
John Neffenger updated NETBEANS-3296:
h1. {anchor:attaching-javafx-javadoc-and-sources}Attaching JavaFX Javadoc and 

I have been unable to attach the JavaFX Javadoc and Sources to their modular 
JAR files without encountering errors in their use by NetBeans. Attaching the 
Sources allows you to navigate directly to the JavaFX source code of a field or 
method. Attaching the Javadoc allows you to open an external Web browser 
directly to the appropriate page of the documentation. These features are two 
of the main reasons I use an integrated development environment.

There are several issues encountered in this task, making it easy to lose sight 
of the bigger picture. This is my attempt to provide that more general context 
and gather all the related issues into one place.

h2. {anchor:issues}Issues

Some of the problems related to using the JavaFX Javadoc and Sources have 
already been reported:

* [NETBEANS-236|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-236]: Incorrect 
brace spacing in try-with-resources
* [NETBEANS-1396|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-1396]: Maven: 
Downloaded javadoc / sources not attached to artifact with classifier
* [NETBEANS-2197|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-2197]: Missing 
code completion and Javadocs in maven projects with classifier
* [NETBEANS-2290|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-2290]: nb-javac 
1.71 fails to parse JavaFX Sources

The two issues concerning Maven projects will be fixed by the following pull 
request (a work in progress):

* [apache/netbeans#1548|https://github.com/apache/netbeans/pull/1548]: 
(NETBEANS-1396) Missing code completion and Javadocs in maven projects with 

I created the following issues for the new problems described here:

* [NETBEANS-3297|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3297]: "Attach 
Javadoc" really means "Attach Sources"
* [NETBEANS-3298|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3298]: Invalid 
Javadoc root javafx-sdk-13/doc/javafx.base
* [NETBEANS-3299|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3299]: Adding 
Javadoc and Sources to Global Library fails
* [NETBEANS-3300|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3300]: nb-javac 
2.0 fails to parse JavaFX Sources
* [NETBEANS-3301|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3301]: Modular 
Ant project fails to run without nb-javac
* [NETBEANS-3302|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3302]: 
Non-modular Gradle project fails to recognize Javadoc
* [NETBEANS-3303|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3303]: Modular 
Gradle project fails to recognize Javadoc and Sources

There are also related issues for the JavaFX Javadoc and sample NetBeans 
projects on GitHub:

* [openjfx/javadoc#6|https://github.com/openjfx/javadoc/issues/6]: Attached 
Javadoc does not follow Maven convention
* [openjfx/samples#39|https://github.com/openjfx/samples/issues/39]: 
IllegalStateException running NetBeans Modular Maven project

Each issue is listed again at the point where it's encountered below.

h2. {anchor:projects}Projects

I use the six sample NetBeans projects described in [Getting Started with 
JavaFX 13|https://openjfx.io/openjfx-docs/] to explain what goes wrong. I 
examine the projects in the following order:

# Ant ("Java") Non-Modular
# Ant ("Java") Modular
# Maven Non-Modular
# Maven Modular
# Gradle Non-Modular
# Gradle Modular

The sample projects are found under the 
directory of the [openjfx/samples|https://github.com/openjfx/samples] 
repository on GitHub. All six projects fail in one way or another to use the 
attached Javadoc and Sources. In some cases there are workarounds, but the 
workarounds often introduce a new set of problems.

h2. {anchor:environment}Environment

I am running [Apache NetBeans 11.2|https://snapcraft.io/netbeans] with [OpenJDK 
13.0.1|https://jdk.java.net/13/] on [Ubuntu 16.04.6 
LTS|http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/]. I configured the snap package to track 
the _edge_ channel for an early release of NetBeans 11.2.

h3. {anchor:javafx-sdk}JavaFX SDK

I set up the JavaFX SDK and JMODs on my system as instructed below. These files 
are required by the projects using Apache Ant. Note that the Ant projects 
define two different names for the JavaFX SDK Global Library: _JAVAFX13_ and 

Download the [Latest Release|https://gluonhq.com/products/javafx/] of the 
JavaFX Documentation, JavaFX Linux JMODs, and JavaFX Linux SDK.


Extract the JavaFX Linux JMODs and JavaFX Linux SDK into {{~/lib}} with:

$ mkdir ~/lib
$ cd ~/lib
$ unzip ~/Downloads/openjfx-13_linux-x64_bin-jmods.zip
$ unzip ~/Downloads/openjfx-13_linux-x64_bin-sdk.zip

Extract the JavaFX Sources into {{~/lib/javafx-sdk-13/src}} with:

$ cd ~/lib/javafx-sdk-13
$ mkdir src
$ cd src
$ unzip ../lib/src.zip

Extract the JavaFX Documentation into {{~/lib/javafx-sdk-13/doc}} with:

$ cd ~/lib/javafx-sdk-13
$ unzip ~/Downloads/openjfx-13-javadoc.zip
$ mv openjfx-13-javadoc.zip doc

h3. {anchor:command-line}Command Line

My command-line environment is set up by sourcing the following script, which I 
named _jdkenv.sh_. The script sets up the latest versions of the [Apache 
Ant|https://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi] and 
[Gradle|https://gradle.org/release-candidate/] build tools for use.

# Sets up the environment for JavaFX applications

# JavaFX SDK and JMODs
export JAVAFX_SDK=$HOME/lib/javafx-sdk-13/lib
export JAVAFX_JMODS=$HOME/lib/javafx-jmods-13

# JDK and build tools
export JAVA_HOME=$HOME/opt/jdk-13.0.1
export ANT_HOME=$HOME/opt/apache-ant-1.10.7
export GRADLE_HOME=$HOME/opt/gradle-6.0-rc-1
export PATH=$GRADLE_HOME/bin:$ANT_HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$syspath

h3. {anchor:platform-javadoc}Platform Javadoc

You might think the Java Platform Javadoc is already attached because you see 
it in the Javadoc Documentation window and in the code completion, but that 
information is obtained from the Platform Sources. NetBeans does not add the 
correct Javadoc directories when creating a Java Platform, so delete those and 
add the directories for the specific modules you require as shown below.


To determine that the Javadoc is recognized, check whether you can show the 
documentation in an external Web browser. That's possible when the second 
toolbar button from the right is enabled in the Javadoc Documentation window, 
as shown below. As far as I can tell, this is the only feature obtained by 
attaching the Javadoc.


h2. {anchor:ant-non-modular}Ant Non-Modular

After defining the _JAVAFX13_ Global Library as instructed in the [Getting 
Started|https://openjfx.io/openjfx-docs/] guide, the project builds and runs 
without errors. If you open the file _Main.java_ and click a JavaFX method 
name, such as {{show()}}, the Javadoc Documentation window appears as below.


It's important to note here that NetBeans generates the documentation for the 
Javadoc window and code completion using the source code, *not the Javadoc*. 
This implementation is useful because it allows you to view all of the 
documentation available in the source code rather than just those methods and 
fields included in the external Javadoc documentation.

Attaching the Javadoc allows you to open the documentation in an external Web 
browser by clicking the second toolbar button from the right in the Javadoc 
Documentation window (disabled in the screenshot above). The "Javadoc not 
found" and "Attach Javadoc..." notices sometimes indicate that the Javadoc 
comments don't exist in the source code and are shown even when the Javadoc is 
successfully attached.

I created the following issue to resolve the wording.

bq. [NETBEANS-3297|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3297]: 
"Attach Javadoc" really means "Attach Sources"

Holding down the _Ctrl_ key when clicking the same method shows that the source 
code is not available.


Neither of these results are a surprise because we have made no attempt to 
attach the Javadoc and Sources.

h3. {anchor:add-to-global-library}Add to Global Library

The first obvious thing to try is to add the Javadoc and Sources to the JavaFX 
Global Library. The following error occurs for each of the Javadoc directories. 
Click the _OK_ button to dismiss each window.


I created the following issue to track the error, even though the problem may 
lie in the JavaFX Javadoc packaging.

bq. [NETBEANS-3298|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3298]: 
Invalid Javadoc root javafx-sdk-13/doc/javafx.base

With all of the Javadoc and Sources added, the JAVAFX13 Global Library looks 
like this:

!ant-JAVAFX13-classpath.png! !ant-JAVAFX13-sources.png! 

