Repository: qpid-dispatch
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 6166f21ac -> 8500b072f

Add initialHandshakeTimeoutSeconds to config ref. This closes #221


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 8500b072fbc7594696713059c995fd5b2b0cd0d3
Parents: 6166f21
Author: Ben Hardesty <>
Authored: Fri Nov 17 15:46:14 2017 -0500
Committer: Ganesh Murthy <>
Committed: Tue Nov 28 10:38:18 2017 -0500

 doc/new-book/configuration-reference.adoc | 1 +
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)
diff --git a/doc/new-book/configuration-reference.adoc 
index 6ccbd16..bd2dc23 100644
--- a/doc/new-book/configuration-reference.adoc
+++ b/doc/new-book/configuration-reference.adoc
@@ -119,6 +119,7 @@ Listens for incoming connections to the router.
 * *_trustedCerts_* (path) : This optional setting can be used to reduce the 
set of available CAs for client authentication. If used, this setting must 
provide an absolute path to a PEM file that contains the trusted certificates.
 * *_maxFrameSize_* (integer, default=`16384`) : Defaults to 16384. If 
specified, it is the maximum frame size in octets that will be used in the 
connection-open negotiation with a connected peer. The frame size is the 
largest contiguous set of uninterrupted data that can be sent for a message 
delivery over the connection. Interleaving of messages on different links is 
done at frame granularity.
 * *_idleTimeoutSeconds_* : (integer, default=`16`) : The idle timeout, in 
seconds, for connections through this listener. If no frames are received on 
the connection for this time interval, the connection shall be closed.
+* *_initialHandshakeTimeoutSeconds_* (integer, default=`0`): The number of 
seconds after a connection transport is established that the router waits for 
the connecting client to complete the initial handshake and send the `AMQP 
OPEN` frame. If this timeout is exceeded, the connection is dropped. The 
default value is `0`, which means that no timeout is applied.
 * *_stripAnnotations_* (One of [`in`, `out`, `both`, `no`], default=`both`) : 
in: Strip the dispatch router specific annotations only on ingress; out: Strip 
the dispatch router specific annotations only on egress; both: Strip the 
dispatch router specific annotations on both ingress and egress; no - do not 
strip dispatch router specific annotations.
 * *_linkCapacity_* (integer) : The capacity of links within this connection, 
in terms of message deliveries. The capacity is the number of messages that can 
be in-flight concurrently for each link.
 * *_sslProfile_* (string) : The name of the _sslProfile_ entity to use in 
order to have SSL/TLS configuration.

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