diff --git 
index be4dde8..97be460 100644
@@ -15,94 +15,61 @@
  * limitations under the License.
-/* global nf, d3 */
-$(document).ready(function () {
-    if (nf.Canvas.SUPPORTS_SVG) {
-        //Create Angular App
-        var app = angular.module('ngCanvasApp', ['ngResource', 'ngRoute', 
'ngMaterial', 'ngMessages']);
-        //Define Dependency Injection Annotations
-$inject = ['$mdThemingProvider', '$compileProvider'];
-$inject = ['$scope', 'serviceProvider', '$compile', 
'headerCtrl', 'graphControlsCtrl'];
-$inject = [];
-$inject = ['serviceProvider'];
-$inject = ['serviceProvider', 'toolboxCtrl', 
'globalMenuCtrl', 'flowStatusCtrl'];
-$inject = ['serviceProvider'];
-$inject = ['serviceProvider'];
-$inject = ['processorComponent',
-            'inputPortComponent',
-            'outputPortComponent',
-            'groupComponent',
-            'remoteGroupComponent',
-            'funnelComponent',
-            'templateComponent',
-            'labelComponent'];
-$inject = ['serviceProvider'];
-$inject = ['serviceProvider'];
-$inject = ['serviceProvider'];
-$inject = ['serviceProvider'];
-$inject = ['serviceProvider'];
-$inject = ['serviceProvider'];
-$inject = ['serviceProvider'];
-$inject = ['serviceProvider'];
-$inject = ['serviceProvider', 
'navigateCtrl', 'operateCtrl'];
-$inject = [];
-$inject = [];
-$inject = ['breadcrumbsCtrl'];
-$inject = [];
-        //Configure Angular App
-        app.config(;
-        //Define Angular App Controllers
-        app.controller('ngCanvasAppCtrl',;
-        //Define Angular App Services
-        app.service('serviceProvider',;
-        app.service('breadcrumbsCtrl',;
-        app.service('headerCtrl',;
-        app.service('globalMenuCtrl',;
-        app.service('toolboxCtrl',;
-        app.service('flowStatusCtrl',;
-        app.service('processorComponent',;
-        app.service('inputPortComponent',;
-        app.service('outputPortComponent',;
-        app.service('groupComponent',;
-        app.service('remoteGroupComponent',;
-        app.service('funnelComponent',;
-        app.service('templateComponent',;
-        app.service('labelComponent',;
-        app.service('graphControlsCtrl',;
-        app.service('navigateCtrl',;
-        app.service('operateCtrl',;
-        //Define Angular App Directives
-        app.directive('nfBreadcrumbs',;
-        app.directive('nfDraggable',;
-        //Manually Boostrap Angular App
- = angular.bootstrap($('body'), ['ngCanvasApp'], 
{ strictDi: true });
-        // initialize the NiFi
-        nf.Canvas.init();
-        //initialize toolbox components tooltips
-        $('.component-button').qtip($.extend({}, 
+/* global define, module, require, exports */
+(function (root, factory) {
+    if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
+        define(['jquery',
+                'd3',
+                'nf.Common',
+                'nf.Graph',
+                'nf.Shell',
+                '',
+                'nf.ClusterSummary',
+                'nf.ErrorHandler',
+                'nf.Storage',
+                'nf.CanvasUtils',
+                'nf.Birdseye',
+                'nf.ContextMenu',
+                'nf.Actions',
+                'nf.ProcessGroup'],
+            function ($, d3, common, nfGraph, nfShell, angularBridge, 
nfClusterSummary, errorHandler, storage, canvasUtils, birdseye, contextMenu, 
actions, processGroup) {
+                return (nf.Canvas = factory($, d3, common, nfGraph, nfShell, 
angularBridge, nfClusterSummary, errorHandler, storage, canvasUtils, birdseye, 
contextMenu, actions, processGroup));
+            });
+    } else if (typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') {
+        module.exports = (nf.Canvas =
+            factory(require('jquery'),
+                require('d3'),
+                require('nf.Common'),
+                require('nf.Graph'),
+                require('nf.Shell'),
+                require(''),
+                require('nf.ClusterSummary'),
+                require('nf.ErrorHandler'),
+                require('nf.Storage'),
+                require('nf.CanvasUtils'),
+                require('nf.Birdseye'),
+                require('nf.ContextMenu'),
+                require('nf.Actions'),
+                require('nf.ProcessGroup')));
     } else {
-        $('#message-title').text('Unsupported Browser');
-        $('#message-content').text('Flow graphs are shown using SVG. Please 
use a browser that supports rendering SVG.');
-        // show the error pane
-        $('#message-pane').show();
-        // hide the splash screen
-        nf.Canvas.hideSplash();
+        nf.Canvas = factory(root.$,
+            root.d3,
+  ,
+  ,
+  ,
+  ,
+  ,
+  ,
+  ,
+  ,
+  ,
+  ,
+  ,
+  ;
-nf.Canvas = (function () {
+}(this, function ($, d3, common, nfGraph, nfShell, angularBridge, 
nfClusterSummary, errorHandler, storage, canvasUtils, birdseye, contextMenu, 
actions, processGroup) {
+    'use strict';
     var SCALE = 1;
     var TRANSLATE = [0, 0];
@@ -131,23 +98,11 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
             controllerBulletins: '../nifi-api/flow/controller/bulletins',
             kerberos: '../nifi-api/access/kerberos',
             revision: '../nifi-api/flow/revision',
-            banners: '../nifi-api/flow/banners',
-            flowConfig: '../nifi-api/flow/config'
+            banners: '../nifi-api/flow/banners'
-     * Starts polling.
-     *
-     * @argument {int} autoRefreshInterval      The auto refresh interval
-     */
-    var startPolling = function (autoRefreshInterval) {
-        // set polling flag
-        polling = true;
-        poll(autoRefreshInterval);
-    };
-    /**
      * Register the poller.
      * @argument {int} autoRefreshInterval      The auto refresh interval
@@ -156,7 +111,7 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
         // ensure we're suppose to poll
         if (polling) {
             // reload the status
-            nf.Canvas.reload({
+            nfCanvas.reload({
                 'transition': true
             }).done(function () {
                 // start the wait to poll again
@@ -168,497 +123,6 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
-     * Initializes the canvas.
