 Tue May  9 15:27:39 2017
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>SegmentContent</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">SegmentContent</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Segments a FlowFile into 
multiple smaller segments on byte boundaries. Each segment is given the 
following attributes: fragment.identifier, fragment.index, fragment.count, 
segment.original.filename; these attributes can then be used by the 
MergeContent processor in order to reconstitute the original 
FlowFile</p><h3>Tags: </h3><p>segment, split</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In the 
list below, the names of required properties appear in <strong>bold</strong>. 
Any other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also 
indicates any default valu
 es.</p><table id="properties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default 
Value</th><th>Allowable Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Segment Size</strong></td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The maximum data size in bytes 
for each segment</td></tr></table><h3>Relationships: </h3><table 
 segments will be sent to this relationship. If the file was small enough that 
it was not segmented, a copy of the original is sent to this relationship as 
well as original</td></tr><tr><td>original</td><td>The original FlowFile will 
be sent to this relationship</td></tr></table><h3>Reads Attributes: </h3>None 
specified.<h3>Writes Attributes: </h3><table 
 segments produced from the same parent FlowFile will have the same randomly 
generated UUID added for
  this attribute. This attribute is added to maintain backward compatibility, 
but the fragment.identifier is preferred, as it is designed to work in 
conjunction with the MergeContent 
Processor</td></tr><tr><td>segment.index</td><td>A one-up number that indicates 
the ordering of the segments that were created from a single parent FlowFile. 
This attribute is added to maintain backward compatibility, but the 
fragment.index is preferred, as it is designed to work in conjunction with the 
MergeContent Processor</td></tr><tr><td>segment.count</td><td>The number of 
segments generated from the parent FlowFile. This attribute is added to 
maintain backward compatibility, but the fragment.count is preferred, as it is 
designed to work in conjunction with the MergeContent 
Processor</td></tr><tr><td>fragment.identifier</td><td>All segments produced 
from the same parent FlowFile will have the same randomly generated UUID added 
for this attribute</td></tr><tr><td>fragment.index</td><td>A one-up numbe
 r that indicates the ordering of the segments that were created from a single 
parent FlowFile</td></tr><tr><td>fragment.count</td><td>The number of segments 
generated from the parent FlowFile</td></tr><tr><td>segment.original.filename 
</td><td>The filename of the parent 
FlowFile</td></tr><tr><td>segment.original.filename </td><td>The filename will 
be updated to include the parent's filename, the segment index, and the segment 
count</td></tr></table><h3>State management: </h3>This component does not store 
state.<h3>Restricted: </h3>This component is not restricted.<h3>See 
\ No newline at end of file

 Tue May  9 15:27:39 2017
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+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>SplitContent</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">SplitContent</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Splits incoming FlowFiles by a 
specified byte sequence</p><h3>Tags: </h3><p>content, split, 
binary</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In the list below, the names of required 
properties appear in <strong>bold</strong>. Any other properties (not in bold) 
are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values.</p><table 
id="properties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default Value</th><th>Allowable 
Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Byte Sequence 
Format</strong></td><td id="default-value">Hexadecimal</td><td 
 >Hexadecimal <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="The Byte 
 >Sequence will be interpreted as a hexadecimal representation of bytes" 
 >title="The Byte Sequence will be interpreted as a hexadecimal representation 
 >of bytes"></img></li><li>Text <img 
 >src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="The Byte Sequence will be 
 >interpreted as UTF-8 Encoded text" title="The Byte Sequence will be 
 >interpreted as UTF-8 Encoded text"></img></li></ul></td><td 
 >id="description">Specifies how the &lt;Byte Sequence&gt; property should be 
 >interpreted</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Byte Sequence</strong></td><td 
 >id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">A 
 >representation of bytes to look for and upon which to split the source file 
 >into separate files</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Keep Byte 
 >Sequence</strong></td><td id="default-value">false</td><td 
 >id="description">Determines whet
 her or not the Byte Sequence should be included with each 
Split</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Byte Sequence 
Location</strong></td><td id="default-value">Trailing</td><td 
id="allowable-values"><ul><li>Trailing <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Keep the Byte Sequence at 
the end of the first split if &lt;Keep Byte Sequence&gt; is true" title="Keep 
the Byte Sequence at the end of the first split if &lt;Keep Byte Sequence&gt; 
is true"></img></li><li>Leading <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Keep the Byte Sequence at 
the beginning of the second split if &lt;Keep Byte Sequence&gt; is true" 
title="Keep the Byte Sequence at the beginning of the second split if &lt;Keep 
Byte Sequence&gt; is true"></img></li></ul></td><td id="description">If 
&lt;Keep Byte Sequence&gt; is set to true, specifies whether the byte sequence 
should be added to the end of the first split or the beginning of the second; 
if &lt;Keep Byte Sequence&gt; is false, this prope
 rty is ignored.</td></tr></table><h3>Relationships: </h3><table 
 Splits will be routed to the splits 
relationship</td></tr><tr><td>original</td><td>The original 
file</td></tr></table><h3>Reads Attributes: </h3>None specified.<h3>Writes 
Attributes: </h3><table 
 split FlowFiles produced from the same parent FlowFile will have the same 
randomly generated UUID added for this 
attribute</td></tr><tr><td>fragment.index</td><td>A one-up number that 
indicates the ordering of the split FlowFiles that were created from a single 
parent FlowFile</td></tr><tr><td>fragment.count</td><td>The number of split 
FlowFiles generated from the parent 
FlowFile</td></tr><tr><td>segment.original.filename </td><td>The filename of 
the parent FlowFile</td></tr></table><h3>State management: </h3>This component 
does not store 
 state.<h3>Restricted: </h3>This component is not restricted.<h3>See 
\ No newline at end of file

 Tue May  9 15:27:39 2017
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>SplitJson</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">SplitJson</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Splits a JSON File into multiple, 
separate FlowFiles for an array element specified by a JsonPath expression. 
