    svn:eol-style = native

 Sun Jan 21 08:33:30 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,952 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
+<!--Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+       contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+       this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+       The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+       (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+       the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+       Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+       distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+       WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+       See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+       limitations under the License.
+"-//Apache Software Foundation//DTD Shale Clay View Configuration 1.0//EN"
+       <component jsfid="trh:styleSheet"
+               componentType="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.CoreStyleSheet"
+               extends="baseComponent">
+               <description>
+                       The styleSheet tag generates the style sheet link 
+                       to a generated Apache Trinidad style sheet. This is
+                       automatically included for you if you use the Trinidad 
+                       tag.
+               </description>
+               <attributes>
+                       <set name="rendererType" bindingType="VB"
+                               value="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.StyleSheet">
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="id" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the identifier for the component
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="attributeChangeListener" bindingType="MB">
+                               <description>
+                                       a method reference to an attribute 
change listener.
+                                       Attribute change events are not 
delivered for any
+                                       programmatic change to a property. They 
are only
+                                       delivered when a renderer changes a 
property without
+                                       the application's specific request. An 
example of an
+                                       attribute change events might include 
the width of a
+                                       column that supported client-side 
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+               </attributes>
+       </component>
+       <component jsfid="trh:body"
+               componentType="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.HtmlBody"
+               extends="baseComponent">
+               <description>Tag for the HTML body element.</description>
+               <attributes>
+                       <set name="rendererType" bindingType="VB"
+                               value="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.Body">
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="id" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the identifier for the component
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="attributeChangeListener" bindingType="MB">
+                               <description>
+                                       a method reference to an attribute 
change listener.
+                                       Attribute change events are not 
delivered for any
+                                       programmatic change to a property. They 
are only
+                                       delivered when a renderer changes a 
property without
+                                       the application's specific request. An 
example of an
+                                       attribute change events might include 
the width of a
+                                       column that supported client-side 
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="firstClickPassed" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       whether or not Trinidad will allow the 
first click
+                                       to go through in certain instances. 
When a PPR event
+                                       occurs, we block all subsequent user 
input until it
+                                       completes. However, there may be 
instances where the
+                                       client wants to receive the very first 
click. For
+                                       example, if the user entered text in an 
+                                       that fires a PPR request, then the user 
+                                       clicked a submit button two events will 
be triggered
+                                       - an onchange followed by an onclick. 
The onchange
+                                       will trigger the client action which 
+                                       immediately start the PPR blocking, so 
the onclick
+                                       will get consumed by the blocking code 
and no submit
+                                       will occur. Setting this value to true 
will allow
+                                       the click to go through.
+                                       This attribute is not supported on the 
+                                       agent types: pda, phone, voice.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="shortDesc" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the short description of the bean. This 
text is
+                                       commonly used by user agents to display 
tooltip help
+                                       text.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="partialTriggers" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the IDs of the components that should 
trigger a
+                                       partial update. This component will 
listen on the
+                                       trigger components. If one of the 
trigger components
+                                       receives an event that will cause it to 
update in
+                                       some way, this component will request 
to be updated
+                                       too.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onclick" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an onclick Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="ondblclick" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an ondblclick Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onmousedown" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an onmousedown Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onmouseup" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an onmouseup Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onmouseover" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an onmouseover Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onmousemove" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an onmousemove Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onmouseout" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an onmouseout Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onkeypress" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an onkeypress Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onkeydown" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an onkeydown Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onkeyup" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an onkeyup Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="styleClass" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the CSS style class of the bean.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="inlineStyle" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the inline CSS style for this element
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onload" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>an onload Javascript 
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onunload" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an onunload Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="initialFocusId" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the id of the component to which you 
want the focus
+                                       to be when the full page renders. The
+                                       accessibility-mode must be set to 
"inaccessible" for
+                                       this feature to be on.
+                                       This attribute is not supported on the 
+                                       agent types: pda, phone, voice.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+               </attributes>
+       </component>
+       <component jsfid="trh:cellFormat"
+               componentType="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.HtmlCellFormat"
+               extends="baseComponent">
+               <description>
+                       CellFormat components are used to format cells in a
+                       rowLayout component.
+               </description>
+               <attributes>
+                       <set name="rendererType" bindingType="VB"
+                               value="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.CellFormat">
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="id" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the identifier for the component
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="attributeChangeListener" bindingType="MB">
+                               <description>
+                                       a method reference to an attribute 
change listener.
