Repository: phoenix
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  refs/heads/calcite 07739579a -> f9c661680
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index 0000000..696a2e1
--- /dev/null
@@ -0,0 +1,5540 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+package org.apache.phoenix.calcite;
+import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
+import static;
+import java.math.BigDecimal;
+import java.sql.Connection;
+import java.sql.ResultSet;
+import java.sql.SQLException;
+import java.sql.Statement;
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.Calendar;
+import java.util.Collections;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.TimeZone;
+import java.util.regex.Pattern;
+import org.apache.calcite.avatica.util.DateTimeUtils;
+import org.apache.calcite.linq4j.Linq4j;
+import org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataType;
+import org.apache.calcite.rel.type.RelDataTypeFactory;
+import org.apache.calcite.runtime.Hook;
+import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlAggFunction;
+import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlCall;
+import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlCallBinding;
+import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlDataTypeSpec;
+import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlDialect;
+import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlIdentifier;
+import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlJdbcFunctionCall;
+import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlLiteral;
+import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlNode;
+import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlNodeList;
+import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlOperandCountRange;
+import org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlOperator;
+import org.apache.calcite.sql.parser.SqlParserPos;
+import org.apache.calcite.sql.pretty.SqlPrettyWriter;
+import org.apache.calcite.sql.test.DefaultSqlTestFactory;
+import org.apache.calcite.sql.test.SqlTester;
+import org.apache.calcite.sql.test.SqlTesterImpl;
+import org.apache.calcite.sql.test.SqlTests;
+import org.apache.calcite.sql.type.BasicSqlType;
+import org.apache.calcite.sql.type.SqlOperandTypeChecker;
+import org.apache.calcite.sql.type.SqlTypeName;
+import org.apache.calcite.sql.util.SqlString;
+import org.apache.calcite.sql.validate.SqlValidatorImpl;
+import org.apache.calcite.sql.validate.SqlValidatorScope;
+import org.apache.calcite.test.CalciteAssert;
+import org.apache.calcite.test.SqlLimitsTest;
+import org.apache.calcite.util.Bug;
+import org.apache.calcite.util.Holder;
+import org.apache.calcite.util.Pair;
+import org.apache.calcite.util.Util;
+import org.junit.Before;
+import org.junit.Ignore;
+import org.junit.Test;
+ * Contains unit tests for all operators. Each of the methods is named after an
+ * operator.
+ *
+ * <p>The class is abstract. It contains a test for every operator, but does 
+ * provide a mechanism to execute the tests: parse, validate, and execute
+ * expressions on the operators. This is left to a {@link SqlTester} object
+ * which the derived class must provide.</p>
+ *
+ * <p>Different implementations of {@link SqlTester} are possible, such as:</p>
+ *
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>Execute against a real farrago database
+ * <li>Execute in pure java (parsing and validation can be done, but expression
+ * evaluation is not possible)
+ * <li>Generate a SQL script.
+ * <li>Analyze which operators are adequately tested.
+ * </ul>
+ *
+ * <p>A typical method will be named after the operator it is testing (say
+ * <code>testSubstringFunc</code>). It first calls
+ * {@link SqlTester#setFor(org.apache.calcite.sql.SqlOperator, 
+ * to declare which operator it is testing.
+ *
+ * <blockquote>
+ * <pre><code>
+ * public void testSubstringFunc() {
+ *     tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.substringFunc);
+ *     tester.checkScalar("sin(0)", "0");
+ *     tester.checkScalar("sin(1.5707)", "1");
+ * }</code></pre>
+ * </blockquote>
+ *
+ * <p>The rest of the method contains calls to the various {@code checkXxx}
+ * methods in the {@link SqlTester} interface. For an operator
+ * to be adequately tested, there need to be tests for:
+ *
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>Parsing all of its the syntactic variants.
+ * <li>Deriving the type of in all combinations of arguments.
+ *
+ * <ul>
+ * <li>Pay particular attention to nullability. For example, the result of the
+ * "+" operator is NOT NULL if and only if both of its arguments are NOT
+ * NULL.</li>
+ * <li>Also pay attention to precision/scale/length. For example, the maximum
+ * length of the "||" operator is the sum of the maximum lengths of its
+ * arguments.</li>
+ * </ul>
+ * </li>
+ * <li>Executing the function. Pay particular attention to corner cases such as
+ * null arguments or null results.</li>
+ * </ul>
+ */
+public abstract class SqlOperatorBaseTest {
+  //~ Static fields/initializers ---------------------------------------------
+  // TODO: Change message when Fnl3Fixed to something like
+  // "Invalid character for cast: PC=0 Code=22018"
+  public static final String INVALID_CHAR_MESSAGE =
+      Bug.FNL3_FIXED ? null : "(?s).*";
+  // TODO: Change message when Fnl3Fixed to something like
+  // "Overflow during calculation or cast: PC=0 Code=22003"
+  public static final String OUT_OF_RANGE_MESSAGE =
+      Bug.FNL3_FIXED ? null : "(?s).*";
+  // TODO: Change message when Fnl3Fixed to something like
+  // "Division by zero: PC=0 Code=22012"
+  public static final String DIVISION_BY_ZERO_MESSAGE =
+      Bug.FNL3_FIXED ? null : "(?s).*";
+  // TODO: Change message when Fnl3Fixed to something like
+  // "String right truncation: PC=0 Code=22001"
+  public static final String STRING_TRUNC_MESSAGE =
+      Bug.FNL3_FIXED ? null : "(?s).*";
+  // TODO: Change message when Fnl3Fixed to something like
+  // "Invalid datetime format: PC=0 Code=22007"
+  public static final String BAD_DATETIME_MESSAGE =
+      Bug.FNL3_FIXED ? null : "(?s).*";
+  public static final String LITERAL_OUT_OF_RANGE_MESSAGE =
+      "(?s).*Numeric literal.*out of range.*";
+  public static final boolean TODO = false;
+  /**
+   * Regular expression for a SQL TIME(0) value.
+   */
+  public static final Pattern TIME_PATTERN =
+      Pattern.compile(
+          "[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]");
+  /**
+   * Regular expression for a SQL TIMESTAMP(0) value.
+   */
+  public static final Pattern TIMESTAMP_PATTERN =
+      Pattern.compile(
+          "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9] "
+              + "[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]");
+  /**
+   * Regular expression for a SQL DATE value.
+   */
+  public static final Pattern DATE_PATTERN =
+      Pattern.compile(
+          "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]-[0-9][0-9]");
+  public static final String[] NUMERIC_TYPE_NAMES = {
+    "DECIMAL(5, 2)", "REAL", "FLOAT", "DOUBLE"
+  };
+  // REVIEW jvs 27-Apr-2006:  for Float and Double, MIN_VALUE
+  // is the smallest positive value, not the smallest negative value
+  public static final String[] MIN_NUMERIC_STRINGS = {
+    Long.toString(Byte.MIN_VALUE),
+    Long.toString(Short.MIN_VALUE),
+    Long.toString(Integer.MIN_VALUE),
+    Long.toString(Long.MIN_VALUE),
+    "-999.99",
+    // NOTE jvs 26-Apr-2006:  Win32 takes smaller values from win32_values.h
+    "1E-37", /*Float.toString(Float.MIN_VALUE)*/
+    "2E-307", /*Double.toString(Double.MIN_VALUE)*/
+    "2E-307" /*Double.toString(Double.MIN_VALUE)*/,
+  };
+  public static final String[] MIN_OVERFLOW_NUMERIC_STRINGS = {
+    Long.toString(Byte.MIN_VALUE - 1),
+    Long.toString(Short.MIN_VALUE - 1),
+    Long.toString((long) Integer.MIN_VALUE - 1),
+    new BigDecimal(Long.MIN_VALUE).subtract(BigDecimal.ONE).toString(),
+    "-1000.00",
+    "1e-46",
+    "1e-324",
+    "1e-324"
+  };
+  public static final String[] MAX_NUMERIC_STRINGS = {
+    Long.toString(Byte.MAX_VALUE),
+    Long.toString(Short.MAX_VALUE),
+    Long.toString(Integer.MAX_VALUE),
+    Long.toString(Long.MAX_VALUE), "999.99",
+    // NOTE jvs 26-Apr-2006:  use something slightly less than MAX_VALUE
+    // because roundtripping string to approx to string doesn't preserve
+    // MAX_VALUE on win32
+    "3.4028234E38", /*Float.toString(Float.MAX_VALUE)*/
+    "1.79769313486231E308", /*Double.toString(Double.MAX_VALUE)*/
+    "1.79769313486231E308" /*Double.toString(Double.MAX_VALUE)*/
+  };
+  public static final String[] MAX_OVERFLOW_NUMERIC_STRINGS = {
+    Long.toString(Byte.MAX_VALUE + 1),
+    Long.toString(Short.MAX_VALUE + 1),
+    Long.toString((long) Integer.MAX_VALUE + 1),
+    (new BigDecimal(Long.MAX_VALUE)).add(BigDecimal.ONE).toString(),
+    "1000.00",
+    "1e39",
+    "-1e309",
+    "1e309"
+  };
+  private static final boolean[] FALSE_TRUE = {false, true};
+  private static final SqlTester.VmName VM_FENNEL = SqlTester.VmName.FENNEL;
+  private static final SqlTester.VmName VM_JAVA = SqlTester.VmName.JAVA;
+  private static final SqlTester.VmName VM_EXPAND = SqlTester.VmName.EXPAND;
+  protected static final TimeZone UTC_TZ = TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT");
+  // time zone for the LOCAL_{DATE,TIME,TIMESTAMP} functions
+  protected static final TimeZone LOCAL_TZ = TimeZone.getDefault();
+  // time zone for the CURRENT{DATE,TIME,TIMESTAMP} functions
+  protected static final TimeZone CURRENT_TZ = LOCAL_TZ;
+  private static final Pattern INVALID_ARG_FOR_POWER = Pattern.compile(
+      "(?s).*Invalid argument\\(s\\) for 'POWER' function.*");
+  private static final Pattern CODE_2201F = Pattern.compile(
+      "(?s).*could not calculate results for the following row.*PC=5 
+  /**
+   * Whether DECIMAL type is implemented.
+   */
+  public static final boolean DECIMAL = false;
+  /**
+   * Whether INTERVAL type is implemented.
+   */
+  public static final boolean INTERVAL = false;
+  private final boolean enable;
+  protected final SqlTester tester;
+  //~ Constructors -----------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * Creates a SqlOperatorBaseTest.
+   *
+   * @param enable Whether to run "failing" tests.