Each generated FlowFile is comprised of an element of the specified array and 
transferred to relationship 'split,' with the original file transferred to the 
'original' relationship. If the specified JsonPath is not found or does not 
evaluate to an array element, the original file is routed to 'failure' and no 
files are generated.</p><h3>Tags: </h3><p>json, split, 
jsonpath</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In the list below, the names of required 
properties appea
 r in <strong>bold</strong>. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered 
optional. The table also indicates any default values.</p><table 
id="properties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default Value</th><th>Allowable 
Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>JsonPath 
Expression</strong></td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">A JsonPath expression that 
indicates the array element to split into JSON/scalar 
fragments.</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Null Value 
Representation</strong></td><td id="default-value">empty string</td><td 
id="allowable-values"><ul><li>empty string</li><li>the string 
'null'</li></ul></td><td id="description">Indicates the desired representation 
of JSON Path expressions resulting in a null 
value.</td></tr></table><h3>Relationships: </h3><table 
 a FlowFile fails processing for any reason (for example, the FlowFile i
 s not valid JSON or the specified path does not exist), it will be routed to 
this relationship</td></tr><tr><td>original</td><td>The original FlowFile that 
was split into segments. If the FlowFile fails processing, nothing will be sent 
to this relationship</td></tr><tr><td>split</td><td>All segments of the 
original FlowFile will be routed to this 
relationship</td></tr></table><h3>Reads Attributes: </h3>None 
specified.<h3>Writes Attributes: </h3><table 
 split FlowFiles produced from the same parent FlowFile will have the same 
randomly generated UUID added for this 
attribute</td></tr><tr><td>fragment.index</td><td>A one-up number that 
indicates the ordering of the split FlowFiles that were created from a single 
parent FlowFile</td></tr><tr><td>fragment.count</td><td>The number of split 
FlowFiles generated from the parent 
FlowFile</td></tr><tr><td>segment.original.filename </td><td>T
 he filename of the parent FlowFile</td></tr></table><h3>State management: 
</h3>This component does not store state.<h3>Restricted: </h3>This component is 
not restricted.</body></html>
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 Tue May  9 15:27:39 2017
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+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>SplitRecord</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">SplitRecord</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Splits up an input FlowFile 
that is in a record-oriented data format into multiple smaller 
FlowFiles</p><h3>Tags: </h3><p>split, generic, schema, json, csv, avro, log, 
logs, freeform, text</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In the list below, the names of 
required properties appear in <strong>bold</strong>. Any other properties (not 
in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values, 
and whether a property supports the <a 
href="../../../../../html/expression-language-guide.html">NiFi Expression 
Language</a>.</p><table id="properties"><tr><t
 h>Name</th><th>Default Value</th><th>Allowable 
Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Record 
Reader</strong></td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"><strong>Controller Service API: 
</strong><br/>RecordReaderFactory<br/><strong>Implementations: </strong><br/><a 
id="description">Specifies the Controller Service to use for reading incoming 
data</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Record Writer</strong></td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"><strong>Controller Service 
API: </strong><br/>RecordSetWriterFactory<br/><strong>Implementations: 
 id="description">Specifies the Controller Service to use for writing out the 
records</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Records Per Split</strong></td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Specifies how many records should be written to each 'split' 
or 'segment' FlowFile<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr></table><h3>Relationships: </h3><table 
 a FlowFile cannot be transformed from the configured input format to the 
configured output format, the unchanged FlowFile will be routed to this 
relationship.</td></tr><tr><td>splits</td><td>The individual 'segments' of the 
original FlowFile will be routed to this 
relationship.</td></tr><tr><td>original</td><td>Upon successfully splitting an 
input FlowFile, the origina
 l FlowFile will be sent to this relationship.</td></tr></table><h3>Reads 
Attributes: </h3>None specified.<h3>Writes Attributes: </h3><table 
 the mime.type attribute to the MIME Type specified by the Record Writer for 
the FlowFiles routed to the 'splits' 
Relationship.</td></tr><tr><td>record.count</td><td>The number of records in 
the FlowFile. This is added to FlowFiles that are routed to the 'splits' 
Relationship.</td></tr></table><h3>State management: </h3>This component does 
not store state.<h3>Restricted: </h3>This component is not 
\ No newline at end of file

 Tue May  9 15:27:39 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>SplitText</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">SplitText</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Splits a text file into multiple 
smaller text files on line boundaries limited by maximum number of lines or 
total size of fragment. Each output split file will contain no more than the 
configured number of lines or bytes. If both Line Split Count and Maximum 
Fragment Size are specified, the split occurs at whichever limit is reached 
first. If the first line of a fragment exceeds the Maximum Fragment Size, that 
line will be output in a single split file which exceeds the configured maximum 
size limit. This component also allows one to specify that each split shou
 ld include a header lines. Header lines can be computed by either specifying 
the amount of lines that should constitute a header or by using header marker 
to match against the read lines. If such match happens then the corresponding 
line will be treated as header. Keep in mind that upon the first failure of 
header marker match, no more matches will be performed and the rest of the data 
will be parsed as regular lines for a given split. If after computation of the 
header there are no more data, the resulting split will consists of only header 
lines.</p><h3>Tags: </h3><p>split, text</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In the list 
below, the names of required properties appear in <strong>bold</strong>. Any 
other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also 
indicates any default values.</p><table 
id="properties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default Value</th><th>Allowable 
Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Line Split 
Count</strong></td><td id="default-value
 "></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The number of lines 
that will be added to each split file, excluding header lines. A value of zero 
requires Maximum Fragment Size to be set, and line count will not be considered 
in determining splits.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Maximum Fragment Size</td><td 
id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The 
maximum size of each split file, including header lines. NOTE: in the case 
where a single line exceeds this property (including headers, if applicable), 
that line will be output in a split of its own which exceeds this Maximum 
Fragment Size setting.</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Header Line 
Count</strong></td><td id="default-value">0</td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The number of lines that should 
be considered part of the header; the header lines will be duplicated to all 
split files</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Header Line Marker Characters</td><td 
 e"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The first 
character(s) on the line of the datafile which signifies a header line. This 
value is ignored when Header Line Count is non-zero. The first line not 
containing the Header Line Marker Characters and all subsequent lines are 
considered non-header</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Remove Trailing 
Newlines</strong></td><td id="default-value">true</td><td 
id="description">Whether to remove newlines at the end of each split file. This 
should be false if you intend to merge the split files later. If this is set to 
'true' and a FlowFile is generated that contains only 'empty lines' (i.e., 
consists only of 
+ characters), the FlowFile will not be emitted. Note, however, that if header 
lines are specified, the resultant FlowFile will never be empty as it will 
consist of the header lines, so a FlowFile may be emitted that contains only 
the header lines.</td></tr></table><h3>Relationships: </h3><table 
 a file cannot be split for some reason, the original file will be routed to 
this destination and nothing will be routed 
elsewhere</td></tr><tr><td>original</td><td>The original input file will be 
