 Wed Mar 26 00:32:28 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Created by 
+# from source file 'excelfileformat.odt' (size=355750, crc=0x2FAEA65A)
+#Columns: (index, name, minParams, maxParams, returnClass, paramClasses, 
isVolatile, hasFootnote )
+# Built-In Sheet Functions in BIFF2
+0      COUNT   0       30      V       R               
+1      IF      2       3       R       V R R           
+2      ISNA    1       1       V       V               
+3      ISERROR 1       1       V       V               
+4      SUM     0       30      V       R               
+5      AVERAGE 1       30      V       R               
+6      MIN     1       30      V       R               
+7      MAX     1       30      V       R               
+8      ROW     0       1       V       R               
+9      COLUMN  0       1       V       R               
+10     NA      0       0       V       –               
+11     NPV     2       30      V       V R             
+12     STDEV   1       30      V       R               
+13     DOLLAR  1       2       V       V V             
+14     FIXED   2       2       V       V V             x
+15     SIN     1       1       V       V               
+16     COS     1       1       V       V               
+17     TAN     1       1       V       V               
+18     ARCTAN  1       1       V       V               
+19     PI      0       0       V       –               
+20     SQRT    1       1       V       V               
+21     EXP     1       1       V       V               
+22     LN      1       1       V       V               
+23     LOG10   1       1       V       V               
+24     ABS     1       1       V       V               
+25     INT     1       1       V       V               
+26     SIGN    1       1       V       V               
+27     ROUND   2       2       V       V V             
+28     LOOKUP  2       3       V       V R R           
+29     INDEX   2       4       R       R V V V         
+30     REPT    2       2       V       V V             
+31     MID     3       3       V       V V V           
+32     LEN     1       1       V       V               
+33     VALUE   1       1       V       V               
+34     TRUE    0       0       V       –               
+35     FALSE   0       0       V       –               
+36     AND     1       30      V       R               
+37     OR      1       30      V       R               
+38     NOT     1       1       V       V               
+39     MOD     2       2       V       V V             
+40     DCOUNT  3       3       V       R R R           
+41     DSUM    3       3       V       R R R           
+42     DAVERAGE        3       3       V       R R R           
+43     DMIN    3       3       V       R R R           
+44     DMAX    3       3       V       R R R           
+45     DSTDEV  3       3       V       R R R           
+46     VAR     1       30      V       R               
+47     DVAR    3       3       V       R R R           
+48     TEXT    2       2       V       V V             
+49     LINEST  1       2       A       R R             x
+50     TREND   1       3       A       R R R           x
+51     LOGEST  1       2       A       R R             x
+52     GROWTH  1       3       A       R R R           x
+56     PV      3       5       V       V V V V V               
+# Built-In Sheet Functions in BIFF2
+57     FV      3       5       V       V V V V V               
+58     NPER    3       5       V       V V V V V               
+59     PMT     3       5       V       V V V V V               
+60     RATE    3       6       V       V V V V V V             
+61     MIRR    3       3       V       R V V           
+62     IRR     1       2       V       R V             
+63     RAND    0       0       V       –       x       
+64     MATCH   2       3       V       V R R           
+65     DATE    3       3       V       V V V           
+66     TIME    3       3       V       V V V           
+67     DAY     1       1       V       V               
+68     MONTH   1       1       V       V               
+69     YEAR    1       1       V       V               
+70     WEEKDAY 1       1       V       V               x
+71     HOUR    1       1       V       V               
+72     MINUTE  1       1       V       V               
+73     SECOND  1       1       V       V               
+74     NOW     0       0       V       –       x       
+75     AREAS   1       1       V       R               
+76     ROWS    1       1       V       R               
+77     COLUMNS 1       1       V       R               
+78     OFFSET  3       5       R       R V V V V       x       
+82     SEARCH  2       3       V       V V V           
+83     TRANSPOSE       1       1       A       A               
+86     TYPE    1       1       V       V               
+97     ATAN2   2       2       V       V V             
+98     ASIN    1       1       V       V               
+99     ACOS    1       1       V       V               
+100    CHOOSE  2       30      R       V R             
+101    HLOOKUP 3       3       V       V R R           x
+102    VLOOKUP 3       3       V       V R R           x
+105    ISREF   1       1       V       R               
+109    LOG     1       2       V       V V             
+111    CHAR    1       1       V       V               
+112    LOWER   1       1       V       V               
+113    UPPER   1       1       V       V               
+114    PROPER  1       1       V       V               
+115    LEFT    1       2       V       V V             
+116    RIGHT   1       2       V       V V             
+117    EXACT   2       2       V       V V             
+118    TRIM    1       1       V       V               
+119    REPLACE 4       4       V       V V V V         
+120    SUBSTITUTE      3       4       V       V V V V         
+121    CODE    1       1       V       V               
+124    FIND    2       3       V       V V V           
+125    CELL    1       2       V       V R     x       
+126    ISERR   1       1       V       V               
+127    ISTEXT  1       1       V       V               
+128    ISNUMBER        1       1       V       V               
+129    ISBLANK 1       1       V       V               
+130    T       1       1       V       R               
+131    N       1       1       V       R               
+140    DATEVALUE       1       1       V       V               
+141    TIMEVALUE       1       1       V       V               
+142    SLN     3       3       V       V V V           
+143    SYD     4       4       V       V V V V         
+144    DDB     4       5       V       V V V V V               
+148    INDIRECT        1       2       R       V V     x       
+162    CLEAN   1       1       V       V               
+163    MDETERM 1       1       V       A               
+164    MINVERSE        1       1       A       A               
+165    MMULT   2       2       A       A A             
+167    IPMT    4       6       V       V V V V V V             
+168    PPMT    4       6       V       V V V V V V             
+169    COUNTA  0       30      V       R               
+183    PRODUCT 0       30      V       R               
+184    FACT    1       1       V       V               
+191    DPRODUCT        3       3       V       R R R           
+192    ISNONTEXT       1       1       V       V               
+193    STDEVP  1       30      V       R               
+194    VARP    1       30      V       R               
+195    DSTDEVP 3       3       V       R R R           
+196    DVARP   3       3       V       R R R           
+197    TRUNC   1       1       V       V               x
+198    ISLOGICAL       1       1       V       V               
+199    DCOUNTA 3       3       V       R R R           
+# New Built-In Sheet Functions in BIFF3