After adding those directories, the method declaration of the Javadoc is 
visible, but the description and parameters are missing. The button to show the 
documentation in an external Web browser is enabled and works as expected. 
Navigating to a source method sometimes goes to the correct location and other 
times goes to the top of the file. The source code in both cases shows a file 
full of parsing errors.

!ant-completion-fails.png! !ant-source-fails-2.png!

I created the following issue for these errors.

bq. [NETBEANS-3299|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3299]: Adding 
Javadoc and Sources to Global Library fails

h3. {anchor:add-to-jar-files}Add to JAR files

Instead of adding the entire JavaFX library, let's add only the modular JAR 
files required by the project to its Compile Classpath.


Add the appropriate Javadoc and Sources directories to the JAR files by 
selecting each one and clicking the _Edit_ button.


After editing each item, you should see badges for the Javadoc and Sources 
appear on its icon in the Compile Classpath list.

*Important:* Before continuing, remove the Javadoc and Sources from the JavaFX 
Global Library. Otherwise, NetBeans continues to pick them up and doesn't 
notice the changes to the Compile Classpath.

After those changes, the project still builds and runs without errors. Restart 
NetBeans so that it parses the JavaFX sources with the new settings. Now the 
full Javadoc view and source navigation are working.

!ant-completion-works-1.png! !ant-source-works-1.png!

Each time you navigate to the source, though, an _Error_ notification appears 
in the lower right corner of the NetBeans window. Opening the Notification 
Window shows the following error.


These errors are essentially the same as those reported by the following 
NetBeans issue.

bq. [NETBEANS-2290|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-2290]: 
nb-javac 1.71 fails to parse JavaFX Sources

The difference is that NETBEANS-2290 reports the errors of _nb-javac_ version 
1.71 when parsing the JavaFX source code, while the more recent _nb-javac_ 2.0 
encounters the errors described here. I created the following issue for these 
new errors.

bq. [NETBEANS-3300|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3300]: 
nb-javac 2.0 fails to parse JavaFX Sources

h3. {anchor:uninstall-nb-javac}Uninstall _nb-javac_

Next, let's uninstall _nb-javac_ to see whether the Java compiler in JDK 13 
encounters the same errors. Note that you must actually *uninstall* the 
plug-in. Deactivating it does not prevent its use. Uninstall the plug-in with 
the title, "The nb-javac java editing support library," and restart NetBeans.

Now the Javadoc and Sources are working perfectly.

!ant-completion-works-2.png! !ant-source-works-2.png!

We can ignore the _Info_ notification recommending that we install the 
_nb-javac_ plug-in.


There are only two new problems. The first is a minor formatting error reported 
by the following issue.

bq. [NETBEANS-236|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-236]: 
Incorrect brace spacing in try-with-resources

There is an extra space added after the first parenthesis when reformatting a 
_try-with-resources_ statement, as shown in the screenshot below.


The second problem is that the Modular version of this project, discussed next, 
no longer runs. That project runs only when _nb-javac_ is installed.

Despite those two problems, adding the individual JAR files to the Classpath, 
along with their Javadoc and Sources directories, and uninstalling _nb-java_, 
is a good solution as long as the following are true:

* the project is not modular or is a modular library rather than an 
application, and
* you don't mind an extra space in _try-with-resources_ statements when 
formatting the source.

h2. {anchor:ant-modular}Ant Modular

When opening the Modular Ant project, you are notified to create the _JavaFX13_ 
and _JavaFXMODS13_ Global Libraries. Delete the previous _JAVAFX13_ Global 
Library and create these two new libraries as instructed in the [Getting 
Started|https://openjfx.io/openjfx-docs/] guide.

!ant-JavaFX13-classpath.png! !ant-JavaFXMODS13-classpath.png!

Leave the _nb-javac_ plug-in uninstalled, and do not attach the Sources or 
Javadoc yet. The project builds without errors, but it fails to run. The 
following notification appears when clicking the _Run Project_ button in the 
NetBeans toolbar.


I created the following issue for the error.

bq. [NETBEANS-3301|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3301]: 
Modular Ant project fails to run without nb-javac

The Javadoc is not found because neither the Javadoc nor Sources are attached, 
but clicking through to the Sources fails to open even the _Compiled Code_ view.

Putting aside for a moment the run failure, let's try to get the Javadoc and 
Sources working using the same technique as before. Attach the individual JAR 
files instead of the entire JavaFX library. Because this is a Modular project, 
add the JAR files to the Compile Modulepath instead of the Compile Classpath. 
Edit each JAR file to add the appropriate Javadoc and Sources directories. 
After those changes, the Modulepath looks like the screenshot below, with 
badges for the Javadoc and Sources on each icon in the list.


The project still fails to run, but now the Javadoc window, code completion, 
and source navigation all work as expected.

To solve the problem with _Run Project_, let's install the _nb-javac_ plug-in 
and see whether we can still use the Javadoc and Sources. After installing the 
plug-in, the project now builds and runs without errors. Better yet, even the 
Javadoc is displayed in the window and in the code completion. But each time we 
navigate to the Sources, we get the same exception as before.


I created the following issue for the error.

bq. [NETBEANS-3300|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3300]: 
nb-javac 2.0 fails to parse JavaFX Sources

We can try one more thing: uninstall the _nb-javac_ plug-in again and run the 
project from the command line. The environment variables are defined in the 
shell script _~/bin/jdkenv.sh_, listed previously.

$ source ~/bin/jdkenv.sh
$ ant run
Total time: 4 seconds

The project runs without problems from the command line. So this seems like a 
good solution: attach the JAR files individually along with their Javadoc and 
Sources directories, uninstall the _nb-javac_ plug-in, and run the project from 
the command line instead of from NetBeans.

h2. {anchor:maven-non-modular}Maven Non-Modular

Reinstall the _nb-javac_ plug-in so we're starting again with the normal 

There are several problems when using the JavaFX Javadoc and Sources in a Maven 
project, summarized in the GitHub pull request below.

bq. [apache/netbeans#1548|https://github.com/apache/netbeans/pull/1548]: 
(NETBEANS-1396) Missing code completion and Javadocs in maven projects with 

To work around the problems, create the correctly-named artifacts manually in 
your local Maven cache by following the links in the pull request. You should 
end up with the following files under the directory 
{{~/.m2/repository/org/openjfx/}}, along with their corresponding {{.sha1}} 
checksum files.


After setting up those files, you should see badges for the Javadoc and Sources 
on the icons of the project dependencies as shown below.


Even with these work-around techniques, though, the Javadoc fails to display 
for all methods. For example, in _App.java_ clicking on the {{load()}} method 
shows the documentation in the Javadoc window, but not for the {{show()}} or 
{{setScene(scene)}} methods. The source navigation works for some methods, but 
other methods just open to the top of the file instead of to their declaration.

!maven-completion-fails.png! !maven-source-fails.png!

Even after uninstalling _nb-javac_, the same types of errors occur. There 
doesn't seem to be a work-around.

The following issues address some of these problems. I'll wait until these are 
resolved before opening any new issues.

bq. [NETBEANS-1396|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-1396]: Maven: 
Downloaded javadoc / sources not attached to artifact with classifier

bq. [NETBEANS-2197|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-2197]: 
Missing code completion and Javadocs in maven projects with classifier

h2. {anchor:maven-modular}Maven Modular

After installing the plug-in again, try the Modular Maven project. The project 
builds without errors, but it fails to run because of the following error.

bq. [openjfx/samples#39|https://github.com/openjfx/samples/issues/39]: 
IllegalStateException running NetBeans Modular Maven project

Apply the simple fix in the associated pull request:

bq. [openjfx/samples#40|https://github.com/openjfx/samples/pull/40]: Fix 
package names of FXML resources and open code

After the fix, the project runs without errors. We still get the same mixed 
results as the Non-Modular project, though, and uninstalling the _nb-javac_ 
plug-in again doesn't help this time, either.

