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NIFI-218: Started Expression Language guide


Branch: refs/heads/develop
Commit: 68b7ad78ccb8ee6cd6cad5218fbbd13438085f5f
Parents: d3d1095
Author: Mark Payne <>
Authored: Wed Dec 31 16:18:38 2014 -0500
Committer: Mark Payne <>
Committed: Wed Dec 31 16:18:38 2014 -0500

 .../asciidoc/expression-language-guide.adoc     | 1401 ++++++++++++++++++
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+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
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+Apache NiFi Expression Language Guide
+Apache NiFi Team <>
+All data in Apache NiFi is represented by an abstraction called a FlowFile.
+A FlowFile is comprised of two major pieces: content and attributes.
+The content portion of the FlowFile represents the data on which to operate.
+For instance, if a file is picked up from a local file system using the
+GetFile Processor, the contents of the file will become the contents of the 
+The attributes portion of the FlowFile represents information about the data
+itself, or metadata. Attributes are key-value pairs that represent what is
+known about the data as well as information that is useful for routing and
+processing the data appropriately.
+Keeping with the example of a file that is picked up from
+a local file system, the FlowFile would have an attribute called `filename` 
+reflected the name of the file on the file system. Additionally, the FlowFile 
+have a `path` attribute that reflects the directory on the file system that 
+file lived in. The FlowFile will also have an attribute named `uuid`, which is 
+unique identifier for this FlowFile.
+However, placing these attributes on a FlowFile do not provide much benefit
+if the user is unable to make use of them. The NiFi Expression Language 
+the ability to reference these attributes, compare them to other values,
+and manipulate their values.
+Structure of a NiFi Expression
+The NiFi Expression Language always begins with the start delimiter `${` and 
+with the end delimiter `}`. Between the start and end delimiters is the text 
of the
+Expression itself. In its most basic form, the Expression can consist of just 
+attribute name. For example, `${filename}` will return the value of the 
+In a slightly more complex example, we can instead return a manipulation of 
this value.
+We can, for example, return an all upper-case version of the filename by 
calling the
+`toUpper` function: `${filename:toUpper()}`. In this case, we reference the 
+attribute and then manipulate this value by using the `toUpper` function. A 
function call
+consists of 5 elements. First, there is a function call delimiter `:`. Second 
is the name
+of the function - in this case, ``toUpper''. Next is an open parenthesis 
(`(`), followed
+by the function arguments. The arguments necessary are dependent upon which 
+is being called. In this example, we are using the `toUpper` function, which 
does not
+have any arguments, so this element is omitted. Finally, the closing 
parenthesis (`)`)
+indicates the end of the function call. There are many different functions 
that are supported
+by the Expression Language to achieve many different goals. Some functions 
provide String (text)
+manipulation, such as the `toUpper` function. Others, such as the `equals` and 
`matches` functions,
+provide comparison functionality. Functions also exist for manipulating dates 
and times and
+for performing mathematical operations. Each of these functions is described 
below, in the
+<<functions> section, with an explanation of what the function does, the 
arguments that it 
+requires, and the type of information that it returns.
+When we perform a function call on an attribute, as above, we refer to the 
attribute as the
+_subject_ of the function, as the attribute is the entity on which the 
function is operating.
+We can then chain together multiple function calls, where the return value of 
the first function
+becomes the subject of the second function and its return value becomes the 
subject of the third
+function and so on. Continuing with our example, we can chain together 
multiple functions by using
+the expression `${filename:toUpper():equals('HELLO.TXT')}`. There is no limit 
to the number of
+functions that can be chained together.
+Any FlowFile attribute can be referenced using the Expression Language. 
However, if the attribute
+name contains a ``special character,'' the attribute name must be escaped by 
quoting it. The following
+characters are each considered ``special characters'':
+- $ (dollar sign)
+- | (pipe)
+- { (open brace)
+- } (close brace)
+- ( (open parenthesis)
+- ) (close parenthesis)
+- [ (open bracket)
+- ] (close bracket)
+- , (comma)
+- : (colon)
+- ; (semicolon)
+- / (forward slash)
+- * (asterisk)
+- ' (single quote)
+-  (space)
+- \t (tab)
+- \r (carriage return)
+- \n (new-line)
+Additionally, a number is considered a ``special character'' if it is the 
first character of the attribute name.
+If any of these special characters is present in an attribute is quoted by 
using either single or double quotes.
+The Expression Language allows single quotes and double quotes to be used 
interchangeably. For example, the following
+can be used to escape an attribute named ``my attribute'': `${"my attribute"}` 
or `${'my attribute'}`.
