Repository: lens
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diff --git a/src/site/apt/admin/config.apt b/src/site/apt/admin/config.apt
index f89caab..eb35ae3 100644
--- a/src/site/apt/admin/config.apt
+++ b/src/site/apt/admin/config.apt
@@ -163,130 +163,132 @@ Lens server configuration
 |68|lens.server.query.acceptors| |Query Acceptors configured. Query acceptors 
are consulted first, before anything happens for the given query. They can 
either return null or return a messaging indicating why the given query 
shouldn't be accepted. These can be used to filter out queries at the earliest.|
interval(milliseconds) with which query expiry will run periodically. Default 
is 1 minute. The value needs to be much lower than lens.query.timeout.millis. 
If the final deployment values of query timeout can be smaller, then reduce 
this value to be much lower.|
 Query cost parser class. Default query cost class used is 
 used to instantiate constraints enforced on queries by lens. Every Factory 
should be an implementation of 
org.apache.lens.server.api.common.ConfigBasedObjectCreationFactory and create 
an implementation of 
org.apache.lens.server.api.query.constraint.QueryLaunchingConstraint. A query 
will be launched only if all constraints pass.|
interval(milliseconds) with which query expiry will run periodically. Default 
is 1 minute. The value needs to be much lower than lens.query.timeout.millis. 
If the final deployment values of query timeout can be smaller, then reduce 
this value to be much lower.|
-|71|lens.server.query.phase1.rewriters| |Query phase 1 rewriters. This is to 
convert user query to cube query. The resulting cube query will be passed for 
validation and rewriting to hql query.\ |
 used to instantiate constraints enforced on queries by lens. Every Factory 
should be an implementation of 
org.apache.lens.server.api.common.ConfigBasedObjectCreationFactory and create 
an implementation of 
org.apache.lens.server.api.query.constraint.QueryLaunchingConstraint. A query 
will be launched only if all constraints pass.|
+|72|lens.server.query.phase1.rewriters| |Query phase 1 rewriters. This is to 
convert user query to cube query. The resulting cube query will be passed for 
validation and rewriting to hql query.\ |
 |  |                                  | |Use cases will be to use extra 
intelligence to convert user query to optimized cube query.                     
                                         \ |
 |  |                                  | |Or define shortcuts for certain 
frequently used queries :)                                                      
-|72|lens.server.query.resultset.retention|1 day|Lens query resultset retention 
period. Default 1 day|
+|73|lens.server.query.resultset.retention|1 day|Lens query resultset retention 
period. Default 1 day|
 class for query execution service|
 class for query execution service|
-|74|lens.server.query.state.logger.enabled|true|Disable or enable the query 
state logger with this config. The location for the logger can be specified in 
logback xml for the class 
+|75|lens.server.query.state.logger.enabled|true|Disable or enable the query 
state logger with this config. The location for the logger can be specified in 
logback xml for the class 
 class for Query Resource|
 class for Query Resource|
-|76|lens.server.querypurger.sleep.interval|10000|The interval(milliseconds) 
with which purger to run periodically. Default 10 sec.|
+|77|lens.server.querypurger.sleep.interval|10000|The interval(milliseconds) 
with which purger to run periodically. Default 10 sec.|
 class for quota service|
 class for quota service|
 class for Quota Resource|
 class for Quota Resource|
 class for Request logging Filter|
 class for Request logging Filter|
-|80|lens.server.resultset.purge.enabled|false|Whether to purge the query 
+|81|lens.server.resultset.purge.enabled|false|Whether to purge the query 
-|81|lens.server.resultsetpurger.sleep.interval.secs|3600|Periodicity for Query 
result purger runs. Default 1 hour.|
+|82|lens.server.resultsetpurger.sleep.interval.secs|3600|Periodicity for Query 
result purger runs. Default 1 hour.|
 of the target DB, Default is HSQL. Override with the target DB used.|
 of the target DB, Default is HSQL. Override with the target DB used.|
-|83|lens.server.savedquery.list.default.count|20|Key denoting the default 
fetch value of saved query list api.|
+|84|lens.server.savedquery.list.default.count|20|Key denoting the default 
fetch value of saved query list api.|
-|84|lens.server.savedquery.list.default.offset|0|Key denoting the default 
start value of saved query list api.|
+|85|lens.server.savedquery.list.default.offset|0|Key denoting the default 
start value of saved query list api.|
 class for saved query service|
 class for saved query service|
 class for Saved query Resource|
 class for Saved query Resource|
 interval for checking the waiting instances in milliseconds|
 interval for checking the waiting instances in milliseconds|
-|88|lens.server.scheduler.max.job.per.user|-1|Maximum number of jobs that can 
be scheduled by a single user. If the number is less than zero, then there is 
no restriction on the number of jobs scheduled.|
+|89|lens.server.scheduler.max.job.per.user|-1|Maximum number of jobs that can 
be scheduled by a single user. If the number is less than zero, then there is 
no restriction on the number of jobs scheduled.|
 class for query scheduler service|
 class for query scheduler service|
 subclass of SchedulerDBStore class used for storing scheduler related 
 subclass of SchedulerDBStore class used for storing scheduler related 
 class for query scheduler resource|
 class for query scheduler resource|
-|92|lens.server.scheduling.queue.poll.interval.millisec|2000|The interval at 
which submission thread will poll scheduling queue to fetch the next query for 
submission. If value is less than equal to 0, then it would mean that thread 
will continuosly poll without sleeping. The interval has to be given in 
+|93|lens.server.scheduling.queue.poll.interval.millisec|2000|The interval at 
which submission thread will poll scheduling queue to fetch the next query for 
submission. If value is less than equal to 0, then it would mean that thread 
will continuosly poll without sleeping. The interval has to be given in 
 class for ServerMode Filter|
 class for ServerMode Filter|
 provider factory implementation class. This parameter is used to lookup the 
factory implementation class name that would provide an instance of 
ServiceProvider. Users should instantiate the class to obtain its instance. 