+   * @param tester Means to validate, execute various statements.
+   */
+  protected SqlOperatorBaseTest(boolean enable, SqlTester tester) {
+    this.enable = enable;
+    this.tester = tester;
+    assert tester != null;
+  }
+  //~ Methods ----------------------------------------------------------------
+  @Before
+  public void setUp() throws Exception {
+    tester.setFor(null);
+  }
+  //--- Tests -----------------------------------------------------------
+  /**
+   * For development. Put any old code in here.
+   */
+  @Test public void testDummy() {
+  }
+  @Test public void testBetween() {
+    tester.setFor(
+        SqlStdOperatorTable.BETWEEN,
+        SqlTester.VmName.EXPAND);
+    tester.checkBoolean("2 between 1 and 3", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("2 between 3 and 2", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("2 between symmetric 3 and 2", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("3 between 1 and 3", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("4 between 1 and 3", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1 between 4 and -3", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1 between -1 and -3", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1 between -1 and 3", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1 between 1 and 1", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1.5 between 1 and 3", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1.2 between 1.1 and 1.3", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1.5 between 2 and 3", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1.5 between 1.6 and 1.7", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1.2e1 between 1.1 and 1.3", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1.2e0 between 1.1 and 1.3", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1.5e0 between 2 and 3", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1.5e0 between 2e0 and 3e0", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "1.5e1 between 1.6e1 and 1.7e1",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    if (ENABLE_NULL_STRING_TEST) tester.checkBoolean("x'' between x'' and 
x''", Boolean.TRUE);
+    if (ENABLE_CAST_NULL_TEST) tester.checkNull("cast(null as integer) between 
-1 and 2");
+    if (ENABLE_CAST_NULL_TEST) tester.checkNull("1 between -1 and cast(null as 
+    if (ENABLE_CAST_NULL_TEST) tester.checkNull(
+        "1 between cast(null as integer) and cast(null as integer)");
+    if (ENABLE_CAST_NULL_TEST) tester.checkNull("1 between cast(null as 
integer) and 1");
+    tester.checkBoolean("x'0A00015A' between x'0A000130' and x'0A0001B0'", 
+    tester.checkBoolean("x'0A00015A' between x'0A0001A0' and x'0A0001B0'", 
+  }
+  @Test public void testNotBetween() {
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.NOT_BETWEEN, VM_EXPAND);
+    tester.checkBoolean("2 not between 1 and 3", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("3 not between 1 and 3", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("4 not between 1 and 3", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "1.2e0 not between 1.1 and 1.3",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1.2e1 not between 1.1 and 1.3", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1.5e0 not between 2 and 3", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1.5e0 not between 2e0 and 3e0", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("x'0A00015A' not between x'0A000130' and x'0A0001B0'", 
+    tester.checkBoolean("x'0A00015A' not between x'0A0001A0' and x'0A0001B0'", 
+  }
+  private String getCastString(
+      String value,
+      String targetType,
+      boolean errorLoc) {
+    if (errorLoc) {
+      value = "^" + value + "^";
+    }
+    return "cast(" + value + " as " + targetType + ")";
+  }
+  private void checkCastToApproxOkay(
+      String value,
+      String targetType,
+      double expected,
+      double delta) {
+    tester.checkScalarApprox(
+        getCastString(value, targetType, false),
+        targetType + " NOT NULL",
+        expected,
+        delta);
+  }
+  private void checkCastToStringOkay(
+      String value,
+      String targetType,
+      String expected) {
+    tester.checkString(
+        getCastString(value, targetType, false),
+        expected,
+        targetType + " NOT NULL");
+  }
+  private void checkCastToScalarOkay(
+      String value,
+      String targetType,
+      String expected) {
+    tester.checkScalarExact(
+        getCastString(value, targetType, false),
+        targetType + " NOT NULL",
+        expected);
+  }
+  private void checkCastToScalarOkay(String value, String targetType) {
+    checkCastToScalarOkay(value, targetType, value);
+  }
+  private void checkCastFails(
+      String value,
+      String targetType,
+      String expectedError,
+      boolean runtime) {
+    tester.checkFails(
+        getCastString(value, targetType, !runtime),
+        expectedError,
+        runtime);
+  }
+  private void checkCastToString(String value, String type, String expected) {
+    String spaces = "     ";
+    if (expected == null) {
+      expected = value.trim();
+    }
+    int len = expected.length();
+    if (type != null) {
+      value = getCastString(value, type, false);
+    }
+    // currently no exception thrown for truncation
+    if (Bug.DT239_FIXED) {
+      checkCastFails(
+          value,
+          "VARCHAR(" + (len - 1) + ")", STRING_TRUNC_MESSAGE,
+          true);
+    }
+    checkCastToStringOkay(value, "VARCHAR(" + len + ")", expected);
+    checkCastToStringOkay(value, "VARCHAR(" + (len + 5) + ")", expected);
+    // currently no exception thrown for truncation
+    if (Bug.DT239_FIXED) {
+      checkCastFails(
+          value,
+          "CHAR(" + (len - 1) + ")", STRING_TRUNC_MESSAGE,
+          true);
+    }
+    checkCastToStringOkay(
+        value,
+        "CHAR(" + len + ")",
+        expected);
+    checkCastToStringOkay(
+        value,
+        "CHAR(" + (len + 5) + ")",
+        expected + spaces);
+  }
+  @Test public void testCastToString() {
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.CAST);
+    // integer
+    checkCastToString("123", "CHAR(3)", "123");
+    checkCastToString("0", "CHAR", "0");
+    checkCastToString("-123", "CHAR(4)", "-123");
+    // decimal
+    checkCastToString("123.4", "CHAR(5)", "123.4");
+    checkCastToString("-0.0", "CHAR(2)", ".0");
+    checkCastToString("-123.4", "CHAR(6)", "-123.4");
+    tester.checkString(
+        "cast(1.29 as varchar(10))",
+        "1.29",
+        "VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL");
+    tester.checkString(
+        "cast(.48 as varchar(10))",
+        ".48",
+        "VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL");
+    tester.checkFails(
+        "cast(2.523 as char(2))", STRING_TRUNC_MESSAGE,
+        true);
+    tester.checkString(
+        "cast(-0.29 as varchar(10))",
+        "-.29",
+        "VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL");
+    tester.checkString(
+        "cast(-1.29 as varchar(10))",
+        "-1.29",
+        "VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL");
+    // approximate
+    checkCastToString("1.23E45", "CHAR(7)", "1.23E45");
+    checkCastToString("CAST(0 AS DOUBLE)", "CHAR(3)", "0E0");
+    checkCastToString("-1.20e-07", "CHAR(7)", "-1.2E-7");
+    checkCastToString("cast(0e0 as varchar(5))", "CHAR(3)", "0E0");
+    if (TODO) {
+      checkCastToString(
+          "cast(-45e-2 as varchar(17))", "CHAR(7)",
+          "-4.5E-1");
+    }
+    if (TODO) {
+      checkCastToString(
+          "cast(4683442.3432498375e0 as varchar(20))",
+          "CHAR(19)",
+          "4.683442343249838E6");
+    }
+    if (TODO) {
+      checkCastToString("cast(-0.1 as real)", "CHAR(5)", "-1E-1");
+    }
+    tester.checkFails(
+        "cast(1.3243232e0 as varchar(4))", STRING_TRUNC_MESSAGE,
+        true);
+    tester.checkFails(
+        "cast(1.9e5 as char(4))", STRING_TRUNC_MESSAGE,
+        true);
+    // string
+    checkCastToString("'abc'", "CHAR(1)", "a");
+    checkCastToString("'abc'", "CHAR(3)", "abc");
+    checkCastToString("cast('abc' as varchar(6))", "CHAR(3)", "abc");
+    // date & time
+    checkCastToString("date '2008-01-01'", "CHAR(10)", "2008-01-01");
+    checkCastToString("time '1:2:3'", "CHAR(8)", "01:02:03");
+    checkCastToString(
+        "timestamp '2008-1-1 1:2:3'",
+        "CHAR(19)",
+        "2008-01-01 01:02:03");
+    checkCastToString(
+        "timestamp '2008-1-1 1:2:3'",
+        "VARCHAR(30)",
+        "2008-01-01 01:02:03");
+    checkCastToString(
+        "interval '3-2' year to month",
+        "CHAR(5)",
+        "+3-02");
+    checkCastToString(
+        "interval '32' month",
+        "CHAR(3)",
+        "+32");
+    checkCastToString(
+        "interval '1 2:3:4' day to second",
+        "CHAR(11)",
+        "+1 02:03:04");
+    checkCastToString(
+        "interval '1234.56' second(4,2)",
+        "CHAR(8)",
+        "+1234.56");
+    checkCastToString(
+        "interval '60' day",
+        "CHAR(8)",
+        "+60");
+    // boolean
+    checkCastToString("True", "CHAR(4)", "TRUE");
+    checkCastToString("False", "CHAR(5)", "FALSE");
+    tester.checkFails(
+        "cast(true as char(3))", INVALID_CHAR_MESSAGE,
+        true);
+    tester.checkFails(
+        "cast(false as char(4))", INVALID_CHAR_MESSAGE,
+        true);
+    tester.checkFails(
+        "cast(true as varchar(3))", INVALID_CHAR_MESSAGE,
+        true);
+    tester.checkFails(
+        "cast(false as varchar(4))", INVALID_CHAR_MESSAGE,
+        true);
+  }
+  @Test public void testCastExactNumericLimits() {
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.CAST);
+    // Test casting for min,max, out of range for exact numeric types
+    for (int i = 0; i < NUMERIC_TYPE_NAMES.length; i++) {
+      String type = NUMERIC_TYPE_NAMES[i];
+      if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("DOUBLE")
+          || type.equalsIgnoreCase("FLOAT")
+          || type.equalsIgnoreCase("REAL")) {
+        // Skip approx types
+        continue;
+      }
+      // Convert from literal to type
+      checkCastToScalarOkay(MAX_NUMERIC_STRINGS[i], type);
+      checkCastToScalarOkay(MIN_NUMERIC_STRINGS[i], type);
+      // Overflow test
+      if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("BIGINT")) {
+        // Literal of range
+        checkCastFails(
+            type, LITERAL_OUT_OF_RANGE_MESSAGE,
+            false);
+        checkCastFails(
+            type, LITERAL_OUT_OF_RANGE_MESSAGE,
+            false);
+      } else {
+        checkCastFails(
+            type, OUT_OF_RANGE_MESSAGE,
+            true);
+        checkCastFails(
+            type, OUT_OF_RANGE_MESSAGE,
+            true);
+      }
+      if (!enable) {
+        return;
+      }
+      // Convert from string to type
+      checkCastToScalarOkay(
+          "'" + MAX_NUMERIC_STRINGS[i] + "'",
+          type,
+          MAX_NUMERIC_STRINGS[i]);
+      checkCastToScalarOkay(
+          "'" + MIN_NUMERIC_STRINGS[i] + "'",
+          type,
+          MIN_NUMERIC_STRINGS[i]);
+      checkCastFails(
+          "'" + MAX_OVERFLOW_NUMERIC_STRINGS[i] + "'",
+          type, OUT_OF_RANGE_MESSAGE,
+          true);
+      checkCastFails(
+          "'" + MIN_OVERFLOW_NUMERIC_STRINGS[i] + "'",
+          type,
+          true);
+      // Convert from type to string
+      checkCastToString(MAX_NUMERIC_STRINGS[i], null, null);
+      checkCastToString(MAX_NUMERIC_STRINGS[i], type, null);
+      checkCastToString(MIN_NUMERIC_STRINGS[i], null, null);
+      checkCastToString(MIN_NUMERIC_STRINGS[i], type, null);
+      checkCastFails("'notnumeric'", type, INVALID_CHAR_MESSAGE, true);
+    }
+  }
+  @Test public void testCastToExactNumeric() {
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.CAST);
