METRON-1847 Create reusable script with functions from prepare-commit 
(ottobackwards) closes apache/metron#1248


Branch: refs/heads/feature/METRON-1090-stellar-assignment
Commit: 42068d95192e7346bf0179399193a6afe01d9925
Parents: 3e73391
Author: ottobackwards <>
Authored: Thu Nov 8 22:14:38 2018 -0500
Committer: otto <>
Committed: Thu Nov 8 22:14:38 2018 -0500

 .../committer-utils/metron-committer-common     | 357 +++++++++++++++++++
 dev-utilities/committer-utils/prepare-commit    | 241 +------------
 2 files changed, 372 insertions(+), 226 deletions(-)
diff --git a/dev-utilities/committer-utils/metron-committer-common 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22e19a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/dev-utilities/committer-utils/metron-committer-common
@@ -0,0 +1,357 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+#  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+#  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+#  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+#  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+#  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+#  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+#  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+#  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+#  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+#  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+#  limitations under the License.
+# common and unlikely to change vars
+# the upstream apache git repo for apache metron
+# the upstream apache git repo for apache metron bro plugin kafka
+# the common configuration file with the committer info
+# other var setup by these functions
+# Initialize the variables from the default configuration file, if it exists
+function init_configuration {
+    # does a config file already exist?
+    echo "$CONFIG_FILE"
+    if [ -f ${CONFIG_FILE} ]; then
+        #shellcheck source=/dev/null
+        source ${CONFIG_FILE}
+        echo "  ...using settings from $CONFIG_FILE"
+    fi
+# Initialize the committer variables if they are not provided through the 
configuration file.
+# If it is not present, it will be written out for the next time
+function init_committer_info {
+    # github account of committer (you)
+    if [ -z "$GITHUB_NAME" ]; then
+        read -p "  your github username [$GITHUB_NAME]: " INPUT
+        [ -n "$INPUT" ] && GITHUB_NAME=${INPUT}
+        # write setting to config file
+    fi
+    # apache id of committer (you)
+    if [ -z "$APACHE_NAME" ]; then
+      read -p "  your apache userid [$APACHE_NAME]: " INPUT
+      [ -n "$INPUT" ] && APACHE_NAME=${INPUT}
+      # write setting to config file
+    fi
+    # apache email addr of committer (you)
+    if [ -z "$APACHE_EMAIL" ]; then
+      read -p "  your apache email [$APACHE_EMAIL]: " INPUT
+      [ -n "$INPUT" ] && APACHE_EMAIL=${INPUT}
+      # write setting to config file, so it is not needed next time
+    fi
+# Provide the user with a choice of the metron or bro repositories
+function choose_metron_or_bro_repo {
+    # which repo?  metron or metron-bro-plugin-kafka
+    echo "    [1] metron"
+    echo "    [2] metron-bro-plugin-kafka"
+    read -p "  which repo? [1]: " INPUT
+    case "${INPUT}" in
+      [Mm][Ee][Tt][Rr][Oo][Nn]|*metron\.git|1|'')
+        INPUT="${METRON_UPSTREAM}" ;;
+      *)
+        echo "Invalid repo, provided \"${INPUT}\".  Please choose between 
metron or metron-bro-plugin-kafka"
+        exit 1
+        ;;
+    esac
+    [ -n "$INPUT" ] && UPSTREAM=${INPUT}
+    CHOSEN_REPO=$(basename ${UPSTREAM%%.git})
+# Ask the user for the PR number
+function read_pull_request {
+    # retrieve the pull request identifier
+    read -p "  pull request: " PR
+    if [ -z "$PR" ]; then
+      echo "Error: missing pr"
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    # ensure that the pull request exists
+    PR_EXISTS=`curl -sI${CHOSEN_REPO}/pulls/${PR} | grep Status: | 
sed 's/[^0-9]//g'`
+    if [ "$PR_EXISTS" != "200" ]; then
+      echo "Error: pull request #$PR does not exist"
+      exit 1
+    fi
+# Setup the working directory.