The following issues address some of these problems. I'll wait until these are 
resolved before opening any new issues.

bq. [NETBEANS-1396|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-1396]: Maven: 
Downloaded javadoc / sources not attached to artifact with classifier

bq. [NETBEANS-2197|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-2197]: 
Missing code completion and Javadocs in maven projects with classifier

h2. {anchor:gradle-non-modular}Gradle Non-Modular

As of October 2019, there is no Gradle release that works with JDK 13. Install 
the [Gradle 6.0 RC1|https://gradle.org/release-candidate/] release candidate to 
get a version that works. Set the Java Gradle Options to use this custom Gradle 
distribution instead of a Standard Gradle Version.


Make sure to *uncheck* the item that says, "Prefer to use Gradle Wrapper that 
Comes with the Project." The JavaFX sample projects have a wrapper for Gradle 
version 5.0, but that version does not work with JDK 13.

We need to do the same trick with Gradle as we did with Maven: copy the Javadoc 
and Sources to their platform-specific names. First, though, we need to make 
Gradle download them. In a Gradle project, we can't just right-click the 
Dependencies and select "Download Javadoc" and "Download Sources" as we can 
with Maven. Instead, make them _compileOnly_ dependencies in the Gradle build 

dependencies {
    compileOnly "org.openjfx:javafx-base:13:sources"
    compileOnly "org.openjfx:javafx-controls:13:sources"
    compileOnly "org.openjfx:javafx-fxml:13:sources"
    compileOnly "org.openjfx:javafx-graphics:13:sources"

    compileOnly "org.openjfx:javafx-base:13:javadoc"
    compileOnly "org.openjfx:javafx-controls:13:javadoc"
    compileOnly "org.openjfx:javafx-fxml:13:javadoc"
    compileOnly "org.openjfx:javafx-graphics:13:javadoc"

After that change, the files are downloaded to the Gradle cache, and we can 
copy the Javadoc and Sources to their platform-specific names until we have all 
of the following files set up under the directory 
{{~/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.openjfx/}}. The ellipses ({{...}}) 
omit the bulk of the checksum directory names for brevity.


The files with the suffixes {{-linux-javadoc.jar}} and {{-linux-sources.jar}} 
are copies of the versions without the platform name that were downloaded by 
Gradle, as you can see for the JavaFX Base module below.



After those changes, both the display of the Javadoc documentation and the 
source navigation work fine.

!gradle-completion-works.png! !gradle-source-works.png!

NetBeans fails to recognize the Javadoc JAR files, though. The toolbar button 
to view the documentation in an external Web browser (second from right) is 
disabled, as shown below. The behavior is the same after uninstalling the 
_nb-javac_ plug-in.


I created the following issue to track the error, even though the problem may 
lie in the JavaFX Javadoc packaging.

bq. [NETBEANS-3302|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3302]: 
Non-modular Gradle project fails to recognize Javadoc

h2. {anchor:gradle-modular}Gradle Modular

To keep the projects synchronized, make the same changes to the _build.gradle_ 
file for the Modular Gradle project as in the previous Non-Modular version, 
adding the _compileOnly_ dependencies for the Javadoc and Sources. The Gradle 
cache is already set up with the correct artifact names from the previous 

The project builds and runs without errors, but the use of the Javadoc and 
Sources fails completely. The source completion displays the error shown below, 
and navigating to the source of a method does nothing at all. The behavior is 
the same after uninstalling the _nb-javac_ plug-in.


I created the following issue for these errors.

bq. [NETBEANS-3303|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3303]: 
Modular Gradle project fails to recognize Javadoc and Sources

h1. {anchor:attaching-javafx-javadoc-and-sources-in-netbeans}Attaching JavaFX 
Javadoc and Sources

I have been unable to attach the JavaFX Javadoc and Sources to their modular 
JAR files without encountering errors in their use by NetBeans. Attaching the 
Sources allows you to navigate directly to the JavaFX source code of a field or 
method. Attaching the Javadoc allows you to open an external Web browser 
directly to the appropriate page of the documentation. These features are two 
of the main reasons I use an integrated development environment.

There are several issues encountered in this task, making it easy to lose sight 
of the bigger picture. This is my attempt to provide that more general context 
and gather all the related issues into one place.

h2. {anchor:issues}Issues

Some of the problems related to using the JavaFX Javadoc and Sources have 
already been reported:

* [NETBEANS-236|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-236]: Incorrect 
brace spacing in try-with-resources
* [NETBEANS-1396|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-1396]: Maven: 
Downloaded javadoc / sources not attached to artifact with classifier
* [NETBEANS-2197|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-2197]: Missing 
code completion and Javadocs in maven projects with classifier
* [NETBEANS-2290|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-2290]: nb-javac 
1.71 fails to parse JavaFX Sources

The two issues concerning Maven projects will be fixed by the following pull 
request (a work in progress):

* [apache/netbeans#1548|https://github.com/apache/netbeans/pull/1548]: 
(NETBEANS-1396) Missing code completion and Javadocs in maven projects with 

I plan to create new issues for the new problems described here:

* [NETBEANS-XXXX|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS]: "Attach 
Javadoc" really means "Attach Sources"
* [NETBEANS-XXXX|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS]: Invalid 
Javadoc root javafx-sdk-13/doc/javafx.base
* [NETBEANS-XXXX|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS]: Adding 
Javadoc and Sources to Global Library fails
* [NETBEANS-XXXX|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS]: nb-javac 2.0 
fails to parse JavaFX Sources
* [NETBEANS-XXXX|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS]: Modular Ant 
project fails to run without nb-javac
* [NETBEANS-XXXX|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS]: Non-modular 
Gradle project fails to recognize Javadoc
* [NETBEANS-XXXX|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS]: Modular 
Gradle project fails to recognize Javadoc and Sources

There are related issues for the JavaFX Javadoc and sample NetBeans projects on 

* [openjfx/javadoc#6|https://github.com/openjfx/javadoc/issues/6]: Attached 
Javadoc does not follow Maven convention
* [openjfx/samples#39|https://github.com/openjfx/samples/issues/39]: 
IllegalStateException running NetBeans Modular Maven project

Each issue is listed again at the point where it's encountered below.

h2. {anchor:projects}Projects

I use the six sample NetBeans projects described in [Getting Started with 
JavaFX 13|https://openjfx.io/openjfx-docs/] to explain what goes wrong. I 
examine the projects in the following order:

# Ant ("Java") Non-Modular
# Ant ("Java") Modular
# Maven Non-Modular
# Maven Modular
# Gradle Non-Modular
# Gradle Modular

The sample projects are found under the 
directory of the [openjfx/samples|https://github.com/openjfx/samples] 
repository on GitHub. All six projects fail in one way or another to use the 
attached Javadoc and Sources. In some cases there are workarounds, but the 
workarounds often introduce a new set of problems.

h2. {anchor:environment}Environment

I am running [Apache NetBeans 11.2|https://snapcraft.io/netbeans] with [OpenJDK 
13.0.1|https://jdk.java.net/13/] on [Ubuntu 16.04.6 
LTS|http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/]. I configured the snap package to track 
the _edge_ channel for an early release of NetBeans 11.2.

h3. {anchor:javafx-sdk}JavaFX SDK

I set up the JavaFX SDK and JMODs on my system as instructed below. These files 
are required by the projects using Apache Ant. Note that the Ant projects 
define two different names for the JavaFX SDK Global Library: _JAVAFX13_ and 

Download the [Latest Release|https://gluonhq.com/products/javafx/] of the 
JavaFX Documentation, JavaFX Linux JMODs, and JavaFX Linux SDK.


Extract the JavaFX Linux JMODs and JavaFX Linux SDK into {{~/lib}} with:

$ mkdir ~/lib
$ cd ~/lib
$ unzip ~/Downloads/openjfx-13_linux-x64_bin-jmods.zip
$ unzip ~/Downloads/openjfx-13_linux-x64_bin-sdk.zip

Extract the JavaFX Sources into {{~/lib/javafx-sdk-13/src}} with:

$ cd ~/lib/javafx-sdk-13
$ mkdir src
$ cd src
$ unzip ../lib/src.zip

Extract the JavaFX Documentation into {{~/lib/javafx-sdk-13/doc}} with:

$ cd ~/lib/javafx-sdk-13
$ unzip ~/Downloads/openjfx-13-javadoc.zip
$ mv openjfx-13-javadoc.zip doc

h3. {anchor:command-line}Command Line

My command-line environment is set up by sourcing the following script, which I 
named _jdkenv.sh_. The script sets up the latest versions of the [Apache 
Ant|https://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi] and 
[Gradle|https://gradle.org/release-candidate/] build tools for use.

