Move unused files


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: cd9ef8d5793719351150af66be6cef2562fce557
Parents: 3147202
Author: Bertrand Delacretaz <>
Authored: Wed Jun 14 07:20:15 2017 -0400
Committer: Bertrand Delacretaz <>
Committed: Wed Jun 14 07:20:15 2017 -0400

 OLD-from-apache-cms/lib/                 |   39 +
 OLD-from-apache-cms/lib/                 |  434 +++++
 OLD-from-apache-cms/               |   51 +
 UNUSED-from-tamaya-example/      |    7 +
 UNUSED-from-tamaya-example/          |    7 +
 WEBSITE-HOWTO.txt                               |   46 +-                                 |    7 -
 cms-notes-2012.txt                              |   68 -                                     |    7 -
 lib/                                     |   39 -
 lib/                                     |  434 -----
 .../AI/Sling Logo - All               |  802 ++++++++
 .../PDF/Sling Logo - All Styles.pdf             |  881 +++++++++
 .../PNG/Sling Logo - Close c...@1x.png          |  Bin 0 -> 9992 bytes
 .../PNG/Sling Logo - Close c...@2x.png          |  Bin 0 -> 21038 bytes
 .../PNG/Sling Logo - Close c...@3x.png          |  Bin 0 -> 47967 bytes
 .../PNG/Sling Logo - With u...@1x.png            |  Bin 0 -> 15575 bytes
 .../PNG/Sling Logo - With u...@2x.png            |  Bin 0 -> 34834 bytes
 .../PNG/Sling Logo - With u...@3x.png            |  Bin 0 -> 79153 bytes
 .../PNG/Sling l...@1x.png                       |  Bin 0 -> 11401 bytes
 .../PNG/Sling l...@2x.png                       |  Bin 0 -> 25989 bytes
 .../PNG/Sling l...@3x.png                       |  Bin 0 -> 60660 bytes
 .../SVG/Sling Logo - Close Crop.svg             |    1 +
 .../SVG/Sling Logo - With URL.svg               |    1 +
 .../SVG/Sling Logo.svg                          |    1 +
 .../favicon.ico                                 |  Bin 0 -> 1150 bytes
 .../microsling-bw.svg                           | 1032 ++++++++++
 .../microsling.svg                              | 1799 ++++++++++++++++++
 .../sling-bw.svg                                | 1020 ++++++++++
 .../sling.svg                                   | 1774 +++++++++++++++++
 .../AI/Sling Logo - All               |  802 --------
 .../PDF/Sling Logo - All Styles.pdf             |  881 ---------
 .../PNG/Sling Logo - Close c...@1x.png          |  Bin 9992 -> 0 bytes
 .../PNG/Sling Logo - Close c...@2x.png          |  Bin 21038 -> 0 bytes
 .../PNG/Sling Logo - Close c...@3x.png          |  Bin 47967 -> 0 bytes
 .../PNG/Sling Logo - With u...@1x.png            |  Bin 15575 -> 0 bytes
 .../PNG/Sling Logo - With u...@2x.png            |  Bin 34834 -> 0 bytes
 .../PNG/Sling Logo - With u...@3x.png            |  Bin 79153 -> 0 bytes
 .../PNG/Sling l...@1x.png                       |  Bin 11401 -> 0 bytes
 .../PNG/Sling l...@2x.png                       |  Bin 25989 -> 0 bytes
 .../PNG/Sling l...@3x.png                       |  Bin 60660 -> 0 bytes
 .../SVG/Sling Logo - Close Crop.svg             |    1 -
 .../SVG/Sling Logo - With URL.svg               |    1 -
 .../SVG/Sling Logo.svg                          |    1 -
 .../favicon.ico                                 |  Bin 1150 -> 0 bytes
 .../microsling-bw.svg                           | 1032 ----------
 .../microsling.svg                              | 1799 ------------------
 .../sling-bw.svg                                | 1020 ----------
 .../sling.svg                                   | 1774 -----------------                                   |   51 -
 50 files changed, 7850 insertions(+), 7962 deletions(-)
diff --git a/OLD-from-apache-cms/lib/ b/OLD-from-apache-cms/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5e95026
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OLD-from-apache-cms/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+package path;
+use ASF::Value;
+# taken from django's
+our @patterns = (
+       [qr!\.mdtext$!, single_narrative => { template => 
"single_narrative.html" }],
+       [qr!^/sitemap\.html$!, sitemap => { headers => { title => "Sling 
Sitemap" }}],
+       [qr!^/downloads\.list$!, downloads => { template => "downloads.html" }],
+) ;
+# for specifying interdependencies between files
+#our %dependencies = (
+#    "/sling/sitemap.html" => [ grep s!^content!!, glob 
"content/sling/*.mdtext" ],
+=head1 LICENSE
+           Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+           distributed with this work for additional information
+           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+           specific language governing permissions and limitations
+           under the License.
diff --git a/OLD-from-apache-cms/lib/ b/OLD-from-apache-cms/lib/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9770af2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OLD-from-apache-cms/lib/
@@ -0,0 +1,434 @@
+package view;
+# BUILD CONSTRAINT:  all views must return $content, $extension.
