Repository: incubator-mynewt-site
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master e753d0263 -> 46aa2856b


documentation for nrf52 with new newt commands

This closes #58


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 11afe7753d82571d5ca52dd6b06bd7f4b3a91276
Parents: e753d02
Author: Paul Dietrich <>
Authored: Thu Mar 17 13:05:06 2016 -0700
Committer: aditihilbert <>
Committed: Thu Mar 17 13:34:00 2016 -0700

 docs/os/tutorials/ | 284 ++++++++++------------------------------
 1 file changed, 68 insertions(+), 216 deletions(-)
diff --git a/docs/os/tutorials/ b/docs/os/tutorials/
index d908365..69518d0 100644
--- a/docs/os/tutorials/
+++ b/docs/os/tutorials/
@@ -9,231 +9,83 @@ nRF52 Series chip from Nordic Semiconductors.
 * nRF52 Development Kit
 * Laptop running Mac OS
+* It is assumed you have already installed newt tool. 
+* It is assumed you already installed native tools as described 
+#### install jlinkEXE
+In order to be able to communicate with the SEGGER J-Link debugger on the dev 
board, you have to download and install the J-Link GDB Server software on to 
your laptop. You may download the "Software and documentation pack for Mac OS 
X" from 
+#### Create a project.  
+Create a new project to hold your work.  For a deeper understanding, you can 
read about project creation in 
+[Get Started -- Creating Your First Project](../get_started/
+or just follow the commands below.
+    $ mkdir ~/dev
+    $ cd ~/dev
+    $ newt new myproj
+    Downloading project skeleton from apache/incubator-mynewt-blinky...
+    Installing skeleton in myproj...
+    Project myproj successfully created.
+    $ cd myproj
+    $ newt install -v 
+    apache-mynewt-core
+    Downloading repository description for apache-mynewt-core... success!
+    ...
+    apache-mynewt-core successfully installed version 0.7.9-none
+#### Create the target
+Create a single target for the nrf52.  NOTE: The nrf52 mynewt core does not
+yet have bootloader support, so we will create a single image to download
+to the device.
+$ newt target create blink_nordic
+$ newt target set blink_nordic app=apps/blinky
+$ newt target set blink_nordic bsp=@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/nrf52pdk
+$ newt target set blink_nordic build_profile=debug
+$ newt target show 
+    app=apps/blinky
+    bsp=@apache-mynewt-core/hw/bsp/nrf52pdk
+    build_profile=debug
+#### Build the image 
-#### Step by Step Instructions to build image
-* The first step is to download the generic skeleton of the project. The eggs 
installed are not hardware architecture specific.
-        []user@~/dev]$ newt nest create nordic_blinky
-        Downloading nest skeleton from ok!
-        Nest nordic_blinky successfully created in ~dev/nordic_blinky
-        user@~/dev$ cd nordic_blinky/
+$ newt build blink_nordic
+Compiling main.c
+Archiving blinky.a
+Linking blinky.elf
+App successfully built: ~/dev/myproj/bin/blink_nordic/apps/blinky/blinky.elf
-* Then, the clutch of eggs named larva is added from the nest (also named 
larva) on the github. This step simply downloads the clutch description file 
and does not actually install the eggs that constitute the clutch. The clutch 
description file (`clutch.yml`) will be used to check dependencies during the 
egg install to ensure completeness. It serves as a reference for all the eggs 
in the clutch that one can choose from and install.
-        []user@~/dev/nordic_blinky]$ newt nest add-clutch larva
-        Downloading clutch.yml from 
-        Verifying clutch.yml format...ok!
-        Clutch larva successfully installed to Nest.
-* The next step is to install relevant eggs from the larva nest on github. The 
instructions assume that you know what application or project you are 
interested in (the blinky application, in this case), what hardware you are 
using (STM32F3DISCOVERY board, in this case) and hence, what board support 
package you need. 
-        [user@~/dev/nordic_blinky]$ newt egg install project/blinky 
-        Downloading larva from ok!
-        Installing project/blinky
-        Installation was a success!
-        [user@~/dev/nordic_blinky]$ newt egg install hw/bsp/nrf52pdk
-        Downloading larva from ok!
-        Installing hw/bsp/nrf52pdk
-        Installing hw/mcu/nordic/nrf52xxx