-     */
-    var initCanvas = function () {
-        var canvasContainer = $('#canvas-container');
-        // create the canvas
-        svg ='#canvas-container').append('svg')
-            .on('contextmenu', function () {
-                // reset the canvas click flag
-                canvasClicked = false;
-                // since the context menu event propagated back to the canvas, 
clear the selection
-                nf.CanvasUtils.getSelection().classed('selected', false);
-                // show the context menu on the canvas
-      ;
-                // prevent default browser behavior
-                d3.event.preventDefault();
-            });
-        // create the definitions element
-        var defs = svg.append('defs');
-        // create arrow definitions for the various line types
-        defs.selectAll('marker')
-            .data(['normal', 'ghost', 'unauthorized', 'full'])
-            .enter().append('marker')
-            .attr({
-                'id': function (d) {
-                    return d;
-                },
-                'viewBox': '0 0 6 6',
-                'refX': 5,
-                'refY': 3,
-                'markerWidth': 6,
-                'markerHeight': 6,
-                'orient': 'auto',
-                'fill': function (d) {
-                    if (d === 'ghost') {
-                        return '#aaaaaa';
-                    } else if (d === 'unauthorized') {
-                        return '#ba554a';
-                    } else if (d === 'full') {
-                        return '#ba554a';
-                    } else {
-                        return '#000000';
-                    }
-                }
-            })
-            .append('path')
-            .attr('d', 'M2,3 L0,6 L6,3 L0,0 z');
-        // filter for drop shadow
-        var componentDropShadowFilter = defs.append('filter')
-            .attr({
-                'id': 'component-drop-shadow',
-                'height': '140%',
-                'y': '-20%'
-            });
-        // blur
-        componentDropShadowFilter.append('feGaussianBlur')
-            .attr({
-                'in': 'SourceAlpha',
-                'stdDeviation': 3,
-                'result': 'blur'
-            });
-        // offset
-        componentDropShadowFilter.append('feOffset')
-            .attr({
-                'in': 'blur',
-                'dx': 0,
-                'dy': 1,
-                'result': 'offsetBlur'
-            });
-        // color/opacity
-        componentDropShadowFilter.append('feFlood')
-            .attr({
-                'flood-color': '#000000',
-                'flood-opacity': 0.4,
-                'result': 'offsetColor'
-            });
-        // combine
-        componentDropShadowFilter.append('feComposite')
-            .attr({
-                'in': 'offsetColor',
-                'in2': 'offsetBlur',
-                'operator': 'in',
-                'result': 'offsetColorBlur'
-            });
-        // stack the effect under the source graph
-        var componentDropShadowFeMerge = 
-        componentDropShadowFeMerge.append('feMergeNode')
-            .attr('in', 'offsetColorBlur');
-        componentDropShadowFeMerge.append('feMergeNode')
-            .attr('in', 'SourceGraphic');
-        // filter for drop shadow
-        var connectionFullDropShadowFilter = defs.append('filter')
-            .attr({
-                'id': 'connection-full-drop-shadow',
-                'height': '140%',
-                'y': '-20%'
-            });
-        // blur
-        connectionFullDropShadowFilter.append('feGaussianBlur')
-            .attr({
-                'in': 'SourceAlpha',
-                'stdDeviation': 3,
-                'result': 'blur'
-            });
-        // offset
-        connectionFullDropShadowFilter.append('feOffset')
-            .attr({
-                'in': 'blur',
-                'dx': 0,
-                'dy': 1,
-                'result': 'offsetBlur'
-            });
-        // color/opacity
-        connectionFullDropShadowFilter.append('feFlood')
-            .attr({
-                'flood-color': '#ba554a',
-                'flood-opacity': 1,
-                'result': 'offsetColor'
-            });
-        // combine
-        connectionFullDropShadowFilter.append('feComposite')
-            .attr({
-                'in': 'offsetColor',
-                'in2': 'offsetBlur',
-                'operator': 'in',
-                'result': 'offsetColorBlur'
-            });
-        // stack the effect under the source graph
-        var connectionFullFeMerge = 
-        connectionFullFeMerge.append('feMergeNode')
-            .attr('in', 'offsetColorBlur');
-        connectionFullFeMerge.append('feMergeNode')
-            .attr('in', 'SourceGraphic');
-        // create the canvas element
-        canvas = svg.append('g')
-            .attr({
-                'transform': 'translate(' + TRANSLATE + ') scale(' + SCALE + 
-                'pointer-events': 'all',
-                'id': 'canvas'
-            });
-        // handle canvas events
-        svg.on('mousedown.selection', function () {
-            canvasClicked = true;
-            if (d3.event.button !== 0) {
-                // prevent further propagation (to parents and others handlers
-                // on the same element to prevent zoom behavior)
-                d3.event.stopImmediatePropagation();
-                return;
-            }
-            // show selection box if shift is held down
-            if (d3.event.shiftKey) {
-                var position = d3.mouse(canvas.node());
-                canvas.append('rect')
-                    .attr('rx', 6)
-                    .attr('ry', 6)
-                    .attr('x', position[0])
-                    .attr('y', position[1])
-                    .attr('class', 'selection')
-                    .attr('width', 0)
-                    .attr('height', 0)
-                    .attr('stroke-width', function () {
-                        return 1 / nf.Canvas.View.scale();
-                    })
-                    .attr('stroke-dasharray', function () {
-                        return 4 / nf.Canvas.View.scale();
-                    })
-                    .datum(position);
-                // prevent further propagation (to parents and others handlers
-                // on the same element to prevent zoom behavior)
-                d3.event.stopImmediatePropagation();
-                // prevents the browser from changing to a text selection 
-                d3.event.preventDefault();
-            }
-        })
-            .on('mousemove.selection', function () {
-                // update selection box if shift is held down
-                if (d3.event.shiftKey) {
-                    // get the selection box
-                    var selectionBox ='rect.selection');
-                    if (!selectionBox.empty()) {
-                        // get the original position
-                        var originalPosition = selectionBox.datum();
-                        var position = d3.mouse(canvas.node());
-                        var d = {};
-                        if (originalPosition[0] < position[0]) {
-                            d.x = originalPosition[0];
-                            d.width = position[0] - originalPosition[0];
-                        } else {
-                            d.x = position[0];
-                            d.width = originalPosition[0] - position[0];
-                        }
-                        if (originalPosition[1] < position[1]) {
-                            d.y = originalPosition[1];
-                            d.height = position[1] - originalPosition[1];
-                        } else {
-                            d.y = position[1];
-                            d.height = originalPosition[1] - position[1];
-                        }
-                        // update the selection box
-                        selectionBox.attr(d);
-                        // prevent further propagation (to parents)
-                        d3.event.stopPropagation();
-                    }
-                }
-            })
-            .on('mouseup.selection', function () {
-                // ensure this originated from clicking the canvas, not a 
-                // when clicking on a component, the event propagation is 
stopped so
-                // it never reaches the canvas. we cannot do this however on 
up events
-                // since the drag events break down
-                if (canvasClicked === false) {
-                    return;
-                }
-                // reset the canvas click flag
-                canvasClicked = false;
-                // get the selection box
-                var selectionBox ='rect.selection');
-                if (!selectionBox.empty()) {
-                    var selectionBoundingBox = {
-                        x: parseInt(selectionBox.attr('x'), 10),
-                        y: parseInt(selectionBox.attr('y'), 10),
-                        width: parseInt(selectionBox.attr('width'), 10),
-                        height: parseInt(selectionBox.attr('height'), 10)
-                    };
-                    // see if a component should be selected or not
-                    d3.selectAll('g.component').classed('selected', function 
(d) {
-                        // consider it selected if its already selected or 
enclosed in the bounding box
-                        return'selected') ||
-                            d.position.x >= selectionBoundingBox.x && 
(d.position.x + d.dimensions.width) <= (selectionBoundingBox.x + 
selectionBoundingBox.width) &&
-                            d.position.y >= selectionBoundingBox.y && 
(d.position.y + d.dimensions.height) <= (selectionBoundingBox.y + 
-                    });
-                    // see if a connection should be selected or not
-                    d3.selectAll('g.connection').classed('selected', function 
(d) {
-                        // consider all points
-                        var points = [d.start].concat(d.bends, [d.end]);
-                        // determine the bounding box
-                        var x = d3.extent(points, function (pt) {
-                            return pt.x;
-                        });
-                        var y = d3.extent(points, function (pt) {
-                            return pt.y;
-                        });
-                        // consider it selected if its already selected or 
enclosed in the bounding box
-                        return'selected') ||
-                            x[0] >= selectionBoundingBox.x && x[1] <= 
(selectionBoundingBox.x + selectionBoundingBox.width) &&
-                            y[0] >= selectionBoundingBox.y && y[1] <= 
(selectionBoundingBox.y + selectionBoundingBox.height);
-                    });
-                    // remove the selection box
-                    selectionBox.remove();
-                } else if (panning === false) {