+In this example, the value to be returned is the value of the "my attribute" 
value, if it exists. If that attribute
+does not exist, the Expression Language will then look for a System 
Environment Variable named "my attribute." If
+unable to find this, it will look for a JVM System Property named "my 
attribute." Finally, if none of these exists,
+the Expression Language will return a `null` value.
+There also exist some functions that expect to have no subject. These 
functions are invoked simply
+by calling the function at the beginning of the Expression, such as 
`${hostname()}`. These functions
+can then be changed together, as well. For example, `${hostname():toUpper()}`. 
Attempting to 
+evaluate the function with subject will result in an error. In the 
+section below, these functions will clearly indicate in their descriptions 
that they do not
+require a subject.
+Often times, we will need to compare the values of two different attributes to 
each other. 
+We are able to accomplish this by using embedded Expressions. We can, for 
example, check if
+the ``filename'' attribute is the same as the ``uuid'' attribute: 
`${filename:equals( ${uuid} )}`.
+Notice here, also, that we have a space between the opening parenthesis for 
the `equals` method and
+the embedded Expression. This is not necessary and does not affect how the 
Expression is evaluated
+in any way. Rather, it is intended to make the Expression easier to read. 
White space is ignored by
+the Expression Language between delimiters. Therefore, we can use the 
+`${     filename   : equals(${    uuid})  }` or `${filename:equals(${uuid})}` 
and both Expressions
+mean the same thing. We cannot, however, use `${file name:equals(${uuid})}`, 
because this results
+in `file` and `name` being interpreted as different tokens, rather than a 
single token, `filename`.
+== Expression Language in the Application
+The Expression Language is used heavily throughout the NiFi application for 
configuring Processor
+properties. Not all Processor properties support the Expression Language, 
however. Whether or not
+a Property supports the Expression Language is determined by the developer of 
the Processor when
+the Processor is written. However, the application strives to clearly 
illustrate for each Property
+whether or not the Expression Language is supported.
+In the application, when configuring a Processor property, the User Interface 
provides an Information
+icon (
+) next to the name of the Property. Hovering over this icon with the mouse 
will provide a tooltip that
+provides helpful information about the Property. This information includes a 
description of the Property,
+the default value (if any), historically configured values (if any), and 
whether or not this Property
+supports the expression language.
+=== Expression Language Editor
+When configuring the value of a Processor property, the NiFi User Interface 
provides help with the
+Expression Language using the Expression Language editor. Once an Expression 
is begin by typing `${`,
+the editor begins to highlight parentheses and braces so that the user is 
easily able to tell which
+opening parenthesis or brace matches which closing parenthesis or brace.
+The editor also supplies context-sensitive help by providing a list of all 
functions that can be used
+at the current cursor position. To activate this feature, press Ctrl+Space on 
the keyboard. The user
+is also able to type part of a function name and then press Ctrl+Space to see 
all functions that can
+be used that start with the same prefix. For example, if we type into the 
editor `${filename:to`
+and then press Ctrl+Space, we are provided a pop-up that lists six different 
functions: `toDate`,
+`toLower`, `toNumber`, `toRadix`, `toString`, and `toUpper`. We can then 
continue typing to narrow
+which functions are shown, or we can select one of the functions from the list 
by double-clicking
+it with the mouse or using the arrow keys to highlight the desired function 
and pressing Enter.
+== Functions
+Functions provide a convenient way to manipulate and compare values of 
attributes. The Expression Language
+provides many different functions to meet the needs of a automated dataflow. 
Each function takes 
+zero or more arguments and returns a single value. These functions can then be 
chained together to create
+powerful Expressions to evaluate conditions and manipulate values. See 
<<structure>> for more information 
+on how to call and chain functions together.
+=== Data Types
+Each argument to a function and each value returned from a function has a 
specific data type. The Expression
+Language supports four different data types:
+- *String*: A String is a sequence of characters that can consist of numbers, 
letters, white space, and
+       special characters.
+- *Number*: A Number is an integer comprised of one or more digits (`0` 
through `9`). The Expression Language 
+       does not provide support for fractional numbers. Dates and times are 
represented in the
+       Expression Language as Numbers, representing the number of milliseconds 
since midnight GMT on January 1, 1970.
+- *Boolean*: A Boolean is one of either `true` or `false`.
+All attributes are considered to be of type String.
+The Expression Language is generally able to automatically coerce a value of 
one data type to the appropriate
+data type for a function. However, functions do exist to manually coerce a 
value into a specific data type. 
+See the <<type_cast>> section for more information. 
+== Boolean Logic
+One of the most powerful features of the Expression Language is the ability to 
compare an attribute value against
+some other value. This is used often, for example, to configure how a 
Processor should route data. The following
+functions are used for performing boolean logic, such as comparing two values. 
