piiswrong closed pull request #8988: [CI] Fix indentation of Jenkinsfile, no 
code changes
URL: https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/pull/8988

This is a PR merged from a forked repository.
As GitHub hides the original diff on merge, it is displayed below for
the sake of provenance:

As this is a foreign pull request (from a fork), the diff is supplied
below (as it won't show otherwise due to GitHub magic):

diff --git a/Jenkinsfile b/Jenkinsfile
index c4c16ad24f..53bdbbe7db 100644
--- a/Jenkinsfile
+++ b/Jenkinsfile
@@ -118,445 +118,445 @@ def python3_gpu_ut(docker_type) {
 try {
-    stage("Sanity Check") {
-      timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
-        node('mxnetlinux-cpu') {
-          ws('workspace/sanity') {
-            init_git()
-            sh "python tools/license_header.py check"
-            make('lint', 'cpplint rcpplint jnilint')
-            make('lint', 'pylint')
-          }
+  stage("Sanity Check") {
+    timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
+      node('mxnetlinux-cpu') {
+        ws('workspace/sanity') {
+          init_git()
+          sh "python tools/license_header.py check"
+          make('lint', 'cpplint rcpplint jnilint')
+          make('lint', 'pylint')
+  }
-    stage('Build') {
-      parallel 'CPU: Openblas': {
-        node('mxnetlinux-cpu') {
-          ws('workspace/build-cpu') {
-            init_git()
-            def flag = """ \
-              DEV=1                         \
-              USE_PROFILER=1                \
-              USE_CPP_PACKAGE=1             \
-              USE_BLAS=openblas             \
-              -j\$(nproc)
-              """
-            make("cpu", flag)
-            pack_lib('cpu')
-          }
+  stage('Build') {
+    parallel 'CPU: Openblas': {
+      node('mxnetlinux-cpu') {
+        ws('workspace/build-cpu') {
+          init_git()
+          def flag = """ \
+            DEV=1                         \
+            USE_PROFILER=1                \
+            USE_CPP_PACKAGE=1             \
+            USE_BLAS=openblas             \
+            -j\$(nproc)
+            """
+          make("cpu", flag)
+          pack_lib('cpu')
-      },
-      'CPU: MKLML': {
-        node('mxnetlinux-cpu') {
-          ws('workspace/build-mklml-cpu') {
-            init_git()
-            def flag = """ \
-              DEV=1                         \
-              USE_PROFILER=1                \
-              USE_CPP_PACKAGE=1             \
-              USE_BLAS=openblas             \
-              USE_MKL2017=1                 \
-              USE_MKL2017_EXPERIMENTAL=1    \
-              -j\$(nproc)
-              """
-            make("cpu_mklml", flag)
-            pack_lib('mklml_cpu')
-          }
+      }
+    },
+    'CPU: MKLML': {
+      node('mxnetlinux-cpu') {
+        ws('workspace/build-mklml-cpu') {
+          init_git()
+          def flag = """ \
+            DEV=1                         \
+            USE_PROFILER=1                \
+            USE_CPP_PACKAGE=1             \
+            USE_BLAS=openblas             \
+            USE_MKL2017=1                 \
+            USE_MKL2017_EXPERIMENTAL=1    \
+            -j\$(nproc)
+            """
+          make("cpu_mklml", flag)
+          pack_lib('mklml_cpu')
-      },
-      'GPU: MKLML': {
-        node('mxnetlinux-cpu') {
-          ws('workspace/build-mklml-gpu') {
-            init_git()
-            def flag = """ \
-              DEV=1                         \
-              USE_PROFILER=1                \
-              USE_CPP_PACKAGE=1             \
-              USE_BLAS=openblas             \
-              USE_MKL2017=1                 \
-              USE_MKL2017_EXPERIMENTAL=1    \