+                                       Attribute change events are not 
delivered for any
+                                       programmatic change to a property. They 
are only
+                                       delivered when a renderer changes a 
property without
+                                       the application's specific request. An 
example of an
+                                       attribute change events might include 
the width of a
+                                       column that supported client-side 
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="shortText" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       This attribute should be used to 
provide an
+                                       abbreviated form of the cell's content, 
and may be
+                                       rendered by user agents when 
appropriate in place of
+                                       the cell's content. Abbreviated names 
should be
+                                       short since user agents may render them 
+                                       (especially if this cell is a header 
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="halign" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the horizontal alignment of the grid 
row elements.
+                                       The acceptable values are "center", 
"left", "right",
+                                       "start", and "end".
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="valign" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the vertical alignment of the grid row 
elements. The
+                                       acceptable values are "middle", "top", 
and "bottom".
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="width" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the preferred width of the enclosed 
layout elements.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="height" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the preferred height of the enclosed 
+                                       elements.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="columnSpan" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the number of cells wide the child 
layout element
+                                       will be.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="rowSpan" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the number of cells high the child 
layout element
+                                       will be.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="wrappingDisabled" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       whether automatic text wrapping should 
be disabled
+                                       for this cell.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="headers" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       Indicates which table cells are the 
headers for this
+                                       cell. This attribute is used by screen 
readers to
+                                       associate header information with data 
cells. This
+                                       must be set to a space-separated list 
of IDs. Each
+                                       ID must be the ID of a pertinent header 
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="header" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       Indicates whether or not this table 
cell is a header
+                                       cell or a data cell. Setting this 
attribute to
+                                       'true' will mark this cell as a header 
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="shortDesc" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the short description of the bean. This 
text is
+                                       commonly used by user agents to display 
tooltip help
+                                       text.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="partialTriggers" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the IDs of the components that should 
trigger a
+                                       partial update. This component will 
listen on the
+                                       trigger components. If one of the 
trigger components
+                                       receives an event that will cause it to 
update in
+                                       some way, this component will request 
to be updated
+                                       too.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onclick" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an onclick Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="ondblclick" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an ondblclick Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onmousedown" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an onmousedown Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onmouseup" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an onmouseup Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onmouseover" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an onmouseover Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onmousemove" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an onmousemove Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onmouseout" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an onmouseout Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onkeypress" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an onkeypress Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onkeydown" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an onkeydown Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onkeyup" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an onkeyup Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="styleClass" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the CSS style class of the bean.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="inlineStyle" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the inline CSS style for this element
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+               </attributes>
+       </component>
+       <component jsfid="trh:frame"
+               componentType="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.HtmlFrame"
+               extends="baseComponent">
+               <description>
+                       The frame component is used to specify attributes 
needed by
+                       an HTML frame.
+               </description>
+               <attributes>
+                       <set name="rendererType" bindingType="VB"
+                               value="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.Frame">
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="id" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the identifier for the component
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="attributeChangeListener" bindingType="MB">
+                               <description>
+                                       a method reference to an attribute 
change listener.
+                                       Attribute change events are not 
delivered for any
+                                       programmatic change to a property. They 
are only
+                                       delivered when a renderer changes a 
property without
+                                       the application's specific request. An 
example of an
+                                       attribute change events might include 
the width of a
+                                       column that supported client-side 
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="source" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the URI for the source of this frame
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="longDescURL" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       &lt;html&gt; This attribute specifies a 
link to a
+                                       long description of the frame. This 
+                                       should supplement the short description 
+                                       using the 
+                                       attribute, and may be particularly 
useful for
+                                       non-visual user agents.&lt;/html&gt;
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="name" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the name used to identify this frame
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="width" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the proposed width of this frame This 
can be in
+                                       pixels or percentage. This attribute is 
used only if
+                                       this frame is a left/right facet of a
+                                       frameBorderLayout component.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="height" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the proposed height of this frame. This 
can be in
+                                       pixels or percentage. This attribute is 
used only if
+                                       this frame is a top/bottom facet of a
+                                       frameBorderLayout component.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="marginWidth" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the width of the frame margin. The 
value must be
+                                       greater than zero (pixels).
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="marginHeight" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the width of the frame margin. The 
value must be
+                                       greater than zero (pixels).
