Forgot to add new files.


Branch: refs/heads/develop
Commit: 2a9db61608e18e824c3827543c95fe5487ea17d9
Parents: c616db4
Author: cwanda <>
Authored: Tue May 9 14:02:06 2017 -0700
Committer: cwanda <>
Committed: Tue May 9 14:02:06 2017 -0700

 docs/newt/install/ | 160 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 docs/newtmgr/   |  68 ++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 228 insertions(+)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b9359f
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+++ b/docs/newt/install/
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+## Installing Newt on Windows
+You can develop and build Mynewt OS applications for your target boards on the 
Windows platform.  This page shows you how to build the newt tool from the 
lastest source on the master branch of the [Mynewt newt git 
repository](  The tool is 
written in Go (golang).
+In Windows, we use MinGW as the development environment to build and run 
Mynewt OS applications for target boards. MinGW runs the bash shell and 
provides a Unix-like environment. This provides a uniform way to build Mynewt 
OS applications. The Mynewt documentation and tutorials use Unix commands and 
you can use the same Unix commands on MinGW to follow the tutorials. The 
documentation will note any commands or behaviors that are specific to Windows.
+This guide shows you how to perform the following:
+1. Install MSYS2/MinGW. 
+2. Install Git.
+3. Install Go. 
+4. Setup the Go environment.
+5. Download the source, build, and install the newt tool.
+### Step 1: Installing MSYS2/MinGW
+MSYS2/MinGW provides a bash shell and tools to build applications that run on 
Windows. It includes three subsystems:
+* MSYS2 toolchain to build POSIX applications that run on Windows. 
+* MinGW32 toolchains to build 32 bit native Windows applications.  
+* MinGW64 toolchains to build 64 bit native Windows applications.  
+The subsystems run the bash shell and provide a Unix-like environment. You can 
also run Windows applications from the shell. We will use the MinGW subsystem.
+To install and setup MSYS2 and MinGW:
+1. Download and run the [MSYS2 installer](  Select the 
64 bit version if you are running on a 64 bit platform. Follow the prompts and 
check the `Run MSYS2 now` checkbox on the `Installation Complete` dialog. 
+2. In the MSYS2 terminal, run the `pacman -Syuu` command. If you get a message 
to run the update again, close the terminal and run the `pacman -Syuu` command 
in a new terminal. 
+       To start a new MSYS2 terminal, select the "MSYS2 MSYS" application from 
the Windows start menu.
+3. Add a new user variable named **MSYS2_PATH_TYPE** and set the value to 
**inherit** in your Windows environment. This enables the MSYS2 and MinGW bash 
to inherit your Windows user **Path** values. 
+       To add the variable,  select properties for your computer > Advanced 
system settings > Environment Variables > New
+4. Run the `pacman -Su vim` command to install the vim editor. 
+       **Note:**You can also use a Windows editor. You can access your files 
from the **C:\&lt;msys-install-folder&gt;\home\&lt;username&gt;** folder, where 
**msys-install-folder** is the folder you installed MSYS2 in. For example, if 
you installed MSYS2 in the **msys64** folder, your files are stored in 
+You will need to start a MinGW terminal to run the commands specified in the 
Mynewt documentation and  tutorials.  To start a MinGW terminal, select the 
"MSYS2 Mingw" application from the start Menu (you can use either MinGW32 or 
+In Windows, we use the MingGW subsystem to build  Mynewt tools and 
+### Step 2: Installing Git for Windows
+Download and install [Git for Windows]( if 
it is not already installed.
+### Step 3: Installing Go 
+Download and install the latest version of [Go]( Newt 
requires Go version 1.7 or higher.
+###Step 4: Setting Up Your Go Environment 
+This section describes the Go environment and how to setup a Go workspace.  Go 
provides an environment to compile Go code,  construct Go packages,  and import 
Go code.  You will use Go commands to import the newt package repository into 
your local Go environment.  The Go language environment dictates a specific 
directory structure, or workspace in Go parlance. It must contain three sibling 
directories with the names **src**, **pkg** and **bin**: 
+* src contains Go source files organized into packages (one package per 
+* pkg contains package objects
+* bin contains the Go application executables that Go builds and installs.
+The **GOPATH** environment variable specifies the location of your workspace.  
To setup this workspace environment, create a **dev** directory and then a 
**go** directory under it. Set the GOPATH environment variable to this 
directory where you will clone the newt repository.
+Start up a MinGW terminal and run the following commands to set up your Go 
+$ cd $HOME
+$ mkdir -p dev/go  
+$ cd dev/go
+$ export GOPATH=`pwd`
+Add the following export statements to your ~/.bash_profile file and source 
the file:
+export GOPATH=$HOME/dev/go
+export PATH=$GOPATH/bin:$PATH
+###Step 5: Downloading the Source and Installing the Newt Tool 
+The newt Go package is **** and is stored in the 
[Apache Mynewt newt tool repository mirrored on 