# Sets up the environment for JavaFX applications

# JavaFX SDK and JMODs
export JAVAFX_SDK=$HOME/lib/javafx-sdk-13/lib
export JAVAFX_JMODS=$HOME/lib/javafx-jmods-13

# JDK and build tools
export JAVA_HOME=$HOME/opt/jdk-13.0.1
export ANT_HOME=$HOME/opt/apache-ant-1.10.7
export GRADLE_HOME=$HOME/opt/gradle-6.0-rc-1
export PATH=$GRADLE_HOME/bin:$ANT_HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$syspath

h3. {anchor:platform-javadoc}Platform Javadoc

You might think the Java Platform Javadoc is already attached because you see 
it in the Javadoc Documentation window and in the code completion, but that 
information is obtained from the Platform Sources. NetBeans does not add the 
correct Javadoc directories when creating a Java Platform, so delete those and 
add the directories for the specific modules you require as shown below.


To determine that the Javadoc is recognized, check whether you can show the 
documentation in an external Web browser. That's possible when the second 
toolbar button from the right is enabled in the Javadoc Documentation window, 
as shown below. As far as I can tell, this is the only feature obtained by 
attaching the Javadoc.


h2. {anchor:ant-non-modular}Ant Non-Modular

After defining the _JAVAFX13_ Global Library as instructed in the [Getting 
Started|https://openjfx.io/openjfx-docs/] guide, the project builds and runs 
without errors. If you open the file _Main.java_ and click a JavaFX method 
name, such as {{show()}}, the Javadoc Documentation window appears as below.


It's important to note here that NetBeans generates the documentation for the 
Javadoc window and code completion using the source code, *not the Javadoc*. 
This implementation is useful because it allows you to view all of the 
documentation available in the source code rather than just those methods and 
fields included in the external Javadoc documentation.

Attaching the Javadoc allows you to open the documentation in an external Web 
browser by clicking the second toolbar button from the right in the Javadoc 
Documentation window (disabled in the screenshot above). The "Javadoc not 
found" and "Attach Javadoc..." notices sometimes indicate that the Javadoc 
comments don't exist in the source code and are shown even when the Javadoc is 
successfully attached.

I created the following issue to resolve the wording.

bq. [NETBEANS-XXXX|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS]: "Attach 
Javadoc" really means "Attach Sources"

Holding down the _Ctrl_ key when clicking the same method shows that the source 
code is not available.


Neither of these results are a surprise because we have made no attempt to 
attach the Javadoc and Sources.

h3. {anchor:add-to-global-library}Add to Global Library

The first obvious thing to try is to add the Javadoc and Sources to the JavaFX 
Global Library. The following error occurs for each of the Javadoc directories. 
Click the _OK_ button to dismiss each window.


I created the following issue to track the error, even though the problem may 
lie in the JavaFX Javadoc packaging.

bq. [NETBEANS-XXXX|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS]: Invalid 
Javadoc root javafx-sdk-13/doc/javafx.base

With all of the Javadoc and Sources added, the JAVAFX13 Global Library looks 
like this:

!ant-JAVAFX13-classpath.png! !ant-JAVAFX13-sources.png! 

After adding those directories, the method declaration of the Javadoc is 
visible, but the description and parameters are missing. The button to show the 
documentation in an external Web browser is enabled and works as expected. 
Navigating to a source method sometimes goes to the correct location and other 
times goes to the top of the file. The source code in both cases shows a file 
full of parsing errors.

!ant-completion-fails.png! !ant-source-fails-2.png!

I created the following issue for these errors.

bq. [NETBEANS-XXXX|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS]: Adding 
Javadoc and Sources to Global Library fails

h3. {anchor:add-to-jar-files}Add to JAR files

Instead of adding the entire JavaFX library, let's add only the modular JAR 
files required by the project to its Compile Classpath.


Add the appropriate Javadoc and Sources directories to the JAR files by 
selecting each one and clicking the _Edit_ button.


After editing each item, you should see badges for the Javadoc and Sources 
appear on its icon in the Compile Classpath list.

*Important:* Before continuing, remove the Javadoc and Sources from the JavaFX 
Global Library. Otherwise, NetBeans continues to pick them up and doesn't 
notice the changes to the Compile Classpath.

After those changes, the project still builds and runs without errors. Restart 
NetBeans so that it parses the JavaFX sources with the new settings. Now the 
full Javadoc view and source navigation are working.

!ant-completion-works-1.png! !ant-source-works-1.png!

Each time you navigate to the source, though, an _Error_ notification appears 
in the lower right corner of the NetBeans window. Opening the Notification 
Window shows the following error.


These errors are essentially the same as those reported by the following 
NetBeans issue.

bq. [NETBEANS-2290|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-2290]: 
nb-javac 1.71 fails to parse JavaFX Sources

The difference is that NETBEANS-2290 reports the errors of _nb-javac_ version 
1.71 when parsing the JavaFX source code, while the more recent _nb-javac_ 2.0 
encounters the errors described here. I created the following issue for these 
new errors.

bq. [NETBEANS-XXXX|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS]: nb-javac 
2.0 fails to parse JavaFX Sources

h3. {anchor:uninstall-nb-javac}Uninstall _nb-javac_

Next, let's uninstall _nb-javac_ to see whether the Java compiler in JDK 13 
encounters the same errors. Note that you must actually *uninstall* the 
plug-in. Deactivating it does not prevent its use. Uninstall the plug-in with 
the title, "The nb-javac java editing support library," and restart NetBeans.

Now the Javadoc and Sources are working perfectly.

!ant-completion-works-2.png! !ant-source-works-2.png!

We can ignore the _Info_ notification recommending that we install the 
_nb-javac_ plug-in.


There are only two new problems. The first is a minor formatting error reported 
by the following issue.

bq. [NETBEANS-236|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-236]: 
Incorrect brace spacing in try-with-resources

There is an extra space added after the first parenthesis when reformatting a 
_try-with-resources_ statement, as shown in the screenshot below.


The second problem is that the Modular version of this project, discussed next, 
no longer runs. That project runs only when _nb-javac_ is installed.

Despite those two problems, adding the individual JAR files to the Classpath, 
along with their Javadoc and Sources directories, and uninstalling _nb-java_, 
is a good solution as long as the following are true:

* the project is not modular or is a modular library rather than an 
application, and
* you don't mind an extra space in _try-with-resources_ statements when 
formatting the source.

h2. {anchor:ant-modular}Ant Modular

When opening the Modular Ant project, you are notified to create the _JavaFX13_ 
and _JavaFXMODS13_ Global Libraries. Delete the previous _JAVAFX13_ Global 
Library and create these two new libraries as instructed in the [Getting 
Started|https://openjfx.io/openjfx-docs/] guide.

!ant-JavaFX13-classpath.png! !ant-JavaFXMODS13-classpath.png!

Leave the _nb-javac_ plug-in uninstalled, and do not attach the Sources or 
Javadoc yet. The project builds without errors, but it fails to run. The 
following notification appears when clicking the _Run Project_ button in the 
NetBeans toolbar.


I created the following issue for the error.

bq. [NETBEANS-XXXX|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS]: Modular Ant 
project fails to run without nb-javac

The Javadoc is not found because neither the Javadoc nor Sources are attached, 
but clicking through to the Sources fails to open even the _Compiled Code_ view.

Putting aside for a moment the run failure, let's try to get the Javadoc and 
Sources working using the same technique as before. Attach the individual JAR 
files instead of the entire JavaFX library. Because this is a Modular project, 
add the JAR files to the Compile Modulepath instead of the Compile Classpath. 
Edit each JAR file to add the appropriate Javadoc and Sources directories. 
After those changes, the Modulepath looks like the screenshot below, with 
badges for the Javadoc and Sources on each icon in the list.


The project still fails to run, but now the Javadoc window, code completion, 
and source navigation all work as expected.

