diff --git a/proton-c/bindings/go/genwrap.go b/proton-c/bindings/go/genwrap.go
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..094b196
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proton-c/bindings/go/genwrap.go
@@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+// Code generator to generate a thin Go wrapper API around the C proton API.
+package main
+import (
+       "flag"
+       "fmt"
+       "io"
+       "io/ioutil"
+       "os"
+       "os/exec"
+       "path"
+       "regexp"
+       "strings"
+       "text/template"
+func mixedCase(s string) string {
+       result := ""
+       for _, w := range strings.Split(s, "_") {
+               if w != "" {
+                       result = result + strings.ToUpper(w[0:1]) + 
+               }
+       }
+       return result
+func mixedCaseTrim(s, prefix string) string {
+       return mixedCase(strings.TrimPrefix(s, prefix))
+var templateFuncs = template.FuncMap{"mixedCase": mixedCase, "mixedCaseTrim": 
+func doTemplate(out io.Writer, data interface{}, tmpl string) {
+type enumType struct {
+       Name   string
+       Values []string
+// Find enums in a header file return map of enum name to values.
+func findEnums(header string) (enums []enumType) {
+       for _, enum := range enumDefRe.FindAllStringSubmatch(header, -1) {
+               enums = append(enums, enumType{enum[2], 
enumValRe.FindAllString(enum[1], -1)})
+       }
+       return enums
+func genEnum(out io.Writer, name string, values []string) {
+       doTemplate(out, []interface{}{name, values}, `{{$enumName := index . 
0}}{{$values := index . 1}}
+type {{mixedCase $enumName}} C.pn_{{$enumName}}_t
+const ({{range $values}}
+       {{mixedCase .}} {{mixedCase $enumName}} = C.{{.}} {{end}}
+func (e {{mixedCase $enumName}}) String() string {
+       switch e {
+{{range $values}}
+       case C.{{.}}: return "{{mixedCaseTrim . "PN_"}}" {{end}}
+       }
+       return "unknown"
+var (
+       reSpace = regexp.MustCompile("\\s+")
+func panicIf(err error) {
+       if err != nil {
+               panic(err)
+       }
+func readHeader(name string) string {
+       file, err := os.Open(path.Join(*includeProton, name+".h"))
+       panicIf(err)
+       defer file.Close()
+       s, err := ioutil.ReadAll(file)
+       panicIf(err)
+       return string(s)
+var copyright string = `/*
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+// NOTE: This file was generated by genwrap.go, do not edit it by hand.
+type eventType struct {
+       // C, function and interface names for the event
+       Name, Cname, Fname, Iname string
+func newEventType(cName string) eventType {
+       var etype eventType
+       etype.Cname = cName
+       etype.Name = mixedCaseTrim(cName, "PN_")
+       etype.Fname = "On" + etype.Name
+       etype.Iname = etype.Fname + "Interface"
+       return etype
+var (
+       enumDefRe   = regexp.MustCompile("typedef enum {([^}]*)} 
+       enumValRe   = regexp.MustCompile("PN_[A-Z_]+")
+       skipEventRe = regexp.MustCompile("EVENT_NONE|REACTOR|SELECTABLE|TIMER")
+       skipFnRe    = 
+// Generate event wrappers.
+func event(out io.Writer) {
+       event_h := readHeader("event")
+       // Event is implented by hand in wrappers.go
+       // Get all the pn_event_type_t enum values
+       var etypes []eventType
+       enums := findEnums(event_h)
+       for _, e := range enums[0].Values {
+               if skipEventRe.FindStringSubmatch(e) == nil {
+                       etypes = append(etypes, newEventType(e))
+               }
+       }
+       doTemplate(out, etypes, `
+type EventType int
+const ({{range .}}
+        E{{.Name}} EventType = C.{{.Cname}}{{end}}
+       doTemplate(out, etypes, `
+func (e EventType) String() string {
+       switch e {
+{{range .}}
+       case C.{{.Cname}}: return "{{.Name}}"{{end}}
+       }
+       return "Unknown"
+type genType struct {
+       Ctype, Gotype string
+       ToGo          func(value string) string
+       ToC           func(value string) string
+       Assign        func(value string) string
+func (g genType) printBody(out io.Writer, value string) {
+       if g.Gotype != "" {
+               fmt.Fprintf(out, "return %s", g.ToGo(value))
+       } else {
+               fmt.Fprintf(out, "%s", value)
+       }
+func (g genType) goLiteral(value string) string {
+       return fmt.Sprintf("%s{%s}", g.Gotype, value)
+func (g genType) goConvert(value string) string {
+       switch g.Gotype {
+       case "string":
+               return fmt.Sprintf("C.GoString(%s)", value)
+       case "Event":
+               return fmt.Sprintf("makeEvent(%s)", value)
+       default:
+               return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%s)", g.Gotype, value)
+       }
+var notStruct = map[string]bool{
+       "EventType":        true,
+       "SndSettleMode":    true,
+       "RcvSettleMode":    true,
+       "TerminusType":     true,
+       "State":            true,
+       "Durability":       true,
+       "ExpiryPolicy":     true,
+       "DistributionMode": true,
+func mapType(ctype string) (g genType) {
+       g.Ctype = "C." + strings.Trim(ctype, " \n")
+       switch g.Ctype {
+       case "C.void":
+               g.Gotype = ""
+       case "C.size_t":
+               g.Gotype = "uint"
+       case "":
+               g.Gotype = "int"
+       case "C.void *":
+               g.Gotype = "unsafe.Pointer"
+               g.Ctype = "unsafe.Pointer"
+       case "C.bool":
+               g.Gotype = "bool"
+       case "C.ssize_t":
+               g.Gotype = "int"
+       case "C.uint64_t":
+               g.Gotype = "uint64"
+       case "C.uint32_t":
+               g.Gotype = "uint16"
+       case "C.uint16_t":
+               g.Gotype = "uint32"
+       case "C.const char *":
+               fallthrough
+       case "C.char *":
+               g.Gotype = "string"
+               g.Ctype = "C.CString"
+               g.ToC = func(v string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%sC", v) }
+               g.Assign = func(v string) string {
+                       return fmt.Sprintf("%sC := C.CString(%s)\n defer\n", v, v, v)
+               }
+       case "C.pn_seconds_t":
+               g.Gotype = "time.Duration"
+               g.ToGo = func(v string) string { return 
fmt.Sprintf("(time.Duration(%s) * time.Second)", v) }
+       case "C.pn_error_t *":
+               g.Gotype = "error"
+               g.ToGo = func(v string) string { return 
fmt.Sprintf("internal.PnError(unsafe.Pointer(%s))", v) }
+       default:
+               pnId := regexp.MustCompile(" *pn_([a-z_]+)_t *\\*? *")
+               match := pnId.FindStringSubmatch(g.Ctype)
+               if match == nil {
+                       panic(fmt.Errorf("unknown C type %#v", g.Ctype))
+               }
+               g.Gotype = mixedCase(match[1])
+               if !notStruct[g.Gotype] {
+                       g.ToGo = g.goLiteral
+                       g.ToC = func(v string) string { return v + ".pn" }
+               }
+       }
+       if g.ToGo == nil {
+               g.ToGo = g.goConvert // Use conversion by default.
+       }
+       if g.ToC == nil {
+               g.ToC = func(v string) string { return fmt.Sprintf("%s(%s)", 
g.Ctype, v) }
+       }
+       return
+type genArg struct {
+       Name string
+       genType
+var typeNameRe = regexp.MustCompile("^(.*( |\\*))([^ *]+)$")
+func splitArgs(argstr string) []genArg {
+       argstr = strings.Trim(argstr, " \n")
+       if argstr == "" {
+               return []genArg{}
+       }
+       args := make([]genArg, 0)
+       for _, item := range strings.Split(argstr, ",") {
+               item = strings.Trim(item, " \n")
+               typeName := typeNameRe.FindStringSubmatch(item)
+               if typeName == nil {
+                       panic(fmt.Errorf("Can't split argument type/name %#v", 
+               }
+               cType := strings.Trim(typeName[1], " \n")
+               name := strings.Trim(typeName[3], " \n")
+               if name == "type" {
+                       name = "type_"
+               }
+               args = append(args, genArg{name, mapType(cType)})
+       }
+       return args
+func goArgs(args []genArg) string {
+       l := ""
+       for i, arg := range args {
+               if i != 0 {
+                       l += ", "
+               }
+               l += arg.Name + " " + arg.Gotype
+       }
+       return l
+func cArgs(args []genArg) string {
+       l := ""
+       for _, arg := range args {
+               l += fmt.Sprintf(", %s", arg.ToC(arg.Name))
+       }
+       return l
+func cAssigns(args []genArg) string {
+       l := "\n"
+       for _, arg := range args {
+               if arg.Assign != nil {
+                       l += fmt.Sprintf("%s\n", arg.Assign(arg.Name))
+               }
+       }
+       return l
+// Return the go name of the function or "" to skip the function.
+func goFnName(api, fname string) string {
+       // Skip class, context and attachment functions.