+Each of these functions returns a value of type Boolean.
+=== *isNull*
+*Description*: The `isNull` function returns `true` if the subject is null, 
`false` otherwise. This is typically used to determine
+       if an attribute exists. 
+*Subject Type*: Any
+*Arguments*: No arguments
+*Return Type*: Boolean
+*Examples*:    `${filename:isNull()}` returns `true` if the "filename" 
attribute does not exist. 
+       It returns `true` if the attribute exists.
+=== *notNull*
+*Description*:The `notNull` function returns the opposite value of the 
`isNull` function. That is, it will return `true` if the
+       subject exists and `false` otherwise.
+*Subject Type*: Any
+*Arguments*: No arguments
+*Return Type*: Boolean
+*Examples*: `${filename:notNull()}` returns `true` if the "filename" attribute 
exists. It returns "false" if the attribute
+       does not exist.
+=== *equals*
+*Description*: The `equals` function is very widely used and determines if its 
subject is equal to another String value.
+       Note that the `equals` function performs a direct comparison of two 
String values. Take care not to confuse this
+       function with the <<matches>> function, which evaluates its subject 
against a Regular Expression.
+*Subject Type*: Any
+*Arguments*: The equals function takes a single argument. It is expected to be 
of the same type as the Subject.
+*Return Type*: Boolean
+We can check if the filename of a FlowFile is "hello.txt" by using the 
expression `${filename:equals('hello.txt')}`,
+or we could check if the value of the attribute `hello` is equal to the value 
of the `filename` attribute:
+`${hello:equals( ${filename} )}`.
+=== *equalsIgnoreCase*
+*Description*: Similar to the `equals` function, the `equalsIgnoreCase` 
function compares its subject against a String value but returns
+`true` if the two values differ only by case (upper case vs. lower case).
+*Subject Type*: String
+*Arguments*: 1: String
+*Return Type*: Boolean
+*Examples*: `${filename:equalsIgnoreCase('hello.txt')}` will evaluate to 
`true` if filename is equal to "hello.txt" 
+       or "HELLO.TXT" or "HeLLo.TxT".
+=== *gt*
+*Description*: The `gt` function is used for numeric comparison and returns 
`true` if the subject is Greater Than 
+       its argument. If either the subject or the argument cannot be coerced 
into a Number, 
+       this function returns `false`.
+*Subject Type*: Number
+*Arguments*: 1: Number
+*Return Type*: Boolean
+*Examples*: `${fileSize:gt( 1024 )}` will return `true` if the size of the 
FlowFile's content is more than 1 kilobyte
+       (1024 bytes). Otherwise, it will return `false`.
+=== *ge*
+*Description*: The `ge` function is used for numeric comparison and returns 
`true` if the subject is Greater Than 
+       Or Equal To its argument. If either the subject or the argument cannot 
be coerced into a Number, 
+       this function returns `false`.
+*Subject Type*: Number
+*Arguments*: 1: Number
+*Return Type*: Boolean
+*Examples*: `${fileSize:ge( 1024 )}` will return `true` if the size of the 
FlowFile's content is at least (
+       is greater than or equal to) 1 kilobyte (1024 bytes). Otherwise, it 
will return `false`.
+=== *lt*
+*Description*: The `lt` function is used for numeric comparison and returns 
`true` if the subject is Less Than 
+       its argument. If either the subject or the argument cannot be coerced 
into a Number, 
+       this function returns `false`.
+*Subject Type*: Number
+*Arguments*: 1: Number
+*Return Type*: Boolean
+*Examples*: `${fileSize:lt( 1048576 )}` will return `true` if the size of the 
FlowFile's content is less than
+       1 megabyte (1048576 bytes). Otherwise, it will return `false`.
+=== *le*
+*Description*: The `le` function is used for numeric comparison and returns 
`true` if the subject is Less Than 
+       Or Equal To its argument. If either the subject or the argument cannot 
be coerced into a Number, 
+       this function returns `false`.
+*Subject Type*: Number
+*Arguments*: 1: Number
+*Return Type*: Boolean
+*Examples*: `${fileSize:le( 1048576 )}` will return `true` if the size of the 
FlowFile's content is at most
+       (less than or equal to) 1 megabyte (1048576 bytes). Otherwise, it will 
return `false`.
+=== *and*
+*Description*: The `and` function takes as a single argument a Boolean value 
and returns `true` if both the Subject
+       and the argument are `true`. If either the subject or the argument is 
`false` or cannot be coerced into a Boolean,
+       the function returns `false`. Typically, this is used with an embedded 
Expression as the argument.