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("1", "BIGINT");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("1", "INTEGER");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("1", "SMALLINT");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("1", "TINYINT");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("1", "DECIMAL(4, 0)");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("-1", "BIGINT");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("-1", "INTEGER");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("-1", "SMALLINT");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("-1", "TINYINT");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("-1", "DECIMAL(4, 0)");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("1.234E3", "INTEGER", "1234");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("-9.99E2", "INTEGER", "-999");
+      checkCastToScalarOkay("'1'", "INTEGER", "1");
+      checkCastToScalarOkay("' 01 '", "INTEGER", "1");
+      checkCastToScalarOkay("'-1'", "INTEGER", "-1");
+      checkCastToScalarOkay("' -00 '", "INTEGER", "0");
+      // string to integer
+      tester.checkScalarExact("cast('6543' as integer)", "6543");
+      tester.checkScalarExact("cast(' -123 ' as int)", "-123");
+      tester.checkScalarExact(
+          "cast('654342432412312' as bigint)",
+          "BIGINT NOT NULL",
+          "654342432412312");
+    }
+  }
+  @Test public void testCastStringToDecimal() {
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.CAST);
+    if (!DECIMAL) {
+      return;
+    }
+    // string to decimal
+    tester.checkScalarExact(
+        "cast('1.29' as decimal(2,1))",
+        "DECIMAL(2, 1) NOT NULL",
+        "1.3");
+    tester.checkScalarExact(
+        "cast(' 1.25 ' as decimal(2,1))",
+        "DECIMAL(2, 1) NOT NULL",
+        "1.3");
+    tester.checkScalarExact(
+        "cast('1.21' as decimal(2,1))",
+        "DECIMAL(2, 1) NOT NULL",
+        "1.2");
+    tester.checkScalarExact(
+        "cast(' -1.29 ' as decimal(2,1))",
+        "DECIMAL(2, 1) NOT NULL",
+        "-1.3");
+    tester.checkScalarExact(
+        "cast('-1.25' as decimal(2,1))",
+        "DECIMAL(2, 1) NOT NULL",
+        "-1.3");
+    tester.checkScalarExact(
+        "cast(' -1.21 ' as decimal(2,1))",
+        "DECIMAL(2, 1) NOT NULL",
+        "-1.2");
+    tester.checkFails(
+        "cast(' -1.21e' as decimal(2,1))", INVALID_CHAR_MESSAGE,
+        true);
+  }
+  @Test public void testCastIntervalToNumeric() {
+    if (!ENABLE_INTERVAL_TEST) return;
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.CAST);
+    // interval to decimal
+    if (DECIMAL) {
+      tester.checkScalarExact(
+          "cast(INTERVAL '1.29' second(1,2) as decimal(2,1))",
+          "DECIMAL(2, 1) NOT NULL",
+          "1.3");
+      tester.checkScalarExact(
+          "cast(INTERVAL '1.25' second as decimal(2,1))",
+          "DECIMAL(2, 1) NOT NULL",
+          "1.3");
+      tester.checkScalarExact(
+          "cast(INTERVAL '-1.29' second as decimal(2,1))",
+          "DECIMAL(2, 1) NOT NULL",
+          "-1.3");
+      tester.checkScalarExact(
+          "cast(INTERVAL '-1.25' second as decimal(2,1))",
+          "DECIMAL(2, 1) NOT NULL",
+          "-1.3");
+      tester.checkScalarExact(
+          "cast(INTERVAL '-1.21' second as decimal(2,1))",
+          "DECIMAL(2, 1) NOT NULL",
+          "-1.2");
+      tester.checkScalarExact(
+          "cast(INTERVAL '5' minute as decimal(2,1))",
+          "DECIMAL(2, 1) NOT NULL",
+          "5.0");
+      tester.checkScalarExact(
+          "cast(INTERVAL '5' hour as decimal(2,1))",
+          "DECIMAL(2, 1) NOT NULL",
+          "5.0");
+      tester.checkScalarExact(
+          "cast(INTERVAL '5' day as decimal(2,1))",
+          "DECIMAL(2, 1) NOT NULL",
+          "5.0");
+      tester.checkScalarExact(
+          "cast(INTERVAL '5' month as decimal(2,1))",
+          "DECIMAL(2, 1) NOT NULL",
+          "5.0");
+      tester.checkScalarExact(
+          "cast(INTERVAL '5' year as decimal(2,1))",
+          "DECIMAL(2, 1) NOT NULL",
+          "5.0");
+      tester.checkScalarExact(
+          "cast(INTERVAL '-5' day as decimal(2,1))",
+          "DECIMAL(2, 1) NOT NULL",
+          "-5.0");
+    }
+    if (!INTERVAL) {
+      return;
+    }
+    // Interval to bigint
+    tester.checkScalarExact(
+        "cast(INTERVAL '1.25' second as bigint)",
+        "BIGINT NOT NULL",
+        "1");
+    tester.checkScalarExact(
+        "cast(INTERVAL '-1.29' second(1,2) as bigint)",
+        "BIGINT NOT NULL",
+        "-1");
+    tester.checkScalarExact(
+        "cast(INTERVAL '5' day as bigint)",
+        "BIGINT NOT NULL",
+        "5");
+    // Interval to integer
+    tester.checkScalarExact(
+        "cast(INTERVAL '1.25' second as integer)",
+        "INTEGER NOT NULL",
+        "1");
+    tester.checkScalarExact(
+        "cast(INTERVAL '-1.29' second(1,2) as integer)",
+        "INTEGER NOT NULL",
+        "-1");
+    tester.checkScalarExact(
+        "cast(INTERVAL '5' day as integer)",
+        "INTEGER NOT NULL",
+        "5");
+  }
+  @Test public void testCastToInterval() {
+    if (!ENABLE_INTERVAL_TEST) return;
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.CAST);
+    if (!INTERVAL) {
+      return;
+    }
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast(5 as interval second)",
+        "+5.000000",
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast(5 as interval minute)",
+        "+5",
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast(5 as interval hour)",
+        "+5",
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast(5 as interval day)",
+        "+5",
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast(5 as interval month)",
+        "+5",
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast(5 as interval year)",
+        "+5",
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast(5.7 as interval day)",
+        "+6",
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast(-5.7 as interval day)",
+        "-6",
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast(3456 as interval month(4))",
+        "+3456",
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast(-5723 as interval minute(4))",
+        "-5723",
+  }
+  @Test public void testCastIntervalToInterval() {
+    if (!ENABLE_INTERVAL_TEST) return;
+    if (!INTERVAL) {
+      return;
+    }
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast(interval '2 5' day to hour as interval hour to minute)",
+        "+29:00",
+  }
+  @Test public void testCastWithRoundingToScalar() {
+    if (!BUG_CHECKER_CAST_FIXED) return;
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.CAST);
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("1.25", "INTEGER", "1");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("1.25E0", "INTEGER", "1");
+    if (!enable) {
+      return;
+    }
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("1.5", "INTEGER", "2");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("5E-1", "INTEGER", "1");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("1.75", "INTEGER", "2");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("1.75E0", "INTEGER", "2");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("-1.25", "INTEGER", "-1");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("-1.25E0", "INTEGER", "-1");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("-1.5", "INTEGER", "-2");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("-5E-1", "INTEGER", "-1");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("-1.75", "INTEGER", "-2");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("-1.75E0", "INTEGER", "-2");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("1.23454", "DECIMAL(8, 4)", "1.2345");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("1.23454E0", "DECIMAL(8, 4)", "1.2345");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("1.23455", "DECIMAL(8, 4)", "1.2346");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("5E-5", "DECIMAL(8, 4)", "0.0001");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("1.99995", "DECIMAL(8, 4)", "2.0000");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("1.99995E0", "DECIMAL(8, 4)", "2.0000");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("-1.23454", "DECIMAL(8, 4)", "-1.2345");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("-1.23454E0", "DECIMAL(8, 4)", "-1.2345");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("-1.23455", "DECIMAL(8, 4)", "-1.2346");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("-5E-5", "DECIMAL(8, 4)", "-0.0001");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("-1.99995", "DECIMAL(8, 4)", "-2.0000");
+    checkCastToScalarOkay("-1.99995E0", "DECIMAL(8, 4)", "-2.0000");
+    // 9.99 round to 10.0, should give out of range error
+    tester.checkFails(
+        "cast(9.99 as decimal(2,1))", OUT_OF_RANGE_MESSAGE,
+        true);
+  }
+  @Test public void testCastDecimalToDoubleToInteger() {
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.CAST);
+    tester.checkScalarExact(
+        "cast( cast(1.25 as double) as integer)",
+        "1");
+    tester.checkScalarExact(
+        "cast( cast(-1.25 as double) as integer)",
+        "-1");
+    if (!enable) {
+      return;
+    }
+    tester.checkScalarExact(
+        "cast( cast(1.75 as double) as integer)",
+        "2");
+    tester.checkScalarExact(
+        "cast( cast(-1.75 as double) as integer)",
+        "-2");
+    tester.checkScalarExact(
+        "cast( cast(1.5 as double) as integer)",
+        "2");
+    tester.checkScalarExact(
+        "cast( cast(-1.5 as double) as integer)",
+        "-2");
+  }
+  @Test public void testCastApproxNumericLimits() {
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.CAST);
+    // Test casting for min,max, out of range for approx numeric types
+    for (int i = 0; i < NUMERIC_TYPE_NAMES.length; i++) {
+      String type = NUMERIC_TYPE_NAMES[i];
+      boolean isFloat;
+      if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("DOUBLE")
+          || type.equalsIgnoreCase("FLOAT")) {
+        isFloat = false;
+      } else if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("REAL")) {
+        isFloat = true;
+      } else {
+        // Skip non-approx types
+        continue;
+      }
+      if (!enable) {
+        return;
+      }
+      // Convert from literal to type
+      checkCastToApproxOkay(
+          MAX_NUMERIC_STRINGS[i],
+          type,
+          Double.parseDouble(MAX_NUMERIC_STRINGS[i]),
+          isFloat ? 1E32 : 0);
+      checkCastToApproxOkay(
+          MIN_NUMERIC_STRINGS[i],
+          type,
+          Double.parseDouble(MIN_NUMERIC_STRINGS[i]),
+          0);
+      if (isFloat) {
+        checkCastFails(
+            type, OUT_OF_RANGE_MESSAGE,
+            true);
+      } else {
+        // Double: Literal out of range
+        checkCastFails(
+            type, LITERAL_OUT_OF_RANGE_MESSAGE,
+            false);
+      }
+      // Underflow: goes to 0
+      checkCastToApproxOkay(MIN_OVERFLOW_NUMERIC_STRINGS[i], type, 0, 0);
+      // Convert from string to type
+      checkCastToApproxOkay(
+          "'" + MAX_NUMERIC_STRINGS[i] + "'",
+          type,
+          Double.parseDouble(MAX_NUMERIC_STRINGS[i]),
+          isFloat ? 1E32 : 0);
+      checkCastToApproxOkay(
+          "'" + MIN_NUMERIC_STRINGS[i] + "'",
+          type,
+          Double.parseDouble(MIN_NUMERIC_STRINGS[i]),
+          0);
+      checkCastFails(
+          "'" + MAX_OVERFLOW_NUMERIC_STRINGS[i] + "'",
+          type,
+          true);
+      // Underflow: goes to 0
+      checkCastToApproxOkay(
+          "'" + MIN_OVERFLOW_NUMERIC_STRINGS[i] + "'",
+          type,
+          0,
+          0);
+      // Convert from type to string
+      // Treated as DOUBLE
+      checkCastToString(
+          MAX_NUMERIC_STRINGS[i], null,
+          isFloat ? null : "1.79769313486231E308");
+      // TODO: The following tests are slightly different depending on
+      // whether the java or fennel calc are used.