To solve the problem with _Run Project_, let's install the _nb-javac_ plug-in 
and see whether we can still use the Javadoc and Sources. After installing the 
plug-in, the project now builds and runs without errors. Better yet, even the 
Javadoc is displayed in the window and in the code completion. But each time we 
navigate to the Sources, we get the same exception as before.


I created the following issue for the error.

bq. [NETBEANS-XXXX|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS]: nb-javac 
2.0 fails to parse JavaFX Sources

We can try one more thing: uninstall the _nb-javac_ plug-in again and run the 
project from the command line. The environment variables are defined in the 
shell script _~/bin/jdkenv.sh_, listed previously.

$ source ~/bin/jdkenv.sh
$ ant run
Total time: 4 seconds

The project runs without problems from the command line. So this seems like a 
good solution: attach the JAR files individually along with their Javadoc and 
Sources directories, uninstall the _nb-javac_ plug-in, and run the project from 
the command line instead of from NetBeans.

h2. {anchor:maven-non-modular}Maven Non-Modular

Reinstall the _nb-javac_ plug-in so we're starting again with the normal 

There are several problems when using the JavaFX Javadoc and Sources in a Maven 
project, summarized in the GitHub pull request below.

bq. [apache/netbeans#1548|https://github.com/apache/netbeans/pull/1548]: 
(NETBEANS-1396) Missing code completion and Javadocs in maven projects with 

To work around the problems, create the correctly-named artifacts manually in 
your local Maven cache by following the links in the pull request. You should 
end up with the following files under the directory 
{{~/.m2/repository/org/openjfx/}}, along with their corresponding {{.sha1}} 
checksum files.


After setting up those files, you should see badges for the Javadoc and Sources 
on the icons of the project dependencies as shown below.


Even with these work-around techniques, though, the Javadoc fails to display 
for all methods. For example, in _App.java_ clicking on the {{load()}} method 
shows the documentation in the Javadoc window, but not for the {{show()}} or 
{{setScene(scene)}} methods. The source navigation works for some methods, but 
other methods just open to the top of the file instead of to their declaration.

!maven-completion-fails.png! !maven-source-fails.png!

Even after uninstalling _nb-javac_, the same types of errors occur. There 
doesn't seem to be a work-around.

The following issues address some of these problems. I'll wait until these are 
resolved before opening any new issues.

bq. [NETBEANS-1396|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-1396]: Maven: 
Downloaded javadoc / sources not attached to artifact with classifier

bq. [NETBEANS-2197|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-2197]: 
Missing code completion and Javadocs in maven projects with classifier

h2. {anchor:maven-modular}Maven Modular

After installing the plug-in again, try the Modular Maven project. The project 
builds without errors, but it fails to run because of the following error.

bq. [openjfx/samples#39|https://github.com/openjfx/samples/issues/39]: 
IllegalStateException running NetBeans Modular Maven project

Apply the simple fix in the associated pull request:

bq. [openjfx/samples#40|https://github.com/openjfx/samples/pull/40]: Fix 
package names of FXML resources and open code

After the fix, the project runs without errors. We still get the same mixed 
results as the Non-Modular project, though, and uninstalling the _nb-javac_ 
plug-in again doesn't help this time, either.

The following issues address some of these problems. I'll wait until these are 
resolved before opening any new issues.

bq. [NETBEANS-1396|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-1396]: Maven: 
Downloaded javadoc / sources not attached to artifact with classifier

bq. [NETBEANS-2197|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-2197]: 
Missing code completion and Javadocs in maven projects with classifier

h2. {anchor:gradle-non-modular}Gradle Non-Modular

As of October 2019, there is no Gradle release that works with JDK 13. Install 
the [Gradle 6.0 RC1|https://gradle.org/release-candidate/] release candidate to 
get a version that works. Set the Java Gradle Options to use this custom Gradle 
distribution instead of a Standard Gradle Version.


Make sure to *uncheck* the item that says, "Prefer to use Gradle Wrapper that 
Comes with the Project." The JavaFX sample projects have a wrapper for Gradle 
version 5.0, but that version does not work with JDK 13.

We need to do the same trick with Gradle as we did with Maven: copy the Javadoc 
and Sources to their platform-specific names. First, though, we need to make 
Gradle download them. In a Gradle project, we can't just right-click the 
Dependencies and select "Download Javadoc" and "Download Sources" as we can 
with Maven. Instead, make them _compileOnly_ dependencies in the Gradle build 

dependencies {
    compileOnly "org.openjfx:javafx-base:13:sources"
    compileOnly "org.openjfx:javafx-controls:13:sources"
    compileOnly "org.openjfx:javafx-fxml:13:sources"
    compileOnly "org.openjfx:javafx-graphics:13:sources"

    compileOnly "org.openjfx:javafx-base:13:javadoc"
    compileOnly "org.openjfx:javafx-controls:13:javadoc"
    compileOnly "org.openjfx:javafx-fxml:13:javadoc"
    compileOnly "org.openjfx:javafx-graphics:13:javadoc"

After that change, the files are downloaded to the Gradle cache, and we can 
copy the Javadoc and Sources to their platform-specific names until we have all 
of the following files set up under the directory 
{{~/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.openjfx/}}. The ellipses ({{...}}) 
omit the bulk of the checksum directory names for brevity.


The files with the suffixes {{-linux-javadoc.jar}} and {{-linux-sources.jar}} 
are copies of the versions without the platform name that were downloaded by 
Gradle, as you can see for the JavaFX Base module below.



After those changes, both the display of the Javadoc documentation and the 
source navigation work fine.

!gradle-completion-works.png! !gradle-source-works.png!

NetBeans fails to recognize the Javadoc JAR files, though. The toolbar button 
to view the documentation in an external Web browser (second from right) is 
disabled, as shown below. The behavior is the same after uninstalling the 
_nb-javac_ plug-in.


I created the following issue to track the error, even though the problem may 
lie in the JavaFX Javadoc packaging.

bq. [NETBEANS-XXXX|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS]: Non-modular 
Gradle project fails to recognize Javadoc

h2. {anchor:gradle-modular}Gradle Modular

To keep the projects synchronized, make the same changes to the _build.gradle_ 
file for the Modular Gradle project as in the previous Non-Modular version, 
adding the _compileOnly_ dependencies for the Javadoc and Sources. The Gradle 
cache is already set up with the correct artifact names from the previous 

The project builds and runs without errors, but the use of the Javadoc and 
Sources fails completely. The source completion displays the error shown below, 
and navigating to the source of a method does nothing at all. The behavior is 
the same after uninstalling the _nb-javac_ plug-in.


I created the following issue for these errors.

bq. [NETBEANS-XXXX|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS]: Modular 
Gradle project fails to recognize Javadoc and Sources

