Author: dpsenner
Date: Fri Nov 13 12:29:19 2015
New Revision: 1714197

LOG4NET-489: fixed missing call to prepare the database parameter


Modified: logging/log4net/trunk/src/Appender/AdoNetAppender.cs
--- logging/log4net/trunk/src/Appender/AdoNetAppender.cs (original)
+++ logging/log4net/trunk/src/Appender/AdoNetAppender.cs Fri Nov 13 12:29:19 
@@ -1,1147 +1,1148 @@
-#region Apache License
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 
-// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
-// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. 
-// The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
-// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with 
-// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
-// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-// limitations under the License.
-// SSCLI 1.0 has no support for ADO.NET
-#if !SSCLI
-using System;
-using System.Collections;
-using System.Configuration;
-using System.Data;
-using System.IO;
-using log4net.Util;
-using log4net.Layout;
-using log4net.Core;
-namespace log4net.Appender
-       /// <summary>
-       /// Appender that logs to a database.
-       /// </summary>
-       /// <remarks>
-       /// <para>
-       /// <see cref="AdoNetAppender"/> appends logging events to a table 
within a
-       /// database. The appender can be configured to specify the connection 
-       /// string by setting the <see cref="ConnectionString"/> property. 
-       /// The connection type (provider) can be specified by setting the <see 
-       /// property. For more information on database connection strings for
-       /// your specific database see <a 
-       /// </para>
-       /// <para>
-       /// Records are written into the database either using a prepared
-       /// statement or a stored procedure. The <see cref="CommandType"/> 
-       /// is set to <see cref="System.Data.CommandType.Text"/> 
(<c>System.Data.CommandType.Text</c>) to specify a prepared statement
-       /// or to <see cref="System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure"/> 
(<c>System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure</c>) to specify a stored
-       /// procedure.
-       /// </para>
-       /// <para>
-       /// The prepared statement text or the name of the stored procedure
-       /// must be set in the <see cref="CommandText"/> property.
-       /// </para>
-       /// <para>
-       /// The prepared statement or stored procedure can take a number
-       /// of parameters. Parameters are added using the <see 
-       /// method. This adds a single <see cref="AdoNetAppenderParameter"/> to 
-       /// ordered list of parameters. The <see 
-       /// type may be subclassed if required to provide database specific
-       /// functionality. The <see cref="AdoNetAppenderParameter"/> specifies
-       /// the parameter name, database type, size, and how the value should
-       /// be generated using a <see cref="ILayout"/>.
-       /// </para>
-       /// </remarks>
-       /// <example>
-       /// An example of a SQL Server table that could be logged to:
-       /// <code lang="SQL">
-       /// CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Log] ( 
-       ///   [ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
-       ///   [Date] [datetime] NOT NULL ,
-       ///   [Thread] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL ,
-       ///   [Level] [varchar] (20) NOT NULL ,
-       ///   [Logger] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL ,
-       ///   [Message] [varchar] (4000) NOT NULL 
-       /// ) ON [PRIMARY]
-       /// </code>
-       /// </example>
-       /// <example>
-       /// An example configuration to log to the above table:
-       /// <code lang="XML" escaped="true">
-       /// <appender name="AdoNetAppender_SqlServer" 
type="log4net.Appender.AdoNetAppender" >
-       ///   <connectionType value="System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection, 
System.Data, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, 
PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />
-       ///   <connectionString value="data source=SQLSVR;initial 
catalog=test_log4net;integrated security=false;persist security info=True;User 
ID=sa;Password=sa" />
-       ///   <commandText value="INSERT INTO Log 
([Date],[Thread],[Level],[Logger],[Message]) VALUES (@log_date, @thread, 
@log_level, @logger, @message)" />
-       ///   <parameter>
-       ///     <parameterName value="@log_date" />
-       ///     <dbType value="DateTime" />
-       ///     <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout" 
value="%date{yyyy'-'MM'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss'.'fff}" />
-       ///   </parameter>
-       ///   <parameter>
-       ///     <parameterName value="@thread" />
-       ///     <dbType value="String" />
-       ///     <size value="255" />
-       ///     <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout" value="%thread" />
-       ///   </parameter>
-       ///   <parameter>
-       ///     <parameterName value="@log_level" />
-       ///     <dbType value="String" />
-       ///     <size value="50" />
-       ///     <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout" value="%level" />
-       ///   </parameter>
-       ///   <parameter>
-       ///     <parameterName value="@logger" />
-       ///     <dbType value="String" />
-       ///     <size value="255" />
-       ///     <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout" value="%logger" />
-       ///   </parameter>
-       ///   <parameter>
-       ///     <parameterName value="@message" />
-       ///     <dbType value="String" />
-       ///     <size value="4000" />
-       ///     <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout" value="%message" />
-       ///   </parameter>
-       /// </appender>
-       /// </code>
-       /// </example>
-       /// <author>Julian Biddle</author>
-       /// <author>Nicko Cadell</author>
-       /// <author>Gert Driesen</author>
-       /// <author>Lance Nehring</author>
-       public class AdoNetAppender : BufferingAppenderSkeleton
-       {
-               #region Public Instance Constructors
-               /// <summary> 
-               /// Initializes a new instance of the <see 
cref="AdoNetAppender" /> class.
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// Public default constructor to initialize a new instance of 
this class.
-               /// </remarks>
-               public AdoNetAppender()
-               {
-                       ConnectionType = "System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection, 
System.Data, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, 
-                       UseTransactions = true;
-                       CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
-                       m_parameters = new ArrayList();
-                       ReconnectOnError = false;
-               }
-               #endregion // Public Instance Constructors
-               #region Public Instance Properties
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Gets or sets the database connection string that is used to 
connect to 
-               /// the database.
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <value>
-               /// The database connection string used to connect to the 
-               /// </value>
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// <para>
-               /// The connections string is specific to the connection type.
-               /// See <see cref="ConnectionType"/> for more information.
-               /// </para>
-               /// </remarks>
-               /// <example>Connection string for MS Access via ODBC:
-               /// <code>"DSN=MS Access 
Database;UID=admin;PWD=;SystemDB=C:\data\System.mdw;SafeTransactions = 0;FIL=MS 
Access;DriverID = 25;DBQ=C:\data\train33.mdb"</code>
-               /// </example>
-               /// <example>Another connection string for MS Access via ODBC:
-               /// <code>"Driver={Microsoft Access Driver 
-               /// </example>
-               /// <example>Connection string for MS Access via OLE DB:
-               /// <code>"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data 
Source=C:\Work\cvs_root\log4net-1.2\access.mdb;User Id=;Password=;"</code>
-               /// </example>
-               public string ConnectionString
-               {
-                       get { return m_connectionString; }
-                       set { m_connectionString = value; }
-               }
-               /// <summary>
-               /// The appSettings key from App.Config that contains the 
connection string.
-               /// </summary>
-               public string AppSettingsKey
-               {
-                       get { return m_appSettingsKey; }
-                       set { m_appSettingsKey = value; }
-               }
-#if NET_2_0
-               /// <summary>
-               /// The connectionStrings key from App.Config that contains the 
connection string.
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// This property requires at least .NET 2.0.
-               /// </remarks>
-               public string ConnectionStringName
-               {
-                       get { return m_connectionStringName; }
-                       set { m_connectionStringName = value; }
-               }
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Gets or sets the type name of the <see 
cref="IDbConnection"/> connection
-               /// that should be created.
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <value>
-               /// The type name of the <see cref="IDbConnection"/> connection.
-               /// </value>
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// <para>
-               /// The type name of the ADO.NET provider to use.
-               /// </para>
-               /// <para>
-               /// The default is to use the OLE DB provider.
-               /// </para>
-               /// </remarks>
-               /// <example>Use the OLE DB Provider. This is the default value.
-               /// <code>System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection, System.Data, 
Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</code>
-               /// </example>
-               /// <example>Use the MS SQL Server Provider. 
-               /// <code>System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection, System.Data, 
Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</code>
-               /// </example>
-               /// <example>Use the ODBC Provider. 
-               /// 
-               /// This is an optional package that you can download from 
-               /// <a 
-               /// search for <b>ODBC .NET Data Provider</b>.
-               /// </example>
-               /// <example>Use the Oracle Provider. 