-              USE_CUDA=1                    \
-              USE_CUDA_PATH=/usr/local/cuda \
-              USE_CUDNN=1                   \
-              -j\$(nproc)
-              """
-            make("build_cuda", flag)
-            pack_lib('mklml_gpu')
-          }
+      }
+    },
+    'GPU: MKLML': {
+      node('mxnetlinux-cpu') {
+        ws('workspace/build-mklml-gpu') {
+          init_git()
+          def flag = """ \
+            DEV=1                         \
+            USE_PROFILER=1                \
+            USE_CPP_PACKAGE=1             \
+            USE_BLAS=openblas             \
+            USE_MKL2017=1                 \
+            USE_MKL2017_EXPERIMENTAL=1    \
+            USE_CUDA=1                    \
+            USE_CUDA_PATH=/usr/local/cuda \
+            USE_CUDNN=1                   \
+            -j\$(nproc)
+            """
+          make("build_cuda", flag)
+          pack_lib('mklml_gpu')
-      },
-      'GPU: CUDA8.0+cuDNN5': {
-        node('mxnetlinux-cpu') {
-          ws('workspace/build-gpu') {
-            init_git()
-            def flag = """ \
-              DEV=1                         \
-              USE_PROFILER=1                \
-              USE_BLAS=openblas             \
-              USE_CUDA=1                    \
-              USE_CUDA_PATH=/usr/local/cuda \
-              USE_CUDNN=1                   \
-              USE_CPP_PACKAGE=1             \
-              -j\$(nproc)
-              """
-            make('build_cuda', flag)
-            pack_lib('gpu')
-            stash includes: 'build/cpp-package/example/test_score', name: 
-          }
+      }
+    },
+    'GPU: CUDA8.0+cuDNN5': {
+      node('mxnetlinux-cpu') {
+        ws('workspace/build-gpu') {
+          init_git()
+          def flag = """ \
+            DEV=1                         \
+            USE_PROFILER=1                \
+            USE_BLAS=openblas             \
+            USE_CUDA=1                    \
+            USE_CUDA_PATH=/usr/local/cuda \
+            USE_CUDNN=1                   \
+            USE_CPP_PACKAGE=1             \
+            -j\$(nproc)
+            """
+          make('build_cuda', flag)
+          pack_lib('gpu')
+          stash includes: 'build/cpp-package/example/test_score', name: 
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    'Amalgamation MIN': {
+      node('mxnetlinux-cpu') {
+        ws('workspace/amalgamationmin') {
+          init_git()
+          make('cpu', '-C amalgamation/ clean')
+          make('cpu', '-C amalgamation/ USE_BLAS=openblas MIN=1')
-      },
-      'Amalgamation MIN': {
-        node('mxnetlinux-cpu') {
-          ws('workspace/amalgamationmin') {
-            init_git()
-            make('cpu', '-C amalgamation/ clean')
-            make('cpu', '-C amalgamation/ USE_BLAS=openblas MIN=1')
+      }
+    },
+    'Amalgamation': {
+      node('mxnetlinux-cpu') {
+        ws('workspace/amalgamation') {
+          init_git()
+          make('cpu', '-C amalgamation/ clean')
+          make('cpu', '-C amalgamation/ USE_BLAS=openblas')
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    'Build CPU windows':{
+      node('mxnetwindows-cpu') {
+        ws('workspace/build-cpu') {
+          withEnv(['OpenBLAS_HOME=C:\\mxnet\\openblas', 
'OpenCV_DIR=C:\\mxnet\\opencv_vc14', 'CUDA_PATH=C:\\CUDA\\v8.0']) {
+            init_git_win()
+            bat """mkdir build_vc14_cpu
+              call "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 
+              cd build_vc14_cpu
+              cmake -G \"Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64\" -DUSE_CUDA=0 
+            bat 'C:\\mxnet\\build_vc14_cpu.bat'
+            bat '''rmdir /s/q pkg_vc14_cpu