+# additional return values (as seen below) are optional.  However,
+# careful use of symlinks and dependency management in can
+# resolve most issues with this constraint.
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use Dotiac::DTL qw/Template/;
+use Dotiac::DTL::Addon::markup;
+use ASF::Util qw/read_text_file shuffle/;
+use File::Temp qw/tempfile/;
+use LWP::Simple;
+use SVN::Client;
+use File::Find;
+use File::Basename;
+push @Dotiac::DTL::TEMPLATE_DIRS, "templates";
+# This is most widely used view.  It takes a
+# 'template' argument and a 'path' argument.
+# Assuming the path ends in foo.mdtext, any files
+# like foo/bar.mdtext will be parsed and
+# passed to the template in the "bar" (hash)
+# variable.
+sub single_narrative {
+    my %args = @_;
+    my $file = "content$args{path}";
+    my $template = $args{template};
+    $args{path} =~ s/\.mdtext$/\.html/;
+    $args{breadcrumbs} = breadcrumbs($args{path});
+    $args{svninfo} = svninfo($file);
+    read_text_file $file, \%args;
+    $args{refs} = {};
+    # render tip box with reference to Confluence export
+    # if translation for a page is still pending
+    if($args{headers}->{translation_pending}) {
+        $args{oldpage} = "/site/" . basename($args{path});
+    }
+    # ensure loading child pages
+    my $page_path = $file;
+    $page_path =~ s/\.[^.]+$//;
+    if (-d $page_path) {
+        $args{children} = {};
+        for my $f (grep -f, glob "$page_path/*.mdtext") {
+            $f =~ m!/([^/]+)\.mdtext$! or die "Bad filename: $f\n";
+            $args{children}->{$1} = read_ref_page_data($f);
+            $args{refs}->{$1} = $args{children}->{$1};
+        }
+    }
+    # ensure loading pages referenced with ref.XXX.*    
+    while( $args{content} =~ /refs\.([^.]+)\./g ) {
+        my $label = $1;
+        if(!$args{refs}->{$label}) {
+            my $refPagePath;
+            find(sub {
+                if(!$refPagePath && $_ eq "$label.mdtext") {
+                    $refPagePath = $File::Find::name;
+                }
+            }, "content");
+            if($refPagePath) {
+                $args{refs}->{$label} = read_ref_page_data($refPagePath);
+            }
+        }
+    }
+#      $args{sidenav} = {};
+#      read_text_file "templates/sidenav.mdtext", $args{sidenav} ;
+#      select STDOUT ;
+#      $| = 1 ;
+#      for my $ke (keys %args) {
+#              print STDOUT "$ke \n";
+#      }
+    # use the content as a template if it contains Django templates
+    if ($args{content} =~ /\{[{%][^}]*[%}]\}/) {
+        print STDOUT "Applying $args{path} as a Django template\n";
+        $args{content} = Dotiac::DTL->new(\$args{content})->render(\%args);
+    }
+    return Dotiac::DTL::Template($template)->render(\%args), html => \%args;
+# The specially crafted download page
+# Input is a list of artifacts formatted as:
+#   <title>|<id>|<version>[|<qualifier>]
+# Special handling if title is "sling": This denotes the
+# version of the Sling Launchpad distribution whie is
+# rendered specially: The id is actually the launchpad
+# distribution version
+sub downloads {
+       my %args = @_;  
+    my $file = "content$args{path}";
+    my $template = $args{template};
+    $args{path} =~ s/\.list$/\.html/;
+    $args{breadcrumbs} = breadcrumbs($args{path});
+    $args{svninfo} = svninfo($file);
+    read_text_file $file, \%args;
+    my $result = "|Artifact | Version | Binary | Source|\n|--|--|--|--|\n";
+    my $maven = "|Artifact | Version | Binary | Source|\n|--|--|--|--|\n";
+    my $launchpad = "| Artifact | Version | Provides | Package |\n|-|-|-|-|\n";
+    my $ide = "|Artifact | Version | Provides | Update site 
+    my @lines = split( /\n/, $args{content} );
+    @lines = sort @lines;
+    for my $line (@lines) {
+       next if (!$line || $line =~ /^\s*#/);
+       my ($title, $artifact, $version, $classifier, $ext) = split(/\|/, 
+       $ext = "jar" unless ($ext);
+       $classifier = ($classifier) ? "-$classifier" : "";
+       if ($title eq "sling") {
+            $launchpad .="| Sling Standalone Application | $artifact | A 
self-runnable Sling jar. | " . 
downloadLink("$artifact.jar"). "|\n";
+            $launchpad .="| Sling Web Application | $artifact | A ready-to run 
Sling webapp as a war file. | " . 
downloadLink("$artifact-webapp.war"). "|\n";
+            $launchpad .="| Sling Source Release | $artifact | The released 
Sling source code. | " . 