-                    // deselect as necessary if we are not panning
-                    nf.CanvasUtils.getSelection().classed('selected', false);
-                }
-                // inform Angular app values have changed
-      ;
-            });
-        // define a function for update the graph dimensions
-        var updateGraphSize = function () {
-            // get the location of the bottom of the graph
-            var footer = $('#banner-footer');
-            var bottom = 0;
-            if (':visible')) {
-                bottom = footer.height();
-            }
-            // calculate size
-            var top = parseInt(canvasContainer.css('top'), 10);
-            var windowHeight = $(window).height();
-            var canvasHeight = (windowHeight - (bottom + top));
-            // canvas/svg
-            canvasContainer.css({
-                'height': canvasHeight + 'px',
-                'bottom': bottom + 'px'
-            });
-            svg.attr({
-                'height': canvasContainer.height(),
-                'width': $(window).width()
-            });
-            //breadcrumbs
-   'breadcrumbsCtrl').updateBreadcrumbsCss({'bottom': 
bottom + 'px'});
-            // body
-            $('#canvas-body').css({
-                'height': windowHeight + 'px',
-                'width': $(window).width() + 'px'
-            });
-        };
-        // define a function for update the flow status dimensions
-        var updateFlowStatusContainerSize = function () {
-            $('#flow-status-container').css({
-                'width': ((($('#nifi-logo').width() + 
$('#component-container').width())/$(window).width())*100)*2 + '%'
-            });
-        };
-        updateFlowStatusContainerSize();
-        // listen for events to go to components
-        $('body').on('GoTo:Component', function (e, item) {
-            nf.CanvasUtils.showComponent(item.parentGroupId,;
-        });
-        // listen for events to go to process groups
-        $('body').on('GoTo:ProcessGroup', function (e, item) {
-            nf.CanvasUtils.enterGroup( () {
-                nf.CanvasUtils.getSelection().classed('selected', false);
-                // inform Angular app that values have changed
-      ;
-            });
-        });
-        // listen for browser resize events to reset the graph size
-        $(window).on('resize', function (e) {
-            if ( === window) {
-                // close the hamburger menu if open
-                if($('.md-menu-backdrop').is(':visible') === true){
-                    $('.md-menu-backdrop').click();
-                }
-                updateGraphSize();
-                updateFlowStatusContainerSize();
-                // resize shell when appropriate
-                var shell = $('#shell-dialog');
-                if (':visible')){
-                    setTimeout(function(shell){
-                        nf.Shell.resizeContent(shell);
-                        if(shell.find('#shell-iframe').is(':visible')) {
-                            nf.Shell.resizeIframe(shell);
-                        }
-                    }, 50, shell);
-                }
-                // resize dialogs when appropriate
-                var dialogs = $('.dialog');
-                for (var i = 0, len = dialogs.length; i < len; i++) {
-                    if ($(dialogs[i]).is(':visible')){
-                        setTimeout(function(dialog){
-                            dialog.modal('resize');
-                        }, 50, $(dialogs[i]));
-                    }
-                }
-                // resize grids when appropriate
-                var gridElements = $('*[class*="slickgrid_"]');
-                for (var j = 0, len = gridElements.length; j < len; j++) {
-                    if ($(gridElements[j]).is(':visible')){
-                        setTimeout(function(gridElement){
-                  'gridInstance').resizeCanvas();
-                        }, 50, $(gridElements[j]));
-                    }
-                }
-                // toggle tabs .scrollable when appropriate
-                var tabsContainers = $('.tab-container');
-                var tabsContents = [];
-                for (var k = 0, len = tabsContainers.length; k < len; k++) {
-                    if ($(tabsContainers[k]).is(':visible')){
-                        tabsContents.push($('#' + 
$(tabsContainers[k]).attr('id') + '-content'));
-                    }
-                }
-                $.each(tabsContents, function (index, tabsContent) {
-                    nf.Common.toggleScrollable(tabsContent.get(0));
-                });
-            }
-        }).on('keydown', function (evt) {
-            // if a dialog is open, disable canvas shortcuts
-            if ($('.dialog').is(':visible') || 
$('#search-field').is(':focus')) {
-                return;
-            }
-            // get the current selection
-            var selection = nf.CanvasUtils.getSelection();
-            // handle shortcuts
-            var isCtrl = evt.ctrlKey || evt.metaKey;
-            if (isCtrl) {
-                if (evt.keyCode === 82) {
-                    if (allowPageRefresh === true) {
-                        location.reload();
-                        return;
-                    }
-                    // ctrl-r
-                    nf.Actions.reload();
-                    // default prevented in nf-universal-capture.js
-                } else if (evt.keyCode === 65) {
-                    // ctrl-a
-                    nf.Actions.selectAll();
-          ;
-                    // only want to prevent default if the action was 
performed, otherwise default select all would be overridden
-                    evt.preventDefault();
-                } else if (evt.keyCode === 67) {
-                    // ctrl-c
-                    if (nf.Canvas.canWrite() && 
nf.CanvasUtils.isCopyable(selection)) {
-                        nf.Actions.copy(selection);
-                    }
-                } else if (evt.keyCode === 86) {
-                    // ctrl-v
-                    if (nf.Canvas.canWrite() && nf.CanvasUtils.isPastable()) {
-                        nf.Actions.paste(selection);
-                        // only want to prevent default if the action was 
performed, otherwise default paste would be overridden
-                        evt.preventDefault();
-                    }
-                }
-            } else {
-                if (evt.keyCode === 8 || evt.keyCode === 46) {
-                    // backspace or delete
-                    if (nf.Canvas.canWrite() && 
nf.CanvasUtils.areDeletable(selection)) {
-                        nf.Actions['delete'](selection);
-                    }
-                    // default prevented in nf-universal-capture.js
-                }
-            }
-        });
-        // get the banners and update the page accordingly
-        $.ajax({
-            type: 'GET',
-            url: config.urls.banners,
-            dataType: 'json'
-        }).done(function (response) {
-            // ensure the banners response is specified
-            if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(response.banners)) {
-                if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(response.banners.headerText) 
&& response.banners.headerText !== '') {
-                    // update the header text and show it
-                    $('#canvas-container').css('top', '98px');
-                }
-                if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(response.banners.footerText) 
&& response.banners.footerText !== '') {
-                    // update the footer text and show it
-                    var bannerFooter = 
-                    var updateBottom = function (elementId) {
-                        var element = $('#' + elementId);
-                        element.css('bottom', 
parseInt(bannerFooter.css('height'), 10) + 'px');
-                    };
-                    // update the position of elements affected by bottom 
-                    updateBottom('graph');
-                }
-            }
-            // update the graph dimensions
-            updateGraphSize();
-        }).fail(nf.ErrorHandler.handleAjaxError);
-    };
-    /**
      * Refreshes the graph.
      * @argument {string} processGroupId        The process group id
@@ -677,46 +141,48 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
             var processGroupFlow = flowResponse.processGroupFlow;
             // set the group details
-            nf.Canvas.setGroupId(;
+            nfCanvas.setGroupId(;
             // get the current group name from the breadcrumb
             var breadcrumb = processGroupFlow.breadcrumb;
             if (breadcrumb.permissions.canRead) {
-                nf.Canvas.setGroupName(;
+                nfCanvas.setGroupName(;
             } else {
-                nf.Canvas.setGroupName(;
+                nfCanvas.setGroupName(;
             // update the access policies
             permissions = flowResponse.permissions;
             // update the breadcrumbs
-  'breadcrumbsCtrl').resetBreadcrumbs();
-   'breadcrumbsCtrl').generateBreadcrumbs(breadcrumb);
-  'breadcrumbsCtrl').resetScrollPosition();
+            angularBridge.injector.get('breadcrumbsCtrl').resetBreadcrumbs();
+            // inform Angular app values have changed
+            angularBridge.digest();
             // update the timestamp
             // set the parent id if applicable
-            if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(processGroupFlow.parentGroupId)) 
-                nf.Canvas.setParentGroupId(processGroupFlow.parentGroupId);
+            if (common.isDefinedAndNotNull(processGroupFlow.parentGroupId)) {
+                nfCanvas.setParentGroupId(processGroupFlow.parentGroupId);
             } else {
-                nf.Canvas.setParentGroupId(null);
+                nfCanvas.setParentGroupId(null);
             // refresh the graph
-            nf.Graph.expireCaches(now);
-            nf.Graph.set(processGroupFlow.flow, $.extend({
+            nfGraph.expireCaches(now);
+            nfGraph.set(processGroupFlow.flow, $.extend({
                 'selectAll': false
             }, options));
             // update component visibility
-            nf.Canvas.View.updateVisibility();
+            nfCanvas.View.updateVisibility();
             // update the birdseye
-            nf.Birdseye.refresh();
-        }).fail(nf.ErrorHandler.handleAjaxError);
+            birdseye.refresh();
+        }).fail(errorHandler.handleAjaxError);
@@ -732,11 +198,11 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
             dataType: 'json'
         }).done(function (currentUser) {
             // set the current user
-            nf.Common.setCurrentUser(currentUser);
+            common.setCurrentUser(currentUser);
-    return {
+    var nfCanvas = {
         CANVAS_OFFSET: 0,
@@ -768,32 +234,32 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
          * Reloads the flow from the server based on the currently specified 
group id.
