kpuatamazon edited a comment on issue #17559: [MXNET-1446] Quantization: 
intgemm matrix multiply wrappers 
   The current MXNet quantizer is 3-10x slower than intgemm's on a wide variety 
of matrix sizes.  
   Experiment on c5.12xlarge:
   Shape (128, 128)
   0.0000731 seconds for quantize
   0.0000706 seconds for quantize_v2
   0.0000219 seconds for intgemm
   intgemm is 3.2x faster
   Shape (256, 256)
   0.0002116 seconds for quantize
   0.0001778 seconds for quantize_v2
   0.0000258 seconds for intgemm
   intgemm is 6.9x faster
   Shape (512, 512)
   0.0008112 seconds for quantize
   0.0006480 seconds for quantize_v2
   0.0000917 seconds for intgemm
   intgemm is 7.1x faster
   Shape (1024, 1024)
   0.0030176 seconds for quantize
   0.0023387 seconds for quantize_v2
   0.0002542 seconds for intgemm
   intgemm is 9.2x faster
   Shape (2048, 2048)
   0.0118271 seconds for quantize
   0.0090704 seconds for quantize_v2
   0.0008705 seconds for intgemm
   intgemm is 10.4x faster
   Shape (8, 4096)
   0.0001187 seconds for quantize
   0.0001061 seconds for quantize_v2
   0.0000226 seconds for intgemm
   intgemm is 4.7x faster
   Generated by `export MXNET_ENGINE_TYPE=NaiveEngine; export 
OMP_NUM_THREADS=1; taskset --cpu-list 0 ./`
   where `` is:
   #!/usr/bin/env python3
   import mxnet as mx
   import time
   def time_procedure(shape, count, proc):
     data = mx.nd.random_uniform(shape=s, low=-1.0, high = 1.0)
     begin = time.time()
     for i in range(0, count):
     return (time.time() - begin) / count
   shapes = [(128, 128), (256,256), (512, 512), (1024, 1024), (2048, 2048)]
   count = 1000
   one = mx.nd.ones(shape=(1))
   minusone = -one
   procedures = {
     "quantize" : (lambda data : mx.nd.contrib.quantize(data, minusone, one)),
     "quantize_v2" : (lambda data : mx.nd.contrib.quantize_v2(data, 
min_calib_range = -1.0, max_calib_range = 1.0)),
     "intgemm" : (lambda data : mx.nd.contrib.intgemm_prepare_data(data, one))
   for s in shapes:
     print("Shape " + str(s))
     stats = {}
     for name, l in procedures.items():
       stats[name] = time_procedure(s, count, l)
       print("{:.7f} seconds for {}".format(stats[name], name))
     best_baseline = min(stats["quantize"], stats["quantize_v2"])
     ratio = best_baseline / stats["intgemm"]
     print("intgemm is {:.1f}x faster".format(ratio))
   As a C++ programmer used to benchmarking with `clock_gettime`, using Python 
to do benchmarks pains me, but I think the point is clear.  If anything the 
Python overhead is pushing results towards 1 by adding to numerator and 

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