+      // Try to make them the same
+      if (false /* fennel calc*/) { // Treated as FLOAT or DOUBLE
+        checkCastToString(
+            MAX_NUMERIC_STRINGS[i],
+            type,
+            // Treated as DOUBLE
+            isFloat ? "3.402824E38" : "1.797693134862316E308");
+        checkCastToString(
+            MIN_NUMERIC_STRINGS[i],
+            null,
+            // Treated as FLOAT or DOUBLE
+            isFloat ? null : "4.940656458412465E-324");
+        checkCastToString(
+            MIN_NUMERIC_STRINGS[i],
+            type,
+            isFloat ? "1.401299E-45" : "4.940656458412465E-324");
+      } else if (false /* JavaCalc */) {
+        // Treated as FLOAT or DOUBLE
+        checkCastToString(
+            MAX_NUMERIC_STRINGS[i],
+            type,
+            // Treated as DOUBLE
+            isFloat ? "3.402823E38" : "1.797693134862316E308");
+        checkCastToString(
+            MIN_NUMERIC_STRINGS[i],
+            null,
+            isFloat ? null : null); // Treated as FLOAT or DOUBLE
+        checkCastToString(
+            MIN_NUMERIC_STRINGS[i],
+            type,
+            isFloat ? "1.401298E-45" : null);
+      }
+      checkCastFails("'notnumeric'", type, INVALID_CHAR_MESSAGE, true);
+    }
+  }
+  @Test public void testCastToApproxNumeric() {
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.CAST);
+    checkCastToApproxOkay("1", "DOUBLE", 1, 0);
+    checkCastToApproxOkay("1.0", "DOUBLE", 1, 0);
+    if (BUG_CHECKER_CAST_FIXED) checkCastToApproxOkay("-2.3", "FLOAT", -2.3, 
+    checkCastToApproxOkay("'1'", "DOUBLE", 1, 0);
+    checkCastToApproxOkay("'  -1e-37  '", "DOUBLE", -1e-37, 0);
+    }
+    checkCastToApproxOkay("1e0", "DOUBLE", 1, 0);
+    if (ENABLE_TYPE_REAL_TEST) checkCastToApproxOkay("0e0", "REAL", 0, 0);
+  }
+  @Test public void testCastNull() {
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.CAST);
+    // null
+    tester.checkNull("cast(null as integer)");
+    if (DECIMAL) {
+      tester.checkNull("cast(null as decimal(4,3))");
+    }
+    tester.checkNull("cast(null as double)");
+    tester.checkNull("cast(null as varchar(10))");
+    tester.checkNull("cast(null as char(10))");
+    tester.checkNull("cast(null as date)");
+    tester.checkNull("cast(null as time)");
+    tester.checkNull("cast(null as timestamp)");
+      tester.checkNull("cast(null as interval year to month)");
+      tester.checkNull("cast(null as interval day to second(3))");
+    }
+    tester.checkNull("cast(null as boolean)");
+  }
+  @Test public void testCastDateTime() {
+    // Test cast for date/time/timestamp
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.CAST);
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast(TIMESTAMP '1945-02-24 12:42:25.34' as TIMESTAMP)",
+        "1945-02-24 12:42:25",
+        "TIMESTAMP(0) NOT NULL");
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast(TIME '12:42:25.34' as TIME)",
+        "12:42:25",
+        "TIME(0) NOT NULL");
+    // test rounding
+    if (enable) {
+      tester.checkScalar(
+          "cast(TIME '12:42:25.9' as TIME)",
+          "12:42:26",
+          "TIME(0) NOT NULL");
+    }
+    if (Bug.FRG282_FIXED) {
+      // test precision
+      tester.checkScalar(
+          "cast(TIME '12:42:25.34' as TIME(2))",
+          "12:42:25.34",
+          "TIME(2) NOT NULL");
+    }
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast(DATE '1945-02-24' as DATE)",
+        "1945-02-24",
+        "DATE NOT NULL");
+    // timestamp <-> time
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast(TIMESTAMP '1945-02-24 12:42:25.34' as TIME)",
+        "12:42:25",
+        "TIME(0) NOT NULL");
+    // time <-> string
+    checkCastToString("TIME '12:42:25'", null, "12:42:25");
+    if (TODO) {
+      checkCastToString("TIME '12:42:25.34'", null, "12:42:25.34");
+    }
+    // Generate the current date as a string, e.g. "2007-04-18". The value
+    // is guaranteed to be good for at least 2 minutes, which should give
+    // us time to run the rest of the tests.
+    final String today =
+        new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd").format(
+            getCalendarNotTooNear(Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH).getTime());
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast(DATE '1945-02-24' as TIMESTAMP)",
+        "1945-02-24 00:00:00",
+        "TIMESTAMP(0) NOT NULL");
+    // Note: Casting to time(0) should lose date info and fractional
+    // seconds, then casting back to timestamp should initialize to
+    // current_date.
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast(cast(TIMESTAMP '1945-02-24 12:42:25.34' as TIME) as TIMESTAMP)",
+        today + " 12:42:25",
+        "TIMESTAMP(0) NOT NULL");
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast(TIME '12:42:25.34' as TIMESTAMP)",
+        today + " 12:42:25",
+        "TIMESTAMP(0) NOT NULL");
+    // timestamp <-> date
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast(TIMESTAMP '1945-02-24 12:42:25.34' as DATE)",
+        "1945-02-24",
+        "DATE NOT NULL");
+    // Note: casting to Date discards Time fields
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast(cast(TIMESTAMP '1945-02-24 12:42:25.34' as DATE) as TIMESTAMP)",
+        "1945-02-24 00:00:00",
+        "TIMESTAMP(0) NOT NULL");
+  }
+  @Test public void testCastStringToDateTime() {
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast('12:42:25' as TIME)",
+        "12:42:25",
+        "TIME(0) NOT NULL");
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast('1:42:25' as TIME)",
+        "01:42:25",
+        "TIME(0) NOT NULL");
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast('1:2:25' as TIME)",
+        "01:02:25",
+        "TIME(0) NOT NULL");
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast('  12:42:25  ' as TIME)",
+        "12:42:25",
+        "TIME(0) NOT NULL");
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast('12:42:25.34' as TIME)",
+        "12:42:25",
+        "TIME(0) NOT NULL");
+    if (Bug.FRG282_FIXED) {
+      tester.checkScalar(
+          "cast('12:42:25.34' as TIME(2))",
+          "12:42:25.34",
+          "TIME(2) NOT NULL");
+    }
+    tester.checkFails(
+        "cast('nottime' as TIME)", BAD_DATETIME_MESSAGE,
+        true);
+    tester.checkFails(
+        "cast('1241241' as TIME)", BAD_DATETIME_MESSAGE,
+        true);
+    tester.checkFails(
+        "cast('12:54:78' as TIME)", BAD_DATETIME_MESSAGE,
+        true);
+    // timestamp <-> string
+    checkCastToString(
+        "TIMESTAMP '1945-02-24 12:42:25'",
+        null,
+        "1945-02-24 12:42:25");
+    if (TODO) {
+      // TODO: casting allows one to discard precision without error
+      checkCastToString(
+          "TIMESTAMP '1945-02-24 12:42:25.34'",
+          null,
+          "1945-02-24 12:42:25.34");
+    }
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast('1945-02-24 12:42:25' as TIMESTAMP)",
+        "1945-02-24 12:42:25",
+        "TIMESTAMP(0) NOT NULL");
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast('1945-2-2 12:2:5' as TIMESTAMP)",
+        "1945-02-02 12:02:05",
+        "TIMESTAMP(0) NOT NULL");
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast('  1945-02-24 12:42:25  ' as TIMESTAMP)",
+        "1945-02-24 12:42:25",
+        "TIMESTAMP(0) NOT NULL");
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast('1945-02-24 12:42:25.34' as TIMESTAMP)",
+        "1945-02-24 12:42:25",
+        "TIMESTAMP(0) NOT NULL");
+    if (Bug.FRG282_FIXED) {
+      tester.checkScalar(
+          "cast('1945-02-24 12:42:25.34' as TIMESTAMP(2))",
+          "1945-02-24 12:42:25.34",
+          "TIMESTAMP(2) NOT NULL");
+    }
+    tester.checkFails(
+        "cast('nottime' as TIMESTAMP)", BAD_DATETIME_MESSAGE,
+        true);
+    tester.checkFails(
+        "cast('1241241' as TIMESTAMP)", BAD_DATETIME_MESSAGE,
+        true);
+    tester.checkFails(
+        "cast('1945-20-24 12:42:25.34' as TIMESTAMP)", BAD_DATETIME_MESSAGE,
+        true);
+    tester.checkFails(
+        "cast('1945-01-24 25:42:25.34' as TIMESTAMP)", BAD_DATETIME_MESSAGE,
+        true);
+    // date <-> string
+    checkCastToString("DATE '1945-02-24'", null, "1945-02-24");
+    checkCastToString("DATE '1945-2-24'", null, "1945-02-24");
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast('1945-02-24' as DATE)",
+        "1945-02-24",
+        "DATE NOT NULL");
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "cast('  1945-02-24  ' as DATE)",
+        "1945-02-24",
+        "DATE NOT NULL");
+    tester.checkFails(
+        "cast('notdate' as DATE)", BAD_DATETIME_MESSAGE,
+        true);
+    tester.checkFails(
+        "cast('52534253' as DATE)", BAD_DATETIME_MESSAGE,
+        true);
+    tester.checkFails(
+        "cast('1945-30-24' as DATE)", BAD_DATETIME_MESSAGE,
+        true);
+    // cast null
+    tester.checkNull("cast(null as date)");
+    tester.checkNull("cast(null as timestamp)");
+    tester.checkNull("cast(null as time)");
+    tester.checkNull("cast(cast(null as varchar(10)) as time)");
+    tester.checkNull("cast(cast(null as varchar(10)) as date)");
+    tester.checkNull("cast(cast(null as varchar(10)) as timestamp)");
+    tester.checkNull("cast(cast(null as date) as timestamp)");
+    tester.checkNull("cast(cast(null as time) as timestamp)");
+    tester.checkNull("cast(cast(null as timestamp) as date)");
+    tester.checkNull("cast(cast(null as timestamp) as time)");
+  }
+  /**
+   * Returns a Calendar that is the current time, pausing if we are within 2
+   * minutes of midnight or the top of the hour.