+              mkdir pkg_vc14_cpu\\lib
+              mkdir pkg_vc14_cpu\\python
+              mkdir pkg_vc14_cpu\\include
+              mkdir pkg_vc14_cpu\\build
+              copy build_vc14_cpu\\Release\\libmxnet.lib pkg_vc14_cpu\\lib
+              copy build_vc14_cpu\\Release\\libmxnet.dll pkg_vc14_cpu\\build
+              xcopy python pkg_vc14_cpu\\python /E /I /Y
+              xcopy include pkg_vc14_cpu\\include /E /I /Y
+              xcopy dmlc-core\\include pkg_vc14_cpu\\include /E /I /Y
+              xcopy mshadow\\mshadow pkg_vc14_cpu\\include\\mshadow /E /I /Y
+              xcopy nnvm\\include pkg_vc14_cpu\\nnvm\\include /E /I /Y
+              del /Q *.7z
+              7z.exe a vc14_cpu.7z pkg_vc14_cpu\\
+              '''
+            stash includes: 'vc14_cpu.7z', name: 'vc14_cpu'
-      },
-      'Amalgamation': {
-        node('mxnetlinux-cpu') {
-          ws('workspace/amalgamation') {
-            init_git()
-            make('cpu', '-C amalgamation/ clean')
-            make('cpu', '-C amalgamation/ USE_BLAS=openblas')
+      }
+    },
+    //Todo: Set specific CUDA_ARCh for windows builds in cmake
+    'Build GPU windows':{
+      node('mxnetwindows-cpu') {
+        ws('workspace/build-gpu') {
+          withEnv(['OpenBLAS_HOME=C:\\mxnet\\openblas', 
'OpenCV_DIR=C:\\mxnet\\opencv_vc14', 'CUDA_PATH=C:\\CUDA\\v8.0']) {
+           init_git_win()
+           bat """mkdir build_vc14_gpu
+             call "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 
+             cd build_vc14_gpu
+             cmake -G \"NMake Makefiles JOM\" -DUSE_CUDA=1 -DUSE_CUDNN=1 
+           bat 'C:\\mxnet\\build_vc14_gpu.bat'
+           bat '''rmdir /s/q pkg_vc14_gpu
+             mkdir pkg_vc14_gpu\\lib
+             mkdir pkg_vc14_gpu\\python
+             mkdir pkg_vc14_gpu\\include
+             mkdir pkg_vc14_gpu\\build
+             copy build_vc14_gpu\\libmxnet.lib pkg_vc14_gpu\\lib
+             copy build_vc14_gpu\\libmxnet.dll pkg_vc14_gpu\\build
+             xcopy python pkg_vc14_gpu\\python /E /I /Y
+             xcopy include pkg_vc14_gpu\\include /E /I /Y
+             xcopy dmlc-core\\include pkg_vc14_gpu\\include /E /I /Y
+             xcopy mshadow\\mshadow pkg_vc14_gpu\\include\\mshadow /E /I /Y
+             xcopy nnvm\\include pkg_vc14_gpu\\nnvm\\include /E /I /Y
+             del /Q *.7z
+             7z.exe a vc14_gpu.7z pkg_vc14_gpu\\
+             '''
+           stash includes: 'vc14_gpu.7z', name: 'vc14_gpu'
-      },
-      'Build CPU windows':{
-        node('mxnetwindows-cpu') {
-          ws('workspace/build-cpu') {
-            withEnv(['OpenBLAS_HOME=C:\\mxnet\\openblas', 
'OpenCV_DIR=C:\\mxnet\\opencv_vc14', 'CUDA_PATH=C:\\CUDA\\v8.0']) {
-              init_git_win()
-              bat """mkdir build_vc14_cpu
-                call "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 
-                cd build_vc14_cpu
-                cmake -G \"Visual Studio 14 2015 Win64\" -DUSE_CUDA=0 
-              bat 'C:\\mxnet\\build_vc14_cpu.bat'
-              bat '''rmdir /s/q pkg_vc14_cpu
-                mkdir pkg_vc14_cpu\\lib
-                mkdir pkg_vc14_cpu\\python
-                mkdir pkg_vc14_cpu\\include
-                mkdir pkg_vc14_cpu\\build
-                copy build_vc14_cpu\\Release\\libmxnet.lib pkg_vc14_cpu\\lib
-                copy build_vc14_cpu\\Release\\libmxnet.dll pkg_vc14_cpu\\build
-                xcopy python pkg_vc14_cpu\\python /E /I /Y
-                xcopy include pkg_vc14_cpu\\include /E /I /Y
-                xcopy dmlc-core\\include pkg_vc14_cpu\\include /E /I /Y
-                xcopy mshadow\\mshadow pkg_vc14_cpu\\include\\mshadow /E /I /Y
-                xcopy nnvm\\include pkg_vc14_cpu\\nnvm\\include /E /I /Y