-        Installing libs/cmsis-core
-        Installing compiler/arm-none-eabi-m4
-        Installation was a success!
+#### Connect the board
-* It's time to create a target for the project and define the target 
-        [user@~/dev/nordic_blinky]$ newt target create blink_nordic
-        Creating target blink_nordic
-        Target blink_nordic successfully created!
-        [user@~/dev/nordic_blinky]$ newt target set blink_nordic project=blinky
-        Target blink_nordic successfully set project to blinky
-        [user@~/dev/nordic_blinky]$ newt target set blink_nordic 
-        Target blink_nordic successfully set bsp to hw/bsp/nrf52pdk
-        [user@~/dev/nordic_blinky]$ newt target set blink_nordic 
-        Target blink_nordic successfully set compiler_def to debug
-        [user@~/dev/nordic_blinky]$ newt target set blink_nordic 
-        Target blink_nordic successfully set compiler to arm-none-eabi-m4
-        [user@~/dev/nordic_blinky]$ newt target set blink_nordic arch=cortex_m4
-        Target blink_nordic successfully set arch to cortex_m4
-        [user@~/dev/nordic_blinky]$ newt target show
-        blink_nordic
-               compiler: arm-none-eabi-m4
-               name: blink_nordic
-               arch: cortex_m4
-               project: blinky
-               bsp: hw/bsp/nrf52pdk
-               compiler_def: debug
+Connect the evaluation board via micro-USB to your PC via USB cable.
-* Finally, you get to build the target and generate an executable that can now 
be uploaded to the board via the on-board SEGGER J-Link debugger. 
-        [user@~/dev/nordic_blinky]$ newt target build blink_nordic
-        Building target blink_nordic (project = blinky)
-        Compiling case.c
-        Compiling suite.c
-        Compiling testutil.c
-        Compiling testutil_arch_arm.c
-        Archiving libtestutil.a
-        Compiling os.c
-        Compiling os_callout.c
-        Compiling os_eventq.c
-        Compiling os_heap.c
-        Compiling os_mbuf.c
-        Compiling os_mempool.c
-        Compiling os_mutex.c
-        Compiling os_sanity.c
-        Compiling os_sched.c
-        Compiling os_sem.c
-        Compiling os_task.c
-        Compiling os_time.c
-        Compiling os_arch_arm.c
-        Assembling HAL_CM4.s
-        Assembling SVC_Table.s
-        Archiving libos.a
-        Compiling hal_cputime.c
-        Compiling hal_gpio.c
-        Compiling hal_uart.c
-        Archiving libnrf52xxx.a
-        Compiling cmsis_nvic.c
-        Compiling hal_bsp.c
-        Compiling libc_stubs.c
-        Compiling os_bsp.c
-        Compiling sbrk.c
-        Compiling system_nrf52.c
-        Assembling gcc_startup_nrf52.s
-        Archiving libnrf52pdk.a
-        Compiling main.c
-        Building project blinky
-        Linking blinky.elf
-        Successfully run!
-* In order to be able to communicate with the SEGGER J-Link debugger on the 
dev board, you have to download and install the J-Link GDB Server software on 
to your laptop. You may download the "Software and documentation pack for Mac 
OS X" from 
 The command line version of the server is used in the steps below. 
-* Open a new terminal and start a J-Link session.
-        [user@~/dev/nordic_blinky/project/blinky/bin]$ which JLinkGDBServer
-        /usr/local/bin/JLinkGDBServer
-        [user@~/dev/nordic_blinky/project/blinky/bin]$ JLinkGDBServer -if SWD
-        SEGGER J-Link GDB Server V5.02f Command Line Version
-        JLinkARM.dll V5.02f (DLL compiled Oct  2 2015 20:55:03)
-        -----GDB Server start settings-----
-        GDBInit file:                  none
-        GDB Server Listening port:     2331
-        SWO raw output listening port: 2332
-        Terminal I/O port:             2333
-        Accept remote connection:      yes
-        Generate logfile:              off
-        Verify download:               off
-        Init regs on start:            off
-        Silent mode:                   off
-        Single run mode:               off
-        Target connection timeout:     0 ms
-        ------J-Link related settings------
-        J-Link Host interface:         USB
-        J-Link script:                 none
-        J-Link settings file:          none
-        ------Target related settings------
-        Target device:                 unspecified
