Build status: Build succeeded!
Worker used: bb_worker4_ubuntu
Blamelist: Aditya Sharma <>, Benjamin Jugl 
<>, Jacques Le Roux <>, 
Michael Brohl <>, Nicolas Malin 
<>, Pierre Smits <>, Pierre Smits 
<>, cshan-ecomify 
Build Text: build successful
Status Detected: restored build
Build Source Stamp: [branch trunk] 9db1ca691fc7e962e40056c15ebb0c3728d24421


  worker_preparation: 0

  git: 0

  pullAllPluginsSource: 0

  build: 0

  check: 0

  Copy checkstyle to destination directory structure: 0

  generateReadmeFiles: 0

  Copy readme: 0

  generateOfbizDocumentation: 0

  Copy OfbizDocumentation: 0

  generateAllPluginsDocumentation: 0

  Copy AllPluginsDocumentation: 0

  javadoc: 0

  Copy javadoc: 0

  loadAll: 0

  testIntegration: 0

  Copy tests-results: 0

  Rsync trunk to 0

  clean things: 0

-- ASF Buildbot

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