Example -- Class spfClass = 
conf.getClass("lens.server.service.provider.factory", null, 
ServiceProviderFactory.class); ServiceProviderFactory spf = 
spfClass.newInstance(); ServiceProvider serviceProvider = 
spf.getServiceProvider(); -- This is not supposed to be overridden by users.|
 provider factory implementation class. This parameter is used to lookup the 
factory implementation class name that would provide an instance of 
ServiceProvider. Users should instantiate the class to obtain its instance. 
Example -- Class spfClass = 
conf.getClass("lens.server.service.provider.factory", null, 
ServiceProviderFactory.class); ServiceProviderFactory spf = 
spfClass.newInstance(); ServiceProvider serviceProvider = 
spf.getServiceProvider(); -- This is not supposed to be overridden by users.|
 services would be started in the specified order when lens-server starts up|
 services would be started in the specified order when lens-server starts up|
-|96|lens.server.session.expiry.service.interval.secs|3600|Interval at which 
lens session expiry service runs|
+|97|lens.server.session.expiry.service.interval.secs|3600|Interval at which 
lens session expiry service runs|
 class for session service|
 class for session service|
-|98|lens.server.session.timeout.seconds|86400|Lens session timeout in 
seconds.If there is no activity on the session for this period then the session 
will be closed.Default timeout is one day.|
+|99|lens.server.session.timeout.seconds|86400|Lens session timeout in 
seconds.If there is no activity on the session for this period then the session 
will be closed.Default timeout is one day.|
 class for Session Resource|
 class for Session Resource|
-|100||1048576|Output Stream 
Buffer Size used in writing lens server state to file system. Size is in bytes.|
+|101||1048576|Output Stream 
Buffer Size used in writing lens server state to file system. Size is in bytes.|
-|101|lens.server.state.persistence.enabled|true|If flag is enabled, state of 
all the services will be persisted periodically to a location specified by 
lens.server.persist.location and on server restart all the services will be 
started from last saved state.|
+|102|lens.server.state.persistence.enabled|true|If flag is enabled, state of 
all the services will be persisted periodically to a location specified by 
lens.server.persist.location and on server restart all the services will be 
started from last saved state.|
-|102|lens.server.state.persistence.interval.millis|300000|Lens server state 
persistence time interval in milliseconds|
+|103|lens.server.state.persistence.interval.millis|300000|Lens server state 
persistence time interval in milliseconds|
-|103|lens.server.statistics.db|lensstats|Database to which statistics tables 
are created and partitions are added.|
+|104|lens.server.statistics.db|lensstats|Database to which statistics tables 
are created and partitions are added.|
-|104|lens.server.statistics.log.rollover.interval|3600000|Default rate which 
log statistics store scans for rollups in milliseconds.|
+|105|lens.server.statistics.log.rollover.interval|3600000|Default rate which 
log statistics store scans for rollups in milliseconds.|
 implementation of class used to persist Lens Statistics.|
 implementation of class used to persist Lens Statistics.|
 top level location where stats are moved by the log statistics store.|
 top level location where stats are moved by the log statistics store.|
-|107|lens.server.status.update.exponential.wait.millis|30000|Number of millis 
that would grow exponentially for next update, incase of transient failures.|
+|108|lens.server.status.update.exponential.wait.millis|30000|Number of millis 
that would grow exponentially for next update, incase of transient failures.|
-|108|lens.server.status.update.maximum.delay.secs|1800|The maximum delay in 
seconds for next status update to happen after any transient failure. This will 
be used a maximum delay sothat exponential wait times not to grow to bigger 
+|109|lens.server.status.update.maximum.delay.secs|1800|The maximum delay in 
seconds for next status update to happen after any transient failure. This will 
be used a maximum delay sothat exponential wait times not to grow to bigger 
-|109|lens.server.status.update.num.retries|10|The number of retries a status 
update will tried with exponentital back off, in case of transient issues, upon 
which query will be marked FAILED.|
+|110|lens.server.status.update.num.retries|10|The number of retries a status 
update will tried with exponentital back off, in case of transient issues, upon 
which query will be marked FAILED.|
-|110||-1.0|A query submitted by 
user will be launched only if total query cost of all current launched queries 
of user is less than or equal to total query cost ceiling defined by this 
property. This configuration value is only useful when 
TotalQueryCostCeilingConstraint is enabled by using 
as one of the factories in lens.server.query.constraint.factories property. 