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="scrolling" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       &lt;html&gt; whether or not scrollbars 
are available
+                                       on this frame. Valid values for this 
attribute are
+                                       the following constants:&lt;br/&gt;
+                                       "yes" specifies that scrollbars are 
+                                       available. &lt;br/&gt; "no" specifies 
+                                       scrollbars are never available. 
&lt;br/&gt; "auto"
+                                       specifies that the browser determines 
whether to
+                                       display scroll bars based on the size 
of the frame
+                                       and its content. If you do not specify 
a value for
+                                       scrolling, the default value is 
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="shortDesc" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the short description of the bean. This 
text is
+                                       commonly used by user agents to display 
tooltip help
+                                       text.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="partialTriggers" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the IDs of the components that should 
trigger a
+                                       partial update. This component will 
listen on the
+                                       trigger components. If one of the 
trigger components
+                                       receives an event that will cause it to 
update in
+                                       some way, this component will request 
to be updated
+                                       too.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="styleClass" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the CSS style class of the bean.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="inlineStyle" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the inline CSS style for this element
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+               </attributes>
+       </component>
+       <component jsfid="trh:frameBorderLayout"
+               extends="baseComponent">
+               <description>
+                       frameBorderLayout is a layout bean which can be used to
+                       place seven frames at left, right, top, bottom, 
+                       innerRight and center positions.
+               </description>
+               <attributes>
+                       <set name="rendererType" bindingType="VB"
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="id" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the identifier for the component
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="attributeChangeListener" bindingType="MB">
+                               <description>
+                                       a method reference to an attribute 
change listener.
+                                       Attribute change events are not 
delivered for any
+                                       programmatic change to a property. They 
are only
+                                       delivered when a renderer changes a 
property without
+                                       the application's specific request. An 
example of an
+                                       attribute change events might include 
the width of a
+                                       column that supported client-side 
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onload" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>an onload Javascript 
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onunload" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an onunload Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="width" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       The proposed width of this 
frameBorderLayout. This
+                                       can be in pixels or percentage. This 
attribute is
+                                       used only if this a nested 
frameBorderLayout in a
+                                       left/right facet of a frameBorderLayout.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="height" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       The proposed height of this 
frameBorderLayout. This
+                                       can be in pixels or percentage. This 
attribute is
+                                       used only if this a nested 
frameBorderLayout in a
+                                       top/bottom facet of a frameBorderLayout.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="frameSpacing" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       The size of frame spacing to be 
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="borderWidth" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       The size for the border width to be 
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="frameBorderWidth" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       The size for the frame border width to 
be rendered.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="shortDesc" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the short description of the bean. This 
text is
+                                       commonly used by user agents to display 
tooltip help
+                                       text.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="partialTriggers" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the IDs of the components that should 
trigger a
+                                       partial update. This component will 
listen on the
+                                       trigger components. If one of the 
trigger components
+                                       receives an event that will cause it to 
update in
+                                       some way, this component will request 
to be updated
+                                       too.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="styleClass" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the CSS style class of the bean.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="inlineStyle" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the inline CSS style for this element
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+               </attributes>
+       </component>
+       <component jsfid="trh:head"
+               componentType="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.HtmlHead"
+               extends="baseComponent">
+               <description>Tag for the HTML head element.</description>
+               <attributes>
+                       <set name="rendererType" bindingType="VB"
+                               value="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.Head">
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="id" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the identifier for the component
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="attributeChangeListener" bindingType="MB">
+                               <description>
+                                       a method reference to an attribute 
change listener.
+                                       Attribute change events are not 
delivered for any
+                                       programmatic change to a property. They 
are only
+                                       delivered when a renderer changes a 
property without
+                                       the application's specific request. An 
example of an
+                                       attribute change events might include 
the width of a
+                                       column that supported client-side 
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="title" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       The title of the document. (This title 
doesn't have
+                                       to match the title on any contained 
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="partialTriggers" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the IDs of the components that should 
trigger a
+                                       partial update. This component will 
listen on the
+                                       trigger components. If one of the 
trigger components
+                                       receives an event that will cause it to 
update in
+                                       some way, this component will request 
to be updated
+                                       too.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+               </attributes>
+       </component>
+       <component jsfid="trh:html"
+               componentType="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.HtmlHtml"
+               extends="baseComponent">
+               <description>
+                       &lt;html&gt; The html tag generates the 
+                       element for an HTML page.&lt;/html&gt;
+               </description>
+               <attributes>
+                       <set name="rendererType" bindingType="VB"
+                               value="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.Html">
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="id" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the identifier for the component
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="attributeChangeListener" bindingType="MB">
+                               <description>
+                                       a method reference to an attribute 
change listener.