+# It is possible to override the default directory name by passing
+# the desired directory name, using the available global variables
+function setup_working_directory {
+    # working directory
+    if [ -z $1 ]; then
+        WORK=~/tmp/${CHOSEN_REPO}-pr${PR}
+    else
+        WORK=$1
+    fi
+    read -p "  local working directory [$WORK]: " INPUT
+    [ -n "$INPUT" ] && WORK=${INPUT}
+    # handle tilde expansion
+    WORK="${WORK/#\~/$HOME}"
+    # warn the user if the working directory exists
+    if [ -d "$WORK" ]; then
+      read -p "  directory exists [$WORK].  continue merge on existing repo? 
[yN] " -n 1 -r
+      echo
+      if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
+        exit 1
+      fi
+    fi
+# If required will clone the desired repo.  The default repo is metron, but an 
+# may be passed as a parameter.
+# If the directory already exists, it will ask the user for the name of the 
remote to use, with the
+# default being "origin"
+function setup_code {
+    # if working directory does not exist, checkout the base branch
+    if [ ! -d "$WORK" ]; then
+        REPO_NAME="metron"
+        if [ -z $1 ]; then
+            REPO_NAME=$1
+        fi
+        # origin repository
+        ORIGIN="${REPO_NAME}";
+        read -p "  origin repo [$ORIGIN]: " INPUT
+        [ -n "$INPUT" ] && ORIGIN=${INPUT}
+        # what branch did the PR get submitted against?  could be a feature 
+        BASE_BRANCH=`curl -s${REPO_NAME}/pulls/${PR} | python -c 
'import sys, json; print json.load(sys.stdin)["base"]["ref"]'`
+        read -p "  base branch to merge into [$BASE_BRANCH]: " INPUT
+        [ -n "$INPUT" ] && BASE_BRANCH=${INPUT}
+        # clone the repository and fetch updates
+        mkdir -p ${WORK}
+        git clone ${ORIGIN} ${WORK}
+        cd ${WORK} || exit "Failed to cd to ${WORK}"
+        # setup the git user and email for your apache account
+        git config "$APACHE_NAME"
+        git config "$APACHE_EMAIL"
+        # fetch any changes from upstream
+        git remote add upstream ${UPSTREAM}
+        if git fetch upstream "$BASE_BRANCH"; then
+            if [ ${BASE_BRANCH} = "master" ]; then
+                # merge any changes from upstream
+                git checkout ${BASE_BRANCH}
+                git merge upstream/${BASE_BRANCH}
+            else
+                # create a local branch from the remote feature branch
+                git checkout -B ${BASE_BRANCH} upstream/${BASE_BRANCH}
+            fi
+          else
+            # unable to fetch the base branch
+            exit $?
+          fi
+    else
+      # if the repo already exists, allow the user to provide the name of the 
Github remote
+      # this is needed to checkout the code for the PR
+      read -p "  name of github remote [$GITHUB_REMOTE]: " INPUT
+      [ -n "$INPUT" ] && GITHUB_REMOTE=${INPUT}
+    fi
+    PR_BRANCH_REF="pull/$PR/head:pr-$PR"
+    PR_BRANCH="pr-$PR"
+    cd ${WORK} || exit "failed to move to ${WORK}"
+    git fetch ${GITHUB_REMOTE} ${PR_BRANCH_REF}
+    echo ""
+# Populates the contributor information from the PR information
+function get_contributor_info {
+    # use github api to retrieve the contributor's login
+    USER=`curl -s${CHOSEN_REPO}/pulls/${PR} | grep login | 
head -1 | awk -F":" '{print $2}' | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z.@_-]//g'`
+    read -p "  github contributor's username [$USER]: " INPUT
+    [ -n "$INPUT" ] && USER=${INPUT}
+    # validate the github contributor
+    if [ -z "$USER" ]; then
+      echo "Error: missing username"
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    # retrieve the contributor's email from the git commit history
+    EMAIL=`git log ${PR_BRANCH} | grep Author | head -1 | awk -F"<" '{print 
$2}' | sed 's/[<>]//g'`
+    read -p "  github contributor's email [$EMAIL]: " INPUT
+    [ -n "$INPUT" ] && EMAIL=${INPUT}
+    # validate email
+    if [ -z "$EMAIL" ] || [ "$EMAIL" = "null" ]; then
+      echo "Error: missing email"
+      exit 1
+    fi
+# Populate the information for the JIRA associated with the PR
+function get_jira_info {
+    # can we extract the JIRA from the PR title?