-                del /Q *.7z
-                7z.exe a vc14_cpu.7z pkg_vc14_cpu\\
-                '''
-              stash includes: 'vc14_cpu.7z', name: 'vc14_cpu'
-             }
-            }
-           }
-         },
-         //Todo: Set specific CUDA_ARCh for windows builds in cmake
-         'Build GPU windows':{
-           node('mxnetwindows-cpu') {
-             ws('workspace/build-gpu') {
-               withEnv(['OpenBLAS_HOME=C:\\mxnet\\openblas', 
'OpenCV_DIR=C:\\mxnet\\opencv_vc14', 'CUDA_PATH=C:\\CUDA\\v8.0']) {
-                init_git_win()
-                bat """mkdir build_vc14_gpu
-                  call "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio 
-                  cd build_vc14_gpu
-                  cmake -G \"NMake Makefiles JOM\" -DUSE_CUDA=1 -DUSE_CUDNN=1 
-                bat 'C:\\mxnet\\build_vc14_gpu.bat'
-                bat '''rmdir /s/q pkg_vc14_gpu
-                  mkdir pkg_vc14_gpu\\lib
-                  mkdir pkg_vc14_gpu\\python
-                  mkdir pkg_vc14_gpu\\include
-                  mkdir pkg_vc14_gpu\\build
-                  copy build_vc14_gpu\\libmxnet.lib pkg_vc14_gpu\\lib
-                  copy build_vc14_gpu\\libmxnet.dll pkg_vc14_gpu\\build
-                  xcopy python pkg_vc14_gpu\\python /E /I /Y
-                  xcopy include pkg_vc14_gpu\\include /E /I /Y
-                  xcopy dmlc-core\\include pkg_vc14_gpu\\include /E /I /Y
-                  xcopy mshadow\\mshadow pkg_vc14_gpu\\include\\mshadow /E /I 
-                  xcopy nnvm\\include pkg_vc14_gpu\\nnvm\\include /E /I /Y
-                  del /Q *.7z
-                  7z.exe a vc14_gpu.7z pkg_vc14_gpu\\
-                  '''
-                stash includes: 'vc14_gpu.7z', name: 'vc14_gpu'
-               }
-             }
-           }
-         }
+      }
+  } // End of stage('Build')
-    stage('Unit Test') {
-      parallel 'Python2: CPU': {
-        node('mxnetlinux-cpu') {
-          ws('workspace/ut-python2-cpu') {
-            init_git()
-            unpack_lib('cpu')
-            python2_ut('cpu')
-          }
+  stage('Unit Test') {
+    parallel 'Python2: CPU': {
+      node('mxnetlinux-cpu') {
+        ws('workspace/ut-python2-cpu') {
+          init_git()
+          unpack_lib('cpu')
+          python2_ut('cpu')
-      },
-      'Python3: CPU': {
-        node('mxnetlinux-cpu') {
-          ws('workspace/ut-python3-cpu') {
-            init_git()
-            unpack_lib('cpu')
-            python3_ut('cpu')
-          }
+      }
+    },
+    'Python3: CPU': {
+      node('mxnetlinux-cpu') {
+        ws('workspace/ut-python3-cpu') {
+          init_git()
+          unpack_lib('cpu')
+          python3_ut('cpu')
-      },
-      'Python2: GPU': {
-        node('mxnetlinux-gpu') {
-          ws('workspace/ut-python2-gpu') {
-            init_git()
-            unpack_lib('gpu', mx_lib)
-            python2_gpu_ut('gpu')
-          }
+      }
+    },
+    'Python2: GPU': {
+      node('mxnetlinux-gpu') {
+        ws('workspace/ut-python2-gpu') {
+          init_git()
+          unpack_lib('gpu', mx_lib)
+          python2_gpu_ut('gpu')
-      },
-      'Python3: GPU': {
-        node('mxnetlinux-gpu') {
-          ws('workspace/ut-python3-gpu') {
-            init_git()
-            unpack_lib('gpu', mx_lib)
-            python3_gpu_ut('gpu')
-          }
+      }
+    },
+    'Python3: GPU': {
+      node('mxnetlinux-gpu') {
+        ws('workspace/ut-python3-gpu') {
+          init_git()
+          unpack_lib('gpu', mx_lib)
+          python3_gpu_ut('gpu')
-      },
-      'Python2: MKLML-CPU': {
-        node('mxnetlinux-cpu') {
-          ws('workspace/ut-python2-mklml-cpu') {
-            init_git()
-            unpack_lib('mklml_cpu')