downloadLink("$")." |\n";
+        } elsif ( $title eq "sling-ide-tooling" ) {
+            $ide .= "| Sling IDE Tooling for Eclipse | $artifact | A p2 update 
site which can be installed in Eclipse. | " . 
downloadLinkWithoutSigs("eclipse/$artifact", "Update site") . " " . 
downloadLink("$", "(zip download)") 
." |\n";
+       } else {
+               my $target = \$result;
+               my $artifactLabel;
+               if ($ext eq "war") {
+                $artifactLabel = "Web Application";
+               } elsif ($classifier eq "-app") {
+                $artifactLabel = "Java Application";
+               } elsif ($artifact =~/^maven-.*-plugin|.*-maven-plugin/) {
+                       $target = \$maven;
+                $artifactLabel = "Maven Plugin";
+               } else {
+                       $artifactLabel = "Bundle";
+               }
+               ${$target} .= "|$title|$version|" . 
downloadLink("$artifact-$version$classifier.$ext", $artifactLabel) . " | " . 
downloadLink("$artifact-$", "Source ZIP") . "|\n";
+       }
+    }
+    $args{launchpad} = $launchpad;
+    $args{content} = $result;
+    $args{maven} = $maven;
+    $args{ide} = $ide;
+    return Dotiac::DTL::Template($template)->render(\%args), html => \%args;
+# Has the same behavior as the above for foo/bar.txt
+# files, parsing them into a bar variable for the template.
+# Otherwise presumes the template is the path.
+sub news_page {
+    my %args = @_;
+    my $template = "content$args{path}";
+    $args{breadcrumbs} = breadcrumbs($args{path});
+    my $page_path = $template;
+    $page_path =~ s/\.[^.]+$//;
+    if (-d $page_path) {
+        for my $f (grep -f, glob "$page_path/*.mdtext") {
+            $f =~ m!/([^/]+)\.mdtext$! or die "Bad filename: $f\n";
+            $args{$1} = {};
+            read_text_file $f, $args{$1};
+        }
+    }
+    for ((fetch_doap_url_list())[0..2]) {
+        push @{$args{projects}}, parse_doap($_);
+    }
+    return Dotiac::DTL::Template($template)->render(\%args), html => \%args;
+# Recursive Sitemap generation
+# Taken from:
+sub sitemap {
+   my %args = @_;
+   my $template = "content$args{path}";
+   my $file = $template;
+   # Find the list of files
+   my ($dir) = ($file =~ /^(.*)\/.*?/);
+   my $entries = {};
+   sitemapFind($dir, $entries);
+   my $sitemap = "<ul>\n";
+   $sitemap = sitemapRender($sitemap, $entries, "");
+   $sitemap .= "</ul>\n";
+   $args{sitemap} = $sitemap;
+   return Dotiac::DTL::Template($template)->render(\%args), html => \%args;   
+sub sitemapFind {
+   my ($dir, $entries) = @_;
+   $entries->{"title"} = "";
+   $entries->{"entries"} = {};
+   my %entries = ( "title"=>"", "entries"=>{} );
+   foreach my $item (<$dir/*>) {
+      my ($rel) = ($item =~ /^.*\/(.*?)$/);
+      if(-d $item) {
+        # Only consider folders which have content page by them
+        if(-f "$item.mdtext") {
+            $rel .= ".mdtext" ;
+            $entries->{"entries"}->{$rel} = {};
+            sitemapFind($item, $entries->{"entries"}->{$rel});
+        }
+      } elsif($item =~ /\.(html|mdtext)$/) {
+         # Grab the title
+         my $title = $rel;
+         if($rel =~ /\.mdtext$/) {
+             my %args;
+             read_text_file $item, \%args;
+             $title = $args{"headers"}->{"title"};
+         } elsif ($rel =~ /\.png$/ || $rel =~ /\.jpg$/) {
+            next;
+         } else {
+             open F, "<$item";
+             my $file = "";
+             while(my $line = <F>) {
+                $file .= $line;
+             }
+             close F;
+             if($file =~ /block\s+title\s*\%\}(.*?)\{/) {
+                $title = $1;
+             } elsif($file =~ /title\>(.*?)\</) {
+                $title = $1;
+             }
+         }
+         # Process
+         if($rel =~ /^index\.(html|mdtext)$/) {
+            $entries->{"title"} = $title;
+         } else {
+            $entries->{entries}->{$rel}->{title} = $title;
+         }
+      }
+   }
+   return %entries;
+sub sitemapRender {
+   my ($sitemap, $dir, $path) = @_;
+   my %entries = %{$dir->{"entries"}};
+   foreach my $e (sort keys %entries) {
+      my $fn = $e;
+      $fn =~ s/\.mdtext/.html/;
+      if($fn eq "images/" or $fn eq "resources/") {
+         next;
+      }
+      my $title = $entries{$e}->{title};
+      unless($title) {
+         $title = $e;
+      }
+      $sitemap .= "<li><a href=\"$path/$fn\">".$title."</a>";
+      if($entries{$e}->{entries}) {
+         my $parent = $e;
+         $parent =~ s/\.mdtext$//;