-               /// <code>System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection, 
System.Data.OracleClient, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, 
-               /// This is an optional package that you can download from 
-               /// <a 
-               /// search for <b>.NET Managed Provider for Oracle</b>.
-               /// </example>
-               public string ConnectionType
-               {
-                       get { return m_connectionType; }
-                       set { m_connectionType = value; }
-               }
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Gets or sets the command text that is used to insert 
logging events
-               /// into the database.
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <value>
-               /// The command text used to insert logging events into the 
-               /// </value>
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// <para>
-               /// Either the text of the prepared statement or the
-               /// name of the stored procedure to execute to write into
-               /// the database.
-               /// </para>
-               /// <para>
-               /// The <see cref="CommandType"/> property determines if
-               /// this text is a prepared statement or a stored procedure.
-               /// </para>
-               /// <para>
-               /// If this property is not set, the command text is retrieved 
by invoking
-               /// <see cref="GetLogStatement(LoggingEvent)"/>.
-               /// </para>
-               /// </remarks>
-               public string CommandText
-               {
-                       get { return m_commandText; }
-                       set { m_commandText = value; }
-               }
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Gets or sets the command type to execute.
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <value>
-               /// The command type to execute.
-               /// </value>
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// <para>
-               /// This value may be either <see 
cref="System.Data.CommandType.Text"/> (<c>System.Data.CommandType.Text</c>) to 
-               /// that the <see cref="CommandText"/> is a prepared statement 
to execute, 
-               /// or <see cref="System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure"/> 
(<c>System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure</c>) to specify that the
-               /// <see cref="CommandText"/> property is the name of a stored 
-               /// to execute.
-               /// </para>
-               /// <para>
-               /// The default value is <see 
cref="System.Data.CommandType.Text"/> (<c>System.Data.CommandType.Text</c>).
-               /// </para>
-               /// </remarks>
-               public CommandType CommandType
-               {
-                       get { return m_commandType; }
-                       set { m_commandType = value; }
-               }
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Should transactions be used to insert logging events in the 
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <value>
-               /// <c>true</c> if transactions should be used to insert 
logging events in
-               /// the database, otherwise <c>false</c>. The default value is 
-               /// </value>
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// <para>
-               /// Gets or sets a value that indicates whether transactions 
should be used
-               /// to insert logging events in the database.
-               /// </para>
-               /// <para>
-               /// When set a single transaction will be used to insert the 
buffered events
-               /// into the database. Otherwise each event will be inserted 
without using
-               /// an explicit transaction.
-               /// </para>
-               /// </remarks>
-               public bool UseTransactions
-               {
-                       get { return m_useTransactions; }
-                       set { m_useTransactions = value; }
-               }
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Gets or sets the <see cref="SecurityContext"/> used to call 
the NetSend method.
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <value>
-               /// The <see cref="SecurityContext"/> used to call the NetSend 
-               /// </value>
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// <para>
-               /// Unless a <see cref="SecurityContext"/> specified here for 
this appender
-               /// the <see cref="SecurityContextProvider.DefaultProvider"/> 
is queried for the
-               /// security context to use. The default behavior is to use the 
security context
-               /// of the current thread.
-               /// </para>
-               /// </remarks>
-               public SecurityContext SecurityContext
-               {
-                       get { return m_securityContext; }
-                       set { m_securityContext = value; }
-               }
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Should this appender try to reconnect to the database on 
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <value>
-               /// <c>true</c> if the appender should try to reconnect to the 
database after an
-               /// error has occurred, otherwise <c>false</c>. The default 
value is <c>false</c>, 
-               /// i.e. not to try to reconnect.
-               /// </value>
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// <para>
-               /// The default behaviour is for the appender not to try to 
reconnect to the
-               /// database if an error occurs. Subsequent logging events are 
-               /// </para>
-               /// <para>
-               /// To force the appender to attempt to reconnect to the 
database set this
-               /// property to <c>true</c>.
-               /// </para>
-               /// <note>
-               /// When the appender attempts to connect to the database there 
may be a
-               /// delay of up to the connection timeout specified in the 
connection string.
-               /// This delay will block the calling application's thread. 
-               /// Until the connection can be reestablished this potential 
delay may occur multiple times.
-               /// </note>
-               /// </remarks>
-               public bool ReconnectOnError
-               {
-                       get { return m_reconnectOnError; }
-                       set { m_reconnectOnError = value; }
-               }
-               #endregion // Public Instance Properties
-               #region Protected Instance Properties
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Gets or sets the underlying <see cref="IDbConnection" />.
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <value>
-               /// The underlying <see cref="IDbConnection" />.
-               /// </value>
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// <see cref="AdoNetAppender" /> creates a <see 
cref="IDbConnection" /> to insert 
-               /// logging events into a database.  Classes deriving from <see 
cref="AdoNetAppender" /> 
-               /// can use this property to get or set this <see 
cref="IDbConnection" />.  Use the 
-               /// underlying <see cref="IDbConnection" /> returned from <see 
cref="Connection" /> if 
-               /// you require access beyond that which <see 
cref="AdoNetAppender" /> provides.
-               /// </remarks>
-               protected IDbConnection Connection
-               {
-                       get { return m_dbConnection; }
-                       set { m_dbConnection = value; }
-               }
-               #endregion // Protected Instance Properties
-               #region Implementation of IOptionHandler
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Initialize the appender based on the options set
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// <para>
-               /// This is part of the <see cref="IOptionHandler"/> delayed 
-               /// activation scheme. The <see cref="ActivateOptions"/> method 
-               /// be called on this object after the configuration properties 
-               /// been set. Until <see cref="ActivateOptions"/> is called this
-               /// object is in an undefined state and must not be used. 
-               /// </para>
-               /// <para>
-               /// If any of the configuration properties are modified then 
-               /// <see cref="ActivateOptions"/> must be called again.
-               /// </para>
-               /// </remarks>
-               override public void ActivateOptions()
-               {
-                       base.ActivateOptions();
-                       if (SecurityContext == null)
-                       {
-                               SecurityContext = 
-                       }
-                       InitializeDatabaseConnection();
-               }
-               #endregion
-               #region Override implementation of AppenderSkeleton
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Override the parent method to close the database
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// <para>
-               /// Closes the database command and database connection.
-               /// </para>
-               /// </remarks>
-               override protected void OnClose()
-               {
-                       base.OnClose();
-                       DiposeConnection();
-               }
-               #endregion
-               #region Override implementation of BufferingAppenderSkeleton
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Inserts the events into the database.
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <param name="events">The events to insert into the 
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// <para>
-               /// Insert all the events specified in the <paramref 
-               /// array into the database.
-               /// </para>
-               /// </remarks>
-               override protected void SendBuffer(LoggingEvent[] events)
-               {
-                       if (ReconnectOnError && (Connection == null || 
Connection.State != ConnectionState.Open))
-                       {
-                               LogLog.Debug(declaringType, "Attempting to 
reconnect to database. Current Connection State: " + ((Connection == null) ? 
SystemInfo.NullText : Connection.State.ToString()));
-                               InitializeDatabaseConnection();
-                       }
-                       // Check that the connection exists and is open
-                       if (Connection != null && Connection.State == 
-                       {
-                               if (UseTransactions)
-                               {
-                                       // Create transaction
-                                       // NJC - Do this on 2 lines because it 
can confuse the debugger
-                                       using (IDbTransaction dbTran = 
-                                       {
-                                               try
-                                               {
-                                                       SendBuffer(dbTran, 
-                                                       // commit transaction
-                                                       dbTran.Commit();
-                                               }
-                                               catch (Exception ex)
-                                               {
-                                                       // rollback the 
-                                                       try
-                                                       {
-                                                       }
-                                                       catch (Exception)
-                                                       {
-                                                               // Ignore 
-                                                       }
-                                                       // Can't insert into 
the database. That's a bad thing
ErrorHandler.Error("Exception while writing to database", ex);
-                                               }
-                                       }
-                               }
-                               else
-                               {
-                                       // Send without transaction
-                                       SendBuffer(null, events);
-                               }
-                       }
-               }
-               #endregion // Override implementation of 
-               #region Public Instance Methods
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Adds a parameter to the command.
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <param name="parameter">The parameter to add to the 
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// <para>
-               /// Adds a parameter to the ordered list of command parameters.