routed to this destination when it has been successfully split into 1 or more 
files</td></tr><tr><td>splits</td><td>The split files will be routed to this 
destination when an input file is successfully split into 1 or more split 
files</td></tr></table><h3>Reads Attributes: </h3>None specified.<h3>Writes 
Attributes: </h3><table 
 </td><td>The number of lines of text from the original FlowFile that were 
copied to this FlowFile</td></tr><tr><td>fragment.size</td><td>The number of 
bytes from the original FlowFile that were copied to this FlowFile, including 
header, if applicable, which is duplicated in each split 
FlowFile</td></tr><tr><td>fragment.identifier</td><td>All split FlowFiles 
produced from the same parent FlowFile will have the same randomly generated 
UUID added for this attribute</td></tr><tr><td>fragment.index</td><td>A one-up 
number that indicates the ordering of the split FlowFiles that were created 
from a single parent FlowFile</td></tr><tr><td>fragment.count</td><td>The 
number of split FlowFiles generated from the parent 
FlowFile</td></tr><tr><td>segment.original.filename </td><td>The filename of 
the parent FlowFile</td></tr></table><h3>State management: </h3>This component 
does not store state.<h3>Restricted: </h3>This component is not 
restricted.<h3>See Also:</h3><p><a href="../org.apache.nifi
\ No newline at end of file

 Tue May  9 15:27:39 2017
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>SplitXml</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">SplitXml</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Splits an XML File into multiple 
separate FlowFiles, each comprising a child or descendant of the original root 
element</p><h3>Tags: </h3><p>xml, split</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In the list 
below, the names of required properties appear in <strong>bold</strong>. Any 
other properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also 
indicates any default values.</p><table 
id="properties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default Value</th><th>Allowable 
Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Split 
Depth</strong></td><td id="default-value">1</td><td id=
 "allowable-values"></td><td id="description">Indicates the XML-nesting depth 
to start splitting XML fragments. A depth of 1 means split the root's children, 
whereas a depth of 2 means split the root's children's children and so 
forth.</td></tr></table><h3>Relationships: </h3><table 
 a FlowFile fails processing for any reason (for example, the FlowFile is not 
valid XML), it will be routed to this 
relationship</td></tr><tr><td>original</td><td>The original FlowFile that was 
split into segments. If the FlowFile fails processing, nothing will be sent to 
this relationship</td></tr><tr><td>split</td><td>All segments of the original 
FlowFile will be routed to this relationship</td></tr></table><h3>Reads 
Attributes: </h3>None specified.<h3>Writes Attributes: </h3><table 
 split FlowFiles produced from th
 e same parent FlowFile will have the same randomly generated UUID added for 
this attribute</td></tr><tr><td>fragment.index</td><td>A one-up number that 
indicates the ordering of the split FlowFiles that were created from a single 
parent FlowFile</td></tr><tr><td>fragment.count</td><td>The number of split 
FlowFiles generated from the parent 
FlowFile</td></tr><tr><td>segment.original.filename </td><td>The filename of 
the parent FlowFile</td></tr></table><h3>State management: </h3>This component 
does not store state.<h3>Restricted: </h3>This component is not 
\ No newline at end of file

 Tue May  9 15:27:39 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+    <!--
+      Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+      contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+      this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+      The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+      (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+      the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+      Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+      distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+      WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+      See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+      limitations under the License.
+    -->
+    <head>
+        <meta charset="utf-8" />
+        <title>TailFile</title>
+        <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../../../css/component-usage.css" 
type="text/css" />
+    </head>
+    <body>
+        <h3>Modes</h3>
+        <p>
+            This processor is used to tail a file or multiple files according 
to multiple modes. The 
+            mode to choose depends of the logging pattern followed by the 
file(s) to tail. In any case, if there
+            is a rolling pattern, the rolling files must be plain text files 
(compression is not supported at 
+            the moment).
+        </p>
+        <ul>
+               <li><b>Single file</b>: the processor will tail the file with 
the path given in 'File(s) to tail' property.</li>
+               <li><b>Multiple files</b>: the processor will look for files 
into the 'Base directory'. It will look for file recursively
+               according to the 'Recursive lookup' property and will tail all 
the files matching the regular expression
+               provided in the 'File(s) to tail' property.</li>
+        </ul>
+        <h3>Rolling filename pattern</h3>
+        <p>
+               In case the 'Rolling filename pattern' property is used, when 
the processor detects that the file to tail has rolled over, the
+               processor will look for possible missing messages in the rolled 
file. To do so, the processor will use the pattern to find the 
+               rolling files in the same directory as the file to tail.
+        </p>
+        <p>
+               In order to keep this property available in the 'Multiple 
files' mode when multiples files to tail are in the same directory, 
+               it is possible to use the ${filename} tag to reference the name 
(without extension) of the file to tail. For example, if we have:
+        </p>
+               <p>
+               <code>
+                       /my/path/directory/my-app.log.1<br />
+                       /my/path/directory/my-app.log<br />
+                       /my/path/directory/application.log.1<br />
+                       /my/path/directory/application.log
+               </code>
+               </p>
+               <p>
+                       the 'rolling filename pattern' would be 
+               </p>
+        <h3>Descriptions for different modes and strategies</h3>
+        <p>
+               The '<b>Single file</b>' mode assumes that the file to tail has 
always the same name even if there is a rolling pattern.
+               Example:
+        </p>
+               <p>
+               <code>
+                       /my/path/directory/my-app.log.2<br />
+                       /my/path/directory/my-app.log.1<br />
+                       /my/path/directory/my-app.log
+               </code>
+               </p>
+               <p>
+               and new log messages are always appended in my-app.log file.
+        </p>
+        <p>
+               In case recursivity is set to 'true'. The regular expression 
for the files to tail must embrace the possible intermediate directories 
+               between the base directory and the files to tail. Example:
+        </p>
+        <p>
+               <code>
+                       /my/path/directory1/my-app1.log<br />
+                       /my/path/directory2/my-app2.log<br />
+                       /my/path/directory3/my-app3.log
+               </code>
+               </p>
+        <p>
+               <code>
+                       Base directory: /my/path<br />
+                       Files to tail: directory[1-3]/my-app[1-3].log<br />
+                       Recursivity: true
+               </code>
+               </p>
+        <p>
+               In the '<b>Multiple files</b>' mode, it is possible to specify 
if the file to tail has always the same name or not. It is done through
+               the property 'Rolling strategy'. The strategy can be 'Fixed 
name' in case the files to tail have always the same name (see example above) 
+               or can be 'Changing name' in case the files to tail do not 
always have the same name. Example:
+        </p>
+               <p>
+               <code>
+                       /my/path/directory/my-app-2016-09-06.log<br />
+                       /my/path/directory/my-app-2016-09-07.log<br />
+                       /my/path/directory/my-app-2016-09-08.log
+               </code>
+               </p>
+               <p>
+               and new log messages are always appended in log file of the 
current day.
+        </p>
+        <p>
+               If the processor is configured with '<b>Multiple files</b>' 
mode and '<b>Fixed name</b>' rolling strategy, the processor will list the 
+               files to tail in the 'Base directory' (recursively or not) and 
matching the regular expression. This listing will only occur once when 
+               the processor is started. In this configuration, the processor 
will act as in 'Single file' mode for all files listed by the processor 
+               when started.
