Repository: kylin
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/1.x-staging 547e5b7c9 -> 21a0003d5

document, amend How to Test


Branch: refs/heads/1.x-staging
Commit: 21a0003d5af211154a9c55582f1abfd6642e63e3
Parents: 547e5b7
Author: Li, Yang <>
Authored: Fri Jan 22 15:25:24 2016 +0800
Committer: Li, Yang <>
Committed: Fri Jan 22 15:35:16 2016 +0800

 website/_dev/ | 2 +-
 website/_dev/       | 2 ++
 2 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/website/_dev/ b/website/_dev/
index 50959b9..f0efbd0 100644
--- a/website/_dev/
+++ b/website/_dev/
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ permalink: /development/howto_contribute.html
 * Make changes in your fork
        * No strict code style at the moment, but the general rule is keep 
consistent with existing files. E.g. use 4-space indent for java files.
        * Sufficient unit test and integration test is a mandatory part of code 
-* [Run tests](development/howto_test.html) to ensure your change is in good 
quality and does not break anything
+* [Run tests](/development/howto_test.html) to ensure your change is in good 
quality and does not break anything
 * Generate patch and attach it to relative JIRA. Please use `git format-patch` 
command to generate the patch, for a detail guide you can refer to [How to 
create and apply a patch with 
diff --git a/website/_dev/ b/website/_dev/
index 82726bb..150ece8 100644
--- a/website/_dev/
+++ b/website/_dev/
@@ -11,9 +11,11 @@ In general, there should be unit tests to cover individual 
classes; there must b
 ## 2.x branches
 * `mvn test` to run unit tests, which has a limited test coverage.
+    * Unit tests has no external dependency and can run on any machine.
     * The unit tests do not cover end-to-end scenarios like build, merge, and 
     * The unit tests take a few minutes to complete.
 * `dev-support/` to run integration tests, 
which has the best test coverage.
+    * Integration tests __must run on a Hadoop sandbox__. Make sure all 
changes you want to test are avaiable on sandbox.
     * As the name indicates, the script is only for hdp, but you get 
the idea of how integration test run from it.
     * The integration tests start from generate random data, then build cube, 
merge cube, and finally query the result and compare to H2 DB.
     * The integration tests take a few hours to complete.

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