+         $sitemap .= "<ul>\n";
+         $sitemap = sitemapRender($sitemap, $entries{$e}, "$path/$parent");
+         $sitemap .= "</ul>\n";
+      }
+      $sitemap .= "</li>\n";
+   }
+   return $sitemap;
+sub exports {
+    my %args = @_;
+    my $template = "content$args{path}";
+    $args{breadcrumbs} = breadcrumbs($args{path});
+    my $page_path = $template;
+    $page_path =~ s/\.[^.]+$/.page/;
+    if (-d $page_path) {
+        for my $f (grep -f, glob "$page_path/*.mdtext") {
+            $f =~ m!/([^/]+)\.mdtext$! or die "Bad filename: $f\n";
+            $args{$1} = {};
+            read_text_file $f, $args{$1};
+        }
+        $args{table} = `xsltproc $page_path/eccnmatrix.xsl 
+    }
+    return Dotiac::DTL::Template($template)->render(\%args), html => \%args;
+sub parse_doap {
+    my $url = shift;
+    my $doap = get $url or die "Can't get $url: $!\n";
+    my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile("XXXXXX");
+    print $fh $doap;
+    close $fh;
+    my $result = eval `xsltproc lib/doap2perl.xsl $filename`;
+    unlink $filename;
+    return $result;
+sub fetch_doap_url_list {
+    my $xml = get 
+        or die "Can't get doap file list: $!\n";
+    my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile("XXXXXX");
+    print $fh $xml;
+    close $fh;
+    chomp(my @urls = grep /^http/, `xsltproc lib/list2urls.xsl $filename`);
+    unlink $filename;
+    shuffle \@urls;
+    return @urls;
+# Reads data of a referenced page
+sub read_ref_page_data {
+    my $file = shift;
+    my $out = {};
+    read_text_file $file, $out;
+    $out->{path} = "$file";
+    $out->{path} =~ s/content(\/.*)\.mdtext/$1.html/;
+    return $out;
+sub downloadLink {
+       my ($artifact, $label) = @_;
+    my $dp = "";;
+    $label = $artifact unless ($label);
+    return "[$label]([preferred]sling/$artifact) 
([asc]($dp/sling/$artifact.asc), [md5]($dp/sling/$artifact.md5))";
+sub downloadLinkWithoutSigs {
+       my ($artifact, $label) = @_;
+    $label = $artifact unless ($label);
+    return "[$label]([preferred]sling/$artifact)";
+sub breadcrumbs {
+    my @path = split m!/!, shift;
+    pop @path;
+    my @rv;
+    my $relpath = "";
+    my $ext;
+    my $sep = "/";
+    for (@path) {
+        $relpath .= "$sep$_";
+        if ($_) {
+            $_ = "";
+            my $datafile = "content$relpath.mdtext";
+            my %data;
+            if (-f $datafile) {
+                read_text_file $datafile, \%data;
+                $ext = ".html";
+                $sep = "/";
+                my $title = ${data{headers}}{title};
+                if ($title) {
+                    $_ = $title;
+                }
+            }
+        } else {
+            $_ = "Home";
+            $ext = "";
+            $sep = "";
+        }
+        push @rv, qq(<a href="$relpath$ext">$_</a>) if $_;
+    }
+    return join "&nbsp;&raquo&nbsp;", @rv;
+# Returns information on the last change to the file
+# as a reference to a has with three properties
+# - rev The SVN Revision
+# - date The last modification date (seconds since the epoch)
+# - author of the revision
+sub svninfo {
+  my $source = $_[0];
+  my %info;
+  my $receiver = sub {
+    my $svninfo = $_[1];
+    $info{rev} = $svninfo->last_changed_rev;
+    $info{date} = $svninfo->last_changed_date / 1000000;
+    $info{author} = $svninfo->last_changed_author;
+  };
+  my $ctx = SVN::Client->new;
+  $ctx->info($source, undef, undef, $receiver, 0);
+  return \%info;
+=head1 LICENSE
+           Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+           distributed with this work for additional information
+           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+           specific language governing permissions and limitations
+           under the License.
diff --git a/OLD-from-apache-cms/ 
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..edef12a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/OLD-from-apache-cms/
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+# Note: so far this is only tested on Mac OSX. Please remove this comment
+#       if it works on Linux, or fix if it doesn't.
+if [ "$2" == "" ]; then
+    echo "Usage: sh $0 <module> <version>"
+    echo "       e.g. sh $0 3.2.2"
+    exit 1
+function download {
+    FILE=$1
+    curl -fO $URL_PREFIX/$FILE 2> /dev/null
+    if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
+        echo Failed to download artifact $URL_PREFIX/$FILE
+        echo Please verify that the desired artifact is available. 