+        </p>
+        <p>
+               If the processor is configured with '<b>Multiple files</b>' 
mode and '<b>Changing name</b>' rolling strategy, two new properties are 
+               mandatory:
+        </p>
+        <ul>
+               <li><b>Lookup frequency</b>: specifies the minimum duration the 
processor will wait before listing again the files to tail.</li>
+               <li><b>Maximum age</b>: specifies the necessary minimum 
duration to consider that no new messages will be appended in a file 
+               regarding its last modification date.</li>
+        </ul>
+        <p>
+               It is necessary to pay attention to 'Lookup frequency' and 
'Maximum age' properties as well as the frequency at which the processor is 
+               triggered in order to keep good performances. It is recommended 
to keep 'Maximum age' > 'Lookup frequency' > processor scheduling 
+               frequency to avoid loosing messages. It also recommended not to 
set 'Maximum Age' too low because if messages are appended in a file 
+               after this file has been considered "too old", all the messages 
in the file may be read again leading to data duplication.
+        </p>
+        <p>
+               Besides, if the processor is configured with '<b>Multiple 
files</b>' mode and '<b>Changing name</b>' rolling strategy, the 'Rolling 
+               filename pattern' property must be specific enough to ensure 
that only the rolling files will be listed and not other currently tailed
+               files in the same directory (this can be achieved using 
${filename} tag).
+        </p>
+    </body>
\ No newline at end of file

 Tue May  9 15:27:39 2017
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>TailFile</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">TailFile</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>"Tails" a file, or a list of 
files, ingesting data from the file as it is written to the file. The file is 
expected to be textual. Data is ingested only when a new line is encountered 
(carriage return or new-line character or combination). If the file to tail is 
periodically "rolled over", as is generally the case with log files, an 
optional Rolling Filename Pattern can be used to retrieve data from files that 
have rolled over, even if the rollover occurred while NiFi was not running 
(provided that the data still exists upon restart of NiFi). It is generally 
 ble to set the Run Schedule to a few seconds, rather than running with the 
default value of 0 secs, as this Processor will consume a lot of resources if 
scheduled very aggressively. At this time, this Processor does not support 
ingesting files that have been compressed when 'rolled over'.</p><p><a 
href="additionalDetails.html">Additional Details...</a></p><h3>Tags: 
</h3><p>tail, file, log, text, source, restricted</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In 
the list below, the names of required properties appear in 
<strong>bold</strong>. Any other properties (not in bold) are considered 
optional. The table also indicates any default values, and whether a property 
supports the <a href="../../../../../html/expression-language-guide.html">NiFi 
Expression Language</a>.</p><table id="properties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default 
Value</th><th>Allowable Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Tailing mode</strong></td><td id="default-value">Single 
file</td><td id="allowable-values"><ul
 ><li>Single file <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="In 
 >this mode, only the one file indicated in the 'Files to tail' property will 
 >be watched by the processor. In this mode, the file may not exist when 
 >starting the processor." title="In this mode, only the one file indicated in 
 >the 'Files to tail' property will be watched by the processor. In this mode, 
 >the file may not exist when starting the processor."></img></li><li>Multiple 
 >files <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="In this mode, 
 >the 'Files to tail' property accepts a regular expression and the processor 
 >will look for files in 'Base directory' to list the files to tail by the 
 >processor." title="In this mode, the 'Files to tail' property accepts a 
 >regular expression and the processor will look for files in 'Base directory' 
 >to list the files to tail by the processor."></img></li></ul></td><td 
 >id="description">Mode to use: single file will tail only one file, multiple 
 >file will look for a li
 st of file. In Multiple mode the Base directory is required.</td></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>File(s) to Tail</strong></td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">Path of the file to tail in 
case of single file mode. If using multifile mode, regular expression to find 
files to tail in the base directory. In case recursivity is set to true, the 
regular expression will be used to match the path starting from the base 
directory (see additional details for examples).<br/><strong>Supports 
Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Rolling Filename 
Pattern</td><td id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">If the file to tail "rolls over" as would be the case with log 
files, this filename pattern will be used to identify files that have rolled 
over so that if NiFi is restarted, and the file has rolled over, it will be 
able to pick up where it left off. This pattern supports wildcard characters * 
 and ?, it also supports the notation ${filename} to specify a pattern based on 
the name of the file (without extension), and will assume that the files that 
have rolled over live in the same directory as the file being tailed. The same 
glob pattern will be used for all files.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Base 
directory</td><td id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Base directory used to look for files to tail. This property 
is required when using Multifile mode.<br/><strong>Supports Expression 
Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Initial Start 
Position</strong></td><td id="default-value">Beginning of File</td><td 
id="allowable-values"><ul><li>Beginning of Time <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Start with the oldest data 
that matches the Rolling Filename Pattern and then begin reading from the File 
to Tail" title="Start with the oldest data that matches the Rolling Filename 
Pattern and then begin reading 
 from the File to Tail"></img></li><li>Beginning of File <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Start with the beginning of 
the File to Tail. Do not ingest any data that has already been rolled over" 
title="Start with the beginning of the File to Tail. Do not ingest any data 
that has already been rolled over"></img></li><li>Current Time <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Start with the data at the 
end of the File to Tail. Do not ingest any data thas has already been rolled 
over or any data in the File to Tail that has already been written." 
title="Start with the data at the end of the File to Tail. Do not ingest any 
data thas has already been rolled over or any data in the File to Tail that has 
already been written."></img></li></ul></td><td id="description">When the 
Processor first begins to tail data, this property specifies where the 
Processor should begin reading data. Once data has been ingested from a file, 
the Processor will continue from 
 the last point from which it has received data.</td></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>State Location</strong></td><td 
id="default-value">Local</td><td id="allowable-values"><ul><li>Local <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="State is stored locally. 
