diff --git a/repl/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkIMain.scala 
deleted file mode 100644
index 646c68e..0000000
--- a/repl/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkIMain.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1445 +0,0 @@
-// scalastyle:off
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author  Martin Odersky
- */
-package org.apache.spark.repl
-import Predef.{ println => _, _ }
-import{MergedClassPath, stringFromWriter, 
ScalaClassLoader, stackTraceString}
-import scala.reflect.internal.util._
-import scala.sys.BooleanProp
-import io.{AbstractFile, PlainFile, VirtualDirectory}
-import reporters._
-import symtab.Flags
-import scala.reflect.internal.Names
-import ScalaClassLoader.URLClassLoader
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-import scala.util.control.Exception.{ ultimately }
-import SparkIMain._
-import java.util.concurrent.Future
-import typechecker.Analyzer
-import scala.language.implicitConversions
-import scala.reflect.runtime.{ universe => ru }
-import scala.reflect.{ ClassTag, classTag }
-import scala.util.control.ControlThrowable
-import org.apache.spark.{Logging, HttpServer, SecurityManager, SparkConf}
-import org.apache.spark.util.Utils
-// /** directory to save .class files to */
-// private class ReplVirtualDirectory(out: JPrintWriter) extends 
VirtualDirectory("((memory))", None) {
-//   private def pp(root: AbstractFile, indentLevel: Int) {
-//     val spaces = "    " * indentLevel
-//     out.println(spaces +
-//     if (root.isDirectory)
-//       root.toList sortBy ( foreach (x => pp(x, indentLevel + 1))
-//   }
-//   // print the contents hierarchically
-//   def show() = pp(this, 0)
-// }
-  /** An interpreter for Scala code.
-   *
-   *  The main public entry points are compile(), interpret(), and bind().
-   *  The compile() method loads a complete Scala file.  The interpret() method
-   *  executes one line of Scala code at the request of the user.  The bind()
-   *  method binds an object to a variable that can then be used by later
-   *  interpreted code.
-   *
-   *  The overall approach is based on compiling the requested code and then
-   *  using a Java classloader and Java reflection to run the code
-   *  and access its results.
-   *
-   *  In more detail, a single compiler instance is used
-   *  to accumulate all successfully compiled or interpreted Scala code.  To
-   *  "interpret" a line of code, the compiler generates a fresh object that
-   *  includes the line of code and which has public member(s) to export
-   *  all variables defined by that code.  To extract the result of an
-   *  interpreted line to show the user, a second "result object" is created
-   *  which imports the variables exported by the above object and then
-   *  exports members called "$eval" and "$print". To accomodate user 
-   *  that read from variables or methods defined in previous statements, 
-   *  statements are used.
-   *
-   *  This interpreter shares the strengths and weaknesses of using the
-   *  full compiler-to-Java.  The main strength is that interpreted code
-   *  behaves exactly as does compiled code, including running at full speed.
-   *  The main weakness is that redefining classes and methods is not handled
-   *  properly, because rebinding at the Java level is technically difficult.
-   *
-   *  @author Moez A. Abdel-Gawad
-   *  @author Lex Spoon
-   */
-  class SparkIMain(
-      initialSettings: Settings,
-      val out: JPrintWriter,
-      propagateExceptions: Boolean = false)
-    extends SparkImports with Logging { imain =>
-    val conf = new SparkConf()
-    val SPARK_DEBUG_REPL: Boolean = (System.getenv("SPARK_DEBUG_REPL") == "1")
-    /** Local directory to save .class files too */
-    lazy val outputDir = {
-      val tmp = System.getProperty("")
-      val rootDir = conf.get("spark.repl.classdir",  tmp)
-      Utils.createTempDir(rootDir)
-    }
-    if (SPARK_DEBUG_REPL) {
-      echo("Output directory: " + outputDir)
-    }
-    val virtualDirectory                              = new 
PlainFile(outputDir) // "directory" for classfiles
-    /** Jetty server that will serve our classes to worker nodes */
-    val classServerPort                               = 
conf.getInt("spark.replClassServer.port", 0)
-    val classServer                                   = new 
HttpServer(outputDir, new SecurityManager(conf), classServerPort, "HTTP class 
-    private var currentSettings: Settings             = initialSettings
-    var printResults                                  = true      // whether 
to print result lines
-    var totalSilence                                  = false     // whether 
to print anything
-    private var _initializeComplete                   = false     // compiler 
is initialized
-    private var _isInitialized: Future[Boolean]       = null      // set up 
initialization future
-    private var bindExceptions                        = true      // whether 
to bind the lastException variable
-    private var _executionWrapper                     = ""        // code to 
be wrapped around all lines
-    // Start the classServer and store its URI in a spark system property
-    // (which will be passed to executors so that they can connect to it)
-    classServer.start()
-    if (SPARK_DEBUG_REPL) {
-      echo("Class server started, URI = " + classServer.uri)
-    }
-    /** We're going to go to some trouble to initialize the compiler 
-     *  It's critical that nothing call into it until it's been initialized or 
we will
-     *  run into unrecoverable issues, but the perceived repl startup time goes
-     *  through the roof if we wait for it.  So we initialize it with a future 
-     *  use a lazy val to ensure that any attempt to use the compiler object 
-     *  on the future.
-     */
-    private var _classLoader: AbstractFileClassLoader = null                   
           // active classloader
-    private val _compiler: Global                     = newCompiler(settings, 
reporter)   // our private compiler
-    private trait ExposeAddUrl extends URLClassLoader { def addNewUrl(url: 
URL) = this.addURL(url) }
-    private var _runtimeClassLoader: URLClassLoader with ExposeAddUrl = null   
           // wrapper exposing addURL
-    private val nextReqId = {
-      var counter = 0
-      () => { counter += 1 ; counter }
-    }
-    def compilerClasspath: Seq[URL] = (
-      if (isInitializeComplete) global.classPath.asURLs
-      else new PathResolver(settings).result.asURLs  // the compiler's 
-      )
-    def settings = currentSettings
-    def mostRecentLine = prevRequestList match {
-      case Nil      => ""
-      case req :: _ => req.originalLine
-    }
-    // Run the code body with the given boolean settings flipped to true.
-    def withoutWarnings[T](body: => T): T = beQuietDuring {
-      val saved = settings.nowarn.value
-      if (!saved)
-        settings.nowarn.value = true
-      try body
-      finally if (!saved) settings.nowarn.value = false
-    }
-    /** construct an interpreter that reports to Console */
-    def this(settings: Settings) = this(settings, new NewLinePrintWriter(new 
ConsoleWriter, true))
-    def this() = this(new Settings())
-    lazy val repllog: Logger = new Logger {
-      val out: JPrintWriter = imain.out
-      val isInfo: Boolean  = BooleanProp keyExists ""
-      val isDebug: Boolean = BooleanProp keyExists "scala.repl.debug"
-      val isTrace: Boolean = BooleanProp keyExists "scala.repl.trace"
-    }
-    lazy val formatting: Formatting = new Formatting {
-      val prompt = Properties.shellPromptString
-    }
-    lazy val reporter: ConsoleReporter = new SparkIMain.ReplReporter(this)
-    import formatting._
-    import reporter.{ printMessage, withoutTruncating }
-    // This exists mostly because using the reporter too early leads to 
-    private def echo(msg: String) { Console println msg }
-    private def _initSources = List(new BatchSourceFile("<init>", "class 
$repl_$init { }"))
-    private def _initialize() = {
-      try {
-        // todo. if this crashes, REPL will hang
-        new _compiler.Run() compileSources _initSources
-        _initializeComplete = true
-        true
-      }
-      catch AbstractOrMissingHandler()
-    }
-    private def tquoted(s: String) = "\"\"\"" + s + "\"\"\""
-    // argument is a thunk to execute after init is done
-    def initialize(postInitSignal: => Unit) {
-      synchronized {
-        if (_isInitialized == null) {
-          _isInitialized = io.spawn {
-            try _initialize()
-            finally postInitSignal
-          }
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    def initializeSynchronous(): Unit = {
-      if (!isInitializeComplete) {
-        _initialize()
-        assert(global != null, global)
-      }
-    }
-    def isInitializeComplete = _initializeComplete
-    /** the public, go through the future compiler */
-    lazy val global: Global = {
-      if (isInitializeComplete) _compiler
-      else {
-        // If init hasn't been called yet you're on your own.
-        if (_isInitialized == null) {
-          logWarning("Warning: compiler accessed before init set up.  Assuming 
no postInit code.")
-          initialize(())
-        }
-        //       // blocks until it is ; false means catastrophic failure
-        if (_isInitialized.get()) _compiler
-        else null
-      }
-    }
-    @deprecated("Use `global` for access to the compiler instance.", "2.9.0")
-    lazy val compiler: global.type = global
-    import global._
-    import definitions.{ScalaPackage, JavaLangPackage, termMember, typeMember}
-    import rootMirror.{RootClass, getClassIfDefined, getModuleIfDefined, 
getRequiredModule, getRequiredClass}
-    implicit class ReplTypeOps(tp: Type) {
-      def orElse(other: => Type): Type    = if (tp ne NoType) tp else other
-      def andAlso(fn: Type => Type): Type = if (tp eq NoType) tp else fn(tp)
-    }
-    // TODO: If we try to make naming a lazy val, we run into big time
-    // scalac unhappiness with what look like cycles.  It has not been easy to
-    // reduce, but name resolution clearly takes different paths.
-    object naming extends {
-      val global: =
-    } with Naming {
-      // make sure we don't overwrite their unwisely named res3 etc.
-      def freshUserTermName(): TermName = {
-        val name = newTermName(freshUserVarName())
-        if (definedNameMap contains name) freshUserTermName()
-        else name
-      }
-      def isUserTermName(name: Name) = isUserVarName("" + name)
-      def isInternalTermName(name: Name) = isInternalVarName("" + name)
-    }
-    import naming._
-    object deconstruct extends {
-      val global: =
-    } with StructuredTypeStrings
-    lazy val memberHandlers = new {
-      val intp: imain.type = imain
-    } with SparkMemberHandlers
-    import memberHandlers._
-    /** Temporarily be quiet */
-    def beQuietDuring[T](body: => T): T = {
-      val saved = printResults
-      printResults = false
-      try body
-      finally printResults = saved
-    }
-    def beSilentDuring[T](operation: => T): T = {
-      val saved = totalSilence
-      totalSilence = true
-      try operation
-      finally totalSilence = saved
-    }
-    def quietRun[T](code: String) = beQuietDuring(interpret(code))
-     private def logAndDiscard[T](label: String, alt: => T): 
PartialFunction[Throwable, T] = {
-      case t: ControlThrowable => throw t
-      case t: Throwable        =>
-        logDebug(label + ": " + unwrap(t))
-        logDebug(stackTraceString(unwrap(t)))
-      alt
-    }
-    /** takes AnyRef because it may be binding a Throwable or an Exceptional */
-    private def withLastExceptionLock[T](body: => T, alt: => T): T = {
-      assert(bindExceptions, "withLastExceptionLock called incorrectly.")