+        exit 1;
+    fi
+mkdir -p $TMP_DIR
+    cd $TMP_DIR                       
+    download $POM_NAME
+    download $JAR_NAME
+    mvn org.apache.felix:maven-bundle-plugin:deploy-file \
+        -Dfile=$JAR_NAME -DpomFile=$POM_NAME \
+        -Durl=file:///$SITE_DIR/content/obr \
+        -DprefixUrl= \
+        -DremoteOBR=sling.xml
+rm -rf tmp-update-obr/
+echo OBR updated successfully. Please review the changes and commit.
diff --git a/UNUSED-from-tamaya-example/ 
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..3d3283b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UNUSED-from-tamaya-example/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#!/bin/bash -x
+echo "Starting to bake our project homepage ...."
+export JBAKE_HOME="$(dirname "$0")/bin/jbake-2.5.1"
+$JBAKE_HOME/bin/jbake -b --reset
+echo "DONE"
diff --git a/UNUSED-from-tamaya-example/ 
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..19c9008
--- /dev/null
+++ b/UNUSED-from-tamaya-example/
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+ #!/bin/bash          
+echo "Starting to bake our project homepage ...."
+export JBAKE_HOME="$(dirname "$0")/bin/jbake-2.5.1"
+$JBAKE_HOME/bin/jbake -b
+echo "Copying stuff from original into new branch ..."
+git checkout asf-site && ./
diff --git a/WEBSITE-HOWTO.txt b/WEBSITE-HOWTO.txt
index 02e5c00..b592fe9 100644
@@ -1,47 +1,3 @@
 How to update the Sling website
-The website is managed by the ASF CMS
-All Sling committers have read-write access to the website content,
-but it's good practice to discuss big changes on the dev list in advance.
-Content is provided in markdown structured text format, see cms.a.o for
-pointers to syntax and conventions.
-See also for help and links.
-Committing content under
-causes a staging build of the website to be executed.
-The staged content becomes available under 
-The build process can be followed at 
-See the existing content for how to add images and additional files.
-To push the changes in production, connect to
- with your LDAP credentials (as set
-Starting at , one can get a working copy, 
-edit it if needed (with simple preview) and publish it to the live site.
-The Apache CMS is a simple tool compared to some of the CMS we're used to.
-The nice thing is that the workflow happens in svn, so it's no different
-than what we do for code.
+TODO describe how to use the JBake/gitpubsub setup.
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 3d3283b..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-#!/bin/bash -x
-echo "Starting to bake our project homepage ...."
-export JBAKE_HOME="$(dirname "$0")/bin/jbake-2.5.1"
-$JBAKE_HOME/bin/jbake -b --reset
-echo "DONE"
diff --git a/cms-notes-2012.txt b/cms-notes-2012.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index cb42b7f..0000000
--- a/cms-notes-2012.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-Working on the conversion of the Sling website to the ASF CMS,
-Notes on pages:
-  * Start the file with a Title: line to define the page
-    title and the first H1 tag.
-  * The last modification information from SVN (revision,
-    committer, and date/time) is automatically added when
-    the page is rendered
-  * Excerpts can be added to a page using the Excerpt
-    metadata.
-  * Metadata from child pages can be referred to in the
-    content with the Django variable reference notation
-    using the child page name (without extension) as
-    its container; e.g. for the child page named
-    "childpag":
-          {{ children.childpage.headers.excerpt }}
-          {{ children.childpage.headers.title }}
-  * Content Pages can contain Django templates of the
-    form {{...}} and {%...%}. If so, the page content
-    is evaluated as a Django template before running
-    it through the page template.
-  * Any page in the site can be referenced with refs.pagename
-    returning properties:
-       .path - the absolute path of the page on the site
-       .headers - page headers (e.g. .title, .excerpt)
-       .content - the raw page content
-    All pages in the children namespace are also available in
-    the refs namespace
-Some usefull hints:
-  * Printing title of another page "handler":
-       {{ refs.handler.headers.title }}
-  * Printing excerpt of another page "handler":
-       {{ refs.handler.headers.excerpt }}
-  * Linking to another page "handler":
-       ({{ refs.handler.path }})
-  * Printing title as a link to another page "handler":
-       [{{ refs.handler.headers.title }}]({{ refs.handler.path }})
-  * Printing excerpt as a link to another page "handler":
-       [{{ refs.handler.headers.excerpt }}]({{ refs.handler.path }})
-  * Print a bullet pointed child page list:
-       {% for label, page in children %}* [{{ page.headers.title }}]({{ 
page.path }})
-       {% endfor %}
-    Note: It is important to have the first part as a single line,
-    otherwise the Django/Markdown combo will create list for each
-    entry.
-  * Code Highlighting works by indenting code by four blanks.
-    To indicate the type of highlighting preced the code style text with
-    either :::<lexer> to get high lighted code using the given <lexer>
-    or #!<lexer> to get high lighted code with line numbers using the
-    given <lexer>.
-    See for main info
-    See for supported lexers
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ b/
deleted file mode 100755
index 19c9008..0000000
--- a/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
- #!/bin/bash          
-echo "Starting to bake our project homepage ...."
-export JBAKE_HOME="$(dirname "$0")/bin/jbake-2.5.1"
-$JBAKE_HOME/bin/jbake -b
-echo "Copying stuff from original into new branch ..."