Each node in a cluster will tail a different file." title="State is stored 
locally. Each node in a cluster will tail a different 
file."></img></li><li>Remote <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" 
alt="State is located on a remote resource. This Processor will store state 
across the cluster so that it can be run on Primary Node Only and a new Primary 
Node can pick up where the last one left off." title="State is located on a 
remote resource. This Processor will store state across the cluster so that it 
can be run on Primary Node Only and a new Primary Node can pick up where the 
last one left off."></img></li></ul></td><td id="description">Specifies where 
the state is located either local or cluster so that stat
 e can be stored appropriately in order to ensure that all data is consumed 
without duplicating data upon restart of NiFi</td></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Recursive lookup</strong></td><td 
id="description">When using Multiple files mode, this property defines if files 
must be listed recursively or not in the base directory.</td></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Rolling Strategy</strong></td><td id="default-value">Fixed 
name</td><td id="allowable-values"><ul><li>Fixed name <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="With this rolling strategy, 
the files where the log messages are appended have always the same name." 
title="With this rolling strategy, the files where the log messages are 
appended have always the same name."></img></li><li>Changing name <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="With this rolling strategy, 
the files where the log messages are appen
 ded have not a fixed name (for example: filename contaning the current day." 
title="With this rolling strategy, the files where the log messages are 
appended have not a fixed name (for example: filename contaning the current 
day."></img></li></ul></td><td id="description">Specifies if the files to tail 
have a fixed name or not.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Lookup frequency</td><td 
id="default-value">10 minutes</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Only used in Multiple files mode and Changing name rolling 
strategy. It specifies the minimum duration the processor will wait before 
listing again the files to tail.</td></tr><tr><td id="name">Maximum age</td><td 
id="default-value">24 hours</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Only used in Multiple files mode and Changing name rolling 
strategy. It specifies the necessary minimum duration to consider that no new 
messages will be appended in a file regarding its last modification date. This 
should not be s
 et too low to avoid duplication of data in case new messages are appended at a 
lower frequency.</td></tr></table><h3>Relationships: </h3><table 
 FlowFiles are routed to this Relationship.</td></tr></table><h3>Reads 
Attributes: </h3>None specified.<h3>Writes Attributes: </h3><table 
 of the original file the flow file comes from.</td></tr></table><h3>State 
management: </h3><table 
CLUSTER</td><td>Stores state about where in the Tailed File it left off so that 
on restart it does not have to duplicate data. State is stored either local or 
clustered depend on the &lt;File Location&gt; 
property.</td></tr></table><h3>Restricted: </h3>Provides operator the ability 
to read from any file that NiFi has access to.</body></html>
\ No newline at end of file

 Tue May  9 15:27:39 2017
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>TransformXml</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">TransformXml</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Applies the provided XSLT file 
to the flowfile XML payload. A new FlowFile is created with transformed content 
and is routed to the 'success' relationship. If the XSL transform fails, the 
original FlowFile is routed to the 'failure' relationship</p><h3>Tags: 
</h3><p>xml, xslt, transform</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In the list below, the 
names of required properties appear in <strong>bold</strong>. Any other 
properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any 
default values, and whether a property supports the <a href="../../../../.
 ./html/expression-language-guide.html">NiFi Expression Language</a>.</p><table 
id="properties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default Value</th><th>Allowable 
Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>XSLT file 
name</strong></td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">Provides the name (including 
full path) of the XSLT file to apply to the flowfile XML 
content.<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Indent</strong></td><td 
id="description">Whether or not to indent the output.</td></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Cache size</strong></td><td id="default-value">10</td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">Maximum number of stylesheets 
to cache. Zero disables the cache.</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Cache TTL 
after last access</strong></td><td id="default-value">60 secs</td
 ><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The cache TTL 
 >(time-to-live) or how long to keep stylesheets in the cache after last 
 >access.</td></tr></table><h3>Dynamic Properties: </h3><p>Dynamic Properties 
 >allow the user to specify both the name and value of a property.<table 
 > id="name">An XSLT transform parameter name</td><td id="value">An XSLT 
 >transform parameter value</td><td>These XSLT parameters are passed to the 
 >transformer<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
 >true</strong></td></tr></table></p><h3>Relationships: </h3><table 
 > FlowFile with transformed content will be routed to this 
 >relationship</td></tr><tr><td>failure</td><td>If a FlowFile fails processing 
 >for any reason (for example, the FlowFile is not valid XML), it will be 
 >routed to this relationship</td></tr></table><h3>Reads Attributes
 : </h3>None specified.<h3>Writes Attributes: </h3>None specified.<h3>State 
management: </h3>This component does not store state.<h3>Restricted: </h3>This 
component is not restricted.</body></html>
\ No newline at end of file

 Tue May  9 15:27:39 2017
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>UnpackContent</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">UnpackContent</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Unpacks the content of 
FlowFiles that have been packaged with one of several different Packaging 
Formats, emitting one to many FlowFiles for each input FlowFile</p><h3>Tags: 
</h3><p>Unpack, un-merge, tar, zip, archive, flowfile-stream, 
flowfile-stream-v3</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In the list below, the names of 
required properties appear in <strong>bold</strong>. Any other properties (not 
in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default 
values.</p><table id="properties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default 
Value</th><th>Allowable Values</th
 ><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Packaging 
 >Format</strong></td><td id="default-value">use mime.type attribute</td><td 
 >id="allowable-values"><ul><li>use mime.type 
 > id="description">The Packaging Format used to create the 
 >file</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>File Filter</strong></td><td 
 >id="default-value">.*</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
 >id="description">Only files contained in the archive whose names match the 
 >given regular expression will be extracted (tar/zip 
 >only)</td></tr></table><h3>Relationships: </h3><table 
 > FlowFiles are sent to this relationship</td></tr><tr><td>failure</td><td>The 
 >original FlowFile is sent to this relationship when it cannot be unpacked for 
 >some reason</td></tr><tr><td>original</td><td>The original FlowFile i
 s sent to this relationship after it has been successfully 
unpacked</td></tr></table><h3>Reads Attributes: </h3><table 
 the &lt;Packaging Format&gt; property is set to use mime.type attribute, this 
attribute is used to determine the FlowFile's MIME Type. In this case, if the 
attribute is set to application/tar, the TAR Packaging Format will be used. If 
the attribute is set to application/zip, the ZIP Packaging Format will be used. 
If the attribute is set to application/flowfile-v3 or application/flowfile-v2 
or application/flowfile-v1, the appropriate FlowFile Packaging Format will be 
used. If this attribute is missing, the FlowFile will be routed to 'failure'. 