+49     LINEST  1       4       A       R R V V         x
+50     TREND   1       4       A       R R R V         x
+51     LOGEST  1       4       A       R R V V         x
+52     GROWTH  1       4       A       R R R V         x
+197    TRUNC   1       2       V       V V             x
+204    YEN     1       2       V       V V             x
+205    FINDB   2       3       V       V V V           
+206    SEARCHB 2       3       V       V V V           
+207    REPLACEB        4       4       V       V V V V         
+208    LEFTB   1       2       V       V V             
+209    RIGHTB  1       2       V       V V             
+210    MIDB    3       3       V       V V V           
+211    LENB    1       1       V       V               
+212    ROUNDUP 2       2       V       V V             
+213    ROUNDDOWN       2       2       V       V V             
+214    ASC     1       1       V       V               
+215    JIS     1       1       V       V               x
+219    ADDRESS 2       5       V       V V V V V               
+220    DAYS360 2       2       V       V V             x
+221    TODAY   0       0       V       –       x       
+222    VDB     5       7       V       V V V V V V V           
+227    MEDIAN  1       30      V       R …             
+228    SUMPRODUCT      1       30      V       A …             
+229    SINH    1       1       V       V               
+230    COSH    1       1       V       V               
+231    TANH    1       1       V       V               
+232    ASINH   1       1       V       V               
+233    ACOSH   1       1       V       V               
+234    ATANH   1       1       V       V               
+235    DGET    3       3       V       R R R           
+244    INFO    1       1       V       V               
+# New Built-In Sheet Functions in BIFF4
+14     FIXED   2       3       V       V V V           x
+216    RANK    2       3       V       V R V           
+247    DB      4       5       V       V V V V V               
+252    FREQUENCY       2       2       A       R R             
+261    ERROR.TYPE      1       1       V       V               
+269    AVEDEV  1       30      V       R …             
+270    BETADIST        3       5       V       V V V V V               
+271    GAMMALN 1       1       V       V               
+272    BETAINV 3       5       V       V V V V V               
+273    BINOMDIST       4       4       V       V V V V         
+274    CHIDIST 2       2       V       V V             
+275    CHIINV  2       2       V       V V             
+276    COMBIN  2       2       V       V V             
+277    CONFIDENCE      3       3       V       V V V           
+278    CRITBINOM       3       3       V       V V V           
+279    EVEN    1       1       V       V               
+280    EXPONDIST       3       3       V       V V V           
+281    FDIST   3       3       V       V V V           
+282    FINV    3       3       V       V V V           
+283    FISHER  1       1       V       V               
+284    FISHERINV       1       1       V       V               
+285    FLOOR   2       2       V       V V             
+286    GAMMADIST       4       4       V       V V V V         
+287    GAMMAINV        3       3       V       V V V           
+288    CEILING 2       2       V       V V             
+289    HYPGEOMDIST     4       4       V       V V V V         
+290    LOGNORMDIST     3       3       V       V V V           
+291    LOGINV  3       3       V       V V V           
+292    NEGBINOMDIST    3       3       V       V V V           
+293    NORMDIST        4       4       V       V V V V         
+294    NORMSDIST       1       1       V       V               
+295    NORMINV 3       3       V       V V V           
+296    NORMSINV        1       1       V       V               
+297    STANDARDIZE     3       3       V       V V V           
+298    ODD     1       1       V       V               
+299    PERMUT  2       2       V       V V             
+300    POISSON 3       3       V       V V V           
+301    TDIST   3       3       V       V V V           
+302    WEIBULL 4       4       V       V V V V         
+303    SUMXMY2 2       2       V       A A             
+304    SUMX2MY2        2       2       V       A A             
+305    SUMX2PY2        2       2       V       A A             
+306    CHITEST 2       2       V       A A             
+307    CORREL  2       2       V       A A             
+308    COVAR   2       2       V       A A             
+309    FORECAST        3       3       V       V A A           
+310    FTEST   2       2       V       A A             
+311    INTERCEPT       2       2       V       A A             
+312    PEARSON 2       2       V       A A             
+313    RSQ     2       2       V       A A             
+314    STEYX   2       2       V       A A             
+315    SLOPE   2       2       V       A A             
+316    TTEST   4       4       V       A A V V         
+317    PROB    3       4       V       A A V V         
+318    DEVSQ   1       30      V       R …             
+319    GEOMEAN 1       30      V       R …             
+320    HARMEAN 1       30      V       R …             
+321    SUMSQ   0       30      V       R …             
+322    KURT    1       30      V       R …             
+323    SKEW    1       30      V       R …             
+324    ZTEST   2       3       V       R V V           
+325    LARGE   2       2       V       R V             
+326    SMALL   2       2       V       R V             
+327    QUARTILE        2       2       V       R V             
+328    PERCENTILE      2       2       V       R V             
+329    PERCENTRANK     2       3       V       R V V           
+330    MODE    1       30      V       A               
+331    TRIMMEAN        2       2       V       R V             
+332    TINV    2       2       V       V V             
+# New Built-In Sheet Functions in BIFF5
+70     WEEKDAY 1       2       V       V V             x
+101    HLOOKUP 3       4       V       V R R V         x
+102    VLOOKUP 3       4       V       V R R V         x
+220    DAYS360 2       3       V       V V V           x
+336    CONCATENATE     0       30      V       V               
+337    POWER   2       2       V       V V             
+342    RADIANS 1       1       V       V               
+343    DEGREES 1       1       V       V               
+344    SUBTOTAL        2       30      V       V R             
+345    SUMIF   2       3       V       R V R           
+346    COUNTIF 2       2       V       R V             
+347    COUNTBLANK      1       1       V       R               
+350    ISPMT   4       4       V       V V V V         
+351    DATEDIF 3       3       V       V V V           
+352    DATESTRING      1       1       V       V               
+353    NUMBERSTRING    2       2       V       V V             
+354    ROMAN   1       2       V       V V             
+# New Built-In Sheet Functions in BIFF8
+358    GETPIVOTDATA    2       30                              
+359    HYPERLINK       1       2       V       V V             
+360    PHONETIC        1       1       V       R               
+361    AVERAGEA        1       30      V       R …             
+362    MAXA    1       30      V       R …             
+363    MINA    1       30      V       R …             
+364    STDEVPA 1       30      V       R …             
+365    VARPA   1       30      V       R …             
+366    STDEVA  1       30      V       R …             
+367    VARA    1       30      V       R …             

 Wed Mar 26 00:32:28 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# Created by 
+# from source file 'excelfileformat.odt' (size=355750, crc=0x2FAEA65A)
+#Columns: (index, name, minParams, maxParams, returnClass, paramClasses, 
isVolatile, hasFootnote )
+# + some manual edits !