-               /// </para>
-               /// </remarks>
-               public void AddParameter(AdoNetAppenderParameter parameter)
-               {
-                       m_parameters.Add(parameter);
-               }
-               #endregion // Public Instance Methods
-               #region Protected Instance Methods
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Writes the events to the database using the transaction 
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <param name="dbTran">The transaction that the events will 
be executed under.</param>
-               /// <param name="events">The array of events to insert into the 
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// <para>
-               /// The transaction argument can be <c>null</c> if the appender 
has been
-               /// configured not to use transactions. See <see 
-               /// property for more information.
-               /// </para>
-               /// </remarks>
-               virtual protected void SendBuffer(IDbTransaction dbTran, 
LoggingEvent[] events)
-               {
-                       // string.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace() does not exist in 
ancient .NET frameworks
-                       if (CommandText != null && CommandText.Trim() != "")
-                       {
-                               using (IDbCommand dbCmd = 
-                               {
-                                       // Set the command string
-                                       dbCmd.CommandText = CommandText;
-                                       // Set the command type
-                                       dbCmd.CommandType = CommandType;
-                                       // Send buffer using the prepared 
command object
-                                       if (dbTran != null)
-                                       {
-                                               dbCmd.Transaction = dbTran;
-                                       }
-                                       // prepare the command, which is 
significantly faster
-                                       dbCmd.Prepare();
-                                       // run for all events
-                                       foreach (LoggingEvent e in events)
-                                       {
-                                               // Set the parameter values
-                                               foreach 
(AdoNetAppenderParameter param in m_parameters)
-                                               {
param.FormatValue(dbCmd, e);
-                                               }
-                                               // Execute the query
-                                               dbCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
-                                       }
-                               }
-                       }
-                       else
-                       {
-                               // create a new command
-                               using (IDbCommand dbCmd = 
-                               {
-                                       if (dbTran != null)
-                                       {
-                                               dbCmd.Transaction = dbTran;
-                                       }
-                                       // run for all events
-                                       foreach (LoggingEvent e in events)
-                                       {
-                                               // Get the command text from 
the Layout
-                                               string logStatement = 
-                                               LogLog.Debug(declaringType, 
"LogStatement [" + logStatement + "]");
-                                               dbCmd.CommandText = 
-                                               dbCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
-                                       }
-                               }
-                       }
-               }
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Formats the log message into database statement text.
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <param name="logEvent">The event being logged.</param>
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// This method can be overridden by subclasses to provide 
-               /// more control over the format of the database statement.
-               /// </remarks>
-               /// <returns>
-               /// Text that can be passed to a <see 
-               /// </returns>
-               virtual protected string GetLogStatement(LoggingEvent logEvent)
-               {
-                       if (Layout == null)
-                       {
-                               ErrorHandler.Error("AdoNetAppender: No Layout 
-                               return "";
-                       }
-                       else
-                       {
-                               StringWriter writer = new 
-                               Layout.Format(writer, logEvent);
-                               return writer.ToString();
-                       }
-               }
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Creates an <see cref="IDbConnection"/> instance used to 
connect to the database.
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// This method is called whenever a new IDbConnection is 
needed (i.e. when a reconnect is necessary).
-               /// </remarks>
-               /// <param name="connectionType">The <see cref="Type"/> of the 
<see cref="IDbConnection"/> object.</param>
-               /// <param name="connectionString">The connectionString output 
from the ResolveConnectionString method.</param>
-               /// <returns>An <see cref="IDbConnection"/> instance with a 
valid connection string.</returns>
-               virtual protected IDbConnection CreateConnection(Type 
connectionType, string connectionString)
-               {
-                       IDbConnection connection = 
-                       connection.ConnectionString = connectionString;
-                       return connection;
-               }
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Resolves the connection string from the ConnectionString, 
ConnectionStringName, or AppSettingsKey
-               /// property.
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// ConnectiongStringName is only supported on .NET 2.0 and 
-               /// </remarks>
-               /// <param name="connectionStringContext">Additional 
information describing the connection string.</param>
-               /// <returns>A connection string used to connect to the 
-               virtual protected string ResolveConnectionString(out string 
-               {
-                       if (ConnectionString != null && ConnectionString.Length 
> 0)
-                       {
-                               connectionStringContext = "ConnectionString";
-                               return ConnectionString;
-                       }
-#if NET_2_0
-                       if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ConnectionStringName))
-                       {
-                               ConnectionStringSettings settings = 
-                               if (settings != null)
-                               {
-                                       connectionStringContext = 
-                                       return settings.ConnectionString;
-                               }
-                               else
-                               {
-                                       throw new LogException("Unable to find 
[" + ConnectionStringName + "] ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings item");
-                               }
-                       }
-                       if (AppSettingsKey != null && AppSettingsKey.Length > 0)
-                       {
-                               connectionStringContext = "AppSettingsKey";
-                               string appSettingsConnectionString = 
-                               if (appSettingsConnectionString == null || 
appSettingsConnectionString.Length == 0)
-                               {
-                                       throw new LogException("Unable to find 
[" + AppSettingsKey + "] AppSettings key.");
-                               }
-                               return appSettingsConnectionString;
-                       }
-                       connectionStringContext = "Unable to resolve connection 
string from ConnectionString, ConnectionStrings, or AppSettings.";
-                       return string.Empty;
-               }
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Retrieves the class type of the ADO.NET provider.
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// <para>
-               /// Gets the Type of the ADO.NET provider to use to connect to 
-               /// database. This method resolves the type specified in the 
-               /// <see cref="ConnectionType"/> property.
-               /// </para>
-               /// <para>
-               /// Subclasses can override this method to return a different 
-               /// if necessary.
-               /// </para>
-               /// </remarks>
-               /// <returns>The <see cref="Type"/> of the ADO.NET 
-               virtual protected Type ResolveConnectionType()
-               {
-                       try
-                       {
-                               return 
SystemInfo.GetTypeFromString(ConnectionType, true, false);
-                       }
-                       catch (Exception ex)
-                       {
-                               ErrorHandler.Error("Failed to load connection 
type [" + ConnectionType + "]", ex);
-                               throw;
-                       }
-               }
-               #endregion // Protected Instance Methods
-               #region Private Instance Methods
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Connects to the database.
-               /// </summary>          
-               private void InitializeDatabaseConnection()
-               {
-                       string connectionStringContext = "Unable to determine 
connection string context.";
-                       string resolvedConnectionString = string.Empty;
-                       try
-                       {
-                               DiposeConnection();
-                               // Set the connection string
-                               resolvedConnectionString = 
ResolveConnectionString(out connectionStringContext);
-                               Connection = 
CreateConnection(ResolveConnectionType(), resolvedConnectionString);
-                               using (SecurityContext.Impersonate(this))
-                               {
-                                       // Open the database connection
-                                       Connection.Open();
-                               }
-                       }
-                       catch (Exception e)
-                       {
-                               // Sadly, your connection string is bad.
-                               ErrorHandler.Error("Could not open database 
connection [" + resolvedConnectionString + "]. Connection string context [" + 
connectionStringContext + "].", e);
-                               Connection = null;
-                       }
-               }
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Cleanup the existing connection.
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// Calls the IDbConnection's <see cref="IDbConnection.Close"/> 
-               /// </remarks>
-               private void DiposeConnection()
-               {
-                       if (Connection != null)
-                       {
-                               try
-                               {
-                                       Connection.Close();
-                               }
-                               catch (Exception ex)
-                               {
-                                       LogLog.Warn(declaringType, "Exception 
while disposing cached connection object", ex);
-                               }
-                               Connection = null;
-                       }
-               }
-               #endregion // Private Instance Methods
-               #region Protected Instance Fields
-               /// <summary>
-               /// The list of <see cref="AdoNetAppenderParameter"/> objects.
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// <para>
-               /// The list of <see cref="AdoNetAppenderParameter"/> objects.
-               /// </para>
-               /// </remarks>
-               protected ArrayList m_parameters;
-               #endregion // Protected Instance Fields
-               #region Private Instance Fields
-               /// <summary>
-               /// The security context to use for privileged calls
-               /// </summary>
-               private SecurityContext m_securityContext;
-               /// <summary>
-               /// The <see cref="IDbConnection" /> that will be used
-               /// to insert logging events into a database.
-               /// </summary>
-               private IDbConnection m_dbConnection;
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Database connection string.
-               /// </summary>
-               private string m_connectionString;
-               /// <summary>
-               /// The appSettings key from App.Config that contains the 
connection string.