Default is -1.0 which means that there is no limit on the total query cost of 
launched queries submitted by a user.|
+|111||-1.0|A query submitted by 
user will be launched only if total query cost of all current launched queries 
of user is less than or equal to total query cost ceiling defined by this 
property. This configuration value is only useful when 
TotalQueryCostCeilingConstraint is enabled by using 
as one of the factories in lens.server.query.constraint.factories property. 
Default is -1.0 which means that there is no limit on the total query cost of 
launched queries submitted by a user.|
 for CUSTOM user resolver. In case the provided implementations are not 
sufficient for user config resolver, a custom classname can be provided. Class 
should extend org.apache.lens.server.user.UserConfigLoader|
 for CUSTOM user resolver. In case the provided implementations are not 
sufficient for user config resolver, a custom classname can be provided. Class 
should extend org.apache.lens.server.user.UserConfigLoader|
 for DATABASE and LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user resolvers. For database based user 
config loaders, the conf keys that will be loaded from database.|
 for DATABASE and LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user resolvers. For database based user 
config loaders, the conf keys that will be loaded from database.|
-|113|lens.server.user.resolver.db.query|select clusteruser,queue from 
user_config_table where username=?|Required for DATABASE and 
LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user resolvers. For database based user config loader, 
this query will be run with single argument = logged in user and the result 
columns will be assigned to lens.server.user.resolver.db.keys in order. For 
ldap backed database resolver, the argument to this query will be the 
intermediate values obtained from ldap.|
+|114|lens.server.user.resolver.db.query|select clusteruser,queue from 
user_config_table where username=?|Required for DATABASE and 
LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user resolvers. For database based user config loader, 
this query will be run with single argument = logged in user and the result 
columns will be assigned to lens.server.user.resolver.db.keys in order. For 
ldap backed database resolver, the argument to this query will be the 
intermediate values obtained from ldap.|
-|114|lens.server.user.resolver.fixed.value| |Required for FIXED user resolver. 
when lens.server.user.resolver.type=FIXED, This will be the value cluster user 
will resolve to.|
+|115|lens.server.user.resolver.fixed.value| |Required for FIXED user resolver. 
when lens.server.user.resolver.type=FIXED, This will be the value cluster user 
will resolve to.|
-|115|lens.server.user.resolver.ldap.bind.dn| |Required for 
LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user resolvers. ldap dn for admin binding example: 
+|116|lens.server.user.resolver.ldap.bind.dn| |Required for 
LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user resolvers. ldap dn for admin binding example: 
-|116|lens.server.user.resolver.ldap.bind.password| |Required for 
LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user resolvers. ldap password for admin binding above|
+|117|lens.server.user.resolver.ldap.bind.password| |Required for 
LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user resolvers. ldap password for admin binding above|
-|117|lens.server.user.resolver.ldap.fields|department|Required for 
LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user resolvers. list of fields to be obtained from ldap. 
These will be cached by the intermediate db.|
+|118|lens.server.user.resolver.ldap.fields|department|Required for 
LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user resolvers. list of fields to be obtained from ldap. 