+*Subject Type*: Boolean
+*Arguments*: 1: Boolean
+*Return Type*: Boolean
+*Examples*: We can check if the filename is both all lower-case and has at 
least 5 characters by using the Expression
+${filename:toLower():equals( ${filename} ):and(
+       ${filename:length():ge(5)}
+=== *or*
+*Description*: The `or` function takes as a single argument a Boolean value 
and returns `true` if either the Subject
+       or the argument is `true`. If both the subject and the argument are 
`false`, the function returns `false`. If
+       either the Subject or the argument cannot be coerced into a Boolean 
value, this function will return `false`.
+*Subject Type*: Boolean
+*Arguments*: 1: Boolean
+*Return Type*: Boolean
+*Examples*: The following example will return `true` if either the filename 
has exactly 5 characters or if
+       the filename is all lower-case.
+${filename:toLower():equals( ${filename} ):or(
+       ${filename:length():equals(5)}
+=== *not*
+*Description*: The `not` function returns the negation of the Boolean value of 
the subject.
+*Subject Type*: Boolean
+*Arguments*: No arguments
+*Return Type*: Boolean
+*Examples*: We can invert the value of another function by using the `not` 
function, as 
+       `${filename:equals('hello.txt'):not()}`. This will return `true` if the 
filename is NOT equal to
+       "hello.txt" and will return `false` if the filename is "hello.txt."
+== String Manipulation
+Each of the following functions manipulates a String in some way.
+=== *toUpper*
+*Description*: This function converts the Subject into an all upper-case 
String. Said another way, it
+       replaces any lowercase letter with the uppercase equivalent.
+*Subject Type*: String
+*Arguments*: No arguments
+*Return Type*: String
+*Examples*: If the "filename" attribute is "abc123.txt", then the Expression 
+       will return "ABC123.TXT"
+=== *toLower*
+*Description*: This function converts the Subject into an all lower-case 
String. Said another way,
+       it replaces any uppercase letter with the lowercase equivalent.
+*Subject Type*: String
+*Arguments*: No arguments
+*Return Type*: String
+*Examples*: If the "filename" attribute is "ABC123.TXT", then the Expression 
+       will return "abc123.txt"
+=== *trim*
+*Description*: The `trim` function will remove any leading or trailing white 
space from its subject.
+*Subject Type*: String
+*Arguments*: No arguments
+*Return Type*: String
+*Examples*: If the attribute `attr` has the value "     1 2 3     ", then the 
Expression `${attr:trim()}` will
+       return the value "1 2 3".
+=== *urlEncode*
+*Description*: Returns a URL-friendly version of the Subject. This is useful, 
for instance, when using an
+       attribute value to indicate the URL of a website.
+*Subject Type*: String
+*Arguments*: No arguments
+*Return Type*: String
+*Examples*: We can URL-Encode an attribute named "url" by using the Expression 
`${url:urlEncode()}`. If
+       the value of the "url" attribute is 
" value with spaces", this
+       Expression will then return 
+=== *urlDecode*
+*Description*: Converts a URL-friendly version of the Subject into a 
human-readable form.
+*Subject Type*: String
+*Arguments*: No arguments
+*Return Type*: String
+*Examples*: If we have a URL-Encoded attribute named "url" with the value 
+       "";, then 
the Expression
+       `${url:urlDecode()}` will return 
" value with spaces".
+=== *substring*
+       Returns a portion of the Subject, given a _starting index_ and an 
optional _ending index_.
+       If the _ending index_ is not supplied, it will return the portion of 
the Subject starting at the given
+       'start index' and ending at the end of the Subject value.
+The _starting index_ and _ending index_ are zero-based. That is, the first 
character is referenced by using
+       the value `0`, not `1`.
+If either the _starting index_ is or the _ending index_ is not a number, this 
function call will result
+       in an error.
+If the _starting index_ is larger than the _ending index_, this function call 
will result in an error.
+If the _starting index_ or the _ending index_ is greater than the length of 
the Subject or has a value
+       less than 0, this function call will result in an error.