-               /// </summary>
-               private string m_appSettingsKey;
-#if NET_2_0
-               /// <summary>
-               /// The connectionStrings key from App.Config that contains the 
connection string.
-               /// </summary>
-               private string m_connectionStringName;
-               /// <summary>
-               /// String type name of the <see cref="IDbConnection"/> type 
-               /// </summary>
-               private string m_connectionType;
-               /// <summary>
-               /// The text of the command.
-               /// </summary>
-               private string m_commandText;
-               /// <summary>
-               /// The command type.
-               /// </summary>
-               private CommandType m_commandType;
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Indicates whether to use transactions when writing to the 
-               /// </summary>
-               private bool m_useTransactions;
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Indicates whether to reconnect when a connection is lost.
-               /// </summary>
-               private bool m_reconnectOnError;
-               #endregion // Private Instance Fields
-               #region Private Static Fields
-               /// <summary>
-               /// The fully qualified type of the AdoNetAppender class.
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the
-               /// log message.
-               /// </remarks>
-               private readonly static Type declaringType = 
-               #endregion Private Static Fields
-       }
-       /// <summary>
-       /// Parameter type used by the <see cref="AdoNetAppender"/>.
-       /// </summary>
-       /// <remarks>
-       /// <para>
-       /// This class provides the basic database parameter properties
-       /// as defined by the <see cref="System.Data.IDbDataParameter"/> 
-       /// </para>
-       /// <para>This type can be subclassed to provide database specific
-       /// functionality. The two methods that are called externally are
-       /// <see cref="Prepare"/> and <see cref="FormatValue"/>.
-       /// </para>
-       /// </remarks>
-       public class AdoNetAppenderParameter
-       {
-               #region Public Instance Constructors
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Initializes a new instance of the <see 
cref="AdoNetAppenderParameter" /> class.
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// Default constructor for the AdoNetAppenderParameter class.
-               /// </remarks>
-               public AdoNetAppenderParameter()
-               {
-                       Precision = 0;
-                       Scale = 0;
-                       Size = 0;
-               }
-               #endregion // Public Instance Constructors
-               #region Public Instance Properties
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Gets or sets the name of this parameter.
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <value>
-               /// The name of this parameter.
-               /// </value>
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// <para>
-               /// The name of this parameter. The parameter name
-               /// must match up to a named parameter to the SQL stored 
-               /// or prepared statement.
-               /// </para>
-               /// </remarks>
-               public string ParameterName
-               {
-                       get { return m_parameterName; }
-                       set { m_parameterName = value; }
-               }
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Gets or sets the database type for this parameter.
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <value>
-               /// The database type for this parameter.
-               /// </value>
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// <para>
-               /// The database type for this parameter. This property should
-               /// be set to the database type from the <see cref="DbType"/>
-               /// enumeration. See <see cref="IDataParameter.DbType"/>.
-               /// </para>
-               /// <para>
-               /// This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET 
-               /// will attempt to infer the type from the value.
-               /// </para>
-               /// </remarks>
-               /// <seealso cref="IDataParameter.DbType" />
-               public DbType DbType
-               {
-                       get { return m_dbType; }
-                       set
-                       {
-                               m_dbType = value;
-                               m_inferType = false;
-                       }
-               }
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Gets or sets the precision for this parameter.
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <value>
-               /// The precision for this parameter.
-               /// </value>
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// <para>
-               /// The maximum number of digits used to represent the Value.
-               /// </para>
-               /// <para>
-               /// This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET 
-               /// will attempt to infer the precision from the value.
-               /// </para>
-               /// </remarks>
-               /// <seealso cref="IDbDataParameter.Precision" />
-               public byte Precision
-               {
-                       get { return m_precision; }
-                       set { m_precision = value; }
-               }
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Gets or sets the scale for this parameter.
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <value>
-               /// The scale for this parameter.
-               /// </value>
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// <para>
-               /// The number of decimal places to which Value is resolved.
-               /// </para>
-               /// <para>
-               /// This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET 
-               /// will attempt to infer the scale from the value.
-               /// </para>
-               /// </remarks>
-               /// <seealso cref="IDbDataParameter.Scale" />
-               public byte Scale
-               {
-                       get { return m_scale; }
-                       set { m_scale = value; }
-               }
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Gets or sets the size for this parameter.
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <value>
-               /// The size for this parameter.
-               /// </value>
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// <para>
-               /// The maximum size, in bytes, of the data within the column.
-               /// </para>
-               /// <para>
-               /// This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET 
-               /// will attempt to infer the size from the value.
-               /// </para>
-               /// <para>
-               /// For BLOB data types like VARCHAR(max) it may be impossible 
to infer the value automatically, use -1 as the size in this case.
-               /// </para>
-               /// </remarks>
-               /// <seealso cref="IDbDataParameter.Size" />
-               public int Size
-               {
-                       get { return m_size; }
-                       set { m_size = value; }
-               }
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Gets or sets the <see cref="IRawLayout"/> to use to 
-               /// render the logging event into an object for this 
-               /// parameter.
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <value>
-               /// The <see cref="IRawLayout"/> used to render the
-               /// logging event into an object for this parameter.
-               /// </value>
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// <para>
-               /// The <see cref="IRawLayout"/> that renders the value for this
-               /// parameter.
-               /// </para>
-               /// <para>
-               /// The <see cref="RawLayoutConverter"/> can be used to adapt
-               /// any <see cref="ILayout"/> into a <see cref="IRawLayout"/>
-               /// for use in the property.
-               /// </para>
-               /// </remarks>
-               public IRawLayout Layout
-               {
-                       get { return m_layout; }
-                       set { m_layout = value; }
-               }
-               #endregion // Public Instance Properties
-               #region Public Instance Methods
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Prepare the specified database command object.
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <param name="command">The command to prepare.</param>
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// <para>
-               /// Prepares the database command object by adding
-               /// this parameter to its collection of parameters.
-               /// </para>
-               /// </remarks>
-               virtual public void Prepare(IDbCommand command)
-               {
-                       // Create a new parameter
-                       IDbDataParameter param = command.CreateParameter();
-                       // Set the parameter properties
-                       param.ParameterName = ParameterName;
-                       if (!m_inferType)
-                       {
-                               param.DbType = DbType;
-                       }
-                       if (Precision != 0)
-                       {
-                               param.Precision = Precision;
-                       }
-                       if (Scale != 0)
-                       {
-                               param.Scale = Scale;
-                       }
-                       if (Size != 0)
-                       {
-                               param.Size = Size;
-                       }
-                       // Add the parameter to the collection of params
-                       command.Parameters.Add(param);
-               }
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Renders the logging event and set the parameter value in 
the command.
-               /// </summary>
-               /// <param name="command">The command containing the 
-               /// <param name="loggingEvent">The event to be rendered.</param>
-               /// <remarks>
-               /// <para>
-               /// Renders the logging event using this parameters layout
-               /// object. Sets the value of the parameter on the command 
-               /// </para>
-               /// </remarks>
-               virtual public void FormatValue(IDbCommand command, 
LoggingEvent loggingEvent)
-               {
-                       // Lookup the parameter
-                       IDbDataParameter param = 
-                       // Format the value
-                       object formattedValue = Layout.Format(loggingEvent);
-                       // If the value is null then convert to a DBNull
-                       if (formattedValue == null)
-                       {
-                               formattedValue = DBNull.Value;
-                       }
-                       param.Value = formattedValue;
-               }
-               #endregion // Public Instance Methods
-               #region Private Instance Fields
-               /// <summary>
-               /// The name of this parameter.
-               /// </summary>
-               private string m_parameterName;
-               /// <summary>
-               /// The database type for this parameter.
-               /// </summary>
-               private DbType m_dbType;
-               /// <summary>
-               /// Flag to infer type rather than use the DbType
-               /// </summary>
-               private bool m_inferType = true;
-               /// <summary>
-               /// The precision for this parameter.
-               /// </summary>
-               private byte m_precision;
-               /// <summary>
-               /// The scale for this parameter.
-               /// </summary>
-               private byte m_scale;
-               /// <summary>
-               /// The size for this parameter.
-               /// </summary>
-               private int m_size;
-               /// <summary>
-               /// The <see cref="IRawLayout"/> to use to render the
-               /// logging event into an object for this parameter.