Otherwise, if the attribute's value is not one of those mentioned above, the 
FlowFile will be routed to 'success' without being unpacked. Use the File 
Filter property only extract files matching a specific regular 
 /table><h3>Writes Attributes: </h3><table 
 the FlowFile is successfully unpacked, its MIME Type is no longer known, so 
the mime.type attribute is set to 
unpacked FlowFiles produced from the same parent FlowFile will have the same 
randomly generated UUID added for this 
attribute</td></tr><tr><td>fragment.index</td><td>A one-up number that 
indicates the ordering of the unpacked FlowFiles that were created from a 
single parent FlowFile</td></tr><tr><td>fragment.count</td><td>The number of 
unpacked FlowFiles generated from the parent 
FlowFile</td></tr><tr><td>segment.original.filename </td><td>The filename of 
the parent FlowFile. Extensions of .tar, .zip or .pkg are removed because the 
MergeContent processor automatically adds those extensions if it is used to 
rebuild the original FlowFile</td></tr></table><h3>State manag
 ement: </h3>This component does not store state.<h3>Restricted: </h3>This 
component is not restricted.<h3>See Also:</h3><p><a 
\ No newline at end of file

 Tue May  9 15:27:39 2017
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>UpdateCounter</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">UpdateCounter</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>This processor allows users 
to set specific counters and key points in their flow. It is useful for 
debugging and basic counting functions.</p><h3>Tags: </h3><p>counter, debug, 
instrumentation</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In the list below, the names of 
required properties appear in <strong>bold</strong>. Any other properties (not 
in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default values, 
and whether a property supports the <a 
href="../../../../../html/expression-language-guide.html">NiFi Expression 
Language</a>.</p><table id="properties
 "><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default Value</th><th>Allowable 
Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Counter 
Name</strong></td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The name of the counter you 
want to set the value off - supports expression language like 
${counterName}<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Delta</strong></td><td 
id="default-value">1</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Adjusts the counter by the specified delta for each flow file 
received. May be a positive or negative integer.<br/><strong>Supports 
Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr></table><h3>Relationships: 
 was updated/retrieved</td></tr></table><h3>Reads Attributes: </h3><table 
 ame of the counter to update/get.</td></tr></table><h3>Writes Attributes: 
</h3>None specified.<h3>State management: </h3>This component does not store 
state.<h3>Restricted: </h3>This component is not restricted.</body></html>
\ No newline at end of file

 Tue May  9 15:27:39 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+  Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+  contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+  this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+  The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+  (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+  the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  limitations under the License.
+    <meta charset="utf-8"/>
+    <title>ValidateCsv</title>
+    <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../../../css/component-usage.css" 
+<!-- Processor Documentation 
================================================== -->
+<h2>Usage Information</h2>
+       The Validate CSV processor is based on the super-csv library and the 
concept of 
+       <a href=""; 
target="_blank">Cell Processors</a>.
+       The corresponding java documentation can be found 
+       <a 
+       The cell processors cannot be nested (except with Optional which gives 
the possibility to define a CellProcessor for values
+       that could be null) and must be defined in a comma-delimited string as 
the Schema property.
+       The supported cell processors are:
+       <ul>
+               <li>ParseBigDecimal</li>
+               <li>ParseBool</li>
+               <li>ParseChar</li>
+               <li>ParseDate</li>
+               <li>ParseDouble</li>
+               <li>ParseInt</li>
+               <li>Optional</li>
+               <li>DMinMax</li>
+               <li>Equals</li>
+               <li>ForbidSubStr</li>
+               <li>LMinMax</li>
+               <li>NotNull</li>
+               <li>Null</li>
+               <li>RequireHashCode</li>
+               <li>RequireSubStr</li>
+               <li>Strlen</li>
+               <li>StrMinMax</li>
+               <li>StrNotNullOrEmpty</li>
+               <li>StrRegEx</li>
+               <li>Unique</li>
+               <li>UniqueHashCode</li>
+               <li>IsIncludedIn</li>
+       </ul>
+       Here are some examples:
+       <ul>
+       <b>Schema property:</b> Null, ParseDate("dd/MM/yyyy"), 
Optional(ParseDouble())<br />
+       <b>Meaning:</b> the input CSV has three columns, the first one can be 
null and has no specification, the second one must be a date
+       formatted as expected, and the third one must a double or null (no 
+       </ul>
+       <ul>
+       <b>Schema property:</b> ParseBigDecimal(), ParseBool(), ParseChar(), 
ParseInt(), ParseLong()<br />
+       <b>Meaning:</b> the input CSV has five columns, the first one must be a 
big decimal, the second one must be a boolean, 
+       the third one must be a char, the fourth one must be an integer and the 
fifth one must be a long.
+       </ul>
+       <ul>
+       <b>Schema property:</b> Equals(), NotNull(), StrNotNullOrEmpty()<br />
+       <b>Meaning:</b> the input CSV has three columns, all the values of the 
first column must be equal to each other, all the values
+       of the second column must be not null, and all the values of the third 
column are not null/empty string values.
+       </ul>
+       <ul>
+       <b>Schema property:</b> Strlen(4), StrMinMax(3,5), 
StrRegex("[a-z0-9\\._]+@[a-z0-9\\.]+")<br />
+       <b>Meaning:</b> the input CSV has three columns, all the values of the 
first column must be 4-characters long, all the values
+       of the second column must be between 3 and 5 characters (inclusive), 
and all the values of the last column must match
+       the provided regular expression (email address).
+       </ul>
+       <ul>
+       <b>Schema property:</b> Unique(), UniqueHashCode()<br />
+       <b>Meaning:</b> the input CSV has two columns. All the values of the 
first column must be unique (all the values are stored in
+       memory and this can be consuming depending of the input). All the 
values of the second column must be unique (only hash
+       codes of the input values are stored to ensure uniqueness).
+       </ul>
+       <ul>
+       <b>Schema property:</b> ForbidSubStr("test", "tset"), 
RequireSubStr("test")<br />
+       <b>Meaning:</b> the input CSV has two columns. None of the values in 
the first column must contain one of the provided strings.
+       And all the values of the second column must contain the provided 
+       </ul>

 Tue May  9 15:27:39 2017
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>ValidateCsv</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">ValidateCsv</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Validates the contents of 
FlowFiles against a user-specified CSV schema. Take a look at the additional 
documentation of this processor for some schema examples.</p><p><a 
href="additionalDetails.html">Additional Details...</a></p><h3>Tags: 
</h3><p>csv, schema, validation</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In the list below, 
the names of required properties appear in <strong>bold</strong>. Any other 
properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any 
default values.</p><table id="properties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default 
 e Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Schema</strong></td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">The schema to be used for 
validation. Is expected a comma-delimited string representing the cell 
processors to apply. The following cell processors are allowed in the schema 
definition: [ParseBigDecimal, ParseBool, ParseChar, ParseDate, ParseDouble, 
ParseInt, ParseLong, Optional, DMinMax, Equals, ForbidSubStr, LMinMax, NotNull, 
Null, RequireHashCode, RequireSubStr, Strlen, StrMinMax, StrNotNullOrEmpty, 
StrRegEx, Unique, UniqueHashCode, IsIncludedIn]. Note: cell processors cannot 
be nested except with Optional.</td></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Header</strong></td><td id="default-value">true</td><td 
id="description">True if the incoming flow file contains a header to ignore, 
false otherwise.</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Delimiter 
 td><td id="default-value">,</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Character used as 'delimiter' in the incoming data. Example: 
,</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Quote character</strong></td><td 
id="default-value">"</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Character used as 'quote' in the incoming data. Example: 
"</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>End of line symbols</strong></td><td 
id="default-value">\n</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">Symbols used as 'end of line' in the incoming data. Example: 
\n</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Validation strategy</strong></td><td 
id="default-value">FlowFile validation</td><td 
id="allowable-values"><ul><li>Line by line validation <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="In case an error is found, 
the input CSV file will be split into two FlowFiles: one routed to the 'valid' 
relationship containing all the correct lines and one routed to the 'invalid' 
relationship contai
 ning all the incorrect lines. Take care if choosing this option while using 
Unique cell processors in schema definition:the first occurrence will be 
considered valid and the next ones as invalid." title="In case an error is 
found, the input CSV file will be split into two FlowFiles: one routed to the 
'valid' relationship containing all the correct lines and one routed to the 
'invalid' relationship containing all the incorrect lines. Take care if 
choosing this option while using Unique cell processors in schema 
definition:the first occurrence will be considered valid and the next ones as 
invalid."></img></li><li>FlowFile validation <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="As soon as an error is found 
in the CSV file, the validation will stop and the whole flow file will be 
routed to the 'invalid' relationship. This option offers best performances." 
