diff --git a/proton-c/bindings/javascript/message.js 
deleted file mode 100644
index 40b15f2..0000000
--- a/proton-c/bindings/javascript/message.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,840 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
- */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                  Message                                  */
-/*                                                                           */
- * Constructs a proton.Message instance.
- * @classdesc This class is a mutable holder of message content that may be 
- * to generate and encode or decode and access AMQP formatted message data.
- * @constructor proton.Message
- * @property {object} instructions delivery instructions for the message.
- * @property {object} annotations infrastructure defined message annotations.
- * @property {object} properties application defined message properties.
- * @property {object} body message body as a native JavaScript Object.
- * @property {object} data message body as a proton.Data Object.
- */
-Module['Message'] = function() { // Message Constructor.
-    this._message = _pn_message();
-    this._id = new Data(_pn_message_id(this._message));
-    this._correlationId = new Data(_pn_message_correlation_id(this._message));
-    // ************************* Public properties ****************************
-    // Intitialise with an empty Object so we can set properties in a natural 
-    // = "foo";
-    // = "bar";
-    this['properties'] = {};
-    /**
-    // The properties may be used, but are initially undefined.
-    this['instructions'];
-    this['annotations'];
-    this['body'];
-    this['data'];
-     */
-// Expose constructor as package scope variable to make internal calls less 
-var Message = Module['Message'];
-// Expose prototype as a variable to make method declarations less verbose.
-var _Message_ = Message.prototype;
-// ************************** Class properties ********************************
-Message['DEFAULT_PRIORITY'] = 4; /** Default priority for messages.*/
-// ************************* Protected methods ********************************
-// We use the dot notation rather than associative array form for protected
-// methods so they are visible to this "package", but the Closure compiler will
-// minify and obfuscate names, effectively making a defacto "protected" method.
- * This helper method checks the supplied error code, converts it into an
- * exception and throws the exception. This method will try to use the message
- * populated in pn_message_error(), if present, but if not it will fall
- * back to using the basic error code rendering from pn_code().
- * @param code the error code to check.
- */
-_Message_._check = function(code) {
-    if (code < 0) {
-        var errno = this['getErrno']();
-        var message = errno ? this['getError']() : 
-        throw new Module['MessageError'](message);
-    } else {
-        return code;
-    }
- * Encode the Message prior to sending on the wire.
- */
-_Message_._preEncode = function() {
-    // A Message Object may be reused so we create new Data instances and clear
-    // the state for them each time put() gets called.
-    var inst = new Data(_pn_message_instructions(this._message));
-    var ann = new Data(_pn_message_annotations(this._message));
-    var props = new Data(_pn_message_properties(this._message));
-    var body = new Data(_pn_message_body(this._message));
-    inst.clear();
-    if (this['instructions'] !== undefined) {
-        inst['putObject'](this['instructions']);
-    }
-    ann.clear();
-    if (this['annotations'] !== undefined) {
-        ann['putObject'](this['annotations']);
-    }
-    props.clear();
-    if (this['properties'] !== undefined) {
-        props['putObject'](this['properties']);
-    }
-    body.clear();
-    if (this['body'] !== undefined) {
-        var contentType = this['getContentType']();
-        if (contentType) {
-            var value = this['body'];
-            if (contentType === 'application/json' && JSON) { // Optionally 
encode body as JSON.
-                var json = JSON.stringify(value);
-                value = new Data['Binary'](json);
-            } else if (!(value instanceof Data['Binary'])) { // Construct a 
Binary from the body
-                value = new Data['Binary'](value);
-            }
-            // As content-type is set we send as an opaque AMQP data section.
-            this['setInferred'](true);
-            body['putBINARY'](value);
-        } else { // By default encode body using the native AMQP type system.
-            this['setInferred'](false);
-            body['putObject'](this['body']);
-        }
-    }
- * Decode the Message after receiving off the wire.
- * @param {boolean} decodeBinaryAsString if set decode any AMQP Binary payload
- *        objects as strings. This can be useful as the data in Binary objects
- *        will be overwritten with subsequent calls to get, so they must be
- *        explicitly copied. Needless to say it is only safe to set this flag 
- *        you know that the data you are dealing with is actually a string, for
- *        example C/C++ applications often seem to encode strings as AMQP 
- *        a common cause of interoperability problems.
- */
-_Message_._postDecode = function(decodeBinaryAsString) {
-    var inst = new Data(_pn_message_instructions(this._message));
-    var ann = new Data(_pn_message_annotations(this._message));
-    var props = new Data(_pn_message_properties(this._message));
-    var body = new Data(_pn_message_body(this._message), decodeBinaryAsString);
-    if ( {
-        this['instructions'] = inst['getObject']();
-    } else {
-        delete this['instructions'];
-    }
-    if ( {
-        this['annotations'] = ann['getObject']();
-    } else {
-        delete this['annotations'];
-    }
-    if ( {
-        this['properties'] = props['getObject']();
-    } else {
-        this['properties'] = {};
-    }
-    if ( {
-        this['data'] = body;
-        this['body'] = body['getObject']();
-        var contentType = this['getContentType']();
-        if (contentType) {
-            if (contentType === 'application/json' && JSON) {
-                var json = this['body'].toString(); // Convert Binary to 
-                this['body'] = JSON.parse(json);
-            } else if (contentType.indexOf('text/') === 0) { // It's a text/* 
MIME type
-                this['body'] = this['body'].toString(); // Convert Binary to 
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        // If no body is present ensure that the properties are undefined.
-        delete this['data'];
-        delete this['body'];
-    }
-// *************************** Public methods *********************************
- * Free the Message.
- * <p>
- * N.B. This method has to be called explicitly in JavaScript as we can't
- * intercept finalisers, so we need to remember to free before removing refs.
- * @method free
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- */
-_Message_['free'] = function() {
-    _pn_message_free(this._message);
- * @method getErrno
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @returns {number the most recent error message code.
- */
-_Message_['getErrno'] = function() {
-    return _pn_message_errno(this._message);
- * @method getError
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @returns {string} the most recent error message as a String.
- */
-_Message_['getError'] = function() {
-    return Pointer_stringify(_pn_error_text(_pn_message_error(this._message)));
- * Clears the contents of the Message. All fields will be reset to their 
default values.
- * @method clear
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- */
-_Message_['clear'] = function() {
-    _pn_message_clear(this._message);
-    this['properties'] = {};
-    delete this['instructions'];
-    delete this['annotations'];
-    delete this['body'];
-    delete this['data'];
- * Get the inferred flag for a message.
- * <p>
- * The inferred flag for a message indicates how the message content
- * is encoded into AMQP sections. If inferred is true then binary and
- * list values in the body of the message will be encoded as AMQP DATA
- * and AMQP SEQUENCE sections, respectively. If inferred is false,
- * then all values in the body of the message will be encoded as AMQP
- * VALUE sections regardless of their type. Use
- * {@link proton.Message.setInferred} to set the value.
- * @method isInferred
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @returns {boolean} true iff the inferred flag for the message is set.
- */
-_Message_['isInferred'] = function() {
-    return (_pn_message_is_inferred(this._message) > 0);
- * Set the inferred flag for a message. See {@link proton.Message.isInferred} 
- * for a description of what the inferred flag is.
- * @method setInferred
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @param {boolean} inferred the new value of the inferred flag.
- */
-_Message_['setInferred'] = function(inferred) {
-    this._check(_pn_message_set_inferred(this._message, inferred));
- * Get the durable flag for a message.
- * <p>
- * The durable flag indicates that any parties taking responsibility
- * for the message must durably store the content. Use
- * {@link proton.Message.setDurable} to set the value.
- * @method isDurable
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @returns {boolean} true iff the durable flag for the message is set.
- */
-_Message_['isDurable'] = function() {
-    return (_pn_message_is_durable(this._message) > 0);
- * Set the durable flag for a message. See {@link proton.Message.isDurable} 
- * for a description of what the durable flag is.
- * @method setDurable
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @param {boolean} durable the new value of the durable flag.
- */
-_Message_['setDurable'] = function(durable) {
-    this._check(_pn_message_set_durable(this._message, durable));
- * Get the priority for a message.
- * <p>
- * The priority of a message impacts ordering guarantees. Within a
- * given ordered context, higher priority messages may jump ahead of
- * lower priority messages. Priority range is 0..255
- * @method getPriority
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @returns {number} the priority of the Message.
- */
-_Message_['getPriority'] = function() {
-    return _pn_message_get_priority(this._message) & 0xFF; // & 0xFF converts 
to unsigned.
- * Set the priority of the Message. See {@link proton.Message.getPriority}
- * for details on message priority.
- * @method setPriority
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @param {number} priority the address we want to send the Message to.
- */
-_Message_['setPriority'] = function(priority) {
-    this._check(_pn_message_set_priority(this._message, priority));
- * Get the ttl for a message.