-git checkout asf-site && ./
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e95026..0000000
--- a/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-package path;
-use ASF::Value;
-# taken from django's
-our @patterns = (
-       [qr!\.mdtext$!, single_narrative => { template => 
"single_narrative.html" }],
-       [qr!^/sitemap\.html$!, sitemap => { headers => { title => "Sling 
Sitemap" }}],
-       [qr!^/downloads\.list$!, downloads => { template => "downloads.html" }],
-) ;
-# for specifying interdependencies between files
-#our %dependencies = (
-#    "/sling/sitemap.html" => [ grep s!^content!!, glob 
"content/sling/*.mdtext" ],
-=head1 LICENSE
-           Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.
diff --git a/lib/ b/lib/
deleted file mode 100644
index 9770af2..0000000
--- a/lib/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,434 +0,0 @@
-package view;
-# BUILD CONSTRAINT:  all views must return $content, $extension.
-# additional return values (as seen below) are optional.  However,
-# careful use of symlinks and dependency management in can
-# resolve most issues with this constraint.
-use strict;
-use warnings;
-use Dotiac::DTL qw/Template/;
-use Dotiac::DTL::Addon::markup;
-use ASF::Util qw/read_text_file shuffle/;
-use File::Temp qw/tempfile/;
-use LWP::Simple;
-use SVN::Client;
-use File::Find;
-use File::Basename;
-push @Dotiac::DTL::TEMPLATE_DIRS, "templates";
-# This is most widely used view.  It takes a
-# 'template' argument and a 'path' argument.
-# Assuming the path ends in foo.mdtext, any files
-# like foo/bar.mdtext will be parsed and
-# passed to the template in the "bar" (hash)
-# variable.
-sub single_narrative {
-    my %args = @_;
-    my $file = "content$args{path}";
-    my $template = $args{template};
-    $args{path} =~ s/\.mdtext$/\.html/;
-    $args{breadcrumbs} = breadcrumbs($args{path});
-    $args{svninfo} = svninfo($file);
-    read_text_file $file, \%args;
-    $args{refs} = {};
-    # render tip box with reference to Confluence export
-    # if translation for a page is still pending
-    if($args{headers}->{translation_pending}) {
-        $args{oldpage} = "/site/" . basename($args{path});
-    }
-    # ensure loading child pages
-    my $page_path = $file;
-    $page_path =~ s/\.[^.]+$//;
-    if (-d $page_path) {
-        $args{children} = {};
-        for my $f (grep -f, glob "$page_path/*.mdtext") {
-            $f =~ m!/([^/]+)\.mdtext$! or die "Bad filename: $f\n";
-            $args{children}->{$1} = read_ref_page_data($f);
-            $args{refs}->{$1} = $args{children}->{$1};
-        }
-    }
-    # ensure loading pages referenced with ref.XXX.*    
-    while( $args{content} =~ /refs\.([^.]+)\./g ) {
-        my $label = $1;
-        if(!$args{refs}->{$label}) {
-            my $refPagePath;
-            find(sub {
-                if(!$refPagePath && $_ eq "$label.mdtext") {
-                    $refPagePath = $File::Find::name;
-                }
-            }, "content");
-            if($refPagePath) {
-                $args{refs}->{$label} = read_ref_page_data($refPagePath);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-#      $args{sidenav} = {};
-#      read_text_file "templates/sidenav.mdtext", $args{sidenav} ;
-#      select STDOUT ;
-#      $| = 1 ;
-#      for my $ke (keys %args) {
-#              print STDOUT "$ke \n";
-#      }
-    # use the content as a template if it contains Django templates
-    if ($args{content} =~ /\{[{%][^}]*[%}]\}/) {
-        print STDOUT "Applying $args{path} as a Django template\n";
-        $args{content} = Dotiac::DTL->new(\$args{content})->render(\%args);
-    }
-    return Dotiac::DTL::Template($template)->render(\%args), html => \%args;
-# The specially crafted download page
-# Input is a list of artifacts formatted as:
-#   <title>|<id>|<version>[|<qualifier>]
-# Special handling if title is "sling": This denotes the
-# version of the Sling Launchpad distribution whie is
-# rendered specially: The id is actually the launchpad
-# distribution version
-sub downloads {
-       my %args = @_;  
-    my $file = "content$args{path}";
-    my $template = $args{template};
-    $args{path} =~ s/\.list$/\.html/;
-    $args{breadcrumbs} = breadcrumbs($args{path});
-    $args{svninfo} = svninfo($file);
-    read_text_file $file, \%args;
-    my $result = "|Artifact | Version | Binary | Source|\n|--|--|--|--|\n";
-    my $maven = "|Artifact | Version | Binary | Source|\n|--|--|--|--|\n";
-    my $launchpad = "| Artifact | Version | Provides | Package |\n|-|-|-|-|\n";
-    my $ide = "|Artifact | Version | Provides | Update site 
-    my @lines = split( /\n/, $args{content} );
-    @lines = sort @lines;
-    for my $line (@lines) {
-       next if (!$line || $line =~ /^\s*#/);
-       my ($title, $artifact, $version, $classifier, $ext) = split(/\|/, 
-       $ext = "jar" unless ($ext);
-       $classifier = ($classifier) ? "-$classifier" : "";
-       if ($title eq "sling") {
-            $launchpad .="| Sling Standalone Application | $artifact | A 
self-runnable Sling jar. | " . 