-            python2_ut('cpu_mklml')
-          }
+      }
+    },
+    'Python2: MKLML-CPU': {
+      node('mxnetlinux-cpu') {
+        ws('workspace/ut-python2-mklml-cpu') {
+          init_git()
+          unpack_lib('mklml_cpu')
+          python2_ut('cpu_mklml')
-      },
-      'Python2: MKLML-GPU': {
-        node('mxnetlinux-gpu') {
-          ws('workspace/ut-python2-mklml-gpu') {
-            init_git()
-            unpack_lib('mklml_gpu')
-            python2_gpu_ut('gpu_mklml')
-          }
+      }
+    },
+    'Python2: MKLML-GPU': {
+      node('mxnetlinux-gpu') {
+        ws('workspace/ut-python2-mklml-gpu') {
+          init_git()
+          unpack_lib('mklml_gpu')
+          python2_gpu_ut('gpu_mklml')
-      },
-      'Python3: MKLML-CPU': {
-        node('mxnetlinux-cpu') {
-          ws('workspace/ut-python3-mklml-cpu') {
-            init_git()
-            unpack_lib('mklml_cpu')
-            python3_ut('cpu_mklml') 
-          }
+      }
+    },
+    'Python3: MKLML-CPU': {
+      node('mxnetlinux-cpu') {
+        ws('workspace/ut-python3-mklml-cpu') {
+          init_git()
+          unpack_lib('mklml_cpu')
+          python3_ut('cpu_mklml')
-      },
-      'Python3: MKLML-GPU': {
-        node('mxnetlinux-gpu') {
-          ws('workspace/ut-python3-mklml-gpu') {
-            init_git()
-            unpack_lib('mklml_gpu')
-            python3_gpu_ut('gpu_mklml')
+      }
+    },
+    'Python3: MKLML-GPU': {
+      node('mxnetlinux-gpu') {
+        ws('workspace/ut-python3-mklml-gpu') {
+          init_git()
+          unpack_lib('mklml_gpu')
+          python3_gpu_ut('gpu_mklml')
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    'Scala: CPU': {
+      node('mxnetlinux-cpu') {
+        ws('workspace/ut-scala-cpu') {
+          init_git()
+          unpack_lib('cpu')
+          timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
+            sh "${docker_run} cpu make scalapkg USE_BLAS=openblas"
+            sh "${docker_run} cpu make scalatest USE_BLAS=openblas"
-      },
-      'Scala: CPU': {
-        node('mxnetlinux-cpu') {
-          ws('workspace/ut-scala-cpu') {
-            init_git()
-            unpack_lib('cpu')
-            timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
-              sh "${docker_run} cpu make scalapkg USE_BLAS=openblas"
-              sh "${docker_run} cpu make scalatest USE_BLAS=openblas"
-            }
+      }
+    },
+    'Perl: CPU': {
+      node('mxnetlinux-cpu') {
+        ws('workspace/ut-perl-cpu') {
+          init_git()
+          unpack_lib('cpu')
+          timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
+              sh "${docker_run} cpu ./perl-package/test.sh"
-      },
-      'Perl: CPU': {
-            node('mxnetlinux-cpu') {
-                ws('workspace/ut-perl-cpu') {
-                    init_git()
-                    unpack_lib('cpu')
-                    timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
-                        sh "${docker_run} cpu ./perl-package/test.sh"
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-      },
-      'Perl: GPU': {
-            node('mxnetlinux-gpu') {
-                ws('workspace/ut-perl-gpu') {
-                    init_git()
-                    unpack_lib('gpu')
-                    timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
-                        sh "${docker_run} gpu ./perl-package/test.sh"
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-      },
-      'R: CPU': {
-        node('mxnetlinux-cpu') {
-          ws('workspace/ut-r-cpu') {
-            init_git()
-            unpack_lib('cpu')
-            timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
-              sh "${docker_run} cpu rm -rf .Renviron"