-               /// </summary>
-               private IRawLayout m_layout;
-               #endregion // Private Instance Fields
-       }
+#region Apache License
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more 
+// contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with
+// this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. 
+// The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+// (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with 
+// the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+// SSCLI 1.0 has no support for ADO.NET
+#if !SSCLI
+using System;
+using System.Collections;
+using System.Configuration;
+using System.Data;
+using System.IO;
+using log4net.Util;
+using log4net.Layout;
+using log4net.Core;
+namespace log4net.Appender
+       /// <summary>
+       /// Appender that logs to a database.
+       /// </summary>
+       /// <remarks>
+       /// <para>
+       /// <see cref="AdoNetAppender"/> appends logging events to a table 
within a
+       /// database. The appender can be configured to specify the connection 
+       /// string by setting the <see cref="ConnectionString"/> property. 
+       /// The connection type (provider) can be specified by setting the <see 
+       /// property. For more information on database connection strings for
+       /// your specific database see <a 
+       /// </para>
+       /// <para>
+       /// Records are written into the database either using a prepared
+       /// statement or a stored procedure. The <see cref="CommandType"/> 
+       /// is set to <see cref="System.Data.CommandType.Text"/> 
(<c>System.Data.CommandType.Text</c>) to specify a prepared statement
+       /// or to <see cref="System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure"/> 
(<c>System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure</c>) to specify a stored
+       /// procedure.
+       /// </para>
+       /// <para>
+       /// The prepared statement text or the name of the stored procedure
+       /// must be set in the <see cref="CommandText"/> property.
+       /// </para>
+       /// <para>
+       /// The prepared statement or stored procedure can take a number
+       /// of parameters. Parameters are added using the <see 
+       /// method. This adds a single <see cref="AdoNetAppenderParameter"/> to 
+       /// ordered list of parameters. The <see 
+       /// type may be subclassed if required to provide database specific
+       /// functionality. The <see cref="AdoNetAppenderParameter"/> specifies
+       /// the parameter name, database type, size, and how the value should
+       /// be generated using a <see cref="ILayout"/>.
+       /// </para>
+       /// </remarks>
+       /// <example>
+       /// An example of a SQL Server table that could be logged to:
+       /// <code lang="SQL">
+       /// CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Log] ( 
+       ///   [ID] [int] IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL ,
+       ///   [Date] [datetime] NOT NULL ,
+       ///   [Thread] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL ,
+       ///   [Level] [varchar] (20) NOT NULL ,
+       ///   [Logger] [varchar] (255) NOT NULL ,
+       ///   [Message] [varchar] (4000) NOT NULL 
+       /// ) ON [PRIMARY]
+       /// </code>
+       /// </example>
+       /// <example>
+       /// An example configuration to log to the above table:
+       /// <code lang="XML" escaped="true">
+       /// <appender name="AdoNetAppender_SqlServer" 
type="log4net.Appender.AdoNetAppender" >
+       ///   <connectionType value="System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection, 
System.Data, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, 
PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089" />
+       ///   <connectionString value="data source=SQLSVR;initial 
catalog=test_log4net;integrated security=false;persist security info=True;User 
ID=sa;Password=sa" />
+       ///   <commandText value="INSERT INTO Log 
([Date],[Thread],[Level],[Logger],[Message]) VALUES (@log_date, @thread, 
@log_level, @logger, @message)" />
+       ///   <parameter>
+       ///     <parameterName value="@log_date" />
+       ///     <dbType value="DateTime" />
+       ///     <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout" 
value="%date{yyyy'-'MM'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss'.'fff}" />
+       ///   </parameter>
+       ///   <parameter>
+       ///     <parameterName value="@thread" />
+       ///     <dbType value="String" />
+       ///     <size value="255" />
+       ///     <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout" value="%thread" />
+       ///   </parameter>
+       ///   <parameter>
+       ///     <parameterName value="@log_level" />
+       ///     <dbType value="String" />
+       ///     <size value="50" />
+       ///     <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout" value="%level" />
+       ///   </parameter>
+       ///   <parameter>
+       ///     <parameterName value="@logger" />
+       ///     <dbType value="String" />
+       ///     <size value="255" />
+       ///     <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout" value="%logger" />
+       ///   </parameter>
+       ///   <parameter>
+       ///     <parameterName value="@message" />
+       ///     <dbType value="String" />
+       ///     <size value="4000" />
+       ///     <layout type="log4net.Layout.PatternLayout" value="%message" />
+       ///   </parameter>
+       /// </appender>
+       /// </code>
+       /// </example>
+       /// <author>Julian Biddle</author>
+       /// <author>Nicko Cadell</author>
+       /// <author>Gert Driesen</author>
+       /// <author>Lance Nehring</author>
+       public class AdoNetAppender : BufferingAppenderSkeleton
+       {
+               #region Public Instance Constructors
+               /// <summary> 
+               /// Initializes a new instance of the <see 
cref="AdoNetAppender" /> class.
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// Public default constructor to initialize a new instance of 
this class.
+               /// </remarks>
+               public AdoNetAppender()
+               {
+                       ConnectionType = "System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection, 
System.Data, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, 
+                       UseTransactions = true;
+                       CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.Text;
+                       m_parameters = new ArrayList();
+                       ReconnectOnError = false;
+               }
+               #endregion // Public Instance Constructors
+               #region Public Instance Properties
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Gets or sets the database connection string that is used to 
connect to 
+               /// the database.
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <value>
+               /// The database connection string used to connect to the 
+               /// </value>
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// <para>
+               /// The connections string is specific to the connection type.
+               /// See <see cref="ConnectionType"/> for more information.
+               /// </para>
+               /// </remarks>
+               /// <example>Connection string for MS Access via ODBC:
+               /// <code>"DSN=MS Access 
Database;UID=admin;PWD=;SystemDB=C:\data\System.mdw;SafeTransactions = 0;FIL=MS 
Access;DriverID = 25;DBQ=C:\data\train33.mdb"</code>
+               /// </example>
+               /// <example>Another connection string for MS Access via ODBC:
+               /// <code>"Driver={Microsoft Access Driver 
+               /// </example>
+               /// <example>Connection string for MS Access via OLE DB:
+               /// <code>"Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data 
Source=C:\Work\cvs_root\log4net-1.2\access.mdb;User Id=;Password=;"</code>
+               /// </example>
+               public string ConnectionString
+               {
+                       get { return m_connectionString; }
+                       set { m_connectionString = value; }
+               }
+               /// <summary>
+               /// The appSettings key from App.Config that contains the 
connection string.
+               /// </summary>
+               public string AppSettingsKey
+               {
+                       get { return m_appSettingsKey; }
+                       set { m_appSettingsKey = value; }
+               }
+#if NET_2_0
+               /// <summary>
+               /// The connectionStrings key from App.Config that contains the 
connection string.
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// This property requires at least .NET 2.0.
+               /// </remarks>
+               public string ConnectionStringName
+               {
+                       get { return m_connectionStringName; }
+                       set { m_connectionStringName = value; }
+               }
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Gets or sets the type name of the <see 
cref="IDbConnection"/> connection
+               /// that should be created.
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <value>
+               /// The type name of the <see cref="IDbConnection"/> connection.
+               /// </value>
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// <para>
+               /// The type name of the ADO.NET provider to use.
+               /// </para>
+               /// <para>
+               /// The default is to use the OLE DB provider.
+               /// </para>
+               /// </remarks>
+               /// <example>Use the OLE DB Provider. This is the default value.
+               /// <code>System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnection, System.Data, 
Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</code>
+               /// </example>
+               /// <example>Use the MS SQL Server Provider. 
+               /// <code>System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection, System.Data, 
Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</code>
+               /// </example>
+               /// <example>Use the ODBC Provider. 
+               /// 
+               /// This is an optional package that you can download from 
+               /// <a 
+               /// search for <b>ODBC .NET Data Provider</b>.
+               /// </example>
+               /// <example>Use the Oracle Provider. 
+               /// <code>System.Data.OracleClient.OracleConnection, 
System.Data.OracleClient, Version=1.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, 
+               /// This is an optional package that you can download from 
+               /// <a 
+               /// search for <b>.NET Managed Provider for Oracle</b>.