-         * To load another group, update nf.Canvas.setGroupId, clear the 
canvas, and call nf.Canvas.reload.
+         * To load another group, update nfCanvas.setGroupId, clear the 
canvas, and call nfCanvas.reload.
         reload: function (options) {
             return $.Deferred(function (deferred) {
                 // issue the requests
-                var processGroupXhr = 
reloadProcessGroup(nf.Canvas.getGroupId(), options);
-                var statusXhr ='flowStatusCtrl').reloadFlowStatus();
+                var processGroupXhr = 
reloadProcessGroup(nfCanvas.getGroupId(), options);
+                var statusXhr = 
                 var currentUserXhr = loadCurrentUser();
                 var controllerBulletins = $.ajax({
                     type: 'GET',
                     url: config.urls.controllerBulletins,
                     dataType: 'json'
                 }).done(function (response) {
-           'flowStatusCtrl').updateBulletins(response);
-                var clusterSummary = 
nf.ClusterSummary.loadClusterSummary().done(function (response) {
+                var clusterSummary = 
nfClusterSummary.loadClusterSummary().done(function (response) {
                     var clusterSummary = response.clusterSummary;
                     // update the cluster summary
-           'flowStatusCtrl').updateClusterSummary(clusterSummary);
                 // wait for all requests to complete
                 $.when(processGroupXhr, statusXhr, currentUserXhr, 
controllerBulletins, clusterSummary).done(function (processGroupResult) {
                     // inform Angular app values have changed
-          ;
+                    angularBridge.digest();
                     // resolve the deferred
@@ -804,12 +270,503 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
+         * Initializes the canvas.
+         */
+        initCanvas: function () {
+            var canvasContainer = $('#canvas-container');
+            // create the canvas
+            svg ='#canvas-container').append('svg')
+                .on('contextmenu', function () {
+                    // reset the canvas click flag
+                    canvasClicked = false;
+                    // since the context menu event propagated back to the 
canvas, clear the selection
+                    canvasUtils.getSelection().classed('selected', false);
+                    // show the context menu on the canvas
+          ;
+                    // prevent default browser behavior
+                    d3.event.preventDefault();
+                });
+            // create the definitions element
+            var defs = svg.append('defs');
+            // create arrow definitions for the various line types
+            defs.selectAll('marker')
+                .data(['normal', 'ghost', 'unauthorized', 'full'])
+                .enter().append('marker')
+                .attr({
+                    'id': function (d) {
+                        return d;
+                    },
+                    'viewBox': '0 0 6 6',
+                    'refX': 5,
+                    'refY': 3,
+                    'markerWidth': 6,
+                    'markerHeight': 6,
+                    'orient': 'auto',
+                    'fill': function (d) {
+                        if (d === 'ghost') {
+                            return '#aaaaaa';
+                        } else if (d === 'unauthorized') {
+                            return '#ba554a';
+                        } else if (d === 'full') {
+                            return '#ba554a';
+                        } else {
+                            return '#000000';
+                        }
+                    }
+                })
+                .append('path')
+                .attr('d', 'M2,3 L0,6 L6,3 L0,0 z');
+            // filter for drop shadow
+            var componentDropShadowFilter = defs.append('filter')
+                .attr({
+                    'id': 'component-drop-shadow',
+                    'height': '140%',
+                    'y': '-20%'
+                });
+            // blur
+            componentDropShadowFilter.append('feGaussianBlur')
+                .attr({
+                    'in': 'SourceAlpha',
+                    'stdDeviation': 3,
+                    'result': 'blur'
+                });
+            // offset
+            componentDropShadowFilter.append('feOffset')
+                .attr({
+                    'in': 'blur',
+                    'dx': 0,
+                    'dy': 1,
+                    'result': 'offsetBlur'
+                });
+            // color/opacity
+            componentDropShadowFilter.append('feFlood')
+                .attr({
+                    'flood-color': '#000000',
+                    'flood-opacity': 0.4,
+                    'result': 'offsetColor'
+                });
+            // combine
+            componentDropShadowFilter.append('feComposite')
+                .attr({
+                    'in': 'offsetColor',
+                    'in2': 'offsetBlur',
+                    'operator': 'in',
+                    'result': 'offsetColorBlur'
+                });
+            // stack the effect under the source graph
+            var componentDropShadowFeMerge = 
+            componentDropShadowFeMerge.append('feMergeNode')
+                .attr('in', 'offsetColorBlur');
+            componentDropShadowFeMerge.append('feMergeNode')
+                .attr('in', 'SourceGraphic');
+            // filter for drop shadow
+            var connectionFullDropShadowFilter = defs.append('filter')
+                .attr({
+                    'id': 'connection-full-drop-shadow',
+                    'height': '140%',
+                    'y': '-20%'
+                });
+            // blur
+            connectionFullDropShadowFilter.append('feGaussianBlur')
+                .attr({
+                    'in': 'SourceAlpha',
+                    'stdDeviation': 3,
+                    'result': 'blur'
+                });
+            // offset
+            connectionFullDropShadowFilter.append('feOffset')
+                .attr({
+                    'in': 'blur',
+                    'dx': 0,
+                    'dy': 1,
+                    'result': 'offsetBlur'
+                });
+            // color/opacity
+            connectionFullDropShadowFilter.append('feFlood')
+                .attr({
+                    'flood-color': '#ba554a',
+                    'flood-opacity': 1,
+                    'result': 'offsetColor'
+                });
+            // combine
+            connectionFullDropShadowFilter.append('feComposite')
+                .attr({
+                    'in': 'offsetColor',
+                    'in2': 'offsetBlur',
+                    'operator': 'in',
+                    'result': 'offsetColorBlur'
+                });
+            // stack the effect under the source graph
+            var connectionFullFeMerge = 
+            connectionFullFeMerge.append('feMergeNode')
+                .attr('in', 'offsetColorBlur');
+            connectionFullFeMerge.append('feMergeNode')
+                .attr('in', 'SourceGraphic');
+            // create the canvas element
+            canvas = svg.append('g')
+                .attr({
+                    'transform': 'translate(' + TRANSLATE + ') scale(' + SCALE 
+ ')',
+                    'pointer-events': 'all',
+                    'id': 'canvas'
+                });
+            // handle canvas events
+            svg.on('mousedown.selection', function () {
+                canvasClicked = true;
+                if (d3.event.button !== 0) {
+                    // prevent further propagation (to parents and others 
+                    // on the same element to prevent zoom behavior)
+                    d3.event.stopImmediatePropagation();
+                    return;
+                }
+                // show selection box if shift is held down
+                if (d3.event.shiftKey) {
+                    var position = d3.mouse(canvas.node());
+                    canvas.append('rect')
+                        .attr('rx', 6)
+                        .attr('ry', 6)
+                        .attr('x', position[0])
+                        .attr('y', position[1])
+                        .attr('class', 'selection')
+                        .attr('width', 0)
+                        .attr('height', 0)
+                        .attr('stroke-width', function () {
+                            return 1 / nfCanvas.View.scale();
+                        })
+                        .attr('stroke-dasharray', function () {
+                            return 4 / nfCanvas.View.scale();
+                        })
+                        .datum(position);
+                    // prevent further propagation (to parents and others 
+                    // on the same element to prevent zoom behavior)
+                    d3.event.stopImmediatePropagation();
+                    // prevents the browser from changing to a text selection 
+                    d3.event.preventDefault();
+                }
+            })
+                .on('mousemove.selection', function () {
+                    // update selection box if shift is held down
+                    if (d3.event.shiftKey) {
+                        // get the selection box
+                        var selectionBox ='rect.selection');
+                        if (!selectionBox.empty()) {
+                            // get the original position
+                            var originalPosition = selectionBox.datum();
+                            var position = d3.mouse(canvas.node());
+                            var d = {};
+                            if (originalPosition[0] < position[0]) {
+                                d.x = originalPosition[0];
+                                d.width = position[0] - originalPosition[0];
+                            } else {
+                                d.x = position[0];
+                                d.width = originalPosition[0] - position[0];
+                            }
+                            if (originalPosition[1] < position[1]) {
+                                d.y = originalPosition[1];
+                                d.height = position[1] - originalPosition[1];
+                            } else {
+                                d.y = position[1];
+                                d.height = originalPosition[1] - position[1];
+                            }
+                            // update the selection box
+                            selectionBox.attr(d);
+                            // prevent further propagation (to parents)
+                            d3.event.stopPropagation();
+                        }
+                    }
+                })
+                .on('mouseup.selection', function () {
+                    // ensure this originated from clicking the canvas, not a 
+                    // when clicking on a component, the event propagation is 
stopped so
+                    // it never reaches the canvas. we cannot do this however 
on up events
+                    // since the drag events break down
+                    if (canvasClicked === false) {
+                        return;
+                    }
+                    // reset the canvas click flag
+                    canvasClicked = false;
