timeout = TestUtils.MEDIUM_TIMEOUT )
 +   public void testServerInSafeModeRetriableException() throws IOException {
 +      LOG_ENTER();
 +      String username = "hdfs";
 +      String password = "hdfs-password";
 +      //master is in safe mode
 +      masterServer.expect()
 +            .method("POST")
 +            .pathInfo("/webhdfs/v1/user/hdfs/new")
 +            .queryParam("op", "MKDIRS")
 +            .queryParam("", username)
 +            .respond()
 +            .status(HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN)
 +            .content(driver.getResourceBytes("webhdfs-mkdirs-safemode.json"))
 +            .contentType("application/json");
 +      masterServer.expect()
 +            .method("POST")
 +            .pathInfo("/webhdfs/v1/user/hdfs/new")
 +            .queryParam("op", "MKDIRS")
 +            .queryParam("", username)
 +            .respond()
 +            .status(HttpStatus.SC_OK)
 +            .contentType("application/json");
 +      given()
 +            .auth().preemptive().basic(username, password)
 +            .header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
 +            .queryParam("op", "MKDIRS")
-             .expect()
++            .then()
 +            .log().ifError()
 +            .statusCode(HttpStatus.SC_OK)
-             .content("boolean", is(true))
++            .body("boolean", is(true))
 +            .when().post(driver.getUrl("WEBHDFS") + "/v1/user/hdfs/new");
 +      masterServer.isEmpty();
 +      LOG_EXIT();
 +   }
 +   @Test( timeout = TestUtils.MEDIUM_TIMEOUT )
 +   public void testServerInSafeModeRetryLimit() throws IOException {
 +      LOG_ENTER();
 +      String username = "hdfs";
 +      String password = "hdfs-password";
 +      //master is in safe mode
 +      masterServer.expect()
 +            .method("POST")
 +            .pathInfo("/webhdfs/v1/user/hdfs/foo.txt")
 +            .queryParam("op", "RENAME")
 +            .queryParam("destination", "/user/hdfs/foo.txt")
 +            .queryParam("", username)
 +            .respond()
 +            .status(HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN)
 +            .content(driver.getResourceBytes("webhdfs-rename-safemode.json"))
 +            .contentType("application/json");
 +      masterServer.expect()
 +            .method("POST")
 +            .pathInfo("/webhdfs/v1/user/hdfs/foo.txt")
 +            .queryParam("op", "RENAME")
 +            .queryParam("destination", "/user/hdfs/foo.txt")
 +            .queryParam("", username)
 +            .respond()
 +            .status(HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN)
 +            .content(driver.getResourceBytes("webhdfs-rename-safemode.json"))
 +            .contentType("application/json");
 +      masterServer.expect()
 +            .method("POST")
 +            .pathInfo("/webhdfs/v1/user/hdfs/foo.txt")
 +            .queryParam("op", "RENAME")
 +            .queryParam("destination", "/user/hdfs/foo.txt")
 +            .queryParam("", username)
 +            .respond()
 +            .status(HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN)
 +            .content(driver.getResourceBytes("webhdfs-rename-safemode.json"))
 +            .contentType("application/json");
 +      masterServer.expect()
 +            .method("POST")
 +            .pathInfo("/webhdfs/v1/user/hdfs/foo.txt")
 +            .queryParam("op", "RENAME")
 +            .queryParam("destination", "/user/hdfs/foo.txt")
 +            .queryParam("", username)
 +            .respond()
 +            .status(HttpStatus.SC_FORBIDDEN)
 +            .content(driver.getResourceBytes("webhdfs-rename-safemode.json"))
 +            .contentType("application/json");
 +      given()
 +            .auth().preemptive().basic(username, password)
 +            .header("X-XSRF-Header", "jksdhfkhdsf")
 +            .queryParam("op", "RENAME")
 +            .queryParam("destination", "/user/hdfs/foo.txt")
-             .expect()
++            .then()
 +//            .log().ifError()
 +            .statusCode(HttpStatus.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR)
 +            .when().post(driver.getUrl("WEBHDFS") + "/v1/user/hdfs/foo.txt");
 +      masterServer.isEmpty();
 +      LOG_EXIT();
 +   }

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