diff --cc 
index 0000000,1d9ba16..ee91107
mode 000000,100644..100644
@@@ -1,0 -1,1211 +1,1211 @@@
+ /*
+  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+  * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+  * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+  * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+  * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+  * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+  *
+  *
+  *
+  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+  * limitations under the License.
+  */
+ nf.CanvasToolbox = (function () {
+     var config = {
+         /**
+          * Tag properties configuration.
+          */
+         maxTags: 25,
+         maxTagFontSize: 2,
+         minTagFontSize: 1,
+         minWidth: 20,
+         filterText: 'Filter',
+         type: {
+             processor: 'Processor',
+             inputPort: 'Input Port',
+             outputPort: 'Output Port',
+             processGroup: 'Process Group',
+             remoteProcessGroup: 'Remote Process Group',
+             connection: 'Connection',
+             funnel: 'Funnel',
+             template: 'Template',
+             label: 'Label'
+         },
+         styles: {
+             filterList: 'filter-list'
+         },
+         urls: {
+             controller: '../nifi-api/controller',
+             processorTypes: '../nifi-api/controller/processor-types',
+             templates: '../nifi-api/controller/templates'
+         }
+     };
+     /**
+      * Creates a toolbox icon for dragging onto the graph.
+      * 
+      * @argument {string} type              The type of component
+      * @argument {jQuery} toolbox           The toolbox to add the icon to
+      * @argument {string} cls               The css class to apply to the icon
+      * @argument {string} hoverCls          The css class to apply when 
+      * @argument {string} dragCls           The css class to apply when 
+      * @argument {string} dropHandler       Callback to handle the drop event
+      */
+     var addToolboxIcon = function (type, toolbox, cls, hoverCls, dragCls, 
dropHandler) {
+         // generate the img id
+         var imgId = type + '-icon';
+         // create the image which is used as the toolbox icon (drag source)
+         $('<div/>').attr('id', imgId).attr('title', 
() {
+             $(this).removeClass(cls).addClass(hoverCls);
+         }, function () {
+             $(this).removeClass(hoverCls).addClass(cls);
+         }).draggable({
+             'zIndex': 1011,
+             'helper': function () {
+                 return $('<div 
+             },
+             'containment': 'body',
+             'start': function(e, ui) {
+                 // hide the context menu if necessary
+                 nf.ContextMenu.hide();
+             },
+             'stop': function (e, ui) {
+                 var translate = nf.Canvas.View.translate();
+                 var scale = nf.Canvas.View.scale();
+                 var mouseX = e.originalEvent.pageX;
+                 var mouseY = e.originalEvent.pageY - nf.Canvas.CANVAS_OFFSET;
+                 // invoke the drop handler if we're over the canvas
+                 if (mouseX >= 0 && mouseY >= 0) {
+                     // adjust the x and y coordinates accordingly
+                     var x = (mouseX / scale) - (translate[0] / scale);
+                     var y = (mouseY / scale) - (translate[1] / scale);
+                     dropHandler({
+                         x: x,
+                         y: y
+                     });
+                 } 
+             }
+         }).appendTo(toolbox);
+     };
+     /**
+      * Adds the specified tag filter.
+      * 
+      * @argument {string} tag       The tag to add
+      */
+     var addTagFilter = function (tag) {
+         // ensure this tag hasn't already been added
+         var tagFilter = $('#tag-filter');
+         var tagFilterExists = false;
+         tagFilter.find('li div.selected-tag-text').each(function () {
+             if (tag === $(this).text()) {
+                 tagFilterExists = true;
+                 return false;
+             }
+         });
+         // add this tag filter if applicable
+         if (!tagFilterExists) {
+             // create the list item content
+             var tagText = $('<div 
+             var removeTagIcon = $('<img src="images/iconDelete.png" 
class="remove-selected-tag pointer"></img>').click(function () {
+                 // remove this tag
+                 $(this).closest('li').remove();
+                 // re-apply the filter
+                 applyFilter();
+             });
+             var selectedTagItem = 
+             // create the list item and update the tag filter list
+             $('<li></li>').append(selectedTagItem).appendTo(tagFilter);
+             // re-apply the filter
+             applyFilter();
+         }
+     };
+     /**
+      * Filters the processor type table.
+      */
+     var applyFilter = function () {
+         // get the dataview
+         var processorTypesGrid = 
+         // ensure the grid has been initialized
+         if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(processorTypesGrid)) {
+             var processorTypesData = processorTypesGrid.getData();
+             // update the search criteria
+             processorTypesData.setFilterArgs({
+                 searchString: getFilterText(),
+                 property: 
+             });
+             processorTypesData.refresh();
+         }
+     };
+     /**
+      * Determines if the item matches the filter.
