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The "UserDefinedFunctions" page has been changed by KasperSorensen:

Added page about UDFs

New page:
= User Defined Functions (UDFs) =

Apache MetaModel allows for extending the query language using User Defined 
Functions. In fact, the functions that are built into Apache MetaModel are also 
"just" built-in UDFs.

Functions in MetaModel come in two forms:

 * Aggregate functions, which implement the 
org.apache.metamodel.query.AggregateFunction interface.
 * Scalar functions, which implement the 
org.apache.metamodel.query.ScalarFunction interface.

== Scalar functions ==

A scalar function is a function that provides a result on each row of the 
dataset that it is applied to. For instance, the built-in function TO_NUMBER 
will convert each value to a java.lang.Number instead of some other data type.

Normally you can apply the Scalar function TO_NUMBER like this:

Query q = dataContext.query().from(table).select(FunctionType.TO_NUMBER, 

If you dig into FunctionType.TO_NUMBER you will find out that it is simply an 
object that implements ScalarFunction.
Let's imagine you wanted to implement instead now a hash code function. We can 
implement it like this:

public class HashCodeFunction implements ScalarFunction {

    public ColumnType getExpectedColumnType(ColumnType type) {
        return ColumnType.INTEGER;

    public String getFunctionName() {
        return "HASH_CODE";

    public Object evaluate(Row row, SelectItem operandItem) {
        Object value = row.getValue(operandItem);
        return value == null ? null : value.hashCode();

As you can see the implementation part here is pretty easy. We need only to 
provide a name, a data type and implement the evaluate(...) method. Now to 
apply the function to our query:

Query q = dataContext.query().from(table).select(new HashCodeFunction(), 

== Aggregate functions ==

Aggregate functions are used to make calculations which span multiple rows of 
the dataset. Typically used on a complete dataset or in combination with a 
GROUP BY condition.

In a similar way to scalar functions, you can also implement your own aggregate 
functions. Let's say we wanted to implement a DISTINCT_COUNT function (ie. a 
count of distinct/unique values), we could do it like this:

public class DistinctCountFunction implements AggregateFunction {

    public String getFunctionName() {
        return "DISTINCT_COUNT";

    public ColumnType getExpectedColumnType(ColumnType type) {
        return ColumnType.INTEGER;

    public Object evaluate(Object... values) {
        AggregateBuilder<?> aggregateBuilder = createAggregateBuilder();
        for (Object value : values) {
        return aggregateBuilder.getAggregate();

    public AggregateBuilder<?> createAggregateBuilder() {
        return new AggregateBuilder<Integer>() {
            private Set<Object> uniqueSet = new HashSet<>();
            public void add(Object o) {

            public Integer getAggregate() {
                return uniqueSet.size();

(you may choose to extend DefaultAggregateFunction which will save you the 
effort of implementing evaluate(...))

And again you can apply your function in a query like this:

Query q = dataContext.query().from(table).select(new DistinctCountFunction(), 

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