- * <p>
- * The ttl for a message determines how long a message is considered
- * live. When a message is held for retransmit, the ttl is
- * decremented. Once the ttl reaches zero, the message is considered
- * dead. Once a message is considered dead it may be dropped. Use
- * {@link proton.Message.setTTL} to set the ttl for a message.
- * @method getTTL
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @returns {number} the ttl in milliseconds.
- */
-_Message_['getTTL'] = function() {
-    return _pn_message_get_ttl(this._message);
- * Set the ttl for a message. See {@link proton.Message.getTTL}
- * for a detailed description of message ttl.
- * @method setTTL
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @param {number} ttl the new value for the message ttl in milliseconds.
- */
-_Message_['setTTL'] = function(ttl) {
-    this._check(_pn_message_set_ttl(this._message, ttl));
- * Get the first acquirer flag for a message.
- * <p>
- * When set to true, the first acquirer flag for a message indicates
- * that the recipient of the message is the first recipient to acquire
- * the message, i.e. there have been no failed delivery attempts to
- * other acquirers. Note that this does not mean the message has not
- * been delivered to, but not acquired, by other recipients.
- * @method isFirstAcquirer
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @returns {boolean} true iff the first acquirer flag for the message is set.
- */
-_Message_['isFirstAcquirer'] = function() {
-    return (_pn_message_is_first_acquirer(this._message) > 0);
- * Set the first acquirer flag for a message. See {@link 
- * for details on the first acquirer flag.
- * @method setFirstAcquirer
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @param {boolean} first the new value of the first acquirer flag.
- */
-_Message_['setFirstAcquirer'] = function(first) {
-    this._check(_pn_message_set_first_acquirer(this._message, first));
- * Get the delivery count for a message.
- * <p>
- * The delivery count field tracks how many attempts have been made to
- * deliver a message. Use {@link proton.Message.setDeliveryCount} to set
- * the delivery count for a message.
- * @method getDeliveryCount
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @returns {number} the delivery count for the message.
- */
-_Message_['getDeliveryCount'] = function() {
-    return _pn_message_get_delivery_count(this._message);
- * Set the delivery count for a message. See {@link 
- * for details on what the delivery count means.
- * @method setDeliveryCount
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @param {number} count the new delivery count.
- */
-_Message_['setDeliveryCount'] = function(count) {
-    this._check(_pn_message_set_delivery_count(this._message, count));
- * Get the id for a message.
- * <p>
- * The message id provides a globally unique identifier for a message.
- * A message id can be an a string, an unsigned long, a uuid or a binary value.
- * @method getID
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @returns 
{(number|string|proton.Data.Long|proton.Data.Uuid|proton.Data.Binary)} the 
message id.
- */
-_Message_['getID'] = function() {
-    return this._id['getObject']();
- * Set the id for a message. See {@link proton.Message.getID}
- * for more details on the meaning of the message id. Note that only string,
- * unsigned long, uuid, or binary values are permitted.
- * @method setID
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @param 
{(number|string|proton.Data.Long|proton.Data.Uuid|proton.Data.Binary)} id the
- *        new value of the message id.
- */
-_Message_['setID'] = function(id) {
-    this._id['rewind']();
-    if (Data.isNumber(id)) {
-        this._id['putULONG'](id);
-    } else {
-        this._id['putObject'](id);
-    }
- * Get the user id of the message creator.
- * <p>
- * The underlying raw data of the returned {@link proton.Data.Binary} will be
- * valid until any one of the following operations occur:
- * <pre>
- *  - {@link}
- *  - {@link proton.Message.clear}
- *  - {@link proton.Message.setUserID}
- * </pre>
- * @method getUserID
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @returns {proton.Data.Binary} the message's user id.
- */
-_Message_['getUserID'] = function() {
-    var sp = Runtime.stackSave();
-    // The implementation here is a bit "quirky" due to some low-level details
-    // of the interaction between emscripten and LLVM and the use of pn_bytes.
-    // The JavaScript code below is basically a binding to:
-    //
-    // pn_bytes_t bytes = pn_message_get_user_id(message);
-    // Here's the quirky bit, pn_message_get_user_id actually returns 
-    // *by value* but the low-level code handles this *by pointer* so we first
-    // need to allocate 8 bytes storage for {size, start} on the emscripten 
-    // and then we pass the pointer to that storage as the first parameter to 
-    // compiled pn_message_get_user_id.
-    var bytes = allocate(8, 'i8', ALLOC_STACK);
-    _pn_message_get_user_id(bytes, this._message);
-    // The bytes variable is really of type pn_bytes_t* so we use emscripten's
-    // getValue() call to retrieve the size and then the start pointer.
-    var size  = getValue(bytes, 'i32');
-    var start = getValue(bytes + 4, '*');
-    // Create a proton.Data.Binary from the pn_bytes_t information.
-    var binary = new Data['Binary'](size, start);
-    // Tidy up the memory that we allocated on emscripten's stack.
-    Runtime.stackRestore(sp);
-    return binary;
- * Set the user id for a message. This method takes a {@link 
- * consuming the underlying raw data in the process. For convenience this 
- * also accepts a {@link proton.Data.Uuid}, number or string, converting them 
to a
- * Binary internally. N.B. getUserID always returns a {@link 
- * even if a string or {@link proton.Data.Uuid} has been passed to setUserID.
- * @method setUserID
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @param {(string|proton.Data.Uuid)} id the new user id for the message.
- */
-_Message_['setUserID'] = function(id) {
-    // If the id parameter is a proton.Data.Binary use it otherwise create a 
-    // using the string form of the parameter that was passed.
-    id = (id instanceof Data['Binary']) ? id : new Data['Binary']('' + id);
-    var sp = Runtime.stackSave();
-    // The implementation here is a bit "quirky" due to some low-level details
-    // of the interaction between emscripten and LLVM and the use of pn_bytes.
-    // The JavaScript code below is basically a binding to:
-    //
-    // pn_message_set_user_id(message, pn_bytes(id.size, id.start));
-    // Here's the quirky bit, pn_bytes actually returns pn_bytes_t *by value* 
-    // the low-level code handles this *by pointer* so we first need to 
-    // 8 bytes storage for {size, start} on the emscripten stack and then we
-    // pass the pointer to that storage as the first parameter to the pn_bytes.
-    var bytes = allocate(8, 'i8', ALLOC_STACK);
-    _pn_bytes(bytes, id.size, id.start);
-    // The compiled pn_message_set_user_id takes the pn_bytes_t by reference 
not value.
-    this._check(_pn_message_set_user_id(this._message, bytes));
-    // After calling _pn_message_set_user_id the underlying Message object 
"owns" the
-    // binary data, so we can call free on the proton.Data.Binary instance to
-    // release any storage it has acquired back to the emscripten heap.
-    id['free']();
-    Runtime.stackRestore(sp);
- * Get the address for a message.
- * @method getAddress
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @returns {string} the address of the Message.
- */
-_Message_['getAddress'] = function() {
-    return Pointer_stringify(_pn_message_get_address(this._message));
- * Set the address of the Message.
- * @method setAddress
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @param {string} address the address we want to send the Message to.
- */
-_Message_['setAddress'] = function(address) {
-    var sp = Runtime.stackSave();
-    this._check(_pn_message_set_address(this._message, 
allocate(intArrayFromString(address), 'i8', ALLOC_STACK)));
-    Runtime.stackRestore(sp);
- * Get the subject for a message.
- * @method getSubject
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @returns {string} the subject of the Message.
- */
-_Message_['getSubject'] = function() {
-    return Pointer_stringify(_pn_message_get_subject(this._message));
- * Set the subject of the Message.
- * @method setSubject
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @param {string} subject the subject we want to set for the Message.
- */
-_Message_['setSubject'] = function(subject) {
-    var sp = Runtime.stackSave();
-    this._check(_pn_message_set_subject(this._message, 
allocate(intArrayFromString(subject), 'i8', ALLOC_STACK)));
-    Runtime.stackRestore(sp);
- * Get the reply to for a message.
- * @method getReplyTo
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @returns {string} the reply to of the Message.
- */
-_Message_['getReplyTo'] = function() {
-    return Pointer_stringify(_pn_message_get_reply_to(this._message));
- * Set the reply to for a message.
- * @method setReplyTo
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @param {string} reply the reply to we want to set for the Message.
- */
-_Message_['setReplyTo'] = function(reply) {
-    var sp = Runtime.stackSave();
-    this._check(_pn_message_set_reply_to(this._message, 
allocate(intArrayFromString(reply), 'i8', ALLOC_STACK)));
-    Runtime.stackRestore(sp);
- * Get the correlation id for a message.
- * <p>
- * A correlation id can be an a string, an unsigned long, a uuid or a binary 
- * @method getCorrelationID
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @returns 
{(number|string|proton.Data.Long|proton.Data.Uuid|proton.Data.Binary)} the 
message id.