+               /// </example>
+               public string ConnectionType
+               {
+                       get { return m_connectionType; }
+                       set { m_connectionType = value; }
+               }
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Gets or sets the command text that is used to insert 
logging events
+               /// into the database.
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <value>
+               /// The command text used to insert logging events into the 
+               /// </value>
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// <para>
+               /// Either the text of the prepared statement or the
+               /// name of the stored procedure to execute to write into
+               /// the database.
+               /// </para>
+               /// <para>
+               /// The <see cref="CommandType"/> property determines if
+               /// this text is a prepared statement or a stored procedure.
+               /// </para>
+               /// <para>
+               /// If this property is not set, the command text is retrieved 
by invoking
+               /// <see cref="GetLogStatement(LoggingEvent)"/>.
+               /// </para>
+               /// </remarks>
+               public string CommandText
+               {
+                       get { return m_commandText; }
+                       set { m_commandText = value; }
+               }
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Gets or sets the command type to execute.
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <value>
+               /// The command type to execute.
+               /// </value>
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// <para>
+               /// This value may be either <see 
cref="System.Data.CommandType.Text"/> (<c>System.Data.CommandType.Text</c>) to 
+               /// that the <see cref="CommandText"/> is a prepared statement 
to execute, 
+               /// or <see cref="System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure"/> 
(<c>System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure</c>) to specify that the
+               /// <see cref="CommandText"/> property is the name of a stored 
+               /// to execute.
+               /// </para>
+               /// <para>
+               /// The default value is <see 
cref="System.Data.CommandType.Text"/> (<c>System.Data.CommandType.Text</c>).
+               /// </para>
+               /// </remarks>
+               public CommandType CommandType
+               {
+                       get { return m_commandType; }
+                       set { m_commandType = value; }
+               }
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Should transactions be used to insert logging events in the 
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <value>
+               /// <c>true</c> if transactions should be used to insert 
logging events in
+               /// the database, otherwise <c>false</c>. The default value is 
+               /// </value>
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// <para>
+               /// Gets or sets a value that indicates whether transactions 
should be used
+               /// to insert logging events in the database.
+               /// </para>
+               /// <para>
+               /// When set a single transaction will be used to insert the 
buffered events
+               /// into the database. Otherwise each event will be inserted 
without using
+               /// an explicit transaction.
+               /// </para>
+               /// </remarks>
+               public bool UseTransactions
+               {
+                       get { return m_useTransactions; }
+                       set { m_useTransactions = value; }
+               }
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Gets or sets the <see cref="SecurityContext"/> used to call 
the NetSend method.
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <value>
+               /// The <see cref="SecurityContext"/> used to call the NetSend 
+               /// </value>
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// <para>
+               /// Unless a <see cref="SecurityContext"/> specified here for 
this appender
+               /// the <see cref="SecurityContextProvider.DefaultProvider"/> 
is queried for the
+               /// security context to use. The default behavior is to use the 
security context
+               /// of the current thread.
+               /// </para>
+               /// </remarks>
+               public SecurityContext SecurityContext
+               {
+                       get { return m_securityContext; }
+                       set { m_securityContext = value; }
+               }
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Should this appender try to reconnect to the database on 
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <value>
+               /// <c>true</c> if the appender should try to reconnect to the 
database after an
+               /// error has occurred, otherwise <c>false</c>. The default 
value is <c>false</c>, 
+               /// i.e. not to try to reconnect.
+               /// </value>
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// <para>
+               /// The default behaviour is for the appender not to try to 
reconnect to the
+               /// database if an error occurs. Subsequent logging events are 
+               /// </para>
+               /// <para>
+               /// To force the appender to attempt to reconnect to the 
database set this
+               /// property to <c>true</c>.
+               /// </para>
+               /// <note>
+               /// When the appender attempts to connect to the database there 
may be a
+               /// delay of up to the connection timeout specified in the 
connection string.
+               /// This delay will block the calling application's thread. 
+               /// Until the connection can be reestablished this potential 
delay may occur multiple times.
+               /// </note>
+               /// </remarks>
+               public bool ReconnectOnError
+               {
+                       get { return m_reconnectOnError; }
+                       set { m_reconnectOnError = value; }
+               }
+               #endregion // Public Instance Properties
+               #region Protected Instance Properties
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Gets or sets the underlying <see cref="IDbConnection" />.
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <value>
+               /// The underlying <see cref="IDbConnection" />.
+               /// </value>
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// <see cref="AdoNetAppender" /> creates a <see 
cref="IDbConnection" /> to insert 
+               /// logging events into a database.  Classes deriving from <see 
cref="AdoNetAppender" /> 
+               /// can use this property to get or set this <see 
cref="IDbConnection" />.  Use the 
+               /// underlying <see cref="IDbConnection" /> returned from <see 
cref="Connection" /> if 
+               /// you require access beyond that which <see 
cref="AdoNetAppender" /> provides.
+               /// </remarks>
+               protected IDbConnection Connection
+               {
+                       get { return m_dbConnection; }
+                       set { m_dbConnection = value; }
+               }
+               #endregion // Protected Instance Properties
+               #region Implementation of IOptionHandler
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Initialize the appender based on the options set
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// <para>
+               /// This is part of the <see cref="IOptionHandler"/> delayed 
+               /// activation scheme. The <see cref="ActivateOptions"/> method 
+               /// be called on this object after the configuration properties 
+               /// been set. Until <see cref="ActivateOptions"/> is called this
+               /// object is in an undefined state and must not be used. 
+               /// </para>
+               /// <para>
+               /// If any of the configuration properties are modified then 
+               /// <see cref="ActivateOptions"/> must be called again.
+               /// </para>
+               /// </remarks>
+               override public void ActivateOptions()
+               {
+                       base.ActivateOptions();
+                       if (SecurityContext == null)
+                       {
+                               SecurityContext = 
+                       }
+                       InitializeDatabaseConnection();
+               }
+               #endregion
+               #region Override implementation of AppenderSkeleton
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Override the parent method to close the database
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// <para>
+               /// Closes the database command and database connection.
+               /// </para>
+               /// </remarks>
+               override protected void OnClose()
+               {
+                       base.OnClose();
+                       DiposeConnection();
+               }
+               #endregion
+               #region Override implementation of BufferingAppenderSkeleton
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Inserts the events into the database.
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <param name="events">The events to insert into the 
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// <para>
+               /// Insert all the events specified in the <paramref 
+               /// array into the database.
+               /// </para>
+               /// </remarks>
+               override protected void SendBuffer(LoggingEvent[] events)
+               {
+                       if (ReconnectOnError && (Connection == null || 
Connection.State != ConnectionState.Open))
+                       {
+                               LogLog.Debug(declaringType, "Attempting to 
reconnect to database. Current Connection State: " + ((Connection == null) ? 
SystemInfo.NullText : Connection.State.ToString()));
+                               InitializeDatabaseConnection();
+                       }
+                       // Check that the connection exists and is open
+                       if (Connection != null && Connection.State == 
+                       {
+                               if (UseTransactions)
+                               {
+                                       // Create transaction
+                                       // NJC - Do this on 2 lines because it 
can confuse the debugger
+                                       using (IDbTransaction dbTran = 
+                                       {
+                                               try
+                                               {
+                                                       SendBuffer(dbTran, 
+                                                       // commit transaction
+                                                       dbTran.Commit();
+                                               }
+                                               catch (Exception ex)
+                                               {
+                                                       // rollback the 
+                                                       try
+                                                       {
+                                                       }
+                                                       catch (Exception)
+                                                       {
+                                                               // Ignore 
+                                                       }
+                                                       // Can't insert into 
the database. That's a bad thing
ErrorHandler.Error("Exception while writing to database", ex);
+                                               }
+                                       }
+                               }
+                               else
+                               {
+                                       // Send without transaction
+                                       SendBuffer(null, events);
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
+               #endregion // Override implementation of 
+               #region Public Instance Methods
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Adds a parameter to the command.
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <param name="parameter">The parameter to add to the 
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// <para>
+               /// Adds a parameter to the ordered list of command parameters.
+               /// </para>
+               /// </remarks>
+               public void AddParameter(AdoNetAppenderParameter parameter)
+               {
+                       m_parameters.Add(parameter);
+               }
+               #endregion // Public Instance Methods
+               #region Protected Instance Methods
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Writes the events to the database using the transaction 
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <param name="dbTran">The transaction that the events will 
be executed under.</param>
+               /// <param name="events">The array of events to insert into the 
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// <para>
+               /// The transaction argument can be <c>null</c> if the appender 
has been
+               /// configured not to use transactions. See <see 
+               /// property for more information.