-      bindExceptions = false
-      try     beQuietDuring(body)
-      catch   logAndDiscard("withLastExceptionLock", alt)
-      finally bindExceptions = true
-    }
-    def executionWrapper = _executionWrapper
-    def setExecutionWrapper(code: String) = _executionWrapper = code
-    def clearExecutionWrapper() = _executionWrapper = ""
-    /** interpreter settings */
-    lazy val isettings = new SparkISettings(this)
-    /** Instantiate a compiler.  Overridable. */
-    protected def newCompiler(settings: Settings, reporter: Reporter): 
ReplGlobal = {
-      settings.outputDirs setSingleOutput virtualDirectory
-      settings.exposeEmptyPackage.value = true
-      new Global(settings, reporter) with ReplGlobal {
-        override def toString: String = "<global>"
-      }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Adds any specified jars to the compile and runtime classpaths.
-     *
-     * @note Currently only supports jars, not directories
-     * @param urls The list of items to add to the compile and runtime 
-     */
-    def addUrlsToClassPath(urls: URL*): Unit = {
-      new Run // Needed to force initialization of "something" to correctly 
load Scala classes from jars
-      urls.foreach(_runtimeClassLoader.addNewUrl) // Add jars/classes to 
runtime for execution
-      updateCompilerClassPath(urls: _*)           // Add jars/classes to 
compile time for compiling
-    }
-    protected def updateCompilerClassPath(urls: URL*): Unit = {
-      require(!global.forMSIL) // Only support JavaPlatform
-      val platform = global.platform.asInstanceOf[JavaPlatform]
-      val newClassPath = mergeUrlsIntoClassPath(platform, urls: _*)
-      // NOTE: Must use reflection until this is exposed/fixed upstream in 
-      val fieldSetter = platform.getClass.getMethods
-        .find(_.getName.endsWith("currentClassPath_$eq")).get
-      fieldSetter.invoke(platform, Some(newClassPath))
-      // Reload all jars specified into our compiler
-      global.invalidateClassPathEntries( _*)
-    }
-    protected def mergeUrlsIntoClassPath(platform: JavaPlatform, urls: URL*): 
MergedClassPath[AbstractFile] = {
-      // Collect our new jars/directories and add them to the existing set of 
-      val allClassPaths = (
-        platform.classPath.asInstanceOf[MergedClassPath[AbstractFile]].entries 
- => {
-          platform.classPath.context.newClassPath(
-            if (url.getProtocol == "file") {
-              val f = new File(url.getPath)
-              if (f.isDirectory)
-                io.AbstractFile.getDirectory(f)
-              else
-                io.AbstractFile.getFile(f)
-            } else {
-              io.AbstractFile.getURL(url)
-            }
-          )
-        })
-      ).distinct
-      // Combine all of our classpaths (old and new) into one merged classpath
-      new MergedClassPath(allClassPaths, platform.classPath.context)
-    }
-    /** Parent classloader.  Overridable. */
-    protected def parentClassLoader: ClassLoader =
-      SparkHelper.explicitParentLoader(settings).getOrElse( 
this.getClass.getClassLoader() )
-    /* A single class loader is used for all commands interpreted by this 
-     It would also be possible to create a new class loader for each command
-     to interpret.  The advantages of the current approach are:
-    - Expressions are only evaluated one time.  This is especially
-    significant for I/O, e.g. "val x = Console.readLine"
-    The main disadvantage is:
-    - Objects, classes, and methods cannot be rebound.  Instead, definitions
-    shadow the old ones, and old code objects refer to the old
-    definitions.
-    */
-    def resetClassLoader() = {
-      logDebug("Setting new classloader: was " + _classLoader)
-      _classLoader = null
-      ensureClassLoader()
-    }
-    final def ensureClassLoader() {
-      if (_classLoader == null)
-        _classLoader = makeClassLoader()
-    }
-    def classLoader: AbstractFileClassLoader = {
-      ensureClassLoader()
-      _classLoader
-    }
-    private class TranslatingClassLoader(parent: ClassLoader) extends 
AbstractFileClassLoader(virtualDirectory, parent) {
-      /** Overridden here to try translating a simple name to the generated
-       *  class name if the original attempt fails.  This method is used by
-       *  getResourceAsStream as well as findClass.
-       */
-      override protected def findAbstractFile(name: String): AbstractFile = {
-        super.findAbstractFile(name) match {
-          // deadlocks on startup if we try to translate names too early
-          case null if isInitializeComplete =>
-            generatedName(name) map (x => super.findAbstractFile(x)) orNull
-          case file                         =>
-            file
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    private def makeClassLoader(): AbstractFileClassLoader =
-      new TranslatingClassLoader(parentClassLoader match {
-        case null   => ScalaClassLoader fromURLs compilerClasspath
-        case p      =>
-          _runtimeClassLoader = new URLClassLoader(compilerClasspath, p) with 
-          _runtimeClassLoader
-      })
-    def getInterpreterClassLoader() = classLoader
-    // Set the current Java "context" class loader to this interpreter's class 
-    def setContextClassLoader() = classLoader.setAsContext()
-    /** Given a simple repl-defined name, returns the real name of
-     *  the class representing it, e.g. for "Bippy" it may return
-     *  {{{
-     *    $line19.$read$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$$iw$Bippy
-     *  }}}
-     */
-    def generatedName(simpleName: String): Option[String] = {
-      if (simpleName endsWith nme.MODULE_SUFFIX_STRING) 
optFlatName(simpleName.init) map (_ + nme.MODULE_SUFFIX_STRING)
-      else optFlatName(simpleName)
-    }
-    def flatName(id: String)    = optFlatName(id) getOrElse id
-    def optFlatName(id: String) = requestForIdent(id) map (_ fullFlatName id)
-    def allDefinedNames = definedNameMap.keys.toList.sorted
-    def pathToType(id: String): String = pathToName(newTypeName(id))
-    def pathToTerm(id: String): String = pathToName(newTermName(id))
-    def pathToName(name: Name): String = {
-      if (definedNameMap contains name)
-        definedNameMap(name) fullPath name
-      else name.toString
-    }
-    /** Most recent tree handled which wasn't wholly synthetic. */
-    private def mostRecentlyHandledTree: Option[Tree] = {
-      prevRequests.reverse foreach { req =>
-        req.handlers.reverse foreach {
-          case x: MemberDefHandler if x.definesValue && 
!isInternalTermName( => return Some(x.member)
-          case _ => ()
-        }
-      }
-      None
-    }
-    /** Stubs for work in progress. */
-    def handleTypeRedefinition(name: TypeName, old: Request, req: Request) = {
-      for (t1 <- old.simpleNameOfType(name) ; t2 <- 
req.simpleNameOfType(name)) {
-        logDebug("Redefining type '%s'\n  %s -> %s".format(name, t1, t2))
-      }
-    }
-    def handleTermRedefinition(name: TermName, old: Request, req: Request) = {
-      for (t1 <- old.compilerTypeOf get name ; t2 <- req.compilerTypeOf get 
name) {
-    //    Printing the types here has a tendency to cause assertion errors, 
-        //   assertion failed: fatal: <refinement> has owner value x, but a 
class owner is required
-        // so DBG is by-name now to keep it in the family.  (It also traps the 
assertion error,
-        // but we don't want to unnecessarily risk hosing the compiler's 
internal state.)
-        logDebug("Redefining term '%s'\n  %s -> %s".format(name, t1, t2))
-      }
-    }
-    def recordRequest(req: Request) {
-      if (req == null || referencedNameMap == null)
-        return
-      prevRequests += req
-      req.referencedNames foreach (x => referencedNameMap(x) = req)
-      // warning about serially defining companions.  It'd be easy
-      // enough to just redefine them together but that may not always
-      // be what people want so I'm waiting until I can do it better.
-      for {
-        name   <- req.definedNames filterNot (x => req.definedNames contains 
-        oldReq <- definedNameMap get name.companionName
-        newSym <- req.definedSymbols get name
-        oldSym <- oldReq.definedSymbols get name.companionName
-        if Seq(oldSym, newSym).permutations exists { case Seq(s1, s2) => 
s1.isClass && s2.isModule }
-      } {
-        afterTyper(replwarn(s"warning: previously defined $oldSym is not a 
companion to $newSym."))
-        replwarn("Companions must be defined together; you may wish to use 
:paste mode for this.")
-      }
-      // Updating the defined name map
-      req.definedNames foreach { name =>
-        if (definedNameMap contains name) {
-          if (name.isTypeName) handleTypeRedefinition(name.toTypeName, 
definedNameMap(name), req)
-          else handleTermRedefinition(name.toTermName, definedNameMap(name), 
-        }
-         definedNameMap(name) = req
-      }
-    }
-    def replwarn(msg: => String) {
-      if (!settings.nowarnings.value)
-        printMessage(msg)
-    }
-    def isParseable(line: String): Boolean = {
-      beSilentDuring {
-        try parse(line) match {
-          case Some(xs) => xs.nonEmpty  // parses as-is
-          case None     => true         // incomplete
-        }
-        catch { case x: Exception =>    // crashed the compiler
-          replwarn("Exception in isParseable(\"" + line + "\"): " + x)
-           false
-         }
-      }
-    }
-    def compileSourcesKeepingRun(sources: SourceFile*) = {
-      val run = new Run()
-      reporter.reset()
-      run compileSources sources.toList
-      (!reporter.hasErrors, run)
-    }
-    /** Compile an nsc SourceFile.  Returns true if there are
-     *  no compilation errors, or false otherwise.
-     */
-    def compileSources(sources: SourceFile*): Boolean =
-      compileSourcesKeepingRun(sources: _*)._1
-    /** Compile a string.  Returns true if there are no
-     *  compilation errors, or false otherwise.
-     */
-    def compileString(code: String): Boolean =
-      compileSources(new BatchSourceFile("<script>", code))
-    /** Build a request from the user. `trees` is `line` after being parsed.