downloadLink("$artifact.jar"). "|\n";
-            $launchpad .="| Sling Web Application | $artifact | A ready-to run 
Sling webapp as a war file. | " . 
downloadLink("$artifact-webapp.war"). "|\n";
-            $launchpad .="| Sling Source Release | $artifact | The released 
Sling source code. | " . 
downloadLink("$")." |\n";
-        } elsif ( $title eq "sling-ide-tooling" ) {
-            $ide .= "| Sling IDE Tooling for Eclipse | $artifact | A p2 update 
site which can be installed in Eclipse. | " . 
downloadLinkWithoutSigs("eclipse/$artifact", "Update site") . " " . 
downloadLink("$", "(zip download)") 
." |\n";
-       } else {
-               my $target = \$result;
-               my $artifactLabel;
-               if ($ext eq "war") {
-                $artifactLabel = "Web Application";
-               } elsif ($classifier eq "-app") {
-                $artifactLabel = "Java Application";
-               } elsif ($artifact =~/^maven-.*-plugin|.*-maven-plugin/) {
-                       $target = \$maven;
-                $artifactLabel = "Maven Plugin";
-               } else {
-                       $artifactLabel = "Bundle";
-               }
-               ${$target} .= "|$title|$version|" . 
downloadLink("$artifact-$version$classifier.$ext", $artifactLabel) . " | " . 
downloadLink("$artifact-$", "Source ZIP") . "|\n";
-       }
-    }
-    $args{launchpad} = $launchpad;
-    $args{content} = $result;
-    $args{maven} = $maven;
-    $args{ide} = $ide;
-    return Dotiac::DTL::Template($template)->render(\%args), html => \%args;
-# Has the same behavior as the above for foo/bar.txt
-# files, parsing them into a bar variable for the template.
-# Otherwise presumes the template is the path.
-sub news_page {
-    my %args = @_;
-    my $template = "content$args{path}";
-    $args{breadcrumbs} = breadcrumbs($args{path});
-    my $page_path = $template;
-    $page_path =~ s/\.[^.]+$//;
-    if (-d $page_path) {
-        for my $f (grep -f, glob "$page_path/*.mdtext") {
-            $f =~ m!/([^/]+)\.mdtext$! or die "Bad filename: $f\n";
-            $args{$1} = {};
-            read_text_file $f, $args{$1};
-        }
-    }
-    for ((fetch_doap_url_list())[0..2]) {
-        push @{$args{projects}}, parse_doap($_);
-    }
-    return Dotiac::DTL::Template($template)->render(\%args), html => \%args;
-# Recursive Sitemap generation
-# Taken from:
-sub sitemap {
-   my %args = @_;
-   my $template = "content$args{path}";
-   my $file = $template;
-   # Find the list of files
-   my ($dir) = ($file =~ /^(.*)\/.*?/);
-   my $entries = {};
-   sitemapFind($dir, $entries);
-   my $sitemap = "<ul>\n";
-   $sitemap = sitemapRender($sitemap, $entries, "");
-   $sitemap .= "</ul>\n";
-   $args{sitemap} = $sitemap;
-   return Dotiac::DTL::Template($template)->render(\%args), html => \%args;   
-sub sitemapFind {
-   my ($dir, $entries) = @_;
-   $entries->{"title"} = "";
-   $entries->{"entries"} = {};
-   my %entries = ( "title"=>"", "entries"=>{} );
-   foreach my $item (<$dir/*>) {
-      my ($rel) = ($item =~ /^.*\/(.*?)$/);
-      if(-d $item) {
-        # Only consider folders which have content page by them
-        if(-f "$item.mdtext") {
-            $rel .= ".mdtext" ;
-            $entries->{"entries"}->{$rel} = {};
-            sitemapFind($item, $entries->{"entries"}->{$rel});
-        }
-      } elsif($item =~ /\.(html|mdtext)$/) {
-         # Grab the title
-         my $title = $rel;
-         if($rel =~ /\.mdtext$/) {
-             my %args;
-             read_text_file $item, \%args;
-             $title = $args{"headers"}->{"title"};
-         } elsif ($rel =~ /\.png$/ || $rel =~ /\.jpg$/) {
-            next;
-         } else {
-             open F, "<$item";
-             my $file = "";
-             while(my $line = <F>) {
-                $file .= $line;
-             }
-             close F;
-             if($file =~ /block\s+title\s*\%\}(.*?)\{/) {
-                $title = $1;
-             } elsif($file =~ /title\>(.*?)\</) {
-                $title = $1;
-             }
-         }
-         # Process
-         if($rel =~ /^index\.(html|mdtext)$/) {
-            $entries->{"title"} = $title;
-         } else {
-            $entries->{entries}->{$rel}->{title} = $title;
-         }
-      }
-   }
-   return %entries;
-sub sitemapRender {
-   my ($sitemap, $dir, $path) = @_;
-   my %entries = %{$dir->{"entries"}};
-   foreach my $e (sort keys %entries) {
-      my $fn = $e;
-      $fn =~ s/\.mdtext/.html/;
-      if($fn eq "images/" or $fn eq "resources/") {
-         next;