title="As soon as an error is found in the CSV file, the validation will stop 
and the whole flow file will be routed to th
 e 'invalid' relationship. This option offers best 
performances."></img></li></ul></td><td id="description">Strategy to apply when 
routing input files to output 
relationships.</td></tr></table><h3>Relationships: </h3><table 
 that are successfully validated against the schema are routed to this 
relationship</td></tr><tr><td>invalid</td><td>FlowFiles that are not valid 
according to the specified schema are routed to this 
relationship</td></tr></table><h3>Reads Attributes: </h3>None 
specified.<h3>Writes Attributes: </h3>None specified.<h3>State management: 
</h3>This component does not store state.<h3>Restricted: </h3>This component is 
not restricted.</body></html>
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 Tue May  9 15:27:39 2017
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+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>ValidateXml</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">ValidateXml</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Validates the contents of 
FlowFiles against a user-specified XML Schema file</p><h3>Tags: </h3><p>xml, 
schema, validation, xsd</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In the list below, the names 
of required properties appear in <strong>bold</strong>. Any other properties 
(not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any default 
values.</p><table id="properties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default 
Value</th><th>Allowable Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Schema File</strong></td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
 /td><td id="description">The path to the Schema file that is to be used for 
validation</td></tr></table><h3>Relationships: </h3><table 
 that are successfully validated against the schema are routed to this 
relationship</td></tr><tr><td>invalid</td><td>FlowFiles that are not valid 
according to the specified schema are routed to this 
relationship</td></tr></table><h3>Reads Attributes: </h3>None 
specified.<h3>Writes Attributes: </h3>None specified.<h3>State management: 
</h3>This component does not store state.<h3>Restricted: </h3>This component is 
not restricted.</body></html>
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 Tue May  9 15:27:39 2017
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
charset="utf-8"></meta><title>Wait</title><link rel="stylesheet" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">Wait</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Routes incoming FlowFiles to the 
'wait' relationship until a matching release signal is stored in the 
distributed cache from a corresponding Notify processor. When a matching 
release signal is identified, a waiting FlowFile is routed to the 'success' 
relationship, with attributes copied from the FlowFile that produced the 
release signal from the Notify processor.  The release signal entry is then 
removed from the cache. Waiting FlowFiles will be routed to 'expired' if they 
exceed the Expiration Duration. If you need to wait for more than one signal, 
specify the desired num
 ber of signals via the 'Target Signal Count' property. This is particularly 
useful with processors that split a source FlowFile into multiple fragments, 
such as SplitText. In order to wait for all fragments to be processed, connect 
the 'original' relationship to a Wait processor, and the 'splits' relationship 
to a corresponding Notify processor. Configure the Notify and Wait processors 
to use the '${fragment.identifier}' as the value of 'Release Signal 
Identifier', and specify '${fragment.count}' as the value of 'Target Signal 
Count' in the Wait processor.</p><h3>Tags: </h3><p>map, cache, wait, hold, 
distributed, signal, release</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In the list below, the 
names of required properties appear in <strong>bold</strong>. Any other 
properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any 
default values, and whether a property supports the <a 
href="../../../../../html/expression-language-guide.html">NiFi Expression 
Language</a>.</p><table id="pr
 operties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default Value</th><th>Allowable 
Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Release Signal 
Identifier</strong></td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">A value, or the results of an 
Attribute Expression Language statement, which will be evaluated against a 
FlowFile in order to determine the release signal cache 
key<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Target Signal Count</strong></td><td 
id="default-value">1</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">A 
value, or the results of an Attribute Expression Language statement, which will 
be evaluated against a FlowFile in order to determine the target signal count. 
This processor checks whether the signal count has reached this number. If 
Signal Counter Name is specified, this processor checks a particular counter, 
otherwise checks against total count in a signal.<br/><strong>Support
 s Expression Language: true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name">Signal Counter 
Name</td><td id="default-value"></td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">A value, or the results of an Attribute Expression Language 
statement, which will be evaluated against a FlowFile in order to determine the 
signal counter name. If not specified, this processor checks the total count in 
a signal.<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Wait Buffer 
Count</strong></td><td id="default-value">1</td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">Specify the maximum number of 
incoming FlowFiles that can be buffered to check whether it can move forward. 
The more buffer can provide the better performance, as it reduces the number of 
interactions with cache service by grouping FlowFiles by signal identifier. 