+# Built-In Sheet Functions in BIFF2
+0      COUNT   0       30      V       R               
+1      IF      2       3       R       V R R           
+2      ISNA    1       1       V       V               
+3      ISERROR 1       1       V       V               
+4      SUM     0       30      V       R               
+5      AVERAGE 1       30      V       R               
+6      MIN     1       30      V       R               
+7      MAX     1       30      V       R               
+8      ROW     0       1       V       R               
+9      COLUMN  0       1       V       R               
+10     NA      0       0       V       –               
+11     NPV     2       30      V       V R             
+12     STDEV   1       30      V       R               
+13     DOLLAR  1       2       V       V V             
+14     FIXED   2       2       V       V V             x
+15     SIN     1       1       V       V               
+16     COS     1       1       V       V               
+17     TAN     1       1       V       V               
+18     ATAN    1       1       V       V               
+19     PI      0       0       V       –               
+20     SQRT    1       1       V       V               
+21     EXP     1       1       V       V               
+22     LN      1       1       V       V               
+23     LOG10   1       1       V       V               
+24     ABS     1       1       V       V               
+25     INT     1       1       V       V               
+26     SIGN    1       1       V       V               
+27     ROUND   2       2       V       V V             
+28     LOOKUP  2       3       V       V R R           
+29     INDEX   2       4       R       R V V V         
+30     REPT    2       2       V       V V             
+31     MID     3       3       V       V V V           
+32     LEN     1       1       V       V               
+33     VALUE   1       1       V       V               
+34     TRUE    0       0       V       –               
+35     FALSE   0       0       V       –               
+36     AND     1       30      V       R               
+37     OR      1       30      V       R               
+38     NOT     1       1       V       V               
+39     MOD     2       2       V       V V             
+40     DCOUNT  3       3       V       R R R           
+41     DSUM    3       3       V       R R R           
+42     DAVERAGE        3       3       V       R R R           
+43     DMIN    3       3       V       R R R           
+44     DMAX    3       3       V       R R R           
+45     DSTDEV  3       3       V       R R R           
+46     VAR     1       30      V       R               
+47     DVAR    3       3       V       R R R           
+48     TEXT    2       2       V       V V             
+49     LINEST  1       2       A       R R             x
+50     TREND   1       3       A       R R R           x
+51     LOGEST  1       2       A       R R             x
+52     GROWTH  1       3       A       R R R           x
+56     PV      3       5       V       V V V V V               
+# Built-In Sheet Functions in BIFF2
+57     FV      3       5       V       V V V V V               
+58     NPER    3       5       V       V V V V V               
+59     PMT     3       5       V       V V V V V               
+60     RATE    3       6       V       V V V V V V             
+61     MIRR    3       3       V       R V V           
+62     IRR     1       2       V       R V             
+63     RAND    0       0       V       –       x       
+64     MATCH   2       3       V       V R R           
+65     DATE    3       3       V       V V V           
+66     TIME    3       3       V       V V V           
+67     DAY     1       1       V       V               
+68     MONTH   1       1       V       V               
+69     YEAR    1       1       V       V               
+70     WEEKDAY 1       1       V       V               x
+71     HOUR    1       1       V       V               
+72     MINUTE  1       1       V       V               
+73     SECOND  1       1       V       V               
+74     NOW     0       0       V       –       x       
+75     AREAS   1       1       V       R               
+76     ROWS    1       1       V       R               
+77     COLUMNS 1       1       V       R               
+78     OFFSET  3       5       R       R V V V V       x       
+82     SEARCH  2       3       V       V V V           
+83     TRANSPOSE       1       1       A       A               
+86     TYPE    1       1       V       V               
+97     ATAN2   2       2       V       V V             
+98     ASIN    1       1       V       V               
+99     ACOS    1       1       V       V               
+100    CHOOSE  2       30      R       V R             
+101    HLOOKUP 3       3       V       V R R           x
+102    VLOOKUP 3       3       V       V R R           x
+105    ISREF   1       1       V       R               
+109    LOG     1       2       V       V V             
+111    CHAR    1       1       V       V               
+112    LOWER   1       1       V       V               
+113    UPPER   1       1       V       V               
+114    PROPER  1       1       V       V               
+115    LEFT    1       2       V       V V             
+116    RIGHT   1       2       V       V V             
+117    EXACT   2       2       V       V V             
+118    TRIM    1       1       V       V               
+119    REPLACE 4       4       V       V V V V         
+120    SUBSTITUTE      3       4       V       V V V V         
+121    CODE    1       1       V       V               
+124    FIND    2       3       V       V V V           
+125    CELL    1       2       V       V R     x       
+126    ISERR   1       1       V       V               
+127    ISTEXT  1       1       V       V               
+128    ISNUMBER        1       1       V       V               
+129    ISBLANK 1       1       V       V               
+130    T       1       1       V       R               
+131    N       1       1       V       R               
+140    DATEVALUE       1       1       V       V               
+141    TIMEVALUE       1       1       V       V               
+142    SLN     3       3       V       V V V           
+143    SYD     4       4       V       V V V V         
+144    DDB     4       5       V       V V V V V               
+148    INDIRECT        1       2       R       V V     x       
+162    CLEAN   1       1       V       V               
+163    MDETERM 1       1       V       A               
+164    MINVERSE        1       1       A       A               
+165    MMULT   2       2       A       A A             
+167    IPMT    4       6       V       V V V V V V             
+168    PPMT    4       6       V       V V V V V V             
+169    COUNTA  0       30      V       R               
+183    PRODUCT 0       30      V       R               
+184    FACT    1       1       V       V               
+190    ISNONTEXT       1       1       V       V               
+191    DPRODUCT        3       3       V       R R R           
+193    STDEVP  1       30      V       R               
+194    VARP    1       30      V       R               
+195    DSTDEVP 3       3       V       R R R           
+196    DVARP   3       3       V       R R R           
+197    TRUNC   1       1       V       V               x
+198    ISLOGICAL       1       1       V       V               
+199    DCOUNTA 3       3       V       R R R           
+# New Built-In Sheet Functions in BIFF3
+49     LINEST  1       4       A       R R V V         x
+50     TREND   1       4       A       R R R V         x