- */
-_Message_['getCorrelationID'] = function() {
-    return this._correlationId['getObject']();
- * Set the correlation id for a message. See {@link 
- * for more details on the meaning of the correlation id. Note that only 
- * unsigned long, uuid, or binary values are permitted.
- * @method setCorrelationID
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @param 
{(number|string|proton.Data.Long|proton.Data.Uuid|proton.Data.Binary)} id the
- *        new value of the correlation id.
- */
-_Message_['setCorrelationID'] = function(id) {
-    this._correlationId['rewind']();
-    if (Data.isNumber(id)) {
-        this._correlationId['putULONG'](id);
-    } else {
-        this._correlationId['putObject'](id);
-    }
- * Get the content type for a message.
- * @method getContentType
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @returns {string} the content type of the Message.
- */
-_Message_['getContentType'] = function() {
-    return Pointer_stringify(_pn_message_get_content_type(this._message));
- * Set the content type for a message.
- * @method setContentType
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @param {string} type the content type we want to set for the Message.
- */
-_Message_['setContentType'] = function(type) {
-    var sp = Runtime.stackSave();
-    this._check(_pn_message_set_content_type(this._message, 
allocate(intArrayFromString(type), 'i8', ALLOC_STACK)));
-    Runtime.stackRestore(sp);
- * Get the content encoding for a message.
- * @method getContentEncoding
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @returns {string} the content encoding of the Message.
- */
-_Message_['getContentEncoding'] = function() {
-    return Pointer_stringify(_pn_message_get_content_encoding(this._message));
- * Set the content encoding for a message.
- * @method setContentEncoding
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @param {string} encoding the content encoding we want to set for the 
- */
-_Message_['setContentEncoding'] = function(encoding) {
-    var sp = Runtime.stackSave();
-    this._check(_pn_message_set_content_encoding(this._message, 
allocate(intArrayFromString(encoding), 'i8', ALLOC_STACK)));
-    Runtime.stackRestore(sp);
- * Get the expiry time for a message.
- * A zero value for the expiry time indicates that the message will
- * never expire. This is the default value.
- * @method getExpiryTime
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @returns {Date} the expiry time for the message.
- */
-_Message_['getExpiryTime'] = function() {
-    // Getting the timestamp is a little tricky as it is a 64 bit number. The 
-    // emscripten handles this is to return the low 32 bits directly and pass
-    // the high 32 bits via the tempRet0 variable. We use Data.Long to hold
-    // the 64 bit number and Data.Long.toNumber() to convert it back into a
-    // JavaScript number.
-    var low =  _pn_message_get_expiry_time(this._message);
-    var high = Runtime.getTempRet0();
-    var long = new Data.Long(low, high);
-    long = long.toNumber();
-    return new Date(long);
- * Set the expiry time for a message.
- * @method setExpiryTime
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @param {(number|Date)} time the new expiry time for the message.
- */
-_Message_['setExpiryTime'] = function(time) {
-    // Note that a timestamp is a 64 bit number so we have to use a 
-    var timestamp = Data.Long.fromNumber(time.valueOf());
-    this._check(_pn_message_set_expiry_time(this._message, 
timestamp.getLowBitsUnsigned(), timestamp.getHighBits()));
- * Get the creation time for a message.
- * A zero value for the creation time indicates that the creation time
- * has not been set. This is the default value.
- * @method getCreationTime
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @returns {Date} the creation time for the message.
- */
-_Message_['getCreationTime'] = function() {
-    // Getting the timestamp is a little tricky as it is a 64 bit number. The 
-    // emscripten handles this is to return the low 32 bits directly and pass
-    // the high 32 bits via the tempRet0 variable. We use Data.Long to hold
-    // the 64 bit number and Data.Long.toNumber() to convert it back into a
-    // JavaScript number.
-    var low =  _pn_message_get_creation_time(this._message);
-    var high = Runtime.getTempRet0();
-    var long = new Data.Long(low, high);
-    long = long.toNumber();
-    return new Date(long);
- * Set the creation time for a message.
- * @method setCreationTime
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @param {(number|Date)} time the new creation time for the message.
- */
-_Message_['setCreationTime'] = function(time) {
-    // Note that a timestamp is a 64 bit number so we have to use a 
-    var timestamp = Data.Long.fromNumber(time.valueOf());
-    this._check(_pn_message_set_creation_time(this._message, 
timestamp.getLowBitsUnsigned(), timestamp.getHighBits()));
- * Get the group id for a message.
- * @method getGroupID
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @returns {string} the group id of the Message.
- */
-_Message_['getGroupID'] = function() {
-    return Pointer_stringify(_pn_message_get_group_id(this._message));
- * Set the group id for a message.
- * @method setGroupID
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @param {string} id the group id we want to set for the Message.
- */
-_Message_['setGroupID'] = function(id) {
-    var sp = Runtime.stackSave();
-    this._check(_pn_message_set_group_id(this._message, 
allocate(intArrayFromString(id), 'i8', ALLOC_STACK)));
-    Runtime.stackRestore(sp);
- * Get the group sequence for a message.
- * <p>
- * The group sequence of a message identifies the relative ordering of
- * messages within a group. The default value for the group sequence
- * of a message is zero.
- * @method getGroupSequence
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @returns {number} the group sequence for the message.
- */
-_Message_['getGroupSequence'] = function() {
-    return _pn_message_get_group_sequence(this._message);
- * Set the group sequence for a message. See {@link 
- * for details on what the group sequence means.
- * @method setGroupSequence
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @param {number} n the new group sequence for the message.
- */
-_Message_['setGroupSequence'] = function(n) {
-    this._check(_pn_message_set_group_sequence(this._message, n));
- * Get the reply to group id for a message.
- * @method getReplyToGroupID
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @returns {string} the reply to group id of the Message.
- */
-_Message_['getReplyToGroupID'] = function() {
-    return Pointer_stringify(_pn_message_get_reply_to_group_id(this._message));
- * Set the reply to group id for a message.
- * @method setReplyToGroupID
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @param {string} id the reply to group id we want to set for the Message.
- */
-_Message_['setReplyToGroupID'] = function(id) {
-    var sp = Runtime.stackSave();
-    this._check(_pn_message_set_reply_to_group_id(this._message, 
allocate(intArrayFromString(id), 'i8', ALLOC_STACK)));
-    Runtime.stackRestore(sp);
- * Return a Binary representation of the message encoded in AMQP format. N.B. 
- * returned {@link proton.Data.Binary} "owns" the underlying raw data and is 
- * responsible for freeing it or passing it to a method that consumes a Binary
- * such as {@link proton.Message.decode}.
- * @method encode
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @returns {proton.Data.Binary} a representation of the message encoded in 
AMQP format.
- */
-_Message_['encode'] = function() {
-    this._preEncode();
-    var sp = Runtime.stackSave();
-    var sizeptr = allocate(4, 'i32', ALLOC_STACK);
-    var size = 1024;
-    while (true) {
-        setValue(sizeptr, size, 'i32'); // Set pass by reference variable.
-        var bytes = _malloc(size);   // Allocate storage from emscripten heap.
-        var err = _pn_message_encode(this._message, bytes, sizeptr);
-        var size = getValue(sizeptr, 'i32'); // Dereference the real size 
-        if (err === Module['Error']['OVERFLOW']) {
-            _free(bytes);
-            size *= 2;
-        } else if (err >= 0) {
-            // Tidy up the memory that we allocated on emscripten's stack.
-            Runtime.stackRestore(sp);
-            return new Data['Binary'](size, bytes);
-        } else {
-            // Tidy up the memory that we allocated on emscripten's stack.
-            Runtime.stackRestore(sp);
-            _free(bytes);
-            this._check(err);
-            return;
-        }
-    }
- * Decodes and loads the message content from supplied Binary AMQP data  N.B. 
- * this method "consumes" data from a {@link proton.Data.Binary} in other words
- * it takes responsibility for the underlying data and frees the raw data from
- * the Binary.
- * @method decode
- * @memberof! proton.Message#
- * @param {proton.Data.Binary} encoded the AMQP encoded binary message.
- */
-_Message_['decode'] = function(encoded) {
-    var err = _pn_message_decode(this._message, encoded.start, encoded.size);
-    encoded['free'](); // Free the original Binary.
-    if (err >= 0) {
-        this._postDecode();
-    }
-    this._check(err);
diff --git a/proton-c/bindings/javascript/messenger.js 
deleted file mode 100644
index 5c96cb5..0000000
--- a/proton-c/bindings/javascript/messenger.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,822 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
- */
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                                 Messenger                                 */
-/*                                                                           */
- * Constructs a proton.Messenger instance giving it an (optional) name. If name
- * is supplied that will be used as the name of the Messenger, otherwise a UUID
- * will be used. The Messenger is initialised to non-blocking mode as it makes
- * little sense to have blocking behaviour in a JavaScript implementation.