> Attaching JavaFX Javadoc and Sources
> ------------------------------------
>                 Key: NETBEANS-3296
>                 URL: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3296
>             Project: NetBeans
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 11.2
>         Environment: OpenJDK 13.0.1 on Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS
>            Reporter: John Neffenger
>            Priority: Major
>         Attachments: ant-JAVAFX13-classpath.png, ant-JAVAFX13-javadoc.png, 
> ant-JAVAFX13-sources.png, ant-JavaFX13-classpath.png, 
> ant-JavaFXMODS13-classpath.png, ant-cannot-use-elements-1.png, 
> ant-cannot-use-elements-2.png, ant-command-run.png, 
> ant-compile-classpath.png, ant-compile-modulepath.png, 
> ant-completion-fails.png, ant-completion-works-1.png, 
> ant-completion-works-2.png, ant-edit-jar-reference.png, 
> ant-install-nb-javac.png, ant-invalid-javadoc-root.png, 
> ant-javadoc-fails.png, ant-source-fails-1.png, ant-source-fails-2.png, 
> ant-source-works-1.png, ant-source-works-2.png, ant-try-with-resources.png, 
> gradle-completion-fails.png, gradle-completion-works.png, 
> gradle-distribution.png, gradle-javadoc-fails.png, gradle-source-works.png, 
> java-javadoc-works.png, java-platform-javadoc.png, 
> maven-completion-fails.png, maven-dependencies.png, maven-source-fails.png
> h1. {anchor:attaching-javafx-javadoc-and-sources}Attaching JavaFX Javadoc and 
> Sources
> I have been unable to attach the JavaFX Javadoc and Sources to their modular 
> JAR files without encountering errors in their use by NetBeans. Attaching the 
> Sources allows you to navigate directly to the JavaFX source code of a field 
> or method. Attaching the Javadoc allows you to open an external Web browser 
> directly to the appropriate page of the documentation. These features are two 
> of the main reasons I use an integrated development environment.
> There are several issues encountered in this task, making it easy to lose 
> sight of the bigger picture. This is my attempt to provide that more general 
> context and gather all the related issues into one place.
> h2. {anchor:issues}Issues
> Some of the problems related to using the JavaFX Javadoc and Sources have 
> already been reported:
> * [NETBEANS-236|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-236]: 
> Incorrect brace spacing in try-with-resources
> * [NETBEANS-1396|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-1396]: Maven: 
> Downloaded javadoc / sources not attached to artifact with classifier
> * [NETBEANS-2197|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-2197]: 
> Missing code completion and Javadocs in maven projects with classifier
> * [NETBEANS-2290|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-2290]: 
> nb-javac 1.71 fails to parse JavaFX Sources
> The two issues concerning Maven projects will be fixed by the following pull 
> request (a work in progress):
> * [apache/netbeans#1548|https://github.com/apache/netbeans/pull/1548]: 
> (NETBEANS-1396) Missing code completion and Javadocs in maven projects with 
> classifier
> I created the following issues for the new problems described here:
> * [NETBEANS-3297|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3297]: 
> "Attach Javadoc" really means "Attach Sources"
> * [NETBEANS-3298|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3298]: 
> Invalid Javadoc root javafx-sdk-13/doc/javafx.base
> * [NETBEANS-3299|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3299]: Adding 
> Javadoc and Sources to Global Library fails
> * [NETBEANS-3300|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3300]: 
> nb-javac 2.0 fails to parse JavaFX Sources
> * [NETBEANS-3301|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3301]: 
> Modular Ant project fails to run without nb-javac
> * [NETBEANS-3302|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3302]: 
> Non-modular Gradle project fails to recognize Javadoc
> * [NETBEANS-3303|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3303]: 
> Modular Gradle project fails to recognize Javadoc and Sources
> There are also related issues for the JavaFX Javadoc and sample NetBeans 
> projects on GitHub:
> * [openjfx/javadoc#6|https://github.com/openjfx/javadoc/issues/6]: Attached 
> Javadoc does not follow Maven convention
> * [openjfx/samples#39|https://github.com/openjfx/samples/issues/39]: 
> IllegalStateException running NetBeans Modular Maven project
> Each issue is listed again at the point where it's encountered below.
> h2. {anchor:projects}Projects
> I use the six sample NetBeans projects described in [Getting Started with 
> JavaFX 13|https://openjfx.io/openjfx-docs/] to explain what goes wrong. I 
> examine the projects in the following order:
> # Ant ("Java") Non-Modular
> # Ant ("Java") Modular
> # Maven Non-Modular
> # Maven Modular
> # Gradle Non-Modular
> # Gradle Modular
> The sample projects are found under the 
> [NetBeans|https://github.com/openjfx/samples/tree/master/IDE/NetBeans] 
> directory of the [openjfx/samples|https://github.com/openjfx/samples] 
> repository on GitHub. All six projects fail in one way or another to use the 
> attached Javadoc and Sources. In some cases there are workarounds, but the 
> workarounds often introduce a new set of problems.
> h2. {anchor:environment}Environment
> I am running [Apache NetBeans 11.2|https://snapcraft.io/netbeans] with 
> [OpenJDK 13.0.1|https://jdk.java.net/13/] on [Ubuntu 16.04.6 
> LTS|http://releases.ubuntu.com/16.04/]. I configured the snap package to 
> track the _edge_ channel for an early release of NetBeans 11.2.
> h3. {anchor:javafx-sdk}JavaFX SDK
> I set up the JavaFX SDK and JMODs on my system as instructed below. These 
> files are required by the projects using Apache Ant. Note that the Ant 
> projects define two different names for the JavaFX SDK Global Library: 
> _JAVAFX13_ and _JavaFX13_.
> Download the [Latest Release|https://gluonhq.com/products/javafx/] of the 
> JavaFX Documentation, JavaFX Linux JMODs, and JavaFX Linux SDK.
> {code}
> ~/Downloads/openjfx-13-javadoc.zip
> ~/Downloads/openjfx-13_linux-x64_bin-jmods.zip
> ~/Downloads/openjfx-13_linux-x64_bin-sdk.zip
> {code}
> Extract the JavaFX Linux JMODs and JavaFX Linux SDK into {{~/lib}} with:
> {code}
> $ mkdir ~/lib
> $ cd ~/lib
> $ unzip ~/Downloads/openjfx-13_linux-x64_bin-jmods.zip
> $ unzip ~/Downloads/openjfx-13_linux-x64_bin-sdk.zip
> {code}
> Extract the JavaFX Sources into {{~/lib/javafx-sdk-13/src}} with:
> {code}
> $ cd ~/lib/javafx-sdk-13
> $ mkdir src
> $ cd src
> $ unzip ../lib/src.zip
> {code}
> Extract the JavaFX Documentation into {{~/lib/javafx-sdk-13/doc}} with:
> {code}
> $ cd ~/lib/javafx-sdk-13
> $ unzip ~/Downloads/openjfx-13-javadoc.zip
> $ mv openjfx-13-javadoc.zip doc
> {code}
> h3. {anchor:command-line}Command Line
> My command-line environment is set up by sourcing the following script, which 
> I named _jdkenv.sh_. The script sets up the latest versions of the [Apache 
> Ant|https://ant.apache.org/bindownload.cgi] and 
> [Gradle|https://gradle.org/release-candidate/] build tools for use.
> *~/bin/jdkenv.sh*
> {code:bash}
> #!/bin/bash
> # Sets up the environment for JavaFX applications
> syspath=/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin
> # JavaFX SDK and JMODs
> export JAVAFX_SDK=$HOME/lib/javafx-sdk-13/lib
> export JAVAFX_JMODS=$HOME/lib/javafx-jmods-13
> # JDK and build tools
> export JAVA_HOME=$HOME/opt/jdk-13.0.1
> export ANT_HOME=$HOME/opt/apache-ant-1.10.7
> export GRADLE_HOME=$HOME/opt/gradle-6.0-rc-1
> export PATH=$GRADLE_HOME/bin:$ANT_HOME/bin:$JAVA_HOME/bin:$syspath
> {code}
> h3. {anchor:platform-javadoc}Platform Javadoc
> You might think the Java Platform Javadoc is already attached because you see 
> it in the Javadoc Documentation window and in the code completion, but that 
> information is obtained from the Platform Sources. NetBeans does not add the 
> correct Javadoc directories when creating a Java Platform, so delete those 
> and add the directories for the specific modules you require as shown below.
> !java-platform-javadoc.png!
> To determine that the Javadoc is recognized, check whether you can show the 
> documentation in an external Web browser. That's possible when the second 
> toolbar button from the right is enabled in the Javadoc Documentation window, 
> as shown below. As far as I can tell, this is the only feature obtained by 
> attaching the Javadoc.
> !java-javadoc-works.png!
> h2. {anchor:ant-non-modular}Ant Non-Modular
> After defining the _JAVAFX13_ Global Library as instructed in the [Getting 
> Started|https://openjfx.io/openjfx-docs/] guide, the project builds and runs 
> without errors. If you open the file _Main.java_ and click a JavaFX method 
> name, such as {{show()}}, the Javadoc Documentation window appears as below.