-     */
-    private def buildRequest(line: String, trees: List[Tree]): Request = {
-      executingRequest = new Request(line, trees)
-      executingRequest
-    }
-  // rewriting "5 // foo" to "val x = { 5 // foo }" creates broken code because
-  // the close brace is commented out.  Strip single-line comments.
-  // ... but for error message output reasons this is not used, and rather than
-  // enclosing in braces it is constructed like "val x =\n5 // foo".
-  private def removeComments(line: String): String = {
-    showCodeIfDebugging(line) // as we're about to lose our // show
-    line.lines map (s => s indexOf "//" match {
-      case -1   => s
-      case idx  => s take idx
-    }) mkString "\n"
-  }
-  private def safePos(t: Tree, alt: Int): Int =
-    try t.pos.startOrPoint
-  catch { case _: UnsupportedOperationException => alt }
-  // Given an expression like 10 * 10 * 10 we receive the parent tree 
-  // at a '*'.  So look at each subtree and find the earliest of all positions.
-  private def earliestPosition(tree: Tree): Int = {
-    var pos = Int.MaxValue
-    tree foreach { t =>
-      pos = math.min(pos, safePos(t, Int.MaxValue))
-    }
-    pos
-  }
-  private def requestFromLine(line: String, synthetic: Boolean): 
Either[IR.Result, Request] = {
-    val content = indentCode(line)
-    val trees = parse(content) match {
-      case None         => return Left(IR.Incomplete)
-      case Some(Nil)    => return Left(IR.Error) // parse error or empty input
-      case Some(trees)  => trees
-    }
-    logDebug(
-      trees map (t => {
-        // [Eugene to Paul] previously it just said `t map ...`
-        // because there was an implicit conversion from Tree to a list of 
-        // however Martin and I have removed the conversion
-        // (it was conflicting with the new reflection API),
-        // so I had to rewrite this a bit
-        val subs = t collect { case sub => sub }
-        subs map (t0 =>
-          "  " + safePos(t0, -1) + ": " + t0.shortClass + "\n"
-                ) mkString ""
-      }) mkString "\n"
-    )
-    // If the last tree is a bare expression, pinpoint where it begins using 
-    // AST node position and snap the line off there.  Rewrite the code 
-    // by the last tree as a ValDef instead, so we can access the value.
-    trees.last match {
-      case _:Assign                        => // we don't want to include 
-        case _:TermTree | _:Ident | _:Select => // ... but do want other 
unnamed terms.
-          val varName  = if (synthetic) freshInternalVarName() else 
-      val rewrittenLine = (
-        // In theory this would come out the same without the 1-specific test, 
-        // it's a cushion against any more sneaky parse-tree position vs. code 
-        // this way such issues will only arise on multiple-statement repl 
input lines,
-        // which most people don't use.
-        if (trees.size == 1) "val " + varName + " =\n" + content
-        else {
-          // The position of the last tree
-          val lastpos0 = earliestPosition(trees.last)
-          // Oh boy, the parser throws away parens so "(2+2)" is mispositioned,
-          // with increasingly hard to decipher positions as we move on to "() 
=> 5",
-          // (x: Int) => x + 1, and more.  So I abandon attempts to finesse 
and just
-          // look for semicolons and newlines, which I'm sure is also buggy.
-          val (raw1, raw2) = content splitAt lastpos0
-          logDebug("[raw] " + raw1 + "   <--->   " + raw2)
-          val adjustment = (raw1.reverse takeWhile (ch => (ch != ';') && (ch 
!= '\n'))).size
-          val lastpos = lastpos0 - adjustment
-          // the source code split at the laboriously determined position.
-          val (l1, l2) = content splitAt lastpos
-          logDebug("[adj] " + l1 + "   <--->   " + l2)
-          val prefix   = if (l1.trim == "") "" else l1 + ";\n"
-          // Note to self: val source needs to have this precise structure so 
-          // error messages print the user-submitted part without the "val 
res0 = " part.
-          val combined   = prefix + "val " + varName + " =\n" + l2
-          logDebug(List(
-            "    line" -> line,
-            " content" -> content,
-            "     was" -> l2,
-            "combined" -> combined) map {
-              case (label, s) => label + ": '" + s + "'"
-            } mkString "\n"
-          )
-          combined
-        }
-      )
-        // Rewriting    "foo ; bar ; 123"
-        // to           "foo ; bar ; val resXX = 123"
-        requestFromLine(rewrittenLine, synthetic) match {
-          case Right(req) => return Right(req withOriginalLine line)
-          case x          => return x
-        }
-      case _ =>
-    }
-    Right(buildRequest(line, trees))
-  }
-  // normalize non-public types so we don't see protected aliases like Self
-  def normalizeNonPublic(tp: Type) = tp match {
-    case TypeRef(_, sym, _) if sym.isAliasType && !sym.isPublic => tp.dealias
-    case _                                                      => tp
-  }
-  /**
-   *  Interpret one line of input. All feedback, including parse errors
-   *  and evaluation results, are printed via the supplied compiler's
-   *  reporter. Values defined are available for future interpreted strings.
-   *
-   *  The return value is whether the line was interpreter successfully,
-   *  e.g. that there were no parse errors.
-   */
-  def interpret(line: String): IR.Result = interpret(line, false)
-  def interpretSynthetic(line: String): IR.Result = interpret(line, true)
-  def interpret(line: String, synthetic: Boolean): IR.Result = {
-    def loadAndRunReq(req: Request) = {
-      classLoader.setAsContext()
-      val (result, succeeded) = req.loadAndRun
-      /** To our displeasure, ConsoleReporter offers only printMessage,
-       *  which tacks a newline on the end.  Since that breaks all the
-       *  output checking, we have to take one off to balance.
-       */
-      if (succeeded) {
-        if (printResults && result != "")
-          printMessage(result stripSuffix "\n")
-        else if (isReplDebug) // show quiet-mode activity
-          printMessage(result.trim.lines map ("[quiet] " + _) mkString "\n")
-        // Book-keeping.  Have to record synthetic requests too,
-        // as they may have been issued for information, e.g. :type
-        recordRequest(req)
-        IR.Success
-      }
-        else {
-          // don't truncate stack traces
-          withoutTruncating(printMessage(result))
-          IR.Error
-        }
-    }
-    if (global == null) IR.Error
-    else requestFromLine(line, synthetic) match {
-      case Left(result) => result
-      case Right(req)   =>
-        // null indicates a disallowed statement type; otherwise compile and
-        // fail if false (implying e.g. a type error)
-        if (req == null || !req.compile) IR.Error
-        else loadAndRunReq(req)
-    }
-  }
-  /** Bind a specified name to a specified value.  The name may
-   *  later be used by expressions passed to interpret.
-   *
-   *  @param name      the variable name to bind
-   *  @param boundType the type of the variable, as a string
-   *  @param value     the object value to bind to it
-   *  @return          an indication of whether the binding succeeded
-   */
-  def bind(name: String, boundType: String, value: Any, modifiers: 
List[String] = Nil): IR.Result = {
-    val bindRep = new ReadEvalPrint()
-    val run = bindRep.compile("""
-                              |object %s {
-                                |  var value: %s = _
-                              |  def set(x: Any) = value = x.asInstanceOf[%s]
-                              |}
-                              """.stripMargin.format(bindRep.evalName, 
boundType, boundType)
-                            )
-    bindRep.callEither("set", value) match {
-      case Left(ex) =>
-        logDebug("Set failed in bind(%s, %s, %s)".format(name, boundType, 
-        logDebug(util.stackTraceString(ex))
-        IR.Error
-      case Right(_) =>
-        val line = "%sval %s = %s.value".format(modifiers map (_ + " ") 
mkString, name, bindRep.evalPath)
-      logDebug("Interpreting: " + line)
-      interpret(line)
-    }
-  }
-  def directBind(name: String, boundType: String, value: Any): IR.Result = {
-    val result = bind(name, boundType, value)
-    if (result == IR.Success)
-      directlyBoundNames += newTermName(name)
-    result
-  }
-  def directBind(p: NamedParam): IR.Result                                    
= directBind(, p.tpe, p.value)
-  def directBind[T: ru.TypeTag : ClassTag](name: String, value: T): IR.Result 
= directBind((name, value))
-  def rebind(p: NamedParam): IR.Result = {
-    val name     =
-    val oldType  = typeOfTerm(name) orElse { return IR.Error }
-    val newType  = p.tpe
-    val tempName = freshInternalVarName()
-    quietRun("val %s = %s".format(tempName, name))
-    quietRun("val %s = %s.asInstanceOf[%s]".format(name, tempName, newType))
-  }
-  def quietImport(ids: String*): IR.Result = beQuietDuring(addImports(ids: _*))
-  def addImports(ids: String*): IR.Result =
-    if (ids.isEmpty) IR.Success
-    else interpret("import " + ids.mkString(", "))
-  def quietBind(p: NamedParam): IR.Result                               = 
-  def bind(p: NamedParam): IR.Result                                    = 
bind(, p.tpe, p.value)
-  def bind[T: ru.TypeTag : ClassTag](name: String, value: T): IR.Result = 
bind((name, value))
-  def bindSyntheticValue(x: Any): IR.Result                             = 
bindValue(freshInternalVarName(), x)
-  def bindValue(x: Any): IR.Result                                      = 
bindValue(freshUserVarName(), x)
-  def bindValue(name: String, x: Any): IR.Result                        = 
bind(name, TypeStrings.fromValue(x), x)
-  /** Reset this interpreter, forgetting all user-specified requests. */
-  def reset() {
-    clearExecutionWrapper()
-    resetClassLoader()
-    resetAllCreators()
-    prevRequests.clear()
-    referencedNameMap.clear()
-    definedNameMap.clear()
-    virtualDirectory.delete()
-    virtualDirectory.create()
-  }
-  /** This instance is no longer needed, so release any resources
-   *  it is using.  The reporter's output gets flushed.
-   */
-  def close() {
-    reporter.flush()
-    classServer.stop()
-  }
-  /**
-   * Captures the session names (which are set by system properties) once, 
instead of for each line.
-   */
-  object FixedSessionNames {
-    val lineName    = sessionNames.line
-    val readName    =
-    val evalName    = sessionNames.eval
-    val printName   = sessionNames.print
-    val resultName  = sessionNames.result
-  }
-  /** Here is where we:
-   *
-   *  1) Read some source code, and put it in the "read" object.
-   *  2) Evaluate the read object, and put the result in the "eval" object.
-   *  3) Create a String for human consumption, and put it in the "print" 
-   *
-   *  Read! Eval! Print! Some of that not yet centralized here.