+       if skipFnRe.FindStringSubmatch(fname) != nil {
+               return ""
+       }
+       switch api + "." + fname {
+       case "link.get_drain":
+               return "IsDrain"
+       default:
+               return mixedCaseTrim(fname, "get_")
+       }
+func apiWrapFns(api, header string, out io.Writer) {
+       fmt.Fprintf(out, "type %s struct{pn *C.pn_%s_t}\n", mixedCase(api), api)
+       fmt.Fprintf(out, "func (%c %s) IsNil() bool { return == nil }\n", 
api[0], mixedCase(api), api[0])
+       fn := regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf(`PN_EXTERN ([a-z0-9_ ]+ *\*?) 
*pn_%s_([a-z_]+)\(pn_%s_t *\*[a-z_]+ *,? *([^)]*)\)`, api, api))
+       for _, m := range fn.FindAllStringSubmatch(header, -1) {
+               rtype, fname, argstr := mapType(m[1]), m[2], m[3]
+               gname := goFnName(api, fname)
+               if gname == "" { // Skip
+                       continue
+               }
+               args := splitArgs(argstr)
+               fmt.Fprintf(out, "func (%c %s) %s", api[0], mixedCase(api), 
+               fmt.Fprintf(out, "(%s) %s { ", goArgs(args), rtype.Gotype)
+               fmt.Fprint(out, cAssigns(args))
+               rtype.printBody(out, fmt.Sprintf("C.pn_%s_%s(", api, 
fname, api[0], cArgs(args)))
+               fmt.Fprintf(out, "}\n")
+       }
+var includeProton = flag.String("include", "", "path to proton include files, 
including /proton")
+func main() {
+       flag.Parse()
+       outpath := "wrappers_gen.go"
+       out, err := os.Create(outpath)
+       panicIf(err)
+       defer out.Close()
+       apis := []string{"session", "link", "delivery", "disposition", 
"condition", "terminus", "connection"}
+       fmt.Fprintln(out, copyright)
+       fmt.Fprint(out, `
+package event
+import (
+       "time"
+  "unsafe"
+  ""
+// #include <proton/types.h>
+// #include <proton/event.h>
+// #include <stdlib.h>
+       for _, api := range apis {
+               fmt.Fprintf(out, "// #include <proton/%s.h>\n", api)
+       }
+       fmt.Fprintln(out, `import "C"`)
+       event(out)
+       for _, api := range apis {
+               fmt.Fprintf(out, "// Wrappers for declarations in %s.h\n\n", 
+               header := readHeader(api)
+               enums := findEnums(header)
+               for _, e := range enums {
+                       genEnum(out, e.Name, e.Values)
+               }
+               apiWrapFns(api, header, out)
+       }
+       out.Close()
+       // Run gofmt.
+       cmd := exec.Command("gofmt", "-w", outpath)
+       cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
+       cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
+       err = cmd.Run()
+       if err != nil {
+               fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "gofmt: %s", err)
+               os.Exit(1)
+       }
diff --git a/proton-c/bindings/go/src/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7c00aa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+Package amqp encodes and decodes AMQP messages and data as Go types.
+It follows the standard 'encoding' libraries pattern. The mapping between AMQP
+and Go types is described in the documentation of the Marshal and Unmarshal
+The sub-packages 'event' and 'messaging' provide two alternative ways to write
+AMQP clients and servers. 'messaging' is easier for general purpose use. 
+gives complete low-level control of the underlying proton C engine.
+AMQP is an open standard for inter-operable message exchange, see 
+package amqp
+// #cgo LDFLAGS: -lqpid-proton
+import "C"
+// This file is just for the package comment.
+// FIXME aconway 2015-04-28: need to re-organize the package, it's not very 
diff --git a/proton-c/bindings/go/src/ 
new file mode 120000
index 0000000..cc3641d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..11049f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+// Test that conversion of Go type to/from AMQP is compatible with other
+// bindings.
+package amqp
+import (
+       "bytes"
+       "fmt"
+       "io"
+       "io/ioutil"
+       "os"
+       "reflect"
+       "strings"
+       "testing"
+func assertEqual(want interface{}, got interface{}) {
+       if !reflect.DeepEqual(want, got) {
+               panic(fmt.Errorf("%#v != %#v", want, got))
+       }
+func assertNil(err interface{}) {
+       if err != nil {
+               panic(err)
+       }
+func getReader(name string) (r io.Reader) {
+       r, err := os.Open("interop/" + name + ".amqp")
+       if err != nil {
+               panic(fmt.Errorf("Can't open %#v: %v", name, err))
+       }
+       return
+func remaining(d *Decoder) string {
+       remainder, _ := ioutil.ReadAll(io.MultiReader(d.Buffered(), d.reader))
+       return string(remainder)
+// assertDecode: want is the expected value, gotPtr is a pointer to a
+// instance of the same type for Decode.
+func assertDecode(d *Decoder, want interface{}, gotPtr interface{}) {
+       assertNil(d.Decode(gotPtr))
+       got := reflect.ValueOf(gotPtr).Elem().Interface()
+       assertEqual(want, got)
+       // Try round trip encoding
+       bytes, err := Marshal(want, nil)
+       assertNil(err)
+       n, err := Unmarshal(bytes, gotPtr)
+       assertNil(err)
+       assertEqual(n, len(bytes))
+       got = reflect.ValueOf(gotPtr).Elem().Interface()
+       assertEqual(want, got)
+func TestUnmarshal(t *testing.T) {
+       bytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(getReader("strings"))
+       if err != nil {
+               t.Error(err)
+       }
+       for _, want := range []string{"abc\000defg", "abcdefg", "abcdefg", "", 
"", ""} {
+               var got string
+               n, err := Unmarshal(bytes, &got)
+               if err != nil {
+                       t.Error(err)
+               }
+               if want != got {
+                       t.Errorf("%#v != %#v", want, got)
+               }
+               bytes = bytes[n:]
+       }
+func TestPrimitivesExact(t *testing.T) {
+       d := NewDecoder(getReader("primitives"))
+       // Decoding into exact types
+       var b bool
+       assertDecode(d, true, &b)
+       assertDecode(d, false, &b)
+       var u8 uint8
+       assertDecode(d, uint8(42), &u8)
+       var u16 uint16
+       assertDecode(d, uint16(42), &u16)
+       var i16 int16
+       assertDecode(d, int16(-42), &i16)
+       var u32 uint32
+       assertDecode(d, uint32(12345), &u32)
+       var i32 int32
+       assertDecode(d, int32(-12345), &i32)
+       var u64 uint64
+       assertDecode(d, uint64(12345), &u64)
+       var i64 int64
+       assertDecode(d, int64(-12345), &i64)
+       var f32 float32
+       assertDecode(d, float32(0.125), &f32)
+       var f64 float64
+       assertDecode(d, float64(0.125), &f64)
+func TestPrimitivesCompatible(t *testing.T) {
+       d := NewDecoder(getReader("primitives"))
+       // Decoding into compatible types
+       var b bool
+       var i int
+       var u uint
+       var f float64
+       assertDecode(d, true, &b)
+       assertDecode(d, false, &b)
+       assertDecode(d, uint(42), &u)
+       assertDecode(d, uint(42), &u)
+       assertDecode(d, -42, &i)
+       assertDecode(d, uint(12345), &u)
+       assertDecode(d, -12345, &i)
+       assertDecode(d, uint(12345), &u)
+       assertDecode(d, -12345, &i)
+       assertDecode(d, 0.125, &f)
+       assertDecode(d, 0.125, &f)
+// assertDecodeValue: want is the expected value, decode into a reflect.Value
+func assertDecodeInterface(d *Decoder, want interface{}) {
+       var got, got2 interface{}
+       assertNil(d.Decode(&got))
+       assertEqual(want, got)
+       // Try round trip encoding
+       bytes, err := Marshal(got, nil)
+       assertNil(err)
+       n, err := Unmarshal(bytes, &got2)
+       assertNil(err)
+       assertEqual(n, len(bytes))
+       assertEqual(want, got2)
+func TestPrimitivesInterface(t *testing.T) {
+       d := NewDecoder(getReader("primitives"))
+       assertDecodeInterface(d, true)
+       assertDecodeInterface(d, false)
+       assertDecodeInterface(d, uint8(42))
+       assertDecodeInterface(d, uint16(42))
+       assertDecodeInterface(d, int16(-42))
+       assertDecodeInterface(d, uint32(12345))
+       assertDecodeInterface(d, int32(-12345))
+       assertDecodeInterface(d, uint64(12345))
+       assertDecodeInterface(d, int64(-12345))
+       assertDecodeInterface(d, float32(0.125))
+       assertDecodeInterface(d, float64(0.125))
+func TestStrings(t *testing.T) {
+       d := NewDecoder(getReader("strings"))
+       // Test decoding as plain Go strings
+       for _, want := range []string{"abc\000defg", "abcdefg", "abcdefg", "", 
"", ""} {
+               var got string
+               assertDecode(d, want, &got)
+       }
+       remains := remaining(d)
+       if remains != "" {
+               t.Errorf("leftover: %s", remains)
+       }
+       // Test decoding as specific string types
+       d = NewDecoder(getReader("strings"))
+       var bytes []byte
+       var str, sym string
+       assertDecode(d, []byte("abc\000defg"), &bytes)
+       assertDecode(d, "abcdefg", &str)
+       assertDecode(d, "abcdefg", &sym)
+       assertDecode(d, make([]byte, 0), &bytes)
+       assertDecode(d, "", &str)
+       assertDecode(d, "", &sym)
+       remains = remaining(d)
+       if remains != "" {
+               t.Fatalf("leftover: %s", remains)
+       }
+       // Test some error handling
+       d = NewDecoder(getReader("strings"))
+       var s string
+       err := d.Decode(s)
+       if err == nil {
+               t.Fatal("Expected error")
+       }
+       if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "not a pointer") {
+               t.Error(err)
+       }
+       var i int
+       err = d.Decode(&i)