github](  We use the `go get` 
command to download the source, build, and install the newt tool binary in the 
**$GOPATH/bin** directory. 
+Download the newt package source and install the tool:
+$cd $GOPATH
+$go get
+$cd $GOPATH/src/
+DISCLAIMER           util                viper
+LICENSE                        newt                    yaml
+NOTICE                 newtmgr              newtvm
+Check that the newt tool is installed and it is in your path:
+$ls go/bin
+$ ls bin/newt
+$which go
+$ newt version
+Apache Newt (incubating) version: 1.0.0-dev
+Get information about the newt tool:
+Newt allows you to create your own embedded application based on the Mynewt
+operating system. Newt provides both build and package management in a single
+tool, which allows you to compose an embedded application, and set of
+projects, and then build the necessary artifacts from those projects. For more
+information on the Mynewt operating system, please visit
+Please use the newt help command, and specify the name of the command you want
+help for, for help on how to use a specific command
+  newt [flags]
+  newt [command]
+  newt
+  newt help [<command-name>]
+    For help on <command-name>.  If not specified, print this message.
+Available Commands:
+  build        Build one or more targets
+  clean        Delete build artifacts for one or more targets
+  create-image Add image header to target binary
+  debug        Open debugger session to target
+  info         Show project info
+  install      Install project dependencies
+  load         Load built target to board
+  mfg          Manufacturing flash image commands
+  new          Create a new project
+  pkg          Create and manage packages in the current workspace
+  run          build/create-image/download/debug <target>
+  size         Size of target components
+  sync         Synchronize project dependencies
+  target       Commands to create, delete, configure, and query targets
+  test         Executes unit tests for one or more packages
+  upgrade      Upgrade project dependencies
+  vals         Display valid values for the specified element type(s)
+  version      Display the Newt version number
+  -h, --help              Help for newt commands
+  -j, --jobs int          Number of concurrent build jobs (default 4)
+  -l, --loglevel string   Log level (default "WARN")
+  -o, --outfile string    Filename to tee output to
+  -q, --quiet             Be quiet; only display error output
+  -s, --silent            Be silent; don't output anything
+  -v, --verbose           Enable verbose output when executing commands
+Use "newt [command] --help" for more information about a command.
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6ec23f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/newtmgr/
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+## Installing Newtmgr on Windows
+You can build and install the newtmgr tool from the latest source on the 
master branch.  Newtmgr is a Go (golang) package.  This guide shows you how to 
install the tool from source. It assumes that you already installed the [newt 
tool on Windows](/newt/install/newt_windows/) and have the Windows development 
environment and Go workspace set up.
+###Downloading and Installing the Newtmgr Tool
+The newtmgr Go package is ****. It is stored 
in the [Apache Mynewt newtmgr tool repository mirrored on 
+Run the `go get` command, from your Go workspace, to download, build, and 
install the newtmgr tool:
+$cd $GOPATH
+$go get
+$cd $GOPATH/src/
+DISCLAIMER     NOTICE          newtmgr
+LICENSE             nmxact
+$git status
+On branch master
+Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/master'.
+nothing to commit, working directory clean
+Check that the newtmgr binary is installed and you are using the one from 
+$ls $GOPATH/bin/newtmgr
+$which newt
+Get information about the newtmgr tool:
+Newtmgr helps you manage remote devices running the Mynewt OS
+  newtmgr [flags]
+  newtmgr [command]
+Available Commands:
+  config      Read or write config value on target
+  conn        Manage newtmgr connection profiles
+  crash       Send crash command to remote endpoint using newtmgr
+  datetime    Manage datetime on the device
+  echo        Send data to remote endpoint using newtmgr, and receive data back
+  fs          Access files on device
+  help        Help about any command
+  image       Manage images on remote instance
+  log         Handles log on remote instance
+  mpstat      Read mempool statistics from a remote endpoint
+  reset       Performs a soft reset of target device
+  run         Run procedures on remote device
+  stat        Read statistics from a remote endpoint
+  taskstat    Read statistics from a remote endpoint
+  -c, --conn string         connection profile to use.
+  -n, --devicename string   name of target BLE device; overrides profile 
+  -h, --help                help for newtmgr
+  -l, --loglevel string     log level to use (default "info")
+  -t, --timeout float       timeout in seconds (partial seconds allowed) 
                      t 10)
+  -r, --tries int           total number of tries in case of timeout (default 
+Use "newtmgr [command] --help" for more information about a command.

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