-   */
-  class ReadEvalPrint(val lineId: Int) {
-    def this() = this(freshLineId())
-    private var lastRun: Run = _
-    private var evalCaught: Option[Throwable] = None
-    private var conditionalWarnings: List[ConditionalWarning] = Nil
-    val packageName = FixedSessionNames.lineName + lineId
-    val readName    = FixedSessionNames.readName
-    val evalName    = FixedSessionNames.evalName
-    val printName   = FixedSessionNames.printName
-    val resultName  = FixedSessionNames.resultName
-    def bindError(t: Throwable) = {
-      // Immediately throw the exception if we are asked to propagate them
-      if (propagateExceptions) {
-        throw unwrap(t)
-      }
-      if (!bindExceptions) // avoid looping if already binding
-        throw t
-      val unwrapped = unwrap(t)
-      withLastExceptionLock[String]({
-        directBind[Throwable]("lastException", unwrapped)(tagOfThrowable, 
-        util.stackTraceString(unwrapped)
-      }, util.stackTraceString(unwrapped))
-    }
-    // TODO: split it out into a package object and a regular
-    // object and we can do that much less wrapping.
-    def packageDecl = "package " + packageName
-    def pathTo(name: String)   = packageName + "." + name
-    def packaged(code: String) = packageDecl + "\n\n" + code
-    def readPath  = pathTo(readName)
-    def evalPath  = pathTo(evalName)
-    def printPath = pathTo(printName)
-    def call(name: String, args: Any*): AnyRef = {
-      val m = evalMethod(name)
-      logDebug("Invoking: " + m)
-      if (args.nonEmpty)
-        logDebug("  with args: " + args.mkString(", "))
-      m.invoke(evalClass,[AnyRef]): _*)
-    }
-    def callEither(name: String, args: Any*): Either[Throwable, AnyRef] =
-      try Right(call(name, args: _*))
-    catch { case ex: Throwable => Left(ex) }
-    def callOpt(name: String, args: Any*): Option[AnyRef] =
-      try Some(call(name, args: _*))
-    catch { case ex: Throwable => bindError(ex) ; None }
-    class EvalException(msg: String, cause: Throwable) extends 
RuntimeException(msg, cause) { }
-    private def evalError(path: String, ex: Throwable) =
-      throw new EvalException("Failed to load '" + path + "': " + 
ex.getMessage, ex)
-    private def load(path: String): Class[_] = {
-      try Class.forName(path, true, classLoader)
-      catch { case ex: Throwable => evalError(path, unwrap(ex)) }
-    }
-    lazy val evalClass = load(evalPath)
-    lazy val evalValue = callEither(resultName) match {
-      case Left(ex)      => evalCaught = Some(ex) ; None
-      case Right(result) => Some(result)
-    }
-    def compile(source: String): Boolean = compileAndSaveRun("<console>", 
-    /** The innermost object inside the wrapper, found by
-     * following accessPath into the outer one.
-     */
-    def resolvePathToSymbol(accessPath: String): Symbol = {
-      // val readRoot  = getRequiredModule(readPath)   // the outermost wrapper
-      // MATEI: Changed this to getClass because the root object is no longer 
a module (Scala singleton object)
-      val readRoot  = rootMirror.getClassByName(newTypeName(readPath))   // 
the outermost wrapper
-      (accessPath split '.').foldLeft(readRoot: Symbol) {
-        case (sym, "")    => sym
-        case (sym, name)  => afterTyper(termMember(sym, name))
-      }
-    }
-    /** We get a bunch of repeated warnings for reasons I haven't
-     *  entirely figured out yet.  For now, squash.
-     */
-    private def updateRecentWarnings(run: Run) {
-      def loop(xs: List[(Position, String)]): List[(Position, String)] = xs 
match {
-        case Nil                  => Nil
-        case ((pos, msg)) :: rest =>
-          val filtered = rest filter { case (pos0, msg0) =>
-            (msg != msg0) || (pos.lineContent.trim != pos0.lineContent.trim) 
|| {
-              // same messages and same line content after whitespace removal
-              // but we want to let through multiple warnings on the same line
-              // from the same run.  The untrimmed line will be the same since
-              // there's no whitespace indenting blowing it.
-              (pos.lineContent == pos0.lineContent)
-            }
-                                    }
-        ((pos, msg)) :: loop(filtered)
-      }
-     // PRASHANT: This leads to a NoSuchMethodError for _.warnings. Yet to 
figure out its purpose.
-      // val warnings = loop(run.allConditionalWarnings flatMap (_.warnings))
-      // if (warnings.nonEmpty)
-      //   mostRecentWarnings = warnings
-    }
-    private def evalMethod(name: String) = evalClass.getMethods filter 
(_.getName == name) match {
-      case Array(method) => method
-      case xs            => sys.error("Internal error: eval object " + 
evalClass + ", " + xs.mkString("\n", "\n", ""))
-    }
-    private def compileAndSaveRun(label: String, code: String) = {
-      showCodeIfDebugging(code)
-      val (success, run) = compileSourcesKeepingRun(new BatchSourceFile(label, 
-      updateRecentWarnings(run)
-      lastRun = run
-      success
-    }
-  }
-  /** One line of code submitted by the user for interpretation */
-  // private
-  class Request(val line: String, val trees: List[Tree]) {
-    val reqId = nextReqId()
-    val lineRep = new ReadEvalPrint()
-    private var _originalLine: String = null
-    def withOriginalLine(s: String): this.type = { _originalLine = s ; this }
-    def originalLine = if (_originalLine == null) line else _originalLine
-    /** handlers for each tree in this request */
-    val handlers: List[MemberHandler] = trees map (memberHandlers 
chooseHandler _)
-    def defHandlers = handlers collect { case x: MemberDefHandler => x }
-    /** all (public) names defined by these statements */
-    val definedNames = handlers flatMap (_.definedNames)
-    /** list of names used by this expression */
-    val referencedNames: List[Name] = handlers flatMap (_.referencedNames)
-    /** def and val names */
-    def termNames = handlers flatMap (_.definesTerm)
-    def typeNames = handlers flatMap (_.definesType)
-    def definedOrImported = handlers flatMap (_.definedOrImported)
-    def definedSymbolList = defHandlers flatMap (_.definedSymbols)
-    def definedTypeSymbol(name: String) = definedSymbols(newTypeName(name))
-    def definedTermSymbol(name: String) = definedSymbols(newTermName(name))
-    val definedClasses = handlers.exists {
-      case _: ClassHandler => true
-      case _ => false
-    }
-    /** Code to import bound names from previous lines - accessPath is code to
-     * append to objectName to access anything bound by request.
-     */
-    val SparkComputedImports(importsPreamble, importsTrailer, accessPath) =
-      importsCode(referencedNames.toSet, definedClasses)
-    /** Code to access a variable with the specified name */
-    def fullPath(vname: String) = {
-      // lineRep.readPath + accessPath + ".`%s`".format(vname)
-      lineRep.readPath + ".INSTANCE" + accessPath + ".`%s`".format(vname)
-    }
-      /** Same as fullpath, but after it has been flattened, so:
-       *  $line5.$iw.$iw.$iw.Bippy      // fullPath
-       *  $line5.$iw$$iw$$iw$Bippy      // fullFlatName
-       */
-      def fullFlatName(name: String) =
-        // lineRep.readPath + accessPath.replace('.', '$') + 
-        lineRep.readPath + ".INSTANCE" + accessPath.replace('.', '$') + 
-    /** The unmangled symbol name, but supplemented with line info. */
-    def disambiguated(name: Name): String = name + " (in " + lineRep + ")"
-    /** Code to access a variable with the specified name */
-    def fullPath(vname: Name): String = fullPath(vname.toString)
-    /** the line of code to compute */
-    def toCompute = line
-    /** generate the source code for the object that computes this request */
-    private object ObjectSourceCode extends CodeAssembler[MemberHandler] {
-      def path = pathToTerm("$intp")
-      def envLines = {
-        if (!isReplPower) Nil // power mode only for now
-        // $intp is not bound; punt, but include the line.
-        else if (path == "$intp") List(
-          "def $line = " + tquoted(originalLine),
-          "def $trees = Nil"
-        )
-        else List(
-          "def $line  = " + tquoted(originalLine),
-          "def $req = %s.requestForReqId(%s).orNull".format(path, reqId),
-          "def $trees = if ($req eq null) Nil else 
$req.trees".format(lineRep.readName, path, reqId)
-        )
-      }
-      val preamble = """
-        |class %s extends Serializable {
-        |  %s%s%s
-      """.stripMargin.format(lineRep.readName,"  " + _ + 
";\n").mkString, importsPreamble, indentCode(toCompute))
-      val postamble = importsTrailer + "\n}" + "\n" +
-        "object " + lineRep.readName + " {\n" +
-        "  val INSTANCE = new " + lineRep.readName + "();\n" +
-        "}\n"
-      val generate = (m: MemberHandler) => m extraCodeToEvaluate Request.this
-      /*
-      val preamble = """
-        |object %s extends Serializable {
-        |%s%s%s
-      """.stripMargin.format(lineRep.readName,"  " + _ + 
";\n").mkString, importsPreamble, indentCode(toCompute))
-      val postamble = importsTrailer + "\n}"
-      val generate = (m: MemberHandler) => m extraCodeToEvaluate Request.this
-      */
-    }
-    private object ResultObjectSourceCode extends CodeAssembler[MemberHandler] 
-      /** We only want to generate this code when the result
-       *  is a value which can be referred to as-is.
-       */
-      val evalResult =
-        if (!handlers.last.definesValue) ""
-        else handlers.last.definesTerm match {
-          case Some(vname) if typeOf contains vname =>
-            "lazy val %s = %s".format(lineRep.resultName, fullPath(vname))
-          case _  => ""
-        }
-      // first line evaluates object to make sure constructor is run
-      // initial "" so later code can uniformly be: + etc
-      val preamble = """
-      |object %s {
-      |  %s
-      |  val %s: String = %s {
-      |    %s
-      |    (""
-      """.stripMargin.format(
-        lineRep.evalName, evalResult, lineRep.printName,
-        executionWrapper, lineRep.readName + ".INSTANCE" + accessPath
-      )
-      val postamble = """
-      |    )
-      |  }
-      |}
-      """.stripMargin
-      val generate = (m: MemberHandler) => m resultExtractionCode Request.this
-    }
-    // get it
-    def getEvalTyped[T] : Option[T] = getEval map (_.asInstanceOf[T])
-    def getEval: Option[AnyRef] = {
-      // ensure it has been compiled
-      compile
-      // try to load it and call the value method
-      lineRep.evalValue filterNot (_ == null)
-    }
-    /** Compile the object file.  Returns whether the compilation succeeded.