+               /// </para>
+               /// </remarks>
+               virtual protected void SendBuffer(IDbTransaction dbTran, 
LoggingEvent[] events)
+               {
+                       // string.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace() does not exist in 
ancient .NET frameworks
+                       if (CommandText != null && CommandText.Trim() != "")
+                       {
+                               using (IDbCommand dbCmd = 
+                               {
+                                       // Set the command string
+                                       dbCmd.CommandText = CommandText;
+                                       // Set the command type
+                                       dbCmd.CommandType = CommandType;
+                                       // Send buffer using the prepared 
command object
+                                       if (dbTran != null)
+                                       {
+                                               dbCmd.Transaction = dbTran;
+                                       }
+                                       // prepare the command, which is 
significantly faster
+                                       dbCmd.Prepare();
+                                       // run for all events
+                                       foreach (LoggingEvent e in events)
+                                       {
+                                               // Set the parameter values
+                                               foreach 
(AdoNetAppenderParameter param in m_parameters)
+                                               {
+                                                       param.Prepare(dbCmd);
param.FormatValue(dbCmd, e);
+                                               }
+                                               // Execute the query
+                                               dbCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       }
+                       else
+                       {
+                               // create a new command
+                               using (IDbCommand dbCmd = 
+                               {
+                                       if (dbTran != null)
+                                       {
+                                               dbCmd.Transaction = dbTran;
+                                       }
+                                       // run for all events
+                                       foreach (LoggingEvent e in events)
+                                       {
+                                               // Get the command text from 
the Layout
+                                               string logStatement = 
+                                               LogLog.Debug(declaringType, 
"LogStatement [" + logStatement + "]");
+                                               dbCmd.CommandText = 
+                                               dbCmd.ExecuteNonQuery();
+                                       }
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Formats the log message into database statement text.
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <param name="logEvent">The event being logged.</param>
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// This method can be overridden by subclasses to provide 
+               /// more control over the format of the database statement.
+               /// </remarks>
+               /// <returns>
+               /// Text that can be passed to a <see 
+               /// </returns>
+               virtual protected string GetLogStatement(LoggingEvent logEvent)
+               {
+                       if (Layout == null)
+                       {
+                               ErrorHandler.Error("AdoNetAppender: No Layout 
+                               return "";
+                       }
+                       else
+                       {
+                               StringWriter writer = new 
+                               Layout.Format(writer, logEvent);
+                               return writer.ToString();
+                       }
+               }
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Creates an <see cref="IDbConnection"/> instance used to 
connect to the database.
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// This method is called whenever a new IDbConnection is 
needed (i.e. when a reconnect is necessary).
+               /// </remarks>
+               /// <param name="connectionType">The <see cref="Type"/> of the 
<see cref="IDbConnection"/> object.</param>
+               /// <param name="connectionString">The connectionString output 
from the ResolveConnectionString method.</param>
+               /// <returns>An <see cref="IDbConnection"/> instance with a 
valid connection string.</returns>
+               virtual protected IDbConnection CreateConnection(Type 
connectionType, string connectionString)
+               {
+                       IDbConnection connection = 
+                       connection.ConnectionString = connectionString;
+                       return connection;
+               }
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Resolves the connection string from the ConnectionString, 
ConnectionStringName, or AppSettingsKey
+               /// property.
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// ConnectiongStringName is only supported on .NET 2.0 and 
+               /// </remarks>
+               /// <param name="connectionStringContext">Additional 
information describing the connection string.</param>
+               /// <returns>A connection string used to connect to the 
+               virtual protected string ResolveConnectionString(out string 
+               {
+                       if (ConnectionString != null && ConnectionString.Length 
> 0)
+                       {
+                               connectionStringContext = "ConnectionString";
+                               return ConnectionString;
+                       }
+#if NET_2_0
+                       if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ConnectionStringName))
+                       {
+                               ConnectionStringSettings settings = 
+                               if (settings != null)
+                               {
+                                       connectionStringContext = 
+                                       return settings.ConnectionString;
+                               }
+                               else
+                               {
+                                       throw new LogException("Unable to find 
[" + ConnectionStringName + "] ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings item");
+                               }
+                       }
+                       if (AppSettingsKey != null && AppSettingsKey.Length > 0)
+                       {
+                               connectionStringContext = "AppSettingsKey";
+                               string appSettingsConnectionString = 
+                               if (appSettingsConnectionString == null || 
appSettingsConnectionString.Length == 0)
+                               {
+                                       throw new LogException("Unable to find 
[" + AppSettingsKey + "] AppSettings key.");
+                               }
+                               return appSettingsConnectionString;
+                       }
+                       connectionStringContext = "Unable to resolve connection 
string from ConnectionString, ConnectionStrings, or AppSettings.";
+                       return string.Empty;
+               }
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Retrieves the class type of the ADO.NET provider.
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// <para>
+               /// Gets the Type of the ADO.NET provider to use to connect to 
+               /// database. This method resolves the type specified in the 
+               /// <see cref="ConnectionType"/> property.
+               /// </para>
+               /// <para>
+               /// Subclasses can override this method to return a different 
+               /// if necessary.
+               /// </para>
+               /// </remarks>
+               /// <returns>The <see cref="Type"/> of the ADO.NET 
+               virtual protected Type ResolveConnectionType()
+               {
+                       try
+                       {
+                               return 
SystemInfo.GetTypeFromString(ConnectionType, true, false);
+                       }
+                       catch (Exception ex)
+                       {
+                               ErrorHandler.Error("Failed to load connection 
type [" + ConnectionType + "]", ex);
+                               throw;
+                       }
+               }
+               #endregion // Protected Instance Methods
+               #region Private Instance Methods
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Connects to the database.
+               /// </summary>          
+               private void InitializeDatabaseConnection()
+               {
+                       string connectionStringContext = "Unable to determine 
connection string context.";
+                       string resolvedConnectionString = string.Empty;
+                       try
+                       {
+                               DiposeConnection();
+                               // Set the connection string
+                               resolvedConnectionString = 
ResolveConnectionString(out connectionStringContext);
+                               Connection = 
CreateConnection(ResolveConnectionType(), resolvedConnectionString);
+                               using (SecurityContext.Impersonate(this))
+                               {
+                                       // Open the database connection
+                                       Connection.Open();
+                               }
+                       }
+                       catch (Exception e)
+                       {
+                               // Sadly, your connection string is bad.
+                               ErrorHandler.Error("Could not open database 
connection [" + resolvedConnectionString + "]. Connection string context [" + 
connectionStringContext + "].", e);
+                               Connection = null;
+                       }
+               }
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Cleanup the existing connection.
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// Calls the IDbConnection's <see cref="IDbConnection.Close"/> 
+               /// </remarks>
+               private void DiposeConnection()
+               {
+                       if (Connection != null)
+                       {
+                               try
+                               {
+                                       Connection.Close();
+                               }
+                               catch (Exception ex)
+                               {
+                                       LogLog.Warn(declaringType, "Exception 
while disposing cached connection object", ex);
+                               }
+                               Connection = null;
+                       }
+               }
+               #endregion // Private Instance Methods
+               #region Protected Instance Fields
+               /// <summary>
+               /// The list of <see cref="AdoNetAppenderParameter"/> objects.
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// <para>
+               /// The list of <see cref="AdoNetAppenderParameter"/> objects.
+               /// </para>
+               /// </remarks>
+               protected ArrayList m_parameters;
+               #endregion // Protected Instance Fields
+               #region Private Instance Fields
+               /// <summary>
+               /// The security context to use for privileged calls
+               /// </summary>
+               private SecurityContext m_securityContext;
+               /// <summary>
+               /// The <see cref="IDbConnection" /> that will be used
+               /// to insert logging events into a database.
+               /// </summary>
+               private IDbConnection m_dbConnection;
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Database connection string.
+               /// </summary>
+               private string m_connectionString;
+               /// <summary>
+               /// The appSettings key from App.Config that contains the 
connection string.
+               /// </summary>
+               private string m_appSettingsKey;
+#if NET_2_0
+               /// <summary>
+               /// The connectionStrings key from App.Config that contains the 
connection string.