+       if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "cannot unmarshal") {
+               t.Error(err)
+       }
+       _, err = Unmarshal([]byte{}, nil)
+       if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "not enough data") {
+               t.Error(err)
+       }
+       _, err = Unmarshal([]byte("foobar"), nil)
+       if !strings.Contains(err.Error(), "invalid-argument") {
+               t.Error(err)
+       }
+func TestEncodeDecode(t *testing.T) {
+       type data struct {
+               s  string
+               i  int
+               u8 uint8
+               b  bool
+               f  float32
+               v  interface{}
+       }
+       in := data{"foo", 42, 9, true, 1.234, "thing"}
+       buf := bytes.Buffer{}
+       e := NewEncoder(&buf)
+       assertNil(e.Encode(in.s))
+       assertNil(e.Encode(in.i))
+       assertNil(e.Encode(in.u8))
+       assertNil(e.Encode(in.b))
+       assertNil(e.Encode(in.f))
+       assertNil(e.Encode(in.v))
+       var out data
+       d := NewDecoder(&buf)
+       assertNil(d.Decode(&out.s))
+       assertNil(d.Decode(&out.i))
+       assertNil(d.Decode(&out.u8))
+       assertNil(d.Decode(&out.b))
+       assertNil(d.Decode(&out.f))
+       assertNil(d.Decode(&out.v))
+       assertEqual(in, out)
+func TestMap(t *testing.T) {
+       d := NewDecoder(getReader("maps"))
+       // Generic map
+       var m Map
+       assertDecode(d, Map{"one": int32(1), "two": int32(2), "three": 
int32(3)}, &m)
+       // Interface as map
+       var i interface{}
+       assertDecode(d, Map{int32(1): "one", int32(2): "two", int32(3): 
"three"}, &i)
+       d = NewDecoder(getReader("maps"))
+       // Specific typed map
+       var m2 map[string]int
+       assertDecode(d, map[string]int{"one": 1, "two": 2, "three": 3}, &m2)
+       // Round trip a nested map
+       m = Map{int64(1): "one", "two": int32(2), true: Map{uint8(1): true, 
uint8(2): false}}
+       bytes, err := Marshal(m, nil)
+       assertNil(err)
+       _, err = Unmarshal(bytes, &i)
+       assertNil(err)
+       assertEqual(m, i)
+func TestList(t *testing.T) {
+       d := NewDecoder(getReader("lists"))
+       var l List
+       assertDecode(d, List{int32(32), "foo", true}, &l)
+       assertDecode(d, List{}, &l)
+func FIXMETestMessage(t *testing.T) {
+       // FIXME aconway 2015-04-09: integrate Message encoding under 
marshal/unmarshal API.
+       bytes, err := ioutil.ReadAll(getReader("message"))
+       assertNil(err)
+       m, err := DecodeMessage(bytes)
+       assertNil(err)
+       fmt.Printf("%+v\n", m)
+       assertEqual(m.Body(), "hello")
+       bytes2 := make([]byte, len(bytes))
+       bytes2, err = m.Encode(bytes2)
+       assertNil(err)
+       assertEqual(bytes, bytes2)
+// FIXME aconway 2015-03-13: finish the full interop test
diff --git a/proton-c/bindings/go/src/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e5c2945
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,238 @@
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+package amqp
+// #include <proton/codec.h>
+import "C"
+import (
+       "io"
+       ""
+       "reflect"
+       "unsafe"
+func dataError(prefix string, data *C.pn_data_t) error {
+       err := internal.PnError(unsafe.Pointer(C.pn_data_error(data)))
+       if err != nil {
+               err = internal.Errorf("%s: %s", prefix, err.(internal.Error))
+       }
+       return err
+Marshal encodes a Go value as AMQP data in buffer.
+If buffer is nil, or is not large enough, a new buffer  is created.
+Returns the buffer used for encoding with len() adjusted to the actual size of 
+Go types are encoded as follows
+ |Go type                              |AMQP type                              
+ |bool                                 |bool                                   
+ |int8, int16, int32, int64 (int)      |byte, short, int, long (int or long)   
+ |uint8, uint16, uint32, uint64 (uint) |ubyte, ushort, uint, ulong (uint or 
ulong)  |
+ |float32, float64                     |float, double.                         
+ |string                               |string                                 
+ |[]byte, Binary                       |binary                                 
+ |Symbol                               |symbol                                 
+ |interface{}                          |the contained type                     
+ |nil                                  |null                                   
+ |map[K]T                              |map with K and T converted as above    
+ |Map                                  |map, may have mixed types for keys, 
values  |
+ |[]T                                  |list with T converted as above         
+ |List                                 |list, may have mixed types  values     
+TODO Go types: array, slice, struct
+Go types that cannot be marshaled: complex64/128, uintptr, function, 
interface, channel
+func Marshal(v interface{}, buffer []byte) (outbuf []byte, err error) {
+       defer internal.DoRecover(&err)
+       data := C.pn_data(0)
+       defer C.pn_data_free(data)
+       put(data, v)
+       encode := func(buf []byte) ([]byte, error) {
+               n := int(C.pn_data_encode(data, cPtr(buf), cLen(buf)))
+               switch {
+               case n == int(C.PN_OVERFLOW):
+                       return buf, overflow
+               case n < 0:
+                       return buf, dataError("marshal error", data)
+               default:
+                       return buf[:n], nil
+               }
+       }
+       return encodeGrow(buffer, encode)
+const minEncode = 256
+// overflow is returned when an encoding function can't fit data in the buffer.
+var overflow = internal.Errorf("buffer too small")
+// encodeFn encodes into buffer[0:len(buffer)].
+// Returns buffer with length adjusted for data encoded.
+// If buffer too small, returns overflow as error.
+type encodeFn func(buffer []byte) ([]byte, error)
+// encodeGrow calls encode() into buffer, if it returns overflow grows the 
+// Returns the final buffer.
+func encodeGrow(buffer []byte, encode encodeFn) ([]byte, error) {
+       if buffer == nil || len(buffer) == 0 {
+               buffer = make([]byte, minEncode)
+       }
+       var err error
+       for buffer, err = encode(buffer); err == overflow; buffer, err = 
encode(buffer) {
+               buffer = make([]byte, 2*len(buffer))
+       }
+       return buffer, err
+func put(data *C.pn_data_t, v interface{}) {
+       switch v := v.(type) {
+       case nil:
+               C.pn_data_put_null(data)
+       case bool:
+               C.pn_data_put_bool(data, C.bool(v))
+       case int8:
+               C.pn_data_put_byte(data, C.int8_t(v))
+       case int16:
+               C.pn_data_put_short(data, C.int16_t(v))
+       case int32:
+               C.pn_data_put_int(data, C.int32_t(v))
+       case int64:
+               C.pn_data_put_long(data, C.int64_t(v))
+       case int:
+               if unsafe.Sizeof(0) == 8 {
+                       C.pn_data_put_long(data, C.int64_t(v))
+               } else {
+                       C.pn_data_put_int(data, C.int32_t(v))
+               }
+       case uint8:
+               C.pn_data_put_ubyte(data, C.uint8_t(v))
+       case uint16:
+               C.pn_data_put_ushort(data, C.uint16_t(v))
+       case uint32:
+               C.pn_data_put_uint(data, C.uint32_t(v))
+       case uint64:
+               C.pn_data_put_ulong(data, C.uint64_t(v))
+       case uint:
+               if unsafe.Sizeof(0) == 8 {
+                       C.pn_data_put_ulong(data, C.uint64_t(v))
+               } else {
+                       C.pn_data_put_uint(data, C.uint32_t(v))
+               }
+       case float32:
+               C.pn_data_put_float(data, C.float(v))
+       case float64:
+               C.pn_data_put_double(data, C.double(v))
+       case string:
+               C.pn_data_put_string(data, pnBytes([]byte(v)))
+       case []byte:
+               C.pn_data_put_binary(data, pnBytes(v))
+       case Binary:
+               C.pn_data_put_binary(data, pnBytes([]byte(v)))
+       case Symbol:
+               C.pn_data_put_symbol(data, pnBytes([]byte(v)))
+       case Map: // Special map type
+               C.pn_data_put_map(data)
+               C.pn_data_enter(data)
+               for key, val := range v {
+                       put(data, key)
+                       put(data, val)
+               }
+               C.pn_data_exit(data)
+       default:
+               switch reflect.TypeOf(v).Kind() {
+               case reflect.Map:
+                       putMap(data, v)
+               case reflect.Slice:
+                       putList(data, v)
+               default:
+                       panic(internal.Errorf("cannot marshal %s to AMQP", 
+               }
+       }
+       err := dataError("marshal", data)
+       if err != nil {
+               panic(err)
+       }
+       return
+func putMap(data *C.pn_data_t, v interface{}) {
+       mapValue := reflect.ValueOf(v)
+       C.pn_data_put_map(data)
+       C.pn_data_enter(data)
+       for _, key := range mapValue.MapKeys() {
+               put(data, key.Interface())
+               put(data, mapValue.MapIndex(key).Interface())
+       }
+       C.pn_data_exit(data)
+func putList(data *C.pn_data_t, v interface{}) {
+       listValue := reflect.ValueOf(v)
+       C.pn_data_put_list(data)
+       C.pn_data_enter(data)
+       for i := 0; i < listValue.Len(); i++ {
+               put(data, listValue.Index(i).Interface())
+       }
+       C.pn_data_exit(data)
+// Encoder encodes AMQP values to an io.Writer
+type Encoder struct {
+       writer io.Writer
+       buffer []byte
+// New encoder returns a new encoder that writes to w.