-     *  If all goes well, the "types" map is computed. */
-    lazy val compile: Boolean = {
-      // error counting is wrong, hence interpreter may overlook failure - so 
we reset
-      reporter.reset()
-      // compile the object containing the user's code
-      lineRep.compile(ObjectSourceCode(handlers)) && {
-        // extract and remember types
-        typeOf
-        typesOfDefinedTerms
-        // Assign symbols to the original trees
-        // TODO - just use the new trees.
-        defHandlers foreach { dh =>
-          val name =
-          definedSymbols get name foreach { sym =>
-            dh.member setSymbol sym
-           logDebug("Set symbol of " + name + " to " + sym.defString)
-          }
-        }
-        // compile the result-extraction object
-        withoutWarnings(lineRep compile ResultObjectSourceCode(handlers))
-      }
-    }
-    lazy val resultSymbol = lineRep.resolvePathToSymbol(accessPath)
-    def applyToResultMember[T](name: Name, f: Symbol => T) = 
-    /* typeOf lookup with encoding */
-    def lookupTypeOf(name: Name) = typeOf.getOrElse(name, 
-    def simpleNameOfType(name: TypeName) = (compilerTypeOf get name) map 
-    private def typeMap[T](f: Type => T) =
-      mapFrom[Name, Name, T](termNames ++ typeNames)(x => 
f(cleanMemberDecl(resultSymbol, x)))
-    /** Types of variables defined by this request. */
-    lazy val compilerTypeOf = typeMap[Type](x => x) withDefaultValue NoType
-    /** String representations of same. */
-    lazy val typeOf         = typeMap[String](tp => afterTyper(tp.toString))
-    // lazy val definedTypes: Map[Name, Type] = {
-    //   typeNames map (x => x -> 
afterTyper( toMap
-    // }
-    lazy val definedSymbols = (
- => x -> applyToResultMember(x, x => x)) ++
- => x -> compilerTypeOf(x).typeSymbolDirect)
-    ).toMap[Name, Symbol] withDefaultValue NoSymbol
-    lazy val typesOfDefinedTerms = mapFrom[Name, Name, Type](termNames)(x => 
applyToResultMember(x, _.tpe))
-    /** load and run the code using reflection */
-    def loadAndRun: (String, Boolean) = {
-      try   { ("" + (lineRep call sessionNames.print), true) }
-      catch { case ex: Throwable => (lineRep.bindError(ex), false) }
-    }
-    override def toString = "Request(line=%s, %s trees)".format(line, 
-  }
-  /** Returns the name of the most recent interpreter result.
-   *  Mostly this exists so you can conveniently invoke methods on
-   *  the previous result.
-   */
-  def mostRecentVar: String =
-    if (mostRecentlyHandledTree.isEmpty) ""
-    else "" + (mostRecentlyHandledTree.get match {
-      case x: ValOrDefDef           =>
-      case Assign(Ident(name), _)   => name
-      case ModuleDef(_, name, _)    => name
-      case _                        => naming.mostRecentVar
-    })
-  private var mostRecentWarnings: List[(global.Position, String)] = Nil
-  def lastWarnings = mostRecentWarnings
-  def treesForRequestId(id: Int): List[Tree] =
-    requestForReqId(id).toList flatMap (_.trees)
-  def requestForReqId(id: Int): Option[Request] =
-    if (executingRequest != null && executingRequest.reqId == id) 
-    else prevRequests find (_.reqId == id)
-  def requestForName(name: Name): Option[Request] = {
-    assert(definedNameMap != null, "definedNameMap is null")
-    definedNameMap get name
-  }
-  def requestForIdent(line: String): Option[Request] =
-    requestForName(newTermName(line)) orElse requestForName(newTypeName(line))
-  def requestHistoryForName(name: Name): List[Request] =
-    prevRequests.toList.reverse filter (_.definedNames contains name)
-  def definitionForName(name: Name): Option[MemberHandler] =
-    requestForName(name) flatMap { req =>
-      req.handlers find (_.definedNames contains name)
-    }
-  def valueOfTerm(id: String): Option[AnyRef] =
-    requestForName(newTermName(id)) flatMap (_.getEval)
-  def classOfTerm(id: String): Option[JClass] =
-    valueOfTerm(id) map (_.getClass)
-  def typeOfTerm(id: String): Type = newTermName(id) match {
-    case nme.ROOTPKG  => RootClass.tpe
-    case name         => requestForName(name).fold(NoType: Type)(_ 
compilerTypeOf name)
-  }
-  def symbolOfType(id: String): Symbol =
-    requestForName(newTypeName(id)).fold(NoSymbol: Symbol)(_ definedTypeSymbol 
-  def symbolOfTerm(id: String): Symbol =
-    requestForIdent(newTermName(id)).fold(NoSymbol: Symbol)(_ 
definedTermSymbol id)
-  def runtimeClassAndTypeOfTerm(id: String): Option[(JClass, Type)] = {
-    classOfTerm(id) flatMap { clazz =>
-      new RichClass(clazz).supers find(c => !(new 
RichClass(c).isScalaAnonymous)) map { nonAnon =>
-        (nonAnon, runtimeTypeOfTerm(id))
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  def runtimeTypeOfTerm(id: String): Type = {
-    typeOfTerm(id) andAlso { tpe =>
-      val clazz      = classOfTerm(id) getOrElse { return NoType }
-      val staticSym  = tpe.typeSymbol
-      val runtimeSym = getClassIfDefined(clazz.getName)
-      if ((runtimeSym != NoSymbol) && (runtimeSym != staticSym) && (runtimeSym 
isSubClass staticSym))
-      else NoType
-    }
-  }
-  def cleanMemberDecl(owner: Symbol, member: Name): Type = afterTyper {
-    normalizeNonPublic {
- match {
-        case NullaryMethodType(tp) => tp
-        case tp                    => tp
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  object exprTyper extends {
-    val repl: SparkIMain.this.type = imain
-  } with SparkExprTyper { }
-  def parse(line: String): Option[List[Tree]] = exprTyper.parse(line)
-  def symbolOfLine(code: String): Symbol =
-    exprTyper.symbolOfLine(code)
-  def typeOfExpression(expr: String, silent: Boolean = true): Type =
-    exprTyper.typeOfExpression(expr, silent)
-  protected def onlyTerms(xs: List[Name]) = xs collect { case x: TermName => x 
-  protected def onlyTypes(xs: List[Name]) = xs collect { case x: TypeName => x 
-  def definedTerms      = onlyTerms(allDefinedNames) filterNot 
-  def definedTypes      = onlyTypes(allDefinedNames)
-  def definedSymbols    = 
-  def definedSymbolList = prevRequestList flatMap (_.definedSymbolList) 
filterNot (s => isInternalTermName(
-  // Terms with user-given names (i.e. not res0 and not synthetic)
-    def namedDefinedTerms = definedTerms filterNot (x => isUserVarName("" + x) 
|| directlyBoundNames(x))
-  private def findName(name: Name) = definedSymbols find ( == name) 
getOrElse NoSymbol
-  /** Translate a repl-defined identifier into a Symbol.
-   */
-  def apply(name: String): Symbol =
-    types(name) orElse terms(name)
-  def types(name: String): Symbol = {
-    val tpname = newTypeName(name)
-    findName(tpname) orElse getClassIfDefined(tpname)
-  }
-  def terms(name: String): Symbol = {
-    val termname = newTypeName(name)
-    findName(termname) orElse getModuleIfDefined(termname)
-  }
-  // [Eugene to Paul] possibly you could make use of TypeTags here
-  def types[T: ClassTag] : Symbol = types(classTag[T].runtimeClass.getName)
-  def terms[T: ClassTag] : Symbol = terms(classTag[T].runtimeClass.getName)
-  def apply[T: ClassTag] : Symbol = apply(classTag[T].runtimeClass.getName)
-  def classSymbols  = allDefSymbols collect { case x: ClassSymbol => x }
-  def methodSymbols = allDefSymbols collect { case x: MethodSymbol => x }
-  /** the previous requests this interpreter has processed */
-  private var executingRequest: Request = _
-  private val prevRequests       = mutable.ListBuffer[Request]()
-  private val referencedNameMap  = mutable.Map[Name, Request]()
-  private val definedNameMap     = mutable.Map[Name, Request]()
-  private val directlyBoundNames = mutable.Set[Name]()
-  def allHandlers    = prevRequestList flatMap (_.handlers)
-  def allDefHandlers = allHandlers collect { case x: MemberDefHandler => x }
-  def allDefSymbols  = allDefHandlers map (_.symbol) filter (_ ne NoSymbol)
-  def lastRequest         = if (prevRequests.isEmpty) null else 
-  def prevRequestList     = prevRequests.toList
-  def allSeenTypes        = prevRequestList flatMap (_.typeOf.values.toList) 
-  def allImplicits        = allHandlers filter (_.definesImplicit) flatMap 
-  def importHandlers      = allHandlers collect { case x: ImportHandler => x }
-  def visibleTermNames: List[Name] = definedTerms ++ importedTerms distinct
-  /** Another entry point for tab-completion, ids in scope */
-  def unqualifiedIds = visibleTermNames map (_.toString) filterNot (_ contains 
"$") sorted
-  /** Parse the ScalaSig to find type aliases */
-  def aliasForType(path: String) = ByteCode.aliasForType(path)
-  def withoutUnwrapping(op: => Unit): Unit = {
-    val saved = isettings.unwrapStrings
-    isettings.unwrapStrings = false
-    try op
-    finally isettings.unwrapStrings = saved
-  }
-  def symbolDefString(sym: Symbol) = {
-    TypeStrings.quieter(
-      afterTyper(sym.defString),
- + ".this.",
-      sym.owner.fullName + "."
-    )
-  }
-  def showCodeIfDebugging(code: String) {
-    /** Secret bookcase entrance for repl debuggers: end the line
-     *  with "// show" and see what's going on.