+      * 
+      * @param {object} item     The item to filter
+      * @param {object} args     The filter criteria
+      * @returns {boolean}       Whether the item matches the filter
+      */
+     var matchesRegex = function (item, args) {
+         if (args.searchString === '') {
+             return true;
+         }
+         try {
+             // perform the row filtering
+             var filterExp = new RegExp(args.searchString, 'i');
+         } catch (e) {
+             // invalid regex
+             return false;
+         }
+         // determine if the item matches the filter
+         return item[].search(filterExp) >= 0;
+     };
+     /**
+      * Performs the filtering.
+      * 
+      * @param {object} item     The item subject to filtering
+      * @param {object} args     Filter arguments
+      * @returns {Boolean}       Whether or not to include the item
+      */
+     var filter = function (item, args) {
+         // determine if the item matches the filter
+         var matchesFilter = matchesRegex(item, args);
+         // determine if the row matches the selected tags
+         var matchesTags = true;
+         if (matchesFilter) {
+             var tagFilters = $('#tag-filter li');
+             var hasSelectedTags = tagFilters.length > 0;
+             if (hasSelectedTags) {
+                 matchesTags = matchesSelectedTags(tagFilters, item['tags']);
+             }
+         }
+         // determine if this row should be visible
+         var matches = matchesFilter && matchesTags;
+         // if this row is currently selected and its being filtered
+         if (matches === false && $('#selected-processor-type').text() === 
item['type']) {
+             // clear the selected row
+             $('#processor-type-description').text('');
+             $('#processor-type-name').text('');
+             $('#selected-processor-name').text('');
+             $('#selected-processor-type').text('');
+             // clear the active cell the it can be reselected when its 
+             var processTypesGrid = 
+             processTypesGrid.resetActiveCell();
+         }
+         return matches;
+     };
+     /**
+      * Determines if the specified tags match all the tags selected by the 
+      * 
+      * @argument {jQuery} tagFilters    The tag filters
+      * @argument {string} tags          The tags to test
+      */
+     var matchesSelectedTags = function (tagFilters, tags) {
+         var selectedTags = [];
+         tagFilters.each(function () {
+             selectedTags.push($(this).text());
+         });
+         // normalize the tags
+         var normalizedTags = tags.toLowerCase();
+         var matches = true;
+         $.each(selectedTags, function (i, selectedTag) {
+             if (normalizedTags.indexOf(selectedTag) === -1) {
+                 matches = false;
+                 return false;
+             }
+         });
+         return matches;
+     };
+     /**
+      * Sorts the specified data using the specified sort details.
+      * 
+      * @param {object} sortDetails
+      * @param {object} data
+      */
+     var sort = function (sortDetails, data) {
+         // defines a function for sorting
+         var comparer = function (a, b) {
+             var aString = 
nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(a[sortDetails.columnId]) ? 
a[sortDetails.columnId] : '';
+             var bString = 
nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(b[sortDetails.columnId]) ? 
b[sortDetails.columnId] : '';
+             return aString === bString ? 0 : aString > bString ? 1 : -1;
+         };
+         // perform the sort
+         data.sort(comparer, sortDetails.sortAsc);
+     };
+     /**
+      * Get the text out of the filter field. If the filter field doesn't
+      * have any text it will contain the text 'filter list' so this method
+      * accounts for that.
+      */
+     var getFilterText = function () {
+         var filterText = '';
+         var filterField = $('#processor-type-filter');
+         if (!filterField.hasClass(config.styles.filterList)) {
+             filterText = filterField.val();
+         }
+         return filterText;
+     };
+     /**
+      * Resets the filtered processor types.
+      */
+     var resetProcessorDialog = function () {
+         // clear and selected tags
+         var tagFilter = $('#tag-filter');
+         tagFilter.empty();
+         // clear any filter strings
+         // reset the filter before closing
+         applyFilter();
+         // clear the selected row
+         $('#processor-type-description').text('');
+         $('#processor-type-name').text('');
+         $('#selected-processor-name').text('');
+         $('#selected-processor-type').text('');
+         // unselect any current selection
+         var processTypesGrid = 
+         processTypesGrid.setSelectedRows([]);
+         processTypesGrid.resetActiveCell();
+     };
+     /**
+      * Prompts the user to select the type of new processor to create.