+                                       Attribute change events are not 
delivered for any
+                                       programmatic change to a property. They 
are only
+                                       delivered when a renderer changes a 
property without
+                                       the application's specific request. An 
example of an
+                                       attribute change events might include 
the width of a
+                                       column that supported client-side 
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+               </attributes>
+       </component>
+       <component jsfid="trh:rowLayout"
+               componentType="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.HtmlRowLayout"
+               extends="baseComponent">
+               <description>
+                       RowLayout components can be used on their own, or to 
+                       a row of a tableLayout component.
+               </description>
+               <attributes>
+                       <set name="rendererType" bindingType="VB"
+                               value="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.RowLayout">
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="id" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the identifier for the component
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="attributeChangeListener" bindingType="MB">
+                               <description>
+                                       a method reference to an attribute 
change listener.
+                                       Attribute change events are not 
delivered for any
+                                       programmatic change to a property. They 
are only
+                                       delivered when a renderer changes a 
property without
+                                       the application's specific request. An 
example of an
+                                       attribute change events might include 
the width of a
+                                       column that supported client-side 
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="halign" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the default horizontal alignment of 
cells in this
+                                       row. The acceptable values are 
"center", "left",
+                                       "right", "start", and "end".
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="valign" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the default vertical alignment of cells 
in this row.
+                                       The acceptable values are "middle", 
"top", and
+                                       "bottom".
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="width" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the preferred total width of the 
layout. This
+                                       attribute is ignored when the row 
layout is inside
+                                       of a table layout.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="shortDesc" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the short description of the bean. This 
text is
+                                       commonly used by user agents to display 
tooltip help
+                                       text.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="partialTriggers" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the IDs of the components that should 
trigger a
+                                       partial update. This component will 
listen on the
+                                       trigger components. If one of the 
trigger components
+                                       receives an event that will cause it to 
update in
+                                       some way, this component will request 
to be updated
+                                       too.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onclick" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an onclick Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="ondblclick" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an ondblclick Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onmousedown" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an onmousedown Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onmouseup" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an onmouseup Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onmouseover" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an onmouseover Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onmousemove" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an onmousemove Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onmouseout" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an onmouseout Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onkeypress" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an onkeypress Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onkeydown" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an onkeydown Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onkeyup" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       an onkeyup Javascript handler.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="styleClass" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the CSS style class of the bean.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="inlineStyle" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the inline CSS style for this element
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+               </attributes>
+       </component>
+       <component jsfid="trh:script"
+               componentType="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.HtmlScript"
+               extends="baseComponent">
+               <description>
+                       The script component supports importing libraries, and
+                       inline scripts.
+               </description>
+               <attributes>
+                       <set name="rendererType" bindingType="VB"
+                               value="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.Script">
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="id" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the identifier for the component
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="attributeChangeListener" bindingType="MB">
+                               <description>
+                                       a method reference to an attribute 
change listener.
+                                       Attribute change events are not 
delivered for any
+                                       programmatic change to a property. They 
are only
+                                       delivered when a renderer changes a 
property without
+                                       the application's specific request. An 
example of an
+                                       attribute change events might include 
the width of a
+                                       column that supported client-side 
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="text" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>the inline script</description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="source" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the URI of a script library to import.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="generatesContent" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       if the script generates content using
+                                       document.write() or document.writeln(), 
set this to
+                                       true. It defaults to false.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="partialTriggers" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the IDs of the components that should 
trigger a
+                                       partial update. This component will 
listen on the
+                                       trigger components. If one of the 
trigger components
+                                       receives an event that will cause it to 
update in
+                                       some way, this component will request 
to be updated
+                                       too.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+               </attributes>
+       </component>
+       <component jsfid="trh:tableLayout"
+               componentType="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.HtmlTableLayout"
+               extends="baseComponent">
+               <description>
+                       &lt;html&gt; A TableLayout is a thin wrapper around the 
+                       &amp;lt;table&amp;gt; element. It contains a series of 
+                       layout elements.&lt;/html&gt;
+               </description>
+               <attributes>
+                       <set name="rendererType" bindingType="VB"
+                               value="org.apache.myfaces.trinidad.TableLayout">
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="id" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the identifier for the component
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="attributeChangeListener" bindingType="MB">
+                               <description>
+                                       a method reference to an attribute 
change listener.