+func NewEncoder(w io.Writer) *Encoder {
+       return &Encoder{w, make([]byte, minEncode)}
+func (e *Encoder) Encode(v interface{}) (err error) {
+       e.buffer, err = Marshal(v, e.buffer)
+       if err == nil {
+               e.writer.Write(e.buffer)
+       }
+       return err
+func replace(data *C.pn_data_t, v interface{}) {
+       C.pn_data_clear(data)
+       put(data, v)
diff --git a/proton-c/bindings/go/src/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..87093f5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,342 @@
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+package amqp
+// #include <proton/types.h>
+// #include <proton/message.h>
+// #include <proton/codec.h>
+import "C"
+import (
+       ""
+       "time"
+       "unsafe"
+// FIXME aconway 2015-04-28: Do we need the interface or can we just export 
the struct?
+// Message is the interface to an AMQP message.
+// Instances of this interface contain a pointer to the underlying struct.
+type Message interface {
+       /**
+        * Inferred indicates how the message content
+        * is encoded into AMQP sections. If inferred is true then binary and
+        * list values in the body of the message will be encoded as AMQP DATA
+        * and AMQP SEQUENCE sections, respectively. If inferred is false,
+        * then all values in the body of the message will be encoded as AMQP
+        * VALUE sections regardless of their type.
+        */
+       Inferred() bool
+       SetInferred(bool)
+       /**
+        * Durable indicates that any parties taking responsibility
+        * for the message must durably store the content.
+        */
+       Durable() bool
+       SetDurable(bool)
+       /**
+        * Priority impacts ordering guarantees. Within a
+        * given ordered context, higher priority messages may jump ahead of
+        * lower priority messages.
+        */
+       Priority() uint8
+       SetPriority(uint8)
+       /**
+        * TTL or Time To Live, a message it may be dropped after this duration
+        */
+       TTL() time.Duration
+       SetTTL(time.Duration)
+       /**
+        * FirstAcquirer indicates
+        * that the recipient of the message is the first recipient to acquire
+        * the message, i.e. there have been no failed delivery attempts to
+        * other acquirers. Note that this does not mean the message has not
+        * been delivered to, but not acquired, by other recipients.
+        */
+       FirstAcquirer() bool
+       SetFirstAcquirer(bool)
+       /**
+        * DeliveryCount tracks how many attempts have been made to
+        * delivery a message.
+        */
+       DeliveryCount() uint32
+       SetDeliveryCount(uint32)
+       /**
+        * MessageId provides a unique identifier for a message.
+        * it can be an a string, an unsigned long, a uuid or a
+        * binary value.
+        */
+       MessageId() interface{}
+       SetMessageId(interface{})
+       UserId() string
+       SetUserId(string)
+       Address() string
+       SetAddress(string)
+       Subject() string
+       SetSubject(string)
+       ReplyTo() string
+       SetReplyTo(string)
+       /**
+        * CorrelationId is set on correlated request and response messages. It 
can be an a string, an unsigned long, a uuid or a
+        * binary value.
+        */
+       CorrelationId() interface{}
+       SetCorrelationId(interface{})
+       ContentType() string
+       SetContentType(string)
+       ContentEncoding() string
+       SetContentEncoding(string)
+       // ExpiryTime indicates an absoulte time when the message may be 
+       // A Zero time (i.e. t.isZero() == true) indicates a message never 
+       ExpiryTime() time.Time
+       SetExpiryTime(time.Time)
+       CreationTime() time.Time
+       SetCreationTime(time.Time)
+       GroupId() string
+       SetGroupId(string)
+       GroupSequence() int32
+       SetGroupSequence(int32)
+       ReplyToGroupId() string
+       SetReplyToGroupId(string)
+       /**
+        * Instructions can be used to access or modify AMQP delivery 
+        */
+       Instructions() *map[string]interface{}
+       /**
+        * Annotations  can be used to access or modify AMQP annotations.
+        */
+       Annotations() *map[string]interface{}
+       /**
+        * Properties  can be used to access or modify the application 
properties of a message.
+        */
+       Properties() *map[string]interface{}
+       /**
+        * Body of the message can be any AMQP encodable type.
+        */
+       Body() interface{}
+       SetBody(interface{})
+       // Encode encodes the message as AMQP data. If buffer is non-nil and is 
large enough
+       // the message is encoded into it, otherwise a new buffer is created.
+       // Returns the buffer containing the message.
+       Encode(buffer []byte) ([]byte, error)
+// NewMessage creates a new message instance. The returned interface contains 
a pointer.
+func NewMessage() Message {
+       pn := C.pn_message() // Pick up default setting from C message.
+       defer C.pn_message_free(pn)
+       return goMessage(pn)
+// Message implementation copies all message data into Go space so it can be 
+// memory managed.
+type message struct {
+       inferred, durable, firstAcquirer      bool
+       priority                              uint8
+       ttl                                   time.Duration
+       deliveryCount                         uint32
+       messageId                             interface{}
+       userId, address, subject, replyTo     string
+       contentType, contentEncoding          string
+       groupId, replyToGroupId               string
+       creationTime, expiryTime              time.Time
+       groupSequence                         int32
+       correlationId                         interface{}
+       instructions, annotations, properties map[string]interface{}
+       body                                  interface{}
+func (m *message) Inferred() bool                        { return m.inferred }
+func (m *message) SetInferred(b bool)                    { m.inferred = b }
+func (m *message) Durable() bool                         { return m.durable }
+func (m *message) SetDurable(b bool)                     { m.durable = b }
+func (m *message) Priority() uint8                       { return m.priority }
+func (m *message) SetPriority(b uint8)                   { m.priority = b }
+func (m *message) TTL() time.Duration                    { return m.ttl }
+func (m *message) SetTTL(d time.Duration)                { m.ttl = d }
+func (m *message) FirstAcquirer() bool                   { return 
m.firstAcquirer }
+func (m *message) SetFirstAcquirer(b bool)               { m.firstAcquirer = b 
+func (m *message) DeliveryCount() uint32                 { return 
m.deliveryCount }
+func (m *message) SetDeliveryCount(c uint32)             { m.deliveryCount = c 
+func (m *message) MessageId() interface{}                { return m.messageId }
+func (m *message) SetMessageId(id interface{})           { m.messageId = id }
+func (m *message) UserId() string                        { return m.userId }
+func (m *message) SetUserId(s string)                    { m.userId = s }
+func (m *message) Address() string                       { return m.address }
+func (m *message) SetAddress(s string)                   { m.address = s }
+func (m *message) Subject() string                       { return m.subject }
+func (m *message) SetSubject(s string)                   { m.subject = s }
+func (m *message) ReplyTo() string                       { return m.replyTo }
+func (m *message) SetReplyTo(s string)                   { m.replyTo = s }
+func (m *message) CorrelationId() interface{}            { return 
m.correlationId }
+func (m *message) SetCorrelationId(c interface{})        { m.correlationId = c 
+func (m *message) ContentType() string                   { return 
m.contentType }
+func (m *message) SetContentType(s string)               { m.contentType = s }
+func (m *message) ContentEncoding() string               { return 
m.contentEncoding }
+func (m *message) SetContentEncoding(s string)           { m.contentEncoding = 
s }
+func (m *message) ExpiryTime() time.Time                 { return m.expiryTime 
+func (m *message) SetExpiryTime(t time.Time)             { m.expiryTime = t }
+func (m *message) CreationTime() time.Time               { return 
m.creationTime }
+func (m *message) SetCreationTime(t time.Time)           { m.creationTime = t }
+func (m *message) GroupId() string                       { return m.groupId }
+func (m *message) SetGroupId(s string)                   { m.groupId = s }
+func (m *message) GroupSequence() int32                  { return 
m.groupSequence }
+func (m *message) SetGroupSequence(s int32)              { m.groupSequence = s 
+func (m *message) ReplyToGroupId() string                { return 
m.replyToGroupId }
+func (m *message) SetReplyToGroupId(s string)            { m.replyToGroupId = 
s }
+func (m *message) Instructions() *map[string]interface{} { return 
&m.instructions }
+func (m *message) Annotations() *map[string]interface{}  { return 
&m.annotations }
+func (m *message) Properties() *map[string]interface{}   { return 
& }
+func (m *message) Body() interface{}                     { return m.body }
+func (m *message) SetBody(b interface{})                 { m.body = b }
+// rewindGet rewinds and then gets the value from a data object.
