Status Update Design has been edited by Martin Ritchie (Jul 02, 2009).

Change summary:

Update to Abstraction with new JavaDoc'd classes

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Status Update

Following on from the high level design, this page will provide a more detailed design approach to implement status update logging in the Java broker.

The logging hierarchy identified is not suitable to be directly used by Log4j as there is multiple routes and loops in the graph.

Abstracting the logging is recommended as this will allow us to simply provide Qpid specific optimisations such as providing the log prefix.

This design will cover the following areas:

Logging Configuration

At this stage configuration will be limited to the addtion to the main config.xml file of the following option:


This status-update on setting will be the default value if the section is not included in the configuration file. The setting will be global for all virtualhosts and will be exposed via the management console as logger 'qpid.status' to allow dynamic setting.

The ability to configure more fine grained logging will be investigated here, but will not be implemented in the initial phase.

Status Updates

In the first phase updates only stauts updates will be provided. Status updates should take the form of general operational logging level, no logging on message delivery path way and No performance impact. The recommendation will be to have these enabled for production use.
e.g. Creation/Destruction events

The status updates can also be used in a second phase to provide additional logging to assist development.
The additional logging can be performed on the message delivery path way. This may have performance impact and so would not be recommended for long term production use.
e.g. Message Enqueue/Dequeue

Logging Abstraction

The abstraction layer allows us to fully decouple the logging mechanism from any operational logging that the broker may wish to perform. The following code highlights show how we would abstract the logging operations.

The approach to logging is that each Entitiy as highlighted on Logging Format Design would provide an implementation of MessageStatusLogger. This logger would be obtained from the MessagesStatusLoggerFactory during the constuction of the entity. When a Status event occured that should be logged a LogActor is requried to request the logging. The initial LogActors would be Connection, Channel and Subscription. Later phases would introduce VirtualHost and ManagementConnection. These Actors will initially only be used to provide their log formated name as per the format design. However, later their details can be used to identify if logging should procced for that Actor and Entity combination. At this stage selective configurations is not part of this design.

 * LogActor the entity that is requesting the log to be peformed.
 * The actor is responsible for providing the formatted name for the log entry.
public interface LogActor
     * Return the String that this actor wishes to be entered into the logfile.
     * @return String
    public String getLogFormattedName();
 * Message Status messages are logged via this interface.
 * Each Entity that wishes to be logged will implement this to provide their
 * own display representation.
 * The MSLogger will be created by a Factory {...@see MessageStatusLoggerFactory}.
 * Currently logging has a global setting however this will later be revised and
 * as such the LogActor will need to be taken in to consideration as well as the
 * status of this Logger.
 * A detailed and published list of messages that will be logged will be
 * provided so that monitoring systems can know what to expect.
public interface MessageStatusLogger

     * This method should be used as a guard against expensive message
     * construction prior to calling message().
     * It should not be called if there is no construction required.
     * This will perform validation that the log message should be performed
     * based on the provided Actor and the Entity this Logger represents.
     * This may be done via delegation to the RootMessageStatusLogger.
     * @param actor The actor that is requesting to perform logging
     * @return if this log message should take place
    public boolean isMessageEnabled(LogActor actor);

     * Logs the message as provided by String.valueOf(message).
     * The call to message() will first check if #isMessageEnabled() allows
     * the logging to be performed. This means for simple messages it is not
     * necessary to guard this call with isMessageEnabled() as it will be called
     * internally.
     * If any complex construction is requried then it MUST BE guarded so that
     * the log message is not needlessly generated.
     * @param actor   The actor that is requesting the logging
     * @param message The message to log
    public void message(LogActor actor, Object message);

     * Logs the message as provided by String.valueOf(message).
     * The call to message() will first check if #isMessageEnabled() allows
     * the logging to be performed. This means for simple messages it is not
     * necessary to guard this call with isMessageEnabled() as it will be called
     * internally.
     * If any complex construction is requried then it MUST BE guarded so that
     * the log message is not needlessly generated.
     * If the provided Throwable is non-null then the stack trace will also be
     * logged.
     * @param actor   The actor that is requesting the logging
     * @param message The message to log
     * @param throwable The throwable that should be used to generate a trace.
    public void message(LogActor actor, Object message, Throwable throwable);
 * This interface provides a means of creating the Loggers that will be required
 * by each of the entities that have a desire to provide status updates.
 * For new entities to support status logging this interface must be updated.
 * All Loggers defer to the RootMessageStatusLogger as to wither the log should
 * take place.
public interface MessageStatusLoggerFactory
    public ConnectionMessageStatusLogger createConnectionMessageStatusLogger(AMQProtocolSession connection);

    public ChannelMessageStatusLogger createChannelMessageStatusLogger(AMQChannel channel);

    public QueueMessageStatusLogger createQueueMessageStatusLogger(AMQQueue queue);

    public ExchangeMessageStatusLogger createExchangeMessageStatusLogger(Exchange exchange);

    public BindingMessageStatusLogger createBindingMessageStatusLogger(ExchangeBinding binding);

    public SubscriptionMessageStatusLogger createSubscriptionMessageStatusLogger(Subscription subscription);

    public MessageStoreMessageStatusLogger createMessageStoreMessageStatusLogger(MessageStore store);
 * The RootMessageStatusLogger is used by the MessageStatusLoggers to query if
 * logging is enabled for the requested message and to provide the actual
 * message that should be logged.
public interface RootMessageStatusLogger
     * Determin if the MessageStatusLogger and the LogActor should be
     * generating log messages.
     * @param messageStatusLogger The logger performing the logging
     * @param actor               The actor requesting the logging
     * @return boolean true if the message should be logged.
    boolean isMessageEnabled(MessageStatusLogger messageStatusLogger,
                             LogActor actor);

     * Log the raw message to the configured logger.
     * @param message   The message to log
     * @param throwable Optional Throwable that should provide stact trace
    void rawMessage(String message, Throwable throwable);

     * Accessor to get the MSLFactory that can then be used to perform logging 
     * @return MessageStatusLoggerFactory 
    MessageStatusLoggerFactory getMessageStatusLoggerFactory();
 * A RawMessage Logger takes the given String and any Throwable and writes the
 * data to its resouce.
public interface RawMessageLogger
     * Log the message and formatted stack trace for any Throwable.
     * @param message   String to log.
     * @param throwable Throwable for which to provide stack trace.
    public void rawMessage(String message, Throwable throwable);

The addition of the ability to set a creator allows for situations such as Binding to have a Connection associated with the Binding. This will allow a Binding create event to be logged like this:

2009-06-29 13:35:10,1234 +0100 INFO [ con:1(gu...@ ] Created Binding

rather having no details about how the creation occured:

2009-06-29 13:35:10,1234 +0100 INFO [ vh(/)/ex( ] Created Binding

Logging Usage

Logging by a LogEntity
pubic class Subscription
    if (_statusLogger.isInfoEnabled(this))
    {, "Subscription Event occured.");

Would result in the following based on the Logging Format Design.

2009-06-29 13:35:10,1234 +0100 INFO [ con:1(gu...@ ] Subscription Event occcured.
Logging of a newly created LogEntity via connection
    binding = new ExchangeBinding(...);
// Verify binding can be performed/created
    if (_statusLogger.isInfoEnabled(binding))
    {, "Created");

Would result in the following:

2009-06-29 13:35:10,1234 +0100 INFO [ con:1(gu...@, Consume, qu(myQueue)) ] Plugin Event occured for this. 

Initial Status Messages


Configuration details


Configuration details


Configuration details


Recover Status




Flow Status









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