- * @classdesc The {@link proton.Messenger} class defines a high level 
interface for sending
- * and receiving {@link proton.Message}. Every {@link proton.Messenger} 
contains a
- * single logical queue of incoming messages and a single logical queue
- * of outgoing messages. These messages in these queues may be destined
- * for, or originate from, a variety of addresses.
- * <p>
- * The messenger interface is single-threaded.
- * <pre>
- * Address Syntax
- * ==============
- * </pre>
- * An address has the following form:
- * <pre>
- *   [ amqp[s]:// ] [user[:password]@] domain [/[name]]
- * </pre>
- * Where domain can be one of:
- * <pre>
- *   host | host:port | ip | ip:port | name
- * </pre>
- * The following are valid examples of addresses:
- * <pre>
- *  -
- *  -
- *  - amqp://
- *  - amqps://
- *  -
- *  - amqps://
- *  - amqps://
- *  -
- *  - amqps://
- *
- * Sending & Receiving Messages
- * ============================
- * </pre>
- * The {@link proton.Messenger} class works in conjuction with the {@link 
proton.Message} class.
- * The {@link proton.Message} class is a mutable holder of message content.
- * <p>
- * The put method copies its Message to the outgoing queue, and may
- * send queued messages if it can do so without blocking.  
- * <pre>
- *   var message = new proton.Message();
- *   for (var i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- *      message.setAddress("amqp://host/queue");
- *      message.setSubject = ("Hello World " + i);
- *      messenger.put(message);
- *   }
- * </pre>
- * Similarly, the recv method receives messages into the incoming
- * queue. It may receive fewer than the requested number. The get method pops 
- * eldest Message off the incoming queue and copies it into the Message
- * object that you supply.
- * <pre>
- *   var message = new proton.Message();
- *   messenger.recv(10);
- *   while (messenger.incoming() > 0) {
- *      messenger.get(message);
- *      console.log(message.getSubject());
- *   }
- *   Hello World 0
- *   Hello World 1
- *   Hello World 2
- * </pre>
- *
- * @constructor proton.Messenger
- * @param {string} name the name of this Messenger instance.
- */
-Module['Messenger'] = function(name) { // Messenger Constructor.
-    /**
-     * The emscripten idiom below is used in a number of places in the 
-     * bindings to map JavaScript Strings to C style strings. ALLOC_STACK will
-     * increase the stack and place the item there. When the stack is next 
-     * (by calling Runtime.stackRestore()), that memory will be automatically
-     * freed. In C code compiled by emscripten saving and restoring of the 
-     * is automatic, but if we want to us ALLOC_STACK from native JavaScript we
-     * need to explicitly save and restore the stack using Runtime.stackSave()
-     * and Runtime.stackRestore() or we will leak emscripten heap memory.
-     * See
-     * The _pn_messenger constructor copies the char* passed to it.
-     */
-    var sp = Runtime.stackSave();
-    this._messenger = _pn_messenger(name ? allocate(intArrayFromString(name), 
'i8', ALLOC_STACK) : 0);
-    Runtime.stackRestore(sp);
-    /**
-     * Initiate Messenger non-blocking mode. For JavaScript we make this the
-     * default behaviour and don't export this method because JavaScript is
-     * fundamentally an asynchronous non-blocking execution environment.
-     */
-    _pn_messenger_set_blocking(this._messenger, false);
-    // Set the Messenger "passive" as we are supplying our own event loop here.
-    _pn_messenger_set_passive(this._messenger, true);
-    // Subscriptions that haven't yet completed, used for managing subscribe 
-    this._pendingSubscriptions = [];
-    // Used in the Event registration mechanism (in the 'on' and 'emit' 
-    this._callbacks = {};
-    // This call ensures that the emscripten network callback functions are 
-    Module.EventDispatch.registerMessenger(this);
-Module['Messenger'].PN_CUMULATIVE = 0x1; // Protected Class attribute.
-// Expose prototype as a variable to make method declarations less verbose.
-var _Messenger_ = Module['Messenger'].prototype;
-// ************************* Protected methods ********************************
-// We use the dot notation rather than associative array form for protected
-// methods so they are visible to this "package", but the Closure compiler will
-// minify and obfuscate names, effectively making a defacto "protected" method.
- * This helper method checks the supplied error code, converts it into an
- * exception and throws the exception. This method will try to use the message
- * populated in pn_messenger_error(), if present, but if not it will fall
- * back to using the basic error code rendering from pn_code().
- * @param {number} code the error code to check.
- */
-_Messenger_._check = function(code) {
-    if (code < 0 && code !== Module['Error']['INPROGRESS']) {
-        var errno = this['getErrno']();
-        var message = errno ? this['getError']() : 
-        if (message !== 'PN_TIMEOUT') {
-            if (this._callbacks['error']) {
-console.log("emitting " + message);
-                this._emit('error', new Module['MessengerError'](message));
-            } else {
-console.log("throwing " + message);
-                throw new Module['MessengerError'](message);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return code;
- * Invokes the callbacks registered for a specified event.
- * @method _emit
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- * @param event {string} the event we want to emit.
- * @param param {object} the parameter we'd like to pass to the event callback.
- */
-_Messenger_._emit = function(event, param) {
-    var callbacks = this._callbacks[event];
-    if (callbacks) {
-        for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) {
-            var callback = callbacks[i];
-            if ('function' === typeof callback) {
-      , param);
-            }
-        }
-    }
- * Checks any pending subscriptions and when a source address becomes available
- * emit a subscription event passing the Subscription that triggered the event.
- * Note that this doesn't seem to work for listen/bind style subscriptions,
- * that is to say subscriptions of the form amqp://~, don't know why?
- * As a workaround the subscribe call emits a subscription event immediately 
- * peer subscriptions to the local Messenger, this *should* be OK.
- */
-_Messenger_._checkSubscriptions = function() {
-    // Check for completed subscriptions, and emit subscribe event.
-    var subscriptions = this._pendingSubscriptions;
-    if (subscriptions.length) {
-        var pending = []; // Array of any subscriptions that remain pending.
-        for (var j = 0; j < subscriptions.length; j++) {
-            subscription = subscriptions[j];
-            if (subscription['getAddress']()) {
-                this._emit('subscription', subscription);
-            } else {
-                pending.push(subscription);
-            }
-        }
-        this._pendingSubscriptions = pending;
-    }
-// *************************** Public methods *****************************
- * N.B. The following methods are not exported by the JavaScript Messenger
- * binding for reasons described below.
- *
- * For these methods it is expected that security would be implemented via
- * a secure WebSocket. TODO what happens if we decide to implement TCP sockets
- * via Node.js net library. If we do that we may want to compile OpenSSL
- * using emscripten and include these methods.
- * pn_messenger_set_certificate()
- * pn_messenger_get_certificate()
- * pn_messenger_set_private_key()
- * pn_messenger_get_private_key()
- * pn_messenger_set_password()
- * pn_messenger_get_password()
- * pn_messenger_set_trusted_certificates()
- * pn_messenger_get_trusted_certificates()
- *
- * For these methods the implementation is fairly meaningless because 
- * is a fundamentally asynchronous non-blocking environment.
- * pn_messenger_set_timeout()
- * pn_messenger_set_blocking()
- * pn_messenger_interrupt()
- * pn_messenger_work() - omitted because we have our own JavaScript Event loop.
- */
- * Registers a listener callback for a specified event.
- * @method on
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- * @param {string} event the event we want to listen for.
- * @param {function} callback the callback function to be registered for the 
specified event.
- */
-_Messenger_['on'] = function(event, callback) {
-    if ('function' === typeof callback) {
-        if (!this._callbacks[event]) {
-            this._callbacks[event] = [];
-        }
-        this._callbacks[event].push(callback);
-    }
- * Removes a listener callback for a specified event.
- * @method removeListener
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- * @param {string} event the event we want to detach from.
- * @param {function} callback the callback function to be removed for the 
specified event.
- *        if no callback is specified all callbacks are removed for the event.
- */
-_Messenger_['removeListener'] = function(event, callback) {
-    if (callback) {
-        var callbacks = this._callbacks[event];
-        if ('function' === typeof callback && callbacks) {
-            // Search for the specified callback.
-            for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) {
-                if (callback === callbacks[i]) {
-                    // If we find the specified callback, delete it and return.
-                    callbacks.splice(i, 1);
-                    return;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        // If we call remove with no callback specified we remove all 
-        delete this._callbacks[event];
-    }
- * Retrieves the name of a Messenger.
- * @method getName
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- * @returns {string} the name of the messenger.
- */
-_Messenger_['getName'] = function() {
-    return Pointer_stringify(_pn_messenger_name(this._messenger));
- * Retrieves the timeout for a Messenger.