+                                       Attribute change events are not 
delivered for any
+                                       programmatic change to a property. They 
are only
+                                       delivered when a renderer changes a 
property without
+                                       the application's specific request. An 
example of an
+                                       attribute change events might include 
the width of a
+                                       column that supported client-side 
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="width" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the preferred total width of the layout.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="halign" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the horizontal alignment of the table. 
+                                       acceptable values are "center", "left", 
+                                       "start", and "end".
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="cellSpacing" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>the spacing between 
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="cellPadding" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>the spacing within 
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="borderWidth" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the border width around each cell.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="summary" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       The summary of the table's purpose and 
structure for
+                                       user agents rendering to non-visual 
media. This
+                                       attribute must be set if this element 
is being used
+                                       to implement a data table (instead of a 
+                                       table).
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="shortDesc" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the short description of the bean. This 
text is
+                                       commonly used by user agents to display 
tooltip help
+                                       text.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="partialTriggers" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>
+                                       the IDs of the components that should 
trigger a
+                                       partial update. This component will 
listen on the
+                                       trigger components. If one of the 
trigger components
+                                       receives an event that will cause it to 
update in
+                                       some way, this component will request 
to be updated
+                                       too.
+                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onclick" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>                                   
an onclick Javascript handler.                          </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="ondblclick" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>                                   
an ondblclick Javascript handler.                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onmousedown" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>                                   
an onmousedown Javascript handler.                              </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onmouseup" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>                                   
an onmouseup Javascript handler.                                </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onmouseover" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>                                   
an onmouseover Javascript handler.                              </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onmousemove" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>                                   
an onmousemove Javascript handler.                              </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onmouseout" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>                                   
an onmouseout Javascript handler.                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onkeypress" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>                                   
an onkeypress Javascript handler.                               </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onkeydown" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>                                   
an onkeydown Javascript handler.                                </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="onkeyup" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>                                   
an onkeyup Javascript handler.                          </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="styleClass" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>                                   
the CSS style class of the bean.                                </description>
+                       </set>
+                       <set name="inlineStyle" bindingType="VB">
+                               <description>                                   
the inline CSS style for this element                           </description>
+                       </set>
+               </attributes>
+       </component>
\ No newline at end of file

    svn:eol-style = native

--- shale/sandbox/shale-clay-trinidad/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/chain-config.xml 
+++ shale/sandbox/shale-clay-trinidad/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/chain-config.xml 
Sun Jan 21 08:33:30 2007
@@ -44,12 +44,12 @@
            <!-- Define Clay builder/namespace override -->
                <chain name="";>
                                prefix="tr" />
                <chain name="";>
                                prefix="trh" />
                <chain name="attributeChangeListener">
@@ -112,7 +112,10 @@
+               <chain name="preprocessAddActionListener">
+                       <command 
+               </chain>

Modified: shale/sandbox/shale-clay-trinidad/src/main/webapp/pages/index.html
--- shale/sandbox/shale-clay-trinidad/src/main/webapp/pages/index.html 
+++ shale/sandbox/shale-clay-trinidad/src/main/webapp/pages/index.html Sun Jan 
21 08:33:30 2007
@@ -28,7 +28,9 @@
attributeChangeListener="#{helloWorldBacking.attributeChangeListener}" />
                        <tr:commandButton id="button1" text="press me"
-                               action="#{helloWorldBacking.send}" />
+                               action="#{helloWorldBacking.send}">
+                           <tr:setActionListener 
from="#{}" to="#{}"/>
+                       </tr:commandButton>

Modified: shale/sandbox/shale-clay-trinidad/src/main/webapp/pages/page2.html
--- shale/sandbox/shale-clay-trinidad/src/main/webapp/pages/page2.html 
+++ shale/sandbox/shale-clay-trinidad/src/main/webapp/pages/page2.html Sun Jan 
21 08:33:30 2007
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
-          <tr:outputText id="input1" value="Hello #{}. 
We hope you enjoy Apache MyFaces Trinidad"/>
+          <tr:outputText id="input1" value="Hello #{}. We 
hope you enjoy Apache MyFaces Trinidad"/>
           <tr:commandLink id="link" text="GO HOME" action="back" />

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