-      }
-      my $title = $entries{$e}->{title};
-      unless($title) {
-         $title = $e;
-      }
-      $sitemap .= "<li><a href=\"$path/$fn\">".$title."</a>";
-      if($entries{$e}->{entries}) {
-         my $parent = $e;
-         $parent =~ s/\.mdtext$//;
-         $sitemap .= "<ul>\n";
-         $sitemap = sitemapRender($sitemap, $entries{$e}, "$path/$parent");
-         $sitemap .= "</ul>\n";
-      }
-      $sitemap .= "</li>\n";
-   }
-   return $sitemap;
-sub exports {
-    my %args = @_;
-    my $template = "content$args{path}";
-    $args{breadcrumbs} = breadcrumbs($args{path});
-    my $page_path = $template;
-    $page_path =~ s/\.[^.]+$/.page/;
-    if (-d $page_path) {
-        for my $f (grep -f, glob "$page_path/*.mdtext") {
-            $f =~ m!/([^/]+)\.mdtext$! or die "Bad filename: $f\n";
-            $args{$1} = {};
-            read_text_file $f, $args{$1};
-        }
-        $args{table} = `xsltproc $page_path/eccnmatrix.xsl 
-    }
-    return Dotiac::DTL::Template($template)->render(\%args), html => \%args;
-sub parse_doap {
-    my $url = shift;
-    my $doap = get $url or die "Can't get $url: $!\n";
-    my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile("XXXXXX");
-    print $fh $doap;
-    close $fh;
-    my $result = eval `xsltproc lib/doap2perl.xsl $filename`;
-    unlink $filename;
-    return $result;
-sub fetch_doap_url_list {
-    my $xml = get 
-        or die "Can't get doap file list: $!\n";
-    my ($fh, $filename) = tempfile("XXXXXX");
-    print $fh $xml;
-    close $fh;
-    chomp(my @urls = grep /^http/, `xsltproc lib/list2urls.xsl $filename`);
-    unlink $filename;
-    shuffle \@urls;
-    return @urls;
-# Reads data of a referenced page
-sub read_ref_page_data {
-    my $file = shift;
-    my $out = {};
-    read_text_file $file, $out;
-    $out->{path} = "$file";
-    $out->{path} =~ s/content(\/.*)\.mdtext/$1.html/;
-    return $out;
-sub downloadLink {
-       my ($artifact, $label) = @_;
-    my $dp = "";;
-    $label = $artifact unless ($label);
-    return "[$label]([preferred]sling/$artifact) 
([asc]($dp/sling/$artifact.asc), [md5]($dp/sling/$artifact.md5))";
-sub downloadLinkWithoutSigs {
-       my ($artifact, $label) = @_;
-    $label = $artifact unless ($label);
-    return "[$label]([preferred]sling/$artifact)";
-sub breadcrumbs {
-    my @path = split m!/!, shift;
-    pop @path;
-    my @rv;
-    my $relpath = "";
-    my $ext;
-    my $sep = "/";
-    for (@path) {
-        $relpath .= "$sep$_";
-        if ($_) {
-            $_ = "";
-            my $datafile = "content$relpath.mdtext";
-            my %data;
-            if (-f $datafile) {
-                read_text_file $datafile, \%data;
-                $ext = ".html";
-                $sep = "/";
-                my $title = ${data{headers}}{title};
-                if ($title) {
-                    $_ = $title;
-                }
-            }
-        } else {
-            $_ = "Home";
-            $ext = "";
-            $sep = "";
-        }
-        push @rv, qq(<a href="$relpath$ext">$_</a>) if $_;
-    }
-    return join "&nbsp;&raquo&nbsp;", @rv;
-# Returns information on the last change to the file
-# as a reference to a has with three properties
-# - rev The SVN Revision
-# - date The last modification date (seconds since the epoch)
-# - author of the revision
-sub svninfo {
-  my $source = $_[0];
-  my %info;
-  my $receiver = sub {
-    my $svninfo = $_[1];
-    $info{rev} = $svninfo->last_changed_rev;
-    $info{date} = $svninfo->last_changed_date / 1000000;
-    $info{author} = $svninfo->last_changed_author;
-  };
-  my $ctx = SVN::Client->new;
-  $ctx->info($source, undef, undef, $receiver, 0);
-  return \%info;
-=head1 LICENSE
-           Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-           or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-           distributed with this work for additional information
-           regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-           to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-           "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-           with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-           Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-           software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-           KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-           specific language governing permissions and limitations
-           under the License.

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