+                    // get the selection box
+                    var selectionBox ='rect.selection');
+                    if (!selectionBox.empty()) {
+                        var selectionBoundingBox = {
+                            x: parseInt(selectionBox.attr('x'), 10),
+                            y: parseInt(selectionBox.attr('y'), 10),
+                            width: parseInt(selectionBox.attr('width'), 10),
+                            height: parseInt(selectionBox.attr('height'), 10)
+                        };
+                        // see if a component should be selected or not
+                        d3.selectAll('g.component').classed('selected', 
function (d) {
+                            // consider it selected if its already selected or 
enclosed in the bounding box
+                            return'selected') ||
+                                d.position.x >= selectionBoundingBox.x && 
(d.position.x + d.dimensions.width) <= (selectionBoundingBox.x + 
selectionBoundingBox.width) &&
+                                d.position.y >= selectionBoundingBox.y && 
(d.position.y + d.dimensions.height) <= (selectionBoundingBox.y + 
+                        });
+                        // see if a connection should be selected or not
+                        d3.selectAll('g.connection').classed('selected', 
function (d) {
+                            // consider all points
+                            var points = [d.start].concat(d.bends, [d.end]);
+                            // determine the bounding box
+                            var x = d3.extent(points, function (pt) {
+                                return pt.x;
+                            });
+                            var y = d3.extent(points, function (pt) {
+                                return pt.y;
+                            });
+                            // consider it selected if its already selected or 
enclosed in the bounding box
+                            return'selected') ||
+                                x[0] >= selectionBoundingBox.x && x[1] <= 
(selectionBoundingBox.x + selectionBoundingBox.width) &&
+                                y[0] >= selectionBoundingBox.y && y[1] <= 
(selectionBoundingBox.y + selectionBoundingBox.height);
+                        });
+                        // remove the selection box
+                        selectionBox.remove();
+                    } else if (panning === false) {
+                        // deselect as necessary if we are not panning
+                        canvasUtils.getSelection().classed('selected', false);
+                    }
+                    // inform Angular app values have changed
+                    angularBridge.digest();
+                });
+            // define a function for update the graph dimensions
+            var updateGraphSize = function () {
+                // get the location of the bottom of the graph
+                var footer = $('#banner-footer');
+                var bottom = 0;
+                if (':visible')) {
+                    bottom = footer.height();
+                }
+                // calculate size
+                var top = parseInt(canvasContainer.css('top'), 10);
+                var windowHeight = $(window).height();
+                var canvasHeight = (windowHeight - (bottom + top));
+                // canvas/svg
+                canvasContainer.css({
+                    'height': canvasHeight + 'px',
+                    'bottom': bottom + 'px'
+                });
+                svg.attr({
+                    'height': canvasContainer.height(),
+                    'width': $(window).width()
+                });
+                //breadcrumbs
bottom + 'px'});
+                // body
+                $('#canvas-body').css({
+                    'height': windowHeight + 'px',
+                    'width': $(window).width() + 'px'
+                });
+            };
+            // define a function for update the flow status dimensions
+            var updateFlowStatusContainerSize = function () {
+                $('#flow-status-container').css({
+                    'width': ((($('#nifi-logo').width() + 
$('#component-container').width())/$(window).width())*100)*2 + '%'
+                });
+            };
+            updateFlowStatusContainerSize();
+            // listen for events to go to components
+            $('body').on('GoTo:Component', function (e, item) {
+                canvasUtils.showComponent(item.parentGroupId,;
+            });
+            // listen for events to go to process groups
+            $('body').on('GoTo:ProcessGroup', function (e, item) {
+                processGroup.enterGroup( () {
+                    canvasUtils.getSelection().classed('selected', false);
+                    // inform Angular app that values have changed
+                    angularBridge.digest();
+                });
+            });
+            // listen for browser resize events to reset the graph size
+            $(window).on('resize', function (e) {
+                if ( === window) {
+                    // close the hamburger menu if open
+                    if($('.md-menu-backdrop').is(':visible') === true){
+                        $('.md-menu-backdrop').click();
+                    }
+                    updateGraphSize();
+                    updateFlowStatusContainerSize();
+                    // resize shell when appropriate
+                    var shell = $('#shell-dialog');
+                    if (':visible')){
+                        setTimeout(function(shell){
+                            nfShell.resizeContent(shell);
+                            if(shell.find('#shell-iframe').is(':visible')) {
+                                nfShell.resizeIframe(shell);
+                            }
+                        }, 50, shell);
+                    }
+                    // resize dialogs when appropriate
+                    var dialogs = $('.dialog');
+                    for (var i = 0, len = dialogs.length; i < len; i++) {
+                        if ($(dialogs[i]).is(':visible')){
+                            setTimeout(function(dialog){
+                                dialog.modal('resize');
+                            }, 50, $(dialogs[i]));
+                        }
+                    }
+                    // resize grids when appropriate
+                    var gridElements = $('*[class*="slickgrid_"]');
+                    for (var j = 0, len = gridElements.length; j < len; j++) {
+                        if ($(gridElements[j]).is(':visible')){
+                            setTimeout(function(gridElement){
+                       'gridInstance').resizeCanvas();
+                            }, 50, $(gridElements[j]));
+                        }
+                    }
+                    // toggle tabs .scrollable when appropriate
+                    var tabsContainers = $('.tab-container');
+                    var tabsContents = [];
+                    for (var k = 0, len = tabsContainers.length; k < len; k++) 
+                        if ($(tabsContainers[k]).is(':visible')){
+                            tabsContents.push($('#' + 
$(tabsContainers[k]).attr('id') + '-content'));
+                        }
+                    }
+                    $.each(tabsContents, function (index, tabsContent) {
+                        common.toggleScrollable(tabsContent.get(0));
+                    });
+                }
+            }).on('keydown', function (evt) {
+                // if a dialog is open, disable canvas shortcuts
+                if ($('.dialog').is(':visible') || 
$('#search-field').is(':focus')) {
+                    return;
+                }
+                // get the current selection
+                var selection = canvasUtils.getSelection();
+                // handle shortcuts
+                var isCtrl = evt.ctrlKey || evt.metaKey;
+                if (isCtrl) {
+                    if (evt.keyCode === 82) {
+                        if (allowPageRefresh === true) {
+                            location.reload();
+                            return;
+                        }
+                        // ctrl-r
+                        actions.reload();
+                        // default prevented in nf-universal-capture.js
+                    } else if (evt.keyCode === 65) {
+                        // ctrl-a
+                        actions.selectAll();
+                        angularBridge.digest();
+                        // only want to prevent default if the action was 
performed, otherwise default select all would be overridden
+                        evt.preventDefault();
+                    } else if (evt.keyCode === 67) {
+                        // ctrl-c
+                        if (nfCanvas.canWrite() && 
canvasUtils.isCopyable(selection)) {
+                            actions.copy(selection);
+                        }
+                    } else if (evt.keyCode === 86) {
+                        // ctrl-v
+                        if (nfCanvas.canWrite() && canvasUtils.isPastable()) {
+                            actions.paste(selection);
+                            // only want to prevent default if the action was 
performed, otherwise default paste would be overridden
+                            evt.preventDefault();
+                        }
+                    }
+                } else {
+                    if (evt.keyCode === 8 || evt.keyCode === 46) {
+                        // backspace or delete
+                        if (nfCanvas.canWrite() && 
canvasUtils.areDeletable(selection)) {
+                            actions['delete'](selection);
+                        }
+                        // default prevented in nf-universal-capture.js
+                    }
+                }
+            });
+            // get the banners and update the page accordingly
+            $.ajax({
+                type: 'GET',
+                url: config.urls.banners,
+                dataType: 'json'
+            }).done(function (response) {
+                // ensure the banners response is specified
+                if (common.isDefinedAndNotNull(response.banners)) {
+                    if 
(common.isDefinedAndNotNull(response.banners.headerText) && 
response.banners.headerText !== '') {
+                        // update the header text and show it
+                        $('#canvas-container').css('top', '98px');
+                    }
+                    if 
(common.isDefinedAndNotNull(response.banners.footerText) && 
response.banners.footerText !== '') {
+                        // update the footer text and show it
+                        var bannerFooter = 
+                        var updateBottom = function (elementId) {
+                            var element = $('#' + elementId);
+                            element.css('bottom', 
parseInt(bannerFooter.css('height'), 10) + 'px');
+                        };
+                        // update the position of elements affected by bottom 
+                        updateBottom('graph');
+                    }
+                }
+                // update the graph dimensions
+                updateGraphSize();
+            }).fail(errorHandler.handleAjaxError);
+        },
+        /**
          * Initialize NiFi.