+func rewindGet(data *C.pn_data_t, v interface{}) {
+       if data != nil && C.pn_data_size(data) > 0 {
+               C.pn_data_rewind(data)
+               C.pn_data_next(data)
+               get(data, v)
+       }
+// goMessage populates a Go message from a pn_message_t
+func goMessage(pn *C.pn_message_t) *message {
+       m := &message{
+               inferred:        bool(C.pn_message_is_inferred(pn)),
+               durable:         bool(C.pn_message_is_durable(pn)),
+               priority:        uint8(C.pn_message_get_priority(pn)),
+               ttl:             time.Duration(C.pn_message_get_ttl(pn)) * 
+               firstAcquirer:   bool(C.pn_message_is_first_acquirer(pn)),
+               deliveryCount:   uint32(C.pn_message_get_delivery_count(pn)),
+               userId:          goString(C.pn_message_get_user_id(pn)),
+               address:         C.GoString(C.pn_message_get_address(pn)),
+               subject:         C.GoString(C.pn_message_get_subject(pn)),
+               replyTo:         C.GoString(C.pn_message_get_reply_to(pn)),
+               contentType:     C.GoString(C.pn_message_get_content_type(pn)),
+               contentEncoding: 
+               expiryTime:      time.Unix(0, 
+               creationTime:    time.Unix(0, 
+               groupId:         C.GoString(C.pn_message_get_group_id(pn)),
+               groupSequence:   int32(C.pn_message_get_group_sequence(pn)),
+               replyToGroupId:  
+               messageId:       nil,
+               correlationId:   nil,
+               instructions:    make(map[string]interface{}),
+               annotations:     make(map[string]interface{}),
+               properties:      make(map[string]interface{}),
+       }
+       rewindGet(C.pn_message_id(pn), &m.messageId)
+       rewindGet(C.pn_message_correlation_id(pn), &m.correlationId)
+       rewindGet(C.pn_message_instructions(pn), &m.instructions)
+       rewindGet(C.pn_message_annotations(pn), &m.annotations)
+       rewindGet(C.pn_message_properties(pn), &
+       rewindGet(C.pn_message_body(pn), &m.body)
+       return m
+// pnMessage populates a pn_message_t from a Go message.
+func (m *message) pnMessage() *C.pn_message_t {
+       pn := C.pn_message()
+       C.pn_message_set_inferred(pn, C.bool(m.Inferred()))
+       C.pn_message_set_durable(pn, C.bool(m.Durable()))
+       C.pn_message_set_priority(pn, C.uint8_t(m.priority))
+       C.pn_message_set_ttl(pn, C.pn_millis_t(m.TTL()/time.Millisecond))
+       C.pn_message_set_first_acquirer(pn, C.bool(m.FirstAcquirer()))
+       C.pn_message_set_delivery_count(pn, C.uint32_t(m.deliveryCount))
+       replace(C.pn_message_id(pn), m.MessageId())
+       C.pn_message_set_user_id(pn, pnBytes([]byte(m.UserId())))
+       C.pn_message_set_address(pn, C.CString(m.Address()))
+       C.pn_message_set_subject(pn, C.CString(m.Subject()))
+       C.pn_message_set_reply_to(pn, C.CString(m.ReplyTo()))
+       replace(C.pn_message_correlation_id(pn), m.CorrelationId())
+       C.pn_message_set_content_type(pn, C.CString(m.ContentType()))
+       C.pn_message_set_content_encoding(pn, C.CString(m.ContentEncoding()))
+       C.pn_message_set_expiry_time(pn, pnTime(m.ExpiryTime()))
+       C.pn_message_set_creation_time(pn, pnTime(m.CreationTime()))
+       C.pn_message_set_group_id(pn, C.CString(m.GroupId()))
+       C.pn_message_set_group_sequence(pn, C.pn_sequence_t(m.GroupSequence()))
+       C.pn_message_set_reply_to_group_id(pn, C.CString(m.ReplyToGroupId()))
+       replace(C.pn_message_instructions(pn), *m.Instructions())
+       replace(C.pn_message_annotations(pn), *m.Annotations())
+       replace(C.pn_message_properties(pn), *m.Properties())
+       replace(C.pn_message_body(pn), m.Body())
+       return pn
+// FIXME aconway 2015-04-08: Move message encode/decode under 
Marshal/Unmarshal interfaces.
+// DecodeMessage decodes bytes as a message
+func DecodeMessage(data []byte) (Message, error) {
+       pnMsg := C.pn_message()
+       defer C.pn_message_free(pnMsg)
+       if len(data) == 0 {
+               return nil, internal.Errorf("empty buffer for decode")
+       }
+       if C.pn_message_decode(pnMsg, cPtr(data), cLen(data)) < 0 {
+               return nil, internal.Errorf("decoding message: %s",
+       }
+       return goMessage(pnMsg), nil
+// Encode the message into bufffer.
+// If buffer is nil or len(buffer) is not sufficient to encode the message a 
+// buffer will be returned.
+func (m *message) Encode(buffer []byte) ([]byte, error) {
+       pn := m.pnMessage()
+       defer C.pn_message_free(pn)
+       encode := func(buf []byte) ([]byte, error) {
+               len := cLen(buf)
+               result := C.pn_message_encode(pn, cPtr(buf), &len)
+               switch {
+               case result == C.PN_OVERFLOW:
+                       return buf, overflow
+               case result < 0:
+                       return buf, internal.Errorf("cannot encode message: 
%s", internal.PnErrorCode(result))
+               default:
+                       return buf[:len], nil
+               }
+       }
+       return encodeGrow(buffer, encode)
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..46e26de
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+package amqp
+import (
+       "reflect"
+       "testing"
+       "time"
+func roundTrip(t *testing.T, m Message) {
+       buffer, err := m.Encode(nil)
+       if err != nil {
+               t.Fatalf("Encode failed: %v", err)
+       }
+       m2, err := DecodeMessage(buffer)
+       if err != nil {
+               t.Fatalf("Decode failed: %v", err)
+       }
+       if !reflect.DeepEqual(m, m2) {
+               t.Errorf("Message mismatch got\n%#v\nwant\n%#v", m, m2)
+       }
+func TestDefaultMessageRoundTrip(t *testing.T) {
+       m := NewMessage()
+       // Check defaults
+       assertEqual(m.Inferred(), false)
+       assertEqual(m.Durable(), false)
+       assertEqual(m.Priority(), uint8(4))
+       assertEqual(m.TTL(), time.Duration(0))
+       assertEqual(m.UserId(), "")
+       assertEqual(m.Address(), "")
+       assertEqual(m.Subject(), "")
+       assertEqual(m.ReplyTo(), "")
+       assertEqual(m.ContentType(), "")
+       assertEqual(m.ContentEncoding(), "")
+       assertEqual(m.GroupId(), "")
+       assertEqual(m.GroupSequence(), int32(0))
+       assertEqual(m.ReplyToGroupId(), "")
+       assertEqual(m.MessageId(), nil)
+       assertEqual(m.CorrelationId(), nil)
+       assertEqual(*m.Instructions(), map[string]interface{}{})
+       assertEqual(*m.Annotations(), map[string]interface{}{})
+       assertEqual(*m.Properties(), map[string]interface{}{})
+       assertEqual(m.Body(), nil)
+       roundTrip(t, m)
+func TestMessageRoundTrip(t *testing.T) {
+       m := NewMessage()
+       m.SetInferred(false)
+       m.SetDurable(true)
+       m.SetPriority(42)
+       m.SetTTL(0)
+       m.SetUserId("user")
+       m.SetAddress("address")
+       m.SetSubject("subject")
+       m.SetReplyTo("replyto")
+       m.SetContentType("content")
+       m.SetContentEncoding("encoding")
+       m.SetGroupId("group")
+       m.SetGroupSequence(42)
+       m.SetReplyToGroupId("replytogroup")
+       m.SetMessageId("id")
+       m.SetCorrelationId("correlation")
+       *m.Instructions() = map[string]interface{}{"instructions": "foo"}
+       *m.Annotations() = map[string]interface{}{"annotations": "foo"}
+       *m.Properties() = map[string]interface{}{"int": int32(32), "bool": 
true, "string": "foo"}
+       m.SetBody("hello")
+       roundTrip(t, m)
diff --git a/proton-c/bindings/go/src/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8713520
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,193 @@
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+package amqp
+// #include <proton/codec.h>
+// const pn_type_t PN_DATA_TYPE_ERROR = (pn_type_t) -1;
+import "C"
+import (
+       "bytes"
+       "fmt"
+       "reflect"
+       "time"
+       "unsafe"
+func pnTypeString(pt C.pn_type_t) string {
+       switch pt {
+       case C.PN_NULL:
+               return "null"
+       case C.PN_BOOL:
+               return "bool"
+       case C.PN_UBYTE:
+               return "ubyte"
+       case C.PN_BYTE:
+               return "byte"
+       case C.PN_USHORT:
+               return "ushort"
+       case C.PN_SHORT:
+               return "short"
+       case C.PN_CHAR:
+               return "char"
+       case C.PN_UINT:
+               return "uint"
+       case C.PN_INT:
+               return "int"
+       case C.PN_ULONG:
+               return "ulong"
+       case C.PN_LONG:
+               return "long"
+       case C.PN_TIMESTAMP:
+               return "timestamp"
+       case C.PN_FLOAT:
+               return "float"
+       case C.PN_DOUBLE:
+               return "double"
+       case C.PN_DECIMAL32:
+               return "decimal32"
+       case C.PN_DECIMAL64:
+               return "decimal64"
+       case C.PN_DECIMAL128:
+               return "decimal128"
+       case C.PN_UUID:
+               return "uuid"
+       case C.PN_BINARY:
+               return "binary"
+       case C.PN_STRING:
+               return "string"
+       case C.PN_SYMBOL:
+               return "symbol"
+       case C.PN_DESCRIBED:
+               return "described"
+       case C.PN_ARRAY:
+               return "array"
+       case C.PN_LIST:
+               return "list"
+       case C.PN_MAP:
+               return "map"
+       case C.PN_DATA_TYPE_ERROR:
+               return "no-data"
+       default:
+               return fmt.Sprintf("unknown-type(%d)", pt)
+       }
+// Go types
+var (
+       bytesType = reflect.TypeOf([]byte{})
+       valueType = reflect.TypeOf(reflect.Value{})
+// FIXME aconway 2015-04-08: can't handle AMQP maps with key types that are 
not valid Go map keys.