-     */
-    def isShow    = code.lines exists (_.trim endsWith "// show")
-    def isShowRaw = code.lines exists (_.trim endsWith "// raw")
-    // old style
-    beSilentDuring(parse(code)) foreach { ts =>
-      ts foreach { t =>
-        if (isShow || isShowRaw)
-          withoutUnwrapping(echo(asCompactString(t)))
-        else
-          withoutUnwrapping(logDebug(asCompactString(t)))
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // debugging
-  def debugging[T](msg: String)(res: T) = {
-    logDebug(msg + " " + res)
-    res
-  }
-/** Utility methods for the Interpreter. */
-object SparkIMain {
-  // The two name forms this is catching are the two sides of this assignment:
-  //
-  // $line3.$read.$iw.$iw.Bippy =
-  //   $line3.$read$$iw$$iw$Bippy@4a6a00ca
-  private def removeLineWrapper(s: String) = 
s.replaceAll("""\$line\d+[./]\$(read|eval|print)[$.]""", "")
-  private def removeIWPackages(s: String)  = 
s.replaceAll("""\$(iw|iwC|read|eval|print)[$.]""", "")
-  private def removeSparkVals(s: String)   = 
s.replaceAll("""\$VAL[0-9]+[$.]""", "")
-  def stripString(s: String)               = 
-  trait CodeAssembler[T] {
-    def preamble: String
-    def generate: T => String
-    def postamble: String
-    def apply(contributors: List[T]): String = stringFromWriter { code =>
-      code println preamble
-      contributors map generate foreach (code println _)
-      code println postamble
-    }
-  }
-  trait StrippingWriter {
-    def isStripping: Boolean
-    def stripImpl(str: String): String
-    def strip(str: String): String = if (isStripping) stripImpl(str) else str
-  }
-  trait TruncatingWriter {
-    def maxStringLength: Int
-    def isTruncating: Boolean
-    def truncate(str: String): String = {
-      if (isTruncating && (maxStringLength != 0 && str.length > 
-        (str take maxStringLength - 3) + "..."
-      else str
-    }
-  }
-  abstract class StrippingTruncatingWriter(out: JPrintWriter)
-          extends JPrintWriter(out)
-             with StrippingWriter
-             with TruncatingWriter {
-    self =>
-    def clean(str: String): String = truncate(strip(str))
-    override def write(str: String) = super.write(clean(str))
-  }
-  class ReplStrippingWriter(intp: SparkIMain) extends 
StrippingTruncatingWriter(intp.out) {
-    import intp._
-    def maxStringLength    = isettings.maxPrintString
-    def isStripping        = isettings.unwrapStrings
-    def isTruncating       = reporter.truncationOK
-    def stripImpl(str: String): String = naming.unmangle(str)
-  }
-  class ReplReporter(intp: SparkIMain) extends ConsoleReporter(intp.settings, 
null, new ReplStrippingWriter(intp)) {
-    override def printMessage(msg: String) {
-      // Avoiding deadlock when the compiler starts logging before
-      // the lazy val is done.
-      if (intp.isInitializeComplete) {
-        if (intp.totalSilence) ()
-        else super.printMessage(msg)
-      }
-      else Console.println(msg)
-    }
-  }
-class SparkISettings(intp: SparkIMain) extends Logging {
-  /** A list of paths where :load should look */
-  var loadPath = List(".")
-  /** Set this to true to see repl machinery under -Yrich-exceptions.
-   */
-  var showInternalStackTraces = false
-  /** The maximum length of toString to use when printing the result
-   *  of an evaluation.  0 means no maximum.  If a printout requires
-   *  more than this number of characters, then the printout is
-   *  truncated.
-   */
-  var maxPrintString = 800
-  /** The maximum number of completion candidates to print for tab
-   *  completion without requiring confirmation.
-   */
-  var maxAutoprintCompletion = 250
-  /** String unwrapping can be disabled if it is causing issues.
-   *  Settings this to false means you will see Strings like "$iw.$iw.".
-   */
-  var unwrapStrings = true
-  def deprecation_=(x: Boolean) = {
-    val old = intp.settings.deprecation.value
-    intp.settings.deprecation.value = x
-    if (!old && x) logDebug("Enabled -deprecation output.")
-    else if (old && !x) logDebug("Disabled -deprecation output.")
-  }
-  def deprecation: Boolean = intp.settings.deprecation.value
-  def allSettings = Map(
-    "maxPrintString" -> maxPrintString,
-    "maxAutoprintCompletion" -> maxAutoprintCompletion,
-    "unwrapStrings" -> unwrapStrings,
-    "deprecation" -> deprecation
-  )
-  private def allSettingsString =
-    allSettings.toList sortBy (_._1) map { case (k, v) => "  " + k + " = " + v 
+ "\n" } mkString
-  override def toString = """
-    | SparkISettings {
-    | %s
-    | }""".stripMargin.format(allSettingsString)
diff --git a/repl/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkImports.scala 
deleted file mode 100644
index 193a42d..0000000
--- a/repl/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkImports.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,238 +0,0 @@
-// scalastyle:off
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author  Paul Phillips
- */
-package org.apache.spark.repl
-import scala.collection.{ mutable, immutable }
-trait SparkImports {
-  self: SparkIMain =>
-  import global._
-  import definitions.{ ScalaPackage, JavaLangPackage, PredefModule }
-  import memberHandlers._
-  def isNoImports = settings.noimports.value
-  def isNoPredef  = settings.nopredef.value
-  /** Synthetic import handlers for the language defined imports. */
-  private def makeWildcardImportHandler(sym: Symbol): ImportHandler = {
-    val hd :: tl = sym.fullName.split('.').toList map newTermName
-    val tree = Import(
-      tl.foldLeft(Ident(hd): Tree)((x, y) => Select(x, y)),
-      ImportSelector.wildList
-    )
-    tree setSymbol sym
-    new ImportHandler(tree)
-  }
-  /** Symbols whose contents are language-defined to be imported. */
-  def languageWildcardSyms: List[Symbol] = List(JavaLangPackage, ScalaPackage, 
-  def languageWildcards: List[Type] = languageWildcardSyms map (_.tpe)
-  def languageWildcardHandlers = languageWildcardSyms map 
-  def allImportedNames = importHandlers flatMap (_.importedNames)
-  def importedTerms    = onlyTerms(allImportedNames)
-  def importedTypes    = onlyTypes(allImportedNames)
-  /** Types which have been wildcard imported, such as:
-   *    val x = "abc" ; import x._  // type java.lang.String
-   *    import java.lang.String._   // object java.lang.String
-   *
-   *  Used by tab completion.
-   *
-   *  XXX right now this gets import x._ and import java.lang.String._,
-   *  but doesn't figure out import String._.  There's a lot of ad hoc
-   *  scope twiddling which should be swept away in favor of digging
-   *  into the compiler scopes.
-   */
-  def sessionWildcards: List[Type] = {
-    importHandlers filter (_.importsWildcard) map (_.targetType) distinct
-  }
-  def wildcardTypes = languageWildcards ++ sessionWildcards
-  def languageSymbols        = languageWildcardSyms flatMap membersAtPickler
-  def sessionImportedSymbols = importHandlers flatMap (_.importedSymbols)
-  def importedSymbols        = languageSymbols ++ sessionImportedSymbols
-  def importedTermSymbols    = importedSymbols collect { case x: TermSymbol => 
x }
-  def importedTypeSymbols    = importedSymbols collect { case x: TypeSymbol => 
x }
-  def implicitSymbols        = importedSymbols filter (_.isImplicit)
-  def importedTermNamed(name: String): Symbol =
-    importedTermSymbols find ( == name) getOrElse NoSymbol
-  /** Tuples of (source, imported symbols) in the order they were imported.
-   */
-  def importedSymbolsBySource: List[(Symbol, List[Symbol])] = {
-    val lang    = languageWildcardSyms map (sym => (sym, 
-    val session = importHandlers filter (_.targetType != NoType) map { mh =>
-      (mh.targetType.typeSymbol, mh.importedSymbols)
-    }
-    lang ++ session
-  }
-  def implicitSymbolsBySource: List[(Symbol, List[Symbol])] = {
-    importedSymbolsBySource map {
-      case (k, vs) => (k, vs filter (_.isImplicit))
-    } filterNot (_._2.isEmpty)
-  }
-  /** Compute imports that allow definitions from previous
-   *  requests to be visible in a new request.  Returns
-   *  three pieces of related code:
-   *
-   *  1. An initial code fragment that should go before
-   *  the code of the new request.
-   *
-   *  2. A code fragment that should go after the code
-   *  of the new request.
-   *
-   *  3. An access path which can be traversed to access
-   *  any bindings inside code wrapped by #1 and #2 .
-   *
-   * The argument is a set of Names that need to be imported.
-   *
-   * Limitations: This method is not as precise as it could be.
-   * (1) It does not process wildcard imports to see what exactly
-   * they import.
-   * (2) If it imports any names from a request, it imports all
-   * of them, which is not really necessary.
-   * (3) It imports multiple same-named implicits, but only the
-   * last one imported is actually usable.
-   */
-  case class SparkComputedImports(prepend: String, append: String, access: 
-  def fallback = System.getProperty("spark.repl.fallback", "false").toBoolean
-  protected def importsCode(wanted: Set[Name], definedClass: Boolean): 
SparkComputedImports = {
-    /** Narrow down the list of requests from which imports
-     *  should be taken.  Removes requests which cannot contribute
-     *  useful imports for the specified set of wanted names.
-     */
-    case class ReqAndHandler(req: Request, handler: MemberHandler) { }
-    def reqsToUse: List[ReqAndHandler] = {
-      /** Loop through a list of MemberHandlers and select which ones to keep.
-        * 'wanted' is the set of names that need to be imported.
-       */
-      def select(reqs: List[ReqAndHandler], wanted: Set[Name]): 
List[ReqAndHandler] = {
-        // Single symbol imports might be implicits! See bug #1752.  Rather 
-        // try to finesse this, we will mimic all imports for now.
-        def keepHandler(handler: MemberHandler) = handler match {
-       /* This case clause tries to "precisely" import only what is required. 