         init: function () {
             // attempt kerberos authentication
             var ticketExchange = $.Deferred(function (deferred) {
-                if (nf.Storage.hasItem('jwt')) {
+                if (storage.hasItem('jwt')) {
                 } else {
@@ -818,9 +775,9 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
                         dataType: 'text'
                     }).done(function (jwt) {
                         // get the payload and store the token with the 
appropriate expiration
-                        var token = nf.Common.getJwtPayload(jwt);
-                        var expiration = parseInt(token['exp'], 10) * 
-                        nf.Storage.setItem('jwt', jwt, expiration);
+                        var token = common.getJwtPayload(jwt);
+                        var expiration = parseInt(token['exp'], 10) * 
+                        storage.setItem('jwt', jwt, expiration);
                     }).fail(function () {
@@ -829,7 +786,7 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
             // load the current user
-            var userXhr = $.Deferred(function (deferred) {
+            return $.Deferred(function (deferred) {
                 ticketExchange.always(function () {
                     loadCurrentUser().done(function (currentUser) {
                         // if the user is logged, we want to determine if they 
were logged in using a certificate
@@ -838,12 +795,12 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
                             // render the logout button if there is a token 
-                            if (nf.Storage.getItem('jwt') !== null) {
+                            if (storage.getItem('jwt') !== null) {
                         } else {
                             // set the anonymous user label
-                            nf.Common.setAnonymousUserLabel();
+                            common.setAnonymousUserLabel();
                     }).fail(function (xhr, status, error) {
@@ -856,96 +813,6 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
-            userXhr.done(function () {
-                // load the client id
-                var clientXhr = nf.Client.init();
-                // get the controller config to register the status poller
-                var configXhr = $.ajax({
-                    type: 'GET',
-                    url: config.urls.flowConfig,
-                    dataType: 'json'
-                });
-                // ensure the config requests are loaded
-                $.when(configXhr, nf.ClusterSummary.loadClusterSummary(), 
userXhr, clientXhr).done(function (configResult) {
-                    var configResponse = configResult[0];
-                    // calculate the canvas offset
-                    var canvasContainer = $('#canvas-container');
-                    nf.Canvas.CANVAS_OFFSET = canvasContainer.offset().top;
-                    // get the config details
-                    var configDetails = configResponse.flowConfiguration;
-                    // show disconnected message on load if necessary
-                    if (nf.ClusterSummary.isClustered() && 
!nf.ClusterSummary.isConnectedToCluster()) {
-                        nf.Dialog.showDisconnectedFromClusterMessage();
-                    }
-                    // get the auto refresh interval
-                    var autoRefreshIntervalSeconds = 
parseInt(configDetails.autoRefreshIntervalSeconds, 10);
-                    // record whether we can configure the authorizer
-                    configurableAuthorizer = 
-                    // init storage
-                    nf.Storage.init();
-                    // initialize the application
-                    initCanvas();
-                    nf.Canvas.View.init();
-                    nf.ContextMenu.init();
-          'headerCtrl').init();
-                    nf.Settings.init();
-                    nf.Actions.init();
-                    nf.QueueListing.init();
-                    nf.ComponentState.init();
-                    // initialize the component behaviors
-                    nf.Draggable.init();
-                    nf.Selectable.init();
-                    nf.Connectable.init();
-                    // initialize the chart
-                    nf.StatusHistory.init(configDetails.timeOffset);
-                    // initialize the birdseye
-                    nf.Birdseye.init();
-                    // initialize components
-                    nf.ConnectionConfiguration.init();
-                    nf.ControllerService.init();
-                    nf.ReportingTask.init();
-                    nf.PolicyManagement.init();
-                    nf.ProcessorConfiguration.init();
-                    nf.ProcessGroupConfiguration.init();
-                    nf.RemoteProcessGroupConfiguration.init();
-                    nf.RemoteProcessGroupPorts.init();
-                    nf.PortConfiguration.init();
-                    nf.LabelConfiguration.init();
-                    nf.ProcessorDetails.init(true);
-                    nf.PortDetails.init();
-                    nf.ConnectionDetails.init();
-                    nf.RemoteProcessGroupDetails.init();
-                    nf.GoTo.init();
-                    nf.Graph.init().done(function () {
-              'graphControlsCtrl').init();
-                        // determine the split between the polling
-                        var pollingSplit = autoRefreshIntervalSeconds / 2;
-                        // register the polling
-                        setTimeout(function () {
-                            startPolling(autoRefreshIntervalSeconds);
-                        }, pollingSplit * 1000);
-                        // hide the splash screen
-                        nf.Canvas.hideSplash();
-                    }).fail(nf.ErrorHandler.handleAjaxError);
-                }).fail(nf.ErrorHandler.handleAjaxError);
-            }).fail(nf.ErrorHandler.handleAjaxError);
@@ -997,6 +864,15 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
+         * Set whether the authorizer is configurable.
+         *
+         * @param bool The boolean value representing whether the authorizer 
is configurable.
+         */
+        setConfigurableAuthorizer: function(bool){
+            configurableAuthorizer = bool;
+        },
+        /**
          * Returns whether the authorizer is configurable.
         isConfigurableAuthorizer: function () {
@@ -1004,7 +880,7 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
-         * Whether the current user can write in this group.
+         * Whether the current user can read from this group.
          * @returns {boolean}   can write
@@ -1029,6 +905,17 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
+        /**
+         * Starts polling.
