AMQP Error Codes has been edited by Martin Ritchie (Mar 11, 2009).

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The Java server will return errors to the client under certain circumstances. These error codes are defined in the AMQP Spec.

 Common error codes include:

312 No Route
The message is being sent to a destination that does not exist.
313 No Consumers
The message is marked as immediate delivery, but no consumers are able to recieve the message at this time.
403 Access Refused
The client attempted an operation on an object which it does not have permission for.
404 Not Found
The client attempted an operation on an entity which does not exist. 
405 Already Exists
The client attempted to create an entity which already exists.
406 In Use
The client attempted to delete an entity which is currently being used.
407 Invalid Routing Key
The client attempted to use an invalid routing key. 
408 Request Timeout
The requested operation could not be completed in time.
409 Invalid Argument
The client provided an argument which the server did not recognise, eg. invalid JMS selector.
530 Not Allowed
The client attempted an operation which it does not have permission for.
542 Unsupported Protocol Version
The server does not support the requested AMQP version. 

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