+*Subject Type*: String
+       - _starting index_ : Number
+       - _ending index_ : Number
+*Return Type*: String
+If we have an attribute named "filename" with the value "a brand new 
+then the following Expressions will result in the following values:
+.Substring Examples
+| Expression | Value
+| `${filename:substring(0,1)}` | `a`
+| `${filename:substring(2)}` | `brand new filename.txt`
+| `${filename:substring(12)}` | `filename.txt`
+| `${filename:substring( ${filename:length():minus(2)} )}` | `xt`
+=== *substringBefore*
+*Description*: Returns a portion of the Subject, starting with the first 
character of the Subject
+       and ending with the character immediately before the first occurrence 
of the argument. If
+       the argument is not present in the Subject, the entire Subject will be 
+*Subject Type*: String
+*Arguments*: 1: String: The String to search for in the Subject
+*Return Type*: String
+*Examples*: If the "filename" attribute has the value "a brand new 
+       then the following Expressions will result in the following values:
+.SubstringBefore Examples
+| Expression | Value
+| `${filename:substringBefore('.')}` | `a brand new filename`
+| `${filename:substringBefore(' ')}` | `a`
+| `${filename:substringBefore(' n')}` | `a brand`
+| `${filename:sbustringBefore('missing')}` | `a brand new filename.txt`
+=== *substringBeforeLast*
+*Description*: Returns a portion of the Subject, starting with the first 
character of the Subject
+       and ending with the character immediately before the last occurrence of 
the argument. If
+       the argument is not present in the Subject, the entire Subject will be 
+*Subject Type*: String
+*Arguments*: 1: String: The String to search for in the Subject
+*Return Type*: String
+*Examples*: If the "filename" attribute has the value "a brand new 
+       then the following Expressions will result in the following values:
+.SubstringBeforeLast Examples
+| Expression | Value
+| `${filename:substringBeforeLast('.')}` | `a brand new filename`
+| `${filename:substringBeforeLast(' ')}` | `a brand new`
+| `${filename:substringBeforeLast(' n')}` | `a brand`
+| `${filename:substringBeforeLast('missing')}` | `a brand new filename.txt`
+=== *substringAfter*
+*Description*: Returns a portion of the Subject, starting with the character 
immediately after
+       the first occurrence of the argument and extending to the end of the 
Subject. If
+       the argument is not present in the Subject, the entire Subject will be 
+*Subject Type*: String
+*Arguments*: 1: String: The String to search for in the Subject
+*Return Type*: String
+*Examples*: If the "filename" attribute has the value "a brand new 
+       then the following Expressions will result in the following values:
+.SubstringAfter Examples
+| Expression | Value
+| `${filename:substringAfter('.')}` | `txt`
+| `${filename:substringAfter(' ')}` | `brand new filename.txt`
+| `${filename:substringAfter(' n')}` | `ew filename.txt`
+| `${filename:substringAfter('missing')}` | `a brand new filename.txt`
+=== *substringAfterLast*
+*Description*: Returns a portion of the Subject, starting with the character 
immediately after
+       the last occurrence of the argument and extending to the end of the 
Subject. If
+       the argument is not present in the Subject, the entire Subject will be 
+*Subject Type*: String
+*Arguments*: 1: String: The String to search for in the Subject
+*Return Type*: String
+*Examples*: If the "filename" attribute has the value "a brand new 
+       then the following Expressions will result in the following values:
+.SubstringAfterLast Examples
+| Expression | Value
+| `${filename:substringAfterLast('.')}` | `txt`
+| `${filename:substringAfterLast(' ')}` | `filename.txt`
+| `${filename:substringAfterLast(' n')}` | `ew filename.txt`
+| `${filename:substringAfterLast('missing')}` | `a brand new filename.txt`
+=== *append*
+*Description*: The `append` function returns the result of appending the 
argument to the value of
+       the Subject. If the Subject is null, returns the argument itself.
+*Subject Type*: String
+*Arguments*: 1: String
+*Return Type*: String
+*Examples*: If the "filename" attribute has the value "a brand new 
filename.txt", then the Expression
+       `${filename:append('.gz')}` will return "a brand new filename.txt.gz".
+=== *prepend*
+*Description*: The `prepend` function returns the result of prepending the 
argument to the value of
+       the Subject. If the subject is null, returns the argument itself.
+*Subject Type*: String
+*Arguments*: 1: String
+*Return Type*: String
+*Examples*: If the "filename" attribute has the value "filename.txt", then the 
+       `${filename:prepend('a brand new ')}` will return "a brand new 
+=== *replace*
+*Description*: Replaces occurrences of one String within the Subject with 
another String.
+*Subject Type*: String
+*Arguments*: 2
+       _Search String_: The String to find within the Subject
+       _Replacement_: The value to replace _Search String_ with
+*Return Type*: String
+*Examples*: If the "filename" attribute has the value "a brand new 
filename.txt", then the following
+Expressions will provide the following results:
+.Replace Examples
+| Expression | Value
+| `${filename:replace('.', '_')}` | `a brand new filename_txt`
+| `${filename:replace(' ', '.')}` | ``
+| `${filename:replace('XYZ', 'ZZZ')}` | `a brand new filename.txt`
+| `${filename:replace('filename', 'book')}` | `a brand new book.txt`
+=== *replaceAll*
+*Description*: The `replaceAll` function takes two String arguments: a Regular 
Expression (NiFi uses the Java Pattern
+       syntax), and a replacement string. The return value is the result of 
substituting the replacement string for
+       all patterns within the Subject that match the Regular Expression.