+      * 
+      * @argument {object} pt        The point that the processor was dropped
+      */
+     var promptForProcessorType = function (pt) {
+         // handles adding the selected processor at the specified point
+         var addProcessor = function () {
+             // get the type of processor currently selected
+             var name = $('#selected-processor-name').text();
+             var processorType = $('#selected-processor-type').text();
+             // ensure something was selected
+             if (name === '' || processorType === '') {
+                 nf.Dialog.showOkDialog({
+                     dialogContent: 'The type of processor to create must be 
+                     overlayBackground: false
+                 });
+             } else {
+                 // create the new processor
+                 createProcessor(name, processorType, pt);
+             }
+             // hide the dialog
+             $('#new-processor-dialog').modal('hide');
+         };
+         // get the grid reference
+         var grid = $('#processor-types-table').data('gridInstance');
+         // add the processor when its double clicked in the table
+         var gridDoubleClick = function (e, args) {
+             var processorType = grid.getDataItem(args.row);
+             $('#selected-processor-name').text(processorType.label);
+             $('#selected-processor-type').text(processorType.type);
+             addProcessor();
+         };
+         // register a handler for double click events
+         grid.onDblClick.subscribe(gridDoubleClick);
+         // update the button model
+         $('#new-processor-dialog').modal('setButtonModel', [{
+                 buttonText: 'Add',
+                 handler: {
+                     click: addProcessor
+                 }
+             }, {
+                 buttonText: 'Cancel',
+                 handler: {
+                     click: function () {
+                         $('#new-processor-dialog').modal('hide');
+                     }
+                 }
+             }]);
+         // set a new handler for closing the the dialog
+         $('#new-processor-dialog').modal('setHandler', {
+             close: function () {
+                 // remove the handler
+                 grid.onDblClick.unsubscribe(gridDoubleClick);
+                 // clear the current filters
+                 resetProcessorDialog();
+             }
+         });
+         // show the dialog
+         $('#new-processor-dialog').modal('show');
+         // adjust the grid canvas now that its been rendered
+         grid.resizeCanvas();
+     };
+     /**
+      * Create the processor and add to the graph.
+      * 
+      * @argument {string} name              The processor name
+      * @argument {string} processorType     The processor type
+      * @argument {object} pt                The point that the processor was 
+      */
+     var createProcessor = function (name, processorType, pt) {
+         var revision = nf.Client.getRevision();
+         // create a new processor of the defined type
+         $.ajax({
+             type: 'POST',
+             url: config.urls.controller + '/process-groups/' + 
encodeURIComponent(nf.Canvas.getGroupId()) + '/processors',
+             data: {
+                 version: revision.version,
+                 clientId: revision.clientId,
+                 name: name,
+                 type: processorType,
+                 x: pt.x,
+                 y: pt.y
+             },
+             dataType: 'json'
+         }).done(function (response) {
+             if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(response.processor)) {
+                 // update the revision
+                 nf.Client.setRevision(response.revision);
+                 // add the processor to the graph
+                 nf.Graph.add({
+                     'processors': [response.processor]
+                 }, true);
+                 // update component visibility
+                 nf.Canvas.View.updateVisibility();
+                 // update the birdseye
+                 nf.Birdseye.refresh();
+             }
+         }).fail(nf.Common.handleAjaxError);
+     };
+     /**
+      * Prompts the user to enter the name for the input port.
+      * 
+      * @argument {object} pt        The point that the input port was dropped
+      */
+     var promptForInputPortName = function (pt) {
+         var addInputPort = function () {
+             // hide the dialog
+             $('#new-port-dialog').modal('hide');
+             // get the name of the input port and clear the textfield
+             var portName = $('#new-port-name').val();
+             $('#new-port-name').val('');
+             // create the input port
+             createInputPort(portName, pt);
+         };
+         $('#new-port-dialog').modal('setButtonModel', [{
+                 buttonText: 'Add',
+                 handler: {
+                     click: addInputPort
+                 }
+             }, {
+                 buttonText: 'Cancel',
+                 handler: {
+                     click: function () {
+                         $('#new-port-dialog').modal('hide');
+                     }
+                 }
+             }]);
+         // update the port type
+         $('#new-port-type').text('Input');
+         // show the dialog
+         $('#new-port-dialog').modal('show');
+         // set up the focus and key handlers
+         $('#new-port-name').focus().off('keyup').on('keyup', function (e) {
+             var code = e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which;
+             if (code === $.ui.keyCode.ENTER) {
+                 addInputPort();
+             }
+         });
+     };
+     /**
+      * Create the input port and add to the graph.