+   *
+   * @param timeUnit Time unit
+   * @return calendar
+   */
+  protected static Calendar getCalendarNotTooNear(int timeUnit) {
+    final Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
+    while (true) {
+      cal.setTimeInMillis(System.currentTimeMillis());
+      try {
+        switch (timeUnit) {
+        case Calendar.DAY_OF_MONTH:
+          // Within two minutes of the end of the day. Wait in 10s
+          // increments until calendar moves into the next next day.
+          if ((cal.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY) == 23)
+              && (cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE) >= 58)) {
+            Thread.sleep(10 * 1000);
+            continue;
+          }
+          return cal;
+        case Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY:
+          // Within two minutes of the top of the hour. Wait in 10s
+          // increments until calendar moves into the next next day.
+          if (cal.get(Calendar.MINUTE) >= 58) {
+            Thread.sleep(10 * 1000);
+            continue;
+          }
+          return cal;
+        default:
+          throw Util.newInternal("unexpected time unit " + timeUnit);
+        }
+      } catch (InterruptedException e) {
+        throw Util.newInternal(e);
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  @Test public void testCastToBoolean() {
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.CAST);
+    // string to boolean
+    tester.checkBoolean("cast('true' as boolean)", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("cast('false' as boolean)", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("cast('  trUe' as boolean)", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("cast('  fALse' as boolean)", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkFails(
+        "cast('unknown' as boolean)", INVALID_CHAR_MESSAGE,
+        true);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "cast(cast('true' as varchar(10))  as boolean)",
+        Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "cast(cast('false' as varchar(10)) as boolean)",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkFails(
+        "cast(cast('blah' as varchar(10)) as boolean)", INVALID_CHAR_MESSAGE,
+        true);
+  }
+  @Test public void testCase() {
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.CASE);
+    //tester.checkScalarExact("case when 'a'='a' then 1 end", "1");
+    tester.checkString(
+        "case 2 when 1 then 'a' when 2 then 'bcd' end",
+        "bcd",
+        "CHAR(3)");
+    tester.checkString(
+        "case 1 when 1 then 'a' when 2 then 'bcd' end",
+        "a  ",
+        "CHAR(3)");
+    tester.checkString(
+        "case 1 when 1 then cast('a' as varchar(1)) "
+            + "when 2 then cast('bcd' as varchar(3)) end",
+        "a",
+        "VARCHAR(3)");
+    if (DECIMAL) {
+      tester.checkScalarExact(
+          "case 2 when 1 then 11.2 when 2 then 4.543 else null end",
+          "DECIMAL(5, 3)",
+          "4.543");
+      tester.checkScalarExact(
+          "case 1 when 1 then 11.2 when 2 then 4.543 else null end",
+          "DECIMAL(5, 3)",
+          "11.200");
+    }
+    tester.checkScalarExact("case 'a' when 'a' then 1 end", "1");
+    tester.checkScalarApprox(
+        "case 1 when 1 then 11.2e0 when 2 then cast(4 as bigint) else 3 end",
+        "DOUBLE NOT NULL",
+        11.2,
+        0);
+    tester.checkScalarApprox(
+        "case 1 when 1 then 11.2e0 when 2 then 4 else null end",
+        "DOUBLE",
+        11.2,
+        0);
+    tester.checkScalarApprox(
+        "case 2 when 1 then 11.2e0 when 2 then 4 else null end",
+        "DOUBLE",
+        4,
+        0);
+    tester.checkScalarApprox(
+        "case 1 when 1 then 11.2e0 when 2 then 4.543 else null end",
+        "DOUBLE",
+        11.2,
+        0);
+    tester.checkScalarApprox(
+        "case 2 when 1 then 11.2e0 when 2 then 4.543 else null end",
+        "DOUBLE",
+        4.543,
+        0);
+    tester.checkNull("case 'a' when 'b' then 1 end");
+    // Per spec, 'case x when y then ...'
+    // translates to 'case when x = y then ...'
+    // so nulls do not match.
+    // (Unlike Oracle's 'decode(null, null, ...)', by the way.)
+    tester.checkString(
+        "case cast(null as int) when cast(null as int) then 'nulls match' else 
'nulls do not match' end",
+        "nulls do not match",
+        "CHAR(18) NOT NULL");
+    tester.checkScalarExact(
+        "case when 'a'=cast(null as varchar(1)) then 1 else 2 end",
+        "2");
+    // equivalent to "nullif('a',cast(null as varchar(1)))"
+    tester.checkString(
+        "case when 'a' = cast(null as varchar(1)) then null else 'a' end",
+        "a",
+        "CHAR(1)");
+    if (TODO) {
+      tester.checkScalar(
+          "case 1 when 1 then row(1,2) when 2 then row(2,3) end",
+          "row(1,2)");
+      tester.checkScalar(
+          "case 1 when 1 then row('a','b') when 2 then row('ab','cd') end",
+          "ROW(CHAR(2) NOT NULL, CHAR(2) NOT NULL)",
+          "row('a ','b ')");
+    }
+    // multiple values in some cases (introduced in SQL:2011)
+    tester.checkString(
+        "case 1 "
+            + "when 1, 2 then '1 or 2' "
+            + "when 2 then 'not possible' "
+            + "when 3, 2 then '3' "
+            + "else 'none of the above' "
+            + "end",
+        "1 or 2           ",
+        "CHAR(17) NOT NULL");
+    tester.checkString(
+        "case 2 "
+            + "when 1, 2 then '1 or 2' "
+            + "when 2 then 'not possible' "
+            + "when 3, 2 then '3' "
+            + "else 'none of the above' "
+            + "end",
+        "1 or 2           ",
+        "CHAR(17) NOT NULL");
+    tester.checkString(
+        "case 3 "
+            + "when 1, 2 then '1 or 2' "
+            + "when 2 then 'not possible' "
+            + "when 3, 2 then '3' "
+            + "else 'none of the above' "
+            + "end",
+        "3                ",
+        "CHAR(17) NOT NULL");
+    tester.checkString(
+        "case 4 "
+            + "when 1, 2 then '1 or 2' "
+            + "when 2 then 'not possible' "
+            + "when 3, 2 then '3' "
+            + "else 'none of the above' "
+            + "end",
+        "none of the above",
+        "CHAR(17) NOT NULL");
+    // TODO: Check case with multisets
+  }
+  @Test public void testCaseNull() {
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.CASE);
+    tester.checkScalarExact("case when 1 = 1 then 10 else null end", "10");
+    tester.checkNull("case when 1 = 2 then 10 else null end");
+  }
+  @Test public void testCaseType() {
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.CASE);
+    tester.checkType(
+        "case 1 when 1 then current_timestamp else null end",
+        "TIMESTAMP(0)");
+    tester.checkType(
+        "case 1 when 1 then current_timestamp else current_timestamp end",
+        "TIMESTAMP(0) NOT NULL");
+    tester.checkType(
+        "case when true then current_timestamp else null end",
+        "TIMESTAMP(0)");
+    tester.checkType(
+        "case when true then current_timestamp end",
+        "TIMESTAMP(0)");
+    tester.checkType(
+        "case 'x' when 'a' then 3 when 'b' then null else 4.5 end",
+        "DECIMAL(11, 1)");
+  }
+  /**
+   * Tests support for JDBC functions.
+   *
+   * <p>See FRG-97 "Support for JDBC escape syntax is incomplete".
+   */
+  @Test public void testJdbcFn() {
+    tester.setFor(new SqlJdbcFunctionCall("dummy"));
+    // There follows one test for each function in appendix C of the JDBC
+    // 3.0 specification. The test is 'if-false'd out if the function is
+    // not implemented or is broken.
