Author: npeltier
Date: Fri Sep  1 14:59:54 2017
New Revision: 1806970

[sling pipes] update samples & formatting


Modified: sling/site/trunk/content/documentation/bundles/sling-pipes.mdtext
--- sling/site/trunk/content/documentation/bundles/sling-pipes.mdtext (original)
+++ sling/site/trunk/content/documentation/bundles/sling-pipes.mdtext Fri Sep  
1 14:59:54 2017
@@ -56,7 +56,7 @@ Plumber can provider a PipeBuilder with
 API to quickly configure and run pipes.
 will search for resource of type `to/delete` and remove them.
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ PipeBuilder basically will automatically
 note that that configuration part has shortcuts for some pipes. Typically, 
above sample is a shorter equivalent of 
 when available, shortcuts will be specified next to each pipe type 
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ which will return you the path of the re
 In the eventuality of a long execution (synchronous or asynchronous), you can 
retrieve the status of a pipe, by executing
-GET /etc/pipes/mySamplePipe**.status**.json
+    GET /etc/pipes/mySamplePipe**.status**.json
 ##### Request Parameter `binding`
@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ e.g.
 will returns something similar to
-{"size":2, "items":[{'user':'John 
+    {"size":2, "items":[{'user':'John 
 ##### Request Parameter `dryRun`
 if parameter dryRun is set to true, and the executed pipe is supposed to 
modify content, it will log (at best it can) the change it *would* have done, 
without doing anything
@@ -282,7 +282,7 @@ global bindings can be set at pipe execu
 ##### slingQuery | write
 write repository user prefix Ms/Mr depending on gender
-      .newPipe(resolver).xpath('/jcr:root/home/users//element(*,rep:Users)')
       .write("fullName","${(profile.gender === 'female' ? 'Ms ' + 
profile.fullName : 'Mr ' + profile.fullName)}")
@@ -290,7 +290,7 @@ write repository user prefix Ms/Mr depen
 ##### slingQuery | multiProperty | authorizable | write
 move badge<->user relation ship from badge->users MV property to a 
user->badges MV property
-     .newPipe(resolver).echo('/etc/badges/jcr:content/par')
+     plumber.newPipe(resolver).echo('/etc/badges/jcr:content/par')
@@ -299,72 +299,37 @@ move badge<->user relation ship from bad
-### xpath | json | write
-this use case is for completing repository profiles with external system's 
data (that has an json api)
+##### echo | $ | $ | echo | json | write
+this use case is for completing repository website with external system's data 
(that has an json api),
+it does 
-    {
-      "jcr:primaryType": "nt:unstructured",
-      "jcr:description": "this pipe retrieves json info from an external 
system and writes them to the user profile, uses moment.js, it
-      distributes modified resources using publish distribution agent",
-      "sling:resourceType": "slingPipes/container",
-      "distribution.agent": "publish",
-      "additionalScripts": "/etc/source/moment.js",
-      "conf": {
-        "jcr:primaryType": "sling:OrderedFolder",
-        "profile": {
-          "jcr:primaryType": "sling:OrderedFolder",
-          "expr": 
-          "jcr:description": "query all user profile nodes",
-          "sling:resourceType": "slingPipes/xpath"
-        },
-        "json": {
-          "jcr:primaryType": "sling:OrderedFolder",
-          "expr": "${(profile.uid ? 
'' + profile.uid.substr(0,2) + '/' 
+ profile.uid + '.json' : '')",
-          "jcr:description": "retrieves json information relative to the given 
profile, if the uid is not found, expr is empty: the pipe will do nothing",
-          "sling:resourceType": "slingPipes/json"
-        },
-        "write": {
-          "jcr:primaryType": "sling:OrderedFolder",
-          "path": "path.profile",
-          "jcr:description": "write json information to the profile node",
-          "sling:resourceType": "slingPipes/write",
-          "conf": {
-            "jcr:primaryType": "sling:OrderedFolder",
-            "background": "${json.opt('background')}",
-            "about": "${json.opt('about')}",
-            "birthday": "${(json.opt('birthday') ? 
moment(json.opt('birthday'), \"MMMM DD\").toDate() : '')}",
-            "mobile": "${json.opt('mobile')}"
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-### xpath | parent | rm
-    {
-      "jcr:primaryType": "nt:unstructured",
-      "jcr:description": "this pipe removes user with bad property in their 
-      "sling:resourceType": "slingPipes/container",
-      "conf": {
-        "jcr:primaryType": "sling:OrderedFolder",
-        "profile": {
-          "jcr:primaryType": "sling:OrderedFolder",
-          "expr": 
-          "jcr:description": "query all user profile nodes with bad 
-          "sling:resourceType": "slingPipes/xpath"
-        },
-        "parent": {
-          "jcr:primaryType": "sling:OrderedFolder",
-          "jcr:description": "get the parent node (user node)",
-          "sling:resourceType": "slingPipes/parent"
-        },
-        "rm": {
-          "jcr:primaryType": "sling:OrderedFolder",
-          "jcr:description": "remove it",
-          "sling:resourceType": "slingPipes/rm",
-        }
-      }
-    }
+- loop over "my:Page" country/language tree under `/content/mySite`, 
+- fetch json with contextual parameter that must be in upper case, 
+- and write part of the returned json in the current resource. 
+This pipe is run asynchronously in case the execution takes long.
+    plumber.newPipe(resolver)
+     .echo("/content/mySite")
+     .$('my:Page')
+     .$('my:Page').name("localePage")
+     .echo('${path.localePage}/jcr:content').name("content")
+     .write('cachedValue','${api.remoteJsonValueWeWant}')
+     .runAsync(null)
+##### xpath | parent | rm
+- query all user profile nodes with bad properties,
+- get the parent node (user node)
+- remove it
+    plumber.newPipe(resolver)
+    .xpath("/jcr:root/home/users//element(profile,nt:unstructured)[@bad]")
+    .parent().rm().run()
 some other samples are in
@@ -373,4 +338,5 @@ For running this tool on a sling instanc
 - java 8 (Nashorn is used for expression)
 - slingQuery (3.0.0) (used in SlingQueryPipe)
-- jackrabbit api (2.7.5+) (used in AuthorizablePipe)
\ No newline at end of file
+- jackrabbit api (2.7.5+) (used in AuthorizablePipe)

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