-              sh "${docker_run} cpu mkdir -p /workspace/ut-r-cpu/site-library"
-              sh "${docker_run} cpu make rpkg USE_BLAS=openblas 
-              sh "${docker_run} cpu R CMD INSTALL 
--library=/workspace/ut-r-cpu/site-library R-package"
-              sh "${docker_run} cpu make rpkgtest 
-            }
+      }
+    },
+    'Perl: GPU': {
+      node('mxnetlinux-gpu') {
+        ws('workspace/ut-perl-gpu') {
+          init_git()
+          unpack_lib('gpu')
+          timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
+              sh "${docker_run} gpu ./perl-package/test.sh"
-      },
-      'R: GPU': {
-        node('mxnetlinux-gpu') {
-          ws('workspace/ut-r-gpu') {
-            init_git()
-            unpack_lib('gpu')
-            timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
-              sh "${docker_run} gpu rm -rf .Renviron"
-              sh "${docker_run} gpu mkdir -p /workspace/ut-r-gpu/site-library"
-              sh "${docker_run} gpu make rpkg USE_BLAS=openblas 
-              sh "${docker_run} gpu R CMD INSTALL 
--library=/workspace/ut-r-gpu/site-library R-package"
-              sh "${docker_run} gpu make rpkgtest 
R_LIBS=/workspace/ut-r-gpu/site-library R_GPU_ENABLE=1"
-            }
+      }
+    },
+    'R: CPU': {
+      node('mxnetlinux-cpu') {
+        ws('workspace/ut-r-cpu') {
+          init_git()
+          unpack_lib('cpu')
+          timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
+            sh "${docker_run} cpu rm -rf .Renviron"
+            sh "${docker_run} cpu mkdir -p /workspace/ut-r-cpu/site-library"
+            sh "${docker_run} cpu make rpkg USE_BLAS=openblas 
+            sh "${docker_run} cpu R CMD INSTALL 
--library=/workspace/ut-r-cpu/site-library R-package"
+            sh "${docker_run} cpu make rpkgtest 
-      },
-      'Python 2: CPU Win':{
-        node('mxnetwindows-cpu') {
-          ws('workspace/ut-python-cpu') {
-            init_git_win()
-            unstash 'vc14_cpu'
-            bat '''rmdir /s/q pkg_vc14_cpu
-              7z x -y vc14_cpu.7z'''
-            bat """xcopy C:\\mxnet\\data data /E /I /Y
-              xcopy C:\\mxnet\\model model /E /I /Y
-              call activate py2
-              set PYTHONPATH=${env.WORKSPACE}\\pkg_vc14_cpu\\python
-              del /S /Q ${env.WORKSPACE}\\pkg_vc14_cpu\\python\\*.pyc
-              C:\\mxnet\\test_cpu.bat"""
+      }
+    },
+    'R: GPU': {
+      node('mxnetlinux-gpu') {
+        ws('workspace/ut-r-gpu') {
+          init_git()
+          unpack_lib('gpu')
+          timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
+            sh "${docker_run} gpu rm -rf .Renviron"
+            sh "${docker_run} gpu mkdir -p /workspace/ut-r-gpu/site-library"
+            sh "${docker_run} gpu make rpkg USE_BLAS=openblas 
+            sh "${docker_run} gpu R CMD INSTALL 
--library=/workspace/ut-r-gpu/site-library R-package"
+            sh "${docker_run} gpu make rpkgtest 
R_LIBS=/workspace/ut-r-gpu/site-library R_GPU_ENABLE=1"
+        }
+      }
+    },
+    'Python 2: CPU Win':{
+      node('mxnetwindows-cpu') {
+        ws('workspace/ut-python-cpu') {
+          init_git_win()
+          unstash 'vc14_cpu'
+          bat '''rmdir /s/q pkg_vc14_cpu
+            7z x -y vc14_cpu.7z'''
+          bat """xcopy C:\\mxnet\\data data /E /I /Y
+            xcopy C:\\mxnet\\model model /E /I /Y
+            call activate py2
+            set PYTHONPATH=${env.WORKSPACE}\\pkg_vc14_cpu\\python
+            del /S /Q ${env.WORKSPACE}\\pkg_vc14_cpu\\python\\*.pyc
+            C:\\mxnet\\test_cpu.bat"""
+        }
+       }
+    },
+    'Python 3: CPU Win': {
+       node('mxnetwindows-cpu') {
+       ws('workspace/ut-python-cpu') {