+      * 
+      * @argument {string} portName          The input port name
+      * @argument {object} pt                The point that the input port was 
+      */
+     var createInputPort = function (portName, pt) {
+         var revision = nf.Client.getRevision();
+         // create a new processor of the defined type
+         $.ajax({
+             type: 'POST',
+             url: config.urls.controller + '/process-groups/' + 
encodeURIComponent(nf.Canvas.getGroupId()) + '/input-ports',
+             data: {
+                 version: revision.version,
+                 clientId: revision.clientId,
+                 name: portName,
+                 x: pt.x,
+                 y: pt.y
+             },
+             dataType: 'json'
+         }).done(function (response) {
+             if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(response.inputPort)) {
+                 // update the revision
+                 nf.Client.setRevision(response.revision);
+                 // add the port to the graph
+                 nf.Graph.add({
+                     'inputPorts': [response.inputPort]
+                 }, true);
+                 // update component visibility
+                 nf.Canvas.View.updateVisibility();
+                 // update the birdseye
+                 nf.Birdseye.refresh();
+             }
+         }).fail(nf.Common.handleAjaxError);
+     };
+     /**
+      * Prompts the user to enter the name for the output port.
+      * 
+      * @argument {object} pt        The point that the output port was dropped
+      */
+     var promptForOutputPortName = function (pt) {
+         var addOutputPort = function () {
+             // hide the dialog
+             $('#new-port-dialog').modal('hide');
+             // get the name of the output port and clear the textfield
+             var portName = $('#new-port-name').val();
+             $('#new-port-name').val('');
+             // create the output port
+             createOutputPort(portName, pt);
+         };
+         $('#new-port-dialog').modal('setButtonModel', [{
+                 buttonText: 'Add',
+                 handler: {
+                     click: addOutputPort
+                 }
+             }, {
+                 buttonText: 'Cancel',
+                 handler: {
+                     click: function () {
+                         $('#new-port-dialog').modal('hide');
+                     }
+                 }
+             }]);
+         // update the port type
+         $('#new-port-type').text('Output');
+         // set the focus and show the dialog
+         $('#new-port-dialog').modal('show');
+         // set up the focus and key handlers
+         $('#new-port-name').focus().off('keyup').on('keyup', function (e) {
+             var code = e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which;
+             if (code === $.ui.keyCode.ENTER) {
+                 addOutputPort();
+             }
+         });
+     };
+     /**
+      * Create the input port and add to the graph.
+      * 
+      * @argument {string} portName          The output port name
+      * @argument {object} pt                The point that the output port 
was dropped
+      */
+     var createOutputPort = function (portName, pt) {
+         var revision = nf.Client.getRevision();
+         // create a new processor of the defined type
+         $.ajax({
+             type: 'POST',
+             url: config.urls.controller + '/process-groups/' + 
encodeURIComponent(nf.Canvas.getGroupId()) + '/output-ports',
+             data: {
+                 version: revision.version,
+                 clientId: revision.clientId,
+                 name: portName,
+                 x: pt.x,
+                 y: pt.y
+             },
+             dataType: 'json'
+         }).done(function (response) {
+             if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(response.outputPort)) {
+                 // update the revision
+                 nf.Client.setRevision(response.revision);
+                 // add the port to the graph
+                 nf.Graph.add({
+                     'outputPorts': [response.outputPort]
+                 }, true);
+                 // update component visibility
+                 nf.Canvas.View.updateVisibility();
+                 // update the birdseye
+                 nf.Birdseye.refresh();
+             }
+         }).fail(nf.Common.handleAjaxError);
+     };
+     /**
+      * Create the group and add to the graph.
+      * 
+      * @argument {string} groupName The name of the group
+      * @argument {object} pt        The point that the group was dropped
+      */
+     var createGroup = function (groupName, pt) {
+         var revision = nf.Client.getRevision();
+         // create a new processor of the defined type
+         return $.ajax({
+             type: 'POST',
+             url: config.urls.controller + '/process-groups/' + 
encodeURIComponent(nf.Canvas.getGroupId()) + '/process-group-references',
+             data: {
+                 version: revision.version,
+                 clientId: revision.clientId,
+                 name: groupName,
+                 x: pt.x,
+                 y: pt.y
+             },
+             dataType: 'json'
+         }).done(function (response) {
+             if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(response.processGroup)) {
+                 // update the revision
+                 nf.Client.setRevision(response.revision);
+                 // add the processor to the graph
+                 nf.Graph.add({
+                     'processGroups': [response.processGroup]
+                 }, true);
+                 // update component visibility
+                 nf.Canvas.View.updateVisibility();
+                 // update the birdseye
+                 nf.Birdseye.refresh();
+             }
+         }).fail(nf.Common.handleAjaxError);
+     };
+     /**
+      * Prompts the user to enter the URI for the remote process group.