+51     LOGEST  1       4       A       R R V V         x
+52     GROWTH  1       4       A       R R R V         x
+197    TRUNC   1       2       V       V V             x
+204    YEN     1       2       V       V V             x
+205    FINDB   2       3       V       V V V           
+206    SEARCHB 2       3       V       V V V           
+207    REPLACEB        4       4       V       V V V V         
+208    LEFTB   1       2       V       V V             
+209    RIGHTB  1       2       V       V V             
+210    MIDB    3       3       V       V V V           
+211    LENB    1       1       V       V               
+212    ROUNDUP 2       2       V       V V             
+213    ROUNDDOWN       2       2       V       V V             
+214    ASC     1       1       V       V               
+215    JIS     1       1       V       V               x
+219    ADDRESS 2       5       V       V V V V V               
+220    DAYS360 2       2       V       V V             x
+221    TODAY   0       0       V       –       x       
+222    VDB     5       7       V       V V V V V V V           
+227    MEDIAN  1       30      V       R …             
+228    SUMPRODUCT      1       30      V       A …             
+229    SINH    1       1       V       V               
+230    COSH    1       1       V       V               
+231    TANH    1       1       V       V               
+232    ASINH   1       1       V       V               
+233    ACOSH   1       1       V       V               
+234    ATANH   1       1       V       V               
+235    DGET    3       3       V       R R R           
+244    INFO    1       1       V       V               
+# New Built-In Sheet Functions in BIFF4
+14     FIXED   2       3       V       V V V           x
+204    USDOLLAR        1       1       V       V               x
+215    DBCS    1       1       V       V               x
+216    RANK    2       3       V       V R V           
+247    DB      4       5       V       V V V V V               
+252    FREQUENCY       2       2       A       R R             
+261    ERROR.TYPE      1       1       V       V               
+269    AVEDEV  1       30      V       R …             
+270    BETADIST        3       5       V       V V V V V               
+271    GAMMALN 1       1       V       V               
+272    BETAINV 3       5       V       V V V V V               
+273    BINOMDIST       4       4       V       V V V V         
+274    CHIDIST 2       2       V       V V             
+275    CHIINV  2       2       V       V V             
+276    COMBIN  2       2       V       V V             
+277    CONFIDENCE      3       3       V       V V V           
+278    CRITBINOM       3       3       V       V V V           
+279    EVEN    1       1       V       V               
+280    EXPONDIST       3       3       V       V V V           
+281    FDIST   3       3       V       V V V           
+282    FINV    3       3       V       V V V           
+283    FISHER  1       1       V       V               
+284    FISHERINV       1       1       V       V               
+285    FLOOR   2       2       V       V V             
+286    GAMMADIST       4       4       V       V V V V         
+287    GAMMAINV        3       3       V       V V V           
+288    CEILING 2       2       V       V V             
+289    HYPGEOMDIST     4       4       V       V V V V         
+290    LOGNORMDIST     3       3       V       V V V           
+291    LOGINV  3       3       V       V V V           
+292    NEGBINOMDIST    3       3       V       V V V           
+293    NORMDIST        4       4       V       V V V V         
+294    NORMSDIST       1       1       V       V               
+295    NORMINV 3       3       V       V V V           
+296    NORMSINV        1       1       V       V               
+297    STANDARDIZE     3       3       V       V V V           
+298    ODD     1       1       V       V               
+299    PERMUT  2       2       V       V V             
+300    POISSON 3       3       V       V V V           
+301    TDIST   3       3       V       V V V           
+302    WEIBULL 4       4       V       V V V V         
+303    SUMXMY2 2       2       V       A A             
+304    SUMX2MY2        2       2       V       A A             
+305    SUMX2PY2        2       2       V       A A             
+306    CHITEST 2       2       V       A A             
+307    CORREL  2       2       V       A A             
+308    COVAR   2       2       V       A A             
+309    FORECAST        3       3       V       V A A           
+310    FTEST   2       2       V       A A             
+311    INTERCEPT       2       2       V       A A             
+312    PEARSON 2       2       V       A A             
+313    RSQ     2       2       V       A A             
+314    STEYX   2       2       V       A A             
+315    SLOPE   2       2       V       A A             
+316    TTEST   4       4       V       A A V V         
+317    PROB    3       4       V       A A V V         
+318    DEVSQ   1       30      V       R …             
+319    GEOMEAN 1       30      V       R …             
+320    HARMEAN 1       30      V       R …             
+321    SUMSQ   0       30      V       R …             
+322    KURT    1       30      V       R …             
+323    SKEW    1       30      V       R …             
+324    ZTEST   2       3       V       R V V           
+325    LARGE   2       2       V       R V             
+326    SMALL   2       2       V       R V             
+327    QUARTILE        2       2       V       R V             
+328    PERCENTILE      2       2       V       R V             
+329    PERCENTRANK     2       3       V       R V V           
+330    MODE    1       30      V       A               
+331    TRIMMEAN        2       2       V       R V             
+332    TINV    2       2       V       V V             
+# New Built-In Sheet Functions in BIFF5
+70     WEEKDAY 1       2       V       V V             x
+101    HLOOKUP 3       4       V       V R R V         x
+102    VLOOKUP 3       4       V       V R R V         x
+220    DAYS360 2       3       V       V V V           x
+336    CONCATENATE     0       30      V       V               
+337    POWER   2       2       V       V V             
+342    RADIANS 1       1       V       V               
+343    DEGREES 1       1       V       V               
+344    SUBTOTAL        2       30      V       V R             
+345    SUMIF   2       3       V       R V R           
+346    COUNTIF 2       2       V       R V             
+347    COUNTBLANK      1       1       V       R               
+350    ISPMT   4       4       V       V V V V         
+351    DATEDIF 3       3       V       V V V           
+352    DATESTRING      1       1       V       V               
+353    NUMBERSTRING    2       2       V       V V             
+354    ROMAN   1       2       V       V V             
+# New Built-In Sheet Functions in BIFF8
+358    GETPIVOTDATA    2       30                              
+359    HYPERLINK       1       2       V       V V             
+360    PHONETIC        1       1       V       R               
+361    AVERAGEA        1       30      V       R …             
+362    MAXA    1       30      V       R …             
+363    MINA    1       30      V       R …             
+364    STDEVPA 1       30      V       R …             
+365    VARPA   1       30      V       R …             
+366    STDEVA  1       30      V       R …             
+367    VARA    1       30      V       R …             

Added: poi/trunk/src/testcases/org/apache/poi/hssf/data/missingFuncs44675.xls
Binary file - no diff available.

    svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream

--- poi/trunk/src/testcases/org/apache/poi/hssf/model/ 
+++ poi/trunk/src/testcases/org/apache/poi/hssf/model/ 
Wed Mar 26 00:32:28 2008
@@ -293,7 +293,7 @@
         assertEquals("FOO", tname.toFormulaString(w));
         AbstractFunctionPtg tfunc = (AbstractFunctionPtg) ptg[1];
-        assertEquals("externalflag", tfunc.getName());
+        assertTrue(tfunc.isExternalFunction());
     public void testEmbeddedSlash() {
@@ -887,5 +887,18 @@
             // expected during successful test
             assertTrue(e.getMessage().startsWith("Too few arguments suppled to 
operation token"));
+    }
+    public void testFuncPtgSelection() {
+        Workbook book = Workbook.createWorkbook();
+        Ptg[] ptgs;
+        ptgs = FormulaParser.parse("countif(A1:A2, 1)", book);
+        assertEquals(3, ptgs.length);
+        if(FuncVarPtg.class == ptgs[2].getClass()) {
+            throw new AssertionFailedError("Identified bug 44675");
+        }
+        assertEquals(FuncPtg.class, ptgs[2].getClass());
+        ptgs = FormulaParser.parse("sin(1)", book);
+        assertEquals(2, ptgs.length);
+        assertEquals(FuncPtg.class, ptgs[1].getClass());

Wed Mar 26 00:32:28 2008
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@
 package org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula;
+import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.function.AllFormulaFunctionTests;
 import junit.framework.Test;
 import junit.framework.TestSuite;
@@ -28,12 +30,12 @@
 public class AllFormulaTests {
        public static Test suite() {
-               TestSuite result = new TestSuite("Tests for 
+               TestSuite result = new 
-        result.addTestSuite(TestAreaPtg.class);
-        result.addTestSuite(TestErrPtg.class);
-        result.addTestSuite(TestExternalFunctionFormulas.class);
+               result.addTestSuite(TestAreaPtg.class);
+               result.addTestSuite(TestErrPtg.class);
+               result.addTestSuite(TestExternalFunctionFormulas.class);
@@ -42,6 +44,7 @@
+               result.addTest(AllFormulaFunctionTests.suite());
                return result;

 Wed Mar 26 00:32:28 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+/* ====================================================================
+   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+==================================================================== */
+package org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.function;
+import junit.framework.Test;
+import junit.framework.TestSuite;
+ * Collects all tests for this package.
+ * 
+ * @author Josh Micich
+ */
+public class AllFormulaFunctionTests {
+       public static Test suite() {
+               TestSuite result = new 
+               result.addTestSuite(TestFunctionMetadataRegistry.class);
+               result.addTestSuite(TestParseMissingBuiltInFuncs.class);
+               result.addTestSuite(TestReadMissingBuiltInFuncs.class);
+               return result;
+       }

 Wed Mar 26 00:32:28 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,503 @@
+/* ====================================================================
+   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+==================================================================== */
+package org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.function;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.Arrays;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import java.util.List;
+import java.util.Map;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.Stack;
+import org.xml.sax.Attributes;
+import org.xml.sax.ContentHandler;
+import org.xml.sax.InputSource;
+import org.xml.sax.Locator;
+import org.xml.sax.SAXException;
+import org.xml.sax.XMLReader;
+import org.xml.sax.helpers.XMLReaderFactory;
+ * This class is not used during normal POI run-time but is used at 
development time to generate 
+ * the file 'functionMetadata.txt'.   There are more than 300 built-in 
functions in Excel and the
+ * intention of this class is to make it easier to maintain the metadata, by 
extracting it from
+ * a reliable source.
+ * 
+ * @author Josh Micich
+ */
+public class ExcelFileFormatDocFunctionExtractor {
+       private static final String SOURCE_DOC_FILE_NAME = 
+       private static final class FunctionData {
+               private final int _index;
+               private final boolean _hasFootnote;
+               private final String _name;
+               private final int _minParams;
+               private final int _maxParams;
+               private final String _returnClass;
+               private final String _paramClasses;
+               private final boolean _isVolatile;
+               public FunctionData(int funcIx, boolean hasFootnote, String 
funcName, int minParams, int maxParams,
+                                       String returnClass, String 
paramClasses, boolean isVolatile) {
+                       _index = funcIx;
+                       _hasFootnote = hasFootnote;
+                       _name = funcName;
+                       _minParams = minParams;
+                       _maxParams = maxParams;
+                       _returnClass = returnClass;
+                       _paramClasses = paramClasses;
+                       _isVolatile = isVolatile;
+               }
+               public int getIndex() {
+                       return _index;
+               }
+               public String getName() {
+                       return _name;
+               }
+               public boolean hasFootnote() {
+                       return _hasFootnote;
+               }
+               public String formatAsDataLine() {
+                       return _index + "\t" + _name + "\t" + _minParams + "\t"
+                                       + _maxParams + "\t" + _returnClass + 
"\t" + _paramClasses
+                                       + "\t" + checkMark(_isVolatile) + "\t" 
+ checkMark(_hasFootnote);
+               }
+               private static String checkMark(boolean b) {
+                       return b ? "x" : "";
+               }
+       }
+       private static final class FunctionDataCollector {
+               private final Map _allFunctionsByIndex;
+               private final Map _allFunctionsByName;
+               private final Set _groupFunctionIndexes;
+               private final Set _groupFunctionNames;
+               private final PrintStream _ps;
+               public FunctionDataCollector(PrintStream ps) {
+                       _ps = ps;
+                       _allFunctionsByIndex = new HashMap();
+                       _allFunctionsByName = new HashMap();
+                       _groupFunctionIndexes = new HashSet();
+                       _groupFunctionNames = new HashSet();
+               }
+               public void addFuntion(int funcIx, boolean hasFootnote, String 
funcName, int minParams, int maxParams,
+                               String returnClass, String paramClasses, String 
volatileFlagStr) {
+                       boolean isVolatile = volatileFlagStr.length() > 0;
+                       Integer funcIxKey = new Integer(funcIx);
+                       if(!_groupFunctionIndexes.add(funcIxKey)) {
+                               throw new RuntimeException("Duplicate function 
index (" + funcIx + ")");
+                       }
+                       if(!_groupFunctionNames.add(funcName)) {
+                               throw new RuntimeException("Duplicate function 
name '" + funcName + "'");
+                       }
+                       checkRedefinedFunction(hasFootnote, funcName, 
+                       FunctionData fd = new FunctionData(funcIx, hasFootnote, 
+                                       minParams, maxParams, returnClass, 
paramClasses, isVolatile);
+                       _allFunctionsByIndex.put(funcIxKey, fd);
+                       _allFunctionsByName.put(funcName, fd);
+               }
+               private void checkRedefinedFunction(boolean hasNote, String 
funcName, Integer funcIxKey) {
+                       FunctionData fdPrev;
+                       fdPrev = (FunctionData) 
+                       if(fdPrev != null) {
+                               if(fdPrev.hasFootnote() && hasNote) {
+                                       // func def can change if both have a 
+                               } else {
+                                       throw new RuntimeException("changing 
function definition without foot-note");
+                               }
+                       }
+                       fdPrev = (FunctionData) 
+                       if(fdPrev != null) {
+                               if(fdPrev.hasFootnote() && hasNote) {
+                                       // func def can change if both have a 
+                                       _allFunctionsByIndex.remove(new 
+                               } else {
+                                       throw new RuntimeException("changing 
function definition without foot-note");
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
+               public void endTableGroup(String headingText) {
+                       Integer[] keys = new 
+                       _groupFunctionIndexes.toArray(keys);
+                       _groupFunctionIndexes.clear();
+                       _groupFunctionNames.clear();
+                       Arrays.sort(keys);
+                       _ps.println("# " + headingText);
+                       for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) {
+                               FunctionData fd = (FunctionData) 
+                               _ps.println(fd.formatAsDataLine());
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       /**
+        * To avoid drag-in - parse XML using only JDK. 