+         init_git_win()
+         unstash 'vc14_cpu'
+         bat '''rmdir /s/q pkg_vc14_cpu
+           7z x -y vc14_cpu.7z'''
+         bat """xcopy C:\\mxnet\\data data /E /I /Y
+           xcopy C:\\mxnet\\model model /E /I /Y
+           call activate py3
+           set PYTHONPATH=${env.WORKSPACE}\\pkg_vc14_cpu\\python
+           del /S /Q ${env.WORKSPACE}\\pkg_vc14_cpu\\python\\*.pyc
+           C:\\mxnet\\test_cpu.bat"""
-       },
-       'Python 3: CPU Win': {
-          node('mxnetwindows-cpu') {
-          ws('workspace/ut-python-cpu') {
-            init_git_win()
-            unstash 'vc14_cpu'
-            bat '''rmdir /s/q pkg_vc14_cpu
-              7z x -y vc14_cpu.7z'''
-            bat """xcopy C:\\mxnet\\data data /E /I /Y
-              xcopy C:\\mxnet\\model model /E /I /Y
-              call activate py3
-              set PYTHONPATH=${env.WORKSPACE}\\pkg_vc14_cpu\\python
-              del /S /Q ${env.WORKSPACE}\\pkg_vc14_cpu\\python\\*.pyc
-              C:\\mxnet\\test_cpu.bat"""
-            }
-         }
-       },
-       'Python 2: GPU Win':{
-         node('mxnetwindows-gpu') {
-           ws('workspace/ut-python-gpu') {
-            init_git_win()
-            unstash 'vc14_gpu'
-            bat '''rmdir /s/q pkg_vc14_gpu
-              7z x -y vc14_gpu.7z'''
-            bat """xcopy C:\\mxnet\\data data /E /I /Y
-              xcopy C:\\mxnet\\model model /E /I /Y
-              call activate py2
-              set PYTHONPATH=${env.WORKSPACE}\\pkg_vc14_gpu\\python
-              del /S /Q ${env.WORKSPACE}\\pkg_vc14_gpu\\python\\*.pyc
-              C:\\mxnet\\test_gpu.bat"""
-           }
-         }
-       },
-       'Python 3: GPU Win':{
-         node('mxnetwindows-gpu') {
-           ws('workspace/ut-python-gpu') {
-            init_git_win()
-            unstash 'vc14_gpu'
-            bat '''rmdir /s/q pkg_vc14_gpu
-              7z x -y vc14_gpu.7z'''
-            bat """xcopy C:\\mxnet\\data data /E /I /Y
-              xcopy C:\\mxnet\\model model /E /I /Y
-              call activate py3
-              set PYTHONPATH=${env.WORKSPACE}\\pkg_vc14_gpu\\python
-              del /S /Q ${env.WORKSPACE}\\pkg_vc14_gpu\\python\\*.pyc
-              C:\\mxnet\\test_gpu.bat"""
-           }
-         }
+      }
+    },
+    'Python 2: GPU Win':{
+      node('mxnetwindows-gpu') {
+        ws('workspace/ut-python-gpu') {
+          init_git_win()
+          unstash 'vc14_gpu'
+          bat '''rmdir /s/q pkg_vc14_gpu
+            7z x -y vc14_gpu.7z'''
+          bat """xcopy C:\\mxnet\\data data /E /I /Y
+            xcopy C:\\mxnet\\model model /E /I /Y
+            call activate py2
+            set PYTHONPATH=${env.WORKSPACE}\\pkg_vc14_gpu\\python
+            del /S /Q ${env.WORKSPACE}\\pkg_vc14_gpu\\python\\*.pyc
+            C:\\mxnet\\test_gpu.bat"""
+      }
+    },
+    'Python 3: GPU Win':{
+      node('mxnetwindows-gpu') {
+        ws('workspace/ut-python-gpu') {
+         init_git_win()
+         unstash 'vc14_gpu'
+         bat '''rmdir /s/q pkg_vc14_gpu
+           7z x -y vc14_gpu.7z'''
+         bat """xcopy C:\\mxnet\\data data /E /I /Y
+           xcopy C:\\mxnet\\model model /E /I /Y
+           call activate py3
+           set PYTHONPATH=${env.WORKSPACE}\\pkg_vc14_gpu\\python
+           del /S /Q ${env.WORKSPACE}\\pkg_vc14_gpu\\python\\*.pyc
+           C:\\mxnet\\test_gpu.bat"""
+        }
+      }
+  }
-    stage('Integration Test') {
-      parallel 'Python GPU': {
-        node('mxnetlinux-gpu') {
-          ws('workspace/it-python-gpu') {
-            init_git()
-            unpack_lib('gpu')
-            timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
-              sh "${docker_run} gpu --dockerbinary nvidia-docker 