+      * 
+      * @argument {object} pt        The point that the remote group was 
+      */
+     var promptForRemoteProcessGroupUri = function (pt) {
+         var addRemoteProcessGroup = function () {
+             // hide the dialog
+             $('#new-remote-process-group-dialog').modal('hide');
+             // get the uri of the controller and clear the textfield
+             var remoteProcessGroupUri = 
+             $('#new-remote-process-group-uri').val('');
+             // create the remote process group
+             createRemoteProcessGroup(remoteProcessGroupUri, pt);
+         };
+         $('#new-remote-process-group-dialog').modal('setButtonModel', [{
+                 buttonText: 'Add',
+                 handler: {
+                     click: addRemoteProcessGroup
+                 }
+             }, {
+                 buttonText: 'Cancel',
+                 handler: {
+                     click: function () {
+                         $('#new-remote-process-group-dialog').modal('hide');
+                     }
+                 }
+             }]);
+         // show the dialog
+         $('#new-remote-process-group-dialog').modal('show');
+         // set the focus and key handlers
+         $('#new-remote-process-group-uri').focus().off('keyup').on('keyup', 
function (e) {
+             var code = e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which;
+             if (code === $.ui.keyCode.ENTER) {
+                 addRemoteProcessGroup();
+             }
+         });
+     };
+     /**
+      * Create the controller and add to the graph.
+      * 
+      * @argument {string} remoteProcessGroupUri         The remote group uri
+      * @argument {object} pt                            The point that the 
remote group was dropped
+      */
+     var createRemoteProcessGroup = function (remoteProcessGroupUri, pt) {
+         var revision = nf.Client.getRevision();
+         // create a new processor of the defined type
+         $.ajax({
+             type: 'POST',
+             url: config.urls.controller + '/process-groups/' + 
encodeURIComponent(nf.Canvas.getGroupId()) + '/remote-process-groups',
+             data: {
+                 version: revision.version,
+                 clientId: revision.clientId,
+                 uri: remoteProcessGroupUri,
+                 x: pt.x,
+                 y: pt.y
+             },
+             dataType: 'json'
+         }).done(function (response) {
+             if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(response.remoteProcessGroup)) {
+                 // update the revision
+                 nf.Client.setRevision(response.revision);
+                 // add the processor to the graph
+                 nf.Graph.add({
+                     'remoteProcessGroups': [response.remoteProcessGroup]
+                 }, true);
+                 // update component visibility
+                 nf.Canvas.View.updateVisibility();
+                 // update the birdseye
+                 nf.Birdseye.refresh();
+             }
+         }).fail(nf.Common.handleAjaxError);
+     };
+     /**
+      * Creates a new funnel at the specified point.
+      * 
+      * @argument {object} pt        The point that the funnel was dropped
+      */
+     var createFunnel = function (pt) {
+         var revision = nf.Client.getRevision();
+         // create a new funnel
+         $.ajax({
+             type: 'POST',
+             url: config.urls.controller + '/process-groups/' + 
encodeURIComponent(nf.Canvas.getGroupId()) + '/funnels',
+             data: {
+                 version: revision.version,
+                 clientId: revision.clientId,
+                 x: pt.x,
+                 y: pt.y
+             },
+             dataType: 'json'
+         }).done(function (response) {
+             if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(response.funnel)) {
+                 // update the revision
+                 nf.Client.setRevision(response.revision);
+                 // add the funnel to the graph
+                 nf.Graph.add({
+                     'funnels': [response.funnel]
+                 }, true);
+                 // update the birdseye
+                 nf.Birdseye.refresh();
+             }
+         }).fail(nf.Common.handleAjaxError);
+     };
+     /**
+      * Prompts the user to select a template.