- * @method getTimeout
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- * @returns {number} zero because JavaScript is fundamentally non-blocking.
- */
-_Messenger_['getTimeout'] = function() {
-    return 0;
- * Accessor for messenger blocking mode.
- * @method isBlocking
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- * @returns {boolean} false because JavaScript is fundamentally non-blocking.
- */
-_Messenger_['isBlocking'] = function() {
-    return false;
- * Free the Messenger. This will close all connections that are managed
- * by the Messenger. Call the stop method before destroying the Messenger.
- * <p>
- * N.B. This method has to be called explicitly in JavaScript as we can't
- * intercept finalisers, so we need to remember to free before removing refs.
- * @method free
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- */
-_Messenger_['free'] = function() {
-    // This call ensures that the emscripten network callback functions are 
-    Module.EventDispatch.unregisterMessenger(this);
-    _pn_messenger_free(this._messenger);
- * @method getErrno
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- * @returns {number} the most recent error message code.
- */
-_Messenger_['getErrno'] = function() {
-    return _pn_messenger_errno(this._messenger);
- * @method getError
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- * @returns {string} the most recent error message as a String.
- */
-_Messenger_['getError'] = function() {
-    return 
- * Returns the size of the outgoing window that was set with setOutgoingWindow.
- * The default is 0.
- * @method getOutgoingWindow
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- * @returns {number} the outgoing window size.
- */
-_Messenger_['getOutgoingWindow'] = function() {
-    return _pn_messenger_get_outgoing_window(this._messenger);
- * Sets the outgoing tracking window for the Messenger. The Messenger will
- * track the remote status of this many outgoing deliveries after calling
- * send. Defaults to zero.
- * <p>
- * A Message enters this window when you call put() with the Message.
- * If your outgoing window size is n, and you call put() n+1 times, status
- * information will no longer be available for the first Message.
- * @method setOutgoingWindow
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- * @param {number} window the size of the tracking window in messages.
- */
-_Messenger_['setOutgoingWindow'] = function(window) {
-    _pn_messenger_set_outgoing_window(this._messenger, window);
- * Returns the size of the incoming window that was set with setIncomingWindow.
- * The default is 0.
- * @method getIncomingWindow
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- * @returns {number} the incoming window size.
- */
-_Messenger_['getIncomingWindow'] = function() {
-    return _pn_messenger_get_incoming_window(this._messenger);
- * Sets the incoming tracking window for the Messenger. The Messenger will
- * track the remote status of this many incoming deliveries after calling
- * send. Defaults to zero.
- * <p>
- * Messages enter this window only when you take them into your application
- * using get(). If your incoming window size is n, and you get() n+1 messages
- * without explicitly accepting or rejecting the oldest message, then the
- * Message that passes beyond the edge of the incoming window will be assigned
- * the default disposition of its link.
- * @method setIncomingWindow
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- * @param {number} window the size of the tracking window in messages.
- */
-_Messenger_['setIncomingWindow'] = function(window) {
-    _pn_messenger_set_incoming_window(this._messenger, window);
- * Currently a no-op placeholder. For future compatibility, do not send or
- * recv messages before starting the Messenger.
- * @method start
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- */
-_Messenger_['start'] = function() {
-    this._check(_pn_messenger_start(this._messenger));
- * Transitions the Messenger to an inactive state. An inactive Messenger
- * will not send or receive messages from its internal queues. A Messenger
- * should be stopped before being discarded to ensure a clean shutdown
- * handshake occurs on any internally managed connections.
- * <p>
- * The Messenger may require some time to stop if it is busy, so it is
- * necessary to call isStopped to see if it has fully stopped.
- * @method stop
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- */
-_Messenger_['stop'] = function() {
-    _pn_messenger_stop(this._messenger);
-    // When we call stop it's quite likely that it will be busy. We call
-    // Module.EventDispatch.pump to flush the Messenger Event loop, but we
-    // wrap the call in a setTimeout to make sure that any Events generated
-    // by the flush occur on the next "tick" of the JavaScript Event loop.
-    setTimeout(Module.EventDispatch.pump, 0);
- * Returns true iff a Messenger is in the stopped state.
- * @method isStopped
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- * @returns {boolean} true iff a Messenger is in the stopped state.
- */
-_Messenger_['isStopped'] = function() {
-    return (_pn_messenger_stopped(this._messenger) > 0);
- * Subscribes the Messenger to messages originating from the
- * specified source. The source is an address as specified in the
- * Messenger introduction with the following addition. If the
- * domain portion of the address begins with the '~' character, the
- * Messenger will interpret the domain as host/port, bind to it,
- * and listen for incoming messages. For example "~",
- * "amqp://~", and "amqps://~" will all bind to any
- * local interface and listen for incoming messages with the last
- * variant only permitting incoming SSL connections.
- * @method subscribe
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- * @param {string} source the source address we're subscribing to.
- * @returns {Subscription} a subscription.
- */
-_Messenger_['subscribe'] = function(source) {
-    if (!source) {
-        this._emit('error', new Module['SubscriptionError'](source, 
'CONNECTION ERROR: Address not specified'));
-    } else {
-        return Module.EventDispatch.subscribe(this, source);
-    }
- * Places the content contained in the message onto the outgoing queue
- * of the Messenger. This method will never block, however it will send any
- * unblocked Messages in the outgoing queue immediately and leave any blocked
- * Messages remaining in the outgoing queue. The outgoing property may be
- * used to check the depth of the outgoing queue.
- * <p>
- * When the content in a given Message object is copied to the outgoing
- * message queue, you may then modify or discard the Message object
- * without having any impact on the content in the outgoing queue.
- * <p>
- * This method returns an outgoing tracker for the Message.  The tracker
- * can be used to determine the delivery status of the Message.
- * @method put
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- * @param {proton.Message} message a Message to send.
- * @returns {proton.Data.Long} a tracker.
- */
-_Messenger_['put'] = function(message) {
-    message._preEncode();
-    this._check(_pn_messenger_put(this._messenger, message._message));
-    // Getting the tracker is a little tricky as it is a 64 bit number. The way
-    // emscripten handles this is to return the low 32 bits directly and pass
-    // the high 32 bits via the tempRet0 variable. We use Data.Long to pass the
-    // low/high pair around to methods that require a tracker.
-    var low = _pn_messenger_outgoing_tracker(this._messenger);
-    var high = Runtime.getTempRet0();
-    return new Data.Long(low, high);
- * Send messages from a Messenger's outgoing queue. This method forces the 
- * loop to pump data for as long as the underlying socket remains writeable.
- * Note that after calling send() applications should yield control to the 
- * Event loop by calling setTimeout() or process.nextTick() so that the 
- * network processing can actually take place.
- * @method send
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- */
-_Messenger_['send'] = function(number) {
-    Module.EventDispatch.pump();
- * Gets the aggregate bufferedAmount values from all of the underlying 
- * This value represents the amount of data buffered but not yet sent over the
- * network. If it grows too high it is a sign that the application is sending 
- * much data and should be throttled by yielding control to the JavaScript 
Event loop.
- * @method getBufferedAmount
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- * @returns {number} the total amount of data buffered by the Messenger's 
- */
-_Messenger_['getBufferedAmount'] = function() {
-    return Module.EventDispatch.getBufferedAmount(this);
- * Gets the last known remote state of the delivery associated with the given 
- * @method status
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- * @param {proton.Data.Long} tracker the tracker whose status is to be 
- * @returns {proton.Status} one of None, PENDING, REJECTED, or ACCEPTED.
- */
-_Messenger_['status'] = function(tracker) {
-    if (tracker == null) { // Use == not === to check for both null and 
-        var low = _pn_messenger_outgoing_tracker(this._messenger);
-        var high = Runtime.getTempRet0();
-        tracker = new Data.Long(low, high);
-    }
-    return _pn_messenger_status(this._messenger, tracker.getLowBitsUnsigned(), 
- * Checks if the delivery associated with the given tracker is still waiting 
to be sent.
- * @method isBuffered
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- * @param {proton.Data.Long} tracker the tracker identifying the delivery.
- * @returns {boolean} true if delivery is still buffered.
- */
-_Messenger_['isBuffered'] = function(tracker) {
-    if (tracker == null) { // Use == not === to check for both null and 
-        var low = _pn_messenger_outgoing_tracker(this._messenger);
-        var high = Runtime.getTempRet0();
-        tracker = new Data.Long(low, high);
-    }
-    return (_pn_messenger_buffered(this._messenger, 
tracker.getLowBitsUnsigned(), tracker.getHighBits()) > 0);
- * Frees a Messenger from tracking the status associated with a given tracker.
- * If you don't supply a tracker, all outgoing messages up to the most recent
- * will be settled.
- * @method settle
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- * @param {proton.Data.Long} tracker the tracker identifying the delivery.