PYTHONPATH=./python/ python example/image-classification/test_score.py"
-            }
+  stage('Integration Test') {
+    parallel 'Python GPU': {
+      node('mxnetlinux-gpu') {
+        ws('workspace/it-python-gpu') {
+          init_git()
+          unpack_lib('gpu')
+          timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
+            sh "${docker_run} gpu --dockerbinary nvidia-docker 
PYTHONPATH=./python/ python example/image-classification/test_score.py"
-      },
-      'Caffe GPU': {
-        node('mxnetlinux-gpu') {
-          ws('workspace/it-caffe') {
-            init_git()
-            unpack_lib('gpu')
-            timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
-              sh "${docker_run} caffe_gpu --dockerbinary nvidia-docker 
PYTHONPATH=/caffe/python:./python python 
-            }
+      }
+    },
+    'Caffe GPU': {
+      node('mxnetlinux-gpu') {
+        ws('workspace/it-caffe') {
+          init_git()
+          unpack_lib('gpu')
+          timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
+            sh "${docker_run} caffe_gpu --dockerbinary nvidia-docker 
PYTHONPATH=/caffe/python:./python python 
-      },
-      'cpp-package GPU': {
-        node('mxnetlinux-gpu') {
-          ws('workspace/it-cpp-package') {
-            init_git()
-            unpack_lib('gpu')
-            unstash 'cpp_test_score'
-            timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
-              sh "${docker_run} gpu --dockerbinary nvidia-docker 
-            }
+      }
+    },
+    'cpp-package GPU': {
+      node('mxnetlinux-gpu') {
+        ws('workspace/it-cpp-package') {
+          init_git()
+          unpack_lib('gpu')
+          unstash 'cpp_test_score'
+          timeout(time: max_time, unit: 'MINUTES') {
+            sh "${docker_run} gpu --dockerbinary nvidia-docker 
+  }
-    stage('Deploy') {
-      node('mxnetlinux-cpu') {
-        ws('workspace/docs') {
-          if (env.BRANCH_NAME == "master") {
-            init_git()
-            sh "make clean"
-            sh "make docs"
-          }
+  stage('Deploy') {
+    node('mxnetlinux-cpu') {
+      ws('workspace/docs') {
+        if (env.BRANCH_NAME == "master") {
+          init_git()
+          sh "make clean"
+          sh "make docs"
+  }
   // set build status to success at the end
   currentBuild.result = "SUCCESS"
 } catch (caughtError) {
-    node("mxnetlinux-cpu") {
-        sh "echo caught ${caughtError}"
-        err = caughtError
-        currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
-    }
+  node("mxnetlinux-cpu") {
+    sh "echo caught ${caughtError}"
+    err = caughtError
+    currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
+  }
 } finally {
-    node("mxnetlinux-cpu") {
-        // Only send email if master failed
-        if (currentBuild.result == "FAILURE" && env.BRANCH_NAME == "master") {
-            emailext body: 'Build for MXNet branch ${BRANCH_NAME} has broken. 
Please view the build at ${BUILD_URL}', replyTo: '${EMAIL}', subject: '[BUILD 
FAILED] Branch ${BRANCH_NAME} build ${BUILD_NUMBER}', to: '${EMAIL}'
-        }
-        // Remember to rethrow so the build is marked as failing
-        if (err) {
-            throw err
-        }
+  node("mxnetlinux-cpu") {
+    // Only send email if master failed
+    if (currentBuild.result == "FAILURE" && env.BRANCH_NAME == "master") {
+      emailext body: 'Build for MXNet branch ${BRANCH_NAME} has broken. Please 
view the build at ${BUILD_URL}', replyTo: '${EMAIL}', subject: '[BUILD FAILED] 
Branch ${BRANCH_NAME} build ${BUILD_NUMBER}', to: '${EMAIL}'
+    // Remember to rethrow so the build is marked as failing
+    if (err) {
+      throw err
+    }
+  }


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