+        */
+       private static class EFFDocHandler implements ContentHandler {
+               private static final String[] HEADING_PATH_NAMES = {
+                       "office:document-content", "office:body", 
"office:text", "text:h",      
+               };
+               private static final String[] TABLE_BASE_PATH_NAMES = {
+                       "office:document-content", "office:body", 
"office:text", "table:table", 
+               };
+               private static final String[] TABLE_ROW_RELPATH_NAMES = {
+                       "table:table-row",      
+               };
+               private static final String[] TABLE_CELL_RELPATH_NAMES = {
+                       "table:table-row", "table:table-cell", "text:p",        
+               };
+               private static final String[] NOTE_REF_RELPATH_NAMES = {
+                       "table:table-row", "table:table-cell", "text:p", 
"text:span", "text:note-ref",
+               };
+               private final Stack _elemNameStack;
+               /** <code>true</code> only when parsing the target tables */
+               private boolean _isInsideTable;
+               private final List _rowData; 
+               private final StringBuffer _textNodeBuffer;
+               private final List _rowNoteFlags;
+               private boolean _cellHasNote;
+               private final FunctionDataCollector _fdc;
+               private String _lastHeadingText;
+               public EFFDocHandler(FunctionDataCollector fdc) {
+                       _fdc = fdc;
+                       _elemNameStack = new Stack();
+                       _isInsideTable = false;
+                       _rowData = new ArrayList();
+                       _textNodeBuffer = new StringBuffer();
+                       _rowNoteFlags = new ArrayList();
+               }
+               private boolean matchesTargetPath() {
+                       return matchesPath(0, TABLE_BASE_PATH_NAMES);
+               }
+               private boolean matchesRelPath(String[] pathNames) {
+                       return matchesPath(TABLE_BASE_PATH_NAMES.length, 
+               }
+               private boolean matchesPath(int baseStackIndex, String[] 
pathNames) {
+                       if(_elemNameStack.size() != baseStackIndex + 
pathNames.length) {
+                               return false;
+                       }
+                       for (int i = 0; i < pathNames.length; i++) {
+                               if(!_elemNameStack.get(baseStackIndex + 
i).equals(pathNames[i])) {
+                                       return false;
+                               }
+                       }
+                       return true;
+               }
+               public void characters(char[] ch, int start, int length) {
+                       // only 2 text nodes where text is collected:
+                       if(matchesRelPath(TABLE_CELL_RELPATH_NAMES) || 
matchesPath(0, HEADING_PATH_NAMES)) {
+                               _textNodeBuffer.append(ch, start, length);
+                       }
+               }
+               public void endElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, 
String name) {
+                       String expectedName = (String) _elemNameStack.peek();
+                       if(expectedName != name) {
+                               throw new RuntimeException("close tag 
+                       }
+                       if(matchesPath(0, HEADING_PATH_NAMES)) {
+                               _lastHeadingText = 
+                               _textNodeBuffer.setLength(0);
+                       }                       
+                       if(_isInsideTable) {
+                               if(matchesTargetPath()) {
+                                       _fdc.endTableGroup(_lastHeadingText);
+                                       _isInsideTable = false;
+                               } else 
if(matchesRelPath(TABLE_ROW_RELPATH_NAMES)) {
+                                       String[] cellData = new 
+                                       _rowData.toArray(cellData);
+                                       _rowData.clear();
+                                       Boolean[] noteFlags = new 
+                                       _rowNoteFlags.toArray(noteFlags);
+                                       _rowNoteFlags.clear();
+                                       processTableRow(cellData, noteFlags);
+                               } else 
if(matchesRelPath(TABLE_CELL_RELPATH_NAMES)) {
+                                       _textNodeBuffer.setLength(0);
+                               }
+                       }
+                       _elemNameStack.pop();
+               }
+               private void processTableRow(String[] cellData, Boolean[] 
noteFlags) {
+                       // each table row of the document contains data for two 
+                       if(cellData.length != 15) {
+                               throw new RuntimeException("Bad table row 
+                       }
+                       processFunction(cellData, noteFlags, 0);
+                       processFunction(cellData, noteFlags, 8);
+               }
+               public void processFunction(String[] cellData, Boolean[] 
noteFlags, int i) {
+                       String funcIxStr = cellData[i + 0];
+                       if (funcIxStr.length() < 1) {
+                               // empty (happens on the right hand side when 
there is an odd number of functions)
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       int funcIx = parseInt(funcIxStr);
+                       boolean hasFootnote = noteFlags[i + 1].booleanValue();
+                       String funcName = cellData[i + 1];
+                       int minParams = parseInt(cellData[i + 2]);
+                       int maxParams = parseInt(cellData[i + 3]);
+                       String returnClass = cellData[i + 4];
+                       String paramClasses = cellData[i + 5];
+                       String volatileFlagStr = cellData[i + 6];
+                       _fdc.addFuntion(funcIx, hasFootnote, funcName, 
minParams, maxParams, returnClass, paramClasses, volatileFlagStr);
+               }
+               private static int parseInt(String valStr) {
+                       try {
+                               return Integer.parseInt(valStr);
+                       } catch (NumberFormatException e) {
+                               throw new RuntimeException("Value '" + valStr + 
"' could not be parsed as an integer");
+                       }
+               }
+               public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, 
String name, Attributes atts) {
+                       _elemNameStack.add(name);
+                       if(matchesTargetPath()) {
+                               String tableName = atts.getValue("table:name");
+                               if(tableName.startsWith("tab_fml_func") && 
!tableName.equals("tab_fml_func0")) {
+                                       _isInsideTable = true;
+                               }
+                               return;
+                       }
+                       if(matchesPath(0, HEADING_PATH_NAMES)) {
+                               _textNodeBuffer.setLength(0);
+                       } else if(matchesRelPath(TABLE_ROW_RELPATH_NAMES)) {
+                               _rowData.clear();
+                               _rowNoteFlags.clear();
+                       } else if(matchesRelPath(TABLE_CELL_RELPATH_NAMES)) {
+                               _textNodeBuffer.setLength(0);
+                               _cellHasNote = false;
+                       } else if(matchesRelPath(NOTE_REF_RELPATH_NAMES)) {
+                               _cellHasNote = true;
+                       }
+               }
+               public void endDocument() {
+                       // do nothing
+               }