+    JIRA=`curl -s${CHOSEN_REPO}/pulls/${PR} | grep title | 
head -1 | egrep -o -i 'METRON-[0-9]+' | awk '{print toupper($0)}'`
+    read -p "  issue identifier in jira [$JIRA]: " INPUT
+    [ -n "$INPUT" ] && JIRA=${INPUT}
+    # validate the JIRA issue
+    if [ -z "$JIRA" ]; then
+      echo "Error: missing jira"
+      exit 1
+    fi
+    # attempt to use the jira api to get a description of the jira
+    DESC=`curl -s${JIRA}/${JIRA}.xml 
| grep "<summary>" | sed 's/^.*<summary>//' | sed 's/<.summary>.*$//'`
+    read -p "  issue description [$DESC]: " INPUT
+    [ -n "$INPUT" ] && DESC=${INPUT}
+    # validate description
+    if [ -z "$DESC" ]; then
+      echo "Error: missing description"
+      exit 1
+    fi
+# Merge and Commit
+function commit {
+    # commit message
+    if [ "$USER" == "$GITHUB_NAME" ]; then
+      MSG="$JIRA $DESC ($USER) closes apache/${CHOSEN_REPO}#$PR"
+    else
+      MSG="$JIRA $DESC ($USER via $GITHUB_NAME) closes 
+    fi
+    read -p "  commit message [$MSG]: " INPUT
+    [ -n "$INPUT" ] && MSG=${INPUT}
+    # merge the contributor's branch and commit
+    echo ""
+    if git merge --squash "$PR_BRANCH"; then
+      git commit --author="$AUTHOR" -a -m "$MSG"
+    else
+      exit $?
+    fi
+# Displays the commit info ( the diff and log )
+function review_commit_info {
+    # review the commit
+    echo ""
+    echo ""
+    git diff --stat --color "upstream/$BASE_BRANCH..$BASE_BRANCH"
+    echo ""
+    echo ""
+    git log --oneline "$BASE_BRANCH" "^upstream/$BASE_BRANCH"
+# Runs the metron unit, integration and metron-interface tests
+function run_tests {
+    echo ""
+    echo ""
+    read -p "  run test suite? [yN] " -n 1 -r
+    echo
+    if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
+      if [ "${UPSTREAM}" == "${METRON_UPSTREAM}" ]; then
+          mvn -q -T 2C -DskipTests clean install &&
+              mvn -q -T 2C surefire:test@unit-tests &&
+              mvn -q surefire:test@integration-tests &&
+              mvn -q test --projects metron-interface/metron-config &&
+          dev-utilities/build-utils/
+      elif [ "${UPSTREAM}" == "${BRO_PLUGIN_UPSTREAM}" ]; then
+        echo "We don't currently support running metron-bro-plugin-kafka tests 
in this script"
+      fi
+    fi
+# Gives the user instruction on next steps
+function please_review_then {
+    echo ""
+    echo "Review commit carefully then run..."
+    echo "    cd $WORK"
+    echo "    git push upstream $BASE_BRANCH"
+    echo ""
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/dev-utilities/committer-utils/prepare-commit 
index db15aaa..c5dd884 100755
--- a/dev-utilities/committer-utils/prepare-commit
+++ b/dev-utilities/committer-utils/prepare-commit
@@ -16,242 +16,31 @@
 #  limitations under the License.
-# not likely to change
+LOCATION_DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null && pwd )"
+#shellcheck source=./metron-committer-common
+source ${LOCATION_DIR}/metron-committer-common
-# does a config file already exist?