+    // Numeric Functions
+    if (!enable) {
+//      return;
+    }
+    tester.checkScalar("{fn ABS(-3)}", 3, "INTEGER NOT NULL");
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn ACOS(float)}", null, "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn ASIN(float)}", null, "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn ATAN(float)}", null, "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn ATAN2(float1, float2)}", null, "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn CEILING(-2.6)}", 2, "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn COS(float)}", null, "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn COT(float)}", null, "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn DEGREES(number)}", null, "");
+    }
+    tester.checkScalarApprox(
+        "{fn EXP(2)}",
+        "DOUBLE NOT NULL",
+        7.389,
+        0.001);
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn FLOOR(2.6)}", 2, "DOUBLE NOT NULL");
+    }
+    tester.checkScalarApprox(
+        "{fn LOG(10)}",
+        "DOUBLE NOT NULL",
+        2.30258,
+        0.001);
+    if (ENABLE_NOT_SUPPORT_FUNCTION) tester.checkScalarApprox(
+        "{fn LOG10(100)}",
+        "DOUBLE NOT NULL",
+        2,
+        0);
+    if (ENABLE_NOT_SUPPORT_FUNCTION) tester.checkScalar("{fn MOD(19, 4)}", 3, 
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn PI()}", null, "");
+    }
+    tester.checkScalar("{fn POWER(2, 3)}", 8.0, "DOUBLE NOT NULL");
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn RADIANS(number)}", null, "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn RAND(integer)}", null, "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn ROUND(number, places)}", null, "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn SIGN(number)}", null, "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn SIN(float)}", null, "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn SQRT(float)}", null, "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn TAN(float)}", null, "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn TRUNCATE(number, places)}", null, "");
+    }
+    // String Functions
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn ASCII(string)}", null, "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn CHAR(code)}", null, "");
+    }
+    if (ENABLE_NOT_SUPPORT_FUNCTION) tester.checkScalar(
+        "{fn CONCAT('foo', 'bar')}",
+        "foobar",
+        "CHAR(6) NOT NULL");
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar(
+          "{fn DIFFERENCE(string1, string2)}",
+          null,
+          "");
+    }
+    // REVIEW: is this result correct? I think it should be "abcCdef"
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "{fn INSERT('abc', 1, 2, 'ABCdef')}",
+        "ABCdefc",
+        "VARCHAR(9) NOT NULL");
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "{fn LCASE('foo' || 'bar')}",
+        "foobar",
+        "CHAR(6) NOT NULL");
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn LEFT(string, count)}", null, "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn LENGTH(string)}", null, "");
+    }
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "{fn LOCATE('ha', 'alphabet')}",
+        4,
+        "INTEGER NOT NULL");
+    // only the 2 arg version of locate is implemented
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar(
+          "{fn LOCATE(string1, string2[, start])}",
+          null,
+          "");
+    }
+    // ltrim is implemented but has a bug in arg checking
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar(
+          "{fn LTRIM(' xxx  ')}",
+          "xxx",
+          "VARCHAR(6)");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn REPEAT(string, count)}", null, "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar(
+          "{fn REPLACE(string1, string2, string3)}",
+          null,
+          "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn RIGHT(string, count)}", null, "");
+    }
+    // rtrim is implemented but has a bug in arg checking
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar(
+          "{fn RTRIM(' xxx  ')}",
+          "xxx",
+          "VARCHAR(6)");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn SOUNDEX(string)}", null, "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn SPACE(count)}", null, "");
+    }
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "{fn SUBSTRING('abcdef', 2, 3)}",
+        "bcd",
+        "VARCHAR(6) NOT NULL");
+    tester.checkScalar("{fn UCASE('xxx')}", "XXX", "CHAR(3) NOT NULL");
+    // Time and Date Functions
+    tester.checkType("{fn CURDATE()}", "DATE NOT NULL");
+    tester.checkType("{fn CURTIME()}", "TIME(0) NOT NULL");
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn DAYNAME(date)}", null, "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn DAYOFMONTH(date)}", null, "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn DAYOFWEEK(date)}", null, "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn DAYOFYEAR(date)}", null, "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn HOUR(time)}", null, "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn MINUTE(time)}", null, "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn MONTH(date)}", null, "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn MONTHNAME(date)}", null, "");
+    }
+    tester.checkType("{fn NOW()}", "TIMESTAMP(0) NOT NULL");
+    tester.checkScalar("{fn QUARTER(DATE '2014-12-10')}", "4",
+        "BIGINT NOT NULL");
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn SECOND(time)}", null, "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar(
+          "{fn TIMESTAMPADD(interval, count, timestamp)}",
+          null,
+          "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar(
+          "{fn TIMESTAMPDIFF(interval, timestamp1, timestamp2)}",
+          null,
+          "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn WEEK(date)}", null, "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn YEAR(date)}", null, "");
+    }
+    // System Functions
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn DATABASE()}", null, "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn IFNULL(expression, value)}", null, "");
+    }
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn USER()}", null, "");
+    }
+    // Conversion Functions
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkScalar("{fn CONVERT(value, SQLtype)}", null, "");
+    }
+  }
+  @Test public void testSelect() {
+    tester.check(
+        "select * from (values(1))",
+        "1",
+        0);
+    // Check return type on scalar subquery in select list.  Note return
+    // type is always nullable even if subquery select value is NOT NULL.
+    // Bug FRG-189 causes this test to fail only in SqlOperatorTest; not
+    // in subtypes.
+    if (Bug.FRG189_FIXED || Bug.TODO_FIXED) {
+      tester.checkType(
+          "SELECT *,(SELECT * FROM (VALUES(1))) FROM (VALUES(2))",
+      tester.checkType(
+          "SELECT *,(SELECT * FROM (VALUES(CAST(10 as BIGINT)))) "
+              + "FROM (VALUES(CAST(10 as bigint)))",
+          "RecordType(BIGINT NOT NULL EXPR$0, BIGINT EXPR$1) NOT NULL");
+      tester.checkType(
+          " SELECT *,(SELECT * FROM (VALUES(10.5))) FROM (VALUES(10.5))",
+          "RecordType(DECIMAL(3, 1) NOT NULL EXPR$0, DECIMAL(3, 1) EXPR$1) NOT 
+      tester.checkType(
+          "SELECT *,(SELECT * FROM (VALUES('this is a char'))) "
+              + "FROM (VALUES('this is a char too'))",
+          "RecordType(CHAR(18) NOT NULL EXPR$0, CHAR(14) EXPR$1) NOT NULL");
+      tester.checkType(
+          "SELECT *,(SELECT * FROM (VALUES(true))) FROM (values(false))",
+      tester.checkType(
+          " SELECT *,(SELECT * FROM (VALUES(cast('abcd' as varchar(10))))) "
+              + "FROM (VALUES(CAST('abcd' as varchar(10))))",
+          "RecordType(VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL EXPR$0, VARCHAR(10) EXPR$1) NOT 
+      tester.checkType(
+          "SELECT *,"
+              + "  (SELECT * FROM (VALUES(TIMESTAMP '2006-01-01 12:00:05'))) "
+              + "FROM (VALUES(TIMESTAMP '2006-01-01 12:00:05'))",
+          "RecordType(TIMESTAMP(0) NOT NULL EXPR$0, TIMESTAMP(0) EXPR$1) NOT 
+    }
+  }
+  @Test public void testLiteralChain() {
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.LITERAL_CHAIN, VM_EXPAND);
+    tester.checkString(
+        "'buttered'\n' toast'",
+        "buttered toast",
+        "CHAR(14) NOT NULL");
+    tester.checkString(
+        "'corned'\n' beef'\n' on'\n' rye'",
+        "corned beef on rye",
+        "CHAR(18) NOT NULL");
+    tester.checkString(
+        "_latin1'Spaghetti'\n' all''Amatriciana'",
+        "Spaghetti all'Amatriciana",
+        "CHAR(25) NOT NULL");
+    tester.checkBoolean("x'1234'\n'abcd' = x'1234abcd'", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("x'1234'\n'' = x'1234'", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("x''\n'ab' = x'ab'", Boolean.TRUE);
+  }
+  @Test public void testRow() {
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.ROW, VM_FENNEL);
+  }
+  @Test public void testAndOperator() {
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.AND);
+    tester.checkBoolean("true and false", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("true and true", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "cast(null as boolean) and false",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "false and cast(null as boolean)",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkNull("cast(null as boolean) and true");
+    tester.checkBoolean("true and (not false)", Boolean.TRUE);
+  }
+  @Test public void testAndOperator2() {
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "case when false then unknown else true end and true",
+        Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "case when false then cast(null as boolean) else true end and true",
+        Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "case when false then null else true end and true",
+        Boolean.TRUE);
+  }
+  @Test public void testAndOperatorLazy() {
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.AND);
+    // lazy eval returns FALSE;
+    // eager eval executes RHS of AND and throws;
+    // both are valid
+    tester.check(
+        "values 1 > 2 and sqrt(-4) = -2",
+        new ValueOrExceptionResultChecker(
+            Boolean.FALSE, INVALID_ARG_FOR_POWER, CODE_2201F));
+  }
+  @Test public void testConcatOperator() {
+      if (!ENABLE_OPERATOR_FOR_STR) return;
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.CONCAT);
+    tester.checkString(" 'a'||'b' ", "ab", "CHAR(2) NOT NULL");
+    tester.checkNull(" 'a' || cast(null as char(2)) ");
+    tester.checkNull(" cast(null as char(2)) || 'b' ");
+    tester.checkNull(
+        " cast(null as char(1)) || cast(null as char(2)) ");
+    tester.checkString(
+        " x'fe'||x'df' ",
+        "fedf",
+        "BINARY(2) NOT NULL");
+    tester.checkNull("x'ff' || cast(null as varbinary)");
+    tester.checkNull(" cast(null as ANY) || cast(null as ANY) ");
+  }
+  @Test public void testDivideOperator() {
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.DIVIDE);
+    tester.checkScalarExact("10 / 5", "2");
+    tester.checkScalarExact("-10 / 5", "-2");
+    tester.checkScalarExact("1 / 3", "0");
+    tester.checkScalarApprox(
+        " cast(10.0 as double) / 5",
+        "DOUBLE NOT NULL",
+        2.0,
+        0);
+    if (ENABLE_TYPE_REAL_TEST) tester.checkScalarApprox(
+        " cast(10.0 as real) / 5",
+        "REAL NOT NULL",
+        2.0,
+        0);
+    if (ENABLE_TYPE_REAL_TEST) tester.checkScalarApprox(
+        " 6.0 / cast(10.0 as real) ",
+        "DOUBLE NOT NULL",
+        0.6,
+        0);
+    tester.checkScalarExact(
+        "10.0 / 5.0",
+        "DECIMAL(9, 6) NOT NULL",
+        "2");
+    if (DECIMAL) {
+      tester.checkScalarExact(
+          "1.0 / 3.0",
+          "DECIMAL(8, 6) NOT NULL",
+          "0.333333");
+      tester.checkScalarExact(
+          "100.1 / 0.0001",
+          "DECIMAL(14, 7) NOT NULL",
+          "1001000.0000000");
+      tester.checkScalarExact(
+          "100.1 / 0.00000001",
+          "DECIMAL(19, 8) NOT NULL",
+          "10010000000.00000000");
+    }
+    tester.checkNull("1e1 / cast(null as float)");
+    tester.checkFails(
+        "100.1 / 0.00000000000000001", OUT_OF_RANGE_MESSAGE,
+        true);