+               public void endPrefixMapping(String prefix) {
+                       // do nothing
+               }
+               public void ignorableWhitespace(char[] ch, int start, int 
length) {
+                       // do nothing
+               }
+               public void processingInstruction(String target, String data) {
+                       // do nothing
+               }
+               public void setDocumentLocator(Locator locator) {
+                       // do nothing
+               }
+               public void skippedEntity(String name) {
+                       // do nothing
+               }
+               public void startDocument() {
+                       // do nothing
+               }
+               public void startPrefixMapping(String prefix, String uri) {
+                       // do nothing
+               }
+       }
+       private static void extractFunctionData(FunctionDataCollector fdc, 
InputStream is) {
+               System.setProperty("org.xml.sax.driver", 
+               XMLReader xr;
+               try {
+                       xr = XMLReaderFactory.createXMLReader();
+               } catch (SAXException e) {
+                       throw new RuntimeException(e);
+               }
+               xr.setContentHandler(new EFFDocHandler(fdc));
+               InputSource inSrc = new InputSource(is);
+               try {
+                       xr.parse(inSrc);
+                       is.close();
+               } catch (IOException e) {
+                       throw new RuntimeException(e);
+               } catch (SAXException e) {
+                       throw new RuntimeException(e);
+               }
+       }
+       private static void processFile(File effDocFile, File outFile) {
+               OutputStream os;
+               try {
+                       os = new FileOutputStream(outFile);
+               } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+                       throw new RuntimeException(e);
+               }
+               PrintStream ps = new PrintStream(os);
+               outputLicenseHeader(ps);
+               Class genClass = ExcelFileFormatDocFunctionExtractor.class;
+               ps.println("# Created by (" + genClass.getName() + ")");
+               // identify the source file
+               ps.print("# from source file '" + SOURCE_DOC_FILE_NAME + "'");
+               ps.println(" (size=" + effDocFile.length() + ", crc=" + 
getFileCRC(effDocFile) + ")");
+               ps.println("#");
+               ps.println("#Columns: (index, name, minParams, maxParams, 
returnClass, paramClasses, isVolatile, hasFootnote )");
+               ps.println("");
+               try {
+                       ZipFile zf = new ZipFile(effDocFile);
+                       InputStream is = 
+                       extractFunctionData(new FunctionDataCollector(ps), is);
+                       zf.close();
+               } catch (ZipException e) {
+                       throw new RuntimeException(e);
+               } catch (IOException e) {
+                       throw new RuntimeException(e);
+               }
+               ps.close();
+       }
+       private static void outputLicenseHeader(PrintStream ps) {
+           String[] lines= {
+            "Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or 
+            "contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed 
+            "this work for additional information regarding copyright 
+            "The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, 
Version 2.0",
+            "(the \"License\"); you may not use this file except in compliance 
+            "the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at",
+            "",
+            "";,
+            "",
+            "Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, 
+            "distributed under the License is distributed on an \"AS IS\" 
+            "WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or 
+            "See the License for the specific language governing permissions 
+            "limitations under the License.",
+           };
+           for (int i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) {
+               ps.print("# ");
+            ps.println(lines[i]);
+        }
+        ps.println();
+    }
+    /**
+        * Helps identify the source file
+        */
+       private static String getFileCRC(File f) {
+               CRC32 crc = new CRC32();
+               byte[]buf = new byte[2048];
+               try {
+                       InputStream is = new FileInputStream(f);
+                       while(true) {
+                               int bytesRead =;
+                               if(bytesRead<1) { 
+                                       break;
+                               }
+                               crc.update(buf, 0, bytesRead);
+                       }
+                       is.close();
+               } catch (IOException e) {
+                       throw new RuntimeException(e);
+               }
+               return "0x" + Long.toHexString(crc.getValue()).toUpperCase();
+       }
+       private static File getSourceFile() {
+               if (true) {
+                       File dir = new File("c:/josh/ref-docs");
+                       File effDocFile = new File(dir, SOURCE_DOC_FILE_NAME);
+                       return effDocFile;
+               }
+               URL url;
+               try {
+                       url = new URL(""; + 
+               } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
+                       throw new RuntimeException(e);
+               }
+               File result;
+               byte[]buf = new byte[2048];
+               try {
+                       URLConnection conn = url.openConnection();
+                       InputStream is = conn.getInputStream();
+                       System.out.println("downloading " + 
+                       result = File.createTempFile("excelfileformat", "odt");
+                       OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(result);
+                       while(true) {
+                               int bytesRead =;
+                               if(bytesRead<1) { 
+                                       break;
+                               }
+                               os.write(buf, 0, bytesRead);
+                       }
+                       is.close();
+                       os.close();
+               } catch (IOException e) {
+                       throw new RuntimeException(e);
+               }
+               System.out.println("file downloaded ok");
+               return result;
+       }
+       public static void main(String[] args) {
+               File effDocFile = getSourceFile();
+               if(!effDocFile.exists()) {
+                       throw new RuntimeException("file '" + 
effDocFile.getAbsolutePath() + "' does not exist");
+               }
+               File outFile = new File("functionMetadata-asGenerated.txt");
+               processFile(effDocFile, outFile);
+       }

 Wed Mar 26 00:32:28 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+/* ====================================================================
+   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+==================================================================== */
+package org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.function;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+ * 
+ * @author Josh Micich
+ */
+public final class TestFunctionMetadataRegistry extends TestCase {
+    public void testWellKnownFunctions() {
+        confirmFunction(0, "COUNT");
+        confirmFunction(1, "IF");
+    }
+    private static void confirmFunction(int index, String funcName) {
+        FunctionMetadata fm;
+        fm = FunctionMetadataRegistry.getFunctionByIndex(index);
+        assertNotNull(fm);