And in this
-        * it may miss out on some implicits, because implicits are not known 
in `wanted`. Thus 
-        * it is suitable for defining classes. AFAIK while defining classes 
implicits are not
-        * needed.*/
-          case h: ImportHandler if definedClass && !fallback => 
-            h.importedNames.exists(x => wanted.contains(x))
-          case _: ImportHandler  => true
-          case x                 => x.definesImplicit || (x.definedNames 
exists wanted)
-        }
-        reqs match {
-          case Nil                                    => Nil
-          case rh :: rest if !keepHandler(rh.handler) => select(rest, wanted)
-          case rh :: rest                             =>
-            import rh.handler._
-            val newWanted = wanted ++ referencedNames -- definedNames -- 
-            rh :: select(rest, newWanted)
-        }
-      }
-      /** Flatten the handlers out and pair each with the original request */
-      select(allReqAndHandlers reverseMap { case (r, h) => ReqAndHandler(r, h) 
}, wanted).reverse
-    }
-    val code, trailingBraces, accessPath = new StringBuilder
-    val currentImps = mutable.HashSet[Name]()
-    // add code for a new object to hold some imports
-    def addWrapper() {
-      val impname = nme.INTERPRETER_IMPORT_WRAPPER
-      code append "class %sC extends Serializable {\n".format(impname)
-      trailingBraces append "}\nval " + impname + " = new " + impname + "C;\n"
-      accessPath append ("." + impname)
-      currentImps.clear
-      // code append "object %s {\n".format(impname)
-      // trailingBraces append "}\n"
-      // accessPath append ("." + impname)
-      // currentImps.clear
-    }
-    addWrapper()
-    // loop through previous requests, adding imports for each one
-    for (ReqAndHandler(req, handler) <- reqsToUse) {
-      handler match {
-        // If the user entered an import, then just use it; add an import 
-        // level if the import might conflict with some other import
-        case x: ImportHandler =>
-          if (x.importsWildcard || currentImps.exists(x.importedNames contains 
-            addWrapper()
-          code append (x.member + "\n")
-          // give wildcard imports a import wrapper all to their own
-          if (x.importsWildcard) addWrapper()
-          else currentImps ++= x.importedNames
-        // For other requests, import each defined name.
-        // import them explicitly instead of with _, so that
-        // ambiguity errors will not be generated. Also, quote
-        // the name of the variable, so that we don't need to
-        // handle quoting keywords separately.
-        case x: ClassHandler if !fallback =>
-        // I am trying to guess if the import is a defined class
-        // This is an ugly hack, I am not 100% sure of the consequences.
-        // Here we, let everything but "defined classes" use the import with 
-        // The reason for this is, otherwise the remote executor tries to pull 
-        // classes involved and may fail.
-          for (imv <- x.definedNames) {
-            val objName = req.lineRep.readPath
-            code.append("import " + objName + ".INSTANCE" + req.accessPath + 
".`" + imv + "`\n")
-          }
-        case x =>
-          for (imv <- x.definedNames) {
-            if (currentImps contains imv) addWrapper()
-            val objName = req.lineRep.readPath
-            val valName = "$VAL" + newValId()
-            if(!code.toString.endsWith(".`" + imv + "`;\n")) { // Which means 
already imported
-                code.append("val " + valName + " = " + objName + 
-                code.append("import " + valName + req.accessPath + ".`" + imv 
+ "`;\n")
-            }
-            // code.append("val " + valName + " = " + objName + ".INSTANCE;\n")
-            // code.append("import " + valName + req.accessPath + ".`" + imv + 
-            // code append ("import " + (req fullPath imv) + "\n")
-            currentImps += imv
-          }
-      }
-    }
-    // add one extra wrapper, to prevent warnings in the common case of
-    // redefining the value bound in the last interpreter request.
-    addWrapper()
-    SparkComputedImports(code.toString, trailingBraces.toString, 
-  }
-  private def allReqAndHandlers =
-    prevRequestList flatMap (req => req.handlers map (req -> _))
-  private def membersAtPickler(sym: Symbol): List[Symbol] =
-    beforePickler(
-  private var curValId = 0
-  private def newValId(): Int = {
-    curValId += 1
-    curValId
-  }
diff --git 
deleted file mode 100644
index 3159b70..0000000
--- a/repl/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkJLineCompletion.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,377 +0,0 @@
-// scalastyle:off
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Paul Phillips
- */
-package org.apache.spark.repl
-import Completion._
-import scala.collection.mutable.ListBuffer
-import org.apache.spark.Logging
-// REPL completor - queries supplied interpreter for valid
-// completions based on current contents of buffer.
-class SparkJLineCompletion(val intp: SparkIMain) extends Completion with 
CompletionOutput with Logging {
-  val global: =
-  import global._
-  import definitions.{ PredefModule, AnyClass, AnyRefClass, ScalaPackage, 
JavaLangPackage }
-  import rootMirror.{ RootClass, getModuleIfDefined }
-  type ExecResult = Any
-  import intp.{ debugging }
-  // verbosity goes up with consecutive tabs
-  private var verbosity: Int = 0
-  def resetVerbosity() = verbosity = 0
-  def getSymbol(name: String, isModule: Boolean) = (
-    if (isModule) getModuleIfDefined(name)
-    else getModuleIfDefined(name)
-  )
-  def getType(name: String, isModule: Boolean) = getSymbol(name, isModule).tpe
-  def typeOf(name: String)                     = getType(name, false)
-  def moduleOf(name: String)                   = getType(name, true)
-  trait CompilerCompletion {
-    def tp: Type
-    def effectiveTp = tp match {
-      case MethodType(Nil, resType)   => resType
-      case NullaryMethodType(resType) => resType
-      case _                          => tp
-    }
-    // for some reason any's members don't show up in subclasses, which
-    // we need so 5.<tab> offers asInstanceOf etc.
-    private def anyMembers = AnyClass.tpe.nonPrivateMembers
-    def anyRefMethodsToShow = Set("isInstanceOf", "asInstanceOf", "toString")
-    def tos(sym: Symbol): String = sym.decodedName
-    def memberNamed(s: String) = afterTyper(effectiveTp member newTermName(s))
-    def hasMethod(s: String) = memberNamed(s).isMethod
-    // XXX we'd like to say "filterNot (_.isDeprecated)" but this causes the
-    // compiler to crash for reasons not yet known.
-    def members     = afterTyper((effectiveTp.nonPrivateMembers.toList ++ 
anyMembers) filter (_.isPublic))
-    def methods     = members.toList filter (_.isMethod)
-    def packages    = members.toList filter (_.isPackage)
-    def aliases     = members.toList filter (_.isAliasType)
-    def memberNames   = members map tos
-    def methodNames   = methods map tos
-    def packageNames  = packages map tos
-    def aliasNames    = aliases map tos
-  }
-  object NoTypeCompletion extends TypeMemberCompletion(NoType) {
-    override def memberNamed(s: String) = NoSymbol
-    override def members = Nil
-    override def follow(s: String) = None
-    override def alternativesFor(id: String) = Nil
-  }
-  object TypeMemberCompletion {
-    def apply(tp: Type, runtimeType: Type, param: NamedParam): 
TypeMemberCompletion = {
-      new TypeMemberCompletion(tp) {
-        var upgraded = false
-        lazy val upgrade = {
-          intp rebind param
-          intp.reporter.printMessage("\nRebinding stable value %s from %s to 
%s".format(, tp, param.tpe))
-          upgraded = true
-          new TypeMemberCompletion(runtimeType)
-        }
-        override def completions(verbosity: Int) = {
-          super.completions(verbosity) ++ (
-            if (verbosity == 0) Nil
-            else upgrade.completions(verbosity)
-          )
-        }
-        override def follow(s: String) = super.follow(s) orElse {
-          if (upgraded) upgrade.follow(s)
-          else None
-        }
-        override def alternativesFor(id: String) = super.alternativesFor(id) 
++ (
-          if (upgraded) upgrade.alternativesFor(id)
-          else Nil
-        ) distinct
-      }
-    }
-    def apply(tp: Type): TypeMemberCompletion = {
-      if (tp eq NoType) NoTypeCompletion
-      else if (tp.typeSymbol.isPackageClass) new PackageCompletion(tp)
-      else new TypeMemberCompletion(tp)
-    }
-    def imported(tp: Type) = new ImportCompletion(tp)
-  }
-  class TypeMemberCompletion(val tp: Type) extends CompletionAware
-                                              with CompilerCompletion {
-    def excludeEndsWith: List[String] = Nil
-    def excludeStartsWith: List[String] = List("<") // <byname>, <repeated>, 
-    def excludeNames: List[String] = (anyref.methodNames filterNot 
anyRefMethodsToShow) :+ "_root_"
-    def methodSignatureString(sym: Symbol) = {
-      IMain stripString afterTyper(new MethodSymbolOutput(sym).methodString())
-    }
-    def exclude(name: String): Boolean = (
-      (name contains "$") ||
-      (excludeNames contains name) ||
-      (excludeEndsWith exists (name endsWith _)) ||
-      (excludeStartsWith exists (name startsWith _))
-    )
-    def filtered(xs: List[String]) = xs filterNot exclude distinct
-    def completions(verbosity: Int) =
-      debugging(tp + " completions ==> ")(filtered(memberNames))
-    override def follow(s: String): Option[CompletionAware] =
-      debugging(tp + " -> '" + s + "' ==> 
")(Some(TypeMemberCompletion(memberNamed(s).tpe)) filterNot (_ eq 
-    override def alternativesFor(id: String): List[String] =
-      debugging(id + " alternatives ==> ") {
-        val alts = members filter (x => x.isMethod && tos(x) == id) map 
-        if (alts.nonEmpty) "" :: alts else Nil
-      }
-    override def toString = "%s (%d members)".format(tp, members.size)
-  }
-  class PackageCompletion(tp: Type) extends TypeMemberCompletion(tp) {
-    override def excludeNames = anyref.methodNames
-  }
-  class LiteralCompletion(lit: Literal) extends 
TypeMemberCompletion(lit.value.tpe) {
-    override def completions(verbosity: Int) = verbosity match {
-      case 0    => filtered(memberNames)
-      case _    => memberNames
-    }
-  }
-  class ImportCompletion(tp: Type) extends TypeMemberCompletion(tp) {
-    override def completions(verbosity: Int) = verbosity match {
-      case 0    => filtered(members filterNot (_.isSetter) map tos)
-      case _    => super.completions(verbosity)
-    }
-  }
-  // not for completion but for excluding
-  object anyref extends TypeMemberCompletion(AnyRefClass.tpe) { }
-  // the unqualified vals/defs/etc visible in the repl
-  object ids extends CompletionAware {
-    override def completions(verbosity: Int) = intp.unqualifiedIds ++ 
List("classOf") //, "_root_")
-    // now we use the compiler for everything.
-    override def follow(id: String): Option[CompletionAware] = {
-      if (!completions(0).contains(id))
-        return None
-      val tpe = intp typeOfExpression id
-      if (tpe == NoType)
-        return None
-      def default = Some(TypeMemberCompletion(tpe))
-      // only rebinding vals in power mode for now.