+  }
+  @Test public void testDivideOperatorIntervals() {
+    if (!ENABLE_INTERVAL_TEST) return;
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "interval '-2:2' hour to minute / 3",
+        "-0:41",
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "interval '2:5:12' hour to second / 2 / -3",
+        "-0:20:52.000000",
+    tester.checkNull(
+        "interval '2' day / cast(null as bigint)");
+    tester.checkNull(
+        "cast(null as interval month) / 2");
+    if (!INTERVAL) {
+      return;
+    }
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "interval '3-3' year to month / 15e-1",
+        "+02-02",
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "interval '3-4' year to month / 4.5",
+        "+00-08",
+  }
+  @Test public void testEqualsOperator() {
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.EQUALS);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1=1", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1=1.0", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1.34=1.34", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1=1.34", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1e2=100e0", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1e2=101", Boolean.FALSE);
+        tester.checkBoolean(
+            "cast(1e2 as real)=cast(101 as bigint)",
+            Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("'a'='b'", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("true = true", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("true = false", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("false = true", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("false = false", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "cast('a' as varchar(30))=cast('a' as varchar(30))",
+        Boolean.TRUE);
+        tester.checkBoolean("cast('a ' as varchar(30))=cast('a' as 
varchar(30))", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("cast('a' as varchar(30))=cast('b' as varchar(30))", 
+    tester.checkBoolean("cast('a' as varchar(30))=cast('a' as varchar(15))", 
+    if (ENABLE_CAST_NULL_TEST) tester.checkNull("cast(null as 
boolean)=cast(null as boolean)");
+    if (ENABLE_CAST_NULL_TEST) tester.checkNull("cast(null as integer)=1");
+    if (ENABLE_CAST_NULL_TEST) tester.checkNull("cast(null as 
+  }
+  @Test public void testEqualsOperatorInterval() {
+    if (!ENABLE_INTERVAL_TEST) return;
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' day = interval '1' day",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' day = interval '2' day",
+        Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2:2:2' hour to second = interval '2' hour",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkNull(
+        "cast(null as interval hour) = interval '2' minute");
+  }
+  @Test public void testGreaterThanOperator() {
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.GREATER_THAN);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1>2", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "cast(-1 as TINYINT)>cast(1 as TINYINT)",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "cast(1 as SMALLINT)>cast(1 as SMALLINT)",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("2>1", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1.1>1.2", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("-1.1>-1.2", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1.1>1.1", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1.2>1", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1.1e1>1.2e1", Boolean.FALSE);
+    if (ENABLE_TYPE_REAL_TEST) tester.checkBoolean(
+        "cast(-1.1 as real) > cast(-1.2 as real)",
+        Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1.1e2>1.1e2", Boolean.FALSE);
tester.checkBoolean("1.2e0>1", Boolean.TRUE);
+    if (ENABLE_TYPE_REAL_TEST) tester.checkBoolean("cast(1.2e0 as real)>1", 
+    tester.checkBoolean("true>false", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("true>true", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("false>false", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("false>true", Boolean.FALSE);
+    if (ENABLE_CAST_NULL_TEST) tester.checkNull("3.0>cast(null as double)");
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "DATE '2013-02-23' > DATE '1945-02-24'", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "DATE '2013-02-23' > CAST(NULL AS DATE)", null);
+    }
+    tester.checkBoolean("x'0A000130'>x'0A0001B0'", Boolean.FALSE);
+  }
+  @Test public void testGreaterThanOperatorIntervals() {
+    if (!ENABLE_INTERVAL_TEST) return;
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' day > interval '1' day",
+        Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' day > interval '5' day",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2 2:2:2' day to second > interval '2' day",
+        Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' day > interval '2' day",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' day > interval '-2' day",
+        Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' day > interval '2' hour",
+        Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' minute > interval '2' hour",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' second > interval '2' minute",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkNull(
+        "cast(null as interval hour) > interval '2' minute");
+    tester.checkNull(
+        "interval '2:2' hour to minute > cast(null as interval second)");
+  }
+  @Test public void testIsDistinctFromOperator() {
+    tester.setFor(
+        SqlStdOperatorTable.IS_DISTINCT_FROM,
+        VM_EXPAND);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1 is distinct from 1", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1 is distinct from 1.0", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1 is distinct from 2", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "cast(null as integer) is distinct from 2",
+        Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "cast(null as integer) is distinct from cast(null as integer)",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1.23 is distinct from 1.23", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1.23 is distinct from 5.23", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "-23e0 is distinct from -2.3e1",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    // IS DISTINCT FROM not implemented for ROW yet
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkBoolean(
+          "row(1,1) is distinct from row(1,1)",
+          true);
+      tester.checkBoolean(
+          "row(1,1) is distinct from row(1,2)",
+          false);
+    }
+    // Intervals
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' day is distinct from interval '1' day",
+        Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '10' hour is distinct from interval '10' hour",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+  }
+  @Test public void testIsNotDistinctFromOperator() {
+    tester.setFor(
+        SqlStdOperatorTable.IS_NOT_DISTINCT_FROM,
+        VM_EXPAND);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1 is not distinct from 1", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1 is not distinct from 1.0", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1 is not distinct from 2", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "cast(null as integer) is not distinct from 2",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "cast(null as integer) is not distinct from cast(null as integer)",
+        Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "1.23 is not distinct from 1.23",
+        Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "1.23 is not distinct from 5.23",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "-23e0 is not distinct from -2.3e1",
+        Boolean.TRUE);
+    // IS NOT DISTINCT FROM not implemented for ROW yet
+    if (false) {
+      tester.checkBoolean(
+          "row(1,1) is not distinct from row(1,1)",
+          false);
+      tester.checkBoolean(
+          "row(1,1) is not distinct from row(1,2)",
+          true);
+    }
+    // Intervals
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' day is not distinct from interval '1' day",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '10' hour is not distinct from interval '10' hour",
+        Boolean.TRUE);
+  }
+  @Test public void testGreaterThanOrEqualOperator() {
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.GREATER_THAN_OR_EQUAL);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1>=2", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("-1>=1", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1>=1", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("2>=1", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1.1>=1.2", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("-1.1>=-1.2", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1.1>=1.1", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1.2>=1", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1.2e4>=1e5", Boolean.FALSE);
+    if (ENABLE_TYPE_REAL_TEST) tester.checkBoolean("1.2e4>=cast(1e5 as real)", 
+    tester.checkBoolean("1.2>=cast(1e5 as double)", Boolean.FALSE);
+    if (ENABLE_TYPE_REAL_TEST) tester.checkBoolean("120000>=cast(1e5 as 
real)", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("true>=false", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("true>=true", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("false>=false", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("false>=true", Boolean.FALSE);
+    if (ENABLE_TYPE_REAL_TEST) tester.checkNull("cast(null as real)>=999");
+    tester.checkBoolean("x'0A000130'>=x'0A0001B0'", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("x'0A0001B0'>=x'0A0001B0'", Boolean.TRUE);
+  }
+  @Test public void testGreaterThanOrEqualOperatorIntervals() {
+    if (!ENABLE_INTERVAL_TEST) return;
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' day >= interval '1' day",
+        Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' day >= interval '5' day",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2 2:2:2' day to second >= interval '2' day",
+        Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' day >= interval '2' day",
+        Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' day >= interval '-2' day",
+        Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' day >= interval '2' hour",
+        Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' minute >= interval '2' hour",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' second >= interval '2' minute",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkNull(
+        "cast(null as interval hour) >= interval '2' minute");
+    tester.checkNull(
+        "interval '2:2' hour to minute >= cast(null as interval second)");
+  }
+  @Test public void testInOperator() {
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.IN, VM_EXPAND);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1 in (0, 1, 2)", true);
+    tester.checkBoolean("3 in (0, 1, 2)", false);
+    if (ENABLE_CAST_NULL_TEST) tester.checkBoolean("cast(null as integer) in 
(0, 1, 2)", null);
+    if (ENABLE_CAST_NULL_TEST) tester.checkBoolean(
+        "cast(null as integer) in (0, cast(null as integer), 2)",
+        null);
+    if (Bug.FRG327_FIXED) {
+      tester.checkBoolean(
+          "cast(null as integer) in (0, null, 2)",
+          null);
+      tester.checkBoolean("1 in (0, null, 2)", null);
+    }
+    if (!enable) {
+      return;
+    }
+    // AND has lower precedence than IN
+    tester.checkBoolean("false and true in (false, false)", false);
+    if (!Bug.TODO_FIXED) {
+      return;
+    }
+    tester.checkFails(
+        "'foo' in (^)^",
+        "(?s).*Encountered \"\\)\" at .*",
+        false);
+  }
+  @Test public void testNotInOperator() {
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.NOT_IN, VM_EXPAND);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1 not in (0, 1, 2)", false);
+    tester.checkBoolean("3 not in (0, 1, 2)", true);
+    if (!enable) {
+      return;
+    }
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "cast(null as integer) not in (0, 1, 2)",
+        null);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "cast(null as integer) not in (0, cast(null as integer), 2)",
+        null);
+    if (Bug.FRG327_FIXED) {