+        assertEquals(funcName, fm.getName());
+        fm = FunctionMetadataRegistry.getFunctionByName(funcName);
+        assertNotNull(fm);
+        assertEquals(index, fm.getIndex());
+    }

 Wed Mar 26 00:32:28 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+/* ====================================================================
+   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+==================================================================== */
+package org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.function;
+import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+import org.apache.poi.hssf.model.FormulaParser;
+import org.apache.poi.hssf.model.Workbook;
+import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.AbstractFunctionPtg;
+import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.FuncPtg;
+import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.FuncVarPtg;
+import org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.Ptg;
+ * @author Josh Micich
+ */
+public final class TestParseMissingBuiltInFuncs extends TestCase {
+       private static Ptg[] parse(String formula) {
+               Workbook book = Workbook.createWorkbook();
+               return FormulaParser.parse(formula, book);
+       }
+       private static void confirmFunc(String formula, int expPtgArraySize, 
boolean isVarArgFunc, int funcIx) {
+               Ptg[] ptgs = parse(formula);
+               Ptg ptgF = ptgs[ptgs.length-1];  // func is last RPN token in 
all these formulas
+               if(!(ptgF instanceof AbstractFunctionPtg)) {
+                   throw new RuntimeException("function token missing");
+               }
+               AbstractFunctionPtg func = (AbstractFunctionPtg) ptgF;
+               if(func.getFunctionIndex() == 255) {
+                   throw new AssertionFailedError("Failed to recognise 
built-in function in formula '" 
+                           + formula + "'");
+               }
+               assertEquals(expPtgArraySize, ptgs.length);
+               assertEquals(funcIx, func.getFunctionIndex());
+               Class expCls = isVarArgFunc ? FuncVarPtg.class : FuncPtg.class;
+               assertEquals(expCls, ptgF.getClass());
+       }
+       public void testDatedif() {
+               int expSize = 4;   // NB would be 5 if POI added tAttrVolatile 
+               confirmFunc("DATEDIF(NOW(),NOW(),\"d\")", expSize, false, 351);
+       }
+       public void testDdb() {
+               confirmFunc("DDB(1,1,1,1,1)", 6, true, 144);
+       }
+       public void testAtan() {
+               confirmFunc("ATAN(1)", 2, false, 18);
+       }
+       public void testUsdollar() {
+               confirmFunc("USDOLLAR(1)", 2, false, 204);
+       }
+       public void testDBCS() {
+               confirmFunc("DBCS(\"abc\")", 2, false, 215);
+       }
+       public void testIsnontext() {
+               confirmFunc("ISNONTEXT(\"abc\")", 2, false, 190);
+       }

 Wed Mar 26 00:32:28 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+/* ====================================================================
+   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+   (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+   the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+==================================================================== */
+package org.apache.poi.hssf.record.formula.function;
+import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFSheet;
+import org.apache.poi.hssf.usermodel.HSSFWorkbook;
+import junit.framework.AssertionFailedError;
+import junit.framework.TestCase;
+ * Tests reading from a sample spreadsheet some built-in functions that were 
not properly
+ * registered in POI as bug #44675 (March 2008).
+ * 
+ * @author Josh Micich
+ */
+public final class TestReadMissingBuiltInFuncs extends TestCase {
+       private HSSFSheet sht;
+       protected void setUp() {
+               String cwd = System.getProperty("HSSF.testdata.path");
+               HSSFWorkbook wb;
+               try {
+                       InputStream is = new FileInputStream(new File(cwd, 
+                       wb = new HSSFWorkbook(is);
+               } catch (IOException e) {
+                       throw new RuntimeException(e);
+               }
+               sht = wb.getSheetAt(0);
+       }
+       public void testDatedif() {
+               String formula;
+               try {
+                       formula = getCellFormula(0);
+               } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
+                       if(e.getMessage().startsWith("Too few arguments")) {
+                           if(e.getMessage().indexOf("AttrPtg") > 0) {
+                       throw afe("tAttrVolatile not supported in 
+                           }
+                               throw afe("NOW() registered with 1 arg instead 
of 0");
+                       }
+                       if(e.getMessage().startsWith("too much stuff")) {
+                               throw afe("DATEDIF() not registered");
+                       }
+                       // some other unexpected error
+                       throw e;
+               }
+               assertEquals("DATEDIF(NOW(),NOW(),\"d\")", formula);
+       }
+       public void testDdb() {
+               String formula = getCellFormula(1);
+               if("externalflag(1,1,1,1,1)".equals(formula)) {
+                       throw afe("DDB() not registered");
+               }
+               assertEquals("DDB(1,1,1,1,1)", formula);
+       }
+       public void testAtan() {
+               String formula = getCellFormula(2);
+               if(formula.equals("ARCTAN(1)")) {
+                       throw afe("func ix 18 registered as ARCTAN() instead of 
+               }
+               assertEquals("ATAN(1)", formula);
+       }
+       public void testUsdollar() {
+               String formula = getCellFormula(3);
+               if(formula.equals("YEN(1)")) {
+                       throw afe("func ix 204 registered as YEN() instead of 
+               }
+               assertEquals("USDOLLAR(1)", formula);
+       }
+       public void testDBCS() {
+               String formula;
+               try {
+                       formula = getCellFormula(4);
+               } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
+                       if(e.getMessage().startsWith("too much stuff")) {
+                               throw afe("DBCS() not registered");
+                       }
+                       // some other unexpected error
+                       throw e;
+               } catch (NegativeArraySizeException e) {
+                       throw afe("found err- DBCS() registered with -1 args");
+               }
+               if(formula.equals("JIS(\"abc\")")) {
+                       throw afe("func ix 215 registered as JIS() instead of 
+               }
+               assertEquals("DBCS(\"abc\")", formula);
+       }
+       public void testIsnontext() {
+               String formula;
+               try {
+                       formula = getCellFormula(5);
+               } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
+                       if(e.getMessage().startsWith("too much stuff")) {
+                               throw afe("ISNONTEXT() registered with wrong 
+                       }
+                       // some other unexpected error
+                       throw e;
+               }
+               assertEquals("ISNONTEXT(\"abc\")", formula);
+       }
+       private String getCellFormula(int rowIx) {
+               String result = 
+               if (false) {
+                       System.err.println(result);
+               }
+               return result;
+       }
+       private static AssertionFailedError afe(String msg) {
+               return new AssertionFailedError(msg);
+       }

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