> !ant-javadoc-fails.png!
> It's important to note here that NetBeans generates the documentation for the 
> Javadoc window and code completion using the source code, *not the Javadoc*. 
> This implementation is useful because it allows you to view all of the 
> documentation available in the source code rather than just those methods and 
> fields included in the external Javadoc documentation.
> Attaching the Javadoc allows you to open the documentation in an external Web 
> browser by clicking the second toolbar button from the right in the Javadoc 
> Documentation window (disabled in the screenshot above). The "Javadoc not 
> found" and "Attach Javadoc..." notices sometimes indicate that the Javadoc 
> comments don't exist in the source code and are shown even when the Javadoc 
> is successfully attached.
> I created the following issue to resolve the wording.
> bq. [NETBEANS-3297|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3297]: 
> "Attach Javadoc" really means "Attach Sources"
> Holding down the _Ctrl_ key when clicking the same method shows that the 
> source code is not available.
> !ant-source-fails-1.png!
> Neither of these results are a surprise because we have made no attempt to 
> attach the Javadoc and Sources.
> h3. {anchor:add-to-global-library}Add to Global Library
> The first obvious thing to try is to add the Javadoc and Sources to the 
> JavaFX Global Library. The following error occurs for each of the Javadoc 
> directories. Click the _OK_ button to dismiss each window.
> !ant-invalid-javadoc-root.png!
> I created the following issue to track the error, even though the problem may 
> lie in the JavaFX Javadoc packaging.
> bq. [NETBEANS-3298|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3298]: 
> Invalid Javadoc root javafx-sdk-13/doc/javafx.base
> With all of the Javadoc and Sources added, the JAVAFX13 Global Library looks 
> like this:
> !ant-JAVAFX13-classpath.png! !ant-JAVAFX13-sources.png! 
> !ant-JAVAFX13-javadoc.png!
> After adding those directories, the method declaration of the Javadoc is 
> visible, but the description and parameters are missing. The button to show 
> the documentation in an external Web browser is enabled and works as 
> expected. Navigating to a source method sometimes goes to the correct 
> location and other times goes to the top of the file. The source code in both 
> cases shows a file full of parsing errors.
> !ant-completion-fails.png! !ant-source-fails-2.png!
> I created the following issue for these errors.
> bq. [NETBEANS-3299|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3299]: 
> Adding Javadoc and Sources to Global Library fails
> h3. {anchor:add-to-jar-files}Add to JAR files
> Instead of adding the entire JavaFX library, let's add only the modular JAR 
> files required by the project to its Compile Classpath.
> !ant-compile-classpath.png!
> Add the appropriate Javadoc and Sources directories to the JAR files by 
> selecting each one and clicking the _Edit_ button.
> !ant-edit-jar-reference.png!
> After editing each item, you should see badges for the Javadoc and Sources 
> appear on its icon in the Compile Classpath list.
> *Important:* Before continuing, remove the Javadoc and Sources from the 
> JavaFX Global Library. Otherwise, NetBeans continues to pick them up and 
> doesn't notice the changes to the Compile Classpath.
> After those changes, the project still builds and runs without errors. 
> Restart NetBeans so that it parses the JavaFX sources with the new settings. 
> Now the full Javadoc view and source navigation are working.
> !ant-completion-works-1.png! !ant-source-works-1.png!
> Each time you navigate to the source, though, an _Error_ notification appears 
> in the lower right corner of the NetBeans window. Opening the Notification 
> Window shows the following error.
> !ant-cannot-use-elements-1.png!
> These errors are essentially the same as those reported by the following 
> NetBeans issue.
> bq. [NETBEANS-2290|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-2290]: 
> nb-javac 1.71 fails to parse JavaFX Sources
> The difference is that NETBEANS-2290 reports the errors of _nb-javac_ version 
> 1.71 when parsing the JavaFX source code, while the more recent _nb-javac_ 
> 2.0 encounters the errors described here. I created the following issue for 
> these new errors.
> bq. [NETBEANS-3300|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3300]: 
> nb-javac 2.0 fails to parse JavaFX Sources
> h3. {anchor:uninstall-nb-javac}Uninstall _nb-javac_
> Next, let's uninstall _nb-javac_ to see whether the Java compiler in JDK 13 
> encounters the same errors. Note that you must actually *uninstall* the 
> plug-in. Deactivating it does not prevent its use. Uninstall the plug-in with 
> the title, "The nb-javac java editing support library," and restart NetBeans.
> Now the Javadoc and Sources are working perfectly.
> !ant-completion-works-2.png! !ant-source-works-2.png!
> We can ignore the _Info_ notification recommending that we install the 
> _nb-javac_ plug-in.
> !ant-install-nb-javac.png!
> There are only two new problems. The first is a minor formatting error 
> reported by the following issue.
> bq. [NETBEANS-236|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-236]: 
> Incorrect brace spacing in try-with-resources
> There is an extra space added after the first parenthesis when reformatting a 
> _try-with-resources_ statement, as shown in the screenshot below.
> !ant-try-with-resources.png!
> The second problem is that the Modular version of this project, discussed 
> next, no longer runs. That project runs only when _nb-javac_ is installed.
> Despite those two problems, adding the individual JAR files to the Classpath, 
> along with their Javadoc and Sources directories, and uninstalling _nb-java_, 
> is a good solution as long as the following are true:
> * the project is not modular or is a modular library rather than an 
> application, and
> * you don't mind an extra space in _try-with-resources_ statements when 
> formatting the source.
> h2. {anchor:ant-modular}Ant Modular
> When opening the Modular Ant project, you are notified to create the 
> _JavaFX13_ and _JavaFXMODS13_ Global Libraries. Delete the previous 
> _JAVAFX13_ Global Library and create these two new libraries as instructed in 
> the [Getting Started|https://openjfx.io/openjfx-docs/] guide.
> !ant-JavaFX13-classpath.png! !ant-JavaFXMODS13-classpath.png!
> Leave the _nb-javac_ plug-in uninstalled, and do not attach the Sources or 
> Javadoc yet. The project builds without errors, but it fails to run. The 
> following notification appears when clicking the _Run Project_ button in the 
> NetBeans toolbar.
> !ant-command-run.png!
> I created the following issue for the error.
> bq. [NETBEANS-3301|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3301]: 
> Modular Ant project fails to run without nb-javac
> The Javadoc is not found because neither the Javadoc nor Sources are 
> attached, but clicking through to the Sources fails to open even the 
> _Compiled Code_ view.
> Putting aside for a moment the run failure, let's try to get the Javadoc and 
> Sources working using the same technique as before. Attach the individual JAR 
> files instead of the entire JavaFX library. Because this is a Modular 
> project, add the JAR files to the Compile Modulepath instead of the Compile 
> Classpath. Edit each JAR file to add the appropriate Javadoc and Sources 
> directories. After those changes, the Modulepath looks like the screenshot 
> below, with badges for the Javadoc and Sources on each icon in the list.
> !ant-compile-modulepath.png!
> The project still fails to run, but now the Javadoc window, code completion, 
> and source navigation all work as expected.
> To solve the problem with _Run Project_, let's install the _nb-javac_ plug-in 
> and see whether we can still use the Javadoc and Sources. After installing 
> the plug-in, the project now builds and runs without errors. Better yet, even 
> the Javadoc is displayed in the window and in the code completion. But each 
> time we navigate to the Sources, we get the same exception as before.
> !ant-cannot-use-elements-2.png!
> I created the following issue for the error.
> bq. [NETBEANS-3300|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3300]: 
> nb-javac 2.0 fails to parse JavaFX Sources
> We can try one more thing: uninstall the _nb-javac_ plug-in again and run the 
> project from the command line. The environment variables are defined in the 
> shell script _~/bin/jdkenv.sh_, listed previously.
> {code}
> $ source ~/bin/jdkenv.sh
> $ ant run
> ...
> Total time: 4 seconds
> {code}
> The project runs without problems from the command line. So this seems like a 
> good solution: attach the JAR files individually along with their Javadoc and 