+// Map is a generic map that can have mixed key and value types and so can 
represent any AMQP map
+type Map map[interface{}]interface{}
+// List is a generic list that can hold mixed values and can represent any 
AMQP list.
+type List []interface{}
+// Symbol is a string that is encoded as an AMQP symbol
+type Symbol string
+// Binary is a string that is encoded as an AMQP binary.
+// It is a string rather than a byte[] because byte[] is not hashable and 
can't be used as
+// a map key, AMQP frequently uses binary types as map keys. It can convert to 
and from []byte
+type Binary string
+// GoString for Map prints values with their types, useful for debugging.
+func (m Map) GoString() string {
+       out := &bytes.Buffer{}
+       fmt.Fprintf(out, "%T{", m)
+       i := len(m)
+       for k, v := range m {
+               fmt.Fprintf(out, "%T(%#v): %T(%#v)", k, k, v, v)
+               i--
+               if i > 0 {
+                       fmt.Fprint(out, ", ")
+               }
+       }
+       fmt.Fprint(out, "}")
+       return out.String()
+// GoString for List prints values with their types, useful for debugging.
+func (l List) GoString() string {
+       out := &bytes.Buffer{}
+       fmt.Fprintf(out, "%T{", l)
+       for i := 0; i < len(l); i++ {
+               fmt.Fprintf(out, "%T(%#v)", l[i], l[i])
+               if i == len(l)-1 {
+                       fmt.Fprint(out, ", ")
+               }
+       }
+       fmt.Fprint(out, "}")
+       return out.String()
+// pnTime converts Go time.Time to Proton millisecond Unix time.
+func pnTime(t time.Time) C.pn_timestamp_t {
+       secs := t.Unix()
+       // Note: sub-second accuracy is not guaraunteed if the Unix time in
+       // nanoseconds cannot be represented by an int64 (sometime around year 
+       msecs := (t.UnixNano() % int64(time.Second)) / int64(time.Millisecond)
+       return C.pn_timestamp_t(secs*1000 + msecs)
+// goTime converts a pn_timestamp_t to a Go time.Time.
+func goTime(t C.pn_timestamp_t) time.Time {
+       secs := int64(t) / 1000
+       nsecs := (int64(t) % 1000) * int64(time.Millisecond)
+       return time.Unix(secs, nsecs)
+func goBytes(cBytes C.pn_bytes_t) (bytes []byte) {
+       if cBytes.start != nil {
+               bytes = C.GoBytes(unsafe.Pointer(cBytes.start),
+       }
+       return
+func goString(cBytes C.pn_bytes_t) (str string) {
+       if cBytes.start != nil {
+               str = C.GoStringN(cBytes.start,
+       }
+       return
+func pnBytes(b []byte) C.pn_bytes_t {
+       if len(b) == 0 {
+               return C.pn_bytes_t{0, nil}
+       } else {
+               return C.pn_bytes_t{C.size_t(len(b)), 
+       }
+func cPtr(b []byte) *C.char {
+       if len(b) == 0 {
+               return nil
+       }
+       return (*C.char)(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]))
+func cLen(b []byte) C.size_t {
+       return C.size_t(len(b))
diff --git a/proton-c/bindings/go/src/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..944bf6f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+// Generating unique IDs for various things.
+package amqp
+import (
+       "strconv"
+       "sync/atomic"
+// A simple atomic counter to generate unique 64 bit IDs.
+type UidCounter struct{ count uint64 }
+// NextInt gets the next uint64 value from the atomic counter.
+func (uc *UidCounter) NextInt() uint64 {
+       return atomic.AddUint64(&uc.count, 1)
+// Next gets the next integer value encoded as a base32 string, safe for NUL 
terminated C strings.
+func (uc *UidCounter) Next() string {
+       return strconv.FormatUint(uc.NextInt(), 32)
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..89ab64a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+oor more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+package amqp
+// #include <proton/codec.h>
+import "C"
+import (
+       "bytes"
+       "fmt"
+       "io"
+       ""
+       "reflect"
+       "unsafe"
+const minDecode = 1024
+// Error returned if AMQP data cannot be unmarshaled as the desired Go type.
+type BadUnmarshal struct {
+       // The name of the AMQP type.
+       AMQPType string
+       // The Go type.
+       GoType reflect.Type
+func newBadUnmarshal(pnType C.pn_type_t, v interface{}) *BadUnmarshal {
+       return &BadUnmarshal{pnTypeString(pnType), reflect.TypeOf(v)}
+func (e BadUnmarshal) Error() string {
+       if e.GoType.Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
+               return fmt.Sprintf("proton: cannot unmarshal to type %s, not a 
pointer", e.GoType)
+       } else {
+               return fmt.Sprintf("proton: cannot unmarshal AMQP %s to %s", 
e.AMQPType, e.GoType)
+       }
+// Decoding from a pn_data_t
+// NOTE: we use panic() to signal a decoding error, simplifies decoding logic.
+// We recover() at the highest possible level - i.e. in the exported Unmarshal 
or Decode.
+// Decoder decodes AMQP values from an io.Reader.
+type Decoder struct {
+       reader io.Reader
+       buffer bytes.Buffer
+// NewDecoder returns a new decoder that reads from r.
+// The decoder has it's own buffer and may read more data than required for the
+// AMQP values requested.  Use Buffered to see if there is data left in the
+// buffer.
+func NewDecoder(r io.Reader) *Decoder {
+       return &Decoder{r, bytes.Buffer{}}
+// Buffered returns a reader of the data remaining in the Decoder's buffer. The
+// reader is valid until the next call to Decode.
+func (d *Decoder) Buffered() io.Reader {
+       return bytes.NewReader(d.buffer.Bytes())
+// Decode reads the next AMQP value from the Reader and stores it in the value 
pointed to by v.
+// See the documentation for Unmarshal for details about the conversion of 
AMQP into a Go value.
+func (d *Decoder) Decode(v interface{}) (err error) {
+       defer internal.DoRecover(&err)
+       data := C.pn_data(0)
+       defer C.pn_data_free(data)
+       var n int
+       for n == 0 && err == nil {
+               n = unmarshal(data, d.buffer.Bytes(), v)
+               if n == 0 { // n == 0 means not enough data, read more
+                       err = d.more()
+                       if err != nil {
+                               return
+                       }
+               }
+       }
+       d.buffer.Next(n)
+       return
+Unmarshal decodes AMQP-encoded bytes and stores the result in the value 
pointed to by v.
+Types are converted as follows:
+ |To Go types                |From AMQP types                                  
+ |bool                       |bool                                             
+ |int, int8, int16,          |Equivalent or smaller signed integer type: char, 
byte, short, int,    |
+ |int32, int64               |long.                                            
+ |uint, uint8, uint16,       |Equivalent or smaller unsigned integer type: 
char, ubyte, ushort,     |
+ |uint32, uint64 types       |uint, ulong                                      
+ |float32, float64           |Equivalent or smaller float or double.           
+ |string, []byte             |string, symbol or binary.                        