+               /// </summary>
+               private string m_connectionStringName;
+               /// <summary>
+               /// String type name of the <see cref="IDbConnection"/> type 
+               /// </summary>
+               private string m_connectionType;
+               /// <summary>
+               /// The text of the command.
+               /// </summary>
+               private string m_commandText;
+               /// <summary>
+               /// The command type.
+               /// </summary>
+               private CommandType m_commandType;
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Indicates whether to use transactions when writing to the 
+               /// </summary>
+               private bool m_useTransactions;
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Indicates whether to reconnect when a connection is lost.
+               /// </summary>
+               private bool m_reconnectOnError;
+               #endregion // Private Instance Fields
+               #region Private Static Fields
+               /// <summary>
+               /// The fully qualified type of the AdoNetAppender class.
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// Used by the internal logger to record the Type of the
+               /// log message.
+               /// </remarks>
+               private readonly static Type declaringType = 
+               #endregion Private Static Fields
+       }
+       /// <summary>
+       /// Parameter type used by the <see cref="AdoNetAppender"/>.
+       /// </summary>
+       /// <remarks>
+       /// <para>
+       /// This class provides the basic database parameter properties
+       /// as defined by the <see cref="System.Data.IDbDataParameter"/> 
+       /// </para>
+       /// <para>This type can be subclassed to provide database specific
+       /// functionality. The two methods that are called externally are
+       /// <see cref="Prepare"/> and <see cref="FormatValue"/>.
+       /// </para>
+       /// </remarks>
+       public class AdoNetAppenderParameter
+       {
+               #region Public Instance Constructors
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Initializes a new instance of the <see 
cref="AdoNetAppenderParameter" /> class.
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// Default constructor for the AdoNetAppenderParameter class.
+               /// </remarks>
+               public AdoNetAppenderParameter()
+               {
+                       Precision = 0;
+                       Scale = 0;
+                       Size = 0;
+               }
+               #endregion // Public Instance Constructors
+               #region Public Instance Properties
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Gets or sets the name of this parameter.
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <value>
+               /// The name of this parameter.
+               /// </value>
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// <para>
+               /// The name of this parameter. The parameter name
+               /// must match up to a named parameter to the SQL stored 
+               /// or prepared statement.
+               /// </para>
+               /// </remarks>
+               public string ParameterName
+               {
+                       get { return m_parameterName; }
+                       set { m_parameterName = value; }
+               }
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Gets or sets the database type for this parameter.
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <value>
+               /// The database type for this parameter.
+               /// </value>
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// <para>
+               /// The database type for this parameter. This property should
+               /// be set to the database type from the <see cref="DbType"/>
+               /// enumeration. See <see cref="IDataParameter.DbType"/>.
+               /// </para>
+               /// <para>
+               /// This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET 
+               /// will attempt to infer the type from the value.
+               /// </para>
+               /// </remarks>
+               /// <seealso cref="IDataParameter.DbType" />
+               public DbType DbType
+               {
+                       get { return m_dbType; }
+                       set
+                       {
+                               m_dbType = value;
+                               m_inferType = false;
+                       }
+               }
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Gets or sets the precision for this parameter.
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <value>
+               /// The precision for this parameter.
+               /// </value>
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// <para>
+               /// The maximum number of digits used to represent the Value.
+               /// </para>
+               /// <para>
+               /// This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET 
+               /// will attempt to infer the precision from the value.
+               /// </para>
+               /// </remarks>
+               /// <seealso cref="IDbDataParameter.Precision" />
+               public byte Precision
+               {
+                       get { return m_precision; }
+                       set { m_precision = value; }
+               }
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Gets or sets the scale for this parameter.
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <value>
+               /// The scale for this parameter.
+               /// </value>
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// <para>
+               /// The number of decimal places to which Value is resolved.
+               /// </para>
+               /// <para>
+               /// This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET 
+               /// will attempt to infer the scale from the value.
+               /// </para>
+               /// </remarks>
+               /// <seealso cref="IDbDataParameter.Scale" />
+               public byte Scale
+               {
+                       get { return m_scale; }
+                       set { m_scale = value; }
+               }
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Gets or sets the size for this parameter.
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <value>
+               /// The size for this parameter.
+               /// </value>
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// <para>
+               /// The maximum size, in bytes, of the data within the column.
+               /// </para>
+               /// <para>
+               /// This property is optional. If not specified the ADO.NET 
+               /// will attempt to infer the size from the value.
+               /// </para>
+               /// <para>
+               /// For BLOB data types like VARCHAR(max) it may be impossible 
to infer the value automatically, use -1 as the size in this case.
+               /// </para>
+               /// </remarks>
+               /// <seealso cref="IDbDataParameter.Size" />
+               public int Size
+               {
+                       get { return m_size; }
+                       set { m_size = value; }
+               }
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Gets or sets the <see cref="IRawLayout"/> to use to 
+               /// render the logging event into an object for this 
+               /// parameter.
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <value>
+               /// The <see cref="IRawLayout"/> used to render the
+               /// logging event into an object for this parameter.
+               /// </value>
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// <para>
+               /// The <see cref="IRawLayout"/> that renders the value for this
+               /// parameter.
+               /// </para>
+               /// <para>
+               /// The <see cref="RawLayoutConverter"/> can be used to adapt
+               /// any <see cref="ILayout"/> into a <see cref="IRawLayout"/>
+               /// for use in the property.
+               /// </para>
+               /// </remarks>
+               public IRawLayout Layout
+               {
+                       get { return m_layout; }
+                       set { m_layout = value; }
+               }
+               #endregion // Public Instance Properties
+               #region Public Instance Methods
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Prepare the specified database command object.
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <param name="command">The command to prepare.</param>
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// <para>
+               /// Prepares the database command object by adding
+               /// this parameter to its collection of parameters.
+               /// </para>
+               /// </remarks>
+               virtual public void Prepare(IDbCommand command)
+               {
+                       // Create a new parameter
+                       IDbDataParameter param = command.CreateParameter();
+                       // Set the parameter properties
+                       param.ParameterName = ParameterName;
+                       if (!m_inferType)
+                       {
+                               param.DbType = DbType;
+                       }
+                       if (Precision != 0)
+                       {
+                               param.Precision = Precision;
+                       }
+                       if (Scale != 0)
+                       {
+                               param.Scale = Scale;
+                       }
+                       if (Size != 0)
+                       {
+                               param.Size = Size;
+                       }
+                       // Add the parameter to the collection of params
+                       command.Parameters.Add(param);
+               }
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Renders the logging event and set the parameter value in 
the command.
+               /// </summary>
+               /// <param name="command">The command containing the 
+               /// <param name="loggingEvent">The event to be rendered.</param>
+               /// <remarks>
+               /// <para>
+               /// Renders the logging event using this parameters layout
+               /// object. Sets the value of the parameter on the command 
+               /// </para>
+               /// </remarks>
+               virtual public void FormatValue(IDbCommand command, 
LoggingEvent loggingEvent)
+               {
+                       // Lookup the parameter
+                       IDbDataParameter param = 
+                       // Format the value
+                       object formattedValue = Layout.Format(loggingEvent);
+                       // If the value is null then convert to a DBNull
+                       if (formattedValue == null)
+                       {
+                               formattedValue = DBNull.Value;
+                       }
+                       param.Value = formattedValue;
+               }
+               #endregion // Public Instance Methods
+               #region Private Instance Fields
+               /// <summary>
+               /// The name of this parameter.
+               /// </summary>
+               private string m_parameterName;
+               /// <summary>
+               /// The database type for this parameter.
+               /// </summary>
+               private DbType m_dbType;
+               /// <summary>
+               /// Flag to infer type rather than use the DbType
+               /// </summary>
+               private bool m_inferType = true;
+               /// <summary>
+               /// The precision for this parameter.
+               /// </summary>
+               private byte m_precision;
+               /// <summary>
+               /// The scale for this parameter.
+               /// </summary>
+               private byte m_scale;
+               /// <summary>
+               /// The size for this parameter.
+               /// </summary>
+               private int m_size;
+               /// <summary>
+               /// The <see cref="IRawLayout"/> to use to render the
+               /// logging event into an object for this parameter.
+               /// </summary>
+               private IRawLayout m_layout;
+               #endregion // Private Instance Fields
+       }
 #endif // !SSCLI
\ No newline at end of file

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