+      * 
+      * @argument {object} pt        The point that the template was dropped
+      */
+     var promptForTemplate = function (pt) {
+         $.ajax({
+             type: 'GET',
+             url: config.urls.templates,
+             dataType: 'json'
+         }).done(function (response) {
+             var templates = response.templates;
+             if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(templates) && templates.length 
> 0) {
+                 var options = [];
+                 $.each(templates, function (_, template) {
+                     options.push({
+                         text:,
+                         value:,
+                         description: 
+                     });
+                 });
+                 // configure the templates combo
+                 $('#available-templates').combo({
+                     maxHeight: 300,
+                     options: options
+                 });
+                 // update the button model
+                 $('#instantiate-template-dialog').modal('setButtonModel', [{
+                         buttonText: 'Add',
+                         handler: {
+                             click: function () {
+                                 // get the type of processor currently 
+                                 var selectedOption = 
+                                 var templateId = selectedOption.value;
+                                 // hide the dialog
+                                 // instantiate the specified template
+                                 createTemplate(templateId, pt);
+                             }
+                         }
+                     }, {
+                         buttonText: 'Cancel',
+                         handler: {
+                             click: function () {
+                             }
+                         }
+                     }]);
+                 // show the dialog
+                 $('#instantiate-template-dialog').modal('show');
+             } else {
+                 nf.Dialog.showOkDialog({
+                     headerText: 'Instantiate Template',
+                     dialogContent: 'No templates have been loaded into this 
+                     overlayBackground: false
+                 });
+             }
+         }).fail(nf.Common.handleAjaxError);
+     };
+     /**
+      * Instantiates the specified template and 
+      * 
+      * @argument {string} templateId        The template id
+      * @argument {object} pt                The point that the template was 
+      */
+     var createTemplate = function (templateId, pt) {
+         var revision = nf.Client.getRevision();
+         // create a new instance of the new template
+         $.ajax({
+             type: 'POST',
+             url: config.urls.controller + '/process-groups/' + 
encodeURIComponent(nf.Canvas.getGroupId()) + '/template-instance',
+             data: {
+                 version: revision.version,
+                 clientId: revision.clientId,
+                 templateId: templateId,
+                 originX: pt.x,
+                 originY: pt.y
+             },
+             dataType: 'json'
+         }).done(function (response) {
+             // update the revision
+             nf.Client.setRevision(response.revision);
+             // populate the graph accordingly
+             nf.Graph.add(response.contents, true);
+             // update component visibility
+             nf.Canvas.View.updateVisibility();
+             // update the birdseye
+             nf.Birdseye.refresh();
+         }).fail(nf.Common.handleAjaxError);
+     };
+     /**
+      * Create the label and add to the graph.
+      * 
+      * @argument {object} pt        The point that the label was dropped
+      */
+     var createLabel = function (pt) {
+         var revision = nf.Client.getRevision();
+         // create a new label
+         $.ajax({
+             type: 'POST',
+             url: config.urls.controller + '/process-groups/' + 
encodeURIComponent(nf.Canvas.getGroupId()) + '/labels',
+             data: {
+                 version: revision.version,
+                 clientId: revision.clientId,
+                 x: pt.x,
+                 y: pt.y,
+                 width: nf.Label.config.width,
+                 height: nf.Label.config.height
+             },
+             dataType: 'json'
+         }).done(function (response) {
+             if (nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(response.label)) {
+                 // update the revision
+                 nf.Client.setRevision(response.revision);
+                 // add the label to the graph
+                 nf.Label.add(response.label, true);
+                 // update the birdseye
+                 nf.Birdseye.refresh();
+             }
+         }).fail(nf.Common.handleAjaxError);
+     };
+     return {
+         /**
+          * Initialize the canvas toolbox.
+          */
+         init: function () {
+             var toolbox = $('#toolbox');
+             // ensure the user can create graph components
+             if (nf.Common.isDFM()) {
+                 // create the draggable icons
+                 addToolboxIcon(config.type.processor, toolbox, 
'processor-icon', 'processor-icon-hover', 'processor-icon-drag', 
+                 addToolboxIcon(config.type.inputPort, toolbox, 
'input-port-icon', 'input-port-icon-hover', 'input-port-icon-drag', 
+                 addToolboxIcon(config.type.outputPort, toolbox, 
'output-port-icon', 'output-port-icon-hover', 'output-port-icon-drag', 
+                 addToolboxIcon(config.type.processGroup, toolbox, 
'process-group-icon', 'process-group-icon-hover', 'process-group-icon-drag', 
+                 addToolboxIcon(config.type.remoteProcessGroup, toolbox, 
'remote-process-group-icon', 'remote-process-group-icon-hover', 
'remote-process-group-icon-drag', promptForRemoteProcessGroupUri);
+                 addToolboxIcon(config.type.funnel, toolbox, 'funnel-icon', 
'funnel-icon-hover', 'funnel-icon-drag', createFunnel);
+                 addToolboxIcon(config.type.template, toolbox, 
'template-icon', 'template-icon-hover', 'template-icon-drag', 
+                 addToolboxIcon(config.type.label, toolbox, 'label-icon', 
'label-icon-hover', 'label-icon-drag', createLabel);
+                 // specify the combo options
+                 $('#processor-type-filter-options').combo({
+                     options: [{
+                             text: 'by type',