+ |Symbol                     |symbol                                           
+ |map[K]T                    |map, provided all keys and values can unmarshal 
to types K, T         |
+ |Map                        |map, any AMQP map                                
+ |interface{}                |Any AMQP value can be unmarshaled to an 
interface{} as follows:       |
+ |                           
+ |                           |AMQP Type               |Go Type in interface{}  
+ |                           
+ |                           |bool                    |bool                    
+ |                           
+ |                           |char                    |unint8                  
+ |                           
+ |                           |byte,short,int,long     |int8,int16,int32,int64  
+ |                           
+ |                           |ubyte,ushort,uint,ulong 
|uint8,uint16,uint32,uint64                   |
+ |                           
+ |                           |float, double           |float32, float64        
+ |                           
+ |                           |string                  |string                  
+ |                           
+ |                           |symbol                  |Symbol                  
+ |                           
+ |                           |binary                  |Binary                  
+ |                           
+ |                           |nulll                   |nil                     
+ |                           
+ |                           |map                     |Map                     
+ |                           
+ |                           |list                    |List                    
+The following Go types cannot be unmarshaled: complex64/128, uintptr, 
function, interface, channel.
+TODO types
+AMQP: timestamp, decimal32/64/128, uuid, described, array.
+Go: array, struct.
+Maps: currently we cannot unmarshal AMQP maps with unhashable key types, need 
an alternate
+representation for those.
+func Unmarshal(bytes []byte, v interface{}) (n int, err error) {
+       defer internal.DoRecover(&err)
+       data := C.pn_data(0)
+       defer C.pn_data_free(data)
+       n = unmarshal(data, bytes, v)
+       if n == 0 {
+               err = internal.Errorf("not enough data")
+       }
+       return
+// more reads more data when we can't parse a complete AMQP type
+func (d *Decoder) more() error {
+       var readSize int64 = minDecode
+       if int64(d.buffer.Len()) > readSize { // Grow by doubling
+               readSize = int64(d.buffer.Len())
+       }
+       var n int64
+       n, err := d.buffer.ReadFrom(io.LimitReader(d.reader, readSize))
+       if n == 0 && err == nil { // ReadFrom won't report io.EOF, just returns 0
+               err = io.EOF
+       }
+       return err
+// unmarshal decodes from bytes and converts into the value pointed to by v.
+// Used by Unmarshal and Decode
+// Returns the number of bytes decoded or 0 if not enough data.
+func unmarshal(data *C.pn_data_t, bytes []byte, v interface{}) (n int) {
+       n = decode(data, bytes)
+       if n == 0 {
+               return 0
+       }
+       get(data, v)
+       return
+// get value from data into value pointed at by v.
+func get(data *C.pn_data_t, v interface{}) {
+       pnType := C.pn_data_type(data)
+       switch v := v.(type) {
+       case *bool:
+               switch pnType {
+               case C.PN_BOOL:
+                       *v = bool(C.pn_data_get_bool(data))
+               default:
+                       panic(newBadUnmarshal(pnType, v))
+               }
+       case *int8:
+               switch pnType {
+               case C.PN_CHAR:
+                       *v = int8(C.pn_data_get_char(data))
+               case C.PN_BYTE:
+                       *v = int8(C.pn_data_get_byte(data))
+               default:
+                       panic(newBadUnmarshal(pnType, v))
+               }
+       case *uint8:
+               switch pnType {
+               case C.PN_CHAR:
+                       *v = uint8(C.pn_data_get_char(data))
+               case C.PN_UBYTE:
+                       *v = uint8(C.pn_data_get_ubyte(data))
+               default:
+                       panic(newBadUnmarshal(pnType, v))
+               }
+       case *int16:
+               switch pnType {
+               case C.PN_CHAR:
+                       *v = int16(C.pn_data_get_char(data))
+               case C.PN_BYTE:
+                       *v = int16(C.pn_data_get_byte(data))
+               case C.PN_SHORT:
+                       *v = int16(C.pn_data_get_short(data))
+               default:
+                       panic(newBadUnmarshal(pnType, v))
+               }
+       case *uint16:
+               switch pnType {
+               case C.PN_CHAR:
+                       *v = uint16(C.pn_data_get_char(data))
+               case C.PN_UBYTE:
+                       *v = uint16(C.pn_data_get_ubyte(data))
+               case C.PN_USHORT:
+                       *v = uint16(C.pn_data_get_ushort(data))
+               default:
+                       panic(newBadUnmarshal(pnType, v))
+               }
+       case *int32:
+               switch pnType {
+               case C.PN_CHAR:
+                       *v = int32(C.pn_data_get_char(data))
+               case C.PN_BYTE:
+                       *v = int32(C.pn_data_get_byte(data))
+               case C.PN_SHORT:
+                       *v = int32(C.pn_data_get_short(data))
+               case C.PN_INT:
+                       *v = int32(C.pn_data_get_int(data))
+               default:
+                       panic(newBadUnmarshal(pnType, v))
+               }
+       case *uint32:
+               switch pnType {
+               case C.PN_CHAR:
+                       *v = uint32(C.pn_data_get_char(data))
+               case C.PN_UBYTE:
+                       *v = uint32(C.pn_data_get_ubyte(data))
+               case C.PN_USHORT:
+                       *v = uint32(C.pn_data_get_ushort(data))
+               case C.PN_UINT:
+                       *v = uint32(C.pn_data_get_uint(data))
+               default:
+                       panic(newBadUnmarshal(pnType, v))
+               }
+       case *int64:
+               switch pnType {
+               case C.PN_CHAR:
+                       *v = int64(C.pn_data_get_char(data))
+               case C.PN_BYTE:
+                       *v = int64(C.pn_data_get_byte(data))
+               case C.PN_SHORT:
+                       *v = int64(C.pn_data_get_short(data))
+               case C.PN_INT:
+                       *v = int64(C.pn_data_get_int(data))
+               case C.PN_LONG:
+                       *v = int64(C.pn_data_get_long(data))
+               default:
+                       panic(newBadUnmarshal(pnType, v))
+               }
+       case *uint64:
+               switch pnType {
+               case C.PN_CHAR:
+                       *v = uint64(C.pn_data_get_char(data))
+               case C.PN_UBYTE:
+                       *v = uint64(C.pn_data_get_ubyte(data))
+               case C.PN_USHORT:
+                       *v = uint64(C.pn_data_get_ushort(data))
+               case C.PN_ULONG:
+                       *v = uint64(C.pn_data_get_ulong(data))
+               default:
+                       panic(newBadUnmarshal(pnType, v))
+               }
+       case *int:
+               switch pnType {
+               case C.PN_CHAR:
+                       *v = int(C.pn_data_get_char(data))
+               case C.PN_BYTE:
+                       *v = int(C.pn_data_get_byte(data))
+               case C.PN_SHORT:
+                       *v = int(C.pn_data_get_short(data))
+               case C.PN_INT:
+                       *v = int(C.pn_data_get_int(data))
+               case C.PN_LONG:
+                       if unsafe.Sizeof(0) == 8 {
+                               *v = int(C.pn_data_get_long(data))
+                       } else {
+                               panic(newBadUnmarshal(pnType, v))
+                       }
+               default:
+                       panic(newBadUnmarshal(pnType, v))
+               }
+       case *uint:
+               switch pnType {
+               case C.PN_CHAR:
+                       *v = uint(C.pn_data_get_char(data))
+               case C.PN_UBYTE:
+                       *v = uint(C.pn_data_get_ubyte(data))
+               case C.PN_USHORT:
+                       *v = uint(C.pn_data_get_ushort(data))
+               case C.PN_UINT:
+                       *v = uint(C.pn_data_get_uint(data))
+               case C.PN_ULONG:
+                       if unsafe.Sizeof(0) == 8 {
+                               *v = uint(C.pn_data_get_ulong(data))
+                       } else {
+                               panic(newBadUnmarshal(pnType, v))
+                       }
+               default:
+                       panic(newBadUnmarshal(pnType, v))
+               }
+       case *float32:
+               switch pnType {
+               case C.PN_FLOAT:
+                       *v = float32(C.pn_data_get_float(data))
+               default:
+                       panic(newBadUnmarshal(pnType, v))
+               }
+       case *float64:
+               switch pnType {
+               case C.PN_FLOAT:
+                       *v = float64(C.pn_data_get_float(data))
+               case C.PN_DOUBLE:
+                       *v = float64(C.pn_data_get_double(data))
+               default:
+                       panic(newBadUnmarshal(pnType, v))
+               }
+       case *string:
+               switch pnType {
+               case C.PN_STRING:
+                       *v = goString(C.pn_data_get_string(data))
+               case C.PN_SYMBOL:
+                       *v = goString(C.pn_data_get_symbol(data))
+               case C.PN_BINARY:
+                       *v = goString(C.pn_data_get_binary(data))
+               default:
+                       panic(newBadUnmarshal(pnType, v))
+               }
+       case *[]byte:
+               switch pnType {
+               case C.PN_STRING:
+                       *v = goBytes(C.pn_data_get_string(data))
+               case C.PN_SYMBOL:
+                       *v = goBytes(C.pn_data_get_symbol(data))
+               case C.PN_BINARY:
+                       *v = goBytes(C.pn_data_get_binary(data))
+               default:
+                       panic(newBadUnmarshal(pnType, v))
+               }
+       case *Binary:
+               switch pnType {
+               case C.PN_BINARY:
+                       *v = Binary(goBytes(C.pn_data_get_binary(data)))
+               default:
+                       panic(newBadUnmarshal(pnType, v))
+               }
+       case *Symbol:
+               switch pnType {
+               case C.PN_SYMBOL:
+                       *v = Symbol(goBytes(C.pn_data_get_symbol(data)))
+               default:
+                       panic(newBadUnmarshal(pnType, v))
+               }
+       case *interface{}:
+               getInterface(data, v)
+       default:
+               if reflect.TypeOf(v).Kind() != reflect.Ptr {
+                       panic(newBadUnmarshal(pnType, v))
+               }
+               switch reflect.TypeOf(v).Elem().Kind() {
+               case reflect.Map:
+                       getMap(data, v)
+               case reflect.Slice:
+                       getList(data, v)
+               default:
+                       panic(newBadUnmarshal(pnType, v))
+               }
+       }
+       err := dataError("unmarshaling", data)
+       if err != nil {
+               panic(err)
+       }
+       return
+// Getting into an interface is driven completely by the AMQP type, since the 
+// target is type-neutral.