- */
-_Messenger_['settle'] = function(tracker) {
-    // Getting the tracker is a little tricky as it is a 64 bit number. The way
-    // emscripten handles this is to return the low 32 bits directly and pass
-    // the high 32 bits via the tempRet0 variable. We use Data.Long to pass the
-    // low/high pair around to methods that require a tracker.
-    var flags = 0;
-    if (tracker == null) { // Use == not === to check for both null and 
-        var low = _pn_messenger_outgoing_tracker(this._messenger);
-        var high = Runtime.getTempRet0();
-        tracker = new Data.Long(low, high);
-        flags = Module['Messenger'].PN_CUMULATIVE;
-    }
-    _pn_messenger_settle(this._messenger, tracker.getLowBitsUnsigned(), 
tracker.getHighBits(), flags);
- * Receives up to limit messages into the incoming queue.  If no value for 
- * is supplied, this call will receive as many messages as it can buffer 
- * @method recv
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- * @param {number} limit the maximum number of messages to receive. If 
- *        receive as many messages as it can buffer internally.
- */
-_Messenger_['recv'] = function(limit) {
-    _pn_messenger_recv(this._messenger, (limit ? limit : -1));
- * Returns the capacity of the incoming message queue of messenger. Note this
- * count does not include those messages already available on the incoming 
- * @method receiving
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- * @returns {number} the message queue capacity.
- */
-_Messenger_['receiving'] = function() {
-    return _pn_messenger_receiving(this._messenger);
- * Moves the message from the head of the incoming message queue into the
- * supplied message object. Any content in the message will be overwritten.
- * <p>
- * A tracker for the incoming Message is returned. The tracker can later be
- * used to communicate your acceptance or rejection of the Message.
- * @method get
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- * @param {proton.Message} message the destination message object. If no 
- *        object is supplied, the Message popped from the head of the queue is 
- * @param {boolean} decodeBinaryAsString if set decode any AMQP Binary payload
- *        objects as strings. This can be useful as the data in Binary objects
- *        will be overwritten with subsequent calls to get, so they must be
- *        explicitly copied. Needless to say it is only safe to set this flag 
- *        you know that the data you are dealing with is actually a string, for
- *        example C/C++ applications often seem to encode strings as AMQP 
- *        a common cause of interoperability problems.
- * @returns {proton.Data.Long} a tracker for the incoming Message.
- */
-_Messenger_['get'] = function(message, decodeBinaryAsString) {
-    var impl = null;
-    if (message) {
-        impl = message._message;
-    }
-    _pn_messenger_get(this._messenger, impl);
-    if (message) {
-        message._postDecode(decodeBinaryAsString);
-    }
-    // Getting the tracker is a little tricky as it is a 64 bit number. The way
-    // emscripten handles this is to return the low 32 bits directly and pass
-    // the high 32 bits via the tempRet0 variable. We use Data.Long to pass the
-    // low/high pair around to methods that require a tracker.
-    var low = _pn_messenger_incoming_tracker(this._messenger);
-    var high = Runtime.getTempRet0();
-    return new Data.Long(low, high);
- * Returns the Subscription of the Message returned by the most recent call
- * to get, or null if pn_messenger_get has not yet been called.
- * @method incomingSubscription
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- * @returns {Subscription} a Subscription or null if get has never been called
- *          for this Messenger.
- */
-_Messenger_['incomingSubscription'] = function() {
-    var subscription = _pn_messenger_incoming_subscription(this._messenger);
-    if (subscription) {
-        return new Subscription(subscription);
-    } else {
-        return null;
-    }
- * Signal the sender that you have acted on the Message pointed to by the 
- * If no tracker is supplied, then all messages that have been returned by the
- * get method are accepted, except those that have already been auto-settled
- * by passing beyond your incoming window size.
- * @method accept
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- * @param {proton.Data.Long} tracker the tracker identifying the delivery.
- */
-_Messenger_['accept'] = function(tracker) {
-    // Getting the tracker is a little tricky as it is a 64 bit number. The way
-    // emscripten handles this is to return the low 32 bits directly and pass
-    // the high 32 bits via the tempRet0 variable. We use Data.Long to pass the
-    // low/high pair around to methods that require a tracker.
-    var flags = 0;
-    if (tracker == null) { // Use == not === to check for both null and 
-        var low = _pn_messenger_incoming_tracker(this._messenger);
-        var high = Runtime.getTempRet0();
-        tracker = new Data.Long(low, high);
-        flags = Module['Messenger'].PN_CUMULATIVE;
-    }
-    this._check(_pn_messenger_accept(this._messenger, 
tracker.getLowBitsUnsigned(), tracker.getHighBits(), flags));
- * Rejects the Message indicated by the tracker.  If no tracker is supplied,
- * all messages that have been returned by the get method are rejected, except
- * those already auto-settled by passing beyond your outgoing window size.
- * @method reject
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- * @param {proton.Data.Long} tracker the tracker identifying the delivery.
- */
-_Messenger_['reject'] = function(tracker) {
-    // Getting the tracker is a little tricky as it is a 64 bit number. The way
-    // emscripten handles this is to return the low 32 bits directly and pass
-    // the high 32 bits via the tempRet0 variable. We use Data.Long to pass the
-    // low/high pair around to methods that require a tracker.
-    var flags = 0;
-    if (tracker == null) { // Use == not === to check for both null and 
-        var low = _pn_messenger_incoming_tracker(this._messenger);
-        var high = Runtime.getTempRet0();
-        tracker = new Data.Long(low, high);
-        flags = Module['Messenger'].PN_CUMULATIVE;
-    }
-    this._check(_pn_messenger_reject(this._messenger, 
tracker.getLowBitsUnsigned(), tracker.getHighBits(), flags));
- * Returns the number of messages in the outgoing message queue of a messenger.
- * @method outgoing
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- * @returns {number} the outgoing queue depth.
- */
-_Messenger_['outgoing'] = function() {
-    return _pn_messenger_outgoing(this._messenger);
- * Returns the number of messages in the incoming message queue of a messenger.
- * @method incoming
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- * @returns {number} the incoming queue depth.
- */
-_Messenger_['incoming'] = function() {
-    return _pn_messenger_incoming(this._messenger);
- * Adds a routing rule to a Messenger's internal routing table.
- * <p>
- * The route method may be used to influence how a messenger will internally 
- * a given address or class of addresses. Every call to the route method will
- * result in messenger appending a routing rule to its internal routing table.
- * <p>
- * Whenever a message is presented to a messenger for delivery, it will match 
- * address of this message against the set of routing rules in order. The first
- * rule to match will be triggered, and instead of routing based on the address
- * presented in the message, the messenger will route based on the address 
- * in the rule.
- * <p>
- * The pattern matching syntax supports two types of matches, a '' will match 
- * character except a '/', and a '*' will match any character including a '/'.
- * <p>
- * A routing address is specified as a normal AMQP address, however it may
- * additionally use substitution variables from the pattern match that 
- * the rule.
- * <p>
- * Any message sent to "foo" will be routed to "amqp://":
- * <pre>
- * route("foo", "amqp://");
- * </pre>
- * Any message sent to "foobar" will be routed to "amqp://":
- * <pre>
- * route("foobar", "amqp://");
- * </pre>
- * Any message sent to bar/<path> will be routed to the corresponding path 
- * the amqp:// domain:
- * <pre>
- * route("bar/*", "amqp://$1");
- * </pre>
- * Supply credentials for
- * <pre>
- * route("amqp://*", "amqp://$1");
- * </pre>
- * Supply credentials for all domains:
- * <pre>
- * route("amqp://*", "amqp://user:password@$1");
- * </pre>
- * Route all addresses through a single proxy while preserving the original 
- * <pre>
- * route("amqp://%/*", "amqp://user:password@proxy/$1/$2");
- * </pre>
- * Route any address through a single broker:
- * <pre>
- * route("*", "amqp://user:password@broker/$1");
- * </pre>
- * @method route
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- * @param {string} pattern a glob pattern to select messages.
- * @param {string} address an address indicating outgoing address rewrite.
- */
-_Messenger_['route'] = function(pattern, address) {
-    var sp = Runtime.stackSave();
-    _pn_messenger_route(this._messenger,
-                        allocate(intArrayFromString(pattern), 'i8', 
-                        allocate(intArrayFromString(address), 'i8', 
-    Runtime.stackRestore(sp);
- * Rewrite message addresses prior to transmission.
- * <p>
- * Similar to route(), except that the destination of the Message is determined
- * before the message address is rewritten.
- * <p>
- * The outgoing address is only rewritten after routing has been finalized. If
- * a message has an outgoing address of "amqp://", and a rewriting
- * rule that changes its outgoing address to "foo", it will still arrive at the
- * peer that is listening on "amqp://", but when it arrives there,
- * the receiver will see its outgoing address as "foo".
- * <p>
- * The default rewrite rule removes username and password from addresses
- * before they are transmitted.