+*Subject Type*: String
+*Arguments*: 2
+       _regular expression_: the Regular Expression (in Java syntax) to match 
in the Subject
+       _replacement_: The value to use for replacing matches in the Subject. 
If the _regular expression_
+               argument uses Capturing Groups, back references are allowed in 
the _replacement_.
+*Return Type*: String
+*Examples*: If the "filename" attribute has the value "a brand new 
filename.txt", then the following
+Expressions will provide the following results:
+.ReplaceAll Examples
+| Expression | Value
+| `${filename:replaceAll('\..*', '')}` | `a brand new filename`
+| `${filename:replaceAll('a brand (new)', '$1')}` | `new filename.txt`
+| `${filename:replaceAll('XYZ', 'ZZZ')}` | `a brand new filename.txt`
+| `${filename:replaceAll('brand (new)', 'somewhat $1')}` | `a somewhat new 
+=== *replaceNull*
+*Description*: The `replaceNull` function returns the argument if the Subject 
is null. Otherwise,
+       returns the Subject.
+*Subject Type*: Any
+*Arguments*: 1: Any Type
+*Return Type*: Type of Subject if Subject is not null; else, type of Argument
+*Examples*: If the attribute "filename" has the value "a brand new 
filename.txt" and the attribute
+       "hello" does not exist, then the Expression 
`${filename:replaceNull('abc')}` will return 
+       "a brand new filename.txt", while `${hello:replaceNull('abc')}` will 
return "abc".
+=== *length*
+*Description*: Returns the length of the Subject
+*Subject Type*: String
+*Arguments*: No arguments
+*Return Type*: Number
+*Examples*: If the attribute "filename" has a value of "a brand new 
filename.txt" and the attribute
+       "hello" does not exist, then the Expression `${filename:length()}` will 
return 24. `${hello:length()}`
+       will return 0.
+== Searching
+Each of the following functions is used to search its subject for some value.
+=== *startsWith*
+*Description*: Returns `true` if the Subject starts with the String provided 
as the argument,
+       `false` otherwise.
+*Subject Type*: String
+*Arguments*: 1: String
+*Return Type*: Boolean
+*Examples*: If the "filename" attribute has the value "a brand new 
filename.txt", then the Expression
+       `${filename:startsWith('a brand')}` will return `true`. 
`${filename:startsWith('A BRAND')}` will
+       return `false`. `${filename:toUpper():startsWith('A BRAND')}` returns 
+=== *endsWith*
+*Description*: Returns `true` if the Subject ends with the String provided as 
the argument,
+       `false` otherwise.
+*Subject Type*: String
+*Arguments*: 1: String
+*Return Type*: Boolean
+*Examples*: If the "filename" attribute has the value "a brand new 
filename.txt", then the Expression
+       `${filename:endsWith('txt')}` will return `true`. 
`${filename:endsWith('TXT')}` will
+       return `false`. `${filename:toUpper():endsWith('TXT')}` returns `true`.
+=== *contains*
+*Description*: Returns `true` if the Subject contains the value of the 
argument anywhere in the
+       value.
+*Subject Type*: String
+*Arguments*: 1: String
+*Return Type*: Boolean
+*Examples*: If the "filename" attribute has the value "a brand new 
filename.txt", then the Expression
+       `${filename:contains('new')}` will return `true`. 
`${filename:contains('NEW')}` will
+       return `false`. `${filename:toUpper():contains('NEW')}` returns `true`.
+=== *find*
+*Description*: Returns `true` if the Subject contains any sequence of 
characters that matches the
+       Regular Expression provided by the argument.
+*Subject Type*: String
+*Arguments*: 1: String: a Regular Expression (in the Java Pattern syntax) to 
search for in the Subject.
+*Return Type*: Boolean
+If the "filename" attribute has the value "a brand new filename.txt", then the 
+Expressions will provide the following results:
+.find Examples
+| Expression | Value
+| `${filename:find('a [Bb]rand [Nn]ew')}` | `true`
+| `${filename:find('Brand.*')}` | `false`
+| `${filename:find('brand')}` | `true`
+=== *matches*
+*Description*: Returns `true` if the Subject exactly matches the Regular 
Expression provided by the argument.
+*Subject Type*: String
+*Arguments*: 1: String: a Regular Expression (in the Java Pattern syntax) to 
match against the Subject.
+*Return Type*: Boolean
+If the "filename" attribute has the value "a brand new filename.txt", then the 
+Expressions will provide the following results:
+.matches Examples
+| Expression | Value
+| `${filename:matches('a.*txt')}` | `true`
+| `${filename:matches('brand')}` | `false`
+| `${filename:matches('.+brand.+')}` | `true`
+=== *indexOf*
+*Description*: Returns the index of the first character in the Subject that 
matches the String value provided
+       as an argument. If the argument is found multiple times within the 
Subject, the value returned is the
+       starting index of the *first* occurrence.