 -                            value: 'type'
++                            value: 'label'
+                         }, {
+                             text: 'by tag',
+                             value: 'tags'
+                         }],
+                     select: function (option) {
+                         applyFilter();
+                     }
+                 });
+                 // initialize the processor type table
+                 var processorTypesColumns = [
+                     {id: 'type', name: 'Type', field: 'label', sortable: 
true, resizable: true},
+                     {id: 'tags', name: 'Tags', field: 'tags', sortable: true, 
resizable: true}
+                 ];
+                 var processorTypesOptions = {
+                     forceFitColumns: true,
+                     enableTextSelectionOnCells: true,
+                     enableCellNavigation: true,
+                     enableColumnReorder: false,
+                     autoEdit: false,
+                     multiSelect: false
+                 };
+                 // initialize the dataview
+                 var processorTypesData = new Slick.Data.DataView({
+                     inlineFilters: false
+                 });
+                 processorTypesData.setItems([]);
+                 processorTypesData.setFilterArgs({
+                     searchString: getFilterText(),
+                     property: 
+                 });
+                 processorTypesData.setFilter(filter);
+                 // initialize the sort
+                 sort({
+                     columnId: 'type',
+                     sortAsc: true
+                 }, processorTypesData);
+                 // initialize the grid
+                 var processorTypesGrid = new 
Slick.Grid('#processor-types-table', processorTypesData, processorTypesColumns, 
+                 processorTypesGrid.setSelectionModel(new 
+                 processorTypesGrid.registerPlugin(new Slick.AutoTooltips());
+                 processorTypesGrid.setSortColumn('type', true);
+                 processorTypesGrid.onSort.subscribe(function (e, args) {
+                     sort({
+                         columnId: args.sortCol.field,
+                         sortAsc: args.sortAsc
+                     }, processorTypesData);
+                 });
+                 processorTypesGrid.onSelectedRowsChanged.subscribe(function 
(e, args) {
+                     if ($.isArray(args.rows) && args.rows.length === 1) {
+                         var processorTypeIndex = args.rows[0];
+                         var processorType = 
+                         // set the processor type description
+                         if (nf.Common.isBlank(processorType.description)) {
+                             $('#processor-type-description').attr('title', 
'').html('<span class="unset">No description specified</span>');
+                         } else {
+                         }
+                         // populate the dom
+                     }
+                 });
+                 // hold onto an instance of the grid
+                 $('#processor-types-table').data('gridInstance', 
+                 // load the available processor types, this select is shown 
in the
+                 // new processor dialog when a processor is dragged onto the 
+                 $.ajax({
+                     type: 'GET',
+                     url: config.urls.processorTypes,
+                     dataType: 'json'
+                 }).done(function (response) {
+                     var tagCloud = {};
+                     var tags = [];
+                     // begin the update
+                     processorTypesData.beginUpdate();
+                     // go through each processor type
+                     $.each(response.processorTypes, function (i, 
documentedType) {
+                         var type = documentedType.type;
+                         // create the row for the processor type
+                         processorTypesData.addItem({
+                             id: i,
+                             label: nf.Common.substringAfterLast(type, '.'),
+                             type: type,
+                             description: 
+                             tags: documentedType.tags.join(', ')
+                         });
+                         // count the frequency of each tag for this type
+                         $.each(documentedType.tags, function (i, tag) {
+                             var normalizedTagName = tag.toLowerCase();
+                             if 
(nf.Common.isDefinedAndNotNull(tagCloud[normalizedTagName])) {
+                                 tagCloud[normalizedTagName].count = 
tagCloud[normalizedTagName].count + 1;
+                             } else {
+                                 var tagCloudEntry = {
+                                     term: normalizedTagName,
+                                     count: 1
+                                 };
+                                 tags.push(tagCloudEntry);
+                                 tagCloud[normalizedTagName] = tagCloudEntry;
+                             }
+                         });
+                     });
+                     // end the udpate
+                     processorTypesData.endUpdate();
+                     // set the total number of processors
+                     $('#total-processor-types, 
+                     // handle the case when no tags are present
+                     if (tags.length > 0) {
+                         // sort the tags by frequency to limit the less 
frequent tags
+                         tags.sort(function (a, b) {
+                             return b.count - a.count;
+                         });
+                         // limit to the most frequest tags
+                         if (tags.length > config.maxTags) {
+                             tags = tags.slice(0, config.maxTags);
+                         }
+                         // determine the max frequency
+                         var maxFrequency = tags[0].count;
+                         // sort the tags alphabetically
+                         tags.sort(function (a, b) {
+                             var compA = a.term.toUpperCase();
+                             var compB = b.term.toUpperCase();
+                             return (compA < compB) ? -1 : (compA > compB) ? 1 
: 0;
+                         });
+                         // set the tag content
+                         $.each(tags, function (i, tag) {