These will be cached by the intermediate db.|
-|118|lens.server.user.resolver.ldap.intermediate.db.delete.sql|delete from 
user_department where username=?|Required for LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user 
resolvers. query to delete intermediate values from database backing ldap as 
cache. one argument: logged in user.|
+|119|lens.server.user.resolver.ldap.intermediate.db.delete.sql|delete from 
user_department where username=?|Required for LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user 
resolvers. query to delete intermediate values from database backing ldap as 
cache. one argument: logged in user.|
-|119|lens.server.user.resolver.ldap.intermediate.db.insert.sql|insert into 
user_department (username, department, expiry) values (?, ?, ?)|Required for 
LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user resolvers. query to insert intermediate values from 
database backing ldap as cache. arguments: first logged in user, then all 
intermediate values, then current time + expiration time|
+|120|lens.server.user.resolver.ldap.intermediate.db.insert.sql|insert into 
user_department (username, department, expiry) values (?, ?, ?)|Required for 
LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user resolvers. query to insert intermediate values from 
database backing ldap as cache. arguments: first logged in user, then all 
intermediate values, then current time + expiration time|
-|120|lens.server.user.resolver.ldap.intermediate.db.query|select department 
from user_department where username=? and expiry>?|Required for 
LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user resolvers. query to obtain intermediate values from 
database backing ldap as cache. two arguments: logged in user and current time.|
+|121|lens.server.user.resolver.ldap.intermediate.db.query|select department 
from user_department where username=? and expiry>?|Required for 
LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user resolvers. query to obtain intermediate values from 
database backing ldap as cache. two arguments: logged in user and current time.|
-|121|| |Required for 
LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user resolvers. for searching intermediate values for a 
user, the search keys. example: cn=users,dc=dc1,dc=dc2...|
+|122|| |Required for 
LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user resolvers. for searching intermediate values for a 
user, the search keys. example: cn=users,dc=dc1,dc=dc2...|
 for LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user resolvers. filter pattern for ldap search|
 for LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE user resolvers. filter pattern for ldap search|
-|123|lens.server.user.resolver.ldap.url| |Required for LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE 
user resolvers. ldap url to connect to.|
+|124|lens.server.user.resolver.ldap.url| |Required for LDAP_BACKED_DATABASE 
user resolvers. ldap url to connect to.|
 for PROPERTYBASED user resolver. when lens.server.user.resolver.type is 
PROPERTYBASED, then this file will be read and parsed to determine cluster 
user. Each line should contain username followed by DOT followed by property 
full name followed by equal-to sign and followed by value. example schema of 
the file is: user1.lens.server.cluster.user=clusteruser1 
*.lens.server.cluster.user=defaultclusteruser *|
 for PROPERTYBASED user resolver. when lens.server.user.resolver.type is 
PROPERTYBASED, then this file will be read and parsed to determine cluster 
user. Each line should contain username followed by DOT followed by property 
full name followed by equal-to sign and followed by value. example schema of 
the file is: user1.lens.server.cluster.user=clusteruser1 
*.lens.server.cluster.user=defaultclusteruser *|
-|125|lens.server.user.resolver.type|FIXED|Type of user config resolver. 
+|126|lens.server.user.resolver.type|FIXED|Type of user config resolver. 
 used to instantiate waiting queries selection policies. Every factory should 
be an implementation of 
org.apache.lens.server.api.common.ConfigBasedObjectCreationFactory and create 
an implementation of 
 used to instantiate waiting queries selection policies. Every factory should 
be an implementation of 
org.apache.lens.server.api.common.ConfigBasedObjectCreationFactory and create 
an implementation of 
 JAX-RS Feature(s) would be started in the specified order when lens-server 
starts up|
 JAX-RS Feature(s) would be started in the specified order when lens-server 
starts up|
JAX-RS filters would be started in the specified order when lens-server starts 
JAX-RS filters would be started in the specified order when lens-server starts 
-|129||appevent|These listeners would be called in 
the specified order when lens-server starts up|
+|130||appevent|These listeners would be called in 
the specified order when lens-server starts up|
 JAX-RS resources would be started in the specified order when lens-server 
starts up|
 JAX-RS resources would be started in the specified order when lens-server 
starts up|
 The configuration parameters and their default values
diff --git a/src/site/apt/admin/hivedriver-config.apt 
index b1a25c3..a9f020d 100644
--- a/src/site/apt/admin/hivedriver-config.apt
+++ b/src/site/apt/admin/hivedriver-config.apt
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@ Hive driver configuration
 |  |                                |                                     |One 
use case in range tuning can be that you never want queries to run with 
VERY_HIGH, assuming no other changes, you'll modify the value of this param in 
hivedriver-site.xml to be HIGH,30.0,NORMAL,90,LOW\ |
 |  |                                |                                     |via 
the configs, you can tune both the ranges and partition weights. this would 
give the end user more control.                                                 
 query hook class for hive driver. By default hook is No op. To add a hook, you 
should look at the default implementation and from there it'll be easy to 
derive what value can be added through a new hook|
+|15|lens.driver.hive.query.hook.classes| |The query hook classes for hive 
driver. By default there are no hooks. To add a hook, you should look at the 
default implementation and from there it'll be easy to derive what value can be 
added through a new hook. Multiple hooks can be provided by providing comma 
seperated name of classes.|
 |16|lens.driver.hive.query.launching.constraint.factories| |Factories used to 
instantiate constraints enforced on queries by driver. A query will be launched 
only if all constraints pass. Every Factory should be an implementation of 
org.apache.lens.server.api.common.ConfigBasedObjectCreationFactory and create 
an implementation of 

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