+         *
+         * @argument {int} autoRefreshInterval      The auto refresh interval
+         */
+        startPolling: function (autoRefreshInterval) {
+            // set polling flag
+            polling = true;
+            poll(autoRefreshInterval);
+        },
         View: (function () {
@@ -1036,8 +923,8 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
             var updateComponentVisibility = function () {
                 var canvasContainer = $('#canvas-container');
-                var translate = nf.Canvas.View.translate();
-                var scale = nf.Canvas.View.scale();
+                var translate = nfCanvas.View.translate();
+                var scale = nfCanvas.View.scale();
                 // scale the translation
                 translate = [translate[0] / scale, translate[1] / scale];
@@ -1054,7 +941,7 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
                 // detects whether a component is visible and should be 
                 var isComponentVisible = function (d) {
-                    if (!nf.Canvas.View.shouldRenderPerScale()) {
+                    if (!nfCanvas.View.shouldRenderPerScale()) {
                         return false;
@@ -1069,7 +956,7 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
                 // detects whether a connection is visible and should be 
                 var isConnectionVisible = function (d) {
-                    if (!nf.Canvas.View.shouldRenderPerScale()) {
+                    if (!nfCanvas.View.shouldRenderPerScale()) {
                         return false;
@@ -1102,7 +989,7 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
                 // get the all components
-                var graph = nf.Graph.get();
+                var graph = nfGraph.get();
                 // update the visibility for each component
                 $.each(graph.processors, function (_, d) {
@@ -1137,7 +1024,7 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
                         .on('zoomstart', function () {
                             // hide the context menu
-                            nf.ContextMenu.hide();
+                            contextMenu.hide();
                         .on('zoom', function () {
                             // if we have zoomed, indicate that we are panning
@@ -1154,7 +1041,7 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
                             var transition = d3.event.sourceEvent.type === 
'wheel' || d3.event.sourceEvent.type === 'mousewheel';
                             // refresh the canvas
-                            refreshed = nf.Canvas.View.refresh({
+                            refreshed = nfCanvas.View.refresh({
                                 persist: false,
                                 transition: transition,
                                 refreshComponents: false,
@@ -1163,16 +1050,16 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
                         .on('zoomend', function () {
                             // ensure the canvas was actually refreshed
-                            if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(refreshed)) {
-                                nf.Canvas.View.updateVisibility();
+                            if (common.isDefinedAndNotNull(refreshed)) {
+                                nfCanvas.View.updateVisibility();
                                 // refresh the birdseye
                                 refreshed.done(function () {
-                                    nf.Birdseye.refresh();
+                                    birdseye.refresh();
                                 // persist the users view
-                                nf.CanvasUtils.persistUserView();
+                                canvasUtils.persistUserView();
                                 // reset the refreshed deferred
                                 refreshed = null;
@@ -1192,7 +1079,7 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
                  * @returns {Boolean}
                 shouldRenderPerScale: function () {
-                    return nf.Canvas.View.scale() >= MIN_SCALE_TO_RENDER;
+                    return nfCanvas.View.scale() >= MIN_SCALE_TO_RENDER;
@@ -1200,7 +1087,7 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
                 updateVisibility: function () {
-                    nf.Graph.pan();
+                    nfGraph.pan();
@@ -1209,7 +1096,7 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
                  * @param {array} translate     [x, y]
                 translate: function (translate) {
-                    if (nf.Common.isUndefined(translate)) {
+                    if (common.isUndefined(translate)) {
                         return behavior.translate();
                     } else {
@@ -1222,7 +1109,7 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
                  * @param {number} scale        The new scale
                 scale: function (scale) {
-                    if (nf.Common.isUndefined(scale)) {
+                    if (common.isUndefined(scale)) {
                         return behavior.scale();
                     } else {
@@ -1233,8 +1120,8 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
                  * Zooms in a single zoom increment.
                 zoomIn: function () {
-                    var translate = nf.Canvas.View.translate();
-                    var scale = nf.Canvas.View.scale();
+                    var translate = nfCanvas.View.translate();
+                    var scale = nfCanvas.View.scale();
                     var newScale = Math.min(scale * INCREMENT, MAX_SCALE);
                     // get the canvas normalized width and height
@@ -1243,10 +1130,10 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
                     var screenHeight = canvasContainer.height() / scale;
                     // adjust the scale
-                    nf.Canvas.View.scale(newScale);
+                    nfCanvas.View.scale(newScale);
                     // center around the center of the screen accounting for 
the translation accordingly
-                    nf.CanvasUtils.centerBoundingBox({
+                    canvasUtils.centerBoundingBox({
                         x: (screenWidth / 2) - (translate[0] / scale),
                         y: (screenHeight / 2) - (translate[1] / scale),
                         width: 1,
@@ -1258,8 +1145,8 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
                  * Zooms out a single zoom increment.
                 zoomOut: function () {
-                    var translate = nf.Canvas.View.translate();
-                    var scale = nf.Canvas.View.scale();
+                    var translate = nfCanvas.View.translate();
+                    var scale = nfCanvas.View.scale();
                     var newScale = Math.max(scale / INCREMENT, MIN_SCALE);
                     // get the canvas normalized width and height
@@ -1268,10 +1155,10 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
                     var screenHeight = canvasContainer.height() / scale;
                     // adjust the scale
-                    nf.Canvas.View.scale(newScale);
+                    nfCanvas.View.scale(newScale);
                     // center around the center of the screen accounting for 
the translation accordingly
-                    nf.CanvasUtils.centerBoundingBox({
+                    canvasUtils.centerBoundingBox({
                         x: (screenWidth / 2) - (translate[0] / scale),
                         y: (screenHeight / 2) - (translate[1] / scale),
                         width: 1,
@@ -1283,8 +1170,8 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
                  * Zooms to fit the entire graph on the canvas.
                 fit: function () {
-                    var translate = nf.Canvas.View.translate();
-                    var scale = nf.Canvas.View.scale();
+                    var translate = nfCanvas.View.translate();
+                    var scale = nfCanvas.View.scale();
                     var newScale;
                     // get the canvas normalized width and height
@@ -1297,7 +1184,7 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
                     var graphWidth = graphBox.width / scale;
                     var graphHeight = graphBox.height / scale;
                     var graphLeft = graphBox.left / scale;
-                    var graphTop = ( - nf.Canvas.CANVAS_OFFSET) / 
+                    var graphTop = ( - nfCanvas.CANVAS_OFFSET) / 
                     // adjust the scale to ensure the entire graph is visible
@@ -1315,10 +1202,10 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
                     // set the new scale
-                    nf.Canvas.View.scale(newScale);
+                    nfCanvas.View.scale(newScale);
                     // center as appropriate
-                    nf.CanvasUtils.centerBoundingBox({
+                    canvasUtils.centerBoundingBox({
                         x: graphLeft - (translate[0] / scale),
                         y: graphTop - (translate[1] / scale),
                         width: canvasWidth / newScale,
@@ -1330,14 +1217,14 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
                  * Zooms to the actual size (1 to 1).
                 actualSize: function () {
-                    var translate = nf.Canvas.View.translate();
-                    var scale = nf.Canvas.View.scale();
+                    var translate = nfCanvas.View.translate();
+                    var scale = nfCanvas.View.scale();
                     // get the first selected component
-                    var selection = nf.CanvasUtils.getSelection();
+                    var selection = canvasUtils.getSelection();
                     // set the updated scale
-                    nf.Canvas.View.scale(1);
+                    nfCanvas.View.scale(1);
                     // box to zoom towards
                     var box;
@@ -1350,7 +1237,7 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
                         // get the bounding box for the selected components
                         box = {
                             x: (selectionBox.left / scale) - (translate[0] / 
-                            y: (( - nf.Canvas.CANVAS_OFFSET) / 
scale) - (translate[1] / scale),
+                            y: (( - nfCanvas.CANVAS_OFFSET) / 
scale) - (translate[1] / scale),
                             width: selectionBox.width / scale,
                             height: selectionBox.height / scale
@@ -1372,7 +1259,7 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
                     // center as appropriate
-                    nf.CanvasUtils.centerBoundingBox(box);
+                    canvasUtils.centerBoundingBox(box);
@@ -1389,21 +1276,21 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
                         var refreshBirdseye = true;
                         // extract the options if specified
-                        if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(options)) {
-                            persist = 
nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(options.persist) ? options.persist : persist;
-                            transition = 
nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(options.transition) ? options.transition : 
-                            refreshComponents = 
nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(options.refreshComponents) ? 
options.refreshComponents : refreshComponents;
-                            refreshBirdseye = 
nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(options.refreshBirdseye) ? 
options.refreshBirdseye : refreshBirdseye;
+                        if (common.isDefinedAndNotNull(options)) {
+                            persist = 
common.isDefinedAndNotNull(options.persist) ? options.persist : persist;
+                            transition = 
common.isDefinedAndNotNull(options.transition) ? options.transition : 
+                            refreshComponents = 
common.isDefinedAndNotNull(options.refreshComponents) ? 
options.refreshComponents : refreshComponents;
+                            refreshBirdseye = 
common.isDefinedAndNotNull(options.refreshBirdseye) ? options.refreshBirdseye : 
                         // update component visibility
                         if (refreshComponents) {
-                            nf.Canvas.View.updateVisibility();
+                            nfCanvas.View.updateVisibility();
                         // persist if appropriate
                         if (persist === true) {
-                            nf.CanvasUtils.persistUserView();
+                            canvasUtils.persistUserView();
                         // update the canvas
@@ -1416,7 +1303,7 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
                                 .each('end', function () {
                                     // refresh birdseye if appropriate
                                     if (refreshBirdseye === true) {
-                                        nf.Birdseye.refresh();
+                                        birdseye.refresh();
@@ -1428,7 +1315,7 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
                             // refresh birdseye if appropriate
                             if (refreshBirdseye === true) {
-                                nf.Birdseye.refresh();
+                                birdseye.refresh();
@@ -1438,4 +1325,6 @@ nf.Canvas = (function () {
\ No newline at end of file
+    return nfCanvas;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git 
index ce0ea1d..d5dd80c 100644
@@ -15,12 +15,28 @@
  * limitations under the License.