+                             // determine the appropriate font size
+                             var fontSize = Math.log(tag.count) / 
Math.log(maxFrequency) * (config.maxTagFontSize - config.minTagFontSize) + 
+                             var minWidth = config.minWidth * fontSize;
+                             // create the tag cloud entry
+                             $('<li></li>').append($('<span 
+                                 'font-size': fontSize + 'em'
+                             })).css({
+                                 'min-width': minWidth + 'px'
+                             }).click(function () {
+                                 // ensure we don't exceed 5 selected
+                                 if ($('#tag-filter').children('li').length < 
5) {
+                                     var tagText = 
+                                     addTagFilter(tagText);
+                                 }
+                             }).appendTo('#tag-cloud').ellipsis();
+                         });
+                     } else {
+                         // indicate when no tags are found
+                         $('<li><span class="unset">No tags 
+                     }
+                     // wire up the dataview to the grid
+                     processorTypesData.onRowCountChanged.subscribe(function 
(e, args) {
+                         processorTypesGrid.updateRowCount();
+                         processorTypesGrid.render();
+                         // update the total number of displayed processors
+                         $('#displayed-processor-types').text(args.current);
+                     });
+                     processorTypesData.onRowsChanged.subscribe(function (e, 
args) {
+                         processorTypesGrid.invalidateRows(args.rows);
+                         processorTypesGrid.render();
+                     });
+                     processorTypesData.syncGridSelection(processorTypesGrid, 
+                 }).fail(nf.Common.handleAjaxError);
+                 // define the function for filtering the list
+                 $('#processor-type-filter').keyup(function () {
+                     applyFilter();
+                 }).focus(function () {
+                     if ($(this).hasClass(config.styles.filterList)) {
+                         $(this).removeClass(config.styles.filterList).val('');
+                     }
+                 }).blur(function () {
+                     if ($(this).val() === '') {
+                     }
+                 }).addClass(config.styles.filterList).val(config.filterText);
+                 // configure the new processor dialog
+                 $('#new-processor-dialog').modal({
+                     headerText: 'Add Processor',
+                     overlayBackground: false
+                 });
+                 // configure the new port dialog
+                 $('#new-port-dialog').modal({
+                     headerText: 'Add Port',
+                     overlayBackground: false
+                 });
+                 // configure the new process group dialog
+                 $('#new-process-group-dialog').modal({
+                     headerText: 'Add Process Group',
+                     overlayBackground: false
+                 });
+                 // configure the new remote process group dialog
+                 $('#new-remote-process-group-dialog').modal({
+                     headerText: 'Add Remote Process Group',
+                     overlayBackground: false
+                 });
+                 // configure the instantiate template dialog
+                 $('#instantiate-template-dialog').modal({
+                     headerText: 'Instantiate Template',
+                     overlayBackgroud: false
+                 });
+             } else {
+                 // add disabled icons
+                 $('<div/>').attr('title', 
+                 $('<div/>').attr('title', 
+                 $('<div/>').attr('title', 
+                 $('<div/>').attr('title', 
+                 $('<div/>').attr('title', 
+                 $('<div/>').attr('title', 
+                 $('<div/>').attr('title', 
+                 $('<div/>').attr('title', 
+             }
+         },
+         /**
+          * Prompts the user to enter the name for the group.
+          * 
+          * @argument {object} pt        The point that the group was dropped
+          */
+         promptForGroupName: function (pt) {
+             return $.Deferred(function (deferred) {
+                 var addGroup = function () {
+                     // hide the dialog
+                     $('#new-process-group-dialog').modal('hide');
+                     // get the name of the group and clear the textfield
+                     var groupName = $('#new-process-group-name').val();
+                     $('#new-process-group-name').val('');
+                     // create the group and resolve the deferred accordingly
+                     createGroup(groupName, pt).done(function (response) {
+                         deferred.resolve(response.processGroup);
+                     }).fail(function () {
+                         deferred.reject();
+                     });
+                 };
+                 $('#new-process-group-dialog').modal('setButtonModel', [{
+                         buttonText: 'Add',
+                         handler: {
+                             click: addGroup
+                         }
+                     }, {
+                         buttonText: 'Cancel',
+                         handler: {
+                             click: function () {
+                                 // reject the deferred
+                                 deferred.reject();
+                                 // close the dialog
+                                 $('#new-process-group-dialog').modal('hide');
+                             }
+                         }
+                     }]);
+                 // show the dialog
+                 $('#new-process-group-dialog').modal('show');
+                 // set up the focus and key handlers
+                 $('#new-process-group-name').focus().off('keyup').on('keyup', 
function (e) {
+                     var code = e.keyCode ? e.keyCode : e.which;
+                     if (code === $.ui.keyCode.ENTER) {
+                         addGroup();
+                     }
+                 });
+             }).promise();
+         }
+     };
+ }());

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