-if [ -f $CONFIG_FILE ]; then
-  echo "  ...using settings from $CONFIG_FILE"
-# which repo?  metron or metron-bro-plugin-kafka
-echo "    [1] metron"
-echo "    [2] metron-bro-plugin-kafka"
-read -p "  which repo? [1]: " INPUT
-case "${INPUT}" in
-  [Mm][Ee][Tt][Rr][Oo][Nn]|*metron\.git|1|'')
-  *)
-    echo "Invalid repo, provided \"${INPUT}\".  Please choose between metron 
or metron-bro-plugin-kafka"
-    exit 1
-    ;;
-CHOSEN_REPO=$(basename ${UPSTREAM%%.git})
-# github account of committer (you)
-if [ -z "$GITHUB_NAME" ]; then
-  read -p "  your github username [$GITHUB_NAME]: " INPUT
-  [ -n "$INPUT" ] && GITHUB_NAME=$INPUT
-  # write setting to config file
+setup_working_directory ~/tmp/${CHOSEN_REPO}-pr${PR}
-# apache id of committer (you)
-if [ -z "$APACHE_NAME" ]; then
-  read -p "  your apache userid [$APACHE_NAME]: " INPUT
-  [ -n "$INPUT" ] && APACHE_NAME=$INPUT
+setup_code ${CHOSEN_REPO}
-  # write setting to config file
-# apache email addr of committer (you)
-if [ -z "$APACHE_EMAIL" ]; then
-  read -p "  your apache email [$APACHE_EMAIL]: " INPUT
-  # write setting to config file, so it is not needed next time
-# retrieve the pull request identifier
-read -p "  pull request: " PR
-if [ -z "$PR" ]; then
-  echo "Error: missing pr"
-  exit 1
-# ensure that the pull request exists
-PR_EXISTS=`curl -sI${CHOSEN_REPO}/pulls/$PR | grep Status: | 
sed 's/[^0-9]//g'`
-if [ "$PR_EXISTS" != "200" ]; then
-  echo "Error: pull request #$PR does not exist"
-  exit 1
-# working directory
-read -p "  local working directory [$WORK]: " INPUT
-[ -n "$INPUT" ] && WORK=$INPUT
-# handle tilde expansion
-# warn the user if the working directory exists
-if [ -d "$WORK" ]; then
-  read -p "  directory exists [$WORK].  continue merge on existing repo? [yN] 
" -n 1 -r
-  echo
-  if [[ ! $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
-    exit 1
-  fi
-# if working directory does not exist, checkout the base branch
-if [ ! -d "$WORK" ]; then
-  # origin repository
-  read -p "  origin repo [$ORIGIN]: " INPUT
-  [ -n "$INPUT" ] && ORIGIN=$INPUT
-  # what branch did the PR get submitted against?  could be a feature branch
-  BASE_BRANCH=`curl -s${CHOSEN_REPO}/pulls/$PR | python -c 
'import sys, json; print json.load(sys.stdin)["base"]["ref"]'`
-  read -p "  base branch to merge into [$BASE_BRANCH]: " INPUT
-  [ -n "$INPUT" ] && BASE_BRANCH=$INPUT
-  # clone the repository and fetch updates
-  mkdir -p $WORK
-  git clone $ORIGIN $WORK
-  cd $WORK
-  # setup the git user and email for your apache account
-  git config "$APACHE_NAME"
-  git config $APACHE_EMAIL
-  # fetch any changes from upstream
-  git remote add upstream $UPSTREAM
-  if git fetch upstream "$BASE_BRANCH"; then
-    if [ $BASE_BRANCH = "master" ]; then
-      # merge any changes from upstream
-      git checkout $BASE_BRANCH
-      git merge upstream/$BASE_BRANCH
-    else
-      # create a local branch from the remote feature branch
-      git checkout -B $BASE_BRANCH upstream/$BASE_BRANCH
-    fi
-  else
-    # unable to fetch the base branch
-    exit $?
