QMan - Qpid Management bridge has been edited by Andrea Gazzarini (Mar 02, 2009).

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QMan : Qpid Management Bridge

QMan is a management bridge for Qpid. It allows external clients to manage and monitor one or more Qpid brokers.

Please note: All WS-DM related concerns have to be considered part of M5 release.

QMan exposes the broker management interfaces using Java Management Extensions (JMX) and / or OASIS Web Services Distributed Management (WSDM). While the first one is supposed to be used by java based clients only the latter is an interoperable protocol that enables management clients to access and receive notifications of management-enabled resources using Web Services.

QMan can be easily integrated in your preexisting system in different ways :

  • As a standalone application : in this case it runs as a server. More specifically it enables communication via RMI (for JMX) or via HTTP (for WS-DM); Note that when the WS-DM adapter is used the JMX interface is not exposed;
  • As a deployable unit : it is also available as a standard Java web application (war); This is useful when there's a preexisting Application Server in your environment and you don't want start another additional server in order to run QMan.

User Documentation

With "User Documentation" we mean all information that you need to know in order to use QMan from a user perspective. Those information include :

Section Description
Get me up and running How to install & start QMan.
User Guide How to use QMan.
JMX Interface Specification Describes each JMX interface exposed by QMan.
WS-DM Interface Specification Describes each WS-DM interface exposed by QMan.
QMan Messages Catalogue Informational / Debug / Error / Warning messages catalogue.

Technical Documentation

If you are interested in technical details about QMan and related technologies this is a good starting point. In general this section provides information about QMan design, interfaces, patterns and so on...

Section Description
System overview A short introduction about QMan deployment context.
Package view Lets you quickly examine QMan at high level (packages).
Components view Describes QMan components, their interactions and responsibilities.
Use cases view Describes how functional use cases are performed in QMan, focusing on (architecturally) significant components.

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