Author: joewitt
Date: Tue Feb  3 14:22:07 2015
New Revision: 1656741

added maven-opts info


Modified: incubator/nifi/site/trunk/content/development/
--- incubator/nifi/site/trunk/content/development/ (original)
+++ incubator/nifi/site/trunk/content/development/ Tue Feb  3 
14:22:07 2015
@@ -29,11 +29,13 @@ Then checkout the 'develop' branch
 1. You need a recent Java 7 (or newer) JDK.
 2. You need Apache [Maven 3.X][maven]. 
-    - We've successfully used 3.2.3 and as far back as 3.0.5
-3. [OPTIONAL] Build the nifi nar maven plugin.  
+    - We've successfully used 3.2.5 and as far back as 3.0.5
+3. Ensure your MAVEN_OPTS provides sufficient memory.  Some build steps are 
fairly memory intensive
+    - These settings have worked well `MAVEN_OPTS="-Xms1024m -Xmx3076m 
+4. [OPTIONAL] Build the nifi nar maven plugin.  
     - In the root dir of the source tree cd to `nifi-nar-maven-plugin`.
     - Run `mvn clean install`
-4. Build the main nifi code base.  
+5. Build the main nifi code base.  
     - In the root dir of the source tree cd to `nifi` 
     - run `mvn -T C2.0 clean install`
     - You can tweak the maven build settings as you like but the previous 
command will execute with 2 threads per core.

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