-  fi
-  # if the repo already exists, allow the user to provide the name of the 
Github remote
-  # this is needed to checkout the code for the PR
-  read -p "  name of github remote [$GITHUB_REMOTE]: " INPUT
-cd $WORK
-echo ""
-# use github api to retrieve the contributor's login
-USER=`curl -s${CHOSEN_REPO}/pulls/$PR | 
grep login | head -1 | awk -F":" '{print $2}' | sed 's/[^a-zA-Z.@_-]//g'`
-read -p "  github contributor's username [$USER]: " INPUT
-[ -n "$INPUT" ] && USER=$INPUT
-# validate the github contributor
-if [ -z "$USER" ]; then
-  echo "Error: missing username"
-  exit 1
-# retrieve the contributor's email from the git commit history
-EMAIL=`git log $PR_BRANCH | grep Author | head -1 | awk -F"<" '{print $2}' | 
sed 's/[<>]//g'`
-read -p "  github contributor's email [$EMAIL]: " INPUT
-[ -n "$INPUT" ] && EMAIL=$INPUT
-# validate email
-if [ -z "$EMAIL" ] || [ "$EMAIL" = "null" ]; then
-  echo "Error: missing email"
-  exit 1
-# can we extract the JIRA from the PR title?
-JIRA=`curl -s${CHOSEN_REPO}/pulls/$PR | 
grep title | head -1 | egrep -o -i 'METRON-[0-9]+' | awk '{print toupper($0)}'`
-read -p "  issue identifier in jira [$JIRA]: " INPUT
-[ -n "$INPUT" ] && JIRA=$INPUT
-# validate the JIRA issue
-if [ -z "$JIRA" ]; then
-  echo "Error: missing jira"
-  exit 1
-# attempt to use the jira api to get a description of the jira
-DESC=`curl -s$JIRA/$JIRA.xml | 
grep "<summary>" | sed 's/^.*<summary>//' | sed 's/<.summary>.*$//'`
-read -p "  issue description [$DESC]: " INPUT
-[ -n "$INPUT" ] && DESC=$INPUT
-# validate description
-if [ -z "$DESC" ]; then
-  echo "Error: missing description"
-  exit 1
-# commit message
-if [ "$USER" == "$GITHUB_NAME" ]; then
-  MSG="$JIRA $DESC ($USER) closes apache/${CHOSEN_REPO}#$PR"
-  MSG="$JIRA $DESC ($USER via $GITHUB_NAME) closes apache/${CHOSEN_REPO}#$PR"
-read -p "  commit message [$MSG]: " INPUT
-[ -n "$INPUT" ] && MSG=$INPUT
-# merge the contributor's branch and commit
-echo ""
-if git merge --squash "$PR_BRANCH"; then
-  git commit --author="$AUTHOR" -a -m "$MSG"
-  exit $?
-# review the commit
-echo ""
-echo ""
-git diff --stat --color "upstream/$BASE_BRANCH..$BASE_BRANCH"
-echo ""
-echo ""
-git log --oneline "$BASE_BRANCH" "^upstream/$BASE_BRANCH"
-# run tests?
-echo ""
-echo ""
-read -p "  run test suite? [yN] " -n 1 -r
-if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then
-  if [ "${UPSTREAM}" == "${METRON_UPSTREAM}" ]; then
-      mvn -q -T 2C -DskipTests clean install &&
-          mvn -q -T 2C surefire:test@unit-tests &&
-          mvn -q surefire:test@integration-tests &&
-          mvn -q test --projects metron-interface/metron-config &&
-         dev-utilities/build-utils/
-  elif [ "${UPSTREAM}" == "${BRO_PLUGIN_UPSTREAM}" ]; then
-    echo "We don't currently support running metron-bro-plugin-kafka tests in 
this script"
-  fi
-echo ""
-echo "Review commit carefully then run..."
-echo "    cd $WORK"
-echo "    git push upstream $BASE_BRANCH"
-echo ""

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