> Sources directories, uninstall the _nb-javac_ plug-in, and run the project 
> from the command line instead of from NetBeans.
> h2. {anchor:maven-non-modular}Maven Non-Modular
> Reinstall the _nb-javac_ plug-in so we're starting again with the normal 
> configuration.
> There are several problems when using the JavaFX Javadoc and Sources in a 
> Maven project, summarized in the GitHub pull request below.
> bq. [apache/netbeans#1548|https://github.com/apache/netbeans/pull/1548]: 
> (NETBEANS-1396) Missing code completion and Javadocs in maven projects with 
> classifier
> To work around the problems, create the correctly-named artifacts manually in 
> your local Maven cache by following the links in the pull request. You should 
> end up with the following files under the directory 
> {{~/.m2/repository/org/openjfx/}}, along with their corresponding {{.sha1}} 
> checksum files.
> *~/.m2/repository/org/openjfx/*
> {code}
> javafx-base/13/javafx-base-13-linux.jar
> javafx-base/13/javafx-base-13-linux-javadoc.jar
> javafx-base/13/javafx-base-13-linux-sources.jar
> javafx-controls/13/javafx-controls-13-linux.jar
> javafx-controls/13/javafx-controls-13-linux-javadoc.jar
> javafx-controls/13/javafx-controls-13-linux-sources.jar
> javafx-fxml/13/javafx-fxml-13-linux.jar
> javafx-fxml/13/javafx-fxml-13-linux-javadoc.jar
> javafx-fxml/13/javafx-fxml-13-linux-sources.jar
> javafx-graphics/13/javafx-graphics-13-linux.jar
> javafx-graphics/13/javafx-graphics-13-linux-javadoc.jar
> javafx-graphics/13/javafx-graphics-13-linux-sources.jar
> {code}
> After setting up those files, you should see badges for the Javadoc and 
> Sources on the icons of the project dependencies as shown below.
> !maven-dependencies.png!
> Even with these work-around techniques, though, the Javadoc fails to display 
> for all methods. For example, in _App.java_ clicking on the {{load()}} method 
> shows the documentation in the Javadoc window, but not for the {{show()}} or 
> {{setScene(scene)}} methods. The source navigation works for some methods, 
> but other methods just open to the top of the file instead of to their 
> declaration.
> !maven-completion-fails.png! !maven-source-fails.png!
> Even after uninstalling _nb-javac_, the same types of errors occur. There 
> doesn't seem to be a work-around.
> The following issues address some of these problems. I'll wait until these 
> are resolved before opening any new issues.
> bq. [NETBEANS-1396|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-1396]: 
> Maven: Downloaded javadoc / sources not attached to artifact with classifier
> bq. [NETBEANS-2197|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-2197]: 
> Missing code completion and Javadocs in maven projects with classifier
> h2. {anchor:maven-modular}Maven Modular
> After installing the plug-in again, try the Modular Maven project. The 
> project builds without errors, but it fails to run because of the following 
> error.
> bq. [openjfx/samples#39|https://github.com/openjfx/samples/issues/39]: 
> IllegalStateException running NetBeans Modular Maven project
> Apply the simple fix in the associated pull request:
> bq. [openjfx/samples#40|https://github.com/openjfx/samples/pull/40]: Fix 
> package names of FXML resources and open code
> After the fix, the project runs without errors. We still get the same mixed 
> results as the Non-Modular project, though, and uninstalling the _nb-javac_ 
> plug-in again doesn't help this time, either.
> The following issues address some of these problems. I'll wait until these 
> are resolved before opening any new issues.
> bq. [NETBEANS-1396|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-1396]: 
> Maven: Downloaded javadoc / sources not attached to artifact with classifier
> bq. [NETBEANS-2197|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-2197]: 
> Missing code completion and Javadocs in maven projects with classifier
> h2. {anchor:gradle-non-modular}Gradle Non-Modular
> As of October 2019, there is no Gradle release that works with JDK 13. 
> Install the [Gradle 6.0 RC1|https://gradle.org/release-candidate/] release 
> candidate to get a version that works. Set the Java Gradle Options to use 
> this custom Gradle distribution instead of a Standard Gradle Version.
> !gradle-distribution.png!
> Make sure to *uncheck* the item that says, "Prefer to use Gradle Wrapper that 
> Comes with the Project." The JavaFX sample projects have a wrapper for Gradle 
> version 5.0, but that version does not work with JDK 13.
> We need to do the same trick with Gradle as we did with Maven: copy the 
> Javadoc and Sources to their platform-specific names. First, though, we need 
> to make Gradle download them. In a Gradle project, we can't just right-click 
> the Dependencies and select "Download Javadoc" and "Download Sources" as we 
> can with Maven. Instead, make them _compileOnly_ dependencies in the Gradle 
> build file.
> *build.gradle*
> {code}
> dependencies {
>     compileOnly "org.openjfx:javafx-base:13:sources"
>     compileOnly "org.openjfx:javafx-controls:13:sources"
>     compileOnly "org.openjfx:javafx-fxml:13:sources"
>     compileOnly "org.openjfx:javafx-graphics:13:sources"
>     compileOnly "org.openjfx:javafx-base:13:javadoc"
>     compileOnly "org.openjfx:javafx-controls:13:javadoc"
>     compileOnly "org.openjfx:javafx-fxml:13:javadoc"
>     compileOnly "org.openjfx:javafx-graphics:13:javadoc"
> }
> {code}
> After that change, the files are downloaded to the Gradle cache, and we can 
> copy the Javadoc and Sources to their platform-specific names until we have 
> all of the following files set up under the directory 
> {{~/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.openjfx/}}. The ellipses ({{...}}) 
> omit the bulk of the checksum directory names for brevity.
> *~/.gradle/caches/modules-2/files-2.1/org.openjfx/*
> {code}
> javafx-base/13/828b...f4d2/javafx-base-13-linux.jar
> javafx-base/13/f063...5023/javafx-base-13-linux-javadoc.jar
> javafx-base/13/8eb0...827c/javafx-base-13-linux-sources.jar
> javafx-controls/13/bced...34f3/javafx-controls-13-linux.jar
> javafx-controls/13/9680...ae7a/javafx-controls-13-linux-javadoc.jar
> javafx-controls/13/a297...79f6/javafx-controls-13-linux-sources.jar
> javafx-fxml/13/2c10...3bd5/javafx-fxml-13-linux.jar
> javafx-fxml/13/ae6a...450a/javafx-fxml-13-linux-javadoc.jar
> javafx-fxml/13/8cdc...4850/javafx-fxml-13-linux-sources.jar
> javafx-graphics/13/d853...fdfd/javafx-graphics-13-linux.jar
> javafx-graphics/13/9dd8...b334/javafx-graphics-13-linux-javadoc.jar
> javafx-graphics/13/d407...4b47/javafx-graphics-13-linux-sources.jar
> {code}
> The files with the suffixes {{-linux-javadoc.jar}} and {{-linux-sources.jar}} 
> are copies of the versions without the platform name that were downloaded by 
> Gradle, as you can see for the JavaFX Base module below.
> {code}
> javafx-base/13/8eb0...827c/javafx-base-13-sources.jar
> javafx-base/13/8eb0...827c/javafx-base-13-linux-sources.jar
> {code}
> {code}
> javafx-base/13/f063...5023/javafx-base-13-javadoc.jar
> javafx-base/13/f063...5023/javafx-base-13-linux-javadoc.jar
> {code}
> After those changes, both the display of the Javadoc documentation and the 
> source navigation work fine.
> !gradle-completion-works.png! !gradle-source-works.png!
> NetBeans fails to recognize the Javadoc JAR files, though. The toolbar button 
> to view the documentation in an external Web browser (second from right) is 
> disabled, as shown below. The behavior is the same after uninstalling the 
> _nb-javac_ plug-in.
> !gradle-javadoc-fails.png!
> I created the following issue to track the error, even though the problem may 
> lie in the JavaFX Javadoc packaging.
> bq. [NETBEANS-3302|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3302]: 
> Non-modular Gradle project fails to recognize Javadoc
> h2. {anchor:gradle-modular}Gradle Modular
> To keep the projects synchronized, make the same changes to the 
> _build.gradle_ file for the Modular Gradle project as in the previous 
> Non-Modular version, adding the _compileOnly_ dependencies for the Javadoc 
> and Sources. The Gradle cache is already set up with the correct artifact 
> names from the previous section.
> The project builds and runs without errors, but the use of the Javadoc and 
> Sources fails completely. The source completion displays the error shown 
> below, and navigating to the source of a method does nothing at all. The 
> behavior is the same after uninstalling the _nb-javac_ plug-in.
> !gradle-completion-fails.png!
> I created the following issue for these errors.
> bq. [NETBEANS-3303|https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/NETBEANS-3303]: 
> Modular Gradle project fails to recognize Javadoc and Sources

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