+       If the argument cannot be found in the Subject, returns `-1`. The index 
is zero-based. This means that if
+       the search string is found at the beginning of the Subject, the value 
returned will be `0`, not `1`.
+*Subject Type*: String
+*Arguments*: String
+*Return Type*: Number
+*Examples*: If the "filename" attribute has the value "a brand new 
filename.txt", then the following
+Expressions will provide the following results:
+.indexOf Examples
+| Expression | Value
+| `${filename:indexOf('a.*txt')}` | `-1`
+| `${filename:indexOf('.')}` | `20`
+| `${filename:indexOf('a')}` | `0`
+| `${filename:indexOf(' ')}` | `1`
+=== *lastIndexOf*
+*Description*: Returns the index of the first character in the Subject that 
matches the String value provided
+       as an argument. If the argument is found multiple times within the 
Subject, the value returned is the
+       starting index of the *last* occurrence.
+       If the argument cannot be found in the Subject, returns `-1`. The index 
is zero-based. This means that if
+       the search string is found at the beginning of the Subject, the value 
returned will be `0`, not `1`.
+*Subject Type*: String
+*Arguments*: String
+*Return Type*: Number
+*Examples*: If the "filename" attribute has the value "a brand new 
filename.txt", then the following
+Expressions will provide the following results:
+.lastIndexOf Examples
+| Expression | Value
+| `${filename:lastIndexOf('a.*txt')}` | `-1`
+| `${filename:lastIndexOf('.')}` | `20`
+| `${filename:lastIndexOf('a')}` | `17`
+| `${filename:lastIndexOf(' ')}` | `11`
+== Mathematical Operations and Numeric Manipulation
+=== *plus*
+*Description*: Adds a numeric value to the Subject. If either the argument or 
the Subject cannot be
+       coerced into a Number, returns `null`.
+*Subject Type*: Number
+*Arguments*: 1: Number
+*Return Type*: Number
+*Examples*: If the "fileSize" attribute has a value of 100, then the 
Expression `${fileSize:plus(1000)}`
+       will return the value `1100`.
+=== *minus*
+*Description*: Subtracts a numeric value from the Subject.
+*Subject Type*: Number
+*Arguments*: Number
+*Return Type*: Number
+*Examples*: If the "fileSize" attribute has a value of 100, then the 
Expression `${fileSize:minus(100)}`
+       will return the value `0`.
+=== *multiply*
+*Description*: Multiplies a numeric value by the Subject and returns the 
+*Subject Type*: Number
+*Arguments*: Number
+*Return Type*: Number
+*Examples*: If the "fileSize" attribute has a value of 100, then the 
Expression `${fileSize:multiply(1024)}`
+       will return the value `102400`.
+=== *divide*
+*Description*: Divides a numeric value by the Subject and returns the result, 
rounded down to the nearest integer.
+*Subject Type*: Number
+*Arguments*: Number
+*Return Type*: Number
+*Examples*: If the "fileSize" attribute has a value of 100, then the 
Expression `${fileSize:divide(12)}`
+       will return the value `8`.
+=== *mod*
+*Description*: Performs a modular division of the Subject by the argument. 
That is, this function will divide
+       the Subject by the value of the argument and return not the quotient 
but rather the remainder.
+*Subject Type*: Number
+*Arguments*: Number
+*Return Type*: Number
+*Examples*: If the "fileSize" attribute has a value of 100, then the 
Expression `${fileSize:mod(12)}`
+       will return the value `4`.
+=== *toRadix*
+*Description*: Converts the Subject from a Base 10 number to a different Radix 
(or number base). An optional
+       second argument can be used to indicate the minimum number of 
characters to be used. If the converted value
+       has fewer than this number of characters, the number will be padded 
with leading zeroes.
+*Subject Type*: Number
+*Arguments*: 2
+       _Desired Base_: A Number between 2 and 36 (inclusive)
+       _Padding_: Optional argument that specifies the minimum number of 
characters in the converted output
+*Return Type*: String
+*Examples*: If the "fileSize" attributes has a value of 1024, then the 
following Expressions will yield
+       the following results:
+.toRadix Examples
+| Expression | Value
+| `${fileSize:toRadix(10)}` | `1024`
+| `${fileSize:toRadix(10, 1)}` | `1024`
+| `${fileSize:toRadix(10, 8)}` | `00001024`
+| `${fileSize:toRadix(16)}` | `400`
+| `${fileSize:toRadix(16, 8)}` | `00000400`
+| `${fileSize:toRadix(2)}` | `10000000000`
+| `${fileSize:toRadix(2, 16)}` | `0000010000000000`
+== Date Manipulation
+=== *format*
+*Description*: Formats a number as a date/time according to the format 
specified by the argument. The argument
+       must be a String that is a valid Java SimpleDateFormat format. The 
Subject is expected to be a Number that
+       represents the number of milliseconds since Midnight GMT January 1, 
+*Subject Type*: Number
+*Arguments*: 1: String: The format to output the date in.