- * @method rewrite
- * @memberof! proton.Messenger#
- * @param {string} pattern a glob pattern to select messages.
- * @param {string} address an address indicating outgoing address rewrite.
- */
-_Messenger_['rewrite'] = function(pattern, address) {
-    var sp = Runtime.stackSave();
-    _pn_messenger_rewrite(this._messenger,
-                          allocate(intArrayFromString(pattern), 'i8', 
-                          allocate(intArrayFromString(address), 'i8', 
-    Runtime.stackRestore(sp);
diff --git a/proton-c/bindings/javascript/module.js 
deleted file mode 100644
index 3603de3..0000000
--- a/proton-c/bindings/javascript/module.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,481 +0,0 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
- */
- * This file defines the Module Object which provides a namespace around the 
- * Messenger API. The Module object is used extensively by the emscripten 
- * however for convenience it is exported with the name "proton" and not 
- * <p>
- * The emscripten compiled proton-c code and the JavaScript binding code will 
- * minified by the Closure compiler, so all comments will be stripped from the
- * actual library.
- * <p>
- * This JavaScript wrapper provides a somewhat more idiomatic object oriented
- * interface which abstracts the low-level emscripten based implementation 
- * from client code. Any similarities to the Proton Python binding are 
- * @file
- */
- * The Module Object is exported by emscripten for all execution platforms, we
- * use it as a namespace to allow us to selectively export only what we wish to
- * be publicly visible from this package/module, which is wrapped in a closure.
- * <p>
- * Internally the binding code uses the associative array form for declaring
- * exported properties to prevent the Closure compiler from minifying e.g.
- * <pre>Module['Messenger'] = ...</pre>
- * Exported Objects can however be used in client code using a more convenient
- * and obvious proton namespace, e.g.:
- * <pre>
- * var proton = require('qpid-proton');
- * var messenger = new proton.Messenger();
- * var message = new proton.Message();
- * ...
- * </pre>
- * The core part of this library is actually proton-c compiled into JavaScript.
- * In order to provide C style memory management (malloc/free) emscripten uses
- * a "virtual heap", which is actually a pre-allocated ArrayBuffer. The size of
- * this virtual heap is set as part of the runtime initialisation and cannot be
- * changed subsequently (the default size is 16*1024*1024 = 16777216).
- * <p>
- * Applications can specify the size of virtual heap that they require via the
- * global variable PROTON_TOTAL_MEMORY, this must be set <b>before</b> the 
library is
- * loaded e.g. in Node.js an application would do:
- * <pre>
- * PROTON_TOTAL_MEMORY = 50000000; // Note no var - it needs to be global.
- * var proton = require('qpid-proton');
- * ...
- * </pre>
- * A browser based application would do:
- * <pre>
- * &lt;script type="text/javascript"&gt;PROTON_TOTAL_MEMORY = 
- * &lt;script type="text/javascript" src="proton.js">&lt;/script&gt;
- * </pre>
- * If the global variable PROTON_TOTAL_MEMORY has been set by the application 
- * will result in the emscripten heap getting set to the next multiple of
- * 16777216 above PROTON_TOTAL_MEMORY.
- * <p>
- * The global variable PROTON_TOTAL_STACK may be used in a similar way to 
- * the stack size from its default of 5*1024*1024 = 5242880. It is worth noting
- * that Strings are allocated on the stack, so you may need this if you end up
- * wanting to send very large strings.
- * @namespace proton
- */
-var Module = {};
-if (typeof global === 'object') { // If Node.js
-    if (global['PROTON_TOTAL_MEMORY']) {
-        Module['TOTAL_MEMORY'] = global['PROTON_TOTAL_MEMORY'];
-    }
-    if (global['PROTON_TOTAL_STACK']) {
-        Module['TOTAL_STACK'] = global['PROTON_TOTAL_STACK'];
-    }
-} else if (typeof window === 'object') { // If Browser
-    if (window['PROTON_TOTAL_MEMORY']) {
-        Module['TOTAL_MEMORY'] = window['PROTON_TOTAL_MEMORY'];
-    }
-    if (window['PROTON_TOTAL_STACK']) {
-        Module['TOTAL_STACK'] = window['PROTON_TOTAL_STACK'];
-    }
-/*                                                                           */
-/*                               EventDispatch                               */
-/*                                                                           */
- * EventDispatch is a Singleton class that allows callbacks to be registered,
- * which will get triggered by the emscripten WebSocket network callbacks.
- * Clients of Messenger will register callbacks by calling:
- * <pre>
- * messenger.on('error', &lt;callback function&gt;);
- * messenger.on('work', &lt;callback function&gt;);
- * messenger.on('subscription', &lt;callback function&gt;);
- * </pre>
- * EventDispatch supports callback registration from multiple Messenger 
- * The client callbacks will actually be called when a given messenger has work
- * available or a WebSocket close has been occurred.
- * <p>
- * The approach implemented here allows the registered callbacks to follow a
- * similar pattern to _process_incoming and _process_outgoing in
- * @constructor proton.EventDispatch
- */
-Module.EventDispatch = new function() { // Note the use of new to create a 
-    var POLLIN  = 0x001;
-    var POLLOUT = 0x004;
-    var _error = null;
-    var _messengers = {};  // Keyed by name.
-    var _selectables = {}; // Keyed by file descriptor.
-    var _initialise = function() {
-        /**
-         * Initialises the emscripten network callback functions. This needs
-         * to be done the first time we call registerMessenger rather than
-         * when we create the Singleton because emscripten's socket filesystem
-         * has to be mounted before can listen for any of these events.
-         */
-        Module['websocket']['on']('open', _pump);
-        Module['websocket']['on']('message', _pump);
-        Module['websocket']['on']('connection', _connectionHandler);
-        Module['websocket']['on']('close', _closeHandler);
-        Module['websocket']['on']('error', _errorHandler);
-        /**
-         * For Node.js the network code uses the ws WebSocket library, see
-         * The following is a "Monkey Patch"
-         * that fixes a problem with Receiver.js where it wasn't checking if
-         * an Object was null before accessing its properties, so it was
-         * possible to see errors like:
-         * TypeError: Cannot read property 'fragmentedOperation' of null
-         * at Receiver.endPacket (.....node_modules/ws/lib/Receiver.js:224:18)
-         * This problem is generally seen in Server code after messenger.stop()
-         * I *think* that the underlying issue is actually because ws calls
-         * cleanup directly rather than pushing it onto the event loop so the
-         * this.state stuff gets cleared before the endPacket method is called.
-         * This fix simply interposes a check to avoid calling endPacket if
-         * the state has been cleared (i.e. the WebSocket has been closed).
-         */
-        if (ENVIRONMENT_IS_NODE) {
-            try {
-                var ws = require('ws');
-                // Array notation to stop Closure compiler minifying 
properties we need.
-                ws['Receiver'].prototype['originalEndPacket'] = 
-                ws['Receiver'].prototype['endPacket'] = function() {
-                    if (this['state']) {
-                        this['originalEndPacket']();
-                    }
-                };
-            } catch (e) {
-                console.error("Failed to apply Monkey Patch to ws WebSocket 
-            }
-        }
-        _initialise = function() {}; // After first call replace with null 
-    };
-    /**
-     * Messenger error handling can be a bit inconsistent and in several places
-     * rather than returning an error code or setting an error it simply writes
-     * to fprintf. This is something of a Monkey Patch that replaces the 
-     * library fprintf call with one that checks the message and sets a 
-     * if the message is an ERROR. TODO At some point hopefully Dominic Evans'
-     * patch on Jira PROTON-571 will render this code redundant.
-     */
-    _fprintf = function(stream, format, varargs) {
-        var array = __formatString(format, varargs);
-        array.pop(); // Remove the trailing \n
-        var string = intArrayToString(array); // Convert to native JavaScript 
-        if (string.indexOf('ERROR') === -1) { // If not an ERROR just log the 
-            console.log(string);
-        } else {
-            _error = string;
-        }
-    };
-    /**
-     * This method uses some low-level emscripten internals (stream = 
-     * sock = stream.node.sock, peer = SOCKFS.websocket_sock_ops.getPeer) to 
-     * the underlying WebSocket associated with a given file descriptor value.
-     */
-    var _getWebSocket = function(fd) {
-        var stream = FS.getStream(fd);
-        if (stream) {
-            var sock = stream.node.sock;
-            if (sock.server) {
-                return sock.server;
-            }
-            var peer = SOCKFS.websocket_sock_ops.getPeer(sock, sock.daddr, 
-            if (peer) {
-                return peer.socket;
-            }
-        }
-        return null;
-    };
-    /**
-     * This method iterates through all registered Messengers and retrieves any
-     * pending selectables, which are stored in a _selectables map keyed by fd.