+func getInterface(data *C.pn_data_t, v *interface{}) {
+       pnType := C.pn_data_type(data)
+       switch pnType {
+       case C.PN_NULL:
+               *v = nil
+       case C.PN_BOOL:
+               *v = bool(C.pn_data_get_bool(data))
+       case C.PN_UBYTE:
+               *v = uint8(C.pn_data_get_ubyte(data))
+       case C.PN_BYTE:
+               *v = int8(C.pn_data_get_byte(data))
+       case C.PN_USHORT:
+               *v = uint16(C.pn_data_get_ushort(data))
+       case C.PN_SHORT:
+               *v = int16(C.pn_data_get_short(data))
+       case C.PN_UINT:
+               *v = uint32(C.pn_data_get_uint(data))
+       case C.PN_INT:
+               *v = int32(C.pn_data_get_int(data))
+       case C.PN_CHAR:
+               *v = uint8(C.pn_data_get_char(data))
+       case C.PN_ULONG:
+               *v = uint64(C.pn_data_get_ulong(data))
+       case C.PN_LONG:
+               *v = int64(C.pn_data_get_long(data))
+       case C.PN_FLOAT:
+               *v = float32(C.pn_data_get_float(data))
+       case C.PN_DOUBLE:
+               *v = float64(C.pn_data_get_double(data))
+       case C.PN_BINARY:
+               *v = Binary(goBytes(C.pn_data_get_binary(data)))
+       case C.PN_STRING:
+               *v = goString(C.pn_data_get_string(data))
+       case C.PN_SYMBOL:
+               *v = Symbol(goString(C.pn_data_get_symbol(data)))
+       case C.PN_MAP:
+               m := make(Map)
+               get(data, &m)
+               *v = m // FIXME aconway 2015-03-13: avoid the copy?
+       case C.PN_LIST:
+               l := make(List, 0)
+               get(data, &l)
+               *v = l // FIXME aconway 2015-03-13: avoid the copy?
+       default:
+               panic(newBadUnmarshal(pnType, v))
+       }
+// get into map pointed at by v
+func getMap(data *C.pn_data_t, v interface{}) {
+       pnType := C.pn_data_type(data)
+       if pnType != C.PN_MAP {
+               panic(newBadUnmarshal(pnType, v))
+       }
+       mapValue := reflect.ValueOf(v).Elem()
+       mapValue.Set(reflect.MakeMap(mapValue.Type())) // Clear the map
+       count := int(C.pn_data_get_map(data))
+       if bool(C.pn_data_enter(data)) {
+               for i := 0; i < count/2; i++ {
+                       if bool(C.pn_data_next(data)) {
+                               key := reflect.New(mapValue.Type().Key())
+                               get(data, key.Interface())
+                               if bool(C.pn_data_next(data)) {
+                                       val := 
+                                       get(data, val.Interface())
+                                       mapValue.SetMapIndex(key.Elem(), 
+                               }
+                       }
+               }
+               C.pn_data_exit(data)
+       }
+func getList(data *C.pn_data_t, v interface{}) {
+       pnType := C.pn_data_type(data)
+       if pnType != C.PN_LIST {
+               panic(newBadUnmarshal(pnType, v))
+       }
+       count := int(C.pn_data_get_list(data))
+       listValue := reflect.MakeSlice(reflect.TypeOf(v).Elem(), count, count)
+       if bool(C.pn_data_enter(data)) {
+               for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
+                       if bool(C.pn_data_next(data)) {
+                               val := reflect.New(listValue.Type().Elem())
+                               get(data, val.Interface())
+                               listValue.Index(i).Set(val.Elem())
+                       }
+               }
+               C.pn_data_exit(data)
+       }
+       // FIXME aconway 2015-04-09: avoid the copy?
+       reflect.ValueOf(v).Elem().Set(listValue)
+// decode from bytes.
+// Return bytes decoded or 0 if we could not decode a complete object.
+func decode(data *C.pn_data_t, bytes []byte) int {
+       if len(bytes) == 0 {
+               return 0
+       }
+       n := int(C.pn_data_decode(data, cPtr(bytes), cLen(bytes)))
+       if n == int(C.PN_UNDERFLOW) {
+               C.pn_error_clear(C.pn_data_error(data))
+               return 0
+       } else if n <= 0 {
+               panic(internal.Errorf("unmarshal %s", internal.PnErrorCode(n)))
+       }
+       return n
diff --git a/proton-c/bindings/go/src/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58711c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+package amqp
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <proton/url.h>
+// Helper function for setting URL fields.
+typedef void (*setter_fn)(pn_url_t* url, const char* value);
+inline void    set(pn_url_t *url, setter_fn s, const char* value) {
+  s(url, value);
+import "C"
+import (
+       "net"
+       "net/url"
+       ""
+       "unsafe"
+const (
+       amqp  string = "amqp"
+       amqps        = "amqps"
+// ParseUrl parses an AMQP URL string and returns a net/url.Url.
+// It is more forgiving than net/url.Parse and allows most of the parts of the
+// URL to be missing, assuming AMQP defaults.
+func ParseURL(s string) (u *url.URL, err error) {
+       cstr := C.CString(s)
+       defer
+       pnUrl := C.pn_url_parse(cstr)
+       if pnUrl == nil {
+               return nil, internal.Errorf("bad URL %#v", s)
+       }
+       defer C.pn_url_free(pnUrl)
+       scheme := C.GoString(C.pn_url_get_scheme(pnUrl))
+       username := C.GoString(C.pn_url_get_username(pnUrl))
+       password := C.GoString(C.pn_url_get_password(pnUrl))
+       host := C.GoString(C.pn_url_get_host(pnUrl))
+       port := C.GoString(C.pn_url_get_port(pnUrl))
+       path := C.GoString(C.pn_url_get_path(pnUrl))
+       if err != nil {
+               return nil, internal.Errorf("bad URL %#v: %s", s, err)
+       }
+       if scheme == "" {
+               scheme = amqp
+       }
+       if port == "" {
+               if scheme == amqps {
+                       port = amqps
+               } else {
+                       port = amqp
+               }
+       }
+       var user *url.Userinfo
+       if password != "" {
+               user = url.UserPassword(username, password)
+       } else if username != "" {
+               user = url.User(username)
+       }
+       u = &url.URL{
+               Scheme: scheme,
+               User:   user,
+               Host:   net.JoinHostPort(host, port),
+               Path:   path,
+       }
+       return u, nil
diff --git 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f80f1c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+package amqp
+import (
+       "fmt"
+func ExampleParseURL() {
+       for _, s := range []string{
+               "amqp://username:password@host:1234/path",
+               "host:1234",
+               "host",
+               ":1234",
+               "host/path",
+               "amqps://host",
+               "",
+       } {
+               u, err := ParseURL(s)
+               if err != nil {
+                       fmt.Println(err)
+               } else {
+                       fmt.Println(u)
+               }
+       }
+       // Output:
+       // amqp://username:password@host:1234/path
+       // amqp://host:1234
+       // amqp://host:amqp
+       // amqp://:1234
+       // amqp://host:amqp/path
+       // amqps://host:amqps
+       // proton: bad URL ""
diff --git a/proton-c/bindings/go/src/ 
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a9ec12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proton-c/bindings/go/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+distributed with this work for additional information
+regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+"License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+specific language governing permissions and limitations
+under the License.
+Package event provides a low-level API to the proton AMQP engine.
+For most tasks, consider instead package
+It provides a higher-level, concurrent API that is easier to use.
+The API is event based. There are two alternative styles of handler. 
+provides the core proton events. MessagingHandler provides a slighly simplified
+view of the event stream and automates some common tasks.
+See type Pump documentation for more details of the interaction between proton
+events and goroutines.
+package event
+// #cgo LDFLAGS: -lqpid-proton
+import "C"
+// This file is just for the package comment.

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