+      tester.checkBoolean(
+          "cast(null as integer) not in (0, null, 2)",
+          null);
+      tester.checkBoolean("1 not in (0, null, 2)", null);
+    }
+    // AND has lower precedence than NOT IN
+    tester.checkBoolean("true and false not in (true, true)", true);
+    if (!Bug.TODO_FIXED) {
+      return;
+    }
+    tester.checkFails(
+        "'foo' not in (^)^",
+        "(?s).*Encountered \"\\)\" at .*",
+        false);
+  }
+  @Test public void testOverlapsOperator() {
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.OVERLAPS, VM_EXPAND);
+    if (Bug.FRG187_FIXED) {
+      tester.checkBoolean(
+          "(date '1-2-3', date '1-2-3') overlaps (date '1-2-3', interval '1' 
+          Boolean.TRUE);
+      tester.checkBoolean(
+          "(date '1-2-3', date '1-2-3') overlaps (date '4-5-6', interval '1' 
+          Boolean.FALSE);
+      tester.checkBoolean(
+          "(date '1-2-3', date '4-5-6') overlaps (date '2-2-3', date '3-4-5')",
+          Boolean.TRUE);
+      tester.checkNull(
+          "(cast(null as date), date '1-2-3') overlaps (date '1-2-3', interval 
'1' year)");
+      tester.checkNull(
+          "(date '1-2-3', date '1-2-3') overlaps (date '1-2-3', cast(null as 
+      tester.checkBoolean(
+          "(time '1:2:3', interval '1' second) overlaps (time '23:59:59', time 
+          Boolean.TRUE);
+      tester.checkBoolean(
+          "(time '1:2:3', interval '1' second) overlaps (time '23:59:59', time 
+          Boolean.FALSE);
+      tester.checkBoolean(
+          "(time '1:2:3', interval '1' second) overlaps (time '23:59:59', 
interval '2' hour)",
+          Boolean.TRUE);
+      tester.checkNull(
+          "(time '1:2:3', cast(null as time)) overlaps (time '23:59:59', time 
+      tester.checkNull(
+          "(time '1:2:3', interval '1' second) overlaps (time '23:59:59', 
cast(null as interval hour))");
+      tester.checkBoolean(
+          "(timestamp '1-2-3 4:5:6', timestamp '1-2-3 4:5:6' ) overlaps 
(timestamp '1-2-3 4:5:6', interval '1 2:3:4.5' day to second)",
+          Boolean.TRUE);
+      tester.checkBoolean(
+          "(timestamp '1-2-3 4:5:6', timestamp '1-2-3 4:5:6' ) overlaps 
(timestamp '2-2-3 4:5:6', interval '1 2:3:4.5' day to second)",
+          Boolean.FALSE);
+      tester.checkNull(
+          "(timestamp '1-2-3 4:5:6', cast(null as interval day) ) overlaps 
(timestamp '1-2-3 4:5:6', interval '1 2:3:4.5' day to second)");
+      tester.checkNull(
+          "(timestamp '1-2-3 4:5:6', timestamp '1-2-3 4:5:6' ) overlaps 
(cast(null as timestamp), interval '1 2:3:4.5' day to second)");
+    }
+  }
+  @Test public void testLessThanOperator() {
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.LESS_THAN);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1<2", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("-1<1", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1<1", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("2<1", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1.1<1.2", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("-1.1<-1.2", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1.1<1.1", Boolean.FALSE);
+    if (ENABLE_TYPE_REAL_TEST) tester.checkBoolean("cast(1.1 as real)<1", 
+    if (ENABLE_TYPE_REAL_TEST) tester.checkBoolean("cast(1.1 as real)<1.1", 
+    if (ENABLE_TYPE_REAL_TEST) tester.checkBoolean(
+        "cast(1.1 as real)<cast(1.2 as real)",
+        Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("-1.1e-1<-1.2e-1", Boolean.FALSE);
+    if (ENABLE_TYPE_REAL_TEST) tester.checkBoolean(
+        "cast(1.1 as real)<cast(1.1 as double)",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("true<false", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("true<true", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("false<false", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("false<true", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkNull("123<cast(null as bigint)");
+    tester.checkNull("cast(null as tinyint)<123");
+    tester.checkNull("cast(null as integer)<1.32");
+    }
+    tester.checkBoolean("x'0A000130'<x'0A0001B0'", Boolean.TRUE);
+  }
+  @Test public void testLessThanOperatorInterval() {
+    if (!DECIMAL) {
+      return;
+    }
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' day < interval '1' day",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' day < interval '5' day",
+        Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2 2:2:2' day to second < interval '2' day",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' day < interval '2' day",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' day < interval '-2' day",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' day < interval '2' hour",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' minute < interval '2' hour",
+        Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' second < interval '2' minute",
+        Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkNull(
+        "cast(null as interval hour) < interval '2' minute");
+    tester.checkNull(
+        "interval '2:2' hour to minute < cast(null as interval second)");
+  }
+  @Test public void testLessThanOrEqualOperator() {
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.LESS_THAN_OR_EQUAL);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1<=2", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1<=1", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("-1<=1", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("2<=1", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1.1<=1.2", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("-1.1<=-1.2", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1.1<=1.1", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("1.2<=1", Boolean.FALSE);
+    if (ENABLE_TYPE_REAL_TEST) tester.checkBoolean("1<=cast(1e2 as real)", 
+    if (ENABLE_TYPE_REAL_TEST) tester.checkBoolean("1000<=cast(1e2 as real)", 
+    tester.checkBoolean("1.2e1<=1e2", Boolean.TRUE);
+    if (ENABLE_TYPE_REAL_TEST) tester.checkBoolean("1.2e1<=cast(1e2 as real)", 
+    tester.checkBoolean("true<=false", Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("true<=true", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("false<=false", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("false<=true", Boolean.TRUE);
tester.checkNull("cast(null as real)<=cast(1 as real)");
+    if (ENABLE_CAST_NULL_TEST) tester.checkNull("cast(null as integer)<=3");
+    if (ENABLE_CAST_NULL_TEST) tester.checkNull("3<=cast(null as smallint)");
+    if (ENABLE_CAST_NULL_TEST) tester.checkNull("cast(null as integer)<=1.32");
+    tester.checkBoolean("x'0A000130'<=x'0A0001B0'", Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean("x'0A0001B0'<=x'0A0001B0'", Boolean.TRUE);
+  }
+  @Test public void testLessThanOrEqualOperatorInterval() {
+    if (!ENABLE_INTERVAL_TEST) return;
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' day <= interval '1' day",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' day <= interval '5' day",
+        Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2 2:2:2' day to second <= interval '2' day",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' day <= interval '2' day",
+        Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' day <= interval '-2' day",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' day <= interval '2' hour",
+        Boolean.FALSE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' minute <= interval '2' hour",
+        Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkBoolean(
+        "interval '2' second <= interval '2' minute",
+        Boolean.TRUE);
+    tester.checkNull(
+        "cast(null as interval hour) <= interval '2' minute");
+    tester.checkNull(
+        "interval '2:2' hour to minute <= cast(null as interval second)");
+  }
+  @Test public void testMinusOperator() {
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.MINUS);
+    tester.checkScalarExact("-2-1", "-3");
+    tester.checkScalarExact("-2-1-5", "-8");
+    tester.checkScalarExact("2-1", "1");
+    tester.checkScalarApprox(
+        "cast(2.0 as double) -1",
+        "DOUBLE NOT NULL",
+        1,
+        0);
+    if (ENABLE_TYPE_REAL_TEST) tester.checkScalarApprox(
+        "cast(1 as smallint)-cast(2.0 as real)",
+        "REAL NOT NULL",
+        -1,
+        0);
+    if (ENABLE_TYPE_REAL_TEST) tester.checkScalarApprox(
+        "2.4-cast(2.0 as real)",
+        "DOUBLE NOT NULL",
+        0.4,
+        0.00000001);
+    tester.checkScalarExact("1-2", "-1");
+    tester.checkScalarExact(
+        "10.0 - 5.0",
+        "DECIMAL(4, 1) NOT NULL",
+        "5.0");
+    tester.checkScalarExact(
+        "19.68 - 4.2",
+        "DECIMAL(5, 2) NOT NULL",
+        "15.48");
+    tester.checkNull("1e1-cast(null as double)");
+    tester.checkNull("cast(null as tinyint) - cast(null as smallint)");
+    // TODO: Fix bug
+    if (Bug.FNL25_FIXED) {
+      // Should throw out of range error
+      tester.checkFails(
+          "cast(100 as tinyint) - cast(-100 as tinyint)", OUT_OF_RANGE_MESSAGE,
+          true);
+      tester.checkFails(
+          "cast(-20000 as smallint) - cast(20000 as smallint)",
+          true);
+      tester.checkFails(
+          "cast(1.5e9 as integer) - cast(-1.5e9 as integer)",
+          true);
+      tester.checkFails(
+          "cast(-5e18 as bigint) - cast(5e18 as bigint)", OUT_OF_RANGE_MESSAGE,
+          true);
+      tester.checkFails(
+          "cast(5e18 as decimal(19,0)) - cast(-5e18 as decimal(19,0))",
+          true);
+      tester.checkFails(
+          "cast(-5e8 as decimal(19,10)) - cast(5e8 as decimal(19,10))",
+          true);
+    }
+  }
+  @Test public void testMinusIntervalOperator() {
+    if (!ENABLE_INTERVAL_TEST) return;
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.MINUS);
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "interval '2' day - interval '1' day",
+        "+1",
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "interval '2' day - interval '1' minute",
+        "+1 23:59",
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "interval '2' year - interval '1' month",
+        "+1-11",
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "interval '2' year - interval '1' month - interval '3' year",
+        "-1-01",
+    tester.checkNull(
+        "cast(null as interval day) + interval '2' hour");
+    // Datetime minus interval
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "time '12:03:01' - interval '1:1' hour to minute",
+        "11:02:01",
+        "TIME(0) NOT NULL");
+    if (!INTERVAL) {
+      return;
+    }
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "date '2005-03-02' - interval '5' day",
+        "2005-02-25",
+        "DATE NOT NULL");
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "timestamp '2003-08-02 12:54:01' - interval '-4 2:4' day to minute",
+        "2003-08-06 14:58:01",
+        "TIMESTAMP(0) NOT NULL");
+    // TODO: Tests with interval year months (not supported)
+  }
+  @Test public void testMinusDateOperator() {
+    tester.setFor(SqlStdOperatorTable.MINUS_DATE);
+    if (!enable) {
+      return;
+    }
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "(time '12:03:34' - time '11:57:23') minute to second",
+        "+6:11",
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "(time '12:03:23' - time '11:57:23') minute",
+        "+6",
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "(time '12:03:34' - time '11:57:23') minute",
+        "+6",
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "(timestamp '2004-05-01 12:03:34' - timestamp '2004-04-29 11:57:23') 
day to second",
+        "+2 00:06:11",
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "(timestamp '2004-05-01 12:03:34' - timestamp '2004-04-29 11:57:23') 
day to hour",
+        "+2 00",
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "(date '2004-12-02' - date '2003-12-01') day",
+        "+367",
+    tester.checkNull(
+        "(cast(null as date) - date '2003-12-01') day");
+    // combine '<datetime> + <interval>' with '<datetime> - <datetime>'
+    tester.checkScalar(
+        "timestamp '1969-04-29 0:0:0' +"
+            + " (timestamp '2008-07-15 15:28:00' - "
+            + "  timestamp '1969-04-29 0:0:0') day to second / 2",
+        "1988-12-06 07:44:00",
+        "TIMESTAMP(0) NOT NULL");


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