+*Return Type*: String
+*Examples*: If the attribute "time" has the value "1420058163264", then the 
following Expressions will yield
+       the following results:
+.format Examples
+| Expression | Value
+| `${time:format("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'")}` | `2014/12/31 15:36:03.264Z`
+| `${time:format("yyyy/MM/dd")}` | `2014/12/31`
+| `${time:format("HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'")}` | `15:36:03.264Z`
+| `${time:format("2014")}` | `2014`
+=== *toDate*
+*Description*: Converts a String into a Number, based on the format specified 
by the argument. The argument
+       must be a String that is a valid Java SimpleDateFormat format. The 
Subject is expected to be a String
+       that is formatted according the argument. The return value is the numbr 
of milliseconds since 
+       Midnight GMT January 1, 1979.
+*Subject Type*: String
+*Arguments*: String
+*Return Type*: Number
+*Examples*: If the attribute "year" has the value "2014" and the attribute 
"time" has the value "2014/12/31 15:36:03.264Z",
+       then the Expression `${year:toDate('yyyy')}` will return the number of 
milliseconds between Midnight GMT on January 1, 1970
+       and Midnight GMT on January 1, 2014. The Expression 
`${time:toDate("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'")}` will result in the
+       number of milliseconds between Midnight GMT on January 1, 1970 and 
15:36:03.264 GMT on December 31, 2014.
+       Often, this function is used in conjunction with the <<format>> 
function to change the format of a date/time. For example,
+       if the attribute "date" has the value "12-24-2014" and we want to 
change the format to "2014/12/24", we can do so by
+       chaining together the two functions: 
+=== *now*
+*Description*: The `now` function returns the current date and time as the 
number of milliseconds since Midnight GMT on
+       January 1, 1970.
+*Subject Type*: No Subject
+*Arguments*: No arguments
+*Return Type*: Number
+*Examples*: We can format the current date and time by using the `now` 
function in conjunction with the <<format>> function:
+       `${now():format('yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss')}`.
+== Type Coercion
+=== *toString*
+*Description*: Coerces the Subject into a String
+*Subject Type*: Any type
+*Arguments*: No arguments
+*Return Type*: String
+*Examples*: The Expression `${fileSize:toNumber():toString()}` converts the 
value of "fileSize" attribute to a number and
+       back to a String.
+=== *toNumber*
+*Description*: Coerces the Subject into a Number
+*Subject Type*: String
+*Arguments*: No arguments
+*Return Type*: Number
+*Examples*: The Expression `${fileSize:toNumber()}` converts the String 
attribute value of "fileSize" to a number.
+== Subjectless Functions
+=== *ip*
+*Description*: Returns the IP address of the machine.
+*Subject Type*: No subject
+*Arguments*: No arguments
+*Return Type*: String
+*Examples*: ${ip()}
+=== *hostname*
+*Description*: Returns the Hostname of the machine. An optional argument of 
type Boolean can be provided
+       to specify whether or not the Fully Qualified Domain Name should be 
used. If `false`, or not specified,
+       the hostname will not be fully qualified. If the argument is `true` but 
the fully qualified hostname
+       cannot be resolved, the simple hostname will be returned.
+*Subject Type*: No subject
+*Arguments*: 1: Boolean: Optionally specify whether or not the hostname to 
return should be fully qualified,
+       if not specified, defaults to `false`.
+*Return Type*: String
+*Examples*: ${hostname(true)}
+=== *UUID*
+*Subject Type*: 
+*Return Type*: 
+=== *nextInt*
+*Subject Type*: 
+*Return Type*: 
+== Evaluating Multiple Attributes
+=== *anyAttribute*
+*Subject Type*: 
+*Return Type*: 
+=== *allAttributes*
+*Subject Type*: 
+*Return Type*: 
+=== *anyMatchingAttribute*
+*Subject Type*: 
+*Return Type*: 
+=== *allMatchingAttributes*
+*Subject Type*: 
+*Return Type*: 
+=== *anyDelineatedValue*
+*Subject Type*: 
+*Return Type*: 
+=== *allDelineatedValues*
+*Subject Type*: 
+*Return Type*: 

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