-/* global nf */
+/* global define, module, require, exports */
  * Clipboard used for copying and pasting content.
-nf.Clipboard = (function () {
+(function (root, factory) {
+    if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
+        define(['jquery',
+                'nf.Common'],
+            function ($, common) {
+                return (nf.Clipboard = factory($, common));
+            });
+    } else if (typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') {
+        module.exports = (nf.Clipboard =
+            factory(require('jquery'),
+                require('nf.Common')));
+    } else {
+        nf.Clipboard = factory(root.$,
+  ;
+    }
+}(this, function ($, common) {
+    'use strict';
     var COPY = 'copy';
     var PASTE = 'paste';
@@ -30,28 +46,28 @@ nf.Clipboard = (function () {
     return {
          * Add a listener to receive copy and paste events.
-         * 
+         *
          * @argument {object} listener      A clipboard listener
          * @argument {function} funct       Callback when clipboard events 
         addListener: function (listener, funct) {
             listeners[listener] = funct;
          * Remove the specified listener.
-         * 
+         *
          * @argument {object} listener      A clipboard listener
         removeListener: function (listener) {
-            if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(listeners[listener])) {
+            if (common.isDefinedAndNotNull(listeners[listener])) {
                 delete listeners[listener];
          * Copy the specified data.
-         * 
+         *
          * @argument {object} d      The data to copy to the clipboard
         copy: function (d) {
@@ -62,14 +78,14 @@ nf.Clipboard = (function () {
                 listeners[listener].call(listener, COPY, data);
          * Checks to see if any data has been copied.
         isCopied: function () {
-            return nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(data);
+            return common.isDefinedAndNotNull(data);
          * Gets the most recent data thats copied. This operation
          * will remove the corresponding data from the clipboard.
@@ -77,7 +93,7 @@ nf.Clipboard = (function () {
         paste: function () {
             return $.Deferred(function (deferred) {
                 // ensure there was data
-                if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(data)) {
+                if (common.isDefinedAndNotNull(data)) {
                     var clipboardData = data;
                     // resolve the deferred
@@ -96,4 +112,4 @@ nf.Clipboard = (function () {
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git 
index 0d5c198..e362b46 100644
@@ -15,12 +15,40 @@
  * limitations under the License.
-/* global nf */
+/* global define, module, require, exports */
  * Views state for a given component.
-nf.ComponentState = (function () {
+(function (root, factory) {
+    if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
+        define(['jquery',
+                'Slick',
+                'nf.ClusterSummary',
+                'nf.ErrorHandler',
+                'nf.Dialog',
+                'nf.Common'],
+            function ($, Slick, clusterSummary, errorHandler, dialog, common) {
+                return (nf.ComponentState = factory($, Slick, clusterSummary, 
errorHandler, dialog, common));
+            });
+    } else if (typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module === 'object') {
+        module.exports = (nf.ComponentState =
+            factory(require('jquery'),
+                require('Slick'),
+                require('nf.ClusterSummary'),
+                require('nf.ErrorHandler'),
+                require('nf.Dialog'),
+                require('nf.Common')));
+    } else {
+        nf.ComponentState = factory(root.$,
+            root.Slick,
+  ,
+  ,
+  ,
+  ;
+    }
+}(this, function ($, Slick, clusterSummary, errorHandler, dialog, common) {
+    'use strict';
      * Filters the component state table.
@@ -30,7 +58,7 @@ nf.ComponentState = (function () {
         var componentStateTable = 
         // ensure the grid has been initialized
-        if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(componentStateTable)) {
+        if (common.isDefinedAndNotNull(componentStateTable)) {
             var componentStateData = componentStateTable.getData();
             // update the search criteria
@@ -67,7 +95,7 @@ nf.ComponentState = (function () {
         // conditionally consider the scope
         var matchesScope = false;
-        if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(item['scope'])) {
+        if (common.isDefinedAndNotNull(item['scope'])) {
             matchesScope = item['scope'].search(filterExp) >= 0;
@@ -83,8 +111,8 @@ nf.ComponentState = (function () {
     var sort = function (sortDetails, data) {
         // defines a function for sorting
         var comparer = function (a, b) {
-            var aString = 
nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(a[sortDetails.columnId]) ? 
a[sortDetails.columnId] : '';
-            var bString = 
nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(b[sortDetails.columnId]) ? 
b[sortDetails.columnId] : '';
+            var aString = common.isDefinedAndNotNull(a[sortDetails.columnId]) 
? a[sortDetails.columnId] : '';
+            var bString = common.isDefinedAndNotNull(b[sortDetails.columnId]) 
? b[sortDetails.columnId] : '';
             return aString === bString ? 0 : aString > bString ? 1 : -1;
@@ -134,7 +162,7 @@ nf.ComponentState = (function () {
         // local state
-        if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(localState)) {
+        if (common.isDefinedAndNotNull(localState)) {
             $.each(localState.state, function (i, stateEntry) {
                     id: count++,
@@ -143,12 +171,12 @@ nf.ComponentState = (function () {
             totalEntries += localState.totalEntryCount;
-            if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(localState.state) && 
localState.totalEntryCount !== localState.state.length) {
+            if (common.isDefinedAndNotNull(localState.state) && 
localState.totalEntryCount !== localState.state.length) {
                 showPartialDetails = true;
-        if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(clusterState)) {
+        if (common.isDefinedAndNotNull(clusterState)) {
             $.each(clusterState.state, function (i, stateEntry) {
                     id: count++,
@@ -157,7 +185,7 @@ nf.ComponentState = (function () {
             totalEntries += clusterState.totalEntryCount;
-            if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(clusterState.state) && 
clusterState.totalEntryCount !== clusterState.state.length) {
+            if (common.isDefinedAndNotNull(clusterState.state) && 
clusterState.totalEntryCount !== clusterState.state.length) {
                 showPartialDetails = true;
@@ -171,7 +199,7 @@ nf.ComponentState = (function () {
         // update the total number of state entries
@@ -253,9 +281,9 @@ nf.ComponentState = (function () {
                             // reload the table with no state
-                        }).fail(nf.ErrorHandler.handleAjaxError);
+                        }).fail(errorHandler.handleAjaxError);
                     } else {
-                        nf.Dialog.showOkDialog({
+                        dialog.showOkDialog({
                             headerText: 'Component State',
                             dialogContent: 'This component has no state to 
@@ -282,7 +310,7 @@ nf.ComponentState = (function () {
             // conditionally show the cluster node identifier
-            if (nf.ClusterSummary.isClustered()) {
+            if (clusterSummary.isClustered()) {
                     id: 'scope',
                     field: 'scope',
@@ -390,7 +418,7 @@ nf.ComponentState = (function () {
                 // reset the grid size
                 var componentStateGrid ='gridInstance');
-            }).fail(nf.ErrorHandler.handleAjaxError);
+            }).fail(errorHandler.handleAjaxError);
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file

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