-     */
-    var _updateSelectables = function() {
-        var sel = 0;
-        var fd = -1;
-        for (var name in _messengers) {
-            var messenger = _messengers[name];
-            while ((sel = _pn_messenger_selectable(messenger._messenger))) {
-                fd = _pn_selectable_get_fd(sel);
-                // Only register valid selectables, otherwise free them.
-                if (fd === -1) {
-                    _pn_selectable_free(sel);
-                } else {
-                    _selectables[fd] = {messenger: messenger, selectable: sel, 
socket: _getWebSocket(fd)};
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return fd; // Return the most recently added selector's file 
-    };
-    /**
-     * Continually pump data while there's still work to do.
-     */
-    var _pump = function(fd) {
-        while (_pumpOnce(fd));
-    };
-    /**
-     * This method more or less follows the pattern of the pump_once method 
-     * class Pump in tests/python/proton_tests/ It looks a little
-     * different because the select/poll implemented here uses some low-level
-     * emscripten internals (stream = FS.getStream(fd), sock = 
-     * mask = sock.sock_ops.poll(sock)). We use the internals so we don't have
-     * to massage from file descriptors into the C style poll interface.
-     */
-    var _pumpOnce = function(fdin) {
-        _updateSelectables();
-        var work = false;
-        for (var fd in _selectables) {
-            var selectable = _selectables[fd];
-            if (selectable.socket) {
-                var messenger = selectable.messenger;
-                var sel = selectable.selectable;
-                var terminal = _pn_selectable_is_terminal(sel);
-                if (terminal) {
-//console.log(fd + " is terminal");
-                    _closeHandler(fd);
-                } else if (!fdin || (fd == fdin)) {
-                    var stream = FS.getStream(fd);
-                    if (stream) {
-                        var sock = stream.node.sock;
-                        if (sock.sock_ops.poll) {
-                            var mask = sock.sock_ops.poll(sock); // Low-level 
poll call.
-                            if (mask) {
-                                var capacity = _pn_selectable_is_reading(sel);
-                                var pending = _pn_selectable_is_writing(sel);
-                                if ((mask & POLLIN) && capacity) {
-//console.log("- readable fd = " + fd + ", capacity = " + 
-                                    _error = null; // May get set by 
-                                    _pn_selectable_readable(sel);
-                                    work = true;
-                                }
-                                if ((mask & POLLOUT) && pending) {
-//console.log("- writable fd = " + fd + ", pending = " + 
-                                    _pn_selectable_writable(sel);
-                                    work = true;
-                                }
-                                var errno = messenger['getErrno']();
-                                _error = errno ? messenger['getError']() : 
-                                if (_error) {
-                                    _errorHandler([fd, 0, _error]);
-                                } else {
-                                    // Don't send work Event if it's a listen 
-                                    if (work && !sock.server) {
-                                        messenger._checkSubscriptions();
-                                        messenger._emit('work');
-                                    }
-                                }
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        return work;
-    };
-    /**
-     * Handler for the emscripten socket connection event.
-     * The causes _pump to be called with no fd, forcing all fds to be checked.
-     */
-    var _connectionHandler = function(fd) {
-        _pump();
-    };
-    /**
-     * Handler for the emscripten socket close event.
-     */
-    var _closeHandler = function(fd) {
-        _updateSelectables();
-        var selectable = _selectables[fd];
-        if (selectable && selectable.socket) {
-            selectable.socket = null;
-//console.log("_closeHandler fd = " + fd);
-            /**
-             * We use the timeout to ensure that execution of the function to
-             * actually free and remove the selectable is deferred until next
-             * time round the (internal JavaScript) event loop. This turned out
-             * to be necessary because in some cases the ws WebSocket library
-             * calls the onclose callback (concurrently!!) before the onmessage
-             * callback exits, which could result in _pn_selectable_free being
-             * called whilst _pn_selectable_writable is executing, which is 
-             */
-            setTimeout(function() {
-//console.log("deferred _closeHandler fd = " + fd);
-                // Close and remove the selectable.
-                var sel = selectable.selectable;
-                _pn_selectable_free(sel); // This closes the underlying socket 
-                delete _selectables[fd];
-                var messenger = selectable.messenger;
-                messenger._emit('work');
-            }, 0);
-        }
-    };
-    /**
-     * Handler for the emscripten socket error event.
-     */
-    var _errorHandler = function(error) {
-        var fd = error[0];
-        var message = error[2];
-        _updateSelectables();
-        var selectable = _selectables[fd];
-        if (selectable) {
-            // Close and remove the selectable.
-            var sel = selectable.selectable;
-            _pn_selectable_free(sel); // This closes the underlying socket too.
-            delete _selectables[fd];
-            var messenger = selectable.messenger;
-            // Remove any pending Subscriptions whose fd matches the error fd.
-            var subscriptions = messenger._pendingSubscriptions;
-            for (var i = 0; i < subscriptions.length; i++) {
-                subscription = subscriptions[i];
-                // Use == not === as fd is a number and subscription.fd is a 
-                if (subscription.fd == fd) {
-                    messenger._pendingSubscriptions.splice(i, 1);
-                    if (message.indexOf('EHOSTUNREACH:') === 0) {
-                        message = 'CONNECTION ERROR (' + subscription.source + 
'): bind: Address already in use';
-                    }
-                    messenger._emit('error', new 
Module['SubscriptionError'](subscription.source, message));
-                    return;
-                }
-            }
-            messenger._emit('error', new Module['MessengerError'](message));
-        }
-    };
-    /**
-     * Flush any data that has been written by the Messenger put() method.
-     * @method pump
-     * @memberof! proton.EventDispatch#
-     */
-    this.pump = function() {
-        _pump();
-    };
-    /**
-     * For a given Messenger instance retrieve the bufferedAmount property from
-     * any connected WebSockets and return the aggregate total sum.
-     * @method getBufferedAmount
-     * @memberof! proton.EventDispatch#
-     * @param {proton.Messenger} messenger the Messenger instance that we want
-     *        to find the total buffered amount for.
-     * @returns {number} the total sum of the bufferedAmount property across 
-     *          connected WebSockets.
-     */
-    this.getBufferedAmount = function(messenger) {
-        var total = 0;
-        for (var fd in _selectables) {
-            var selectable = _selectables[fd];
-            if (selectable.messenger === messenger && selectable.socket) {
-                total += selectable.socket.bufferedAmount | 0; 
-            }
-        }
-        return total;
-    };
-    /**
-     * Subscribe to a specified source address.
-     * <p>
-     * This method is delegated to by the subscribe method of {@link 
-     * We delegate to EventDispatch because we create Subscription objects that
-     * contain some additional information (such as file descriptors) which are
-     * only available to EventDispatch and we don't really want to expose to 
-     * wider API. This low-level information is mainly used for error handling
-     * which is itself encapsulated in EventDispatch.
-     * @method subscribe
-     * @memberof! proton.EventDispatch#
-     * @param {proton.Messenger} messenger the Messenger instance that this
-     *        subscription relates to.
-     * @param {string} source the address that we'd like to subscribe to.
-     */
-    this.subscribe = function(messenger, source) {
-        // First update selectables before subscribing so we can work out the
-        // Subscription fd (which will be the listen file descriptor).
-        _updateSelectables();
-        var sp = Runtime.stackSave();
-        var subscription = _pn_messenger_subscribe(messenger._messenger,
allocate(intArrayFromString(source), 'i8', ALLOC_STACK));
-        Runtime.stackRestore(sp);
-        var fd = _updateSelectables();
-        subscription = new Subscription(subscription, source, fd);
-        messenger._pendingSubscriptions.push(subscription);
-        // For passive subscriptions emit a subscription event (almost) 
-        // otherwise defer until the address has been resolved remotely.
-        if (subscription.passive) {
-            // We briefly delay the call to checkSubscriptions because it is 
-            // for passive subscriptions to fail if another process is bound 
to the
-            // port specified in the subscription.
-            var check = function() {messenger._checkSubscriptions();};
-            setTimeout(check, 10);
-        }
-        return subscription;
-    };
-    /**
-     * Register the specified Messenger as being interested in network events.
-     * @method registerMessenger
-     * @memberof! proton.EventDispatch#
-     * @param {proton.Messenger} messenger the Messenger instance we want to
-     *        register to receive network events.
-     */
-    this.registerMessenger = function(messenger) {
-        _initialise();
-        var name = messenger['getName']();
-        _messengers[name] = messenger;
-    };
-    /**
-     * Unregister the specified Messenger from interest in network events.
-     * @method unregisterMessenger
-     * @memberof! proton.EventDispatch#
-     * @param {proton.Messenger} messenger the Messenger instance we want to
-     *        unregister from receiving network events.
-     */
-    this.unregisterMessenger = function(messenger) {
-        var name = messenger['getName']();
-        delete _messengers[name];
-    };

To unsubscribe, e-mail:
For additional commands, e-mail:

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