-        Target interface:              SWD
-        Target interface speed:        1000kHz
-        Target endian:                 little
-        Connecting to J-Link...
-        J-Link is connected.
-        Firmware: J-Link OB-SAM3U128-V2-NordicSemi compiled Aug 28 2015 
-        Hardware: V1.00
-        S/N: 682371959
-        Checking target voltage...
-        Target voltage: 3.30 V
-        Listening on TCP/IP port 2331
-        Connecting to target...Connected to target
-        Waiting for GDB connection...Connected to
+#### Download to the target
-* You need a configuration file for the GDB session to be opened correctly and 
the image ("blinky.elf") you built for this target downloaded to flash. A 
sample config script is given below. Alternatively, you could choose to type 
each command at the gdb prompt.
-         [user@~/dev/nordic_blinky/project/blinky/bin/blink_nordic]$ cat 
-         echo ***Setting up the environment for debugging gdb.***\n
-         set complaints 1
-         set prompt (gdb) 
-         set endian little
-         echo \n*** Set target charset ASCII\n
-         set target-charset ASCII
-         echo \n*** Connecting over port #2331 ***\n
-         target remote localhost:2331
-         echo \n*** Enable flash write and set device to nrf52 ***\n
-         monitor flash download=1
-         monitor flash device=nRF52
-         echo \n*** loading blinky.elf ***\n
-         load ~/dev/nordic_blinky/project/blinky/bin/blink_nordic/blinky.elf 
-         symbol-file 
-         echo \n*** Resetting target ***\n
-         monitor reset
-         echo \n*** Halting target ***\n
-         monitor halt
-* Start the gdb session and monitor that it loads the image, resets the 
target, and halts for a command to continue. 
-        [user@~/dev/nordic_blinky/project/blinky/bin/blink_nordic]$ 
arm-none-eabi-gdb -x 
-        GNU gdb (GNU Tools for ARM Embedded Processors)
-        Copyright (C) 2014 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
-        License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later 
-        This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.
-        There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.  Type "show 
-        and "show warranty" for details.
-        This GDB was configured as "--host=x86_64-apple-darwin10 
-        Type "show configuration" for configuration details.
-        For bug reporting instructions, please see:
-        <>.
-        Find the GDB manual and other documentation resources online at:
-        <>.
-        For help, type "help".
-        Type "apropos word" to search for commands related to "word".
-        ***Setting up the environment for debugging gdb.***
-        The target is assumed to be little endian
-        *** Set target charset ASCII
-        *** Connecting over port #2331 ***
-        0x00003c34 in ?? ()
-        *** Enable flash write and set device to nrf52 ***
-        Flash download enabled
-        Selecting device: nRF52
-        *** loading blinky.elf ***
-        Loading section .text, size 0x5c84 lma 0x0
-        Loading section .ARM.extab, size 0x24 lma 0x5c84
-        Loading section .ARM.exidx, size 0xd8 lma 0x5ca8
-        Loading section .data, size 0x8f8 lma 0x5d80
-        Start address 0x48c, load size 26232
-        Transfer rate: 12808 KB/sec, 2914 bytes/write.
-        During symbol reading, unexpected overlap between:
-         (A) section `.text' from 
`~/dev/nordic_blinky/project/blinky/bin/blink_nordic/blinky.elf' [0x0, 0x5c84)
-         (B) section `*COM*' from 
`~/dev/nordic_blinky/project/blinky/bin/blink_nordic/blinky.elf' [0x0, 0x0).
-        Will ignore section B.
-        *** Resetting target ***
-        Resetting target
-        *** Halting target ***
-* Type 'c' to continue. The LED on the board will start to blink. You will 
also see some activity in the terminal showing the open J-Link GDB server 
connection. The LED will continue to blink after you quit out of that 
-        (gdb) c
-        Continuing.
+Download the executable to the target platform.
+$ newt -v load blink_nordic
+#### Congratulations
+You have created, setup, compiled, loaded, and ran your first mynewt 
+for the nrf52 evaluation board.

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