-      if (!isReplPower) default
-      else intp runtimeClassAndTypeOfTerm id match {
-        case Some((clazz, runtimeType)) =>
-          val sym = intp.symbolOfTerm(id)
-          if (sym.isStable) {
-            val param = new NamedParam.Untyped(id, intp valueOfTerm id 
getOrElse null)
-            Some(TypeMemberCompletion(tpe, runtimeType, param))
-          }
-          else default
-        case _        =>
-          default
-      }
-    }
-    override def toString = "<repl ids> (%s)".format(completions(0).size)
-  }
-  // user-issued wildcard imports like "import global._" or "import String._"
-  private def imported = intp.sessionWildcards map 
-  // literal Ints, Strings, etc.
-  object literals extends CompletionAware {
-    def simpleParse(code: String): Tree = 
-    def completions(verbosity: Int) = Nil
-    override def follow(id: String) = simpleParse(id) match {
-      case x: Literal   => Some(new LiteralCompletion(x))
-      case _            => None
-    }
-  }
-  // top level packages
-  object rootClass extends TypeMemberCompletion(RootClass.tpe) {
-    override def completions(verbosity: Int) = super.completions(verbosity) :+ 
-    override def follow(id: String) = id match {
-      case "_root_" => Some(this)
-      case _        => super.follow(id)
-    }
-  }
-  // members of Predef
-  object predef extends TypeMemberCompletion(PredefModule.tpe) {
-    override def excludeEndsWith    = super.excludeEndsWith ++ List("Wrapper", 
-    override def excludeStartsWith  = super.excludeStartsWith ++ List("wrap")
-    override def excludeNames       = anyref.methodNames
-    override def exclude(name: String) = super.exclude(name) || (
-      (name contains "2")
-    )
-    override def completions(verbosity: Int) = verbosity match {
-      case 0    => Nil
-      case _    => super.completions(verbosity)
-    }
-  }
-  // members of scala.*
-  object scalalang extends PackageCompletion(ScalaPackage.tpe) {
-    def arityClasses = List("Product", "Tuple", "Function")
-    def skipArity(name: String) = arityClasses exists (x => name != x && (name 
startsWith x))
-    override def exclude(name: String) = super.exclude(name) || (
-      skipArity(name)
-    )
-    override def completions(verbosity: Int) = verbosity match {
-      case 0    => filtered(packageNames ++ aliasNames)
-      case _    => super.completions(verbosity)
-    }
-  }
-  // members of java.lang.*
-  object javalang extends PackageCompletion(JavaLangPackage.tpe) {
-    override lazy val excludeEndsWith   = super.excludeEndsWith ++ 
List("Exception", "Error")
-    override lazy val excludeStartsWith = super.excludeStartsWith ++ 
-    override def completions(verbosity: Int) = verbosity match {
-      case 0    => filtered(packageNames)
-      case _    => super.completions(verbosity)
-    }
-  }
-  // the list of completion aware objects which should be consulted
-  // for top level unqualified, it's too noisy to let much in.
-  lazy val topLevelBase: List[CompletionAware] = List(ids, rootClass, predef, 
scalalang, javalang, literals)
-  def topLevel = topLevelBase ++ imported
-  def topLevelThreshold = 50
-  // the first tier of top level objects (doesn't include file completion)
-  def topLevelFor(parsed: Parsed): List[String] = {
-    val buf = new ListBuffer[String]
-    topLevel foreach { ca =>
-      buf ++= (ca completionsFor parsed)
-      if (buf.size > topLevelThreshold)
-        return buf.toList.sorted
-    }
-    buf.toList
-  }
-  // the most recent result
-  def lastResult = Forwarder(() => ids follow intp.mostRecentVar)
-  def lastResultFor(parsed: Parsed) = {
-    /** The logic is a little tortured right now because normally '.' is
-     *  ignored as a delimiter, but on .<tab> it needs to be propagated.
-     */
-    val xs = lastResult completionsFor parsed
-    if (parsed.isEmpty) xs map ("." + _) else xs
-  }
-  // generic interface for querying (e.g. interpreter loop, testing)
-  def completions(buf: String): List[String] =
-    topLevelFor(Parsed.dotted(buf + ".", buf.length + 1))
-  def completer(): ScalaCompleter = new JLineTabCompletion
-  /** This gets a little bit hairy.  It's no small feat delegating everything
-   *  and also keeping track of exactly where the cursor is and where it's 
-   *  to end up.  The alternatives mechanism is a little hacky: if there is an 
-   *  string in the list of completions, that means we are expanding a unique
-   *  completion, so don't update the "last" buffer because it'll be wrong.
-   */
-  class JLineTabCompletion extends ScalaCompleter {
-    // For recording the buffer on the last tab hit
-    private var lastBuf: String = ""
-    private var lastCursor: Int = -1
-    // Does this represent two consecutive tabs?
-    def isConsecutiveTabs(buf: String, cursor: Int) =
-      cursor == lastCursor && buf == lastBuf
-    // Longest common prefix
-    def commonPrefix(xs: List[String]): String = {
-      if (xs.isEmpty || xs.contains("")) ""
-      else xs.head.head match {
-        case ch =>
-          if (xs.tail forall (_.head == ch)) "" + ch + commonPrefix(xs map 
-          else ""
-      }
-    }
-    // This is jline's entry point for completion.
-    override def complete(buf: String, cursor: Int): Candidates = {
-      verbosity = if (isConsecutiveTabs(buf, cursor)) verbosity + 1 else 0
-      logDebug("\ncomplete(%s, %d) last = (%s, %d), verbosity: %s".format(buf, 
cursor, lastBuf, lastCursor, verbosity))
-      // we don't try lower priority completions unless higher ones return no 
-      def tryCompletion(p: Parsed, completionFunction: Parsed => 
List[String]): Option[Candidates] = {
-        val winners = completionFunction(p)
-        if (winners.isEmpty)
-          return None
-        val newCursor =
-          if (winners contains "") p.cursor
-          else {
-            val advance = commonPrefix(winners)
-            lastCursor = p.position + advance.length
-            lastBuf = (buf take p.position) + advance
-            logDebug("tryCompletion(%s, _) lastBuf = %s, lastCursor = %s, 
p.position = %s".format(
-              p, lastBuf, lastCursor, p.position))
-            p.position
-          }
-        Some(Candidates(newCursor, winners))
-      }
-      def mkDotted      = Parsed.dotted(buf, cursor) withVerbosity verbosity
-      def mkUndelimited = Parsed.undelimited(buf, cursor) withVerbosity 
-      // a single dot is special cased to completion on the previous result
-      def lastResultCompletion =
-        if (!looksLikeInvocation(buf)) None
-        else tryCompletion(Parsed.dotted(buf drop 1, cursor), lastResultFor)
-      def tryAll = (
-                  lastResultCompletion
-           orElse tryCompletion(mkDotted, topLevelFor)
-        getOrElse Candidates(cursor, Nil)
-      )
-      /**
-       *  This is the kickoff point for all manner of theoretically
-       *  possible compiler unhappiness. The fault may be here or
-       *  elsewhere, but we don't want to crash the repl regardless.
-       *  The compiler makes it impossible to avoid catching Throwable
-       *  with its unfortunate tendency to throw java.lang.Errors and
-       *  AssertionErrors as the hats drop. We take two swings at it
-       *  because there are some spots which like to throw an assertion
-       *  once, then work after that. Yeah, what can I say.
-       */
-      try tryAll
-      catch { case ex: Throwable =>
-        logWarning("Error: complete(%s, %s) provoked".format(buf, cursor) + ex)
-        Candidates(cursor,
-          if (isReplDebug) List("<error:" + ex + ">")
-          else Nil
-        )
-      }
-    }
-  }
diff --git a/repl/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkJLineReader.scala 
deleted file mode 100644
index 0db26c3..0000000
--- a/repl/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/repl/SparkJLineReader.scala
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-// scalastyle:off
-/* NSC -- new Scala compiler
- * Copyright 2005-2013 LAMP/EPFL
- * @author Stepan Koltsov
- */
-package org.apache.spark.repl
-import{Path, File}
-import session._
-import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
-import Completion._
-import io.Streamable.slurp
- *  Reads from the console using JLine.
- */
-class SparkJLineReader(_completion: => Completion) extends InteractiveReader {
-  val interactive = true
-  val consoleReader = new JLineConsoleReader()
-  lazy val completion = _completion
-  lazy val history: JLineHistory = new SparkJLineHistory
-  private def term = consoleReader.getTerminal()
-  def reset() = term.reset()
-  def init()  = term.init()
-  def scalaToJline(tc: ScalaCompleter): Completer = new Completer {
-    def complete(_buf: String, cursor: Int, candidates: JList[CharSequence]): 
Int = {
-      val buf   = if (_buf == null) "" else _buf
-      val Candidates(newCursor, newCandidates) = tc.complete(buf, cursor)
-      newCandidates foreach (candidates add _)
-      newCursor
-    }
-  }
-  class JLineConsoleReader extends ConsoleReader with ConsoleReaderHelper {
-    if ((history: History) ne NoHistory)
-      this setHistory history
-    // working around protected/trait/java insufficiencies.
-    def goBack(num: Int): Unit = back(num)
-    def readOneKey(prompt: String) = {
-      this.print(prompt)
-      this.flush()
-      this.readVirtualKey()
-    }
-    def eraseLine() = consoleReader.resetPromptLine("", "", 0)
-    def redrawLineAndFlush(): Unit = { flush() ; drawLine() ; flush() }
-    // override def readLine(prompt: String): String
-    // A hook for running code after the repl is done initializing.
-    lazy val postInit: Unit = {
-      this setBellEnabled false
-      if (completion ne NoCompletion) {
-        val argCompletor: ArgumentCompleter =
-          new ArgumentCompleter(new JLineDelimiter, 
-        argCompletor setStrict false
-        this addCompleter argCompletor
-        this setAutoprintThreshold 400 // max completion candidates without 
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  def currentLine = consoleReader.getCursorBuffer.buffer.toString
-  def redrawLine() = consoleReader.redrawLineAndFlush()
-  def eraseLine() = consoleReader.eraseLine()
-  // Alternate implementation, not sure if/when I need this.
-  // def eraseLine() = while (consoleReader.delete()) { }
-  def readOneLine(prompt: String) = consoleReader readLine prompt
-  def readOneKey(prompt: String)  = consoleReader readOneKey prompt
-/** Changes the default history file to not collide with the scala repl's. */
-class SparkJLineHistory extends JLineFileHistory {
-  import Properties.userHome
-  def defaultFileName = ".spark_history"
-  override protected lazy val historyFile = File(Path(userHome) / 

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