Only a signal identifier can be processed at a processor 
execution.</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Releasable FlowFile Count</st
 rong></td><td id="default-value">1</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">A value, or the results of an Attribute Expression Language 
statement, which will be evaluated against a FlowFile in order to determine the 
releasable FlowFile count. This specifies how many FlowFiles can be released 
when a target count reaches target signal count. Zero (0) has a special 
meaning, any number of FlowFiles can be released as long as signal count 
matches target.<br/><strong>Supports Expression Language: 
true</strong></td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Expiration 
Duration</strong></td><td id="default-value">10 min</td><td 
id="allowable-values"></td><td id="description">Indicates the duration after 
which waiting FlowFiles will be routed to the 'expired' 
relationship</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Distributed Cache 
Service</strong></td><td id="default-value"></td><td 
id="allowable-values"><strong>Controller Service API: 
 id="description">The Controller Service that is used to check for release 
signals from a corresponding Notify processor</td></tr><tr><td 
id="name"><strong>Attribute Copy Mode</strong></td><td 
id="default-value">keeporiginal</td><td id="allowable-values"><ul><li>Replace 
if present <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="When cached 
attributes are copied onto released FlowFiles, they replace any matching 
attributes." title="When cached attributes are copied onto released FlowFiles, 
they replace any matching attributes."></img></li><li>Keep original <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Attributes on released 
FlowFiles are not overwritten by copied cached attributes." title="Attributes 
on released FlowFiles are not overwritten by copied c
 ached attributes."></img></li></ul></td><td id="description">Specifies how to 
handle attributes copied from FlowFiles entering the Notify 
processor</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Wait Mode</strong></td><td 
id="default-value">wait</td><td id="allowable-values"><ul><li>Transfer to wait 
relationship <img src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Transfer a 
FlowFile to the 'wait' relationship when whose release signal has not been 
notified yet. This mode allows other incoming FlowFiles to be enqueued by 
moving FlowFiles into the wait relationship." title="Transfer a FlowFile to the 
'wait' relationship when whose release signal has not been notified yet. This 
mode allows other incoming FlowFiles to be enqueued by moving FlowFiles into 
the wait relationship."></img></li><li>Keep in the upstream connection <img 
src="../../../../../html/images/iconInfo.png" alt="Transfer a FlowFile to the 
upstream connection where it comes from when whose release signal has not been 
notified ye
 t. This mode helps keeping upstream connection being full so that the upstream 
source processor will not be scheduled while back-pressure is active and limit 
incoming FlowFiles. " title="Transfer a FlowFile to the upstream connection 
where it comes from when whose release signal has not been notified yet. This 
mode helps keeping upstream connection being full so that the upstream source 
processor will not be scheduled while back-pressure is active and limit 
incoming FlowFiles. "></img></li></ul></td><td id="description">Specifies how 
to handle a FlowFile waiting for a notify 
signal</td></tr></table><h3>Relationships: </h3><table 
 FlowFile that has exceeded the configured Expiration Duration will be routed 
to this relationship</td></tr><tr><td>success</td><td>A FlowFile with a 
matching release signal in the cache will be routed to this 
relationship</td></tr><tr><td>wait</td><td>A FlowFile with no ma
 tching release signal in the cache will be routed to this 
relationship</td></tr><tr><td>failure</td><td>When the cache cannot be reached, 
or if the Release Signal Identifier evaluates to null or empty, FlowFiles will 
be routed to this relationship</td></tr></table><h3>Reads Attributes: </h3>None 
specified.<h3>Writes Attributes: </h3><table 
 FlowFiles will have an attribute 'wait.start.timestamp', which sets the 
initial epoch timestamp when the file first entered this processor.  This is 
used to determine the expiration time of the 
FlowFile.</td></tr><tr><td>wait.counter.&lt;counterName&gt;</td><td>If a signal 
exists when the processor runs, each count value in the signal is 
copied.</td></tr></table><h3>State management: </h3>This component does not 
store state.<h3>Restricted: </h3>This component is not restricted.<h3>See 
Also:</h3><p><a href="../../../nifi-distributed-cache-servi
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 Tue May  9 15:27:39 2017
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html>
+<html lang="en">
+    <!--
+      Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+      contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+      this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+      The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+      (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+      the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+      Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+      distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+      WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+      See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+      limitations under the License.
+    -->
+    <head>
+        <meta charset="utf-8" />
+        <title>StandardGangliaReporter</title>
+        <link rel="stylesheet" href="../../../../../css/component-usage.css" 
type="text/css" />
+    </head>
+    <body>
+        <h2>Description:</h2>
+        <p>Reporting Task that reports metrics to a Ganglia server. The 
following metrics are reported:
+        </p>
+        <ul>
+            <li><strong>FlowFiles In (5 mins)</strong>: The number of 
FlowFiles received via Site-to-Site in the last 5 minutes</li>
+            <li><strong>Bytes In (5 mins)</strong>: The number of bytes 
received via Site-to-Site in the last 5 minutes</li>
+            <li><strong>FlowFiles Out (5 mins)</strong>: The number of 
FlowFiles pulled from Output Ports via Site-to-Site in the last 5 minutes</li>
+            <li><strong>Bytes Out (5 mins)</strong>: The number of bytes 
pulled from Output Ports via Site-to-Site in the last 5 minutes</li>
+            <li><strong>Bytes Read (5 mins)</strong>: The number of bytes read 
from disk by NiFi in the last 5 minutes</li>
+            <li><strong>Bytes Written (5 mins)</strong>: The number of bytes 
written to disk by NiFi in the last 5 minutes</li>
+            <li><strong>FlowFiles Queued</strong>: The total number of 
FlowFiles currently queued on the system at the point in time at which the 
Reporting Task is run</li>
+            <li><strong>Bytes Queued</strong>: The total number of bytes 
allocated by the FlowFiles that are currently queued on the system at the point 
in time at which the Reporting Task is run</li>
+            <li><strong>Active Threads</strong>: The number of threads 
actively running at the point in time at which the Reporting Task is run</li>
+        </ul>
+    </body>

 Tue May  9 15:27:39 2017
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta 
rel="stylesheet" href="../../../../../css/component-usage.css" 
type="text/css"></link></head><script type="text/javascript">window.onload = 
function(){if(self==top) { document.getElementById('nameHeader').style.display 
= "inherit"; } }</script><body><h1 id="nameHeader" style="display: 
none;">StandardGangliaReporter</h1><h2>Description: </h2><p>Reports metrics to 
Ganglia so that Ganglia can be used for external monitoring of the application. 
Metrics reported include JVM Metrics (optional); the following 5-minute NiFi 
statistics: FlowFiles Received, Bytes Received, FlowFiles Sent, Bytes Sent, 
Bytes Read, Bytes Written, Total Task Duration; and the current values for 
FlowFiles Queued, Bytes Queued, and number of Active Threads.</p><p><a 
href="additionalDetails.html">Additional Details...</a></p><h3>Tags: 
</h3><p>ganglia, stats</p><h3>Properties: </h3><p>In the list below, the n
 ames of required properties appear in <strong>bold</strong>. Any other 
properties (not in bold) are considered optional. The table also indicates any 
default values.</p><table id="properties"><tr><th>Name</th><th>Default 
Value</th><th>Allowable Values</th><th>Description</th></tr><tr><td 
id="default-value">localhost</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">The fully-qualified name of the host on which Ganglia is 
running</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Port</strong></td><td 
id="default-value">8649</td><td id="allowable-values"></td><td 
id="description">The Port on which Ganglia is listening for incoming 
connections</td></tr><tr><td id="name"><strong>Send JVM 
Metrics</strong></td><td id="default-value">false</td><td 
id="description">Specifies whether or not JVM Metrics should be gathered and 
sent, in addition to NiFi-specific metrics</td></tr></table><h3>Sta
 te management: </h3>This component does not store state.<h3>Restricted: 
</h3>This component is not restricted.</body></html>
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